About Local Marine Advisory Committees

Page created by Judith Walters
LMAC Nomination

       About Local Marine Advisory Committees
       The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Authority) established 12 Local Marine Advisory Committees (LMACs) to
       provide a forum for local communities to raise issues and have input to management arrangements relating to the Great
       Barrier Reef Marine Park. The purpose of LMACs is to:

                 encourage the involvement and support of local communities in the ecologically, socially and economically
                  sustainable use, conservation and management of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
                 advise the Authority and other management partners on issues and policies concerning their local catchment,
                  marine and coastal region
                 facilitate communication between user groups in the local community
                 promote the exchange of information about, and raise awareness of, issues impacting on the Great Barrier Reef
                  ecosystem between communities, the Authority and other management partners
                 support the Authority to address Reef threats and implement activities in the Outlook Report, Reef Blueprint
                  and Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan.

       Regional distribution
       The LMACs represent the following geographic areas:

            1.    Cape York (Peninsula communities - from Cape York to Bloomfield River)
            2.    Douglas (Daintree, Mossman and Port Douglas communities - from Bloomfield River to Buchan Point)
            3.    Cairns (Cairns, Gordonvale and Babinda communities - from Buchan Point to Flying Fish Point)
            4.    Cassowary Coast (Innisfail, Mission Beach and Tully communities - from Flying Fish Point to Tully Heads)
            5.    Hinchinbrook (Cardwell and Ingham communities - from Tully Heads to Balgal Beach)
            6.    Townsville (Townsville community - from Balgal Beach to Haughton River)
            7.    Bowen / Burdekin (Giru, Ayr and Bowen communities - from Haughton River to Yeates Creek)
            8.    Whitsundays (Airlie Beach and Proserpine communities - from Yeates Creek to Midge Point)
            9.    Mackay (Mackay and Sarina communities - from Midge Point to Arthur Point)
            10.   Capricorn Coast (Rockhampton and Yeppoon communities - from Arthur Point to Sea Hill Point)
            11.   Gladstone (Gladstone community - from Sea Hill Point to Rocky Point)
            12.   Burnett (Burnett and Bundaberg communities - from Rocky Point to Burrum Point).

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LMAC Nomination

       Members represent a stakeholder group and may be independent, or represent an organisation from which they
       coordinate feedback. The aim is to have balanced representation of local people who are interested in the management or
       use of the Marine Park. Composition of each LMAC varies depending on local interests and industries.

       Relevant government agency representatives who collaboratively manage the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area also
       attend meetings.

       The Authority funds the LMACs to meet up to five times a year. Meetings are generally held in the evenings on dates set by
       each LMAC and the Authority. During the term LMAC Chairs come together to discuss issues with each other, Authority
       staff and other Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area partners.

       Completing this form
       If you need further assistance please contact our offices:

       Far Northern – 07 4057 0700 (Cape York, Douglas, Cairns LMACs)
       Northern – 07 4750 0708 (Cassowary Coast, Hinchinbrook, Townsville LMACs)
       Central – 07 4862 9999 (Bowen/Burdekin, Whitsunday, Mackay LMACs)
       Southern – 07 4921 4055 (Capricorn Coast, Gladstone, Burnett LMACs)

       Submitting your nomination form
       Once completed, and nomination signed, please return to:

       Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
       PO Box 1379
       TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810



       The Authority will send you a confirmation of receipt.

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       Privacy notice
       Personal information that the Authority collects from you is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (the Privacy Act). The
       information collected in the LMAC nomination process and during the course of LMAC membership is a lawful collection
       within the functions of the Authority. This is authorised by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 and the Great
       Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations 1983.

       The information provided by you in this form will be used by the Authority to assess your application and to assist the
       Authority to make a decision about your suitability for LMAC membership.

       If you are successful in your application, the Authority publishes some LMAC member's information on the Authority’s
       external website. This publicly available information includes:

                name
                the committee the LMAC member is a part of
                details of the stakeholder group the LMAC member represents
                name of any organisation the LMAC member represents.

       Other information provided by you is provided to other LMAC members and the Authority for uses associated with the
       administration and operation of the LMACs.

       The Authority will not otherwise disclose your personal information to any third party without your consent unless it is
       required to do so by law.

       For more information on privacy and the Privacy Act, see the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's website
       at www.privacy.gov.au.

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       Nominee personal details
       Title: ◻ Mr       ◻ Mrs ◻ Miss ◻ Ms ◻ Dr ◻ Cr ◻ Other


       Given name:

       Preferred name:


       Nominee contact details
       Postal address:

       City:                                                   Post code:

       Phone:                                                  Mobile:


       Nominated Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC)
       ◻ Cape York             ◻ Cassowary Coast   ◻ Bowen / Burdekin       ◻ Capricorn Coast

       ◻ Douglas               ◻ Hinchinbrook      ◻ Whitsunday             ◻ Gladstone

       ◻ Cairns                ◻ Townsville        ◻ Mackay                 ◻ Burnett

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       Stakeholder representation
       Place a '1' in the primary stakeholder group and '2' in the secondary stakeholder group that you would like to represent.

       The Authority understands community members may be linked with more than one stakeholder group. For example, you
       may be an environmental manager endorsed to represent the local council, but you are also a keen recreational fisher. In
       this instance you would place a ‘1’ in local government authority and ‘2’ in recreational fishing.

       Please note that identifying a primary and secondary stakeholder group will not exclude you from comment or input into
       any topics/issues relating to the other stakeholder groups below. Having primary and secondary stakeholder group
       representation for each member allows the Authority to ensure that representation on the LMACs is broad.

       ___ Agriculture                                                       ___ Marine rescue
       ___ Aquaculture                                                       ___ Natural resource management
       ___ Business                                                          ___ Ports / shipping

       ___ Catchment community                                               ___ Recreational boating
       ___ Charter boat / fishing guide                                      ___ Recreational fishing
       ___ Commercial fishing                                                ___ Recreational user
       ___ Conservation                                                      ___ Sailing / kayaking
       ___ Diving / snorkelling                                              ___ Traditional Owner
       ___ Education / research                                              ___ Tourism
       ___ Indigenous community                                              ___ Other stakeholder group (detail below)
       ___ Industrial / mining
       ___ Local government

       Endorsement of representative organisation
       If you wish to represent an organisation, fill in the fields below.

       Name of organisation:

       Nominee’s position within the organisation:

       Endorsee’s name:

       Endorsee’s contact number:

       Endorsee’s contact email:

       Endorsee’s position within organisation:

       The above mentioned person gives permission for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to use the organisation
       name (as stated above) to identify that the organisation has a representative as a member of a LMAC.

       They understand that the organisation’s name may appear in print, video, television, the internet or other electronic media
       and that the reproduction of the organisation name may allow persons to identify the organisation which is represented on
       an LMAC.

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       Referee information
       If you are not representing an organisation, please provide details of a referee below who could substantiate your

       Name of referee:

       Nominee’s relationship to referee:

       Contact number:

       Contact email:

       Nominee responses to criteria
       These questions will be used as part of the Authority’s recommendation process. Your responses to these questions, along
       with other nominee information (below) and other LMAC stakeholder representative nominations will be taken into
       account when making recommendations. The recommendation process is necessary to ensure the LMAC has balanced
       representation of local people who are interested or involved in the management or use of the Marine Park, taking into
       account the varied local interests and industries.

       Should you require further space for your responses, complete your responses on a separate piece of paper then submit
       (along with the question number) with your nomination.

       Describe your interest in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, the marine environment or local coastal management issues.
       Please include relevant positions held, employment, business and/or individual interests.

       Describe how you are linked into your community or stakeholder representative group and what you think you could contribute to
       the LMAC.

       Describe how you would facilitate the two way flow of communication between the LMAC and your community, stakeholder
       representative group and/or organisation.

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       What stewardship actions do you undertake to help the Reef?

       Other nominee information
       Have you been a member of an LMAC previously?       ◻ Yes ◻ No
       If so which LMAC?

       Do you currently belong to any other groups?

       Marine/terrestrial advisory groups? ◻ Yes       ◻ No
       If yes, provide details:

       Volunteer groups? ◻ Yes        ◻ No
       If yes, provide details:

       Other boards or committees? ◻ Yes         ◻ No
       If yes, provide details:

       The questions below will be used for the Authority’s information only. They will not be used as part of the recommendation
       process for membership. The questions below may help to identify possible candidates for the Authority monitoring
       programs and/or social and economic research into the future.

       Age:   ◻ 61
       How often do you visit the Reef for fishing / boating / snorkelling / diving each year?

              ◻ Never             ◻ 1 – 10            ◻ 11 – 20            ◻ 21 – 30             ◻ 31 – 40     ◻ > 41

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       I declare that the information supplied in this nomination is true and correct.

       I hereby give permission to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to use my name and my primary and secondary
       stakeholder representative group and/or organisation to identify that I am a member of a LMAC.

       I understand that my name and my primary and secondary stakeholder representative group and/or organisation may
       appear in print, video, television, the internet or other electronic media and that the reproduction of my name and
       nominated representative group and/or organisation may allow persons to identify me as an LMAC member. I also
       understand that once personal details are published, the Authority has no control over subsequent use and disclosure.

       Signature:                                                              Date:

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