Page created by Timothy Lawson
NOTICES TO THE BAR                           Vol. 108 No. 11       3/12/21

                       MEMBERSHIP APPLICANTS
   The following attorneys and law students have applied for membership
to the Delaware County Bar Association and if eligible, their names will be
placed before the Board of Directors at their March 17, 2021 meeting.

  GENERAL APPLICANTS                • William J. Phelan, IV, Esquire
• Farrah E. Ferguson, Esquire         Cordell & Cordell PC
  Office of Support Enforcement       1601 N. Market St.
  201 West Front Street               Ste. 2230
  Media, PA 19063                     Philadelphia, PA 19103
• Salvatore Guerriero, Esquire      • John F. Walko, Esquire
  Guerriero IP                        Kilkenny Law, LLC
  1491 N. Ridley Creek Rd.            519 Swede Street
  Ste. 1000                           Norristown, PA 19401
  Media,PA 19063                      MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JUDGE
• Deeya Haldar, Esquire             • Tammi L. Forbes
  Villanova University                150 S. MacDade Boulevard
  Charles Widger School of Law        Darby, PA 19079
  Clinical Program
  299 North Spring Mill Road           LAW STUDENTS
  Villanova, PA 19085                • Jessica S. Buttner
                                       2460 Front Street
  ASSOCIATE APPLICANTS                 Easton, PA 18042
• Alex J. Baumler, Esquire           • Kaity Kramer
  Kilkenny Law, LLC                    110 Kearney Place
  519 Swede Street                     Ridley Park, PA 19078
  Norristown, PA 19401               • Daniel Z. Losco
• Jordan A. Gerrity, Esquire           228 W. Albemarle Avenue
  Klineburger & Nussey                 Lansdowne, PA 19050
  38 N. Haddon Avenue                • Brian McCormick
  Haddonfield, NJ 08033                629 Willowbrook Road
• Daniel D. Grieser, Esquire           Havertown, PA 19083
  Kilkenny Law, LLC                  • Jillian McLaughlin
  519 Swede Street                     724 Hilltop Road
  Norristown, PA 19401                 Springfield, PA 19064
                                     • Isaac W. Santiago
                                       5221 C Street
                                       Philadelphia, PA 19120
Total Number of New Applicants: 15
   Anyone having objections to any of the above applicants should contact
the Membership Committee Chair, Rachael Kemmey, Esq., at (610) 565-
3700 before above mentioned Board of Directors Meeting.
                                                                   Mar. 5, 12

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                               Vol. 108 No. 11           3/12/21
 ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES                             SHERRIN L. CALVERT, dec’d.
                                                        Late of the Borough of Glenolden,
    Notice is hereby given that, in the es­             Delaware County, PA.
tates of the decedents set forth below, the             Extr.: Kevin S. Calvert c/o Lawrence G.
Register of Wills has granted letters testa­            Strohm, Jr., Esquire, 1894 Media Club
mentary or of administration to the persons             Building, 116 W. Baltimore Avenue,
                                                        Media, PA 19063.
named. Notice is also hereby given of the
                                                        LAWRENCE G. STROHM, JR., ATTY.
existence of the trusts of the deceased set­            Law Office of Lawrence G. Strohm, Jr.
t­lors set forth below for whom no personal             1894 Media Club Building
representatives have been appointed within              116 W. Baltimore Avenue
90 days of death. All persons having claims             Media, PA 19063
or demands against said estates or trusts             LUCKNER P. CHARLES, dec’d.
are requested to make known the same, and               Late of the Borough of Lansdowne,
all persons indebted to said estates or trusts          Delaware County, PA.
are requested to make payment, without                  Admrs.: Juvens L. Charles and
delay, to the executors or administrators or            Ruthlande Rogers c/o Dana Breslin,
trustees or to their attorneys named below.             Esquire, 3305 Edgmont Ave.,
                                                        Brookhaven, PA 19015.
         FIRST PUBLICATION                              DANA BRESLIN, ATTY.
JANE AMMAZZAORSI a/k/a JANE                             3305 Edgmont Ave.
  ANZIANO, dec’d.                                       Brookhaven, PA 19015
  Late of the Borough of Glenolden,                   JOAN CONLEY, dec’d.
  Delaware County, PA.                                  Late of the Township of Haverford,
  Admr.: Anthony Michael Pye c/o John                   Delaware County, PA.
  J. Del Casale, Esquire, 300 W. State                  Extxs.: Kelly Ann Ruppert (Named in
  St., Ste. 207, Media, PA 19063-2639.                  Will As Kelly A. Ruppert) and Stacey
  JOHN J. DEL CASALE, ATTY.                             L. Rutland c/o William P. Culp, Jr.,
  M. Mark Mendel, Ltd.                                  Esquire, 614 Darby Rd., Havertown,
  300 W. State St.                                      PA 19083.
  Ste. 207                                              WILLIAM P. CULP, JR., ATTY.
  Media, PA 19063-2639                                  614 Darby Rd.
NICOLA BATTISTONI a/k/a                                 Havertown, PA 19083
  NICOLINO BATTISTONI, dec’d.                         JAMES F. CONNELLY, dec’d.
  Late of the Township of Upper Darby,                  Late of the Borough of Darby,
  Delaware County, PA.                                  Delaware County, PA.
  Extx.: Maryann C. Battistoni c/o David                Extx.: Joanna Elizabeth Renzi (Named
  S. Daniel, Esquire, 319 West Front                    in Will As Joanna E. Renzi) c/o Frank
  Street, Media, PA 19063.                              C. DePasquale, Jr., Esquire, 2332-34 S.
  DAVID S. DANIEL, ATTY.                                Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19145.
  319 West Front Street                                 FRANK C. DePASQUALE, JR., ATTY.
  Media, PA 19063                                       DePasquale Law Offices
BARBARA B. BECK a/k/a BARBARA                           2332-34 S. Broad St.
  BROWN BECK, dec’d.                                    Philadelphia, PA 19145
  Late of the Township of Upper Darby,                MARILYN J. CONWELL, dec’d.
  Delaware County, PA.                                  Late of the Township of Newtown,
  Extrs.: Timothy E. Beck and Cynthia                   Delaware County, PA.
  B. Waters, 7 White Oak Dr., West                      Extx.: Barbaraann E. Fynes c/o
  Grove, PA 19390.                                      Jacqueline Motyl, Esquire, P.O. Box
MARLENE I. BENELLI, dec’d.                              673, Exton, PA 19341.
  Late of the Township of Haverford,                    JACQUELINE MOTYL, ATTY.
  Delaware County, PA.                                  Fox Rothschild LLP
  Extr.: Teri Benelli Shields, 2547                     P.O. Box 673
  Rosemont Avenue, Ardmore, PA 19003.                   Exton, PA 19341

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                         Vol. 108 No. 11          3/12/21
IRENE DODD DAVIS a/k/a IRENE D.                 ROBERT G. FOLEY, JR., dec’d.
  DAVIS and IRENE DAVIS, dec’d.                   Late of the Township of Nether
  Late of the Borough of Media,                   Providence, Delaware County, PA.
  Delaware County, PA.                            Admx.: Gillian Jaime Foley c/o
  Extx.: Rebecca Davis Prince c/o                 Benjamin L. Jerner, Esquire, 5401
  Jennifer L. Zegel, Esquire, Three               Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia, PA
  Logan Square, 1717 Arch St., 5th Fl.,           19144.
  Philadelphia, PA 19103.                         BENJAMIN L. JERNER, ATTY.
  JENNIFER L. ZEGEL, ATTY.                        Jerner Law Group, P.C.
  Kleinbard LLC                                   5401 Wissahickon Ave.
  Three Logan Square                              Philadelphia, PA 19144
  1717 Arch St.                                 LORETTA ANN GILLIAM, dec’d.
  5th Fl.                                         Late of the Township of Darby,
  Philadelphia, PA 19103                          Delaware County, PA.
CHRISTINE DEMURO, dec’d.                          Admr.: Antonio S. Gilliam c/o Bess M.
  Late of the Township of Middletown,             Collier, Esquire, 820 Homestead Rd.,
  Delaware County, PA.                            Jenkintown, PA 19046.
  Extx.: Marianne Bonsall c/o Kathryn             BESS M. COLLIER, ATTY.
  A. Meloni, Esquire, 2 S. Orange St.,            Feldman & Feldman, LLP
  Ste. 205, Media, PA 19063.                      820 Homestead Rd.
  KATHRYN A. MELONI, ATTY.                        Jenkintown, PA 19046
  Law Office of Kathryn A. Meloni, P.C.         CHAD F. GOTTSCHLICH a/k/a CHAD
  2 S. Orange St.                                 GOTTSCHLICH, dec’d.
  Ste. 205                                        Late of the Township of Haverford,
  Media, PA 19063                                 Delaware County, PA.
DAVID DILATUSH, dec’d.                            Extr.: David Allan Gottschlich (Named
  Late of the Borough of Media,                   in Will As David A. Gottschlich) c/o
  Delaware County, PA.                            William P. Culp, Jr., Esquire, 614
  Admr.: Jonathan Craig Dilatush, 554             Darby Rd., Havertown, PA 19083.
  Chaparral Drive, Cranberry Township,            WILLIAM P. CULP, JR., ATTY.
  PA 16066.                                       614 Darby Rd.
ANTOINETTE EMMA DiLUCIDO                          Havertown, PA 19083
  a/k/a ANTOINETTE E. DiLUCIDO,                 JOHN N. GRANIERI, SR. a/k/a JOHN
  dec’d.                                          N. GRANIERI, dec’d.
  Late of the Township of Aston,                  Late of the Borough of Glenolden,
  Delaware County, PA.                            Delaware County, PA.
  Extx.: Benita DiLucido-Saff c/o Robert          Extr.: John Nicholas Granieri, Jr.
  J. Breslin, Jr., Esquire, 3305 Edgmont          (Named in Will As John Granieri)
  Avenue, Brookhaven, PA 19015.                   c/o William P. Culp, Jr., Esquire, 614
  ROBERT J. BRESLIN, JR., ATTY.                   Darby Rd., Havertown, PA 19083.
  Pappano & Breslin                               WILLIAM P. CULP, JR., ATTY.
  3305 Edgmont Avenue                             614 Darby Rd.
  Brookhaven, PA 19015                            Havertown, PA 19083
JoANNE M. FERRACCIO a/k/a                       MARY ANN GURA, dec’d.
  JoANNE FERRACCIO, dec’d.                        Late of the Township of Upper Darby,
  Late of the Township of Darby,                  Delaware County, PA.
  Delaware County, PA.                            Extr.: David P. Gura c/o Carosella &
  Admr.: David Marvyn Hollar c/o David            Associates, P.C., 882 South Matlack
  M. Hollar, Esquire, 161 Washington              Street, Suite 101, West Chester, PA
  St., Suite 400, Conshohocken, PA                19382-4505.
  19428.                                          CAROSELLA & ASSOCIATES,
  DAVID M. HOLLAR, ATTY.                          P.C., ATTYS.
  161 Washington St.                              882 South Matlack Street
  Suite 400                                       Suite 101
  Conshohocken, PA 19428                          West Chester, PA 19382-4505

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                          Vol. 108 No. 11          3/12/21
KATHLEEN M. HOWARD a/k/a                         DAVID J. MORRIS, dec’d.
  KATHLEEN M. HOWARD                               Late of the Township of Upper Darby,
  STEINBERG and KATHLEEN M.                        Delaware County, PA.
  STEINBERG, dec’d.                                Extr.: Kevin D. Morris c/o Mary
  Late of the Township of Springfield,             Elizabeth Devine, Esquire, 5248
  Delaware County, PA.                             Township Line Rd., P.O. Box 324,
  Extr.: Hans Edward Solum, Jr., 3338              Drexel Hill, PA 19026.
  Foulk Rd., Garnet Valley, PA 19060.              MARY ELIZABETH DEVINE, ATTY.
NANCY KEMP a/k/a NANCY C. KEMP                     Devine Law Associates, P.C.
  and NANCY CARNES KEMP, dec’d.                    5248 Township Line Rd.
  Late of the Township of Newtown,                 P.O. Box 324
  Delaware County, PA.                             Drexel Hill, PA 19026
  Extr.: Nicholas Bosley Merryman                GEORGE LESTER NEEDLES, JR.,
  Kemp, Jr. (Named in Will As Nicholas             dec’d.
  B. M. Kemp, Jr.) c/o Steven G. Winters,          Late of the Borough of Glenolden,
  Esquire, 1650 Market St., Ste. 2800,             Delaware County, PA.
  Philadelphia, PA 19103.                          Extx.: Elizabeth Batter, 3 Colonial
  STEVEN G. WINTERS, ATTY.                         Way, Aston, PA 19014.
  Cozen O’Connor                                 DOROTHY E. O’DAY, dec’d.
  1650 Market St.                                  Late of the Township of Newtown,
  Ste. 2800                                        Delaware County, PA.
  Philadelphia, PA 19103                           Extr.: Stephen E. O’Day.
KENNETH L. KUSMER a/k/a                            RONALD A. AMARANT, ATTY.
  KENNETH LESLIE KUSMER and                        Lamb McErlane, P.C.
  KENNETH KUSMER, dec’d.                           3405 West Chester Pike
  Late of the Township of Newtown,                 Newtown Square, PA 19073
  Delaware County, PA.                           LOIS OMAN, dec’d.
  Admr. d.b.n.c.t.a.: Joseph Warren                Late of the Township of Middletown,
  Bullen, III, P.O. Box 217, Lansdowne,            Delaware County, PA.
  PA 19050-0217.                                   Extr.: Daniel Oman c/o Raymond J.
  JOSEPH W. BULLEN, III, ATTY.                     Falzone, Jr., Esquire, 22 East Third
  Hennessy & Bullen                                Street, Media, PA 19063.
  P.O. Box 217                                     RAYMOND J. FALZONE, JR., ATTY.
  Lansdowne, PA 19050-0217                         Falzone & Wyler
JOHN STEPHEN MARCZUK a/k/a                         22 East Third Street
  J. STEPHEN MARCZUK a/k/a                         Media, PA 19063
  JOHN S. MARCZUK a/k/a JOHN                     JOHN T. ORNDORFF, III a/k/a JOHN
  MARCZUK a/k/a STEPHEN                            T. ORNDORFF, dec’d.
  MARCZUK and STEVE MARCZUK,                       Late of the Township of Upper
  dec’d.                                           Chichester, Delaware County, PA.
  Late of the Borough of Ridley Park,              Extr.: Yoke Hoo Orndorff c/o Jane E.
  Delaware County, PA.                             McNerney, Esquire, 332 N. Providence
  Admx.: Amy P. McCouch, 512                       Rd., Wallingford, PA 19086.
  Creekview Drive, Harleysville, PA                JANE E. McNERNEY, ATTY.
  19438.                                           332 N. Providence Rd.
SHARON E. MARINO a/k/a SHARON                      Wallingford, PA 19086
  ELIZABETH MARINO, dec’d.                       JEFFREY R. OSTROWSKI, dec’d.
  Late of the Borough of Swarthmore,               Late of the Township of Concord,
  Delaware County, PA.                             Delaware County, PA.
  Extr.: Alexander P. Marino c/o John              Extx.: Margaret E. Evans c/o Russell
  R. Hamilton, Jr., Esquire, 152 Park              J. Ressler, Esquire, 30 Valley Stream
  Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081.                    Parkway, Malvern, PA 19355-1481.
  JOHN R. HAMILTON, JR., ATTY.                     RUSSELL J. RESSLER, ATTY.
  152 Park Avenue                                  Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP
  Swarthmore, PA 19081                             30 Valley Stream Parkway
                                                   Malvern, PA 19355-1481

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                          Vol. 108 No. 11          3/12/21
SHARON PASSARELLA a/k/a                            JANE E. McNERNEY, ATTY.
  SHARON A. PASSARELLA, dec’d.                     332 N. Providence Rd.
  Late of the Township of Haverford,               Wallingford, PA 19086
  Delaware County, PA.                           ROBERT JOHN VERNA a/k/a
  Extx.: Elizabeth M. Gallagher c/o                ROBERT J. VERNA, dec’d.
  William P. Culp, Jr., Esquire, 614               Late of the Borough of Prospect Park,
  Darby Rd., Havertown, PA 19083.                  Delaware County, PA.
  WILLIAM P. CULP, JR., ATTY.                      Extr.: Robert J. Verna, Jr., 724 15th
  614 Darby Rd.                                    Ave., Prospect Park, PA 19076.
  Havertown, PA 19083
                                                 MARY THERESA WALLS, dec’d.
JOAN PERNA, dec’d.                                 Late of the Township of Aston,
  Late of the Township of Middletown,              Delaware County, PA.
  Delaware County, PA.                             Co-Extrs.: William Walls and Mary K.
  Extr.: Matthew Perna c/o Michael C.              Walls c/o D. Selaine Keaton, Esquire,
  McBratnie, Esquire, P.O. Box 673,                21 W. Front Street, P.O. Box 1970,
  Exton, PA 19341.                                 Media, PA 19063.
  Fox Rothschild LLP                               21 W. Front Street
  P.O. Box 673                                     P.O. Box 1970
  Exton, PA 19341                                  Media, PA 19063
DANIEL J. RAZZANO, SR. a/k/a                     KENNETH LOUIS WEYLER, dec’d.
  DANIEL J. RAZZANO, dec’d.                        Late of the Township of Ridley,
  Late of the Township of Aston,                   Delaware County, PA.
  Delaware County, PA.                             Extx.: Lucy M. Weyler c/o John J.
  Extr.: Gerald P. Razzano c/o Vincent             McCreesh, IV, Esquire, 7053 Terminal
  G. Iannello, Jr., Esquire, 110 W. Front          Square, Upper Darby, PA 19082.
  Street, Media, PA 19063.                         JOHN J. McCREESH, IV, ATTY.
  VINCENT G. IANNELLO, JR., ATTY.                  7053 Terminal Square
  110 W. Front Street                              Upper Darby, PA 19082
  Media, PA 19063
                                                 SUSAN A. WINIARSKI a/k/a SUSAN
  ALTMAN RESCORLA and LESLIE                       WINIARSKI, dec’d.
  RESCORLA, dec’d.                                 Late of the Borough of Parkside,
  Late of the Township of Haverford,               Delaware County, PA.
  Delaware County, PA.                             Extr.: John Robert Massey (Named in
  Extr.: Thomas M. Achenbach c/o                   Will As John Massey), 6532 Cherokee
  Denise M. Cordes, Esquire, 206 State             St., Philadelphia, PA 19119.
  Road, Media, PA 19063.
  DENISE M. CORDES, ATTY.                        RICHARD G. ZEIGLER a/k/a
  Anderson Elder Law                               RICHARD GENE ZEIGLER, dec’d.
  206 State Road                                   Late of the Township of Ridley,
  Media, PA 19063                                  Delaware County, PA.
                                                   Extr.: Kenneth Merlino c/o David
ELWOOD B. ROBINSON, dec’d.                         S. Daniel, Esquire, 319 West Front
  Late of the Township of Upper                    Street, Media, PA 19063.
  Chichester, Delaware County, PA.                 DAVID S. DANIEL, ATTY.
  Admr.: Barry Arlen Robinson Cooke c/o            319 West Front Street
  John J. McCreesh, IV, Esquire, 7053              Media, PA 19063
  Terminal Square, Upper Darby, PA
  19082.                                                SECOND PUBLICATION
  JOHN J. McCREESH, IV, ATTY.                    GERTRUDE M. CAMPBELL a/k/a
  7053 Terminal Square                             GERTRUDE CAMPBELL-
  Upper Darby, PA 19082                            McNASBY, dec’d.
CARLA SALVUCCI, dec’d.                             Late of the Township of Haverford,
  Late of the Borough of Swarthmore,               Delaware County, PA.
  Delaware County, PA.                             Co-Extxs.: Mary Patricia Winterhalter
  Extr.: Louis Salvucci c/o Jane E.                and Bernadette Pucillo, 408 Kenmore
  McNerney, Esquire, 332 N. Providence             Rd., Havertown, PA 19083.
  Rd., Wallingford, PA 19086.

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                          Vol. 108 No. 11           3/12/21
ANTHONY A. CERACCHI, dec’d.                     CECILE M. GRAVES, dec’d.
  Late of the Township of Middletown,             Late of the Township of Edgmont,
  Delaware County, PA.                            Delaware County, PA.
  Extx.: Joan R. Hill, 918 Village Rd.,           Extx.: Denyse G. McCurdy c/o Timothy
  Folsom, PA 19033.                               B. Barnard, Esquire, 218 West Front
SUE ANN COLBURN a/k/a SUE                         Street, P.O. Box 289, Media, PA 19063.
  COLBURN a/k/a SUE ANN                           TIMOTHY B. BARNARD, ATTY.
  TAYLOR and SUE TAYLOR                           218 West Front Street
  STIERHEIM, dec’d.                               P.O. Box 289
  Late of the Township of Upper Darby,            Media, PA 19063
  Delaware County, PA.                          ELIZABETH ANN HANNER, dec’d.
  Co-Extxs.: Maria Stierheim and                  Late of the Township of Darby,
  Melody Stierheim c/o F. D. Hennessy,            Delaware County, PA.
  Jr., Esquire, P.O. Box 217, Lansdowne,          Admx.: CamilleMarie Miller c/o
  PA 19050-0217.                                  Rhonda Anderson, Esquire, 610 Old
  F. D. HENNESSY, JR., ATTY.                      York Road, Suite 400, Jenkintown, PA
  Hennessy & Bullen                               19046.
  P.O. Box 217                                    RHONDA ANDERSON, ATTY.
  Lansdowne, PA 19050-0217                        610 Old York Road
CARMEN J. D’ANGELO a/k/a                          Suite 400
  CARMEN D’ANGELO, dec’d.                         Jenkintown, PA 19046
  Late of the Borough of Media,                 HELEN K. HORN a/k/a HELEN
  Delaware County, PA.                            HORN, dec’d.
  Extr.: Joseph G. Maniaci, Esquire,              Late of the Township of Nether
  6720 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia,            Providence, Delaware County, PA.
  PA 19135.                                       Extr.: Albert M. Horn, 7198
  JOSEPH G. MANIACI, ATTY.                        Shimmering Ave., Henderson, NV
  6720 Frankford Avenue                           89011-4923.
  Philadelphia, PA 19135                        MILDRED E. HUNT a/k/a MIDGE
JOSEPH WILLIAM FRENCH, JR.                        HUNT, dec’d.
  a/k/a JOSEPH W. FRENCH, JR.,                    Late of the Township of Edgmont,
  dec’d.                                          Delaware County, PA.
  Late of the Township of Upper                   Extrs.: Linda M. Paoli and Raymond
  Providence, Delaware County, PA.                Paoli c/o Janice E. Falini, Esquire, 109
  Extx.: Joan M. French c/o David                 E. Evans St., Suite A, West Chester,
  R. White, Jr., Esquire, Ten Penn                PA 19380.
  Center, 1801 Market St., Ste. 1100,             JANICE E. FALINI, ATTY.
  Philadelphia, PA 19103.                         Falini Law Office
  DAVID R. WHITE, JR., ATTY.                      109 E. Evans St.
  Fineman Krekstein & Harris, P.C.                Suite A
  Ten Penn Center                                 West Chester, PA 19380
  1801 Market St.                               KATHERINE E. JOHNSEN, dec’d.
  Ste. 1100                                       Late of the Township of Upper Darby,
  Philadelphia, PA 19103                          Delaware County, PA.
JAYNE B. GARRISON, dec’d.                         Admr.: David C. Borek c/o Mark S.
  Late of the Township of Edgmont,                Pinnie, Esquire, 218 West Front
  Delaware County, PA.                            Street, Media, PA 19063.
  Admr.: Jack Bacon c/o Terrance A.               MARK S. PINNIE, ATTY.
  Kline, Esquire, 200 E. State St., Ste.          Barnard, Mezzanotte, Pinnie and
  306, P.O. Box A, Media, PA 19063.               Seelaus, LLP
  TERRANCE A. KLINE, ATTY.                        218 West Front Street
  Law Office of Terrance A. Kline                 Media, PA 19063
  200 E. State St.
  Ste. 306
  P.O. Box A
  Media, PA 19063

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                         Vol. 108 No. 11           3/12/21
WALTER J. MAHONEY a/k/a                         LEROY C. PHILLIPS a/k/a LEROY
  WALTER JOSEPH MAHONEY and                        PHILLIPS and LEE PHILLIPS,
  WALTER MAHONEY, dec’d.                           dec’d.
  Late of the Township of Radnor,                  Late of the Township of Aston,
  Delaware County, PA.                             Delaware County, PA.
  Extr.: Kevin B. Mahoney c/o Thomas               Admr.: Kristopher L. Phillips, 3090
  W. Flynn, III, Esquire, 19 Waterloo              Roberts Rd., Aston, PA 19014.
  Avenue, Berwyn, PA 19312.                     YYVVON D. RIGGINS, dec’d.
  THOMAS W. FLYNN, III, ATTY.                      Late of the Township of Edgmont,
  19 Waterloo Avenue                               Delaware County, PA.
  Berwyn, PA 19312                                 Extx.: Margaret Mary O’Doherty c/o
ROCCO L. MARTINO, dec’d.                           Gregory J. Allard, Esquire, 24 Regency
  Late of the Township of Radnor,                  Plaza, Glen Mills, PA 19342.
  Delaware County, PA.                             GREGORY J. ALLARD, ATTY.
  Extrs.: Barbara I. Martino and John              24 Regency Plaza
  C. Hook, 2005 Market St., Ste. 2600,             Glen Mills, PA 19342
  Philadelphia, PA 19103.                       JACK E. SCHMIDT a/k/a JACK
  JOHN C. HOOK, ATTY.                              EDWARD SCHMIDT, dec’d.
  Stradley, Ronon, Stevens &                       Late of the Township of Newtown,
  Young, LLP                                       Delaware County, PA.
  2005 Market St.                                  Extr.: John Edward Schmidt c/o Jeffrey
  Ste. 2600                                        C. Goss, Esquire, 480 New Holland
  Philadelphia, PA 19103                           Avenue, Suite 6205, Lancaster, PA
MARGARET M. MELE a/k/a                             17602.
  MARGARET MELE, dec’d.                            JEFFREY C. GOSS, ATTY.
  Late of the Township of Radnor,                  Brubaker Connaughton Goss &
  Delaware County, PA.                             Lucarelli LLC
  Co-Extrs.: Margaret Mele Gimbel and              480 New Holland Avenue
  Francis Joseph Mele c/o Robert L.                Suite 6205
  Pinto, Esquire, 11 West Third Street,            Lancaster, PA 17602
  Media, PA 19063.                              JULIE H. SHENK, dec’d.
  ROBERT L. PINTO, ATTY.                           Late of the Township of Concord,
  11 West Third Street                             Delaware County, PA.
  Media, PA 19063                                  Extr.: Lawrence G. Shenk c/o L.
MARTHA D. MORRISSEY, dec’d.                        Peter Temple, Esquire, P.O. Box 384,
  Late of the Township of Upper                    Kennett Square, PA 19348.
  Chichester, Delaware County, PA.                 L. PETER TEMPLE, ATTY.
  Extr.: Mark E. Morrissey c/o Christina           Larmore Scarlett LLP
  B. Roberts, Esquire, 3305 Edgmont                P.O. Box 384
  Ave., Brookhaven, PA 19015.                      Kennett Square, PA 19348
  3305 Edgmont Ave.                                SILBER, dec’d.
  Brookhaven, PA 19015                             Late of the Township of Haverford,
ANNE M. MYERS, dec’d.                              Delaware County, PA.
  Late of the Township of Bethel,                  Extx.: Dorna L. Witkowski c/o Tejal
  Delaware County, PA.                             Mehta, Esquire, 1150 First Ave., Ste.
  Extrs.: Susan Kleinert and John L.               501, King of Prussia, PA 19406.
  Myers, III, 1744 Bethel Rd., Garnet              TEJAL MEHTA, ATTY.
  Valley, PA 19060.                                Law Office of Tejal Mehta PC
PAMELA A. NOLAN, dec’d.                            1150 First Ave.
  Late of the Township of Middletown,              Ste. 501
  Delaware County, PA.                             King of Prussia, PA 19406
  Admx.: Stephanie E. Nolan, 636 N.             MAUREEN ANN SULLIVAN, dec’d.
  25th St., Reading, PA 19606.                     Late of the Township of Haverford,
  CHARLES A. RICK, ATTY.                           Delaware County, PA.
  Rick Stock Law                                   Extr.: Frank J. Sullivan c/o Christina
  933 N. Charlotte St.                             B. Roberts, Esquire, 3305 Edgmont
  Suite 3B                                         Ave., Brookhaven, PA 19015.
  Pottstown, PA 19464
DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                           Vol. 108 No. 11           3/12/21
  CHRISTINA B. ROBERTS, ATTY.                    H. BRIEN BOSTON a/k/a BRIEN
  3305 Edgmont Ave.                                BOSTON and HAROLD BRIEN
  Brookhaven, PA 19015                             BOSTON, dec’d.
MARY REGINA TURNBULL, dec’d.                       Late of the Township of Haverford,
  Late of the Township of Marple,                  Delaware County, PA.
  Delaware County, PA.                             Extr.: Paul B. Boston (Named in Will
  Extx.: Kathryn Turnbull, 2024 Rose               As Paul Boston) c/o Marc L. Davidson,
  Lane, Broomall, PA 19008.                        Esquire, Radnor Station Two, 290 King
LIZZIE TYSON, dec’d.                               of Prussia Road, Suite 110, Radnor, PA
  Late of the Township of Darby,                   19087.
  Delaware County, PA.                             MARC L. DAVIDSON, ATTY.
  Admx.: CamilleMarie Miller c/o                   Law Offices of Davidson & Egner
  Rhonda Anderson, Esquire, 610 Old                Radnor Station Two
  York Road, Suite 400, Jenkintown, PA             290 King of Prussia Road
  19046.                                           Suite 110
  RHONDA ANDERSON, ATTY.                           Radnor, PA 19087
  610 Old York Road                              NORMAN BROWN, dec’d.
  Suite 400                                        Late of the Borough of Sharon Hill,
  Jenkintown, PA 19046                             Delaware County, PA.
EVA MARIA WEISSENBERGER,                           Extx.: LaTasha Cirwithen c/o Tracie
  dec’d.                                           M. Burns, Esquire, 419 Avenue of the
  Late of the Township of Radnor,                  States, Ste. 402, Chester, PA 19013.
  Delaware County, PA.                             TRACIE M. BURNS, ATTY.
  Extrs.: Guntram Weissenberger, Jr.               419 Avenue of the States
  and Nina Weissenberger c/o Daniel                Ste. 402
  R. Cooper, Esquire, 1701 Market St.,             Chester, PA 19013
  Philadelphia, PA 19103.                        JOSEPH F. CANAMUCIO, SR. a/k/a
  DANIEL R. COOPER, ATTY.                          JOSEPH F. CANAMUCIO, dec’d.
  Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP                      Late of the Township of Upper Darby,
  1701 Market St.                                  Delaware County, PA.
  Philadelphia, PA 19103                           Extx.: Anne E. Canamucio c/o Allen H.
RITA M. ZARABBA, dec’d.                            Tollen, Esquire, 41 E. Front St., Media,
  Late of the Township of Upper Darby,             PA 19063.
  Delaware County, PA.                             ALLEN H. TOLLEN, ATTY.
  Extr.: Joseph Zarabba c/o Joseph A.              41 E. Front St.
  Bellinghieri, Esquire, 17 W. Miner St.,          Media, PA 19063
  West Chester, PA 19382.                        PATRICE DUNLAP, dec’d.
  JOSEPH A. BELLINGHIERI, ATTY.                    Late of the Borough of Lansdowne,
  MacElree Harvey, Ltd.                            Delaware County, PA.
  17 W. Miner St.                                  Admr.: Allen H. Tollen, 41 E. Front St.,
  West Chester, PA 19382                           Media, PA 19063.
                                                   ALLEN H. TOLLEN, ATTY.
 THIRD AND FINAL PUBLICATION                       41 E. Front St.
MILDRED RUTH ALLISON a/k/a                         Media, PA 19063
  MILDRED R. ALLISON, dec’d.                     THOMAS A. GALLAGER, dec’d.
  Late of the Township of Haverford,               Late of the Township of Concord,
  Delaware County, PA.                             Delaware County, PA.
  Extr.: Douglas Hunter Oakford c/o                Extr.: Robert Joseph Riggio, Jr. c/o
  Rosemary R. Ferrino, Esquire, 608                Raymond J. Falzone, Jr., Esquire, 22
  West Main Street, Lansdale, PA                   East Third Street, Media, PA 19063.
  19446-2012.                                      RAYMOND J. FALZONE, JR., ATTY.
  ROSEMARY R. FERRINO, ATTY.                       Falzone & Wyler LLC
  Montco Elder Law, LLP                            22 East Third Street
  608 West Main Street                             Media, PA 19063
  Lansdale, PA 19446-2012

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                          Vol. 108 No. 11            3/12/21
WILLIAM C. GAMBLE, dec’d.                         JOHN JAY WILLS, ATTY.
  Late of the Township of Concord,                4124 Chichester Ave.
  Delaware County, PA.                            Boothwyn, PA 19061
  Extx.: Denise Mizrahi c/o Jeffrey S.          BARBARA A. KEARNEY, dec’d.
  Shank, Esquire, 222 S. Market Street,           Late of the Borough of Brookhaven,
  Suite 201, Elizabethtown, PA 17022.             Delaware County, PA.
  JEFFREY S. SHANK, ATTY.                         Extx.: Margaret Magaw c/o Dana M.
  Nikolaus & Hohenadel, LLP                       Breslin, Esquire, 3305 Edgmont Ave.,
  222 S. Market Street                            Brookhaven, PA 19015.
  Suite 201                                       DANA M. BRESLIN, ATTY.
  Elizabethtown, PA 17022                         3305 Edgmont Ave.
BRUCE SMITH GEMMILL, dec’d.                       Brookhaven, PA 19015
  Late of the Township of Ridley,               SHARON V. KWASZKIEWICZ, dec’d.
  Delaware County, PA.                            Late of the Township of Bethel,
  Admx.: Laura Susan DiPasquale.                  Delaware County, PA.
  DENNIS WOODY, ATTY.                             Extr.: Martin Kwaszkiewicz, 1025
  110 West Front St.                              Bethel Road, Garnet Valley, PA 19060.
  Media, PA 19063                               MATTHEW JOHN MARANO, dec’d.
ADELE E. GILFILLAN a/k/a ADELE                    Late of the Borough of Ridley Park,
  GILFILLAN, dec’d.                               Delaware County, PA.
  Late of the Township of Marple,                 Admr.: Anthony Marano c/o William
  Delaware County, PA.                            E. Malone, Jr., Esquire, 21 West Third
  Extrs.: Michael J. Gilfillan and                Street, Media, PA 19063.
  Robert B. Shoemaker, Jr., 1800 East             WILLIAM E. MALONE, JR., ATTY.
  Lancaster Avenue, Paoli, PA 19301.              21 West Third Street
  ROBERT B. SHOEMAKER,                            Media, PA 19063
  JR., ATTY.                                    JOHN C. MELLACE a/k/a JOHN A.
  1800 East Lancaster Avenue                      MELLACE, dec’d.
  Paoli, PA 19301                                 Late of the Borough of Morton,
JOHN M. GRIESMEYER a/k/a JOHN                     Delaware County, PA.
  MARK GRIESMEYER and MARK                        Extx.: Mary A. Colvin, 2437 Tenerife
  GRIESMEYER, dec’d.                              Rd., Catlett, VA 20119.
  Late of the Borough of Brookhaven,              LATISHA B.
  Delaware County, PA.                            SCHUENEMANN, ATTY.
  Extx.: Susan Kay Garrison (Named                Leisawitz Heller
  in Will As Susan K. Garrison), 24               2755 Century Blvd.
  Veterans Square, Media, PA 19063.               Wyomissing, PA 19610
  SUSAN K. GARRISON, ATTY.                      BRIDGET NASSIB, dec’d.
  24 Veterans Square                              Late of the Township of Radnor,
  Media, PA 19063                                 Delaware County, PA.
EMMA MAE HALL a/k/a EMMA MAE                      Extr.: Gilbert P. Nassib c/o Carrie A. S.
  KEYS HALL and EMMA HALL,                        Kennedy, Esquire, 171 W. Lancaster
  dec’d.                                          Ave., Paoli, PA 19301-1775.
  Late of the Township of Concord,                CARRIE A. S. KENNEDY, ATTY.
  Delaware County, PA.                            Connor, Weber & Oberlies
  Succeeding Extx.: Gail Mae Koechert             171 W. Lancaster Ave.
  c/o D. Selaine Keaton, Esquire, 21 W.           Paoli, PA 19301-1775
  Front Street, P.O. Box 1970, Media, PA        LYDIA O’LEARY, dec’d.
  19063.                                          Late of the Township of Ridley,
  D. SELAINE KEATON, ATTY.                        Delaware County, PA.
  21 W. Front Street                              Admr.: Michael V. Puppio, Jr., 19 W.
  P.O. Box 1970                                   Third St., Media, PA 19063.
  Media, PA 19063                                 MICHAEL V. PUPPIO, JR., ATTY.
ANITA D. HAROL, dec’d.                            19 W. Third St.
  Late of the Township of Upper                   Media, PA 19063
  Chichester, Delaware County, PA.
  Admx.: Lydia L. Carter c/o John Jay
  Wills, Esquire, 4124 Chichester Ave.,
  Boothwyn, PA 19061.
DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                            Vol. 108 No. 11             3/12/21
PAUL L. PATCHEL, dec’d.                                            AUDIT
  Late of the Borough of Media,
  Delaware County, PA.                                      ORPHANS’ COURT
  Extr.: Frank W. Daly, Esquire, 110 W.
  Front St., Media, PA 19063.                           Estates listed for Audit on
  FRANK W. DALY, ATTY.                                       MARCH 17, 2021
  110 W. Front St.                                      10:30 A.M. Prevailing Time
  Media, PA 19063                                    Notice is hereby given to the heirs, lega­
EARL A. ROWE, JR. a/k/a EARL                      tees, creditors and all persons interested
  ARDEN ROWE, JR., dec’d.                         that accounts in the following estates have
  Late of the Township of Ridley,                 been filed for confirmation with the office
  Delaware County, PA.                            of the Register of Wills and Clerk of the
  Extx.: Patricia A. Just c/o William J.          Orphans’ Court of Delaware County at the
  Luttrell, III, Esquire, 11 S. Olive St.,        above date and time. The Orphans’ Court
  2nd Fl., Media, PA 19063.                       will audit these accounts, hear objections
  WILLIAM J. LUTTRELL, III, ATTY.                 to the same and make distribution of the
  11 S. Olive St.                                 balance ascertained to be in the hands of
  2nd Fl.                                         the accountants.
  Media, PA 19063
                                                    DOWD - First and Final Account of
ROSEANNE C. SAUNDERS, dec’d.                      Francis T. Talty, Executor, Estate of Donald
  Late of the Borough of Ridley Park,             W. Dowd a/k/a Donald E. Dowd, Deceased.
  Delaware County, PA.
  Extrs.: John J. Saunders, Jr. and                  GOLEBIEWSKI - First and Final Ac­
  Eileen Fazzio c/o Richard E. Javage,            count of Christina Marie Campos, Admin­
  Jr., Esquire, 3350 Township Line Rd.,           istratrix of the Estate of Erik Golebiewski,
  Drexel Hill, PA 19026.                          Deceased.
  Law Offices of Richard E. Javage, Jr.              GEER - First Account of PNC Bank,
  3350 Township Line Rd.                          National Association, Trustee of the Estate
  Drexel Hill, PA 19026                           of Walter H. Geer, Deceased.
  WILLIAM JEANDELL SPRENGEL,                      Register of Wills and Clerk of
  dec’d.                                          Orphans’ Court Division
  Late of the Township of Springfield,                                                  Mar. 12
  Delaware County, PA.
  Extx.: Karen L. Kowalski, 164
  Sandywood Drive, Doylestown, PA                          CHANGE OF NAME
                                                   IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS
JOHN VALENTINO, JR., dec’d.                             OF DELAWARE COUNTY,
  Late of the Township of Concord,                          PENNSYLVANIA
  Delaware County, PA.                                   CIVIL ACTION—LAW
  Extx.: Laura Hayburn c/o Raymond J.                     NO. CV-2020-007811
  Falzone, Jr., Esquire, 22 East Third
  Street, Media, PA 19063.                           NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on
  RAYMOND J. FALZONE, JR., ATTY.                  November 13, 2020, a Petition for a Change
  Falzone & Wyler                                 of Name was filed in the above named
  22 East Third Street                            Court, praying for a decree to change the
  Media, PA 19063                                 name(s) of Russell Lamont Arrington to
                                                  Russell Arrington Al El.
  Late of the Township of Ridley,                    The Court has fixed April 13, 2021, at
  Delaware County, PA.                            9:00 A.M. in Courtroom TBA, Delaware
  Extx.: Barbara R. Maddesi, 531 Tasker           County Courthouse, Media, Pennsylvania,
  Ave., Folsom, PA 19033.                         as the time and place for the hearing of
                                                  said Petition, when and where all persons
                                                  interested may appear and show cause, if
                                                  any they have, why the prayer of said Peti­
                                                  tion should not be granted.
                                                                                      Mar. 5, 12

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                                Vol. 108 No. 11            3/12/21
        CHANGE OF NAME                                        CHANGE OF NAME
      OF DELAWARE COUNTY,                                   OF DELAWARE COUNTY,
          PENNSYLVANIA                                          PENNSYLVANIA
       CIVIL ACTION—LAW                                      CIVIL ACTION—LAW
        NO. CV-2021-000184                                    NO. CV 2020-005692
January 11, 2021, a Petition for a Change of          August 31, 2020, the Petition of Charlotte
Name was filed in the above named Court,              Jean Foster, a minor, by and through her
praying for a decree to change the name(s)            parent and natural guardian, LeeAnn
of 1. David Jonathan Briggs, 2. Deana                 Lowman for a Change of Name was filed
Marell Briggs, 3. Shaylah Sinyae Shar­                in the above named Court, praying for a
on Holmes, 4. Dayvon Charles Briggs,                  decree to change the name(s) of Charlotte
5. Patience Lillian Briggs to 1. David                Jean Foster to Charlotte Jean Foster
Jonathan Wolfe, Jr., 2. Royal Deana                   Lowman.
Savage Wolfe, 3. Sinyae Sharon Wolfe,
4. Dayvon Charles Wolfe, 5. Patience                     The Court has fixed March 16, 2021, at
Lillian Wolfe.                                        10:00 A.M. in Courtroom TBA, Delaware
                                                      County Courthouse, Media, Pennsylvania,
   The Court has fixed April 27, 2021, at             as the time and place for the hearing of
9:00 A.M. in Courtroom TBA, Delaware                  said Petition, when and where all persons
County Courthouse, Media, Pennsylvania,               interested may appear and show cause, if
as the time and place for the hearing of              any they have, why the prayer of said Peti­
said Petition, when and where all persons             tion should not be granted.
interested may appear and show cause, if
any they have, why the prayer of said Peti­                                              Mar. 5, 12
tion should not be granted.
                                   Mar. 12, 19                CHANGE OF NAME
                                                       IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS
        CHANGE OF NAME                                      OF DELAWARE COUNTY,
 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS                                CIVIL ACTION—LAW
      OF DELAWARE COUNTY,                                     NO. CV-2020-005996
       CIVIL ACTION—LAW                                  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the
        NO. CV-2021-000220                            Petition of Thomas Robert Hernandez, a mi­
                                                      nor, by and through his parent and natural
   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on                     guardian, Moira FitzPatrick for a Change
January 12, 2021, a Petition for a Change of          of Name was filed in the above named
Name was filed in the above named Court,              Court, praying for a decree to change the
praying for a decree to change the name(s)            name(s) of Thomas Robert Hernandez
of Colleen Downer to Colleen Maguire.                 to Thomas Robert FitzPatrick.
   The Court has fixed April 13, 2021, at                The Court has fixed April 27, 2021, at
9:00 A.M. in Courtroom TBA, Delaware                  9:00 A.M. in Courtroom TBA, Delaware
County Courthouse, Media, Pennsylvania,               County Courthouse, Media, Pennsylvania,
as the time and place for the hearing of              as the time and place for the hearing of
said Petition, when and where all persons             said Petition, when and where all persons
interested may appear and show cause, if              interested may appear and show cause, if
any they have, why the prayer of said Peti­           any they have, why the prayer of said Peti­
tion should not be granted.                           tion should not be granted.
                                    Mar. 5, 12                                          Mar. 12, 19

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                                Vol. 108 No. 11               3/12/21
        CHANGE OF NAME                                   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on
                                                      November 10, 2020, a Petition for a Change
 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS                         of Name was filed in the above named
      OF DELAWARE COUNTY,                             Court, praying for a decree to change the
          PENNSYLVANIA                                name(s) of Tarik Tsegaye to Tarik Mamo.
        NO. CV-2021-000516                               The Court has fixed April 13, 2021, at
                                                      9:00 a.m. in Courtroom TBA, Delaware
   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on                     County Courthouse, Media, Pennsylvania,
January 19, 2021, a Petition for a Change of          as the time and place for the hearing of
Name was filed in the above named Court,              said Petition, when and where all persons
praying for a decree to change the name(s)            interested may appear and show cause, if
of Andrea Robin Kalan to Minnie Robin                 any they have, why the prayer of said Peti­
Kalan.                                                tion should not be granted.
   The Court has fixed April 13, 2021, at                                                   Mar. 5, 12
9:00 A.M. in Courtroom TBA, Delaware
County Courthouse, Media, Pennsylvania,
as the time and place for the hearing of
said Petition, when and where all persons
interested may appear and show cause, if                  CHARTER APPLICATION
any they have, why the prayer of said Peti­              NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a
tion should not be granted.                           corporation is to be or has been in­corporated
                                    Mar. 5, 12        under the provisions of the Pennsylvania
                                                      Business Corporation Law of 1988.

        CHANGE OF NAME                                        Eric Abramowitz, PT PC
                                                      has been (will be) incorporated under the
                                                      Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law
          PENNSYLVANIA                                of 1988.
       CIVIL ACTION—LAW                                                                        Mar. 12
        NO. CV-2021-001408
                                                              HOPWOOD CAMP, INC.
February 5, 2021, a Petition for a Change of          has been (will be) incorporated under the
Name was filed in the above named Court,              Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law
praying for a decree to change the name(s)            of 1988.
LEV THEA KÄSPER.                                      MONTE SLOANE MATTHEWS &
   The Court has fixed April 13, 2021, at             AUSLANDER, PC, Solicitors
9:00 A.M. in Courtroom TBA, Delaware                  300 W. State St.
County Courthouse, Media, Pennsylvania,               (300)
as the time and place for the hearing of              P.O. Box 319
said Petition, when and where all persons             Media, PA 19063
interested may appear and show cause, if                                                       Mar. 12
any they have, why the prayer of said Peti­
tion should not be granted.
                                                                CLASSIFIED ADS
                                   Mar. 12, 19
                                                                 OFFICE SHARING
        CHANGE OF NAME                                   Ditching your expensive office? Very
                                                      inexpensive presence in prominent build­
 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS                         ing in the heart of Media—get mail, see
      OF DELAWARE COUNTY,                             clients in elegant office, parking. Call/text
          PENNSYLVANIA                                (610) 505-4308.
        NO. CV-2020-007691                                                          Feb. 26; Mar. 5, 12

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                               Vol. 108 No. 11            3/12/21
  CORPORATE DISSOLUTION                                 The name(s) and address(es) of the en­
                                                     tity owning or interested in said business
   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all                     is (are): BH Glen Mills Management PA,
creditors and claimants of ZIPSE ELEC-               LLC, 2100 3rd Avenue North, Suite 600,
TRICAL ENGINEERING, INC., a                          Birmingham, AL 35203.
Pennsylvania business corporation, that
the shareholders have approved a proposal               The application has been/will be filed on
that the corporation dissolve voluntarily            or after February 22, 2021.
and the Board of Directors is now engaged                                                 Mar. 12
in winding up and settling the affairs of the
corporation so that its corporate existence                SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
will end, pursuant to the filing of Articles
of Dissolution with the Pennsylvania Cor­                  COURT OF COMMON PLEAS
poration Bureau pursuant to Section 1975                       CIVIL DIVISION
of the Pennsylvania Business Corporation                     DELAWARE COUNTY
Law of 1988, as amended.                                      NO.: CV-2019-002030
LOUIS N. TETI, Solicitor                                NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF
MacElree Harvey, Ltd.                                         REAL PROPERTY
17 West Miner Street
West Chester, PA 19381                               Bank of New York Mellon Trust
                                                     Company, N.A. As Trustee for Mortgage
                                      Mar. 12        Assets Management Series I Trust,
         FICTITIOUS NAME                             Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns
                                                     and All Persons, Firms or Associations
                                                     Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or
to the provisions of Act of Assembly No.
                                                     Under William C. Jones, Deceased and
295, effective March 16, 1983, as amended,
                                                     Shelley Dickson, Known Heir of William
of intention to file in the Office of the De­
                                                     C. Jones, Deceased, DEFENDANTS
partment of State of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pennsyl­             TO:      Unknown Heirs, Successors, As­
vania, an application for the conduct of a                    signs and All Persons, Firms or
business in Delaware County, Pennsylva­                       Associations Claiming Right, Title
nia, under the assumed or fictitious name,                    or Interest From or Under William
style or designation of:                                      C. Jones, Deceased, 2428 Second
    FAMILY STYLE PET SITTING                                  Avenue, Marcus Hook, PA 19061

with its principal place of business at 104             Your house (real estate) at: 2428 Second
West Forestview Road, Parkside, PA 19015.            Avenue, Upper Chichester Township a/k/a
                                                     Marcus Hook, PA 19061, 09000311400, is
  The name(s) and address(es) of the                 scheduled to be sold at Sheriff ’s Sale on
person(s) owning or interested in said busi­         June 18, 2021 at: Delaware County Court­
ness is (are): Virginia Lisa Burke, 104 West         house, 201 West Front Street, Media, PA
Forestview Rd., Parkside, PA 19015.                  19063 at 11:00 A.M. to enforce the court
                                                     judgment of $187,125.97 obtained by Bank
   The application has been/will be filed on         of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A.
or after May 17, 2020.                               As Trustee for Mortgage Assets Manage­
                                                     ment Series I Trust against you.
                                      Mar. 12
                                                         NOTICE OF OWNER’S RIGHTS
    Merrill Gardens at Glen Mills                       YOU MAY BE ABLE TO PREVENT
with its principal place of business at 52                  THIS SHERIFF’S SALE
Baltimore Pike, Glen Mills, PA 19342.                   To prevent this Sheriff ’s Sale you must
                                                     take immediate action:

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                               Vol. 108 No. 11              3/12/21
   1. The sale will be cancelled if you pay             10. You may be entitled to a share of the
back to Bank of New York Mellon Trust                money, which was paid for your house. A
Company, N.A. As Trustee for Mortgage As­            schedule of distribution of the money bid
sets Management Series I Trust the amount            for your house will be filed by the Sheriff
of the judgment plus costs or the back pay­          no later than thirty days after the Sheriff
ments, late charges, costs and reasonable            Sale. This schedule will state who will be
attorneys fees due. To find out how much             receiving the money. The money will be paid
you must pay, you may call: (610) 278-6800.          out in accordance with this schedule unless
                                                     exceptions (reasons why the proposed dis­
    2. You may be able to stop the sale by           tribution is wrong) are filed with the Sheriff
filing a petition asking the Court to strike         within ten (10) days after the date of filing
or open the judgment, if the judgment was            of said schedule.
improperly entered. You may also ask the
Court to postpone the sale for good cause.               11. You may also have other rights and
                                                     defenses or ways of getting your house back,
   3. You may be able to stop the sale               if you act immediately after the sale.
through other legal proceedings.
                                                       YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER
   4. You may need an attorney to assert             TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU
your rights. The sooner you contact one,             DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT
the more chance you will have of stopping            AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE
the sale. (See notice on page two of how to          THE OFFICE LISTED BELOW TO FIND
obtain an attorney.)                                 OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL
  YOU MAY STILL BE ABLE TO SAVE                      HELP.
  YOUR PROPERTY AND YOU HAVE                             Delaware County Bar Association
    OTHER RIGHTS EVEN IF THE                                  335 W. Front Street
 SHERIFF’S SALE DOES TAKE PLACE                                 Media, PA 19063
   5. If the Sheriff ’s Sale is not stopped,                     (610) 566-6625
your property will be sold to the highest            
bidder. You may find out the price bid by              PURSUANT TO THE FAIR DEBT COL­
calling (610) 278-6800.                              LECTION PRACTICES ACT YOU ARE
   6. You may be able to petition the Court          ADVISED THAT THIS LAW FIRM IS
to set aside the sale if the bid price was           DEEMED TO BE A DEBT COLLECTOR
grossly inadequate compared to the value             ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT.
of your property.                                    ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL
                                                     BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
   7. The sale will go through only if the           CHRISTOPHER A. DeNARDO,
buyer pays the Sheriff the full amount due           ESQUIRE
in the sale. To find out if this has happened        PA I.D. No. 78447
you may call (610) 891-4296.                         KRISTEN D. LITTLE, ESQUIRE
  8. If the amount due from the buyer is             PA I.D. No. 79992
not paid to the Sheriff, you will remain the         ALISON H. TULIO, ESQUIRE
owner of the property as if the sale never           PA I.D. No. 87075
happened.                                            LOGS Legal Group LLP
                                                     3600 Horizon Drive
   9. You have a right to remain in the              Suite 150
property until the full amount due is paid           King of Prussia, PA 19406
to the Sheriff and the Sheriff gives a deed          Telephone: (610) 278-6800
to the buyer. At that time, the buyer may            E-mail:
bring legal proceedings to evict you.
                                                                                            Mar. 12

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                                   Vol. 108 No. 11               3/12/21
     SERVICE BY PUBLICATION                                   SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
      COURT OF COMMON PLEAS                                    COURT OF COMMON PLEAS
       OF DELAWARE COUNTY,                                      OF DELAWARE COUNTY,
           PENNSYLVANIA                                             PENNSYLVANIA
         NO. CV-2018-062319                                       NO. CV-2019-062346
Borough of Yeadon                                        Upper Darby Township
   vs.                                                     vs.
Zip, L.L.C.                                              Kenneth Payne
   Notice is given that the above was named                  Notice is given that the above was named
as Defendant in a civil action by Plaintiff              as Defendant in a civil action by Plaintiff
to recover 2017 abatement of nuisance                    to recover 2016-2017 sewer and trash fees
charges for property located at 1219 S.                  for property located at 468 Argyle Road,
Longacre Boulevard, Yeadon, PA, Folio                    Upper Darby, PA, Folio #16-09-00005-00.
#48-00-02236-00. An Amended Writ of Scire                A Writ of Scire Facias for $1,332.09 was
Facias/a Writ of Scire Facias for $1,578.76              filed. You are notified to plead to the Writ
was filed. You are notified to plead to the              on or before 20 days from the date of this
Writ on or before 20 days from the date                  publication or a judgment may be entered.
of this publication or a judgment may be                 If you wish to defend, you must enter a
entered. If you wish to defend, you must                 written appearance personally or by at­
enter a written appearance personally or by              torney and file your defenses or objections
attorney and file your defenses or objections            in writing with the court. You are warned
in writing with the court. You are warned                that if you fail to do so, the case may proceed
that if you fail to do so, the case may proceed          without you and a judgment may be entered
without you and a judgment may be entered                against you without further notice for the
against you without further notice for the               relief requested by Plaintiff. You may lose
relief requested by Plaintiff. You may lose              money, property or other rights important
money, property or other rights important                to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER
FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LE­                           GAL HELP.
                                                                 Lawyers Referral Service
        Lawyers Referral Service                             Delaware County Bar Association
    Delaware County Bar Association                                  335 W. Front St.
            335 W. Front St.                                         Media, PA 19063
            Media, PA 19063                                           (610) 566-6625
             (610) 566-6625                                
                               PORTNOFF LAW ASSOC., LTD.
PORTNOFF LAW ASSOC., LTD.                                P.O. Box 391
P.O. Box 391                                             Norristown, PA 19404-0391
Norristown, PA 19404-0391                                (866) 211-9466
(866) 211-9466
                                                                                           Mar. 12, 19, 26
                                  Mar. 12, 19, 26

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                                   Vol. 108 No. 11               3/12/21
     SERVICE BY PUBLICATION                                  Notice is given that the above was named
      COURT OF COMMON PLEAS                              as Defendant in a civil action by Plaintiff
       OF DELAWARE COUNTY,                               to recover 2016-2017 sewer and trash fees
           PENNSYLVANIA                                  for property located at 2415 Devon Lane,
         NO. CV-2019-062794                              Upper Darby, PA, Folio #16-09-00230-00.
                                                         A Writ of Scire Facias for $1,332.09 was
Upper Darby Township                                     filed. You are notified to plead to the Writ
  vs.                                                    on or before 20 days from the date of this
Amber Louise Fuller                                      publication or a judgment may be entered.
                                                         If you wish to defend, you must enter a
    Notice is given that the above was named             written appearance personally or by at­
as Defendant in a civil action by Plaintiff to           torney and file your defenses or objections
recover 2016-2017 sewer fees and trash fees              in writing with the court. You are warned
for property located at 817 Blythe Avenue,               that if you fail to do so, the case may proceed
Upper Darby, PA, Folio #16-11-00526-00.                  without you and a judgment may be entered
A Writ of Scire Facias for $1,332.09 was                 against you without further notice for the
filed. You are notified to plead to the Writ             relief requested by Plaintiff. You may lose
on or before 20 days from the date of this               money, property or other rights important
publication or a judgment may be entered.                to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER
If you wish to defend, you must enter a                  TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU
written appearance personally or by at­                  DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT
torney and file your defenses or objections              AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE
in writing with the court. You are warned                THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW TO
that if you fail to do so, the case may proceed          FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LE­
without you and a judgment may be entered                GAL HELP.
against you without further notice for the
relief requested by Plaintiff. You may lose                      Lawyers Referral Service
money, property or other rights important                    Delaware County Bar Association
to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER                                   335 W. Front St.
TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU                                       Media, PA 19063
DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT                                        (610) 566-6625
AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE                             
FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LE­                           P.O. Box 391
GAL HELP.                                                Norristown, PA 19404-0391
                                                         (866) 211-9466
        Lawyers Referral Service
    Delaware County Bar Association                                                        Mar. 12, 19, 26
            335 W. Front St.
            Media, PA 19063                                    SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
             (610) 566-6625
                                IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS
                                                               OF DELAWARE COUNTY,
PORTNOFF LAW ASSOC., LTD.                                          PENNSYLVANIA
P.O. Box 391                                                  ORPHANS’ COURT DIVISION
Norristown, PA 19404-0391                                 NOS. 0059 OF 2019 AND 0108 OF 2019
(866) 211-9466
                                                                   NOTICE OF HEARING
                                  Mar. 12, 19, 26
                                                         TO:      Kimelia Presbery and James
     SERVICE BY PUBLICATION                                       Blackwell and John Doe or Any
                                                                  Other Person Claiming Paternity
       OF DELAWARE COUNTY,                                  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a
           PENNSYLVANIA                                  Petition for Goal Change to Adoption/Ter­
         NO. CV-2019-060828                              mination of Parental Rights has been filed
                                                         by Children and Youth Services of Delaware
Upper Darby Township
                                                         County asking the Court to change the per­
                                                         manency goal from reunification to adoption
Vladimir Aksic
                                                         and to put an end to all rights you have to
                                                         your children, Jasiya B., bd. 10/30/15 and
                                                         Kha’cer B., bd. 9/5/18.
DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                                  Vol. 108 No. 11             3/12/21

   The Court has set a hearing to consider                 The Court has set a hearing to consider
changing the goal and ending your rights                changing the goal and ending your rights
to your children. The hearing will be held              to your child. The hearing will be held
before the Honorable Richard H. Lowe on                 before the Honorable Richard H. Lowe
March 31, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. You have a                  on March 31, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. You have
right to appear at the hearing either in                a right to appear at the hearing either in
person or by videoconference to contest                 person or by video to contest the Petition.
the Petitions. The Microsoft Teams call-                The Microsoft Teams call-in information is
in information is (724) 790-6118 and the                (724) 790-6118 and the conference code is
conference code is 806 071 876#. You are                693 272 584#. You are warned that even if
warned that even if you fail to appear or call          you fail to appear or call at the scheduled
in at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will           hearing, the hearing will go on without you
go on without you and your rights to your               and your rights to your child may be ended
children may be ended by the Court without              by the Court without you being present.
you being present. You have a right to be               You have a right to be represented at the
represented at the hearing by a lawyer.                 hearing by a lawyer.
   In addition, you are advised that you                   In addition, you are advised that you
may have an option for an enforceable vol­              may have an option for an enforceable
untary agreement under ACT 101 of 2010                  voluntary agreement under ACT 101 of
for continuing contact following the adop­              2010 for continuing contact following the
tion of your children between the adoptive              adoption of your child between the adoptive
parents and a birth parent and/or birth                 parents and a birth parent and/or birth
relative if all parties agree and the agree­            relative if all parties agree and the agree­
ment is approved by the Court.                          ment is approved by the Court.
   You should contact your lawyer at once                  You should contact your lawyer at once
regarding these Petitions and to confirm                regarding this Petition and to confirm the
the information necessary to participate                information necessary to participate in the
in the hearing. The attorney that has been              hearing. The attorney that has been ap­
appointed to represent mother is Griffin                pointed to represent you is Griffin Evans,
Evans, Esquire at (610) 532-4222 and the                Esquire at (610) 532-4222. You may also
attorney that has been appointed to repre­              contact your caseworker, Jessica Bishop at
sent father is Dan Armstrong, Esquire at                (610) 447-1000 to confirm the information
(610) 627-1400. You may also contact your               necessary to participate in the hearing.
caseworker, Sarah English at (610) 447-
1000 to confirm the information necessary                                               Mar. 12, 19, 26
to participate in this hearing.                              SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
                                 Mar. 12, 19, 26
                                                                    TOWNSHIP OF
      SERVICE BY PUBLICATION                                     LOWER CHICHESTER
                                                                 DELAWARE COUNTY,
 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS                                      PENNSYLVANIA
          PENNSYLVANIA                                              SUMMARY OF
     ORPHANS’ COURT DIVISION                                    PROPOSED ORDINANCE
         NO. 0118 OF 2019                                  The Lower Chichester Township Board
         NOTICE OF HEARING                              of Commissioners proposes to adopt Ordi­
                                                        nance No. 2021-01, a summary of which
TO:      Joseph Huff a/k/a Joseph Houston               follows, at a telephone meeting on Monday,
                                                        April 5, 2021 commencing at 8:00 P.M. Any­
   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a                        one wishing to be heard with respect to the
Petition for Goal Change to Adoption/Ter­               proposed Ordinance is invited to attend the
mination of Parental Rights has been filed              meeting by telephone and to present their
by Children and Youth Services of Delaware              views. Please call the Township at (610)
County asking the Court to change the per­              485-1472 the day of the meeting for the
manency goal from reunification to adoption             call-in information or consult the Township
and to put an end to all rights you have to             website for information.
your child, Jasirh H. bd. 2/22/08.

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                               Vol. 108 No. 11              3/12/21

       ORDINANCE NO. 2021-01                               SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
   Summary: An Ordinance to organize and              IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS
incorporate a municipal authority pursuant                 OF DELAWARE COUNTY,
to the requirements of the Municipality                        PENNSYLVANIA
Authorities Act, 53 Pa. C.S.A. §5601 et                     CIVIL ACTION—LAW
seq., as amended and supplemented, for the                   NO.: CV-2020-003207
purposes of acquiring, holding, construct­
ing, financing, improving, maintaining               Heather McAlea Keenan
and operating, owning, leasing, either in              vs.
the capacity of lessor or lessee, projects of        Joseph Keenan
the following kind and character, sanitary           TO:      Joseph Keenan, Defendant
sewers, sanitary sewer systems or parts
thereof, sanitary sewerage conveyance and               Take notice that a Complaint in Divorce
treatment works, including works for the             Under Section 3301(d) of the Divorce Code
conveyance, treating and or disposing of in­         has been filed against you, requesting a
dustrial waste, and wastewater conveyanc­            divorce based upon a separation of one (1)
ing and distribution systems, flood control          year if separation was on or after December
projects, storm water planning, manage­              5, 2016 or more than two (2) years if the
ment and implementation, storm water col­            date of separation was prior to December 5,
lection, conveyancing and transportation,            2016 between yourself and the Plaintiff and
both in the Township and the surrounding             that the marriage is irretrievably broken. In
region and such other territory as it may be         addition there has been no prior action for
authorized to serve and to contract with in­         divorce or annulment instituted by either of
dividuals, corporations, municipal corpora­          the parties in this or any other jurisdiction.
tions, authorities, and other governmental
bodies or regulatory agencies both within                      NOTICE TO DEFEND
and without the County of Delaware, and                 You have been sued in Court. If you wish
it shall exercise all of the powers granted          to defend against the claims set forth in
to an Authority organized for such purpose           the following pages, you must take prompt
by the Municipality Authorities Act under            action. You are warned that if you fail to do
which it is organized; authorize the filing          so, the case may proceed without you and
and publication of Articles of Incorporation         a decree of divorce or annulment may be
for the municipal authority; appoint and             entered against you by the Court. A judg­
set the terms of the five members to the             ment may also be entered against you for
Board of the municipal authority; authorize          any other claim or relief requested in these
further implementation acts; and set an              papers by the Plaintiff. You may lose money
effective date for the Ordinance.                    or property or other rights important to you,
   Complete copies of this Ordinance have            including custody or visitation of your child.
been provided to the Delaware County Bar                When the ground for the divorce is
Association Legal Journal, the Delaware              indignities or irretrievable breakdown of
County Daily Times, the Law Library of               the marriage, you may request marriage
Delaware County and are available for                counseling. A list of marriage counselors
inspection without charge or may be ob­              is available in the Office of the Prothono­
tained for a charge not greater than the             tary (Office of Judicial Support), 1st Floor,
cost thereof at the office of the Township           Delaware County Courthouse, Media, PA.
Secretary, Lower Chichester Township
Municipal Building, 1410 Market Street,                IF YOU DO NOT FILE A CLAIM
Linwood, Pennsylvania by all interested              FOR ALIMONY, DIVISION OF MARI­
persons during normal business hours.                TAL PROPERTY, LAWYER’S FEES OR
Solicitor                                            ANNULMENT IS GRANTED, YOU MAY
                                                     LOSE THE RIGHT TO CLAIM ANY OF
                                      Mar. 12        THEM.

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL JOURNAL                                  Vol. 108 No. 11           3/12/21
  YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER                                        Delaware County
TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU                                   Lawyer Referral Service
DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT                               Delaware County Bar Association
AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE                                     335 W. Front Street
THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW TO                                       Media, PA 19063
FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LE­                                       (610) 566-6625
GAL HELP.                                                 
  LAWYERS’ REFERENCE SERVICE                                                                Mar. 12
    Delaware County Bar Association
          335 W. Front Street                                SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
            Media, PA 19063
             (610) 566-6625                             IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS
                                   OF DELAWARE COUNTY,
15 East Second Street                                           NO. 0033 OF 2020
Media, PA 19063
Phone: (610) 566-8010                                            NOTICE OF HEARING
                                    Mar. 12, 19        TO:       Danine Cerasaro-Oropeza and
                                                                 Anthony Oropeza
                                                          NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a
 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS                          Petition for Goal Change to Adoption/Ter­
      OF DELAWARE COUNTY,                              mination of Parental Rights has been filed
          PENNSYLVANIA                                 by Children and Youth Services of Delaware
      DOCKET NO.: 13 OF 2020                           County asking the Court to change the per­
         NOTICE OF HEARING                             manency goal from reunification to adoption
                                                       and to put an end to all rights you have to
TO:      John Doe                                      your child, Anthony O. bd. 9/1/14.
   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a                          The Court has set a hearing to consider
Petition for Termination of Parental Rights            changing the goal and ending your rights to
has been filed on behalf of Petitioner by Ali­         your child. The hearing will be held before
cia Fastman, Esquire, 341 W. State Street,             the Honorable Richard H. Lowe on March
Media, PA 19063, (610) 892-3877, seeking               24, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. You have a right to
the termination of the parental rights of              appear at the hearing either in person or
John Doe parent of Caiden M. Gagliardi                 by videoconference to contest the Petition.
in the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware               The Microsoft Teams call-in information is
County, Pennsylvania.                                  (724) 790-6118 and the conference code is
                                                       978 466 720#. You are warned that even if
   A hearing with respect to said Petition             you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing,
is scheduled for March 19, 2021 via video              the hearing will go on without you and your
before Judge Richard H. Lowe at 11:00                  rights to your child may be ended by the
o’clock a.m.                                           court without you being present. You have
   You have the right to appear at said                a right to be represented at the hearing by
Hearing to contest the Petition for Termina­           a lawyer.
tion, and if you fail to do so, your parental             In addition, you are advised that you
rights may be terminated.                              may have an option for an enforceable
  YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS NOTICE                          voluntary agreement under ACT 101 of
TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU                         2010 for continuing contact following the
DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT                         adoption of your child between the adoptive
AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE                         parents and a birth parent and/or birth
THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW                             relative if all parties agree and the agree­
WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP.                          ment is approved by the Court.

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