Mumps of the Heart Clinical and Pathologic Features

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Mumps of the Heart Clinical and Pathologic Features
Mumps of the Heart
                             Clinical and Pathologic Features
               By WILLIAM C. ROBERTS, M.D.,           AND    SAMUEL M. Fox III, M.D.
THIS REPORT concerns a patient who                          cytes, 10 atypical lymphocytes, 2 monocytes
       died of severe congestive cardiac failure            and 1 per cent eosinophils. By February 20. 1959.
8 months after the onset of a clinical illness              he had developed severe headache, stiffness of
                                                            the neck and bilateral testicular tenderness. At
indistinguishable from mumps, characterized                 this time he was admitted to a local hospital
by submaxillary gland enlargement, orchitis,                where, in addition, he developed abdominal pain
pancreatitis, meningitis, and myocarditis.                  associated with an elevated serum amylase (533
During the past 2 decades, several papers have              Somogyi units). Frequent ventricular premature
appeared describing electrocardiographic                    contractions also were noted, and he was told that
                                                            his heart was enlarged. A presumptive diagnosis
changes in many patients with mumps,1-5 and                 of mumps was made and he was treated with
clinical signs and symptoms of myocarditis as               prednisolone. The white blood-cell count was
well as electrocardiographic changes in a few               10,000/mm.3 and the erythrocyte sedimentation
patients with mumps.0-8 A patient dying of                  rate was 20 mm. in 1 hour. Twenty-five per cent
mumps myocarditis was recorded in 1932 by
                                                            atypical lymphocytes were observed in the periph-
                                                            eral blood smear on February 25. By the end
Manca,9 who described the autopsy findings in               of 2 weeks his symptoms had subsided, but the
a 21-year-old soldier who died 14 days follow-              tachycardia, cardiomegaly, and ventricular pre-
ing the onset of his illness, which occurred                mature contractions persisted, and on June 8,
during a severe epidemic of mumps in the                    1959, he was admitted to the Clinical Center.
barracks. Manca's paper appears to be the                   His health before this illness had always been
                                                            good. There had been no previous history of
first to describe pathologic alterations in the             mumps or known exposure to mumps, and there
heart of a patient dying from a viral myocar-               was no history of acute rheumatic fever or
ditis.10 Recently, Krakower and Roberg" re-                 scarlet fever. The parents were healthy.
ported a 4-year-old girl, who died of heart                    On examination, he was well-developed and
failure 55 days after the onset of an acute                 appeared well-nourished. The blood pressure was
                                                            105/70 mm. Hg. The salivary glands were not
illness that may have been mumps. The                       palpable. Prominent v waves, which increased on
present communication describes the clinical                inspiration, were noted in the superficial jugular
and pathologic findings in another patient                  veins. The heart was very large. The pulmonic-
                                                            valve closure was palpable, but the apical first
dying from probable mumps myocarditis.                      sounds were weak. A grade-II/VI "grunting"
             Report of a Patient                            systolic murmur, which was accentuated on
                                                            inspiration and practically nonapparent on ex-
   A. M. (no. 02-49-32), a 17-year-old school               piration, was audible along the lower left sternal
boy, died October 10, 1959, after an 8-month                border. A different grade-II/VI blowing systolic
illness. He had been in good health until Feb-              murmur was heard at the apex and in the left
ruary 16, 1959, when he noted pain in the left              axilla. The liver was palpable and tender. The
side of his neck. The following day the entire              testes were soft.
left side of his neck was swollen, and tender                  The hematocrit value, white blood-cell count
"lymph nodes" were palpated at the angle of the             and differential, sedimentation rate, blood urea
left jaw. Two days later he developed fever (104            nitrogen, serum electrolytes, proteins, calcium, al-
F.), and the peripheral blood showed 40 poly-               kaline phosphatase, and transaminase were nor-
morphonuclear neutrophils, 47 mature lympho-                mal. The serum total bilirubin was 2.0 mg./100
                                                            ml. Lumbar puncture disclosed normal pressures:
   From the Laboratory of Pathology, Clinic of Sur-         the spinal fluid was clear, but microscopically two
gery, and the Cardiology Branch, National Heart             red cells and 17 white cells, all lymphocytes,
Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,         were seen per mm.3 Spinal fluid sugar was 77
Maryland.                                                   mg./100 ml. and protein 25 mg./100 ml. Chest
                                                      342                   Circulation, Volume XXXII, September 196.5

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MUMPS OF TI-IE HEART                                                                                                     343

                                                                    condlitio)n, which progressivel dleterioratecl. He
                                                                    (lie(l in severe riglht- an(d left-sided heart failure
                                                                    oii October 10, 1959.
                                                                       At aiutopsy (A59-202), the lheairt was lhyper-
                                                                    tr(phlie(l (weight, 550 Gm-i.), all chambers xvere
                                                                     lilated, anid tdie mn-vocar(linin was soft. Recenit
                                                                    Mild orgalli/ing throm-ibi wer'e piresenit ini the apex
                                                                    of eachi venitr icle anicl in the righlt atrium. Tlhe
                                                                    tricuspid and mitral vaCixvidar leaflets an(dIchordac
                                                                    xvere niormiial, buLt their rings xvere (liliatedl. The
                                                                    semilunlar valves xvere nor-mal. The enidocardium
                                                                    of the left atrium anid venitr-icle xvas mildly
                                                                    thickenedl. The coronary arteries were normal in
                                                                    oIrigini and (listril)ution an(l xvere fr ee from luminal
                                                                       Mlicroscopicallv, sectionls of the hleart disclosed
                                                                    diffuse inter-stitial mnvocardial fibrosis, smlall focal
                                                                    areas of mv ocardial lyIvsis, ad, rarely, a fexv
                                                                    inonucleair cells in the initerstitial fibrouis tisstIe
                                                                    anid in the focal areas of myoicardial necrosis
                        Figure 1                                    (fig. 3). MIost myocardial fibers xver-e lhyper-
Pos.seoantIerioi- roentgenogarani of chest.                         trophied, but a fev were atroplhic. No Aselhoff
                                                                    1)odies vere seeni. Stainis of the mvocardlium for
roentgenogr-am (fig. 1) showed generalizedI car-                    fat (oil-red1 0), glvcogen (periodic acid-Schiff,
dio:megaly. Electrocardiogram (fig. 2) slhowed                      and PAS-diastase) , amyloid, and iron were nega-
sinulls tacliyeardia, freqluent iniultifocal ven-tricular           tive. The parotid, submaxillary, thyl roid, para-
premature contractions, and probadle atriallhyper-                  tlhyrioid, and adrenad glands xvere inorm-a-al. The
tr-ophly. Sem- um- imntinmips cormplemnent-fixation titer           seminiiferouis tubtules of the testes were sever elx
xvai 1:256.                                                         atr-oplhied. Section-s of the liver r-evealed ovei-
    Shlortly after admissioni, the patient developeol               wlvelminig centrolobtilar conlgestioin a(1
overt conigestive c.IaIrdiac failure, whlichl responided            The pancreas also shoxxwed the lesion of clhroniic
only termporarily to digitalis and dIiurletic tlheLpy.              passive congestion. The leptomeniniges xvere
Tlhe cardiac index measured onll July 21 xvas                       focdlly tlhiekened and contained smnall foci of
1.8 L., im 1.I/>'2, and tlhe arteriovenous oxyvgen                  mononuiclear cells. Thlere xvas iitense generalized
dilffereiic was 8.8 vol. per cenlt. Predmuisolonie,                 subpial and sutbepenidx mzild gliosis, extend(inig inito
160 ni  mg. daily, was then admiinistered for 1                     the brain parenelvhma, wlhich fr eqtuenitly shoxved
wecek, but tlere no apparent chliange in hiis                chaniges of edlemiia.

                                                            Figure 2
    'troearjdio r'a ni.
(   Urcullio, V1olue X',\ [1i, S plc;btr   1965

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344                                                                                                 ROBERTS, FOX

                                                      Figure 3
        Photo7nicrographs of heart. Left. Lar£ge areas of replacement and initerstitial fibrosis are present.
        Right. Close-npi? of myocardium showing hypertrophied atid atrophied fibers and loose inter-
        stitial fibrons stromita. Masson connectivec-tissue stain (left) and hbneatoxyllinz anicd cosinl staini
         (riglht); origina(il magnification X35 (left), x235 (right).

                    Discussion                                are similar to those of the patient reported by
   The diagnosis of mumps in the present pa-                  Krakower and Roberg.11
tient appears justified. The clinical picture was                According to Saphir and Cohen'2 the his-
compatible, the mumps complement-fixation                     tologic appearance of the heart in the present
test was elevated, and the testicular atrophy,                patient and in the patients reported by Manca
myocardial fibrosis and necrosis, and central-                ancd Krakower anCd Roberg is consistenit with
nervous-system changes wvere consistent with                  a viral origin. In viral myocarditis degenera-
previous acute orchitis, myocarditis, and men-                tion and actual necrosis of isolated or grouLips
ingoencephalitis, respectively. The necropsy                  of myocardial fibers invariably occur, whereas
cardiac findings in the patient described dif-                in isolated or Fiecdler's inyocarditis (presuimed-
fered from those in the patient stuidied by                   ly nonviral) the interstitial tissuie of the myo-
Manca, but understaindably so, in view of                     eardium is priincipally involved and involve-
the far longer course in the present patient.                 ment of muisele fibers is rare. 1 2Saphir and
The heart of Manca's patient, who lived only                  Cohen believed that necrosis of individual
14 days, was neither dilated nor hyper-                       myocardial fibers, a prominent histologic fea-
trophied. Histologically, his patient had a                   ture in the patient herein described, is stuffi-
fibrinous and leuikocytic exudate in the inter-               ciently characteristic of viral myocarditis that
                                                              it may be used as a differential diagnostic
stitial tissue of the myocardiuim and the myo-
cardial fibers showed various degenerative
                                                              feature betweeni isolated and viral myocarditis.
                                                                 The couirse, and the radiographic an d elec-
changes. The patient reported herein had no                   trocardiographic features of the present patient,
significant cellular infiltration in his heart at             howcver, wexre not uinlike those described by
autopsy, but the cellular response would be                   Levy and Von Glahn'8 in patients with "car-
expected to have disappeared long before 8                    diac hypertrophy of uinknown cauLse." It may
months had elapsed. Had the myocardial in-                    be worth while to perform the muimps comple-
flammatory reaction persisted, a beneficial                   ment-fixation and sskin tests in all patients with
response to the administration of prednisolone                obscure myocarditis or idiopathic myocardial
might havc been expected. The autopsy find-                   enlargemenit. Certainly, meningoencephalitis
ings in the patient described herein, however,                due to mu-mps is seen 'without the associated
                                                                                 (irmulhtion, l'oluine XXXIJ, Seprember 1965

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MUMPS OF THE HEART                                                                                                   345
or antecedent occurrence of parotitis, orchitis,                        (epidemic parotitis). Arch. Int. Med. 76: 257,
or pancreatitis. It is conceivable that the                             1945.
                                                               3.    ROSENBERG, D. H.: Electrocardiographic changes
mumps virus may involve the heart without                              in epidemic parotitis (mumps). Proc. Soc. Ex-
attacking other organs. The left ventricular                            per. Biol. & Med. 58: 9, 1945.
endocardium of the present patient and of the                  4.    IRVIN, M. Z., BACHARACH, T. H., AND PULLEN,
patient described by Krakower and Roberg                                R. L.: Mumps myocarditis. Northwest Med.
was mildly thickened, a finding frequently                             50: 583, 1951.
                                                               5.    BENGTSSON, E., AND ORNDAHL, G.: Complications
observed in the hearts of patients with pri-                            of mumps with special reference to the in-
mary myocardial disease. Recently, Noren et                             cidence of myocarditis. Acta med. scandinav.
al.14 reported positive skin reactivity to mumps                        149: 381, 1945.
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further evidence that infection with the mumps                 7.    BLAND, J. H.: Mumps complicated by myocarditis,
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                       Summary                                 8.    HORTON, G. E.: Mumps myocarditis: Case report
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   The clinical and pathologic findings of a pa-                        49: 1228, 1958.
tient who died from diffuse myocardial disease                  9.   MANCA, C.: Miocardite da parotite epidemica.
8 months after an attack of mumps is pre-                               Arch. Ital. di Anat. e Istol. Patol. 3: 707,
sented. His illness was complicated by myo-                             1932.
carditis, meningoencephalitis, pancreatitis, and              10.    WHITE, P. D.: Heart Disease. New York, The
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orchitis. A study of past reports discloses                    11.   KRAKOWER, C. A., AND ROBERG, N. B.: Clinical
that electrocardiographic evidence of myocar-                           pathologic conference. Am. Heart J. 63: 276,
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clinical evidence of myocardial involvement                    12.   SAPHIR, O., AND COHEN, N. A.: Myocarditis in
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                                                               13.   LEVY, R. L., AND VON GLAHN, W. C.: Cardiac
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 Circulation, Volume XXXII, September 1965

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Mumps of the Heart: Clinical and Pathologic Features
                  WILLIAM C. ROBERTS and SAMUEL M. FOX III

                                  Circulation. 1965;32:342-345
                                  doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.32.3.342
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                 Copyright © 1965 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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