Appendices Appendix A: Vignette

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Appendix A: Vignette

© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature 2020
J. Mangold, Philanthropic Foundations in Higher Education,
218                            Appendices

Appendix B: Survey (Example)
Appendices   219
220                                                                Appendices

Appendix C: Interviews
List of German Foundations Interviewed (Alphabetical)

I conducted expert interviews with one or more representatives of the following
organizations. In the continuous text, I refer to them without mentioning their
names in order to ensure anonymity of the interviewee.

 #       Foundation
 1       Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.
 2       Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
 3       Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung
 4       Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung
 5       Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung
 6       Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung
 7       Haniel Stiftung
 8       Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH
 9       Schering Stiftung
 10      SRH Holding / SRH Higher Education
 11      Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
 12      Stiftung Mercator GmbH
 13      VolkswagenStiftung
 14      Wilhelm-Sander-Stiftung
 15      ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius
Source: Author’s illustration

List of American Foundations Interviewed (Alphabetical)
 #       American Foundations
 1       Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
 2       Bernard Osher Foundation
 3       Carnegie Corporation of New York
 4       Ford Foundation
 5       Henry Luce Foundation
Appendices                                                        221

 6        Lumina Foundation
 7        The Ahmanson Foundation
 8        The Kresge Foundation
 9        The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
 10       The Spencer Foundation
 11       The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
 12       W.M. Keck Foundation
Source: Author’s illustration

List of American Organizations Interviewed (Alphabetical)

 #        Organization
 1        American Council of Learned Societies
 2        American Friends of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
 3        Columbia University
 4        Foundation Center by Candid
 5        George Mason University
 6        National Endowment for the Humanities
 7        National Science Foundation
 8        Princeton University
 9        Rockefeller Archive Center
 10       Stanford University
 11       University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
 12       UCLA Development Office
 13       University of Southern California
 14       University of Washington
 15       Urban Institute
Source: Author’s illustration
222                                                                    Appendices

Appendix D: Interview Questionnaire
Example for US Foundations

Interviewee (with position):
Permission to record: O Yes                                                   O No


I. Introductory questions
     1. Generally speaking: What fascinates you most about working in a foun-
     2. What is in your opinion special about working in this particular founda-
     3. If you have worked in other areas before coming to a foundation: What
         is different about foundations? What do you see as the main difference
         between your previous work environment and the foundation work en-

II. Typical activities of the foundation in the field of higher education
”I am particularly interested in your foundation’s activities in the field of higher
education. I have looked through your homepage and publications to find out
what your foundation’s thematic focal points and projects are.”
     4. What do you consider to be your foundation’s typical focal points/topics
         in the field of higher education?
     5. What do you consider to be your foundation’s typical projects in the
         field of higher education?
     6. What do you consider to be your foundation’s greatest successes?
         Which projects went extraordinarily well?

III. Main part: Questions about foundations‘ role in higher education fund-
     7. What distinguishes higher education funding by foundations compared
        with state and private sector funding? What kind of support can founda-
        tions offer compared with state and market actors? Even though it is not
        a foundation in the classical sense: What distinguishes foundations es-
Appendices                                                                   223

        pecially from the National Science Foundation? National Endowment
        for the Humanities?

   8.   Narrowing it down to higher education institutions: Which role do you
        think funding from foundations plays for higher education institutions?

   9.   I am sure that your foundation, like many other organizations, regularly
        concerns itself with its vision, goals, and strategy. I would like to ask
        you to describe the roles that your foundation currently fulfills as well
        as the roles your foundation would like to fulfill in the future.

   10. Our analysis has shown that higher education supporting foundations in
       Germany follow mostly performance-related and “elite philanthropic”
       motives. They support more frequently (than foundations with other
       purposes) talent, want to acknowledge achievements; want to foster in-
       novations as well as solutions to problems. To what extent would you
       say that this also applies to your American foundation? Are there addi-
       tional characteristics that should be mentioned?

   11. How would you describe the relationship in your foundation between
       funding research and funding teaching? (if applicable)

   12. Types of supported higher education institutions
       According to my data analysis of a database provided by the Foundation
       Center, foundations supporting higher education institutions tend to
       support the higher education institutions that are already better off. Why
       would foundations support schools that are already quite wealthy?

   13. Governance of supported higher education institutions
       The analysis of the Foundation Center database showed that privately
       governed, and not publicly governed, higher education institutions are
       the ones receiving the highest amounts of foundation support. How
       would you explain this? To what extent would you say that foundations
       have a different attitude towards public higher education institutions?

   14. While the top 20 higher education institutions receiving most founda-
       tion funding between 2000 and 2010 change positions, the names tend
       to be remarkably the same. How would you interpret this result?
224                                                                   Appendices

      15. If you consider your foundation’s collaboration with higher education
          institutions: Who is the actual innovative part? Foundations? Higher ed-
          ucation institutions/researchers? Both or none?

Within the framework of our research project we came up with a list of twenty of
the most relevant foundations in the field of higher education. Selection criteria
were annual expenditures, recommendations from our scientific council as well
as from experts in the field.

>>Here is a list
Appendices                                     225

Appendix E: Lists of 20 Relevant Foundations
226   Appendices

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