National Trust East of England Talks Service: Virtual Talks List

Page created by Mitchell Powell
National Trust
            East of England Talks Service: Virtual Talks List
Below you will find our volunteer speakers who are offering their talks with an online format, to be presented on online
services (subject to availability).

Allen Burbidge: The Herveys of Ickworth
This presents the story of the family, from the first Hervey who married a local lass (Jane Dury) in 1253, to the 4th
Marquess and his wife Theodora, from whom the house passed into the care of the National Trust. The talk is illustrated
using slides of the paintings and objects in the Ickworth collection.

Allen Burbidge: The Architecture of Ickworth
Focusing on the architecture of the palace, this is a story of Ickworth’s build, subsequent alterations and changes up to
the year 2020. Principle characters involved in the story are mentioned, however, if your main interest is in family, the
above talk on the Hervey’s maybe of further interest.

Richard Symes: Turbulence to Tranquility, the History of Dunwich Heath
An illustrated talk about the extraordinary tales of people and events from the 18th Century to today. How the heath has
changed. From the days of smuggling to Coastguards then on to the dramatic events during WW1 and WW2. The Heath
was certainly not always the quiet and peaceful place that it is today.

Helen Ackroyd: One place, one time, one life: Lord Fairhaven’s life at Anglesey Abbey
This talk takes a look at some of the history of the buildings at Anglesey Abbey, between the years 1236 and 1956. Learn
more about the family history of Lord Fairhaven, discover where the money came from, and find out more about the house
and its gardens.

National Trust
               East of England Talks Service: Virtual Talks List (Continued)
Brian Butcher: A Blickling Soap Opera
Henrietta Howard was born at Blickling and the talk supported by a Power Point presentation covers her fascinating life
and times. Born in to plenty she suffered family tragedies, an abusive marriage and great poverty even to the extent of
living under an assumed name. By her own efforts and determination she gained a role in royal service and eventually
became the mistress to a king and the servant of a queen. She took a brave and unprecedented step to resolve her
situation at great personal cost, eventually becoming countess of Suffolk. This is a story which is very much a soap

Brian Butcher: A Blickling River of Time
A river runs through the Blickling estate and this talk supported by a Power Point presentation covers 1,000 years of
history to which it has been witness. It is the story of those who have shaped developments, including among others the
Boleyns, Hobarts and Lothians. Tragedy, intrigue, politics and scandal feature as well as the building of all the houses
which have stood on the current site. How did it become the first such large estate to come to the National Trust, thanks
to the efforts of the last private owner? This is a rapid walk through a fascinating story which continues today.

Brian Butcher: A Tudor Sextet: The Unfortunate Wives of Henry VIII
All the six wives of this king have their own stories to tell. This talk supported by a Power Point brings the detail to life,
including the manner in which each could be said to be unfortunate. All became embroiled in the politics of the Tudor
court including the intrigue and plots by supporters and opponents. All were manipulated to varying degrees. Did two
deserve to be executed? Why did one stand on firm principle to her detriment whilst another took a pragmatic approach
and substantially benefit? Why did one survive by using her initiative? This is a brief walk through a tumultuous period in
English history.

National Trust
             East of England Talks Service: Virtual Talks List (Continued)

Brian Butcher: Anne Boleyn: Saint or Sinner?
Anne Boleyn must be the most infamous queen consort in the history of the country. Having played an influential role in
religious reform, how did she fall from grace and suffer execution? Was she even guilty of her alleged crimes or was it
case of judicial murder to satisfy the needs of the king? The talk supported by a Power Point presentation covers the life
and times of Anne including events leading up to the first execution of a queen consort. People are left to judge for
themselves whether Anne was the saint of subsequent Protestant writing or the heretic sinner of Catholic commentators.

Celia Graham: Working Life at Ickworth House in 1930s
You've all seen the TV dramatization of life 'below stairs’; now learn about the lives of the real servants at Ickworth House
in the 1930s. Gain insight into their duties, their interests, their relationships, and much more. Hear stories of the
servants, taken from our extensive oral archive records, and begin to understand their world of hard work, ringing bells,
and strict rules.
Celia will soon be offering virtual talks.

Anne Guymer: Oxburgh Hall - Raising the Roof: Medieval Rafters, Rats and Treasure
It started with a collapsed dormer window! As a result a £6million project is underway at Oxburgh
Hall, which will see repairs carried out to the roof, windows, chimneys and medieval gatehouse
façade, securing Oxburgh’s future and the collection within. This presentation details the work and
progress on the building, the 86 tonnes of scaffolding, rebuilding the dormer windows, repairing the
27 chimneys and replacing 17,00 roof tiles – together with an update on the exciting finds that have resulted in Oxburgh
Hall being nominated for an acclaimed worldwide archelogy award. The rafters ravaged by the Civil War, the dormer
windows being rebuilt brick by brick, the clothing samples from the 16th/17th century stolen by medieval rats and the
15th/16th century illuminated manuscripts with their gold and blue original work still visible. The talk also introduces a
number of fascinating Bedingfelds who have lived at Oxburgh Hall.

National Trust
             East of England Talks Service: Virtual Talks List (Continued)

Rob Knee: Family History
The links between the great houses of Oxburgh, Felbrigg and Blickling. Tracing the family links and shared heritage of
the three houses and the insights that they give into Norfolk's history.

Rob Knee: For Ever, For Everyone: National Trust, National Treasure
What the Trust aims to do and what it can offer in the 21st century. A look at current challenges and controversies,
including conservation, the environment, fox hunting, global warming and planning controls. Exploring some of the
remarkable facts, figures and surprising things about the Trust.

Rob Knee: Octavia Hill
The remarkable woman from Wisbech who helped to create the National Trust but who also pioneered developments in
Social Housing and the Green Belt.

Rob Knee: National Trust and Well-being
The How the National Trust can make a big contribution to our physical and mental wellbeing.
The talk explores the range of opportunities the National Trust offers for walkers, for giving, for learning new skills, for
joining with others to support conservation and the environment.
The National Trust was created to support people with their daily lives and is still fulfilling this promise today.

David Simmonds: 10 Tales of the National Trust
This fully illustrated talk is a medley made up of ten different tales or sections dealing with varied aspects of the National
Trust. These range from David Simmonds’ first involvement with the Trust over 50 years ago to the connection between
the Tale of Peter Rabbit and the Trust. Another tale concerns the history of the Trust, but it would spoil the talk to give
too much away!
National Trust
             East of England Talks Service: Virtual Talks List (Continued)

David Simmonds: Coast of Essex
Essex is reputed to have the longest coastline of any English county! This fully illustrated talk looks at many aspects of
the Essex coast with particular emphasis on National Trust properties. Natural history, authors, seaside resorts and
boating are all featured.

David Simmonds: Coast of East Anglia
The Trust owns many parts of the East Anglian coast and the adjoining countryside. As well as looking at the birds and
scenery, the talk considers the historical importance of the sites. This fully illustrated talk can be altered to meet the
wishes of the audience.

David Simmonds: Hatfield Forest
The Forest is the only surviving medieval hunting forest and has much of interest to nature lovers and historians. Talks
cover the history of the Forest, techniques of woodland management, the plants and animals to be found and the
facilities for visitors. The talk can be combined with a guided walk in the Forest.

David Simmonds: History of the National Trust
Great oak trees grow from tiny acorns and this is certainly true of the National Trust. From its humble beginnings in
1895, the Trust has grown to have over four million members, 350 historic buildings, almost 750 miles of coast and
getting on for a 1,000 square miles of countryside. This fully illustrated talk looks at how the National Trust has
developed over the past 120+ years. It goes on to examine how the Trust has grown in Essex, before suggesting ways
in which it might change in the future.

David Simmonds: Thomas Hardy and the National Trust
Thomas Hardy is one of our most popular classical authors and poets. His birthplace and home for many years are both
owned by the Trust, together with many of the places mentioned in his works. This illustrated talk looks at the author and
the Trust.                                                                                                     Continued…
National Trust
             East of England Talks Service: Virtual Talks List (Continued)

David Simmonds: Scouts, Guides and the National Trust
There are many links between the National Trust and the Scouting and Guide movements. These go right back to the
first Scout camp organised by Robert Baden-Powell in 1907 on Brownsea Island which is now owned by the Trust.
These links continue today with a common desire to get children and young people off their computers and mobile
phones and into the countryside to discover wildlife, new skills and crafts. This fully illustrated talk looks at these links
and how they continue to develop.

David Simmonds: National Trust in East Anglia
There are Trust properties throughout East Anglia. This talk looks at these places and can be adapted to meet the
particular interest of the audience, be it history, gardens, the coast or famous authors!

David Simmonds: Treasures of the National Trust
This fully illustrated talk looks at some of the treasures of the National Trust, starting with the founders back in 1895.
Using seven different categories ranging from coast and country to great houses, the talk uses examples, especially from
Essex, to examine the many and varied treasures of the Trust.

If you are interested in one of the talks please complete our Booking Enquiry Form and we will pass your details to the
speaker you are enquiring about for them to get in touch.
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