Page created by Nicholas Martin
                               Business Outlook


                    Valuation &
                                      Bank Support
     Director’s     Capital Markets   & Business
     Statement                        Recovery

     Overview       Finance           Insurance


     Childcare &


     Hotels                           Tables

     Venners and
     Orridge        Activity

2018 was surprisingly upbeat for some. Uncertainty
                                                  fuelled by ongoing Brexit negotiations only became
                                                  apparent in the last few weeks of the year as Parliament
                                                  failed to reach a consensus on how to proceed.

           CHRIS DAY                              As ever, consumer confidence is key in driving    these markets, which are more complex than
           Global Managing Director               economic and business performance and,            in traditional real estate.
                                                  whilst there have been a number of metrics
                                                                                                    CHRISTIE & CO
                                                  and findings to suggest high street spending
                                                  is falling, this may not be the most reliable     Our markets continue to function very
                                                  method to establish consumer sentiment. As        effectively and front end KPIs in transactions,
                                                  we move towards online platforms, this looks      such as interest and offers received, have
    Managing                                      to be the most indicative way of measuring
                                                  how people are spending their money.
                                                                                                    been robust. However, towards the end of
                                                                                                    2018 there has been a slowdown within
    Director’s                                    The highly publicised struggles of big chain
                                                                                                    the tail end of some deal processes. As we
                                                                                                    approach the deadline for a Brexit deal, we’ve
                                                  brands in the casual dining space have cast
                                                                                                    seen some caution from banks who are
                                                  doubt in the market, however, the issues really
                                                                                                    taking longer to provide loans and capital,
                                                  stem from oversupply rather than a lack of
                                                                                                    causing a domino effect and slowing some
                                                  customer demand. Operators who distinguish
                                                  themselves from the crowd and present a
                                                  unique offering are thriving, along with those    Once we have passed the Brexit deadline, it
                                                  who continue to reinvest and innovate. This       looks likely that with the clarity this will bring,
                                                  is true across all sectors, where being able      we will see transaction times return to normal
    OVERALL MARKET                                to adapt, adopt new trends and introduce          and in fact possibly a dividend in deals from
                                                  relevant technology to improve services           the boost in market confidence.
    2018 was for some, surprisingly upbeat.
    Uncertainty fuelled by ongoing Brexit         and cost-effectiveness will see any business      Beyond the UK market, our focus continues
    negotiations only became apparent             prosper compared to those who have failed to      to be the growth of our consultancy teams,
    in the last few weeks of the year as          prepare for the future.                           which are now working fluidly as a pan-
    Parliament failed to reach a consensus.       Continued investment into the UK from             European operation, providing a more
    Nevertheless, we can look towards             overseas has consistently shown the               cohesive and unique offering for clients on
    2019 optimistic that clarity will be          attractiveness of our markets, with investors     the continent. We have also been building our
    provided for the UK as we approach the        from continental Europe, US private equity        European brokerage services and continue
    March deal deadline. There is no doubt        and increasingly Israel and the Far East. The     to explore export opportunities from Far
    we are seeing pent-up demand from             level of international interest, capital and      East investment into the UK, particularly
    investors looking to commit to the UK         activity in the UK shows no sign of slowing,      in childcare, theme parks and intellectual
    once we have certainty.                       suggesting that the future will be bright         property in China.
    Generally, the economy has performed          for business.                                     Through our Consultancy team, we are
    as expected and in fact better than some      Sectors based on consistent consumer              recognised as the go-to adviser in the
    predicted, with many markets remaining        demand, such as those Christie & Co works         hospitality and healthcare sectors across
    robust and the ongoing currency               across, are becoming more mainstream and          Europe, covering a range of languages,
    fluctuations continuing to make the UK        increasingly attractive to those looking for a    cultures and markets. We look to continue to
    attractive to overseas investors.             different kind of investment. As advisers with    consolidate our teams and ensure a critical
                                                  decades’ worth of knowledge and expertise         mass of support in our core areas of operation,
    Another positive indicator of a stabilising
                                                  in these sectors, our teams are in demand to      particularly in France, Germany and Spain.
    economy is the recent interest rates
    increase by the Bank of England.              help clients traverse the particular nuances in

WORKFORCE                                            BREXIT                                             the larger banks, and there is still plenty of
                                                                                                        opportunity for funding through smaller
Across our sectors, we’ve picked up on               Turning attention inevitably to Brexit,
                                                                                                        banks, Funding Circle, angel investors and
two key trends which look to be the most             despite much uncertainty and negative
                                                                                                        private equity. With huge amounts of capital
topical for operators and investors to be            speculation on the outcomes of various
                                                                                                        trying to find a home, canny independents
aware of; workforce and of course, Brexit.           deal scenarios, we can reasonably expect
                                                                                                        should be encouraged, as venture capital
Throughout this edition of Business                  that once an outcome is known businesses
                                                                                                        is increasingly looking to support start-ups,
Outlook, each sector will touch upon the             will continue to prosper. Generally,
                                                                                                        particularly in hospitality where these are
issues surrounding these themes, potential           businesses have continued to trade and
                                                                                                        performing well against an oversupply of
impacts and how the sector looks to deal             transact successfully, bolstered by solid
                                                                                                        casual dining brands. However, competition
with them.                                           underlying market fundamentals, so we see
                                                                                                        will continue to be rife across all sectors,
                                                     no reason for this not to continue in 2019
Staffing and workforce issues invariably                                                                and ensuring underlying quality and a solid
                                                     and beyond. If anything, the clarity a deal
differ from sector to sector, but the key                                                               concept are key to thriving.
                                                     brings will only boost confidence in the
challenges are recruitment and retention,
                                                     market.                                            This year’s Business Outlook theme of
with competitive pay driving up staff costs
                                                                                                        Navigate, Innovate and Accelerate applies
for many employers.                                  OUTLOOK                                            to how businesses can find their route
The hospitality and care sectors are                 Looking ahead to 2019, the market will             to successful growth. Navigating an ever
grappling most with this, with the current           continue to realign itself along with              changing landscape to keep up with
nursing shortage and decrease in European            consumer demand, and in every sector the           political, technological and demand shifts
workers due to uncertain immigration                 quality businesses moving forward with             is vital and this can be achieved through
policy post-Brexit exacerbating matters.             future developments are set to continue to         innovation and agility. Being aware of the
                                                     thrive. New concepts are coming to market          market and what needs to be done to meet
Businesses that look after their staff, pay
                                                     all the time and with technology evolving,         expectations is key to prosperity. We hope
competitively and create opportunities and
                                                     the time has never been better to capitalise       that this year’s report offers support and
a culture of feeling valued will attract better
                                                     on new opportunities in business.                  insight to allow all businesses across all our
quality people, retain these staff, and in turn
                                                                                                        sectors to be prepared for what 2019 brings.
provide a better service ultimately to the           There continues to be an abundance of
benefit of the business.                             capital available despite some caution from

From a base of 100 in 2005








     2005                                                                     2012                                                              2018

            Hotels         Restaurants        Care           Retail          Christie & Co     House Price        Retail Price
                                                                             Average Index     Index              Index
            Dental         Pharmacy           Pubs           Childcare
We anticipate a strong start to the year across
                                        many of our specialist sectors, as transactional
                                        activity and deal pipelines remain resilient.

       DARREN BOND                      We remain extremely optimistic about the         Our valuation activity in the medical sector
       Managing Director                demand for valuation services heading            remained strong, with a notable increase
       Valuation & Capital              into 2019, following resilient trading           in activity in the doctor’s surgery sector, as
       Markets                          performance across our markets in the past       well as the veterinary and optician markets.
                                        12 months, despite ongoing political and         Whilst annual price movements in the
                                        economic uncertainties surrounding Brexit        dental and pharmacy sectors slowed from
                                        negotiations.                                    the very strong growth in recent years, the
    Valuation                           ACTIVITY
                                                                                         price movements achieved in 2018 were still
    & Capital                           Despite the increase in interest rates to
                                        0.75% in August 2018, the cost of borrowing      Christie & Co’s Care Valuation team was
    Markets                             remains at an all-time low, as refinancing
                                        opportunities remain attractive. This has
                                                                                         instructed on a number of valuation projects
                                                                                         including Barchester Healthcare, Choice
                                        led to strong demand for valuation services,     Care Group and part of the Accomplish
                                        alongside the increased requirement              portfolio. One of the largest advisory
                                        for lending institutions to insist on more       assignments undertaken in 2018 was
                                        frequent revaluations.                           providing Four Seasons Health Care with
                                                                                         strategic consultancy advice on 180 care
                                        The hospitality market, in particular, remains   assets, as part of the ongoing restructuring
                                        very active, especially the public house         of the group.
                                        and hotel sectors, despite the continuing
                                        pressures of increasing operating costs. The     Activity in the retail sector was also strong,
                                        number of pubs closing in the UK has slowed      alongside our transactional work on Wyevale
                                        following decades of rapid contraction.          Garden Centres. Notably, we undertook
                                                                                         a valuation of a portfolio of almost 350
    The cost of                         Our Hospitality Valuation team has received      petrol stations in the UK, on behalf of TDR
    borrowing                           instructions on a number of significant          Capital-backed Euro Garages, who were
    remains at an                       national pub portfolios. In 2018, we
                                        concluded revaluation exercises of both the
                                                                                         very acquisitive throughout the year, buying
                                                                                         significant packages of petrol filling stations
    all time low,                       Greene King and Marston’s pub portfolios;        in Australia, Germany, Italy and the US.
    as refinancing                      two of the UK’s largest brewers and pub
                                                                                         COST PRESSURES
                                        operating companies with a combined
    opportunities                       3,500 pubs. We also undertook a valuation        Although business rates and increasing
    remain                              of Liberation Group, which owns 115 public       energy costs featured less in the headlines
                                        houses including Butcombe Brewery and
    attractive.                         associated unlicensed properties in Jersey,
                                                                                         in 2018, cost inflation along with the
                                                                                         National Living Wage will continue to impact
                                        Guernsey and the South West of England.          our markets. Wage costs are the greatest
                                                                                         overhead facing operational businesses and
                                        In the hotel sector, we were instructed          the increase in National Living Wage in April
                                        to provide valuations of glh Hotels and          2019 will add to existing pressures, including
                                        RF Hotels, in addition to involvement in a       business rates, energy costs and general cost
                                        number of significant hotel portfolios that      inflation, all of which continue to compound
                                        transacted throughout the year.
operating costs. The hospitality and leisure    The UK and European markets remain               Amidst increasing pressures and
sectors continue to be the hardest hit          attractive to Asian investors and we have        casualties, banks continue to lend more
of our markets, although the healthcare         seen strong interest from a number of the        cautiously into the restaurant sector, and
sector has also had its challenges, with        Singaporean and Asian REITs, all eager           while banks remain active in the pubs
pressure from nursing staff shortages and       to acquire and develop platforms in the          industry, they require a strong operational
the high cost of agency staffing.               hospitality and healthcare markets.              CV from borrowers in what remains a
                                                                                                 competitive market.
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                             The ‘alternatives’ market within which we
                                                operate continues to attract investment          We are also seeing an increase in ground
The market continues to be reactive
                                                from those who have shifted away from            rent transactions as a means of alternative
towards capital expenditure with little
                                                more traditional commercial real estate          funding in our markets, and there have
market pressure to heavily focus on
                                                opportunities. Yields in prime European          been a number of such transactions in
reinvestment. The stronger economy
                                                capital cities and primary cities remain at      most of our sectors, including hotels, care
of the last five years has allowed trading
                                                an all time low, with secondary cities also      and leisure.
performance to improve without adequate
                                                generating strong levels of return.
levels of CapEx, but we are starting to see
some assets tire and trading performance
                                                We envisage that the shift towards good
deteriorate as a result of this recent                                                           While we await the terms of a Brexit deal
                                                quality assets in secondary and tertiary
underinvestment. Third party feedback                                                            at the time of writing, it’s business as usual
                                                cities will be a focus for investors in 2019,
websites will continue to provide a                                                              for operators across our sectors. The
                                                as the returns available from primary cities
good barometer of asset quality in the                                                           outcome of Brexit threatens to influence
                                                will fall short of investors required returns.
hospitality sector, and we believe that                                                          the availability of cheap funding, ultimately
businesses and lenders should increase                                                           affecting capital expenditure and value.
their focus on CapEx in 2019.
                                                BANKS AND LENDING
                                                Funding remains readily available from all       There is concern about the consequences
CAPITAL MARKETS                                 the main UK lending institutions and the         of any delay to the Brexit process, and
                                                expanding number of challenger banks,            the time it takes for the UK to negotiate
There has been a continuation of the
                                                who, with their increasing reach, can            its exit is likely to impact the confidence
transition in the type of investor active in
                                                provide competitive options for funding.         of transactional markets and investor
the UK with a shift away from opportunity
                                                Banks remain active in almost all of our         appetite. Assuming an orderly Brexit, we
funds, hedge funds and private equity
                                                markets, albeit there is a real emphasis on      believe that our markets should continue
investors with debt positions, who have
                                                a borrower’s operational experience when         to perform strongly in 2019.
largely actualised their returns in the UK
                                                considering a new lending opportunity.
and selectively exited our sectors in British
                                                Throughout 2018, banks maintained the
markets in pursuit of stronger returns
                                                strongest appetite for the medical sector,
elsewhere in Europe. This has created
                                                with lenders attracted by the income
a gap for new investors and a return of
                                                security, but remain more selective across
more conventional private equity funds,
                                                the elderly and specialist care sectors, with
alongside a resurgence of traditional
                                                a focus on future-proof, modern quality
sources of European capital.


There will be increased                         Funding will remain readily                      CapEx and reinvestment
activity in secondary                           available across all of our                      will become increasingly
and tertiary locations,                         markets, with increased                          critical after many years
as investors seek better                        competition from the                             of under-provision.
returns.                                        challenger banks.
Enduring cost pressures on business, muted
                                     consumer activity and an impending Brexit have
                                     all challenged UK plc in 2018, impacting both
                                     economic growth and business distress.

    STEPHEN JACOBS                   The UK economy grew by just 0.1% in the         of distress. This was borne out in 2018, with
    Director Bank Support &          first quarter of 2018, dramatically below       distress continuing on an upward trajectory.
    Business Recovery                predictions, and whilst the economy showed
                                     stronger performance in the second and          A common factor relevant to business
                                     third quarters of the year, growing by 0.4%     distress across all Christie & Co’s markets
                                     and 0.6% respectively, real UK GDP growth       has been cost pressures, particularly in the
                                     continued to slow.                              leisure and hospitality sectors, which are
                                                                                     largely driven by discretionary spending. In
                                     CONSUMER CONFIDENCE                             the childcare and care sectors we have seen
                                                                                     business failures as a result of operators
                                     Consumers have been hard pressed, as
                                                                                     falling foul of their respective regulators due
                                     real wages fail to keep pace with inflation.
                                                                                     to poor management and governance. The
                                     Sluggish productivity and high business
                                                                                     implementation of legislation, such as the
                                     costs have impacted on the ability of some
                                                                                     pharmacy funding cuts and 30 hours free
                                     companies to invest in people, training
                                                                                     childcare has also contributed to business
                                     and technology.
                                                                                     distress and we have consequently dealt
                                     Weak pay growth has subdued consumer            with several such cases in 2018.
                                     confidence in household finances, with
      In 2018,                       worries about how Brexit will affect
      business                       purchasing power and job security.              Despite the spectre of Brexit, it has been
                                                                                     largely ‘business as usual’ for SMEs across
      distress                       COST PRESSURES                                  most of our sectors. This has been reflected
      continued                      Cost pressures continue to impact operator      in our transactional activity, with both
                                                                                     instructions to sell assets and deal flow
      on an                          margins and profitability. Rising rents, a
                                     feature of the current cycle, proved to be      remaining steady, indicating continued
      upward                         unsustainable in many cases, and rates were     appetite and confidence in the markets.
      trajectory.                    exacerbated by the delayed rate revaluation
                                     to April 2017.
                                                                                     Although the devaluation of the pound
                                                                                     has contributed to the increase in both
                                     The year on year increase in the National       staycations and the number of international
                                     Living Wage, alongside skill and occupational   visitors to the UK, benefitting the wider
                                     shortages, have driven labour costs upwards,    leisure and hospitality markets, a challenge
                                     while the depreciation of the pound has also    for these and other sectors hugely reliant
                                     increased input prices for many businesses,     on migrant workers is the uncertainty
                                     further squeezing operator margins.             surrounding their status in the lead up to
                                                                                     Brexit. The care sector, for example, has seen
                                     BUSINESS DISTRESS                               a continual fall in EU nurses.
                                     As 2017 came to a close, we anticipated that
                                                                                     Undoubtedly, the UK’s decision to leave the
                                     the increase in business distress we had
                                                                                     EU has weakened economic growth. How
                                     seen during the year would continue, as cost
                                                                                     the economy fares once the UK exits the
                                     pressures and weak consumer confidence
                                                                                     EU is uncertain with much speculation and
                                     endured, with uncertainties over Brexit
                                                                                     differing opinions.
                                     having the potential to exacerbate the level

The underlying trend                    We anticipate a                       A poor Brexit deal or no
of slowing real GDP                     proliferation of business             deal will escalate both
growth will continue.                   failures where enduring               political and economic
                                        cost pressures erode                  risk, affecting business
                                        profitability, impacting the          investment decisions
                                        availability of investment            and consumer confidence
                                        required to maintain                  with the potential to
                                        operator standards                    exacerbate business
                                        and succeed in                        distress.
                                        competitive markets.

    BUSINESS DISTRESS – 1                          BUSINESS DISTRESS – 2
    Percentage of distressed assets                Distressed assets instructed by
    instructed by sector in 2018                   appointment type in 2018

         4%     Childcare & Education                   5%      Receiverships
         7%     Restaurants                             5%      Liquidations
         8%     Medical                                 27%     Administrations
         13%    Hotels                                  63%     Consensual
         14%    Retail
         15%    Pubs
         39%    Care
     Brian Sheldon, Regional Director – Scotland
     Transactional activity across the hospitality market
     remained stable in Scotland throughout 2018,
     with notably increased activity in the freehold
     pubs market and the independent hotel sector
     in strong tourist areas. The medical sectors were
     characterised by strong demand and competitive
     prices in 2018. Stable Government funding in the
     pharmacy sector influenced strong interest and
     although supply is expected to remain limited,
     prices are expected to cool. We will continue
     to strengthen our position in the increasingly
     competitive dental market, with a significant
     pipeline for 2019.

                  NORTH WEST
                  Nick Brown, Regional Director – North West
                  Manchester is seeing a construction and
                  infrastructure boom with a range of residential
                  and commercial developments, which has been
                  fueled by larger employers now moving their
                  headquarters to Manchester where London may
                  have been their first choice. There are still plenty of
                  challenges across a variety of sectors but an overall
                  theme of robust growth is prevalent, and appetite
                  from buyers to acquire is strong.

     Rob Kinsman, Regional Director – South West
     & Wales
     Transactional activity remained strong in 2018
     with increased demand from both domestic and
     overseas investors seeking opportunities to create
     upside and add value. The weakened pound and
     low interest rates continue to attract an array
     of international buyers seeking a UK hospitality
     footprint, and we expect demand to continue into
     2019. The care sector has seen an increase in new-
     build activity across the region, which we predict
     will continue at pace, while appetite continues to
     exist for converted care homes in smaller, often
     more affluent towns, where new builds are not
     considered viable.

David Lee, Regional Director – North East
The North East market in all sectors remains busy,
demonstrated by our viewing and offer numbers,
which increased by 12% and 25% respectively from
2017 to 2018. Tourism in Northumberland and
Yorkshire continues to thrive with the increasing
trend of staycations benefitting the hospitality
sector, plus the comparatively cheap price of
property in the region is attracting more investors
across all types of business.

            MIDLANDS & ANGLIA
            Lee Howard, Regional Director – Midlands & Anglia
            Investment in the Midlands, and Birmingham in particular,
            is at a record high with recent major development
            schemes. This is set to continue, with global businesses
            moving in and more office space being constructed,
            bolstering the retail and hospitality markets and driving
            more tourism to the region. In 2018, we saw a record year
            for healthcare transactions, whilst other sectors continue
            to perform well.

            In East Anglia, the care market remains strong, and
            the licensed and leisure sectors have benefitted from
            increased tourism to the region, with 65% of businesses
            surveyed by Visit Norfolk reporting an increase in visitor
            numbers in 2018.

Ed Bellfield, Regional Director – South
Despite headwinds, the South saw significant
transactional growth throughout 2018, surpassing
2017 levels and culminating in the highest income
year since 2007. The care sector has experienced
substantial growth and demand will continue to
outstrip supply in 2019. Hospitality will see the
greatest opportunities to improve occupancy
and revenue, although the casual dining market
may struggle as competition and increasing costs
continue to impact upon the high street.

Appetite for lending remains strong across our
                                         specialist sectors, with growing opportunities for
                                         alternative lenders to enter the market.

        JOHN MITCHELL                    Despite some hesitation from traditional         TEAM
        Head of Business Mortgages       high street lenders to lend into certain
                                                                                          The Business Mortgages team has engaged
                                         sectors associated with increased risk, the
                                                                                          with over 40 lenders over the past 12
                                         current lending market remains diverse and
                                                                                          months, with a similar number affiliated
                                         continues to expand as new lenders identify
                                                                                          with the Unsecured lending team. We look
                                         alternative offerings.
                                                                                          to further develop our corporate offering

     Christie                            As demand to borrow money grows
                                         alongside the popularity of challenger banks,
                                                                                          by providing senior debt facilities and
                                                                                          mezzanine finance for private equity funds

     Finance                             new lenders and FinTech platforms can
                                         capitalise on the emerging opportunity to
                                                                                          and corporate operators.

                                                                                          We delivered a 30% increase in offers
                                         provide niche offerings.
                                                                                          secured across the business compared to
                                         Requirements for funding remain consistent       the prior year. The Unsecured division has
                                         and funding remains readily available for well   successfully traded throughout their first
                                         run, quality businesses, which is reflected      full year, with growth set to continue into
                                         in the number of traditional lenders we          2019. We will also be launching a dedicated
                                         continue to engage with, as well as the          Commercial Investment Property division,
                                         increasing number of offers from challenger      which will offer our expertise and quality of
                                         banks we have received throughout 2018.          services to the rapidly growing real estate
     We delivered a                      The childcare, education and medical
                                                                                          investment market.

     30% increase                        sectors continue to be well supported by         With the team set to expand in 2019, Christie
                                         lenders, while the care sector has witnessed     Finance continues to work closely with
     in offers                           an increasing volume of traditional lenders      Christie & Co, enabling greater penetration of
     secured across                      diluting appetite for small care homes,          opportunities across the Christie Group.

     the business                        despite plenty of support for larger, purpose-
                                         built homes. Lending criteria for first-time
     compared to the                     buyers in the care sector has significantly      We have not witnessed any immediate
     prior year.                         tightened.                                       impact or suggestion that Brexit will directly
                                                                                          affect the commercial lending market.
                                         In the hospitality sector, lenders are more      Despite potential to negatively affect
                                         likely to fund multiple hotel operators,         the wider economic market, we remain
                                         whilst funding remains more challenging          optimistic as demand for businesses to
                                         for small single asset pubs and restaurants.     borrow money remains strong. Access to
                                         Established banks and alternative lenders are    competitive funding may become difficult
                                         designing innovative lending products and        depending on the deal agreed, meaning the
                                         criteria to address the needs of the market.     services of a specialist finance broker may
                                                                                          become ever more prevalent.

Cyber insurance should now be a top priority for
                       businesses. It is estimated that billions of losses
                       have occurred worldwide.

   WALTER MURRAY       OUTLOOK FOR 2019                                    however, any companies with claim activity or
   Managing Director                                                       recent incidents will have higher premiums.
                       Despite what insurers would describe as
                                                                           Additional cyber resources and notification
                       a ‘challenging rating environment’, i.e. the
                                                                           services are critical factors that should be
                       premiums they are charging are less than
                                                                           considered when arranging cyber insurance.
                       their preferred premium, new capital remains
                       attracted into the global and UK insurance          Employee awareness of cybersecurity

Christie               markets limiting any premium growth, though
                       there will always be certain sectors that may
                                                                           remains critical in any business. Investing in
                                                                           technology is important, effective cyber risk

Insurance              not fall within this positive outlook. Global
                       insured catastrophes, such as Storm David in
                                                                           management should begin with educating
                                                                           employees, particularly as a large majority of
                       Europe and historic fires in California, have all   cyber incidents are a direct result of employee
                       impacted the UK insurance market, however           behaviour.
                       global losses to date are lower than they have
                       been in the past decade.                            Insurance coverage will evolve to address
                                                                           regulatory risks relating to the recent changes
                       UK insurers with any significant business           in GDPR. Although there have not been any
                       across the EU borders have prudently planned        substantial fines or penalties relating to
                       for a ‘hard’ Brexit, having redomiciled parts of    GDPR, we anticipate an increase in claims
The outlook for        their business within the EU.                       activity given the complexity of the
the insurance          Major issues impacting our clients
                                                                           regulations imposed.

industry in            include cyber insurance, terrorism and
2019 is set to                                                             Terrorism is a prevalent concern for most of
                       CYBER INSURANCE                                     us, not just with the possibility of damage to
be positive                                                                assets, injuries to employees and customers,
                       Cyber insurance should now be a top priority
providing there        for businesses. It is estimated that billions of
                                                                           but also an interruption to the profits of a
                                                                           business as a result of, for example, police
are no material        losses have occurred worldwide due to global
                                                                           quarantining areas until an attack has been
                       ransomware and cyber extortion; this figure
changes                excludes the fallout from recent events at
                                                                           contained as seen in The Mill Pub and Zizzi
                                                                           restaurant in Salisbury earlier this year. Fear
based on a             Marriott Hotels.
                                                                           of travelling will also impact those in the
growing supply         Insurers look closely at an organisation’s          hospitality sector.
outpacing the          risk profile, identifying those that have not
                       addressed their cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
current demand         These companies will find themselves with           Underinsuring a business remains an issue in
for insurance.         an inability to find insurance with reasonable      all sectors. At the point of claim, which is often
                       terms. As we have witnessed with the                too late, it becomes clear that clients have
                       NotPetya and WannaCry attacks, midsize              not addressed the correct rebuilding cost of
                       companies are prime targets for cyberattacks        their buildings and have underestimated the
                       due to a lack of resource and protocols in place.   time required to restore a business to its
                                                                           pre-loss revenue.
                       Cyber insurance premiums should remain
                       stable and capacity aligned with demand,                                                                 13
Our two largest Medical sectors, Pharmacy and
                       Dentistry, performed well in 2018 and we report
                       price increases in both, albeit at significantly lower
                       rates than previous years.

   SIMON HUGHES        DENTAL MARKET OVERVIEW                            As the UK market matures, larger
   Managing Director                                                     companies might begin to explore expansion
                       2018 saw a noticeable shift in demand
   Medical                                                               opportunities in European countries,
                       towards the private dental sector, driven
                                                                         following the lead of Jacobs Holding,
                       by the challenges NHS operators face in
                                                                         the first to own multiple portfolios on a
                       recruiting and retaining associate dentists.
                                                                         pan-European basis.
                       While NHS dentistry is still considered highly

Consultancy            attractive for many entering the sector, there
                       is now greater sensitivity in relation to UDA
                                                                         WORKFORCE CHALLENGES
                                                                         Our recent market report, The Dental
                                                                         Industry 2018, shows operators are
                       The continued lack of supply of quality           increasingly concerned about the availability
                       dental practices has underpinned prices,          of specialist skilled workers. The private
                       particularly in the higher price ranges, and      pay market will continue to attract new
                       the growth in the number of smaller dental        associates, and urbanicity will increasingly
                       companies has increased demand for                contribute to a surplus of dentists in urban
                       larger practices, where greater economies         settings whilst worsening the shortage
                       of scale can be realised. Banks continue to       of dentists in rural areas, placing upward
Banks continue         demonstrate good appetite for dentistry           pressure on pay scales in NHS dentistry.
                       and consistently low levels of impairment         Most importantly, operators will need to
to demonstrate         confirm the industry is a relatively safe haven   accommodate emerging workforce trends
good appetite          for investment.                                   to attract associates, for example through
                                                                         flexible working, while also maximising the
for dentistry and      CORPORATE ACTIVITY AND                            skills of hygienists and therapists, allowing
consistently low       MARKET CONSOLIDATION                              associates to perform more advanced
levels of impairment   The sector continues to consolidate,              dentistry, driving income.
                       although, with only an estimated 12% of
confirm the industry                                                     BREXIT
                       practices in corporate ownership, the market
is a relatively        remains highly fragmented.                        Brexit is inextricably linked to recruitment
safe haven for         The sector enjoys huge interest from private
                                                                         and retention in the dental workforce.
                                                                         The number of EEA registered dentists fell
investment.            equity investors, and as we move into             for three consecutive years from 2014 to
                       2019 there are likely to be further platform      2016, finally stabilising in 2017. Whatever
                       transactions in the lower and mid-markets.        exit terms are agreed should stabilise the
                                                                         number of dentists leaving the UK but more
                       However, deal volumes are hampered by
                                                                         importantly, the Government should aim to
                       suitable ‘platform’ opportunities and a lack
                                                                         welcome skilled dentists and immigration
                       of quality management teams. To mitigate
                                                                         barriers should be reduced for dentists who
                       the lack of supply, we are seeing a number of
                                                                         qualified outside of the EEA to attract more
                       smaller investment houses targeting large,
                                                                         dentists to the UK workforce.
                       single practices.

Demand remains strong across the major
                                     conurbations, evidenced by strong offers and
                                     rising multiples of profit.

     TONY EVANS                      PHARMACY MARKET OVERVIEW                          agreed a further clawback of £50 million, but
     Head of Pharmacy                                                                  it is hoped that its completion in March will
                                     2018 saw more pharmacies come to the
                                                                                       put an end to clawbacks based on historic
                                     market in England, largely driven by the
                                     combined ongoing impacts of the DHSC
                                     funding cuts, the Category M clawback,            Optimistic about a more supportive
                                     and supply and pricing issues, despite            settlement for 2019/20, we anticipate that
                                     some closures. In the more stable funding         buyer confidence in 2019 will remain at
                                     environments of Wales and Scotland,               similar levels to those witnessed in 2018.
                                     relatively few pharmacies changed hands,
                                     and where opportunities did come to               DISPENSING AND SERVICE
                                     market, competitive interest was generated,       ACTIVITY
                                     driving premium prices.                           Analysis of the NHSBSA dispensing data
                                                                                       for 2017/18 shows that average monthly
                                     Buyer profiles continued to evolve as the
                                                                                       dispensing remained relatively static to prior
                                     market saw a lull in appetite from larger
                                                                                       years at c. 7,300 items. Many contractors
                                     multiple and corporate operators, which led
                                                                                       failed to fully capitalise on service income
                                     to a shift in activity towards smaller multiple
                                                                                       available through Medicine User Reviews
                                     operators, more independent contractors
                                                                                       (MURs) and the New Medicines Service
                                     and first-time buyers. In 2018, we saw an
                                                                                       (NMS). On average, contractors lost out on
     Buyer profiles                  11% increase in the number of pharmacy
                                                                                       an estimated £3,200 of MUR income and
                                     applicant registrations, and the breakdown
     continued to                    in buyer type has remained relatively
                                                                                       depending on payment thresholds achieved,
                                                                                       £9,000 of NMS activity per pharmacy, with
     evolve as the                   consistent with around 80% of buyers being
                                                                                       independent contractors fairing the worst.
     market saw a lull               either first-time buyers or new entrants to
                                     the market.                                       BREXIT
     in appetite from
     larger multiple                 GOVERNMENT FUNDING                                Having already reported a reduction in the
                                                                                       number of EEA and overseas pharmacists,
                                     The largely anticipated announcement that
     and corporate                                                                     any further reduction may result in a
                                     the 2018/19 global funding settlement for
     operators.                      England would remain virtually unchanged
                                                                                       shortage, which could increase wages and
                                                                                       cost pressures. Additionally, should the
                                     was met with disappointment. The
                                                                                       Brexit deal agreed disrupt or completely
                                     announcement indicated operators would
                                                                                       sever free trade, the supply of drugs could be
                                     face increased cost pressures associated
                                                                                       severely affected, leading to price increases.
                                     with the implementation of the Falsified
                                                                                       Discussions have already pointed to the
                                     Medicines Directive in February 2019, the
                                                                                       potential stockpiling of drugs to mitigate
                                     three-pence reduction in the Single Activity
                                                                                       the disruption of supply. The value of the
                                     Fee and further increases in the National
                                                                                       pound following Brexit could also potentially
                                     Living Wage.
                                                                                       increase the cost of imports, contributing
                                     Following a brief respite after the 2017/18       to cost pressures on drug suppliers and
                                     £180 million Category M clawback came to          ultimately retail pharmacies.
                                     an end in July, the PSNC announced it had

CASE STUDY                                                       CASE STUDY
                      Caledonian Dental Care, Perth                                    J G Clifford Dispensing Chemist,
                      Christie & Co brokered the sale of
                      Caledonian Dental Care, Scotland’s                              Christie & Co sold J G Clifford
                      largest dental practice, comprising                             Dispensing Chemist, a well-established
                      two large practices with a total of 19                          community pharmacy in the town of
surgeries. Established in 1947, with the second practice       Godmanchester, on behalf of a small multiple operator as
purpose built in 2009, the practices are two of the busiest    part of a strategic divestment. Generating nearly a dozen
in Scotland, with approximately 40,000 registered patients.    offers, the pharmacy was sold to a first-time buyer.
Sold in excess of the asking price, Caledonian Dental Care
was acquired by Portman Dental Care, marking its sixth
acquisition in Scotland.


Corporates will                        The market              The first half of the                    Buyer appetite
divest non core                        will become             year will remain                         in the pharmacy
practices into                         increasingly            challenging                              sector will
the independent                        quality driven.         through the                              largely mirror
sector.                                                        completion of                            that seen
                                                               the Category M                           in 2018.
                                                               clawback in March.
  2016 14.9%

                      2017 12.3%

                                                                          2016 12.0%

                                                                                                 2017 8.1%
                                           2018 5.2%

                                                                                                                            2018 2.8%

                              Dental                                                                   Pharmacy

Movement in average prices, year on year
There is a lot to be positive about in the care sector
                      despite the challenges highlighted in our latest
                      Adult Social Care report.

  RICHARD LUNN        Investor interest and opportunities have        Location and demographic factors continue
  Managing Director   continued to grow in the past year and          to influence the value and performance
  Care                market demand looks to remain strong for        of care settings and the attractiveness of
                      the year ahead.                                 investments, with the South East of England
                                                                      maintaining leading levels of supply and
                      INVESTMENT & ACTIVITY                           demand. Many other regions still have an
                      Although still a highly fragmented market       undersupply of market standard beds and
Consultancy           with some strong local independent
                      provision, competition for prime sites
                                                                      competition is most relevant on a localised
                                                                      market basis, as operators predominantly
                      has increased. Significant corporate            focus on building in locations with more self
                      development activity has put pressure on        funded residents rather than those reliant on
                      some smaller operators, as regulators and       local authority fees.
                      operators focus on the quality of operations
                      as well as the physical environment.
                                                                      FACING OPERATIONAL
                      Diverse global capital providers now consider   The key challenges facing operators relate
                      healthcare a favourable investment class,       to staffing, funding and a tougher regulatory
                      generating a greater range of buyers and
    Diverse           investors than ever before. Previously
                                                                      environment. As highlighted in our Adult
                                                                      Social Care 2018 report, there is a deficit
    global capital    defined by entrepreneurial individuals and      of 20,000 nurses currently in the UK, and
    providers         family run businesses with traditional debt,    with a 13% drop in nurse registrations in
                      the market now sees capital from private
    now consider      equity providers, international real estate,
                                                                      2018, the availability of nurses looks set to
                                                                      shrink further. Staffing has been a constant
    healthcare        and infrastructure funds, amongst others.       focus for operators who are developing
    a favourable      DIVERSE MARKETS                                 programmes to recruit and retain
                                                                      trained staff.
    investment        The care market continues to consolidate
    class,            with a reduction in the number of homes,        Agency staffing costs continue to affect
                      despite the number of beds increasing           many operators, who will inevitably look to
    generating a                                                      offset these costs with increases to private
                      overall. This reflects the shift in market
    greater range     standards, where smaller, nonviable assets      fees. However, these increased costs will still
    of buyers and     are closing and being replaced with larger,     significantly impact profitability.
                      new build developments which provide
    investors than    greater economies of scale.
    ever before.                                                      As a needs-driven market, Brexit is unlikely
                       Variance of homes and beds                     to bring any substantial, new issues to
                       between 2016 and 2018:                         the care sector, however, it could exacerbate

                                                                      existing challenges particularly around

                        Beds:       +2.0%                                                                               19
CASE STUDY                                                          CASE STUDY
                           Andover Nursing Home                                                Croftbank House and Rosepark

                            Having been instructed on the sale                              In October 2018, Christie & Co sold two
                            of the substantial, 87 bed Andover                              purpose-built homes, Croftbank,
                            Nursing Home in Hampshire,                                      a 68-bed home, and Rosepark, with
                            Christie & Co undertook a confidential                          58 beds across two buildings,
                            marketing campaign on behalf of                                 to Impact Healthcare REIT for a
     the owners, two brothers who were looking to retire having      combined £11.6 million, reflecting a net initial yield of 7.6%.
     operated the home for the past 16 years. The business           Impact entered into a lease on the two settings with Scottish
     garnered a high level of interest resulting in several          group operator, Renaissance Care, bringing their portfolio
     competitive bids and was ultimately sold to a growing local     up to 14 homes with almost 700 beds and 1,000 members
     group operator, Andover Care Ltd, in May 2018.                  of staff.


     The care sector                              Quality still remains                              We predicted the sale
     still awaits the                             the key driver of                                  of a major OPCO in
     Government’s Green                           value and operational                              2018 – this is still yet to
     Paper into the future                        effectiveness – we                                 be achieved but likely
     of funding of social                         will see continued                                 in 2019, along with
     care which was due in                        regulatory pressure on                             further consolidation of
     2018. This could have                        all operators to improve                           quality providers.
     a significant impact                         services.
     on the sector upon its
                                                    2014 9.8%

                                                                                                               2017 6.1%
                                                                                         2016 5.0%
                                                                     2015 4.7%

                                                                                                                                2018 3.1%

                                                  Movement in average
                                                  prices, year on year

2018 was a ground-breaking year for the team with
                           two major research reports launched and record
                           demand for our consultancy services, particularly in
                           terms of commercial due diligence, market studies and
                           development advisory mandates.
  MICHAEL HODGES           2018 saw a number of new well funded               Along with the care sector, the pharmacy
  Managing Director        investors enter the sector, significant activity   and dental markets are also growing with
  Healthcare Consultancy   in relation to major M&A processes and a           the development of new technology. A key
                           very active development market.                    development in the pharmacy sector is
                                                                              the move towards electronic prescriptions
                           GROWING INTEREST AND                               through EPS 4, whilst dental practices are
                           INVESTMENT                                         capitalising on consumer demand to offer
Consultancy                The need for care services is continually          cosmetic surgery procedures as well as
                                                                              traditional dental care.
- Healthcare
                           growing, as people live longer with an
                           ever-increasing range of health conditions.
                           These demand drivers are fuelling interest
                                                                              CARE CHALLENGES
                           in the sector from a growing range of              In the care sector, operators of smaller
                           investors. Interestingly, many institutional       converted homes reliant on local authority
                           funds are now actively targeting healthcare        funded clients are finding trading conditions
                           investments given difficulties in other            to be challenging, with these pressures
                           parts of the property market. Healthcare           exacerbated by demands imposed by
                           is now becoming much more mainstream,              regulatory bodies and staff recruitment
    Healthcare is          which is evidenced by the way yields have          challenges. Across the sector, the two main
                           compressed for prime stock.                        pressure points relate to local authority
    now becoming                                                              funding and staff recruitment, particularly
    much more              The need for high quality, future fit provision    the supply of trained nurses where, as our
                           has also fuelled a substantial amount of
    mainstream,            new development activity, with 2018 being
                                                                              recent Adult Social Care report has shown,
                                                                              uncertainty through Brexit has had a
    with this              a record year in terms of our development          particular impact.
    evidenced              advisory and brokerage activity.
    by the way             Most of the new developments are targeting
                           the private pay market with developers and         Care is a needs-driven sector with the
    yields have            operators continually looking to evolve the        workforce being a vitally important
    compressed for         product offering in terms of specification and     component. The key risks which may arise
    prime stock.           the use of technology.                             from Brexit relate to the supply of labour, cost
                                                                              of materials, and overall market confidence,
                           TECHNOLOGY                                         particularly in the investment community.
                           Technology is being used in a number of            Concerns over the supply of labour stem from
                           areas, including care planning, resident           the fact that since the Brexit vote, there has
                           experience enhancement and health                  been an 87% drop in EU nurse registrations
                           monitoring, and we anticipate this to              since 2016. With our latest research showing
                           continue in the future, as operators aim to        that the shortage of nurses is continuing to
                           improve the service experience, efficiency         increase, operators are now having to source
                           and patient safety.                                more overseas nurses whilst employing other
                                                                              strategies, such as upskilling care assistants to
                                                                              assist with basic nursing duties.

Part of an ever-growing sector, many businesses
                          yielding high earnings have seen increases in value,
                          driven by continued attraction to investors and eager
                          competitiveness from buyers teamed with their thirst
                          for high quality.

  COURTENEY               Our Childcare & Education team has seen           The development of new ‘future proofed’,
  DONALDSON               unprecedented prices for quality businesses       purpose designed settings are undoubtedly
  Managing Director       achieved over the past 12 months, albeit          placing additional pressure on existing,
  Childcare & Education   such may level out during 2019. While a very      smaller operators. The past year has seen a
                          positive year for some, the past year has         rise in nursery closures, particularly among
                          presented a divergent landscape and we            the smaller, less commercial, least well
                          expect the disparity between success and          funded and less viable businesses.
Consultancy               distress to widen during 2019.
                                                                            Research by NDNA revealed a 66% increase
                          INVESTORS AND                                     in closures between September 2017 to
                          OPPORTUNITIES                                     2018, attributing this to the introduction of
                                                                            the 30 hours of free childcare policy. As of
                          High quality single assets remain very much
                                                                            September 2018, 88% of eligibility codes for
                          sought after by first-time buyers, existing
                                                                            30 hours free childcare have been validated,
                          providers and new, prospective investors
                                                                            showing that the majority of the impact the
                          alike, as the sector is increasingly being seen
                                                                            policy has had on the sector has occurred.
                          as an attractive investment class, offering
                          scope for solid long term earnings and
    The premium           success.

    prices being
    achieved by the
                          The premium prices being achieved by the
                          most desirable businesses throughout 2018
                          could potentially continue into 2019 as we
    most desirable                                                             of eligibility codes for
                          see an eager pool of new buyers continuing
                                                                               30 hours of free childcare
    businesses            to emerge.
                                                                               validated by September
    throughout            Established and well-performing portfolios           2018
    2018 look likely      are expected to remain attractive to
                          regional, national and international groups       A growing trend has been the increasing
    to continue into      and investors. Consolidation opportunities        introduction of full day care provision on
    2019 as we see        remain, with existing providers and new           primary school sites. Maintained sector
                          entrants increasingly looking to pursue           nurseries in many cases have historically
    an eager pool         growth development strategies, via both           been in receipt of higher local authority fee
    of new buyers         acquisitions alongside organic development.       rates, in comparison to rates awarded to the
    continuing to         CHILDREN’S DAY NURSERIES
                                                                            private sector, we have seen an increase in
                                                                            school-based provision.
    emerge.               Still a highly fragmented market, with around
                                                                            As owners strive to differentiate their
                          80% of settings owned by independent
                                                                            business from others, USPs, such as
                          operators, UK based children’s day nurseries
                                                                            enrichment services, bilingual curriculum
                          continue to see inbound investor interest
                                                                            and cutting edge technology, are becoming
                          which has, in turn, driven up values, fuelled
                                                                            increasingly more prevalent.
                          by competitiveness in the market.

Fixed costs continue to increase year on                                                      an aspirational vision to create a fully
     year for staffing, operations and business                                                    inclusive education system for children
     rates, so warranting sustainable fee rates                                                    and young people with SEND is being
     and increasing operational capacities are            USPs, such as                            realised. Riverston School, the first of its
     potential routes which could be taken to             enrichment                               kind specifically catering for students
     mitigate or offset sustainability pressures.                                                  with specialist needs or as referenced by
                                                          services, bilingual                      the regulator, Children of Determination,
     INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS                                  curriculum and                           opened in Dubai in 2018.
     The landscape for independent schools                cutting edge                             BREXIT & POLITICAL CHANGE
     is mixed, with private ‘for profit’ schools
     typically falling into one of three groups.
                                                          technology,                              While a weaker pound may fuel inbound
     The elite and prestigious private UK schools         are becoming                             activity from overseas investors, domestic
     have been able to maintain high occupancy            increasingly more                        opportunities may be impacted as UK
     and school fees, assisting in offsetting                                                      owners or investors will seek to divest risk.
     increasing operational costs.                        prevalent.
                                                                                                   Across the childcare and education sectors,
     However, mid-market schools located in                                                        there may be some challenges with visa
     pockets of London, the South East and                                                         issues impacting staff supply or a reduction
     Home Counties are having to become                                                            in consumer supply in some instances.
     increasingly commercial in order to ensure
     a healthy financial operation and ensuring                                                    Aside from Brexit, in the event of a snap
     profitability with necessary financial                                                        election, the effect of a potential change
     reserves.                                                                                     in government, including changes to the
                                                    Children’s homes, in particular, look set to   funding system, regulatory policy and
     The private independent schools which          see capital value growth during the year       operational frameworks, could be the
     are most at risk are those located outside     ahead. With local authorities beginning        greatest challenge.
     of London and the South East, with             to increase their referrals back toward
     significant erosion in pupil numbers and       children’s homes, there is a significant
     little capital to reinvest. We anticipate      shortage in supply, and this is expected
     increased evidence of distress during 2019     to fuel demand from business property
     for this cohort of schools as costs rise and   buyers during 2019.
     surpluses decrease.
                                                    SPECIALIST CHILDCARE

                                                                                                                         2017 10.8%
     Distressed assets aside, we expect the
                                                    Trade and investor interest has continued
                                                                                                       2016 9.7%

     independent school market to remain
                                                    unabated during 2018, as businesses that
     strong and activity is anticipated to gain

                                                                                                                                          2018 8.0%
                                                    provide specialist care and education
     pace especially across mid-market
                                                    for children and young people continue
     pricing points of between £5 million and
                                                    to draw interest from a wide pool of
     £50 million.
                                                    acquisitive buyers. Alongside this, organic
     LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN AND                      new business developments have been
     YOUNG PEOPLE                                   evident, with, amongst many others, 2018
                                                    seeing the opening of Brookways School
     Children’s homes and foster care               in North Cheam, adding to the Keddleston
     businesses are continuing to see high levels   Group’s portfolio of specialist day and
     of activity as the fragmented nature of the    residential schools.
     market provides a variety of opportunities
                                                                                                     Movement in average
     for trade buyers and investors alike, with     Overseas, against the backdrop of
                                                                                                     prices, year on year
     demand continuing to outstrip supply.          the Dubai Disabilities Strategy 2020,


		                                                      CASE STUDY                       		                   CASE STUDY
		                                                      Yellow Dot & Mace Montessori,    		                   Project Queen, UK
                                                                                         		                      A key transaction in the Specialist
		                      Christie & Co brought both Yellow                                		                      Childcare sector, Christie & Co
		                      Dot and Mace Montessori portfolios                               was 		                  instructed on the portfolio sale of
                        to the market in 2018, which were                                                        seven residential children’s homes
  Project Regal         subject to competitive processes                                                         and a specialist school, located
and extensive offers from a host of UK, European and wider                               across the Midlands and East Anglia, by Direct Care Ltd.
international buyers from across Asia, Hong Kong and China.                              The group, a mix of freehold and leasehold, maintained an
Multiple portfolio sales have been brokered by the team this
    I N F O R M AT I O N M E M O R A N D U M                                             exceptional reputation and gained substantial interest from
year, but these two transactions are especially noteworthy                               a range of regional and national operators when brought
due to the volume of offers presented by carefully vetted                                to the market, demonstrating the high demand for these
potential buyers in an off-market process, and the premium                               types of businesses. It was ultimately purchased by Keys
tone of offers received.                                                                 Group, a leading provider of innovative care and education
                                                                                         services for children and young people with complex needs.


We predict that we                                                         Quality UK single                   Demand for UK
will see a marked                                                          nursery settings                    residential schools
increase in                                                                and portfolios with                 for children and
independent school                                                         solid sustainable                   young adults with
closures during                                                            earnings will remain                SEND will remain high
Q1 & Q2 2019, notably                                                      sought after, but the               and the children’s
in relation to schools                                                     sector will become                  residential care market
located outside of                                                         increasingly divergent              will increasingly
London and the South                                                       with the void between               strengthen, as demand
East. Particularly with                                                    successful, stagnant                continues to exceed
the Teachers’ Pension                                                      and failing businesses              supply. Foster care
Scheme contribution                                                        widening. Additionally,             businesses, especially
rate increase from                                                         we expect to see                    those with access to
16.48% to 23.6% from                                                       further competition                 large cohort family
September 2019,                                                            as more school-based                placements, will also
this will be a further                                                     providers presently                 continue to attract
and potentially final                                                      offering reception                  premium prices.
blow for many already                                                      classes extend into
struggling with                                                            full day care provision,
sustainability.                                                            coinciding with
                                                                           the new Education
                                                                           Inspection Framework
                                                                           implementation due in
                                                                           September 2019.                               
Major M&A activity is likely to create plenty of
                       opportunity across the grocery, convenience and
                       petrol filling station markets, particularly if any
                       subsequent divestment of stores is needed.

   Managing Director
                       The proposed merger of Sainsbury’s and            The collapse of Conviviality in 2018 led
                       Asda is arguably the biggest story of 2018,       to wholesaler Bestway acquiring its
                       along with some other substantial groups,         convenience brands Bargain Booze and
                       and if it goes ahead could provide significant    Wine Rack for £7.25 million. We expect that

Consultancy            new acquisition opportunities for a range
                       of buyers.
                                                                         along with this consolidated group there will
                                                                         be several other acquisitive parties in the
                                                                         market, together with retailers ‘churning’
                       CONVENIENCE                                       their portfolios.
                       The convenience sector, including petrol
                       stations, continues to account for over a fifth
                                                                         PETROL FILLING STATIONS
                       of the overall grocery market and is only set     After years of divestment, oil companies
                       to strengthen, showing an average of 4%           look set to shake up the petrol filling
                       compound annual growth. Site ownership            station market in 2019. We could see a
                       continues to be dominated by independents,        rash of activity from returning buyers such
                       who make up 31% of the market, usually            as Phillips 66 (Jet) and Certas Gulf. Prax
                       trading under and supplied by a symbol            Petroleum (Harvest) set the tone for oil
We expect that         brand. This fragmented market allows and          company investment in 2018 by acquiring
there will be          encourages a steady stream of activity            HKS. All are likely to increase purchasing
several acquisitive    by both corporates and independents to            activity in 2019.
                       be maintained.
parties in the                                                           Margins look set to improve for fuel retailers.
                       Reinvestment is a key theme amongst               Following consistent crude oil price growth
market, together
                       business owners, with £814 million spent          since January 2016 after a period of industry
with retailers         in the last year. Freehold tenure is therefore    oversupply and pump price discounting by
‘churning’ their       favoured by independent buyers, as they           the oil companies, we anticipate that the
                       can improve sites to increase revenue,            gap between pump prices and oil prices
portfolios.            reduce costs and enhance profitability,           will again widen, based on crude oil price
                       ultimately boosting value. Whilst there           forecasts for the next few years.
                       is some expansion in medium sized
                       groups looking to consolidate, generally          Christie & Co brought Cornwall Garage Group
                       single-site transactions continue to              to the market in the autumn of 2018, and
                       dominate the market.                              this has been a good market bellwether.
                                                                         Interested buyers included both domestic
                                                                         operators of all sizes and overseas investors

                                                                         seeking a foothold in the UK.

                          spent on reinvestment in
                          convenience retail in 2018

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