Page created by Bobby Romero
NatWest Group digitizes
check-clearing processes

NatWest Group
Edinburgh, Scotland
Banking and Capital Markets
■   Transform check processing systems to comply with new digital
    image-capture law
■   Streamline customer-facing processes and improve
    check-clearing flows
■   Create sustainable business model that maintains per-item rates
    as check volumes decline

■   Transition from paper-based check clearing to image-based
    check clearing
■   Automated image-based fraud detection system
■   Mobile capture capabilities, which will allow customers to deposit
    checks via their mobile banking app

■   Reduced check processing costs by 50% through switch from paper to
    digital image system, removing the need for interbank paper exchange
■   Faster and more accurate check processing, which translates into
    better customer service
■   Additional use of automated fraud detection that identifies around
    350 bad checks per month, saving the bank £50 million a year on
    potential fraud losses

NatWest Group digitizes
                          check-clearing processes
                          Thanks to electronic banking, there are millennials who
                          have never written a paper check. While the overall
                          volume of paper checks continues to plummet by 10 to 15
                          percent a year, NatWest Group still sometimes processes
                          as many as 500,000 checks per day and needs to do so as
                          quickly, accurately and cost-effectively as possible.

The new system            The UK recently introduced legislation     The key to the transformation was to

enabled NatWest Group     requiring that all banks switch to image   use DXC’s expertise in the digital arena
                          exchange of checks. The new legislation    and knowledge of the banking industry
to reduce its overall
                          means that banks now capture images        to migrate from the old platform of
footprint for image-      of checks and exchange these instead       bulky, high-maintenance capture
capture functionality,    of physical paper checks.                  devices to new, smaller and more-
increase speed and                                                   efficient desktop scanners.
                          NatWest Group decided that instead
accuracy, and enable
                          of doing the bare minimum to comply        This enabled NatWest Group to reduce
automated image fraud     with the image-clearing check system       its overall footprint for image-capture
detection based on        requirements, it would take the            functionality, increase speed and
machine learning and      initiative and work with long-time         accuracy, and enable automated image
artificial intelligence   outsourcing partner DXC Technology         fraud detection based on machine
(AI) technologies.        to completely transform the check-         learning and artificial intelligence (AI)
                          processing system. This included           technologies.
                          moving to a new software platform
                          and installing new desktop scanners in
                          DXC processing centers to comply with
                          industry requirements.

Reduce fraud, mitigate risk and
                                 boost compliance
                                 During the transition period, DXC            are now available to customers of all
                                 managed both paper and digital image-        banks within 1 or 2 days, as opposed to
                                 based processes simultaneously and           up to 6 days under the old system — a
                                 successfully adhered to the migration        change that translates into enhanced
                                 schedule. DXC also rationalized systems      customer service and higher customer
The automated fraud
                                 for out-clearing and in-clearing of          satisfaction.
detection software has
                                 checks so the same platforms are
identified an average of                                                      The automated fraud detection
                                 used for each process. Shrinking
                                                                              software has identified an average
350 fraudulent checks            the processing real estate allowed
                                                                              of 350 fraudulent checks per month,
per month, saving the            for closure of redundant sites while
                                                                              saving the bank more than £50 million
bank more than £50               retaining a network of distributed
                                                                              per year in potential fraud losses.
million per year in              capture sites to allow for easy delivery
                                 by the bank’s couriers.                      The new system also enables NatWest
potential fraud losses.
                                                                              Group to do a better job of responding
                                 The net result is a cost-effective digital
                                                                              to check-related customer questions
                                 process that helps reduce fraud,
                                                                              through an improved audit trail. And
                                 mitigates risk and complies with the
                                                                              in the longer term, the digital system
                                 new legislation.
                                                                              creates a sustainable business model
                                 Specifically, the new industry model         that helps enable NatWest Group to
                                 has delivered a 50 percent reduction in      continue to keep its cost per check
                                 check-clearing costs and a 66 percent        at a lower level than would have
                                 reduction in the clearance cycle time        been experienced with the old paper
                                 of a check. A full day’s worth of checks     processing model while volumes
                                 — on average about 350,000 — is              continue to decline.
                                 processed in a 2-hour window with an
                                 accuracy level of 99.9 percent. Funds

                       NatWest Group understands that check-processing volume will
                       continue to decline over the years ahead, so the firm will continue
                       to work collaboratively with DXC for the duration of the relationship
                       to digitize and optimize check-clearing processes to cut costs and
                       improve customer service.

50%                                                       Continuous improvement at
                                                          NatWest Group
Reduction in
                                                          In 2020, the bank was seeking to          and time associated with couriers
check-clearing costs
                                                          implement mobile capture, allowing        transporting checks from branches
                                                          selected customers to use a check         back to the central DXC check
                                                          deposit option via their mobile           processing facilities — complementing

                                                          banking application, rather than          the bank’s desire to improve its
                                                          having to go to a branch to deposit a     carbon footprint.
                                                          check. Also under consideration is a
                                                                                                    NatWest Group understands that
                                                          corporate capture option that would
Reduction in the clearance                                                                          check-processing volume will
                                                          enable business and charity customers
cycle time of a check                                                                               continue to decline over the years
                                                          to deposit large numbers of checks via
                                                                                                    ahead, so the firm will continue to
                                                          desktop scanners linked to their online
                                                                                                    work collaboratively with DXC for the
                                                          bank accounts.
                                                                                                    duration of the relationship to

2 hours
                                                          The bank is also considering              digitize and optimize check-clearing
                                                          introducing check image capture           processes to cut costs and improve
                                                          at branches, which would assist in        customer service.
Time window for processing                                significantly reducing the expense
350,000 checks with an
accuracy level of 99.9%

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