Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education

Page created by Jeremy Peterson
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
Monmouth County Vocational
      Career & Technical Education
                  Adult Education Programs

Registration begins December 1, 2021
Register online at       Winter/Spring 2022
Call: (732) 431-7245 Ext. 0
for more information.

                                        See Pages 3 &
                                        classes inclu 4 for FREE
                                                      ding GED!
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
MCVSD offers high school students the opportunity to earn industry recognized credentials and
         technical training in various career paths, in a two-year Shared Time model.
         MCVSD is committed to preparing students for job placement, continuing education and college
                                      opportunities after high school.

                              Program         MCVSD
                                      Career Clusters   PROGRAMS
Auto Mechanics - Advanced Manufacturing - Carpentry - Cosmetology - Commercial Art
Certified Nursing Assistant - Culinary Arts - Dental Assistant - Diesel Mechanics - Electricity
HVAC - Law and Public Safety - Marine Trades - Nursing - Patient Care/Medical Assisting -

   The Shared Time Model is designed so that the students attend MCVSD during their junior and senior years
      of high school. Students attend their “home school” for half of a day and are transported by bus to the
                                   vocational center for the other half of the day.
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
Register and Pay Online at                                                                                                                                    1

       MONMOUTH COUNTY BOARD OF                                                                               MONMOUTH COUNTY VOCATIONAL
         COUNTY COMMISSIONERS                                                                                       SCHOOL DISTRICT
                                                                                                                  BOARD OF EDUCATION
                                                                                                                      Brian D. McAndrew, Ed.D., President
                                                                                                                           Dennis Ingoglia , Vice President
                                                                                                                                   Lester W. Richens, Ed.D.
                                                                                                                                        Anthony J. Schaible
                                                                                                                                  CENTRAL OFFICE STAFF
                                                                                                                 Charles R. Ford Jr., Ed.D., Superintendent
                                                                                                                Sean R. Meehan, Assistant Superintendent
                                                                                                                             Kelly Brazelton,
                                                                                                                  Business Administrator/Board Secretary
                                                                                                          Joseph Senerchia, Director of School Counseling
                  Director Thomas A. Arnone                                                                        & Special Education Services
                 Deputy Director Susan M. Kiley
                                                                                                          Kelly Harmon, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
                        Lillian G. Burry
                      Dominick DiRocco                                                                                        Dana Schaed, Ed.D.,
                        Ross F. Licitra                                                                               Principal/Director of Adult Education

Contents                                                                                                  Transportation Technology (cont’d) .................................... 10
                                                                                                              Pilot Ground School.......................................................................10
General Information................................................................ 2
                                                                                                              Automotive Technician (Beginners)................................................11
Master Classes of Monmouth County .................................. 3                                        Changing a Tire and Checking Oil..................................................11
Free Classes............................................................................ 3                    Basic Auto Mechanics & Preventative Maintenance......................11
Free ESL Classes..................................................................... 4                       Tractor Trailer – CDL Class A.........................................................12
Hobbies & Leisure................................................................... 4                        CDL B w/ Passenger Endorsement .............................................12
    American Sign Language Course                                                                         Construction Technology .................................................... 13
    (Introduction)....................................................................................4       Welding I.........................................................................................13
    American Sign Language Course                                                                             Welding II........................................................................................13
    (Intermediate)...................................................................................4    Apprenticeship....................................................................... 13
    Audio Production/Podcasting..........................................................5                Health Science....................................................................... 14
    Let’s Sew: Sewing 101.....................................................................5               Dental Assistant (Clinical)...............................................................14
    Mah Jongg: Beginners.....................................................................5                Dental Assistant Expanded Functions: RDA .................................14
    Canasta: Beginners .........................................................................5             Certified Nurse Aide (CNA).............................................................14
    Meditation for Beginners..................................................................6               Medical Terminology (Introduction)................................................14
    Watercolors for Beginners ..............................................................6                 Pharmacy Technician Training Program.........................................15
Real Estate............................................................................... 6                  CPR: American Heart Association Basic Life Support
    Pre-License Real Estate...................................................................6               for Healthcare Providers ................................................................15
Information Technology.......................................................... 7                            Phlebotomy Technician..................................................................15
    Legal Secretary Training Course with MS Office                                                            Practical Nursing Program (LPN) ..................................................16
    Computer Training............................................................................7            LPN Refresher ..............................................................................16
    MS Office Training ...........................................................................7       Education............................................................................... 17
    Legal Secretary Training:..................................................................7              Child Development Associate (CDA)..............................................17
    Accounting and Computers (Beginners)..........................................7                       Personal Services.................................................................. 17
    Accounting and Computers (Intermediate)......................................7                            Cosmetology..................................................................................17
    Basic Computer Literacy (Introduction) ..........................................7
                                                                                                          Horticulture............................................................................ 18
    Computer Literacy (Advanced).........................................................8
                                                                                                              Floral Design (Beginners)...............................................................18
    Microsoft Excel: Introduction...........................................................8
                                                                                                              Floral Design (Advanced)...............................................................18
    Microsoft Excel: Intermediate..........................................................8
                                                                                                              Landscape and Garden Technologies............................................18
    Microcomputer Keyboarding............................................................8
                                                                                                              Colorful Early Spring Arrangement.................................................18
    Microsoft Excel: Advanced..............................................................8
    Intro to the NEW Macs and macOS.................................................9                     Culinary Education................................................................ 18
    Apple MacOS Mastering the Mac....................................................9                        Fun with Phyllo Dough...................................................................18
    Intro to Linux PC operating systems................................................9                      French Pastries .............................................................................18
    How to better protect your online privacy........................................9                        Tarts................................................................................................18
    Reducing Your Digital Footprint.....................................................10                Enrollment.............................................................................. 19
Transportation Technology................................................... 10                           Calendar................................................................................. 19
    ASE Certified Technician................................................................10            General................................................................................... 20
    Auto Body Repair and Refinishing (Beginners) .............................10                          Registration Form.................................................................. 22
    Auto Body Repair and Refinishing (Advanced)..............................10
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
Register and Pay Online at                                                    2

General Information                                                 Registration Process
Career and Continuing Education
Career and Continuing Education Courses are                             BY WEBSITE
designed for adults who want to learn a trade or sup-          ONLINE REGISTERING MADE EASY!
plement the skills and technical knowledge they use                     Use our online system to register
in their present jobs. Serious hobbyists are welcome,              at your convenience and to save you time!
too. Students in the Career and Continuing Educa-           Visit: then click “Adult Education”
tion Program learn by doing. Classes are held in the
Monmouth County Vocational School District’s fully
equipped shops and classrooms using modern tools,
equipment and techniques. Shop work is supple-
mented by the instruction in theory and principles of
the trade. Instructors are teachers in the Monmouth
County Vocational School District Day Program and
other highly skilled, experienced trades people. No                             BY MAIL
course credits are given in the Career and Continuing       Complete the registration form on the last page and
Education Program; however, each student with                mail along with payment by check, money order,
proper attendance is given a certificate, which indi-         VISA/MasterCard/Discover, American Express
cates the number of hours attended.
Mission Statement
The Monmouth County Vocational School District’s
Post-Secondary Institution’s mission is to foster                                Mail to:
the educational experience of the adult learner and                          Neptune Annex
prepare them for the competitive demands of the                            105 Neptune Blvd
workplace.                                                                 Neptune, NJ 07753
Admission Requirements                                                    or Fax: 732-897-1676
Adult vocational education classes are open to all
persons 16 years of age or older (unless otherwise           Mail-in Registration must be received at least one
noted) who have graduated or left an elementary or sec-               week prior to course start date.
ondary school system. Additional course requirements
are listed as prerequisites. Non-Discrimination Clause:
The Monmouth County Vocational School District does          Help Wanted!| Now Hiring!
not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color,
national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affection    Water / Waste Water Instructor
or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
religion, disability, or socioeconomic status. Further
                                                             Blue Print Reading Instructor
information regarding this policy can be obtained from
                                                             Requirement: License in Trade Area and at least 5
the 504 Compliance/Affirmative Action Officer, Mr. Sean
                                                                           years of experience.
Meehan 732-431-7942 Press 4.
COVID-19: Precautions for Students and Staff                         See Website
Please note the following guidelines are in place                 under “Employment” for application.
during the pandemic as of the printing of this
course catalog. All entering campus buildings will
be required to: Complete a COVID-19 Screening
                                                              Did you attend the MCVSD Adult High School
Questionnaire. Maintain at least three feet from other
                                                                and now need a copy of your transcript?
students and staff. • Face coverings are required at
                                                                    Call us at 732.431.7245 Press 0
all times while inside campus buildings.
                                                                             OR Email us at
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
Register and Pay Online at                                                       3

new          Master Classes of                                     Free Classes                                    new

             Monmouth County                                       Earn Your High School Diploma
                                                                   NOW is the TIME!
    Do you know someone who                                        Getting your High School Equivalency Diploma (GED)
 works in Monmouth County and                                      will greatly improve your ability to further your educa-
 is an expert in their trade area?                                 tion and career. Students must be 16 years or older
                                                                   and not enrolled in high school to be considered
  A master class is a class given to students of a                 for enrollment. Students must be able to commit/
particular discipline by an expert of that discipline.             dedicate at least 6 hours per week to attend classes.
                                                                   Students will be required to pay for the cost of the
     Do you know of someone who works in                           four exams that incorporate the GED test, which will
 Monmouth County and is an expert in his or her                    be given at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft.
 trade? Has anyone ever referred to you as THE                     Once you pass the NJ State HSE exam, the actual
             BEST at what you do?                                  diploma is issued by the New Jersey State Depart-
                                                                   ment of Education and states that you have met
We are looking for the very best tradesmen and                     all requirements to be a high school graduate. The
tradeswomen in Monmouth County to run a series                     diploma is recognized by many employers and
of Master Classes in such areas as barbering,                      colleges as being equivalent to a high school
landscape design, electricity, hvac/r, construction,               diploma. Student will need to purchase the 2021
baking, home repair, mechanics, plumbing, eyebrow                  Kaplan GED Test Prep Plus Book.
shaper, website developer, etc.                                    Registration:
                                                                   Online or by Calling 732.431.7245 Press 0
Nominate the very best tradesmen and women                         Let our expert instructors tutor you to PASS the
this county has to offer!                                          EXAM for FREE!
                                                                   Mandatory Entrance Test on either January
Email your nominations to Be                    11th or January 13th at 10am or 5pm. Students
sure to include the contact information and trade area             must register for the entrance test by calling
of expertise.                                                      732.431.7245 Press 0
                                                                   The GED classes prepare an individual in the follow-
Master Classes                                                     ing subject areas:
                                                                   GED Language Arts: Writing and Reading
Let’s Sew!................................................Page 5   Mondays and Wednesdays
Changing a Tire and Checking Oil......Page 11                      5:00 pm-8:00 pm Neptune Annex
Colorful Early Spring Arrangement….Page 18                         January 24, 2022-April 13, 2022
                                                                   In-Person Class
                                                                   GED Social Studies                       It’s never
                                                                   Mondays and Wednesdays                   too late!
                                                                   5:00 pm-8:00 pm Online Class!
                                                                   January 24, 2022-April 13, 2022
                                                                   GED Science
                                                                   Tuesdays and Thursdays
                                                                   5:00 pm-8:00 pm Neptune Annex
                                                                   January 25, 2022-April 14, 2022
                                                                   In-Person Class                             small
                                                                   GED Mathematics                            classes!
                                                                   Tuesdays and Thursdays
                                                                   5:00 pm-8:00 pm Neptune Annex
                                                                   January 25, 2022-April 14, 2022
                                                                   In-Person Class
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
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Free ESL Classes                                          English as a Second Language
                                                          Certified Home Health Aide (Free)
English as a Second Language Certified                    This program is designed for those whose
Nurse Aide Class (Free)                                   native language is not English, who understand a
This program is designed for those whose native           moderate amount of English, and who wish to enter
language is not English, who understand a moderate        the field of nursing. Become a Certified Home Health
amount of English, and who wish to enter the field of     Aide providing personal (hands-on) care to patients
nursing. Students will be given the tools to improve      in their homes. Personal care consists of bathing,
their speaking, reading, and writing skills while they    showering, exercises, transfers, etc. Upon suc-
attend the Certified Nurse Aide in a Long Term Care       cessful completion of the 76-Hour course (60 hours
Facility (CNA) course. Students will develop the skills   classroom and 16 hours clinical), you will be eligible
necessary to care competently for the predominately       to take the New Jersey Home-Maker Home Health
geriatric client. Upon successful completion of the       Aide Competency Exam. Admission requirements:
90-hour course (50 hours classroom and 40 hours           Students must purchase uniform. Cost of CHHA
clinical), students will be eligible to take the New      license not included. Students will need to com-
Jersey State Nurse Aide in Long Term Care Facility        plete their physical and background check upon
Exam. Students can be absent no more than two             applying licensure.
                                                          Students must register for the entrance test by
According to the New Jersey Department of Health,         calling 732.431.7245 Press 0
CNA candidates do not need a high school diploma
to become licensed, however, a prerequisite for           CHHA Tuesday and Thursdays (80 Hour Course)
certification is passing criminal background              Neptune Annex
check and other documentation as noted on the             January 18, 2022 – April 14, 2022
NJ Department of Health website.                          Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00 pm-8:00 pm
Admission requirements: complete physical
examination including flu/covid-19 vaccine,               Mandatory Entrance Test:
background check, purchase uniform and attend             January 10th 10:00 am or 5:00 pm
orientation. Cost of certification exam is not            January 12th 10:00 am or 5:00 pm

Additional hours may be required for those students       Hobbies & Leisure
who need extra help.                                      American Sign Language Course
Students must register for the entrance test by           American Sign Language is a visual and beautiful
calling 732.431.7245 Press 0                              language. Come and begin to learn about ASL and
                                                          Deaf culture in this fast-paced introductory course.
Mandatory Entrance Test:                                  Tuesdays (6 sessions)
January 10th 10:00 am or 5:00 pm                          6:00 pm-8:00 pm Career Center
January 12th 10:00 am or 5:00 pm                          January 25, 2022-March 1, 2022..................... $180

CNA Tuesday and Thursdays (90 Hour Course)                American Sign Language Course
Neptune Annex                                             (Intermediate)
January 25, 2022 – May 17, 2022                           American Sign Language is a visual and beautiful lan-
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 am-1:10 pm                    guage. Come and expand on your basic knowledge
                                                          of ASL and Deaf culture in this fast-paced intermedi-
                                                          ate course.
                                                          Tuesdays (6 sessions)
                                                          6:00 pm-8:00 pm Career Center
                                                          March 8, 2022-April 12, 2022.......................... $180
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
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Hobbies & Leisure                                                             Mah Jongg: Beginners
                                                                              Learn the American version of Mah Jongg,

Audio Production/Podcasting                                                   it’s a tile game for all ages in the rummy family
Today’s technology allows for just about anyone                               and is typically played with four people. The Instruc-
to create their own radio shows and offer them as                             tor, Christine Blackford will explain the basics of tiles
downloadable and/or streaming audio online. How-                              and their function to the Charleston and the National
ever, navigating these waters and creating a quality                          Mah Jongg League rules, understanding and using
product may take some guidance. This class will                               the current yearly card to strive to the winning hand.
teach the basics of working with audio (using micro-                          NO Mah Jongg experience or prior knowledge is
phones, cables, mixing boards, editing software) and                          required and a practice Mah Jongg set is provided for
will provide step-by-step guidance on how to create                           the duration of this five-week class. Upon completion
and host your own podcast using free and inexpen-                             you will be fully confident and knowledgeable to
sive resources. Basic Mac/Apple computing skills                              join a game of Mah Jongg! PLEASE NOTE: Please
required.                                                                     purchase an official National Mah Jongg League
Prerequisite: Basic computing skills and access to                            2021 yearly card before class! It is available online
a home computer.                                                              at
Tuesdays and Thursdays (12 sessions)                                          the price is $10.00 for large print. Please make sure
6:00 pm-7:30 pm CHS                                                           you are purchasing the 2021 Card.
January 18, 2022-February 24, 2022.............. $360                         Tuesdays (5 sessions)
                                                                              10:00 am-12:00 pm Neptune Annex
                                                                              February 1, 2022-March 1, 2022..................... $100

Let’s Sew: Sewing 101                                                         Canasta: Beginners                                 n
                                                                              Learn today’s version of American Canasta,                ew
Betty McCarty is the owner and instructor of Let’s
Sew Studio in Shrewsbury. Betty built her career                              played with four players, 2 decks of cards
working at many known fashion house in the NYC                                with jokers in a partnership. The Instructor, Chris-
garment industry and is excited to share her pas-                             tine Blackford will explain the objective of the game,
sion of sewing with others. Our Sewing 101 class is                           the cards and their values, rules and strategies for 7s
perfect for students who are sewing for the first time                        and Aces and playing as a team. Canasta is a game
or just want to refresh their skills. Students will learn                     of skill, strategy, calculation and involves a certain
how to use a sewing machine, take body measure-                               degree of chance. NO Canasta experience or prior
ments, read pattern and use various sewing tech-                              knowledge is required and cards are provided for the
niques. This class will help you develop new skills to                        duration of this five-week class. Upon completion you
begin your creative sewing projects. The class project                        will have the skills to be fully confident and knowl-
will be pajama pants.                                                         edgeable to join a game of Canasta!
Note: Students must bring their own sewing                                    Wednesdays (5 sessions)
machine to class and fabric cutting shears. A list                            10:00 am-12:00 pm Neptune Annex
of supplies will be mailed to students upon regis-                            March 9, 2022-April 6, 2022 ........................... $100
tration (approximately $20).

Mondays (5 sessions)
5:30 pm-7:30 pm Middletown
January 24, 2022-February 28, 2022
March 7, 2022-April 4, 2022
Tuition .............................................................. $150
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
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Hobbies & Leisure                                          Real Estate                                      new
Meditation for Beginners                                   Pre-License Real Estate
Escape the stressors of your daily life and learn how      This course meets the State Educational require-
to meditate in this introductory course. Students will     ments for those wishing to qualify for the State
learn the art of meditation as well as practicing the      Licensing Exam in partnership with the Caplan
basics of concentration and meditative breathing           School of Real Estate. Students must be 18 years of
techniques. Bring blanket or meditation cushion,           age and have a high school diploma or equivalent.
shawl wrap or hooded sweatshirt and notebook and           The NJ Real Estate Commission will conduct a
pen.                                                       criminal background check on all candidates. Stu-
Mondays (6 sessions)                                       dents must complete the 75-hour course and earn
6:00 pm-7:30 pm CHS                                        a score of 70% or more on the MCVSD final exam.
January 24, 2022-March 7, 2022..................... $160   Students have one year from date of issuance to
                                                           pass the State exam and file their applications with
Watercolors for Beginners                                  the Real Estate Commission. Tuition does not include
Learn the basic to creating watercolor art. Watercolor     textbook. Students will purchase the textbook on
artist, Christine Blackford will explain the tools used    the first night of class from the instructor. The cost of
to create a watercolor painting, easy to follow step by    the textbook is $40 and can be paid with a check or
step instruction, watercolor techniques, color mixing      credit card.
and share some artist tips and tricks to add interest
to your work. Students will work on landscape              Mondays and Wednesdays (25 sessions)
and floral paintings. A line drawing template will be      5:30 pm-8:30 pm Career Center
provided to trace or create a personal sketch and to       January 24, 2022-April 22, 2022..................... $400
use as a reference. No two paintings will be exactly
alike and yours will be an expression of you. NO
experience or prior knowledge is required. With a bit
of patience, you will learn, relax, and enjoy creating
beautiful artwork. PLEASE NOTE: Please purchase
and bring watercolor art supplies to first class.

Wednesdays (5 sessions)
10:00 am-12:00 pm Neptune Annex
February 2, 2022-March 2, 2022 ................... $100
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
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Information Technology                                                        Accounting and Computers (Beginners)
                                                                              This course covers basic bookkeeping and account-
Legal Secretary Training Course with MS                                       ing principles and techniques on QuickBooks soft-
Office Computer Training                                                      ware. Learn the language and problems of business
A vital part of any legal practice is the administrative                      and the bookkeeping cycle in its simplest form. Study
and documentary work performed by legal staff.                                different types of journals, accounts, and book-
This course will prepare students to become com-                              keeping records. Understand business practices by
petent legal secretaries and will provide students                            studying transactions and their effects on operations.
with a foundation on which to begin a legal career.                           Class limited to 10 students.
Upon completion of the course, each student
will receive a certification of completion from the                           Wednesdays (10 sessions)
MCVSD. Topics include: Introduction to the basic                              6:30 pm-8:30 pm Neptune Annex
theory of law, the legal process, the nature of the                           January 19, 2022-March 23, 2022................... $300
practice of law, technology and research databases
utilized in the legal office, legal research techniques,                      Accounting and Computers (Intermediate)
court filings, office procedures including billing                            This course covers basic bookkeeping and account-
techniques, transcript services, legal citation format,                       ing principles, general ledger, financial statements
office management techniques, handling client tele-                           preparation and understanding of payroll preparation
phone calls, assistance with filing court documents                           using QuickBooks software to understand the impact
and speaking with opposing counsel. This class will                           of different types of transactions and how they affect
begin with an overview of MS Office programs and                              business operations. Class limited to 10 students.
functions, including PowerPoint, Word, and Excel.
Tuition: ............................................................. $360   Thursdays (10 sessions)
                                                                              6:30 pm-8:30 pm Neptune Annex
MS Office Training                                                            January 20, 2022-March 24, 2022................... $300
Taught by Alfred Gonzalez who has over 20 years
of experience as a Senior Computer and Informa-                               Basic Computer Literacy (Introduction)
tion Technology Manager.                                                      This course is for the individual who has little or no
                                                                              computer experience. The main goal of this class is
Mondays and Wednesdays (6 sessions)                                           for the student to get comfortable with using comput-
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Career Center                                                 ers. It will provide introduction on the basic functions
January 24, 2022-Febrary 9, 2022                                              as well as selected Microsoft Applications such as
                                                                              Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Students must bring
Legal Secretary Training:                                                     their own USB drive.
Taught by Jason Timmerman, Attorney for the
Department of Law and Public Safety.                                          Mondays (6 sessions)
                                                                              6:00 pm-8:00 pm Neptune Annex
Wednesdays (6 sessions)                                                       January 24, 2022-March 7, 2022 .................... $200
6:30 pm-8:30 pm Career Center                                                     Or
February 16, 2022-March 23, 2022                                              Thursdays (6 sessions)
                                                                              6:00 pm-8:00 pm Career Center
                                                                              January 27, 2022-March 3, 2022..................... $200
Monmouth County Vocational Career & Technical Education
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Information Technology                                      Microsoft Excel: Intermediate
                                                            This course will allow students to use more advanced
Computer Literacy (Advanced)                                features of Excel. This includes working with multiple
Students will learn advanced applications associated        worksheets and workbooks, advanced charts, use
with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. In Mic-          of advanced functions, summarizing data with Pivot
rosoft Word, students will learn how to create flyers,      Tables and Charts, linking worksheets, performing
address labels, business cards, newsletters, and bro-       and advanced data analysis. Prerequisites: Ability
chures. Students will learn how to type professional        to use a mouse, save and retrieve files. Knowl-
business letters, and add graphics to documents             edge and experience with Excel.
from Internet websites. They will also learn how to
create professional PowerPoint Presentations from           Tuesdays (6 sessions)
documents created in Word and Excel by insertion            6:00 pm-8:00 pm Career Center
of selected text. Students will learn how to create         March 15, 2022-April 26, 2022........................ $200
advanced spreadsheets and insert them into Word
documents. Students must bring their own USB                Microcomputer Keyboarding
drive.                                                      This course will teach students the touch keyboard-
                                                            ing method of alphabetic and numeric/symbol skills
Mondays (6 sessions)                                        necessary to input data. Recommended for students
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Neptune Annex                               interested in developing basic keyboarding skills.
March 14, 2022-April 25, 2022 ...................... $200
   Or                                                       Tuesdays (6 sessions)
Thursdays (6 sessions)                                      6:00 pm-8:00 pm Neptune Annex
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Career Center                               March 15, 2022-April 26, 2022........................ $200
March 10, 2022-April 14, 2022 ..................... $200
                                                            Microsoft Excel: Advanced
Microsoft Excel: Introduction                               Microsoft Excel training for business profession-
This course covers data entry, cell techniques, formu-      als shows you advanced Excel skills that apply
las, using functions, font styles, drawing tools, ranges    to creating smart adaptive Excel business tools.
and printing techniques. Other spreadsheet topics           Our advanced Excel training focuses on: Creating
will be explored. Students should be able to use a          Excel analysis and data processing tools using
mouse & keyboard and be familiar with how to save           advanced formulas, array formulas, logic, ActiveX
and retrieve files. Students must bring their own           controls, conditional formatting, data validation, pivot
USB drive.                                                  tables, pivot charts, Excel tables and relationships.
                                                            Advanced aspects of these elements and how to
Tuesdays (6 sessions)                                       assemble them in sophisticated ways including
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Neptune Annex                               modeling and creating interactive dashboards will be
January 25, 2022-March 1, 2022 ................... $200     covered. Creation of advanced logic will be reviewed,
Or                                                          which allows these tools to operate autonomously
Mondays (6 sessions)                                        and adapt to changing data. We will also provide an
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Career Center                               introduction to macros (VBA).
January 24, 2022-March 7, 2022 …................ $200       Prerequisites: Ability to use a mouse, save and
                                                            retrieve files. Knowledge and experience with
                                                            Excel. Students must bring their own USB drive.

                                                            Mondays (5 sessions)
                                                            6:00 pm-8:00 pm Career Center
                                                            March 14, 2022-April 25, 2022........................ $180
Register and Pay Online at                                                     9

Information Technology                                    Intro to Linux PC operating systems
                                                          Sick of Windows? Got a PC you can’t upgrade to
Intro to the NEW Macs and macOS                           Windows 11? Learn the basics of installing and using
Apple’s new Mac computers are much faster, more           a Linux-based PC operating system, which is free
powerful, and use less energy than Macs made only         and open source software available for download
a year ago, thanks to the new Silicon processors that     from the Internet. Students will learn what Linux is,
replace Intel processors. Macs are more like using        how to get a Linux OS and install it on a PC beside or
an iPhone or iPad than ever before. Learn about           instead of Windows, and how to use programs that
how to use a Silicon Mac computer and the macOS           come with it. This IS NOT a professional-level Linux
operating system: how to start it up securely using a     course and won’t qualify you to be a Linux system
fingerprint or an Apple Watch; how to set a new Mac       administrator. Prerequisites: Must be competent
up securely; how to use its new features, like using      using at least one computer operating system
iPhone or iPad apps on a Mac, how to manage data          and feel comfortable working with a web brows-
quickly and efficiently, how to connect to the internet   er. Bringing your laptop computer to class is
and use iCloud services, surf the World Wide Web          required.
and how to send and receive email, how to use other
Apple products and peripherals with the Mac, how          Tuesdays and Thursdays (5 sessions)
to transition from another computer to a Mac, how         7:00 pm-8:30 pm CHS
to fix basic problems, and more. Prerequisite: Must       January 25, 2022-February 8, 2022 ............... $170
feel comfortable using at least one computer
operating system. Access to a Macintosh at home                                                            new
or work is highly recommended. If you have a Mac          How to better protect your online
laptop, bring it to class.                                privacy
                                                          If you’re not concerned about your online privacy
Mondays and Wednesdays (6 Sessions)                       and security, then you should be. While there is no
7:00 pm-8:30 pm Communications High School (CHS)          way to completely secure your privacy when going
January 24, 2022-February 9, 2022................ $190    on-line [except for not going on-line], this course is
                                                          designed to show you how to protect yourself better
Apple MacOS Mastering the Mac                             when you do go on-line. Learn how to modify your
Learn how to integrate your Mac into your work or         computer operating system and applications to
life flow by master Apple’s MacOS. Topics covered         prevent revealing information about you, including
include changing system and Finder preferences;           securing your web browser, protecting direct commu-
customizing Mac applications, finding, downloading,       nications, encrypting your stored data, and the cost
installing and customizing non-Apple applications,        and benefits of doing so. Topics will include using a
using iCloud and other internet services, and more.       password manager, virtual private network service,
Topics will be determined in part by the desires of       storage encryption, dangers of social media, and
students. Prerequisite: Must feel comfortable             more. Prerequisites: Must be competent using at
using some version of MacOS. Prerequisite: Com-           least one computer operating system and feel
plete the Intro to NEW Macs and macOS course,             comfortable working with a web browser. Bring-
or basic knowledge of Mac usage. Access to a              ing your laptop computer to class is required.
Macintosh at home or work is highly recommend-
ed. If you have a Mac laptop, bring it to class.          Tuesdays and Thursdays (4 sessions)
                                                          7:00 pm-8:30 pm CHS
Mondays and Wednesdays (5 sessions)                       February 15, 2022-February 24,2022.............. $150
7:00 pm-8:30 pm CHS
February 14, 2022-March 2, 2022................... $170
Register and Pay Online at                                                     10

Information Technology                                     Auto Body Repair and Refinishing
Reducing Your Digital Footprint                new         This course covers basic auto body repair, tools,
Learn how set up and use software and                      equipment, sheet metal damage procedures for
services to make you anonymous on                          straightening and reshaping damaged metal and auto
the internet and World Wide Web, including using           body fillers, glues and fiberglass repair. The student
a secure operating system, encrypted email and             must have his/her own project and be responsible for
direct messaging, avoiding location services, erasing      all materials and supplies.
data traces after using a computer, and more. Every
account created, email sent, image posted, or loca-        Tuesdays & Thursdays (10 sessions)
tion tagged adds to a persons digital footprint. That      6:30 pm-9:30 pm Hazlet
information is combined to portray a digital image         January 25, 2022-February 24, 2022.............. $300
of someone’s interests, hobbies, actions, beliefs,
and routines. This information can be used by mar-         Auto Body Repair and Refinishing
keting companies to send targeted advertisements,          (Advanced)
but even worse it can be used by cybercriminals            This course covers the basics of paint refinishing,
to commit identity theft. Prerequisites: Must be           the spray gun, spray booth, preparation of vehicle,
competent using at least one computer operating            surface preparation, protective coverings, and wet
system and feel comfortable working with a web             sanding and buffing. The student must have his/her
browser. Bringing your laptop computer to class is         own project and be responsible for all materials and
required.                                                  supplies needed.

Tuesdays and Thursdays (4 sessions)                        Tuesdays & Thursdays (10 sessions)
7:00 pm-8:30 pm Communications High School (CHS)           6:30 pm-9:30 pm Hazlet
March 1, 2022-March 10, 2022 ...................... $150   March 15, 2022-April 14, 2022........................ $300

                                                           Pilot Ground School
Transportation Technology                                  Ever dreamed of piloting a private plane? This
                                                           course, taught by a FAA certified flight instructor, is
ASE Certified Technician                                   an introduction to the requirements of becoming a
Becoming an ASE Certified Technician? This ASE             private pilot certified for fixed wing (not helicopter)
test prep course will build your test-taking skills        single engine aircraft. Topics include Principles of
and utilize the most up-to-date test information and       Flight and Aerodynamics, Aviation Physiology, Air-
resources. Technicians with ASE credentials help           ports and Air Traffic Control, Aircraft Engines, Instru-
instill customer confidence. The instructor, a Master      ments, Systems and Performance, Weather, Naviga-
Automotive Technician, will individualize your ASE         tion, Flight Planning, and FAA Regulations. Students
PREP instruction. This course will focus on the            shall be responsible for purchasing their own mate-
following areas: Suspension and Steering, Brakes,          rials (approximately $65). This course will prepare
Electrical/Electronic Systems and Engine Perfor-           students with the necessary aeronautical knowledge
mance. This course will prepare students for the A1        that can be used to pass the FAA private pilot written
through A8 ASE exams. Textbook not included.               exam. (FLIGHT INSTRUCTION IN AN AIRCRAFT
                                                           NOT INCLUDED). This is also an excellent refresher
Thursdays (10 sessions)                                    course for current and non-current rated private,
6:00 pm-9:00 pm Hazlet                                     recreational and sport pilots. The course is also
January 27, 2022-March 31, 2022 .................. $300    open to non-pilot aviation enthusiasts.

                                                           Mondays (12 sessions)
                                                           6:00 pm-9:00 pm Tinton Falls
                                                           February 7, 2022-May 9, 2022......................... $300
Register and Pay Online at                                                           11

Transportation Technology
Automotive Technician (Beginners)
Students interested in pursuing the automotive trade
as a career will receive hands-on and classroom
training for entry level employment addressing the
following: tools, precision measuring equipment,
shop procedures and safety. Basic automotive
systems such as engine fundamentals, power train
service, brakes, tires, exhaust systems, suspension,
and alignment procedures will be covered. Advanced
automotive technology including engine computer
controls, anti-skid braking systems, air conditioning,
fuel and air management systems will be included to
prepare the student for entry into a modern automo-
tive service facility.
                                                                       Basic Auto Mechanics & Preventative
Tuesdays & Thursdays (12 sessions)
6:30 pm-9:30 pm Middletown
                                                                       This course includes shop and personal safety rules,
February 1, 2022-March 10, 2022................... $400
                                                                       care and use of hand tools, lubrication services, car
                                                                       safety inspection, under-car visual inspection and
                                                                       service, under hood visual inspection, chassis lubri-
                                                                       cation, oil and filter change, service of automotive
                                                      new              transmission, tire maintenance and repair, wheel
                                                                       bearing maintenance, basic automotive electricity
This class is taught by                                                and engine theory. This course is designed for
                                                                       first-year apprentices and those interested in the
Master Technician Tom Carretta                                         automotive field. This is not a theory course, rather
who has been a practicing                                              a hands-on course. The student must have his/her
mechanic at DCH Ford in                                                own project and be responsible for all materials and
Eatontown for over 35 years.                                           supplies needed.

Changing a Tire and Checking Oil                                       Tuesdays (10 sessions)
Have you ever been stuck on the side of the road                       7:00 pm-10:00 pm Tinton Falls
with a flat tire? Learn how to safely and efficiently                  February 22, 2022-May 3, 2022....................... $300
change your tire in this step by step, hands-on class.
Each student will be given a chance to change a
tire as well as learn how to check their oil. *Limited
number of seats.

Tuesday (1 session)
6:30 pm-9:30 pm Middletown
January 25, 2022................................................ $40

Thursday (1 session)
6:30 pm-9:30 pm Middletown
January 27, 2022................................................ $40
Register and Pay Online at                                                                  12

                                                                     CDL B w/ Passenger Endorsement
Transportation Technology                                            In partnership with Superior Driving School in Toms
                                                                     River, students will prepare for all written C.D.L.
Tractor Trailer – CDL Class A                                        exams including: General Knowledge, Air Brakes,
In partnership with Superior Driving School in Toms                  Hazmat, Tankers and Passenger. The theory portion
River, students will prepare for all written C.D.L.                  of the course will take place in the Tinton Falls. Upon
exams including: General Knowledge, Air Brakes,                      completion of the theory portion of the class, the stu-
Combination Vehicles, Hazmat, Tankers, Doubles &                     dents are required to take and pass the written CDL
Triples. The theory portion of the course will take                  Class B exam at a NJ Motor Vehicle Agency before
place in the Tinton Falls. Upon completion of the                    they can continue their training. The mandatory yard
theory portion of the class, the students are required               and road portion of the class will take place at 2834
to take and pass the written CDL Class A exam at a                   Lacey Road, Forked River, NJ at the Superior Driving
NJ Motor Vehicle Agency before they can continue                     School location. The yard and road training will cover
their training. The mandatory yard and road portion                  all skills necessary to pass the new federally regulat-
of the class will take place at 2834 Lacey Road,                     ed road test at NJ Motor Vehicles. Upon completing
Forked River, NJ at the Superior Driving School                      this training, students will be required to take a road
location. The yard and road training will cover all                  test at NJ Motor Vehicle testing center coordinated
skills necessary to pass the new federally regulated                 by Superior Driving School. Upon completion of this
road test at NJ Motor Vehicles. Upon completing                      course Drivers will be able to drive Automatic trans-
this training, students will be required to take a road              mission class B vehicles including Busses. Please
test at NJ Motor Vehicle testing center coordinated                  note that this training will NOT enable a driver to
by Superior Driving School. The total cost of the                    operate a School Bus. There is a separate endorse-
course is $3,300. A mandatory deposit of $220 is                     ment, “S” (School Bus) which is required (not includ-
required to Superior Driving School upon registra-                   ed in this course) and can be obtained after receiving
tion as well as a payment in the amount of $280 to                   the “P” (Passenger) endorsement, included in this
MCVSD.                                                               course. The total cost of the course is $1,700. A
Theoretical Portion:......................................... $280   mandatory deposit of $220 is required to Superior
Monday and Wednesday                                                 Driving School upon registration as well as a
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tinton Falls                                      payment in the amount of $280 to MCVSD.
January 24, 2022 -February 23, 2022                                  Theoretical Portion: ....................................... $280
                                                                     Monday and Wednesday
Yard and Road Training:............................... $3,020        6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tinton Falls
(Payable to Superior Driving School. Does not                        January 24, 2022 -February 23, 2022
include MVC Permit, DOT Physical or fingerprint-
                                                                     Yard and Road Training: ............................... $1420
ing--Payment arrangements can be made for the
                                                                     (Payable to Superior Driving School. Does not
                                                                     include MVC Permit, DOT Physical or fingerprinting.
Monday and Wednesday
                                                                     Payment arrangements can be made for the balance.)
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
                                                                     Monday and Wednesday
March 7, 2022 -June 27, 2022
                                                                     6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
                                                                     March 7, 2022 -April 6, 2022
Upon registration, students will be mailed an addi-
                                                                     Upon registration, students will be mailed an addi-
tional information packet that they must complete
                                                                     tional information packet that they must complete
and contact Superior Driving School two weeks
                                                                     and contact Superior Driving School two weeks
before the theoretical portion of the class begins.
                                                                     before the theoretical portion of the class begins.
Requirements: Must be 18 with a non-provisional
                                                                     Requirements: Must be 18 with a non-provisional
driver’s license and pass a DOT physical provided
                                                                     driver’s license and pass a DOT physical provided
by Superior Driving School. Theoretical training
                                                                     by Superior Driving School. Theoretical training
will continue until either the date listed above or the
                                                                     will continue until either the date listed above or the
students permits are validated whichever come first.
                                                                     students permits are validated whichever come first.
80% attendance in the Yard & Road section of the
                                                                     80% attendance in the Yard & Road section of the
course is required. Questions should be directed
                                                                     course is required. Questions should be directed
to Superior Driving School at 1-877-664-5090.
                                                                     to Superior Driving School at 1-877-664-5090.
Register and Pay Online at                                                13

Construction Technology                                                  Apprenticeship
Welding I
This course is an introduction to welding and the                What Is An Apprenticeship?
primary focus is SMAW (shielded metal arc welding)           A systematic approach of on-the-job learning and
or stick welding. Other topics covered are welding          related technical courses for a specific occupation.
safety, safe use and maintenance of tools and equip-           What Is On-The-Job Learning?
ment, safe shop keeping, welding terms and metal-          Learning skills operations under the close supervision
lurgy, oxyacetylene cutting and gas welding, plasma            of a trained mentor while employed full-time.
cutting, brazing and soldering and structural welding
in all positions (flat, vertical and overhead). Informa-         What Is Related Classroom
tion on AWS (American Welding Society) membership                       Instruction?
and welding certification will be provided. Enrollment     Covers technical courses needed for a specific trade.
limited to 9 students. Books, supplies and personal
safety equipment are not included in tuition.
                                                              How Long Is The Training Period?
                                                           Depending on the occupation it varies from 1 to 5 year
*This class fills quickly.
                                                            Apprenticeships 144+ hours/yr. technical instruction.
Mondays & Wednesdays (22 Sessions)
4:00 pm-7:00 pm Aberdeen
                                                             Call your County Apprenticeship Coordinator for
January 10, 2022-March 30, 2022................... $700
                                                               more information at 732-431-7245 Ext. 2636.
                                                             Establish a model program for your employees to
Mondays & Wednesdays (22 Sessions)
                                                                 obtain a nationally recognized credential.
7:00 pm-10:00 pm Aberdeen
January 10, 2022-March 30, 2022…............... $700
                                                               Call your County Apprenticeship Coordinator:
Welding II
                                                                          732-431-7245 ext. 2636
This course is a more in depth study of application and
techniques of SMAW (shielded metal arc welding) or
stick welding, welding pipe and pipe joints, oxyacety-
                                                             We can provide customized training programs for
lene and plasma cutting. Other topics are GMAW (gas
                                                                           your organization!
metal arc welding) or MIG welding of carbon steel,
stainless steel, and aluminum. GTAW (gas tungsten
                                                             SAMPLE CUSTOMIZED TRAINING COURSES /
arc welding) or TIG welding of carbon steel, stainless
                                                             PROGRAMS: Air Conditioning and Heating, Auto
steel and aluminum. Safety procedures are included
                                                           Mechanics, Cabinetmaking, Carpentry, Culinary Arts,
in all units of instruction. Information on AWS (Amer-
                                                            Dietetic Assistant, Instrumentation, Machine Trades,
ican Welding Society) membership and certificate of
                                                                    Maintenance Mechanic, Millwrighting,
completion will be given to those who successfully
                                                            Office Occupations, Packaging Mechanics, Refrig-
complete 80% of the course. Books, supplies, and
                                                            eration, ServSafe® Sanitation, Tool and Die Maker,
personal safety equipment not included in tuition.
                                                                            Pipefitter and Welding
Enrollment limited to 9 students. This class has a
                                                            Additional Customized Training is available. Please
wait list; please call to be placed on it.
                                                           call the Adult Education Office for more information at
                                                                           732-431-7245 Ext. 2636
Tuesdays & Thursdays (22 sessions)
4:00 pm-7:00 pm Aberdeen
January 11, 2022-March 24, 2022…............... $700
                                                             Apprenticeship Courses Offered in Fall
                                                                         2022 Include:
Tuesdays & Thursdays (22 sessions)
 7:00 pm-10:00 pm Aberdeen
January 11, 2022-March 24, 2022…............... $700
                                                                                Waste Water
Register and Pay Online at                                                                       14

Health Science                                                Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)
                                                              Become a Certified Nurse Aide in a Long Term Care
Dental Assistant (Clinical)                                   Facility (CNA). Develop the skills necessary to care
The primary goal of this course is to provide stu-            competently for the geriatric client. Upon successful
dents with the basic skills and knowledge needed              completion of the 90-hour course (50 hours class-
to become a Dental Assistant. By enrolling in this            room and 40 hours clinical), you will be eligible to
program, you will learn dental anatomy, dental chart-         take the New Jersey State Nurse Aide in Long Term
ing, instruments, operatory setup and breakdown,              Care Facility Exam. You will be required to purchase
infection control, and general chairside assisting.           a textbook, complete a physical and attend each
Textbook information will be provided to students             session. There will be a per hour fee for any make-up
upon registration.                                            time and students can be absent no more than two
                                                              classes. According to the New Jersey Department of
Mondays (10 sessions)                                         Health, CNA candidates do not need a high school
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Hazlet                                        diploma to become licensed. Prerequisites: Crimi-
January 31, 2022-May 2, 2022........................ $250     nal background check. Admission requirements:
                                                              complete physical examination including flu
Dental Assistant Expanded                          new        vaccine and covid-19 vaccine, purchase uniform/
Functions: RDA                                                book and attend orientation.
The focus of this course is preparation
for the Dental Assisting National Board’s exam on             Tuition .............................................................. $700
expanded functions. Subjects to be covered are
impressions, temporary crowns, cementation and                Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
removal, matrix placement, rubber dams, gingival              9:00 am-1:30 pm
retraction cords, and pit and fissure sealants. This          February 28, 2022-June 6, 2022
course will include both didactic and laboratory              Orientation: Monday, February 14, 2022 at 10:00 am
sessions to achieve basic competency for commonly                         Or
practiced expanded functions in a clinical setting.           Mondays and Wednesdays
                                                              5:00 pm-9:00 pm
Wednesdays                                                    March 2, 2022 to July 18, 2022
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Hazlet (10 sessions)                          Orientation: Monday February 28, 2022 at 6:00 pm
February 2, 2022-April 6, 2022........................ $250
                                                              Medical Terminology (Introduction)
                                                              This introductory course will help prepare those
                                                              students contemplating a career in the medical field.
                                                              Prefixes, suffixes, and root words will be studied as
                                                              well as common abbreviations used in health care.
                                                              Get a head start on your career as a nurse, medical
                                                              or dental assistant, EKG technician, medical tran-
                                                              scriptionist or just become a better informed patient.

                                                              Tuesdays (6 sessions)
                                                              7:00 pm-9:00 pm Tinton Falls
                                                              January 25, 2022-March 1, 2022..................... $200
Register and Pay Online at                                                                             15

Health Science
Pharmacy Technician Training Program
This is a comprehensive program designed to pre-
pare students for an entry-level position as a Pharma-
cy Technician within a community or hospital phar-
macy. Upon completion of the program students will
receive a certificate of completion and be prepared
to study in order to take the National Certification
Examination that is given by the Pharmacy Technician
Certification Board, which is recognized in all States
within the USA. There is a separate fee for the exam-                         Phlebotomy Technician
ination, which is not included in the tuition. Require-                       This class will prepare students to become phle-bot-
ments for taking the examination are as follows:                              omy technicians. Topics include: the healthcare deliv-
HS diploma or GED (bring to first class); Minimum                             ery system, collection of materials and equip-ment,
age of 18; Criminal background check with no                                  venipuncture and capillary techniques, and medical/
criminal convictions. Registration as a technician                            legal/ethical implications of blood collec-tion. Prac-
with the NJ State Board of Pharmacy is required                               tices will include CDC recommendations for proper
at the student’s expense. Course does not include                             training and use of personal protective equipment
textbook and fees. The instructor is a Pharmacist/                            PPE to protect the student from Covid-19. Textbook
Educator with many years of experience.                                       not included in cost of course. Upon suc-cessful
                                                                              completion of the course, students may be rec-
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (90 hours)                                 ommended for a one week optional internship at
6:00 pm-9:00 pm Tinton Falls (30 sessions)                                    CentraState Hospital on mutually agreed upon dates
January 18, 2022-March 24, 2022................... $900                       from 7:00 am-3:00 pm Monday and 5:00 am-3:00
                                                                              pm Tuesday-Friday within 6 months of completing
CPR: American Heart Association Basic                                         this course. Students must complete bloodwork and
Life Support for Healthcare Providers                                         background check for the Centra State internship
This 4-hour course includes Adult, Child, and Infant                          option. For those students who are interested
basic life support for single and 2-person profes-                            in obtaining employment as a phlebotomist at
sional rescue. The BLS Provider course covers core                            LabCorp, there is a 120-hour minimum internship
material such as adult and pediatric CPR (including                           required. This internship will be upon instructor
two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag mask),                               recommendation at an area LabCorp for three
foreign-body airway obstruction and automated                                 weeks Monday-Friday 9:00 am-2:00 pm starting at
external defibrillation. This course is for healthcare                        a mutually agreed upon date.
providers such as EMS personnel, physician assis-                             Tuition ...............................................................$400
tants, doctors, dental professionals, nurses, respi-                          Mondays and Wednesdays (40 hours)
ratory therapists, and lifeguards who must have a                             5:00 pm-9:00 pm Neptune Annex
credential (card) documenting successful completion                           January 31, 2022-March 7, 2022
of a Healthcare Provider CPR course. The AHA’s new                                 OR
BLS Course has been updated to include science                                Tuesdays and Thursdays (40 hours)
and education from the 2020 Guidelines.                                        5:00 pm-9:00 pm Neptune Annex
                                                                              March 8, 2022-April 12, 2022
Tuesday February 15, 2022                                                         OR
5:00 pm-9:00 pm Neptune Annex                                                 Wednesdays (40 hours)
   OR                                                                         4:30 pm-8:30 pm Career Center
Tuesday March 15, 2022                                                        March 9, 2022-May 18, 2022
5:00 pm-9:00 pm Hazlet                                                             OR
Tuition : ............................................................ $100   Tuesday and Thursdays (40 hours)
                                                                              5:00 pm-9:00 pm Neptune Annex
                                                                              April 14, 2022-May 31, 2022
Register and Pay Online at                                                                     16

Health Science
Practical Nursing Program (LPN)
Starting in 1958, the MCVSD Practical Nursing
Program has graduated over 4,100
students. For the past five years
in a row the Nursing Licensure
Examination (NCLEX) pass rate
has remained at 100%. This course
offers academic studies and clinical
experience to prepare students to
meet the state requirements for licensure as a prac-
tical nurse in New Jersey. It is approved by the New       LPN Refresher
                                                           The Licensed Practical Nurse Refresher            ew             n
Jersey State Board of Nursing and the New Jersey
Department of Education and accredited by Middle           curriculum provides a refresher course
States. Graduates are eligible to take the NCLEX in        for individuals previously licensed as Practical
New Jersey. Each class is assigned to an affiliating       Nurses and who are ineligible for reentry into nursing
hospital/nursing home for clinical experience.             practice due to a lapse in licensure for five or more
                                                           years. This course is also for those who have a
Tuition is $9,250 for the 2021-2022 school year            current LPN license, but would like a refresher of
payable in four payments. Financial aid and grants         current best practices in the medical field. Course
are available for qualified applicants. Approved by        work includes common medical-surgical conditions
the Department of Education for veterans benefits          and nursing approaches to their management, includ-
and the Monmouth County Division of Employment             ing bedside patient care infection control practices,
& Training. Refunds will be honored based on board         and medication administration. This course will
policy. For more information go to           provide 30 hours of hands-on clinical rotations at an
and click “Practical Nursing.”                             area nursing home as well as 30 hours of classroom/
                                                           theory review.
Applicants must be 18 years of age upon entering           Prerequisites:
the program, must have a high school diploma or            • Copy of LPN active or inactive license with
the equivalent, and pass a qualifying test. After               approval from the NJ Board of Nursing Director
passing the qualifying test the applicant must pay a            973-504-6430 or https://www.njconsumeraffairs.
$100 non-refundable registration fee. Not included              gov/nur/Applications/RN-and-LPN-Reinstate-
in fees: a complete physical examination, a criminal            ment-Packet.pdf
background check, books, CPR certification, and            • Complete the Reinstatement LPN Packet.
other COVID-19 clinical site requirements. Clinical        • Completion of the MCVSD physical, background
sites require students to have up-to-date vaccina-              check, student insurance and current CPR/BLS
tions including the Flu and COVID-19 vaccines.                  certification.
                                                           • Copy of COVID-19 and Flu shot vaccination
All sections meet Mondays through Fridays from                  status.
7:30 am-2:30 pm at Neptune Annex and                       • Students must purchase and bring to first class
clinical locations vary.                                        Fundamentals of Nursing Textbook 3rd Edition,
                                                                FA Davis
February 28, 2022-May 2022                                 This class will be taught by Mrs. Sandra Pritchard,
           Or                                              RN, BSN, MPA, LPN Instructor and practicing nurse
September 8, 2022-November 12, 2022                        for over 25 years. Class is limited to 10 students.
No classes Mid-July through August as well as during
traditional public school district days off (i.e. Spring   Tuition : ........................................................... $600
Break )                                                    Mondays and Wednesdays (60 hours)
                                                           9am-12pm Neptune Annex
                                                           February 7, 2022-April 13, 2022
You can also read