No. 2 - IWC Banfora in Burkina Faso supporting primary schools

Page created by Darrell Bailey
No. 2 - IWC Banfora in Burkina Faso supporting primary schools
          EB     INNER WHEEL
       MAGAZINE 2020-2021

       No. 2                  President Dr Bina Vyas

                    IWC Banfora in Burkina Faso supporting primary schools

No. 2 - IWC Banfora in Burkina Faso supporting primary schools
Words from the Editor
Dear IW-friends,                                  our important Non Districted
                                                  Clubs, the thoughts from Board
The mission of Inner Wheel is                     Directors Lorna Bradly and Marja
more important than ever! More                    Kyrölä and the report from Mar-
people are suffering and need                     tine Gayon at the United Nations
support. As you can see in this                   HQ. Enjoy your reading!
issue of the Web Magazine - and                       This will be my last Web Maga-
on our web page - many clubs                      zine. Due to current working con-
around the world are active sup-                  ditions I have found it impossible
porting families in need. Much                    to continue as the IIW Editor/Me-
focus in the magazine is on club                  dia Manager. I have resigned.        world are doing, especially for wo-
activities around covid-19.                           I want to thank you all for      men and children in need. And so
    You should also read the artic-               a very fruitful cooperation, for     much fun we have together!
les from our IIW President Dr Bina                all nice contacts and for all the        I wish you all a happy ending
Vyas. Much useful information                     material you have sent me for        of 2020 and a very good new Inner
about leadership and Lead the                     publishing in the magazines and      Wheel Year 2021.
Change!                                           on FaceBook. It has been very in-        Hope we can meet soon!
    Read also the articles from                   teresting and inspiring to see all                               /Kerstin Jonson
Imm. PIIWP Phyllis Charters about                 the good things clubs all over the

                                                  10 JANUARY
                                                  A DAY TO REMEMBER
                                                  Don´t forget January the 10th -      friends founded the first Inner
                                                  the birthday of Inner Wheel. It      Wheel club in Manchester, Eng-
                                                  was that day in 1924 that Mrs        land.
                                                  Margerette Golding and her           A day to be remembered!

MAGAZINE CONTENTS                                                                  Useful addresses
Words from the IIW President .......................                  3            International Inner Wheel
The imporatant Non Districted Clubs.............                      4            E-mail:
Margarette Golding Award..................................            5
IIW Covid 19 Fund...................................................  5            Facebook:
UN report from Martine Gayon..........................                6  
Charter ceremonies in Italy.................................          7
Leadership training...............................................10-11            Twitter:

Donations make a difference ........................... 12               

Indian clubs help hospitals................................. 15
Thoughts from BD Lorna Bradley...................... 16
Report from BD Marja Kyrölä.............................. 17

2 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
No. 2 - IWC Banfora in Burkina Faso supporting primary schools
International Inner Wheel
President Dr Bina Vyas


Inner Wheel is a beautiful Organisation with            Change has to come in our thinking, working,
tremendous global power. It is time our Orga-           beliefs, communication, behaviour, interperso-
nisation goes through a transformation, a com-          nal relations, our attitudes and in our entire app-
plete metamorphosis. We need to redesign and            roach to Inner Wheel. We need to focus on :
rethink our ideas.

    - Planning and Developing a positive VISION for   - Consistency in our efforts to achieve our desired
our Organisation                                      goals
    - Accelerating our efforts to increase Mem-
bership and No. of Clubs                                  - Multiplying our Commitment to IW
    - Making IW financially strong & independent          - Focusing our projects on YOUTH …. Building
through proper investments                            leadership abilities in them & developing their
    - Working collectively on common Goals and        skills as Youth are the only sustainable assets for us
on huge, massive Projects – benefitting thousands     My experience this year with Clubs and National
of beneficiaries                                      Representatives is very encouraging. NRs, District
    - Empowering leadership at all levels – Clubs,    Chairmen & Board Directors are eager to learn, par-
districts, National & International                   ticipate and improve the current scenario and they
    - Avoiding biased cliques in Executive & Gover-   are doing their best to share the Vision for a better
ning Bodies at all levels and using humiliating and   Inner Wheel world.
derogatory language                                       Innovation & Change are happening at many le-
    - Being transparent and avoiding hidden agen-     vels & Inner Wheel is no exception. We have already
das                                                   adopted the digital culture, never seen before.
- Re-Zoning of IW countries to be done based on
their Membership                                         Change takes place at the grassroot level – i.e.
- Working closely with the United Nations in their    our Clubs…. It is for our Members to take charge
programs                                              and LEAD THE CHANGE for a better IW world.
    - Collaborating for Projects with other NGOs,
Government Departments, local Municipalities /                                                    Dr Bina Vyas
                                                                                      IIW President 2020-2021
bodies for Projects

                                                                                      IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 3
No. 2 - IWC Banfora in Burkina Faso supporting primary schools
International Inner Wheel today consists of

•    104 countries with 110,000 members:-
•    15 countries with a National Governing Body,
•    34 countries with a National Representative,
•    6 areas with a District
•    76 Non Districted Clubs within 30 countries/

The National Representative (NR) is the offici-
al contact between International Inner Wheel and
their National Governing Body (NGB) and Districts,
including those without an NGB with an elected NR.
Their duty is to keep the Districts and NGB up to date   meet with their fellow members on a regular basis
with communications and information from IIW and         and have the local interaction and stimulation as
to translate all communications into English and the     with Districted clubs. Having a designated BD con-
local language.                                          tact gives an NDC the opportunity to keep informed
    The Board Directors (BD) and the IIW Executive       of IIW affairs and all the benefits of being part of the
form the International Governing Body (IGB) and act      International Inner Wheel family.
as the link between the Non Districted Clubs (NDC)           Keeping contact details up to date on the data-
and IIW.                                                 base and website has to come from the Club either
    The NDC’s are allocated between the 16 Board         Districted or NDC and information to update is sent
Directors with language and geographic area taken        out annually from the IIW Office. Having this infor-
into consideration, so that communication, informa-      mation updated and correct will benefit the clubs
tion and friendship can easily be shared between         so that our head office Administrator Alan can
the members of the NDC and the BD.                       make contact and forward forms for all IW matters,
    The initial contact from the BD to an NDC is made    newsletters or information to the correct local con-
via email, inviting the members of the NDC to take       tact.
advantage of having a member from the IGB help               Also, by having up to date information, contact
and answer any query that they may have. Someti-         can be made by other IW clubs around the world for
mes the BD will visit her allocated NDC – which is       friendship or joint projects.
wonderful for both the members from the NDC and              As with office holders in our own Clubs, the NR
the BD.                                                  and BD are sometimes in their elected position for
    With 76 NDC’s within 30 countries/areas we can       one year only; however the interest and support gi-
see that sometimes there is only one or two clubs        ven by these Officers to their Districts/NGB/NDC’s is
within a country or area, making it unrealistic to       continuous and it is wonderful when the NR and BD
                                                         can report at the Governing Body Meetings on the
                                                         contacts that they have made and all the benefits of
                                                         interacting with other club members in exchanging
                                                         ideas for future projects, membership growth or just
                                                             This ability of being able to work together and to
                                                         have friendships across international borders ena-
                                                         bles us to achieve our Objects and the future of Inner
                                                             Whatever our office in Inner Wheel, “together we
                                                         can” make the impossible possible in our own com-
                                                         munities and be the inspiration for others.
Chartering the new Inner Wheel club of Vigo, Spain                             IMM Past IIW President Phyllis Charter

4 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
No. 2 - IWC Banfora in Burkina Faso supporting primary schools
The very first MGA assigned in         She proposed and organized ver-
D206 was obtained in the last          satile, original and revolutionary
days of 2018-19 social year. Due       initiatives to alleviate both physi-
to a lot of organising issues and to   cal and psychological disorders of
the subsequent Coronavirus and         patients subjected to chemothe-
lockdown, only on 26 September         rapy to make everyday life less sad
2020 was it possible to hand-de-       and painful.
liver the award to the recipient           Among the many projects put
Mrs Maria Bernardina Faoro.            in place: sessions of Art therapy,
    Maria Bernardina Faoro is a        Yoga, Tangotherapy, Pilates, Gar-
very dedicated and committed           dentherapy. In addition, nume-
caregiver in the town of Bassano       rous other recreational activities,
del Grappa (Veneto region), where      including three very original fa-
she lives. At some point in her life   shion shows held in the main squ-
Bernardina has decided to devote       ares of Bassano del Grappa and
herself totally to cancer patients.    Marostica (Veneto Region Italy), in
    Called by everyone simply          which the models were the same
"Dina", she joined the non–profit      cancer patients.                       Faoro, during the celebration of
San Bassiano Oncologic Associ-             Lately, she also deals with di-    the thiertieth anniversary of the
ation - of which she is currently      sabled people providing many           IWC Bassano del Grappa, held in
vice-president - several years ago     aids from the simple provision of      the marvellous Villa Rezzonico, in
producing a quality leap for ideas     expenses to the maintenance of         Bassano del Grappa.
and inventiveness that she puts        those who lose their jobs.                               Text Chiara Lieciani,
into practice.                             The MGA was handed to Mrs                       photo Annamaria Chenet


                Bank:NatWest Plc			                        Bank sort code : 01-08-38
                Account No : 54997992			                   Account name : IIW COVID19 FUND
                IBAN : GB96NWBK01083854997992              BIC/Swift : NWBKGB2L

                                                                                         IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 5
No. 2 - IWC Banfora in Burkina Faso supporting primary schools
Martine Gayon, United Nations Representative, New York
                                                                                 men and Girls”. More than 100
                                                                                 countries committed to concrete
                                                                                 actions that would advance gen-
                                                                                 der equality for women and girls
                                                                                 everywhere. In support to the UN
                                                                                 decade for Action to deliver the
                                                                                 Sustainable Development Goals,
                                                                                 UN Women launched 6 Action
                                                                                 Coalitions to be presented at the
                                                                                 Generation Equality Forum to
                                                                                 take place in Paris, France, in June
                                                                                 2021, convened by UN Women
                                                                                 and co-hosted by the Governme-
                                                                                 nts of France and Mexico.
In response to the COVID-19 pan-         in addressing the crisis and buil-          The International Day of the
demic situation, many meetings           ding back better, as well as its role   Girl 2020, an activation moment
and conferences have been post-          in protecting and promoting wo-         of Generation Equality, was cele-
poned or are taking place virtual-       men’s rights within this context.       brated on 11 October 2020, under
ly.                                      On 4 September 2020, the day of         the theme “My voice, our equal
                                         the 25th anniversary of the Beijing     future”.
                                         Declaration on Women’s rights,              The next virtual meeting was
                                         Antonio Guterres called for ur-         the 13th session of the Conference
                                         gent action as progress towards         of States Parties to the Conven-
                                         gender equality is faltering and        tion on the Rights of Persons with
                                         hard-won advances are being re-         Disabilities. The meeting was onli-
                                         versed.                                 ne at the UN Headquarters in New
                                                                                 York on 30 November, 1 and 3 De-
                                         For women and girls                     cember 2020 under the theme “ A
                                         On 1 October, the UN General            decade of action and delivery for
                                         Assembly organized a High-Le-           inclusive sustainable develop-
                                         vel Meeting attended by global          ment: implementing the Conven-
                                         leaders on “Accelerating the Re-        tion and the 2030 Agenda for all
                                         alization of Gender Equality and        persons with disabilities”.
António Guterres, UN Secretary-General   the Empowerment of all Wo-

The UN is marking its 75th anniver-
sary at a time of great disruption
for the world, compounded by an
unprecedent global health crisis
with severe economic and social
    On 31 August 2020, a virtual
Townhall Meeting between Civil
Society and UN Secretary-General
Antonio Guterres provided an op-
portunity to share experiences of
the impact of the pandemic and
their recommendations to the UN
                                         UN General Assembly in New York

6 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
August the 28th, at the Acqua Ma-
rina Restaurant the evocative and
exciting Charter Ceremony of the
new Inner Wheel Club of Scicli
took place.
    The ceremony was attended
among others by the NGB Pre-
sident Angela Farina. In her gre-
eting address she highlighted the
importance of union and cohe-
sion between the members that
gives impetus and maturity to the
action of "Serve " which is the ba-
sis of our Association.                      GNB President Angela, RN Cinzia, DC Luisa, CP Marisa & members in Scicli IWC.
    The 20 members of the new
club, born just in March and in
full lockdown, were invited to the
Presidency table to receive from
the IW authorities the association
badge and sign the Charter as
founding members.
    Many greetings have been
received, including the City May-
or’s. In an atmosphere of joy and
harmony the evening ended in a
festive mood.                                DC Luisa put the collar on CP Marisa.      RN CinziaTomatis shows the Charter.
                         Monaco Portelli

RN Cinzia Tomatis Fermani, NP Angela Farina, DC Giovanna Cinotto, CP Gabriella Poli,    RN Cinzia Tomatis Fermani, NP Angela
Rotary Presidents, Deputy Mayor in Sanremo IWC.                                         Farina, DC Giovanna Cinotto, CP Gabri-
                                                                                        ella Poli.
The delivery of the Charter to              highest Inner Wheel authorities             cultural projects that affect the
the new Inner Wheel Club of                 have delivered the document to              territory and that will be carried
Sanremo, formed last April, has             the Club President which is now             out in the coming months. Many
sanctioned its foundation. Current-         fully operational. The club, already        messages of good wishes have
ly formed by 18 members, 13 of              active with regard to the Service           been received from the IW Clubs
them are founders, and chaired              session, having offered in April its        all around the world and from the
by the journalist Gabriella Poli,           first contribution to the Hospital          local authorities who were una-
on September the 4th, at the City           of Sanremo, is now working on               ble to attend.
Golf Club Buca restaurant, the              the design of humanitarian and                                       Text Gabriella Poli

                                                                                                      IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 7
                                                            What is Inner Wheel without charity? Even hundreds
                                                            of kilometers from home, our club has found a way to
                                                            combine pleasure with useful deeds.
                                                                The Children's Specialized Hospital for Respirato-
                                                            ry Care "Queen Giovanna" in the town of Tryavna is a
                                                            place for rehabilitation and recovery of children with
                                                            lung problems. Many hard-working and dedicated
                                                            professionals work there.
                                                                Founded personally by Queen Giovanna of Bulga-
                                                            ria in distant 1938, even today the hospital has pre-
                                                            served the spirit and scale in which it was designed
                                                            - the best, most modern, most wonderful place for
                                                            children. Unfortunately, at the moment the funds for
                                                            its maintenance are insufficient and its normal activi-
                                                            ty is carried out only through donations. The hospital
                                                            needs everything for its little residents. IWC Varna Eu-
                                                            ropea decided to make them happy. We have prepa-
                                                            red a large box of surprises - puzzles, board games,
                                                            colored pencils, felt-tip pens, modelling clay, balls,
IWC Varna Europea held a team building among                chalks, educational books and more. The children's
the beauty of the Gabrovo’s Balkan оn October 3,            joy was great, and the ball immediately came into ac-
2020. The warm autumn, the coziness of the hotel,           tion and we heard children’s laugh.
the wonderful views embraced us and made this                   This donation campaign made the weekend un-
experience of sharing and fun unforgettable. Com-           forgettable - a service for the benefit of those in need,
municating with nature, hiking on eco-trails, the           sharing with friends from the club and the beauty of
geographical center of Bulgaria - everything made           our lovely Bulgaria. A real Inner Wheel experience!
us happy to be together.                                                               Text and photo Stela Zhelyazkova

Inner Wheel District 142, Finland, has since 2018
been supporting trained smell detection dogs that
have been successfully working with identifying dif-
ferent types of cancer.
    Researchers at the University of Helsinki, together
with Wise Nose - Finland Smell Detection Associa-
tion, found this year promising indications that dogs
can detect covid-19 virus. Four trained dogs are now
working on duty at Helsinki Airport as a pilot project.
    Travellers arriving at Helsinki Airport are offered a
voluntary coronavirus test that takes 10 second and
is done by a dog. Passengers are asked to give skin
wipe samples of themselves and leave the wipes in a         dogs e.g. to identify infected people in nursing or re-
box. The dog and the dog trainer are waiting behind         tirement homes and to help at customs check points
a wall, where the dog sniffs each sample. Two of the        at airports and other border points.
four dogs are on duty at a time. The other two rest.            Inner Wheel Finland has begun a fundraising for
If the dog signals a positive result, the passenger is      the corona dogs to secure their work also in the fu-
directed to the virus test.                                 ture.
In the future it could be possible to use these trained                                    Text and photo Tarja Laurila

8 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
                                                                                TO VICTIMS
                                                                                IN TURKEY
                                                                                Beyoğlu IWC, Istanbul, Turkey,
                                                                                donated 18 blankets to people
                                                                                affected by the İzmir earthquake.
                                                                                Blankets have been delivered to
                                                                                the Bayraklı Municipality.

Children’s day was celebrated on       note books, colour pens, erasers,
October 9th this year in Singapo-      ruler and pretty paper clips. They
re. The Singapore Children’s Socie-    came packed in a useful zipper
ty “Children’s wishing well” centre    bag and beautifully wrapped. The
treated children to a gift bag each.   children are all back to school now
The gifts were delivered on Octo-      after so many weeks of working
ber 8th and will be distributed to     from home due to the Covid-19
the children on their arrival on the   pandemic and they are deligh-
9th. There are 116 children mostly     ted to receive such pretty and yet
from families who are less privile-    practical items.
ged or disadvantaged.                     President Sita and IPP Vijaya
    The gift bags were put to-         presented the gift bags.
gether by members of the IWC of            Text Wendy Louis, photo Sita Verma   Beyoğlu Innerwheel Club President Dilek
Singapore consisting of colourful                                               Durgun and Club Editor Binnur Akay.

Victoria, Australia has been in        seven years and it was adopted           Bwindi socially and economically
lockdown since July 2020. It is        by our District A61 as the Inter-        by teaching income generating
only now, November 2020, that          national Project for two years.          skills. The pandemic, with lock-
some restrictions have eased. It       Bwindi is a UNESCO world heri-           down and without tourists, has
has had a major effect on our          tage site that is home to almost         had a devastating effect on the
ability to hold IW meetings and        half the world’s mountain goril-         whole of Uganda.
other activities within our IWC of     las. Bwindi is a community pro-               Due to Covid restrictions, our
Williamstown.                          ject empowering the women of             Changeover was conducted in
    However, looking on the                                                     our PP’s home where PP Brenda
bright side – we have 59 mem-                                                   passed over the chain of office to
bers and we held an extremely                                                   our new President, Valmai.
successful Opera night with over                                                    We have recently purchased
120 guests fortunately just befo-                                               50 cookery books from another
re covid-19. All proceeds went to                                               Victoria IW Club to raise funds for
our ‘Bwindi’ Uganda project.                                                    Cord Blood. Baby hats have been
    Bwindi Ride for a Woman pro-                                                knitted and small aprons sewn for
ject is the brainchild of two of                                                a regional hospital’s need. So alt-
our Club members, Jill Billston                                                 hough we have been in isolation,
and Trish Salau. They have spear-                                               our Club has continued its com-
headed this project for the past                                                mitment in helping others.
                                                                                                             Text Ann Bury

                                                                                             IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 9
International Inner Wheel President Dr Bina Vyas
During July 13 – August 14 IIW             Leaders should know the pul-      1. For National Representatives
President Dr Bina Vyas started         se of Members – their needs and       (NRs) & District Chairmen (DCs)
an extensive training and infor-       how to help them achieve their        (of countries without National
mation program for more than           results.                              Governing Body) in 4 small sepa-
30 National Representatives in             Being women, we are already       rate groups of NRs & DCs in each
Leadership Development. This           blessed with qualities like loving,   group.
is a summery of her lessons.           caring, sharing…. Our positive
                                       attitude, understanding, respect,     The Training Program comprised
Leadership is a process in which       transparency will add value to our    the following important topics :--
a Leader influences others to ac-      leadership.                           • VISION
complish a mission or a goal, rai-         When all Clubs achieve extra-     • Expectations
ses the aspirations of Members         ordinary results, the impact will     • GOALS 20-21
and encourages Members to              be prominently visible and appre-     • Membership Growth,
reach those Goals.                     ciable.                                   Development & Retention
    To achieve this, a Leader should       The year 20-21 is the year of     • Leadership Skills
have a VISION and share that Vi-       Change…                               • Effective Communication
sion with Members. Leaders have            Change in any system brings       • Interpersonal Skills
to prove their leadership skills       progress….                            • Inner Wheel Information
at all levels, making it necessary     It is we Leaders at all levels who        & Quiz
for them to cultivate even mana-       need to bring about positive
gement skills - good communi-          changes.                              2 For all Board Directors on
cation skills; skills to manage and        In the very first month of the    • VISION
organise time effectively; address     year – July 2020, I organised a 6     • GOALS 20-21
important tasks on priority; attach    days marathon Leadership Deve-        • Duties & Responsibilities
deadlines & follow time frame to       lopment Training Program:             • Targets to be achieved
every task and accomplish Goals
as early as possible in the year.                                            3 For Presidents & Office Bearers
                                                                                of Non Districted Clubs (NDCs)
                                                                              • VISION
                                                                              • GOALS 20-21
                                                                              • Duties of Club Officers

                                                                              4   For Past Board Directors on
                                                                              •   VISION
                                                                              •   GOALS 20-21
                                                                              •   Their Role in IW

                                                                              All Leaders and Members have
                                                                              to LEAD THE CHANGE and bring
                                                                              about positive changes and thus
                                                                              a transformation in Inner Wheel
                                                                              with a great deal of determina-
                                                                              tion, sensitivity, modesty and
                                                                                  The Leaders at all levels, with
                                                                              a great deal of perseverance, will
                                                                              certainly achieve spectacular re-

10 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
Leadership is an important          What makes A Good Leader :        Leaders to Avoid :
function of Management, which
helps to maximise efficiency             Providing Training to            Disrespectful behaviour
and achieve Organisational                Leaders & Members
                                                                           Rude, rough & crude
Goals. This leads to greater,             down the line
effective and efficient perfor-          Being responsible
mance.                                                                     Humiliating, Insulting
                                         Seeking responsibility            language
Leadership Skills comprise :
                                         Giving firm & timely             Not giving chance to
    •   Management Skills                 decisions                         others to talk
    •   Knowledge of the Organ-          Keeping Members in-              Long explanations
        isation                           formed of all Inner Wheel
                                                                           Not accepting others’
    •   Supporting & Strength-            News
                                                                            views or ideas
        ening Clubs                      Keeping Members in-
                                                                           Having superiority com-
    •   Coordination with Clubs           volved
        & members                   Leading Leaders :
                                                                      Before we become Leaders ….
    •   Enhancing Public Image           Recognise them as
        of Organisation                                               Success is all about growing your-
    •   Following Ethics in Inner        Empower them …. Not
        Wheel                                                         When we become Leaders …..
                                          just delegate
    •   Team Building                                                 Success is all about empowering
                                         Believe in their leader-
                                                                      others to Lead the Vision …. &
    •   Delegating Work                   ship
                                                                      the Leaders
    •   Timely Decision Making           Focus on what they
                                                                      Leadership is the capacity to
                                          should do
    •   Timely Direction & Moti-                                      translate…….
        vation                      Qualities required in Leaders :
                                                                      Vision into Reality
    •   Creating Interest & in-            Loving                                IIW President Dr Bina Vyas
        creasing enthusiasm                Caring
    •   Networking with District           Sharing
        & Club Leaders
                                           Kindness
    •   Handling Management
        Conflicts                          Compassion
    •   Courage to take risks              Patience
    •   Getting Results                    Politeness
Management Skills Include :                Respect
       Goal Setting                       Capacity to listen
       Communication Skills        & above all
       Time Management                    Positive Attitude

                                                                                IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 11
Cotonou action                                                                            Porto Novo action
                                                                                          Porto Novo IWC and Rotaract
Cotonou IWC and Rotaract Club
                                                                                          Club in Benin: A joint blood do-
Palmier in Benin: A joint blood
                                                                                          nation action from 1st to 4th
donation action on 1st of October
                                                                                          October 2020.
2020. The blood donation lasted
                                                                                             The Donation lasted 4 days
four days.
                                                                                          and a total number of 62 blood
   A total number of 156 blood
                                                                                          bags were collected.
bags were collected in Cotonou.
             Text Alina Fahimatou Salifou,                                                       Text Olodo Sarafa, photo below
                             photo below

                                                Kits to school kids
                                                Cotonou IWC in Benin: Donation
                                                of school kits to Akogbato Public
                                                Primary School to 146 needy
                                                school children selected with the
                                                help of the school principal.
                                                    Each kit consists of a school
                                                bag, 2 notebooks, 2 pens, 2 paper
                                                covers and 1 batch of math instru-
                                                ments. The overall cost of the kits
                                                is around $693
For Izmir victims                                                    Text Sylvie Adahe,
                                                        photo Chris Omega production      Supplies for babies
IW District 242 Turkey: A federa-                                                         Dalyan IWC, Turkey, has provi-
tion Project realized the contri-                                                         ded baby supplies to Kartal Trai-
butions of Beyazıt, Boğaziçi,                                                             ning and Research Hospital New
Bursa, Dalyan, Dolmabahçe,                                                                Born Child Unit. Because of the
Edirne, Eskişehir and Suadiye                                                             pandemic, we could not enter the
IWC, to heal the wounds of the                                                            hospital but 100 bottles and baby
devastating İzmir earthquake                                                              pacifiers, 2 baby tubs, overalls,
that took place on October 30th,                                                          beanies, socks, blankets, diaper
2020. With collaboration of Ro-                                                           changing covers and bedding fa-
tary 2440, we the IW District 242                                                         brics were delivered to the assis-
donated tents and shelter boxes
and supplied the daily needs of
                                                IW logo on masks                          tants and nurses on duty.
                                                                                            Text Bilsin Gürel, photo Nermin Karaca
the earthquake victims.                         Masks for protection and promo-
                             Text Figen Bilge   tion. Making Inner Wheel better
                                                known during this global pande-
                                                mic takes all kinds of ingenuity.
                                                4000 masks were custom made,
                                                bearing the Inner Wheel Logo
                                                and name, made of a waterproof,
                                                Anti-microbial material and com-
                                                fortable fit.
                                                    IWC of Singapore, IWC Sing-
                                                apore East and IWC Singapore
                                                Central are participating in the
                                                sale and donation of the masks.
                                                                   Text Wendy Louis,
                                                             photo Maria Hassanbhai

12 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
                                        ALL CHILDREN FROM IW
                                        The children in the afterschool           of delicious pink and a two tie-
                                        care at Marymount Primary                 red cake that she exclaimed, that
                                        School come under the care of the         she had never had a cake like this
                                        Good Shepherd Centre.                     before and for her last birthday
                                            Each month the children ce-           she had an ice-cream.
                                        lebrate all their birthdays on the            It is so easy to forget that
                                        third Wednesday of the month.             children are often deprived of
                                            For this occasion the Inner           things that we take for granted.
                                        Wheel Club of Singapore’s star                Deliveries of the cakes began
                                        baker, Anjli, provides a cake weigh-      in August and will continue at le-
                                        ing at least 3 kilos for the children.    ast until December.
                                            Due to the Covid-19 situation,            The joy this small contribu-
                                        the number of children is reduced         tion brings, makes is so wort-
                                        but they are still around 154 or so       hwhile.
                                        children in this programme.                 Text Wendy Louis, photo Anjli Chopra
                                            One dear little girl was so wi-
                                        de-eyed when she saw this wave

IWC of San Leandro, Califor-            their delicious meals in their own
nia, USA, celebrated its 35th An-       bubble groups. Wonderful cama-
niversary with takeout dinners          raderie was shared by all!
from Moussaka's Mediterranean              We are also proud to announ-
Kitchen – in spite of COVID!. Mo-       ce our grant renewal to procure,
nies collected will be donated to       assemble and distribute the Rape
local San Leandro charities.            Care Kits for Bay Area Women
    Members and guests shared           Against Rape.
                                                                                  Sherrie Barnes, Kristi Barnes and Alce
                                                  Text and photo Pearl Johnston   Saraflan loading dinners.

IWC of Banfora in Burkina Faso
has made donations of school
supplies to two primary schools
in the city in September.
    The “Sud B Banfora “ primary
school recieved school kits and
school fees to five students.
The “Nafona1 “ primary school
got school kits and school fees
to 10 students.
    The appreciated donations
amounted to a total of 1 200 USD.
         Text Aline Fahimatou Salifou

                                                                                               IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 13
The Councel of Belgium-Lux-                   pate. The ceremony took place in          the participants started nice and
embourg could finally make the                the garden of the District Chair-         warm speeches of friendship, gra-
official handover of the Presiden-            man in Brussels. After a warm wel-        titude and the goals for 2020-21,
tial chain. Due to Covid-19 only 10           come from the former President            followed by the handover of the
attendees were allowed to partici-            of Council Edith Van Molhem,              Presidential chaine.

Nassau Est IWC Members provide                Food for hospital children. IWC
masks and food during Pandemic!               of Mid Town, Multan, Pakistan
    Members of the IW Club of                 has arranged an appreciated ac-
Nassau East in the Bahamas                    tivity. Club members distributed
have been sewing many, many                   food for patient's attendants in
masks to give to hospital workers             Children hospital Multan.
and local residents during the                    Sponsored by IPP Mrs Naeem
COVID-19. In addition, they have              Tareen and our respectable club
supplied local residents with                 members.
baked goods and water to help                        Text Rizwana Tabussum Duranni
them in this stressful time. Many
of these residents who received
masks and baked goods have no
electricity and no running water
                                              FINE ITALIAN FUND SUPPORT
in their homes.
    The IW members have been
highlighted in the local paper and
social media for their generous
support of so many during this
                     Text Elisabeth Howard,

                                              District Chairman Caterina Narullo        Fund", which is a fund raising set
                                              Bove, with CED and all the mem-           up by the International Board to ef-
                                              bers of Italy District 210, during        ficiently help, in the name of Inner
                                              the 2019/20 final on line-mode            Wheel, the fight against the conse-
                                              Meeting , have allocated the sum          quences of pandemic, especally
                                              of € 6.000,00 for a donation to sup-      where international solidarity and
                                              port the International Service "lI.I.W.   brotherhood are most needed.
                                              Covid 19 Disaster and Vaccination                             Text Anna Somma

14 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021

                                                                           CHENNAI VRIKSHAM IWC
KOMARPALAYM IWC                      TIRUVARUR IWC                         The members for one whole
The members distributed gro-         The members made Immuni-              month provided food for the
ceries, masks and sanitizers to      ty booster drinks at home with        homeless and destitute. The food
the hospital staff of a designated   lots of herbs and ancient Indian      was cooked at home by the mem-
COVID hospital and built a wash      methods and distributed them          bers.
station outside the entrance.        to common people to help boost
                                     immunity against COVID.

                                                                           CHENNAI UNIQUE IWC
BANGALORE BANASANKARI IWC            BANGALORE SOUTH PARADE IWC            The members distributed energy
The club gave a significant          The members donated Pink Um-          mix powders, health boosters, sa-
amount of money to a widow           brellas to the Paramedical Staff      nitizers and face masks to 50 sani-
who lost her husband due to          who travel to work daily to hospi-    tation workers in their local town.
COVID. The money was financial       tal during Lockdown as transport
help to buy a cow so she can         was shut. They have to walk long
earn her livelihood and help her     distances in the hot summer.
to take care of her family.

MIRAJ IWC                                                                  SRIKSHETRA PURI IWC
The members provided insuran-        RAMNAD IWC                            The members installed a standee
ce coverage money to 40 hospi-       The members adopted a village         sanitizer in a local police station
tal staff who were working in a      and distributed one month gro-        for the police personnel along
COVID Hospital .                     ceries supply to about 40 families.   with cans of sanitizer for refills.

                                                                                      IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 15
Thoughts from Board Director Lorna Bradley, Southern Africa

                                       in addition to language barriers           Numerous discussions were re-
                                       made my first year difficult but           quired and special assistance
                                       this year has been successful, a           funds were set up by the Board
                                       pleasure and very interesting.             Directors.
                                       Immense challenges                         Bright future prospects
                                        A specific item of interesting            The need to increase the number
                                        service was the special project           of Members and Clubs through-
                                        in Benin where two of the Inner           out the world is an ongoing fo-
                                        Wheel Clubs and a Rotaract Club           cus area. Potential Members
                                        combined efforts and donated              are being attracted to join oth-
                                        over 200 bags of blood badly              er organisations. Women are
                                        needed during the rainy season            holding responsible positions
                                        when malaria is at a peak. During         in professions and business re-
I have been a member of Inner           the countries lock downs with             quiring intense commitments
Wheel since 1993 when I became          the Covid 19 pandemic, we were            while at the same time compet-
Charter President of the IW Club        not able to meet in Altrincham so         ing for time with family life too.
of Waterfront Cape Town. I have         all meetings between Board Di-            Younger women are establishing
held many positions in Club and         rectors and those with the Exec-          their careers, setting up homes
District level and was National         utive were held via ZOOM which            and having children, but there
Representative for D-932 and            brought us all together. With the         will always be those middle age
D-935. This year I have had the         Covid 19 pandemic affecting the           women who have established
honour to serve my second year          world, the challenges this year           careers and homes and who are
as IIW Board Director. I have very      have been immense. Needs,                 thus prepared to commit regular
much enjoyed my role as Board           particularly hunger and Medical           time to Inner Wheel and serve
Director and the opportunity            Care, have grown to unimagined            the community. I am sure as
for personal growth. Interacting        levels, but Inner Wheel has risen         we approach the Centenary of
with other Board Directors and          to meet the challenges by Clubs           Inner Wheel; Electronic Media
the IIW Executive has been both         adopting innovative ways to help.         will surely bring changes too, and
stimulating and rewarding. Use          Consequences of Covid 19, and             play a bigger part in Inner Wheel.
of Zoom to facilitate working in        natural disasters in Turkey and                   Text Lorna Bradley BD 2019-2021
groups that were set up to car-         Philippines as well as a destruc-
ry out specific projects has been       tive explosion in Lebanon result-
very effective in delivering results    ed in special requests for help.
and risen to meet the challeng-
es by adopting and cementing
Fascinated NDC contacts
A specific duty has been to try
and make contact with an allot-
ted group of non-Districted Clubs
in various parts of the world. I
was given countries in West and
Central Africa and Zimbabwe. It
was fascinating and at times frus-
trating, because lack of continu-
ous electricity supply and poor        Benin Cotonou IW Club and Rotaract Palmier Club’s blood donation Drive. During the
                                       rainy season blood donations are needed for the Malaria outbreaks. The photo is of
communication infra-structure          the Doctor and IW member assistants.

16 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
Report from Board Director Marja Kyrölä, Finland
I have been Inner Wheel Board Director during the
terms 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. After the first Go-
verning Body and Executive meetings, the Board Di-
rectors have kept in regular contact via both Whats-
App and Zoom during these two years. We have
discussed world disasters such as the explosion in
Beirut, Lebanon on 4 August 2020. We gathered our
forces in raising money together for its victims, and
several IW countries participated in this effort. We
have also discussed the global covid-19 situation
which touches each and every one of us. All these
issues have brought us closer, we have been able to
share both joys and sorrows.

Good contacts with the Non Districted Clubs                        Inner Wheel supports corona-sniffing dogs
During both terms, I have worked as the contact per-               Inner Wheel Finland collects funds for the trai-
son for the same clubs without districts, IW Club Geor-            ning of corona-sniffing dogs. Dogs can identify the
getown Central in Guyana and IW Club Saint Georges,                coronavirus easily, their training is relatively fast,
Canada. I have been in touch with both clubs frequ-                and the results are good. These funds are collected
ently and sent them, for example, messages from the                by selling Christmas cards.
IIW President Bina Vyas and the Covid-19 logos that
we are recommended to use.

IWC Saint Georges helps an average of 120 children a year with a   Discussing corona-sniffing dogs and the events of district 141,
budget of 57,000 $. They have donated more than half a million     are IWC Salo President Eve Lehtinen, Secretary Päivi Attila and
dollars since the founding.                                        District 141 Vice
                                                                                                                  Text Maja Kyrölå

Focus on Corona in Finland
Like many other countries, Finland
participates in developing a vaccine
for the covid-19 virus and in testing
in collaboration with many actors. In
Finland, the funding comes from the
Academy of Finland and the state for
     In Finland, an app called Korona-
vilkku was introduced in September.
The app enables tracking and infor-
ming people of coronavirus exposu-
re. It has already been downloaded
about 2.5 million times.

                                                                                                     IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 17
AID TO TYPHOON VICTIMS                                                            SAME,SAME
Typhoon Rolly (International               by IPP Izzy Moore and IPDT Cathy       BUT
name: Typhoon Goni), classified            Lucero. The committee brought
the strongest typhoon in the               food bags of rice and canned
world for 2020, brought powerful           goods to over a hundred house-
winds and torrential rains which           holds stranded by the floods. They
inundated large areas in South             waded in the muddy waters to
Luzon.                                     bring much needed aid to the fa-
   IW District 383 of the Phi-             milies isolated by the floodwaters.
lippines was quick to respond to               Operations Paglingap (Ope-
bring aid to Barangay Landayan,            rations Lend a Hand) is a project
San Pedro, Laguna through its              which aims to provide assistance
Operations Paglingap Committee             to victims of natural calamities.
led by Yhet Abelgas and assisted                             Text Marsha Santos

                                                                                  The "Charity Advent Calendar"
                                                                                  published by IWC Graz-Uhrturm
                                                                                  in Austria offers an opportunity
                                                                                  to convey a little anticipation for
                                                                                  Christmas and at the same time
                                                                                  "doing good".
                                                                                      This is an advent calendar with
                                                                                  opportunities to win, with prizes
IWC GLYFADA IN GREECE                                                             worth at least 50 euros each being

                                                                                  won behind each "window" (the-
                                                                                  re are 128 ways to win in total).
                                                                                  3,000 advent calendars have been
On Wednesday 14 October IWC                                                       published and these are issued
of Glyfada, Greece, celebrated its                                                at a unit price of € 5. The net that
31st Club Birthday.                                                               proceeds from the sale of these
   President Maria Gardouni                                                       advent calendars will be used to
had the pleasure to welcome a                                                     support various - above all local -
new member, Sylva, and notified                                                   social projects .
the members of the future clubs                                                       This year we decided to ex-
activities.                                                                       pand our sales to outdoor mar-
   Yianna Gravia-Kalyva, Natio-                                                   kets. As we should approach pas-
nal Representative and member                                                     sers-by directly to advertise our
of our club, informed the mem-                                                    calendar we decided to design a
bers about International affairs                                                  sash to be more visible as a seller
and notified that International                                                   from Inner Wheel "Charity Advent
IW Convention in India has been                                                   Calendar" from afar.
postponed and it will be conduc-                                                      With these funds we managed
ted via Web Teleconference.                                                       to sell almost as many calendars
              Text Yianna Gravia Kalyva,                                          as in previous years.
            photo Vicky Constantinidou                                               Text Laura Schick, photo Laura Schick

18 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
The Kaunas IWC in Lithuania temporally stop-
ped all activities for two weeks due to covid-19.
But we already had several club meetings. The
first meeting we had with the children from the
family house. Our club members prepared sushi
together with the children and President Rasa
Meistiene (in white) gave the gift for the family
house – a new computer!
    We had a couple of meetings at the famous
Lithuanian Literature Museum and visited Kau-
nas Pazaislis Monastery. We also met with a
very interesting woman gynecologist who gave
a lecture about one human sin – acedia. It has
been a quite nice start of the autumn for our
club in Kaunas
                             Text Oksana Kundrotiene

                                       The hungry still have to eat. The      Wheel logo, frequently washing
                                       THB Soup Kitchen in Alor Setar, Ke-    hands and practicing physical
                                       dah, Malaysia, cooks and provides      distancing, members handed out
                                       dinner to as many as 150 hungry        the food boxes bearing the Inner
                                       patrons, without fail, five days a     Wheel logo, to the hungry regu-
                                       week. In covid-19 times, this Soup     lars.
                                       Kitchen continued to serve a hot           We hope to be able to conti-
                                       meal but packaged in take-away         nue helping at this Soup Kitchen
                                       boxes.                                 from time to time, bringing hope
                                           On 27 October IWC of Alor Se-      to this special group of people
                                       tar, stepped in to help by spons-      that someone will always be out
                                       oring the meal through generous        there for them, no matter what
                                       donations of members. Wearing          the challenges are.
                                       masks proudly displaying the Inner                             Text Ishka Kaur

During its 22 years of existence       te their voluntary financial contri-   intended for the kindergarten, for
and activity, IWC Čakovec, (Cro-       butions.                               the purchase of the necessary di-
atia , District 191) has established       At the end of the campaign,         dactic aids and materials.
several traditional activities. One    the        remaining
of them takes place in October,        books are offered
called “Old Books in New Hands”.       for choice to kin-
    First, we collect books from va-   dergartens, school
rious sources, primarily members       libraries,    retire-
and their friends. In cooperation      ment homes.
with the local kindergarten, the           The collected
books are exhibited at a stand in      donated       funds,
the city center during the autum       usually with the
city event, and offered to citizens    addition from the
who are in return invited to dona-     club finances, are

                                                                                        IIW Web Magazine 1/2020-2021 | 19
                                 A MERRY CHRISTMAS
                                  AND A HAPPY NEW
                                  INNER WHEEL YEAR

20 |IIW Web Magazine No 1/2020 -2021
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