Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway

Page created by Jaime Austin
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway
                                 Guide Book
                                       Your University
                                         of Choice
           - Services
           - Learning                            2018
           - Get Involved
           - Employability
           - Support

Your Student Guide Book provides you with useful information to aid
your progress through a happy and rewarding first class education
experience. Retain and use this Student Guide Book to help you get
the best out of your learning experience at NUI Galway.
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway
First Year
                                             to find out about orientation, start
                                             dates, fees, accommodation, registration
                                             or any other queries you may have,
                                             please call the First Year hotline:

                                             +353 91 493 999
                                             OpeninG hOurS:
                                             august 15th to September 28th 2018:
                                             Mon to Fri: 9 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm
                                             Saturday, August 18th & 25th 2018:
                                             9.00 am to 1.00 pm or visit:

   OrientatiOn                                                                                          ASK US
Monday, 3rd September -
 Friday, 7th September
     Attendance is

 The contents of the Student Guide are for information purposes only and shall not be deemed to constitute a contract between NUI Galway
 and an applicant or any third party. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the University
 reserves the right to amend, change or delete any courses, syllabuses, examinations, fees, regulations, rules or orders at any time without notice.

NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway
Contents                                                                                            2

       Welcome                            24 Student  Services
                                             Career Development Centre
page                                      page
                                                 Chaplaincy Service
       The Equal Access Survey                   Childcare Facilities

                                                 International Office

       10 Top Tips for Success                   Disability Support

                                                 Access programme

       Need to Know
                                                 Mature Students
                                                 Health Services

       Student Services
                                                 Health Promotion
       Student Information Desk
                                                 Counselling Service
       Accommodation                             Students’ Union
       Fees and Grants
       Student Cards                      30 Get Involved

                                                 Sports, Clubs and Recreation
                                                 Student Societies
       Computers and Email
       Travelling to Campus and Parking
                                                 Flirt FM
       Student Connect Programme                 Sin Newspaper
       International Students
       Code of Conduct
                                          36 On Campus Services

                                                 Student Shop
       Learning Support

       Learning at University
                                                 Food Outlets
       Jargon Buster
                                                 Copying and Printing
       James Hardiman Library
       Academic Writing Centre

                                          41 Campus Map

                                            NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway

      Congratulations on becoming a student at one of ireland’s best
      universities, nui Galway. We are delighted to welcome you and we
      look forward to having you on campus. You can be confident that
      you are joining a dynamic and forward-thinking university, with a
      distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence.

      Welcome to the NUI Galway              Responsibilities are included         It will provide you with an
      Student Guide Book for                 within this guide on pages 15-16      opportunityto attend the first week of
      2018/2019. Within this guide you       and the full text can be viewed at:   lectures, to get to know our campus
      will find important information                                              and to meet with your Student
      about being a student at                                                     Connect Mentor who will advise and
      NUI Galway and helpful advice
                                                                                   support you in the transition to
      about getting the most out of your     It is very important that you are
                                                                                   university life.
      time at the University. The            aware of the University’s rules,
      NUI Galway Student Guide Book          policies and regulations and as a     We hope that you find the guide
      is a compact, easy to use,             student you are bound by these        useful during your time here at
      complete guide which highlights        provisions.                           NUI Galway and we wish you every
      the different aspects of life in
                                             Information on Orientation for        success in your chosen Degree.
      NUI Galway.
                                             students is available at:
      The guide has been organised
      into 6 sections: Your Arrival,

                                                                                     “Our aim is to
      Need to Know , Learning                Orientation week runs from

                                                                                     ensure that the
      Support, Student Services, Get         Monday, 3rd September - Friday,
      Involved and On Campus

                                                                                     time you spend at
                                             7th September. It is compulsory
      Services. A brief outline of the       that you attend.

                                                                                     NUI Galway is the
      Student Code of Conduct and
      Student Rights and

                                                                                     most fulfilling,
                                                                                     both educationally
                   Get your very                                                     and personally”.
                   own official
                   NUI Galway Hoody
                   at the Gift Shop
                   located in the

    NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway

The Equal
Access Survey
The HEA Equal Access Survey provides NUI Galway with a means of
judging the diversity of students participating in higher education.
It allows for the allocation of funding to support students with
disabilities, mature students and those from socio-economically
disadvantaged backgrounds. This is your opportunity to influence
and change the services provided to you as a student at NUI Galway.
Completion of the equal access Survey is anonymous.

           How do I complete the survey?
           Fill in the survey when you register online at
  by selecting “How to Register ”
           and following the link “new undergraduate Students ”.
           More information available at

                                      NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway
10                                               Tips

                                                       for Success
                                                       at NUI Galway

      1                                                        3
      2                                                        4
                   Be smart about your                             Get your Zzz-s
                   study habits                                    Not getting enough sleep or having
                   At the beginning of each semester,              a wildly irregular schedule throws
                   plot out your classes, important dates          off your internal clock, leaving you
                   for exams, deadlines for papers, etc.           less able to concentrate, and more
                   Weekly and monthly calendars of                 likely to get sick. Try to get at least
                                                                   6-8 hours of sleep.
                   commitments, along with daily “to
                   do” lists will help you stay on track. If

                   you have difficulty – SEEK HELP.
                                                                   This seems like an easy thing to do,
                   Find your niche                                 and yet so many students forget
                   It’s easy to feel alone on this campus          when things get hectic. Begin the
                   unless you find a “home” in one of the          day with breakfast (even if it’s on
                   smaller communities. Take a look at             the go) and never go more than
                   the huge variety of societies, sports           3 hours without food. Aim for
                   clubs and recreation options, or look           balance, and you’ll have a lot
                                                                   more energy.
                   into volunteering opportunities with
                   the ALIVE programme. There’s
                   bound to be many other students who
                   share your interests.                           physical activity is a
                                                                   The physical benefits are well
                                                                   documented, plus it’s a great stress
                                                                   reliever. Try to get at least 30
                                                                   minutes of moderate activity a day.
                                                                   Walk briskly to your classes, join the
                                                                   gym, take an ‘Off the Couch’ class,
                                                                   join a sports club, whatever you

    NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway
Before you arrive

6                                            9
                                              carefully read any
                                              literature or email                                    6

                                               sent to you by the

                                                        it’s Ok to ask for help

    Strike a balance
    Spending every possible minute                      If you are feeling overwhelmed
    studying is not good for your health,               always ask for help. We all need extra
    nor is it wise to overextend yourself               help and support at different points
    with too many extracurricular                       in our lives. Draw on the support of
    commitments. A balanced week is                     your family, friends, or contact the
    composed of time for study, family                  many support services within the
    and friends, work, exercise,                        University. These are confidential
    extracurricular activity, and some                  and free are detailed within this
    quiet down time.                                    guide.

    Say “yes” to fun
    Many students feel guilty about
    having fun, but scheduling in fun                             Get involved
    (a movie, a social evening with                     You can touch lives in big and small
    friends, a good book) will                          ways: Study with a classmate, take a
    contribute to your success as a                     friend to dinner, write a letter to the
    student.                                            editor of SIN about an issue you care
                                                        about, do regular community service
                                                        through ALIVE. The sky is the limit
                                                        in terms of the ways you can extend
    resilience is key                                   yourself to others. You’ll feel better
    Minor obstacles and                                 about yourself and the world.
    disappointments are a normal part
    of life, learning how to lift your own
    spirits and tap into your inner
    strength is a skill that you learn as
    you go through life. Among your
    “bag of tricks” can include simple
    activities, such as picking up the
    phone and calling a friend, or
    watching a video that makes you

                                             NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway
              to Know

                                             this section covers all you
                                             need to know about...
                                             l   Student Services
                                             l   Student Information Desk (SID)
                                             l   Accommodation
                                             l   Fees and Grants
                                             l   Student Cards
                                             l   Finance/Money
                                             l   Computers and Emails
                                             l   Travelling to Campus and Parking
                                             l   Student Connect Programme
                                             l   International Students
                                             l   Code of Conduct

    NUI Galway
    NUI Galway| Student
                | Student   Guide
                        Guide      2016/17
                              2018/19       |
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway
Got a
                                        Query?                                                                         8
                                             All general welfare/support queries                 top
                                             contact 091 492354 or 091 495282
                                                                                                 Have your
                                             Location: 1st Floor, Áras Uí Chathail               accommodation
                                                                                                 booked in

    Student Services
    The Student Services Team provide support, advice and help to make your time
    at NUI Galway as fulfilling and enjoyable as possible.
    You can call in to see them in relation to personal, social or practical issues
    you may have throughout the year.

Student                                 Student Services                         accommodation
information Desk                        team                                     Before you start searching,
The Student Information Desk is         John Hannon                              it is important to know what
the University’s point of contact for   Director of Student Services             type of accommodation you
information on academic records,                                                 are looking for:
conferring, registration, admissions    Michael Heffernan                        l   Student Residence
and exams. They assist with:            PA to Director of Student Services       l   Digs/Lodgings
                                                                                 l   House Sharing
l   Replacement ID Cards                una McDermott
                                                                                 l   Flats/Apartments
    (€20 charge)                        Manager, Accommodation
l   Validation and stamping             & Welfare
                                                                                 Whatever you choose, the
    of forms e.g. social welfare,       teresa kelly                             Accommodation Office
    medical card, drug payment,         Accommodation Officer                    is available to support you in
    USIT visa (Student Travelcard
                                                                                 your search for housing. We can
    forms are stamped by SU)            angela Walsh
                                                                                 also support and / or refer you
l   Statements e.g. Proof of            Accommodation and Welfare
                                                                                 to relevant internal and external
                                        Our location                             services should you experience
                                        Áras Uí Chathail                         issues with your house mates,
Student information                                                              difficulties with your landlords
                                        Opening hours:                           etc.
                                        10.00am - 12.45pm

Location:                               2.15pm - 4.45pm                          Please contact us using our on-
Ground Floor                            Monday - Friday                          line contact form available at:
Áras Uí Chathail                                                                 https://nuig-accom-
T: +353 91 495999                                                      
e:                                                              e.html                   YOU MUST ABIDE
                                          BY THE STUDENT                             CODE OF                            To find out more, see:
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday
from 9.00am - 12.30pm
and 2.00pm - 4.00pm

                                                               NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
Student Guide Book Your University of Choice - NUI Galway
Where to rent?
                                                                        Always walk
                                                                        from the house                    top
                                                                        to college to                     tip!
                                         Check bus routes,              see how long
          Is it                                                                                       When searching for
                                         local shops,                   it really takes               accommodation, don’t
          convenient?                    laundrettes, etc.                                            forget to check out our
                                                                                                      website at:
          How is                         How is the                                                   accommodation/
          the house                      electricity, oil and
                                         gas (if applicable)                                          You can also check out
          heated and                                                    Check meter                   other websites such as:
          what will it                   paid - meter
                                         or bill?                       readings -          
          cost to heat?                                                 any arrears?        

      key tips                                 Fees and Grants                        (2) Student contribution
                                                                                      charge €3,000: This is payable
      for renting                              The fee for your University            by you or if you apply for a SUSI
                                               programme varies from                  grant and are deemed eligible,
      l   Always view a property before        discipline to discipline.              we will invoice SUSI for your
          paying a deposit                                                            SCC. This SUSI grant is means
      l   Always bring a friend or             EU Undergraduate fees are              tested and you can apply online
          parent with you when                 paid by EU nationals (i.e.             at
          meeting a landlord                   holding an EU Passport/or              Once you receive official
      l   Ensure you have a rental             Birth Certificate) who have            confirmation of your SUSI grant
          agreement                            been ordinarily resident in an         please email it to the
      l   Always read and understand           EU member state for at least           Fees Office:
          the Rental Agreement                 three of the last five years.
          before signing                       Undergraduate fees have three
      l   Always get a receipt for             elements as follows:                   (3) Student levy €224: This is
          the deposit paid and rent                                                   payable by all students and is
          in advance                           (1) tuition fee: This varies           not covered by a SUSI grant.
      l   Always make a list of                from degree programme to
          furniture and appliances             degree programme. This may
          with the landlord. Damage            be paid on your behalf by the
          or loss of property is a regular     Irish Government. It is not
          reason for losing a deposit          means tested and a brief
      l   If there are any outstanding         synopsis of eligibility is available
          repairs, ask the landlord to         at
          state in writing that they
          will be repaired - take photos
                                                                                      top      Check out the website
          if necessary                                                                tip! which
                                                                                               provides comprehensive
                                                                                               information for students
                                                                                               in relation to fees, grants
                                                                                               and supports.

    NUI Galway
    NUI Galway| Student
                | Student   Guide
                        Guide      2016/17
                              2018/19       |

registration                                                                Money/Finance
                                                                            Managing your finance is a big part
Registration is the collection and maintenance of student data.
                                                                            of university life. This may be your
All students at NUI Galway must register each year to become
                                                                            first time living away from home
students of the University, this is obligatory.
                                                                            and it is important that you sit
For more information please click
                                                                            down and make a list of your
                                                                            income and expenditure.

                                                                            Living costs
Student Cards
                                                                            Budgeting is one of the key skills
The University provides all new students with a Student ID Card
                                                                            you will need to develop during
once your fees have been paid and you are fully registered. This
                                                                            your time at university. Managing
card will be your official identification card for the duration of
                                                                            your money well will make your
your time at NUI Galway. It provides access to a range of
                                                                            university experience more
university facilities such as the University Library, facilitating the
borrowing of library books, and allows admission to examination
halls, lecture halls, other student facilities and services and
                                                                            Do bear in mind that some costs
collecting grant cheques at the Fees Office.
                                                                            are seasonal and vary from month
                                                                            to month. The first month can be
this card will be your                                                      expensive as you may travel home
official identification card                                                   more or go out more or buy one-
for the duration of your                                                    off course materials.
time at nui Galway.
                                                                            Remember that a budget is a plan -
                                                                            a list of money coming in and a list
It is important that you look after this card as there is a replacement     of money you need to pay out - the
fee of €20 should you lose or misplace your card. For more                  trick is to stick to it!
information visit                        If you don’t have a bank account
                                                                            then it is a good idea to set one up
                                                                            as soon as you can. There is a bank
                                                                            on campus and several other banks
                                  “Once you learn                           close to the University.
                                  how to manage your
                                  money, you will be able
                                  to enjoy university life
                                  to the full!”

                                                              NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |

                                                                                          tip!    Remember to
                                                                                                   always shop
                                                                                                  around for the
                                                                                                    best deals!
                                                            Find out more
      To the right we have created a very general 
      guide of how much you will need to survive
      for one month in college.

      You should sit and discuss                              Monthly                              euros
      this with your parents/guardians and see
      where you can cut costs and how much they               Accommodation (rented)               450
      will be able to give you                                Food, including a weekly
      on a monthly or weekly basis.                           shop and food in college             260
      To help you manage your own personal                    Phone, TV and Internet               70
      budget check out the budget planner at:                 Books/Academic Requisites            60
                                                              Photocopying and Printing            25
      Our Financial Counsellor,                               Electricity and Oil                  80
      Dave Barry, can advise you on finance and
      budgeting. To make an appointment please                Clothes and Laundry                  60
      use our online contact form at:                         Recreation                           180
                                                              Travel                               45
                                                              Medical                              20
                                                              Monthly total                        1,250

         Financial Support                                                                Grants
         Some students may find themselves experiencing financial difficulties            For information regarding
         despite being careful with money during their time at university. If you find    maintenance grants please
         yourself in this situation and cannot reasonably obtain funds elsewhere,         see
         financial support is available from the university in the form of the
         Financial aid Fund. The purpose of the fund is to overcome financial
         difficulties and enable students to fully benefit from their studies. Costs
         such as childcare, academic materials, rent, heat/light, food, travel,
         medical/dental expenses and those arising from family breakdown or
         bereavement can be considered for support. No money will be given to
         assist with fees, registration or debt. Students who are following a course of
         at least one years duration leading to an undergraduate / postgraduate
         qualification are eligible to apply. The fund is means tested.

         Find out more

                                          “Investing in Your Future”

     nui Galway
     NUI Galway || Student

Scholarships                                                               Grant
The University has a large number of scholarships and awards for           advance
registered students. Each Award/Prize/Scholarship has associated           If you haven’t enough funds
qualifying criteria, terms and conditions. All are listed, under           to meet expenses prior to the
undergraduate and postgraduate in the individual College Calendars         issue of the grant cheque,
and can be viewed online on the respective College websites.               you may obtain a Grant
                                                                           Advance from the University
The Excellence Scholarships for 2017-18 will be presented at a             branch of the Bank of Ireland
ceremony held in the Bailey Allen Hall on Thursday                         or AIB which are located on
11 October 2018.                                                           campus.

Other Awards/Prizes/Scholarships will be presented at Lá na nGradam        For further information on
to beheld in February 2018. All information regarding the Sport            this facility please contact
Scholarships can be viewed at                                              your bank directly.

Students of NUI Galway may also compete for the prizes, medals,
scholarships and studentships offered for competition by the National
University of Ireland, Dublin. For further information please view
Find out more
t + 353 91 495 999

                                                           NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
                                                                                        For information on all
                                                                                        it services available at
                                                                                        nui Galway go to http://

                                                                                                 Access to all IT services,
                                                                                                 including Blackboard and
                                                                                                 Email, are automatically
                                                                                                 disabled when you are no
                                                                                                 longer a registered student
                                                                                                 at NUI Galway.

            it Services
           All students have                     4   Further information about             Go to http://www.nuigalway.
           access to PC suites                       your Campus Account and               ie/iss4students to see our
           and Wi-Fi on campus.         Don’t        Student Email is available at         Quick Start Guide video for
                                       Forget              students and to download the
           As a new student you                      iss4students                          latest version of our Quick
           MuSt activate your Campus                                                       Start Guides.
           Account. You can do this by           5   information and identity
           going online to                           Security
                  The University has number              The Library and I.T. Service
           and use the following                     of Information and                     Desk is located in the foyer of
           credentials:                              Communication Technology               the James Hardiman Library
                                                     (ICT) security policies                and offers first level support
             User ID (also known as your             which you should familiarise           for all Library and IT queries.
             CAO / Student ID number)                yourself with available at             In addition, keep up to date
       2                                             with the latest service status
             Temporary Activation Password
                                                     mation-solutions-                      information on the James
             ‘galway’ followed by the first
                                                     services/ictpolicies/                  Hardiman Library Facebook
             four digits of your date of birth   6
             (in the format galwayddmm).             Spam and phishing
       3                                             Be suspicious of any email
             Complete the activation
                                                     with requests for personal
             questions and choose your new                                        
                                                     information. Information
             password. Note: Passwords                                                      P: +353 91 495777W:
                                                     Solutions and Services (ISS)
             must be alphanumeric, have                                           
                                                     will never send an email asking
             at least 8 characters, include
                                                     you to provide us with your
             upper, lower case and a special
                                                     password. if you are locked out,
             character, i.e. Tool12kit!
                                                     you can raise a ticket with ISS.

       email (Office 365)
       1     Go online to
       2     ID = your NUI Galway email address                                            (Wi-Fi) 24/7
             (e.g. Find your email address at
                                                         You can connect to the campus
                                                                                           Wi-Fi network using either
       3     Campus account password - Please use your new                                 eduroam (preferred) or using
             Campus Account Password                                                       nuiGWiFi.
       4     Your email account is the official means of communication                     eduroam remembers your
             from NUI Galway                                                               credential so there is no
                                                                                           requirement to re-enter your
       5     You can install Microsoft Office onto 5 devices                               password.
       6     You have access to up to 1TB of storage through OneDrive                      nuiG WiFirequires re-entry as
                                                                                           your credentials are not stored.

     nui Galway
     NUI Galway || Student
travelling to Campus and parking
 Students who are travelling by car to the University can avail of
 parking on campus. You will need a student parking permit to park
 on campus. Student parking map is located online:
 Be sure to familiarise yourself with these parking zones and do not park in
 the wrong space as you will get clamped.

how do i get a                              Dos &          Don’ts                                      CLAMPING
parking permit?                             - Don’t park in spaces marked as reserved or
                                                                                                   Do not park illegally
                                                                                                     as NUI Galway is
                                              loading bays.                                         regularly patrolled
IMPORTANT - New students                                                                           by clampers. Release
must use the temporary student              - Don’t use the universally accessible spaces if          fee: €60 & €80
                                              you don’t have or display a valid Irish Wheelchair         after 6pm
permit from 20th August until
                                              Association ‘blue badge’ permit.
30th September available at                    - Do use the Park and Ride Facility in Dangan as much as possible.
which allows you to park only in              |It has lots of free spaces and is only a three minute drive away.
park and ride, until you                      A bus will pick up and drop you back to your car. Save time and
pay your fee of €50 for a full                avoid the stress of waiting for a space!
parking permit for the year                 - Do ensure that you ALWAYS give pedestrians right of way and
(August – August), this time                  take care when driving on campus. Be WARNED that speeding
period will be shown on your                  cars will have their number noted and drivers will be addressed.
permit. To pay for your student
permit please visit the                         In accepting a student parking permit, you are deemed to have
Online Payment System at           top          read and understood the Student Parking rules and regulations.
                                   tip!         Please note that abuse of the parking management system may
                                                result in a disciplinary procedure.

  Mentoring                            You will meet your mentor and a        Business Students are mentored
                                       group of other first years during      by students in business.
  Student Connect - Colleges of        the orientation week. The venue        The programme in the school
  arts, Social Sciences and Celtic     and time will be sent to you in        of Business is a Peer Assisted
  Studies, Science, Medicine,          advance. This meeting is crucial       Learning Programme managed
  nursing and health Sciences          as it sets the whole University        by the School of Business.
  and the Schools of Law and           scene for you and will put into
  informatics.                         context what you need to know          CÉiM academic peer learning
  Mentors in the Programme             as a first year student (socially,     First year students in
  provide support to all first year    academically and emotionally).         Engineering, Geography,
  students in the Colleges of Arts,    The best way to learn is by            Sociology and Politics, and BA
  Science, MNHS and the Schools        hearing it from a student who          Law (Law via Arts) meet weekly
  of Law and Informatics and help      was in your shoes this time last       in small groups to connect with
  to make the transition from          year. Follow us on Facebook to         others in their year, discuss
  second level to third level          find out more:                         coursework and ask questions.
  education an enjoyable and               CÉIM sessions are facilitated by
  memorable time. First year           NUIGStudentConnect/                    trained 2nd and 3rd year
  students in these colleges will be                                          student leaders, and are
  allocated a mentor before they       First year student in the              organised by academic staff and
  arrive in the University. We will    School of Business,                    the Students’ Union. Find out
  send you your mentor’s name,         engineering, School of                 what group you’re in and when
  email address and telephone          Geography, Sociology and               to meet at
  number so that you can contact       politics and Ba Law (Law via 
  them before you arrive with any      arts)
  queries you might have in            Connect Programme does not
  relation to coming to University.    operate in these Colleges.

                                                             NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
15    Just reMeMBer!
      - Don’t think twice about
         seeking help – this is a sign
                                                  Code of Conduct,
         of strength and not weakness
      - There is no issue too big or small
                                                  Student rights and
      - There is no shame in asking for
         help in any matter, be it personal,      responsibilities
         social or practical issues. These
         individuals are professionals
         and are trained to help you.            It is important that you read the Student Code of Conduct before           beginning your university life at NUI Galway. While NUI Galway
      life/student-support/                      wants its students to enjoy the full experience of university life, you
                                                 must remember that while attending NUI Galway you are part of
                                                 an institution of learning that expects the highest standards of
      international                              behaviour from its students. Breaches of this Code or of any
      Students                                   university regulations make students liable to the imposition of
      International students have
      requirements additional
                                                 sanctions, and up to and including suspension.
      to those of Irish nationals.
      Comprehensive advice and
      guidance for international                 the Student Code of Conduct and regulations and rules should be read by
      students is provided in the                every student and is available at:
      Orientation Booklet for
       international students, which           Learning and Leadership for Life      the Student Code of Conduct
      may be downloaded from:                  and Work                              governs your behaviour on and off                  Third level education is              the university campus
      /international-students/                 intended to be formative.             In the case of students, the primary
      afteryouarrive.html#tab1                 The mission of NUI Galway             document governing your behaviour is
                                               is Learning and Leadership            the Student Code of Conduct.
      The International Office                 for Life and Work. We are             The Code governs your behaviour
      provides specific supports for           committed to providing an              in the academic context,
      international students.                  environment and a community           as well your personal
      You may call in person to the            in which our students have a           behaviour both on and
      Office at:                                positive experience and are           off the University
                                                facilitated to achieve their          Campus.
      No 7, Distillery Road or                 potential, academically and
      telephone +353 91 495 277                personally. The University
      or email:                                community of students and staff               is a large and integral part of
                                               the larger community of the city
      You can also reach out to fellow         of Galway, and the majority of
      international students on our            our students live amongst the
      Facebook page and follow us on           city community.
      Twitter for the latest news and
      updates.                                 afford dignity and respect
                                               Fellow students, staff of the
                                               University and members of
                                               the community outside of the
                                               University must be treated
                                               with dignity and respect.
                                                Accordingly, members of the
                                               University Community are
                                               required to adhere to certain
                                                rules and regulations.

     nui Galway
     NUI Galway || Student
When you register, you give an explicit               there are significant punishments for                       16
agreement to abide by the nui Galway                  breaches of the Student Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct and the various               Breaches of the University Code of Conduct are
regulations and policies of the university.           punishable by sanctions which can be a
You have an obligation to read the Student            reprimand, substantial fine, suspension or
Code of Conduct and these other regulations           expulsion.
and policies.
                                                      You have a right to complain
these are available at:                               The objective of the University is to strive to                       provide our students with a positive and
and                                 wholesome learning experience.
codeofconduct/index.php?language=gaeilge              Where you have a complaint in relation to a
                                                      service or course you have a right to have that
Do not disturb your fellow student or                 complaint heard. Such complaints are usually
neighbour, or engage in anti-social behaviour         and effectively dealt with in an informal way at a
Students are expected to be respectful towards        local level, i.e. at the service or discipline level.
the other members of their household and              Where this is not possible, the university has a
residents in the neighbourhood in which they          formal Student Complaints procedure.
reside. Disturbing fellow residents and engaging
in what is generally regarded as anti-social          it is available at:
behaviour is viewed as a serious breach of the
Student Code of Conduct. Any kind of                  nts_Procedure_Pages_and_Files/student_co
behaviour that is disruptive, is a breach of public   mplaints_procedure.html
order, damages property, bullying, any act that
causes hurt to other people, or places or property
is considered to be anti-social. House parties are
a common source of disruptive activity, leading
to complaints from residents.


                                                      Rights                                    Respect

                                                          NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |

                                                        this section covers all you
                                                        need to know about...
                                                        l   Learning at University
                                                        l   Jargon Buster
                                                        l   NUI Galway Mobile App
                                                        l   Blackboard
                                                        l   Plagiarism
                                                        l   James Hardiman Library
                                                        l   Academic Writing Centre
                                                        l   SUMS

     nui Galway
     NUI Galway || Student
                                  2014/15  |

Learning at university is different
Learning at university is            The other big difference               on self-study, because we know
of course a very different           between university-level               from experience (and extensive
experience to that of being at       courses and some other types of        research on education) that you
school. For a start, as a student    qualification is that you really       will need that time.
you are considered an adult          need to try to understand the
learner, capable of managing         subject and the ideas you come         If you are experiencing
your own study schedule and          across in class or your reading.       difficulties or take ill please
putting in the time to read          It’s not about memorizing and          make sure that you contact
textbooks, articles and other        regurgitating facts, but about         your lecturer or the appropriate
materials so that you really         seeing the ideas that lie behind       person in your College or School
understand your chosen subjects      them and being able to make            (information should be in your
and feel more confident as you       use of knowledge to tackle new         course handbook). You may have
progress.                            problems.                              an individual advisor or may
                                                                            need to speak with the Head of
The lectures, seminars,              The good news is, that this is         School or Dean. Please don’t
laboratory classes and               exactly what learning something        hesitate in letting us know of any
other timetabled classes are         new is like for everyone. There        issues so that we can provide
actually only a small part of the    are always ideas that are really       help where possible.
total effort that you need to        tricky to grasp at first and which
put in to succeed. All of the        don’t make sense until you             academic and support staff
 assessment, coursework and          try again and again, hopefully          in this university are very
available credit are based           getting some feedback on your          approachable and used to
on the idea that you are spending    efforts and maybe through              helping students with all sorts
a minimum of 40 hours per week,      working with fellow students.          of issues that might impede
every week of the semester, on       But when it does ‘click’, things       their studies.
learning and assessment. In some     fall into place and you get a sense
courses it may be a little higher    of satisfaction that hopefully
than this because of the nature of   makes some of that struggle
the subject.                         worth it! That’s why we say you
                                     need to spend so many hours

                                                            NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
                                                                                       StUDeNtS MUSt
                                                                                       ACtIvAte tHeIR
                                                                                      CASS ACCoUNt to
                                                                                       HAve ACCeSS to
      Jargon Buster – Modules,                                                          BLACKBoARD.

      programmes, Levels
      All courses in NUI Galway are         A ‘programme’ is a whole degree      and other classes, combined
      made up of ‘modules’. These are       course, made up of all the           with the textbooks, online
      usually described by a set of         individual modules.                   materials, and the library are
      ‘Learning Outcomes’ that state                                             all resources that the university
      what you should be able to do         All of our degree programmes         provides to help you succeed.
      after successfully completing the     are recognised by employers and      At the end of the day, though,
      module and a number of ‘ECTS’         other educational institutions       success depends on your own
      credits. ECTS is basically an         and comply with international         efforts. But the good news
       indicator of how big the module      agreements on course structure       is that we know that it is possible
      is. A module that is rated at         (the ‘Bologna Process’). All          to not only succeed in the
      5 ECTS, for example, means            programmes are subject to            assessments and feel a sense of
      that you need to spend at least       regular quality reviews where        achievement at having learned
      100 hours of concerted effort         the quality of the teaching          new knowledge and skills, but
      (including lectures, exams and        and learning is scrutinised          also to enjoy being a student
      self-study) in order to complete      by an external panel with            in your chosen subject. Your
      it satisfactorily. A module that is   international experts in the         final qualification will be
      10 ECTS, requires double that         subject. Every programme also        well-regarded and recognised
      effort.                               has an ‘external examiner’           internationally by employers
                                            (a senior academic from another      and other educational
      A whole year’s worth of modules       university) who oversees the final   institutions across the world.
      (if you are a full-time student)      decisions about grades, checks
      should total up to 60 ECTS (30 in     the examination papers               The University hopes that
      each semester). To be awarded the     and processes and guarantees         you will be a member of our
      credits for a module you must         that the quality of our courses      academic community. That
      have successfully completed it in     and graduates compare well           you will be able to get the most
      terms of attendance, participation,   with the standards in the subject.   out of being in a city of ideas
      coursework and                                                             and learning not just about the
      examinations.                         An undergraduate honours             basics of your subject but also
                                            degree (BA, BSc, BComm, etc)         get a feel for the latest research,
      Optional Modules:                      is a ‘level 8’ qualification. A     the big ideas, the debates and
      Options that you can choose           Masters would be level 9 and         where future opportunities lie
      within your course                    a PhD level 10. So what does         for further study, research or
                                            this mean in practice? Well,         employment.
      Core Modules:                         that you must attend all the
      Modules that you must study as        scheduled classes, spend time
      part of your course                   every week on reading, studying
                                            and working through course
                                            materials. There’s still plenty
                                            of time to socialize and get
                                            involved in clubs and sports!
                                            The lectures, labs, tutorials

     nui Galway
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                                  2014/15  |
Study and                                                                                                                           20

In this university we use a learning system called Blackboard, which                  how to access Blackboard
allows lecturers to post materials such as lecture notes, reading                     Once you are enrolled in the university you
materials, weblinks, videos, quizzes, etc, online. Many courses also use              will have access to Blackboard using the
this for announcements, news items and for students to submit their                   same username and password for email and
coursework. Blackboard has a lot of additional tools and capabilities                 other computer services. Blackboard is
and quite which of these are used is decided by the lecturer or course                available at:
team. Blackboard is available 24/7 from both on and off campus.
Not every lecturer or module will necessarily be using it, but most         
will and in different ways.                                                           skills/gettingstarted/studentemail/
You should certainly login regularly to check for updates to your modules.
For those of you with a smartphone or tablet, there is also a Blackboard
App (in iPhone and Android versions) which you can download.

Plagiarism is “the act of copying, including or directly quoting from, the work of another without adequate
acknowledgement.” Plagiarism undermines learning, is not good academic practice and is not acceptable at NUI Galway.
Plagiarism occurs if a student has copied material from a book, journal, website, fellow student or any other source, and
then includes this material in a submission for an assignment or project of any kind without giving a suitable
reference to the original creator of the material. Plagiarism is subject to the University Code of Practice for Dealing with
Plagiarism which can be found on the University website at:
The penalties for plagiarism vary, but include the possibility of expulsion from the University in extreme cases. The key
to avoiding plagiarism is to always properly acknowledge your source. When you make use of pre-existing material,
make it clear who originally wrote/created the material. If in doubt, ask your lecturer or supervisor.

the Learning Centre - online support and training
All first year students are also enrolled onto a Blackboard course called the ‘Learning
Centre,’ which contains online self-study lessons and guides to many relevant
academic skills such as essay/report writing, studying and preparing for assessments.
The University has a licence to make these materials available to students and we
would strongly encourage you to make use of them. Feedback from other students
has been very positive. The Learning Centre will also have links to other
materials and interesting articles and updates will be posted there
throughout the academic year, so please log in regularly.

                                                                        NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
         Always carry your
       Student ID Card with
       you as you will need it
       to both enter and exit
            the Library                                                               tip!     Avoid charges!
                                                                                               Return your
                                                                                               books on time

       JaMeS harDiMan LiBrarY
       The James Hardiman is a key support for your study and learning.
       It provides you with a space for quiet study in an atmosphere of
       scholarship, as well as group study rooms for collaborative work and
       group projects. The library gives you access to all the information
       resources you will need during your studies – books, e-books, journals,
       databases, DVDs and so much more. Library staff are here to help and
       support you in seeking the information you need and finding your way
       around the library’s many services and facilities. They also provide training
       to give you lifelong skills of information seeking.
       • training & Support – The library offers workshops and learner                 terM tiMe
         support that in its overall approach emphasizes critical thinking, skilful    OpeninG hOurS:
         research in a digital environment, and the creation of new knowledge.
         Sign up for our training sessions which will support you in your              James Hardiman Library:
         assignments and exams            Monday to Friday 8.30 am to
                                                                                       10.00 pm;
       • need help? T: +353 91 493399; E:;                        Saturday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm;
         Call in person to the Library and I.T. Service Desk, located in               Sunday 10.00 am to 5.30 pm.
         the foyer of the Library.
                                                                                       Library Reading Room
       • The Library website has information about all the library’s
         services and is your starting point in searching for the                      (Basement Level):
         information resources you need for your studies.                              Monday to Sunday 7.00 am                                                      to 2.30 am

       • As well as the main James Hardiman Library, there is a Medical                Medical Library:
         Library located on the ground floor of the Clinical Science                   Monday to Friday 8.00 am
         Institute in the grounds of University College Hospital, Galway.              to 10.00 pm

       • Extra study spaces are provided in the Library reading room                   Call by our Academic Skills
         at basement level of the James Hardiman Library. This room is                 Hub located in the foyer of
         open daily from 7.00 am to 2.30 am.                                           the Library where you can
                                                                                        get help on finding or using
       • Top Tip: Avoid charges!                                                       information for your studies.
         Return your books on time or renew them on the library                         For more information go to
       • remember to check your email as Library notifications will
         be sent to your nui Galway email account.

     nui Galway
     NUI Galway || Student
                                  2014/15  |

academic Skills hub                                     You can visit the AWC to work on various grammar
                                                        issues, essay structure, punctuation, and other
The James Hardiman Library operates a free              aspects of the writing process including writer’s
Academic Skills Hub desk where you can access           block and worries over unintentional plagiarism.
one-to-one support with information skills such as
searching for books and journals, or referencing        The AWC offers support for writing in both English
your work:                                              and Irish. It also runs group workshops and writing         competitions. Phone consultations are available for
lls/                                                    distance learners.
There is also an online Academic Skills Hub that
brings together most of NUI Galway's academic           To get the best out of your session, bring your
skills supports in one place. This online resource is   written work with you. Completed essays, rough
packed with tips, information, short guides,            drafts, and past assignments are all acceptable. You
checklists, links, and more, to help you to develop     can also kick-start the writing process by discussing
key skills needed for academic success at NUI           your ideas with us.
Galway:               Remember, AWC tutors cannot proofread your
skills/gettingstarted/studentemail/                     essay or write it for you, but they can help you to
                                                        become a better and more confident writer.

academic Writing Centre                                 The AWC is located on the second floor of the
                                                        James Hardiman Library. During term time you can
The Academic Writing Centre (AWC) provides              drop in during our opening hours or make an
free one-on-one sessions on essay writing tailored to   appointment on our website
the needs of individual students. Students of all
disciplines and levels of writing proficiency are
welcome. AWC tutors work with first-year students
and advanced postgraduates alike.                       Queries and suggestions are very welcome. Please
                                                        contact the manager at

                                                         NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |

           The Academic Writing Centre is primarily a           SUMS (Support for Undergraduate Mathematics
           drop-in facility.                                    and Statistics) is a FREE drop-in support centre
           However appointments can be booked online            open to all NUI Galway undergraduate students.
           at:             SUMS helps students with any aspect of
           writing-centre-1874011895                            Mathematics, Statistics or Mathematics-related
                                                                subjects. SUMS provides a comfortable, informal
           Opening hours and more information are               environment where students can study at their
           available at:                                        own pace, with expert tutors on hand to offer
                         individual help, if required.

                                                                The drop in service is available 12 weeks per
                                                                semester for 1st and 2nd year students across all
                                                                colleges. The SUMS room is available all day for
                                                                students at any level as a study place.

                                                                The tutors at SUMS are postgraduates of the
                                                                School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied
                                                                Mathematics; as recent undergraduates they are in
                                                                a position to understand you and can help you.

                                                                For one-to-one help with your maths, drop into
                                                                Room ADB-G023, Áras de Brún
                                                                Opening hours
                                                                Monday to Friday 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
                                                                Wednesday, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm
                                                                Dr. Kirsten Pfeiffer T: +353 91 49 4488

                                                                For more information and to view the current
                                                                timetable see:

     nui Galway
     NUI Galway || Student
                                  2014/15  |

    this section covers all you
    need to know about...
    l   Career Development Centre
    l   Chaplaincy Services
    l   Childcare Facilities
    l   International Office
    l   Disability Office
    l   Access Programme
    l   Mature Students
    l   Health Services
    l   Health Promotion
    l   Counselling
    l   Students’ Union

          NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |

     Career Development Centre
     When you start your course you really don’t have to know what you      Online Careers
     want to do with the rest of your life but by the end of your degree,   Connect system
     you will need to make some decisions that determine the next step.     NUI Galway students have
     The Career Development Centre encourages you to use your time          access to the online ‘Careers
     in NUI Galway to increase your employability by developing your        Connect’ system where you can:
     skills and exploring your options while studying so you will have a    • Book appointments
     deeper insight into what you might like to do after graduation. The    • Book a place at events
     Career Development Centre aims to provide you with a quality           • Search our job vacancy
     career guidance and information service focused on facilitating and    database
     empowering you to manage your own career development and make
     effective career transitions.                                          Opening hours:
                                                                            Monday to Thursday
     The Career Development Centre helps you to manage your own             9.00 am – 5.00 pm
     career by providing a wide range of support services. Services
     offered include:                                                       Friday
     • Seminars and information on occupations, employers, industry         11.00 am - 5.00 pm
       sectors and postgraduate programmes. Attending these will really     Daily 15 minute appointments
       help you to understand what is involved in different careers and     (longer appointments available
       open up options with your degree.                                    by referral):
     • Workshops and seminars which encourage students to develop           Log in to Careers Connect at:
       employability and career management skills.                
     • Placement - we work closely with a number of academic
       programmes to support students going on a compulsory placement.
                                                                            CV and application Clinics
     • One to one career guidance for current students of NUI Galway.       (available during term).
     • Opportunities to meet with potential employers and alumni at         Check Careers Connect for
       seminars, presentations and a variety of job fairs throughout the    availability.
       academic year.
     • Career modules, lectures and tutorials integrated in many  
       academic programmes.                                                 E-mail:
     • NUI Galway Employability Award - open to all students.               Tel: +353 91 493 589

       nui Galway
       NUI Galway || Student
                                    2014/15  |
Chaplaincy Service                 Childcare Facilities
The Chaplaincy Service strives      the university Crèche                                                          26
to help make your university
experience enjoyable and           Spraoi early Learning Centre operates the University Crèche, located
fulfilling. The Chaplains          at 50, Upper Newcastle.
place a particular emphasis on
acknowledging, celebrating         about Spraoi
and nurturing the spiritual        At Spraoi the focus is on learning through play. They implement the
dimension of your life. They are   Aistear curriculum and incorporate elements of Steiner and Montessori.
also involved in a wide variety    The centre has been refurbished to meet the needs of children between 6
of community and campus            months and 12 years.
                                   Their software app keeps parents updated in real time about their
The Chaplains are easily
                                   children’s day, thereby including parents, as the primary educator, in the
accessible and they are there
                                   care of their child.
to listen and help if you have
any troubles or difficulties.
                                   The balanced and varied menu is prepared in house to meet the
The Chapel of St. Columbanus
                                   nutritional needs of the child and the new garden growing project links
(the University Chapel) is a
                                   in with this.
place of quiet and comfort. The
Chaplaincy Office is open from
                                   For smaller children the focus is on sensory play and Spraoi are working
Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to
                                   to develop the sensory experience both internally and externally in the
3.45 pm and is located in St.
                                   crèche garden.
Declan’s N6, Distillery Road.
Fr. Ben Hughes
+353 91 492168
Fr. Declan Lohan
                                   international Office
+353 91 49 2164                    NUI Galway is a truly international campus with international students          comprising over 20% of the student population from over 110 different
Dolores McAndrew                   countries. The International Office offers a wide range of services to
Secretary/Receptionist             incoming international students as well as to Irish students wishing to study
+353 91 495 055                    abroad on exchange programmes, Erasmus or international study.             Services provided by the International Office include:

For updated information on         - English language classes
events and liturgical services     - Information on fees and scholarships
run by the chaplaincy please       - Orientation programmes for newly arrived international students
visit                              - Advice, information and support services for all international students
                                   - Social and cultural events         - Handbook for international students
                                   - Out of hours emergency helpline
Find us on Facebook
                                   Comprehensive advice and guidance for international students is provided
                                   in the Orientation Booklet for international students which may be
                                   downloaded from:

                                   Drop by in person to the office at no 7, Distillery road
                                   p: +353 91 495 277 e:

                                   Reach out to fellow international students on Facebook
                                   and follow us on Twitter for the latest news and updates.

                                                         NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
      access Centre                                                                      Mature Students
                                                                                         We at NUI Galway know that
      Disability Support Service                                                         entering university can be a big
                                                                                         change in life and lifestyle for
      The Disability Support Service provides confidential support for                   mature students. Mature students juggle
      students with a disability, long-term physical or mental health                    many roles including being a parent,
      condition, or specific learning difficulty.                                        spouse/partner and breadwinner along
                                                                                         with a new exciting role of being a full-
      Students are encouraged to register with us for reasonable                         time student.
      accommodations and supports* to ensure every opportunity to
      fulfill their academic potential.                                                  Study support
                                                                                         If you have been away from formal
      Further information on available support and details of our
                                                                                         education for some time, you may find
      registration process can be found on our website. Additionally,
                                                                                         the prospect of exams and assignments
      students are encouraged to make contact with us with any queries
                                                                                         daunting. However, our staff are very
      or concerns.
                                                                                         supportive and will help you in any way
      Find out more                                                                      possible. We generally offer additional                                                       study, examination techniques, applied
      e: t: 353 (0) 91 492813                             writing, reading skills and memory
                                                                                         technique workshops to students on our
      Location: Room 1004, First Floor, Áras Uí Chathail                                 full-time programmes. These are
                                                                                         provided outside of regular class hours
      Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                         and can help you prepare for your course
      Reasonable Accommodations/Supports may include*                                    assignments and end of semester
      - Exam Accommodations                                                              examinations.
      - In class supports
                                                                                         Find out more
      - Placement planning                                                               Trish Bourke,
      - Assistive Technology (Equipment & Software)                            
      - Extended library loans                                                           Mature Students Officer
                                                                                         t: 353 (0) 91 492 695
      “We promote inclusive practices throughout the campus community and are            e:
      committed to the provision of an equitable learning environment that will enable
      students to become independent learners and highly skilled graduates.”             Location:
      Disability Support Service team.                                                   Access Centre, Áras Uí Chathail

                                                                                         Opening Hours:
                                                                                         Monday to Friday 9:30am - 4pm
      access programmes
      The Access Programmes are designed for students who have the ability to
                                                                                         transition Officer
      benefit from and succeed in higher education but who, for a variety of
                                                                                         Support is available for first year HEAR
      social and economic reasons, are under represented at third level. The             students, former Access students moving
      Access Programmes developed admission routes, namely the delivery of               onto a degree programme and those that
      Access Courses for school leavers and mature students and the Higher               entered university directly with a QQI/
      Education Access Route (HEAR) scheme to support students from                      FET qualification. Ease your way into
      disadvantaged backgrounds to enter NUI Galway. The Access                          University life by accessing support on
      Programmes supports Undergraduate students linked to the Access                    social, personal, financial and academic
      Courses and delivers a comprehensive orientation programme to first year           experiences.
      HEAR entrants that give students a head start on what life at NUI Galway
                                                                                         Find out more
      is about. Financial advice and ongoing personal support is provided by the
                                                                                         Transition Officer: Gráinne Morahan
      Access Team to all Access Programme entrants.                                      e:
                                                                                         t: 353 (0) 091 493298
      Find out more e:

     nui Galway
     NUI Galway || Student
                                  2014/15  |
health Services
The Student Health Unit provides
on-campus acute medical                  appointments
illness care to full-time registered     A walk in triage clinic is available daily with initial assessment by the
students in a confidential,              nurse and referral into the doctor if necessary.
professional and courteous
manner.                                  The cost and list of services is available at
Áras na Mac Léinn, first floor
                                         eMerGenCY Out OF hOurS
Opening hours:                           If you need a doctor out of hours, please call +353 87 262 3997.
(Monday to Friday)                       Weekends are covered by CityDoc located in Bons Secours
9.15 am – 12.30 pm                       Hospital, Renmore, Galway.
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm                        Daytime Saturday, Sunday                 evenings Saturday, Sunday
T +353 91 492 604                        & Bank holiday Mondays                   & Bank holiday Mondays
                                         8.00am - 6.00 pm:                        6.00 pm - 8.00 am
                                         +353 91 758 008                          087 774 4430
                                        There is a charge for this out of hours service.

 health promotion
 Your lifestyle, your health and your studies are interconnected.
 We offer programmes, one to one services and online resources in the following
 areas to promote better health and wellbeing:
 - Alcohol
 - Nutrition & Physical Activity
 - Mental/Emotional Wellbeing
 - Sexual Health
 - Exam Destress Programme

 Drop into the Wellness Centre in the Hub in Áras na Mac
 Léinn to browse our books and information, or to take a
 break in the Relaxation Room. Online information
 includes e-PUB for alcohol information.

                                                              NUI Galway | Student Guide 2018/19 |
You can also read