Page created by Harry Rowe
A collection of bite-size activities
to help students remain calm and
    focused in the classroom.

       1. Think of your belly as a balloon.
  2. Put your hand on your belly to feel it rise
                   and fall.
3. Take a deep breath in through your nose to fill
                 your balloon.
       4. Hold your breath for 2 seconds.
 5. Breathe out slowly through your mouth to
            deflate your balloon.
     6. Repeat balloon breathing 5 times.

           BUNNY BREATH
 1. Just 3 quick sniffs in the nose and one long
             exhale out the nose.
2. Invite kids to pretend to be bunnies, sniffing
  the air for other bunnies, or carrots to eat.
It can be a lovely cleansing breath when you use it
 in this way. Try using the “Bunny Breath” video on
        GoNoodle as a visual aid for students.

  Sit or stand straight and still. Close your eyes
                or look downward.
1. Take five deep breaths in and out. Open your
    eyes – Notice five things you can see.
     2. Take four deep breaths in and out
      – Notice four things you can touch.
    3. Take three deep breaths in and out
     – Notice three things you can hear.
     4. Take two deep breaths in and out
      – Notice two things you can smell.
      5. Take one deep breath in and out
       – Notice one thing you can taste.
           1. Spread one hand out.
 2. Use the index finger on your other hand to
       trace the outline of your hand.
  3. Take a deep breath in as you move your
    tracing finger to the top of your thumb.
4. Breathe out as you move your tracing finger
  down between your thumb and first finger.
 5. Take another breath in as you move to the
           top of your first finger.
6. Breathe out as you move down between your
           first and second fingers.
    7. Continue this pattern, tracing each of
   your fingers until you have taken five slow,
                  deep breaths.
    8. Repeat on the other hand with your
                eyes closed.

1. Trace a lazy eight with your index finger. Start
  with the 8 on its side and start in the middle.
2. Go up to the left and trace the left part of the
    8 with your finger while you breathe in.
 3. When you get to the middle of the 8 again,
breathe out while you trace the right part of the 8
                with your finger.
  1. Find a partner. Sit with your back resting
          against your partner’s back.
2. Sit up straight. Be still and silent. Soften your
           breath and shut your eyes.
  3. Take three slow, deep breaths in and out.
   4. In your mind, count ‘1, 2, 3’ during each
  breath in and ‘1, 2, 3’ during each breath out.
    Pause slightly at the end of each exhale.
         5. Continue for 3 to 5 minutes.
               Guiding Questions
• Can you feel your partner’s back moving as they
  breathe? • Is their breath shallow or deep?
 • Fast or slow? • Did your breath fall into sync
     with your partner’s? • In what way?
1. Sit or stand straight and still. Close your eyes
               or look downward.
     2. Take three deep breaths in and out.
3. Think of something you feel grateful for today.
        This is your ‘gratitude moment’.
4. Think about how this moment affects your life,
       or the lives of people around you.
5. Notice how you feel when you think about your
             ‘gratitude moment’.
 6. Let the feeling grow bigger, spreading from
    where it is until it fills your entire body.
        Suggested Gratitude Prompts
• Something that someone else did for you today
   • A person in your life whom you appreciate
• An activity or hobby you are grateful to be able
to do • An item that you love • Something that
 made you laugh • What you have learned from
            something that was hard
      1. Sit straight and still. Close your eyes
                 or look downward.
      2. Take three deep breaths in and out.
   3. Place your fingers or hands over the part of
  your body where you can best feel your pulse (or
heartbeat): On the side of your neck, under your jaw.
         Inside your wrist. Over your heart.
    4. Notice how quickly or slowly your heart
                  is beating.
       5. Think about your current feelings.
  6. Without speaking, stand up and jump on the
                spot ten times.
 7. Sit down and find your heartbeat again. Do you
   think this feeling is connected to how quickly or
 slowly your heart is beating? • What changes do
you notice? • Is your heart beating faster or slower
 than you expected? • Can you notice any change
                     in your breath?
  8. Close your eyes and focus on your heartbeat
            until it slows down again.

   1. Sit or stand comfortably. Keep your body
straight. Be still and silent. Soften your breath and
                    shut your eyes.
  2. Put your arms out straight in front of you.
    3. Place hands together (right arm above
                   left arm).
    4. Breathe deeply while rising right arm.
   5. Exhale while bringing arm back to lie on
                   left arm.
             6. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

 1. Stand with your feet wide apart and your
  arms dangling in front of your body like an
              elephant’s trunk.
2. As you breathe in deeply through your nose,
   raise your arms up high above your head.
3. Then slowly swing your arms down again as
     you breathe out through your mouth.

1. Sitting comfortably, gently place the tips
of your pointer fingers in your ears and close
                   your eyes.
 2. Breathe in through your nose and then
   hum quietly as you slowly breathe out.
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