My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish

Page created by Harry Johnson
My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
My Market
                                        Australian Residential Property Outlook
                                                                                    FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019

Adelaide   |   Beijing   |   Brisbane   |   Chengdu   |   Melbourne   |   Nanning   |   Perth   |   Shanghai   |   Shenzhen   |   Sydney
My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
  Residential Property Market

Capital City Overview                      towards a balanced market scenario,          strengthened across the industry.
                                           with December 2018 results showing           This follows the previous July 2018
The Adelaide property market               a rate of 3.4%. This trend is sure to        scrapping of the 10% investor speed
represents a combination of solid rental   underscore further interest from             limit. With plenty of change happening
conditions and attractive affordability.   investors looking to secure a piece          in the finance space, investors should
In October 2018, rental yields were        of Perth real estate ahead of its next       spend time speaking with their broker
recorded at 4% for houses and 5.1%         growth cycle. On top of a tightening         or directly with banks to find out how
for apartments. Rental growth was          vacancy rate, Perth’s recovery will be       they can secure the best finance option
robust over the 12 months to October       aided by the state’s $75 billion pipeline    for their specific situation.
2018 and is a trend that is expected to    of new mining and resources projects
continue given the fact that Adelaide      and the accompanying population and
continues to demonstrate the tightest      jobs growth that this level of investment
vacancy rate of all the five major         entails.
                                                                                        Royal Commission
capital cities. Capital growth over                                                     For property investors, one of the key
the 12 months to October 2018 was          The Sydney property market continued
                                                                                        takeaways from the Royal Commission
positive and is expected to continue off   to undergo a well-reported correction
                                                                                        included the findings around banking
the back of continued roll-out of the      after what had been a very strong
                                                                                        compliance with Responsible Lending
State’s major $89 billion submarine and    period of growth. Like Melbourne, most
                                                                                        conduct obligations. The Commission
shipbuilding program.                      of the decline continued to be felt at the
                                                                                        revealed case examples of non-
                                           more expensive end of the market. With
Brisbane is continuing to show                                                          compliant lending practices by banks
                                           the unemployment rate now tracking
positive signs, with many analysts now                                                  and as a result, there is now increased
                                           at the lowest levels in over 25 years and
earmarking the Sunshine State capital                                                   emphasis to ensure all lenders comply
                                           with major infrastructure projects in
to be a top performer throughout 2019                                                   with these obligations. The Final Report
                                           the pipeline, it is reasonable to expect
and 2020. This optimism is supported                                                    did note that many banks had already
                                           Sydney values to stabilise in time before
by Brisbane’s improving vacancy rate                                                    improved their lending practices
                                           experiencing more buoyant conditions
which fell from 3.8% in December                                                        over the past six to nine months.
                                           in the medium term.
2017 to 3.2% in December 2018. This                                                     This occurred in anticipation of the
sign of strengthening rental demand                                                     Commission’s findings which led to the
also comes at a time when apartment                                                     proactive tightening of credit observed
completions continue to reduce             Interest Rates                               in the markets. As a result, the Royal
dramatically, further placing upward                                                    Commission is expected to have little
                                           Leaving the cash rate at 1.5%
pressure on rents. According to BIS                                                     to no further impact to lending beyond
                                           throughout 2018 was expected
Oxford Economics, new apartment                                                         what has already occurred. Overall,
                                           given existing global and domestic
completions halved in 2018 compared                                                     the Royal Commission should be seen
                                           economic conditions. At a national
to the previous year.                                                                   as welcome news by property investors
                                           level, slow wages growth remained a
                                                                                        as it will help to bolster, what is by
The Melbourne market continues             key consideration for the RBA’s decision
                                                                                        international standards, an already
to experience well-reported price          to hold rates. And with house prices
                                                                                        strong, stable and resilient financial
adjustments after a period of strong       in Sydney and Melbourne reduced
                                                                                        system in Australia.
growth. However, a closer look at the      from their peaks, the RBA did highlight
data reveals that these adjustments        potential flow-on risks to the broader
have not been uniform across the           economy as a result of household
market. Melbourne housing pulled           incomes remaining stagnant. In light of      Federal Election
back by 5.6% over the 12 months to         these developments, many economists
                                           now consider a rate cut to be a real          Many are seeing this upcoming Federal
October 2018, whilst apartments have                                                    election to be largely one about
been more resilient only reducing ever     possibility in late 2019 and 2020.
                                                                                        property with strong and different
so slightly by half a percent. Rental                                                   viewpoints given by both parties. A
growth has been robust for both houses                                                  key consideration in the mind of voters
and apartments, with landlords being       Housing Finance                              will be the perceived effectiveness of
able to increase weekly rents by $15                                                    each party’s proposals for “managing”
and $10 respectively. Rental growth is     In January 2019, NAB joined the              the property market and any second-
expected to continue off the back of a     remaining Big 4 banks who had                order effects to the wider economy.
tight vacancy rate of only 2.2% as well    since raised their rates in response to      On this issue, the Liberals are aiming
as strong population and economic          increased funding pressure. In terms         for a regulatory approach to oversee
growth.                                    of financial regulation, APRA removed        the property market whereas Labor
                                           the 30% interest only lending cap in         has largely campaigned on tax reform.
Perth continued to show promising          December 2018 with APRA Chairman
signs as it moves through its recovery                                                  The regulatory approach championed
                                           Wayne Byres commenting that                  by Liberals involves reliance on
phase. The vacancy rate continues to       measures had “served their purpose”
tighten swiftly and is quickly heading                                                  financial regulators such as APRA
                                           given that lending standards had             to manage the property market via

My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
     Residential Property Market

macroprudential policies which have         and 2.7% over the year. This result         reflected in the vacancy rate which has
thus far been effective in curbing          fell short of RBA expectations, which       continued to tighten. With Brisbane’s
house price growth. On the other            previously forecasted growth of 3.5%.       superior levels of affordability
end, Labor’s proposed tax reforms           The weaker-than-expected economic           compared to its east coast
have been grounded in the message           growth rate was attributed to reduced       counterparts, more investment activity
of housing affordability, particularly      construction activity and flat retail and   and interstate migration is expected
for young people. These tax reforms         manufacturing sectors. As such, it is       over the medium term.
include increasing capital gains tax        anticipated that the RBA will maintain
liabilities by halving the current 50%      current cash rate levels in the near term   Melbourne’s market will continue to
concession and a limitation on negative     until economic growth strengthens.          moderate before stabilising later in
gearing to only those who invest in new     In the meantime, an area to watch           the year, however apartments will
properties. People with existing rental     will be material changes to consumer        remain more resilient than houses. With
properties would have investments           sentiment with Melbourne and Sydney         apartment approvals now slowing
grandfathered.                              property markets still softening.           down, and with Melbourne slated to
                                            Policymakers will keep a close eye on       overtake Sydney as the nation’s most
                                            potential effects to consumer spending      populous capital city, it’s anticipated
                                            which may impact economic growth            that any movement on the downside
Building Activity                           moving forward – and ultimately,            will be short-lived.
Latest ABS data indicates a sharp           prompt the RBA to consider a rate           Perth will continue to move through
slowdown in residential building            reduction to stimulate growth.              its recovery phase and be supported
approvals, with most of the decline                                                     by positive movement across its
                                            Labour market conditions were
occurring in the apartment space.                                                       premium suburbs. The vacancy rate
                                            positive with strong jobs growth and
National trend data for the 12 months                                                   for the Western Australian capital is
                                            a low unemployment rate of only
to November 2018, shows an 18.3%                                                        a very promising sign given that it’s
                                            5% in December 2018. Major public
drop across all property types, with                                                    trending towards a balanced scenario
                                            infrastructure investment pipeline
houses falling by 6.3% and apartments                                                   – a milestone which will no doubt add
                                            undertaken by major capital cities
falling by 31.2%. For investors,                                                        further emphasis to the market’s long-
                                            across the country is set to support
this translates to a reduced supply                                                     awaited growth phase.
                                            strong jobs and population growth over
pipeline over the coming years and
                                            the coming years. Furthermore, surging      Finally, Sydney will continue to
the expectation that any existing stock
                                            demand for prime office space has           moderate, although certain pockets
levels will be absorbed by the market.
                                            resulted in the national office vacancy     will continue to remain resilient. More
The slowdown in approvals,                  rate tightening to the lowest levels        specifically, those properties priced
particularly for apartments, has been       since 2012 off the back of strong white     below $900K and those positioned
attributed to lessened demand from          collar employment growth and limited        to benefit from the state’s $87 billion
local and offshore buyers as a result of    supply. At a capital city level, Sydney     infrastructure pipeline are likely to
tighter purchaser finance environment       and Melbourne office vacancy rates          outperform the market. The overall
as well as increased foreign buyer          have tightened to 10-year lows which is     market is expected to stabilise
taxes. In addition, a tougher               a positive sign for these markets.          throughout the year and be supported
development finance environment as                                                      by a very strong economy as indicated
well as escalating construction costs                                                   by Sydney’s unemployment rate which
have also played a key role in the          Australian Outlook                          currently sits at 3.5%, the best it has
sharp slowdown in residential building                                                  been in over 25 years.
approvals. It is expected that approvals    Looking ahead, Adelaide will benefit
will remain subdued in the medium           in a big way from the $89 billion dollar    Nationally, the market presents
term. According to the ABS, building        defence infrastructure program which        numerous opportunities for investors
approvals for the nation are now            is set to drive economic and population     who are able to look to the long
trending at their lowest levels in over 5   growth. This investment also coincides      term and read past the headlines
years. Across the major capital cities,     with a governmental focus on                and instead focus on the underlying
the most significant shifts occurred        increasing population and a backdrop        fundamentals which drive the many
in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney              where, now, Sydney and Melbourne            property markets across the country.
apartment approvals where annual            buyers are looking for opportunities
declines were 14.2%, 30.4% and 19.9%        outside their city to add to their
respectively.                               portfolio. With a robust rental yield,
                                            strong affordability and a positive
                                            outlook, the South Australian capital is
                                            definitely on investor radars.
Australian Economy
                                            Brisbane continues to experience
The national economy grew by 0.3%
                                            the positive effects of record-level
over the September 2018 quarter
                                            interstate migration. This has been

My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
National Property Market Snapshot

                            Houses                                                          Apartments

            Rental Market                                                      Rental Market
            November 2017 - October 2018                                       November 2017 - October 2018

Houses                    Rental Yield          Median Rent        Houses                   Rental Yield         Median Rent

Adelaide                     4.0%               $380 per week      Adelaide                    5.1%                 $310 per week

Brisbane                     4.1%                $420 per week     Brisbane                    5.1%                 $380 per week

Melbourne                    2.8%               $440 per week      Melbourne                   4.0%                 $410 per week

Perth                        3.7%               $380 per week      Perth                       4.7%                 $340 per week

Sydney                       3.0%                $550 per week     Sydney                      3.7%                 $530 per week

            Annual Sales Volumes                                               Annual Sales Volumes
            November 2017 - October 2018                                       November 2017 - October 2018
                                                        53,050                                                               26,754
                                                        -15.1%                                                               -21.1%
                              -10.4%                                                             6,705
                18,572                                                                          -15.4%
15,027          -4.3%                                              2,871           -4.4%
+0.8%                                                              -9.7%






            Capital Growth and Median Values                                   Capital Growth and Median Values
            November 2017 - October 2018                                       November 2017 - October 2018

Adelaide: $486,472                                                 Adelaide:
+2.9%                                                              +1.6%

Perth:                                                             Perth:
                         $507,426                                                           $379,663
-3.2%                                                              -3.9%

Brisbane:                                                          Brisbane:
                            $561,985                                                        $386,807
+2.0%                                                              -1.4%

Melbourne: 				                                                    Melbourne:
              $831,395                                                                                      $566,496
-5.6%                                                              -0.5%

Sydney:                                                            Sydney:
                                                       $955,577                                                            $725,643
-9.3%                                                              -5.6%

My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
     Residential Property Market

Economy                                    Adelaide also recorded the tightest         with Brisbane, recorded the highest
                                           vacancy rate of the five major capital      rental yield of all major capital city
The South Australian economy grew          cities with a vacancy rate of only 1.3%     markets at 5.1%. Rental growth was
by 17.6% above the annual average          for December 2018. This helped to           also robust, increasing by $10 a week.
rate of growth for the past decade.        translate to robust rental growth and       Like housing, Adelaide apartments
The state’s higher rate of economic        will support ongoing capital growth in      remain the most affordable property
growth came off the back of a number       the years ahead.                            market of the five major capital cities.
of sectors such as tourism, where
international visitor numbers in mid-
2018 were up by 6% from the previous
year and are now trending at record        Houses                                      Outlook
highs. The education and training                                                      Adelaide is expected to continue its
                                           Adelaide houses appreciated by 2.9%
sector also played a key role, as have                                                 path of positive and reliable growth
                                           over the 12 months to October 2018
a number of major projects across                                                      – a trend which will be supported by
                                           bringing the median value to $486,472.
Adelaide’s infrastructure pipeline.                                                    the city’s relative affordability, and
                                           As such, Adelaide remains the most
Jobs creation was positive, with the       affordable market of all the major          attractive rental yields.
state adding almost 14,000 jobs over       capital cities. In addition to its lower
                                                                                       Rental growth is expected to remain
the 12 months to November 2018.            price point, rental growth has been
                                                                                       robust, particularly off the back of
There were also positive developments      robust. Rents rose by $10 a week – and
                                                                                       a very low vacancy rate. The South
in the city’s unemployment rate which      have been complemented by a healthy
                                                                                       Australian government’s strategic
trended down to 5.2% for November          4% rental yield which is second highest
                                                                                       focus on increasing population growth
2018 - a solid improvement from the        of the five major capital housing
                                                                                       by attracting skilled workers as well
previous year’s result of 5.9%.            markets.
                                                                                       as young adults and families, will help
Economically, Adelaide is set to benefit   Future housing performance will be          to underpin demand for property
in a major way from the $89 billion        supported by the continued roll out         providing further reassurance for
shipbuilding and frigate program           of the submarine and shipbuilding           investors.
which will be a tremendous boon for        programs which are collectively
                                                                                       In the near term, Adelaide will be a
population growth and jobs growth.         valued at $89 billion. Developments
                                                                                       solid performer throughout 2019 and
The program will be a magnet for           for the wider program are already
                                                                                       into 2020. In addition to the state’s
skilled interstate and international       underway with the November 2018
                                                                                       massive defence investment, continued
migrants and drive further economic        commencement of the $3 billion
                                                                                       advancement of Adelaide’s innovation
confidence in the area. Investment         Offshore Patrol Vessels project. In
                                                                                       and sustainability agenda will be key.
interest is expected to pick up due to     2020, the $35 billion Frigate Fleet
                                                                                       Projects such as building the world’s
this once-in-a-generation investment       project is slated to commence which will
                                                                                       largest virtual power plant and being
into defence.                              be a significant boost for the Adelaide
                                                                                       the base for Australia’s space industry
                                           economy. The associated influx of new
                                                                                       will all prove to be positive drivers for
                                           jobs as well as skilled workers and their
                                                                                       the economy and the local property
                                           families will have a positive effect on
Supply and Demand                                                                      market in the years ahead.
                                           what is already a tight rental market.
South Australia’s population grew by       Other noteworthy developments
12,500 people over the 12 months to        include the December 2018
June 2018. Overseas migration was          announcement that Adelaide would
a strong contributing factor to this       be home to the new Australian Space
overall increase, adding 12,600 people.    Agency. Prime Minister Scott Morrison
However, at the same time, the state       announced that the agency would be a
experienced a net interstate migration     pivotal step in helping local businesses
outflow of 5,000. Investors should note    to access the $480 billion global space
though, that this trend is markedly        industry and believes that the agency
improving with recent ABS data             will help to create up to 20,000 jobs by
indicating that the rate of interstate     2030.
migration outflow fell by 25% on a
yearly basis to June 2018.
This is a promising sign for Adelaide      Apartments
and is a trend that is expected to
continue as a result of the South          Adelaide apartments recorded a 1.6%
Australian Government’s focus on           gain over the 12 months to October
population growth. In addition to          2018 bringing the median value to
improved population numbers,               $328,303. Adelaide apartments along

My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
20 Years of Capital Growth
                                                                                                  November 1998 - October 2008 (Residex), November 2008 - October 2018 (CoreLogic)


$600,000                                                                                                                                                                  $486,472


                         $130,430                                                                                                                                         $328,303

          $0             $93,884

                 1998                                                                               2007                                                                      2018
                                      +11.12% p.a.                   +12.1% p.a.                                             +2.66% p.a.                   +1.1% p.a.

        Property Market Update

                                           Houses                                                                                       Apartments

                Median Value                            $486,472                                                   Median Value                            $328,303
               Capital Growth                               +2.9%                                                 Capital Growth                                +1.6%

           Median Rental Yield                                4.0%                                            Median Rental Yield                                 5.1%
                 Median Rent                                  $380                                                  Median Rent                                   $310
                Rental Growth                                 +$10                                                 Rental Growth                                 +$10

      City Vacancy Rate                                                          Current         1.3%                                                1-Year Ago           1.5%
*Values as at October 2018. Growth Rates are for the 12 Months to October 2018. Median Rent and Rental Growth calculated on a per week basis. Vacancy is December 2018)
My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
     Residential Property Market

Economy                                      Queensland’s population increased by        However, many analysts are now
                                             84,500. This increase came off the back     suggesting that positive growth is not
Queensland’s economy performed               of surging net interstate migration and     far away. In January 2019, Moody’s
19.1% above annual economic growth           robust overseas migration numbers.          Analytics tipped Brisbane’s apartment
rate averages for the past decade for        Like the previous quarter, Queensland       market to lead the nation over the next
the June 2018 quarter. Over the 12           again led all states and territories        two years. Brisbane apartments will
months to November 2018, the state           for net interstate migration adding         benefit from a growing number of first
added 38,500 jobs with health care,          almost 25,000 people from other parts       home buyers and downsizers who are
retail and construction being key sectors    of Australia. Apartment approvals           entering a market which is facing a
which contributed to the upswing.            and completions remain subdued              significantly reduced supply pipeline in
Overall, state economic growth               whilst the vacancy rate continues to        the years ahead.
numbers were robust at 3.6% and              improve significantly, falling from
continued to outpace the national rate       3.8% in December 2017 to only 3.2% in
of 3%. According to SGS Economics and        December 2018. BIS Oxford Economics
Planning, last financial year, Brisbane      expects new apartment completions this
achieved a 3.4% economic growth rate         year in Brisbane to be only 5700, which     Overall, the market outlook is positive
which was the highest rate in 5 years.       is half that of the 10,700 peak recorded    for Brisbane. A review of key property
                                             only 2 years ago. With the construction     performance indicators such as vacancy
One of the key factors responsible for
                                             cycle now in a slowdown and with            rates and rental growth, suggest that
this above-average growth has been
                                             development finance conditions              Brisbane will be a place that many
Brisbane’s multibillion infrastructure
                                             remaining tight – new supply to Brisbane    investors will look to in the short and
pipeline which has been headlined by
                                             is expected to remain subdued for           medium term. Population growth to
major projects such as the $3.6 billion
                                             some time paving the way for upward         Brisbane has been robust and looks
Queens Wharf Casino and the $1.3
                                             pressure on rental and capital growth.      to be accelerating courtesy of rising
billion Second Runway. The construction
for Queens Wharf Casino is already                                                       net interstate and overseas migration.
underway with Economic Development                                                       Economically, Brisbane’s proximity to
Queensland approving the plan of             Houses                                      Asia as well as its burgeoning tourism
development and excavation of the                                                        and education industries will remain
site well progressed. The Casino will        Rental yields for Brisbane houses again     important growth areas to watch as well
be a major economic driver for the           topped all major capital city state         as the rollout of the city’s multibillion
nation’s third largest city, with 8,000      housing markets with a 4.1% rental          dollar infrastructure pipeline.
jobs expected once the Casino is             return for investors. Over the 12 months
                                             to October 2018, Brisbane housing           As the year unfolds, houses are
operational. The Casino is expected                                                      anticipated to perform at a steady rate
to result in an increase of 1.4 million      recorded positive growth of 2% which
                                             is a promising sign for investors as the    driven by strong population growth and
extra tourists to the Sunshine State                                                     affordability. Meanwhile, apartments
capital, and further underpin Brisbane’s     city continues to buck the trend of price
                                             pullbacks occurring across the other two    are expected to perform positively as a
global appeal. The Casino is scheduled                                                   result of reduced supply forecasts and
for completion in 2022 and will be           major east coast cities. According to
                                             the Real Estate Institute of Queensland,    growing demand. And finally, due to
supported by Brisbane’s soon-to-be-                                                      Brisbane’s more affordable price point
opened Second Runway. The Second             Brisbane home prices have now hit
                                             an all-time high as a result of recent      and favourable price to income ratios,
Runway is anticipated to deliver 7,800                                                   the market has been less affected by
jobs by 2035 and significantly boost         positive and steady growth.
                                                                                         prevailing credit restrictions which have
Brisbane’s airport capacity.                 According to the most recent October        hampered both Sydney and Melbourne.
Brisbane’s unemployment rate                 2018 data, the median value of a            This positions Brisbane very well for
improved from 7.2% in February 2018          house in Brisbane is now $561,985. At       sustainable levels of growth over the
to only 6% in November 2018. Looking         a significantly lower price point than      medium term.
ahead, analysis by Deloitte confirms         competing cities and with a relatively
that Queensland is expected to have the      higher rental yield, the Brisbane
strongest annual economic growth rate        opportunity continues to attract many.
of all states and territories from 2019 to
2023 rising by at least 3.5% per annum
on average, significantly ahead of the       Apartments
expected average annual rate of 2.8%
for the nation.                              Brisbane apartments again recorded
                                             the highest rental yield of all major
                                             capital city apartment markets along
                                             with Adelaide. Over the 12 months to
Supply and Demand                            October 2018, Brisbane apartment
Over the 12 months to June 2018,             values slightly reduced by 1.2%.

My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
20 Years of Capital Growth
                                                                                                  November 1998 - October 2008 (Residex), November 2008 - October 2018 (CoreLogic)




                         $144,463                                                                            $352,332

          $0             $128,505

                 1998                                                                               2007                                                                      2018
                                      +11.98% p.a.                   +10.61% p.a.                                            +2.3% p.a.                  +0.94% p.a.

        Property Market Update

                                         Houses                                                                                       Apartments

               Median Value                            $561,985                                                   Median Value                            $386,807
             Capital Growth                                +2.0%                                                 Capital Growth                                +1.4%

          Median Rental Yield                                 4.1%                                           Median Rental Yield                                 5.1%
                Median Rent                                  $420                                                  Median Rent                                  $380
              Rental Growth                                      $0                                              Rental Growth                                      $0

      City Vacancy Rate                                                          Current         3.2%                                                1-Year Ago           3.8%
*Values as at October 2018. Growth Rates are for the 12 Months to October 2018. Median Rent and Rental Growth calculated on a per week basis. Vacancy is December 2018)
My Market Australian Residential Property Outlook - FEBRUARY RELEASE | 2019 - Ironfish
  Residential Property Market

Economy                                    Houses                                     housing has been largely a result of
                                                                                      tightened lending restrictions. This has
Victoria topped all states and             Over the 12 months to October 2018,        led to many buyers opting for more
territories in the most recent January     Melbourne housing pulled back by           affordable property. This is evident
2019 Commonwealth Bank State               5.6%. Most of the decline occurred at      in continued resilience of properties
of the States report, receiving top        the upper end of the market whereas        priced below the $800,000 threshold.
marks across several economic              affordable properties under $800,000
indicators including construction          largely retained their values. It is       Additionally, the Royal Commission
work and economic growth. Victoria         expected that housing will continue        is not expected to have a significant
added more than 103,000 jobs over          to moderate in early 2019 before           impact given that lending institutions
the 12 months to November 2018,            stabilising later in the year. Rental      had already factored in the
with over 94,000 of these jobs being       growth has been positive for housing,      anticipated findings of the Royal
full-time. Strong employment growth        with landlords being able to raise rents   Commission which drove the tighter
was also reflected in Melbourne’s          by $15 a week. Robust rental growth is     credit environment and market
prime office vacancy rates, which          expected to continue as indicated by       pullback in 2018. As a result, it is very
fell to the lowest levels since 2012.      Melbourne’s low vacancy rate which         unlikely that we will see any further
Melbourne’s unemployment rate also         continues to place upward pressure on      tightening to lending which will thus
fell, dramatically improving from 5.2%     rents.                                     help the Melbourne market stabilise
in November 2017 to only 4.3% in                                                      in 2019, prior to experiencing more
November 2018.                                                                        stable and positive conditions in 2020.

According to SGS Economics and             Apartments                                 The underlying long-term
Planning, Melbourne was responsible                                                   fundamentals of Melbourne are
                                           Over the 12 months to October              robust with surging population
for 82.7% of state economic growth
                                           2018, Melbourne apartment values           growth, strong jobs growth and a
over the last financial year - the
                                           remained largely unchanged                 reduced supply pipeline. Melbourne
highest share on record. The state’s
                                           recording only a slight pullback of        apartments will enjoy more positive
robust economic growth and strong
                                           half a percent. The median value           conditions over the short term, given
population numbers has helped to
                                           of an apartment in Melbourne is            that more and more people are now
accelerate key infrastructure projects.
                                           now $566,496. The resilience of            favouring inner city living and the fact
Over $100 billion worth of new roads,
                                           apartments compared to housing is          that affordability has increasingly
rail, hospitals and other infrastructure
                                           a trend that is expected to continue       become a key consideration for many.
is in building or planning stage
                                           given the importance of affordability      The apartment market will also be
according to an analysis by Deloitte.
                                           and rising demand for inner-city           driven by a larger number of first
Moving forward, Melbourne’s strong
                                           apartment living.Rental growth was         home buyers and downsizers seeking
construction levels and robust
                                           robust over the year increasing by         well-located and well-designed
infrastructure investment pipeline will
                                           $10 a week which is welcome news for       apartments.
continue to be key for Melbourne’s
                                           investors. This continues the trend of
sustained economic growth.
                                           sustained rental growth for Melbourne
                                           apartments which have grown by
                                           17.1% over the past 5 years – the
Supply and Demand                          largest growth for all major capital
                                           city apartment markets.
Over the 12 months to June 2018,
Victoria added over 138,000 people         New apartment supply is expected to
– a substantial lead over NSW, which       remain subdued. This is due to several
grew by just over 119,000. Victoria’s      factors including rising construction
remarkable population growth will          costs, increased planning restrictions,
continue to add further pressure to        a tightened lending environment for
what is already a tight market, with       developers as well as higher taxes
Melbourne’s vacancy rate tracking at       for foreign buyers. When coupled
2.2% for December 2018. The vacancy        with Melbourne’s strong population
rate is expected to tighten even more      growth, economic performance and
over the coming months as a result         increased demand for apartments,
of continued population growth and         further upward pressure on rents and
reduced completions. Furthermore,          values is expected.
apartment approvals declined falling
by 14.2% over the 12 months to
November 2018.
                                           The recent pullback in Melbourne

20 Years of Capital Growth
                                                                                                  November 1998 - October 2008 (Residex), November 2008 - October 2018 (CoreLogic)





          $0             $136,914

                 1998                                                                               2007                                                                      2018
                                      +10.14% p.a.                   +10.22% p.a.                                            +5.71% p.a.                   +4.57% p.a.

        Property Market Update

                                           Houses                                                                                       Apartments

                Median Value                            $831,395                                                   Median Value                            $566,496
               Capital Growth                                -5.6%                                                Capital Growth                                -0.5%

           Median Rental Yield                                2.8%                                            Median Rental Yield                                4.0%
                 Median Rent                                  $440                                                  Median Rent                                  $410
                Rental Growth                                 +$15                                                 Rental Growth                                 +$10

      City Vacancy Rate                                                          Current         2.2%                                                1-Year Ago           2.1%
*Values as at October 2018. Growth Rates are for the 12 Months to October 2018. Median Rent and Rental Growth calculated on a per week basis. Vacancy is December 2018)
  Residential Property Market

Economy                                    Houses                                      buyers for the Perth apartment market,
                                                                                       which was the highest proportion of
The WA state economy recorded a            Over the 12 months to October 2018,         owner-occupiers recorded since the
growth rate that was 8% above annual       the Perth housing market experienced        inception of the survey back in 2014.
averages for the past decade over the      a small 3.2% pullback in house values.      The recovery in apartment prices will
June 2018 quarter. Western Australia       The rental yield remains robust at          continue to be supported by owner-
also added just over 19,000 new jobs       3.7% and rents have remained largely        occupiers moving forward, with first
over the 12 months to November 2018.       unchanged. With the market now in a         home buyers and downsizers expected
According to a 2018 snapshot by SGS        period of recovery, positive momentum       to play an influential role.
Economics and Planning, Perth grew         for housing values are expected over
at its fastest rate in five years, being   coming years. According to REIWA,
primarily driven by the professional       some of the best performing suburbs
and health industries. Perth’s             for price appreciation have been at the     Outlook
unemployment rate in November 2018         premium end of the market with REIWA        The Perth economy is strengthening
was recorded at 6.2% which is a solid      noting that traditionally the top end of    off the back of the well-reported $75
improvement from the earlier March         the Perth real estate market is usually     billion mining and resources pipeline
2018 high of 7.9%. Positive momentum       the one that leads a recovery.              which is poised to radically uplift the
on the employment front is expected to                                                 economy and in turn help accelerate
continue across multiple industries. A     According to Domain, Perth house
                                           values are expected to grow faster          the recovery in the housing market.
survey by the Chamber of Commerce                                                      Business confidence is also on the
and Industry WA (CCIWA) cited five         than any other capital city in 2019.
                                           This outlook is underpinned by              rise, with the latest WA Super-CCI
key local industries which will help                                                   Business Confidence Survey reporting
to underpin short and medium term          better economic conditions, higher
                                           commodity prices, stronger population       a 10x improvement in optimism for
employment growth. These industries                                                    early 2019 compared to mid-2015.
included mining, agriculture, fishing      growth, improved employment
                                           prospects and increased building            In addition to this, the property
and forestry, services catering to                                                     market is now at its most affordable
mining, real estate as well as education   activity for mining and resources. The
                                           aforementioned $75 billion pipeline is      level in more than two decades.
and training.                                                                          The Housing Industry Association’s
                                           largely made up of the construction of
                                           major mines which are set to transform      Quarterly Housing Affordability
                                           the economy. The December 2018              report demonstrated that the average
Supply and Demand                          announcement by Rio Tinto to go             wage earner only to had to contribute
                                           ahead with a $3.5 billion Koodaideri        26.5% of their monthly pay to meet
Western Australia’s population                                                         repayments, which is significantly more
                                           iron ore mine capped off the state’s
grew by 21,700 over the 12 months                                                      affordable than cities such as Sydney
                                           pipeline which altogether, will help
to June 2018. This primarily came                                                      and Melbourne. As a result, Perth is
                                           to deliver tens of thousands of jobs
off the back of natural increase and                                                   actually the most affordable major
                                           for the economy and facilitate the
overseas migration components,                                                         capital city housing market from a
                                           Perth property market’s long awaited
which added over 19,000 and 13,000                                                     price to income ratio perspective. As a
respectively. However, the state                                                       result of a strengthening economy and
continues to experience an interstate                                                  growing population, it is anticipated
migration outflow with 11,300 leaving                                                  that over the short to medium term,
for other parts of Australia. Overseas     Apartments                                  more and more investors will look west
migration is expected to pick up with                                                  to add to their portfolio.
the increased demand being driven          The Perth apartment market
by Western Australia’s significant $75     experienced a decline of 3.9% over
billion mining and resources pipeline.     the 12 months October 2018. Perth
According to figures by job portal,        apartment approvals continue to
SEEK, job advertisements for the           remain subdued and overall supply
mining, resource and energy industry       forecasts remained constrained.
were 32% higher in mid-2018 than the       Rental yields remain strong at 4.7%
same time the year prior.                  for October 2018. The city’s improved
                                           vacancy rate has been pivotal in driving
One of the leading indicators signalling   rental growth over the 12 months to
a turn for the Perth market has been its   October 2018. Perth recorded the
swiftly declining vacancy rate. The city   second highest rate of annual rental
recorded only 3.4% in December 2018 –      growth for all major capital city
a significant improvement on the 4.6%      apartment markets, with landlords
recorded the year earlier.                 being able to increase their rents by $10
                                           per week. According to Urbis, Q2 2018
                                           saw owner-occupiers make up 65% of

20 Years of Capital Growth
                                                                                                  November 1998 - October 2008 (Residex), November 2008 - October 2018 (CoreLogic)




          $0             $123,325

                 1998                                                                               2007                                                                      2018
                                      +13.47% p.a.                   +12.03% p.a.                                            +0.19% p.a.                   -0.11% p.a.

        Property Market Update

                                           Houses                                                                                       Apartments

              Median Value                               $507,426                                                Median Value                               $379,663
             Capital Growth                                   -3.2%                                             Capital Growth                                   -3.9%

         Median Rental Yield                                    3.7%                                        Median Rental Yield                                   4.7%
               Median Rent                                     $380                                               Median Rent                                     $340
             Rental Growth                                      -$10                                             Rental Growth                                    +$10

      City Vacancy Rate                                                          Current         3.4%                                                1-Year Ago           4.6%
*Values as at October 2018. Growth Rates are for the 12 Months to October 2018. Median Rent and Rental Growth calculated on a per week basis. Vacancy is December 2018)
  Residential Property Market

Economy                                    Houses                                      lending institutions were largely
                                                                                       aware of the potential findings ahead
The state economy continued to             Over the 12 months to October 2018,         of time, particularly with regard to
perform at a strong rate, trending         the Sydney housing market pulled            Responsible Lending Conduct. As
25.7% above the annual average             back by 9.3%. This follows a period of      a result, the major banks begun to
rate of economic growth for the            very strong growth where the median         tighten their lending well in advance,
past 10 years. This growth was and         house value rose by a significant 86%       as demonstrated by the clear falls in
continues to be supported by Sydney’s      between late-2012 and late-2017. The        housing credit growth in 2018.
massive infrastructure pipeline which      recent pullback should be taken into
is set to deliver major projects such      context with the fact that the market       Looking ahead, it is expected that the
as the Western Sydney Airport and          had been specifically targeted by           Sydney market as a whole will continue
Sydney Metro rail lines. Sydney’s          macroprudential policies uniquely           to adjust and then stabilise later in the
robust economic growth led to the          designed to slow price growth in            year. The underlying fundamentals
creation of 111,000 new jobs over          Sydney and Melbourne. Weekly rents          of the Sydney market are robust,
the 12 months to November 2018             have remained resilient, maintaining        however, affordability is a real issue
and was key in Sydney achieving its        their values.                               and will continue to hamper growth
best unemployment rate in over 25                                                      over the medium term. Investors
years - an enviable result of only 3.5%.                                               need to be aware of this and need
Wages growth is anticipated to pick up                                                 to be selective when investing in this
further with unemployment trending
                                           Apartments                                  market, ensuring they are getting the
so low. Over the 2018 financial year,      Apartments have been more resilient         right property at the right price. It
Sydney’s GDP was a robust 3.1% and         compared to housing. This reflects the      is anticipated that affordability will
represented more than a quarter            growing importance of affordability         continue be a key driver for demand
of GDP growth. The city continues          as well as the influence of higher price-   with the sub-$900,000 price bracket
to experience robust labour market         pointed property being responsible for      projected to fare better over the
conditions which translate well for its    most of the decline seen in the housing     coming months as the market finds
economic future.                           market over the past 12 months.             its footing, along with property set
                                           Overall, apartment values pulled            to benefit from proximity to new
                                           back by 5.6% over the 12 months to          infrastructure projects.

Supply and Demand                          October 2018. However, similar to
                                           housing, this pullback has come after
Over the 12 months to June 2018,           a period of very strong growth which
the New South Wales population             saw the median apartment value rise
increased by 119,000 people. Most          by 64% between late 2012 and early
of this growth came from overseas          2018. This resilience of apartments
migration with 88,000 added. Natural       compared to housing has also been
increase also made a significant           supported by demographic factors
contribution with over 52,000 added,       with more first home buyers and
however net interstate migration flows     downsizers seeing apartments as
remained negative with 21,000 people       their preferred choice. Importantly,
choosing to move to other parts of the     whilst values have declined, rents have
country.                                   been robust growing by $10 a week.
                                           As a whole, the market is continuing
Sydney’s vacancy rate rose in              to adjust after a strong period of
December 2018 reaching 3.6%,               construction activity, with current
however this slightly elevated figure      stock levels now being absorbed
was to be expected due to the              and new apartment approvals
seasonality of vacancy rates. More         reducing significantly. Consequently,
importantly, the market is now in the      the coming years should see a
process of absorbing current supply        strong slowdown in supply and it is
and it is expected that the vacancy        anticipated that the market will move
rate will tighten towards a balanced       towards a balanced market in the
market and then an undersupplied           medium term.
scenario in the medium term. The
outlook for new apartment supply
remains subdued with recent building
approvals data showing a near-20%          Outlook
annual decline.
                                           Most of the impact from the Royal
                                           Commission has already been felt
                                           in the property markets given that

20 Years of Capital Growth
                                                                                                  November 1998 - October 2008 (Residex), November 2008 - October 2018 (CoreLogic)
$1,200,000                                                                                                                                                                $955,577


$600,000                                                                                                                                                                  $725,643

$300,000                                                                                                      $393,357

                 1998                                                                               2007                                                                      2018
                                      +7.02% p.a.                    +6.09% p.a.                                             +5.44% p.a.                   +6.31% p.a.

        Property Market Update

                                           Houses                                                                                       Apartments

              Median Value                               $955,577                                                Median Value                              $725,643
             Capital Growth                                  -9.3%                                              Capital Growth                                  -5.6%

         Median Rental Yield                                   3.0%                                         Median Rental Yield                                  3.7%
               Median Rent                                    $550                                                Median Rent                                    $530
              Rental Growth                                       $0                                             Rental Growth                                   +$10

      City Vacancy Rate                                                          Current         3.6%                                                1-Year Ago           2.6%
*Values as at October 2018. Growth Rates are for the 12 Months to October 2018. Median Rent and Rental Growth calculated on a per week basis. Vacancy is December 2018)
   Residential Property Market

• Australian Bureau of Statistics                • Herron Todd White                               • The Age                 		      
• ANZ                                                                                              • Trading Economics about-us/		              • HIA                                     
                                                                                                   • ID The Population Experts
• APRA                                           • JLL                                                                 resources/
• Australian Financial Review                                                                      • UBS                           • Knight Frank                            
• BIS Oxford Economics                             research                                        • Westpac                                                      
                                                 • KPMG                                              westpac/media/reports/australian-
• CBRE                                                    economic-reports/		              html
                                                 • McCrindle
• Charter Keck Cramer                    
                                                 • NAB Group Economics
• CommSec                                		                    nab-group-economic/
                                                 • PwC
• CoreLogic                              
                                                 • RBA
• Credit Suisse                          
  en.html                                        • SQM Research
• Deloitte		             • The Australian
                                                 • The Australian Financial Review
• Digital Finance Analytics              
  com/                                           • The Sydney Morning Herald
• Domain

The information contained in this document has been collected by Ironfish from various government, public and private sources, which may
include property developers, builders and other industry participants. Neither Ironfish nor any representative of Ironfish gives any warranty
as to the accuracy of the information contained in this document and expressly disclaims any liability for loss or damage which may arise
from any person acting or deciding not to act on the basis of any of the information contained in this document. This document is intended
to provide Ironfish investors with general information only and does not constitute an offer, contract or inducement to buy. Investors are
expressly recommended to do their own due diligence in relation to any residential property investment decision they make.

 Ironfish Residential Property Market Research

My City Reports                         My Market Reports                     My Property Reports

Our My City reports are an annual       Our Research team monitors            Extensive due diligence and research
series of educational, magazine style   Australia’s 5 capital city property   is done by Ironfish’s Property and
publications that are an essential      markets and publishes a quarterly     Research division on the merits of
guide for investors to understand       review that incorporates the latest   each approved property, with key
each major capital city, their unique   property data, market commentary      project information, demographics
qualities and fundamental property      and fundamental analysis of issues    and market research presented in a
market drivers.                         impacting each market.                Property Report for investors.

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Our Portfolio Approach to investing     Ironfish provides regular investor    Our educational Ironfish PPA
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Knowledge is power       Group buying will always                   In a busy world, it pays
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                              “It’s not what you buy now, but what you own
                              in 10 or 20 years that will make you wealthy.”
                                                    – Joseph Chou

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