Nelson College for Girls' Charter 2021 - Te Kura Tamawāhine o Whakatū

Page created by Chester Bowen
Nelson College for Girls' Charter 2021 - Te Kura Tamawāhine o Whakatū
Nelson College for Girls’
       Charter 2021
Te Kura Tamawāhine o Whakatū
Nelson College for Girls' Charter 2021 - Te Kura Tamawāhine o Whakatū
Strategic Overview
1. Strategic Overview

       To educate, empower and nurture each student so they can confidently
                                      succeed in their world.

                       Learning Values                                 Social Values
 Collaborative          Working with others                        P        Positivity
 Reflective             Planning, reworking                        R        Respect
 Resilient              Persevering                                I        Integrity
 Resourceful            Questioning, making links                 D         Diversity
                       Learning to Learn                           E        Empathy

                                          School Motto
              Pietas                          Probitas                     Sapientia
        Loyalty; Pūmau                     Honesty; Pono               Wisdom; Pūmahara

                                   Honesty and integrity in our      Wisdom to value the
  A school community where
                                   interactions, which leads to   knowledge and expertise of
  people feel understood and
                                       trust, innovation and       our community, including
 valued. This generates loyalty.
                                           opportunities.           respect for our history.

Strategic goals
To achieve our vision and values, we foster a culture of personal excellence and
encourage all of our staff and students to be the very best they can be.

Strategic Goal 1
To understand our students as individuals to create meaningful relationships that
enable success.

Strategic Goal 2
To have a culture of inspiration, innovation and excellence in our staff.

Strategic Goal 3
To grow the skills and attributes of our students to empower them to succeed in their
Strategic Goal 4
To strengthen partnerships with our whānau and community to enhance students’
Strategic plan – 3 year plan - The following details the plans for the enacting of the vision and strategic goals of Nelson College for Girls over the next 3 years.
2021                                         2022                                         2023
                                                                                                              Annual Objectives                            Annual Objectives                            Annual Objectives
                                                                                                      Universal Design for Learning
                                                                         Strategic Goal 1 –        Objective 1 - Inclusivity                    Objective 1 - Inclusivity                    Objective 1 - Inclusivity
to contribute to the Strategic Goals and Achievement Challenges of the

                                                                         To understand our         Develop an understanding of our              Implement strategies and tools to            Embed strategies and tools to embed
    Nelson College for Girls is committed to working collaboratively

                                                                         students as individuals   obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi       embed the Universal Design for               the Universal Design for Learning,
                                                                         to create meaningful      within Nelson College for Girls to inform    Learning, inclusivity continuum work,        inclusivity continuum work, learning to
                                                                         relationships that        our practices.
                                                                                                                                                learning to learn concepts and catering      learn concepts and catering for
                                                                         enable success                                                         for individual diversity.                    individual diversity.
                                                                                                   Continue to work to ensure that akonga
                                                                         Strategic Goal 2 –        will have a complete sense of mauri ora;
                                                                         To have a culture of      their wellbeing is nurtured and able to
                                                                         inspiration, innovation   flourish.
                                                                         and excellence in our
                           Nelson Kahui Ako.

                                                                         staff                     Objective 2 – Mentoring for Learning         Objective 2 – Mentoring for Learning         Objective 2 – Mentoring for Learning
                                                                         Strategic Goal 3 -        Develop a kete of strategies and tools to    Implement the use of the kete of             Embed the use of the kete of strategies
                                                                         To grow the skills and    empower staff to have the ability to         strategies and tools by all staff to         and tools by all staff to empower them
                                                                         attributes of our         track individuals, differentiate             empower them to track individuals,           to track individuals, differentiate
                                                                                                   programmes of learning and to mentor
                                                                         students to empower                                                    differentiate programmes of learning         programmes of learning and to mentor
                                                                                                   as kaiārahi.
                                                                         them to succeed in                                                     and to mentor as kaiārahi.                   as kaiārahi.
                                                                         their world               Ākonga will become more engaged,
                                                                                                   successful and agentic learners.
                                                                         Strategic Goal 4 –
                                                                         To strengthen                                                          Objective 3 – Evaluative Capability          Objective 3 – Evaluative Capability
                                                                         partnerships with our     Objective 3 – Evaluative Capability          Continue to use the matrix of evaluative     Continue to embed the matrix of
                                                                         whānau and                                                             capability progressions to enable staff to   evaluative capability progressions to
                                                                                                   Develop a clear matrix of evaluative
                                                                         community to enhance                                                   further develop their evaluative             enable staff to further develop their
                                                                                                   capability progressions to enable staff to
                                                                         students’ success                                                      capability. Implement tools and              evaluative capability. Embed the use of
                                                                                                   identify their current level of
                                                                                                   development. Utilise tools and               strategies at Learning Area level to         tools and strategies to enable Learning
                                                                                                   strategies to assist Learning Areas to       enable Learning Areas to develop             Areas to develop greater evaluative
                                                                                                   develop greater evaluative capability.       greater evaluative capability.               capability.
Annual section

   Annual Objectives and
Targets with Action Plans 2021
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) underpins each of the annual objectives below. UDL is a way of thinking
  about teaching and learning that helps give all students an equal opportunity to succeed. It is a framework for
  guiding educational practice.

2021 annual objectives

Objective 1 – Inclusivity (relates to Strategic Goals 1, 2, 3, 4)

Develop an understanding of our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi within Nelson College for Girls to inform our
Continue to work to ensure that akonga will have a complete sense of mauri ora; their wellbeing is nurtured and able
to flourish.

Objective 2 – Mentoring for Learning (relates to Strategic Goals 1, 2, 3)

Develop a kete of strategies and tools to empower staff to have the ability to track individuals, differentiate
programmes of learning and to mentor as kaiārahi.

Ākonga will become more engaged, successful and agentic learners.

Objective 3 – Evaluative Capability (relates to Strategic Goal 2)

Develop a clear matrix of evaluative capability progressions to enable staff to identify their current level of
development. Utilise tools and strategies to assist Learning Areas to develop greater evaluative capability.

2021 annual targets (students to be referred to as Focus Students)

Target 1 - Attendance

Attendance – Monitor all attendance but focus particularly on Years 9 and 10. Raise overall attendance in Years 9
and 10 to over 90%.

Target 2 – Gaining of Level 1

Identify all students who are taking 11ENC or EAP1, plus any other students who are taking 11ENG, but are taking
11SCC or 11MAI. Track all these students, particularly those students who miss achieving standards - regardless of
whether the outcome is Not Achieved or Not Submitted. Put mentoring plans in place to work with these students
all year – academic mentoring.

Target 3 – Level 1 achievement of Māori and Pasifika students

Identify all Māori and Pasifika students entered for Level 1 and put in place strategies to help them to achieve at the
same level as all other students. The aim would be for 85% or more Māori and Pasifika students to attain Level 1.
(There needs to be caution in the use of percentages for Pasifika students where numbers of students are very small.)

Target 4 – Academically able students in year 9
Identify Year 9 academically                                                        able students using PAT scores
(Stanine 9 - Reading and Vocabulary) and/or level 6 e-asTTle scores in Reading and/or Maths. The aim is to enrich
the programmes of these students in all subjects to ensure that they make progress.
Annual Objective 1 Inclusivity - Links to Strategic Goals 1, 2, 3, 4
Develop an understanding of our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi within Nelson College for Girls to inform our practices. Continue to work to ensure that akonga will
have a complete sense of mauri ora; their wellbeing is nurtured and able to flourish.
                      Specific Actions                             Responsibility           Resources              Timeframe                     Expected Outcome
Undertake professional development to understand the           DR, DA, ML              Across School           All year           Understanding of the elaborations of the
Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership standard for the Teaching                             Team; Our                                  professional standard is developed and
profession.                                                                            Standards                                  becomes more evident in practice.
Develop a continuum of expertise in cultural                   DA, RG with SLT         TIme                    By end of term 1   Progressions of development are clear for staff.
All staff (teaching and support) to evaluate their level of    HOLAs and HODs          Time                    By end of term 1   Staff know where they sit on the continuum
competence against the continuum of expertise. Set a                                                                              and are helped to take the next steps to
personal goal to develop their expertise further, as part of                                                                      develop.
Professional Growth Cycle.
Participate in Te Hurihanganui and share this learning.        EW                      MOE, time,              All year           Local knowledge of places, history and cultural
                                                                                       identified students                        identity are explored.
Continue the development of Shadow Coaching with the           DA, RG                  Time, relief budget     All year           Underpinning concepts of shadow coaching
third cohort of teachers. Begin to widen the use of these                                                                         become more embedded in pedagogical
techniques through Learning Areas.                                                                                                practice.
Increase the participation in Pikimai Kapa Haka group and      DR, ML                  NC Kapa Haka            All year           The Pikimai group is strong within NCG and we
be a part of Nga Aho Rau (Nelson College and Nelson                                    staff Pikimai tutor;                       play a significant part in the combined NCG
College for Girls joint Kapa Haka group).                                              Nga Aho Rau tutor                          and NC Kapa Haka group.
Through the ārahi wellbeing programme and mentoring            HY, WST                 Time                    All year           Kaiārahi and subject teachers are helped to
for learning in ārahi and subject classes, ensure that the                                                                        monitor the learning and sense of mauri ora of
sense of mauri ora of all Māori students is enhanced.                                                                             their Māori students.
Develop the ability of our staff to enrich, enhance and        MC                      PLD time                All year           Top students in all year levels are identified as
extend our top students.                                                                                                          very able and monitored to measure success.
Begin the development of the New Zealand History               BI; Curriculum          Curriculum              All year           Plans are completed for the introduction of the
curriculum in year 9 and 10 Social Studies from 2022.          Review group;           documents, time.                           New Zealand History Curriculum in 2022 in
                                                               Social Sciences staff                                              years 9 and 10.
Monitoring and data gathering:
•   Staff level of competence against the continuum of expertise – recorded Term 1 and Term 4. Results collated to show staff progress.
    •   Maintain attendance register of Piki Mai and Nga Aho Rau weekly practices.
    •   Survey (face to face) Māori students to ascertain their sense of mauri ora.

                                                    Annual Objective 2 Mentoring for Learning - Links to Strategic Goals 1, 2, 3
Develop a kete of strategies and tools to empower staff to have the ability to track individuals, differentiate programmes of learning and to mentor as kaiārahi. Ākonga will
become more engaged, successful and agentic learners.

                      Specific Actions                            Responsibility             Resources           Timeframe                        Expected Outcome
Develop a yearly plan for Mentoring for Learning.              SM, with JB and SL     KAMAR, ārahi M4L        Term 1               Staff are confident using data to inform their
                                                                                      programme                                    academic mentoring responsibilities.

Develop the Mentoring for Learning notebook.                   SM                     Time                    Term 1 and then      Staff are supported in developing their
                                                                                                              all year             mentoring for learning capabilities.

Establish the data measures, and timeline for collection,      MZ, HN                 Time                    By end March         Data measures are determined and lead to
for monitoring the annual targets.                                                                                                 greater work with students to enhance
Continue PLD programme to increase staff knowledge of          MZ, HN, SM             Time                    All year             Staff knowledge of use of data in KAMAR is
use of KAMAR as a tool for mentoring for learning.                                                                                 further developed.
Develop Learning Conversations in Teams.                       MZ                     Time                    All year             Staff are supported in developing their
                                                                                                                                   mentoring for learning capabilities, in particular
                                                                                                                                   at Learning Conferences.
Monitoring and data gathering:
    •   Data measures and timeline developed by the In-School team in February.
    •   Measure staff confidence in ability to mentor for learning in Term 1 and again in Term 4.
Annual Objective 3 Evaluative Capability - Links to Strategic Goal 2
 Develop a clear matrix of evaluative capability progressions to enable staff to identify their current level of development. Utilise tools and strategies to assist Learning Areas
                                                                    to develop greater evaluative capability.
                       Specific Actions                            Responsibility            Resources            Timeframe                      Expected Outcome
Develop a matrix of progressions to measure evaluative          SLT, MZ, HN           MOE Evaluative           End term 1         Staff understanding of Evaluative Capability is
capability of staff, initially particularly the HOLAs. Based                          Capability                                  further developed.
on the Ministry of Education matrix.                                                  progressions; time
Provide professional development for HOLAs and HODs             MZ, HN                Time                     All year           Staff understanding of Evaluative Capability is
in data collection, analysis and evaluation.                                                                                      further developed.

Each Learning Area will choose an aspect of their Year 9        MW, MZ, HN            Data                     Term 1 and then    HOLAs are supported to lead this work in their
curriculum that they want to improve in 2021. They will be                                                     all year.          Learning Area.
mentored to use a collaborative inquiry to determine
initial formative results, strategies for improvement and
how to measure the progress being made.
Ensure that the Achievement Report is aligned with the          EW                    Report and matrix;       Term 1             The Achievement Report is an important
data measures and Evaluative Capability matrix.                                       time                                        evaluative document and will help with
                                                                                                                                  developing evaluative capability for HOLAs and
Monitoring and data gathering:
• Staff level of competence against the continuum of evaluative capability expertise – recorded Term 1 and Term 4. Results collated to show staff progress.
• Completed achievement reports from HOLAs; report on their collaborative inquiry
Student Achievement Target 1
Strategic Goal         To grow the skills and attributes of our students to empower them to succeed in their world. (Goal 3)
                       Poor attendance has a strong link to under-achievement. The Nelson kāhui ako is placing an emphasis on attendance for this reason. Beginning good
Rationale              habits on entry to secondary school is important and therefore, while all attendance will be monitored, the specific target group will be the year 9
Target                 Attendance – Monitor all attendance, but focus particularly on Year 9. Raise overall attendance in Year 9 to over 90%

                       41% of students in Year 9 2020 had attendance levels below 90%. These students covered a range of ethnicities. We need to gather attendance data
Baseline Data
                       from the contributing schools to see what the baseline is for 2021 Year 9.

Specific actions                                                   Responsibility      Timeframe       Resources               Achieved   Analysis of Variance/Future Action
Identify from entry transition information any students who        MZ, Transition      February        Time; attendance
are already poor attenders and Provide this information to         LSC                                 records
relevant Deans and kaiārahi.
Kaiārahi make early contact with family/ whānau of identified      Kaiārahi            By end of       Time, data from
Year 9 poor attendees before there is any attendance                                   February        MZ
concern occurring. Record on Kamar. Inform relevant subject
Ask kaiārahi to monitor attendance for all of their 2-3 year 9     HY; JB, SL          On-going        Time; newsletter
students each week, look for patterns, keep contact with
whānau and alert the Dean where concerns are arising.
Kaiārahi to have conversations with the student and whānau
and record on Kamar.
By the end of term 1 and then every term, identify any             Kaiārahi; Deans     Term 1, then    Time; attendance
students whose attendance is below 85%, identify reasons                               each term       records
why and monitor closely.
Term 2, or earlier if required, in consultation with kaiārahi,     DR, HY, MW and      All year        Time; attendance
Dean and SLT implement an individualised action plan to            Deans                               records
raise level of attendance.
Continue to investigate the way we code school-based               BD, MW              Term 1 &        Time, Kamar
activity absences to ensure data reflects student attendance                           on-going
Student Achievement Target 2
Strategic Goal          To grow the skills and attributes of our students to empower them to succeed in their world. (Goal 3)
Rationale               The percentage of students gaining Level 1 has dropped significantly over the past three years. There is concern that closer monitoring is needed of
                        those whose courses make them potentially at risk of not achieving Level 1 or who are not gaining standards early in the year through either non
                        achievement or non-submission of work.
Target                  Target is that the overall % of Year 11 students attaining Level 1 in 2021 is above 85%.
Baseline Data            Level 1 outcomes             2015            2016           2017            2018            2019          2020
                         %age                         86.6            83.5           87.9            80.3            81.8          80.1

Specifications                                                   Responsibility     Timeframe         Resources             Achieved      Analysis of Variance/ Future Action
Identify all students who are taking 11ENC or EAP1, plus any     MW                 Feb               Kamar timetables,
other students in 11ENG classes, but are taking 11SCC or                                              time
At the end of term 1, track these students, particularly those   MW                 By end of         Report by MZ
students who miss achieving standards - regardless of                               term 1 and
whether the outcome is Not Achieved or Not Submitted. Put                           then all year
academic mentoring plans in place to work with these
students to improve the ratio by end of term 2. Continue to
monitor all year.
Monitor the progress of identified students individually         MW                 Term 1 and        SM – traffic light
through kaiārahi, Deans and SLT.                                                    then all year.    system
HOLAS of Maths, Science and English work in collaboration        HW, CC/MA,         Start of Term     Time
with MW (Deans and kaiārahi) to best enable students to          TD/MG, MW          3, continuing
achieve success.                                                                    throughout
                                                                                    terms 3 & 4
Continue to monitor students as they move into Year 12 –         SLT, Deans         All year          Achievement
ensure they are enrolled in Level 1 and 2 courses that meet                                           data - KAMAR
their learning/ability needs, provide the opportunity to gain
literacy and/or numeracy credits if required, monitor their
progress towards Level 1 and Level 2.
Use the funding from the post-Covid fund to enable a        MW   Terms 1 and 2   Support worker
bilingual support worker to work with groups of former                           Funding already
refugee students in a group setting - targeting Colombian                        approved.
students – Year 12.
Student Achievement Target 3
Strategic Goal        To grow the skills and attributes of our students to empower them to succeed in their world. (Goal 3)
                      Identify all Māori and Pasifika students entered for NCEA Level 1 and put in place strategies to help them to achieve at the same level as all other
Target                Raise the %age attainment of Level 1 NCEA of Māori and Pasifika students to be at least 85%.

                           ALL        Level 1     Level 2      Level 3       UE

                           All         80.1        88.4         85.6         67.1             Data from the 2020 NCEA results show that Māori and Pasifka
                                                                                          students are underperforming significantly at all levels but particularly
                          Asian        73.7         81.5        93.8         68.8
                                                                                                                      at Level 1.
Baseline Data
                           NZE         84.8        92.9         87.9         71.4        The gap for Māori is less significant at Level 2 but drops again at Level
                          Māori        50.0        63.2         76.2         42.9                                            3.
                                                                                               The %age figures for Pasifika are a little misleading because of the
                         Pasifika      40.0        75.0         66.7
                                                                                                                  small number of students.

Specifications                                                  Responsibility      Timeframe          Resources          Achieved     Analysis of Variance/ Future Action
Identify all Level 1 Māori and Pasifika students. Share data    DR/HY               February           NCEA results
with staff.
Use the Māori and Pasifika Action Plans to create further       DR, ML, HY          All year           Plans
opportunities to engage these students in their learning
with the help of whānau/fono where possible.
Track and mentor individual students via Kaiārahi with a        DR, HY, Kaiārahi    All year           M4L and
focus on checking their programmes and progress                                                        additional
(mentoring for learning).                                                                              support
Student Achievement Target 4
Strategic Goal        To grow the skills and attributes of our students to empower them to succeed in their world. (Goal 3)
Rationale             Identify Year 9 academically able students using PAT scores (Stanine 9 - Reading and Vocabulary) and/or level 6 e-asTTle scores in Reading and/or
                      Maths. The aim is to enrich the programmes of these students in all subjects to ensure that they make progress.
Target                Enrich the programmes of these students, within and beyond the classroom, to ensure that they make progress by end of 2021.
Baseline Data
                           Testing in PAT and e-asTTle will take place in February and from there
                          this group of students will be identified. This testing will be repeated at
                                        the end of the year to give comparative data.

Specifications                                                Responsibility      Timeframe        Resources            Achieved   Analysis of Variance/ Future Action
Identify all focus students from PAT/e-asTTle data.           MS, MZ              February         PAT and e-asTTle
Triangulate this data against contributing school Year 8                                           results; Year 8
data.                                                                                              data
Monitor these students throughout the year and ensure         SLT                 All year         Achievement
that specific enrichment programmes are put in place for      HOLAs in all                         data
them in all compulsory curriculum areas.                      curriculum areas                     Time
GATE co-ordinator mentor students to achieve enrichment       MC                  All year         Time
in their programmes.
Determine the measures of progress for these focus            SLT; HOLAs; MZ;     Term 1           Time; data
students.                                                     HN
Measure progress mid-year and end of year                     HN; HOLAs in all    Term 2 and       Achievement
                                                              curriculum areas    term 4           data
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