Course Catalog Thurman White Academy - Thurman White Middle School

Page created by Patrick Reese
Course Catalog Thurman White Academy - Thurman White Middle School
Thurman White Academy

   Course Catalog

                    Andrea Katona, Principal
                Theresa Taylor, Assistant Principal
                  Cory Garr, Assistant Principal
                  April Barr, Assistant Principal

                    Sabreena Adams, 6th Grade
                      Cari Meyers, 7th Grade
                     Lisa Northam, 8th Grade

          Thurman White Middle School will provide every student
 with an opportunity to obtain a quality education in a safe environment.
      All students will be expected to respect others and themselves,
 to take pride in their community, to strive for their unlimited potential,
            and to prepare for future endeavors and challenges.

1661 Galleria Drive ● Henderson, Nevada 89014 ● (702) 799-0777
Course Catalog Thurman White Academy - Thurman White Middle School
                                                   COURSE CATALOG

 All sixth grade students at Thurman White Academy of the Performing Arts are required to take
 the following seven courses:
                      English                         Science
                      Reading                         Physical Education/Computers
                      Mathematics                     Magnet Major & Supporting Elective**

READING 6                                                         READING 6 ACCELERATED
This one-year course emphasizes the development of                This one-year course emphasizes the development of
critical reading skills. A variety of literature and              critical reading skills. This course is designated as
informational text of steadily increasing sophistication is       accelerated by the enhanced instructional pacing,
used. Through close reading, critical writing, class              depth and breadth of content, and is designed for
discussions, and presentations, students deepen their             students who have demonstrated advanced reading
ability to analyze, evaluate, and critique text                   skills. Students enrolled in this accelerated course
independently. Students actively seek to understand               read, comprehend, and interpret a variety of grade
other perspectives and cultures through reading and               level and above grade level text independently and
listening. Technology is used thoughtfully to enhance             proficiently. Through close reading, critical writing,
and integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and          class discussions, and presentations, students deepen
language use. This course fulfills the sixth-grade reading        their ability to analyze, evaluate, and critique text.
requirement. Placement is based on teacher                        Students actively seek to understand other
recommendation, SBAC scores, and academic                         perspectives and cultures through reading and
performance in fifth grade.                                       listening. Technology is used thoughtfully to enhance
                                                                  and integrate their reading, writing, speaking, listening,
ENGLISH 6                                                         and language use. This course fulfills the sixth-grade
This one-year course provides instruction in the English          reading requirement. Placement is based on teacher
Language Arts strands identified by the Nevada                    recommendation, SBAC scores, and academic
Academic Content Standards as reading, writing,                   performance in fifth grade.
speaking and listening, and language. This course is
designed to build knowledge and critical thinking skills          ENGLISH 6 ACCELERATED
through close reading of texts; writing to support claims,        This one year course provides instruction in the English
to clarify ideas, and/or to develop ideas; and a range of         Language Arts strands identified by the Nevada
collaborative discussions. Instructional practices                Academic Content Standards as reading, writing,
incorporate integration of diversity awareness including          speaking and listening, and language. This course is
appreciation of all cultures and their important                  designed to build knowledge and critical thinking skills
contributions to society. The appropriate use of                  through close reading of texts; writing to support
technology is an integral part of this course. This course        claims, to clarify ideas, and/or to develop ideas; and a
fulfills the sixth grade English requirement. Placement is        range of collaborative discussions. Instructional
based on teacher recommendation, SBAC scores, and                 practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness
academic performance in fifth grade.                              including appreciation of all cultures and their important
                                                                  contributions to society. The appropriate use of
FUNDAMENTALS OF LITERACY (READ 180)*                              technology is an integral part of this course. The
This course is a reading intervention program designed            course fulfills the sixth grade English requirement.
to raise the reading levels and increase reading                  Placement is based on teacher recommendation,
proficiency of struggling readers. Read 180 was                   SBAC scores, and academic performance in fifth
developed to support middle schools in their efforts to           grade.
create long-term reading success for students. This
program features teacher-led instruction combined with
adaptive computer based instructional software,
systematic direct instruction in reading skills, and
reading materials that motivate and engage the middle                *To ensure student proficiency in core
school student. *Students needing intensive                        curriculum subjects, it may be necessary to
remediation in reading will be enrolled in this course in          enroll students in an intensive remediation
lieu of an elective.                                                      program in lieu of an elective.
Course Catalog Thurman White Academy - Thurman White Middle School

MATHEMATICS 6                                                    SCIENCE 6
This one-year course is designed to focus on four critical       This one-year course is designed to integrate science
areas: 1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number              and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts,
multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio          and core ideas from the life sciences, Earth and
and rate to solve problems; 2) completing understanding          space sciences, and the physical sciences. The
of division of fractions and extending the notion of             topics covered in Science 6 include Energy; Structure
number to the system of rational numbers, which                  and Properties of Matter; Earth’s Systems; Weather
includes negative numbers; 3) writing, interpreting, and         and Climate; Human Impact; Structure, Function, and
using expressions and equations; and 4) developing               Information Processing; Growth, Development, and
understanding of statistical thinking. The use of                Reproduction of Organisms; and Engineering Design.
manipulatives, mathematical tools, and technology,               Demonstrations and lab experiences that employ
including calculators and computer software, is an               proper safety techniques are essential to this course.
integral part of this course. Placement is based on              The appropriate use of technology is an integral part
teacher recommendation, SBAC scores, and academic                of this course. This course fulfills the sixth-grade
performance in fifth grade.                                      science requirement.

                                                                 SCIENCE 6 ACCELERATED
MATHEMATICS 6 ACCELERATED                                        This one-year course is designed to integrate science
This one-year course is designed to prepare students for         and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and
the increased rigor of the Nevada Academic Content               core ideas from the life sciences, Earth and space
Standards (NVACS) Algebra I in middle school. This               sciences, and the physical sciences. This course is
compacted course includes the grade six curriculum as            designated as accelerated by the enhanced
well as a portion of the currently adopted NVACS grade           instructional pacing and depth of content. Students will
seven curriculum. This course focuses on six critical            be expected to incorporate problem solving and critical
areas: 1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number              thinking skills on a regular basis. The topics covered in
multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio          Science 6 Accelerated include Energy; Structure and
and rate to solve problems; 2) completing understanding          Properties of Matter; Earth’s Systems; Weather and
of division of fractions and extending the notion of             Climate; Human Impact; Structure, Function, and
number to the system of rational numbers, which                  Information Processing; Growth, Development, and
includes negative numbers; 3) writing, interpreting, and         Reproduction of Organisms; and Engineering Design.
using expressions and equations; and 4) developing               Demonstrations and lab experiences that employ
understanding of statistical thinking; 5) developing             proper safety techniques are essential to this course.
understanding of and applying proportional relationships;        The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of
and 6) developing understanding of operations with               this course. This course fulfills the sixth-grade science
rational numbers and working with expressions and                requirement.
linear equations. The use of manipulatives,
mathematical tools, and technology, including
calculators and computer software, is an integral part of
this course. Placement is based on teacher
recommendation, SBAC scores, and academic                                        CCSD Retention Policy
performance in fifth grade.
                                                                    The retention policy is based upon Clark County
                                                                 School District Regulation 5123. This policy is subject
FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS*                                      to change by the Nevada State Board of Education
Grade 6 students who are performing significantly                      and the CCSD Board of School Trustees.
below grade level in math may be considered for this
additional math intervention program. Students will                Sixth Grade: A pupil who enters grade six must
receive individualized math instruction to meet their                complete one semester with a passing grade in
identified needs. During the additional hour of math                mathematics, science, and English or reading for
instruction, students may utilize technology programs               promotion to seventh grade. No student may be
that provide systematic practice and review of specific                retained more than once in sixth grade.
math concepts and skills. *Placement in this program
will be determined by academic performance,
proficiency scores, and teacher recommendations from
Grade 5. *Students enrolled in this program will not be
enrolled in an elective class.

Course Catalog Thurman White Academy - Thurman White Middle School

Physical Education/Computer Literacy 6                      SPECIAL EDUCATION
                                                            This program serves students in the least
During the sixth grade year, all students are               restrictive environment through co-taught classes
required to enroll in a semester-long physical              and cooperative/collaborative support in the
education class and a semester-long computer                general education setting as well as support in
awareness class.                                            resource rooms and specialized programs. The
                                                            educational goal for special needs students is to
PHYSICAL EDUCATION                                          maximize participation with their peers and
This semester-long program focuses on the                   exposure to the general education curriculum in
physical, mental, social and emotional                      an effort to improve learning. Each student’s IEP
development of the individual in a cooperative and          guides the instructional program and is
competitive setting. The student will be provided           implemented and supported by all administrative,
with experiences in psychomotor skills and                  special education teachers and support staff. Co-
engage in movement and lifetime fitness activities          teaching of general education classes by general
at moderate to vigorous levels for a minimum of             education and special education instructors
50% of the class period. Students participate in            benefit all students. This model is utilized at all
team, individual, and dual sports as well as                grade levels in all core academic classes.
lifetime recreational activities. Health and
wellness are explored through personal goal
setting and self-evaluation. Rules, strategies,
safety and life skills will be emphasized in relation
to active participation and the development of
becoming a knowledgeable spectator. Students
are required to use the school P.E. uniform,
allowing for freedom of movement and safe
participation during physical education classes.
*Students will be responsible for the uniform fee.

This semester-long course is designed to
familiarize sixth grade students with the use of the
computer as a tool. Recent computer
development, computer use and misuse will also
be explored and discussed. The vocabulary,
components, and structure of computers will be
examined. This required course will meet the
computer competency requirement for high school
graduation. Students who successfully complete
all requirements of the Computer Literacy 6
course will receive a P (Pass) on their report card
and will have met the ½ credit computer
requirement necessary to graduate from a Nevada
high school. Students who have not successfully
passed all requirements of the Computer Literacy
6 course will receive NM (No Mark) on their report
card, and will need to fulfill the state-regulated ½
credit computer graduation requirement prior to
high school graduation.

Course Catalog Thurman White Academy - Thurman White Middle School
                                                  COURSE CATALOG

  All seventh grade students at Thurman White Academy are required to take the following courses:

                           English                               Science
                           Mathematics                           History
                           Physical Education                    Major and Supporting Elective**

ENGLISH 7                                                       ENGLISH 7 ACCELERATED
This one-year course provides instruction in the                This one-year course provides instruction in the
English Language Arts strands identified by the                 English Language Arts strands identified by the
Nevada Academic Content Standards as reading,                   Nevada Academic Content Standards as reading,
writing, speaking and listening, and                            writing, speaking and listening, and
language. This course is designed to build on                   language. This course is designated as
knowledge and skills through close reading of                   accelerated by the faster instructional pacing,
texts, learning different kinds of writing in support           depth and breadth of content, and is designed for
of analysis and reflection, and class                           students who have demonstrated advanced
discussions. This course emphasizes the                         reading skills. This course is designed to build on
development of critical reading skills. A variety of            knowledge and skills through close reading of
literature and informational text of steadily                   texts, learning combining elements of different
increasing sophistication is used. Students will                kinds of writing in support of analysis and
deepen their ability to analyze, evaluate and                   reflection, and class discussions. Students will
critique text independently. Students will actively             read, comprehend, and interpret a variety of grade
seek to understand other perspectives and                       level and above grade level text independently
cultures through the language arts. Technology                  and proficiently. Students will deepen their ability
is used thoughtfully to enhance and integrate                   to analyze, evaluate, and critique text. Students
reading, writing, speaking, listening and language              will actively seek to understand other perspectives
use. This course fulfills the seventh grade English             and cultures through the language
requirement for promotion. Placement is based                   arts. Technology is used thoughtfully to enhance
on teacher recommendation, SBAC scores, and                     and integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening
academic performance in sixth grade.                            and language use. This course fulfills the seventh
                                                                grade English requirement for
FUNDAMENTALS OF LITERACY (READ 180)*                            promotion. Placement is based on teacher
This course is a reading intervention program designed          recommendation, SBAC scores, and academic
to raise the reading levels and increase reading                performance in sixth grade.
proficiency of struggling readers. Read 180 was
developed to support middle schools in their efforts to
create long-term reading success for students. This
program features teacher-led instruction combined with
adaptive computer based instructional software,
systematic direct instruction in reading skills, and              *To ensure student proficiency in core
reading materials that motivate and engage the middle            curriculum subjects, it may be necessary
school student. *Students needing intensive                          to enroll students in an intensive
remediation in reading will be enrolled in this course in       remediation program in lieu of an elective.
lieu of an elective.


MATHEMATICS 7                                                    SCIENCE 7
This one-year course is designed to focus on four                This one year course for seventh-grade students
critical areas: 1) developing understanding of and               focuses on understanding Earth science systems.
applying proportional relationships; 2) developing               Students will use scientific processes, protocols,
understanding of operations with rational numbers and
working with expressions and linear equations; 3)
                                                                 and tools, including inquiry to build
solving problems involving scale drawings and informal           understandings of matter and chemical reactions,
geometric constructions, and working with two– and               matter and energy in ecosystems, interdependent
three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving             relationships in ecosystems, history of Earth, and
area, surface area, and volume, 4) investigate chance            Earth systems and human impact. Critical
processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability             thinking, collaboration, accuracy and
models; and 5) drawing inferences about populations              communication skills will be used as students
based on samples. The use of manipulatives,                      extend their scientific literacy. The appropriate use
mathematical tools, and technology, including                    of technology is an integral part of this course.
calculators and computer software, is an integral part of        This course is required for seventh-grade
this course. This course fulfills the math requirement for
seventh grade students. Placement is based on
teacher recommendation, SBAC scores, and academic
performance in sixth grade.                                      SCIENCE 7 ACCELERATED
                                                                 This one year course for seventh-grade students
MATHEMATICS 7 ACCELERATED                                        focuses on understanding Earth science systems.
This one-year course is designed to prepare students             Students will use scientific processes, protocols,
for the increased rigor of the Nevada Academic                   and tools, including inquiry to build
Content Standards (NACS) Algebra I in middle school.             understandings of matter and chemical reactions,
This course focuses on six critical areas: 1) developing         matter and energy in ecosystems, interdependent
understanding of and applying proportional                       relationships in ecosystems, history of Earth, and
relationships; 2) developing understanding of
operations with rational numbers and working with
                                                                 Earth systems and human impact. Critical
expressions and linear equations; 3) solving problems            thinking, collaboration, accuracy and
involving scale drawings and informal geometric                  communication skills are practices as students
constructions, and working with two– and three-                  extend their scientific literacy. This course is
dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area,             distinguished from Science 7 by the instructional
surface area, and volume; and 4) drawing inferences              pacing and the addition of enrichment activities.
about populations based on samples; 5) formulating
and reasoning about expressions and equations,                   Students will be expected to incorporate problem
including modeling an association in bivariate data with         solving and critical thinking skills on a regular
a linear equation, and solving linear equations and              basis. The appropriate use of technology is an
systems of linear equations; and 6) analyzing two-and
three-dimensional space and figures using distance,
                                                                 integral part of this course. This course fulfills the
angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding             science requirement for seventh grade students.
and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. The use of
manipulatives, mathematical tools, and technology,
including calculators and computer software, is an
integral part of this course. This course fulfills the
math requirement for seventh grade students.
                                                                               CCSD Retention Policy
Placement is based on teacher recommendation,
SBAC scores, and academic performance in sixth
                                                                 The retention policy is based upon Clark County
                                                                 School District Regulation 5123. This policy is
                                                                 subject to change by the Nevada State Board of
                                                                 Education and the Clark County School District
Grade 7 students who are performing significantly
                                                                 Board of School Trustees.
below grade level in math may be considered for this
math intervention program. Students will receive
                                                                 Seventh Grade: A pupil who enters grade 7
individualized math instruction to meet their identified
                                                                 must complete one semester with a passing grade
needs. During the additional hour of math instruction,
                                                                 in mathematics, science, social studies and English
students may utilize technology that provides
                                                                 or reading for promotion to eighth grade. No student
systematic practice and review of specific math
                                                                 may be retained more than once in seventh
concepts and skills. *Placement in this program will be
determined by academic performance, proficiency
scores, and teacher recommendations from Grade 6.
*Students enrolled in this program will not be enrolled
in an elective class.

                                                           PHYSICAL EDUCATION
US/NEVADA HISTORY 7                                        This year-long program focuses on the physical,
This one-year course is a study of Nevada from             mental, social and emotional development of the
statehood to present day and American history              individual in a cooperative and competitive setting.
from the time of the American Revolution through           The student will be provided with experiences in
World War II. Students explore and evaluate                psychomotor skills and engage in movement and
challenges facing the new nation and make                  lifetime fitness activities at moderate to vigorous
connections between the rise of industrialization          levels for a minimum of 50% of the class period.
and contemporary social and economic                       Students participate in team, individual, and dual
conditions. The history of Nevada is integrated            sports as well as lifetime recreational activities.
throughout the year. Instructional practices               Health and wellness are explored through
incorporate integration of diversity awareness             personal goal setting and self-evaluation. Rules,
including appreciation of all cultures and their           strategies, safety and life skills will be emphasized
important contributions to our society. The                in relation to active participation and the
appropriate use of technology is an integral part of       development of becoming a knowledgeable
this course. This is a required course for all             spectator. Students are required to use the school
seventh grade students.                                    P.E. uniform, allowing for freedom of movement
                                                           and safe participation during physical education
US/NEVADA HISTORY ACCELERATED 7                            classes. *Students will be responsible for the
This one-year course is a study of Nevada from             uniform fee.
statehood to present day and American history
from the time of the American Revolution through
World War II. Students explore and evaluate
challenges facing the new nation and make
connections between the rise of industrialization
and contemporary social and economic
conditions. The history of Nevada is integrated
throughout the year. This course is distinguished
from U.S./Nevada History 7 by instructional pacing
and delivery of advanced content. Instructional
practices incorporate integration of diversity
awareness including appreciation of all cultures
and their important contributions to our society.
The appropriate use of technology is an integral
part of this course. This course fulfills the social
studies requirement for seventh grade.

This program serves students in the least
restrictive environment through co-taught classes
and cooperative/collaborative support in the
general education setting as well as support in
resource rooms and specialized programs. The
educational goal for special needs students is to
maximize participation with their peers and
exposure to the general education curriculum in
an effort to improve learning. Each student’s I.E.P.
guides the instructional program and is
implemented and supported by all administrative,
special education teachers and support staff. Co-
teaching of general education classes by general
education and special education instructors
benefit all students. This model is utilized at all
grade levels in all core academic classes.

                                               COURSE CATALOG

 All eighth grade students at Thurman White Academy are required to take the following courses:

                         English                                      Science
                         Mathematics                                  Geography
                         Physical Education/Health                    Major and Supporting Elective**

ENGLISH 8                                                    ENGLISH 8 ACCELERATED
This one-year course provides instruction in the             This one-year course provides instruction in the
English Language Arts strands identified by the              English Language Arts strands identified by the
Common Core State Standards as reading, writing,             Common Core State Standards as reading, writing,
speaking and listening, and language. This course            speaking and listening, and language. This course
is designed to build on knowledge and skills                 is designated as accelerated by the enhanced
through close readings of texts, learning combining          instructional pacing and depth of content. This
elements of different kinds of writing in support of         course is designed to build on knowledge and skills
analysis and reflection, and class discussions.              through close reading of texts, learning combining
Instructional practices incorporate integration of           elements of different kinds of writing in support of
diversity awareness including appreciation of all            analysis and reflection, and class discussions.
cultures and their important contributions to society.       Instructional practices incorporate integration of
The appropriate use of technology is an integral             diversity awareness including appreciation of all
part of this course. This course fulfills the eighth-        cultures and their important contributions to society.
grade English requirement.                                   The appropriate use of technology is an integral
                                                             part of this course. This course fulfills the eighth
Fundamentals of Reading and Writing                          grade English requirement.
This one-year, one –period intervention course is
designed for students who need additional
instruction and support to master grade-level
reading and writing skills and concepts. This
course provides additional instruction in conjunction                     CCSD Retention Policy
with the student’s required reading and English
course (s) of study in grade 8. Instructional                 The retention policy is based upon Clark County
practices incorporate integration of diversity                 School District Regulation 5123. This policy is
awareness including appreciation of all cultures              subject to change by the Nevada State Board of
and their important contributions to society. The              Education and the Clark County School District
appropriate use of technology and digital media are                       Board of School Trustees.
integral parts of this course. This course is a
repeatable elective and does not fulfill the middle           Eighth Grade: A pupil w ho enters grade 8
school English or reading requirement for                       must complete one semester with a passing
promotion.                                                   grade in mathematics, science, social studies and
                                                              English or reading for promotion to ninth grade.
                                                                No student may be retained more than
                                                                           once in eighth grade.


PRE-ALGEBRA 8                                                SCIENCE 8
This one-year course is designed to focus on                 This year-long course for eighth-grade students
three critical areas: 1) formulating and reasoning           provides the physical science explanations that
about expressions and equations, including                   extend understandings developed in previous
modeling an association in bivariate data with a             science courses. Students will use scientific
linear equation, and solving linear equations and            processes, protocols, and tools, including inquiry,
systems of linear equations; 2) grasping the                 to build understanding of structures, patterns, and
concept of a function and using functions to                 relationships explained through the physical
describe quantitative relationships; and 3)                  sciences. Critical thinking, collaboration,
analyzing two-and three-dimensional space and                accuracy, and communications skills will be
figures using distance, angle, similarity, and               emphasized as students refine their scientific
congruence, and understanding and applying the               literacy. This course is required for eighth-grade
Pythagorean Theorem. Instructional practices                 students. Instructional practices will incorporate
incorporate integration of diversity awareness,              integration of diversity awareness including
including appreciation of all cultures and their             appreciation of all cultures and their important
important contributions to society. The use of               contributions to our society. The appropriate use
manipulatives, mathematical tools, and                       of technology is an integral part of this course.
technology, including calculators and computer               This course fulfills the science requirement for
software, is an integral part of this course. This           eighth-grade students.
course fulfills the mathematics requirement for
eighth-grade students.                                       SCIENCE 8 ACCELERATED
                                                             This year-long course for eighth-grade students
ALGEBRA I                                                    provides the physical science explanations that
This one-year course provides students with the              extend understandings developed in previous
necessary knowledge and skills for further studies           science courses. Students use scientific
in mathematics. It is intended to increase                   processes, protocols, and tools, including inquiry,
mathematical fluency in problem solving,                     to build understanding of structures, patterns, and
reasoning, modeling, and effective communication             relationships explained through the physical
in the study of number, algebra, functions, and              sciences. Critical thinking, collaboration,
statistics. Instructional practices incorporate              accuracy, and communication skills are
integration of diversity awareness including                 emphasized as students refine their scientific
appreciation of all cultures and their important             literacy. This course is distinguished from
contributions to society. The use of technology,             Science 8 by the instructional pacing and the
including calculators and computer software, is an           addition of enrichment activities. Instructional
integral part of this course. This course fulfills the       practices incorporate integration of diversity
Algebra I requirement and one of the mathematics             awareness including appreciation of all cultures
credits required for high school graduation.                 and their important contributions to our society.
                                                             The appropriate use of technology is an integral
FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS*                                 part of this course. This course fulfills the science
Grade 8 students who are performing significantly            requirement for eighth-grade students.
below grade level in math may be considered for
this math intervention program. Students will
receive individualized math instruction to meet
their identified needs. During the additional hour of
math instruction, students may utilize a computer
based program that provides systematic practice
and review of specific math concepts and skills.
*Placement in this program will be determined by
academic performance, proficiency scores, and                    *To ensure student proficiency in core
teacher recommendations from Grade 7.                           curriculum subjects, it may be necessary
*Students enrolled in this program will not be                      to enroll students in an intensive
enrolled in an elective class.                                 remediation program in lieu of an elective.


WORLD GEOGRAPHY 8                                                 PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH
This one-year course is the study of the world’s                  This PE program is an one-semester course which
cultures, economics, history, regions, and                        focuses on the physical, mental, social and emotional
geographic features from the development of                       development of the individual in a cooperative and
ancient civilizations through the Age of                          competitive setting. The student will be provided with
                                                                  experiences in psychomotor skills and engage in
Exploration. Students examine the earth from the                  movement and lifetime fitness activities at moderate to
scale of states, nations, countries, and continents               vigorous levels for a minimum of 50% of the class
creating connections to contemporary geographic                   period. Students participate in team, individual, and
conditions. Students synthesize concepts,                         dual sports as well as lifetime recreational activities.
patterns, and interdependent relationships that                   Health and wellness are explored through personal
make our ever-changing world diverse and                          goal setting and self-evaluation. Rules, strategies,
dynamic. Instructional practices incorporate                      safety and life skills will be emphasized in relation to
integration of diversity awareness including                      active participation and the development of becoming a
appreciation of all cultures and their important                  knowledgeable spectator. Students are required to use
contributions to society. The appropriate use of                  the school P.E. uniform, allowing for freedom of
                                                                  movement and safe participation during physical
technology is an integral part of this course. This               education classes. *Students will be responsible for the
is a required course for all eighth-grade students.               uniform fee.
WORLD GEOGRAPHY ACCELERATED 8                                     This Health program is a one-semester course provides
This one-year course is the study of the world’s                  students an introduction to the mental, physical, social,
cultures, economics, history, regions, and                        emotional, and environmental aspects of human
geographic features from the development of                       wellness. Goal setting and decision making processes
ancient civilizations through the Age of                          are the foundation of this course. Topics include
Exploration. Students examine the earth from the                  wellness, nutrition and physical activity, body systems,
scale of states, nations, countries, and continents               substance use and abuse, communicable and non-
                                                                  communicable diseases. Violence prevention, safety,
creating connections to contemporary geographic                   and consumer health. Sex education and sexually
conditions. Students synthesize concepts,                         transmitted infectious disease education, within
patterns interdependent relationships that make                   established guidelines, is an integral part of this course.
our ever-changing world diverse and dynamic.                      Instructional practices incorporate integration of
This course is distinguished from World                           diversity awareness including appreciation of all
Geography 8 by instructional pacing and delivery                  cultures and their important contributions to our society.
of advanced content. Instructional practices                      The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of
incorporate integration of diversity awareness                    this course. This course fulfills the health requirement
including appreciation of all cultures and their                  for eighth-grade students.
important contributions to society. The
appropriate use of technology is an integral part of
this course. This is a required course for all eighth
-grade students.

This program serves students in the least restrictive
environment through co-taught classes and
cooperative/collaborative support in the general
education setting as well as support in resource rooms
and specialized programs. The educational goal for
special needs students is to maximize participation with
their peers and exposure to the general education
curriculum in an effort to improve learning. Each
student’s I.E.P. guides the instructional program and is
implemented and supported by all administrative,
special education teachers and support staff. Co-
teaching of general education classes by general
education and special education instructors benefit all
students. This model is utilized at all grade levels in all
core academic classes.

Magnet Major Courses and Electives
                                                  COURSE OPTIONS
All magnet students at Thurman White Academy of the Performing Arts will participate in one of
the following majors as defined by program availability.

       Majors:         Band                      Theatre                              Media Arts
                       Orchestra                 Dance
                       Choir                     Visual Arts
*Students will select a second elective in support of their major. Please note that students will pay elective
fees for each elective class.

                                               BAND MAJOR
                       ALL students will be placed in beginning performance groups
                       unless a performance interview is completed for placement.
                              Upon completion of a performance interview,

 Major: BAND                                                     INTERMEDIATE (CONCERT) BAND
                                                                 This group is open to all students by audition or
 BEGINNING BAND                                                  placement by the band director. Concert Band is
 The Beginning Band is open to all students with no              designed for students who have successfully
 previous band experience. This course applies basic             completed the skills required in Beginning Band. Areas
 fundamentals of music and specific performance                  of emphasis include intermediate fundamentals of
 techniques to the instrument being studied. Much                music reading and the specific performance techniques
 emphasis will be placed on reading music and general            of the instrument being studied. The Concert Band will
 musicianship. This group will perform in several                participate in the CCSD All-City Festival. Students will
 concerts throughout the school year. Students will be           also be required to attend several school performances
 required to attend these performances as they are a             that will be a part of the class grade. This course will
 part of the class grade. This course will help to prepare       help to prepare students for future placement in
 students for future placement in Intermediate or                Symphonic Band. Each band student will pay a $40.00
 Advanced Band. Each band student will pay a $40.00              band fee at the beginning of the school year. The cost
 band fee at the beginning of the school year. The cost          will include the following items: method book/music,
 will include the following items: method book/music,            band shirt, cleaning kit. **See note on musical
 band shirt, cleaning kit. **See note on musical                 instruments.
                                                                 ADVANCED (SYMPHONIC BAND)
                                                                 This group is open to all students by audition or
                                                                 placement by the band director. Symphonic Band is
                                                                 designed for students who have successfully mastered
                                                                 intermediate band skills. Areas of emphasis include
                                                                 fundamentals of music reading, the specific
                                                                 performance techniques of the instrument being
                                                                 studied, and advanced concepts of tone production and
                                                                 intonation. The appropriate use of technology is an
                                                                 integral part of this course. This group will perform in
                                                                 the CCSD Band Festival. Regular after school
  **MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS**                                        sectional attendance will be required. There may be
  Instruments are available for student use                      occasions when students from this class combine with
  in Band. Some students prefer to furnish                       the strings to create a full orchestra. The Symphonic
  their own instruments. Instruments may                         Band will be the most visible of all bands and must
  be rented from local music stores.                             always be of the highest caliber musicians. Students
                                                                 will also prepare and perform several concerts
                                                                 throughout the year that will be a part of the class
                                                                 grade. Each band student will pay a $40.00 band fee
                                                                 at the beginning of the school year. The cost will
                                                                 include the following items: method book/music, band
                                                                 shirt, cleaning kit. **See note on musical instruments.

Magnet Major Courses and Electives 2021-2022

                               BAND SECOND ELECTIVE CHOICES*
                        All electives are for a full year unless otherwise noted.
                       *Electives are based upon student enrollment and staff availability.

SECTIONALS (Grade 6)                                             MUSIC PRODUCTION I
Sectional classes support what the beginning band                This one-year course is open to all Band, Orchestra,
students are learning in their major class. Sectionals           Choir, and Media Arts students. Music Production I is 3
allow students to focus on specific fundamentals for             -part course consisting of History of American Popular
their instrument, progress at a faster pace, overcome            Music, Basic Music Theory, and Intro to Basic Music
any challenges, and be successful. The sectionals are            Recording. History of American Popular Music is
split up into three main instruments groups, Woodwinds           designed to explore the timeline of American music
(flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, sax), Brass                     from the 1950s to today. Basic Music Theory is
(trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba), and Percussion              designed to develop a basic understanding of music
(bell kit and snare drum). Students are placed into their        theory on the piano. Students will study the staff,
sectional class based on the instrument they are                 rhythm basics, the piano keyboard, plus Major scales
learning. These classes will use Making Music                    and chords. In Basic Music Recording students will
Matter textbook along with other supplemental material           learn the basics of recording, working with the Digital
selected by the teacher. Sectional classes are required          Audio Workstation software Studio One where they will
for all those whose major class is beginning                     learn to record and edit music. The ultimate goal is to
band. Each student will pay a $40.00 fee at the                  develop students as musicians. Each student will pay a
beginning of the school year.                                    $40.00 music lab fee at the beginning of the school
                                                                 year. The fee will include the use of music software and
                                                                 production materials.
JAZZ BAND II (Intermediate)
This one-year course is designed to develop skills               MUSIC PRODUCTION II
necessary to become a well-rounded musician                      This one year course combines music theory, history of
(improvisation, auditions, intonation, style, doubling,          music and the creative use of computers for digital
articulation, dynamics, rhythmic precision, and more).           recording as a continuation from Music Production I.
Students will continue to use the skills from Band               Students will explore different aspects of music that
classes to improve Jazz improvisation skills and                 define style, form, genre, and period and develop the
knowledge of scales and chord progressions. Students             vocabulary to discuss them. Students will explore the
must already play a Jazz Band instrument, audition,              influence of music in society throughout the years while
and receive instructor’s approval for enrollment into this       expanding their understandings of musical theory to
course. This group may perform at concerts and                   enhance musicianship. Students will learn more
school activities. Students will be required to attend           advanced recording techniques and procedures, digital
various performances as a part of the class                      audio editing, studio terminology, microphone
grade. Each Jazz Band student will pay a $40.00 Jazz             technique and Midi recording using professional
Band fee at the beginning of the school year. Teacher            software, Studio One, while working in our digital audio
recommendation.                                                  music lab. Each student will pay a $40.00 music lab fee
                                                                 at the beginning of the school year. The fee will include
                                                                 the use of music software and production materials.
JAZZ BAND I (Advanced)                                           Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Music
This one-year course is designed to introduce the
                                                                 Production I.
instrumental music student to historical and
contemporary Jazz band literature and techniques to
increase appreciation of Jazz and Big Band
music. The focus is on learning to play various styles
of Jazz and commercial music, including swing era, be-
bop, cool Jazz, and fusion (Jazz-rock). Students will
have an opportunity to develop advanced skills and
concepts in Jazz improvisation. Students will work to
learn to play music by ear. Solos are also
encouraged. Students must already play a Jazz Band
instrument, audition, and receive instructor’s approval
for enrollment into this course. This group will perform
at MANY concerts and school activities. Students will
be required to attend various performances as a part of
the class grade. Each Jazz Band student will pay a
$40.00 Jazz Band fee at the beginning of the school
year. Teacher recommendation.

Magnet Major Courses and Electives 2021-2022

                                BAND SECOND ELECTIVE CHOICES*
                         All electives are for a full year unless otherwise noted.
                       *Electives are based upon student enrollment and staff availability.

PIANO LAB (BEGINNING KEYBOARDING/                                 GUITAR I
PIANO)                                                            This one-year course is designed for students with no
This one year course is designed for students who are             previous guitar experience. Students will receive
interested in learning to play the piano and explore the          guidance and direction in solving problems related to
history of music. Students will learn to play some of the         playing the guitar at a beginning level and will learn
standards of piano repertoire while gaining a thorough            many of the different styles, skills and techniques
understanding of the history and basic concepts of                required to become a successful guitarist. Areas of
music. The emphasis is on introducing basic concepts              concentration include: correct posture, note reading,
of notation, musicianship, and technique. Students will           aural skills, flat-picking, singing songs, rhythmic
find out how music is constructed and discover the                patterns, chord study, finger-picking styles, musical
composers and history behind the music. Students will             forms, improvisation and performing experiences.
develop good practice habits and learn techniques to              Each student will pay a $40.00 fee at the beginning of
increase the muscular agility and flexibility of their            the school year.
hands. Upon completion of this course, students
should be able to: read music in bass and treble clefs;
understand rhythms in basic time signatures, including
simple and compound meters; sight read simple
melodies; and play all white and black key major and
minor five finger patterns. Each student will pay a
$40.00 fee at the beginning of the school year.

Taught in Thurman White’s state of the art keyboard
lab, this class will build on the skills learned in
Beginning Keyboarding/Piano. Students will continue
their study of music theory, composition, piano
techniques, music history and music technology, diving
deeper into the material and playing music of increased
difficulty. Intermediate students will perform solo recital
music. Each student will pay a $40.00 fee at the
beginning of the school year. Teacher
recommendation/ Audition required.

Taught in Thurman White’s state of the art keyboard
lab, this class will build on the skills learned in Piano
Repertoire. Students will continue their study of music
theory, composition, piano techniques, music history
and music technology, diving deeper into the material
and playing music of increased difficulty. This class will
also focus on audition material for high school piano
programs. Advanced students will perform solo recital
music. Each student will pay a $40.00 fee at the
beginning of the school year. Teacher
recommendation/ Audition required.

Magnet Major Courses and Electives 2021-2022

                                           ORCHESTRA MAJOR
                         ALL students will be placed in beginning performance groups
                         unless a performance interview is completed for placement.

Major: ORCHESTRA                                               ADVANCED ORCHESTRA
                                                               This one-year course is designed for students who
BEGINNING ORCHESTRA                                            have mastered the skills of intermediate orchestra.
This class is open to students without any prior music         This group is open to all students by audition or
experience. Students will have the opportunity to study        placement by the orchestra director. It includes
violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Emphasis is placed       further development of those skills necessary to
on playing fundamentals, music reading, and general            become independent as a musician. This class
musicianship. This course will help prepare students           includes advanced instruction in music reading,
for future placement in Intermediate, Chamber, or              techniques for developing performing skills, and
Advanced Orchestra. This group will perform at school          more complex study of theory and musical
concerts and other school functions throughout the             interpretation. This course emphasizes the place
year. Students will be required to attend these                of string music in the Western musical heritage.
performances as they are a part of the class grade.            It concentrates on the development of style,
Each orchestra student will pay a $40.00 orchestra fee         articulation, dynamics, rhythmic ability, and tone
at the beginning of the school year. The fee will              inherent to string music performance. The
include the following items: method book/music,                importance of sustained group and individual effort
orchestra shirt, instrument maintenance fee). **See            is stressed. Emphasis will be placed on having a
note on musical instruments.                                   variety of performing experiences as they are a
                                                               part of the class grade. Each orchestra student
                                                               will pay a $40.00 orchestra fee at the beginning of the
                                                               school year. The fee will include the following items:
This one-year course is designed for students who
                                                               method book/music, orchestra shirt, instrument
have developed skills beyond beginning orchestra.
                                                               maintenance fee. **See note on musical instruments.
This group is open to all students by audition or
placement by the orchestra director. It includes further
development of those skills necessary to become an
independent musician. The course emphasizes the
place of string music in the Western musical heritage
and the development in style, articulation, dynamics,
rhythmic patterns, and tone throughout history. The
importance of sustained group and individual effort is
stressed. A progression of technical proficiency is
expected. Emphasis will be placed on participating in a
variety of performance experiences as they are a part
of the class grade. Each orchestra student will pay a
$40.00 orchestra fee at the beginning of the school
year. The fee will include the following items: method
book/music, orchestra shirt, instrument maintenance
fee). **See note on musical instruments.

 A limited number of instruments are
 available for student use in Orchestra.
 Some students may need to furnish their
 own instruments. Instruments may be
 rented from local music stores.

Magnet Major Courses and Electives 2021-2022

                        All electives are for a full year unless otherwise noted.
                      *Electives are based upon student enrollment and staff availability.

MUSIC PRODUCTION I                                              CHAMBER ORCHESTRA
This one-year course is open to all Band, Orchestra ,           Chamber Orchestra is an advanced ensemble for the
Choir, and Media Arts students. Music Production I is 3         dedicated musician. It is an opportunity to study
-part course consisting of History of American Popular          advanced small group ensemble music and
Music, Basic Music Theory, and Intro to Basic Music             orchestral literature. Members are selected by
Recording. History of American Popular Music is                 audition. This class provides opportunities for the
designed to explore the timeline of American music              further development of advanced instrumental
from the 1950s to today. Basic Music Theory is                  techniques and the performance of unabridged
designed to develop a basic understanding of music              symphonic and string orchestra repertoire. Students
theory on the piano. Students will study the staff,             perform a variety of orchestral compositions of
rhythm basics, the piano keyboard, plus Major scales            contrasting periods and styles. Students continue
and chords. In Basic Music Recording students will              to expand their musical knowledge through the
learn the basics of recording, working with the Digital         progressive study of harmony, melodic and
Audio Workstation software Studio One where they will           harmonic dictation, and music history. Guest
learn to record and edit music. The ultimate goal is to         performers and clinicians will occasionally be
develop students as musicians. Each student will pay a          utilized in the rehearsal and performance setting.
$40.00 music lab fee at the beginning of the school             Students will continue the advanced development
year. The fee will include the use of music software and        of instrumental technique, music reading and
production materials.                                           comprehension skills, independent musicianship,
                                                                style, critical thinking skills, a deeper
                                                                understanding of small group ensemble music, and
MUSIC PRODUCTION II                                             orchestral literature. Literature will contain both
This one year course combines music theory, history of          Classical and Popular music. Students will perform
music and the creative use of computers for digital             both in small group ensemble projects and as a
recording as a continuation from Music Production I.            large group. Each orchestra student will pay a $40.00
Students will explore different aspects of music that           orchestra fee at the beginning of the school year.
define style, form, genre, and period and develop the           Teacher recommendation. **See note on musical
vocabulary to discuss them. Students will explore the           instruments.
influence of music in society throughout the years while
expanding their understandings of musical theory to
enhance musicianship. Students will learn more                  MUSIC PRODUCTION III
advanced recording techniques and procedures, digital           This one year course is a continuation of Music
audio editing, studio terminology, microphone                   Production II. This course offers students an
technique and Midi recording using professional                 independent, project-based learning environment
software, Studio One, while working in our digital audio        where they combine their musical and production skills
music lab. Each student will pay a $40.00 music lab fee         with their wide knowledge of popular music, to create
at the beginning of the school year. The fee will include       professional sounding music recordings. This course is
the use of music software and production materials.             highly individualized and encourages students to follow
Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Music                   the path of their particular musical interests. In addition
Production I.                                                   to their own musical productions, Music Production III
                                                                students create custom music for the CTV “The Scoop”
                                                                morning show and collaborate with Media & Film
                                                                Productions students to create and deliver custom
                                                                music for their media and film projects. Each student
                                                                will pay a $40.00 music lab fee at the beginning of the
                                                                school year. The fee will include the use of music
                                                                software and production materials. Pre-requisite:
                                                                Successful completion of Music Production I
                                                                & II.

Magnet Major Courses and Electives 2021-2022

                        All electives are for a full year unless otherwise noted.
                      *Electives are based upon student enrollment and staff availability.

GUITAR I                                                     PIANO LAB (BEGINNING KEYBOARDING/
This one-year course is designed for students with no        PIANO)
previous guitar experience. Students will receive            This one year course is designed for students who are
guidance and direction in solving problems related to        interested in learning to play the piano and explore the
playing the guitar at a beginning level and will learn       history of music. Students will learn to play some of the
many of the different styles, skills and techniques          standards of piano repertoire while gaining a thorough
required to become a successful guitarist. Areas of          understanding of the history and basic concepts of
concentration include: correct posture, note reading,        music. The emphasis is on introducing basic concepts
aural skills, flat-picking, singing songs, rhythmic          of notation, musicianship, and technique. Students will
patterns, chord study, finger-picking styles, musical        find out how music is constructed and discover the
forms, improvisation and performing experiences.             composers and history behind the music. Students will
Each student will pay a $40.00 fee at the beginning of       develop good practice habits and learn techniques to
the school year.                                             increase the muscular agility and flexibility of their
                                                             hands. Upon completion of this course, students
                                                             should be able to: read music in bass and treble clefs;
                                                             understand rhythms in basic time signatures, including
                                                             simple and compound meters; sight read simple
                                                             melodies; and play all white and black key major and
                                                             minor five finger patterns. Each student will pay a
                                                             $40.00 fee at the beginning of the school year.

                                                             PIANO REPERTOIRE
                                                             Taught in Thurman White’s state of the art keyboard
                                                             lab, this class will build on the skills learned in
                                                             Beginning Keyboarding/Piano. Students will continue
                                                             their study of music theory, composition, piano
                                                             techniques, music history and music technology, diving
                                                             deeper into the material and playing music of increased
                                                             difficulty. Intermediate students will perform solo recital
                                                             music. Each student will pay a $40.00 fee at the
                                                             beginning of the school year. Teacher
                                                             recommendation/Audition required.

                                                             PIANO PERFORMANCE
                                                             Taught in Thurman White’s state of the art keyboard
                                                             lab, this class will build on the skills learned in Piano
                                                             Repertoire. Students will continue their study of music
                                                             theory, composition, piano techniques, music history
                                                             and music technology, diving deeper into the material
                                                             and playing music of increased difficulty. This class will
                                                             also focus on audition material for high school piano
                                                             programs. Advanced students will perform solo recital
                                                             music. Each student will pay a $40.00 fee at the
 **MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS**                                     beginning of the school year. Teacher
 A limited number of instruments are                         recommendation/Audition required.
 available for student use in Orchestra.
 Some students may need to furnish their
 own instruments. Instruments may be
 rented from local music stores.

Magnet Major Courses and Electives 2021-2022

                                                CHOIR MAJOR
                         ALL students will be placed in beginning performance groups
                         unless a performance interview is completed for placement.

Major: CHOIR

BEGINNING GIRLS’ CHORUS                                        INTERMEDIATE CHOIR (CONCERT)
Beginning Girls’ Chorus is open to all beginning sixth,        This class is for seventh and eighth grade girls and
seventh, and eighth grade girls. Proper vocal                  boys. Advanced vocal technique, advanced Music
technique, beginning music fundamentals, and music             Fundamentals and Music Theory are explored, along
theory are explored, along with both rhythmic and              with both advanced rhythmic and melodic sight
melodic sight reading. This class performs several             reading. This class performs several concerts and
concerts per year, singing two/three part music. This          festivals per year, singing three and four part
class also gives an introduction to foreign diction and        advanced level music. Performances are required
performing in foreign languages. Performances are              and are part of students’ grades. This class also
required and are part of students’ grades. This group          gives continued instruction in foreign diction and
may perform at school concerts, District Festivals, and        performing in foreign languages. This ensemble
other school functions. Each choir student will pay a          has the opportunity to travel and perform in a
$40.00 choir fee at the beginning of the school year.          National Music Festival in the Spring. Each choir
The fee will include the following items: music, music         student will pay a $40.00 choir fee at the beginning of
folder, and a choir shirt required for all performances.       the school year. The fee will include the following
                                                               items: music, music folder and the rental of a formal
BEGINNING BOYS’ CHORUS                                         choir uniform required for all performances.
Beginning Boys’ Chorus is open to all beginning sixth,
seventh, and eighth grade boys. Proper vocal                   ADVANCED (CHAMBER )SINGERS
technique, beginning music fundamentals, and music             This class is for seventh and eighth grade boys and
theory are explored, along with both rhythmic and              girls by audition only. Advanced vocal technique,
melodic sight reading. This class performs several             advanced Music Fundamentals and Music Theory are
concerts per year, singing two/three part music. This          explored, along with both advanced rhythmic and
class also gives an introduction to foreign diction and        melodic sight reading. This class has a rigorous
performing in foreign languages. Performances are              schedule of concerts and festivals throughout the year,
required and are part of students’ grades. This group          singing three and four part advanced level music.
may perform at school concerts, District Festivals, and        Performances are required and are part of students’
other school functions. Each choir student will pay a          grades. This class also gives continued instruction in
$40.00 choir fee at the beginning of the school year.          foreign diction and performing in foreign languages.
The fee will include the following items: music, music         This ensemble will travel and perform in a National
folder, and a choir shirt required for all performances.       Music Festival in the Spring. If interested, students in
                                                               this class are encouraged to audition and participate in
                                                               both the Clark Country School District Middle School
                                                               Honor Choir and Vocal Solo and Ensemble festival.
                                                               Each choir student will pay a $40.00 choir fee at the
                                                               beginning of the school year. The fee will include the
                                                               following items: music, music folder and the rental of a
                                                               formal choir uniform required for all performances.

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