Modern technologies of collecting and presentation of geospatial data

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Geonauka                                                                                                  Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)

                                                                                                   UDC: 007:528.93]:004.6
                                                                                         Typology: 1.04 Professional Article

            Modern technologies of collecting and presentation of geospatial data
                                  Ankica Milinković1, Kornelija Ristić 2*, Sanja Tucikešić2
                                              Vekom Geo, Belgrade, Serbia
         University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
           Abstract. The relationship between a man and nature and society, man efforts, mastered knowledge and
           abilities, as a result give improvement of existing and/or creating new resources, above all in aim to meeting
           the needs of the modern civilization. Today, there is no scientific discipline or experience gained from
           practical aspects of the application that is not of interest for the development of the technological progress.
           Fast developing technological innovations influence surveying approaches for spatial data collection, also.
           Worldwide, as well as in our country, one can is notice domination of a new generation of geodetic tools able
           to perform accurate and fast data collection, enriched with the latest engineering innovations in the field of
           3D acquisition of the space. The goal of this paper is to show the importance of integrating traditional
           geodetic approaches and the laser scanning in the unique, innovative and revolutionary system for data
           collection by robotic total stations, 3D laser scanning, another image processing sensors, with the support of
           the last generation software developed by the world's leading geospatial companies.
           Keywords: technology, innovation, robotics, digitization, Geoinformation Systems

    Kornelija Ristić>
Geonauka                                                                                            Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)
                                                                 comprehensive. Since the multisystems contain the
1 Introduction                                                   integration of different data collection approaches, the
     Technical and technological progress is the basic           software support must be meaningful and
foundation of the society development, which cause a             comprehensive.
turbulent transition from the industrial to the post-                 This paper aims to present the role and
industrial era. The development of the science enables           importance of the application of a new phase of
the development of material elements and methods for             geodetic tools use, defined through the approach
performing a variety of activities, which may be                 called "creative destruction" (smart solution).
called the invention. Today, it is easy to illustrate the        "Creative destruction" is the main factor of the
two phases of a mentioned progress. The first one is             technological development within the meaning of
aimed to implement the entities that will replace the            replacing the old technology with a new one.
human actions in a physical sense. In the second                 Surveying is the area in which the mentioned
phase, the human cognitive function is projected on              approaches are implemented, and the key components
technological machinery, leading to the revolutionary            of the surveying tools are reasonably grouped and
development of the artificial intelligence.                      integrated into a unique system. The authors will tend
     Electronics is a high technology which has a                to present a connection of hardware components with
strategic importance for every country. Electronics,             software support in a way that the world's leading
inter       alia,      includes       microelectronics,          manufacturers of the systems for collecting,
telecommunications,        information      technology           processing, presentation, analysis and updating
(hardware manufacturing and software development),               geospatial data operate. The connection will be
robotics, and power electronics. In the recent decades,          illustrated with practical examples of the use of Multi
the development of electronics, which goes hand in               Station Leica Nova MS50 with accompanying
hand with the development of nanotechnology, has led             MargeTec software tools, and the intelligent real
to a change in the challenging field of geodesy.                 vehicle that can carry various sensors.
     With the rapid advance of the technology,                   2 Modern technologies for data collection
adopted by a wide range of users, the traditional
surveying role is more presented in the primary                  2.1 Integrated System Multi Station
application of the geoinformation systems. This has
                                                                      The importance of the new product development
led to the need for creating a new range of the
                                                                 goes together with the economic development and
integrating existing tools and the systems for
                                                                 launch of the new market routes. This means that
collection, processing, analyse, presentation and
                                                                 introducing the new products have more effects on
updating geospatial data in order to obtain useful
                                                                 competitiveness, than for example, a marginal change
information. For the first time surveying instruments
                                                                 in the price of the existing products. "Creative
with the advanced technologies, robotic total stations,
                                                                 destruction" is the main factor of the technological
3D laser scanning, image processing and GNSS
                                                                 development in terms of replacing the old technology
positioning appeared within one environment,
                                                                 with the new one, or a new combination of the
enabling the engineers to pursue new opportunities in
                                                                 existing technologies. Accordingly, surveying is the
the spatial data management.
                                                                 area where is useful to apply this approach, since the
    Today, the most diverse solutions are contained in           key components of the surveying instruments are
the software packages. This causes the users                     reasonably grouped into a single system.
wondering whether they made the right choice by                  Chronologically, the first on the scene were
choosing the software for the particular application. A          theodolites and EDM distance meters, as individual
perfect and ideal solution for choosing the software             components for angular and linear observations. Just
does not exist because each software package has                 as the total station is a synergy between the EDM and
some compromises.                                                the theodolite, today a revolutionary multi station is a
    Worldwide leaders in the development of the                  synergy between the robotic total stations and the
software for the geospatial management and the                   high-accuracy scanner. This new tool allows the
control are trying to integrate the universal software           professionals to continue using the well-known and
approach with the conventional packages that are                 proven methods of surveying, while the laser scanning
available, easy to use, and above all useful and                 technology is at their fingertips whenever is needed.
Geonauka                                                                                                        Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)
     There has been lot of discussion, coming both                    high-precision
                                                                            precision theodolite. On the other hand, the
from the surveying experts and the experts from                       linear measurement, if it is performed by the principle
related fields about what Leica Nova MS50 is and                      of the reflection of the measurement
                                                                                                  mea             beam from the
what is not (Fig. 1a). The common misunderstanding                    prism achieves the measurement accuracy of 1 mm ±
(the core of confusion) was about
                               ut whether it is a laser               1.5 ppm. What is revolutionary about the EDM? As an
scanner or a hybrid system.                                           integral part of the multi-station,
                                                                                                multi            it is the laser
                                                                      distance measurement to prisms with a measuring
                                                                      range up to 10000 m (the      he work involves
                                                                                                              i         the laser
                                                                      reflectorless distance measurements in the range of up
                                                                      to 2000 m, with the accuracy of 2 mm ± 2 ppm).
                                                                           The truth is that today there is no other solution
                                                                      or similar concept as Leica Nova Multi Station MS50
                                                                      available.. It can be used in the morning to stake out a
                                                                      building, and in the afternoon to scan the actual pipe
                                                                      system. Thus,, it can be used as the total station with
                                                                      the intuitive SmartWorx VIVA setting, and the easily
                                                                      integrated laser scanner, whenever and wherever it is
                                                                      needed.. Whatever the requirement of the project,
                                                                      Leica Nova MS50 multi-purposepurpose station will provide
                                                                      the faster,, easier and better completion of the work.
                                                                           It is completely reasonable to ask how in the
      Fig. 1.a) Leica Nova MS50, b) powerful Leica HDS                comparative analysis stay Leica Nova MS50 Leica
                      scanners and MS501                              and Leica 3D laser   aser scanners, Scan Station Scan
      Leica Nova MS50 is not just another total station.              Station C10 and P20 (Fig. 1b).
It is a high-precision
             precision geodetic tool that can be used by                   It is important to note that the new Leica MS50
a conventional field surveying team on a daily basis                  does not replace these two scanners literally. For those
and in each project, which has the demands for the                    applications where the high accuracy over the long
laser scanning of the parts of the project where it is                distance is required, where is a must mu to measure the
necessary to provide more information. It includes                    object in a very short time, the high-speed Leica HDS
          use field software based on the famous                      solutions Scan Station's C10/P20 are still the best
SmartWorx VIVA    A interface. The scanned data does                  choice. The building can be scanned with one location
not necessary has to be to registered additionally. In                and the other locations. If the instrument was set up
addition, the scan functions are used only where                      and focused on each point,   t, the scans are automatically
needed and maintaining and managing of data can be                    connected and presented together in a point cloud,
easily done in the office. Complexity of processing                   even while the user is in the field (Fig. 2).
huge amounts of laser scanning data is removed from
both, the field and the office area, and allows the
surveyors to enrich their 3D data services, while they
are extending the aspects and activities of their
     The total station integrated into the multi station
manufactured by Leica Geosystems AG, utilize the
    anced technology which are used by the robotic
total station. So it is not about the system which from
each component introduces something, but rather a                                Fig. 2 Fitting scans by Leica Nova MS502
system which implements the best features
                                      featu from each                      There are some jobs that the scanner implemented
component.. The angle measurement is performed with                   in the system MS50 can do better than the individual
accuracy for only 1", and it belongs to the class of the              scan stations.
                                                                               ions. For example, easy
                                                                                                  eas carrying out the work

1                                                                     2
    Figure 1. a) and b) Retreived from                                    Figure 2. Retreived from presentation on Vekom Geo d.o.o. Nova Learning Network,               conference
Geonauka                                                                                           Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)
with MS50 and its integrated SmartWorx Viva                      noted that this intelligent aircraft can carry any kind
versatile tool that can be used anywhere, anytime, and           of the sensor. Therefore, the scope of its application
not only in the specialized projects. In addition, in the        can be extended to the most varied aspects.
physical sense, the New Leica MS50 can be carried                     As the engineers from the field of geospatial
out on the field every day, regardless of whether it is          information are considered, this solution would be
necessary to scan or not. It also completely eliminates          equally interesting and useful for the purposes of
the need for registration of the point clouds, which are         inspection, maintenance and planning of both the
the key aspects of the individual HDS 3D laser                   plants and associated infrastructure. The flexible
scanners.                                                        Aibot-X6 system and the possibility of using different
     Laser scanning is largely seen as an elite and              types of the sensors quickly and easily reach the
expensive technology, making it difficult to justify the         requested quality and gather important information
use of same for the purposes of the small projects or            regarding the condition of the building. A special
the parts of the projects. The first challenge is to make        emphasis should be given to the fact that the use of
a decision to buy and invest in the new equipment.               these drones provides significant savings in the
Another challenge is related to data management; the             process of implementation, in the area of approaching
laser scanning collects millions or even billions of             and testing even the most inaccessible locations
data points, that require registration and processing in         whose inspection with standard methods was difficult
the office, which means that the processing of the               for implementation or required the engagement of
large data sets requires a significant time.                     special structures. The X6 Aibot Hexakopter carries
     Professionals who already have established                  an additional payload of up to 2.5 kg. This is realized
business with HDS laser scanning, and who are                    by the six rotors that are driven by maintenance-free,
familiar with the software used in the processing of             brushless motors. The size and the weight results in
the high-density data sets, will still want to use HDS           enormous flight stability and, even in strong wind
powerful solutions for the purposes of meeting their             conditions, the impressive results are possible.
demands or requests of their customers. But the new                   The six rotors and the performance engines
Leica MS50 provides an additional level of diversity             provide a massive thrust. The copter reached a climb
for multi-purpose use for business and it is grateful            rate of 8 m/s and a speed of 60 km/h. Even if one
for those professionals who need a full range of tools.          motor would fail the Aibot X6 would have enough
                                                                 power to fly safely.
2.2 Integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
                                                                      The innovative lightweight carbon fiber casing
(UAV) and sensors
                                                                 provides the protection to the propellers when the
     With the development of terrestrial geodesy                 UAV is flying close to the objects. The persons and
technology, goes also the development of the aerial              the objects are protected by the case from the rotating
tools, because it is always a good idea to access the            propellers.
visualization space both from the ground and from the                 The intuitive camera mount with an automatic
air, in order to reach a realistic perception. The               pitch and roll compensation provides steady and blur-
world's leading manufacturers of the systems for                 free pictures and videos. You can change the settings
aerial collecting of the geospatial data recently created        during the flight and move from the horizontal to the
a solution that considerably extends the application of          vertical camera angle. The unit is compatible with
traditional surveying and photogrammetry services to             professional SLR, thermographic, video cameras, and
other industries.                                                many others. Additionally a live stream via the small
     Aibot-X6 intelligent drones was introduced for              camera can be transmitted to the ground station or to
the first time to the world market in the second half of         the video eyeglasses (optional). In addition to the
2013. It is an innovative solution that can be attractive        remote control (RC), the Aibot-X6 can also be
to a wide area of applications, characterized by a high          controlled using a tablet PC. Therefore no RC
degree of robotics, which is very easy and simple to             experience is required. Almost all of the functions of
be operated remotely with the support of tablet PC               the copter can be reviewed and changed by the control
devices. Easily mounted cameras allow the aircraft               panel.
that carries a sensor to collect the information in the               Most accidents happen during take-off and
interest of the end user. The final product can offer            landing. But not when controlled by tablet pc! It is
digital 3D models, geo-referenced images and the                 possible to start the copter automatically on the
overall inspection of the observed area. It should be            surface of the touch screen without any experience.
Geonauka                                                                                                Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)

                                             Fig Intelligent UAV aircraft Aibot X6
     Once the UAV has started, you can take the                       solutions that the role of geodesy justifiably place
control and steer the copter. The copter can be                       near the related or less related professional fields of
controlled by a position hold. With the built-in
                                           built    GPS               business environments.
receiver,, the copter can automatically hold a
predetermined position. For example, you can switch                   3 Practical usages of integrated technical
to the position hold and change the camera angle to                   solutions
reach a different camera view. In the fact that the UAV                    A unique assignment that was put in front
                                                                                                                  fr   of the
goes out of range, you can use the coming home                        mentioned decision makers was to create a fusion
function. After activating the UAV automatically                      between the real and the digital worlds. The geospatial
returns to the starting position. If desired, you can                 technologies are crucial for obtaining accurate,
control the copter by two people. One person controls                 authoritative, and adequate information about the
 he UAV and the other person the camera. With this                    dynamic environment around the humans. Intergraph
option you can make impressive shots.                                 is a company that has all the necessary geospatial
     For the purposes of this paper, the authors will                 tools to create a life cycle of geospatial information,
thank the company Vekom Geo from Belgrade, a                          and that can fully support described multisystem
dealer for mentioned equipment manufacturers.
                                  manufacturers First-                sensors (Figure 4).
hand practical application
                      tion examples describe technical

                                      Fig. 4 A fusion
                                               f      between the real and the digital world3

    Figure 4, Retrieved from,
Geonauka                                                                                             Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)
     All starts from the sensors. The authors of this            we look at Multi station as the sensor, the availability
study illustrated, for example, in Figure 5a the                 of the software can be extremely rewarding
purpose of taking the multi station and the UAV                  exploitation of the data, whether it is about processing
aircraft, and thus the complexityty of the overlap of two        or post-processing.. The processed raw data become
systems of the data collection.
                              tion. When selecting the           useful information, but only with the analysis and the
sensor, a caree should be taken that it can be able to           presentation that provide useful information.
                                                                                                      information Fig. 5C
provide the resources of a good quality.
                                   quality We all should         and 5D show how further data can be viewed and how
keep on mind that innovations create the resources,              they can extract the information that the end user
and today, the two most important resources are                  would be interested in. In this case, it may be the
information and time, productss that saves time. That            permanent application that is able to recognize the
and also offers more information, and thus allows to             possibility of crisis, thanks to the software support for
achieve the better results, which can and should be              monitoring and informing   ing the user about it.  it The
defined as the innovation (as Multi Station Leica                monitoring
                                                                   onitoring data are also processed completely
Nova MS50 and UAV Aibot     ibot X6). The raw data are           automatically thanks to implemented impleme          n.Vec
processed in the dedicated software, which also must             technology.     The      so-called
                                                                                              called     color
                                                                                                         color-coded    3D
be carefully selected, i.e.
                         e. selected in such a way that          visualization of deformation in a cloud of       o points
the collected data is well handled in the best possible          makes it easy to analysee and interpret the trend of a
way. The Figure 5b shows a concrete cycle between                movement, which can be of great importance for a
the sensors, the software and the end--user. In fact, if         preventive action in order to protect people's lives.

Fig. 5. a) Cycle Sensor-Server-end
                               end user, b) Comprehensive software support system Leica New MS 50, c) Leica GeoMoS
                               6.0, d) Translation of intelligent data into useful information

Geonauka                                                                                               Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)
     The aforementioned software for automatic                     inaccessible areas, and all the products in the form of
scanning includes the new features such as the                     images, associated with geo-referenced GPS data.
automatic measurement cycle scheduling the real-time               Depending on the sensor type, the vehicle can be
automated testing limit level, and in addition, the                found in the purpose of the tests of the electric field,
built-cloud points and the so-called image viewer                  magnetic field or pulse field systems.
providing a powerful 3D visualization of the results,                   The Aibot X6 is an indispensable assistant in
using colours to mark the points of the strain, with the           many mapping tasks. Thanks to the state-of-the-art
fully traceable history deformation of the area being              UAV technology, geodata for orthophotos or terrain
scanned. All this is achieved thanks to n.Vec                      models can be acquired almost instantaneously − even
technology that provides automated scanning and                    without any prior flying skills. In other words, Aibot
processing the point cloud in order to obtain the                  X6 represents a revolution in the field of geo-
deformation in real time. This technology is used to               mapping. Through the precise control of the field
process the data of the normal vectors that determine              crew, the movement and the position sensors Aibot X6
the movement of the man-made and the natural                       can map the specific area within the applications in
structures. The deformation maps generated by                      digital photogrammetry. 3D models and orthophoto
comparing the normal vectors are represented in the                images of the highest quality could be made, which
reference epoch and the current scan epoch.                        can be shown through a geodetic workflow in 6 steps.
     The multi station is very grateful for different              At the step one we made a preparation. During
applications since it can be treated as the traditional            the preparation phase, requirements are defined. A
instrument with the advanced technologies. So, if the              ground resolution of 1 mm up to 4 mm per pixel is
user is in an inaccessible area, and it is necessary to            achieved. The parameters such as the altitude, the
calculate the cubic volume and the surface area of the             airspeed, the overlap and the distance between the
site, which is usually the case with the excavation,               trigger positions, can quickly be achieved by using the
mining and similar industrial plants, it is just to set the        Aibotix planning software, AiProFlight.
instrument to a single point and take an orientation to                 During step two, the flight plan is created in order
another point, define the scan area on the screen, and             to capture the data. Flight planning is done by using
scan it. The procedure is repeated for the other points,           the Aibotix AiProFlight software. Flight direction,
and as a result, it gets a thick cloud of the points that          resolution, amount, route and stereo overlap are
accurately represents the shape of the object of                   entered and displayed on the screen. Then the flight
interest.                                                          plan is created and saved. Further tasks, such as the
     When it comes to the inspection of the objects in             camera position or the dwell time, can be changed at
the air, the described technical solution with the UAV             any time. The step three defines the control points. We
aircraft can be considered almost ideal, practical and             recommend setting up one control point per hectare to
with wide application possibilities. In the industry, it           achieve the high accuracy geo-referencing. The
is a very rewarding solution for the inspection of                 reference points are set manually before the flight.
high-voltage transmission lines, towers, and other                 This is only necessary if the survey requires a
high repetition and inaccessible objects. With a pre-              Cartesian coordinate system. Step four is flight
planned flight path in order to monitor and detect the             operations. Once the schedule has been uploaded
potential critical points and faults in the solar panel, it        onto the Aibot X6, data acquisition is completely
allows for greater time savings, higher quality data               automatic. Normal surface flight recordings are done
and invaluable protection and safety at work. It is very           at a 90° degree angle, with the images taken oriented
rewarding for periodic inspections of the industrial               straight down to the surface, creating nadir.
plants, damage assessment, fault detection in

                                     Figure 6) Calculation of volumes embankment
Geonauka                                                                                              Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)

                                      Figure 7. From flight planning to final data
     Unique to the Aibot X6 is the panning camera                 and improvement of the existing products.
mount, which ensures the flight within the mine, at an                 Improving the he performance characteristics of
angle of up to 45° degrees. This oblique                          existing approaches to collect the spatial data in
angle generates detailed resolution of the side walls,
                                                    walls         surveying and development of information
which is, otherwise, unattainable.. Step five is geo-             technology, the multiulti station Leica MS50 creates a
referencing images. At the end we have the step six –             basic requirement to be in the process of complete
orthophotos and 3D modelling, where the image-                    recording and processing the data. It satisfies two
based 3D model is create with software   ftware such as           basic requirements: the creation of the real object
Agisoft Enso. Also, it can be accomplished by using               model in the form, size and shape on the one hand and
the geo-referenced images to build the texture for the            the high accuracy 3D (clouds) points of the object on
orthophoto or the 3D model. The expensive
                                        xpensive camera           the other side. The first requirement relates to the
calibrations are not required. The Agisoft Enso                   interpretation of the he objects
                                                                                             objec and the ability to
software performs a supplementary calibration by                  document
                                                                        ment them within the built state, while the other
using the investigating camera parameters to the                  is more interesting from
                                                                                         rom a geodetic point of view, to
workflow.                                                         the point of view of geometric accuracy of the point
     The full-HD
               HD camera Aibot X6 can record high-                cloud object.
resolution images with the exceptional quality.                        When using the Aibot X6 intelligent aircraft, one
Compensation inclination of the spacecraft provides               can isolate the key advantages compared to the similar
very precise control recordings. Before taking-off
                                            taking     the        sensors, as follows:
flight path can be defined. The in-flight
                                       flight videos and               – Vertical shots (90° from nadir)
movies that are the transmitteded to the ground station                – Generating images
                                                                                        mages at angles up to 45° - hair
enable live transmission of the recorded field. We                        clip
described the approach which can be very attractive                    – Precise
                                                                            recise positioning (thanks to the special
when shooting sports events, television recording,                        design holster)
high-budget films,
                ms, and similar commercial actions.
                                               actions                 – Maintain
                                                                             aintain positions in the air (thanks to "hold
     Aibott X6 may be used by the police or a fire                        position" function)
department wherever it is necessary to quickly and                     – Fully
                                                                            ully automatic controls, including automatic
easily get to inspect the situation from the air and                      take-off
                                                                                off and landing.
decide on the further actions. Such situations
                                         ituations can be              It can be concluded that the technological
fires, natural disasters, mass rallies, traffic jams, etc.
                                                       etc        innovation dramatic changes the things that shape
The vehicle may additionally be equipped with the                 human destiny. Iff these innovations are able to
special sensors for the detection and analysis of the             provide a variety of information that may be well
contamination, and in conjunction with FLIR T640                  translated into the useful information, they meet all
thermal imaging camera it is perfect for floating the             the aspects necessary to define geo-fusion
                                                                                                     geo        of the real
thermographic camera applications.                                and the digital worlds.

4 Conclusion                                                      Acknowledgement
     The issue of advancing technology is very
                                                                  This work was made possible with the support of
important since it is a great investment that leads
                                              lead to
                                                                  Vekom Geo from Belgrade, thanksth      to which the
the introduction of the new products, introduction of
                                                                  authors were able to present the latest solutions that
the new service provision, promotion, development
Geonauka                                                         Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)
are the result of the continuous development and
innovation, which represents a revolution in the way
we create, manage and visualize the spatial data.

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