Municipal Association of Victoria Annual Conference & Dinner - Sponsorship opportunities - Municipal ...

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Municipal Association of Victoria Annual Conference & Dinner - Sponsorship opportunities - Municipal ...
Municipal Association of Victoria

Annual Conference & Dinner

Sponsorship opportunities

17 October 2019
Sofitel Melbourne on Collins
Municipal Association of Victoria Annual Conference & Dinner - Sponsorship opportunities - Municipal ...
MAV Annual Conference and Dinner
17 October 2019, Sofitel Melbourne on Collins

The Municipal Association of Victoria
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is the peak representative body for local
government in Victoria. The MAV has a legislated responsibility to represent the interests of
councils through policy formulation, advocacy work and insurance services.

Formed in 1879 and incorporated by an act of Victorian Parliament in 1907, the MAV today
enjoys the support of Victorian councils, who are our financial members.

Determined to increase the capability and effectiveness of the sector, we conduct a wide
range of activities. These include lobbying, campaign and issues management,
procurement, research, councillor and professional development, event management and

The MAV has been long-recognised as an influential and respected representative body by
both local and state government.

The MAV Annual Conference and Dinner explores prominent local government issues
and future challenges facing the sector, as well as providing an understanding of emerging
services and capabilities to assist and improve councils.

With an audience comprised of councillors, mayors, CEOs and senior management from
Victorian local councils, over 150 delegates are expected to attend the single day
conference program, while over 250 are expected to attend the gala dinner.

This leading local government conference represents an outstanding opportunity to
promote commercial products and services demanded by a sector with an annual
expenditure of over $8 billion.

The conference will provide one-of-kind opportunities for sponsors and exhibitors to
showcase their capabilities in product and service provision and engage with senior decision
makers within the Victorian local government sector.

                                                                                         MAV Events | 1
MAV Annual Conference and Dinner
17 October 2019, Sofitel Melbourne on Collins

About local government
In Victoria, local government is made up of 79 councils representing over 5.5 million people.
Councils are area-based, representative governments with a legislative and electoral
mandate to manage local issues and plan for the community's needs.
Local government is recognised in the Victorian Constitution 1975 as a:
     ‘distinct and essential tier of government consisting of democratically elected councils
     having the functions and powers that the Parliament considers are necessary to ensure
     peace, order and good government of each municipal district’.
Councils operate within a legislative framework established by the Victorian Parliament
through the Local Government Act 1989, which specifies local government powers, duties,
roles, responsibilities and functions.

Local government facts
  Victoria has 79 municipalities:
    o 31 metropolitan (including 10 interface
      o 48 rural and regional (including 10
         regional cities)
      o Populations range from 2,900 to more
         than 313,500
      o Land area varies from 10.8 sq km to
         22,000 sq km
      o Each also varies in rate base, needs,
         infrastructure and resources.
  Each municipality manages significantly
     different budgets:
       o Rural council budgets average $69 million
           (smallest is approximately $10.3 million)
       o Metropolitan council budgets average
           $211 million (largest is approximately
           $705 million)
    Governed by 641 democratically elected
       o 400 male councillors
       o 240 female councillors
    Employs 43,469 people
       o 26,609 female employees
       o 16,856 male employees
       o 4 gender neutral employees
    Annual revenue of $9.9 billion
    Responsible for $91.2 billion in community
     infrastructure and assets such as roads,
     bridges, town halls, recreation and leisure
     facilities, drains, libraries and parks.

                                                                                         MAV Events | 2
MAV Annual Conference and Dinner
17 October 2019, Sofitel Melbourne on Collins

Sponsor and exhibitor opportunities and provisions
The 2018 MAV Annual Conference and Dinner provides a unique opportunity to:
     Promote your products and services to a sector responsible for 43,469 employees and
      $8 billion in annual expenditure.
     Raise and enhance your organisation’s profile among local government senior
      decision-makers who are hard to reach key influencers from Victorian councils.
     Leverage the MAV brand that is a trusted and respected name within the local
      government sector.
     Network with potential and current clients.

Several different sponsor and exhibitor opportunities are available, offering varying
provisions and budget options (please note all prices exclude GST).
*Length and content of sponsor speaking opportunity subject to MAV approval.

  Principal Sponsor
  $30,000 + GST
     Acknowledgement as Principal Sponsor by chairperson throughout the conference,
       including welcome and close
     Exhibition area (with trestle table and chairs)
     Keynote address speaker selection and introduction of speaker to plenary session*
     Signage in plenary room
     Logo inclusion on projection screens throughout the day
     Sponsorship and logo acknowledged pre and post conference across all MAV marketing
       and communication channels
     Six conference exhibitor passes which includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and
       conference entry
     Four dinner passes

  Dinner Sponsor
  $15,000 + GST
     Exclusive dinner function sponsorship – only sponsor with a brand presence for the entire
     Exhibition area during the conference (with trestle table and chairs)
     Acknowledgement by dinner chairperson throughout the dinner, including welcoming and
     Prominent placement of signage throughout the dinner venue
     Speaking opportunity (up to 5 minutes) during the dinner function*
     Sponsorship and logo acknowledged pre and post conference across all MAV marketing
       and communication channels
     Two conference exhibitor passes which includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and
       conference entry
     Four dinner passes

                                                                                        MAV Events | 3
MAV Annual Conference and Dinner
17 October 2019, Sofitel Melbourne on Collins

 Morning Tea Sponsor
 $6,000 + GST
    Exhibition area (with trestle table and chairs)
    Acknowledgement as Morning Tea Sponsor by chairperson before delegates break for
      morning tea
    Speaking opportunity (2-3 minutes) to the plenary before morning tea*
    Logo on screens during the speaking opportunity
    Opportunity to place a free-standing banner at the exhibition entrance during morning tea
    Opportunity to offer merchandise that could be used for morning tea (eg; mugs, serviettes)
    Two conference exhibitor passes which includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and
      conference entry
    Two dinner passes

 Lunch Sponsor
 $6,000 + GST
    Exhibition area (with trestle table and chairs)
    Acknowledgement as Lunch Sponsor by chairperson before delegates break for lunch
    Speaking opportunity (2-3 minutes) to the plenary before lunch*
    Logo on screens during the speaking opportunity
    Opportunity to place a free-standing banner at the exhibition entrance during lunch
    Opportunity to offer merchandise that could be used for lunch (eg; mugs, serviettes)
    Two conference exhibitor passes which includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and
      conference entry
    Two dinner passes

 Afternoon Tea Sponsor
 $6,000 + GST
    Exhibition area (with trestle table and chairs)
    Acknowledgement as Morning Tea Sponsor by chairperson before delegates break for
      afternoon tea
    Speaking opportunity (2-3 minutes) to the plenary before afternoon tea*
    Logo on screens during the speaking opportunity
    Opportunity to place a free-standing banner at the exhibition entrance during afternoon tea
    Opportunity to offer merchandise that could be used for afternoon tea (eg; mugs,
    Two conference exhibitor passes which includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and
      conference entry
    Two dinner passes

                                                                                     MAV Events | 4
MAV Annual Conference and Dinner
17 October 2019, Sofitel Melbourne on Collins

                                                                             1. Definitions
                                                                             a. ‘The Event’ is the MAV Annual Conference & Dinner
         SPONSORSHIP APPLICATION FORM                                           which will take place on 17 October 2019 at the Sofitel
                                                                                Melbourne on Collins.
                                                                             b. ‘Application’ means an application to be a sponsor or
   Complete the Sponsorship Application Form and return to the MAV             exhibitor.
   Confirmation of your booking will be acknowledged by email               c. ‘Sponsor’ means any person, firm, body corporate,
                                                                                unincorporated association or authority allocated space by
   The MAV will raise an invoice for your prompt payment                       the organiser of the event and includes all employees,
   Payment must be received before the event date                              agents and representatives of such person, firm, body
                                                                                corporate, unincorporated association or authority.
                                                                             d. ‘Organiser’ means the Municipal Association of Victoria, its
PLEASE PRINT                                                                    employees, agents and contractors.
                                                                             e. ‘Venue’ means the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins.
                                                                             2. Application for Participation and Acceptance
                                                                             a. A binding contract comes into existence in accordance with
Company Name                                      ABN                           the Application and Terms and Conditions upon the
                                                                                Organiser’s acceptance of the Application.
                                                                             b. The Organiser has the right to reject or accept any
Address                                                                      3.Sponsor Obligations
                                                                             a. The Sponsor will provide all necessary information and
                                                                                material required for the Organiser to carry out its
Suburb                               State                Postcode              obligations to the Sponsor, by the dates stipulated by the
                                                                             b. The Sponsor will make good and compensate Venue for
Contact Name                         Position                                   damage caused by any act or omission of the Sponsor or
                                                                                other persons arising from or in connection with the use of
                                                                                the exhibition venue by the Sponsor.
                                                                             c. The Sponsor must have the display space ready with all
Telephone                            Mobile                                     exhibits completed and available for display by the time
                                                                                specified by the Organiser before the opening of the
                                                                             d. Sponsors are responsible for any damage or loss of own
Email                                                                           goods and equipment left in the Venue or function area prior
                                                                                to or after the function and must secure all goods and
                                                                                equipment during the Event.
Sponsor / Exhibitor level applying for:                                      e. All Sponsor deliveries to the Venue must be prior advised to
                                                                                the Venue and must be marked with the name and date of
          Sponsorship level
           (tick one only)
                                              (ex GST)
                                                              Total Amount
                                                              (incl GST)
                                                                                the Event and Sponsor.
                                                                             4. Exhibition Space: Standard Fittings, Design and Signs

          Principal Sponsor                  $30,000         $33,000        a. The Organiser agrees to provide the Exhibition booth and
                                                                                fittings, as detailed in this application, whereby applicable to
                                                                                the sponsorship level selected.
            Dinner Sponsor                   $15,000         $16,500
                                                                             b. The Organiser will ensure that booth positions will be
                                                                                allocated according to sponsorship value and on a first
            Morning Tea Sponsor              $6,000          $6,600
                                                                                served basis should value be equivalent.
            Lunch Sponsor                    $6,000          $6,600
                                                                             The Sponsor may not assign its rights under the agreement
                                                                             without the Organiser’s prior written consent.
            Afternoon Tea Sponsor            $6,000          $6,600         6.Terms of Payment
                                                                             The agreement will be terminated if the Sponsor does not pay
We accept the sponsor package as outlined in this proposal and agree to      the required fee prior to the event. In the event of termination
the terms and conditions outlined on this application form. We agree to      by the Organisers, the Sponsor will not be entitled to any form
pay the sponsorship fee indicated (incl. GST) in accordance with the         of compensation.
details provided.                                                            7. Withdrawals
                                                                             The Sponsor will not withdraw, cancel, alter or reduce in any
                                                                             way their Application.
                                                                             In the event the Sponsor withdraws after receipt of signed
                                                                             application and confirmation of acceptance, the following
                                                                             terms shall apply:
Authorised Signature                                                          Withdrawal, cancellation or reduction of agreement 60
                                                                                days before event 50% of sponsorship value will be
                                                                              Withdrawal, cancellation or reduction of agreement 30
                                                              /   /             days before event 75% of sponsorship value will be
Print Name                                             Date                     charged.
                                                                              Withdrawal, cancellation or reduction of agreement
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