Ms. Kelly March 2021 - St. Christopher Center for Children

Ms. Kelly March 2021 - St. Christopher Center for Children
Ms. Kelly March 2021

We made it to March!!! We will
                                         Important dates: Wear
begin the month studying
boxes/buildings. Please send in          Green-March 16 & 17
boxes of different sizes and shapes.     No Preschool-22-26
We will be using them in the block       Center Closed- April 1 /Good
area, different art projects, and we     Friday
will be using our imaginations to        Thank you for sending in hats and
create many different things with        gloves last month. We didn’t get
them. The other two weeks our            outside much but I appreciate that
theme will be Easter! Please             everyone was prepared! Please
continue to encourage your child to
                                         continue to send them in hopes
do good deeds. We will continue
with our Lent project till Easter. Our   that we can get outside this month.
                                         Happy March! Love, Ms. Kelly
letters this month are: J, Y, Z & V.
Ms. Kelly March 2021 - St. Christopher Center for Children
Week of:       March 1-5         Teacher:        Ms. Kelly                                           Sandpipers
 Study: Buildings and boxes                       Investigation: 1. What do buildings in our neighborhood and in other places look like?
                 Monday                      Tuesday                   Wednesday                     Thursday                    Friday
Areas    Painting with box lids     Create a “wocket”          Painting with paint sticks     Tracing and coloring       markers on the large boxes
          and cardboard cutouts     puppet                                                     using boxes Thurs./Fri>

Large                               Morning Yoga               Clap a friend's name with me   Clap a friend's name       Poem: “Two Plump
Group     Morning Yoga                                                                        with me                    Armadillos”
                                    Discussion and Shared      Discussion and Shared
          Discussion and Shared     Writing: What do we        Writing: What can we do        Discussion and Shared      Discussion and Shared
          Writing: What do we       know about boxes?          with boxes?                    Writing: Naming parts      Writing:What color is
          know about boxes?                                                                   of buildings               your house? What is it
                                                                                                                         made of?
                                                                                               Pass the box
                                                                                                                         Pass the box
Read-A                              A Wocket in my pocket      Wacky Wednesday                Not a box                  Not a box
loud      Buildings, Buildings,

Small     This is me…               This is me…
Group     Blocks: measuring
          tapes; carpenter’s
          rulers; T-squares         Dr Suess Bingo             Dr Suess Bingo                 What’s in the box?         What’s in the box?

          Religion-all week         Counting games             Counting games                 Weighing boxes             Weighing boxes

Outdoor Experiences: log balance beam

Family Partnerships: Please send in boxes and pictures of buildings

Wow! Experiences: A walk around the neighborhood to look at different buildings (Weather permitting)
Week of: March 8-12                      Teacher: Ms. Kelly                                 Sandpipers

 Study: Buildings and boxes                       Investigation: 2. Who builds buildings? What tools do they use?     Yy

                     Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                  Thursday                   Friday
Interest    Cutting and coloring a       Painting with trucks      Painting with trucks      Blocks: blueprints;       Blocks: blueprints;
Areas       circle, glue on paper with   Construction site         Construction site         building floor plans;     building floor plans;
            yarn and hand cutout                                                             clipboards; paper and     clipboards; paper and
            creating a Yoyo                                                                  pencils;                  pencils;
                                         Boxes in the block area   Boxes in the block area
                                                                                             Easel Painting             Easel Painting
                                                                                             shades of yellow          shades of yellow

Large       Game: What’s Inside the      Song: “This Is the        Song: “The People in      Song: “Pound the Nail”    Song: “What Is My
Group       Box?                         Way”                      Your Neighborhood”                                  Job?”
                                                                                             Discussion and Shared
            Discussion and Shared        Discussion and Shared     Discussion and Shared     Writing: Building Jobs    Discussion and Shared
            Writing: Who Builds          Writing: How can we       Writing: Naming                                     Writing: Builders
            Buildings?                   move boxes?               different Tools                                     Staying Safe

Read-Alo    Build It From A to Z         Goodnight, Goodnight                                Changes, Changes          Look at that building
ud                                       Construction site         Building a House

Small                                    Creating a blueprint
Group                                                              Creating a blueprint     Cut out pictures from      Cut out pictures from
                                         blue paper/white                                   magazines glue on a        magazines glue on a
            Religion-all week            crayons                   blue paper/white crayons house cutout               house cutout

            Floor puzzles
Outdoor Experiences: Observing a Building’s Shadow; Jump the River

Family Partnerships: Continue to send in boxes and pictures of buildings.
Wow! Experiences:
Week of: March 15-19                                                                                              sandpiper
                                     Teacher:          Ms. Kelly                           Study: Easter              Zz

                                                       Wear Green!          Wear Green!
                      Monday                               Tuesday            Wednesday                    Thursday                    Friday
           Painting a shamrock                                             Marble Painting a      Zig zag painting on a        Zig zag painting on a
           cutout                                                          Z                      large egg cutout             large egg cutout
                                                Sponge Painting            cutout
                                                                           Glue on yarn to
                                                                           make a zebra
Large                                           Irish Jig
Group      Why do we celebrate                                             Irish Jig                                           Easter Bunny training
           Easter?                              The Lent Song                                     Why do we celebrate          obstacle course
           The Lent Song                                                   The Lent Song          Easter?Easter Bunny
                                                                                                  training obstacle course

oud        St. Patrick’s Day books              St. Patrick’s Day books    Too Many Carrots       Happy Easter Little          Put me in a zoo

Small      Coloring eggs                        coloring eggs                                     Sorting animals              Sorting animals
Group                                                                                             What animal would we         What animal would we
           Religion all week                    Peep Playdough             Peep Playdough         find at the zoo              find at the zoo

                                                                           Floor Puzzles          Create an Easter Bag
                                                                                                                               Create an Easter Bag
Outdoor Experiences: Zigzag tag
Family Partnerships: Have them wear green on Tuesday and Wednesday!

Wow! Experiences: Coloring Eggs! We will be doing it in a very fun way!! Ask your child about their experience.
Week of: March 29-April 1                                                                      sandpiper
               Teacher:             Ms. Kelly                              Study:Easter/ Holy Week                  Vv

                       Monday                           Tuesday                  Wednesday                Thursday                   Friday
Areas       Ripping and glueing green
            paper                           Painting a large vase cutout     Crosses on a Hill     Painting with Plastic     No School
            to create a Palm                                                 Water painting the    eggs                      Center Closed

Large       Easter Movement game            Easter movement game             Egg Hun               Egg Hunt
            Discuss Holy Week               Discuss Holy Week
                                                                             What do we know
                                                                             about Easter?         What do we know
                                                                                                   about Easter?
Read-Al     T-Rex Cottontail                Max’s Chocolate Chicken          The Easter Egg        The Night Before Easter

Small       Cross printout                  Cross printout                   Jelly bean sorting    Jelly bean sorting
Group       fingerprints on the cross       fingerprints on the cross

            Religion(all week)                                               Easter Bingo          Easter Bingo

Outdoor Experiences: Take a walk

Family Partnership: This is the last week of our Lent project. Discuss all the good deeds they have done and how that makes them feel.
Wow! Experiences: Egg Hunt
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