National Parish Religious Education Week - Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial

Page created by Cheryl Ramirez
National Parish Religious Education Week - Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial
November 2-8, 2014

  National Parish Religious Education Week
Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial
                Celebration Guide
               Guía de celebración
National Parish Religious Education Week - Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial
1005 N. Glebe Road
               Suite 525
               Arlington, VA 22201

Copyright/ Derechos de autor © 2014
The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) owns all rights,     La Asociación Nacional de Educación Católica (NCEA, por su sigla en
including but not limited to the copyright, in this celebration guide     inglés) posee todos los derechos, entre otros, los derechos de autor,
and all portions of it, including the logos and clip art (“promotional    de la presente guía de celebración y todas sus partes, incluidos los
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Project Director, NCEA Religious Education Department. Except as          que pertenezca a una entidad católica y que esté controlada por esta
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the permission of the copyright owner.                                    distribución de artículos que contengan el logotipo ni ningún otro
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Sections of the National Catholic Schools Week 2013 Marketing             director de proyectos del Departamento de Educación Religiosa de la
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                                                                          Existen secciones del "Folleto comercial de la Semana Nacional de
                                                                          Escuelas Católicas 2013" que se adaptaron mediante los permisos

Designed and edited by/Director: Lori Dahlhoff
National Parish Religious Education Week - Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial

Overview of National Parish Religious Education Week ........................................................................................ 1

A Week of Ideas for Celebrating Parish Religious Education ................................................................................ 3

Appendix A: Sample Prayers and Intercessions Highlighting Parish Catechesis ........................................... 4

                                                                                                 A Litany of Catechetical Saints
                                                                                                                   Isaiah 50:4-7
                                                                                 A Prayer for a Teacher before a Religion Class
                                                                                   Sample Intercessions (Spanish and English)

Appendix B: Who Parish Religious Education Serves .............................................................................................. 9

Appendix C: Reflection on Encountering Christ through the Family (English and Spanish) .................. 11

Appendix D: Certificate of Special Appreciation (English and Spanish) ........................................................ 14

Appendix E: Tips for Sharing Good News from Parish Religious Education (English and Spanish) ..... 17

Appendix F: Quotes Supporting Parish Catechesis (English and Spanish) ................................................... 20

Appendix G: Sample Promotional Information...................................................................................................... 23

                                                            Theme Explanation (Bilingual English/Spanish)
                                                              Sample Graphics (Bilingual, English, Spanish)
                                                                 Sample Poster (Bilingual English/Spanish)
                                                                     Bulletin Notices (Spanish and English)
                             Announcement for Website, Blog or Social Media Network (Spanish and English)
                                                                                            Sample Tweets
                                                               Sample News Release (Spanish and English)

National Parish Religious Education Week - Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial

The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) celebrated the first National Parish Religious Education
Week in November 2013. The idea of a distinct, national celebration of parish catechesis has surfaced
repeatedly over the past few decades. Local and regional celebrations already exist in some parts of the
country. NCEA’s offerings build on these efforts as well as the service of women and men, adults, youth, and
children, laity, ordained, and professed religious in echoing the Gospel and helping people grow in the
knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.

Special thanks go to the following for their contributions to initiating NCEA’s celebration of Parish
Religious Education Week:

Project Development Team                                             Dr. Peter Murphy, Executive Director, Secretariat of
                                                                     Evangelization and Catechesis, United States Conference
Barb Morgan, OFS, Director of Parish School of                       of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Religion, Immaculate Conception, Dardenne Prairie, MO
                                                                     New England Conference of Diocesan Directors of
Brigid Johnson, Director of Religious Education,                     Religious Education
Immaculate Conception Church, Knoxville, TN

Cathy Marbury, Associate Director of Religious Education,
Office of Formation and Discipleship
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta
                                                                     NCEA Staff
Cathy Roberts, Director of Family Faith Formation,
St. John Nepomucene R.C. Church, Bohemia, NY                         Br. Robert Bimonte, FSC, President

Jayne Mondoy, Director, Office of Religious Education,               Marcella (Mickie) Abatemarco, Associate Executive
Diocese of Honolulu                                                  Director, Religious Education Department

Dr. Joe Bound, Director of Education,                                Anne Balzhiser, Administrative Assistant, Religious
Diocese of Green Bay                                                 Education Department

Dr. Lori Dahlhoff, Executive Director,                               Kathy Mears, Executive Director, Elementary Schools
NCEA Religious Education Department                                  Department

                                                                     Shannon Andrea, Director of Marketing Communications
Present and past members of the National Association of
Parish Catechetical Directors (NPCD)                                 Kisha Briscoe, Digital Marketing Coordinator and
Lauri Becker, Director of Faith Formation, St. Therese of
Deephaven, Deephaven, MN

ABOUT THE COVER: The image conveys Jesus Christ as the center of the work of catechesis.
Christ’s light (gold) is both gathered together from and sent out to the ends of the earth
through making disciples. The words extending from the theme represent the wide variety of
names used currently to identify parish religious education and faith formation programs that
flows from initiation into the sacramental life of the Church (blue). Thank you to the more than 200
NPCD members who responded to the survey that led to this graphic.

                                                            - ii -
National Parish Religious Education Week - Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial
Overview of National Parish Religious Education Week

Every day of the week some type of religious education activity is going on in a parish somewhere in
the United States and its territories. As the hub of lifelong faith formation, the parish – both the
people and the place – weaves together essential strands within the fabric of effective Catholic
education. NCEA’s annual celebration of National Parish Religious Education Week highlights the
vital role of the parish in fulfilling the Church’s mission of evangelization and catechesis.

As a fruit of the Year of Faith, NCEA established the week beginning the first Sunday of November as
an annual National Parish Religious Education Week. During this week, NCEA focus is on the value of
parish-based efforts to form people of all ages in the Catholic faith and way of life. Goals for the first
few years of the new celebration include:
    • Honoring those serving in parish religious education
    • Sharing the contributions parish communities are making to sound education in the Catholic
    • Helping build bridges between Catholic parish and school educational programs as well as
        other entities that provide religious instruction and ongoing faith formation.

The guiding theme for the celebrations in 2013 to 2015 is Encountering Christ Every Day ~
Encuentro con Cristo cada día. Keeping the national theme consistent for the first three years is
important to building momentum for the national awareness of the effort, building a “bank” of
resources used in local parish celebrations, and complementing the changing themes of other efforts
such as Catechetical Sunday.

The celebration encourages people across the country to reflect on the parish as a “catechizing
community” and to highlight its contributions to our Church and our communities. To allow for local
communities to choose when and how to celebrate, NCEA’s annual celebration guide outlines seven
suggestions for activities - or a “week” of ideas - to mark the occasion through parish-based
catechetical efforts or by participating in national events. Additional ideas may be drawn from
resources for Catechetical Sunday 2014 (Teaching About God's Gift of Forgiveness / Enseñando
sobre el regalo del perdón de Dios), Vocations Awareness Week, and the upcoming 8th World
Meeting of Families in September 2015 (Love is our mission: the family fully alive / El amor es nuestra
misión: La familia totalmente viva )

May all we do to advance the Church's mission of evangelization and catechesis glorify God as
we celebrate encountering Christ every day.

National Parish Religious Education Week - Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial
Celebrating along with NCEA

Faith communities across the country are encouraged to celebrate the parish “as the living and
permanent environment for faith growth” (General Directory for Catechesis, no. 158) when and how
it best fits the local situation. A basic way anyone can join in the celebration is to praise God for
giving the world the Good News of Jesus Christ and entrusting the Church with the mission of
proclaiming him through who we are, what we teach, and how we exercise discipleship through
participation in parishes.

This celebration guide outlines seven suggestions for activities - or a “week” of ideas - to mark the
occasion through parish-based catechetical efforts or by participating in national events. The guiding
theme is Encountering Christ Every Day ~ Encuentro con Cristo cada día. Various examples
building on this theme are provided in English and Spanish as part of the Appendices.

Additional ideas may be drawn from Catechetical Sunday 2014 (Teaching About God's Gift of
Forgiveness) and USCCB vocations awareness materials. The 2013 celebration guide is also available
online in English and Spanish.

Consider starting this year with an eye toward building on these efforts over time. Here is a sample
preparation timeline:
   August–September2014 .... Familiarize yourself with the reason for the celebration and
                                 Plan when and how the local community will celebrate parish
   August–October 2014 ........ Promote the parish celebration
   November 2014 .................. Celebrate, making sure to record the event(s) in photos, videos,
                                    print, or other media, and sharing the experiences with the whole
                                    parish community as well as the diocese and NCEA
   December 2014................... Review the celebration, including gathering feedback from
                                    participants and generating ideas for future activities

A Week of Ideas for Celebrating Parish Religious Education

There are as many different ways to celebrate the parish for her efforts in deepening and handing on
the Catholic faith as there are parish faith communities and people in them. With the help of the Holy
Spirit, these seven ideas will spark local creativity in marking National Parish Religious Education
Week 2014. Samples and background information for various activities are included as appendices to
this guide or as hyperlinks. Additional examples are also available on the NCEA website.

1. WORSHIP: Highlight catechetical saints in the litanies prayed for All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and
   other liturgies throughout the week [Appendix A].

2. INFORM: Provide a “Did You Know?” segment in your regular parish communications so you can
   feature information about the goals and important concerns being addressed in parish religious
   education programs [Appendix B].
          Example: Participate in the NCEA webinar on “Education for Community Life and
          Vocation” November 6, 2014 from 1-2 pm ET or from 7-8 pm ET. Registration information
          will be available in October

3. PRAY: Begin regularly scheduled faith formation/religious education sessions with a special
   prayer service [Appendix A & C].
          Example: Daily prayer book from St. Therese of Deephaven, Minnesota

4. COMMEND: Recognize local leaders of parish catechesis for their work on behalf of the faith
   community, especially the pastor and director or coordinator of religious education programs
   [Appendix D & E].
         Example: On Parish Catechetical Leader Appreciation Day–Wednesday, November 6–gift
         your local leaders with the NCEA Religious Education Department Commendation

5. TELL: Share the good news about what the parish has done, and is doing, to form and educate
   people of all ages in the Catholic faith and Christian discipleship [Appendix B & E].
          Example: NCEA will be conducting a social media campaign throughout the week using
          #ParishRE14 on Twitter (@NCEALDahlhoff and @NCEATalk). Also join us on Facebook

6. STUDY: Offer a parish-wide study on the importance the Church places on catechists and the
   parish as a “living catechesis” [Appendix F].
          Example: Have all groups meeting that week begin with a 15 minute discussion, using
          guides such as NCEA’s pamphlets “Catechesis in Parish Life” or “Home and Parish as

7. SERVE: Express the interrelated nature of parish catechesis by connecting various aspects of the
   community in serving with and for one another, such as organizing a service day or connecting
   parish and Catholic school learners who utilize the same space.
          Example: Story of Partnership Between Parish RE Programs and the Parish School from
          Saint Theresa Parish in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania

Appendix A
Sample Prayers and Intercessions Highlighting Parish Catechesis

                       A Litany of Catechetical Saints
                                 Isaiah 50:4-7
                A Prayer for a Teacher before a Religion Class
                          Intercesiones de ejemplo
                            Sample Intercessions

             Catholic parishes, schools, and (arch)dioceses
            may reprint the litany in full for use in celebrating
            National Parish Religious Education Week 2014

A Litany of Catechetical Saints

Catechetical saints are men and women who helped people to know, understand, and appreciate
what God has done for us in Jesus Christ and to respond to God’s gifts of love and faith with their
whole lives. These men and women taught through who they were and what they did, as well as
through their words. Let us join with them and the whole communion of saints as we pray:

Lord, have mercy.                                                 Be merciful,
         Lord, have mercy.                                                Lord, save your people.
Christ, have mercy.                                               By the mystery of your holy Incarnation,
         Christ, have mercy.                                              Lord, save your people.
Lord, have mercy.                                                 By your cross and resurrection,
         Lord, have mercy.                                                Lord, save your people.
                                                                  By your coming,
Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us.                                         Lord, save your people.
Christ, graciously hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
                                                                  Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
God the Father, have mercy on us.                                       Lord, spare us.
God the Son, have mercy on us.                                    Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.                                  Lord, graciously hear us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.                          Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
                                                                        Lord, have mercy on us.
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, pray for us.           Son of the living God,
St. John the Baptist, pray for us.                                     hear our prayer.
                                                             Christ, hear us.
St. Paul, pray for us.
                                                                       Christ, hear us.
St. Cecilia, pray for us.                                    Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, pray for us.                               Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
St. Ambrose, pray for us.
St. Gregory the Great, pray for us.                          Lord, have mercy.
St. Bonaventure, pray for us.                                          Lord, have mercy.
St. Benedict, pray for us.                                   Christ, have mercy.
St. Scholastica, pray for us.                                          Christ, have mercy.
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.                             Lord, have mercy.
St. Francis Xavier, pray for us.                                       Lord, have mercy.
St. Angela Merici, pray for us.
St. Julie Billiart, pray for us.
St. John Bosco, pray for us.
St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.
St. Charles Borromeo, pray for us.
St. Robert Bellarmine, pray for us.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Our Lady of Good Help, pray for us.                National Parish Religious Education Week Celebration Guide 2014 © NCEA.
All you holy men and women, pray for us.                                                        Reprinted with permission.

Isaiah 50: 4-7 (adapted)
The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of a teacher,
      that I might know how to sustain the weary with a word.
Morning by morning the Lord GOD wakens--
      -- wakens my ear to listen as one who is taught;
The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious,
      I did not turn backward.
I gave my back to those who struck me,
      and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard;
I did not hide my face from insult and spitting.
The Lord GOD helps me;
      therefore I have not been disgraced;
      therefore I have set my face like flint,
      and I know that I shall not be put to shame.

       A Prayer for a Teacher before a Religion Class
                   Adapted from a prayer by Dr. Michael Horan in
     Stay with us, Lord: Prayers and reflections for educators (NCEA, 2005. p. 41).

          Gracious God, Source of Wisdom, I give you thanks,

 for you have guided me in the path and brought me to the present moment.

    May your Spirit guide me again as I prepare to teach your Word.

               Open my mind to the needs of my students,

                 quicken my heart to the stirrings of their hearts.

Deepen my conviction that your presence is present in their questions,

             inviting us all to know you and to love you, for you are

            Love Unending and Wisdom Unsurpassed. Amen.

Intercesiones de ejemplo

Pidamos a Dios, fuente de toda sabiduría y conocimiento, que escuche nuestras oraciones .

Por la Iglesia, para que las vidas de todos los miembros de la comunión de los santos continúe
proclamando la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo en cada rincón de la Tierra, te rogamos, Señor:

Pidamos a nuestro Padre eterno, que en Cristo nos ha dado un manantial de verdad y amor, que
renueve nuestro compromiso de proclamar el Evangelio y de formarnos los unos a los otros en la fe

Por la Iglesia, para que todos los bautizados proclamen el Evangelio en sus propias palabras y
durante sus vidas, oramos:

Por el papa Francisco, [nombre del obispo local] y todos los obispos, para que el Espíritu Santo
continúe guiándolos en su función de catequista principal, oramos:

Por nuestros líderes locales y nacionales, para que todas sus decisiones construyan el bien común y
honren la dignidad de la persona humana, especialmente la dignidad de los pobres y vulnerables, te
rogamos, Señor:

Por los pastores, especialmente [nombre del pastor], para que recurran a las Sagradas Escrituras y la
eucaristía para fortalecer el cuerpo de Cristo a través de su enseñanzas y predicaciones, oramos:

Por todos aquellos que, mediante su trabajo y sus aportaciones, han hecho posible nuestros
programas catequéticos parroquiales, especialmente [nombre del líder o de los líderes catequéticos
parroquiales], para que su cooperación con el Espíritu Santo fructifique alegría y paz, oramos:

Por nuestros catequistas, para que permanezcan cerca de Jesucristo, el gran Maestro y primer
Evangelizador, oramos:

Por los adultos, jóvenes, niños y familias de nuestra parroquia, para que sigan multiplicando sus
conocimientos y amor por los unos a los otros y por Dios, oramos:

Por nuestra comunidad parroquial, para que Dios continúe bendiciendo todos nuestros esfuerzos y
que se ayuden los unos a los otros a encontrar a Cristo y multiplicar la fe cada día, oramos:

Por todos nosotros, para que la semilla de fe plantada en nuestros corazones crezca fuerte y
fructifique para alimentar nuestro mundo, oramos:

Por quienes han fallecido, especialmente quienes nos han enseñado el estilo de vida católico, para
que su testimonio de fe los lleve a la luz de la presencia de Dios, oramos:

Sample Intercessions

Let us ask God, the source of all wisdom and knowledge, to hear our prayers.

For the Church, that the lives of all members of the communion of saints will continue to proclaim
the Good News of Jesus Christ in every corner of the earth, we pray:

For Pope Francis, [name of local bishop] and all bishops, that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide
them in their role as chief catechist, we pray:

For our local and national leaders, that all their decisions will build up the common good and honor
the dignity of the human person, especially the dignity of those who are poor and vulnerable, we

For pastors, especially [name of pastor], that they will draw upon Sacred Scripture and the Eucharist
to strengthen the Body of Christ through their teaching and preaching, we pray:

For all those who by their work and their contributions have made our parish faith formation
programs possible, especially [name of parish catechetical leader(s)], that their cooperation with the
Holy Spirit will yield the fruits of joy and peace, we pray:

For our catechists, that they will remain close to Jesus Christ, the one Teacher and first Evangelizer,
we pray:

For the adults, youth, children and families of our parish, that they will continue to grow in
knowledge and love for one another and for God, we pray:

For our parish community, that God may continue to bless all our efforts to help one another
encounter Christ and grow in faith every day, we pray:

For all of us, that the seeds of faith that have been planted in our hearts will grow strong and
bear much fruit to nourish the world, we pray:

For those who have died, especially those who have taught us the Catholic way of life, that their
witness of faith will bring them into the light of God’s presence, we pray:

Appendix B
      Who Parish Religious Education Serves

        Catholic parishes, schools, and (arch)dioceses
may reproduce the following page without alternation for use
in celebrating National Parish Religious Education Week 2014

 Additional statistics are available from sources such as NCEA,
the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), and
the National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry

Who Parish Religious Education Serves
         National statistics taken from The Official Catholic Directory 2014, P.J. Kenedy & Sons, p. 2103.
                        Totals include U.S. territories and Eastern Rite Catholic churches

 Approximately 69 million people are officially connected to
       17,900 Catholic parishes in the United States.
Ideally, every Catholic is served by parish religious education and faith formation in some way.

      Adults plus Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
                Infant Baptisms ................................................................. 730,171
                Adult Baptisms .................................................................... 39,654
                Received into Full Communion ...................................... 66,831
                Marriages ............................................................................. 157,755

      Children and Youth K-Gr. 12 enrolled in Parish Programs
                Elementary Religious Education ............................... 2,715,621
                High School Religious Education ................................. 640,585
                First Communions ............................................................ 775,645
                Confirmations .................................................................... 583,358

      Children and Youth K- Gr. 12 enrolled in Catholic Schools
                Elementary ....................................................................... 1,252,397
                High School......................................................................... 563,644

The Catechism of the Catholic Church uses the word “catechesis” to describe this work:

“[Catechesis is] an education of children, young people, and adults in the faith of the
Church through the teaching of Christian doctrine in an organic and systematic way to
make them disciples of Jesus Christ” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, Glossary).

Christian discipleship – a permanent commitment to following Jesus throughout life –
involves learning and growing in wisdom and knowledge at every age. Discipleship also
involves sharing when and how Jesus Christ has been encountered so others might come to
know, love, and serve him too.

                                                                          National Parish Religious Education Week Celebration Guide 2014 © NCEA.
                                                                                                                       Reprinted with permission.

                                                                           - 10 -
Appendix C
   Reflection on Encountering Christ through the Family
Reflexión sobre el encuentro con Cristo a través de la familia

            Catholic parishes, schools, and (arch)dioceses
       may reproduce the following pages for use in celebrating
           National Parish Religious Education Week 2014

      The full text of the encyclical Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith)
                   is available online [English or Spanish]

                                    - 11 -
Reflection on Encountering Christ through the Family

The first encyclical issued by Pope Francis focused on faith: Lumen Fidei (The
Light of Faith). A papal encyclical is a letter addressed to the bishops, priests,
deacons, consecrated persons, and the lay faithful of the Catholic Church and
intended for general circulation throughout the world. Encountering Christ at
every age is among the topics addressed in the letter.

        In the family, faith accompanies every age of life, beginning with childhood: children
        learn to trust in the love of their parents. This is why it is so important that within their
        families parents encourage shared expressions of faith which can help children gradually
        to mature in their own faith. Young people in particular, who are going through a period
        in their lives which is so complex, rich and important for their faith, ought to feel the
        constant closeness and support of their families and the Church in their journey of faith.
        We have all seen, during World Youth Days, the joy that young people show in their faith
        and their desire for an ever more solid and generous life of faith. Young people want to
        live life to the fullest. Encountering Christ, letting themselves be caught up in and guided
        by his love, enlarges the horizons of existence, gives it a firm hope which will not
        disappoint. Faith is no refuge for the fainthearted, but something which enhances our
        lives. It makes us aware of a magnificent calling, the vocation of love. It assures us that
        this love is trustworthy and worth embracing, for it is based on God’s faithfulness which
        is stronger than our every weakness.
                                                  Pope Francis, The Light of Faith (June 2013) no. 53.

Pause for a few moments to think about five ways you may have come to know more about Jesus and
faith in God through your family. Write or draw examples: What happened? Who was involved? What
did you learn?

Say a prayer of thanks to God for these gifts.
Ask the Holy Family to pray for you for help to grow in those ways you have not yet experienced Christ.

                                                      National Parish Religious Education Week Celebration Guide 2014 © NCEA.
                                                                                                   Reprinted with Permission.
                                                      - 12 -
Reflexión sobre el encuentro con Cristo a través de la familia

La primera encíclica emitida por el Papa Francisco centrada en la fe: Lumen
Fidei (La luz de la fe). Una encíclica papal es una carta dirigida a los obispos,
sacerdotes, diáconos, personas consagradas y los fieles laicos de la Iglesia
católica y destinada a la circulación general por todo el mundo. El encuentro
con Cristo en todas las edades es uno de los temas abordados en la carta.

        En la familia, la fe está presente en todas las etapas de la vida, comenzando por la
        infancia: los niños aprenden a fiarse del amor de sus padres. Por eso, es importante
        que los padres cultiven prácticas comunes de fe en la familia, que acompañen el
        crecimiento en la fe de los hijos. Sobre todo los jóvenes, que atraviesan una edad tan
        compleja, rica e importante para la fe, deben sentir la cercanía y la atención de la familia
        y de la comunidad eclesial en su camino de crecimiento en la fe. Todos hemos visto
        cómo, en las Jornadas Mundiales de la Juventud, los jóvenes manifiestan la alegría de
        la fe, el compromiso de vivir una fe cada vez más sólida y generosa. Los jóvenes
        aspiran a una vida grande. El encuentro con Cristo, el dejarse aferrar y guiar por su
        amor, amplía el horizonte de la existencia, le da una esperanza sólida que no defrauda.
        La fe no es un refugio para gente pusilánime, sino que ensancha la vida. Hace descubrir
        una gran llamada, la vocación al amor, y asegura que este amor es digno de fe, que
        vale la pena ponerse en sus manos, porque está fundado en la fidelidad de Dios, más
        fuerte que todas nuestras debilidades.      Papa Francisco, La luz de la fe, (junio 2013) no. 53.

Haz una pausa para pensar durante unos momentos en cinco formas en las que quizá hayas podido
conocer más acerca de Jesús y hayas podido tener fe en Dios a través de tu familia. Escribe o dibuja
ejemplos: ¿Qué ocurrió? ¿Quién participó? ¿Qué aprendiste?

Eleva una oración de agradecimiento a Dios por estos obsequios.
Pide a la Sagrada Familia que ore por ti para que te ayude a crecer en aquellas formas en las que aún no
has experimentado a Cristo.

                                                    Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial 2014 Guía de celebración © NCEA.
                                                                                       Usado con los permisos correspondientes.

                                                       - 13 -
Appendix D
      Certificate of Special Appreciation
      Constancia de apreciación especial

     Catholic parishes, schools, and (arch)dioceses
may reproduce the following page for use in celebrating
   National Parish Religious Education Week 2014

Current NCEA members may request a customizable WORD
   version of the certificate. Contact the NCEA Religious
    Education Department via email at

                          - 14 -
Certificate of Special Appreciation

                                                        During National Parish
                                                       Religious Education Week

                                                                    name of parish

                                                   celebrates that Jesus Christ is the
                                                    center of the work of catechesis,
                                                        gathering together and
                                                      sending out His Light to the
                                                    ends of the earth as we heed the
                                                 commission to go and make disciples.

 Our parish community acknowledges and extends its deepest appreciation to

                                    name of person

            for assisting the adults, youth, and children of the parish
             to encounter Jesus Christ every day as they continue to
         grow in knowledge and love of God through the Catholic Church.

               Given this ________ day of ____________________, 2014.

_________________________________                 __________________________________
Pastor                                            Chair, Parish Pastoral Council

                                        - 15 -
Constancia de apreciación especial
                                                     Durante la Semana de Educación
                                                          Religiosa Parroquial

                                                                   nombre de la parroquia

                                                     celebra que Jesucristo es el centro
                                                         de la obra de la catequesis,
                                                      reuniéndose y enviando Su Luz
                                                         a los confines de la Tierra
                                                     mientras atendemos la encomienda
                                                        de salir y formar discípulos.

 La comunidad de nuestra parroquia reconoce y agradece profundamente a

                                    nombre de la persona

       por apoyar a los adultos, los jóvenes y los niños de la parroquia
             a encontrar a Jesucristo cada día mientras siguen
multiplicando sus conocimientos y amor a Dios a través de la Iglesia católica.

    Se expide el día ____ de   ____________________ del año 2014 de la era cristiana.

 ________________________________________             ________________________________________
 Pastor                                               Presidente del Consejo Pastoral Parroquial

                                            - 16 -
Appendix E
Tips for Sharing Good News from Parish Religious Education
    Consejos para comunicar noticias buenas derivados
            de la educación religiosa parroquial

           Catholic parishes, schools, and (arch)dioceses
    may reproduce the following page in full for use in celebrating
           National Parish Religious Education Week 2014

                                 - 17 -
Tips for Sharing Good News from Parish Religious Education

✜ Start with what you are doing now. Present a brief summary of what is currently going on in
  the parish’s faith formation and religious instruction programming. What works? What has been
  improved or expanded in the last few years? Show the numbers and, when possible, the faces of
  those participating in formal programs sponsored through the parish.

✜ Determine your audiences. Figure out what audiences you need to reach within the parish and
  beyond. For most parishes, those include parishioners, parents, guardians, current and
  prospective students, grandparents, potential volunteers, new community residents, and
  community leaders.

✜ Craft key messages. Determine messages that will resonate with each audience and what you
  want them to do as a result, such as pray for those involved in sacramental preparation, enroll or
  keep their children in the parish religious education program, sign up for an adult Bible study, be
  trained as a catechist, or provide volunteer support. For example, parents of prospective students
  may want high-quality, faith-based education that also incorporates web tools for families so
  emphasize in your story-telling how your programs meets those desires.

✜ Develop tactics. Determine how you will reach each audience with your messages. Tactics
  include newsletters, online postings, YouTube videos, radio campaigns, and yard signs. You can
  also use personal contact and social media. Another tool is special events, such as open houses,
  educational seminars or parish gatherings. You can reach into the community by organizing
  service projects, setting up student displays in public spaces, and arranging for student musical
  and drama groups to participate in festivals.

✜ Put it all together in a plan. For each audience, list the tactics you will use to achieve your goals
  and objectives. Specify who is responsible for each task, what resources are needed and when
  each task will be completed. Review your plan to make sure that it’s do-able with the people and
  resources available, that it will help you achieve your goals, and that it will enhance your parish’s
  evangelizing and catechizing mission.

✜ Create “listening” loops. Identify ways for those who hear your messages to respond along with
  ways you will share what you are hearing. Establishing a practice of listening as well as telling
  strengthens relationships between the parishioners, volunteers, staff, and community members.
  Listening loops also provide critical feedback about what parishioners are taking away from your
  communications (i.e. what they heard, not simply what you hoped they would hear) as well as
  insight into which tactics are most effective.

                                                  National Parish Religious Education Week Celebration Guide 2014 © NCEA.
                                                                                               Reprinted with permission.

                                                 - 18 -
Consejos para comunicar las noticias buenas derivados
                         de la educación religiosa parroquial

✜ Comience con lo que usted está haciendo ahora. Presente un resumen de lo que está
  aconteciendo en la formación parroquial de la fe y la programación de la instrucción religiosa.
  ¿Qué es lo que sí funciona? ¿Qué se ha mejorado o ampliado en los últimos años? Muestre las
  cifras y, cuando sea posible, los rostros de los participantes en los programas formales
  administrados a través de la parroquia.

✜ Defina a su público. Piense en el público al que usted debe acercarse dentro de la parroquia y
  más allá de esta. En el caso de la mayoría de las parroquias, dicho público incluye a los feligreses,
  padres de familia, tutores, estudiantes actuales y futuros, abuelos, posibles voluntarios, nuevos
  habitantes de la comunidad y líderes comunitarios.

✜ Elabore mensajes clave. Defina mensajes que tendrán eco en cada público y lo que usted desea
  que hagan en consecuencia; por ejemplo, orar por los participantes en la preparación
  sacramental, inscribir o retener a sus hijos en el programa parroquial de educación religiosa,
  inscribirse en un estudio bíblico para adultos, recibir capacitación como catequista u ofrecer
  apoyo voluntario. Por ejemplo, es posible que los padres o los futuros estudiantes deseen una
  educación de alta calidad fundamentada en la fe que también incluya herramientas web para las
  familias; en consecuencia, destaque en su relato la forma en que sus programas satisfacen dichos

✜ Desarrolle técnicas. Defina la forma en que se acercará a cada público con sus mensajes. Entre
  las técnicas se incluyen boletines de noticias, publicaciones en línea, videos de YouTube,
  campañas de radio y letreros en exteriores. También puede recurrir al contacto personal o las
  redes sociales. Otra herramienta son los eventos especiales, como reuniones de puertas abiertas
  ("open house"), seminarios educativos o reuniones parroquiales. Puede acercarse a la comunidad
  mediante la organización de proyectos de servicios, la instalación de exposiciones estudiantiles
  en espacios públicos y las gestiones para que grupos estudiantiles de música y teatro participen
  en festivales.

✜ Reúna todo en un plan. Enumere las técnicas que utilizará para lograr sus metas y objetivos con
  cada público. Especifique quién es el responsable de cada tarea, qué recursos se necesitan y
  cuándo puede concluirse cada tarea. Evalúe su plan para asegurarse de que se pueda realizar con
  los recursos humanos y materiales disponibles, que le ayudará a lograr sus metas y que impulsará
  la misión evangelizadora y catequista de su parroquia.

✜ Cree círculos de "audición". Identifique formas en las responden quienes escuchan sus
  mensajes, además de formas en las que usted compartirá lo que escucha. Al establecerse una
  práctica de escucha y relatos, se fortalecen las relaciones entre los feligreses, los voluntarios, el
  personal y los miembros de la comunidad. Los círculos de audición también ofrecen comentarios
  fundamentales acerca de lo que los feligreses se llevan consigo a partir de las comunicaciones de
  usted (p. ej., lo que ellos escucharon, no solo lo que usted esperaba que escucharan), además de
  discernimiento en cuanto a cuáles tácticas son más eficaces.

                                                 Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial 2014 Guía de celebración © NCEA.
                                                                                    Usado con los permisos correspondientes.
                                                  - 19 -
Appendix F
  Quotes Supporting Parish Catechesis

When available, links are provided to the full text of
  the document from which the quote is taken

                        - 20 -
Quotes Supporting Parish Catechesis
But how can they call on him in whom they have not                   Catechists / Los catequistas
believed? And how can they believe in him of whom
they have not heard? And how can they hear without                    I am anxious to give thanks in the Church's name to
someone to preach? And how can people preach                         all of you, lay teachers of catechesis in the parishes,
unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful               the men and the still more numerous women
are the feet of those who bring [the] good news!”                    throughout the world who are devoting yourselves to
                                                                     the religious education of many generations. Your
                                       Romans 10:14-15
                                                                     work is often lowly and hidden but it is carried out
                                                                     with ardent and generous zeal, and it is an eminent
                                                                     form of the lay apostolate, a form that is particularly
To fulfill the mandate she has received from her
                                                                     important where for various reasons children and
divine founder of proclaiming the mystery of
                                                                     young people do not receive suitable religious
salvation to all men and of restoring all things in
                                                                     training in the home.
Christ, Holy Mother the Church must be concerned
with the whole of man's life, even the secular part of                   Pope John Paul II, On Catechesis In Our Time, no. 66
it insofar as it has a bearing on his heavenly calling.
Therefore she has a role in the progress and                         Queridos catequistas, se han acabado los tres
development of education.                                            puntos. ¡Siempre caminar desde Cristo! Les doy las
                                 Second Vatican Council,             gracias por lo que hacen, pero sobre todo porque
                       Declaration on Christian Education            están en la Iglesia, en el Pueblo de Dios en camino,
                                                                     porque caminan con el Pueblo de Dios.
                                                                     Permanezcamos con Cristo –permanecer en Cristo-,
                                                                     tratemos de ser cada vez más uno con él;
                                                                     sigámoslo, imitémoslo en su movimiento de amor,
                                                                     en su salir al encuentro del hombre; y vayamos,
Parents / La familia
                                                                     abramos las puertas, tengamos la audacia de trazar
                                                                     nuevos caminos para el anuncio del Evangelio.
Los padres de familia son los primeros educadores
en la fe. Junto a los padres, sobre todo en                          Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco a los participantes en
determinadas culturas, todos los componentes de la                                el congreso internacional sobre la catequesis
familia tienen una intervención activa en orden a la
educación de los miembros más jóvenes. Conviene
determinar, de modo más concreto, en qué sentido                     Dear catechists, [sic] Always start anew from Christ!
la comunidad cristiana familiar es « lugar » de                      I thank you for everything that you do, but above all,
catequesis. La familia ha sido definida como una «                   because you are part of the Church, the pilgrim
Iglesia doméstica », lo que significa que en cada                    People of God, and you accompany God’s People
familia cristiana deben reflejarse los diversos                      on that pilgrimage. Let us remain with Christ –
aspectos o funciones de la vida de la Iglesia entera:                abiding in Christ – and let us always try to be one
misión, catequesis, testimonio, oración... La familia,               with him. Let us follow him, let us imitate him in his
en efecto, al igual que la Iglesia, « es un espacio                  movement of love, in his going forth to meet
donde el Evangelio es transmitido y desde donde                      humanity. Let us go forth and open doors. Let us
éste se irradia ». La familia como « lugar » de                      have the audacity to mark out new paths for
catequesis tiene un carácter único: transmite el                     proclaiming the Gospel.
Evangelio enraizándolo en el contexto de profundos                           Pope Francis, Year of Faith Address to Catechists
valores humanos.
                del Vaticano Congregacion para el Clero              En la boca del catequista vuelve a resonar siempre
               Directorio General para la Catequesis 255             el primer anuncio: «Jesucristo te ama, dio su vida
                                                                     para salvarte, y ahora está vivo a tu lado cada día,
                                                                     para iluminarte, para fortalecerte, para liberarte».
Parents are the most influential agents of catechesis
                                                                           Santo Padre Francisco La alegría del Evangelio 164
for their children. They have the unique
responsibility for the education of their children; they
are the first educators, or catechists. They catechize               On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation
primarily by witness of their Christian lives and by                 must ring out over and over: 'Jesus Christ loves you;
their love for the faith.                                            he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at
           United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,             your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free
              National Directory for Catechesis, no. 54 C            you.'       Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, no. 164

                                                            - 21 -
Parish / La parroquia

La parroquia es, sin duda, el lugar más significativo                La pedagogía catequética es eficaz en la medida en
en que se forma y manifiesta la comunidad cristiana.                 que la comunidad cristiana se convierte en
Ella está llamada a ser una casa de familia, fraternal               referencia concreta y ejemplar para el itinerario de
y acogedora, donde los cristianos se hacen                           fe de cada uno. Esto sucede si la comunidad se
conscientes de ser Pueblo de Dios. La parroquia, en                  concibe como fuente, lugar y meta de la catequesis.
efecto, congrega en la unidad todas las diversidades                 En concreto, la comunidad viene a ser lugar visible
humanas que en ella se encuentran y las inserta en                   del testimonio de la fe, cuida la formación de sus
la universalidad de la Iglesia. Ella es, por otra parte,             miembros, les acoge como familia de Dios,
el ámbito ordinario donde se nace y se crece en la                   constituyéndose en ambiente vital y permanente del
fe. Constituye, por ello, un espacio comunitario muy                 crecimiento de la fe.
adecuado para que el ministerio de la Palabra                                            Vaticano Congregacion para el Clero
ejercido en ella sea, al mismo tiempo, enseñanza,                                   Directorio General para la Catequesis 158
educación y experiencia vital.
                    Vaticano Congregacion para el Clero
               Directorio General para la Catequesis 257             Catechetical pedagogy will be effective to the extent
                                                                     that the Christian community becomes the point of
                                                                     concrete reference for the faith journey of
The parish is, without doubt, the most important                     individuals. This happens when the community is
locus in which the Christian community is formed                     proposed as a source, locus and means of
and expressed. This is called to be a fraternal and                  catechesis. Concretely, the community becomes a
welcoming family where Christians become aware of                    visible place of faith-witness. It provides for the
being the people of God. In the parish, all human                    formation of its members. It receives them as the
differences melt away and are absorbed into the                      family of God. It constitutes itself as the living and
universality of the Church. The parish is also the                   permanent environment for faith growth.
usual place in which the faith is born and in which it                                   Vatican Congregation for the Clergy,
grows. It constitutes, therefore, a very adequate                                    General Directory for Catechesis, no. 158
community space for the realization of the ministry of
the word at once as teaching, education and life
experience.                                                          La educación en la fe por los padres debe comenzar
                    Vatican Congregation for the Clergy,             desde la más tierna infancia. Esta educación se
                General Directory for Catechesis, no. 257            hace ya cuando los miembros de la familia se
                                                                     ayudan a crecer en la fe mediante el testimonio de
                                                                     una vida cristiana de acuerdo con el Evangelio. La
In a time when excessive individualism threatens the                 catequesis familiar precede, acompaña y enriquece
fabric of community life, we remember that                           las otras formas de enseñanza de la fe. Los padres
catechesis is an ecclesial activity accomplished by,                 tienen la misión de enseñar a sus hijos a orar y a
with, and for the community of faith. Our experience                 descubrir su vocación de hijos de Dios. La parroquia
tells us that the most effective catechesis builds                   es la comunidad eucarística y el corazón de la vida
upon the foundation provided by vitally alive parish                 litúrgica de las familias cristianas; es un lugar
communities.                                                         privilegiado para la catequesis de los niños y de los
                National Conference of Catholic Bishops,             padres.
                      In Support of Catechetical Ministry                               Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica 2226

                                                                     Education in the faith by the parents should begin in
The single most critical factor in an effective                      the child’s earliest years. This already happens
catechetical program is the leadership of a                          when family members help one another to grow in
professionally trained parish catechetical leader.                   faith by the witness of a Christian life in keeping with
                                                                     the     Gospel.     Family      catechesis    precedes,
           United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,             accompanies, and enriches other forms of
            National Directory for Catechesis, no. 54 B.5
                                                                     instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of
                                                                     teaching their children to pray and to discover their
                                                                     vocation as children of God. The parish is the
I have the strength for everything through him who
                                                                     Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical
empowers me.
                                                                     life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for
                                         Philippians 4:13            the catechesis of children and parents.
                                                                                   Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2226

                                                            - 22 -
Appendix G
                          Sample Promotional Information

Parishes have a variety of media options to promote their Parish Religious Education Week
activities, including the parish bulletin, the school website, the pastor’s blog and social
media. Use the following samples to develop your own Parish Religious Education Week

                     Theme Explanation (Bi-lingual English/Spanish)
                      Sample Graphics (Bi-lingual, English, Spanish)
                       Sample Poster (Bi-lingual English/Spanish)
                                   Avisos por boletín
                                     Bulletin Notices
                     Anuncio para la página web, "blog," o red social
                 Announcement for Website, Blog, or Social Media Network
                                     Sample Tweets
                          Ejemplo de publicación de noticias
                                 Sample News Release

                                             - 23 -
Theme: Encountering Christ Every Day ~ Encuentro con Cristo cada día

The guiding theme for the celebrations in 2013,           El tema de la guía para las celebraciones en 2013,
2014, and 2015 is “Encountering Christ Every Day          2014 y 2015 es "Encountering Christ Every Day ~
~ Encuentro con Cristo cada día.” Every day of            Encuentro con Cristo cada día." Cada día de la
the week some type of religious education                 semana, se desarrolla algún tipo de actividad de
activity is going on in a parish somewhere in the         educación religiosa en alguna parroquia de los
United States and its territories. As the hub of          Estados Unidos y sus territorios. Como el centro
lifelong faith formation, the parish – both the           neurálgico de la formación de la fe durante toda la
people and the place – weaves together essential          vida, la parroquia (las personas y el lugar) une
strands within the fabric of effective Catholic           hebras fundamentales en la tela de la educación
education. NCEA’s annual National Parish                  católica eficaz. La celebración anual de la Semana
Religious Education Week celebration highlights           Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial de la
the vital role of parish in fulfilling the Church’s       NCEA resalta la función imprescindible de la
mission of evangelization and catechesis.                 parroquia para el cumplimiento de la misión de
                                                          evangelización y catequesis de la Iglesia.
The theme echoes the call for Christian disciples
to see and reflect Jesus Christ in daily living. It       El tema fomenta la petición de que los discípulos
also reminds us that catechesis - everything the          cristianos vean y sean el reflejo de Jesucristo en la
Church does to educate people in the Catholic             vida diaria. También nos recuerda que la
faith - is a moment in the process of                     catequesis, todo lo que hace la Iglesia para educar a
evangelization.                                           las personas conforme a la fe católica, es un
                                                          momento en el proceso de evangelización

                                                      - 24 -
Sample Graphic Identifiers

Catholic parishes, schools, and (arch)dioceses may include these graphics without modification in materials
celebrating National Parish Religious Education Week 2014. Hi resolution graphics are available through the
NCEA website.

Publishers and other entities must secure permission from the NCEA Religious Education Department in
writing prior to utilizing these images on websites or in other materials.

                                                    - 25 -
Sample Poster: Current NCEA members may request a customizable WORD version at

         National Parish Religious Education Week
         Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa
                             November 2-8, 2014

    Encountering Christ at the center                      Encontrar a Cristo en el centro
    of the parish’s work in catechesis                 de la labor parroquial en la catequesis
    where adults, youth, and children                    donde los adultos, los jóvenes y los
       learn the Catholic faith and                        niños aprenden la fe católica y
     express it as Christian disciples                 la expresan como discípulos cristianos

                                              - 26 -
Avisos por boletín

Aviso por boletín correspondiente al domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014
En noviembre, nos uniremos a una celebración de la Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa
Parroquial. La celebración hace hincapié en que Jesucristo es el centro de los programas de
formación de la fe de la parroquia y que, al ayudar a los adultos, los jóvenes y los niños a encontrar a
Cristo cada día y crecer en nuestra fe católica, estamos respondiendo a la gran encomienda de "salir y
formar discípulos". Consulte un calendario de eventos en el boletín o visite [dirección de la página
web]. Para fungir como voluntario durante las festividades, comuníquese con [número telefónico y
dirección de correo electrónico del coordinador de la celebración parroquial].

Aviso por boletín correspondiente al domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014
En cuatro semanas, comenzaremos una celebración de la Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa
Parroquial. . Nuestra celebración destacará cómo nuestros programas de formación de la fe de la
parroquia conservan a Jesús en el centro de la ayuda brindada a adultos, jóvenes y niños para
encontrar a Cristo todos los días y el valor que añaden a nuestra comunidad. Consulte un calendario
de eventos en el boletín o visite [dirección de la página web]. Para fungir como voluntario durante
las festividades, comuníquese con [número telefónico y dirección de correo electrónico del
coordinador de la celebración parroquial].

Aviso por boletín correspondiente al domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014
En dos semanas, comenzaremos nuestra celebración de la Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa
Parroquial, nuestra celebración destacará cómo nuestros programas de formación de la fe de la
parroquia conservan a Jesús en el centro de la ayuda brindada a adultos, jóvenes y niños para
encontrar a Cristo todos los días y el valor que añaden a nuestra comunidad.Consulte el calendario
de eventos en el boletín de la próxima semana o visite [dirección de la página web]. Para fungir
como voluntario durante las festividades, comuníquese con [número telefónico y dirección de correo
electrónico del coordinador de la celebración parroquial].

Aviso por boletín correspondiente al domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014
Únase a la celebración de la Semana Nacional de Educación Religiosa Parroquial, a partir del próximo
domingo, 3 de noviembre. El tema de este año es "El encuentro con Cristo cada día", que celebra
nuestra dedicación a la formación de la fe para toda la vida. Hemos planeado una gama de
actividades para demostrar cómo nuestra parroquia ayuda a adultos, jóvenes y niños a conocer y
amar a Jesucristo y la Iglesia Católica más profundamente mediante nuestros esfuerzos de educación

                                                  - 27 -
You can also read