MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts

Page created by Tom Alvarez
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
CONTENTS                                                                                                             IT ALL STARTS WITH
How to make a reservation 		 4                                                                                       A DREAM
Points levels guide 		 5
                                                                                                                     Life can be incredibly demanding. We all deserve a break now
User guide                                                          6                                                and again to recharge our batteries, spend quality time with our
Western Cape 		 8                                                                                                    loved ones and enjoy the fruits of our hard work.

East Coast                                                          18                                               If you have always wanted to take more holidays, but without
                                                                                                                     going in circles to plan them, you now have the power to make
KwaZulu-Natal                                                       32                                               those dreams a reality and on your own terms. It all starts with
KwaZulu-Natal South Coast                                           34                                               Dream Vacation Club, your new all-access pass to the holidays
                                                                                                                     you have been dreaming of.
KwaZulu-Natal Durban                                                44
KwaZulu-Natal North Coast                                           46                                               THE CLUB IN A NUTSHELL
KwaZulu-Natal Far North Coast                                       56                                               •   Secure leisurely holidays at a fraction of the cost
Drakensberg                                                         62                                               •   Snap up value for money offerings at sought after resorts
                                                                                                                         (not always available to the general public)
Mpumalanga                                                          70
                                                                                                                     •   Enjoy self-catering options with the flexibility of midweek,
Gauteng                                                             84                                                   weekend, full week or longer stays
Limpopo                                                             88                                               •   Purchase additional points at any time
                                                                                                                     •   Our 8-month delivery promise ensures that you get the
North West                                                          94
                                                                                                                         holiday you want, when you want it
Mozambique                                                          104                                              •   Instant access to international travel options
Zimbabwe                                                            110                                              •   Our in-house finance allows flexible monthly payment
Provincial club seasons table                                       113                                              •   Borrow up to 100% of the following year’s points allocation
Icon guide                                                          115                                                  for an extended holiday, or to book a higher category
                                                                                                                     •   Accumulate your points for up to 3 years
                                                                                                                     •   Bequeath your points to your loved ones
                                                                                                                     •   Benefit from the Dream Hotels & Resorts Rewards

                                                                                                                     OUR RESORTS
                                                                                                                     Over the years, Dream Vacation Club has secured a wide
                                                                                                                     selection of holiday accommodation and incorporated Dream
                                                                                                                     Vacation Club points which have been allocated according to
                                                                                                                     unit size, facilities, location, season and demand. Most of our
                                                                                                                     resorts are situated in popular holiday areas of South Africa and
                                                                                                                     have been chosen for their peaceful surroundings, their close
                                                                                                                     proximity to wilderness and wildlife, as well as for their special
                                                                                                                     interest elements.
Dream Vacation Club | 310 Main Road, Bryanston 2021, South Africa
PO Box 786027, Sandton 2146, South Africa | T: +27 (0)11 267 8399
F: +27 (0)11 706 1044 |

 4       DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                             5   DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                           5
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
HOW TO MAKE                                                   INTERNATIONAL BOOKINGS
                                                                                                         If you love to travel internationally, Dream Vacation
                                                                                                                                                                      POINTS LEVELS
                                           A RESERVATION                                                 Club will also give you the power to make your
                                                                                                         international holiday dreams a reality.
                                                                                                                                                                      Our guidelines below will provide some direction in terms
                                                                                                                                                                      of the type of holiday you can expect to book based on
                                                                                                                                                                      the number of points that you acquire. Bear in mind that
                                                                                                         We offer some of the world’s most sought after               you are at liberty to purchase additional points at any
                                           1.   Establish how many points you own. Remember,
                                                                                                         resorts through our various exchange partners such           time should your holiday requirements change.
                                                you can save up to three years’ and borrow from
                                                                                                         as RCI, Interval International and Diamond Resorts.
                                                next year’s points. By using this Companion, select                                                                   START-UP LIFESTYLE
                                                                                                         International exchange accommodation can be
                                                the holiday of your choice by choosing the time of                                                                    POINTS ALLOCATION: 1000
                                                                                                         booked from as little as 4100 points depending on
                                                the year, the destination and the size of the unit
                                                                                                         the unit size required. When you are ready to book,          At this level you would be entitled to:
                                                you require. Remember that the choice must be                                                                         • Limited midweek breaks during off-peak seasons
                                                                                                         one of our international sales executives will assist you
                                                equal to, or less than, the points you have available
                                                to use – unless, of course, you wish to buy more         by adding the finishing touches.                             WEEKENDER
                                                                                                                                                                      POINTS ALLOCATION: 2000
                                                points to go on a specific holiday of your dreams
                                           2.   Check that your subscription and loan accounts are       HOW TO CANCEL YOUR                                           At this level you would be entitled to:
                                                                                                                                                                      • One long weekend per annum or multiple midweek
                                                up to date.
                                                                                                         RESERVATION                                                     breaks; or choose a full week during off-peak seasons
                                           3.   Decide on the destination of your holiday well in                                                                     WEEKENDER PREMIUM
                                                                                                         1.   Dream Vacation Club has a cancellation structure        POINTS ALLOCATION: 4000
                                                advance. Be flexible and give at least three resort
                                                                                                              in place in order to effectively manage all the
                                                options and dates. Remember, the earlier you                                                                          At this level you would be entitled to:
                                                                                                              accommodation owned and to ensure that no
                                                make your request the better your chances are                                                                         • Multiple weekend breaks per annum
                                                                                                              accommodation goes unoccupied.
                                                of getting the resort you want. All requests are                                                                      FAMILY
                                                subject to availability on a first come, first served    2.   All cancellations must be submitted in writing to       POINTS ALLOCATION: 7500
                                                basis. Should there not be an immediate match,                our Holiday Concierge Department.                       At this level you would be entitled to:
                                                your request will be placed on the automatic             3.   LOCAL BOOKINGS: Cancellation will be accepted           • A week’s holiday during selected school holidays
                                                computerised waiting list. All reservation requests           4 weeks prior to occupation without a loss of points,      including some weeks over the Christmas and
                                                must be in writing, quoting your name and                     otherwise, only if and when, booked by another
                                                                                                                                                                         New Year period
                                                membership number. Please remember your                                                                               • Multiple weekend or midweek breaks
                                                Club’s delivery promise only applies if you have                                                                      • Access at least one international holiday through our
                                                made a request eight months prior and excludes           4.   BOOKINGS ABROAD: In respect of all confirmed               exchange partners
                                                international requests.                                       bookings outside of South Africa, a cancellation fee    FAMILY PREMIUM
                                                                                                              equal to the cost incurred by the Club to procure       POINTS ALLOCATION: 10000
                                           4.   Your Dream Vacation Club points give the flexibility          the reservation will be levied to you, the member
                                                to book a full week, a midweek (Monday, Tuesday,                                                                      At this level you would be entitled to:
                                                                                                              irrespective of when the cancellation was made. On      • Multiple school holiday weeks throughout peak seasons
                                                Wednesday and Thursday) or a weekend (Friday,                 receipt of the cancellation fee, the relevant points    • Multiple weekend or midweek breaks
                                                Saturday and Sunday). As a general rule, the points           will be reinstated.                                     • Access at least one or two international holidays through
                                                required for a midweek equate to 40% of the points                                                                        our exchange partners
                                                allocated for a full week. The points required for a
                                                weekend equate to 60% of the points allocated.
                                                                                                                                                                      POINTS ALLOCATION: 15000
                                                Peak weeks can be split, with the exception of
                                                weeks 50, 51, 52, 1 and the Easter week. Please note                                                                  At this level you would be entitled to:
                                                                                                                                                                      • Multiple school holiday weeks and weekend breaks
                                                that certain resorts do not facilitate a split week.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Preferential booking access with a dedicated booking
                                           5.   Our Holiday Concierge Department will attend to                                                                           agent
                                                your accommodation request and confirm your                                                                           • Access multiple international holidays through our
                                                booking in writing. Please check that all details                                                                         exchange partners and hotel accommodation worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                      • For every three out of season midweeks (Monday to
                                                are correct and ensure that you arrive at your
                                                                                                                                                                          Friday) booked in a calendar year, you would be able to
                                                destination with your confirmation, as the resort
                                                                                                                                                                          book another midweek for free provided that you book
                                                will require this on arrival and may refuse your entry                                                                    the midweek within the same calendar year.
                                                without it.
                                                                                                                                                                      Please note that the points mentioned above serve as a guideline
                                                                                                                                                                      to assist with decision-making together with a sales executive.
                                                                                                                                                                      They provide an indication of the holidays, which can potentially
                                                                                                                                                                      be booked to satisfy your specific vacation needs.

6   DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                  7
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
                                                                             P4:   Highest demand weeks over spring school holidays.

                                                                                                                                                 SAVE           UP      TO       20%
                                                                             P5:   Are the shoulder weeks of the summer school
                                                                           		      holidays – the two weeks preceding and succeeding

                                                                                   the December school holidays.
                                                                                   The first 16 weeks of the year from January to April.
Underneath each resort, you will find the points table
which indicates the points required to stay there (please
note that point allocations are subject to change at the
                                                                           The remaining columns relate to high, mid and low season
                                                                           weeks where applicable:                                               on food and beverages! Holiday for less with

                                                                                                                                                 DREAM REWARDS
discretion of Dream Vacation Club). The first column                         High Season: These usually include the shoulder weeks
indicates the room type and the number of people that                        to the school holidays and annual special events. The
can be accommodated. See below for a brief explanation                       relevant weeks are indicated on the provincial club
of what the abbreviations mean:                                              seasons table. These weeks will be set out each year
                                                                             by the trustees. All long weekends not included in peak
OCCUPANCY           UNIT TYPE            UNIT SIZE                           season will be treated as high season weeks.
HU 2/2              Hotel Unit           2 people only                       Mid Season: These normally include the weeks where
                                                                             demand is high, but excludes the peak and high season
HU 2/4              Hotel Unit           2 adults and 2 kids U/12
EFF 2/2             Efficiency Unit      2 people only                       Low Season: These normally include low-demand
EFF 2/4             Efficiency Unit      2 adults and 2 kids U/12            weeks. The relevant weeks are indicated on the
                                                                             provincial club seasons table.
1 BR 2/4            1 Bedroom            2 adults and 2 kids U/12

1 BR 2/6            1 Bedroom            2 adults and 4 kids U/12          All seasons and the weeks within the relevant seasons appear on
                                                                           the provincial club seasons table on page 113 of this Companion.
2 BR 4/4            2 Bedroom            4 people including kids           Please note that the club season table is set up in accordance with
2 BR 4/6            2 Bedroom            4 adults and 2 kids U/12          the public school holiday periods and is subject to change as all
                                                                           school holidays may not be available at the time of printing this
2 BR 4/8            2 Bedroom            4 adults and 4 kids U/12          Companion.

3 BR 6/6            3 Bedroom            6 people including kids

3 BR 6/8            3 Bedroom            6 adults and 2 kids U/12          RESORT RATING
4 BR 8/8            4 Bedroom            8 people including kids
                                                                           We have personally star-graded our options to help you
4 BR 8/10           4 Bedroom            8 adults and 2 kids U/12
                                                                           decide on the holiday most suitable for you. Bear in mind
5 BR 10/10          5 Bedroom            10 people including kids          that our foremost resorts naturally require more points
                                                                           than comparable accommodation with fewer stars, for the
5 BR 10/12          5 Bedroom            10 adults and 2 kids U/12
                                                                           same time of the year.
6 BR 12/12          6 Bedroom            12 people including kids

Please note that even though there are exceptions to the rule,
all resorts are strictly required to adhere to maximum occupancy
levels. If clarification is required, please feel free to contact member

The following columns indicate the different seasons and
the points charged for bookings within these seasons
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth columns indicate P1+, P1,
P2, P3 and P4, P5 and P6 respectively.”
Peak school holiday times are defined as follows:
  P1+:    Christmas and New Year weeks.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Swipe and save on meals,
  P1 :    High demand weeks over summer school holidays.                                                                                                         ember
                                                                                                                                                      Executive M
  P2 :    Highest demand weeks over autumn school

          holidays and Easter.
          Highest demand weeks over winter school holidays.
                                                                                                                                                                Platinum M
                                                                                                                                                                                       activities and more!
                                                                                                                                                                                   Find out more at
                                                                                                                                                                                  Terms & Conditions apply. Only valid at Dream Hotels & Resorts properties.
8        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                  9
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
     LIVE THE DREAM                                                                                         CITRUSDAL
                                                                   ST HELENA
     Unique and varied with a surprise around every                    BAY                 PIEKENIERSKLOOF
                                                                                           MOUNTAIN RESORT
     corner, the Western Cape is everything you are
     looking for, whether it’s a honeymoon haven, family           VELDDRIF

     getaway or an active adventure.

     The cosmopolitan city of Cape Town is a bit of
                                                                                                              PIKETBERG                        WESTERN CAPE
                                                                         CLUB MYKONOS
     Europe rolled into Africa with its quirky city streets               LANGEBAAN
     lined with boutiques, art galleries, restaurants and
     coffee shops set against the backdrop of Table                                                        MOORREESBURG

     Mountain. Try the V&A Waterfront to get a better               WEST COAST
                                                                   NATIONAL PARK

     view, or if you are more of a sand-between-your-                                                 N2

     toes sort of person, head to the white beaches of                                                                                 CERES

     Clifton and Camps Bay.
     Meander south along the peninsula to discover
     bouldered beaches and more than a few penguins,
     or make your way to the Cape Winelands and                  ATLANTIC                                                                       WORCESTER

     beyond to sample world-renowned vintages, fruit              OCEAN                                                   PAARL                             AVALON
     orchards and vast Karoo landscapes.                                                                                                                                 MONTAGU

                                                                          RIVIERA SUITES                                          FRANSCHHOEK
     The West Coast offers a veritable treasure trove of                                                      STELLENBOSCH        LE FRANSCHHOEK
                                                                          THE PENINSULA                                           HOTEL & SPA
     unforgettable experiences such as its renowned                      ALL-SUITE HOTEL
                                                                                           TOWN                                                                         STONEHILL
     seasonal wildflowers, rooibos, rock art and majestic                                                             HOLLAND
                                                                                                                                                                      RIVER LODGE
                                                                                                                   NATURE RESERVE                                        SWELLENDAM
     mountain views.
                                                                                                  THE STRAND
                                                                                                     PAVILION                                        N2

                                                                                      CAPE OF GOOD
                                                                                       HOPE NATURE
                                                                                                     FALSE BAY

                                                                                                                             BEACH CLUB


                                                                                                                          INDIAN OCEAN

10       DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                               11
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
WESTERN CAPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WESTERN CAPE

          Experience the heart and                                                                                                                        Discover luxury in the
          soul of Cape Town in style                                                                                                                      Cape Winelands

*Luxury Suite **Super Luxury Suite | All units with roof decks require an additional 1000 points                                                  NOTICE: The Dream Vacation Club’s 8-month delivery promise does not apply to Le Franschhoek Hotel & Spa

                                                                                                           UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                                                  UNIT FACILITIES
THE PENINSULA ALL-SUITE HOTEL                                                                                                                     LE FRANSCHHOEK HOTEL & SPA
SEA POINT | CAPE TOWN                                                                                                                             FRANSCHHOEK | WESTERN CAPE

This hotel provides comfortable accommodation in modern suites, all rooms are                                                                     Visit the French-inspired wineland town of Franschhoek, set against vineyard-
ocean facing, stylishly fitted and offer self-catering kitchen facilities. While the                                                              covered hills and the Wemmershoek Mountains, just a short drive away from Cape
                                                                                                           ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES                                                                                                                        ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
warm South African hospitality and exceptional service are second to none, it’s the                                                               Town. As you explore the surrounding area, you will soon realise why this elegant
magnificent views of Lion’s Head and the Atlantic Ocean that will truly inspire. Enjoy                                                            town deserves its status as South Africa’s gourmet capital. Where better to kick-
a tranquil alfresco setting at Sunset Restaurant, Faces Bar or Strolla Restaurant – the                                                           start your foodie adventure than the hotel that bears the town’s name and French
perfect spot for a refreshing sundowner after a busy day out exploring Cape Town.                                                                 heritage with pride, Le Franschhoek? Enjoy the perfect getaway, close enough
The Peninsula All-Suite Hotel’s close location to the CTICC and City Bowl also makes                                                              to town to indulge in day-to-day village life, but far enough for a tranquil retreat.
it an ideal option for business travellers meeting clients in the city. For families, the                                                         Le Franschhoek’s distinctive Swiss-inspired architecture, manicured gardens and
white beaches of Clifton and Camps Bay are within close proximity, along with Cape                                                                refined interiors are incredibly easy on the eye. Choose from standard and deluxe
Town’s top attractions, including the V&A Waterfront and Table Mountain Aerial                                                                    rooms, suites and self-catering villas, each thoughtfully decorated in calming neutral
Cableway. Book your tours and travel experiences with absolute ease with our on-                                                                  tones. Spend the rest of the day reclining by the pool or visit the on-site Camelot
site concierge and enjoy the convenience of our free shuttle service within 8km from                       CLOSE BY                               Spa and enjoy treatments in the outdoor massage garden. This hotel has no fewer
the hotel, or simply stroll down to the picturesque promenade and join the locals                          V&A Waterfront | Two Oceans            than three restaurants on-site if you fancy staying in for the night.                                     CLOSE BY
walking, cycling and jogging on the shores of the Atlantic.                                                Aquarium | Table Mountain |                                                                                                                      Franschhoek Village Heritage Walk |
                                                                                                                                                  RESORT INFORMATION: 16 Minor Road, Franschhoek T: +27 (0)21 876 8900
RESORT INFORMATION: 313 Beach Road, Sea Point | T: +27 (0)21 430 7777                                      Kirstenbosch National Botanical                                                                                                                  Huguenot Memorial Museum | Van
                                                                                                           Gardens | Cape Point | Robben Island   CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 14:00/10:00                                                                          de Caab – Solms Delta Wine Estate |
CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 14:00/10:00                                                                           | Cape Wine Routes                                                                                                                               Babylonstoren Garden Tour

OCCUPANCY             P1+             P1              P2              P3              P4           P5        P6         HIGH        MID           HOTEL                             P1                     HIGH                SELF-CATERING VILLAS               P1                     HIGH
EFF 2/4               6800            6300            4700            3500            3500         4700      3700       3100        2300          HU 2/2 − Standard                 10500                  8500                1BR 2/2                            8300                   5900
1BR 2/4               7800            7400            5300            4200            4200         5300      4900       3700        3000          HU 2/4 Family Valley              11400                  8850                2BR 4/4                            12500                  7800
2BR 4/6*              13200           12500           9100            5400            5400         9100      6400       4500        3600          PLEASE NOTE: Points include breakfast. Points are subject to change without notice due to rate increases implemented by the hotel
2BR 4/6**             14500           13500           11000           7100            7100         11000     7900       4700        3700          LE FRANSCHHOEK OPERATES ACCORDING TO ITS OWN SEASONAL TIME TABLE. P1: 1 October – 31 March; High: 1 April – 30 September.

12         DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                                                      13
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
WESTERN CAPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WESTERN CAPE

          Quality family time along                                                                                                                        Adventure awaits in the
          the Breede River                                                                                                                                 Cederberg Mountains

The 2BR 4/6 have their own private jacuzzis on the balcony. Both 2 BR 4/6 and 2BR 6/6 units have jacuzzis.                                         PLEASE NOTE: For reservations in hotel units at Piekenierskloof Mountain Resort points allocation and availability upon request.

                                                                                                             UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                                                      UNIT FACILITIES
STONEHILL RIVER LODGE                                                                                                                              PIEKENIERSKLOOF MOUNTAIN RESORT
SWELLENDAM | WESTERN CAPE                                                                                                                          CITRUSDAL | WESTERN CAPE

Located right on the banks of the Breede River, surrounded by milkwood trees and                                                                   A gentle meander along the winding curves of Piekenierskloof Pass will bring you
giant aloes, this idyllic setting is the perfect pit-stop for families and groups of friends                                                       to the welcoming sight of Piekenierskloof Mountain Resort. Perched at the top
                                                                                                             ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES                                                                                                                            ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
seeking self-catering accommodation. With magnificent mountain views, waking up                                                                    of the pass, overlooking the charming town of Citrusdal, Piekenierskloof delivers
in the morning has never been easier. Think open-plan kitchens, seating areas with                                                                 uninterrupted views of the spectacular Cederberg. Piekenierskloof Mountain
floor-to-ceiling windows and inviting indoor fireplaces – a cosy place to cook, enjoy                                                              Resort is modern, yet cosy, with top-notch conferencing facilities and a choice of
a glass of wine and play a game of Uno. Witness stunning sunsets from the comfort                                                                  private suites and self-catering chalets (sleeping up to 6 guests) overlooking lush
of your private verandah, braai (BBQ) crackling in the background and a frothing                                                                   rolling lawns and a sparkling outdoor pool. The service is second to none – you
private jacuzzi ready to melt away your stress. While staying at Stonehill, be sure to                                                             can expect genuine country hospitality, good food, tons of activities and free Wi-Fi
explore the charming, historic town centre, with its museums, galleries, restaurants                                                               to complete your stay. Ease gently into the stunning mountain views with outdoor
and friendly-faced locals. Swellendam holds the distinction of being one of South                                                                  terrace dining as younger guests head to the playground area complete with a
Africa’s oldest towns and is an easy base from which to explore the surrounding                                                                    jungle gym, trampolines and an outdoor chess set. For the grown-ups, this resort
Overberg area. Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy the array of activities on offer, from                                                               offers a well-stocked bar, relaxing lounge area, indoor heated pool and a private
hiking and biking trails, to picnics in Bontebok National Park and river rafting.                            CLOSE BY                              spa. Kick back and enjoy the resort facilities or tap into your inner adventurer –
                                                                                                             Swellendam | Bontebok National        there’s hiking, mountain biking, archery and ziplining.
                                                                                                             Park | Witsand | De Hoop Nature
Portion 12 of Bakkelysdrift, Farm No. 267 | T: +27 (0)28 007 0076                                                                                  RESORT INFORMATION:
                                                                                                             Reserve | Malgas Pontoon Ferry |                                                                                                                     CLOSE BY
                                                                                                                                                   N7, Piekenierskloof Pass | T: +27 (0)22 921 3574
CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 15:00/10:00                                                                             Sulina Faerie Sanctuary | Hermitage                                                                                                                  Maltese Cross | Rooibos Farm Tours
                                                                                                             Liqueur Farm                          CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 15:00/10:00                                                                               | Rock Paintings | Wild Flowers

OCCUPANCY                      P1+              P1               P2               P3               P4          P5           HIGH       MID
2BR 6/6 Loft & Jacuzzi         7900             7200             6700             6200             6200        6400         3500        3200
2BR 4/6 Jacuzzi                7900             7200             6700             6200             6200        6400         3500        3200       OCCUPANCY               P1+              P1                P2               P3                P4               P5                  HIGH       MID
4BR 8/8                        8900             8200             7500             7100             7100        7300         4000        3800       2BR 6/6 Loft            6700             6300              4700             4100              4100             3900                2700       2300

14        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
WESTERN CAPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WESTERN CAPE

                                                                                            UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                        UNIT FACILITIES
THE STRAND PAVILION                                                                                                         LANGEZANDT FISHERMEN’S VILLAGE
STRAND | WESTERN CAPE                                                                                                       STRUISBAAI | WESTERN CAPE
The Strand Pavilion stretches almost 25 metres out over the ocean with swimming                                             A charming all year round destination, famed for its traditional fishermen’s
and fishing beaches on either side of your location. The luxury apartments have full        ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES       architecture, endless pristine beach, whales, breathtaking sunsets, a variety of       ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
or partial ocean views, with floor-to-ceiling windows, taking full advantage of the                                         indigenous flowers and adventure activities for the whole family. Quaint cottages
surrounding views. The pool deck facility hosts a plunge pool, games room, mini
gym and communal braai facility for the units without balconies.                                                            with fire hearths are available to suit your needs, whether it’s a breakaway weekend
                                                                                                                            for two or even an extended family get together.
RESORT INFORMATION: Beach Road, The Strand | T: +27 (0)21 853 2725
                                                                                                                            RESORT INFORMATION: Corner Chlamy and Murex Streets, Struisbaai
CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 16:00/11:00
                                                                                                                            T: +27 (0)28 435 7547
OCCUPANCY           P1+              P1           P2            P3            P4            P5            HIGH      MID
                                                                                                                            CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 14:00/10:00
EFF 2/4             5300             4800         4300          2800          2800          3800          3000      2200
1BR 2/4             6600             6100         5400          3800          3800          4900          3400      2700    OCCUPANCY                P1+          P1            P2           P3           P4        P5         HIGH        MID
2BR 4/6             9100             8400         6900          5900          5900          6600          3900      3300    2BR 6/6 Jacuzzi          8600         8000          6700         5400         5400      5800       2900        2700
3BR 6/8             12500            11300        8600          7500          7500          8300          4200      3900    3BR 6/6 Jacuzzi          9100         8500          7200         5900         5900      6300       3400        3200

                                                                                            UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                        UNIT FACILITIES
RIVIERA SUITES                                                                                                              HERMANUS BEACH CLUB
SEA POINT | CAPE TOWN                                                                                                       HERMANUS | WESTERN CAPE
Situated on Sea Point’s Millionaire’s Mile, surrounded by the best that Cape Town has                                       Nature lovers are in for a treat at Hermanus Beach Club, where they can study the
to offer. Nearby sites include the V&A Waterfront, Table Mountain, the winelands,           ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES       Overberg’s unique fynbos along well maintained trails with spectacular views. Whale    ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
Castle of Good Hope, art galleries, museums, malls and top-class restaurants. With                                          watching (don’t forget your binoculars) is a must, with the peak season taking place
uninterrupted sea views in front and marvellous mountain vistas behind, these luxury                                        from September to October. There are also excellent shopping opportunities, with
self-catering and serviced apartments are perfect for a fantastic Cape Town holiday.                                        a variety of malls, open-air markets and many fine restaurants.

RESORT INFORMATION: 273 Beach Road, Sea Point | T: +27 (0)21 434 1040                                                       RESORT INFORMATION: Church Street, Hermanus
CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 16:00/10:00                                                                                            T: +27 (0)28 313 0284

OCCUPANCY          P1+          P1           P2          P3            P4            P5            P6        HIGH    MID    CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 16:00/10:00
EFF 2/2            3900         3400         3100        2400          2400          2800          2600      1400    1000
EFF 2/4            4300         3900         3400        2600          2600          3200          2800      1500    1100
1BR 2/4            5100         4800         4300        3300          3300          4000          3500      1700    1400   OCCUPANCY                 P1+          P1           P2           P3           P4        P5         HIGH        MID
2BR 4/6            7300         6900         6000        4700          4700          5500          5400      1900    1600   2BR 4/6                   7500         7100         5600         4100         4100      4200       2900        2400
3BR 6/8            10500        9600         8400        6800          6800          7600          7000      2600    1900   3BR 6/6                   8900         8100         7300         5100         5100      5900       3400        2800

16        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                         17
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
WESTERN CAPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WESTERN CAPE

          Soak up Montagu from                                                                                                              Be transported to the
          your pool lounger                                                                                                                 Mediterranean

AVALON SPRINGS                                                                             UNIT FACILITIES                        CLUB MYKONOS RESORT                                                                      UNIT FACILITIES
MONTAGU | WESTERN CAPE                                                                                                            LANGEBAAN | WESTERN CAPE
APARTMENTS             CHALETS                  RESORT FACILITIES                                                                 APARTMENTS             RESORT FACILITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
Just 2hrs drive away from Cape Town, guests will find themselves frolicking in this                                               From the moment you enter the main gate, you will realise that Club Mykonos is truly
watery arena of steamy pools, while enjoying all the benefits a resort-style holiday has   ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES              something special. A warm welcome from the staff awaits you, with the Club Mykonos
to offer. The service is top notch, the atmosphere effortless and the accommodation                                               team always eager to show guests how to do things the West Coast way. Situated
plentiful, ranging from chalets to self-catering studio apartments. While soaking up                                              about 100km from Cape Town, on the shore of the scenic Langebaan Lagoon, you
the mineral-rich waters is a remedy for the body at this resort near Montagu, the                                                 will also experience a taste of Greece. For instance, you will stay in a kaliva, which
surrounding views are just the right remedy for the soul, stretching out far beyond the                                           can be found right on the water’s edge. With a selection of nine restaurants on-site,
glorious vistas of orchards and craggy mountains. The on-site Cogman’s Restaurant                                                 you can take in the breathtaking views of the West Coast while sipping on a crisp
and Avacabana Bar ensure that you will never go hungry (or thirsty) during your stay,                                             glass of wine and savouring the mouth-watering menus on offer. After a terrific night
with other facilities including a children’s play area, a cafe, lounge and private spa.    CLOSE BY                               out, you could spend the next day on a yacht from the private harbour, or you can
Avalon Springs offers more great activities such as hiking along the nearby trails,        Historical Buildings: Joubert House,   enjoy the various activities on offer including a gym, heated indoor swimming pool,
teeing off on the minigolf greens and swinging a few rounds on the tennis court.           Old Mission Church, KWV Art Gallery    Harley Davidson trips, quad bikes, paintball adventures, astro turf, squash courts,
                                                                                           | Montagu Arts and Crafts Route |      tennis courts, La Vita spa, minigolf, casino and loads more!
RESORT INFORMATION: Uitvlucht Street, Montagu | T: +27 (0)23 614 1150
                                                                                           Montagu Mountain Local Nature          RESORT INFORMATION: Lynch Point, Langebaan | T: +27 (0)22 707 7000
CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 15:00/10:00                                                                                                                                                                                           CLOSE BY
                                                                                                                                  CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 16:00/10:00                                                         West Coast National Park | Saldanha
OCCUPANCY                  P1+           P1             P2          P3            P4         P5          HIGH         MID                                                                                                  Bay | Wild Flowers (August/
APARTMENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                 September) | West Coast Fossil Park
1BR 2/4                    4100          3800           3300        3000          3000       3100        2700         2600
2BR 2/4                    4900          4500           4000        3200          3200       3700        2800         2600        OCCUPANCY                  P1+             P1         P2           P3            P4        P5          HIGH        MID
3BR 2/6                    6700          6400           5700        4900          4900       5100        2900         2700        1BR 2/4                    4200            3900       3400         3100          3100      3200        2900        2600
CHALETS                                                                                                                           2BR 4/6                    6900            6500       5500         4200          4200      4500        3400        2800
2BR 4/6                    7500          7200           6500        5700          5700       5900        3400         2900        3BR 6/8                    7900            7400       6600         5100          5100      6000        3800        3300

18        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                   19
MEMBER COMPANION - Dream Hotels & Resorts
     South Africa’s East Coast, is a region of diversity
     that will, without a doubt, satisfy any type of
     holiday appetite. Surroundings vary from the arid       GARDEN ROUTE                                                      EASTERN CAPE
                                                               W ES T ERN            CAP E
     Great Karoo to the lush Tsitsikamma forest and
     the untamed Baviaanskloof wilderness area. If it’s
     waves you are after, make sure not to miss Jeffreys       PRINCE
                                                                                                                                                                 NATIONAL PARK
     Bay, aptly known as the ‘home of the perfect wave’.
                                                                                                                                       GROENDAL                                 ADDO
                                                                                                                                    WILDERNESS AREA                           ELEPHANT
     If game viewing is your idea of a holiday, then                                           N9                                                                           NATIONAL PARK
     the Addo Elephant National Park, Shamwari                                                                                                                  UITENHAGE         N2

     Game Reser ve and Zuurberg National                                                                             TSITSIKAMMA
                                                                                        WILDERNESS                  NATIONAL PARK
     Park are the places to be. If you really want to                                   DUNES
     experience the essence of the Garden Route, use                              WILDERNESS                                                                                 PORT ELIZABETH
                                                                                                        PLETTENBERG BAY
     Plettenberg Bay as your home base. This resort                                                                                                       JEFFREYS BAY BROOKES HILL
                                                                         HARTENBOS             KNYSNA                                                     SUNSHINE BAY SUITES
     town stretches to the east of Knysna’s forested hills              MOSSEL BAY                            • BEACON                   ST FRANCIS BAY
                                                                                                                                                          BEACH CLUB
                                                                                         • OAKLANDS ON          ISLAND RESORT                  PORT
     and calming lagoon and is one of the country’s            • HARTENBOS                 THE KNOLL          • CASTLETON
                                                                                                                                          ST FRANCIS
     most popular holiday destinations. West of Knysna,          LAGOON RESORT           • BRENTON PARK
                                                               • PERNA PERNA                                  • FORMOSA
     the beautiful holiday towns of Mossel Bay and               MOSSEL BAY                                     BAY VILLAS
                                                                                                              • SEAMOLES
     Wilderness beckon. It’s hardly surprising that the
     towns and cities of the East Coast are some of
     South Africa’s most favoured holiday destinations.

                                                                                               INDIAN OCEAN

20      DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                       21
EAST COAST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     EAST COAST

         Plettenberg Bay – the                                                                                                                  Adjoining the famous
         Monaco of the Garden Route                                                                                                             Millionaires Row

                                                                                              UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                                         UNIT FACILITIES
BEACON ISLAND RESORT                                                                                                                  WILDERNESS DUNES
PLETTENBERG BAY | GARDEN ROUTE                                                                                                        WILDERNESS | GARDEN ROUTE

Built on a rocky promontory overlooking the Indian Ocean, with breathtaking                                                           Just a 25km drive from George, Wilderness Dunes is situated on arguably the                     ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
views of the surrounding forests, beaches and mountains the Beacon Island Resort              ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES               most spectacular part of South Africa’s famed Garden Route, with direct access to
is truly a world famous landmark. The aim at Beacon Island Resort is quite simply                                                     the beach and adjoining the famous Millionaire’s Row. When it comes to holiday
to make all guests feel at home, pampered and truly cared for, with the hope that                                                     pleasures, this resort has it all. The restless sea thunders with all its might onto
each guest’s expectation is surpassed by offering a multitude of entertainment and                                                    rocky outcrops and gently caresses stretches of unspoilt beaches. Vast indigenous
friendly service that ensures each guest is as comfortable as possible. Whether it’s                                                  forests sweep up towards the majestic Outeniqua Mountains. Great lakes mirror
a business trip to Plettenberg Bay or a holiday retreat, our 2 and 4 sleeper studios                                                  the sky by day and stars by night. Set in a ‘green’ development area, indigenous
provide beachfront accommodation that caters perfectly to your needs. For those                                                       flora and fauna surround the resort. Relax and enjoy a stroll through this veritable
who prefer the adventure that life has to offer, numerous activities in and around                                                    paradise or thrill in the opportunities for boating, fishing, sailing and windsurfing.
Plettenberg Bay and the Garden Route are easily accessible.                                   CLOSE BY                                This is the best area for running, hiking, riding and canoeing. Work off some energy            CLOSE BY
                                                                                              Dolphin and Whale Watching Boat         on the tennis court or simply laze beside the sparkling swimming pool. Each chalet              Milkwood Village Shopping Centre
RESORT INFORMATION:                                                                           Trips | Tsitsikamma National Park |                                                                                                     | Horse Riding | Whale Watching |
                                                                                                                                      is luxuriously appointed with a spacious living area and a fully-equipped kitchen.
Beacon Isle, Plettenberg Bay | T: +27 (0)44 533 1120                                          Keurbooms River Ferries | Robberg                                                                                                       Wilderness National Park | Cycling
                                                                                              Nature Reserve | Hiking Trails in the   RESORT INFORMATION:                                                                             | Abseiling | Paragliding | Hang
                                                                                              Forests and Kranshoek | Monkelyland     N2 Highway, Wilderness | T: +27 (0)44 877 8600                                                  Gliding | Swartvlei | Kaaimans River
Friday 14:00/10:00
                                                                                              Primate Sanctuary| Plett Winelands      CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                                   Valley (map of Africa view point) |
                                                                                              Trail | Plett Birding Route | Knysna    Friday 16:00/10:00                                                                              Knysna/Plettenberg Bay | Cango
                                                                                              Elephant Park                                                                                                                           Caves | Knysna Featherbed Ferry

                                                                                                                                      OCCUPANCY                 P1+         P1          P2           P3          P4            P5           HIGH        MID        LOW
OCCUPANCY                 P1+        P1          P2          P3         P4             P5           HIGH        MID       LOW         2BR 4/6                   9500        9000        7600         5900        5900          6300         3800        3400       2700
HU 2/2                    5700       5100        3300        2900       2900           3100         2800        2200      1800        3BR 6/6                   10900       10500       8100         6500        6500          7800         3900        3500       2900
HU 2/4                    6900       6500        3700        3100       3100           3600         3000        2600      2100        3BR 6/8                   11900       11500       9100         7500        7500          8600         4100        3800       3100

22       DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                                     23
EAST COAST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            EAST COAST

       A busy summer destination                                                                                                            Leisurely relaxation and
       and an ideal winter retreat                                                                                                          high energy adventure

                                                                                                UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                                UNIT FACILITIES
PERNA PERNA MOSSEL BAY                                                                                                               BRENTON PARK
MOSSEL BAY | GARDEN ROUTE                                                                                                            LAKE BRENTON, KNYSNA | GARDEN ROUTE

Set against an impressive rocky hillside in Mossel Bay, a coastal village and popular           ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES            Overlooking the beautiful Knysna Lagoon, Brenton Park is a mere 5km from Brenton-         ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
holiday town surrounded by a sun-drenched peninsula and the refreshing waters of                                                     On-Sea. Self-contained chalets are situated in the well maintained Brenton Park. The
the Indian Ocean. It is a busy summer destination as well as an ideal winter retreat                                                 estate has a swimming pool, tennis courts and croquet courts. Brenton Park is the
blessed with a mild climate all year round. A sportsman’s paradise, Mossel Bay has a                                                 perfect base to explore the Knysna area which consists of Sedgefield, Brenton-On-
wide variety of sports on offer such as golf, squash, tennis, bungee jumping, bridge                                                 Sea, Noetzie, Rheenendal, Belvidere and Buffalo Bay. Indigenous forests, fynbos,
diving, horse riding, shark cage and shipwreck diving, snorkelling and power boating.                                                lakes, rivers, beautiful coastlines and mountains combined with a moderate
These spacious well-maintained apartments overlook the friendly town of Mossel                                                       climate make the Knysna area a natural Eden. Visitors are spoilt for choice with a
Bay, with its rich heritage and fantastic weather. Bartolomeu Dias was just one of the                                               kaleidoscope of unforgettable experiences to choose from. From leisurely relaxation,
many explorers who visited this region and a museum in his honour is one of the                                                      high energy adventure and sporting activities to shopping, haute cuisine, Knysna
numerous attractions close by. The resort features a swimming pool, braai facilities                                                 oysters or downing the locally brewed beer, Knysna reflects the finer things in life.
and a children’s playground. The beach is just a short drive away.
                                                                                                                                     RESORT INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CLOSE BY
RESORT INFORMATION:                                                                                                                  Capt. Duthie Road, Lake Brenton, Knysna | T: +27 (0)11 267 8300;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Knysna Heads | Knynsa/Plettenberg
4 Upper Cross Street, Mossel Bay | T: +27 (0)44 691 2296
                                                                                                CLOSE BY                             CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                             Bay | Cango Caves | Knysna
CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                                   Seal Island Boat Trip | Casino |     Friday 14:00/10:00                                                                        Featherbed Ferry | Hiking Trails |
Friday 15:00/10:00                                                                              Dolphin and Whale Watching |                                                                                                   Buffalo Bay | Monkeyland and Birds
                                                                                                Cango Caves | Cape St Blaize                                                                                                   of Eden | Knysna Forest | Knysna
                                                                                                Lighthouse                                                                                                                     Elephant Park

OCCUPANCY                 P1+         P1          P2          P3          P4             P5           HIGH        MID         LOW
2BR 4/6                   6300        5800        4400        3700        3700           4200         2900        2600        2200   OCCUPANCY            P1+         P1           P2           P3         P4           P5         HIGH        MID        LOW
3BR 6/6                   7300        6800        5500        4800        4800           5200         3100        2700        2300    3BR 6/6             8200        7900         5600         4100       4100         5300       2600        2300       2000

24        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                        25
EAST COAST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EAST COAST

       Experience the best that                                                                                                                 Aquatic adventures for
       Knysna has to offer                                                                                                                      the whole family

                                                                                               UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                               UNIT FACILITIES
OAKLANDS ON THE KNOLL                                                                                                                 HARTENBOS LAGOON RESORT
KNYSNA | GARDEN ROUTE                                                                                                                 HARTENBOS | GARDEN ROUTE

You can experience the very best of what Knysna has to offer while staying                     ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES              Hartenbos Lagoon Resort is nestled on the bank of the beautiful Hartenbos              ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
at Oaklands on the Knoll. Our delightful secure complex, nestled among                                                                Lagoon. Reconnect with family and friends at this relaxed, family oriented, self-
oak trees and landscaped gardens with views of the Knysna Lagoon, is a mere                                                           catering resort where sun, sand and fun abound. Our uncluttered and fully-
500 metres from Knysna central. The 2 bedroom duplexes are fully-equipped with                                                        equipped apartments come in various sizes and are ideal for a family holiday.
an open-plan lounge and kitchen, outside patio with braai facilities, upstairs master                                                 All apartments have spectacular views of the lagoon and sea from the balconies.
bedroom with private balcony and a second bedroom. All units are fully self-catering.                                                 Kayaks and bicycles are available at the resort for the more energetic and after a
Spend the day discovering one of the many local attractions or soaking up the sun                                                     long day of exploring in the sun, you can head down to the communal braai area
and sea at nearby Buffels Bay, Brenton-On-Sea or Plettenberg Bay. There is also a              CLOSE BY                               where there is a playground for the kids. The charming harbour town of Mossel
plunge pool and clubhouse at the complex.                                                      Knysna Heads | Knysna Town (The        Bay is only 7km away and boasts sandy beaches, whale watching, diving, shark
                                                                                               Waterfront, Lagoon, Shopping           cage diving, surfing, extreme adventures, hiking trails, game and nature reserves,
                                                                                               Malls, Markets, Restaurants | Golf     restaurants, pubs and an endless list of entertainment that will keep the whole
4972 Lellieskloof, Knysna | T: +27 (0)11 267 8300
                                                                                               | Tsitsikamma Forest | Storms          family occupied for days on end. This resort is also the ideal base to explore and     CLOSE BY
CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                                  River Mouth | Forest Hiking Trails |   discover the Garden Route and Little Karoo.                                            Dolphin and Whale Watching | Deep
Friday 14:00/10:00                                                                             Mountain Biking | Plettenberg Bay                                                                                             Sea Fishing | Seal Island Cruises |
                                                                                                                                      RESORT INFORMATION:
                                                                                               | Buffalo Bay | Brenton-On-Sea |                                                                                              Shark Cage Diving | Cango Caves
                                                                                                                                      Port Natal Road, Hartenbos | T: +27 (0)44 695 4414
                                                                                               Sedgefield | Knysna Elephant Park                                                                                             | Garden Route Casino | Cape St.
                                                                                               | Cheetah Sanctuary | Bloukrans        CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                          Blaize Lighthouse | Pinnacle Point
                                                                                               Bridge Bungee Jump                     Friday 14:00/10:00                                                                     Golf Club

                                                                                                                                      OCCUPANCY            P1+       P1          P2          P3           P4          P5        HIGH        MID         LOW
                                                                                                                                      2BR 4/6              6500      6000        4600        3900         3900        4200      2800        2500        2100
 OCCUPANCY                P1+         P1            P2       P3          P4             P5           HIGH        MID         LOW      3BR 4/6              7100      6600        5300        4400         4400        5000      2900        2600        2200
 2BR 4/4                  7800        7200          6000     4900        4900           5700         3000        2600        1900     3BR 6/6              7400      6900        5600        4700         4700        5300      3200        2900        2400

26         DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                     27
EAST COAST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EAST COAST

       Spot the whales flopping                                                                                                             Where bottlenose
       up their tails                                                                                                                       dolphins play

NOTICE: The Dream Vacation Club’s 8-month delivery promise does not apply to Seamoles

                                                                                           UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                                 UNIT FACILITIES
SEAMOLES                                                                                                                          CASTLETON
PLETTENBERG BAY | GARDEN ROUTE                                                                                                    PLETTENBERG BAY | GARDEN ROUTE

A 4 bedroom private residence situated on Central Beach in Plettenberg Bay with            ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES              Nestled above the Piesang River Valley of Plettenberg Bay on the coastline of the        ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
spectacular views of Robberg, the Beacon Island Resort, the Blind Rocks and the                                                   beautiful Indian Ocean, Castleton is a unique development surrounded by the
Tsitsikamma coastline. With the beach a mere stone’s throw away from the house,                                                   natural beauty of the Garden Route, where bottlenose dolphins play in the bay
you may be lucky enough to spot whales flopping up their tails and popping their                                                  and the Tsitsikamma forest life beckons. Within easy reach of all local attractions,
heads out of the water every so often and the dolphins having a surf from the luxury                                              Castleton offers individually appointed apartments in a garden setting. From here,
of your own private patio. A short stroll down your own private pathway leads onto                                                pristine beaches, rich forests and deep blue lagoons await exploration. Castleton
the beach. You can stand on the shore or nip up to the Plettenberg Bay Ski Boat                                                   consists of 2 or 3 bedroom fully-furnished, self-catering apartments, each with
Club, where you can arrange a marine safari or hire a kayak. Plettenberg Bay is                                                   their own TV and at least 2 bathrooms. Choose your style of gourmet fare – from
the ideal destination for young and old, as well as families and couples. Visitors                                                preparing your own meals in the apartment to tasty treats at a selection of local        CLOSE BY
 return to Plettenberg Bay time and again to unwind or to live it up. It is the perfect,   CLOSE BY                               restaurants.                                                                             Beaches | Dolphin and Whale
all year round destination with amazing summers to moderate winters. Sunshine can          Beaches | Dolphin and Whale                                                                                                     Watching | Tsitsikamma National Park
                                                                                                                                  RESORT INFORMATION:
be found in abundance in this natural treasure.                                            Watching | Tsitsikamma National Park                                                                                            | Keurbooms River Ferries |
                                                                                                                                  Piesang Valley Road, Plettenberg Bay | T: +27 (0)44 533 4290
                                                                                           | Keurbooms River Ferries | Robberg                                                                                             Robberg Nature Reserve |
                                                                                           Nature Reserve | Monkeyland Primate    CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                            Monkeyland Primate Sanctuary and
1 Bull Street, Plettenberg Bay | T: +27 (0)11 267 8300
                                                                                           Sanctuary and Birds of Eden | Plett    Friday 15:00/10:00                                                                       Birds of Eden | Plett Winelands Trail |
CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                              Winelands Trail | Birding Route |                                                                                               Birding Route | Knysna Elephant Park
Friday 15:00/09:00                                                                         Knysna Elephant Park | Barnyard                                                                                                 | Barnyard Theatre | Markets | Horse
                                                                                           Theatre | Markets | Horse Riding                                                                                                Riding

                                                                                                                                  OCCUPANCY            P1+        P1          P2           P3          P4           P5         HIGH        MID          LOW
                                                                                                                                  2BR 4/6              8500       7900        6400         5300        5300         5900       3200        2800         2100
OCCUPANCY            P1+         P1           P2           P3           P4           P5        HIGH       MID         LOW         3BR 6/6              9500       8800        6600         5500        5500         6200       3300        2900         2300
4BR 8/8              N/A         N/A          N/A          7500         7500         N/A       4500       3700        3100        3BR 6/8              10500      9800        6900         5700        5700         6500       3400        3000         2400

28        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                      29
EAST COAST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            EAST COAST

       Wake up to the sights and                                                                                                            The world famous surfing
       sounds of the friendly city                                                                                                          capital of South Africa

                                                                                             UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                                   UNIT FACILITIES
BROOKES HILL SUITES                                                                                                               SUNSHINE BAY BEACH CLUB
PORT ELIZABETH | EASTERN CAPE                                                                                                     JEFFREYS BAY | EASTERN CAPE

                                                                                             ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES                                                                                                         ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
Wake up to panoramic views of Nelson Mandela Bay, enjoy a meander along the                                                       South Africa’s surfing capital, Jeffreys Bay, is home to Sunshine Bay Beach
unspoilt beaches or enjoy a scenic drive in the friendly city of Port Elizabeth. Brookes                                          Club. The neat, self-catering chalets are comfortably furnished and close to
Hill Suites provides guests with a home away from home, offering everything the                                                   the beach, making it the perfect getaway. The bustling town of Jeffreys Bay is
leisure or business traveller could wish for. Adjacent to Port Elizabeth’s most popular                                           bordered on both sides by nature reserves and rivers. International surfers
beach is Brookes Hill Suites Hotel. With uninterrupted sea views and undulating                                                   flock to catch the legendary waves in this paradise of sunshine, aloes,
gardens surrounding a beautiful salt water swimming pool. This is a tranquil and                                                  dolphins, shells, perfect points and classic reefs. Surfers and others who found
elevated location that escapes the sounds of traffic. There are 57 well appointed                                                 it hard to leave such an idyllic spot have turned Jeffreys Bay into an all year round
suites and studios, each accommodating 1 to 6 guests. The hotel offers 24hr security                                              fun place to be, creating a thriving local craft industry. Water sports include surfing,     CLOSE BY
and excellent perimeter security. A delightful cocktail bar and restaurant serves an                                              scuba diving, swimming, snorkelling, boat trips, fishing, sailing, canoeing and body
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               World Famous Surfing Beaches
English breakfast buffet as well as a la carte dining. Wi-Fi is available in all areas of                                         surfing. There are a number of other activities available, which include mountain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | Noorseskloof Nature Reserve |
the hotel.                                                                                                                        biking, beach horse rides, a 9-hole golf course, river cruises, quad biking and hiking
                                                                                             CLOSE BY                                                                                                                          Shamwari Game Reserve | Addo
                                                                                             Boardwalk Casino and Entertainment                                                                                                Elephant National Park | Storms River
RESORT INFORMATION:                                                                          World | Diving | Gym | Ten Pin       RESORT INFORMATION:                                                                          National Park | Bubble Blasters Dive
Brookes Hill Road, Port Elizabeth | T: +27 (0)41 584 0444                                    Bowling | Addo Elephant National     34A Nautilus Street, Jeffreys Bay | T: +27 (0)42 293 2941                                    and Surf School | Jeffreys Bay Sand
CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                                Park | Seaview Predator Park | Old                                                                                                Boarding | Seal Point Lighthouse |
                                                                                                                                  CHECK IN/OUT:
Friday 16:00/10:00                                                                           Drostdy Museum | Cuyler Manor                                                                                                     Shell Museum | Van Stadens Wild
                                                                                                                                  Friday 15:00/09:00
                                                                                             Museum                                                                                                                            Flower Reserve

OCCUPANCY            P1+         P1            P2           P3           P4           P5        HIGH       MID         LOW        OCCUPANCY            P1+         P1           P2            P3           P4           P5         HIGH        MID         LOW
1BR 2/4              5500        5200          4400         3400         3400         4000      2500       1900        1700       2BR 4/6              6900        6500         5100          3900         3900         4900       2400        2200        1900
2BR 4/6              7100        6600          5400         4900         4900         5300      3100       2500        2000       3BR 6/8              7400        6900         5800          4700         4700         5400       3200        2700        2300

30        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                         31


                                                                                         UNIT FACILITIES
Set in tranquil gardens, with its wide range of facilities, Formosa Bay Resort is
definitely one to be noted. The kids are guaranteed to be endlessly entertained          ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
while the adults enjoy a well-deserved rest. Choose from studio, 1 or 2 bedroom
accommodation, stylishly furnished and fully-equipped so that you can just enjoy
your holiday. With your own braai area to create that great family meal and with units
being serviced, you can just kick back and not worry about a thing.
N2 National Road, Plettenberg Bay | T: +27 (0)44 533 2060
CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 15:00/10:00

OCCUPANCY          P1+          P1           P2          P3           P4          P5        HIGH      MID       LOW
1BR 2/4            5100         4700         3700        3100         3100        3600      1900      1600      1400
2BR 4/6            6900         6500         5100        4300         4300        4900      2400      2200      1900

                                                                                                                        WE DO THE PLANNING
                                                                                                                          YOU DO THE FUN
                                                                                                                       At Dream Vacation Club, we are passionate about providing our members with an unparalleled experience at
                                                                                         UNIT FACILITIES               every point along their journey, and that starts with exceptional customer service from day 1. With this in mind,
PORT ST FRANCIS                                                                                                          we have created the Holiday Concierge Program to offer you a stress-free one-stop shop for booking your
                                                                                                                                               holidays and managing your Dream Vacation Club membership.
Port St Francis is an exclusive harbour resort village development in St Francis Bay
along the Eastern Cape coastline. It is South Africa’s only north-facing, privately      ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
owned harbour in the midst of a millionaire’s playground. A small private beach                                                  CALL US TODAY ON 0860 10 23 74 AND YOUR PERSONALLY APPOINTED
and swimming pool add to the beauty of Port St Francis. No visit to Port St Francis                                                    HOLIDAY CONCIERGE EXECUTIVE WILL ASSIST YOU WITH:
would be complete without sampling the succulent calamari dishes (that drive the
lucrative chokka industry) in any of the fine restaurants. In addition the port also
provides anchorage for pleasure craft and ocean-going yachts.
RESORT INFORMATION: Port St Francis | T: +27 (0)42 294 1889
CHECK IN/OUT: Friday 14:00/10:00
OCCUPANCY          P1+          P1           P2          P3           P4          P5        HIGH      MID       LOW         All booking &               General account               Membership                 All customer care
1BR 2/4            5200         4900         4200        3200         3200        3800      1900      1600      1400      reservation needs                queries                optimisation services         services and more!
2BR 4/4            6500         6000         4600        3900         3900        4400      2600      2200      1900

  SOUTH COAST                                             NORTH COAST
  A popular endless summer destination stretching         Like the other KwaZulu-Natal regions, the North
  from Port Edward in the south to Amanzimtoti in         Coast is extremely beautiful in nature, with excellent
  the north, boasting a collection of golden beaches,     game viewing, lots of adventurous activities and
  lagoons, rocky coves, grassy slopes and warm            lovely sparkling beaches. The North Coast is one
  Indian Ocean waters. Often compared to Florida,         of the few places in South Africa where good game
  USA, the South Coast not only oozes laid-back           viewing can be enjoyed in close proximity to the
  beach charm, but is a holidaymaker’s dream with         pleasures of scuba diving and deep-sea fishing.
  something for everyone. Explore the numerous            Here you will be able to witness a variety of game
  nature reserves, hiking trails, snorkelling, diving     ranging from elephant to the tiny suni antelope as
  locations and some excellent golf courses. Don’t        well as an abundance of bird species. Also known
  let the winter months get you down! This sub            as the Dolphin Coast, the North Coast’s many
  tropical paradise offers unique highlights such         attractions include the entertaining and adorable
  as the sardine run which attracts dolphins, other       bottlenose dolphins.
  large fish and thousands of sea birds. It truly is a
  spectacle to behold.                                    FAR NORTH COAST
                                                          The Kingdom of Zululand is steeped in historical
  DURBAN                                                  and archaeological heritage. On the northernmost
                                                          stretch of the yawning KwaZulu-Natal coast lies the
  With its plethora of choices, the coastal city of
                                                          jewel in South Africa’s coastal crown. As one of the
  Durban is dedicated to keeping even the most
                                                          magnificent World Heritage Sites in South Africa,
  demanding tourist endlessly entertained. Being
                                                          the iSimangaliso Wetland Park is praised for the
  a cultural cocktail with influences ranging from
                                                          glorious array of biodiversity streaming from its
  ethnic to colonial, Durban features everything
                                                          variety of ecosystems.
  from traditional warrior dancers to enthralling fire-
  walkers. Its annual calendar is filled with awesome
  events including fascinating township tours to
  spectacular live music shows.

34 34   DREAM
                                      COMPANION                                                             35

                                                                                                                                              Within walking distance
                                                                                                                                              of the finest beaches

                                                                                                                   ILLOVO BEACH



                                                                                VERNON CROOKES
                                                                                 NATURE RESERVE

                                                           R612                                            ALIWAL SHOAL
                                                                                                      BLUE MARLIN HOTEL


                              SOUTH COAST
                                   KWA ZULU- N ATA L


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  UNIT FACILITIES
                                                                          N2                                                        LA CÔTE D’AZUR
                                                                                                                                    MARGATE | SOUTH COAST
                                                                          SOUTHPORT                                                                                                                                               ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
                                   ORIBI GORGE
                                                                                                  INDIAN OCEAN                      You don’t always have to go far to find palm trees and untamed beaches. A mere
                                  NATURE RESERVE
                                                                       UMTENTWENI                                                   1hr south of Durban, glistening on North Beach as if relinquished by the tide, lies
                    N2                                                                                                              the Mediterranean-style La Côte d’Azur. In fact, staying within walking distance of
                                                                    PORT SHEPSTONE
                                                                                                                                    some of the finest beaches of the Indian Ocean, guests don’t have to go far for
                                                                ST. MICHAELS SANDS
                                                                                                                                    anything their hearts desire. This luxury family resort offers just about any form
                                                                ST. MICHAELS ON SEA                                                 of entertainment you can think of. La Côte d’Azur offers a range of superb units,
                                                         LA CÔTE D’AZUR                                                             all elegantly furnished and standing sentinel over the verdant gardens as they
                                                         MANABA BEACH
                                                                                                                                    stretch out all the way to the sea. All units at this magical family resort offers peace,
                                                                                                                                    tranquillity and excitement in one luxuriously presented package serviced and
                                                        • MARGATE SANDS
                                                        • MARGATE BEACH CLUB                                                        fully-equipped offering TVs with selected DSTV channels. Escape to this resort,
                                                                                                                                    which truly offers a taste of the Mediterranean and experience anything from the              CLOSE BY
                                                   SAN LAMEER
                                                   SOUTHBROOM                                                                       tame to the outrageous.                                                                       Margate | Medical Facilities |
              R61                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Supermarket | Restaurants | Scuba
                                             GLENMORE SANDS                                                                         RESORT INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Diving, Snorkelling, Deep-Sea
                                                                                                                                    1 Manaba Beach Road, Manaba Beach | T: +27 (0)39 312 1521                                     Fishing Trips | Horse Riding | Gym/
                                         CARIBBEAN ESTATES
                                         PORT EDWARD                                                                                CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                                 Health | Golf | Wild Coast Sun Casino
                                                                                                                                    Friday 15:00/10:00                                                                            | Crocodile Farm | Butterfly Farm |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Oribi Gorge

                                                                                                                                    OCCUPANCY            P1+         P1            P2           P3           P4            P5         HIGH        MID         LOW
                                                                                                                                    2BR 4/6              8900        8400          7200         6800         6800          7000       3600        2900        2300
                                                                                                                                    3BR 6/8              9500        8700          7500         7100         7100          7200       4300        3400        2900

36 36   DREAM
                                      COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                           37
KWAZULU-NATAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 KWAZULU-NATAL

       Perfectly located for an                                                                                                       With direct access to
       unforgettable holiday                                                                                                          the beach

                                                                                         UNIT FACILITIES                                                                                                                    UNIT FACILITIES
MARGATE SANDS                                                                                                                  CARIBBEAN ESTATES
MARGATE | SOUTH COAST                                                                                                          WILD COAST | SOUTH COAST

                                                                                         ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES                                                                                                          ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
Situated on the popular main beach of Margate, this high-rise development consists                                             Bordered by the Indian Ocean on the east and the Umtamvuna River on the south,
of 63 apartments overlooking the Indian Ocean. The luxurious, fully-equipped,                                                  Caribbean Estates is an established development with magnificent villas where you
spacious apartments are serviced and offer all the amenities needed to ensure                                                  can experience a holiday of a lifetime. Facilities include a beautiful swimming pool
a memorable holiday. All apartments are air-conditioned with 3 bedrooms and 2                                                  complex with 2 additional pools on the estate, tennis courts and a small playground
bathrooms. There is a double bed in the main bedroom, two single beds in the                                                   for children. Bring your own boat or take advantage of the boats, jet skis and other
second and third bedrooms and a sleeper couch in the lounge, accommodating                                                     equipment at Waterworld @ the Pont. Direct access to the unspoilt beach and the
up to 8 guests comfortably. Margate Sands is perfect for those seeking a fun-filled                                            grand Umtamvuna River is via scenic walkways through the beautiful conservation
getaway along the warm South Coast. You can unwind by the pool, enjoy the                                                      area, where a huge variety of birdlife can be seen. The patient observer may even
games room and adventure golf or indulge in a relaxing treatment at the wellness                                               come across small buck species and Samango monkeys. The Wild Coast Sun is five
spa. This award-winning resort is perfectly located and equipped for unforgettable                                             minutes away and offers water sports, horse riding, golf, restaurants and much more.
conferencing or functions, with restaurants, pubs, sports and beach activities right                                           There are additional golf courses within easy reach as well as a variety of restaurants.
on your doorstep.​
                                                                                                                               RESORT INFORMATION:
RESORT INFORMATION:                                                                      CLOSE BY                              R61 Main South Coast Road, Port Edward | T: +27 (0)39 311 2045                               CLOSE BY
William O’Connell Drive, Margate | T: +27 (0)39 312 8100                                 Pure Venom Reptile Park | Riverbend                                                                                                Bird Park | Wild Coast Sun | Crocodile
                                                                                                                               CHECK IN/OUT:
CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                            Croc Farm| Beaver Creek Coffee        Friday 14:00/10:00                                                                           Farm| Nature Reserve | Pottery |
Saturday 15:00/10:00                                                                     Farm | Go Karting | Margate Main                                                                                                   Restaurants | Horse Riding | Medical
                                                                                         Beach | Butterfly Valley                                                                                                           Facilities

OCCUPANCY          P1+          P1          P2           P3          P4           P5        HIGH        MID         LOW         OCCUPANCY           P1+         P1            P2           P3           P4           P5         HIGH        MID         LOW
3BR 6/8            9300         8600        7300         6900        6900         7000      4200        3300        2800        3BR 6/8             8500        7800          6500         6100         6100         6200       3700        3500        2700

38        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                      39
KWAZULU-NATAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               KWAZULU-NATAL

          Endless summers on the                                                                                                                   Enjoy picturesque views
          sunny South Coast                                                                                                                        and walks on the beach

NOTICE: The Dream Vacation Club’s 8-month delivery promise does not apply to the Penthouse                                               NOTICE: The Dream Vacation Club’s 8-month delivery promise does not apply to San Lameer

BLUE MARLIN HOTEL                                                                                   UNIT FACILITIES                      SAN LAMEER                                                                                       UNIT FACILITIES

SCOTTBURGH | SOUTH COAST                                                                                                                 SOUTHBROOM | SOUTH COAST
                                                                                                                                         APARTMENTS                RESORT FACILITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
The Blue Marlin Hotel, just 40 minutes south of Durban, is one of KwaZulu-Natal’s
                                                                                                                                         The San Lameer luxury self-catering units surround an 18-hole championship golf
South Coast’s most iconic hotels. With 110 rooms and exquisite sea views, the hotel
                                                                                                    PENTHOUSE FACILITIES                 course. Picturesque views and quiet walks to the beach are the order of the day,
offers comfortable accommodation and a range of facilities to suit your needs.
                                                                                                                                         while small buck and birdlife entertain you with song and colour. This resort caters
Stunning subtropical gardens, superior service, sparkling pools and the warm Indian
                                                                                                                                         for all walks of life including the wilderness lover, the sports lover, or if you just want
Ocean on your doorstep, make this your ideal family holiday getaway. Meet new
                                                                                                    ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES            to get away from the hustle and bustle of town. Guests can access the beach from
friends in the Ibis Bar, sit down to a memorable meal at the Lighthouse Restaurant
                                                                                                                                         the estate and there is a dedicated life-saving team on-site. An absolute feast of
or kick back and relax with a cocktail at the Big Blu pool bar overlooking the bay.
                                                                                                                                         holiday action is all within easy reach. Activities on offer include golf, the beach,
Dip more than your toes in the Indian Ocean and embark on an incredible diving
                                                                                                                                         swimming, bowls, tennis, squash, boat rides on the lagoon and nature walks. For
expedition to the world-famous Aliwal Shoal, a short boat ride away and easily
                                                                                                                                         those who prefer their action even wilder, Wild Coast Sun is just a dice throw away.
organised by our in-house dive shop. From the beach to the games area with our
popular kids entertainment programme – guests of all ages will love everything the                                                       RESORT INFORMATION:
Blue Marlin has to offer. Tee off in paradise with an array of world-class golf courses                                                  San Lameer Estate, Lower South Coast | T: +27 (0)39 313 0111
within close proximity of the hotel or rejuvenate and revitalise at our in-house spa.                                                                                                                                                     CLOSE BY
                                                                                                                                         CHECK IN/OUT:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Crocodile Farm | Oribi Gorge | Wild
RESORT INFORMATION:                                                                                                                      Friday 14:00/10:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Coast Sun | Margate Art Museum |
180 Scott Street, Scottburgh | T: +27 (0)39 978 3361
                                                                                                    CLOSE BY                                                                                                                              Space Centre | Beaver Creek Coffee
CHECK IN/OUT:                                                                                       Beaver Creek Coffee Estate | Oribi                                                                                                    Farm | Curio shops in Port Edward |
Friday 14:00/10:00                                                                                  Gorge Nature Reserve | Crocworld                                                                                                      Braemar Trails

 OCCUPANCY             P1+           P1             P2             P3            P4          P5        HIGH        MID         LOW
 HU 2/2                4700          4300           3900           3300          3300        3000      2400        2200        2100      OCCUPANCY             P1+           P1             P2            P3             P4        P5        HIGH        MID         LOW
 HU 2/4                5200          4800           4400           3800          3800        4000      2900        2700        2600      2BR 4/4               6600          6200           5500          5200           5200      5100      3600        2900        2200
 PENTHOUSE             16000         15200          10800          9500          9500        9800      6400        5900        5400      2BR 4/6               7500          7100           6500          5900           5900      6100      4100        3500        3100

40        DREAM VACATION CLUB MEMBER COMPANION                                                                                                                                                                                                   41

       Located on the picturesque
       Hibiscus Coast

                                                                                                                                                GET YOUR
                                                                                                                                             PASSPORT TODLID AY   T OF YOUR HO
                                                                                                                                              MAKE THE MOST OU

                                                                                                                                   Join the adventure by completing the
                                                                                                                                   activities, collecting your stickers and
                                                                                                                                   earning badges for complimentary
                                                                                                                                   meals, Xplorer caps and more!

ST. MICHAELS SANDS                                                                         UNIT FACILITIES                         Ask one of our friendly staff for your
ST. MICHAELS ON SEA | SOUTH COAST                                                                                                  passport and start earning great
                                                                                                                                   prizes and badges.
                                                                                           ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES
This resort is located on the picturesque Hibiscus Coast in the south of KwaZulu-
Natal. Situated only 10km from Margate and 35km from Wild Coast Sun, this popular
holiday resort lies on a beautiful stretch of beach. The well known St. Michaels beach
attracts bathers, surfers and ardent fishermen. The resort boasts stunning sea views,
comfortable self-catering apartments, air-conditioned hotel rooms and a restaurant
for your convenience. Experience the unbeatable hospitality and allow the attentive
and friendly staff to take care of your needs. There are no strangers at this resort,
only friends waiting to be met!
1 Marine Drive, St. Michaels on Sea | T: +27 (0)39 315 1230
Friday 14:00/10:00
                                                                                           CLOSE BY
                                                                                           Wild Coast Sun | Wild Waves Water
                                                                                           Park | Riverbend Crocodile Farm |
                                                                                           Lake Eland Game Reserve | Pure
                                                                                           Venom Reptile Park | Butterfly Valley

 OCCUPANCY           P1+         P1           P2          P3           P4           P5         HIGH        MID          LOW
 1BR 2/4             4300        3800         3400        2800         2800         2900       2100        2000         1900
 2BR 4/6             6100        5600         5100        4600         4600         4900       2800        2400         2200
 3BR 6/8             6600        6100         5700        5200         5200         5300       3400        2800         2300

                                                                                                                                   Visit for more
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