Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 3 (52) - 2010
Series II: Forestry • Wood Industry • Agricultural Food Engineering


                 N. ŞOFLETEA1                     L. DINCĂ2              Gh. SPÂRCHEZ1

                  Abstract: The paper proposes a methodology for assessing the quality of
                  lands situated outside forest resources in the cases in which the latter’s use is
                  changed. The methodology used is based on ecological quantification
                  criteria. It also takes into consideration ecological factors and determinants
                  of geo-morphological, climatic and edaphic nature. Out of the 11 evaluation
                  charts established for the taxons most frequently involved in afforestation
                  works in Romania, the paper deals with three case analyses for spruce, beech
                  and sessile oak. Also, the paper makes recommendations concerning
                  completion of these with ecological factors characteristic of various taxons,
                  especially those with a limited action with regard to adaptation.

                  Key words: changing the land use, afforestation, land quality, ecological
                  criteria of evaluation.

1. Introduction                                            biomass used for bio-energy production [8],
                                                           [11], [19];
  The change of land use from agricultural                   - the interchange between the use of arable
use to forest use is being considered by                   and forest lands for the settling of investments
policy makers and the scientific community                 related to such situations [9], [20].
alike. Out of the reasons supporting such a                  Situations when agricultural lands are
decision the following should be mentioned:                afforested or when forest lands are forever
  - the increase of forest areas with a view               taken out of forest resources being
to reducing the accumulation of carbon                     compensated with lands of similar surface
dioxide, under the label “carbon                           and quality are frequently encountered in
sequestration” frequently used for the                     Romanian forestry. According to present
implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in                    legislation (Ordinance of the Ministry of
1997 [2], [3], [5], [8];                                   Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development
  - the founding of a forest plantation for                no. 25/2009 concerning the Methodology

    Dept. of Silviculture, Transilvania University of Braşov.
    Forest Research and Management Institute Braşov.
92                 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 3 (52) - 2010 • Series II

for determining the equivalence of lands            and relevant ecological evaluations which
and the calculation of financial obligations        should justify a certain technical solution
for a definitive removal of lands from forest       of afforestation.
resources or for their temporary occupation)          The present paper proposes a methodology
[21] in the case of compensation with lands         for determining the quality of lands situated
similar in point of surface and quality, a          outside forest resources and involved in
quite frequent situation, the drafting of           land exchanges by means of using the
documents which should contain among                evaluation method according to ecological
other things a pedo-stational study for the         criteria.
lands offered in compensation is necessary.
The documents should be drafted by                  2. Materials and Methods
organisms accredited for land improvement
works in the field of forestry.                       Considering the fact that the land
   This study must establish: 1 - the type of       exchanges by compensation have in view
forest site; 2 - the fundamental natural type       mostly lands situated near forest resources,
of forest; 3 - the main species corresponding       especially     pastures     without      forest
to the fundamental natural type of forest; 4 -      vegetation or with very little forest
the level of productivity according to the          vegetation or even agricultural lands, the
site quality; 5 - the full afforestation solution   establishment of the main criteria of
based on the main species; 6 - the costs            classification and analysis (of the forest
necessary from the forest establishment until       site and of the fundamental natural forest
the achievement of the close crop phase.            type) can take place by means of
   Under these circumstances the main               equivalence with situations already
problem to be solved is that of determining         existent within the forest resources close to
the site quality, which presupposes for each        the area under consideration. At the same
case the evaluation according to scientific         time, in order to offer technical solutions
criteria of geotope, climate and edaphotope,        more frequently encountered ten main
ecological factors and determinants and of          species have been considered (spruce, fir-
their resultant which influences the site           tree, larch, Scots pine, beech-tree, sessile
quality. As a result the ensuing decision           oak, pedunculate oak, Turkey oak,
must justify a certain afforestation formula        Hungarian oak and locust) along with
which should focus on one or two main               Euro-American poplar hybrids for which
species from the composition of the future          ecological      charts    of     classification
tree-stand.                                         according to favourability criteria have
   One should also consider the fact that the       been suggested. In order to select the main
lands involved in these compensations may           species according to which the quality is
be located in various places of great               subsequently assessed the following
phytoclimatic and edaphic heterogeneity.            categories of criteria have been suggested:
Likewise, each species has certain adaptive           - geo-morphological conditions (altitude
characteristics which manifest themselves           and exposition);
by means of a wider or narrower spectrum              - climatic conditions (temperature and
of reaction to environmental factors. This          annual average precipitations, length of
requires a sound knowledge of ecological            bioactive period; for the species sensitive
and determinant factors with a limiting             to early or late frost these risks should also
action.                                             be considered);
   Therefore, the determination of the level          - edaphic conditions circumscribed by
of land quality must be based on accurate           analyses of specific physiochemical indices;
Şofletea, N., et al.: Methodology for Determining the Quality of the Lands …                 93

  The respective data is analysed and turned      determining the equivalence of lands and
into points for each species according to 5       the calculation of financial obligations for
favourability criteria (5 represents optimum      a definitive removal of lands from forest
favourability and 1 represents the minimum        resources or for their temporary occupation
level of favourability).                          [21], the production class of the future tree
  The work stages for determining land            stand is established as follows: production
quality are the following:                        class I and II for forest sites of superior
  - situating the land in the phyto-climatic      quality, production class III for forest sites
layer and the establishment of the                of medium quality and production class IV
fundamental natural forest type;                  for forest sites of inferior quality.
  - analysis of the specific geo-morphological
conditions;                                       3. Results and Discussion
  - gathering climatic data of interest from
the National Meteorological Agency (NMA)            The main objective of the present
for the nearest station; when differences of      research is the establishment of the
altitude between the meteorological station       evaluation methodology for determining
and the land in question exceed 1000              the quality of forest sites and then the
meters the data provided by NMA is                presentation of a case analysis for three of
corrected with the recommended thermal            the 11 taxons for which evaluation charts
and pluviometric gradients [6]; for the           have been drafted (spruce, beech and
species sensitive to arid conditions the          sessile oak - Tables 1, 2 and 3).
establishment of favourability classes              Scientific works in the field offer criteria
according to the values of the Martonne           and evaluation methods especially for
aridity index is recommended;                     agricultural lands. Thus, in Romania
  - soil profiles are taken from representative   evaluation criteria for this category of use
areas from which genetic horizons are             have been established by Teaci [15] and
sampled; the following physiochemical             they involve knowledge of the ecological
indices are determined in the laboratory:         characteristics of lands and the physiological
humidity during summer time, pH, humus            necessities of lands as opposed to natural
and carbonates content, sum of exchange           conditions, that is of phytocenotic aptitudes
bases, exchangeable hydrogen, total               [12].
capacity of cationic exchange, saturation           Moreover, the same basic characteristics
degree in bases, total nitrogen, soluble salts    (ecological characteristics, production
and soil texture;                                 potential and phytocenotic aptitudes) are
  - the global potential trophicity index is      mentioned in the studies concerning forest
calculated;                                       sites [14]. Vindele and Burgina [17]
  - according to the data thus quantified         distinguish three categories of factors
the main species characteristic of the            according to which land evaluation is done
respective forest site is or are established.     in Latvia: physical (geology, geomorphology,
An ecological chart is drafted for it on the      humidity level and vegetation aptitudes),
basis of which the quality of the site is         anthropic (ways of using the lands, existent
calculated and the possible production            constructions etc.) and aesthetical (visual
class of the tree stand is identified.            aspect, prevalence of noise and other
  In conformity with the stipulations of the      pollution sources etc.).
Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture,           The abbreviations from Tables 1, 2 and 3
Forestry and Rural Development no.                are taken from Romanian Soil Taxonomy
25/2009 concerning the Methodology for            System and are in accordance with FAO/
94                  Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 3 (52) - 2010 • Series II

UNESCO (1988) and WRB SR (1998)                      economic system is also supported by
classifications, meaning: AL - Alisols; AN           Mejszelis [7]. The present principles of
- Andosols; AS - Fluvisols; CP - Spodo-              agricultural land evaluation in Romania are
dystric cambisols; CZ - Chernozems; DC -             based on technical criteria (relief analyses,
Dystric cambisols; EC - Eutric cambisols;            climate and hydrological and conditions)
EL - Haplic luvisols; EP - Cambic podzols;           and on economic criteria (based on the
ER - Cambisols eroded phase; FZ -                    quantity of the potential production to be
Phaeozems; GS - Gleysols; LS - Leptosols;            attained for certain species) [12].
LV - Luvisols; NS - Humic cambisols; PD                Nevertheless climatic and edaphic
- Haplic podzols; PE - Vertic subunits; PL           factors are of the utmost importance when
- Planosols; RS - Regosols; RZ - Rendzinic           considering land evaluation. Thus, Wall
leptosols; SG - stagnic luvisols; VS -               and Westman [18] emphasize the role of soil
Vertisols; L - loamy; S - sandy; C - cley.           properties for the level of forest production
  The conditions which determine the                 in cases of prior agricultural use. Thus,
quality and the production capacity of lands         normally agricultural use determines a
are outlined by Kiryuschin [4] according to          certain fertility gradient in the soil depth
agro-ecological criteria (climatic, geo-             with stronger influences up to depths of 30
morphological, edaphic, hydrological and             to 40 cm, while at a greater depth the original
biocenotic) and intensity criteria of the            qualities of soils are better reflected and
anthropic influences (technologies used in           less affected by agricultural use.
land use, the socio-economic status of the             It is interesting that when categories and
area etc). The idea according to which the           classes established for various uses are
evaluation of a land must take into account          analysed, out of the six classes established
the geographical position in the socio-              in Romania for lands of agricultural use [1],

                        Evaluation chart for spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst)                 Table 1
                                                         Favourability (points)
        Ecological factor
                                          5          4            3             2              1
                                       1000-     900-1000;    800-900;       700-800;       600-700;
 Altitude [m]
                                       1200      1200-1300 1300-1450        1450-1600        >1600
 Annual average temperature [°C]         5-6      4-5; 6-7    3-4; 7-7,5    2-3; 7,5-8       8
                                        900-      800-900;    700-800;       600-700;        1400
 Length of bioactive period
                                       4.5-6         4-4.5      3.5-4; 6-7     3-3.5; 7-8      2-3
                                                                RZ; EC;        LS;HS;        RS; PL;
 Soil type                              DC       EP; PD; NS
                                                               EL;CP;AN       LV;PE;SG         GS
 Global Potential trophicity index      >75         50-75         30-50         10-30
Şofletea, N., et al.: Methodology for Determining the Quality of the Lands …                               95

                        Evaluation chart for beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)                            Table 2
                                                         Favourability (points)
     Ecological factor
                                  5            4                3               2                  1
                                 800-       600-800;         500-600;        400-500;           300-400;
 Altitude [m]
                                 1100      1100-1200        1200-1300       1300-1400          1400-1500
 Annual average
                                 7-7.5      6-7; 7.5-8       5-6; 8-8.5       4-5; 8.5-9       3-4; 9-10
 temperature [°C]
 Annual precipitations           900-       700-900;         600-700;         550-600;          500-550;
 [mm]                            1000      1000-1100        1100-1200        1200-1300         1300-1400
 Length of bioactive period
                                  6-7          5-6           4-5; 7-8            3-4               2.5-3
                                                             RZ; DC;           FZ; NS;         LS;RS;CP
 Soil type                        EC         AS; EL
                                                             LV; AN            EP; SG          PE;VS;ER
 Global Potential trophicity
                                  >90         50-90            30-50            10-30
96                Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 3 (52) - 2010 • Series II

[16] the first five are considered without         according to the occurrence of thermal
limitations or significant restrictions on         inversions and of the late freezing;
limitations and severe restrictions for              - in the case of spruce the inferior
agricultural use while only the lands              altitudinal limit of suitable forest sites must
situated in extremely severe conditions for        take into account the value of the
agricultural use are relegated to forest use.      pluviometric factor from the vegetation
While in the case analysed in the present          season (FPV-IX = PV-IX / TV-IX, in which
paper the last possible use is not considered      PV-IX and TV-IX represent the average
according to the phytocenotic aptitude             precipitations and the average temperature
previously discussed, the establishment of         from the months of May-September);
equivalence for the situations of exchanging       according to Schmidt-Vogt [10] value 24 of
agricultural use with forest use is considered.    the pluviometric factor represents a critical
  The methodology proposed for the                 point for spruce;
evaluation of lands subject to a change of           - in the case of larch the forest sites
use from agricultural use to forest use is         identified must assure an increased
based on the main criteria used in the forest      perspiration capacity which should be based
site analysis starting with the establishment      on physical characteristics of the soil
of their ecological characteristics.               favourable to the retention of water from
  Thus, the establishment of five                  precipitations and to allowing this to
favourability classes for the following            penetrate the roots with an absorbent role;
ecological factors and determinants:                 - in the case of Scots pine which presents
geomorphological (altitude and exposition),        a wide spectrum of reaction and adaptation
climatic (temperature and average annual           to various environmental conditions, as a
rainfall) and edaphic (humidity level, pH,         pioneer species and as a result of imperfect
humus content, the sum of exchange bases,          stems and of the reduced economic value of
exchangeable hydrogen, total capacity of           wood, one can recommend, though, its use
cationic exchange, saturation degree in            as a main afforestation species for other than
bases, total nitrogen, soil texture and global     oligobasic soils in the extreme oligobasic,
potential trophicity) is considered. These         ologotrophic soils in the extreme oligotrophic,
might be relevant for any of the main              very acid soils, lands with surface erosion
species from the future tree stand.                etc.; where the climatic and edaphic
  As a result of the gradiental climatic           conditions are favourable to other species of
changes registered on altitude or on latitude,     resinous plants or broad leaves, the
which are very well reflected in the               determination of land quality according to
distribution of forest woody species               ecological requirements and the adaptability
conditioned by their specific adaptations, the     of Scots pine is not recommended;
quantification in the evaluation charts of the       - the determination of the land quality for
geo-morphological and climatic conditions          the case in which the main species is
becomes increasingly important. Also, when         represented by pedunculate oak, sessile oak,
establishing the quality level certain             Turkey oak or Hungarian oak presupposes
ecological characteristics of the main species     the consideration of their specificity as
should be taken into consideration such as:        opposed to certain ecological factors and
  - in the case of fir-tree and beech tree,        determinants such as: 1 - the influence of
which are sensitive to frost and freezing,         altitude on the favourability level (sessile
especially at a young age, the quantification      oak is suitable for cultures in the hill or pre-
of risks is necessary as well as the               mountainous areas while the other three
establishment of the favourability level           species should not exceed altitudes of 500
Şofletea, N., et al.: Methodology for Determining the Quality of the Lands …                97

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