Page created by Marjorie Edwards

         DR. NURLAILA, SS., MSAS.

BAB 1                                    3

BAB 2                                    5

BAB 3                                   10

BAB 4                                   13

BAB 5                                   16

BAB 6                                   18

BAB 7                                   19

BAB 8                                   20

BAB 9                                   21

BAB 10                                  23

BAB 11                                  24

BAB 12                                  26

                                  Unsur Kalimat

Suatu kalimat terdiri atas Subjek, Predikat, dan Pelengkap. Predikat dapat berupa
kata kerja atau pun kata bantu. Kata bantu digunakan jika kalimat yang ditulis tidak
mengandung kata kerja melainkan pelengkap seperti kata sifat, kata benda, atau kata
keterangan, seperti berikut:

Contoh 1. Predikat berupa kata kerja
I study in Gunadarma University while she studies in University of Indonesia.
I have two books while she has three books.
I have completed my assignment. She has completed her assignment.
I watched horror movie last night.

Contoh 2. Predikat berupa kata bantu
I am a student of Gunadarma University while she is a student of University of
I have been here for two hours.
I was a student of Gunadarma University.
They were my classmates.

Suatu kalimat dapat tersusun atas satu atau pun lebih dari satu anak kalimat. Seperti di
bawah ini:

Contoh 1. Kalimat Sederhana
Steve Ember has studied the findings of some researches.
Contoh 2. Kalimat Compound
Steve Ember has studied the findings, and he has the details of the story.
Contoh 3. Kalimat Kompleks
Steve Ember who is a student of Gunadarma has studied the findings of some
Contoh 4. Kalimat Compound Kompleks
                                                  MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1        3
Steve Ember who is a student of Gunadarma has studied the findings of some
researches and he has the details of the story.
Biasanya, kata sambung diperlukan untuk menghubungkan antar anak kalimat.
Beberapa contoh kata sambung ialah and, or, but, yet, so, as, because, since,
although, unless, dll.

Contoh. Penggunaan kata sambung
 The students listen to the lecturer and write down the material on their notes.
 The students must attend the meeting at least 10 times or they must repeat the class
in next semester.
 Jeany has told her sister to stay at home but her sister prefers to go.
 Jeany can finish her test quickly, so she can go home early.
 Jeany can go home early since she can finish her test quickly.
 Jeany cannot go home early unless she can finish her test quickly.
 Although Jeanny can finish her test quickly, she cannot go home early.


Buatlah satu paragraf terdiri atas 13 baris yang mengulas tentang program TV
kesukaan Anda. Tulislah dalam bahasa Inggris dan perhatikan aturan penyusunan
kalimat pada Bab 1 ini.

                              PRESENT TENSE

Tense adalah penanda waktu. Di dalam bahasa Indonesia, untuk menyatakan penanda
waktu digunakan kata-kata seperti “sudah, telah, akan, sedang, dll”. Namun, di dalam
bahasa Inggris penanda waktu dinyatakan dalam bentuk perubahan kata kerja.
Terdapat 16 jenis tenses dalam bahasa Inggris yang saat ini akan kita bahas 7
diantaranya yang paling sering digunakan.

Perlu diingat bahwa dalam menulis suatu kalimat, diperlukan Subjek, Predikat, dan
Pelengkap. Predikat dapat berupa kata kerja pun juga dapat berupa kata bantu.

1.     Simple Present
Simple present digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, keadaan, atau kegiatan yang rutin
Untuk kalimat tanpa kata kerja, gunakan:

             Subjek + is/am/are+ Pelengkap

Contoh: Jeany is an employee of Chevron.
Is Jeany an employee of Chevron?
        Jeany and Carol are employees of Chevron.
Are Jeany and Carol employees of Chevron?

untuk kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja, gunakan:

               Subjek + Verb1/ s/ es + Pelengkap

Contoh: Jeany works in Chevron.
Does Jeany work in Chevron?
        Jeany and Carol work in Chevron.
Do Jeany and Carol work in Chevron?

                                                MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1      5
2.       Present Continuous
Present Continuous digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan
atau keadaan yang sedang dialami.

              Subjek + am/is/are+Verb-ing + Pelengkap

Contoh: Jeany is working in her office.
Is Jeany working in her office?
            Jeany and Carol are working in their office.
Are Jeany and Carol working in their office?

3.       Present Perfect
Present Perfect digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang telah selesai dilakukan
namun waktunya terjadinya kegiatan tersebut tidak spesifik. Di dalam bahasa
Indonesia, biasanya diungkapkan dengan kata “sudah” atau “telah”, seperti “saya
sudah makan”, “saya sudah pernah ke Lombok”, dll. Jika ingin menggunakan
keterangan waktu, boleh menggunakan “selama (for)” atau “sebanyak…kali
Jika kalimat tidak menggunakan kata kerja:

              Subjek + has/have+been + Pelengkap

Jeany and Carol have been to Bali twice.
Have Jeany and Carol been to Bali twice?
Jeany has been here for two hours.

             Subjek + has/have+ V3 + Pelengkap
Jeany has completed her assignment and she intends to hand it in to her lecturer.
Has Jeany completed her assignment and does she intend to hand it to her lecturer?
Jeany and Carol have completed their tasks and they intend to hand it in to their
Have Jeany and Carol completed their tasks and do they intend to hand it in to their

4.     Present perfect continuous
Present perfect continuous berfungsi untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau keadaan yang
terjadi dari dulu dan masih berlangsung atau masih di alami saat ini.

       Subjek + has/have+ been+ Verb-ing + Pelengkap

Jeany and Carol have been living in Surabaya since 1991.
Julia has been studying in Gunadarma since 2005.

                         RINGKASAN PRESENT TENSE
                               Present                                  Example

                                                         She is a researcher
               S + Be + Pelengkap                        They conduct a research on Indonesian
 Simple        S + V1 s/es + Pelengkap                   cultures
               S + Be + V3                               A research on Indonesian cultures is
                                                         conducted by them

            -                                            They are conducting a research on
 Continuous S + Be + Ving + Pelengkap                    Indonesian cultures
            S + Be + Being + V3                          A research on Indonesian cultures is
                                                         beeing conducted by them

                                                         She has been there for 2 hours
               S + Has/Have + been + Pelengkap
                                                         They have conducted a research on
               S + Has/Have + V3 + Pelengkap
 Perfect                                                 Indonesian cultures for 10 years
               S + Has/Have + been + being + V3 +
                                                         A research on Indonesian cultures has
                                                         been conducted by them for 10 years

                                                         They have been conducting a research
            S + Has/Have + Been + Ving +
 Perfect                                                 on Indonesian cultures since 1990
 Continuous                                              A research on Indonesian cultures has
            S + Has/Have + Been + Being + V3 +
                                                         been being conducted by them since

                                                  MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1      7

A. Bacalah artikel berikut dan tandai predikat yang menunjukkan Present

Missing COVID-19 cases?
Editorial Board
The Jakarta Post
As more countries record new cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus, Indonesia’s claim
of being virus-free continues to raise doubts as questions persist over the effectiveness
of monitoring and testing efforts of local health authorities.

The country only allows one lab, run by the Health Ministry’s Health Research and
Development Agency (Balitbangkes), to test swab samples of suspected COVID-19

As of Saturday, it had tested 143 samples taken from people who had shown
symptoms or had traveled to infected countries. All were reportedly negative.

However, the government did not test the 237 citizens and one American spouse of an
Indonesian national who were evacuated from Wuhan and other cities in China after a
14-day quarantine in Natuna, Riau Islands.

The government claimed they had already been declared virus-free when leaving
China, so it was unnecessary for them to be tested again.

Instead of being more vigorous and deploying more resources in conducting health
monitoring and tests, the government later announced it would allocate Rp 72 billion
(US$5.2 million) for promotional purposes — partly for so-called social media
influencers — to attract foreign tourists to Indonesia and help revive the country’s
tourism, which has been battered by the outbreak.

But this kind of blind optimism wins nobody’s trust, especially from the international
community. Several foreign nationals who transited in Indonesia have tested positive
for COVID-19. They might have contracted the virus in Indonesia and it does not rule
out the possibility that the country has become a vector of the disease.

Saudi Arabia has banned Indonesian pilgrims from going on umrah (minor haj), even
though Indonesia has not declared any confirmed cases of infection. A document
circulating among foreign diplomats obtained by the Sydney Morning Herald pointed
out that the inadequate transportation of specimens was among the concerns that led
them to doubt Indonesia’s virus-free status.

Countries have escalated measures to mitigate the virus. The New York Times reported
that measures would be expanded throughout the United States, which has tested 500
patients, following a flaw found in the tests that were only performed by the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention. One person has reportedly died of the virus in the

Malaysia has tested 1,092 cases as of Feb. 24, while South Korea has tested over
60,000 people as of Thursday.

There is no reason for Indonesia to do less or overstate its coronavirus status. It would
be more useful for all resources, including funding, to be allocated to help improve
public health efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus.

Thorough testing and observation should be conducted on returning crew members of
the World Dream and Diamond Princess cruise ships, who will be quarantined in
Sebaru Island, North Jakarta, as well as travelers coming in from countries that have
reported positive cases as the virus has become even more widespread.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

B. Buat ulasan dalam bahasa Inggris sebanyak 4 paragraf (setiap paragraf 13
baris) mengenai (pilih salah satu):

    1. Tempat wisata
    2. Kuliner

                                                   MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1        9
                                PAST TENSE

1.     Simple past
Simple past digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian, peristiwa, atau keadaan yang
telah lampau dan waktunya spesifik, yang bias dilihat dari penanda waktu yang tertera
atau pun dari bentuk kalimat.
Jika tidak menggunakan kata kerja:

      Subjek + was/were+Pelengkap

Jeany was a student of ITS and now she works in Chevron.
Jeany was a student of ITS and at that time she won a number of competitions.

Jika menggunakan kata kerja:

      Subjek + V2 +Pelengkap

Jeany studied in Gunadarma University in 2005.
Did Jeany study in Gunadarma University in 2005?

2.     Past continuous
Jika present continuous digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan
saat ini, past continuous digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang
dilakukan pada masa lampau. Untuk memperlihatkan bahwa kegiatan tersebut terjadi
pada masa lampau, biasanya diikuti oleh simple past tense.

           Subjek1 + was/were+ Verb-ing +Pelengkap + when+
Contoh:    Subjek2+V2+Pelengkap
Last night when I came to Jeany’s house, she was studying for her exam.
Jeany was studying for her exam when I came to her house.

                        Present                          Example

                                             She was a researcher
            S + Be + Pelengkap               They conducted a research on
            S + V2+ Pelengkap                Indonesian cultures
            S + Be + V3                      A research on Indonesian
                                             cultures was conducted by them

                                             They were conducting a
                                             research on Indonesian
           -                                 cultures when they visited these
           S + Be + Ving + Pelengkap         villages
           S + Be + Being + V3               A research on Indonesian
                                             cultures was beeing conducted
                                             by them when they visited these
                                             I saw her there. She had been
                                             there for 2 hours before leaving.
                                             I asked them to join my research
                                             on Indonesia cultures but they
            S + Had + been + Pelengkap
                                             refused my offer. They said that
Past        S + Had + V3 + Pelengkap
                                             they had conducted a research
Perfect     S + Had + been + being + V3 +
                                             on Indonesian cultures for 10
                                             A research on Indonesian
                                             cultures had been conducted by
                                             them for 10 years
                                             When I offered them to join my
           -                                 team, they refused and said that
Past       S + Had + Been + Ving +           they had been conducting a
Perfect    Pelengkap                         research on Indonesian
Continuous S + Had+ Been + Being + V3 +      cultures since 1990
           Pelengkap                         A research on Indonesian
                                             cultures had been being
                                             conducted by them since 1990

                                            MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1        11

A. Bacalah artikel berikut dan tandai predikat yang menunjukkan Past Tense!

Indonesia confirms first cases of coronavirus

Senin, 02 Maret 2020

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Indonesian President Joko Widodo said on Monday two Indonesians
had tested positive for coronavirus after being in contact with an infected Japanese national, marking
the first confirmed cases in the world’s fourth most populous country.

The two had been hospitalized in Jakarta, Widodo told reporters at the presidential palace in the capital.

The president said a 64-year-old woman and her 31-year-old daughter had tested positive after being in
contact with a Japanese national who lived in Malaysia and had tested positive after returning from a
trip to Indonesia.

Widodo said an Indonesian medical team had traced the movements of the Japanese visitor before
uncovering the cases.

“After checks, they were in a sick state. This morning I got a report that the mother and the daughter
tested positive for coronavirus,” said Widodo, who said they were being treated at Jakarta’s Sulianti
Saroso infectious diseases hospital.

Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto told reporters the Japanese visitor was a friend of the two
women’s family and had visited their house. He said authorities were checking who else the Japanese
visitor may have come into contact with.

The confirmation of the first cases of coronavirus came after authorities had defended their screening
processes, with some medical experts raising concerns of a lack of vigilance and a risk of undetected
cases in the Southeast Asian country of more than 260 million people.

B. Buat ulasan dalam bahasa Inggris sebanyak 4 paragraf (setiap paragraf 13
baris) mengenai (pilih salah satu):

    1. Your experience in the past
    2. History
    3. Legend, fairy tales, fables or folklore

                                  PAST TENSE

1. Simple future
Simple future digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang rencananya akan
Jika tidak menggunakan kata kerja:

          Subjek + will+ be +Pelengkap
Jeany is very smart. I bet she will be a successful person.
We must be ready since there will be many problems in the future.

Jika menggunakan kata kerja:

          Subjek + will+ V1 +Pelengkap
After graduate from this university, I will apply for a job as a programmer.

                          RINGKASAN FUTURE TENSE

                             Future                             Example

                                                    She will be a researcher.
               S + Will+ Be + Pelengkap             They will conduct a research on
 Simple        S + Will+ V1+ Pelengkap              Indonesian cultures.
               S + Will + Be + V3                   A research on Indonesian cultures
                                                    will be conducted by them.

                                                    They will be conducting a
                                                    research on Indonesian
                                                    cultures next year.
            S + Will + Be + Ving +
                                                    A research on Indonesian
            S + Will + Being + V3
                                                    cultures will be beeing
                                                    conducted by them when they
                                                    visited these villages

                                                   MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1        13
I will have finished my exam by
                 S + Will + Have + V3 +
                                                           June 1st.
                 S + Had + been + being + V3 +
                                                           My exam will have been
                                                           finished by June 1st.

                                                           At noon, I will still be cooking
                                                           this food. I will have been
            S + Will + Have + Been + Ving                  cooking this food for ten hours.
            + Pelengkap
            S + Had+ Been + Being + V3 +                   At noon, I will still be cooking
            Pelengkap                                      this food. This food will have
                                                           been being cooked for ten hours.


A. Bacalah artikel berikut dan tandai predikat yang menunjukkan Future

Article (taken from
How long will people be dealing with the novel coronavirus in the U.S. and around
the world?

Honestly, it’s impossible to say if and when the coronavirus will die down because
it’s a totally new virus, and therefore unpredictable, says Faheem Younus, MD, the
chief of infectious diseases at University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health. But
pandemics have happened before, and they eventually pass as they become more
contained, and as vaccines are developed and distributed. But researchers do look at
past pandemics to make very baseline predictions about when it might end. And in the
past, pandemics have typically lasted between 12 and 36 months.

Here's one example of the timeline of a past pandemic: In 2009, a novel H1N1 flu
pandemic occurred. (Remember swine flu?) The WHO declared a pandemic that June,
and by mid-September, the FDA approved four vaccines for the virus, and they
started getting administered in October. In late December, vaccination was opened up
to anyone who wanted it, and the pandemic was deemed over in August 2010,
according to a timeline from the CDC.

In the past, pandemics have typically lasted between 12 and 36 months.

The bummer is, though, you can't simply model a new pandemic against a past one
and accurately determine how bad or long *this* pandemic will be—because they are
not the same viruses, and viruses behave and spread differently, says Rishi Desai,
MD, a former epidemic intelligence service officer in the division of viral diseases at
the CDC. But as more info becomes available about COVID-19, better predictions
will be made. “My expectation is that COVID-19 will continue to be a threat for a
good part of 2020, and that we will start to see the page turn in 2021,” Dr. Desai says.
“At that point, we may have a vaccine, and we will have much more experience with
this disease.”

Some good news: Right now, researchers are working on multiple vaccines in both
animal and human trials. Researchers typically need one-and-a-half to two years to
develop a new vaccine, as WH reported previously.

B. Buat ulasan dalam bahasa Inggris sebanyak 4 paragraf (setiap paragraf 13
baris) mengenai (pilih salah satu):

   1.   Health
   2.   Technology
   3.   Economy
   4.   Education
   5.   Culture

                                                  MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1       15
                         Subject-Verb Agreement

Di dalam bahasa Inggris, bentuk predikat, ditentukan oleh bentuk Subjek. Jika subjek
berbentuk tunggal biasanya diikuti predikat is, has, was, verbs/es. Selain itu, jika
subjek berbentuk jamak biasanya diikuti oleh are, were, have, dan verb bentuk dasar
(tidak ditambah e/es).

Contoh 1. Subjek Tunggal
Jeany is a student of Gunadarma University.
Jeany has completed her assignment.
Jeany was a student of Gunadarma University.
Jeany studies in Gunadarma University.
Contoh 2. Subjek Jamak
Jeany and Carol are students of Gunadarma University.
Jeany and Carol have completed their assignments.
Jeany and Carol were students of Gunadarma University.
Jeany and Carol study in Gunadarma University.

Namun seringkali ditemui penggunaan subjek yang tidak sesederhana diatas. Suatu
subjek bisa berupa kata ganti orang tak tentu. (lihat table indefinite pronouns). Subjek
jenis ini digolongkan ke dalam subjek tunggal sehingga kata kerja yang mengikutinya
pun harus dalam bentuk is, has, was, verbs/es.
No one is allowed to smoke in this area.
Everybody is asked to enter this room.
Somebody speaks behind this wall.

Selain itu, Gerund juga dapat digunakan sebagai subjek.
Writing about my daily routine is my hobby. It is very interesting.
Reading and writing are two activities that cannot be separated from my routine.

Adapula subjek yang diikuti oleh preposisi. Seperti; Student in Gunadarma
University, The study of people behaviours, the books on the table, dsb. Jenis subjek
dalam bentuk tersebut dapat dikenali dari kata yang muncul sebelum preposisi
(digarisbawahi). Jika sebelum preposisi adalah tunggal maka jenis subjeknya adalah
tunggal, sebaliknya jika jamak maka jenis subjeknya jamak. Sehingga, subjek di atas
dapat dibuat kalimat sebagai berikut:
   1. Student in Gunadarma University is not allowed to smoke.
   2. The study of people behaviours reveals that the more power and money some
       people have, the less they care about others
   3. The books on the table are mine.

Bentuk lain yang sering mengikuti subjek adalah “along with”, “together with”,
“accompanied by”, dan “as well as”. Misalnya “Jeany, together with her friends,…”
Walaupun penambahan kata “together with her friends” seakan-akan membuat
jumlah menjadi banyak, namun ternyata hal ini tidak mempengaruhi jumlah subjek
(tunggal atau jamak).
   1. Jeany, together with her friends, goes to Bali.
   2. All of my friends, as well as one lecturer, go to Bali.
   3. Carol, along with all people in Indonesia, supports Indonesian football team.
   4. Julia, accompanied by her brothers, go to the movie.

                                                  MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1       17
                        Indefinite Pronouns (Singular)

                        -body                 -one                    -thing
some-                   somebody              Someone                 something
any-                    anybody               Anyone                  anything
no-                     nobody                no one                  nothing
every-                  everybody             Everyone                everything


      1. Nobody is permitted to enter this room.
      2. Anybody is not permitted to enter.

Personal and Reflexive Pronouns

Subject        Object            Possessive          Possessive           Reflexive
… did it       Show … the Adjective                  Pronoun              Hurt …
               way               … book              This book is …
i              me                my                  Mine                 myself
you            you               your                Yours                yourselves
we             us                our                 Ours                 ourselves
they           them              their               Theirs               themselves
she            her               her                 Hers                 herself
he             him               his                 His                  himself
it             it                its                 -                    itself

                             Elliptical Sentences

                              subject + to be + too
Positive Sentence      and    so + to be + Subject

 1. I am a programmer, and she is, too.
 2. I am a programmer, and so is she.
 3. My father goes to Bogor, and my mother does, too.
 4. My father goes to Bogor, and so does my mother.
 5. My high school friends study in Gunadarma, and I do, too.
 6. My high school friends study in Gunadarma, and so do I.
 7. My high school friends study in Gunadarma, and she does, too.
 8. My high school friends study in Gunadarma, and so does she.
 9. I have finished my homework, and he has, too.

                              subject + to be + not+ either
Negative sentence      and    Neither+ to be + Subject

   1. I am not a programmer, and she is not, either.
   2. I am not a programmer, and neither is she.
   3. He does not study in Gunadarma, and she does not, either.
   4. He does not study in Gunadarma, and neither does she.
   5. He does not study in Gunadarma, and they do not, either.
   6. I have not finished my homework, and she has not, either.

                                                 MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1   19

         Present                   Past                   Indonesia
can                        could             dapat, bisa, bisakah
may                        might             boleh, bolehkah, mungkin
Must, have to              had to            wajib, harus
shall                      should            sebaiknya,
will                       would             akan, maukah

      1. I can give my phone number if you need it.
      2. Could you please give me your phone number?
      3. Students, all of you may go home now.
      4. May I go to the toilet?
      5. You must wear your helmet.
      6. You have to finish your homework.
      7. You should eat healthy food.
      8. Would you close the door, please?

                      ADJECTIVE & ADVERB


Type               Example
Cardinal Numbers   one, two, three, …
Ordinal Numbers    first, second, third, seventh, …
Possessive         my, your , his, her, our, their
Demonstrative      this, that, these, those
Quantity           few, many, much, some, several
Articles           a, an, the
Quality            Beautiful, large, expensive, important, silent, red, good,
                   friendly, …


Type                      Example
Manner                    beautifully, quickly, slowly, …
Place                     west, east, in solo, in classroom, …
Time                      2 years ago, in 2001, monday, in the afternoon, at 9 am,
Frequency                 always, frequently, hardly, often, sometimes, rarely,
                          never, usually, …
Degree                    of course, really, too, very, …
modality                  maybe, probably, perhaps, possibly, …

                                                 MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1   21

1. My friends and (me) will go to Lombok next month.(us) have already booked
tickets and have prepared (we) trip plans.
2. My mother is a very kind person. (her) always takes care of (I) and always gives (I)
good advices. One day, I want to make (she) happy.
3. Today, (me) cannot attend the lecture because (me) am sick. As a consequence , I
must study (me) in (I) home.
4. The chairman do not attend the meeting because of some troubles. (him) asks (our)
to lead the discussion (ours).
5. Twitter (it) includes a Tweet Activity Dashboard that you can use to see how many
people viewed or engaged with (you) posts each month.
6. (me) don’t like to go to the mall by (me).
7. You should not walk by (your) at night.
8. It is impossible for (he) to finish all of this works (him).
9. Before I sold (me) bag to (they), (its) was (me). However, since (me) needed some
money, (me) sold (its) to (they) and now (its) is (their).
10. (me) shop is more complete than (they). (they) shops only sell computers while
(me) shop sells computers and computer accessories.
11. After graduate from Gunadarma Jeany will work in a state-owned enterprise, (I)
12. Jeany works hard for her future, (Carol)
13. Jeany has made a plan for her future, (Carol)
14. Jeany studied in Gunadarma University, (Carol)
15. Jeany was a good student, (Carol and Julia)
16. After graduate from Gunadarma Jeany will not work in a state-owned enterprise,
17. Jeany does not work hard for her future, (Carol)
18. Jeany has not made a plan for her future, (Carol)
19. Jeany did not study in Gunadarma University, (Carol)
20. Jeany was not a good student, (Carol and Julia)
21. Jeany, together with Carol and Julia, (go) to the mall to buy some clothes.
22. Jeany and Carol, together with Julia and Jessy, (goes) to the campus every

                              KALIMAT PASIF

Kalimat pasif dalam Bahasa Indonesia biasanya ditandai dengan menggunakan kata
kerja berawalan di- , contohnya: diperbaiki, dilindungi, dikerjakan, diselesaikan, dll.
Di dalam bahasa Inggris, kata kerja kalimat pasif biasa diungkapkan dengan struktur
tobe+V3 . Perlu diingat, yang dapat diubah menjadi kalimat pasif hanyalah kalimat
yang mengandung kata kerja.

    Tense                       Aktif                               Pasif
Simple           S+V1/Vs,es+Pelengkap                  S + tobe + V3
Present Cont-    S+tobe+ Ving+Pelengkap                S+ tobe+ being + V3
Present          S+has/have+V3+Pelengkap               S+has/have+been+V3
Simple Past      S+V2+Pelengkap                        S + tobe + V3
Past Cont-       Subjek1+was/were+Verb-ing             S+ tobe+ being + V3

Simple Future S+will+V1 /                              S+ Modal + be + V3
/Modal           S+Modal+V1


   1. Thirty houses are destroyed by the tornado.
   2. Thirty houses were destroyed by the tornado.
   3. Several new proposals are being considered by the committee.
   4. Several new proposals were being considered by the committee.
   5. Some new computers have been ordered by the company.
   6. Some new computers will be ordered by the company.

                                                 MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1       23
BAB 10
                     CONDITIONAL SENTENCE

Type 1. Rencana yang mungkin tercapai atau terjadi di masa depan.

If + Subject + Verb 1 (s/es)            Subject + will + Verb 1
(Present)                               (Future)
Subject + will + Verb 1                 If + Subject + Verb 1 (s/es)
(Future)                                (Present)

   1. If I have time, I will go to Jony’s party.
   2. If my headache disappears, I will go to your home to night.

Type 2. Harapan tidak tercapai karena tidak didukung oleh keadaan saat ini.

If + Subject + Verb 2                   Subject + would + Verb 1
(Past)                                  (Past Future)
Subject + would + Verb 1                If + Subject + Verb 2
(Past Future)                           (Past)

   1. If I had enough money, I would buy that sophisticated car.
   2. If I passed the exam, I would continue my study to University of Indonesia.
   3. If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
   4. If she were rich, she would travel around the world.

Type 3. Kejadian yang harapkan sudah terjadi, sehinggan tidak mungkin terjadi lagi.

If + Subject + had+ Verb 3                         Subject + would /could/might+ have + Verb
(Past)                                             3
                                                   (Past Future)
Subject + would /could/might+ have + If + Subject + had+ Verb 3

Verb 3 (Past Future)                                  (Past)

    1. If I had stayed in Depok, I might have married her.
    2. If I had studied hard for exam, I would have passed the exam.

Indentify the type of conditional sentences !
If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
If I have enough money, I will go to Japan.
If he is late, we will have to go without him.
If my mother knows about this, we are in serious trouble.
If we win this match, we are qualified for the semifinals.
If I won a million pounds, I would stop teaching.
If you had warned me, I would not have told your father about that party.

                                                        MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1   25
BAB 11
                     KALIMAT PERBANDINGAN

Kalimat perbandingan digunakan untuk membandingkan kata sifat (adjective) atu kata
keterangan (adverb) suatu benda atau manusia.
Sifat ajektif dan adverb yang dibandingkan itu bias memiliki taraf yang Paling, Lebih
dari, Sama dengan, atau Kurang dari

   A. Menyatakan dua hal yang bersifat sama

S + V + as + Adj/Adv + as + noun/pronoun (se…)
      Tom is as tall as Andy. (setinggi)
      She sings as beautifully as her sister. (seindah)

…like or alike … (sama, seperti, serupa, mirip)
      My bag is like your bag. (seperti)
      My bag and your bag are alike. (mirip)

…the same, or … the same as …, …similar to…
      This book and that book are the same. (sama)
      This book is the same as that book. (sama dengan)
      This book is similar to that book. (sama dengan)

   B. Menyatakan dua hal yang salah satunya Lebih dari atau Kurang dari

S + V + Adjective/ Adverb + er
      She is taller than her sister.
      She runs faster than her sister.

S + V + more/less +adjective / adverb
      She speaks more fluently than her sister.
      This room is more comfortable than next room.

The + comparative + subject + verb + The + comparative + subject + verb
          The sooner you come the better you will be.
          The higher you climb the nicer you will feel.

The more + S + V + the + comparative + S + V
          The more you study, the more successful you will be.
          The more he rowed the boat, the farther away he got.

       C. Menyatakan tiga hal atau lebih yang salah satunya Paling

S + verb + the + adj + est
          He is the tallest student in this class.
          Kalimantan is the largest island in Indonesia.

S + verb + the + most + Adj
          This book is the most expensive among others.
          She is the most diligent student in this class.

Aturan Perubahan Bentuk perbandingan

Aturan                     Sama                       Lebih               Paling
Tambahkan –er atau Small                              Smaller             The Smallest
–est pada adj / adv Long                              Longer              The Longest
yang       terdiri   dari fast                        Faster              The Tallest
satu atau dua suku
Jika             adj/adv Easy                         Easier              The easiest
berakiran                  Pretty                     Prettier            The prettiest
konsonan+y, ubah Noisy                                Noisier             The noisiest
y menjadi I dan Busy                                  Busier              The busiest
tambahkan –er atau Happy                              Happier             The happiest

                                                           MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1   27
Jika adj / adv terdiri Beautiful       More beautiful   The most beautiful
atas 3 suku kata important             More important   The            most
atau lebih gunakan                                      important
more atau most
Gunakan more dan Hated                 More hated       The most hated
most pada adj/adv Useful               More useful      The most useful
yang berakhiran – Boring               More boring      The most boring
ed, -ful, -ing, -ish, - Stylish        More stylish     The most stylish
ous                    cautious        More cautious    The most cautious
Bentuk         tidak Good              Better           The best
teratur                Bad             Worse            The worst
                       far             farther          The farthest

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