Page created by Chester James
Department of Agriculture,
Water and the Environment

                             INNOVATION POLICY
                             October 2021
National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                              National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement


© Commonwealth of Australia 2021

Ownership of intellectual property rights
Unless otherwise noted, copyright (and any other intellectual property rights) in
this publication is owned by the Commonwealth of Australia (referred to as the      This national agricultural innovation policy        The digital platform is growAG – where the
Commonwealth).                                                                      statement is an important part of the               world can see what we are doing in research
                                                                                    Australian Government’s National Agricultural       and development. GrowAG will entice the world
All material in this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons               Innovation Agenda that I announced in               to come and invest in Australia and show we
Attribution 4.0 International Licence except content supplied by third parties,     September 2020. It takes another step in the        are ready for their investment.
logos and the Commonwealth Coat of Arms.                                            journey of modernising our research and
                                                                                                                                        The eight Innovation Hubs are our physical
                                                                                    development system.
                                                                                                                                        platform and there are over 40 locations
Inquiries about the licence and any use of this document should be emailed to       A world class agricultural innovation system        across Australia. They provide a ‘shop                                                               is an Australian Government priority and a          front’ where farmers, industries, RDCs and
                                                                                    key pillar in Delivering Ag2030 that supports       agribusiness can connect to researchers and
                                                                                    the industry’s target of $100 billion sector by     experts. There is a lot of good research being
                                                                                    2030. Our job is to put the environment and         done and the Innovation Hubs will focus on
                                                                                    framework around our researchers, farmers,          translating research for our farmers and
Cataloguing data                                                                    fishers, and foresters and let them do what         provide an avenue for them to be part of the
                                                                                    they do best.                                       co-design process – aligning research effort
This publication (and any material sourced from it) should be attributed as:
                                                                                                                                        with what is needed on the ground. These
DAWE 2021, National agricultural innovation policy statement, Department of         Agriculture Innovation Australia (AIA) is an
                                                                                                                                        Innovation Hubs will also provide a place
Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Canberra, August. CC BY 4.0.                exciting new vehicle to drive a cross-industry
                                                                                                                                        where our best and brightest of regional and
                                                                                    approach to innovation and harness the power
                                                                                                                                        rural Australia can be part of agriculture.
ISBN 978-1-76003-437-5                                                              of all 15 rural Research and Development
                                                                                    Corporations (RDCs). AIA is not only about          If we are going to grow Australian agriculture
This publication is available at                             the RDCs but will work with the private             to $100 billion, we must be able to assist
                                                                                    sector to attract investment and bring in           our farmers to adopt the latest research and
                                                                                    new perspectives and players to agricultural        technology. Innovation will drive productivity,
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment                                innovation. That is why the Australian              meaning more dollars in the pockets of our
GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601                                                       Government committed $2.8 million to AIA to         farmers and stronger regional communities.
Telephone 1800 900 090                                                              develop investment prospectuses.
                                                                                    These investment prospectuses will have
Disclaimer                                                                          a focus on four priority areas – exporting
                                                                                    agricultural products, championing climate
The Australian Government acting through the Department of Agriculture,             resilience, biosecurity, and digital agriculture.   The Hon. David Littleproud MP
Water and the Environment has exercised due care and skill in preparing and         The four priorities will also provide a way for     Minister for Agriculture and
compiling the information and data in this publication. Notwithstanding, the        all innovation participants to collaborate.         Northern Australia
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, its employees and
advisers disclaim all liability, including liability for negligence and for any     Key to driving innovation has been to develop
loss, damage, injury, expense or cost incurred by any person as a result of         a digital platform and a physical platform.
accessing, using or relying on any of the information or data in this publication
to the maximum extent permitted by law.

01 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                              National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 02
TABLE OF                                                                  National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement


    Growing importance of agricultural innovation                    05

    Our vision for Australia’s agricultural future                   07

    National agricultural innovation priorities that will guide us   09

    Agricultural reforms: what we are already achieving              11

    Agricultural reforms: what we still need to undertake            17

    Key participants in the agricultural innovation system           19

    Monitoring and evaluation of our success                         21

    Attachments:            Agricultural Innovation Priorities       23
    			                     Previous reviews                         27

03 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                     National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 04

Innovation plays a crucial role in primary production and                                               Even so, agricultural industries are                                          productivity growth of 0.6% per year           drive efficiencies and greater uptake
                                                                                                        still being challenged by factors                                             in the 15 years to 2019-20. This is            of our innovation efforts.
the post-farm supply chain of Australia’s agricultural                                                  such as increasing international                                              significantly slower than the average of
system. It is through continued investment into                                                         competition, resource limitations,                                            3.6% per year from 1989-90 to 2004-05.         To enable this, the innovation system
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     needs to effectively allocate and
Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) that                                                         technological disruption, climate
                                                                                                                                                                                      RD&E is needed to help Australian              encourage public and private RD&E
                                                                                                        variability, increasingly complex supply
Australia has been able to establish itself as a major                                                  chains, threats from pests and disease,                                       agriculture overcome these cross-              investment so that the technology and
contributor to global food and fibre production. Now,                                                   and water scarcity.                                                           sectoral challenges and assist the             tools are available for our farmers to
                                                                                                                                                                                      industry in meeting its target of $100         continue to produce the best food and
with agricultural industries facing unprecedented                                                       This has caused productivity growth                                           billion in output value by 2030. To            fibre in the world.
changes, innovation has never been more important.                                                      in Australian agriculture to become                                           ensure that investment is effective
                                                                                                        sluggish in recent years. Figures from                                        we need to drive the greatest returns,
                                                                                                        ABARES has shown average annual                                               improve transparency of outcomes and
For the past four decades our
sector has benefitted from public-
private research partnerships, most                                                                                                                                              1989–90 to 2004–05 | 3.6% per year                   2005–06 to 2019–20 0.6% per year
notably through commodity-based                                                                          Agriculture, Forestry
                                                                                                         and Fishing MFP Index
Rural Research and Development                                                                           (1989–90 to 2019–20)                               130
Corporations (RDCs). The CSIRO,
universities, Cooperative Research
Centres, state and territory                                                                1            Figures from ABARES
                                                                                                         average annual

                                                                                                                                   MFP Index, 2018-19=100
                                                                       1 = 10 1
                                                                                                         productivity growth was                            110
government research agencies                 More than                                                   0.6% per year in the 15

and private sector entities have also                                                                    years to 2019–20. This                             100
made significant contributions to                                                                        is significantly slower
                                                                                                         than the average of                                 90
agricultural innovation.
                                             Australian agricultural   $1 of public    $12 benefit       3.6% per year from
                                                                                                         1989–90 to 2004–05.
Research from the Australian                 productivity growth has   investment in   for Australian
Bureau of Agricultural and Resource          been attributable to      agricultural    farmers within
Economics and Sciences (ABARES)              RD&E investments.         RD&E            10 years                                                              60
has shown that investment in RD&E                                                                                                                            50
pays productivity dividends. More









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than half of Australian agricultural


























































productivity growth has been

                                                                                                                                                            Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
attributable to RD&E investments.

05 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                                                                                                National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 06
OUR VISION FOR AUSTRALIA’S                                                                                                    Our vision for Australia’s agricultural future


                                                         We are providing national leadership and driving improvements by targeting five
       To be a strong, vibrant and                       pillars of reform through the National Agricultural Innovation Agenda
       collaborative agricultural sector
                                                                        01                       02                      03                       04                       05
       where our producers are empowered                 Strengthening          Improving the balance    Embedding                 Empowering our         Creating a next
                                                         leadership, cohesion   of funding and           world-class               regions to achieve     generation innovation
       to adopt the latest science, technology           and culture
                                                         through clear
                                                                                investment to deliver
                                                                                both incremental
                                                                                                         innovation practices
                                                                                                         through greater
                                                                                                                                   greater uptake of
                                                                                                                                                          platform by improving
                                                                                                                                                          the foundations

       and tools. This will improve how they             strategic direction
                                                         and increased
                                                                                and transformational
                                                                                innovation, and
                                                                                                         transparency and
                                                                                                                                                          of agricultural
                                                         collaboration          growing private sector                                                    including data and
       operate, making our food and                                             and international
                                                                                                                                                          regulatory settings

       fibre systems more competitive,
       prosperous and sustainable.
                                                         The policy statement provides accountability and transparency to achieve this vision

                                                         Detailing new National                   Setting out how we will deliver          Providing guidance on the
                                                         Agricultural Innovation                  and monitor implementation               system through its many
                                                         Priorities to drive collaboration        of the National Agricultural             participants, organisations
                                                         and focus investment                     Innovation Agenda                        and structures

                                                              How we will know we
                                                              have achieved our vision

                                                                                More farmers, industries
                                                                                and businesses adopt                                         Private and foreign
                                                                                research outcomes,                                           investment in Australian
                                                                                including through                                            research and agricultural
                                                                                faster commercialisation                                     technology development
                                                                                of products                                                  increases

                                                                                Rural research and                                           Collaboration across
                                                                                development investments                                      the agricultural innovation
                                                                                are optimised, maximising                                    system is improved
                                                                                productivity improvements                                    and results across the
                                                                                and ensuring the long-term                                   innovation sector are
                                                                                prosperity of the Australian                                 maximised
                                                                                agriculture sector

07 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                     National
                                                                                                                                                                   Statement | 08
NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL                                                                                                      National Agricultural Innovation Priorities that will guide us

  INNOVATION PRIORITIES THAT                                           Australia by 2030
  WILL GUIDE US                                                        PRIORITY 1                                                     PRIORITY 2

  We have established four
  ambitious targeted priorities                                         Trusted exporter of premium food and                           Champion of climate resilience to
                                                                        agricultural products                                          increase the productivity, profitability and
  based on the key challenges                                                                                                          sustainability of the agricultural sector

  Australia’s agricultural                                              This will:                                                      This will:

  innovation system needs to                                            Amplify Australia’s reputation as a trusted exporter of
                                                                        high-quality products
                                                                                                                                        Protect and enhance our natural capital assets (for
                                                                                                                                        example, water and soil health)
  address by 2030.                                                      Deliver greater returns to farmers and processors and           Expand the use of varietals and genetics that thrive
                                                                        increase the value-add to products                              under future climate scenarios
  They will help to align efforts, enable Australian agriculture to     Protect our food and agricultural products through              Improve efficiencies along the value chain to increase
  embrace strategic opportunities, and set a stronger culture that      adoption of enhanced biosecurity and technology                 profitability and productivity, and reduce emissions
  supports and encourages effective collaboration and action to
                                                                        Provide market and consumers confidence in the                  Improve the ability of the sector to respond to external
  address innovation for the public good.                               provenance, quality and safety of Australian products           factors (for example, climate, technology disruptions,
                                                                                                                                        current and future pandemics, and trade requirements
  Our targeted priorities replace the National Rural Research,          Enable value-add to Australian agricultural                     or disruptions), including by utilising new technologies
  Development and Extension Priorities established through              commodities and ingredients on-shore.                           and tools
  the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper. The priorities
                                                                                                                                        Increase on-farm resilience by improving management
  acknowledge stakeholder feedback to keep them specific and                                                                            practices and skills and diversifying income streams.
  targeted to drive investment.
  Through the priorities, there is an opportunity to grow the total
                                                                       PRIORITY 3                                                     PRIORITY 4
  funding pool through new collaboration, engagement of non-
  traditional participants and greater private sector participation
  to drive increased efficiency and greater impact of innovation
  on farms. A positive outcome of this is an innovation culture
  that is more dynamic, encourages entrepreneurship and a more
  open approach to risk taking. This will better position our future    World leader in preventing and rapidly                         Mature adopter, developer and exporter
  agricultural innovation system within the global landscape and        responding to significant pests and                            of digital agriculture
  lead to improved outcomes for farmers.                                diseases through future-proofing our
                                                                        biosecurity system
     The four new National Agricultural Innovation Priorities
     provide a way for all innovation participants to collaborate       This will:                                                     This will:
     to achieve a more profitable, productive and sustainable           Accelerate efforts to create a strong, future-oriented         Mean having the people, skills, systems, data, digital
     agricultural industry.                                             and efficient national biosecurity system                      technology and connectivity to deliver a productivity
                                                                        Roll out advancements in detection technologies and
                                                                        capabilities including on-farm and in supply chains            Mean becoming a leading developer and exporter
                                                                                                                                       of agritech
                                                                        Enhance on-farm biosecurity practices, product
                                                                        traceability and supply chain integration                      Reduce the barriers to the digitalisation of Australian
                                                                        Expand biosecurity assurance arrangements,
                                                                        intelligence, research and data sourcing and sharing           Drive the adoption of digital agricultural solutions
                                                                                                                                       available to end-users across the agricultural industry
                                                                        Generate greater shared responsibility through
                                                                        improved awareness and understanding                           Grow the value of Australian food and fibre through
                                                                                                                                       innovation and technology adoption.
                                                                        Lift national preparedness, response and resilience to
                                                                        significant pests and diseases.

09 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                       National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 1010
AGRICULTURAL REFORMS:                                                                                                            Agricultural reforms: what we are already achieving


               It’s important to acknowledge the
               significant progress that we have
               made together in maintaining
               innovation in agriculture.

                                                                                            ESTABLISHMENT OF AGRICULTURAL
                                                                                            INNOVATION AUSTRALIA (AIA)
                Established Agricultural                 Increasing the accountability
                Innovation Australia to                  and transparency                   A core component of the innovation agenda has been the
                facilitate joint investment              requirements of the RDCs           establishment of AIA – a not-for-profit, public company
                and collaboration in cross-              to ensure they remain
                industry agricultural issues             consistent and adaptive to         established by the 15 RDC’s in 2020.
                of national importance                   the needs of stakeholders          Its aim is to facilitate joint investment and collaboration in cross-industry
                                                                                            agricultural issues of national importance.
                                                                                            The establishment of AIA is evidence of the significant need to shift
                                                                                            investment toward transformational and cross-sectoral outcomes, increase
                                                                                            flexibility of investment across the system and encourage new collaborations
                                                                                            and global partnerships.
                                                                                            AIA will identify, develop and invest in strategies that address shared
                Supported the development                Extended and supported the         challenges. It will also seek out opportunities to deliver outcomes that drive
                of R&D outcomes platforms                adoption of new knowledge and      sustainability, productivity and profitability across Australian agricultural
                to attract investment and                technology (generated through      value chains.
                commercialisation partners               R&D) to farmers and other end
                from Australia’s private                 users by establishing Innovation
                sector and around the world              Hubs across Australia               AIA attracts investment from public, private, not-for-profit and global
                                                                                             commercial entities to deliver agricultural innovation initiatives.

11 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                     National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 12
Agricultural reforms: what we are already achieving                                                                                                Agricultural reforms: what we are already achieving

                                                                                                                  EXTENSION OF KNOWLEDGE AND
                                                                                                                  TECHNOLOGY TO FARMERS AND END USERS
      Our Rural Research and Development                      To shift the balance from monitoring compliance
                                                              towards demonstrating outcomes from                 For knowledge and technology to achieve the best results,
      Corporations model is unique and                        RDC investment, there are five interlinked          research outcomes must be extended to and adopted by
      held in high regard both in Australia                   performance principles:                             farmers and other end users.
      and overseas.
      It offers industry an opportunity to invest
                                                              01   Stakeholder engagement: engage
                                                                   stakeholders to identify RD&E priorities
                                                                                                                  However, the main challenge preventing this in the past has been a complex
                                                                                                                  extension model (i.e. system of communication channels) for private consultants,
      through levy collections and is matched by                   and activities that provide benefits to        agribusiness and input suppliers, and local grower groups to communicate and
      government funding, which the government                     portfolio industries.                          share information.
      intends to continue.
      The commodity-focus of Australia’s rural sector,
                                                              02   Research, Development and Extension
                                                                   activities: ensure RD&E priorities and
                                                                                                                  This is why in April 2021 we invested $66 million from the Future Drought Fund
                                                                                                                  in Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hubs to simplify and enable the
      reflected in industry structures and the RDC                 activities are strategic, collaborative        free flowing exchange of information.
      system, is a source of strength. It means that               and targeted to improve profitability,
      many challenges and issues can be tackled                    productivity, competitiveness and              The eight Innovation Hubs are located in regional areas that reflect the key
      at the right level and with the highest chance               preparedness for future opportunities and      agricultural and climate zones. Their collective aim is to bring together farmers,
      of success. But the commodity arrangements                   challenges through a balanced portfolio.       industry, agribusiness and communities so that they can connect with drought
      also bring trade-offs – it can be more difficult                                                            resilience expertise and contribute to the design of innovative technologies
      to align strategy, resources and activity across        03   Collaboration: undertake strategic and
                                                                   sustained cross-industry and cross-
                                                                                                                  and practices. Each hub includes nodes throughout their region, providing an
      multiple organisations, and it is difficult to assess                                                       Australia wide footprint of over 40 locations for delivery of support.
      the impact of the collective. In the absence of a            sectoral collaboration that addresses
                                                                   shared challenges and draws on experience      Each hub has been designed to respond to the specific needs and conditions of
      strong collaborative culture, the commodity focus
                                                                   from other sectors.                            its region and are tasked with translating research into impact through a focus
      placed less emphasis on the large scale, cross
                                                                                                                  on development, extension, adoption and commercialisation. In doing so,
      cutting and transformational issues.
                                                              04   Governance: governance arrangements and
                                                                   practices to fulfil legislative requirements
                                                                                                                  they enable better leveraging of existing tools and initiatives across government
      To ensure the RDCs continue to succeed into the                                                             and industry.
      future and demonstrate value to the levy payer               and align with contemporary Australian
                                                                   best practice for open, transparent, and       In addition to drought, the Innovation Hubs strive to ensure agricultural
      and tax payer, the government is increasing
                                                                   proper use and management of funds.            research is useful and accessible to create greater impact and opportunities
      stakeholder transparency, removing duplication
                                                                                                                  to commercialise R&D. Many of the RDCs are or will be key partners of the
      and driving commercialisation by working
      with the RDCs and industry to put in place an           05   Monitoring and Evaluation: demonstrate
                                                                   positive outcomes and delivery of RD&E
                                                                                                                  Innovation Hubs to collaborate with regional networks.
      accountability framework.                                    benefits to Levy Payers and the Australian
      We will work with the RDCs and industry                      community in general, and continuous            We have committed to Innovation Hubs that
      organisations to develop three products:                     improvement in governance and                   broaden the activities that will deliver outcomes for
                                                                   administrative efficiency.
      • Guidelines for mandatory statutory funding
                                                                                                                   agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries, in addition to
        agreements that will have KPIs against the five                                                            delivering outcomes for drought resilience from the
        principles for increased commercialisation                                                                 Future Drought Fund investment.
      • Best practice guide to stakeholder engagement                                                              An additional $20 million has been provided to
      • Best practice guide to commercialisation                                                                   expand them into Innovation Hubs.

                                                                                                                   To support grassroots activities, our Drought Resilience Innovation Grants are
                                                                                                                   available to many innovation organisations, the private sector, industry, not-for-
                                                                                                                   profit organisations and community groups to develop drought resilience projects
                                                                                                                   to assist farmers and communities to adapt and transform. The Future Drought
                                                                                                                   Fund has allocated $34.2 million for Drought Resilience Innovation Grants. They
                                                                                                                   are available to support development, extension, adoption and/or early stage
                                                                                                                   commercialisation activities.

13 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                                     National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 14
Agricultural reforms: what we are already achieving                                                                                                                                     Agricultural reforms: what we are already achieving

                                                                                                                                    Case Study | growAG Bringing commercialisation of R&D to the world

                                                                                                                                   Australia’s 15 Rural Research &                       As more insects are developing resistance to
                                                                                                                                                                                         traditional insecticides, Australian farmers need
                                                                                                                                   Development Corporations, led                         more weapons in their arsenal to control pests
                                                                                                                                   by Agrifutures, and the Australian                    effectively. The project set out to harness the
                                                                                                                                   Government have joined forces to                      “natural enemies” of insect pests by encouraging
                                                                                                                                   create growAG, the gateway                            beneficial insects to establish, and to develop
                                                                                                                                                                                         biological controls that could be deployed
                                                                                                                                   to Australia’s agrifood                               together with chemical solutions.
                                                                                                                                   innovation system.
                                                                                                                                                                                         The products developed by the project, based on
                                                                                                                                   grow is a free, easy-to-use, single source
                                                                                                                                        AG                                               fungal isolates and plant extracts, help to control
                                                                                                                                   of information for investors, corporates,             a range of pests across all stages of life while
                                                                                                                                   startups, researchers, industry, government           allowing beneficial insects to remain. Within the
                                                                                                                                   and universities from Australia and around the        first month of being listed on the growAG platform,
                                                                                                    photo attribution: Ben White
                                                                                                                                   world. It allows them to locate information and       NSW DPI and CRDC received 13 enquiries from
                                                                                                                                   opportunities to deliver innovation back to the       partners interested in commercialising this
                                                                                                                                   farm and the food supply-chain, ensuring our          technology. While they had previously had trouble
                                                                                                                                   excellent agricultural research translates to real    finding investment through more traditional
                                                                                                                                   benefits for our farmers.                             means, the increased interest generated by
                                                                                                                                                                                         growAG meant the group was forced to close
                   DEVELOPMENT OF R&D OUTCOMES PLATFORMS                                                                           Launched in April 2021, growAG has already            expressions of interest earlier than expected.
                                                                                                                                   hosted over 2000 research projects and over
                                                                                                                                   40 commercialisation opportunities. One
                   Digital platforms act as innovation marketplaces for RDCs,                                                      such opportunity was to commercialise novel
                                                                                                                                   biological controls for insect pests developed
                   research organisations and inventors to list and provide                                                        by the NSW Department of Primary Industries
                   detail on technologies that can attract investment and                                                          (DPI) in partnership with Cotton Research and
                   commercialisation partners from around the world.                                                               Development Corporation (CRDC).

                   They work to attract overall greater investment in innovation from Australia’s
                   private sector, accelerate the commercialisation of agrifood technologies by
                   enabling users to see opportunities in Australia, New Zealand and the
                   Asia-Pacific region, and provide further transparency of RDC RD&E projects.

                     The growAG case study provides an example of a game-changing online
                     platform that has successfully showcased our world leading agricultural
                     research, unique technologies and commercialisation opportunities
                     to the world (see next page for more detail).
                     It has expanded over time to include:

                                research projects.
                                                                          for investors

15 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                                                                        National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 16
AGRICULTURAL REFORMS: WHAT                                                                                                                                                 Agricultural reforms: what we still need to undertake


We are continuing to build on the
great work that has been done.

We have provided $2.8 million to AIA                     The Digital Foundations for Agriculture                    We are supporting industry to improve the                  We are helping the Innovation Hubs to
for the development of investment                        Strategy is being created and will                         sharing of data across the agriculture and                 grow and support producers.
prospectuses to support the delivery                     form part of the National Agricultural                     food supply chain, through the Australian                  This support includes:
of the four National Agricultural                        Innovation Agenda.                                         AgriFood Data Exchange project led by
                                                                                                                                                                                - $4m for priority projects, including
Innovation Priorities.                                                                                              Integrity Systems (a subsidiary of Meat                       opportunities for the regional hubs to collaborate
                                                         In particular, it will align with the fourth new
                                                         innovation priority.
                                                                                                                    and Livestock Australia).                                     as a national network
The prospectuses will identify areas where public
and private investment should be focused – seeking                                                                  The Australian AgriFood Data Exchange will create           - $9m to enable the hubs to employ adoption officers
                                                         The strategy will unify stakeholders across
out opportunities to deliver outcomes that drive                                                                    an interconnected data highway for Australia’s                as part of the “shopfront” service provided to farmers
                                                         government, research, business and industry to work
sustainability, productivity and profitability across                                                               agrifood value chain. The data exchange will allow the        and others
                                                         together to realise the benefits of digital agriculture.
Australian agricultural value chains. The prospectuses                                                              timely and permissioned exchange of data between
will be open for investment by governments, RDCs and     The strategy will help drive the widespread adoption of    participants across the agriculture and food                - The development of a drought resilience research
the private sector.                                      digital technologies to increase productivity, economic    supply chain.                                                 and adoption investment plan, to provide a national
                                                         growth, sustainability and long-term resilience of                                                                       perspective on priorities and gaps
                                                                                                                    This will allow for an initial testing phase to help
                                                         the agricultural industry and its related value chains.                                                                - A digital platform, and annual science to practice
                                                                                                                    demonstrate the value of data sharing, identify
                                                         This strategy is specific to the agricultural, fisheries                                                                 forums, to capture and disseminate knowledge
                                                                                                                    areas for improvement and business case
                                                         and forestry sector. Broader work to deliver a modern                                                                    generated through the hubs.
                                                                                                                    development, before the full Australian AgriFood
                                                         digital economy is outlined in Australia’s Digital
                                                                                                                    Data Exchange is established.
                                                         Economy Strategy. It maps the course for Australia to
                                                         become a leading digital economy and society by 2030.

17 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                                                               National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 18
KEY PARTICIPANTS                                                                                                Key participants in the agricultural innovation system

  INNOVATION SYSTEM                                         The key participants in the agricultural innovation system are:

                                                                 Rural Research and Development                            Agricultural Innovation Australia (AIA):
                                                                 Corporations (RDCs): RDCs have helped drive               it is a not-for-profit, public company established
  The Australian                                                 agricultural innovation since 1989. They allow
                                                                 Australian governments and primary producers
                                                                                                                           to facilitate joint investment and collaboration
                                                                                                                           in cross-industry agricultural issues of
  Agricultural Innovation                                        to co-invest in R&D to benefit industry and
                                                                 regional communities. Currently, there are 15
                                                                                                                           national importance. AIA attracts investment
                                                                                                                           from public, private, not-for-profit and global
  system consists of                                             RDCs that are funded through R&D grower levy
                                                                 payments and Commonwealth Government
                                                                                                                           commercial entities to deliver agricultural
                                                                                                                           innovation initiatives.
  numerous organisations                                         funding arrangements.
                                                                                                                           Governments across Australia: the state,
                                                                 Innovation Hubs: our Innovation Hubs are                  territory and commonwealth governments
  with diverse roles and                                         the new focal point to help farmers and rural             support agricultural innovation through a range
                                                                 and regional communities build drought                    of policies and programs aimed at building the
  responsibilities.                                              resilience and other agricultural outcomes                capacity of agricultural industries.
                                                                 through investment into collaborative research,
                                                                 development, extension, adoption and                      Farming system groups: work is often a
  End users of agricultural innovation are typically                                                                       farmer–scientist partnership, with research
  participants within the agricultural value chain.              commercialisation activities.
                                                                                                                           mainly conducted at the farm scale. The
  Innovation extends to the education and finance                Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research               groups are farmer-driven, often non-profit
  sectors, as human and financial capital act as                 Organisation (CSIRO): the national science                organisations focusing on improving outcomes
  important inputs for innovation.                               agency tasked to undertake research for the               and sharing ideas across the group. Many
  Participants in the innovation system traditionally            betterment of the Australian community.                   groups operate at a regional scale where
  work together through funding programs focused                 CSIRO works with industry, government and                 common commodities are produced.
  on areas of common interest. The RDCs have long                the research community to turn science into
                                                                 solutions to address Australia’s greatest                 Agricultural value chain: this group includes
  been the cornerstone of these relationships creating                                                                     producers, processors, grower groups and
  large networks largely focussed on their relevant              challenges. Food and agriculture is a key area
                                                                 of focus for CSIRO.                                       others within the agricultural value chain.
                                                                 Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs):                      Startups and entrepreneurs, agribusiness
  Recent initiatives such as evokeAG, growAG and                                                                           and other private sector organisations:
  AIA have opened the doors for the agricultural                 our CRC program supports Australian
                                                                 industries’ ability to compete, produce and               this is a large dispersed group of innovators
  innovation sector. These provide a gateway outside                                                                       ranging from farmers to tech developers. They
  traditional channels, particularly to innovators and           partner with the research sector. Several CRCs
                                                                 are directly relevant to agriculture.                     have a strong history of innovation as a product
  investors who may not typically engage with the                                                                          of problem solving or the application of existing
  agricultural industry. We are pleased to support               Universities and other education providers:               technologies to new problems. An example of
  these initiatives as they are a significant opportunity        the 43 universities across Australia providing            an organisation within the private sector is the
  to bring new ideas and investment to agriculture.              facilities for a range of educational services and        Australian Farm Institute.
  The establishment of the Drought Resilience                    research. Topics directly relevant to agricultural
  Adoption and Innovation hubs and expansion of their            industries are researched at many of these
  focus is essential to linking existing participants and        institutions providing the basic research effort
  helping new entrants navigate the system’s many                for agricultural innovation in Australia.
  players, organisations and structures.
  These new initiatives strengthen collaboration,
  maximise results and increase the returns on the
  investments to levy payers through increasing
  the impact and commercialising the outcomes
  of R&D. They will be an important feature of the
  innovation system providing additional ways for new
  investment and ideas for our agricultural industries
  underpinning future prosperity, with benefits for
  regional and national economies, community
  and landscape.

19 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                    National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 20
   Regular monitoring and evaluation is key
   to the success of the National Agricultural
   Innovation Agenda as it will depict
   whether initiatives and investments are
   delivering on their intended outcomes.
   Crucially, it will also inform efforts by government,   The monitoring and evaluation framework is made
   research providers and investors and provide            up of three core components:
   opportunities to regularly review and adjust their
   investments and activities.                             01   an innovation baseline that measures the
                                                                innovation system’s current performance
   The Australian Government is investing $2.7 million
   to fund the collection and analysis of data that will   02   key outputs that measure efforts to improve
   form the basis of annual performance reports,                innovation
   as well as an in-depth evaluation of the National            innovation outcomes that measure the overall
   Agricultural Innovation Agenda’s success in 2024–25.
                                                                innovation system impact.


21 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                         National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 22
ATTACHMENT                                                                                                                       ATTACHMENT
  AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION PRIORITIES                                                                                               AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION PRIORITIES

  PRIORITY 1                                                                                                                       PRIORITY 2

  Trusted exporter of premium food                                                                                                 Australia will champion climate resilience
  and agricultural products                                                                                                        to increase the productivity, profitability and
                                                                                                                                   sustainability of the agricultural sector
  Areas of focus across the value chain                                                                                            Areas of focus across the value chain

  FARM GATE                 PROCESSING                  DISTRIBUTION              EXPORT AND RETAIL     CONSUMER                   FARM GATE | PROCESSING | DISTRIBUTION                                            EXPORT AND RETAIL       CONSUMER

  Whole-of-farm             Adopting technologies       Supply chain efficiency   Improve existing      Enabling transparency      Deliver new varietals, genetics and management practices that allow farmers to   Improving existing      Enabling transparency
  approach to define        and assurance systems       – getting products to     market access and     & trust as a producer of   thrive in a changing climate.                                                    market access and       & trust as a producer of
  what and how we           (including traceability     market safer, faster,     diversifying to new   differentiated products                                                                                     diversifying to new     differentiated products
  grow to create a highly   systems) to produce         cheaper.                  markets, including    aligned to consumer        Enable mixed farming systems and more diverse enterprise mixes.                  markets, including      aligned to consumer
  sought-after, premium     healthier and safer                                   by demonstrating      preferences.                                                                                                by demonstrating        preferences.
                                                                                                                                   Create more technologies, tools, systems and opportunities to assist decision
  brand globally.           agrifood products and                                 world-leading land                                                                                                                world leading land
                                                                                                                                   making, improve performance, deliver efficiencies, diversify income streams
                            capture value from our                                management / supply                                                                                                               management / supply
                                                                                                                                   and access new or premium markets.
                            international reputation.                             chain practices.                                                                                                                  chain practices
                                                                                                                                   Optimise the supply chain, including minimising waste.

                                                                                                                                   Adopt energy conserving and emissions reduction and mitigation technologies
                                                                                                                                   to reduce costs and improve efficiency across the supply chain.

                                                                                                                                   Create new and improve existing data to underpin and demonstrate performance.

  RATIONALE                                                                                                                        RATIONALE

    The value of agriculture, fisheries and forestry                 Building consumer trust will be key to competing                Australian farmers are facing increasingly frequent                Currently agriculture is responsible for around 14%
    production is forecast to reach $78.4 billion in                 with exporters who can afford to sell their products            droughts, floods, hailstorms and bushfires. Without                of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and is a key
    2021-22. Australia exports around 75% of total                   for less.                                                       further adaptation changes to our climate could                    source of methane and nitrous oxide.
    agricultural production.                                                                                                         impact agricultural productivity.
                                                                     Australia’s growth to a $100 billion sector by 2030                                                                                Agriculture has made a good contribution to date,
    Global agricultural demand is growing strongly,                  will depend on a range of factors, including growing            Farmers have responded to changes in climate and                   with emissions from cropping and grazing falling
    but export competition is also increasing.                       exports and markets. Positioning the sector as                  farm production has grown since 1990.                              by 71% over the past 3 decades. Agriculture is a
                                                                     a premier exporter of high-quality and ethically                                                                                   key player in the government’s Emissions
    Australia currently accounts for 3% of global                    produced agrigoods is one strategy.                             Technology will unlock further improvements                        Reduction Fund, with over 167 million tonnes of
    agricultural trade and ranks 12th in the world for                                                                               in production and adaptive capacity which will                     contracted abatement linked to land and agriculture
    agricultural trade.                                                                                                              maintain or enhance Australian International                       sector projects.
    Uncertain trade relationships have highlighted the                                                                                                                                                  Further opportunities exist to reduce emission,
    need for diversification and the seeking of new                                                                                  Continued investment in research, development,                     improve efficiencies and tap into diversified income
    market opportunities to maintain growth.                                                                                         extension and adoption will be essential to realise                streams through, for example, carbon capture
                                                                                                                                     these gains.                                                       and storage in trees and soil, renewable energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                        use, converting organic waste into electricity and
                                                                                                                                     Further efforts are required to understand and reduce              investing in solar and wind technologies.
                                                                                                                                     agriculture’s carbon footprint, particularly in crop and
                                                                                                                                     livestock systems.

23 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                                                                                       National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 24
ATTACHMENT                                                                                                                                             ATTACHMENT
  AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION PRIORITIES                                                                                                                     AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION PRIORITIES

  PRIORITY 3                                                                                                                                             PRIORITY 4

  Australia is a world leader in preventing and rapidly                                                                                                  Australia is a mature adopter, developer and
  responding to significant pests and diseases through                                                                                                   exporter of digital agriculture
  future-proofing our biosecurity system
  Areas of focus across the value chain                                                                                                                  Areas of focus across the value chain

  FARM GATE                      PROCESSING                    DISTRIBUTION                   EXPORT AND RETAIL             CONSUMER                     FARM GATE                                                                                                 PROCESSING | DISTRIBUTION | EXPORT AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   RETAIL | CONSUMER
  More effective offshore        World class traceability      Innovated supply chain         Strong assurance systems,     Monitoring, assurance        Leadership – Enhancing connection and coordination across the sector and setting a clear plan.
  management of biosecurity      and quality assurance         assurance systems will         supported by pest and         and traceability systems                                                                                                               Traceability assurance across the supply chain, from
  risks will protect             systems that underpin         support efforts to deliver     disease monitoring and        provide confidence to        Skills – Delivering the skills and expertise needed by both the current and future workforce.             farm-gate to consumer.
  farmers. Farmers will          confidence in the safety of   integrated product and         access to real-time           domestic and international
  have innovative tools and      Australian products while     transport tracing capability   data, will enable export      consumers, and increase      Data and Governance – Maximising data use, ensuring good data management, common data                     Demonstrating product assurance and
  systems to better manage       ensuring any biosecurity      and will enable rapid          market access and satisfy     responsiveness of the        standards, and ensuring interoperability.                                                                 characteristics in line with purchaser and consumer
  biosecurity seamlessly as      risks can effectively be      response to incursions.        consumer expectations.        system to changing                                                                                                                     values such as sustainable, clean, provenance.
  part of farm operations,       traced and managed.                                          There will be increased       consumer demands.            Opportunities and Value Proposition – Helping producers understand and realise the benefits
  and to enable early                                                                         efforts with importers                                     from digitising their businesses; ensuring appropriate and agile regulation, together with faster
  detections of pests and                                                                     and the logistics sector to                                commercialisation.
  diseases. There will be                                                                     deliver more integrated
                                                                                                                                                         Connectivity and Infrastructure – Ensuring that agricultural businesses understand their
  a culture of using and                                                                      business process
                                                                                                                                                         connectivity options and can access the infrastructure they need.
  sharing data to drive better                                                                solutions, with a focus
  decision making, driving up                                                                 on co-designing, piloting,
  productivity.                                                                               and rolling out initiatives
                                                                                              supporting faster, safe
                                                                                              clearance of products.
                                                                                              Adoption of auto-detection
                                                                                              screening technology and
                                                                                              innovative diagnostic tools
                                                                                              will enable rapid movement
                                                                                              of goods across borders
                                                                                              and better management of
                                                                                              biosecurity risks.

  RATIONALE                                                                                                                                              RATIONALE

    A robust, effective and multi-layered biosecurity system                   Harnessing innovation will help farmers and producers                       Digital adoption in the Australia agriculture industry is                        Digital technologies and data can enable farmers and
    is essential to keeping Australia safe from exotic pests                   stay protected into the future as challenges increase                       estimated at just 10%.                                                           the broader supply chain to make faster, more informed
    and diseases.                                                              and become more complex. Improved awareness and                                                                                                              decisions, automate processes and predict future events.
                                                                               understanding of roles and responsibilities will                            A 3-fold increase in active technology users is required                         Digital supply chains also help mitigate risks and allow
    Protecting our biosecurity status supports market access                   generate partnership opportunities between                                  for agriculture to reach its ambitious goal to move to a                         the system to more readily respond to shocks.
    and avoids unnecessary costs for our producers. More                       governments and industry.                                                   $100 billion industry by 20301.
    effective management options further reduce pest and                                                                                                                                                                                    There is an opportunity to establish a world-class
    disease management costs.                                                  Our direct investment in Australia’s biosecurity system,                    Uptake of digital technology could create a $20.3 billion                        Australian agritech industry, and create new export
                                                                               and partnerships with government, industry and the                          per year increase to industry production2.                                       opportunities.
    As set out in the Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030                            community, complements work underway towards digital
    strategic roadmap, by working smarter and more                             transformation and simplifying trade.
    collaboratively – and with best data, tools, and capability
    – Australia will rise to this challenge. It is one of                                                                                                   1. Nolet, S and Mao, C 2018, Accelerating the development of Agtech solutions worth adopting, AgriFutures, Wagga Wagga
    increasingly complex global and local threats. It is about                                                                                              2. Leonard, E. (Ed), Rainbow, R. (Ed), Trindall, J. (Ed), Baker, I., Barry, S., Darragh, L., Darnell, R., George, A., Heath, R., Jakku, E., Laurie, A.,
    supporting our jobs and environment and protecting the                                                                                                  Lamb, D., Llewellyn, R., Perrett, E., Sanderson, J., Skinner, A., Stollery, T., Wiseman, L., Wood, G. and Zhang, A. (2017). Accelerating precision
    Australian way of life into the future.                                                                                                                 agriculture to decision agriculture: Enabling digital agriculture in Australia. Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Australia.

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ATTACHMENT                                                                                                                                           ATTACHMENT
  PREVIOUS REVIEWS                                                                                                                                     PREVIOUS REVIEWS

  Strategies of Australian agricultural innovation
  Agricultural innovation is not static – multiple strategies have been developed by different                                                         Agricultural Innovation – A National Approach to Grow
  organisations to drive the agricultural innovation sector forward.
                                                                                                                                                       Australia’s Future: Full report March 2019
  Some of the key strategies, outlining priorities and opportunities for the future include:

                                                                                                                                                       Shared vision for the future of Australian agriculture identified 5 key
                                                                                                                                                       recommendation areas:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     03    World-class innovation practices:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Establishing world-class innovation practices through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           collaboration, entrepreneurship and ambition will be critical in
  Agricultural Innovation – A National
  Approach to Grow Australia’s
                                          The ACOLA Horizon scan the future
                                          of agricultural technologies report
                                                                                  National Farmers’ Federation:
                                                                                  The Voice of Australian Farmers
                                                                                                                       CSIRO: Australia’s innovation
                                                                                                                       catalyst CSIRO Strategy 2020    01    Strengthening ecosystem leadership, cohesion and culture:                     order to maximise opportunities from investment in agricultural
                                                                                                                                                             Stronger ecosystem leadership and cohesion across Australian                  innovation
  Future: Full report March 2019          September 2020                          (National Farmers’ Federation        (CSIRO 2015)
                                                                                                                                                             agricultural innovation will generate greater and more diverse
                                                                                  2018) and 2030 Roadmap (National
                                                                                  Farmers’ Federation 2018)
                                                                                                                                                             outcomes, driving our global competitiveness through clear
                                                                                                                                                             strategic direction and increased collaboration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     04    Strengthening regions:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In the future, regions will play a greater role in Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           agricultural innovation, to fully realise its benefits and maximise
                                                                                                                                                       02    Funding and investment:                                                       our innovation uptake
                                                                                                                                                             Growing and improving the balance of investments will help

  Council of Rural R&D                    The Australian Academy of               Innovation and Science Australia:
                                                                                                                                                             the Australian agricultural innovation system to deliver both
                                                                                                                                                             incremental and transformational innovation by addressing cross-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     05    Next generation innovation platform:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Improving the foundations of Australian agricultural innovation,
  Corporations: Vision 2050 (Rural        Science: Decadal plan for               Australia 2030: Prosperity through                                         commodity challenges, and targeting economic, environmental and               including data, physical infrastructure and the regulatory
  R&D Corporations 2018)                  Australian Agricultural Sciences        Innovation (Innovation and Science                                         social outcomes                                                               environment, will support the transformation of our agricultural
                                          (2017–26) (Australian Academy of        Australia 2017)                                                                                                                                          sector into the future
                                          Science 2017)

                                                                                                                                                       The ACOLA Horizon scan the future of agricultural
                                                                                                                                                       technologies report September 2020

                                                                                                                                                       Part of ACOLA’s horizon scanning series the report examines the impacts,      Key opportunities identified include:
                                                                                                                                                       opportunities and challenges for Australian agriculture associated            Australia’s agricultural technology and innovation ecosystem needs
                                                                                                                                                       with sensors, the Internet of Things, automation, biotechnology and           revitalisation to provide more opportunity for stakeholder involvement and
                                                                                                                                                       nanotechnology, and transactional technologies (such as blockchain).          to break down sectoral and disciplinary silos.
                                                                                                                                                       Key findings include:                                                         The strength and resilience of Australia’s agricultural sector will be
                                                                                                                                                       uptake of advanced technologies could significantly transform decision        enhanced by supporting adoption of agricultural technology by Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                       making, farm practices, labour requirements along the supply chain and        landholders.
                                                                                                                                                       agricultural productivity over the next ten years; and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Data are a powerful asset but will require appropriate national leadership
                                                                                                                                                       significant opportunities exist to further develop drought-resilient crops,   and regulation to ensure their potential value to agriculture is realised.
                                                                                                                                                       improve resource management, and better predict and understand
                                                                                                                                                       climate variability.                                                          New technologies – such as sensor, robotic, AI, data, biotechnology,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     nanotechnology and distributed ledger – if appropriately supported and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     adopted, can significantly enhance the sector’s productivity, diversity and

27 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                                                                                                                      National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 28
ATTACHMENT                                                                                                                                                   ATTACHMENT
  PREVIOUS REVIEWS                                                                                                                                             PREVIOUS REVIEWS

  National Farmers’ Federation: The Voice of Australian Farmers (National Farmers’                                                                             Council of Rural R&D Corporations:
  Federation 2018) and 2030 Roadmap (National Farmers’ Federation 2018)                                                                                        Vision 2050 (Rural R&D Corporations 2018)

  Vision: To exceed $100 billion in farm gate output by 2030                      Pillar 5: Capital and risk management.                                       Vision: Rural R&D Corporations’ vision is of flourishing agriculture,
                                                                                           This will require industry collaboration:                           fisheries and forestry industries underpinning a thriving agrisystem.
  Pillar 1: Customers and the value chain                                                                                                                      Driving future success is a globally-connected, highly effective and
  Pillar 2: Growing sustainability                                                         The NFF family: Including state farming organisations,              dynamic knowledge and innovation ecosystem
                                                                                           commodity groups and partner organisations
  Pillar 3: Unlocking innovation                                                                                                                               Recommendations:
           Public and private R&D efforts work seamlessly to translate                     Value chain partners: Transporters, processors, input providers,
                                                                                           investors, retailers, and others in the agricultural value chain    Develop and implement a national framework to drive a globally-
           world-class research into tools and services which give                                                                                             connected, high performing and effective knowledge and innovation
           Australian agriculture a competitive edge                                       Community: The Australian and global community                      ecosystem
           The agricultural value chain is highly digitised, with the benefits             Education and training providers: Schools, higher and vocational    Develop and implement a national, integrated, whole-of-government
           of new technology shared fairly among participants                              educational providers, leadership and professional development      strategy for an enhanced agrisystem
           The agricultural value chain has reduced its reliance on fossil                                                                                     Detailed analysis of the agrisystem and of Australia’s involvement in
           fuels, in favour of biofuels and renewable sources of electricity               Research and extension bodies: Corporations, universities,
                                                                                           government research & extension agencies, grower groups, and        global agrisystem value chains, to identify opportunities for intervention
           that are affordable and reliable                                                                                                                    and improvement
                                                                                           technical advisers
  Pillar 4: People and communities                                                         Farm businesses: Individual farmers and farm businesses
                                                                                           Government: Federal, State, Territory and local governments

                                                                                                                                                               The Australian Academy of Science: Decadal plan for Australian Agricultural Sciences
                                                                                                                                                               (2017–26) (Australian Academy of Science 2017)

  CSIRO: Australia’s innovation catalyst                                                                                                                       The Australian Academy of Science’s plan outlines strategies to improve
                                                                                                                                                               the strength and efficiency of agricultural research in Australia in ways
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The agricultural research community engage strongly with infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            planning processes at all levels to enable agricultural research to benefit
  CSIRO Strategy 2020 (CSIRO 2015)                                                                                                                             that will increase the ability of governments and producers to maintain
                                                                                                                                                               productivity and efficiency in the face of evolving natural challenges.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            from, and contribute to, shared national capabilities, including emerging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            data-infrastructure and maintaining the pool of skilled technicians that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            unlock value from national infrastructure capability
  Vision: Australia’s innovation catalyst, collaborating to boost                 Breakthrough innovation: Increase our capacity to help reinvent existing     Recommendations:
  Australia’s innovation performance                                              industries and create new industries for Australia and deliver public good   The Australian Government establish a national agricultural research         The Australian Government consider reviewing and updating
                                                                                                                                                               translation and commercialisation fund, to invest in promising               arrangements for national coordination of agricultural research and
  Mission: Create benefit for Australia through impactful science and             Excellent science: Create breakthrough technology and knowledge and be       agricultural discoveries and fast-track their commercialisation into         innovation in Australia. One option would be to establish an organisation
  innovation                                                                      a trusted advisor for Australia                                              new and improved Australian products and services in domestic and            that provides a central point of coordination for agricultural research and
                                                                                                                                                               international markets. It is suggested that this fund be modelled on         its applications
  Strategic actions:                                                              Health, safety and environment: Enhance staff safety and wellbeing and       the Biomedical Translation Fund; selecting appropriately qualified and
                                                                                  further our aspiration towards zero harm                                     experienced fund managers to stimulate private sector investment at the      All organisations in the agricultural sector do more to understand
  Customer first: Create deeper innovation relationships with our
                                                                                                                                                               early stage of agricultural research translation                             and effectively engage with the public on social acceptance of
  customers and prioritise the highest value investments
                                                                                  Inclusion, trust and respect: Fully enable and support the innovation                                                                                     agricultural science and the enterprises it supports. This also applies to
  Global outlook, national benefit: Deliver connectivity to the global science,   capacity of our creative people and teams to create risk and deliver to      The academic, industry and government sectors partner to create a            understanding that agriculture reaches far beyond the farm gate
  technology and innovation frontier as well as access new markets for            customers                                                                    doctoral training and early career support centre for the agricultural
  Australian innovation                                                                                                                                        sciences
                                                                                  Deliver on commitments: Enhance our agility, financial sustainability and
  Collaboration hub: Integrate the best solutions for our customers,              capacity to respond at the speed of business
  increase our flexibility and enhance Australia’s innovation performance

29 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement                                                                                                                                                                                             National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement | 30

  Innovation and Science Australia: Australia 2030: Prosperity through Innovation
  (Innovation and Science Australia 2017)

  Vision: Innovation and Science Australia’s vision for 2030 is that       Industry: Ensure Australia’s ongoing prosperity by stimulating high-growth
  Australia will be counted within the top tier of innovation nations.     firms and raising productivity
  We will take pride in our global reputation for excellence in science,   Government: Become a catalyst for innovation and be recognised as
  research and commercialisation.                                          a global leader in innovative service delivery
  Five imperatives are set out:                                            Research & Development: Improve R&D effectiveness by increasing
                                                                           translation and commercialisation of research
  Education: Respond to the changing nature of work by equipping all
  Australians with skills relevant to 2030                                 Culture & Ambition: Enhance the national culture of innovation by
                                                                           launching ambitious National Missions

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31 | National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement
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