Page created by Melissa Vaughn
JUNE 2020

                                                  Beech Park
                                              GOLF CLUB

            Issue No.4

             this issue
            News from the Captains
            Ladies News
            Gents News
            General Club news
            Course news
            New Members Section

                                     BEECH PARK
                       Fellow members welcome to this our first Newsletter of 2020 as we
                       recommence our golfing year. It has been a difficult and challenging time
                       for many of our citizens so our return to golf is much appreciated and
                       anticipated as we enter Phase 2 of Reopening. Hopefully the good weather
                       will continue and we will complete the full competition diary for the
                       remainder of the year. Sunday January 26th 2020 marked the beginning of
                       what promised to be another successful competitive and enjoyable year
                       ahead with a marvellous drive in celebrated and enjoyed by the fantastic
                       turnout and beautiful weather. Many thanks to all who contributed to
                       making the day such a success.

                       Just as the Winter Championship and Spring League were in the process of
                       completion or completed our journey forward was interrupted by those
                       circumstances beyond our control and our progress on the golf course was

                       Undaunted, work continued and we would like to thank all the staff for their
 CAPTAIN COLM          commitment and hard work as we return to find the course in pristine
                       condition. We would like to acknowledge the dedicated and voluntary work
                       carried out by the various committees on your behalf. Their wonderful work
                       has ensured our safe return to action packed revised full diary for 2020. We
                       are most grateful. Many tough decisions had to be made during the course
                       of the past 10 weeks but always with the best interests of the club at heart.

                       We would like to thank all those members who have committed to
                       sponsorship this year. As you are aware income from competitions, green
                       fees and societies will be down substantially this year so SPONSORSHIP is
                       vitally important to ensure healthy prize funds and help smooth the financial
                       well-being of the club . If any member is willing to sponsor or is aware of
                       any corporate sponsorship available please do not hesitate to contact
                       either of us and we will be only too willing to allocate a competition in the
                       sponsors name.

                       We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new members to
                       Beech Park . We hope you enjoy our facilities and make new friends as you
                       take on our challenging Golf Course of which we are very proud.          It has
LADY CAPTAIN THERESA   been a challenging year so far and will continue to be so until all the Phases
                       of returning to golf have been completed and hopefully before we realise it
                       we will return to what was our normal playing criteria.

                       So now the golfing season is truly upon us ....... its full steam ahead!!! Let’s
                       hope that the fantastic weather we enjoyed during lockdown continues and
                       we will be able to complete our planned programme of competitions

                       Finally thanks to all the members for their co- operation and understanding
                       during the return to golf protocols and we have no doubt of your continued
                       adherence to the new playing conditions.
                       Enjoy your golf, play well, but importantly stay safe

                       Yours in Golf
                       Lady Captain Theresa and Captain Colm
 Issue 4 June 2020
                                            We need to remind players that if they break the
                                            standard scratch score in a singles competition
                                            they are obliged to adjust their handicap
                                            immediately before their next round. This is
                                            particularly relevant as competitions will not be
                                            closed on the same day.

                                            WEDNESDAY 3 MAN TEAM
                                            For the 3 Man team event 1 player should mark
                                            and sign the teams card.

                                            CLUBV1 APP
                                            ClubV1 are developing a members mobile app
                                            for returning competition scores however it has
                                            not yet been released. When the App has been
MARKING SCORECARDS                          released we will advise if and when it can be
                                            used in competitions.
The Golf Committees have decided that
for Singles competitions in 3 balls         Revised Local Rules 2020

Player A should mark and verify Player
B's Card
                                            The use of rakes in bunkers is being
Player B should mark and verify Player
                                            discontinued until guidelines permit their return.
C's Card
                                            As a result players are asked to "smooth" the
Player C should mark and verify Player
                                            sand in the bunker AFTER they take their shot. A
A's Card
                                            player is permitted to mark and place their ball,
                                            within 6 inches, in a bunker but is NOT allowed
Once the player and marker verify the
                                            to smooth the sand prior to taking a shot. If a
score on the card the markers signature
                                            player smooths the sand prior to taking a shot
is the only signature required. CARDS
                                            from a bunker they are penalised 1 shot.
                                            Flagsticks are NOT to be touched or removed
The Club will provide a sealed box, close
                                            from the hole. Each flagstick has a ball retrieval
to the Air Blowers near the exit of the
                                            device which all players are requested to use
course, for players to deposit their
                                            once the ball is holed. A ball is deemed holed if
scorecards after their rounds.
                                            any part of the ball is below the surface of the
                                            putting green. To retrieve the ball simply use
Handicaps will NOT be adjusted (and
                                            your putter to remove the ball from the hole. The
competitions will not be closed) until at
                                            penalty for removing the Flagstick is 1 shot.
least, the day following the competition
as the committees have to follow the
                                            We hope you enjoy your golf in these
protocol which mandates that cards will
                                            challenging times. Please be aware that due to
not be handled for 24hrs before they are
                                            Covid-19 restrictions we have reduced daily
                                            capacity for play in Phase II. This will improve as
                                            we move through the additional Phases.

                                                     Issue 4 June 2020
                                                 Index. Based on the information provided to
                                                 Beech Park to date by the GUI/ILGU, it is
The new World Handicap System ("WHS"),           recommended that each player should strive to
approved by the R&A and USGA, is being           have 20 eligible scores within their record. With
introduced into Ireland effective 2 November     competitive golf expected to resume shortly, all
this year.                                       players are encouraged to ensure that they have
                                                 built up the recommended level of 20 eligible
It will introduce important new changes to       scores by 2 November.
how golf handicaps are calculated and
administered.                                    At this stage, we would like to mention that WHS
                                                 will introduce a number of associated changes.
A cornerstone to it all is the introduction of   Information on these changes will be
the Handicap Index. Each player will have a      communicated to Members in due course and as
Handicap Index rather than simply having a       this becomes available to Beech Park from the
handicap. In order to transition to a Handicap   GUI/ILGU.
Index (to be managed under new Club
systems), a player's eligible scoring records    Meanwhile, Members may wish to visit the R&A
from end-2018 will be applied. The more          website ( where some
scores contained within a player's record, the   general information on WHS is also available.
less of an impact the new arrangements can
be expected to have on his/her new Handicap      The Men's and Ladies Handicap Committee.

                            Issue 4 June 2020
Club Diary
As you know, a lot of pain-staking work goes
into preparing the club diary each year.

Unfortunately, shortly after the diary was
published, COVID19 hit and our plans had to
be abandoned.

Well done to the ladies and men’s teams who
worked so hard to pull together an alternative
golfing calendar for 2020 - hitting all the
normal highlights of a golfing year.

We have uploaded the diary to our website
and will keep it current through the year so
please check back often to keep an eye on all
the golfing events this year.
                                                   How did I do and CLUB V1 App
                                                   We would encourage all members (if you
                                                   haven’t done so already) to sign up for a how-
                                                   did-i-do account.     You can do it here at

                                                   How-did-i-do will form the basis of contactless
                                                   score cards as we move forward.

                                                   It also forms the basis of our online club app
                                                   that you can download from the App store or
                                                   the Android store.

                                                   Search for Club V1 in either store and install
                                                   to your phone and download. The first time
                                                   you login, you will be asked to link to your
                                                   how-did-i-do account. But once you’re in, it’s
                                                   a really nifty app that lets you view the latest
                                                   club news, track your scores, view upcoming
                                                   competitions and (eventually) be used as a
                                                   contactless score card.

                                                   Once the current restrictions are over, we do
                                                   hope to be able to be more hands on in
                                                   supporting our members in downloading and
                                                   using the app

                            Issue 4 June 2020
LADIES NEWS                                           Rings and Birdies
                                                      R i n g s a n d B i rd i e s c o m p e t i t i o n s w i l l
After a long absence and patient compliance           commence on June 9th. All entries and
with Government Restrictions, the golfing season      payments for Rings and Matchplay
is upon us at last. With an amended calendar,         competitions should be made in the Pro
available on the Club Website, we can look            Shop. Further information will follow shortly.
forward to an exciting and action packed diary
for the remainder of the year.                        The Ladies Club Championship Qualifier will
                                                      be held on Tuesday July 14th. (May Medal)
Handicap Classes
                                                      The PGA Tankard has, unfortunately, been
Just a reminder of the new Handicap Classes,
                                                      cancelled this year.
which will be reviewed as the season progresses:

Class 1 (1-27), Class 2 (28-36) Class 3 (37+)
                                                      Tuesday Voucher Prizes
                                                      The Ladies Section funds are low due to
Dates for your Diary                                  reduced income and, unfortunately, the
                                                      Tuesday Voucher prize for class winners has
June 16th -
                                                      been reduced, temporarily, to 20.
Lady Vice Captain Tara's Prize
July 7th -
                                                      Again this year, we need to seek sponsorship
Captain Colm's Prize
                                                      from ladies. A huge thank you to those ladies
July 21st -
                                                      who have already given and offered
Lady Captain Theresa's Prize Day 1
July 26th -
Lady Captain Theresa's Prize Final Day
                                                      Finally, may your return to the fairways be
August 13th -
                                                      enjoyable and exciting. Take good care of
Lady Captain's Open Charity Day in aid of Pieta
                                                      yourselves and stay safe.
House, kindly sponsored by Kay & Pearse Woods
August 18th -
President Noreen's Prize
September 22nd -
Play in Pink Open Day - Gents 9 Holes (Evening)

As there were no competitions in April/May, it
has been decided that those ladies eligible to
win the Lady Captain's Prize will only be required
to have played in 2 qualifying competitions this

All Medals and Majors have been included in the
revised calendar.

Club Matchplays
Club Matchplays will take place this year with
Closing Dates for entries July 14th.     As all
Interclub Matchplays have been cancelled, this is
an ideal opportunity to get involved in
Matchplay at Club level and make up for lost
competitive golf earlier this year.

                              Issue 4 June 2020
Major competitions 2020

The Golf Committee have decided that, in order to facilitate as many players as possible, all Majors will
be played over Fri/Sat/Sun. Players who choose to play on the Friday of a Major CANNOT play on the
Saturday however they may wish to play in the Alternative Sunday Stableford competition.
                                                       TIP OF THE MONTH
                                                       Slicing the driver?!...
Well what can I say… timing has always been        The key to improving your game is firstly to
impeccable!! This will most definitely be a start      understanding WHAT causes a certain shot, if you
that I will never forget. After getting appointed as   understand the principles it will be much easier to
your PGA Professional in March, I was so excited       fix the issues and improve. So what causes a
to get to know all the members and build up            slice?...The definition of a slice is where the golf
relationships with all of you that will continue for   ball starts left of your intended target, curves from
many years to come. While this has been a              left to right and finishes right of the target, for a
strange time over the past couple of months for        right handed golfer. Now what can happen to
everyone I would like to thank all the members         cause this shot?.. In laymen’s terms it means there
for their support.                                     is a difference between your club path and club
                                                       face through the impact zone!
The pro-shop has been stocked up with all your
spring/summer clothing including brands like           Fixes/Drills;
Footjoy, Glenmuir & Green Lamb and some new               • Grab your driver and separate your hands
arrivals to be expected in July. While at the               slightly on the grip and make some baseball
moment the shop doesn’t stock clubs we can get              style practice swings with your feet close
any club that you are looking for at competitive            together. This will create a couple of feelings
prices and clubs will be stocked as we progress             for you, firstly it help feel the club on a flatter
through the year. I am setting up a custom fit day          plane and help with rotation, secondly it will
in carton house with titleist for june and this will        help with the feeling of releasing the club
more than likely be spread over two days as their           head to square it up at impact! After doing
capacity for fittings has lowered on a daily basis          this for a while it should make it easier to get
due to covid19, the details will be e-mailed out            your club path going more in-to-out
to members once this has been confirmed.                    (swinging right of target) and help to
                                                            neutralise that ball flight.
With competitions starting back very soon why             • Key to hitting long straight drives is to make
not tune up your game with a lesson to hit the              sure that you are hitting up on the golf ball
ground running and lower your handicap.
Lesson’s are available throughout the week just
contact me or the shop to book your place.
Going forward members will receive a monthly
newsletter from the pro-shop with any deals or
discounts going and also a tip of the month that
may help your game during the season.

                                                           Congrats to our Junior Captain Luke who was
                                                           super at the Drive in & featured in the winners

                                                           Junior golf has commenced & will continue
                                                           every Monday from 6.30pm. Please ensure that
                                                           you book in on time Sheet

                                                           Warm welcome to all out new Junior Members
                                                           & still availability for Junior members

                                                           Coaching will commence in the coming weeks
                                                           with our Pro Mark & we look forward to seeing
                                                           all the Juniors take part

           Junior Captain Luke
Normally, in Ireland, we mention the weather          some SP in our new nursery in February 2019
daily. Sadly, Covid 19, has become our other          to re-establish on the course.
daily topic and both have an impact on golf. This
virus will be with us for some time but at least
Ireland has made some good progress thanks to
the magnificent work of the heroes on the
frontline and the many others involved which, as
an aside, has already allowed the gradual return
to golf on a restricted basis.

After the initial lockdown, a sensible decision was
soon made to allow access for staff to carry out
only essential maintenance on golf courses.
Without this, the deterioration in course
appearance and playability would have been
serious and prevented a quick return to golf. I
would like to acknowledge the excellent work of
our course staff during that period. The course
was in excellent condition when re-opened on
May 18th.

Non-essential work however had to take a back
seat during that time because of the essential        While we had balmy dry weather recently, it is
maintenance only and the need to revise work          only a short while since millions of litres of
practices to comply with social distancing. Work      water fell on the course. In February 2018
inputs fell as a result by 45% for the 6-week         and 2019, a total of 30mm of rain fell. This
period compared to the same period in 2019.           year, over 129mm fell setting a record for
Work input levels will continue to be affected to     February filling up water ditches to a level
some degree while we work our way through the         most of us have not seen before. The picture
2020 Covid 19 impact.                                 of the ditch on the 18th hole tells the story.

As for the weather, its good news and bad news
as usual. Costa style sunshine is good for some
but bad for others (and vice versa). We are
seeing the impact of global warming with milder
winters, (grass growth in winter months), stormy,
more windy weather in both winter and summer
and heavy torrential down pours.

In February, we lost a Scots Pine tree between
holes 12 and 13. Work on clearing up is delayed
for the reasons explained above. This tree was
planted on the old estate 120 years ago and is
part of a larger Scots Pine forest that was in the
area of the 12th hole and all along the 13th some
of which can be seen and are in play particularly
off the 13th tee. Scots Pine (SP) is a native Irish
species and as many of you know, we planted
It’s a credit to our course drainage system on        Initial work has commenced on the 14th Haha
how quickly this water was dispersed. Indeed,         ditch (also approved at the AGM) and will be
Beech Park lost fewer golf days compared to           completed shortly. Other projects delayed
many other courses during this very wet period.       include the Tree Management Plan but action
In contrast, last month, just over 2 million litres   will be taken where possible to catch up and
of water went through our sprinkler system on         continue to make Beech Park a challenging
to the course because of the Costa style              and enjoyable course to play.
weather. This compares with a total of 264,000
Lts in May 2019.     By the way, the water we use     You will be aware through various club emails
comes from our own wells and the lake on 11th         of the procedures to be followed when
& 12Th which is fed by 2 natural springs. While       playing golf at Beech Park. It is important that
some of the water is lost through evaporation,        everyone complies with start times and the
most percolates through the ground back into          various new procedures for play and on-
the water table.                                      course, bunkers, flag poles etc.          These
                                                      procedures are in everyone’s interest and
Projects completed since winter include the 17th      safety. We are also required to remove all
where the Young and Palmer bridges were               course furniture including rubbish bins, so we
finished. The curtailment of Laurel on the 10th       ask that you take your litter home. If you have
was also completed exposing some Oak trees            any questions on the new arrangements,
that were permanently hidden. Entry points            please ask in the pro-shop or any committee
were also opened up for ball searching and            member for clarification.
retrieval. This project was not about making the
hole easier but to make the hole a fair challenge                   John Curran, Course Chairman.
and be more playable.

The project for the front of the 6th hole
approved at the last AGM, was completed a
week ago with the
seeding of the area.
This will continue as
a Mandatory GUR
area until the grass
seed             has
    We’re delighted to welcome all our new              Practice facilities
    members to Beech Park. Here you’ll find out
    some helpful information that will help you         There several practise facilities open to
    settle in to Beech Park                             members use in Beech Park, the putting green
                                                        and chipping area near the car park, there is
    Competitions                                        also a net to warm-up in before your round.
                                                        There is a practise ground for iron shots
    There is a full programme of competitions at        between the 6th and 7th Hole, we recommend
    Beech Park. Weekend competitions on Saturday        that you use the mat in this area during Winter
    and Sunday and Midweek on Wednesdays (GUI           months and to lay divot mix when you are
    4 Man Team) and Thursday (GUI Open Single           finished so that the next player can enjoy the
    Stableford). Tuesday is ladies day with a full      facilities!
    calendar of competitions also.          Major
    Competition dates such as Medals are printed in     Please note - when playing casual golf and
    the Club Diary. For weekly competitions, check      practicing on the course, the maximum
    the online diary on the club website.               number balls you can play is 2.

    Booking for competitions and all casual tee
    times is through the Club Website using BRS log     Social Media - follow us
    in details.
                                                        Did you know - we are active on facebook,
                                                        twitter and instagram. Make sure to follow us -
    Timesheets open for competitions 10 days in
                                                        and please do share out posts and pictures. it’s
    advance at 9.30am sharp.
                                                        a great way of getting us more followers (and
    Just to let you know that there is a waiting list
    facility on the booking site if you don’t succeed 
    getting a slot at your preferred time for the
    weekend competition.                              

    Weekly Competitions                               

    The costs for entry into the normal weekly
    competitions is €6. We operate a purse system
    so you need to top up to play!                      Thank you and welcome again
    Keep an eye on the club diary on our website for
    any changes to competitions as they will be         President Noreen Palmer
    posted there.                                       and the membership subcommittee

    Thank you

    We have been dealing with a huge influx of new
    members and a special thank you to our club
    Secretary, Roberta, for all her work in dealing
    with the large influx of new members

Issue 4 June 2020
Beech Park
                                        Don’t forget to follow up on
                                        Facebook, Twitter and
                                        Instagram to keep up with
                                        the latest news.


           a hidden gem that needs to be played with a fantastic amen corner…

Issue 4 June 2020
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