Noncorrelated Investments: Narwhal or Unicorn?

Page created by Leo Vargas
Noncorrelated Investments: Narwhal or Unicorn?
Spring 2012

Noncorrelated Investments: Narwhal or Unicorn?
Kenneth B. Trippe, CFA, FRM, Director of Private Investments

             Both the narwhal and the      reinsurance, water rights, film rights,
             unicorn are fantastical       life settlements, pharmaceutical co-
             creatures—one real and        development and intellectual property.
             one, sadly, mythical. In      At Glenmede, we have invested in
             the case of noncorrelated     some of these strategies, but found
             investments, we ask the       the market for others too immature
question, “Is it possible to find that     or the risk too difficult to quantify.
rare investment whose returns are
independent of the factors that move       Further, noncorrelated investments
publicly traded debt, equity and real      tend to be somewhat esoteric. Last
estate markets?” The answer is             year, for example, we invested in
yes … and no.                              a sector of the reinsurance market
                                           known as the retrocessional market.
Most publicly traded investments           Our thesis was driven by the fact
depend on economic conditions              that the reinsurers had been hard hit
in some way. Equity returns are            by natural disasters, including the
contingent on a business’s prospects       earthquake and tsunami in Japan
and profitability, and real estate         and windstorms in the U.S. As
values depend on such factors as           a result, we concluded that the
employment levels and the buildup          reinsurers would need to reduce their
of available inventory. From time to       ongoing risks so as not to deplete
time, some investments are negatively      their capital bases. In the Private       like fantastical creatures, they are
correlated with economic conditions.       Investments Group, we like to             hard to find. These investments can
In a recessionary environment, for         examine situations where there            be highly beneficial to portfolios
instance, an investment with a fixed       is some sort of market dislocation.       since they provide a great deal of
payment (e.g., Treasury bonds) may                                                   diversification for the dollar. An
increase in value as the values of         Is this reinsurance transaction a         academic using the risk/return profile
equity securities decline. This inverse    noncorrelated investment? “Yes,” in       of these investments in a portfolio
correlation, however, may not persist      the sense that a crash in the financial   optimization program may wish to
as market conditions change—for            markets will not cause an earthquake,     take an extra helping.
example, if the economy reflates.          tsunami or hurricane. Yet “No,” since
                                           a severe natural disaster could shock     Problematically, the risks presented
If you flipped a coin and called heads     the financial markets. More subtly,       by noncorrelated investments are
or tails, the result would obviously       the risk-adjusted returns embedded        not always easily quantifiable. For
be unrelated to the factors that           in most investments will reprice as       example, in certain regions, water
drive the financial markets. With          capital flows to what investors see as    rights may be attractive as population
noncorrelated investments, the             the most attractive opportunity—          growth places increasing demands
risks for which you are compensated        though this shift may take time.          on the water supply. Though the
are dissimilar to those common                                                       scarcity of water may appear to
elsewhere in your portfolio. Examples      There are many reasons to seek            be an irreversible trend, the value
of noncorrelated investments include       noncorrelated investments, even if,
                                                                                     continues on page 2

                                                                                      Glenmede Perspectives Spring 2012
Noncorrelated Investments: Narwhal or Unicorn?
Noncorrelated Investments: Narwhal or Unicorn?
continued from first page

of the rights might ultimately be          It is our belief that noncorrelated       generate excess returns by deploying
linked to economic cycles, since           investments have earned a place in        this expertise.
residential developers may bid them        sophisticated investment portfolios.
up when they are building housing          We will continue to avoid those that      As in the cases of our fantastical
communities. The value of intellectual     appear to be fads but will seek unique    creatures, careful study is required
property, such as patents, may also        opportunities that offer attractive       to separate the real from the
be linked to economic conditions;          and diversified returns. As always, we    mythological.
companies tend to pay more when            target investment managers who
revenue prospects are promising.           have operational expertise and can

                         Providing Clarity Amid Complexity
                         Susan P. Mucciarone, Director of Wealth Advisory
                         Lisa M. Whitcomb, Director of Wealth Strategy

                        Personal                                                     The estate planning and tax strategies
                        financial            . . . Cash Needs . . .                  used to achieve these goals can be
health has never mattered more
                                             Retirement, the economy,                exceedingly complex and difficult for
and has perhaps never felt more              markets and unforeseen family           clients to visualize. Once Glenmede
elusive. Keeping pace with global            health emergencies upended              has reviewed a client’s trusts, will and
and domestic events that affect              Jeffrey and Susan’s world.              other estate planning documents, we
household cash flow and balance              Their Glenmede team helped              frequently create an illustration of the
                                             them reconsider and revise
sheets can strain even the most
                                             their spending goals, offering
                                                                                     estate plan using graphics to show
engaged investor. At Glenmede,               expertise that provided Jeffrey         who gets what, and when. It’s often
our goal for wealth advice is to             and Susan with confidence that          a turning point in our clients’
make the complex clear and the               they will not outlive their assets.     understanding of how their wishes
possible attainable.

This is a process accomplished over        some it makes sense to start by
time. Clarifying financial goals                                                       . . . As Families Grow . . .
                                           building a complete, organized
often requires several foundational        overview of the “big picture.” For          Prompted by the birth of
conversations, periodic review                                                         Pamela’s first grandchild,
                                           others, we may home in on assets to         Glenmede conducted
and continual refinement—a                 project spending needs and determine        a thorough review of her
collaboration that requires the            the probability of achieving a range of     trusts, family foundation and
ongoing commitment of staff and            outcomes. These early conversations         portfolio. Cash flow projections
clients. Conversations can target          guide our recommended solutions,            demonstrated there was
specific areas of interest or the full                                                 sufficient capital to forgo the
                                           inform how we build effective plans         discretionary income generated
scope of a client’s financial life.        and ultimately determine how assets         by the trusts she had inherited,
This is an enduring process that           are deployed.                               allowing her to pass additional
evolves over the course of each client                                                 assets to her heirs, free of estate
relationship and often involves            A Dynamic, Continuous Process               and GST taxes. New tax-efficient
multiple generations.                      Building a comprehensive wealth             trusts were created for her
                                           plan that aligns your financial and         children and grandchildren,
What Is Important to the Client?           investment strategies with your             and a formal gifting program
Our job is to listen closely for                                                       was established. To bolster the
                                           lifestyle, legacy and charitable goals      long-term sustainability of the
financial and nonfinancial clues,          is essential to a successful outcome.       family foundation, Glenmede’s
understanding that seemingly               However, life is not static and neither     Philanthropic Services team
innocuous information can often lead       are financial goals. We chronicle and       worked with the family to create
to critical insights. The starting point   periodically review client objectives,      a formal charitable mission and
is defined by each client’s particular     providing the context and rationale         grant-making plan.
objectives and circumstances. For          for sound decision-making over time.

                                                                                      Glenmede Perspectives Spring 2012      2
Noncorrelated Investments: Narwhal or Unicorn?
will be carried out. The illustration
provides clarity and insight for
family members and serves as the
groundwork for developing priorities
for the ongoing stewardship of family
wealth. As families grow, tax laws and
regulations change, new markets and
asset strategies emerge, and personal
financial objectives shift, we revisit
client wealth plans and initiate new
conversations to be sure that the plans
continue to align with changing
circumstances and personal goals.
Going Further
Glenmede places a high value on
working in concert with clients              . . . Generational Education . . .
and their team of advisors to share
                                             Sam and Laura asked Glenmede to educate their three sons about the
ideas and implement the best
                                             responsibilities they will face as stewards of the family’s wealth. The young
thinking. Glenmede’s role is to              men are vastly different in their familiarity with—and interest in—financial
uncover and clearly communicate              matters. Glenmede created an education plan and meets with the sons
the planning options, overseeing the         semiannually, educating them on topics ranging from basic finance and
implementation of ideas and strategies.      beneficiary duties to advanced financial instruments and the responsibilities
For some, it is the simple but often         they will assume as trustees. As part of the plan, the sons are acquiring real-
                                             world experience by taking an active part in the family limited partnership,
forgotten planning for heirs’ medical        with Glenmede serving as mentor and guide.
and education costs; for others, it is
establishing goals and governance
around family philanthropy.
                                           and satisfaction derived from having       charitable goals are thoughtfully and
Any step into the process can be a         a clear understanding of one’s             strategically supported and aligned.
useful starting point. The end result,     financial health and the confidence
in every case, is the empowerment          of knowing financial, legacy and

Investment Philosophy: What the Textbooks Should Say
Jason D. Pride, CFA, Director of Investment Strategy

             It is our belief that each    This is a lofty goal, since the            some practitioners may adopt these
             investor—whatever his         philosophy must accommodate                teachings verbatim, we seek to
             or her background,            long- and short-term asset allocation      challenge and improve upon the
             experience or training—       provisions, as well as security and        core assumptions, modifying theories
             should employ a               manager selection. At Glenmede,            to better align with real-world
             systematic protocol in        when we invest in companies, asset         implementation.
the pursuit of growth and stability. An    classes and managers, our investment
investment process should embody           philosophy captures our beliefs about      First, let’s consider the standard
an investment philosophy. Grounded         how markets work and how, as an            approach to long-term asset
by best practices, this philosophy         investment manager and advisor, we         allocation. Eugene Fama, an
should stem from a set of beliefs that     seek to earn returns for our clients.      economist known for his work on
prescribe how to generate superior                                                    portfolio theory and asset pricing,
risk-adjusted returns in varying market    Over the years, many academics             famously argued that markets
environments and cycles.                   have put forth beliefs about how           are efficient and the only free
                                           investment markets work. While             lunch is diversification. While we

                                                                                        Glenmede Perspectives Spring 2012      3
Noncorrelated Investments: Narwhal or Unicorn?
Investment Philosophy

                                                       What the Textbooks Say                                                                                                            What They Should Say

 Long-term asset allocation dominates returns;                                                                                                        Diversification is a free lunch, but starting-point valuations drive long-
 maintain a diversified investment portfolio.                                                                                                         term returns. Modify policy portfolios to emphasize undervalued assets.

 Short-term asset allocation (market timing)                                                                                                          Abstinence is easier to preach than practice. Every investment decision
 is a sin. Don’t do it.                                                                                                                               has a market timing component. Follow a systematic approach.

 Manager/security selection: Index                                                                                                                    Inefficiencies and skills exist but they face headwinds (e.g., fees,
 efficiently priced assets, use active                                                                                                                transaction costs and risk). Look for value-adding processes capable
 management elsewhere.                                                                                                                                of overcoming the headwinds. Know your limitations!

strongly agree about the benefits of                                                                 when a portfolio becomes                                                                      allocation, we can conclude that
diversification, we question whether                                                                 overinvested in overpriced assets,                                                            effective portfolio structuring requires
markets are in fact perfectly efficient.                                                             resulting in an unnecessary                                                                   a balance between diversification
If they are, why do numerous well-                                                                   performance drag. In a 2011 study,                                                            and valuation discrepancies, tilted in
documented studies confirm the                                                                       our own Val deVassal, Director of                                                             favor of the value opportunities.
continued advantages of value-                                                                       Quantitative Research, argued that
oriented investing over market                                                                       the S&P 500, an index believed to be                                                          Many long-time efficient market
indexes? This advantage has also                                                                     a well-diversified measure of the stock                                                       advocates may find our measured
been confirmed by the continued                                                                      market, was inefficiently structured                                                          dispute of this basic academic assertion
success of a wide body of value                                                                      due to the habitual overweighting of                                                          disconcerting. Some may wonder
investors, including Benjamin                                                                        the most expensive stocks. Assessing                                                          whether we have even become
Graham, Warren Buffett, John                                                                         the S&P 500 over the period from                                                              advocates of market timing. Our
Templeton and Seth Klarman.                                                                          2001 to 2010, he demonstrated                                                                 answer to this hypothetical question
                                                                                                     that an equally weighted portfolio                                                            would be, “Well, in some ways.”
The valuation effect is the Achilles                                                                 of the same 500 stocks would have
heel of the diversification argument.                                                                                                                                                              This leads to a second assertion
                                                                                                     returned 6.3%, while the actual index                                                         we dispute: the widely held belief
Unconstrained diversification may                                                                    returned only 1.4%. If we extend this
actually result in “diworsification”:                                                                                                                                                              that market timing is a “sin” to be
                                                                                                     observation to apply to overall asset                                                         avoided. We have come to recognize
                                                                                                                                                                                                   that, in fact, every investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                   decision has an element of timing,
                              Perfectly Efficient? Starting-Point Valuations Drive Long-Term Returns                                                                                               even for the most passive investor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   As investments perform differently
                                                                   S&P 500                                                                           U.S. Government Long Bond                     over time, balanced portfolios
                                              20%                                                                                              12%                                                 can quickly become unbalanced.
 Average 3-year forward return (annualized)

                                                                                                  Average 3-year forward return (annualized)

                                              18%    17.7%                                                                                                                            10.4%        Perhaps a manager outperforms or
                                                                                                                                               10%                                                 underperforms, or cash inflows or
                                              14%               13.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                   outflows are greater than expected.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   In such situations, investors must
                                                                                                                                                                            6.5%                   decide what to do and when to do it.
                                              10%                                                                                              6%
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Thus, even the most basic situation
                                              8%                           7.6%
                                                                                                                                                                  4.0%                             involves a timing decision.

                                                                                                                                                       2.5%                                        Recognizing the reality and
                                                                                      2.3%                                                                                                         frequency of these circumstances, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                   believe it is essential that investors
                                              0%                                                                                               0%
                                                      5–12      12–16      16–21     21–45                                                              7%         operate within a systematic and
                                                           Cyclically Adjusted P/E                                                                                Starting Yield                   disciplined process. While we assert
                                                    Source: Glenmede, Robert Shiller, Ibbotson;                                                      Source: Glenmede, Robert Shiller, Ibbotson;   that valuation should be a key
                                                    data from 1/26 to 1/09.                                                                          data from 1/26 to 1/09, based on long
                                                                                                                                                     government bond returns for given             component, we acknowledge that
                                                                                                                                                     buckets of 10-year Treasury yield.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   continues on back page

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Glenmede Perspectives Spring 2012       4
Investment Philosophy: What the Textbooks Should Say
continued from page 4

                                                                                                                                        A practical investment philosophy
                                  Momentum: A Better Timing Tool                                                                        must encompass multiple aspects of
                                                                                                                                        the investment landscape. Further,
                  3-Month Forward Return                                                 S&P 500 Momentum                               we find there is no single academic
          8%                                                                  9%        Average 6-month forward return                  study absolute in decree. While
          7%                                                                  8%                                    7.78%               some are more easily adaptable than
                                                                              7%                                                        others, all seem to miss some of the
                                                                                                                                        implementation realities.

                                                             Average Return
                                                                                                                                        Perhaps this is why so few wealth

                                    3.2%                                      4%                                                        management firms are able to
                                                                              3%                                                        articulate a clear and comprehensive
          2% 1.9%
                                                                                                                                        investment philosophy. In our
                      1.0%                                                                                                              pursuit of superior returns for
          1%                                                                  1%
                                                                                                                                        our clients, we acknowledge and
               90th+ 75th– 50th– 25th– 10th– 10th
                                                                                    Quartile Quartile Quartile Quartile
                                                                                                                                        willingly challenge the popular
                     90th 75th 50th 25th                                              1        2        3        4                      academic assertions, both empirically
                        Valuation Percentile                                                                                            and in practice, in order to define
               Source: Glenmede. Valuation percentiles                             Source: Glenmede, S&P 500 trailing 6-month           our distinct investment philosophy.
               represent the level below, above or between                         return buckets broken into quartiles; lowest
               which a certain percentage of observations                          to highest, 1/27–1/11.
               may be found—e.g., 90th+ are the most                                                                                    Clients deserve this thoughtful
               expensive 10% periods in the sample.
                                                                                                                                        consideration and the delivery of
                                                                                                                                        a practiced and disciplined
                                                                                                                                        investment process.
this method has its shortcomings.                                   markets). This ideology is rooted in
When looking at shorter intervals,                                  the belief that less efficient markets
valuations can be an insufficient                                   provide the greatest opportunity.
timing tool except at the extremes.                                 However, this is too simple and
Market and fundamental trends often                                 neither grasps nor directly addresses
last longer than initially expected,                                the underlying issues.
and their eventual turnarounds are
typically hard to predict. For this                                 Inefficiencies exist in all markets,
reason, we are patient in the short                                 even in large-capitalization stocks
term, riding market and fundamental                                 where many fundamental factors
trends until valuations reach                                       have shown surprisingly strong
extreme levels or until fundamental                                 efficacy over long periods. Yet the
indicators turn.                                                    resulting opportunities face significant
                                                                    headwinds from fees, transaction costs
Let’s now turn from high-level asset                                and embedded risks. Under-recognized
allocation and portfolio structuring to                             is the fact that these headwinds are
manager and security selection. Here,                               typically higher in the less efficient
popular wisdom supports use of index                                markets. Adding to this, it is
funds when investing in efficiently                                 important for investors to know the
priced assets (large-cap stocks) and                                limits of their abilities and expertise
selecting individual securities or                                  (e.g., if you lack the needed insight to
active managers in less efficient                                   select international securities, source
markets (municipal and emerging                                     this function accordingly).

                      Philadelphia         •      Cleveland                   •     Morristown          •     New York            •   Princeton   •   Wilmington                                                                   Please email your questions or comments to

                                                                                                                                             Glenmede Perspectives Spring 2012
Strategic Hires
                Howard E. N. Wilson, Executive Director of Relationship Management

                Through the strategic appointment of talented professionals, Glenmede continues to enhance the level of
                ongoing care and service we provide to clients. Over the past month, we have been fortunate to welcome
                the following to our team:
   Matthew C. Beardwood, AIF                  Michael H. Sinoway                        Jonathan L. Stanley, CFA
   Business Development, Delaware             Manager Research, Philadelphia            Portfolio Management, New York City
   With an established track record,          In his role, Michael is responsible       An industry veteran, Jon’s
   Matt will be instrumental in supporting    for conducting fundamental and            appointment as a senior Portfolio
   business development initiatives in        quantitative research of long-            Manager underscores the ongoing
   the Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and       only and hedge fund strategies.           momentum of our New York office
   Washington, D.C., areas.                   With prior experience in trading,         and further demonstrates that
                                              derivatives and alternative assets, his   Glenmede is recognized as a leading
                                              appointment further enhances our          company by tenured professionals
                                              resources committed to the selection      within wealth management.
                                              and ongoing monitoring of external
                                              managers and strategies.


                     Glenmede hosted more than 120 events since 2011 in support of client interests.

                                               CLIENT SEMINARS, PANELS & WORKSHOPS

                                             • Women and Wealth Workshops
                                             • Tax and Estate Planning
  PHILANTHROPIC WORKSHOPS                      Legislative Updates
                                             • Business Succession Planning for
• Philanthropic Strategies                     Entrepreneurs Series                           ECONOMIC & MARKET UPDATES
  for Families                               • Hedge Funds and Private                      • Timely insights into the state of the
• Endowment and Foundation                     Equity Workshops                               economy and the markets
  CIO Roundtables                            • Financial Planning Seminars                  • Updates on the evolving tax and
                                                                                              estate planning landscape

                                                         Arizona, California,               TRUST AND ESTATE ATTORNEY
   • Exclusive partnerships with
     leading cultural organizations                    Connecticut, Delaware,               EVENTS & SPONSORSHIPS
     in each of our major markets                    Florida, Illinois, New Jersey,       • National and local ACTEC events
                                                           New York, Ohio,
                                                                                          • Regional and local Estate
                                                            Pennsylvania,                   Planning Council events
                                                         Rhode Island, Texas,
                                                          Washington, D.C.

                             Please contact your Relationship Manager to learn about upcoming events.

                                                                                             Glenmede Perspectives Spring 2012
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