Page created by Lonnie Miranda
Getting to Swinburne                4
Starting at Swinburne               6
Support services                    7
Studying at Swinburne               8
Meeting new friends                 9
Keeping in touch                   10
Banking                            12
Students with families             13
Health and safety                  14
Safety on campus                   15
Accommodation                      16
Life in Melbourne                  18
Lifestyle and leisure activities   20
Shopping                           21
Eating out                         23
Religion and places of worship     24
Your student visa                  25
Paying your tuition fees           26
Important contacts                 27

Getting to Swinburne is easy because all campuses are accessible by public transport.
Car parking is available at Hawthorn campus for a fee, and free parking is available at
Croydon and Wantirna campuses.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT                               Apply at StudentHQ Hawthorn for                 Please note: international students
                                               an iUSEpass                                     studying ELICOS, Foundation Year,
For public transport timetables,                                                               VE certificate and postgraduate
ticketing information and route maps           When you buy an International
                                               Undergraduate Student Education Pass            programs are currently NOT eligible
visit ptv.vic.gov.au                                                                           for the iUSEpass.
                                               (iUSEpass) you are buying an annual
·· m
    yki: is Melbourne’s ticketing system.     public transport pass at 50% off the            For more information, visit:
   Find out everything you need to know        normal cost.                                    ptv.vic.gov.au/tickets/myki/concessions-
   about travelling with myki including                                                        and-free-travel/children-and-students/
   how it works, where to buy it and how       The criteria for the iUSEpass are as follows:
   to top up.                                  ·· iUSEpass valid for 365 days – one
                                                   year from activation of the card            If you are eligible under the criteria listed
·· iUSEpass: is available for international
                                                                                               above, the International Counter at Student
    students enrolled in a full-time           ·· P
                                                   rovides a 50% discount on myki
                                                                                               HQ Hawthorn will issue a code (unique to
    undergraduate course (Bachelor                full fares – that is:
                                                                                               you) which you will need to purchase your
    Degree or Associate Degree) or a             - N
                                                    ormal annual pass cost $1722.50           pass from Public Transport Victoria.
    higher VE course (Advanced Diploma
                                                 - iUSEpass cost $861.25
    or Diploma) to purchase a half-price
    annual myki ticket for the zone/s in
    which they study.

John Street, Hawthorn

Glenferrie Station is on the Belgrave,
Lilydale and Alamein Lines.
It takes about 10 minutes to travel
from Flinders Street Station in the city
to Glenferrie Station. It is a one-minute
walk to campus.
No. 16 Melbourne University to Kew via
City and St Kilda.
The nearest tram stop is on Glenferrie
Road, a five-minute walk from campus.
No. 624 Kew – Chadstone Shopping
Centre – Holmesglen TAFE – Oakleigh.
The bus travels along Auburn Road.
From the bus stop it takes about
10 minutes to walk to campus.

369 Stud Road, Wantirna

Boronia Station is on the Belgrave Line.
It takes 50 minutes to travel from
Flinders Street Station in the city to
Boronia. Bus Nos. 737 and 745 run from
Boronia Station to Knox City, which is a
short walk from the Wantirna campus.
Wantirna campus is serviced by many
buses which terminate at Knox City
Shopping Centre. From Knox City, it is
a short walk up Stud Road to the
Wantirna campus.
No. 664 Chirnside Park – Knox City
No. 732 Box Hill to Upper Ferntree Gully
No. 737 Croydon to Monash University
No. 738 Mitcham to Knox City
No. 745A Bayswater – Knox City –
Wantirna Primary School
No. 755 Bayswater – Knox City via
Basin, Boronia, Ferntree Gully
No. 757 Scoresby to Knox City
No. 758 Scoresby to Knox City

WHAT DO I NEED TO DO?                          Student Welcome and Briefing. Even if          As well as the opportunities above, there is
                                               you enrol before your arrival, you are still   a special ‘Meet & Greet’ session where staff
1. ENROL ONLINE                                required to attend the Welcome and             from each faculty will chat with you
After accepting your offer, you will receive   Briefing, which will provide you with an       informally about study at Swinburne and the
information about enrolling into your          introduction to Orientation Week and the       specialised Strategies for Success program
course. All Swinburne students are             most important people and services             specific to international students.
required to enrol online.                      available to support your success.
                                                                                              You must attend the Welcome and
This means you can enrol before you            2. ATTEND THE WELCOME                         Briefing as well as your course-specific
arrive in Melbourne. By enrolling online           AND BRIEFING                               orientation which is run by your faculty
before you arrive, you will be more                                                           or school. The Welcome and Briefing will
                                               Orientation Week starts with a Welcome
organised and prepared to make the                                                            ensure that you understand the sessions
                                               and Briefing for international students.
most of the guidance you will receive                                                         specific to your course later in the week –
                                               This week will give you an introduction
during the Welcome and Briefing, and                                                          so don’t miss out on a thing!
                                               to how the most successful students
your course-specific orientation day.
                                               manage their university studies and            3. ATTEND YOUR COURSE-SPECIFIC
Enrolling as early as possible also gives      personal life: how to be aware                     ORIENTATION
you the opportunity to choose the best         of what’s important, and how to use all of     The orientation program includes a
class times (where permitted). Many            the support available to your advantage.       series of course-specific workshops and
classes may fill up before you arrive and      The Welcome and Briefing day and your          on-campus activities. It is designed to
limit choices in your timetable.               course-specific orientation day are the        introduce you to the academic, social
                                               two most important days for successful         and community aspects of student life
It is advisable to enrol online before you
                                               transition into your course and the            at Swinburne. The schedule for the day/s
arrive. The link and instructions here;
                                               support systems, and provides all the          specific to your course orientation will
                                               information you will need to make the          be advertised on the orientation website
                                               most of orientation week.                      and at the Welcome and Briefing.
how-to-enrol. Your Course Planner and
following the step by step guide should        It will also give you the opportunity to       During orientation week you can:
answer most of your questions. But if          meet Swinburne’s International Student
                                                                                              ·· talk to current Swinburne students
you still have questions, our advice is        Advisers (ISAs) who can provide the
to complete your enrolment as you              advice and support services that will help     ·· m
                                                                                                  eet your future classmates
think, and call into the helpful staff at      you adjust to life and study in Australia.        and teachers
the Library and StudentHQ at Hawthorn          In addition, there will be an expo where       ·· get advice about your course
once you arrive. The International             you can meet and talk to staff from            ·· a
                                                                                                  nd enjoy the food and on-campus
Student Advisory & Support team                the student support network and local             entertainment.
will give you directions and times for         community services. You can also sign up
                                               to student clubs, activities and events.       For more information, visit:
enrolment support at your International

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT                        For more information, visit
ADVISORY & SUPPORT                           swinburne.edu.au/current-
International Student Advisory & Support     international/emergency
is made up of a team of International
Student Advisers (ISAs) who can provide      HEALTH AND WELLBEING
advice and support on your academic
                                             Swinburne has a confidential counselling
and personal welfare and safety during
                                             service for students who may be
your time at Swinburne. The team
                                             experiencing personal or academic
includes an accommodation adviser
                                             difficulties. Counsellors provide support
for assistance with all accommodation
                                             for a range of issues, including:
enquiries and an employability specialist
offering a range of employability-focused    ·· personal, relationship and family issues
activities and events especially tailored    ·· e
                                                 ffective study and academic
for international students. If you have         progress problems                           For more information, visit
any questions Ask an ISA.
                                             ·· s tudying and learning more effectively    swin.edu.au/careers
This is a free and confidential service.     ·· e
                                                 xam anxiety, motivation and using
                                                time more efficiently
                                                                                            SWINBURNE STUDENT LIFE
Note: If you receive a notice or warning
letter from Swinburne, we strongly advise    ·· stress, grief and loss                      Swinburne Student Life provides all
you to take special note of any due dates,   ·· a
                                                 djusting to Australian culture            Swinburne students with free services
speak up early and make                         and university life.                        such as:
sure you understand your rights                                                             ·· clubs and societies
                                             For more information, visit
and responsibilities.
                                             swinburne.edu.au/stuserv/counselling           ·· orientation activities and events
Services include:                                                                           ·· independent academic advice
                                             LEARNING AND ACADEMIC                              and advocacy
·· p
    rivate and confidential advice about
   managing your personal welfare and                                                       ·· student diary and publications
   safety needs and issues                   Learning and Academic Skills advisers          ·· S
                                                                                                tudent Leadership and Volunteer
·· a
    dvice if you feel confused about        provide advice on how to improve your             Program
   your course or any advice given about     academic skills and how to meet your
                                                                                            ·· t raining, workshops and opportunities
   your studies                              course requirements.
                                                                                                to discuss any study issues
·· s upport and advice if you are unsure    For more information, see page 8 or visit      ·· legal advice.
    about a notice you have received         swinburne.edu.au/international/las
    from Swinburne                                                                          For more information, visit
·· a
    dvice and referral for complaint and    CENTRE FOR CAREER                              swinburne.edu.au/current-students/
   grievance processes                       DEVELOPMENT                                    campus-life/student-organisations

·· a
    dvice before you choose to withdraw     Swinburne’s Centre for Career                  SWINBURNE STUDENT UNION
   or request a release from your course     Development offers a range of services         (SSU)
·· an accommodation help desk                that can assist you to plan your career
                                             and build a body of experience and skills      The Swinburne Student Union (SSU) is
·· s pecialised support and workshops                                                      Swinburne’s independent, student-run
                                             that will give you an advantage when
    for international students to boost                                                     representation, welfare and events service.
                                             applying for a job. They also offer
    their employability
                                             one-on-one career consultation.                They organise fun and interesting events
·· e
    xtensive critical incident support
                                             Services include:                              on all campuses throughout the year,
   for students affected by accident,
                                                                                            including campaigns to represent and
   illness or home country issues.           ·· S
                                                 winEmploy – online job database           protect student interests and rights.
For more information, visit                     for graduate, part-time, casual and
                                                voluntary work                              They are located on Level 4 of the
                                                                                            UN building at Hawthorn campus
international/support.html                   ·· GoinGlobal – international job database
                                                                                            (above the bookshop).
Note: Students who experience                ·· career counselling
                                                                                            For more information, visit ssu.org.au
unexpected or serious illness, injury, or    ·· job search tools
are affected by world or natural events      ·· job application checking
in their home country should notify
                                             ·· workshops, conferences and webinars.
International Student Life immediately.
The academic environment at Swinburne might be very different to what you are used to.
Teaching methods may include lectures, tutorials, classes, laboratory sessions, web-based
sessions and other methods.

You will be expected to actively participate   as lecturers often refer to specific page           MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS
in this learning process. You will be          numbers that can vary from one edition              HELP CENTRE
encouraged to express, analyse and             to the next. Your lecturer will recommend
develop your own ideas and opinions;           a specific textbook/s for the subject,              The Mathematics and Statistics Help
effectively helping you improve your           but you are expected to consult a number            Centre (MASH) Centre is a drop-in learning
communications skills. Students are            of different texts, including journals,             space for students who want to ask
expected to conduct independent study          current newspapers and magazines.                   questions about the maths and stats in
outside of class contact hours as a            The library also holds copies of the                their course. You do not need to book an
necessary adjunct to the subject content.      recommended texts for many subjects.                appointment. MASH is open Monday to
                                                                                                   Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm
LECTURES                                       LIBRARY FACILITIES                                  (during semester).

Lectures are designed to help you              The libraries located on each campus                For more information, visit
understand the topic you are studying.         provide extensive facilities for all                swinburne.edu.au/mash
Your lecturer summarises the main points       students. Facilities include computer
of the topic and introduces other related                                                          COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS
                                               and internet access, equipment loans
areas. You are expected to attend all          including laptops, access to online                 All students have the right to complain
lectures, and you are encouraged to take       journals and databases, late-night                  and appeal if they feel that they
notes during the lectures.                     computer lab and group-study rooms.                 have been treated unfairly. For more
Lecture notes prepared by the lecturer                                                             information about Swinburne’s policies
                                               For more information, visit
may also be available online. Some                                                                 regarding the handling of complaints and
lectures are recorded. Students whose                                                              appeals, visit swinburne.edu.au/policies
lectures have been recorded can view           LEARNING AND ACADEMIC                               These policies include the General
lectures online after the lecture has been     SKILLS                                              Grievance Procedures for Students Policy.
delivered. This will help you to summarise
and prepare your own notes if you have         The Learning and Academic Skills (LAS)              International Student Advisers are
missed any important points.                   Centre provides free academic and                   available for advice on complaints or
                                               learning advice. LAS advisers can help              appeals processes. Swinburne Student
TUTORIALS AND CLASSES                          you with reading, writing, listening and            Life (SSL) advocacy officers can also assist
                                               speaking skills that will benefit you both i        students to write and submit letters of
These usually run in conjunction with          n and out of the classroom.                         complaint or appeal. They will also attend
the lectures. They are conducted in                                                                meetings with students to ensure they
much smaller groups and enable you to          You can make individual appointments with
                                                                                                   understand the processes and decisions.
ask questions and participate in class         LAS advisers (including maths and computing
discussions. Group work is very common         teachers) to review assignments and prepare
in tutorials and classes, where everybody      for examinations. LAS also run workshops to
in the team is expected to contribute, as      assist you in developing the necessary skills
marks are equally distributed across the       and techniques to achieve your academic
group members.                                 goals. If you wish to practice your listening and
                                               speaking skills, and meet some new friends,
TEXTBOOKS                                      there is also a conversation group.
                                               For more information, visit
Second-hand textbooks can be purchased
from the campus bookshop. You will
need to ensure that the author, title and
edition of the book you are buying are
the same as that on your reading list. The
edition of the book is especially important

                                                                                             International Student Advisory &
                                                                                             Support (ISA&S) also organise events
                                                                                             and activities that are specifically
                                                                                             designed to help international students
                                                                                             understand more about safety and life
                                                                                             in Melbourne, and at Swinburne.
                                                                                             For more information, visit

                                                                                             SWINBURNE NEWSLETTERS
                                                                                             All students regularly receive the
                                                                                             Swinburne Student News via their
                                                                                             Swinburne email account.
                                                                                             As an International student, you are
                                                                                             automatically subscribed to the Freetime
                                                                                             newsletter to give you information
                                                                                             on events and activities around
                                                                                             Melbourne, to engage with the Australian
There are many ways of meeting people        who will provide advice and support             community. Learn about the exciting
and making new friends in Melbourne.         services for the duration of your time at       events, festivals, and activities happening
The best place to begin is to get involved   Swinburne. You will receive advice about the    in your community and get involved by
with the activities at Swinburne and to      rest of Orientation Week and your course-       checking out the updates on Freetime.
join one of the many clubs on campus.        specific orientation program. If you have any
                                             questions at this time, Ask an ISA.             To unsubscribe, email
STUDENT CLUBS AND                                                                            freetime@swin.edu.au
SOCIETIES                                    COURSE-SPECIFIC
                                             ORIENTATION                                     HAWTHORN AQUATIC
Have you ever wanted to explore an                                                           AND LEISURE CENTRE
interest such as art or photography?         The course-specific orientation session
Meet others from your home country           is the start of your academic life at           Swinburne students can swim at the
or who are interested in your culture or     Swinburne. Current Swinburne students           Hawthorn Aquatic and Leisure Centre
home country? Make new friends with          (O’Hosts) will show you around campus           (HALC) free of charge. All you need to
people from another culture?                 and help you adjust to the university           do is present your Swinburne student
                                             environment. It is an opportunity for you       card at reception.
At Swinburne you can join one of the
many clubs and societies, meet new           to meet other new students, teachers            HALC also offers a discounted gym
people and discover a personal interest.     and representatives from your faculty           membership for Swinburne students,
                                             or school.                                      including group exercise classes on
Can’t find one you like? Why not ask
                                                                                             a no-contract (casual) basis. There is
about creating your own!                     SWINBURNE STUDENT
                                                                                             a joining fee with the membership.
For more information, visit                  LIFE (SSL)
swinburne.edu.au/current-students/                                                           For more information, visit
                                             The SSL provides opportunities to meet          hawthorn.boroondaraleisure.com.au
campus-life/clubs-societies                  people such as the clubs and societies
                                             and orientation activities and events.
                                             For more information, visit
Your introduction to Swinburne
starts with the international student
Welcome and Briefing on the first day
of Orientation Week. The Welcome             TRIPS AND ACTIVITIES
and Briefing provides you with all
the information you will need to             To help you get involved in university
make the most of orientation week.           life, students are encouraged to take
It also introduces you to Swinburne’s        advantage of the low-cost trips and
International Student Advisers (ISAs),       activities organised for all students
                                             by the SSL.
POST                                                                  TELEPHONES                                   PHONE CARDS
                                                                                                                   It may be cheaper to use a pre-paid
Australia Post manages postal services                                Australia’s country code is +61 and
                                                                                                                   phone card to call mobiles, long distance,
for Australia.                                                        the area code for Victoria (and
                                                                                                                   and/or overseas from your home phone.
                                                                      Melbourne) is 03.
Examples of postage prices                                                                                         There
Small letter within Australia..................$1.00*                 Australia has many mobile phone and          are many different phone cards available,
                                                                      home phone service providers. They           offering different rates for different
Airmail letter up to 50g
                                                                      usually offer a range of phone plans with    countries. You might like to ask other
Asia/Pacific Zone........................................... $2.30*
                                                                      different fees depending on the kind of      students which phone cards they use.
Rest of World Zone..................................... $3.00*        phone calls you make. Some companies
                                                                                                                   You can buy phone cards at convenience
*Prices correct at time of printing.                                  offer discounts if you have both a home
                                                                                                                   stores, supermarkets and online.
                                                                      and mobile phone or broadband internet
There are different stamps for use on
                                                                      account with them. Shop around to get        MOBILE PHONES
domestic and international mail. Make
                                                                      the best deal.                               There are many mobile phone service
 you ask for the correct type at the                                  All costs in this section are approximate.   providers in Australia, offering pre-paid
post office. There are several post offices                           They will vary depending on the              accounts and/or periodical bills. You
located conveniently near campus and                                  telephone company and the contract           will normally pay a connection fee
the surrounding area.                                                 you choose.                                  plus a rate per minute for phone calls
                                                                                                                   and a flat rate for SMS. Websites such
                                                                      HOME PHONES                                  as whistleout.com.au/mobilephones
                                                                      If you decide to have a telephone line       provide comparisons of the plans available.
782 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn
                                                                      in your home, you will normally pay a
(03) 9818 1908                                                                                                     PAYPHONES
                                                                      one-off connection fee and a monthly
Opening hours*                                                        line rental fee (from $20 and above).        Local calls from most payphones cost
                                                                                                                   50 cents. It may be cheaper to use
9am–5pm, Monday to Friday                                             Local calls from residential telephones      a phone card for long-distance and
9am–12pm, Saturday                                                    cost around 25-30 cents per call.            international calls.
Closed Sunday                                                         Calls to mobile phones vary.
                                                                                                                   TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES
Also: Hawthorn West, Glenferrie                                       For long-distance calls within Australia,
South, and Auburn                                                                                                  Melbourne has two main telephone
                                                                      charges vary.
                                                                                                                   directories: the Yellow Pages and the
To find a post office near you, visit                                 For international calls you will normally    White Pages. Use the Yellow Pages if you
www.auspost.com.au                                                    pay a connection fee and a rate              are searching for a business by category
                                                                      per minute.                                  (e.g. bookshops). If you know the name
                                                                                                                   of a business or are looking for a
                                                                                                                   residential address or phone number, use
                                                                                                                   the White Pages.

                                                                                                                   DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE
                                                                                                                   This is an automated system. Call
                                                                                                                   charges will apply. Call charges are
                                                                                                                   usually higher from mobile devices than
                                                                                                                   land-line or pay phones. You may need to
                                                                                                                   dial a different number from your mobile.
                                                                                                                   Check with your provider.
                                                                                                                   Local and national: 1223 (50c flat rate)
                                                                                                                   International: 1225 ($2.20 flat rate

COMPUTERS AND INTERNET                      It is very important that you check           COMMUNICATING WITH
                                            your Swinburne email regularly as the         SWINBURNE STAFF
There are open access computer              university sends important messages
laboratories and a wireless laptop          and official notifications to this address.   Swinburne staff are very helpful and will
borrowing facility at the Hawthorn          It is advisable to connect your Swinburne     always take time to listen to your enquiry,
and Wantirna campus libraries. 24-hour      student email to your personal email          and try to assist you wherever possible.
access to late labs and study rooms are     address if you are concerned you may          Swinburne is also a multicultural
available at the Hawthorn campus.           not see official notices.                     university. Should you have trouble
Wireless internet access is available at    Note: Please use your student email           communicating your enquiry, there may
all campuses. You will also find wireless   account when emailing International           be a staff member who can speak your
internet available in some cafés,           Student Advisers or other staff. Staff can    language. If you are ever unsure, you
restaurants and shopping centres.           then identify you before responding to        can Ask an ISA.
EMAIL                                       your questions. For privacy and security
                                            reasons, staff cannot confirm a person’s
When you enrol, you will automatically
                                            identity from a private email account.
receive an official Swinburne student
                                            Anyone can use your name, but no one
email address.
                                            else can use your student ID account.
Your student email address will be in
the format student ID number@
To access your email, visit

OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT                    BRANCHES                                  BANK DRAFT OR BANK CHEQUE
                                          All banks are open Monday to Friday.      When you deposit an overseas bank
Australia has many banks, building
                                          Some banking is available on Saturday     draft into your account, it can take up
societies and credit unions. The larger
                                          mornings. Please check open and           to 30 days to clear (become available
banks include ANZ, Commonwealth
                                          close times with your bank of choice.     for withdrawal) depending on the
Bank, National Australia Bank and
                                          Opening times vary.                       country of issue. You may also be
Westpac. You can choose which bank
                                                                                    charged a currency conversion fees.
to use for your banking.                  TELEPHONE ENQUIRIES
                                          8am–8pm, Monday to Friday                 OTHER WAYS TO
From 2019, the Community Bank®
                                                                                    TRANSFER MONEY
at Swinburne hub at Swinburne’s           TELEPHONE AND
Hawthorn Campus is a partnership                                                    There are organisations other than
                                          INTERNET BANKING
between Swinburne and Bendigo Bank                                                  banks where you can send or receive
                                          24 hours, 7 days                          money. For example, many Australia
which directs banking profits back
into the community. Swinburne staff,      RECEIVING MONEY                           Post branches are agents for Western
students, and alumni have access to       FROM OVERSEAS                             Union Money Transfer Services.
a range of special offers, with more      The following information is provided     For information on how to pay your
details available at bendigobank.com.     as a guide. Please check clearance        tuition fees, see page 26.
au/swinburne.                             times and fees with your own bank.
It is advisable to open an account        TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER                      BE AWARE OF SCAMS
within six weeks of arrival, as during
                                          Money sent by telegraphic transfer can    Be aware that loans or money
this time your passport and proof of
                                          take up to three working days to be       advertised as easy or quick to access
enrolment will be sufficient to verify
                                          deposited into your Melbourne bank        may not be as simple as they seem.
your identity. After this time, you may
                                          account. Your Melbourne bank may
require further proof of identity.                                                  ISA&S provides warnings to
                                          charge you a fee (approximately $10
                                                                                    international students when we
Many banks offer low-cost or no-fee       or more), which will be paid out of the
                                                                                    become aware of scams
accounts for students – so make sure      transferred funds. You may also be
                                                                                    or unacceptable business practices.
you ask!                                  charged a currency conversion fee.
                                                                                    If you are unsure Ask an ISA
BANKING HOURS                             Note: If you intend to receive money
The following are general opening         from overseas via telegraphic transfer,   Find more and report scams at
hours – they may vary from bank           check if the bank in your home country    scamwatch scamwatch.gov.au
to bank.                                  has an agreement with a bank in
                                          Melbourne. This may mean lower fees
                                          and faster processing times for you.

                                               HEALTH CENTRES
International Student Advisory & Support
team runs a Juggling Uni and Parenthood        The Australian Government has maternal
workshop specifically designed to assist       and child health centres in every
and support students with families. The        suburb (town) to monitor the health and
workshop includes presenters like the          development of babies and pre-school
Department of Education and Training           children aged 0-5 years and provide
and the local city council, providing          support for families with young children.
students with information, advice and          The following website offers useful
resources to help them manage the              information for parents with young
challenges of both family and study            children including where to find
commitments. For more information              a maternal and child health centre in
about this event and other International       your area, playgroups and parent groups,
Student Life events, visit swinburne.          and information about what you can
edu.au/student/international/events            expect when you visit a maternal and
                                               child health nurse.
CENTRES                                        For more information, visit education.vic.
Swinburne has childcare centres at
Hawthorn, Croydon and Wantirna                 SCHOOLS
campuses that are available for the
                                               If you have children between five and
children of Swinburne students and staff.
                                               17 years of age, who you plan to bring
These centres are operated and managed
                                               to Australia, you must enrol them in
by independent co-operatives and waiting
                                               school. Arrangements for enrolment
lists may apply. Further information can be
                                               must be made prior to any child arriving
obtained by contacting the centres directly.
                                               in Australia.
For more information, visit swinburne.
edu.au/stuserv/childcare                       SELECTING A SCHOOL
                                               For a complete list of Victorian
                                               Government primary and secondary
                                               schools, as well as information about
Placing your child in care is a personal       fees and how to apply, visit study.vic.
decision, and you are encouraged to            gov.au
visit a few different childcare centres
                                               Applications to non-government schools
before making a decision. It is important
                                               must be made directly to the school
to choose a centre that you feel most
                                               of your choice.
comfortable with, and one that can
meet your child’s needs. The following         ENROLLING YOUR CHILD IN
websites provide information for parents       A GOVERNMENT SCHOOL
about early childhood education and
care for children aged between 0-5 years.      You will need to complete an online
You can also search for an approved            application which is available from the
childcare centre or family day care in         Department of Education website, prior
your local area.                                to enrolling your child in a school.

education.vic.gov.au/childhood/                For information about school fees and
parents/childcare                              how to apply, visit study.vic.gov.au

HEALTH AND WELLBEING                             Take note of where you are and if possible,    MEDIBANK PRIVATE IS THE
AT SWINBURNE                                     the names of the closest intersecting          PREFERRED OSHC PROVIDER
                                                 streets. Give the address if you know it,      AT SWINBURNE.
A professional General Practice is               or you can give the name of the nearest
available for both nurse and general             street corner.                                 For more information visit
practitioner (Doctor) appointments at                                                           swinburne.edu.au/study/
                                                 A ’first-responder’ system operates in
the Hawthorn campus. Staff are friendly                                                         international/offer/overseas-student-
                                                 Victoria which means that if you are
and respect the confidentiality of patients                                                     health-cover
                                                 expecting an ambulance, fire fighters
regarding their medical, social and
                                                 may arrive first if they are closer. ALL       Medibank is here for you. If you have
financial needs.                                 emergency services in Victoria are trained     questions about your cover, a claim or
There is no gap fee for students with            first-responders and carry emergency           if you need to go to hospital, you can
Overseas Student Health Cover.                   equipment for urgent medical support           contact Medibank:
                                                 until paramedics arrive.
For more information, visit                                                                     ·· Visit the on-campus representative
swinburne.edu.au/stuserv/health                  24-HOUR URGENT ASSISTANCE                         available Tuesday – Friday at the
                                                                                                   Swinburne International Counter at
Alternatively, you can find Doctors at the       International Student Advisory & Support          Student HQ,LB Building, Hawthorn
Victorian Government Better Health site:         provide a special after-hours urgent              Campus
betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/                  assistance line for international students.
serviceprofiles/General-practitioner-                                                           ·· Telephone 134 148
services                                         It is available from 5pm to 9am Monday         ·· Email oshc@medibank.com.au or visit
                                                 to Friday and 24 hours on weekends or             medibank.com.au/overseas-health-
In Australia, a pharmacy or drug store           whenever the university is closed.                insurance/oshc/
is often called a ‘chemist’. Pharmacies
in Victoria cannot fill prescriptions            Call the ISA appointment line after hours
                                                 on 9214 6741.                                  ACTIVATING YOUR
written by doctors overseas. You will
                                                                                                MEDIBANK POLICY
need to see an Australian doctor for             The After-hours Assistance Line is
a new prescription.                              operated by advisers who know and              A welcome email will be sent to
                                                 understand Swinburne procedures and            your Swinburne student email with
To find a doctor who speaks a language
                                                 community support services and can             instructions on how to activate your
other than English, visit serviceseeker.
                                                 provide you with appropriate advice            Medibank OSHC policy when you arrive in
com.au. Use the advanced search
                                                 or referral for any concerns or urgent         Australia. Once complete, you will be able
button, top right. Enter the term 'general
                                                 matters that arise after-hours.                to access Medibank’s Online Member
practitioner', specify the language and
                                                                                                Services and will receive an email with
your location.                                   If you are hospitalised or have an emergency
                                                                                                a link to a digital membership card. You
                                                 Swinburne may provide critical incident
If you need emergency medical treatment                                                         can download and save the digital card to
                                                 support immediately.
outside normal business hours, some                                                             your photo library on your mobile phone.
medical clinics remain open after-hours,         All calls made to the after-hours assistance   You will also receive a plastic membership
so check your local medical clinic for           line are reported to International Student     card. This will automatically be posted to
opening hours. There is also a doctor on         Advisory & Support each morning and            your Australian address and will arrive
call service: dial 13SICK (137425) to request    an International Student Adviser may           within 10 business days.
a doctor to visit you at home after-hours,       contact you to offer further support
                                                 and assistance as needed.                      Download the App
or Nurse-on-call: 1300 60 60 24 puts you
directly in touch with a registered nurse for    In an emergency situation, dial 000.           allianzassistancehealth.com.au/en/
caring, professional health advice. In an                                                       helpcentre/oshc/oshc-app
emergency, dial 000.                             OVERSEAS STUDENT
                                                 HEALTH COVER                                   OTHER OHSC PROVIDERS
                                                 All international students on a student        Students who hold OSHC with another
If you require emergency services in             visa must have Overseas Student Health         provider should visit their provider’s
Australia, dial 000. The operator will ask you   Cover (OSHC). This cover provides medical      website for information about services
if you need police, fire, or ambulance and       and hospital insurance. You and your           and claims.
transfer you to the service immediately. The     dependants must maintain OSHC for              REMEMBER to advise International
emergency service operator will ask you          the duration of your visa and you must
a series of questions and give you advice.                                                      Student Advisory & Support if you are
                                                 not arrive in Australia before your health
While they are doing this, an emergency                                                         hospitalised
                                                 insurance starts.
service vehicle will be dispatched and on its                                                   Telephone 9214 6741
way to where you are. If you are concerned       Having valid OSHC is a condition of your
                                                                                                (24 hour assistance)
about your language, ask for an interpreter.     student visa. Breaches of your student visa
                                                 conditions may incur serious consequences.
SWINBURNE SECURITY                                SAFER COMMUNITY                              SAFETY IN THE COMMUNITY
Call Swinburne Security on 9214 3333.             The Safer Community program aims             The International Student Advisory
                                                  to encourage students and staff to           & Support Team works with Victoria
Security services include:
                                                  play a significant part in campus            Police, Metropolitan Fire Brigade and
·· Security escort service – a security
                                                  safety by looking out for one another        Surf Life Saving Victoria to ensure
    officer will walk you to your car.
                                                  and reporting inappropriate and              international students understand how
·· H
    awthorn Night Bus – takes you to             threatening behaviours.                      to stay safe while living in Melbourne.
   a nearby carpark or public transport                                                        Representatives from the police and
   at night safely.                               Safer Community provides information,
                                                                                               fire brigade attend the international
                                                  advice, support, and intervention
·· L
    ost property – call Security if you                                                       student Welcome and Briefing to
                                                  for students or staff impacted by
   have misplaced personal items.                                                              provide you with information on public
                                                  inappropriate or threatening behaviour.
                                                                                               safety, community expectations and
SAFETY TIPS                                       Safer Community can offer:                   the support services that are available
AROUND CAMPUS:                                    ·· A safe space for Swinburne students      to you.
·· F
    amiliarise yourself with your campus             and staff to voice concerns about
                                                                                               International Student Advisory & Support
   security office and save the security              their own safety and wellbeing and
                                                                                               run a Bush & Beach excursion twice
   emergency number 9214 3333 into                    that of others.
                                                                                               a year to give international students
   your phone.                                    ·· P
                                                      ersonalised student support, safety     hands-on knowledge about bush and
·· H
    awthorn campus: Building 1A, entry              advice, and referrals for victims of      beach safety. Watch for the events and
   alongside the Glenferrie Railway Station.         crime, violence, sexual assault,          join us in March and November.
                                                     harassment, and bullying.
·· C
    roydon campus: Building CO, entry                                                         We also recommend that you read
   from Norton Road, near Gate 1A.                ·· W
                                                      ays to manage behaviours that are
                                                                                               the information provided by Victoria
                                                     worrying you e.g., how to tell someone
·· W
    antirna campus: Building WD,                                                              Police about:
                                                     to ‘please stop and go away’.
   located near the campus library.                                                            ·· Public transport safety
·· A
    lways be alert and aware of your             Visit swinburne.edu.au/safercommunity
                                                                                               ·· R
                                                                                                   eporting crime, sexual assault,
   surroundings. If you are using                                                                 or complaints against police
   headphones, only use one earplug
                                                                                               ·· Child abuse
   so you can hear sounds around you.             The Safe@Swin iPhone and Android
                                                                                               ·· Community Resource Officers
·· Keep your valuables with you at all times.    app is the official app of the Safer
                                                  Community Program for students and           ·· F
                                                                                                   amily violence: reporting and
·· W
    alk in well-lit areas in pairs or
                                                  staff to access contact details for campus      support services
   groups if possible.
                                                  security guards, student support services,   ·· Outdoor and bush safety
·· U
    se the security escort service or the
                                                  information on reporting emergencies         ·· R
                                                                                                   oad safety, including the use of
   Night Bus to get to public transport
                                                  and safety issues, personal safety tools        mobile phones, alcohol and drugs,
   or your car safely.
                                                  and advice, campus maps and a range             and seatbelts when in charge of
·· Avoid parking your car in an isolated area.   of services to make Swinburne a safer           a vehicle
·· C
    lose and lock all doors and windows          place for everyone.
                                                                                               ·· Sexual assault
   and don’t leave valuables in sight
                                                  To download the Safe@Swin app, visit:
   in your car.                                                                                Visit police.vic.gov.au/content.
                                                                                               You can also Ask an ISA if you want to
                                                                                               discuss anything you read or are told
                                                                                               about your rights and responsibilities
                                                                                               while you are living in Melbourne. If you
                                                                                               feel unconformable about reporting
                                                                                               a crime to police, you can Ask an
                                                                                               ISA to accompany you to make your
                                                                                               report. An ISA can also refer you to the
                                                                                               Swinburne Student Life legal service.
                                                                                               For more information, visit


The main accommodation options                ACCOMMODATION                                OFF-CAMPUS
available to international students are:      AT HAWTHORN                                  ACCOMMODATION
·· O
    n-campus: residential colleges and                                                    HOMESTAY ACCOMMODATION
                                              SWINBURNE PLACE APARTMENTS
   student apartments
                                              Located in the heart of the Hawthorn         Homestay is managed by Australian
·· O
    ff-campus student housing: student                                                    Homestay Network (AHN). Homestay
                                              campus, these apartments are fully
   apartments and hostels                                                                  means living with a local family or
                                              furnished and equipped with modern
·· S
    hare housing: sharing a house            appliances. Apartments are available as      resident. It is a cultural exchange
   or apartment with other students           studio, or two-, three- or four-bedroom      between a local individual or family
·· R
    ental housing: renting a vacant house    layouts. Each apartment has separate         (called a Host) and a visiting international
   or apartment                               bathroom and kitchen facilities and          student. The student lives as a guest in
·· Homestay: living with a local family.      includes TV, telephone, broadband            the Host’s home and the program is a
                                              internet connection, a fully equipped        great way for students to learn English
Many students initially choose on-            kitchen and individual locks. The building   and experience the Australian lifestyle.
campus or homestay accommodation,             has a security entrance, communal
and move to off-campus share or rental                                                     What is included in homestay?
                                              lounge, study and indoor and outdoor
accommodation once they are settled.                                                       ·· supportive, secure family home
                                              recreation areas. Students only need to
                                              bring their clothes, personal items and
TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION                                                                    ·· t wo to three meals a day, a furnished
                                              computer. Easy access and no travel costs
                                              to Hawthorn campus for classes, library,         bedroom, electricity, gas and water
The three main short-term
accommodation options used by                 computer labs, sports facilities etc.        ·· p
                                                                                               rofessional phone support line, available
international students are:                                                                   24 hours a day, seven days a week
                                              RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE
·· O
    n-campus: available at Hawthorn                                                       ·· c ontents insurance for students
                                              The Residential College provides fully
   campus                                                                                      and hosts.
                                              furnished, single, study bedrooms.
·· B
    ackpacker hostels: low-budget            Each room has a single bed with bedding,     Read the full terms and conditions about
   dormitory style                            a built-in desk with bookshelf, a sink       homestay and online booking to choose
                                              and vanity cupboard, electric kettle,        this option: swinburne.edu.au/current-
·· 3
    -star hotels: hotel-style with
                                              desk lamp, telephone, broadband internet     students/student-services-support/
   shared bathroom
                                              connection, ergonomic study chair            accommodation/off-campus/homestay/
These options are suitable for your initial   and visitor’s chair. There is central        *Prices correct at time of printing
stay while you are arranging long-term        heating in each bedroom and bed linen
accommodation. Normally, it takes up                                                       OFF-CAMPUS STUDENT
                                              is provided.
to two weeks to arrange off-campus                                                         APARTMENTS
accommodation.                                SWINBURNE STUDENT APARTMENTS
                                                                                           These apartments are usually furnished
                                              The apartments offer independent living      and located near campuses.
Students should book their short-term
                                              with security entrances and separately
accommodation as early as possible.                                                        For information visit: swinburne.edu.
                                              keyed bedrooms. The apartments are
Visit swinburne.edu.au/current-                                                            au/current-students/student-services-
                                              partly furnished with a single bed in
students/student-services-support/                                                         support/accommodation/off-campus/
                                              each bedroom; desk and ergonomic
accommodation/short-term-crisis/                                                           student-accommodation/
                                              chair; telephone and broadband internet
                                              connection; kitchen with stove, oven,        RENTAL ACCOMMODATION
                                              fridge and electric kettle; gas heating;     This means renting an apartment or
                                              dining table and chairs; lounge with         house. The majority of rental properties
                                              chairs and coffee table; laundry unit with   are unfurnished and require a 12-month
                                              washing machine and dryer.                   tenancy agreement. This agreement
                                              For more information about                   is a legal document which covers
                                              on-campus accommodation, visit               the rent and security bond amounts
                                              swinburne.edu.au/stuserv/                    and other conditions and rules.
                                              accommodation/on-campus                      Swinburne Accommodation Adviser
                                                                                           can provide information, advice
                                                                                           and assistance to find affordable
                                                                                           and secure accommodation.

The best place to find rental                Find share accommodation using            ACCOMMODATION HELP DESK
accommodation is online:                     the Swinburne Housing Database
                                             swinburne.studystays.com.au               The accommodation help desk is
                                                                                       available all year.
realestateview.com.au                        If you wish to access this database
realestate.com.au                            prior to your enrolment please contact    Swinburne International also offers
                                             a housing officer at your campus.         accommodation sessions to advise you
                                             Housing officers will be able to assist   on accommodation options and how
This is a popular option for students.                                                 to arrange them.
                                             you with all matters relating to rental
It involves sharing a rented apartment
                                             accommodation and your rights             Sessions are held three times a year:
or house with other students. Most
                                             and responsibilities when renting
rental properties include separate                                                     ·· January/February
                                             a property.
bedrooms with shared bathroom,                                                         ·· June/July
kitchen and lounge. Housemates               Note: Beware of fake ads and fake
                                             landlords or internet classifieds. We     ·· September/October.
normally share the rent and bills
between them.                                advise all students not to hand over      Contact the Accommodation Adviser:
                                             money or sign any kind of rental          Email: accommodation@swin.edu.au
Before deciding on this type of
                                             contract before physically sighting
accommodation, you should inspect                                                      Phone: +61 3 9221 5551
                                             the property. If you are unsure, email
the property thoroughly. Check that                                                    For more information, visit
everything in your own room works                                                      swinburne.edu.au/current-
(e.g. heater and electricity). Also be                                                 students/student-services-support/
clear about the terms of the agreement,                                                accommodation/contact/
such as weekly rent, bond, bills,
facilities, etc.
Meet all your potential flatmates and
discuss your lifestyle with them to
make sure that you will be able to live
together happily.
It is recommended that you have
your name put on the lease (talk to
an international student Accommodation
Adviser or real estate agent about this).
You will also need to find out how many
weeks’ notice is required if you decide to
move out. Accommodation Advisers have
excellent knowledge of the tenancy laws
and can help protect you against problems
that may arise in share accommodation.

Melbourne is the capital city of the state of Victoria which is located in Australia’s south-east.
Melbourne is considered to be one of the safest and most liveable cities in the world.
The city is home to many people and welcomes a diversity of cultures from all over the world.

Central Melbourne, also known as the            STREET DIRECTORIES                           PUBLIC TRANSPORT
central business district (CBD), is situated
on the Yarra River and extends to Port          There are a number of printed street         Melbourne has an extensive public
Phillip Bay. It’s also known as the ’cultural   directories available and many               transport network known as Metro, made
and cosmopolitan’ city where you will           Melburnians use the ‘Melway’. You’ll often   up of three modes of transport – train,
find a little piece of home everywhere          see a Melway page and grid reference in      tram and bus. One ticket (myki) provides
you look, with its variety of restaurants,      real estate and other advertisements.        access to all modes of transport.
cafes, and markets.                             The Melway is a great source of              The network spans Zones 1 and 2 of
                                                information about Melbourne. It is           metropolitan Melbourne, with Zone 1
                                                updated every year and is available          being inner city, and Zone 2 the suburbs.
If you are lost or need help in Melbourne,      for purchase from bookshops, service
                                                                                             Public transport is fairly reliable and
try asking one of the locals for assistance     stations or newsagents for about $63*.
                                                                                             safe to use. Most stations and stops
or, in the centre of the city, look for the     It provides street maps, public transport
                                                                                             display the relevant timetable.
Melbourne City Ambassadors dressed in           networks and campus maps of
                                                                                             Services are reduced on weekends
red. People in Melbourne are generally          universities in Victoria. The Melway
                                                                                             and public holidays.
friendly and happy to help you.                 also includes locations of places such
                                                as tourist spots, public facilities,         Timetables and travel guides are
To get to know the city and surrounds,                                                       available at train stations.
                                                markets and places of worship.
take a ride on one of the free tourist
trams or buses. These services usually          There are also online street directories,    The Public Transport Victoria website
operate daily (check the websites for           including:                                   also provides timetable and fare
public holidays).                               street-directory.com.au                      information. Check out the Journey
                                                                                             Planner function where you can easily
For information about the City Circle           whereis.com
                                                                                             find out the right mode of transport for
Tram, visit www.ptv.vic.gov.au/route/           google.com/maps
                                                                                             your trip.
view/1112                                       *Price correct at time of printing
                                                                                             The iUSEpass discounted annual ticket
For information about the                                                                    is available for eligible international
Melbourne Visitor Shuttle, visit www.                                                        students. Please refer to page 4 of this
thatsmelbourne.com.au/visitors/                                                              guide for more information including
transport/shuttle                                                                            conditions and purchasing a pass.
                                                                                             For public transport information and
                                                                                             timetables, visit www.ptv.vic.gov.au

TAXIS                                       CYCLING                                         DRIVING
All Melbourne taxis (cabs) are yellow.      Melbourne is great for cycling: keep fit,       VicRoads is the state government body
Taxi drivers must wear their company        have fun, and cut your transport costs.         for vehicle registrations and licences. It
uniform and display their photo             Check the following websites for maps           provides information services on roads,
identification at all times.                of the on-road bike lanes and off-road          traffic and road safety.
                                            paths. You can ride a bike from the city
Taxis are often found at designated                                                         DRIVER’S LICENCE
                                            to Hawthorn campus almost entirely on
ranks that are clearly signposted at                                                        If you are in Victoria on a temporary
                                            off-road paths.
central locations.                                                                          student visa you can drive on your
                                            Cyclists must obey the road rules. This         current, valid overseas driver’s licence.
Taxi fares can be quite expensive,
                                            includes wearing an approved helmet,            It must be in English, or accompanied by
depending on your journey. Late-night
                                            having a warning device (e.g. a bell) on        an English translation, and you must also
taxi trips from 10pm to 5am must be
                                            the bike, and having reflectors and lights      carry some form of photo identification.
paid for in advance.
                                            if you are riding at night or when visibility
There are additional charges like a late-   is low.                                         Contact VicRoads if you wish to apply for
night surcharge from midnight to 5am,                                                       a Victorian Driver Licence.
                                            Visit vicroads.vic.gov.au and click on
a fee for telephone bookings, using toll                                                    ROAD RULES
                                            the Bicycles and Pedestrians icon for
roads, or a taxi from the airport rank.
                                            road rules, cycling network maps and            In Australia, we drive on the left side of
Melbourne’s major taxi companies include:   information about cycling safely.               the road. The driver and all passengers
·· Arrow 13 22 11                                                                           must wear seatbelts. In Victoria, speed is
                                            Bicycle Network is also a great source
                                                                                            generally limited to 50km/h in built-up
·· Embassy Taxis 13 17 55                   of information about cycling in Victoria
                                                                                            areas and 100km/h on freeways, unless
·· Silver Top 13 10 08                      www.bicyclenetwork.com.au
                                                                                            signs show a different speed limit. Speed
·· Yellow Cabs 13 22 27                                                                     limits can be lower (e.g. 40km/h) in some
                                                                                            areas or at certain times (e.g. outside a
Wheelchair-accessible taxis are available
                                                                                            school, the speed limit may be lower at
from Silver Top and Yellow Cabs.
                                                                                            all times, or it may change at certain
                                                                                            times on school days).
                                                                                            It is essential that you learn Victoria’s road
                                                                                            rules if you plan to drive in Melbourne.
                                                                                            For road rules, VicRoads office
                                                                                            locations and other information,
                                                                                            visit vicroads.vic.gov.au

                                               ORGANISATIONS AND
Check the International Student Advisory
                                               COMMUNITY GROUPS
& Support website for the latest information
about what’s on in Melbourne:                  International student organisations,
swinburne.edu.au/student/                      whose members are mainly current or
international/events                           former international students, are
                                               available to provide you with free
As well as on campus events advertised in      information and advice. They hold
your student newsletter, ISA&S' Freetime       events, activities and information
newsletter has social events and activities,   sessions specially designed to make
to help you to get out and experience          you feel welcome. Swinburne student
Melbourne's lifestyle.                         organisations, the Swinburne Student
Email freetime@swin.edu.au                     Life (SSL) and the Swinburne Student
                                               Union (SSU) are included on the official
There are many other websites with
                                               Victorian Government directory of
information about things do in the city
                                               student advisory groups, along with
and around the state.
                                               three independent international student
timeout.com/melbourne                          organisations: the Australian Federation
visitvictoria.com.au                           of International Students (AFIS), the
                                               Council of International Students
MELBOURNE VISITOR CENTRE                       Australia (CISA) and the National Union
                                               of Students (NUS).
Cnr Swanston and Flinders Streets              swinburne.edu.au/current-students/
(opposite Flinders Street Station)             life/student-organisations
Open daily, 9am to 6pm                         studymelbourne.vic.gov.au/help-and-
Closed Christmas Day                           support

Melbourne has a huge range of
cinemas: from small art-house theatres
to large complexes showing the
latest blockbusters.
With your Swinburne ID card, you are
eligible to buy student concession
tickets at many cinemas. These cost
about $13. Discount tickets can also be
purchased from the campus bookshops.
Cheap tickets are also available at some
cinemas on Mondays, Tuesdays or
Thursdays. The cheap days vary
from cinema to cinema. Check a
newspaper for details.

Shopping is a favourite pastime
of Melburnians: from bargain shopping
at street markets and factory outlets
to the style and sophistication of various
shopping precincts. Lots of information
is available online.

Supermarkets are a good place to buy
your basic necessities and are generally
easy to find. Most supermarkets will have
                                             Queen Victoria Market                        BOUTIQUE SHOPPING
produce catering to different dietary
                                             Cnr Elizabeth and Victoria Streets,
needs. Common supermarket chains are                                                      Visit Melbourne’s various shopping
Coles, Woolworths, Aldi and IGA.                                                          precincts for locally designed originals
Many supermarkets are open from 6am                                                       and the best of international brands.
until midnight every day except major        South Melbourne Market
                                                                                          MELBOURNE CBD
public holidays.                             Cnr Cecil and Coventry Streets,
                                             South Melbourne                              Browse through the Melbourne Central,
MARKETS                                                                                   Emporium, QV or GPO shopping malls,
                                                                                          or simply wander down some of our
The various markets around Melbourne                                                      small laneways and arcades like Centre
                                             FACTORY OUTLETS
are a fantastic source of fresh produce.                                                  Place or Cathedral Arcade, where some
Many of the markets also sell bargain        Factory outlets sell sample, damaged and     of the most unique and eclectic fashion
clothing, arts and crafts, souvenirs         old stock and can be a great place to pick   can be found.
and second-hand goods.                       up a bargain. Try Bridge Road in Richmond
                                             or Smith Street in Collingwood for factory   BRUNSWICK STREET, FITZROY
Visiting the markets is a great way to
                                             outlets in amongst great cafés and other     The bohemian heart of Melbourne,
experience multicultural Melbourne,
                                             interesting shops. Or you can head out to    where you can find groovy and
with produce, sights and sounds from
                                             the Brand Smart Factory Mall in Nunawading   alternative shops alongside great cafés
all over the world.
                                             or the Direct Factory Outlet (DFO) in        and bars.
Camberwell Fresh Food Market                 Moorabbin, Essendon or South Wharf for       GREVILLE STREET, PRAHRAN
Burwood Road, Camberwell                     warehouses full of outlet stores.
camberwellfreshfoodmarket.com.au                                                          A cosmopolitan and quirky part of
                                             DEPARTMENT STORES                            Melbourne where you can find retro
Camberwell Sunday Market                                                                  clothing and streetwear near lounge
Station Street, Camberwell                   Melbourne has plenty of huge discount        bars and nightclubs.
camberwellsundaymarket.org                   department stores such as Kmart,
                                             Big W and Target, which are sensible         EASTLAND SHOPPING CENTRE,
Centro Box Hill                                                                           RINGWOOD
                                             places to buy good value household
Whitehorse Road, Box Hill                                                                 A shopping complex with over 230 stores
                                             goods and appliances, basic clothing
boxhillcentral.com.au                        and underwear. Myer and David Jones          and views to the Dandenong Ranges.
CERES Organic Food and Craft Market          are also large department stores which       CHADSTONE SHOPPING CENTRE,
Cnr Stewart and Roberts Streets,             stock more designer labels and               CHADSTONE
East Brunswick                               famous brands.
                                                                                          A huge shopping and entertainment
ceres.org.au/marketandshop                                                                complex about 15 km from the city,
Footscray Market Corner                                                                   boasting over 400 stores.
Hopkins and Leeds Streets, Footscray
Prahran Market
Commercial Road, Prahran

You can also read