Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society

Page created by Evelyn Obrien
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
        Streams                  Isaiah 43:19
 May 9-12, 2019
 Pacific Gateway Airport Hotel
 Vancouver, BC


Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
Conference Schedule
Thursday, May 9, 2019
7:00 - 10:00 pm..... Conference Registration - Red Cedar Foyer
8:00 - 11:00 pm ..... Welcome Reception - Red Cedar Foyer

Friday, May 10, 2019
7:45 - 8:45 am....... Breakfast
8:45 - 9:15 am....... Welcome & Singing
9:15 - 10:05 am..... Plenary Session #1 – Sarah Williams
10:05 - 10:45 am... Group Link and Plenary Q & A
10:45 - 11:15 am.... Refreshment Break
11:15 am - 12:30 pm Workshops (5 options)
12:30 pm - 12:50 pm AGM Sign In & Lunch pick up pre-AGM
12:50 - 2:00 pm..... AGM
2:00 - 2:30 pm....... Refreshment Break
2:30 - 3:30 pm....... Special update: Conscience Protection and Assisted Death
3:30 - 4:30 pm....... Special presentation: Medical Ethics - Peter Saunders
4:30 - 8:00 pm....... Free Time
8:00 - 10:00 pm..... Student & Resident Q & A - Maple Room

Saturday, May 11, 2019
7:45 - 8:45 am....... Breakfast
8:45 - 9:15 am....... Welcome & Singing
9:15 -10:05 am...... Plenary Session #2 – Sarah Williams
10:05 - 10:45 am... Group Link and Plenary Q & A
10:45 - 11:15 am.... Refreshments Break
11:15 am - 12:30 pm Workshops (6 options)
12:45 - 1:45 pm..... Lunch
2:00 - 3:15 pm....... Workshops (5 options)
3:15 - 3:45 pm....... Afternoon Break
3:30 - 4:30 pm....... CMDS in the Next Generation
4:30 - 6:00 pm....... Free Time
6:00 pm................. Celebration Banquet

Sunday, May 12, 2019
7:45 - 8:45 am....... Breakfast
8:45 - 9:45 am....... Concert of Prayer
9:45 - 10:00 am..... Welcome
10:00 - 10:50 am... Plenary Session #3 – Sarah Williams
10:50 - 11:30 am.... Group Link and Plenary Q & A
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Closing Announcements & Blessing
(Due to unforeseen circumstances, program changes may occur)
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
As President of CMDS Canada, it is my privilege to extend my warmest welcome to each of you as you join us
in Vancouver for our annual National Conference. Our members have come together with family and friends
from across Canada to share in fellowship, prayer and praise, and to engage in the many informative and
inspirational presentations awaiting us throughout the conference.
For the last 50 years, our membership has met locally and nationally to engage more deeply in our faith and
to find inspiration for how to live our faith in practice. As Canada becomes increasingly post-Christian, we
are all the more challenged to put our faith into practice with integrity, relying fully on the Lord. Providentially,
this pervasive feeling of struggle and striving has brought us to this place, where we can both drink from the
refreshing streams that the Lord has made spring up here in the desert and also check our steps to ensure
that our feet are still on the straight path the Lord has set for us – individually and communally – in the
I am deeply grateful to our diligent and talented organizing committee in Vancouver for helping to plan and
deliver such a refreshing and invigorating conference. Many thanks!
Shalom and shalvah to each and all,
Sheila Rutledge Harding, MD
President, Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada

                    See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
              I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19

Streams of refreshment are the rivers of grace that continuously flow from the heart of our Saviour.
Sometimes we lose sight of this reality in our daily lives so filled with the sufferings of those we serve.
The community of believers gathered in Vancouver reminds us of the heavenly realities! God is with us! God
cares deeply about CMDS Canada and her members and will not allow us to be overcome by the wind and
the waves of the streams of death that are so prominent in Canadian society. Let’s take the time to bask in
the light of His presence in our sisters and brothers in Christ. For there we will find fellowship, consolation and
I thank the organization committee in Vancouver and national office staff for all their hard work in making this
conference a success. I hope I have a chance to meet each and every one of you.
Be blessed,
Larry Worthen
Executive Director, Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
  To receive your CME certificate, you must complete and return the evaluation form enclosed in
  your booklet to the National Office and sign in at the registration desk on the CME sign up form.
  Credits from the CSIM: This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined
  by the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of
  This activity was approved by the Canadian Society of Internal Medicine for a maximum of 11.25
  Through an agreement between the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the
  American Medical Association, physicians may convert Royal College MOC credits to AMA PRA
  Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert Royal College MOC credits to AMA
  credits can be found at
  Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the
  activity. To obtain your certificate of attendance, please visit the registration table where you can
  sign the CSIM MOC Sign in Sheet. Only those who sign in will be given the certifcates.
  Alternative Credits for Family Physicians: This event was not able to be certified for Mainpro
  credits due to the guidelines of the new National Standard for Support of Accredited CPD Activities
  to which the CFPC now adheres. Attendees at this event may claim non-certified Group Learning
  credits. You may wish to complete a Linking Learning to Practice exercise to earn certified credits
  by reflecting on the impact of the event to their practice and professional development. For more
  information, please visit

Prayer, Praise & Worship
Our music and worship are being led by Drs. Robin and Margaret Cottle and their talented Worship Team, “Joyful Noise”. We thank
them for their gift of service and talent. Through their ministry, we are able to worship the Father, through the Son, in the presence of
the Holy Spirit.
On Sunday morning beginning at 8:45am, our Worship Team will be leading us in communal prayer and worship. The music
and prayers cover various styles and traditions and speak beautifully to the faithful love of Christ. If you have a specific prayer
request you would like to have included in Sunday’s worship, please write it down and pass it to Margaret Cottle before the
Saturday night banquet.
We have a Chapel space located in the Aspen Room for you to take a quiet moment to reflect and draw nearer to the Lord.

Information Table - Red Cedar Foyer

Our Information Table is located in the Red Cedar Foyer. Laurie Schmuland, our Administration Manager, will be stationed at
the table before and after plenary sessions and the workshops to assist you. Questions and concerns outside of the Information
Table’s hours can be directed to our Communications Manager Stephanie Potter
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
   Our entire Conference is being held exclusively in one area of the Conference centre . This
   means you should be able to make your way easily to different rooms for your meals, workshops,
   plenaries and other gatherings. The map below should help you find your way to the various
   rooms, but don’t hesitate to ask our CMDS Canada satff, who will be stationed at the Information
   Table in the Red Cedar Foyer, for assistance.

Display & Bookstore - Birch Room
Exhibitors from across Canada have joined us for the CMDS National Conference. The exhibitors represent mission organizations,
special projects and member groups. Please make time to visit the Exhibitor Displays during the Conference. Our bookstore has been
generously supplied and staffed by the Regent College Bookstore.

Bookstore hours are:
Friday: 7:45 am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 7:45 am - 3:45 pm

CMDS in the Next Generation - Red Cedar Ballroom

This special discussion time is a visioning session with the students, residents, and young doctors and dentists of CMDS Canada. The
insights provided in these sessions help to shape the future of CMDS Canada.

Student & Resident Q&A - Maple Room

CMDS Associate Staff Networker Jon Dykeman will lead this powerful and always interesting session with the students and residents of
CMDS Canada. Graduate doctors and dentists are more than welcome to join this session to provide helpful insight to the students.
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
                       Sarah C. Williams trained as an historian         real-life adventure began when she figured
                       at the University of Oxford, where she            “a change is as good as a rest” and signed
                       subsequently taught British and European          up for a 6 month stint as an “ aid worker” in
                       political and cultural history. After seventeen   Sudan. 16 years later she’s still wondering
                       years at Oxford, in 2005 she moved with           how her adventure turned into a calling.
                       her family to Vancouver, Canada, where            Her assignments have taken her into the
                       she taught history at Regent College. Today       Ebola zone, war zones, deserts, jungles,                 T.K. Fenske
 Sarah C. Williams     Williams lives with her husband Paul in the       earthquakes, refugee camps, and every bush
                       Cotswolds, close to the city of Oxford, where     hospital you can ever imagine. Her heart is
                       she continues her research, writing, and          to run hard after Jesus; and figure out how
                       teaching. The daughter of popular British         to keep up with her nephews on the ski hill!
                       author Jennifer Rees Larcombe, Williams           Corina Gottschling and David Stevenson
                       is the author of Perfectly Human, a spiritual     have practiced dentistry in Kitimat, BC for
                       autobiography in which she reflects on            over 20 years. This husband and wife team
                       contemporary debates surrounding identity         have learned much about personal growth,
                       and personhood.                                   human resource management, and how
                       Santa J. Ono was installed as the 15th            to run a health care practice with God’s
                       president and vice-chancellor of the              principles as its foundation. They have a           Janet Greenman
 Santa J. Ono          University of British Columbia on November        passion to share what God has given to them
                       22, 2016. As a professor of medicine and          in order to help others live and practice in an
                       biology, Ono has worked at Harvard, Johns         authentic way.
                       Hopkins, University College London, and           T. K. Fenske is a Clinical Professor with
                       Emory universities. He was also inducted by       the Division of Cardiology at the University
                       Johns Hopkins into its Society of Scholars,       of Alberta, Staff Cardiologist at the C.K.
                       which honours former faculty who have             Hui Heart Centre, and Director of Cardiac
                       gained distinction in their fields. Ono’s         Rehabilitation for the Northern Alberta
                       research encompasses the immune system,           Program. He has fellowship training in
                       eye inflammation and age-related macular          echocardiography and has been the Principal
                       degeneration – a leading cause of blindness.      Teaching Physician at the Royal Alexandra
                       He is married to Wendy Yip, trained as an         Hospital. Dr. Fenske is an executive member
Larry Worthen                                                                                                              Jeffrey P. Greenman
                       immunologist at McGill and as a lawyer at         of the CMDS Edmonton Chapter is the proud
                       Boston University. They have two daughters,       father of three sons, Oliver, Cameron, and
                       Juliana and Sarah.                                Joel. He and his wife Tanya are content to
                       Larry Worthen has been the Executive              call Edmonton ‘home” where they are actively
                       Director, Christian Medical and Dental            involved in the Christian community and
                       Society of Canada since 2012. Prior to that,      Young Adult ministry.
                       Larry served in a variety of leadership roles     Janet Greenman is a general pediatrician,
                       in the not for profit sector and in the Nova      medical      educator      and     recovering
                       Scotia provincial government. Larry has a BA      perfectionist. She is married to Jeff and they
                       and a law degree from Dalhousie University        have two grown children.
                       in Halifax. He also has a MA in Theology
                       as well as a Diploma in Adult Education.          Jeffrey P. Greenman (Ph.D., University
Karen Daniels                                                            of Virginia) is President and Professor of          Bruce Hindmarsh
                       Larry has been married to Dr. Linda Gagnon
                       since 1986. They have two children and five       Theology and Ethics at Regent College in
                       grandchildren. Larry has been an ordained         Vancouver, BC. His teaching and writing
                       Permanent Deacon in the Catholic Church           has focused on moral formation, worship,
                       since June 2012. His ministry consists            leadership development, education, and
                       primarily of pastoral care but he also assists    global Christianity.
                       the pastor in preaching and conducting            Sheila Rutledge Harding’s career as a
                       baptisms, weddings and funerals.                  hematologist has focused on mentoring
                       Karen Daniels is currently the program            and service. She has found ways to build
                       manager for the Samaritan’s Purse Cleft and       bridges while speaking important truths. She
                       Cataract Programs. A BC trained RN, her           is currently the National President of CMDS
                                                                         Canada. She does all of this with the abundant    Carolyn Hindmarsh
Corina Gottschling &
David Stevenson
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
support of her husband Terry Harding.               Peter Saunders MA MBChB FRACS trained as
                            Terence Harding has his bachelor’s in Civil         a general surgeon at Auckland Medical School,
                            Engineering and his MBA. Sheila and Terry           New Zealand, before serving as a missionary
                            welcome CMDS students from Saskatoon                doctor in Kenya. He served with the Christian
                            into their home every Thursday for spiritual        Medical Fellowship UK for 27 years and is now
                            and physical nourishment. Terry is also a           Chief Executive of the International Christian
                            Field Official with the Saskatchewan Lacrosse       Medical & Dental Association (ICMDA). His
                            Association.                                        current work involves leadership training,
                                                                                teaching evangelism and ethics, medical
                            Bruce Hindmarsh took his D.Phil. degree in          mission, writing, editing and media work. He is
Andrew Lawe
                            theology at Oxford University in 1993. From         a council member of the Evangelical Alliance             Tim Tam
                            1995 to 1997 he was also a research fellow at       and the chair of the End of Life Care for Europe
                            Christ Church, Oxford. He has since published       group. He and his wife Kirsty live in St Albans,
                            and spoken widely to international audiences        UK, they have three sons and a grandchild on
                            on the history of early British evangelicalism.     the way.
                            A fellow of the Royal Historical Society, he
                            is a past-president of the American Society         In 1975, Dr. John Scott assisted Dr. Balfour
                            of Church History. He teaches the history of        Mount in developing Canada’s first palliative
                            Christian spirituality, and speaks often to lay     care program at McGill University, Montreal.
                            audiences as well as preaching in his own           Trained in medicine, theology and clinical
                            church and elsewhere. A former staff worker for     epidemiology, Dr. Scott was recruited to Ottawa
John Patrick                Youth for Christ and founding director of Camp      in 1988 to establish Canada’s first university
                            Cedarwood, he is an active lay member of an         Division of Palliative Medicine. Presently, he
                            Anglican Church. He is married to Carolyn, and      is a staff physician in Palliative Care at The
                                                                                                                                    Carolyn Watts
                            they have three children: Bethany, Matthew          Ottawa Hospital and Associate Professor,
                            and Sam. wide variety of teaching methods           Division of Palliative Medicine, University of
                            to help her students grasp the basics of the        Ottawa.
                            original language of the New Testament.
                                                                                Isaac Tam is a board-certified pediatric dentist
                            Carolyn Hindmarsh grew up under the wide-           and orthodontist, has been creating children’s
                            open skies of the prairies in Saskatchewan,         healthy smiles for more than a dozen years.
                            and it was there she became a Christian and         Dr. Tam is a clinical assistant professor at the
                            developed a lifelong love for the Bible. With her   University of British Columbia and serves on
                            husband, Bruce, she worked in youth ministry        the staff at Vancouver General Hospital and
Peter Saunders              before studying at Regent College. She has          British Columbia Children’s Hospital, where he
                            lived and worked in academic communities for        mentors dental students and residents in both
                            more than two decades as a mother of three          the hospital setting and in community clinics.
                            in Oxford, Saskatchewan, and Vancouver.             In his spare time, you’ll find Dr. Tam enjoying
                            She currently teaches New Testament Greek           family, fishing, cycling, playing the violin, and
                            at Regent College. In her speaking, teaching,       developing community projects through the
                            and personal ministry with students, she seeks      Tam Foundation.
                            to inspire others to follow Christ more closely
                            through a life-changing and prayerful study of      Tim Tam is an expert dentist who has more
                            Scripture.                                          than three decades of experience providing
                                                                                orthodontic treatment. Dr. Tam also volunteers
                            Andrew Lawe is a surgeon practicing in the          with and co-founded the Downtown Eastside
                            Kootenay region of the British Columbia             Dental Free Clinic in Vancouver, and generously
               John Scott   interior. He attended the University of British     gives back to the community through the Tam
                            Columbia medical school and completed               Foundation. In addition, he enjoys fishing and
                            residency in Calgary. He is a clinical instructor   spending quality time with his wife Remy and
                            and mentor with the University of British           his children Isaac, Esther, and Samuel.
                            Columbia Southern Interior program.
                                                                                Carolyn Watts trained as an Ob/gyn and
                            John Patrick retired from the University of         worked in Afghanistan for four years before
                            Ottawa in 2002. He now lectures throughout the      illness ended her obstetrical career and opened
                            world on moral issues in medicine and culture,      the opportunity for her to study theology and
                            and the integration of faith and science. John is   retrain as a writer and spiritual director. She
                            the president of Augustine College in Ottawa.       blogs weekly at
                            He is married to Sally, and resides part time in
               Isaac Tam    Ottawa, and part time on the farm.
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
This plenary series reflects deeply on Isaiah 43, offering a hopeful way of re-imagining our cultural context and our
work, through the lens of God’s promise of salvation. Each talk is structured around a single phrase to re-frame our
perception of the context in which we find ourselves in the early 21st Century. As a historian, Sarah Williams will
connect this passage of scripture to an historical figure (social activist and feminist philosopher, Josephine Butler
1828-1906) who’s meditation on the book of Isaiah sparked a fresh move of God in the late-nineteenth century.
After attending this session, participants will be able to:
• Re-perceive God’s refreshment.
After attending this session, participants will be able to:
• Name the prevailing ideologies that compete with God’s salvation and contrasting the nature of God’s
  salvation with human plausibility structures.
After attending this session, participants will be able to:
• Re-imagine the detail and substance of our work as a demonstration of God’s character, life, and in-breaking

After attending this session, participants will be able to:
• Know and understand current events surrounding conscience protection.
• Work to shape next steps on advocacy.

In the post-Christian West, atheism and secular humanism are replacing biblical Christianity as the major
influence determining our cultural and ethical trajectory. This is seen most clearly in trends around ethics at the
beginning and end of life, and around marriage, sexuality and identity.
After attending this session, participants will be able to:
• Identify the key ideas and concepts that form the basis of traditional medical ethics as well as recent
   epistemological trends that threaten to undermine its very foundations.
• Consider how as Christian doctors and dentists they can respond by sharing Christ’s mind, showing Christ’s
   character, holding to Christ’s commands and carrying Christ’s cross.

After attending this session, participants will be able to:
• Understand that leaders need to start from a position of humility and respect, following in the path of Jesus
  who said “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom
  for many.”
• Recognize and appreciate that science and faith are not incompatible.
• Through questioning our faith, become stronger individuals.
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
A. THE PHYSICIAN’S LAMENT                         demonstration of the full riches of the           E. MANAGING YOUR HEALTH CARE PRACTICE
John Scott                                        gospel and as to how best to do this in-          TO AUTHENTICALLY REFLECT WHAT YOU
                                                  order to transform lives and by engaging          BELIEVE
Many of us are grieving the upheaval in           with people across cross-cultural lives.          Corina Gottschling & David Stevenson
medical ethics in Canada. This workshop           By engaging in short term or long -term
will explore ‘lament’ as a way to reframe the     mission, we are reminded that at the heart        Care and supervision of our employees
physician’s response to suffering and evil,       of our mission to the world around us is the    is as vital in living out our Christianity in
as it arises in ourselves, in our patients and    news about Christ- the gospel. Matthew          our workplaces as the care we provide
colleagues and in the culture of medicine         urged us that to participate in Jesus’ work,    our patients; yet, so little of our formal
and society. Using scripture study and            we start by asking the Lord of the harvest      training provides us with insights on how to
cases from his palliative care experience,        with an attitude of compassion for the sheep    manage employees and run a health care
Dr. Scott will ensure all participants have an    without the Shepherd.                           business God’s way. Participants will hear
opportunity to share their own lament.                                                            a candid and heartfelt presentation on the
                                                  After attending this session, participants will challenges that come with people, money
After attending this session, participants will   be able to:
be able to:                                                                                       and integrating our faith into our work lives.
                                                  • Discuss the purpose of dental missions as
• Appreciate the concept and history of           a witness to Christ.                            After attending this session, participants will
lamentation from cultural, psychological          • Discuss short-term missions, both local       be able to:
and religious perspectives.                       and abroad.                                     • Explore how Christian values differ from
• Become attuned to lamentation in the            • Discuss long-term missions in the urban       accepted norms with regard to how health
patient narrative and in our own responses        core of Canada.                                 practices are typically managed.
to workplace stress.                                                                              • Provide insights on integrating one’s
• Share our lament for recent changes in the      D. STARTING OUT TO WRAPPING IT UP – beliefs into a health care setting in order to
culture of medicine.                              AN INTERACTIVE PANEL ON INTEGRATING tackle common management issues.
                                                  FAITH AND PROFESSION                            • Discuss some of the effective resources
B. WALKING TOGETHER WITH CHRIST - A               Corina Gottschling & David Stevenson that can help health care providers better
CHRISTIAN MODEL FOR MENTORING                     (facilitators)                                  understand themselves, their employees
Sheila & Terence Harding (facilitators)                                                           and their patients.
                                                  As professionals, it is assumed by all of
Since the days of the early Church,               those around us that we have it “all together” F. THE REAL FOUNDATION OF EVIDENCE-
Christians have used a mentoring model            and “all figured out”. As we all quickly learn, BASED MEDICINE
to accompany one another. This ideal              the truth is far from that reality.             Andrew Lawe
persists in many settings, both formally              Every new experience brings up new
and informally. This interactive panel seeks      questions and navigating the murky waters This workshop will explore a mindfulness-
to discuss how a Christian worldview              of professional life for a Christian physician based understanding of clinical medicine,
informs mentoring practices and the unique        and dentist can be frustrating, confusing and in so doing develop principles which
opportunities for mentoring in the CMDS           and lonely. There are numerous “seasons” can improve resilience in both our walk of
community.                                        between Starting Out after graduation and faith and in our vocation as physicians.
After attending this session, participants        Wrapping it up as we approach retirement.
will be able to:                                  2 Timothy 4:7 reminds us “I have fought the After attending this session, participants
• Discuss Christian models of mentoring           good fight, I have finished the race, I have will be able to:
and accompaniment.                                kept the faith.” (NIV) The hope of this panel • Better understand what they are doing
• Discuss the challenges and victories of         is to touch on some of the ways that we can        when they practice the art and science
mentoring in the workplace, educational,          run the race well.                                 of medicine.
and community settings.                           After attending this session, participants will •  Be able to apply these general
                                                  be able to:                                        principles to a life of faith seeking after
C. DENTAL MISSIONS AT HOME AND ABROAD             • Discuss on communication strategies at           understanding.
Isaac Tam & Tim Tam                               work and beyond.
Dental mission presents a small picture           • Reflect on “What is balance?”.
of evangelism. It is more than a practical        • Discover who God has called us to be.
Streams - 9CMDS CONFERENCE - Christian Medical and Dental Society
G. CARRIED: FINDING REST THROUGH                  kept pushing until her own illness made it        J. NEGOTIATING LGBT CHALLENGES WITH
SCRIPTURE’S OBSTETRICAL IMAGES                    impossible to continue. Since then, God           GRACE AND TRUTH IN THE PUBLIC SPHERE
Carolyn Watts                                     has been patiently teaching her how to live       AND PERSONAL CIRCLE
                                                  healthier rhythms. Drawing from Scripture         T.K. Fenske
As doctors we learn to present a strong           and her own experiences as doctor and
face to the world. But in the moments             patient, Carolyn will share what she is     This workshop is intended to provide
we’re honest with ourselves, many of us           continuing to learn about living a healthiera practical framework and accessible
at times find ourselves feeling too weary         rhythm.                                     resources for equipping Christian clinicians
to go on, too small to deal with the world’s                                                  to best navigate the tensions between
overwhelming problems, or too confused to         After attending this session, participants will
                                                                                              maintaining an uncompromising Biblical
know how to proceed. In her own journey           be able to:                                 sexual ethic and addressing the challenges
through practicing obstetrics in Afghanistan      • Name some of the tendencies that          posed by the LGBT culture in both the
and then losing her career to chronic illness,    predispose us to pushing too hard.          public sphere and personal circles.
Carolyn discovered God meeting her in all         • Explore some of the gifts and invitations
                                                  of limitations.                             After attending this session, participants will
of the roles in the birth drama, each offering                                                be able to:
its own unique comfort and encouragement          • Discover how the rhythms of obstetrical
                                                                                              • Review conflict between LGBT and Biblical
                                                  labor and atrial fibrillation can help us learn
in painful times. In this workshop we will:                                                   worldviews.
                                                  how to live gently yet productively.
After attending this session, participants will                                               • Approach to defending Christian worldview in
be able to:                                   I. NEGOTIATING LGBT CHALLENGES WITH public sphere.
• Notice how God in Scripture reveals         GRACE AND TRUTH IN MEDICAL PRACTICE             • Provide a forum for reflection on how best
Himself in all the different roles in the birth
                                              T.K. Fenske                                     to approach LGBT challenges in our personal
drama - as mother, husband and father,                                                        circled.
midwife or doctor, and baby.                  This workshop is intended to provide
• Explore how experiencing God in these       a practical framework and accessible K. LIVING FAITHFULLY IN A FEARFUL WORLD
roles of the birth drama can offer comfort    resources for equipping Christian clinicians Jeffrey Greenman
and rest in challenging times.                to best navigate the tensions between
• Take time to linger with one of these roles maintaining an uncompromising Biblical How do God’s people respond to the global
and let God meet us in our own weariness.     sexual ethic in medical practice while realities of political upheaval, economic
                                              reaching out in care and compassion to and environmental crisis, and increased
H. RHYTHMS OF LABOR: LEARNING TO those in the LBGT community.                                 uncertainty? How might individuals and
LIVE GENTLY                                                                                   congregations live out their faith in the
                                              After attending this session, participants will Gospel amidst increasing social turmoil?
Carolyn Watts                                 be able to:                                     This workshop examines two contrasting
Most physicians are intimately familiar with • Understand how health care is Canada is paradigms of everyday life, organizations,
the risks of overwork and burnout. Our lives paid for.                                        and politics—living fearfully versus living
are often built on hard work and, as much • Understand the financial stressors faithfully. Christians are called to live out
as we may wish it otherwise, many of us Canadian health care is facing in 2019.               the Kingdom’s new order within the world’s
seem to know no other way to live than • Explore possible solutions to these disorder.
constant pushing. As an obstetrician facing stressors.                                        After attending this session, participants will
limitless needs in rural Afghanistan, Carolyn

FRIDAY WORKSHOPS                                                          SATURDAY MORNING WORKSHOPS
Workshop          Presenter          Room                                  Workshop           Presenter            Room
       I          Fenske             Red Cedar A                                  M           Patrick              Red Cedar A
      A           Scott              Red Cedar B                                  K           Greenman             Red Cedar B
      C           Tam                Red Cedar C                                  D           Gottschling/         Red Cedar C
      H           Watts              Maple Room                                               Stevenson
      B           Harding            Spruce Room                                  G           Watts                Maple Room
                                                                                  O           Daniels              Aspen Room
                                                                                  N           Hindmarsh            Spruce Room
be able to:                                          of happiness and convers unhappiness and            into “practical prayerfulness.” Ultimately, we
• Diagnose the root causes of the rising             how they affect our practice.                       have the model for this in the life of Jesus,
phenomenon of the politics of fear.                  After attending this session, participants will     the Great Physician, who would get up early
• Contrast the social dynamics and ethical                                                               to find a solitary place to pray, and then turn
patterns based on fear with the biblically-          be able to:                                         to face the pressing needs of the crowds,
based patterns based on faithfulness.                • Discuss the different levels of happiness.        living moment-by-moment in the Spirit and
• Apply theological-ethical insights into their      • Be a more rounded, grounded and                   depending upon his Father.
organizations and workplaces                         empathic physician.                                 After attending this session, participants will
                                                                                                         be able to:
L. PERFECTIONISM & GRACE                             N. THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE CHRISTIAN              • Consider the dangers of “practical
Janet Greenman                                       DOCTOR: PRAYING “SOMETIMES” AND                     atheism” in the life of a Christian medical
                                                     “ALWAYS”                                            professional.
Striving for excellence can easily become            Bruce & Carolyn Hindmarsh
unhealthy perfectionism that affects our                                                                 • Learn ways to cultivate daily, weekly, and
professional, personal and spiritual lives.    “Practical atheism” is one of the subtle                  seasonal times for prayerful reading of
In this session, we will look at influences    temptations of our time and maybe                         Scripture.
that may lead to unhealthy perfectionism,      especially for the highly trained and skilled             • Learn how to use short sentence prayers
examine its consequences, and explore          professional. This is not so much believing               to cultivate a deeper attentiveness to God’s
how we can realign our thinking with Biblical  that God doesn’t exist as it is living as if              presence during the day.
truth about ourselves and God’s grace.         he doesn’t. One of the consequences is                    • Appreciate the way that we are meant to
                                               that we lose a sense of proportion. In the                live in union with Jesus, who shows us a
After attending this session, participants will be                                                       pattern of prayerfulness, even in the midst
                                               caring professions, we can be tempted to
able to:                                                                                                 of the overwhelming needs of the multitudes
                                               think that healing depends wholly upon us.
• Understand the influences that may lead to                                                             for the healing of body and soul.
                                               This is a too heavy burden to bear. In this
unhealthy perfectionism.
                                               situation, prayer becomes a profoundly
• Describe the consequences of unhealthy                                                                 O. ADVENTURES IN GLOBAL SURGERY
                                               radical, counter-cultural practice. The active
perfectionism in our professional, personal and                                                          Karen Daniels
                                               life need not be a spiritually exhausted
spiritual lives.
                                               life. This workshop explores what it
• Realign our thinking with Biblical truth about                                                         This workshop will aim to discuss surgical
                                               means to cultivate a deeper attentiveness
ourselves and God’s grace.                                                                               programming from a humanitarian
                                               to God’s presence, transforming the
                                                                                                         perspective and how our response as
                                               relentless busyness of modern life through
M. THE FOUR LEVELS OF HAPPINESS                                                                          Christians nuances our approach.
                                               an ancient two-beat rhythm of prayer:
John Patrick                                                                                             After attending this session, participants will
                                               praying both “sometimes” and “always.”
Everyone wants to be happy but modern Praying “sometimes” can be thought of as                           be able to:
society has lost any deep understanding a pattern of retreats—daily, weekly, and                         • Review global surgical need.
of what happiness is. We live emotionally seasonal times set aside for prayer. Praying                   • Understand challenges associated with
and philosophically flattened out lives as “always” can be thought of as a pattern of                    surgical teams.
though some malicious brute had stepped momentary bursts of prayer in the midst of                       • Discuss surgical response from a Christian
on our souls. In this engaging workshop, Dr. daily life. Together, these two patterns of                 perspective.
Patrick discusses with us the different levels prayer can help us turn “practical atheism”

SATURDAY AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS                                                 OTHER SESSIONS
Workshop          Presenter              Room                                 Session                  Time                       Room
      E           Gottschling/           Red Cedar A                          CMDS in the              Sat May 11, 3:30pm         Red Cedar
                  Stevenson                                                   Next Generation                                     Ballroom
      L           Greenman               Red Cedar B                          Student &                Fri May 10, 8:00pm         Maple Room
      N           Lawe                   Red Cedar C                          Resident Q&A
      J           Fenske                 Maple Room
      F           Hindmarsh              Spruce Room
Join us in Vaudreuil-Doiron, QC in 2020
We are delighted to announce that our 2020 National Conference will be held in Vaudreuil-Doiron,
QC at Château Vaudreuil Hôtel & Suites. This Conference promises to be fruitful for both our
members as individuals and for CMDS Canada. Our three keynote speakers are Dr. Dave Stevens,
the outgoing CEO of the CMDA US, Rev. Dr. Cheryl Ann Beals, who is the Director of Clergy
Formation & Wellness for the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, and Dr. David Levy, a renowed
neurosurgeon, public speaker, and author of Gray Matter.
During this Conference, CMDS Canada will be launching our 5 year vision plan for our organization
after a year long study of the needs and vision of our membership and how CMDS Canada is
uniquely positioned as a Christian organization in Canada. We hope you will engage in this process
with us and encourage your fellow members to do the same.
Please pray for CMDS Canada and all those involved in this process, that we might be open to the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. Please also join us in praying for the conference planning committee as
they work diligently to craft what promises to be an incredible conference.

                               Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada
                               9A-1000 Windmill Road
                               Dartmouth, NS B3B 1L7
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