Page created by Angela Newman
                                YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWSPAPER
                                Vol. 25, No. 32           February 20 - 26, 2021     12 pages Free Circulation
OFFICE : 2498 2244, 2467 1122                EDITORIAL : 2466 0269                 WEBSITE :
2                                                           MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                         Feb 20 - 26, 2021

   USEFUL CONTACTS                                             DID YOU KNOW?
FIRE: 101
l MYLAPORE FIRE STATION Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai
                                                            Sanskrit; Diploma, Degree courses
                                                                                                                          Courtesy: Madras Sanskrit College
                                                               What is on offer for people who
(BSNL) TELEPHONE EXCHANGES                                  know Sanskrit at the basic level.
l Mylapore, Luz Church Road 		           - 2498 1234 /      At Madras Sanskrit College.

				                                2498 1000 / 2499 7000       1. What basic levels of
l Dr. R. K. Nagar, R. K. Mutt Rd - (A.E) - 2495 5979 /      applicants can apply?
                                                                - Sanskrit in 12th Std. or a
					 2464 2200
                                                            basic certification course in
                                                            Sanskrit. Should be 17 years
MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT                                        or older.
l M. P. of South Chennai Dr. T. Sumathy (a)
  Thamizhachi Thangapandian                                    2. What is the nature of
                                                            these courses?
  E-mail:                              Full time (towards a B.A. in
  URL:                                 Sanskrit) or part-time course (to-
                                                            wards a diploma or certification in
                                                            various topics in Sanskrit). New
MEMBER OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY                              batches start every month, online.             Contains 25,000 books with some rare
l Mylapore Constituency – R. Nataraj                                                                       editions (some olai suvadi are also stored
                                                               3. Online or classroom? How does            here). Auditoriums and Smart classrooms
 Office – No. 29, C. P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet,                                                          are also available.
                                                            it work?
 Chennai – 18. Ph: 24663411, 9840484411.                       Digital campus has online classrooms           Cafeteria and hostel facilities are of-
                                                            and serves study material. Regular classes     fered. But for now, these facilities are on
 Email –                                                                         hold.
                                                            on hold now due to pandemic regulations.

                                                                4. Any University recognised                  6. Where to get more info?
                                                            courses/ certificates?                             Go to
                                                                The college is affiliated to the Univer- / www.madrassanskritcollege.
                                                            sity of Madras. Courses recognised.  

                                                               5. Facilities students can use.             Contact - Address: #84, Royapettah High
                                                               The library is open to students.            Road, Mylapore. Phone: 044 - 2498 0421

                                                                                                                               Editorial & Publishing Office:
                                                                                                                               Shop 27, 2nd Flr., Corpn. Shopping Cplx.,
                                                                                                                           77, C. P. Ramaswamy Rd., Alwarpet, Chennai -18
                                                                                                                                      Phone: 2498 2244, 2467 1122
                                                                                                                                    E-mails :

                                                                                                                              Editor & Publisher      - Vincent D’Souza
                                                                                                                                   Photographer 		 - M. Madhan Kumar
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                                                                                                                           Advertising Executive 		 - R. Kathiravan
                                                                                                                                        Manager 		 - M. Shanthi
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Feb 20 - 26, 2021                                           MYLAPORE TIMES           3

   Vidya Mandir student donates
   hair for a cause
   By Bama Ranganathan                     from an NGO called Hair for Hope
                                           India on my social media feeds.
      Diyaa Sree is feeling very good      Coincidentally, my daughter had also
   about herself. This Valentine’s Day,    seen the advert and she was very
   the teenager donated 12” of her hair    taken with the idea.”
   to an NGO which helps people fighting      This was in early 2020.
   cancer.                                    For one year, Diyaa Sree grew her
      Her mother Sarala Srinibash spoke    hair and maintained it diligently – the
   to us. “I came across many adverts      NGO had specific instructions about
                                                 the length and quality of hair to
                                                 be donated.
                                                    Then on Feb 14 2021, the
                                                 mother-daughter duo visited a
                                                 beauty parlour and got the hair
                                                 cut, packed it according to the
                                                 specifications and sent it off to
                                                 the NGO.
                                                    Needless to say, both are
                                                 feeling very happy about the
                                                 whole process. “We are so happy
                                                 that we could do something for
                                                 people suffering from cancer,
                                                 even if at a very small level,”
                                                 they say.
                                                    Diyaa Sree is a student of
                                                 class 8 at Vidya Mandir.
                                                    The family are residents of
                                                 Kutchery Road, Mylapore.

                                                   Mylapore Times wants to hear
                                                from Mylapore area students who
                                                pursue unique hobbies / undertake
                                                local projects, etc.
                                                Mail –
MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                   Feb 20 - 26, 2021

  VINCENT’s JOTTINGS                                                               LETTERS FROM READERS
                                                                                              Letters to the Editor must carry the complete postal address of the correspondent.
By VINCENT D’ SOUZA                                                                                                     Mail to -

     We beat the peak-hour traffic and got to Perambur quickly                   Memories of
 last Friday evening. I was keen to be at the Our Lady of Lourdes
                                                                                 R. A. Puram
 shrine where the community was celebrating its annual feast of
 Mother Mary.                                                                        Raja Anna-
     I had heard a lot about it and its local traditions and this was the        malaipuram is one of
 opportunity to take a close look.                                               the affluent localities
     But I was told that the pandemic-time regulations led to the                in Chennai which
 cancellation of the grand procession that takes the four roads in that
 busy area, including Foxen Street.
                                                                                 has always been very
     The update didn’t discourage me. I made it even as the commu-               close to my heart since
 nity began reciting the rosary inside this unique church which was              childhood. Growing
 founded in 1879.                                                                up in Mumbai, I would
     Outside, in the open there were over a thousand chairs, giant               always eagerly look
 screens, audio and light systems and a decorated stage where a tall             forward to coming to
 image of Mary of Lourdes was highlighted. This, for the
                                                                                 Chennai during the
 open-air Mass on the weekend when this would be a packed space;
 to me it looked like a venue for a rock music concert.                          summer holidays in the
     I was told this parish has on its rolls over 5000 Catholics. The            80s and spending qual-                                  done by top builders and had attracted a lot
 Perambur that we knew in our teens was of everything Anglo-Indian               ity time with my paternal aunt and family               of youngsters because of boutiques, beauty
 - the railway workforce, the quaint cottages fringing the colonial              who lived in R. A. Puram at that time.
 bungalows and the dances at the Railway Institute . . .
                                                                                                                                         salons, restaurants and shopping arcades.
                                                                                     The houses there mostly were independ-                   My parents gave me and my brother
     But were there some traditions that were tied to the feast of this
                                                                                 ent and had a traditional look and it was               the best of education and was very particu-
 shrine? I had asked some Anglo Indian families this and they had
 told me that in their time, in the 70s and 80s, every home would be             basically a very quiet area surrounded by               lar that the area where we lived was easily
 decorated and illuminated for the weekend procession, some would                greenery all around. I have very good                   accessible to schools, colleges, offices and
 take vows and some host a grand family lunch.                                   memories of visiting the temples and                    other places of interest.
     The legends, practices and traditions that evolve over time                 shopping at Mylapore. In 1995, we moved                     I am really fortunate that we have our
 around shrines in a metro throw light on social and religious life.             to Chennai permanently from Mumbai.
 Today, in many places they are grand, loud and driven by egos                                                                           own flat at R. A. Puram and can enjoy all the
                                                                                 During that time, R. A. Puram had changed               public amenities around.
 and big budgets, distorting the practices of the past and erasing
 local imprints.                                                                 a lot over time with new construction being                                  - Sridevi Kalidas, USA
     Take developments in Mylapore. While the heart of Mylapore
 and the new neighbourhoods holdup one set of celebrations, as far
 as Hindu festivals go, the zone north of Kutchery Road and pockets              This rose milk still                                   to their coffee. We get our coffee from there
 of crowded colonies across R. A. Puram and Mandaveli celebrate the              remains special                                        regularly.
 Amman deeply, though loudly in recent time. And the Mayana Kollai
                                                                                     Kalathi Kadai in Mylapore adjoining the                                     - Preethi K. Ganesh
 event, a celebration that is scheduled in the weeks ahead, survives.
     In a by-lane off the road where the cars of state ministers zip to          Chitrakulam is an important milestone of
 the Secretariat in the south end of R. A. Puram, is a shrine dedicated          Chennai /Madras. Even today, the rose milk              Axis Bank: has Mylapore
 to Sister (saint) Alphonsa, the first Indian woman to be canonized by           is a special drink and one can see a queue of           branch shifted?
 the Church. It used to be housed in a small space off the roundabout            people to buy this tasty drink. It is also one
 and shifted when the place was sold to real estate developers.
                                                                                                                                             I booked a Speed Post with POD from
                                                                                 of the little shops in which other items like           Radhanagar SO, 600044 on 08.02.21 @
 This is a private shrine and the saint’s feast is celebrated in its own
                                                                                 pencils and erasers are sold.                           9:28 am to deliver to The Zonal Manager,
 grand manner.
     Down the East Coast Road is a temple dedicated to the Amman.                    Today, there are many shops that also sell          Axis Bank, 29, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai,
 The mudhal mariyadhai is for the local fishermen on the other side              rose milk but I don’t think it can match the            Mylapore, Chennai Tamilnadu 600004 but it
 of this highway. Legend is that they found the image of the Amman               rose milk of this kadai.                                has been returned with remarks “Left” to the
 in the sea, brought it to the land side and got a local rich man, maybe                     - S. Venugopalan, Besant Nagar              sender who is my daughter G M S Priya.
 a zamindar to build a temple for it. This celebration is due in
 mid-March. As is the Mayana kollai.                                                                                                         As the bank is prominently known to
     Shrines of all religions hold stories and legends. Very local.
                                                                                 Addicted to this Coffee                                 the public, I request its new address, as the
 Even if the odd one is for Jayalalithaa or for Kushboo.                             We are glad Cothas Coffee has been in               bank did not revise its present status in its
                                                                                 Mylapore.                                               network.
    n Your comments on this theme are welcome -
                                                                                     Their 60-40, 70-30 and home blend can-                           - Govindaraj Manickamurthy
                                                                                 not be found in supermarkets. I am addicted                         /

                              The Joy of Hosting Concert                                                                    their own fund of merit, but still, nothing can
                                                                                                                            substitute the joy of listening to an artiste
                                                                                                                            facing you.
                              after So Long                                                                                     It was of course poignant to remember many
                                                                                                                            familiar faces that had passed on in these past
                                                                                                                            months - the enthusiastic ‘mami’ with the cheer-
                              By VARALAKSHMI ANANDAKUMAR                                                                    ful smile and notebook who sat right in front,
                                                                                                                            Narayanan Chettiar, a die-hard concert goer.
       If we are allowed to use this word in the midst          music is exquisite, but on that day, and in that                Many more of the past - guru P S Narayan-
   of a pandemic, then I would call Vijay Siva’s                context it was like a prayer in a temple of                 swamy and his towering presence, TRS sir and
   concert for Ramapriya Arts Foundation ( held                 sangeetham. Lord Rama is very dear to Ramapri-              his ‘thumbs up signature’, Jayalakshmi Santhan-
   recently at Raga Sudha Hall), a celebration.                 ya and with his ‘sub main’ - Parama Pavana                  am and her warm presence, Nadopasana Srini-
       A celebration of renewed hope. For Durga                 Rama, we could literally feel our thoughts stilled          vasan and his benevolent smile, Ramabhadran
   Venkatesh and me, it was a matter of pride that              and worries extinguished as we soaked in the                of SAFE ( Shanthi Arts Foundation and Endow-
   an offline concert came off so smoothly. We were             lyrics of the song and delectable sancharas of              ments) and his wife Ponnammal mami ever
   worried about myriad issues. Imagine, an attend-             Vijay Siva’s alapana.                                       ready with a soft word and toffee, Jagannathan,
   ance register for a concert!                                     Yes, everything seemed tailor-made that day.            the quietest philanthropist who would do any-
       Good thing we didn’t need a movement reg-                The audience was a perfect fit with optimal social          thing for the music that he liked . . . the list is
   ister... to track the trajectory of a possible virus         distancing as per norms. What thrilled us was               endless. And of course, S.V.Krishnan the archi-
   movement! What if we had a crowd beyond the                  the evident joy writ on everyone’s face as they sat         tect of this lovely, homely auditorium. If our work
   limit? Should we arrange for CCTV in advance?                at their favourite venue to actually listen to a            was rendered less challenging it is entirely due to
   How would we handle it if someone’s temperature              live concert!                                               the support of Jayalakshmi of Nada Inbam and
   reading was high? All these and more flitted                     Almost a year and yet nothing had changed.              the present owner of the hall.
   around our heads non stop.                                   It was heart warming to see the presence of
       But the minute Vijay Siva sang his first note,           veteran Panchapakesan, almost bent double, but             l Varalakshmi Anandakumar teaches French at Queen Mary’s
   everything was forgotten. Needless to say, his               spirits undaunted by risks. Online concerts have             College and is a concert artiste.
Feb 20 - 26, 2021                                              MYLAPORE TIMES   5

    N. C. Sridhar, head of trustees of Sri Adi Kesava Perumal
Temple is pleased with the manner in which the recently-held
teppam fest unfolded.
    For many reasons.
    Since there was enough water in the Chitrakulam, they
could create a bigger float and decorate it well. His team also
arranged for grander illumination of the venue and they could
allow people to get into the tank and sit on the steps that run
down from the south gate side.
    It was a teppam that went back to the old days, and was held
the way it should be.
( In the recent past, with a dry tank bed, they had to create an
artificial pool in the middle and move the small float inside it.)
    Now, he is hoping that with the collaboration of the
HR&CE Department, the Chitrakulam can be preserved
well and water will remain as long as it can.
    Looking ahead, the temple prepares for the Masi
magam event on February 27 and for the temple’s
brahmotsavam in late March.

n PHOTOS: Madhan Kumar / MT

 No. 77/21, C. P. Ramaswamy Road,
    Alwarpet, Chennai - 600018.
        Near Winners Bakery
 l Nful; rpg;];
 l gPl;&l; rpg;];    Free
 l ghtf;fha; rpg;];  door
 l Nrid rpg;];      delivery
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 l cUisf;fpoq;F rpg;];
 9094336606 / 9025411099
6                                                                                                        MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                                       Feb 20 - 26, 2021

REAL ESTATE                                       llMYLAPORE,        Santhome, New flat 1250          llNANDANAM,         near Venkateshwara
                                                  sft with CCP and lift, Rs. 1.25Cr, 2400 sft,        Hospital, deluxe flat, 1200 sft, 3bed room,       CLASSES                                          llONE   TO ONE Centum Assured Home
                                                  Posh Area Rs. 4.8Cr. 800 sft, East facing Rs.       lift, car parking, wood work, uds 650 sft,                                                         Tuition, Online, Group Tuition for 11th
                                                  1.60Cr. 1800 sft, Posh Area in Mandaveli Rs.        Rs1.20Cr. Charles Realty. Ph. 98842 39783                                                          & 12th, CBSE, Matric Maths, Chemistry
                                                  4.25Cr. Contact: 95517 29534 / 98410 95939.         / 99624 66037.                                                                                     (NEET) Taken by experience School Teacher.
                                                  llMYLAPORE, Chitrakulam, North Street, 4                                                                                                               Chemistry : 95857 85098 Maths : 97902
                                                  years old flat, Rs. 7999/- per sft, 1st floor 711                                                                                                      06892.
                                                  sft, 2BHK, Two wheeler parking, 1080 sft, flat,                                                                                                        llREVISION Classes for XI, XII, Maths,
                                                  car park, Rate 11,000/- per sft,10 years old.                                                                                                          Chemistry, Physics, Accounts, Computer,
                                                  Contact: 98843 87020.                                                                                                                                  Science. CBSE, State Board and ISE. Home
                                                  llR.A.PURAM, near by BSNL, 650 sft, UDS                                                                                                                and Centre. Ph. 98417 51401 / 73387 17702.
                                                  423 sft, two wheeler parking, Rs. 45 lakhs.
                                                  Abiramapuram, 953 sft, G+1, Independent
                                                  house, old house, Rs. 1.95Crores. Contact:
                                                  98407 36132 / 97103 27299.
                                                  llMYLAPORE, 803 sft flat 20 years old,
                                                  near Nageshwara park, GF, Rs. 90Lakhs.
REAL ESTATE BUYING                                Mandaveli, 1420 sft, New 1st floor, Posh
llWANTED New 2BHK flat with Car parking,          Area, Rs. 2.50Cr. Besant Nagar, 1350 sft
around Mandaveli, Buyer: 9444682643.              New Rs. 2.15Cr. Ph. 98406 30359.                                                                      TUITION
                                                                                                                                                        llTUITION  Undertaken for the Classes 1st
                                                                                                      llTHIRUVANMIYUR             Kannappa nagar        to 10th All Subjects XI & XII Commerce
REAL ESTATE SELLING                                                                                   Extension, ECR/OMR close by, GF 2BHK,             group State Board, Contact S. Priya. Ph
                                                                                                      OCP, 866 sft, Copious water, well maintained,     98841 03853.
llMylapore,     Warren Road, 3BHK, 1265 sft,
                                                                                                      Readily occupiable, 70 Lakhs Negotiable, Ph.
UDS 643 sft, CCP, 37 years old, Third floor,

                                                                                                                                                         Home Needs /
No lift, Rs. 1.20Crores, Nego. Best choice for
Investors. Ph. 94442 67170.                                                                           llR.A.PURAM NR Bilroth Hospital, Deluxe
                                                                                                      Flat, 1000 sft, 2bedroom, 3rd Floor, With Lift,
llMANDAVELI, 1400 sft, Individual house                                                                                                                                                                                                  ▲
                                                                                                      Wood Work, Carpark, 650 sft, 12 years old,
27x50, Rs. 3.20Cr. Mylapore, 1150 sft
                                                                                                      Rs. 1.20Cr. Charles Realty. Ph. 98842 39783
Individual house 17x50 Rs.2.20Cr. R.A.
                                                                                                      / 98842 39783.
Puram, House, flats, Sale. Contact: R.K.S.
Realty. 99520 94690.                                                                                  llMYLAPORE 780 sq.ft.(UDS 300), 1st floor,
                                                                                                      2 BHK ,ONLY two wheeler parking, strictly
llMANDAVELI, Siva Ramanan Street, flat,                                                                                                                 NETLON
                                                                                                      brokers excuse, contact 7550035441.
1000 sft, UDS 900 sft, GF, South facing, car
                                                                                                      llMYLAPORE, Mandaveli, Alwarpet, 4 bed            llMOSQUITOE        Netlon screen Velcro and
parking 10 to 20 years old, Rs.1.20Cr. nego.
                                                                                                      room Duplex House, New 2/3 Bedroom                door type, sliding type, Mylapore, Mandaveli,
Agent Ph.99418 14345.                             llMYLAPORE,          Flat Resale, No.45/16,
                                                                                                      Flats, Lift, CCP, 1 to 3 Ground Land SAKTHI       R.A. Puram, Alwarpet, Santhome, all area
llVENUS COLONY and R.A.Puram, 3BHK,               Ranga Lane, 1BHK flat, GF, 525 sft, Near
                                                                                                      Realities. Ph. 98400 60497.                       coverage 24x7. Ph : 81225 77148 / 74491
15 to 18 years old, good quality builder built,   Ellaiamman Koil, Contact 98436 98424 /
                                                                                                      llALWARPET, 1500 sft, 3 bedroom, Wood
Rs. 2.30Cr to Rs. 2.55Cr. New flats also          97863 01255.
available, Shelter first Realty. Ph. 96000        llMANDAVELI, L&T Ragamalika flat, 3BHK              work, CCP, Rs. 1.80Cr. Royapettah, 700
72936.                                            plus Study room, 1800 sft, Rs. 2Crores 70           sft, 2 bedroom, 2nd floor, unapproved Rs.
                                                                                                      48Lacs SAKTHI Realities. Ph. 98407 19797
                                                                                                                                                        PACKERS AND MOVERS
                                                  Lakhs, 2BHK plus study room,1264 sft Rs
                                                  2Crores. Contact: 98849 84545.                      / 98400 60497.                                    llMYLAI Rainbow packers & movers – local

                                                                                                      llMANDAVELI, 911 sft, 2BHK, 9 years old,
                                                                                                                                                        shifting Rs. 4000, minimum cost, all over
                                                  llMANDAVELI, 2BHK flat, 740 sft, Rs. 80
                                                  Lakhs, 550 sft Rs. 55 lakhs. Individual house       2nd floor, lift, ccp, cctv,modular kitchen and    India, car transport also. 100% safe. Ph:
                                                  450 sft, G+2 building Rs. 75 lakhs. 300             wardrobes good ventilation Rs. 1.25crs.           9840020526, 9600296873. Mail: info@
                                                  sft land G+3 Rs. 55 lakhs. Alwarpet, 1800           negotiable Ph. 98846 72100 / 89398 90006.
                                                  sft, house, Rs. 2.30Cr. Ph. 98411 39576 /                                                             llMYLAPORE Ajjay Packers & Movers
                                                                                                      ll1560sqft land east facing, Mylapore, near
                                                  86670 66894.                                        Dr. Ranga roadd and aarti scans brokers           minimum 3900/- all over india, free insurance,
                                                  llMYLAPORE, Independent House for                   excuse Rs. 2.20 crs. Contact: 89398 90006 .       0% damage, car transport. Ph : 73581 70399
                                                  Sales with monthly Rental income more than                                                            / 90940 20270 / 72990 47508. Email : info@
                                                                                                      llMANDAVELI, Mari Chetti Street, 2BHK,
                                                  one lakhs with 24 hrs water supply and 3                                                    
                                                                                                      flat, 2nd floor, 2 wheeler parking, for sale,
                                                  phase current and with parking area interest                                                          llHOUSE and Office shifting, loading,
                                                                                                      Contact: 99624 78240.
                                                  party Contact: 99406 55559.                                                                           unloading, lowest price with our best service
                                                                                                      llMANDAVELI, Sale 730 sft flat, 3rd floor,
                                                  llNEAR by Kaveri Hospital, 1536 sft, UDS                                                              only Chennai, Contact: 98400 72227 / 90801
                                                                                                      2BHK, at 4th Trust Cross Street, no lift,
                                                  735 sft, 2nd floor, 18 years old, 3BHK, lift, Car                                                     66386.
                                                                                                      30 years old, well maintained, no water
                                                  parking, Rs. 2.35Cr. CIT Colony, 1st floor, lift,   problem, good ventilation, terrace covered.       llS.S. PAC KER S Movers, shi fti ng
llMYLAPORE,        flat 498 sft, 2nd floor Rs.    car parking, 3BHK, 30 years old, Rs. 2.10 Cr.       Expectation Rs. 40 lakhs, negotiable.             R.A.Puram, Abhiramapuram, Mandaveli,
39L. T.Nagar flat 400 sft, 3rd floor, Rs. 36L     Ph. 97899 21678.                                    Contact: 94440 49425.                             Royapettah, Teynampet, Alwarpet, Mylapore.
nego. Palavakkam 1271 sft flat, 2nd floor Rs.     llMYLAPORE, Karaneeswarar, Pagoda                                                                     TTK Road, Adyar, Nandanam. All over
                                                                                                      llR.A.PURAM, Ceebros Grayshot,
1.15Cr. Ph. 63813 66029.                          Street, FF/SF, 560 sft, 1BHK, 760 sft, 2nd                                                            Chennai 24x7, best offers, minimum 2900/-
                                                                                                      3BR, 2400 sft, Pvt Terrace all Amenities,
llKARPAGAM Avenue, R.A.Puram, spacious            floor, 2BHK, 2 years old, near Citi Centre, lift,                                                     Ph. 97102 54930 / 97102 54910.
                                                                                                      R.A.Puram, New 3BR Flat, 2100 sft,
2BHK, open study room with toilet, 1580 sft,      car park only, 760 sft flat, Ph. 98402 24752.                                                         llMYLAI Jupiter packers and movers
                                                                                                      R.A.Puram, New 2BR, 860 sft, Genset, 3BR
UDS 900 sft, 2nd floor, East facing, 2 car        llSANTHOME High Road, 1650 sft, 3BHK,
                                                                                                      1100sqt. Ph.98845 87579 / 95661 75961.            local shifting in chennai city and all over
parking 15 years old Rs. 2.15Cr. Ph. 98411        2nd floor, UDS 652 sft, lift, OCP, 18 years                                                           india 100% safe and secure Contact
47769.                                            old, Rs. 1.75 Cr. Hotel Sangeetha Building.                                                           :7339681888/9841729201
                                                  Ph. 98402 24752.
R.A. Puram, Mylapore, Luz, Alwarpet,              llMYLAPORE, good area, 950 sft, 2BHK,
Abiramapuram, Santhome, Gopalapuram,              Rs. 1Cr. 65% UDS, CCP. Mylapore near                                                                  PEST CONTROL
Adyar, Thiruvanmiyur, available Half Ground,      Velleswarar Kovil, 410 sft, 1BHK, 1st floor,                                                          llTERMITE    Control cockroach control
One Ground, Two Ground, North East Facing,        Rs. 31 lakhs. Ph. 70102 57539.                                                                        bedbug control (Govt.) LIC. Holder any pest
RK Real Estate. Contact: 98419 01877 /            llALWARPET, Posh area 1150 sft, 2BHK,                                                                 problem general pest control free inspection.
98407 70388.                                      dining 4 balconies, wood work, 640 sft,                                                               Best Pest Control. Ph : 98407 27506 / 99520
llMANDAVELI, Opp. to Family, Super Market         UDS, lift, car parking, Rs. 1.25 Cr. Ph.                                                              59592.
Road, Rs. 38Lakhs flat for sale, 450 sft,         70102 57539 .
1BHK, 1st floor, Two wheeler parking, East        llMANDAVELI, 3BR, 1408 sft, 2nd floor,
facing, 13 years old, Agent. Ph. 99413 22965.     lift, UDS 822 sft, CP, Rs. 2.30 Cr. L&T                                                               RENOVATION
llADYAR Karppakam Garden, 1500 sft,
                                                  Ragamalika, 1264 sft 2 plus study, 3rd                                                                llMODULAR      Kitchen, modular furniture,
3BHK, UDS 900 sft, 2nd floor, East facing,        floor, lift, UDS 600 sft, CP Rs. 2.10 Cr. Ph.                                                         mosquito nets, and all types of carpentry
                                                  99405 67474.                                                                                          works since 2000. Turnkey Interiors. Contact:
1 CCP, lift, Rs. 2.20Cr Nego. Besant Nagar,
near Terminas 1574 sft, UDS 900 sft, 3BHK,        llALWARPET, R.A. Puram, 1850 sft, 3300                                                                98847 12777.
1st floor, 2 CCP, North facing 7 years old        sft, 4BHK, 2100 sft, 3BHK, wood work, lift,
Rs.1.85Cr. nego. Ph. 72991 41164 / 63808          Genset, 2CCP, servant room, Rs. 2.50 Cr.
44247.                                            to 5 Cr. Private terrace. Ph. 99624 33183.
                                                  llR.A.PURAM, Green ways Road, Extn
llMYLAPORE, Kutchery Road, 1700 sft,
duplus house, 3BHK, Pooja and 3 Bath              Posh area 846 sft, UDS 484 sft, 3rd floor, no
full wood work, Modular Kitchen, 3rd floor        lift, West facing, Rs. 80 Lakhs, negotiable.
                                                  Contact: 93803 77477.
UDS 596 sft, lift, CCP, West facing, 24 hrs                                                                                                                                                              SOFA FURNITURE
water, 17 years old, Rs. 2Cr. Nego. Agent D.      llALWARPET nr Cenatoph Rd & Japan
                                                  Consulate GF 1000 sft 2BHK,ocp, UDS 694                                                                                                                llANY old type of Recliner Sofas & Cushions,
Gopalakrishnan. Ph. 97911 92817.                                                                                                                                                                         repairing at very moderate charges, K.N.S.
                                                  sft , 30yrs renovated with new Tiles & bath
llALWARPET, Desika Road, flat for Sale                                                                                                                                                                   Rajan. No:58, Peter Road, Chennai – 14. Ph
                                                  fitting 1.2Cr 9884565674
1780 sft, 3BHK, 3000 sft, 5BHK, R. Sundar.                                                                                                                                                               : 93818 03956 / 76671 33233.
Contact: 91764 47777 / 80789 99999.
Feb 20 - 26, 2021                                                                                          MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                                                                    7

                             CLASSIFIEDS                                                                                                                                                                                                               ▲
ACCOMMODATION                                      llMYLAPORE          Individual house suitable       llMANDAVELI,            Ground floor, 1050 sft        llR.A.PURAM,       1st Main Road, 2BHK flat,         llMYLAPORE         Palathope 850 Sq Ft 2bhk
WANTED                                             for Bachelor, Ladies Hostel, Ground, first,         Independent house, Rent Rs. 28k Nego. No              1100 sft GF, East facing, Vegetarian, Rent           Flat With Lift, Ccp Available For Immediate
ll1,2,3,4, flats and House for Company Lease
                                                   second floors 1500 sft, Rs. 35,000/- Ph.            Car parking, Veg. only. Out House Rs. 4500/-          Rs. 31k. Ph. 94445 04289.                            Occupation Veg Only Brokers Excuse.
MNC and Bank Required. Ph.9884669866.              98410 14775.                                        Ph.94453 13734.                                       llMYLAPORE, P.S.School, 2BHK flat, Rent              Contact: 98400 17923 / 04424957337.
                                                   llALWARPET, Near signal 2BHK flat, 2nd              llMYLAPORE, opp Nageshwara Park,                      Rs.13,000/-. 1BHK Rs. 15,000/-, 2BHK, Rs.            ll2 BHK semi furnished, GF, apartment
llACCOMMODATION           WANTED Requires
Commercial Space in and around Mylapore,           floor, Rent Rs. 25k, Luz delux 2BHK Rs.             GF, 2BHK, 1200 sft, Car parking, Rent Rs.             20k, Rs. 25k. R.A. Puram, 3BHK flat, Rs.             available immediately @CV Raman Road,
Alwarpet, Teynampet around 3 km, minimum           35k, Rs. 27k, Bachlors Furnished also. Ph.          25,000/- Contact: 99404 15778.                        27k. Bachelor, Shop Sai temple near 100 sft,         Alwarpet. Vegetarians preferred. Contact:
350 sft, to 500 sft. Contact: 95006 18669.         98413 50607.                                        llMYLAPORE, Mandaveli, Royapettah,                    Rs.10,000/-. Ph. 98411 39576 / 86670 66894.          99004 15876 / 99625 32050.
                                                   llALWARPET, T.T.K Road, opp Trinty                  Flat, House Rent Rs. 10k, Rs. 15k, Rs. 18k,           llSRIRAM Nagar, 1900 sft, 3BR, 2CCP,                 llABHIRAMAPURAM 2BHK, Renovated
llAmerican, British, Japan, Indian
Companies Requires Flats / Bungalows               Hospital, 2BHK, 3rd floor, Rent Rs. 25,000/-        Rs. 20k, Rs. 25k, Rs. 30k, Rs. 40k, Rs. 50k.          lift, Genset full AC Rent Rs. 45k. Mandaveli         now 2 Toilet Cum, Bathroom, 24 Hours
in Alwarpet, Abiramapuram, RA Puram,               Student working women and family 4 or 5             Bachelors, ladies. Contact: 98844 29720 /             Railway Station, 1100 sft, 2BR, CP lift, Rent        Water, 3 Phase Electricity, Closed Glass
Mylapore, Mandhaveli, Gopalapuram,                 person, cot, AC, fridge, washing machine,           82487 29596.                                          Rs. 30k. 1350 sft, 3BR, CCP, Genset, lift Rs.        Balcony, Excellent Ventilation With Ac Fan
Srivathsaa. Contact: 8610661150 /                  gas. Ph. 99405 81943 / 80561 33058.                 llTHIRUVANMIYUR, Journalist Colony,                   35,000/-. Ranga Road 1100 sft, 2BR, CP, lift         Geyser Fittings, 3rd Floor, No Lift, Scooter
9710405385                                         llMYLAPORE, R.K. Salai, New flat 2000               2BHK, Hall, Kitchen, dinning hall,front room,         Rs. 26k. Individual House. 2000 sft, 4BR,            Parking, Inside Car Parking Outside. Contact:
                                                   sft, lift, Genset, CCP, Rent Rs.55k Veg. New        open space, Car park, 24 hrs good water,              2CP, Rs. 40k. Ph. 98419 83231.                       9840549390
                                                   flat 1400 sft, 3BHK, lift, Genset, CCP, Rent        1000 sft, Veg. only. Contact: 044-24511429            llR.A. PURAM, near Billroth Hospital, Deluxe         llD’SILVA Road, Mylapore, 2 B/R, II FLR,
                                                   Rs. 38k Veg. 3BHK, Rs. 35k. Ground floor            / 98843 67129.                                        flat 1200 sft, 2BR, 2nd floor with lift, Car park,   spacious , No Lift, 2 wheeler park, Fully
                                                   3BHK, Rent Rs.40k. Santhome 3BHK, Rs.               llMYLAPORE, ADAM Street, 725sft, 1st                  Good location Rent Rs. 32,000/-, Charles             done up Flat for Rent. Only vegetarians
                                                   27k. Ph.98847 10256.                                floor, Two bath, single bed room, Big hall,           Realty. Ph. 98842 39783 / 99624 66037.               98403 53535.
                                                   llMANDAVELI, Srinivasa Street, available            Veg. only, Two wheeler park Broker excuse.            ll2BHK, lift Rent Rs. 21,000/-, Near                 llMYLAPORE, 900 sft, GF, 2BHK @1-b
                                                   1BHK, Veg. only, Rent Rs. 14,000/- Ph.              Contact: 98404 24500.                                 Santhome School. Near Antony School 650              indraniammal street, vastu compliant
                                                   94444 46029.                                        llP.S. Senior, Near by 1400 sft, Alamelu              sft, Lease, Rs.10 Lakhs. Agent Papa Ramiah.          recently renovated Contact: 94448 96070 /
                                                   llMANDAVELIPAKKAM, Norton Road,                     Manga Puram, 1050 sft, 3BR,CCP Rent                   Ph 94451 56540.                                      8778224382.
                                                   Mylapore R.A. Puram, Abiramapuram,                  Rs. 36k. 2BHK, North facing, Rs. 28k, CCP,            llGOPALAPURAM Posh area, 1200 sft,                   llMYLAPORE Sivaswamy Salai, Spacious
                                                   Alwarpet, Santhome, MRC Nagar, Adyar,               Genset, R.A.Puram, Brand New 1500 sft,                3BHK, 1st floor, Independent house, Rent Rs.         IBHK, 700 sft, Ist floor of independent house
                                                   Available Three bed room, Two bed room,             East facing, CCP, Rent Rs. 46k. 600 sft,              37k. 1 Car park very near DAV, NPS Shool,            with car park Available. Vegetarians Contact:
                                                   One bed room, Independent banglow,                  1BHK, Rs. 16k. Ph. 98407 36132 / 90036                near Nageshwara park, 1100 sft, 2BHK, 1st            42074839.
                                                   Residential, Commercial RK Real Estate.             21068.                                                floor, Rent Rs. 32k. Lift, Car park, Security,       ll2BHK Flat, First Floor, Near Adyar Park
                                                   Contact: 98419 01877 / 98407 70388.                 llMANDAVELI, near St. John School, 2BHK,              East Abiramapuram. Ph.86670 89385.                   Behind Canara Bank, Chamiers Road,
                                                   llNANDANAM, 600 sft 1BR, 1 hall, attached           1st floor, Family / Office Rent Rs. 15,000/-. 4th     llALWARPET, Poes Garden, 2200 sft, 3BHK,             Vegetarian Rs. 22,000/- Immediate
                                                   bath, any purpose Rent Rs. 12k, 1000 sft,           Trust, 2BHK, Family / Bachlor, Rs.17,000/-.           Rent Rs. 50k,1st floor Independen house,             Occupation. Ph. 94988 16976 / 94456 62975.
CAR PARKING                                        2BHK, attached bath, balconies, 2nd floor,          Kovilampakkam, 2BHK, Rs. 8,500/- Contact:             1CCP, Modular kitchen service are Pooja              llMYLAPORE, No. 58/35, Rakiappa
llMYLAPORE,    Car parking available at            Car park, Rent Rs. 22k. Newly renovated             95000 64655.                                          balconies. Ph. 94980 53092.                          Street, Near Thiruvalluvar Kovil, Ground
P.S.Sivaswamy Salai. Contact: 42074839.            1600 sft 3BHK 3 bath, balconies modular             llALWARPET, Eldams Road, near PNB                     llMANDAVELI, Mylapore, 1BHK, 2BHK,                   Floor 1BHK Rent Rs. 9000/- First Floor,
                                                   kitchen, CP, No lift, 2nd floor, Rent Rs. 36k       3BHK flat, 1500 sft, with lift, Car parking,          GF, 1st floor, Rent Rs. 25k, 20k, 15k, 10k.          1BHK, Rs. 9000/- Another Portion Hall With
                                                   Sherin Homes. Ph. 98845 43807.                      24 hrs water Ready for Rentals. Ph. 98408             Ph. 73959 01657.                                     Kitchen, Rs. 7500/- Second Floor, 1BHK,
RENTAL                                                                                                 07181.                                                llMYLAPORE, 1800 sft, plinth Bunglows 1st            Rs.9000/- another, 2 Portions Hall With
llF5 Rohini Garden, MRC Nagar, R.A.Puram,                                                              llMYLAPORE, 2BHK, Semi furnished, Pure                floor, 2BHK additional bed cum, ladies sitting,      Kitchen, Rs. 7500/- each Vegetarians Only
2nd floor, 2 bed room, 2 bath room, 2 balcony                                                          Vegetarians, 1010 sft, CCP, GF, Rent Rs. 22k,         CCP and Amenities Rent Rs. 31,000/- to Rs.           Brokers Excuse Owner. Ph. 94440 80670.
full mosail parking 24 hrs water. Ph. 99405                                                            Deposit Rs.1Lakh, broker excuse. Contact:             35,000/- p.m, negotiable including servant           llMYLAPORE, Modern 2BHK 1200 SFT,
82702.                                                                                                 80562 54530 / 90031 85114.                            Quarter. Contact: 044-28473136 / 98416               Prime location Devadi street, car & bike
llADYAR Kasthuribai, 3rd Main Road, 600                                                                llGOPALAPURAM, opp. Stella Maris                      91605 / 99414 03773.                                 parking, 24HRS water, Contact: 9600655977.
sft, 3rd floor, 1BHK, open car parking, Rent                                                           College, single room attached bath, balcony,          llROYAPETTAH, 3BHK, brand new Rent Rs.               llADAM STREET 2nd floor, no lift,very
Rs.12k, Ph. 96000 18756.                                                                               marble Rs.6000/- + 200 Monthly, deposit 8             40k. Veg. only, 2BHK, Rs. 23k to 25k. 1BHK,          near Kapali temple ,1100 sft 2 BHK car park
llR.A.Puram, Tiruvengadam Street, 2BHK                                                                 months. Contact: 72008 30579.                         700 sft. Rs. 21k. 1BHK, Lease Rs. 10 Lakhs,          for ONLY VEG family. Rent 27000. Brokers
flat with lift, 1st floor, only vegetarian, Rent                                                       llR.A.PURAM, L&T Ragamalika,1850 sft, 3 +             Agent. Ph. 93801 69866.                              excuse. Contact 9445223076.
Rs. 26,000/- nego. Ph. 044-24615217 /                                                                  Study, 4th floor, lift, CP, Rent Rs. 55k. 1264 sft,   llKUTCHERY Road, Warren Road, Luz, 3BR               llMANDAVELLI, Available for rent immediate
8754545146.                                                                                            2 + Study, 4th floor, CP Rent Rs. 35k. 540 sft,       Rent Rs. 30k. D’ Silva Road, 4BR, individual         occupation 3BHK, 2nd floor 1420 sft.
ll2BHK, 3BHK, C.I.T.Colony 1300 sft,                                                                   1BHK, 1st floor, Rs. 23k. Ph. 99405 67474.            house, near Baba temple, 4BR, Rs. 50k.               apartment lift covered car parking, power
2000 sft and One bed room, Alwarpet, Rent                                                              llR.A.PURAM, Bishop Garden, Independent               Mandaveli, 2BR, Rs. 15 Lakhs, for lease,             backup, security, only vegetarian. Rent
Rs.10k, RS.15k, Rs.25k. Mayur Realtors, Ph.                                                            House, 1000 sft 2BHK, 1st floor, CP, Rent Rs.         Agent. Ph. 86681 54271 / 94442 95567.                35,000/- maintenance Rs. 3000/. Srinivasan
9940051164 / 7358632421.                           llTHIRUVENGADAM              Street, 1100 sft,      26k. Ph. 99405 67474.                                 llRANGA Road near Kirtilal, 2BHK, 1250               street, chennai 28. Owner. Contact: 92412
llMYLAPORE, Luz Avenue, Indipendent                2BHK, Rs. 26k, R.A. Puram, 1000 sft, 2BHK,          llLUZ near Nageshwara Park, 1000 sft,                 sft, 3rd floor, semi furnished, lift car parking,    41717 .
House, 5BHK 3CP for Rent only Company.             Rs. 18k, Northers Road, 1150 sft, 2BHK,             spacious, 2BHK, Apartment, 2nd floor, lift            24hours water Rent Rs. 34000/- Ph. 99405             ll2BHK flat, 1100sqft, mod. Kitchen, OCP,
Venus Colony, 2BHK GF and 4th floor for            Rs. 24k, Abiramapuram, 1250 sft, 2BHK,              and two wheeler park Rent Rs. 22k. Smart              83620 /75502 65598.                                  1st flr 3rd st AbiramapuramVeg. only Owner.
Rent. Ph.9884669866.                               Rs. 27k, C.P. Ramaswamy Road, 1700 sft,             Finders. Ph. 98848 78741 / 89253 35665.               llDr.RANGA, Road Mylapore, 3BHK, 1500                Contact: 8667276350.
llMYLAPORE, No. 45, Arundal Street, 1000           3BHK, Rs.40k, C.I.T. Colony, 2000 sft, 3BHK,        llRA.PURAM, NEW FLAT 3BR 1500 sft,                    sft, Rent Rs. 35,000/- Furnished Modular             llMYLAPORE, opposite Vidya Mandir
sft, 1400 sft, 3BHK flats for Rent, CCP, lift,     Rs.45k, Ammaniyamal Street, 900 sft, 2BHK,          Semi furnished, Genset. Veg Rent Rs.                  Kitchen. Ph. 94457 37133.                            school, (primary block) Three bedroom flat
Contact: Owner. 9444498826.                        Rs. 20k, Mandaveli, 1100 sft, 2BHK, Rs. 20k,        46000/-. Abiramipuram, Alwerpet, 3BR                  llR.A.PURAM, Flat 980 sft, 3rd Floor, No lift,       1400 sft, ground floor, lift, open carparking,
llALWARPET, Luz Church Road, Two bed
                                                   Only Veg. Ph. 98842 14816 / 80151 84176.            Flat, 1750 Sqt, Semi-Finished, Genset,                Rent Rs. 22,000/- Maintenance Rs. 1000/-             CCTV camera, Vegetarians only. Contact:
room, 700 sft flat for Rent Rs.18000/- P.M,        llMYLAPORE, Near Kabali temple, GF, 1000            Abiramipuram, 4BR Flat, 3500sqt . Ph. 95661           Contact: 93800 28604.                                74189 77711.
Vegetarian preferred, Ph. 9483502740.              sft, Rent Rs. 20k, Chitra Kulam, 2nd floor, Rs.     75961 / 98845 87579.                                  llMYLAPORE 1st Floor 2BHK Flat, lift, 2              llMANDAVELI, st. Mary’s road, 450 sq. Ft,
llMYLAPORE, Palathope, 2BHK, 3rd floor,
                                                   16k, Rosary Church Road, flat 2nd floor, lift,      llLITTLE MOUNT, No.15/2, Muthial Street,              wheeler Parking, Ph. 72999 34126 / 98411             1st floor, vegetarians only, Bachelors, Family,
lift, small family vegetarian, Two wheeler         Rs. 21k, Mandaveli, 2BR, GF, Rs. 17,500/-,          900sq.ft, 2BHK, 2nd floor, no lift, Rent Rs.          34125.                                               Ph: 98416 63280.
parking only, broker excuse. Ph.9940123124         GF, 2BR, GF 600 sft, Rs. 15k. Ph. 92832             16000/- pm. Contact: 94440 69977.                                                                          llALWARPET, 1BHK attach both room,
                                                                                                                                                             ll1500 SFT, Independent House, GL good
/ 044-42066676.                                    30107 / 74016 77318.                                                                                                                                           kitchen, Ind house, first floor, Rent Rs. 9000/-.
                                                                                                       llSANTHOME, Mylapore, Beautiful single                frontage just whitewashed painted, 3 rooms,
                                                   llMYLAPORE, Kutchery Road, 1700 sft,                                                                                                                           2bhk, Ground floor, 750 sft, two wheeler
llMYLAPORE, 2BHK, next Rosary School,                                                                  bedroom, Ac with balcony, in a 3BHK,                  2 bath, big hall, kitchen, separate EB card,
                                                   2BHK, 3rd floor, lift and CCP, full wood work       overlooking sea. All amenities. for ladies only,      Only veg. Rent Rs. 35,000/- Contact: 98401           parking, 3BHK, first floor,1550 sft, CCP Rent
GF, 24 hrs water, Gated community 2 wheeler
                                                   Modular Kitchen, Pooja room, 3 bath room,                                                                                                                      Rs. 38,000/- Ph. 98414 95179.
parking, Ph.98404 50210.                                                                               Contact: 90030 45338.                                 51042.
                                                   Duplex house, Agent D.Gopalakrishnan. Ph.
llMYLAPORE, Kuthery Road, 1100                                                                         llMANDAVELLI, 3BHK flat, 1400sft, second              llROYAPETTAH, Available For Rent                     llABIRAMAPURAM, Near City Bank, Deluxe
                                                   97911 92817.
sft, 2BHK delux apartment 1st floor, lift,                                                             floor with car parking , lift facility, Rent Rs.      Centrally Located, Fully Renovated At                Flat, 1000 sft 2 bed Room, 1st Floor, Wood
                                                   llMYLAPORE, M.K. Amman Kovil Street,                                                                                                                           Work, Car park, Veg. Rent Rs. 25,000/-, Raj
CCP, Totally done up, Rent Rs. 34,000/- +                                                              35k plus maintenance. Contact: 91601                  Lloyds Road, 3BHK, 3rd Floor Ocp Only
                                                   550 sft, 4th floor, 1BHK, lift, Two wheeler                                                                                                                    Vaz Realty. Ph. 98842 39783 / 99624 66037.
Maintenance, Vegetarians only. Ph.96000                                                                22889.                                                Veg. Rent Rs. 32000/- Contact: 994008 6099
                                                   parking, North facing, Only Veg. Rent Rs.
67003 / 94440 51947.                                                                                   llMANDAVELI, near School Posh, 2BR,                   / 91764 60540.                                       llA B H I R A M A P U R A M , 3 r d S t r e e t ,
                                                   15,000/- nego. Agent D. Gopalakrishnan.
llFOR lease R. A. Puram, 3rd floor, 2BHK,                                                              1100 sft, first floor, lift, CCP, Power backup,       llKAPALEESWARAR, South Mada Street,                  2BHK+study, 1100 sft flat, 1st floor for Rent
                                                   Ph. 97911 92817.
650 sft, Rs.8 Lakhs. Mylapore, Madhava                                                                 Rent Rs. 30k. 3BR 1650 sft, 3 bath Second             Two bedroom apartment, third floor, Lift,            Rs.25k. Contact owner 98862 88470.
                                                   llMYLAPORE, near Vidhya Mandhir School,
Perumal Kovil, 2BHK 1000 sft, CCP, lift,                                                               floor, lift CCP, Power backup Rent Rs. 45k.           new construction, Rent Rs. 23,500/- Ph.              llFULLY Furnished 1 BHK flat for rent in
                                                   900 sft, 2nd floor, 2BHK, lift, open car parking,
Rs.22,000/-. Nattu Suprayan Street, 2BHK,                                                              2BR, 900 sft, GF Rs. 24k. Ph. 98416 30593.            94452 32514.                                         Alwarpet, 550 sft, Rent Rs.25000/-. Ph:
                                                   only Veg. Rent Rs. 25,000/- nego. Agent D.
800 sft, Rent Rs. 15,000/-. Ph.94440 63033.                                                            llABIRAMAPURAM, 3BHK, New flat 1800                   llR .A. Puram, First Cross St, Near 6th Main         9444082470.
                                                   Gopalakrishnan. Ph. 97911 92817.
llR.A. PURAM, Near Hari Sri Vidyalaya,                                                                 sft, 2nd floor, lift 1CCP, Rent Rs. 48,000/- Ph.      Road, 1250 sft. 2BHK, 2nd Flr, Lift, Car Park
                                                   llLEASE Mylapore, Mandaveli, 1BHK,
3BHK, About 1000 sft 1st floor, AC, Inverter.                                                          89395 96955.                                          Rs.32,000/- Brokers excuse, Estatespoint Ph.
                                                   2BHK, 3BHK, 500 sft, 700 sft, 2000 sft,
Ph. 94450 88310.                                                                                       llMANDAVELI, L&T Ragamalika flat, 2BHK                979966568/570 .
                                                   rental Mylapore, Abiramapuram, Mandaveli,
llMYLAPORE, No. 9, Dr. Ranga Road, opp             1BHK, 400 sft, 500 sft, 2BHK, 3BHK, lift, CCP.      plus Study room, 1264 sft, Rent Rs. 38k.              llMYLAPORE, South Mada Street, 1057
CCBank, 1BHK, GF, Rent Rs. 9000/- Ph.              Contact 90876 87252.                                1BHK, 540 sft, Rs. 22k 3BHK plus study                sft, 2nd Floor, 2BHK Flat Well Ventilated with
97102 17272 / 73585 17200.                         llMYLAPORE, Ranga Road, 2BHK, 710
                                                                                                       room,1800 sft Rs 52k. Contact: 94445 04289.           adequate Covered Wardrobe and Cupboards
                                                   sft, 1st floor, Vegetarian, small family Rent       llR.A. PURAM, MRC Nagar, 1BHK full                    Copius, Water, Lift, Car Park For Immediate
                                                                                                                                                             Occupation, Veg Only, Brokers Excuse,
                                                   Rs. 19,000/- Contact: 94453 78821. Sat/Sun          furnished, Independent house, GF, bachelor
                                                   between 11 to 12 p.m                                and family, Rent Rs. 22k. Ph. 89399 36055.            Contact: 98400 17923 / 04424957337.                  Contd in page 8
8                                                                                                        MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                                       Feb 20 - 26, 2021

Rental                                                                                                                                               Jobs
                                                                                                                                       ▲                                                                                                  ▲
RENTALS COMMERCIAL                                llMYLAPORE,        for Commercial prime            llABIRAMAPURAM,          Padavattan Street,     COOK
                                                  Location, Main Road, Ground floor, CCP, 900        Gurupuram, GF, 2BHK, 750 sft, Rent Rs.
llR.A.PURAM,       3000 sft, Individual house,                                                                                                       llSOUTH    / North Indian Brahmin Female
                                                  sft, No. 68, Dr.R.K.Salai, Chennai, Contact:       13,000/- Ph. 90031 49286 / 73388 13443.
5No’s car parking, 4 bed room, Rent Rs.                                                                                                              Cook available in Mylapore any time Contact
75,000/- Ragavi Real Estate. Ph.98410             99621 11867.                                       llALWARPET, 1300 sft 2BR flat, 1700 sft,        R.Seethalaxmi. Ph.98841 94808 / 044-
14775.                                            llGROUND FLOOR 750sft Office Space                 3BR flat, Mylapore, Luz Avenue, 2000 sft,       42047331.
                                                  with restroom Kutchery Road Luzcorner              3BR flat, All has lift, Car park, wood work.
llR.A.PURAM, Kamaraj Salai, 360 sft, GF,
                                                  9940035385 / 9840060172.                           Ph. 98405 88336.
Rent Rs. 30,000/- any Shop. Sekar. Ph.
82204 23105.                                      llALWARPET, TTK 1st Cross Street,                  ll1500 SFT, 3BHK, 1st floor, CCP, lift,         JOB OFFERS
                                                  renovated, 585 sft, with lift for office /         backup, Modular Kitchen wood work, near         llWANTED         Male staff for Juice shop in
ll700 SFT of Office Space for Rent. Near Luz
                                                  residence Contact: 9444217644 .                    Vidya Mandir School Rent Rs. 40k including      Mylapore. Age 18 to 30, Salary Rs.10,000/- to
Church, Contact: 98402 87151.
                                                  llALWARPET Luz church road, GF, 385 sft,           maintenance, only Vegetarian, Aishwarya         12,000/-. Contact: 89399 22341.
llCOMMERCIAL - Opp Mylapore Railway
                                                  furnished office space. Ph 98410 88868 /           Property Consultant. Ph. 90031 14387.
station, GF, 750sft, hall type, high ceiling,                                                                                                        llWANTED 2 Years exp. Accountant with
                                                  98845 08862.                                       llMYLAPORE, 2nd floor, 1500 sft, Lift, CCP,
1 bathroom And Behind citi centre, 800 sft,                                                                                                          Tally & Excel Knowledge for an office at
                                                  llABIRAMIPURAM, Bawa Road, 6BR, 4200               3 bathroom. Ph. 98414 39844.                    Mandaveli. Contact: 044-35551086 / 044-
1st floor, Office, godown, multi purpose. Ph.
                                                  sft, Bungalow Resedencial, Commercial.             llNAGESHWARA Rao Park, 2BHK, hall,              24341962 Email id -
98414 39844.                                                                                                                                                                                              llMERCHANDISER         graduate 2yrs exp in
                                                  Abiramipuram, 2800 sft, House Any Purpose,         Kitchen, ground floor, 1100 sft, CP, Ph.        llWANTED Female Office Admin related                 Online/direct marketing menswear brand
                                                  Mylapore, CIT Colony, 1800 sft, Plug Play          98404 68186.                                    job. Fulltime, office at R.A puram. Send             since 45yrs in royapettah. Salary+ benefits
                                                  Furnished Any Office. Rs. 50k 9566175961           llMYLAPORE, near Nageshwara Rao Park,           resume with colour passport size photo               based on performance. Ph. 98410 71005.
                                                                                                     Kennedy Street, 1BHK, GF flat, Rent Rs.         to Ph.                     Email ID:
                                                                                                     15,000/-, Vegetarian only, Two wheeler park.    9942244533.                                          llWANTED surgical (medical) sales man
                                                  RENTAL RESIDENTIAL                                 Ph 94459 63499.                                 llACCOUNTS asst. female 2yrs exp               cum delivery boy age 20 to 30. Part time 10
                                                  llMANDAVELI,      Ramakrishna Nagar, 1000          llR.K.NAGAR, 2nd Cross Street, 1400 sft,        in tally gst e filing esi, pf, for garment factory   to 3.and full Time 10 to 8. ct.9841035331.
                                                  sft, 2BHK, 1st floor with lift, OCP 24hrs          2BHK, store room, dining, 24hrs water, Car      in Royapettah, since 45yrs salary +benefits          llRELIANCE MNC Reqd Female Graduates
                                                  water supply, Vegetarian only, Immediate           park, Vegetarian, no brokers. Ph. 98418         as per experience. Ph. 98410 71005. Email            Job Part/Full Time age 30+ Good Salary with
                                                  occupation, Rs. 25k, Ph. 90031 05226.              10235 / 98848 40487.                            ID:                     Pf & ESI 99620 88076
                                                  llMANDAVELI, Srinivasan Street, 1BHK,              llGOPALAPURAM, near DAV, 2BHK,
                                                  500 sft, GF, Rent Rs.14,000/- Ph.90940             3BHK, 1000 sft, 1500 sft, wood work, car             WANTED
                                                  28578 / 99400 50845.
                                                  llALWARPET, Desika Road, Flats for Sale
                                                                                                     park, lift, Rent Rs. 25k, 35k, 45k. Contact:
                                                                                                     98403 98626.                                       ACCOUNTANTS
                                                  1780 sft, 3BHK, 3000 sft, 5BHK, R. Sundar.         ll2BHK, Semi Furnished, 24hrs Water,
                                                                                                                                                     Digital Marketing Executives
                                                  Ph. 91764 47777 / 80789 99999                      Balcony, 2Wheeler Parking, Ventilation,                            M/F
llKUTCHERY          Road, Luzcorner Ground                                                           First Floor, Mylapore, Mundagakanni
                                                  llDr. RANGA Road, 1BHK balcony 1st floor,                                                           VISHRAM INFRASTUCTURE
floor, 750 sft, Office Space with restroom. Ph.   Two wheeler parking, Three phase, Two              Amman Temple, 3Phase Electricity, CCTV,
99400 35385 / 98400 60172.                                                                                                                                   PVT. LTD.
                                                  fans, Veg. only. Immediate occupation Rent         Rs.20,000/- p.m, Ph. 96630 58508.                Shop No. 14, Luz Golden Enclave
llMYLAPORE, near Tank, 2400 sft, 1600             Rs. 12000/-, Maintenance Rs. 1500/- extra,         llMANDAVALI, 2BR, Third floor, lift, open           No. 180, Luz Church Road,
sft, 1500 sft, 500 sft, 350 sft, Mandaveli,       broker excuse. Ph. 99401 40575.                    car parking, Rent Rs. 23,000/- Agent. Ph.                    Mylapore
300 sft,1000 sft, House, Flat, Shop, Rent         llABIRAMAPURAM, Subramaniam Street,                98404 82559.
Rs. 15k, 20k, 45k, 55k. Ph. 82487 30643 /                                                                                                                  Contact: 9941571275,
                                                  No. 20/49, single bed room flat, ground floor,
87781 23038.                                                                                                                                             044 - 24662283 / 93
                                                  350 sft, No car parking, vegetarian Contact:
ll2200SFT, MD’s Cabin, Pantry backup, Luz         94441 63060.
Church Road, Ideal for Back office branch
Training Centre, Consultant CA’s Office with
Vastu. Ph. 98416 86001.
                                                                                                                                                      Electrical Engineers
                                                                                                                                                        FRESH / EXPERIENCE                                JOB REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                                      upto 2 years with BE / D. E. F

                                                                                                                                       ▲               in Electrical Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                                          llIam female 21 years well versed in Tally
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and basic knowledge in Computer 1 year
                                                                                                                                                         knowledge in Autocad                             experience seeks Job in Mylapore. Ph.
                                                                                                                                                       for Electrical contractors                         99621 99377.
ASTROLOGY                                         MATRIMONIAL                                        YOGA
                                                                                                                                                       Contact: 9841601068 /
llKARMATIC    Astrologer Mr. Raman gives          llIYENGAR     Matrimony (Services) for your        llONLINE     Yoga camp stay fit and healthy!!
                                                                                                                                                          044 - 24990002
the Best Solutions through Ancient Vedic          Alliance requirement kindly furnish your           Enhance your immunity levels during this
Methodologies called “Karma Shasthra” and         Boy or Girls details Via No.90438           Covid! Where : At the comfort of your Homes                         Email:
“Karma Yantras”. Krish Yantras, North Mada        55901. If you are not having facility,       (Zoom sessions) Age group : 20-30 yrs When
Street, Mylapore. Ph. +918056052345.              then give a call.                                  : 4 Weelends in April Time : 1 Batch 4-5 pm
                                                  llVAMSAM Matrimony contact us Bride and            : II Batch 5-6pm. PS : Daily Regular fitness,
                                                  Groom for any caste, Age. 21 to 50. G. Prema.      therapy classes available, as applicable for
AUTOMATIVE                                        Ph. 70105 37263.                                   all age groups, for both Men. Women and
llCAR,   Single owner well maintained Ford
Ikon AC 2001 model done 65,000 kms
                                                                                                     Children. For details, Contact : 95660 75910.
                                                                                                                                                        YOU CAN NOW BOOK
only .Fitness valid up to 2026. Price 70,000
Contact Mob no —9840097542.
                                                  llOLD   Cot Rs. 4000/-, sofa set, Rs. 4000/-,
                                                  dining set, Rs. 2000/-. Contact A. Kesavaram
                                                                                                                                                        OBITUARY / TRIBUTE
                                                  9003086355                                                                                            ADVERTS IN MYLAPORE TIMES
llDOORSTEP,        One time affordable,
expertise smart service of any laptop,            SENIOR CITIZENS HOME
desktop. Sathish available anytime just 10                                                                                                                      DEATH
digits far 8124037723.

                                                                                                                                                                                                A 5x1 ADVERT costs

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                                                                                                                                                                                                Rs.750 in black & white,
                                                                                                                                                                 53 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                Rs.950 in color*
                                                                                                                                                           AAAAAAAAAAAAA                        (GST @ 5% extra)
                                                                                                                                                             Ph: 1215389640

                                                                                                                                                                                                l We design Ads for you
                                                                                                                                                                                                * Rate Rs.150 pcc in b&w
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rs.190 pcc in colur

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Please call Shanthi at
                                                                                                                                                                                                     24671122 (11 am to 5 pm).
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Or mail -

        Highlight your CLASSIFIED advert for Rs.100*
                                                                                                   *Cost in addition to advt charges.
Feb 20 - 26, 2021                                                    MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                  9
Amul stores open                                              E-waste collection                 Focus on ‘tala’
                                       Amul brand stores      camp in R. K. Nagar                   Tala Sandhya is an evening of Carnatic music where
                                                                                                 artistes will demonstrate different talas in music and
                                   are opening across
                                   the neighbourhood. A       on Sunday                          how they embellish a composition.
                                   recent one has opened         Want to junk your conked
                                                                                                    Hosted by Madhuradhwani and curated by ‘Ghatam’
                                   on Nachiappan Street,      out computer or dead hand-         Suresh, featuring many artistes, it is at Arkay Centre,
                                   off Kutchery Road,         phone?                             Luz. Webcast on its YouTube channel.
                                   Mylapore.                                                        Feb.20, 6.15 pm onwards.
                                       Ashok Chand who
                                   has been living in
                                   Nachiappan Street for
                                   past 30 years runs this
                                   business (seen in the
                                       It offers close to
                                   500+ Amul products
                                   across ice creams,
                                   ghee, butter, cheese,
                                   chocolates, sweets like        Well, there is a e-waste
                                   basundhi, rasmalai,        collection camp being held at
                                   rasgola, gulab jamun       R. K. Nagar in R. A. Puram on
                                   and kaju katli, biscuits   Feb 21, 8 am to 1 pm.
                                   and cookies, flavoured         Hosted by the R K Nagar
                                   milks, creams, butter-     community body, it is handled
                                   milk and lassi.            by World Scrap Recycling Solu-
    The store is open from 10 am to 10 pm on all days.        tions. Its van will be parked
Bulk orders undertaken. For more details contact              here to collect your e-waste for
Ashok Chand on 9940563528.                                    free.
    Elsewhere, the promoters of Dina Colour Lab in                At Thiruveedhi Amman Koil
Abiramapuram opened the latest of their Amul stores           Street, opposite Ananya Flats.
( they run a few in the city) at the Chennai Corpora-             The local community body
tion complex in R. A. Puram.                                  says that this company is will-
                                                              ing to organise such camps in
                                                              any neigbourhood where the
Animal Welfare Board of India                                 colony’s association lends a
awards Chinny Krishna

   Dr S. Chinny Krishna, co-founder of Blue Cross of
India was recently decorated with the Prani Mitra
   This award is conferred by Animal Welfare Board of
India, the statutory body of Govt. of India, for exemplary
work on animal welfare done by individuals. Krishna
who is based in Alwarpet, has been part of Blue Cross,
registered as a charitable society in October 1964.
   Blue Cross of India rescues distressed street animals
and provides them free treatment in its hospital-cum-
shelter at No.72, Velachery Road, Guindy, Chennai-32.
10                                                              MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                  Feb 20 - 26, 2021

                                    15 years of
                                                                                                                               Sticking to the
 By S. Prabhu
                                                                                                                               Mikeless Concept
                                                                                                                                   Even for the music
     It was on the first
                                                                                                                               teachers, each of the
 Sunday of February

                                    ‘mikeless’ concerts
                                                                                                                               concerts in that early
 2006, some 15 years
                                                                                                                               phase was a first time
 ago that T. T. Srini-
                                                                                                                               experience and they had
 vasaraghavan, MD,
                                                                                                                               to prepare their students
 Sundaram Finance
 Ltd., launched the
                                                                                                                                   Initially, there was
 open air, no-mikes
                                                                                                                               pressure from the audi-
 no-speakers ‘Sunday
                                                                                                                               ence to get the host to
 Kutcheri in the Park’
                                                                                                                               use mikes and speakers
 at 6.30am at the
                                                                                                                               for the concert but
 Chess Square of the
                                                                                                                               Srinivasaraghavan was
 Nageswara Rao Park
                                                                                                                               firm that this would
 in Luz.
                                                                                                                               remain a ‘mikeless’
     Since then the
 Sunday ‘mikeless’
                                                                                                                                   He recalls,“We did
 kutcheri have been
                                                                                                                               not want to disturb the
 organised without a
                                                                                                                               peace of the morning
 break every first
                                                                                                                               walkers with loud music.
 Sunday of the month
                                                                                                                               We have to be conscious
 for an hour in the
                                                                                                                               and mindful of the fact
 morning till March of
 last year when COVID                                                                                                          that we operate in a
 restrictions led to a                                                                                                         public place. It would be
 break that has now                                                                                                            presumptuous on our
 extended to a year.                                                                                                           part to assume that all
     Around 1400 music                                                                                                         of them are lovers of
 students / artistes aged                                                                                                      Carnatic music.”
 below 15 years have                                                                                                               Being an open-air
 presented the mikeless                                                                                                        kutcheri, amidst the
 concerts.                                                                                                                     rustling of leaves and
                                                                                                                               chirping of birds, the
 How it all started                                                                                                            belief was that it would
 Interestingly, it was                                                                                                         be able to bring out the
 the spirit of the annu-                                                                                                       best in the children if
 al Sundaram Finance                                                                                                           they performed without
 Mylapore Festival that             2                                                                                          the help of mikes and
 led to the spin-off                                                                                                           speakers. The mikeless
 of the Kutcheri in               1. The first concert in the park; by students from Vishwa Vidyalaya, Vandalur,               aspect later got much
 the Park.                        2. Sundaram Finance managing director T T Srinivasaraghavan presenting                       appreciation.
     Concerts in the                 mementos to Vishwa Vidyalaya staff at the 10th year concert
                                                                                                                                   In 2016, Limca Book
 park had been organ-                                                                                                          of Records featured
 ised previously, once      kutcheri way back on              both academically and                of the very first concert   The monthly Sunday
 a year, as part of the     the first Sunday of               in music.”                           narrated as to how they     Kutcheri in the Park as
 annual festival held       February 2006.                       He says the park                  started in a van at         a National Record for
 at many venues in              “It was by a group of         event has been a nice                5 a.m. that morning         the longest running
 and around Sri Kapali      students from Vishwa              platform for youth to                from Vandalur to reach      non-commercial open air
 Temple, Mylapore.          Vidyalaya, Vandalur,              showcase their talent.               Nageswara Rao Park by       musical programme for
     The park users sug-    a school run by two               “We wanted to bring in               6 a.m., a good half hour    children.
 gested that Sundaram       ladies. Many of these             an informal atmosphere               before the scheduled
                                                                                                                                   Hopefully, as pan-
 Finance should look at     students were children            and encourage the                    time of the kutcheri.
 hosting concerts more                                                                                                         demic conditions get
                            of farmers and labour-            children to display their                Under the watchful
 frequently and not                                                                                                            down to near normal,
                            ers, none of whom had             natural ability without              eyes of headmistress
 restrict it to just once                                                                                                      this unique cultural
                            ever had the benefit              really being under the               Mala and vice principal
 a year.                                                      pressure of ‘formal’                 Vasumathi, another set      event will resume again
                            of a school education.
     The first Kutcheri                                       performance,” he adds.               of students from the        in the park.
                            Their performance that
 in the Park has an         morning would rank to                                                  same school came to
 interesting background     this day as one of the            An Exciting                          present on the occasion      SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE
 to it. Srinivasara-        best. We heard that               Experience.                          to celebrate the            of this park series.
 ghavan recalls the         they have gone on to              At the end of the                    completion of the           Mail to -
 students from that         achieve bigger laurels,           kutcheri, the students               10th year.        
Feb 20 - 26, 2021                                                    MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                  11
MTC restarts issue of free tickets                                                                     MYLAPORE TIMES
for seniors. At Mandaveli terminus.                                                                      CONTACTS
                                                                                                   l For Advertising / office 24982244
By Our Staff Reporter
                                                                                                   l For Editorial 24660269
    If you are a senior citizen who                                                                l For WhatsApp 9445764499
has made the best of the free bus
tickets that MTC offers then this is
for you.
    MTC has restarted its service
from Feb 15 morning after a long
break due to the pandemic.
    A long queue snaked to the coun-
ter at the Mandaveli MTC bus ter-
minus on Monday as people – men
and women – sought to get their
tickets – 10 per month and given for
6 months on production of the MTC
card which is also issued here.

 1. Applicant should be 60 years of age.                  Documents needed -
 2. Applicable for those living in Chennai city limits.   Ration Card for address
 3. To get the Senior Citizen tokens only from            proof, Aadhar Card for age proof
 nearby depot/ terminus only, provide address proof.      and two passport size photos.

Ash Wednesday in pandemic time . . .
   This was a simple, symbolic event in the church but it still reminded people that the pan-
demic is with us and we must follow some precautions.
   Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Lenten season that Christians follow at this time of
the year was observed in all local churches.
                                                                        At Our Lady of Visita-
                                                                    tion Church on St Mary’s
                                                                    Road, the priest asked the
                                                                    faithful to present small
                                                                    packets of ash provided for
                                                                    them at the entrance and
                                                                    blessed them and asked
                                                                    people to apply the ash on
                                                                    their foreheads.
                                                                        Normally, the priest
                                                                    applies the ash. But now,
                                                                    the person-to-person con-
                                                                    tact was avoided.
                                                                        The ash is created
                                                                    from burning palms used
                                                                    symbolically at the Palm
                                                                    Sunday service in churches
                                                                    ( a Sunday that leads the
                                                                    Holy Week.)

Trust working for women, children
celebrates first anniversary
By Juliana Sridhar                              of the founders of the Trust by unveiling a
                                                painting. Some public awareness videos cre-
    PENN (Protection & Empowerment              ated by the Trust were screened.
of Naree), a registered Trust, based in
Mylapore, formed to prevent sexual violence
                                                    PENN was formed by a group of profes-
                                                sionals. The founders are V. S. Sridhar, a
                                                                                                  Indian Montessori Training
against women and children, celebrated its      senior corporate executive; late Sreeram,              Courses-Chennai
first anniversary.                              Krav Maga trainer and actor; Sriram
    The event was held on Feb 13 at a           Sharma, theatre director, music composer,         Montessori Teacher Training since 1998
                                                                                                    46th Montessori Primary
city hotel.                                     playwright and lyricist; Anand, a technocrat
                                                                  and Swarnalatha Mahesh,
                                                                      The Trust says it has         Teacher Training Course
                                                                  held a number of public
                                                                  awareness programmes and                ONE-YEAR COURSE
                                                                  this year, it intends to con-
                                                                  duct seminars and webinars,
                                                                                                        DIPLOMA AWARDED by
                                                                  to connect with educational      Indian Montessori Centre, Bengaluru
                                                                  institutions and to conduct
                                                                  self- defence workshops for           Date of commencement :
                                                                      For International Wom-
                                                                                                          Friday 5 March 2021
                                                                  en’s Day, PENN has lined up     Directors - Uma Shanker & Shobhana Vaidyanathan
                                                                  events and competitions. One
   The chief guests for the event were Seema    is an art competition titled ‘Sketch a Solu-      Habib Complex, 5 Durgabai Deshmukh Road, Chennai 600 028
Agarwal, IPS (Addl. Director General of         tion’ for the age group 15 – 25 years and the                      For further details contact
Police, Prevention of Crimes Against Women      other is a short film competition titled ‘Voice   9940164929, 9444936263, 9444666816
and Children) and Carnatic vocalist and         of Women’ for the age group 18 – 30 years.              e.mail:
playback singer P. Unnikrishnan.                    To get more details on these competitions,
   The event honoured late S. Sreeram, one      you can log on to
Regd. with Registrar of Newspapers of India 65779/95

12                                                                       MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                   Feb 20 - 26, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                     File photo

                                                                                                            Panguni fest at
                                                                                                            Sri Kapali Temple: lagna pathrikai
                                                                                                            event on Feb 22
                                                                                                                The annual Panguni festival of Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple
                                                                                                            will be held this year.
                                                                                                                Arrangements have been made for the lagna pathrikai
                                                                                                            event where the celebration is formally narrated; this event
    A group of Carnatic music artistes paid a musical tribute at the annual Thyagaraja                      will be held on Feb 22 evening inside the temple.
                                                                                                                The kodiyetram is on March 19 and the rest of the events
aradhana held on Feb 7 evening in R. A.Puram.
                                                                                                            will follow. Though the schedule has been doing the rounds
    The composer’s Pancharathna kritis were rendered to commemorate the samadhi of                          on WhatsApp, temple executives say that it will be formally
this saint-composer.                                                                                        released on Monday, as per normal tradition.
    The event was held at Shri Sidhi Budhi Sametha Karpaga Vinayaka Temple hall,                                The staff also said that the state may not impose any
2nd Cross Street, R. A. Puram.                                                                              restrictions since devotees will be moving in and out of the
                                                                                                            temple and this is not a mass gathering. SOPs will be in force

                                                                         94457 64499

Archbishop unveils ‘God the Father’
portrait at cathedral
    The image of God the Father, considered by Catholics
‘the Trinity in one God’ was installed at the St. Thomas
Cathedral in San Thome on Sunday, Feb 7.
    The event took place during the evening Holy Mass,
with archbishop Rev. George Antonysamy participating and
celebrating the Mass.
    This event was curated by a prayer group in

                  Published and owned by Vincent D’Souza. Publishing address - 16, 7th Cross St., Sastri Nagar, Adyar, Chennai - 20. Editor : Vincent D’Souza
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