New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP

Page created by Marilyn Nichols
New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
WINTER 2020-21

            New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking,
            and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point!
The 2020 Fall semester ushered                                                    staff, and students are enthused
in a reorganization of programs              School of Design and                 to begin this new transformation of
within the College of Fine Arts and            Communication                      disciplines within the college. They
Communication, offering students                  Art • Graphic Design            are aware that not all students
the opportunity to explore a wide       • Interior Architecture • Media Studies   come to college with a set career
range of new collaborations to              • Professional Communication          path. Many have an interest in
prepare for 21st century careers.                                                 exploring various curricula under a
The reorganization, which
                                       School of Performing Arts                  larger “umbrella” of related fields
welcomes faculty and students                  Music • Theatre • Dance            to find a career path that best suits
from the Division of Interior                   • Arts Management                 their interests. By bringing together
                                                                                  closely-related programs and their
Architecture to the college, was               Suzuki Programs                    respective faculty and students
approved by the UW Board of
                                                 Aber Suzuki Center               into closer proximity, the college
Regents in June.
                                               American Suzuki Institute          seeks to encourage more highly
In addition to the reorganization                                                 integrated curricular programs and
of the college, the Board of                                                      experiential learning activities—
Regents approved the elevation        intended to strengthen visibility of
                                                                                  experiences designed to better
of two programs from emphasis         the two programs, with the long-
                                                                                  prepare our students for careers in
areas to majors: BFA in Graphic       view toward increasing student
                                                                                  the contemporary work place.
Design and the BA in Media            enrollment.
Studies. The elevation to majors is   Members of the COFAC faculty,                          Learn more here!

           COFAC Advisory Council Members Contribute Expertise
  Members of the COFAC Advisory Council have been actively engaged in assisting the college with
  ideas and strategies to enhance Marketing, Alumni Connections, and the development of a Fund
  Raising Campaign in support of COFAC students and programs. We are grateful to this group of
  community members and alumni for their ongoing involvement and support!
               Amy Bakken                          John Noel                      Bill Schierl (chair)
               Sue Buck                            Patty Noel                     Dianne Somers
               Lucas Allen Buick                   Barbara Owens                  Ryan Wanta
               Kristopher Gasch                    Jerry Pintar                   Greg Wright
               Susan Gingrasso (secretary)         Nick Reising
New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
Message from Dean Valerie Cisler

That is my single-word reaction to
how our students, faculty and staff
have handled the many challenges
of 2020. I have been especially
impressed by the creative and
collaborative response to teaching,
learning, and performing during                                COFAC Faculty and Students
a historic pandemic. Faculty and
staff crafted unique solutions to keep face-to-
                                                            Find Creative Solutions to Teaching
face applied learning in art/design studio, acting,             and Learning during COVID
dance, media, and music, while also adapting to
                                                            Despite the many obstacles that happened
offer lectures and lessons fully online. As students
                                                            because of COVID this fall, our students were able
wanted to remain in-person on campus as much as
                                                            to be enriched through their classes in many ways.
possible, they carefully considered their choices to
                                                            Check out the links below!
maintain health and safety. Extensive coordination
on our campus made this possible—through regular
                                                            •   UWSP Concert Choir and Choral Union
testing, frequent cleaning, contact tracing, and
quarantine options.                                         •   UWSP AIGA Portfolio Reviews with alumni
At the heart of all disciplines in our college is a life-
long journey centered on a purpose and passion              •   What you need is UWSP Media Studies
to connect with others—human expression in many                 student project
forms. While we feared the pandemic might pose
                                                            •   UWSP Dance Flash Mob
obstacles too great to overcome, our students and
faculty found many ways to connect, to create,              •   UWSP Symphony Orchestra
and to express. They inspired one another with
new works of art and explored alternative delivery          •   FRINGE 2020: all our little pieces
methods like prerecorded media and virtual                      by Sophie McIntosh
performances and exhibitions to engage with the
campus and regional community.
                                                              Music Education Students Reach Out
When the world brings us tragedy and division,
creatives have always found a way to explore                 to Public School Teachers and Students
the deepest parts of themselves, share both                 Music Education students in Dr. Patrick Lawrence’s
beauty and angst, and help each other feel                  Instrumental Music Education Methods class found
seen and understood. There is no doubt that the             a creative way to fulfill their pre-service practicum
challenges we have faced profoundly shaped                  experience by developing a dynamic website for
student experiences and their work this year.               music teachers to utilize when teaching in various
Throughout the difficulties, the pandemic has               modalities. The website includes a significant
offered some valuable lessons on the importance             number of resources and activities including Music
                                                            Theory/Musicology sites; Intermediate Masterclasses
of empathy, kindness, and compassion—that our
                                                            on specific instruments; Music Technology Lessons
interconnectedness requires a conscious decision
                                                            (Chrome Music Lab, Audacity Recording software,
to take personal responsibility for our actions.            Listening Examples) along with a link to book free
At every level on this campus, our students,                virtual private lessons to public school students via
faculty, and staff deserve credit for creating a            Zoom.
safe environment and rising to the challenges of
                                                            Music teachers reported that the enhanced
division, intolerance, and a life-threatening virus         learning experiences had positive impact on their
through creative, unifying expression. The value of         students, especially through personal connections
this cannot be quantified. Instead, it speaks to an         with UWSP students in one-on-one lessons. Dr.
essential quality of our university, where resilience       Lawrence plans to keep the site open as many
and determination are part of the shared learning           UWSP students plan to continue their work with
environment. Impressive.                                    young students into the coming year.
New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
Theatre and Dance Season Online for 2020-2021

                Theatre Production
           Selected for Regional Festival
In This Moment—Reflections of Our Time was selected
from among twenty entries to be featured at the
Region III Kennedy Center American College Theatre
Festival (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio) in
January. The virtual festival will be held from January
6-9, 2021 and will include screenings of each of
the five performances, special guest presentations,
workshops, and an awards ceremony. UWSP will
be kicking off the festival with the In This Moment –
Reflections Of Our Time screening on January 6 at 2                                         become available
p.m. The festival supports opportunities for students to                                    from the Region III
meet peers across the region, participate in valuable                                       Festival planning
workshops and learning opportunities, and compete                                           committee.
for scholarships in acting, design, and management.
                                                                                            This Moment –
While all of the student designers and stage managers                                       Reflections Of Our
from all our productions are invited to submit materials                                    Time offers a perfect
to be included in the Design, Technology, and                                               example of how our
Management competitions, ACTF respondents have                                              students and faculty
selected six UWSP students to compete in the Irene                                          turned a global
Ryan Acting Scholarship competition.                                                        challenge into a
Student actors from Unruly Women and Unfinished                                             learning opportunity.
Business include Lanja Andriamihaja, Landen Alft, and
Stephanie Lowry-Ortega and student actors selected                                          Department of Theatre & Dance
from In This Moment – Reflections Of Our Time are
Allison Durst, Collan Simmons, and Josephine Van Ert.                                             Advocacy, Allyship & Access
Festival participation details will be shared as they                                                                        Learn more here.

UW-Stevens Point
Department of Theatre & Dance
       Spring 2021
      Virtual Season

                                               Small                                                                                 DANSTAGE

                                                                                                   of the songs of

                                                                                           “Irving Berlin has no place
                                              A fun evening of short plays,                 in American music. He is
If Jesus forgave Peter, why not Judas?          both naughty and nice!                          American music.”
                                                                                        (Jerome Kern, Broadway/Hollywood Composer)

    By Stephen Adly Guirgis                          By Rich Orloff                          Directed by Mark Hanson                      Gorgeous dancing,
        Directed by Parke Fech               Directed by Stephen Trovillion Smith         Music Directed by Sarah Wussow                  inspiring premieres!
    February 26-28, 2021                         April 23-30, 2021                              April 2-9, 2021                          May 14-21, 2021
                                 * reading

                                                                             Virtural performances streaming through Vimeo.   

New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
CHECK OUT OUR                   2020 Student Highlight
          STUDENTS WORK                  School of Design and Communication

                                         Congratulations go to Art + Design
                                         student, Karen Drewry, who was
                                         awarded 2020 Outstanding Student
  -           Achievement in Contemporary
                                         Sculpture Honorable Mention by the
    UWSP Graphic Design Portfolio Show   International Sculpture Center (ISC).
                                         This prestigious competition had 217
                                         students from over 100 colleges and
                                         university sculpture programs in North
                                         America and abroad. Jurors included
                                         María Carolina Baulo, art historian,
                                         curator, and arts writer-critic from Buenos Aires, Argentina;
         2020 Spring Art & Design        Angel Cabrales, artist and educator from El Paso, TX; and
            Virtual Exhibition           Peyton Scott Russell, artist and arts instructor from Minneapolis,
                                         In addition, Karen was invited to participate in The Beauty of
                                         Blackness Fine Art show in Fort Collins. Here is a YouTube video
                                         of the show.
                                         See more of Karen’s work and read her artist statement online
      2020 UWSP Interior Architecture    at Karen Drewry – UWSP BFA exhibition.
        Spring Senior Portfolio Show

      2020 UWSP Interior Architecture
         Fall Senior Portfolio Show

      2020 Cinepoint Media Festival

           May 2020 Dance 496
           Final Media Projects
       UWSP Dance Students Create
     Socially Distanced Dance Project

New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
HANNAH CLARK                                                     Alumni
 2020 Melvin R. Laird Exceptional Artist Award                                HIGHLIGHTS
                                We are pleased to announce the          •   Mindy Hoppe ‘07 Interior
                                2020 recipient of the Melvin R. Laird       Architecture, received the
                                Exceptional Artist Award: Hannah            ATHENA Young Professional
                                Clark. With a long-term goal to work        Leadership Award.
                                as a freelance designer for regional
                                theatre, Hannah just completed her      •   Matthieu Vollmer ‘12
                                BA in Drama at UWSP and will begin          Communication, owner
                                Northwestern University’s MFA program       of Arbre was selected to
                                in stage design this fall. Responding       compete in the pitching
                                to the COVID-19 crisis, Hannah began
                                                                            contest, where they will
                                to re-imagine how she might pursue
                                design while productions have been          show off their technological
                                halted. With support from the Laird         creations.
                                award, she is undertaking a project     •   Nicole Kronzer, ‘01 Acting
                                to meld theatre history and modern
                                                                            recently published book
                                design in creating and sharing
                                multiple staging interpretations for        Unscripted was named “Best
Shakespeare’s The Tempest. In addition to bolstering her portfolio          Teen Fiction of 2020” by the
with new work in preparation for graduate school, the project               Chicago Public Library.
will serve as an educational resource for students studying theatre
                                                                        •   Carolyn Stoner ‘01 Arts
design. Congratulations, Hannah! Learn more about the Melvin
R. Laird Exceptional Artist Award and previous winners by visiting          management, was named
here.                                                                       as Chorus Manager for the
                                                                            Chicago Symphony Chorus.

                CONGRATULATIONS                                         •   Laura Lydia Paruzynski ‘20,
                                                                            Musical Theatre, First place
     To Our Spring 2020 Scholarship Winners                                 winner at NATS nationals.

         To view the scholarship video, click on the graphic.           •   Craig Peterson ‘05, Music
                                                                            Education, is a quarter finalist
                                                                            for the 2021 Music Educator
                                                                        •   Teri (Bailey) Swinhart ‘12, 3D
                                                                            Art, was WGS Featured Artist.
                                                                        •   Haley Haupt ‘16, Musical
                                                                            Theatre, release her first
                                                                            digital album _aughter.

                                                                        Call For Alumni News
                                                                        We invite Alumni of the College
                                                                        of Fine Arts and Communication
                                                                        to share news with us. We plan to
                                                                        include feature stories in upcoming
                                                                        newsletters and would be pleased
                                                                        to hear from you. Please contact
                                                                        our Marketing Specialist, Julie Sittler,
                                                               to nominate
                                                                        a fellow Pointer graduate or to
                                                                        provide an update on your career

New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
Happening Now                                                  Aber Suzuki Center News
                                                             The Aber Suzuki Center has a long history of
                                                             providing music to Senior Centers and assisted living
                                                             facilities during the Holiday Season. Unfortunately,
                                                             they could not make their usual visits and perform
                                                             live concerts this year. Instead, they created
              Very Young Composers                           this special video of student performances for
             is virtual for the first time!                  workers and residents at assisted living centers and
                                                             Veteran’s Homes around the state. Each student
Classes began January 4, 2021 and run through                recorded their own video, while staying safe at
January 22 ending with a virtual celebration and             home, and Aber Suzuki Center stitched them
showcase of participants’ compositions from 4-6              together into a kind of “musical quilt” and share it
p.m. Learn more here.                                        via email and Suzuki newsletter.

     SPTV | UWSP STUDENT TELEVISION                                      American Suzuki Institute
During the semester, SPTV has a full line-up of shows
that can be watched via their website or Facebook
             page, check them out!

                                    WWSP 90 FM
                      You can listen to them on the air or
                      through Wifi on Tune In. Visit their                                     July 24, 2021
                      webpage to find their schedule, meet
                      the staff and learn about upcoming
                      events. Don’t forget to follow their               ASI 2021 and
                      Facebook page.
                                                                      50TH ANNIVERSARY
                          THE POINTER                                   July 18-24 and July 25-31
                        Student Newspaper
                                                                      Jubilee Celebration - July 24
Check out UWSP Student run newspaper to read
about local and UWSP new. You can subscribe by
vising their website, or read individual articles on
                                                             We have learned that the future can be uncertain.
                                                             We also have learned that planning is synonymous
their Facebook page.                                         with hope. While COVID-19 continues to ravage
                                                             the world, the hope of a vaccine is giving ASI the
                                                             courage to plan for an in-person Institute and
     UWSP PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDENT                           Jubilee Celebration. However, ASI is also planning
      SOCIETY OF AMERICA (PRSSA)                             for virtual delivery, if that is needed to ensure the
This past fall, PRSSA stayed very active in spite of         safety of families, teachers and staff.
COVID ofering workshops and even collecting                  Details about format and delivery might change,
money to donate to the Humane Society                        but they will be offering an Institute this year -
of Portage County. To learn more about what                  whether you come here, or they come to you.
activites they will be having this spring, visit their       We will keep you apprised of the situation through
Facebook Page.                                               email and on this website. Registration is projected
                                                             to be open in early February.
    The UW-Stevens Point Opera Workshop presents

   Don Impresario di Figaro:                                         University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

 A Medley of Mozart Madness                                      College of Fine Arts and Communication
                                                                 1800 Portage Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481
     A virtual production of Mozart scenes
                Spring 2021                                        

                             Learn More

New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
Other News
     New fully-online Master of                                   Honoring our 2020
     Music Education program                                   Faculty and Staff Retirees
      hits the ground running!                              COFAC faculty, students, and staff wish to give
After more than two years of planning and                   special thanks to a number of recent retirees from
curricular revisions, the Department of Music is            the UWSP three campuses: Larry Ball, Art History
pleased to announce that its new fully online MME           (Stevens Point), Jackie Engum (Dean’s Assistant),
degree program has successfully launched this fall.         Tom Flemming, Art (Wausau), Joan Karlen, Dance,
The traditional (in person) program, which normally         (Stevens Point), Kitty Kingston, Art (Marshfield), Sarah
enrolled five or six students per year, has already         Rudolph, Theatre (Wausau), John Strassburg, Dance
now grown to eighteen graduate students, with               Accompanist (Stevens Point). We were planning a
another five enrolled in the 4+1 program (bachelors         celebration in May, along with what would have
plus masters in five years). For more information:          been our 2nd annual retired faculty/staff reunion,                                    to honor their many years of service to the UWSP
                                                            campuses and the greater community in which they
            Offerings of Peace                              each served—each for more than three decades.
                                                            Unfortunately, the pandemic prevented our meeting
On December 14, the Department of Music
                                                            face-to-face. We plan on extending an invitation
began “Offerings of Peace”—a daily series of
                                                            to each of these much beloved members of our
short, creative videos featuring music students and
                                                            COFAC family to join us in celebration as soon as it
faculty. These offerings were inspired by the @the_
                                                            is safe to congregate. In the meantime, we extend
peace_studio’s recent “100 Offerings of Peace” in
                                                            our gratitude and best wishes to these remarkable
response to the isolating COVID-19 pandemic and
                                                            colleagues and friends—all of whom made an
the revolution for racial justice. Each day, you will
                                                            extraordinary contribution to the quality and
see peace offerings that take up to five minutes to
                                                            reputation of this college.
experience, as well as a short biography about the
artist who created the offering. On some days, you
will also see a call-to-action from the artist. This will
be a small, tangible thing we can all do in our daily
lives to create peace. Visit UWSP Music Facebook
                                                                    Honoring Donald Greene
Page to learn more.                                          We mourn the passing of Donald Greene, emeritus
                                                             department chair of music and director of bands,
   Vocal Jazz Student Winners                                who died Oct. 3 at age 90. Greene joined the
                                                             music faculty at UW-Stevens Point in 1967, serving as
Congratulations to Faith Hatch and Lexie Lakmann
                                                             chairman of the department for 20 of 28 years. He
on being selected as award recipients for the 43rd
                                                             retired in 1995, after years of service as a conductor,
Annual Downbeat Student Music Awards!
                                                             clinician, music educator and administrator. He
This international award competition is the largest          founded the UW-Stevens Point Wind Ensemble,
and most prestigious in the jazz world, drawing              Jazz Ensemble, and the Jazz Studies degree.
thousands of recorded submissions annually. Great            Chancellor Keith Sanders declared Feb. 2, 1995,
work, students!                                              as Don Greene Day on campus to recognize his
                                                             achievements. He was also a founding member of
           Plan now to attend                                the Symphony Guild that established the Central
           one of our events!                                Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra. He conducted the
                                                             symphony for five years and the Stevens Point City
                                                             Band for 15 years. Don and his wife Diana could be
                                                             seen at nearly every music concert during the 25
                                                             years since his retirement—continuing his life-long

                                                             devotion to supporting our students and faculty. For
                                                             those who wish to honor Don Greene’s memory, the
                                                             family requested that donations may be made to
            A Student Scholarship Fundraiser
                                                             the UWSP Foundation—Music Scholarship Fund.
           Visit to learn more

New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
Please Support the College of Fine Arts and
           Communication: Focus on Student Success
The COFAC is in the midst of a multi-year transformation      quality programs that are recognized nationally
as we work to contemporize our curricular programs            for both academic and artistic excellence. One of
and create a long-term, sustainable future for our high-      the hallmarks of the COFAC experience lies in its
impact experiential practices that help our students          high level of faculty-mentored, hands-on learning
prepare for 21st century career pathways. Beyond the          experiences outside the classroom. These practical,
curricular revisions, our primary focus this year is in two   high impact practices have been central to the
areas directly related to student success: Scholarships       success of our alumni in their careers—experiences
and Hands-on Learning Experiences.                            in areas such as community art commissions, local/
                                                              regional performances, student-teaching, design
Student Scholarships                                          projects, student-run media, exhibitions, workplace
For many years, students of the COFAC have been               communication, and arts management internships—
recipients of a significant number of competitive             to name a sampling—have been central to the
academic/talent scholarships. Primary funding for             success our alumni achieve in their careers.
these new and returning student scholarships has              We hope that you will consider helping us sustain
come directly from ticket sales for performances and          these high-impact practices and standards of
community events sponsored by the college. Due to             excellence for our majors—opportunities that extend
the pandemic, the loss in ticket sales in 2020 is estimated   to students from all majors across the campus and to
at $55,000, impacting more than 100 students.                 tens of thousands of regional community members
Financial support for our students is more important          who attend our events as audiences members and
than ever as the pandemic’s impact on family                  active participants. Vibrant engagement is at the
finances and student employment has created an                core of the college and university mission!
unprecedented challenge to their ability to pay for           There are a number of ways you can help our students
tuition, fees, books and supplies, room and board.            and programs. To make a direct gift to the college
We hope that you will consider a contribution to our          or any of its departments, please go to the following
scholarship funds to help make it possible for our            website: GIVE to COFAC. To learn about establishing
students to continue their education.                         a new endowment fund or planned giving options
                                                              for the college or any of its programs, please contact
Hands-on Learning Experiences                                 Maggie Marquardt, COFAC Director of Development,
We are very proud of our long-established, high               at or 715-346-3056.

                      Your Support Makes a Difference!
In 2020, fund raising efforts were primarily directed
to rebuild enrollment in Art & Design through
student scholarships and in support of the facilities
development of the new School of Design and
Communication. Several new art/design students
were awarded $1,000 scholarships with the generous
help of Bill Schierl and Sarena Merlotte, Nick and
Dianne Somers, Lora Hagen (alumna and daughter
of former Art Professor, Richard Schneider), and the
COFAC Fund for Excellence.                                    purpose workspace with drafting, printing, and special
Another generous gift of $50,000 from Dave and                project space. The equipment, lab, and classroom will
Cindy Worth to the COFAC Fund for Excellence                  enable both utility and flexibility to spaces shared by
enabled the college to move forward on its plans              students in Theatre Design and Technology and the
to upgrade equipment and renovate a number of                 new Design Foundation curriculum (required for Art,
spaces to accommodate revised curriculum. The                 Graphic Design, and Interior Architecture students).
college was able to purchase multi-use drafting tables        The remainder of the gift will be directed toward
and begin the renovation process that will transform          needed equipment in the college.
NFAC 126 into a PC lab and NFAC 215 into a multi-             Learn more about the donation here.
New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP New Schools Enhance Learning, Networking, and Career Exploration at UW-Stevens Point! - UWSP
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