New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - Springfield Kennel Club, Inc - Springfield Kennel ...

Page created by Yolanda Gibson
Premium List

New England Spring
 Cluster Dog Shows

     Kennel Club, Inc.
     Saturday, April 24, 2021
     All-Breed Dog Show
     AKC National Owner Handled Series

     South Windsor
     Kennel Club, Inc.
     Sunday, April 25, 2021
     All-Breed Dog Show
     AKC National Owner Handled Series

      Eastern States
   Exposition Grounds
   1305 Memorial Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Don't Miss The Excitement of the
                        Twenty-Fourth Annual

              Laurie A. Maulucci, Cluster Coordinator
      Springfield Kennel Club, Inc. ~ Saturday, April 24, 2021
     South Windsor Kennel Club, Inc. ~ Sunday, April 25, 2021
As a courtesy to our exhibitors, and in the spirit of the AKC Code of Sportsmanship, the
following individuals and members of their immediate families will not exhibit, nor cause to
be exhibited, dogs owned or co-owned by them at these cluster events: Show Chairpersons,
Members of the Judges’ Selection Committees and Cluster Hospitality Chairpersons. This
policy will also apply to Club Presidents on the day of their club's event.

              Building will be available to Exhibitors
                      at 3:00 P.M. on Friday

                          CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the American
                          Kennel Club for the holding of these events under American Kennel
                          Club rules and regulations.
                                                                 Gina M. DiNardo, Executive Secretary

                              Equipment & Service Furnished By:
                                       "Please feel free to come by and take a tour of our Headquarters
                                       Office in NC any business day Mon. thru Fri., 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M."

                               620 Industrial Ave., Greensboro, NC 27406
                         P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420 • 336-379-9352
               32351 Edward Ave. • P.O. Box 9999 • Madison Hts., MI 48071 • 248-588-5000
                    FAX - 336-272-0864 • Internet Address
                                    E-Mail Address
                   Dial-N-Entry® - (1-800) 334-8978 - For Entries Only or (336) 379-9605
                 American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendent
              Member of the Dog Show Superintendents Association •
       Vickie L. Bovee • Kathleen Bowser • Michael Bowser • Bob Christiansen • Kathleen Corbett
       Dorie Crowe • Patricia DenBoer • Edward Hadley • Richard Hamlin • Dennis Johnson
       Marti Johnson • Debra Jolly • Michelle Keith • Kellie K. King • Fred J. Lyman • Karen McBee
       Sharon McCrary • Darlene Nichols • Kevin Nieboer • W. Henry Odum, III • Robert C. Peters, Jr.
       Theresa Pierce • Ralph Price • Kuno W. Spies • Rebecca Surratt • Thomas Surratt
                   One Or More Of The Above Superintendents Will Superintend This Show

2 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
An automated external defibrillator (AED) is on the grounds of these events. The Better Living Center
has 2: One near door 7 and another near door 9. The Young Building has one next to door 6. The Mallary
Complex has 2: One near Pole 32 in the center of the building and one near the restrooms.

                      On Site - for Collection
                            On Saturday & Sunday
                               April 24 & 25, 2021
                           William C. Truesdale, DVM

         International Canine Semen Bank
               For more information and reservation
                        Phone: (508) 761-8525
            Specifics will appear in the Judging Schedule.

             PLEASE, DON'T FORGET TO:
Often people have spent hours grooming their dog. Other dogs are nervous at shows or
may not be accustomed to crowds or children. Some dogs grab for treats or they might have
finicky stomachs.

Just like most people object to being grabbed and hugged by strangers, so do many dogs!

                           WATCH WHERE YOU STEP!
We want you to make sure that you don't step on any feet, noses or tails of our friends. Also,
not all dog handlers or owners are considerate enough to clean up after their dogs.

                     OUTSIDE OF RING BARRIERS!
Each dog and handler has only moments in the ring for the judge to evaluate him
and any distractions (food or objects thrown into the ring, body parts hanging over or
under the ring barriers, and/or loud disturbances) can throw their performance off.

You might be catching someone as they are nervously waiting to go in the ring, or
hurriedly grooming for an upcoming ring time, or may be just closely watching dogs
that they are interested in. If we are engrossed in something, we will be happy to let
you know when and where is a better time to talk.
                                    New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021 - 3
                             NOTICE – WAIVER OF RIGHTS
  All persons attending these dog shows hereby waive any claim for damages against the
      AKC, any AKC clubs holding cluster events, MB-F, all other contracted staff, Eastern
            States Exposition and its employees, and any workers and volunteers.
                                     NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS
• Masks must be worn at all times in all buildings by everyone over the age of two. Please bring your
• Everyone that attends the cluster must sign the waiver that is available in the premium list or online
  at Everyone must submit a waiver in order to receive a wristband.
  Wristbands must be worn at all times in all buildings. Entrance to any show building will be permitted
  only to those wearing the wristband.
• Exhibitors should follow their doctor’s advice on attending the shows if they are in a high-risk group
  for COVID-19.
• Buildings will not be available until Friday at 3:00 pm. The buildings will close at 9:30 pm every night
  except Sunday. On Sunday, the buildings will close one hour after the conclusion of BIS.
• Buildings will open each morning of the shows at 6:00 am.
• No public seating will be available in any building. Social distancing will be enforced.
• Ringside crating will be available in designated areas only. The area will be available 15 minutes
  before and after your breed is being judged. Please be mindful of other exhibitors and please adhere
  to the 15-minute rule.
• There will be no catalogs available at the rings. Please prepare the list of armband numbers that you
  need before you visit the steward. Catalogs may be purchased for individual use.
• No hair dryers or forced air dryers may be used inside. No stand-alone fans are allowed in the
  buildings. Crate fans are allowed for dogs but must be attached to the crate.
• Please stack crates for small and medium sized dogs. You may be directed to do so by Site Control
  so please come prepared with boards and anything else you may need to stack crates. No ex-pens
  in the building.
• Cooperation with all club members, Event Committee members, RV parking personnel and Eastern
  States Exposition Security is mandatory. Following instructions and directions is required at all times.
  Using rude, abusive, or foul language, or arguing or behaving objectionably against club officials, RV
  parking personnel or Eastern States Exposition Security will result in that attendee being immediately
  subject to a Bench Show Hearing and/or being removed from the grounds. THERE WILL BE NO
• No extended Flex Leads allowed in any building.
• When possible please leave strollers outside. Do not bring them into the building.
• If you are leaving dogs overnight, each crate must have a name, address, and phone number for
• No practicing in the rings at any time.

4 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
                     COVID-19 EVENT WAIVER
                       APRIL 24 & 25, 2021
I fully attest to the best of my knowledge that I do not have COVID-19 at the time of
attending this event. I also attest that I have NOT been in contact with or exposed to any
known carrier of COVID-19 within the past 14 days. I agree that I am attending the New
England Spring Cluster Dog Shows hosted by South Windsor and Springfield Kennel Clubs
entirely at my own risk and take full responsibility for my own health and safety during this
event. I will follow all the rules, requirements, procedures, protocols, and guidelines of the
American Kennel Club (AKC) and all AKC dog clubs participating in the cluster to reduce any
exposure and possibility of contracting or spreading the virus. I will also follow CDC, Federal,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Town of West Springfield and Eastern States Exposition
guidelines regarding COVID-19.

I fully submit that the AKC, all AKC clubs holding cluster events, MB-F, all other contracted
staff, and Eastern States Exposition and their employees, and any workers or volunteers, are
in no way liable for any present or future COVID-19 exposure incurred at any time by any
person, in attendance or not in attendance, during or after this event, and hereby waive all
rights to file a lawsuit against above if I am exposed to COVID-19.

By signing this waiver, I hereby agree to follow everything contained within this waiver.

________________________________                  __________________________________
Signature                                         Signature of Parent/Guardian/Handler

________________________________                  __________________________________
Print Name                                        Print Name of both Signer and Minor

________________________________                  __________________________________
Date                                              Minor Child under 18 Yrs. Signature

  You will be asked to leave if you are not wearing your wristband.

                                  New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021 - 5
            Which Will Accept Guests with Crated Dogs - Please confirm when calling.
Any exhibitor who allows his/her dogs to be loose and unattended in a room or to do damage to hotel
property and who then does not immediately contact the hotel management to make proper restitution,
will be subject to Event Committee action which could result in the loss of AKC privileges. This also
applies to cleaning up after your dog at the hotel/motel grounds.
Hampton Inn, 851 E. Columbus Ave., Springfield, MA....................................................(413) 310-2300
                         Exit 4 off Mass Pike (dogs must be crated), 2 floors
Sheraton Springfield, 1 Monarch Pl.., Springfield, MA...................................................(413) 781-1010
Homewood Suites, 375 Whitney Ave., Holyoke, MA.......................................................(413) 532-3100
Hampton Inn, 1011 Riverdale St., West Springfield, MA.................................................(413) 732-1300
                         Exit 4 off Mass Pike (dogs must be crated), 4 floors
La Quinta Inn, 100 Congress St., Springfield, MA..........................................................(413) 781-0900
                                At Dwight St. Exit off I-291, High Rise
Quality Inn, 1150 Riverdale St., West Springfield, MA....................................................(413) 739-7261
                                           Exit 4 off Mass Pike
Candlewood Suites, 572 Riverdale St., West Springfield, MA........................................(413) 739-1122
                                           Exit 4 off Mass Pike
Red Carpet Inn, 560 Riverdale St., West Springfield, MA...............................................(413) 733-6678
                   Exit 4 off Mass Pike (small dogs crated - maximum 2 per room)
Red Roof Inn, 1254 Riverdale St., West Springfield, MA................................................(413) 731-1010
                         Exit 4 off Mass Pike (dogs must be crated), 2 floors
Red Roof Inn, I-91 at Rte. 190, 5 Hazard Ave., Enfield, CT............................................(860) 741-2571
                                 Exit 47 East off I-91 (in CT), 2 floors
Motel 6, 11 Hazard Ave., Enfield, CT...............................................................................(860) 741-3685
                                      Exit 47 East off I-91 (in CT)
Residence Inn-West Springfield, 64 Border Way, West Springfield, MA.......................(413) 732-9543
                                           Exit 4 off Mass Pike
Residence Inn-Windsor, 100 Dunfey Ln., Windsor, CT..................................................(860) 688-7474
                                         Exit 38 (in CT) off I-91

        Directions to the Event Grounds
From the North: Take I-91 South to West Springfield - Exit 13B. Follow Rte. 5 South to Rte. 147 West
(Memorial Ave.) for about 1 mile. Enter Show Grounds thru Gate 1.
From the South: Take I-91 North to Springfield - Exit 3. Follow Rte. 5 North to Rte. 147 West (Memorial
Ave.) then proceed as above.
From the East or West: Take Mass Pike (I-90) to Exit 4. Follow Rte. 5 South to Rte. 147 West (Memorial
Ave.) and then proceed as above.
From Bradley International Airport: Take Rte. 75 North to Rte. 147 East for about 12 miles to Gate 1.

Ringside freelance photography will only be allowed with prior permission of the show giving club.
Photographers offering photos for sale will be considered show vendors and will be expected to pay
vendor fees in advance. They will also be expected to obtain written permission from the subjects of
their photographs prior to any print or on-line public display of same. For more information contact
the Vendor Chair at This policy does not preclude personal photography
of one's own dogs.

            All EZ Ups or tents MUST be secured and weighted
                   from toppling over or blowing away.

6 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
Important Notice
All dogs entered in or brought onto the grounds of these events must be appropriately vaccinated
   against such diseases as parvovirus, distemper and hepatitis. State law requires that all
   dogs over 6 months of age be vaccinated against rabies. Proof of such vaccination may
   be requested. All exhibitors should carry valid proof of vaccinations. You may also wish to
   consider vaccination against kennel cough, Lyme disease and leptospirosis.

             General Site Regulations
Eastern States Exposition prohibits the use, sale and consumption of any CBD product on the grounds.
Participants and Visitors must respect the authority of both the Eastern States Staff and the
  Show Officials. Failure to do so will result in ejection from the show grounds and/or Event Hearings.
  Participants and visitors must abide by posted signs on the grounds. Certain areas will be marked
  by Please Do Not Allow Animals on Grass and must be respected.
Show Buildings are designated as NO SMOKING areas. The West Springfield Fire Department will
  enforce this regulation. Please cooperate. Enforcement of Handicapped Parking laws will also be
  strictly enforced. Do not park in designated handicapped areas without appropriate tags.
Eastern States Exposition retains all food concession, beverage and catering rights on the show
  grounds. Catering of beverage and/or food service for groups is not permitted unless such beverage
  and food is arranged for and provided by Eastern States Catering services. This does not preclude
  individuals from providing their own beverages and food.

                              Daily Parking
Daily Parking is $5.00 per day and is collected upon entrance to the grounds. Cash or credit card
  only. No checks. The Clubs have no involvement in collecting fees and receive no portion of those
  fees. Parking passes (hang tags) for the cluster are available at the entrances to the grounds.

                   Motor Home Parking
Eastern States Exposition will be enforcing the following camping policy for all events.
    Parking is first come first served basis for all lots. No one is allowed to save spaces by
    any means. The fees are $30.00 and up per day (No Checks) and are collected by Eastern
    States personnel. The clubs have no involvement in collecting fees and receive no portion of
    those fees. You will be charged for the electrical hook-up you are using, i.e. 35 amp plug with 50
    amp adapter will be charged at the 50 amp rate with limited service MAY be available. There are
    no guarantees. No air conditioners or other high amperage appliances may be used due to the
    type of service provided. If you need to use high amperage appliances (driers, microwave ovens,
    air conditioners, etc.), please use your generator. Overloading the circuits will result in tripped
    breakers. Restoring service may not be immediate, especially at night. Generators must be shut
    off by 10 pm. Campfires and/or fire pits are prohibited.
Motor Homes and Campers may move onto grounds no earlier than two (2) days prior to the
    start of the cluster. Certain areas of the grounds may be restricted. Storage and/or stock trucks
    may occupy the same space provided the same power source is utilized. Vehicles may not
    occupy a camper space in the designated camper lots.
A Dump Station is available on the grounds at no charge. Please see a show official for its location.
    Please leave your parking areas clean by bagging all refuse and throwaway items.
    on motor home parking, PLEASE RESPECT Eastern States Personnel, Grounds and Equipment.

                                     New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021 - 7
Notice To Exhibitors
• All Judging Indoors.
• Show Hours 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
• Building will be available to exhibitors when show setup is complete but no later than 3:00 P.M. on Friday. Private Ex Pens will
  not be permitted in the building.
• Crates must be stacked.
• All dogs must be removed from building after BIS on Sunday.
• Exhibitors' Vehicles will NOT be permitted into the buildings for unloading.
• Telephone (Except Dial-N-Entry®), telegraph and unsigned entries will not be accepted.
• A Dog Show is a sporting event, and exhibitors should attire themselves accordingly. Clothing and footwear should be selected
  which will not interfere with the required physical activity of dog handling, yet that is within the standards of proper attire.
• There will be no washing of dogs in the show building. This will be absolutely enforced. Dogs are not permitted in the building
  restrooms at any time.
• Entries may be made using Dial-N-Entry®.
• For Hand Delivery, street address: 620 Industrial Ave., Greensboro, NC 27406 or 32351 Edward Ave., Madison Heights, MI 48071.
• Dogs may arrive any time prior to the scheduled time of judging. Consult Judging Program.
• Dogs not required for further judging will be excused.
• Judges will not wait for any dog holding up a class. Owners and agents are alone responsible for the presence of their dogs in
  the judging ring when their class is called to be judged.
• Returned checks do not constitute a valid entry fee. The clubs will add a collection fee to the amount of each returned check.
• Entry Fees are payable in U.S. Funds only.
• Entry Fees shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by Veterinarian or Judge, or barred from
  competition by action of the Event Committee. If because of riots, wars, strikes, civil disturbances, national emergencies, health
  emergencies, and the dictates of law enforcement or of the owner(s) of the grounds and/or facilities or other acts beyond the control
  of the management it is impossible to open or to complete the event, no refund of entry fee will be made. Extreme weather conditions,
  such as, but not limited to snow storms, hurricanes, lightning, extreme heat, heavy rains, or other circumstances including, but not
  limited to, the condition of the facilities or grounds and/or the ingress and egress from the grounds, must be considered for the health
  and safety of the dogs, exhibitors and spectators. The well-being of dogs, exhibitors and spectators is of paramount importance and,
  in the event it is necessary to cancel or stop the event before completion, no refund of entry fee will be made. To find out about any
  AKC event cancellations call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline 877-252-3229.
• No entry shall be made and no entry will be accepted which specified any condition as to its acceptance.
• The Clubs assume no responsibility for incorrect or incomplete information on entry forms. Every effort will be made to find duplicate
  entries, but no refunds will be made after the entry is processed. Tabulate carefully. Due to cost of processing, no refunds $4.00 and
  under will be made.
• Make All Checks and Money Orders payable to MB-F, Inc. CANADIAN/FOREIGN exhibitors must make fees payable in U.S.
  FUNDS. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to either use information from your check to make a one-time
  electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check. Please mail checks or money orders with entries.
  Event Secretary assumes no responsibility for cash sent through the mail. Tabulate carefully. Due to cost of processing, no refunds
  $4.00 and under will be made.
• Post Dated Checks, Returned Checks and Declined Credit Cards do not constitute a valid entry fee. The Superintendent will
  add a collection fee to the amount of each returned check or declined card. Subsequent returned checks or declined cards from
  the same exhibitors may result in their being put on a CASH ONLY basis.
• CHARGEBACKS on Credit Cards are considered a violation of your agreement to pay the required entry fee for entry into a show.
  If this remains a bad debt, the club may decline future entries for their shows and the superintendent will decline future entries
  for ANY show submitted via any method of payment until the debt is paid (Chap 11, Sec 15, AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows).
  Thereafter, the superintendent will refuse all future credit card entries from the exhibitor. All future entries must be paid for in cash
  or by money order or check.
• Fax Entries, 1-336-272-0864 or 1-800-SHO-FAXS. Both sides of entry form must be transmitted. Entries must be accompanied
  by a cover sheet stating the number of pages, what shows and how many dogs per show. Visa/Mastercard number and expiration
  date, as well as the printed cardholder’s name and address must be included on cover sheet. Visa/Mastercard number, expiration
  date, cardholder’s name must appear on each entry. Fax entries must be received by the closing hour/date. Fax fee: $4.50 per entry
  in addition to entry fee. All credit card entries, regardless of method submitted, are processed through the Fax program and are
  charged the $4.50 administrative fee. This Fax Fee is subject to change without notice.
• All Dogs present must be held on lead or confined to crates except when being judged or in the exercise pens.
• All Trophies and Prizes must be claimed each day of the events. None will be mailed.
• Class Cash Prizes will be awarded in the ring to the person showing the dog. The Clubs disclaims any liability for cash prizes after
  judging is over.
• An AKC Recording Fee of $.50 first entry only and an AKC Event Service Fee of $3.00 per entry will be required for each
  dog entered at any Licensed or Member Club Show, Obedience Trial or Tracking Test. An AKC Recording Fee of $3.50 will
  be required for each first entry and $3.00 each additional entry in any Licensed or Member Club Rally Trial. An AKC Event
  Service Fee of $2.00 per entry will be required for each dog entered at any Open Show. All Recording and Event Service Fees
  are paid to the American Kennel Club. (There is no Recording Fee or Event Service Fee for Junior Showmanship, Sweepstakes,
  Futurities, Brace/Team, Multi-Dog Classes or Special Attractions.)
• As specified in Chapter 12, Section 4 of the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows, information contained on the entry form is required
  to be published in the club’s show catalog. This information is also subject to publication in other media.
• Two Day Catalogs - $10.00.
• An Administrative Fee of $4.00 will be withheld from all refunds for entries cancelled prior to the closing of entries.
• No gasoline or diesel generators are permitted inside any building or within 100 feet of any tent in which these dog shows are

8 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
AKC National Owner-Handled Series
          (Remember to check the box near the bottom of the entry form)
The AKC National Owner-Handled Series is a non-titling competition for dogs that are exhibited by their owners
that are not professional handlers.
Exhibitors must declare their dog is Owner-Handled eligible at the time of entry on the entry form. Dogs entered
in the Amateur-Owner-Handler class will automatically be marked as eligible to compete in the NOHS. Eligible
dogs will be identified by an asterisk in the judge's book, steward's book & the catalog. Dogs must be handled
throughout the breed level competition for the regular show by an eligible owner. Professional handlers*,
household members and current assistants** to professional handlers may not exhibit the dog in any
NOHS competition during the entire show.
Owner-Handled Best of Breed will be selected from the dogs that are eligible to compete in the Best of Breed
competition including Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and winners of the non-regular classes.
  • If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is Owner-Handled competition eligible, it will automatically be Owner-
     Handled Best of Breed/Variety and be eligible to compete in both the regular as well as the Owner-Handled
  • If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is not eligible for Owner-Handled competition and the Best of Opposite
     Sex to Best of Breed/Variety is eligible, the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety will compete
     against the eligible exhibits of the other sex to determine Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety.
  • If neither the Best of Breed nor the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety are Owner-Handled
     competition eligible and Select Dog & Select Bitch are both eligible, the judge is to choose Best Owner-
     Handled exhibit from the Selects and eligible Winners Dog or Winners Bitch.
  • If one of the Selects is eligible, excuse all Champions and non-regular class winners of the same sex and
     then choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the remaining dogs of the opposite sex including the eligible
  • If Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Select Dog & Select Bitch are not eligible, the
     judge may choose any eligible dog remaining in the ring including Winners Dog or Winners Bitch as Owner-
     Handled Best of Breed/Variety.
  • If the Best of Winners is eligible, the other Winner is ineligible since it was defeated.
  • No class dogs other than the Winners Dog & Winners Bitch are eligible to return to the ring.
 The breed will not be represented in the Owner-Handled Group if there is no eligible dog competing in the Best
of Breed or in Best of Winners competition.
*Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers'
organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for
pay within the last five years.
**A current assistant is defined as anyone employed by a professional handler on a full-time basis, or assisting
a professional handler at the show or any time during the cluster/weekend. Current assistants that are eligible
to compete in Junior Showmanship (meet age & amateur status requirements) may participate in NOHS.
                                                           RIBBON COLORS
Best of Breed/Variety................................ Maroon Group Four.......................................................... Cream
Group One.............................................. Neon Pink Reserve Best
Group Two........................................... Neon Green          Owner-Handled in Show....................... Light Green
Group Three..................................................... Teal Best Owner-Handled in Show........................Turquoise
                        Refer to PRIZES for other prizes that may be offered for the categories above.

                  Best Owner-Handled in Show & Group Judges
                                                     SATURDAY                                    SUNDAY
Best Owner-Handled in Show                           Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes                       Mrs. Anne Katona
Owner-Handled Sporting Group                         Ms. Dianne Tyree                            Ms. Denise Flaim
Owner-Handled Hound Group                            Ms. Jennie Hynes                            Ms. Patricia Clark
Owner-Handled Working Group                          Dr. Thomas M. Davies                        Ms. Denise Flaim
Owner-Handled Terrier Group                          Dr. Thomas M. Davies                        Ms. Denise Flaim
Owner-Handled Toy Group                              Ms. Dianne Tyree                            Ms. Denise Flaim
Owner-Handled Non-Sporting Group                     Ms. Dianne Tyree                            Ms. Denise Flaim
Owner-Handled Herding Group                          Ms. Jennie Hynes                            Ms. Denise Flaim

                                                New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021 - 9
Ms. Sue Burrell........................................................ 28 Olde Rd., Danville, NH 03819
Ms. Patricia Clark....................................25 Point O Rocks Rd., Newtown, CT 06470
Mr. John Constantine-Amodei.................. 2479 Sonoma Dr. W., Nokomis, FL 34275
Dr. Thomas M. Davies.................................. 61 Dearth Hill Rd., Brimfield, MA 01010
Ms. Denise Flaim............................................81 Lafayette Ave., Sea Cliff, NY 11579
Ms. Jennie Hynes.........................................38 Thunder Lake Rd., Wilton, CT 06897
Mrs. Anne Katona.............................................2767 Sky Horse Trl., Reno, NV 89511
Mr. David J. Kirkland...................................387 Holly Brook Rd., Sanford, NC 27330
Dr. Eric Liebes..................................................16160 Hopper Rd., Peyton, CO 80831
Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes....................................16160 Hopper Rd., Peyton, CO 80831
Ms. Edweena (Teddy) McDowell.............12130 S. Moonlight Rd., Olathe, KS 66061
Ms. Dianne Tyree.................................................... P.O. Box 67, Brookline, NH 03033
                                  *provisional/permit Judge - see assignments

                                               RIBBON COLORS
All clubs or associations holding dog shows under the rules of The American Kennel Club, except sanctioned
matches, shall use the following colors for their prize ribbons or rosettes, in the regular classes of The American
Kennel Club and the regular group classes:
                            Breed Classes                                                                Non-Regular Classes
First Prize.................................................................. Blue   First Prize................................................................. Rose
Second Prize..............................................................Red        Second Prize.......................................................... Brown
Third Prize.............................................................. Yellow     Third Prize......................................................Light Green
Fourth Prize............................................................. White      Fourth Prize...............................................................Gray
Winners.................................................................. Purple     Reserve Best Junior Handler........................ Rose & Gray
Reserve Winners.......................................Purple & White                 Best Junior Handler....................................Rose & Green
Best of Winners............................................Blue & White                                        Variety Groups
Best of Breed (Variety)............................... Purple & Gold                 First Prize.................................................................. Blue
Best of Opposite Sex to                                                              Second Prize..............................................................Red
   Best of Breed (Variety)............................ Red & White                   Third Prize.............................................................. Yellow
Select................................................... Light Blue & White         Fourth Prize............................................................. White
                    Miscellaneous Classes
First Prize................................................................. Rose    Reserve Best in Show
Second Prize.......................................................... Brown           Saturday................................................ Yellow & White
Third Prize......................................................Light Green           Sunday................................................... Purple & Gold
Fourth Prize...............................................................Gray      Best in Show....................................... Red, White, & Blue
Best of Breed.........................................................Orange
Best of Opposite Sex to                                                                       Refer to PRIZES for other prizes that
  Best of Breed...................................................Lavender                   may be offered for the categories above.
Best in Miscellaneous.................................. Pink & Green

                                           BREED CLASSIFICATION
The class numbers in italic type are for an exhibitor computer entry-inquiry system. These numbers SHOULD NOT
be used on entry forms.
                                                Regular Classes
        00300. Puppy, 10900. 6 & Under 9 Months                   00450. Amateur-Owner-Handler
       00300. Puppy, 11000. 9 & Under 12 Months                        00500. Bred by Exhibitor
       00300. Dogs, 11100. 12 & Under 18 Months                         00600. American-Bred
                        00400. Novice                                        00700. Open

All Regular Classes are divided by sex and are offered for all breeds or varieties of breeds unless otherwise noted
below. Where classes are further divided by color, weight, or other breed characteristics, it is so indicated below and
the class division MUST be indicated on the entry form.

10 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
Non-Regular Classes Involving SINGLE Dog Entries
                                  FOR SAMOYEDS ONLY ~ SATURDAY
  NR1.08100.20800. Veteran Classes - Class for dogs & class for bitches seven (7) years & under ten (10) years.
  NR1.08100.37100. Veteran Classes - Class for dogs & class for bitches ten (10) years & over.

                                00900. Best of Breed (01000. Variety) Competition

                                                 OPEN CLASS DIVISIONS
Retrievers (Labrador) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 14800. Chocolate; 18600. Yellow.
Dachshunds (Longhaired) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 20500. Miniature-11 lbs. and under and 12 months old
or over; 20600. Standard-over 11 lbs. and 11 lbs. and under if less than 12 months old.
Dachshunds (Smooth) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 20500. Miniature-11 lbs. and under and 12 months old or
over; 20600. Standard-over 11 lbs. and 11 lbs. and under if less than 12 months old.
Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 20500. Miniature-11 lbs. and under and 12 months old
or over; 20600. Standard-over 11 lbs. and 11 lbs. and under if less than 12 months old.
Boxers 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 14400. Brindle; 15200. Fawn.
bullmastiffs 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 14400. Brindle; 19000. Any Other Allowed Color.
Doberman Pinschers 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 19000. Any Other Allowed Color.
Great Danes 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 13700. Blue; 14400. Brindle; 15200. Fawn; 15600. Harlequin;
15900. Mantle; 15950. Merle.
newfoundlands 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 16100. Other Than Black.
St. Bernards 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 19600. Longhaired; 19700. Shorthaired.
CHINESE CRESTEDS 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 19800. Hairless; 19900. Powderpuff.
Pugs 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 15200. Fawn.
Boston Terriers 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 22300. Under 15 lbs.; 22500. 15 lbs. and Under 20 lbs.;
32700. 20 lbs. and not to exceed 25 lbs.
CHINESE SHAR-PEI 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 21400. Brush; 41700. Horse.
Dalmatians 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 13200. Black Spotted; 15800. Liver Spotted.
XOLOITZCUINTLI 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 17910. Toy (10"-14"); 44610. Miniature (14"-18");
44710. Standard (Over 18").
Australian Shepherds 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 14000. Blue Merle; 16600. Red; 17200. Red Merle.
Collies (Rough) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 14000. Blue Merle; 17500. Sable and White; 18200. Tri-Color;
18400. White.
Shetland Sheepdogs 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 17500. Sable and White; 19000. Any Other Allowed Color.
                  BEST IN SHOW & Variety Group Judges
                       SATURDAY                     SUNDAY
BEST IN SHOW           Mr. John Constantine-Amodei  Mr. David J. Kirkland
SPORTING GROUP         Ms. Edweena (Teddy) McDowell Dr. Eric Liebes
HOUND GROUP            Dr. Eric Liebes              *Ms. Denise Flaim
WORKING GROUP          Dr. Eric Liebes              Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes
TERRIER GROUP          Mr. David J. Kirkland        Mrs. Anne Katona
TOY GROUP              Mrs. Anne Katona             Mr. John Constantine-Amodei
NON-SPORTING GROUP     Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes        Mr. David J. Kirkland
HERDING GROUP          Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes        Ms. Edweena (Teddy) McDowell
SPORTING GROUP                                  SATURDAY                           SUNDAY
Barbets                                         Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Brittanys                                       Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Lagotti Romagnoli                               Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes                      Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Pointers                                        Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Pointers (German Shorthaired)                   Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Pointers (German Wirehaired)                    Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay)                     Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Retrievers (Curly-Coated)                       Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Retrievers (Flat-Coated)                        Dr. Liebes                         Mrs. Katona
Retrievers (Golden)                             Dr. Liebes                         Ms. McDowell
Retrievers (Labrador)                           Mrs. Katona                        Ms. McDowell
Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)           Mrs. Katona                        Ms. McDowell
Setters (English)                               Mrs. Katona                        Ms. McDowell
Setters (Gordon)                                Mrs. Katona                        Ms. McDowell
Setters (Irish)                                 Mrs. Katona                        Ms. McDowell
Setters (Irish Red and White)                   Mrs. Katona                        Ms. McDowell

                                           New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021 - 11
Spaniels (American Water)            Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (Boykin)                    Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (Clumber)                   Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (Cocker) Black              Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (Cocker) A.S.C.O.B.         Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti-Color        Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (English Cocker)            Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (English Springer)          Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (Field)                     Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (Irish Water)               Mrs. Katona                  Ms. McDowell
Spaniels (Sussex)                    Mrs. Katona                  Dr. Liebes
Spaniels (Welsh Springer)            Mrs. Katona                  Dr. Liebes
Spinoni Italiani                     Mrs. Katona                  Dr. Liebes
Vizslas                              Mrs. Katona                  Dr. Liebes
Weimaraners                          Mrs. Katona                  Dr. Liebes
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons         Mrs. Katona                  Dr. Liebes
Wirehaired Vizslas                   Mrs. Katona                  Dr. Liebes

HOUND GROUP                          SATURDAY                     SUNDAY
Afghan Hounds                        Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
American English Coonhounds          Dr. Liebes                   *Ms. Flaim
American Foxhounds                   *Mr. Kirkland                *Ms. Flaim
Azawakhs                             Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
Basenjis                             Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mrs. Katona
Basset Hounds                        Mrs. Katona                  Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Beagles, 13 Inch                     *Ms. Hynes                   Mrs. Katona
Beagles, 15 Inch                     *Ms. Hynes                   Mrs. Katona
Black and Tan Coonhounds             *Mr. Kirkland                *Ms. Flaim
Bloodhounds                          Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
Bluetick Coonhounds                  Dr. Liebes                   *Ms. Flaim
Borzois                              Mrs. Katona                  Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Cirnechi dell’Etna                   *Mr. Kirkland                Mrs. Katona
Dachshunds (Longhaired)              Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
Dachshunds (Smooth)                  Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
Dachshunds (Wirehaired)              Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
English Foxhounds                    Dr. Liebes                   *Ms. Flaim
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens        *Mr. Kirkland                *Ms. Flaim
Greyhounds                           Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mrs. Katona
Harriers                             Dr. Liebes                   *Ms. Flaim
Ibizan Hounds                        *Mr. Kirkland                Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Irish Wolfhounds                     Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
Norwegian Elkhounds                  Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mrs. Katona
Otterhounds                          *Mr. Kirkland                Mrs. Katona
Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens     *Mr. Kirkland                *Ms. Flaim
Pharaoh Hounds                       *Mr. Kirkland                Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Plott Hounds                         Dr. Liebes                   *Ms. Flaim
Portuguese Podengo Pequenos          *Mr. Kirkland                Mrs. Katona
Redbone Coonhounds                   Dr. Liebes                   *Ms. Flaim
Rhodesian Ridgebacks                 Mrs. Katona                  Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Salukis                              Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
Scottish Deerhounds                  *Mr. Kirkland                Mrs. Katona
Sloughis                             Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona
Treeing Walker Coonhounds            Dr. Liebes                   *Ms. Flaim
Whippets                             Dr. Liebes                   Mrs. Katona

WORKING GROUP                        SATURDAY                     SUNDAY
Akitas                               Mr. Constantine-Amodei       *Ms. Flaim
Alaskan Malamutes                    Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mrs. Liebes
Anatolian Shepherd Dogs              Mr. Constantine-Amodei       *Ms. Flaim
Bernese Mountain Dogs                Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mrs. Liebes
Black Russian Terriers               Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mrs. Liebes
Boerboels                            Mr. Constantine-Amodei       *Ms. Flaim
Boxers                               Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Dr. Liebes
Bullmastiffs                         Mrs. Liebes                  Dr. Liebes
Cane Corsos                          Mrs. Liebes                  Dr. Liebes

12 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
Chinooks                             Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Doberman Pinschers                   Mr. Constantine-Amodei     Dr. Liebes
Dogo Argentinos                      Mr. Constantine-Amodei     *Ms. Flaim
Dogues de Bordeaux                   Mr. Constantine-Amodei     Dr. Liebes
German Pinschers                     Mr. Constantine-Amodei     Dr. Liebes
Giant Schnauzers                     Mr. Constantine-Amodei     Dr. Liebes
Great Danes                          Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Great Pyrenees                       Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs          Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Komondorok                           Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Kuvaszok                             Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Leonbergers                          Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Mastiffs                             Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Neapolitan Mastiffs                  Mrs. Liebes                Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Newfoundlands                        Mrs. Liebes                Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Portuguese Water Dogs                Mrs. Liebes                Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Rottweilers                          Mrs. Liebes                *Ms. Flaim
St. Bernards                         Mrs. Liebes                *Ms. Flaim
Samoyeds                             Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Sweepstakes                          Ms. Burrell                NOT OFFERED
Veteran Sweepstakes                  Ms. Burrell                NOT OFFERED
Siberian Huskies                     Mr. Constantine-Amodei     Dr. Liebes
Standard Schnauzers                  Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes
Tibetan Mastiffs                     Mrs. Liebes                Dr. Liebes

TERRIER GROUP                        SATURDAY                   SUNDAY
Airedale Terriers                    *Ms. McDowell              Mr. Constantine-Amodei
American Hairless Terriers           *Ms. McDowell              Mr. Constantine-Amodei
American Staffordshire Terriers      Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Australian Terriers                  Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Bedlington Terriers                  Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Border Terriers                      *Ms. McDowell              Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Bull Terriers (Colored)              Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Bull Terriers (White)                Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Cairn Terriers                       *Ms. McDowell              Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Cesky Terriers                       Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Dandie Dinmont Terriers              *Ms. McDowell              Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Fox Terriers (Smooth)                Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Fox Terriers (Wire)                  Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Glen of Imaal Terriers               Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Irish Terriers                       Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Kerry Blue Terriers                  Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Lakeland Terriers                    Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Manchester Terriers (Standard)       Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Miniature Bull Terriers              Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Miniature Schnauzers                 Ms. McDowell               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Norfolk Terriers                     *Ms. McDowell              Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Norwich Terriers                     Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Parson Russell Terriers              Ms. McDowell               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Rat Terriers                         Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Russell Terriers                     Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Scottish Terriers                    Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Sealyham Terriers                    Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Skye Terriers                        *Ms. McDowell              Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers         Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Staffordshire Bull Terriers          Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
Welsh Terriers                       Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei
West Highland White Terriers         Mr. Kirkland               Mr. Constantine-Amodei

TOY GROUP                            SATURDAY                   SUNDAY
Affenpinschers                       *Mrs. Liebes               Mr. Kirkland
Biewer Terriers                      *Mrs. Liebes               Mr. Kirkland
Brussels Griffons                    *Mrs. Liebes               Mr. Kirkland
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels       Mr. Constantine-Amodei     Mrs. Liebes
Chihuahuas (Long Coat)               *Mrs. Liebes               Mr. Kirkland

                                  New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021 - 13
Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat)             *Mrs. Liebes                 Mr. Kirkland
Chinese Cresteds                     *Mrs. Liebes                 Mr. Kirkland
English Toy Spaniels (B & PC)        *Mrs. Liebes                 Mr. Kirkland
English Toy Spaniels (KC & R)        *Mrs. Liebes                 Mr. Kirkland
Havanese                             *Mrs. Liebes                 Mr. Kirkland
Italian Greyhounds                   *Mrs. Liebes                 Mr. Kirkland
Japanese Chin                        Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mr. Kirkland
Maltese                              Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mr. Kirkland
Manchester Terriers (Toy)            Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mr. Kirkland
Miniature Pinschers                  Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mr. Kirkland
Papillons                            Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mr. Kirkland
Pekingese                            Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mr. Kirkland
Pomeranians                          Mr. Constantine-Amodei       Mr. Kirkland
Poodles (Toy)                        *Ms. Tyree                   Mr. Kirkland
Pugs                                 *Ms. Tyree                   Mr. Kirkland
Shih Tzu                             Mr. Kirkland                 *Mrs. Liebes
Silky Terriers                       Mr. Kirkland                 *Mrs. Liebes
Toy Fox Terriers                     Mr. Kirkland                 *Mrs. Liebes
Yorkshire Terriers                   Mr. Kirkland                 *Mrs. Liebes

NON-SPORTING GROUP                   SATURDAY                     SUNDAY
American Eskimo Dogs                 Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Bichons Frises                       Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Boston Terriers                      Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Bulldogs                             Mrs. Katona                  Mrs. Liebes
Chinese Shar-Pei                     Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Chow Chows                           Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Cotons de Tulear                     Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Dalmatians                           Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Finnish Spitz                        Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
French Bulldogs                      Mrs. Katona                  Mrs. Liebes
Keeshonden                           Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Lhasa Apsos                          Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Lowchen                              Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Norwegian Lundehunds                 Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Poodles (Miniature)                  *Ms. Tyree                   Mrs. Liebes
Poodles (Standard)                   *Ms. Tyree                   Mrs. Liebes
Schipperkes                          Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Shiba Inu                            Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Tibetan Spaniels                     Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Tibetan Terriers                     Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes
Xoloitzcuintli                       Mr. Kirkland                 Mrs. Liebes

HERDING GROUP                        SATURDAY                     SUNDAY
Australian Cattle Dogs               Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Australian Shepherds                 Ms. McDowell                 Mrs. Katona
Bearded Collies                      Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Beaucerons                           Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Belgian Laekenois                    Ms. McDowell                 Mrs. Liebes
Belgian Malinois                     Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Belgian Sheepdogs                    Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Belgian Tervuren                     Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Bergamasco Sheepdogs                 Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Berger Picards                       Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Border Collies                       Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Bouviers des Flandres                Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Briards                              Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Canaan Dogs                          Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Cardigan Welsh Corgis                Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Collies (Rough)                      Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Collies (Smooth)                     Ms. McDowell                 Mr. Kirkland
Entlebucher Mountain Dogs            Ms. McDowell                 Mrs. Liebes
Finnish Lapphunds                    Ms. McDowell                 Mrs. Liebes
German Shepherd Dogs                 Ms. McDowell                 Mrs. Liebes
Icelandic Sheepdogs                  Ms. McDowell                 Mrs. Liebes

14 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
Miniature American Shepherds                      Ms. McDowell                         Mrs. Liebes
Norwegian Buhunds                                 Ms. McDowell                         Mrs. Liebes
Old English Sheepdogs                             Mr. Kirkland                         Ms. McDowell
Pembroke Welsh Corgis                             Mr. Kirkland                         Ms. McDowell
Polish Lowland Sheepdogs                          Ms. McDowell                         Mrs. Liebes
Pulik                                             Ms. McDowell                         Mrs. Liebes
Pumik                                             Ms. McDowell                         Mrs. Liebes
Pyrenean Shepherds                                Ms. McDowell                         Mrs. Liebes
Shetland Sheepdogs                                Mr. Kirkland                         Ms. McDowell
Spanish Water Dogs                                Mr. Kirkland                         Ms. McDowell
Swedish Vallhunds                                 Ms. McDowell                         Mrs. Liebes

MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES                               SATURDAY                            SUNDAY
		                                                  Mr. Kirkland                        Ms. McDowell
The Miscellaneous Classes for each breed shall be 00300. Puppy, 00500. Bred by Exhibitor and 00700. Open. These classes shall
be divided by sex. All class winners within a breed shall compete for Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Each
of the Miscellaneous Class Best of Breed winners shall be eligible to compete for Best in Miscellaneous Class. There shall be no
further competition for dogs entered in the Miscellaneous Classes.
Bracchi Italiano Dutch Shepherds Lancashire Heelers Mudik Norrbottenspets Peruvian Inca Orchids Portuguese Podengos
Russian Toys Small Munsterlanders Teddy Roosevelt Terriers

JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION                    SATURDAY                           SUNDAY
		                                                *Ms. Hynes                         *Ms. Clark
Novice Junior, Novice Intermediate, Novice Senior, Open Junior, Open Intermediate, Open Senior, Master

                         80000. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
  Junior Handlers who win a third Novice Class with competition present or a first place in Novice without competition
  leading to a Best Junior award with competition would count as one win towards moving to Open, after the closing of
  entries for a show, are required to transfer their entry from the Novice Class to the Open Class. Must notify
  the Superintendent/Show Secretary prior to the judging of the class at the show.

AKC Junior Handler Numbers are now required for entry in Junior Showmanship Competition. Numbers may be obtained
from the American Kennel Club - PHONE: (919) 233-9767.
For additional information contact American Kennel Club, Junior Showmanship, P.O. Box 900051, Raleigh, NC 27675-9051.
Phone (919) 233-9767 or E-mail:
Entry blank MUST be filled out with the necessary information, otherwise the entry in Junior Showmanship will
not be accepted.
NOVICE JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years and under 12 years old on the day of the show and
who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed
or member show.
NOVICE INTERMEDIATE CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years and under 15 years old on the day of the
show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a
licensed or member show.
NOVICE SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years and under 18 years old on the day of the show and
who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed
or member show.
OPEN JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years and under 12 years old on the day of the show and who, at
the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.
OPEN INTERMEDIATE CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years and under 15 years old on the day of the show
and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed
or member show.
OPEN SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who,
at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.
Master Class: This class will be for Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the
show, and who have 10 Best Junior wins with competition. The calendar for this class will be consistent with the eligibility
dates for the AKC National Championship. All Juniors meeting the criteria for this class are required to enter the Master Class
and must change their entry the day of the show if entries have already closed. Once the eligibility time frame for that year
has passed all participants return to the Open Class to compete for the following year.

                                             New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021 - 15
Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
                                                 South Windsor Kennel Club, Inc.

                                            Star Dogs
       to raise funds for
   the American Kennel Club
   Canine Health Foundation.
              How to make your contribution to Star Dogs for
                   the AKC Canine Health Foundation.
    By including an extra dollar with your entry fee and
    indicating with a star by your dog’s name on the
    entry form, the show superintendent will be glad to
    forward the donation for you. With your participation,
    you and your dog will receive recognition by being
    listed in a special donors’ ad in the show catalog,
    along with a star notation (★) in the on-line show

                                                              American kennel club
              can i ne h ea l t h f o u ndat i on

      MB-F is a member of the Dog Show Superintendents Association (DSSA).
              The DSSA supports the AKC Canine Health Foundation
16 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
Entries Close at the Superintendent’s Office at 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2021, or
when the numerical limit has been reached, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled or
substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules.

                                   Premium List
                                   All-Breed Dog Show

           Kennel Club, Inc.
                     (Member of the American Kennel Club)

      Eastern States Exposition Grounds
             1305 Memorial Ave.
         West Springfield, MA 01089

   Saturday, April 24, 2021
                 Show Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
                     All Judging Will Be Indoors

             AKC National Owner-Handled Series

                       Supported Entry
   Minuteman Samoyed Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes)

                         Don't Miss - Concurrent Specialty
                          Minuteman Boston Terrier Club
Officers of the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
                                                                        MB-F Show #392
President.............................................................................................................................. Mrs. Janet McMillan-Zwirko
Vice-President................................................................................................................................ Mrs. Judy Harrington
Treasurer......................................................................................................................................... Mrs. Roberta Davies
Recording Secretary................................................................................................................... Mrs. Laurie A. Maulucci
Corresponding Secretary.......................................................................................................................Mrs. Donna Roy
                                                       P.O. Box 141, Southampton, MA 01073
                               (413) 527-7238 (413) 250-7689 (cell) E-mail:

                                                     Delegate to the American Kennel Club
                                                             Dr. Thomas M. Davies

                                                          Board of Directors
                                        Ms. Kathy Broska Mrs. Sue Cohen Dr. Steve Lawrence
                                                  Mrs. Laurie Merritt Mrs. Ann Saliba

                                                        Event Committee
                                                Mrs. Donna Roy, Show Chairperson
                                              P.O. Box 141, Southampton, MA 01073
                               (413) 527-7238 Cell: (413) 250-7689 E-mail:
                                        Mrs. Judy Piantedosi, Assistant Show Chairperson
                                      (781) 258-6307 E-mail:
                          Dr. Thomas M. Davies       Mrs. Laurie Maulucci   Mrs. Janet McMillan-Zwirko

                                                            Sub Committees
                                                           Chief Ring Steward
                                         Mrs. Debra Romano, 248 Hall Hill Rd., Somers, CT 06071
                                               (860) 763-2114 E-mail:

                                                                   Cluster Hospitality
                                                                  Mrs. Laurie A. Maulucci

                 Judges' Hospitality                                 Prizes & Trophies                           Site Coordinator
                 Mrs. Dorothy Lakoma                                 Ms. Kathy Broska                           Mrs. Penny Kretchmer
                 Mrs. Linda Thompson                                  Mrs. Donna Roy

                                       Mrs. Roberta Davies, 61 Dearth Hill Rd., Brimfield, MA 01010
                                             (413) 245-1516 E-mail:

                                               Official Photographers
                 A-N Productions                                          Fritz Clark, The Standard Image
                    Tom Nutting                                           P.O. Box 74, Gilsum, NH 03448
   Bus. (518) 885-1927 E-mail:                                     (603) 357-7086
              website:                                        E-mail:
                              (Only the Official Photographers may take win pictures.)

                                Veterinarians On Call with 24 Hour Service
New England Veterinary Emergency & Cancer Center                 Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital
955 Kennedy Rd., Windsor, CT 06095 (18 miles)                           141 Greenfield Rd. (Rt. 5 & 10)
              (860) 688-8400                                        South Deerfield, MA 01373 (32 miles)
		                                                                              (413) 665-4931
                           East of the River Veterinary Emergency Clinic (38 miles)
                   222 Boston Turnpike, Bolton, CT 06043 (860) 646-6134 or (860) 456-4298

                                                     EMT In Attendance - Joy Wheeler, EMT


“Exhibitors should follow their veterinarian's recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and
external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations.”

These events are dedicated to the many SKC members who work consistently year round to ensure the continuation of
the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc. and its efforts to provide a place and a forum for the love of the sport of purebred dogs.

18 - New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021
The Springfield Kennel Club, Inc. reserves the right to substitute
               unavailable trophies with ones of equal or greater value.
                  All trophies must be picked up on THE day of the sHOW.

                                         BEST IN SHOW AND GROUP PRIZES
Best in Show. Rosette & $100.00 L.L. Bean, Inc. Gift Certificate offered by the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
Reserve Best in Show. Rosette offered by the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
First in Each Variety Group. Aluminum Water Bottle & Insulated Cooler Bag offered by the Springfield Kennel
Club, Inc.
First through Fourth in Each Variety Group. Rosette offered by the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.

Best Owner-Handled in Show. Rosette & Insulated Cooler Bag offered by the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
Reserve Best Owner-Handled in Show. Rosette offered by the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
First through Fourth in Each Owner-Handled Group. Rosette offered by the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
                                                        00000. BREED PRIZES
The Springfield Kennel Club, Inc. offers a Rosette for Each Best of Breed/Variety.
                                              Sporting Breeds
The following prizes are offered by Donna J. Roy.
Best of Breed. Flexi Lead.
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Flexi Lead.
Best of Winners. Flexi Lead.
                                              Working Breeds
The following prizes are offered by the Minuteman Samoyed Club unless otherwise specified.
                                             00100. SWEEPSTAKES
                                               Judge: Ms.Sue Burrell
The Sweepstakes is open to all Samoyeds who are 6 months & under 18 months of age on the day of the show. All
dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Champions of Record are eligible to compete.
Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry
form under “Additional Classes.” Entry fee is $20.00.
10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11400- 12 months & under 15 months
10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11500- 15 months & under 18 months
                                            (Same Classes for Bitches)
                                                                       Prize Money
35% of the entry fees will be retained by the Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.The remaining monies will be divided as follows:
First in Each Class............................................................................................................................. 40% of that class
Second in Each Class....................................................................................................................... 30% of that class
Third in Each Class........................................................................................................................... 20% of that class
Fourth in Each Class......................................................................................................................... 10% of that class
                                         SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES
Best in Sweepstakes.
Rosette & MSC Medallion on Ribbon Sash.
Pewter Stein with MSC Logo offered by Tom & Beverly Delaney, Ala-Kasam Samoyeds in memory of GCHB Ala-
Kasam's Making Spirits Bright, WSX.
Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Rosette & MSC Medallion on Ribbon Sash.

                                                        New England Spring Cluster Dog Shows - April 24 & 25, 2021 - 19
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