Page created by Virgil Shaw
NAW2020 Supporter Toolkit

                            #NAW2020 #LookBeyond
NAW2020 Supporter Toolkit – Teachers

The purpose of this toolkit is    The theme for 2020: Look Beyond              Tackling outdated stereotypes
                                  The theme for National Apprenticeship        One of the most common
to give you all the information   Week 2020 is “Look Beyond” – we are          misconceptions about apprenticeships
you need to start thinking        encouraging everyone to look beyond          amongst parents and young people is
about how you can get             outdated stereotypes surrounding             still that apprentices are ‘just employed
                                  apprenticeships and celebrate the            to make the tea’.
involved with National            diversity of opportunity and value that
Apprenticeship Week 2020.         they bring to the country today.             We would love your support to help
                                                                               parents and young people Look Beyond
It includes information on        Teachers, you play a vital role in helping   this myth, by showcasing all the fantastic
this year’s theme and our         your pupils and their parents Look           and inspiring work that apprentices are
national campaign platform,       Beyond more traditional routes into          doing, gaining the skills and experience
as well as guidance for how       employment and understand the                to boost their careers.
                                  diversity of career opportunities that are
you can join and drive the        available through apprenticeships.           Today’s apprentices are Making Impact,
conversation on social media                                                   Not Tea.
                                  The theme will unite the entire
during The Week. We will          apprenticeship community with strong
send another update in            consistent messages and initiatives
the New Year, with some           during The Week to ensure we can have
                                  the strongest possible collective impact.
additional assets for you to
download and use.
NAW2020 Supporter Toolkit – Teachers
1. Support our National Look Beyond Campaign: “Making Impact”

Attend a Look Beyond event                   Host an event at your school
in your local area                           or college
Employer events near you – for the           Broadcast the Big Assembly –               Invite an ASK representative in –            Apply to become an Apprentice
first time ever, we’ve extended The Week     bringing together apprentices, employers   The ASK (The Apprenticeship Support          Champion – if you’re passionate about
to include the Saturday and Sunday           and students from across the country,      and Knowledge for Schools and                apprenticeships and eager to share
(8 and 9 February), to maximise the          this is a chance for everyone to learn     Colleges programme) network has              your enthusiasm and expertise with
opportunity for teachers and parents         more about apprenticeships and kick off    representatives across the country, who      others, why not become an Apprentice
in particular to be able to participate in   National Apprenticeship Week in style.     are able to support you in developing        Champion, to find out more view here.
events. We’ve asked employers large and      The broadcast starts at 10.30am - you      and transforming how your students
small, up and down the country, to open      can find out more here:    think about apprenticeships. Invite your
their doors between 3 and 9 February                                                    local representative in and fire up your
to showcase the inspiring work their         Welcome apprentices into your              apprenticeships advice.
apprentices are doing, adding value and      school – welcome in current and past       For more information:
making an impact.                            apprentices, ideally from your school,
                                             during The Week to share their story
Use our handy events map to check out        with your students. It’s so powerful for   To find your local ASK contractor, please
the Look Beyond events that are taking       them to hear personal anecdotes and        see contact details in the appendix at the             Look
place in your area and head along if you
can. Please also encourage your pupils
                                             advice from someone they can easily
                                             relate to.
                                                                                        end of this toolkit.
                                                                                        Share Learn Live broadcasts with
and their parents / guardians / carers to
attend these events, so they can hear        Host a parents evening – consider          your students – if you and your pupils
first-hand from employers and current        hosting a parents evening exclusively      can’t make it to an event, encourage
apprentices.                                 dedicated to educating and inspiring       them to take a look at the Learn Live
                                             parents about the opportunities that       broadcasts we have produced with
                                             apprenticeships can unlock. You may        employers from across England, and help
 Don’t forget to shout about all the         wish to invite the parent of a current     them get inspired:
 events you are attending or hosting         apprentice in as a guest speaker, or a
 on social media channels (and please        few people as part of a panel, to bring    broadcasts
 use the hashtags #NAW2020 and               this to life and provide crucial peer to
                                             peer reassurance to other parents whose    Make sure you upload any events you’re
 #LookBeyond), in the local media                                                       hosting to our website here:
 and to friends and family, as well as       children may be considering this route
                                             into work.                       
 through your professional networks                                                     submission_form
 and any communications channels
 with parents.
NAW2020 Supporter Toolkit – Teachers
2. Fuel the conversation on social media

Visual assets will be available for you to   Wear the ‘We’re Fired Up’                  Making Waves – share your                  Download and share our video
download in the New Year. We’ll also be      Badge                                      success stories
posting on social media to let you know
when these are live.                         On Monday 3 February, help us make a       Using the template we will provide,        Video content is being created and
                                             social splash by adding the ‘We’re Fired   please share your experiences and          will be shared in the New Year. Once
                                             Up’ badge to your social media profiles    best practice advice for how you           available, in February 2020, please share
 IMPORTANT:                                  to show you’re proudly supporting          have embedded information about            this on your own social media profiles,
 Please tag all your social media            National Apprenticeship Week 2020.         apprenticeships into your curriculum and   and on forums you may be a member of.
 posts with #NAW2020 and                                                                careers advice.
NAW2020 Supporter Toolkit – Teachers
3. Get involved with our Twitter Q&As

#AskAnApprentice                          #AskAnEmployer
Building on the success of last year,     This year, we will also be running an
we will be running this session           #AskAnEmployer session. Employers
again in 2020. Please share details       of all sizes will be taking to Twitter,
of this with your students and their      to answer questions about their
parents, encouraging them to use the      apprenticeship programmes, what they
#AskAnApprentice hashtag on Twitter       look for in prospective apprentices, and
from 12-2pm on Wednesday 5                the work their current apprentices are
February and get involved in the online   doing. This will take place on Twitter

conversation.                             from 12-2pm on Thursday 6 February.
                                          Please do encourage your students and
                                          their parents to join the conversation and
                                          see the opportunities employers open up
                                          to apprentices.

                                                                                Q      &
NAW2020 Supporter Toolkit – Teachers
4. Find out more

If you’re interested in finding out more about National Apprenticeship
                                                                         Thank you – if you have any questions
Week and apprenticeships in general, check out the useful links below:
                                                                         in the meantime, please do feel free
– View companies hiring higher and degree apprentices in 2020:           to get in touch by emailing:
                                                                         Follow National Apprenticeship Service:
– Find an Apprenticeship:                                                Twitter: @Apprenticeships                                            Instagram: @fireitupapps
                                                                         Facebook: FireItUpApps
– Access our Teacher guides:                                             LinkedIn: National Apprenticeship Service                                   Hashtags: #NAW2020 #LookBeyond
– Find out more about National Apprenticeship Week:                      For more information on apprenticeships visit:
NAW2020 Supporter Toolkit – Teachers

Find your local ASK (The Apprenticeship Support and
Knowledge for Schools and Colleges) contractor
– Name: Guy Saxton
– Email:
– Telephone: 01912 619 636
– Website:
– Name: Helen Richardson
– Email:
– Telephone: 07772 357890
– Website:
– Name: Kellie Major
– Email:
– Telephone: 07501 228501
– Website:
– Name: Andrew Cruickshank
– Email:
– Telephone: 07876 837945
– Website:
Follow National Apprenticeship Service:
   @Apprenticeships / @FireItUp_Apps
   National Apprenticeship Service
Search for apprenticeships on GOV.UK
or call 08000 150 600
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