NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory

Page created by Chad Francis
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
NT Learning

              NT Learning Adventures | 1
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
Save & Learn
                   in the NT
                 Tourism NT recognises that costs and timing are major factors when
              planning an excursion for your students. The NTLA Save & Learn program
             provides funding to interstate schools to help with excursion costs - making
               it easier to choose an NT Learning Adventure for your next school trip.

                                                The NT welcomes school groups year round!
                                                     Go to ntlearningadventures.com
                                                  to see the current terms and conditions
                                                    of the NTLA Save & Learn program.


                                                        Darwin                              Arnhem



For more information and to download                                                     Alice Springs
a registration form visit:
W ntlearningadventures.com                                                                 Uluru
E education.tourismnt@nt.gov.au
T 08 8951 6415

Uluru Icon made by Freepik. www.flaticon.com is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0
2 | NT Learning Adventures
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
                                                           This booklet has been produced by Tourism NT
NT Learning Adventures                                2    to promote the Northern Territory (NT) as an
                                                           educational tourism destination, in the service of
                                                           the community and on behalf of the educational
Suggested Itineraries                                 4    tourism sector, to encourage school group visitation
                                                           to the region.

Tour & Travel Operators                               12   The material contained in this booklet provides
                                                           general information, for use as a guide only. It is not
                                                           intended to provide advice and should not be relied
Alice Springs Region                                  27   upon as such. You should make further enquires and
                                                           seek independent advice about the appropriateness
     Learning Adventures                              28   of each experience for your particular needs and to
                                                           inform your travel decisions.

     Accommodation                                    36   Climatic conditions and other environmental factors
                                                           in the NT may impact on travel plans and a person’s
                                                           ability to engage in activities. It is your responsibility
     Other local services                             38   to be aware of the conditions at the time and to
                                                           assess the ability of yourself or persons travelling
Uluru & Watarrka Region                               40   with you to participate in an activity in those

     Learning Adventures                              41   Tourism NT makes no representation or warranties
                                                           about the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any
                                                           material contained in this booklet, other than to the
     Other local services                             44   extent that all information was believed to be current
                                                           and accurate at the time of publication.
     Accommodation                                    45
                                                           Tourism NT accepts no responsibility or liability for
                                                           any acts or omissions of promoted tour operators,
Katherine Region                                      46   accommodation providers, activities, attractions, or
                                                           the like in this booklet.

     Learning Adventures                              47   COVID-19
                                                           All NT businesses operate with a COVID-19 Safety
                                                           Plan and patrons are required to abide by that Safety
     Accommodation                                    49   Plan. NT businesses respond to health advice as
                                                           instructed by the Chief Health Officer (CHO). Advice
     Other local services                             50   or directions issued by the CHO may impact service
                                                           procedures, opening hours, maximum capacities and
                                                           other business operations at short notice. The CHO
Kakadu & Arnhem Region                                51   is able to declare COVID-19 Hotspot areas and can
                                                           restrict entry into specified areas of the NT at any
                                                           time, which may impact your travel arrangements.
     Learning Adventures                              52   Tourism NT makes no representations that between
                                                           the time of booking and undertaking your travel, the
     Accommodation                                    55   measures will remain the same or that any activity
                                                           will be permitted to continue.

     Other local services                             57   Tourism NT recommends liaising directly with your
                                                           suppliers or booking agents to further understand
                                                           COVID-19 management on tour. While planning
Darwin Region                                         58   for and during your visit, it is your responsibility
                                                           to remain informed of the NT’s COVID-19 health
     Learning Adventures                              59   response at all times. Current information is available
                                                           at www.coronavirus.nt.gov.au.

     Accommodation                                    66   WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                           viewers are advised this booklet may contain images
                                                           of people who have passed away.
     Other local services                             70

Travel Planners                                       72

Index                                                 76

Cover image
Base Walk around Uluru - Tourism NT/Shaana McNaught

                                                                                 NT Learning Adventures | 1
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
NT Learning Adventures
The Northern Territory – a place of           World Heritage-listed areas and national      department (Tourism NT) has worked with
vast horizons, inspiring landscapes and       parks offer stimulating outdoor activities    tourism businesses, schools, national parks
outstanding natural and cultural assets,      that focus on sustainability, Earth and       and other services to create NT Learning
where educational experiences abound          environmental sciences plus history and       Adventures. A collaboration of tour,
and learning becomes an adventure.            culture. In-depth learning experiences        transport, accommodation, attraction
From the majesty of Uluru to the              beckon in the bustling vibrancy of            and experience providers, NT Learning
detailed rock art in Kakadu, it’s the ideal   modern towns, where Australia’s history       Adventures partners offer specialised
destination to deliver on many learning       and multi-cultural identity embed             services for the education sector.
outcomes of the Australian curriculum.        together. Darwin’s geographical position
                                              also provides a unique spotlight on           Hands-on and active NT Learning
With strong links to key learning areas       Australia’s close links with Asia, past and   Adventures bring the Australian
and endless opportunities to exercise         present.                                      curriculum to life, with inspiring
students’ general capabilities, the NT is                                                   experiences that ignite your students'
uniquely positioned to address the cross-     Bring your students on a fascinating          imaginations.
curriculum priorities of; sustainability,     discovery of ancient geology, follow the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander         pioneering journeys of early explorers        The NT Learning Adventures Save &
histories and culture, as well as Asia and    and unravel the mysticism of Aboriginal       Learn program provides funding to
Australia’s engagement with Asia.             culture. They’ll be captivated with the       interstate schools, making it even easier
                                              intricacies of the natural world and enjoy    to bring your students to this truly
The NT authentically connects students        a rare opportunity for digital detox.         captivating part of Australia. Cover key
to the living culture of Australia’s                                                        learning areas, general capabilities and
Aboriginal people with unrivalled             To make it easier for educators and           cross-curriculum priorities whilst on the
opportunities for cultural immersion,         school excursion organisers to choose         learning adventure of a lifetime - in the
authentic exchange and two-way                the best options for their students, the      Northern Territory.
learning.                                     Northern Territory Government’s tourism

                                                                                                                Sunset from Ubirr,
                                                                                                             Kakadu National Park

2 | NT Learning Adventures
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
This guide provides an A-Z directory        In addition to the NT Learning Adventures
of NT Learning Adventures partners          presented here, the Territory can provide
– connecting you with operators who         further educational opportunities that
are experts in their field and offer        address specific learning requirements.
stimulating, safe learning activities for   Meet with Traditional Owners, ranger or         Cultural immersion
students of all ages.                       natural resource groups, visit aquaculture      programs
                                            facilities, arrange an agricultural or
Committed to working with schools           horticultural experience, explore trade,        While in the NT visit Aboriginal
and excursion organisers to provide         commerce and mining opportunities,              communities and engage
experiences that meet educational           examine our world class medical facilities or   students with an in-depth cultural
needs, they’ll ensure safe, memorable       attend a community festival or major event.     immersion program. Take the
and enjoyable student journeys.                                                             opportunity to participate in
                                                                                            authentic Aboriginal cultural
                                            To connect with other providers that can
                                                                                            experiences by choosing one
The tourism providers that partner with     fulfil your excursion requirements, simply
                                                                                            of the following recommended
NT Learning Adventures understand           contact us for guidance. We're here to          operators:
the needs of teachers and excursion         help! For more information about how
coordinators. They’re ready to help with    to get the most out of your NT Learning         Central Australia
the information you need to confidently     Adventure, or to apply for the Save &
plan your school trip, such as:             Learn rebate, please contact Tourism NT:        •   Iniwati Tours (p.41)
                                                                                            •   Karrke Aboriginal Cultural
•   Risk assessments and emergency          T     08 8951 6415                                  Experience & Tours (p.42)
    action plans                            E     education.tourismnt@nt.gov.au
                                            W     ntlearningadventures.com                  •   Maruku Arts (p.42)
•   Safety and security while on school
    excursions                                                                              •   Red Spaces (p.43)
                                            For general visitor, product or destination
•   Working with Children Checks            information, chat to our friendly locals at     •   Remote Education Tours
                                            the visitor information centres:                    (p.22)
•   Curriculum-based activities focused
    on key learning areas, incorporating    •   Alice Springs Visitor Information           •   SEIT Outback Australia (p.23)
    general capabilities and cross-             Centre                                      •   Standley Chasm Angkerle
    curriculum priorities                       T 08 8952 5800 / 1800 645 199                   Cultural Experience (p.34)
                                                E info@discoverca.com.au
•   Flexible learning adventures to suit                                                    Top End
    students’ needs and capabilities        •   Tennant Creek Visitor Information
                                                                                            •   2-Way Learning (p.13)
•   Opportunities to visit with remote
                                                T 08 8962 1281                              •   Ayal Aboriginal Tours (p. 52)
    Aboriginal communities and engage
                                                E barkly@discoverca.com.au
    in genuine cultural exchange                                                            •   Culture College (p.52)
                                            •   Top End Travel & Information Centre
•   Sustainability programs                                                                 •   Lirrwi Tourism (p.54)
                                                T 1300 138 886 / 08 8980 6000
•   Cultural immersion programs                 E info@tourismtopend.com.au                 •   Overland OZ Educational
•   ‘Giving back’ programs                                                                      Safaris (p.21)
                                            •   Katherine Visitor Information Centre
•   Student and teacher resources (pre          T 1800 653 142                              •   Offroad Dreaming (p.19)
    and post tour)                              E visitor@ktc.nt.gov.au
                                                                                            •   Pudakul Aboriginal Tours
•   Sample itineraries                                                                          (p.63)

•   Assistance with developing sister-                                                      •   Top Didj Cultural Experience &
    school relationships.                                                                       Art Gallery (p.48)

                                                                                                           NT Learning Adventures | 3
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
                             Moline Rockhole,      Standley
                                              Kakadu        Chasm
                                                     National Park.
                                        Tourism NT/Matt Cherubino

4 | NT Learning Adventures
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
Australia                                                                                                   Lighting the Milky Way

7 days
Sustainability and culture
Fly in and out of Alice Springs.

                                                                                           Take a guided walk with the Traditional
  DAY ONE                                       DAY THREE AND FOUR                         Owners at Standley Chasm - Angkerle.
                                                                                           Stay for a ‘Cultural Conversation’ or a
Alice Springs                                 Watarrka NP (Kings Canyon)                   ‘Traditional Art Workshop’.

Be met at the airport by your driver /        Travel towards Watarrka National Park and    Back in town, visit Megafauna Central
guide and travel 10min to Earth Sanctuary     discover bushfoods, bushcraft, traditional   where students unravel the mysteries
World Nature Centre where you’ll camp         weaponry and desert survival on the          of an 8 million year old mass extinction
overnight and learn about ecology,            way with a Karrke Aboriginal Cultural        event, influenced by climatic changes. This
astronomy, sustainability and culture         Experience. Or, arrange an Aboriginal        evening take a Nocturnal Tour at the Alice
in Central Australia. Hands-on activities     Cultural Discovery Session with Remote       Springs Desert Park and meet the many
provide students with an understanding        Education Tours, at Lilla community, with    threatened desert critters who now reside
of sustainability, learning simple ways       a chance to end the day with a game of       in Central Australia and enjoy sanctuary
to reduce their carbon footprint. The         footy with the local community students.     here.
phenomenal southern skies create a
perfect classroom at night for the team to    In the morning hike and explore Watarrka       DAY SEVEN
captivate students with their knowledge       (Kings Canyon), before travelling towards
of the stars and the cosmos.                  Alice Springs and the West MacDonnell
                                              Ranges.                                      Return travel
                                                DAY FIVE AND SIX                           Depart Alice Springs at your leisure with
                                                                                           the culture and landscape of Central
Alice Springs                                                                              Australia captured in students’ minds
                                              Tjoritja - West MacDonnell NP / Alice        forever.
Spend the morning undertaking an              Springs
interactive educational program with
Desert Knowledge Australia. Use the           Explore the Tjoritja - West MacDonnell
afternoon to discover Aboriginal art and      National Park’s stunning gorges, gaps,
artefacts at the Araluen Cultural Precinct,   chasms and waterholes. Visit the ochre
host to a number of attractions including     pits where local Aboriginal people have
the Museum of Central Australia. Stay         sourced ochre for rock art and ceremonies
overnight in Alice Springs.                   for thousands of years.
                                                                                                              NT Learning Adventures | 5
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
Australia                                                                                                        Curtin Springs Station

9 days
Environment, history and culture
Fly or drive into Alice Springs and out of Yulara (Uluru) or easily reverse the trip.

  DAY ONE TO THREE                             Head out to Standley Chasm for lunch             DAY FOUR AND FIVE
                                               and an interpretive walk. Receive an
Alice Springs / Tjoritja–West                  introduction to Arrernte culture with the      Watarrka NP (Kings Canyon)
MacDonnell NP                                  Traditional Owners and participate in a
                                               range of cultural activities.                  Settle in for a scenic drive this morning and
Check in to your accommodation for                                                            travel towards Watarrka National Park
three nights. Start your Central Australian    On the way back to town, stop by               (Kings Canyon). Lunch at Kings Creek
exploration by visiting the largest            Simpsons Gap to find some elusive Black-       Station before doing an afternoon tour
classroom in the world, at the Alice           footed Rock Wallabies. Don’t forget to         with Karrke Aboriginal Cultural Experience.
Springs School of the Air. Understand          visit Rev John Flynn’s Grave too!              Time allowing, explore Kathleen Springs
how flexible learning works in the remote                                                     before relaxing at camp under a million
outback. Afterwards, drive up ANZAC            Spend day three investigating the              stars. Stay at Kings Creek Station or Kings
Hill to see the sunset on the surrounding      importance of this regional centre in          Canyon Resort.
ranges and enjoy sweeping views of the         Australia’s pioneering past, with a visit
town.                                          to the historic Alice Springs Telegraph        Wake early to complete the challenging
                                               Station. At the Royal Flying Doctors           3-4 hour Kings Canyon Rim Walk. Prepare
Tonight, have the team from the Alice          Service Alice Springs Tourist Facility learn   for breathtaking views of ancient
Springs Reptile Centre bring their slithery    how this essential service started and         sandstone domes, striking canyon walls,
friends to your campground, for a live         how they continue to save lives in remote      relic flora and a hidden oasis.
demonstration and information session.         Australia today.
                                                                                              Depart Watarrka after lunch and arrive
This morning visit the Alice Springs Desert    Include visits to the Women’s Museum of        at Curtin Springs Station, for your
Park and either take a self-guided tour        Australia and the National Road Transport      accommodation tonight. This afternoon
or arrange an educational experience to        Hall of Fame to discover other fascinating     explore station life and learn how they
learn about semiarid ecosystems, native        aspects of pioneering history.                 successfully raise cattle in the desert whilst
flora and fauna and Aboriginal survival in                                                    preserving a million acre wildlife corridor.
the desert. The free-flying bird show is not
to be missed.

6 | NT Learning Adventures
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
ANZAC Hill lookout

  Watarrka National Park
  (Kings Canyon)

                                               Walking along Simpsons Gap

A hands-on paper-making workshop using       Drive back to Yulara and enjoy a BBQ lunch
native grasses, a surreal salt lake and      at the Camel Farm. Take an afternoon ride      DAY NINE
magnificent views of Mt Connor make          with Uluru Camel Tours and learn about
Curtin Springs a learning destination not    the important role camels had during         Return travel
to be missed.                                early settlement and exploration. Enjoy
                                             a leisurely evening with an Uluru sunset     Explore the Yulara town square for those
  DAY SIX TO EIGHT                           close to camp.                               last minute souvenirs before you depart
                                                                                          for the airport at your leisure.
                                             Day eight, arrange an exclusive half or
Uluru-Kata Tjuta NP                          full day cultural experience with SEIT
                                             Outback Australia. To compliment a half
Travel one hour to reach Uluru-Kata          day tour, book a dot painting workshop
Tjuta National Park and visit the Cultural   with Maruku Arts where students learn
Centre to learn about Anangu, the            in the company of Anangu, and spend
traditional custodians of the land, and      an evening engaged in an interactive
their Tjukurpa (Aboriginal lore). Join       campfire tour with Iniwati Tours.
Parks Australia for an educational ranger
experience. Take a guided Uluru base walk    The 'Field of Light Uluru' is another
or complete the 10km circuit on bicycles     spectacular way to spend a night in the
hired from Outback Cycling before            Red Centre. The 50,000 mesmerising solar
watching the stunning colours of Uluru       lights are sure to excite your students.
transform as the sun sets on the rock.

Sunrise at Kata Tjuta this morning
means an early start. Take your time to
complete the Valley of the Winds Walk
and be awestruck by the 36 conglomerate
domes. Unravel extraordinary geological
mysteries with your guide.

                                                                                                            NT Learning Adventures | 7
NT Learning Adventures - Northern Territory
Across the
                                                                                                                Exploring Kata Tjuta

12 days
Environment, history and culture
Fly into Darwin and out of Yulara (Uluru) or vice versa. This is easily adjusted to suit a one-way coach drive.

  DAY ONE AND TWO                                DAY THREE AND FOUR                           DAY FIVE

Darwin / Litchfield NP                         Kakadu NP / Katherine                        Nitmiluk NP / Katherine

Fly into Darwin and transfer to your           Depart Darwin and spend the morning          Spend the morning soaking up the ancient
accommodation for the next two nights.         with Pudakul Aboriginal Cultural             culture and geological formations of Nitmiluk
Spend the afternoon touring the town           Tours for an interactive 2hrs of bush        Gorge. Explore by boat, on foot, by canoe
by coach or on foot with Walk Darwin.          tucker descriptions, dilly-bag making,       or with an educational cultural activity with
Visit the Museum and Art Gallery of the        Yidaki (didgeridoo) and clap-stick           Nitmiluk Tours. Depart early afternoon to
Northern Territory for a dedicated school      demonstrations.                              meet Manuel at Top Didj Cultural Experience.
program or the Darwin Military Museum
and Defence of Darwin Experience and           Continue into the World Heritage-listed        DAY SIX AND SEVEN
re-live the Bombing of Darwin Harbour at       Kakadu National Park, stopping at Cahills
Royal Flying Doctor Service Darwin Tourist     Crossing to spot crocs. Take a guided
Facility. The famous Mindil Beach Sunset       walk at Ubirr with Kakadu rangers and        Mataranka / Tennant Creek /
Markets (Thurs or Sun) are a great way to      discover vibrant Aboriginal rock art.        Karlu Karlu–Devils Marbles
sense the multi-cultural heart of the town.    Wonder at the expansive views across the
                                               Nadab floodplain before heading to your      Over the next two days, travel south
Start early and travel south for a pre-        overnight accommodation in Jabiru or         following the journey of one of Australia’s
arranged excursion package at the              Cooinda.                                     most accomplished explorers, John
Territory Wildlife Park. Continue on to                                                     McDouall Stuart. Experience the stunning
spend the remainder of the day touring         Enjoy a morning boat tour with the award-    Mataranka thermal pools and aim to stay
Litchfield National Park. See the incredible   winning Yellow Water Cruises and visit the   at one of the well-equipped caravan parks
Magnetic Termite Mounds, and take              Warradjan Cultural Centre before making      in Tennant Creek.
a walk and a refreshing swim at Buley          your way 2½hrs south to Katherine. This
Rockhole or Florence Falls. Return to          afternoon, drop in to see the entertaining   Plan for an early morning study of the
Darwin for dinner and your overnight           horse and working dog show at Katherine      fascinating geological phenomena at Karlu
accommodation.                                 Outback Experience. Stay in Katherine for    Karlu–Devils Marbles, 100km south of
                                               two nights.                                  Tennant Creek.

8 | NT Learning Adventures
Sunset at Ubirr

  Cultural experience at Pudakul

                                                  Katherine Outback Experience

Complete the final 400km drive to Alice           DAY NINE                                  Enter Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in
Springs, where you’ll stay for the next two                                                 the morning and be mesmerised by the
nights. Drive up ANZAC Hill this evening                                                    enormous domes of Kata Tjuta on the
for stunning views of the town and the          Watarrka NP (Kings Canyon)                  Valley of the Winds Walk. Enjoy a picnic
MacDonnell Ranges.                                                                          lunch and take in every angle of the
                                                Depart Alice today and head towards         magnificent formations from various
  DAY EIGHT                                     Watarrka National Park. If your vehicle     viewing areas. Drive towards Uluru and visit
                                                is suitable for off-road touring, detour    the Cultural Centre for an introduction into
                                                from the highway to visit Rainbow Valley    Tjukurpa and the cultural aspects of Uluru.
Alice Springs                                   or the Henbury Meteorite Craters. This      Arrange for a dot-painting workshop with
                                                afternoon arrange for a Karrke Aboriginal   Maruku Arts or an educational ranger talk
Spend the day exploring Alice Springs and       Cultural Experience or a 4hr cultural       before finding a prime position to watch
its surrounds. With a myriad of educational     engagement with Remote Tours at Lilla       the setting sun intensify the colours of the
attractions to choose from, it’s easy to        Aboriginal community. Stay one night        enormous monolith.
create a suite of activities to keep students   nearby.
engaged in key learning areas throughout                                                    Rise early and break camp for a sunrise over
the day. Visit the Alice Springs Desert           DAY TEN TO TWELVE                         Uluru or jump on a camel with Uluru Camel
Park, School of the Air, Royal Flying Doctor                                                Tours. Take your time exploring the base
Service, Women’s Museum of Australia,                                                       walk with a guided tour, or hire bicycles
the Alice Springs Telegraph Station or          Watarrka NP (Kings Canyon) / Curtin         with Outback Cycling. Meet your return
the Reptile Centre. Alternatively, a short      Springs Station / Uluru-Kata Tjuta NP       flight at the airport and leave with the
drive to the east or west of town rewards                                                   wonders of the NT vivid in student’s minds.
with impressive gaps, chasms, remote            Up early this morning, enjoy the
waterholes and other ancient features of        spectacular 3-4hr Kings Canyon rim walk.
the MacDonnell Ranges.                          Visit Curtin Springs Station and take-in
                                                the views of Mt Conner enroute to Yulara,
                                                where you’ll stay for two nights.

                                                                                                               NT Learning Adventures | 9
Top End /
7-9 days
Culture, environment, outdoor education & history
Fly in and out of Darwin.

                                                Education Centre and arrange a catered       This afternoon visit Top Didj Cultural
  DAY ONE                                       program of activities.                       Experience and Art Gallery or arrange
                                                                                             an evening at Marksie’s Stockman’s
Darwin                                          Make the wonderful features of               Camp Tucker.
                                                Litchfield National Park the focus on Day
Arrive in Darwin, settle in to your             3. Study the Magnetic Termite Mounds,
accommodation and spend the remainder           marvel at waterfalls and enjoy pristine        DAY FIVE AND SIX
of the day exploring the town. Get your         swimming holes.
bearings by coach or with a local guide on                                                   Kakadu NP / Mary River Region
a Walk Darwin tour.                             Continue south to Katherine, where
                                                you’ll stay for the next two nights. This    Take an early drive north towards Kakadu
  DAY TWO AND THREE                             afternoon join the highly engaging horse     National Park with an optional hike and
                                                and working dog show with Katherine          swim at Leliyn / Edith Falls. Enter the park
                                                Outback Experience.                          and visit the Warradjan Aboriginal Cultural
Outdoor education / Litchfield NP/                                                           Centre where students can engage in
Katherine                                       habitats.
                                                  DAY FOUR                                   experiences such as weaving lessons and
                                                                                             art tutorials, with local Aboriginal people.
Depart Darwin & visit the Territory Wildlife
Park, delving into an educational program       Katherine / Nitmiluk NP                      This afternoon arrange a guided tour of
with their team of experts. Alternatively,                                                   the outstanding rock art protected by
arrange a tailored group experience             Explore Nitmiluk National Park and its       ancient shelters at Nourlangie. Visit nearby
at Crocodylus Park with live-handling           ancient gorge at your leisure. Choose a      Anbangbang Billabong and Nawurlandja
sessions, croc-feeding tours or an eco-cruise   guided bush walk with a local park ranger,   lookout for amazing views of the site.
introducing a range of Top End habitats.        paddle a canoe in the Katherine River or     Choose a tropical camp in Cooinda or
                                                cruise the gorge on a boat tour. Nitmiluk    Jabiru for the night.
Spend the afternoon learning about              Tours provides award-winning, informative
sustainability whilst developing bush and       cultural programs that provide a deeper      In the morning, do some croc spotting at
survival skills with a wilderness education     understanding of the area's unique           Cahills Crossing before marvelling at the
workshop, delivered by Sticks and Stones        cultural aspects.                            Aboriginal rock art sites at Ubirr. Take in
Adventures. Or, stay at Batchelor Outdoor                                                    the captivating views across the Nadab

10 | NT Learning Adventures
Exploring on the water in Nitmiluk Gorge

floodplains. After lunch join the             Continue north to join a two hour hands-          waters of Darwin Harbour. A range of
Guluyambi Cultural Cruise (smaller groups     on interactive experience with Pudakul            quality operators deliver specialised
only) for insights into local culture,        Aboriginal Cultural Tours.                        educational content during these nautical
mythologies and bush survival or, visit the                                                     experiences.
Bowali Visitor Centre.                        Groups travelling home today can return to
                                              Darwin at any time to meet departing flights.     Continue environmental studies at
Travel west stopping at the Mamukala          Alternatively continue your Top End               Crocosaurus Cove or tailor a program
wetlands, one of Kakadu’s best bird           learning adventure in Darwin for the next         to address specific learning areas at the
watching spots. Finish with a leisurely       two nights.                                       Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern
afternoon at camp and allow students                                                            Territory.
time to reflect on their learnings so far.
Arrange a ‘Welcome to Country’ with the         DAY EIGHT AND NINE                              Before taking the resounding beauty of
Uwynmil Traditional Owners and explore                                                          the Top End home, spend an evening at
the property at Mary River Wilderness         Darwin military history, culture &                the vibrant Mindil Beach Sunset Markets
Retreat. Basecamp Wallaroo also               environments                                      (Thu and Sun nights), catch a movie at
boasts incredible natural surroundings                                                          Darwin’s Deckchair Cinema or check out a
and outdoor education activities with         Spend the next day/s immersed in the              community event or festival.
Adventure Bound.                              fascinating culture and history of Darwin
                                              that has influenced modern-day Australia.
  DAY SEVEN                                   A range of museums and educational
                                              attractions present significant historical
                                              events. Visit the Royal Flying Doctor
Corroboree Billabong / Pudakul                Service Darwin Tourist Facility, Darwin
Aboriginal Cultural Tour                      Aviation Museum and the Darwin Military
                                              Museum & Defence of Darwin Experience.
A short drive this morning and you’ll
discover the regions fascinating flora and    Gain a different perspective on the
fauna on-board a Corroboree Billabong         Bombing of Darwin, local Aboriginal
Wetland Cruise followed by a visit to the     culture, marine science and eco-systems
Window on the Wetlands Visitor Centre.        whilst cruising or sailing on the stunning

                                                                                                                  NT Learning Adventures | 11
Tour & travel
                              East Arnhem Land

12 | NT Learning Adventures
2 Way Learning
‘2 Way Learning’ connects students            •   learn alongside community students         orientation, introduction to the language
from different cultures and backgrounds           in the classroom and through co-           of contact, a shared reading program,
to learn with and from each other. It             curricular activities                      journaling and Aboriginal pedagogy.
was formed in 2016 by Craig Davies, an        •   learn from community students in
experienced educator, administrator and           their local environment                    Programs are fully inclusive of:
international sportsman. The programs         •   develop an understanding of                •   On ground transport between
are predicated on experiential learning           Aboriginal culture and the issues              Katherine and Darwin
aiming to build knowledge and foster              that face communities, particularly        •   Accommodation - single room
authentic and respectful relationships,           regarding education                            group residence in community
enabling individuals to navigate culturally   •   be exposed to and learn about the              accommodation within local schools.
diverse communities. This includes walking        geology, geography, flora and fauna
with, understanding and learning from             of the region                              Working with Children Checks, wilderness
Australia’s Aboriginal people.                •   learn about the impact of colonisation     first aid, tour operator permits and
                                                  and current opportunities.                 emergency response plans can all be
‘2 Way Learning’ encompasses three                                                           provided.
different programs – Outbound                 The Reverse Immersion program enables
Immersion, Reverse Immersion and              community students to experience               Risk assessments available on request.
Global Connection. All are inextricably       relocation into the home community of          Capacity: Enquire directly
linked to Indigenous education, focused       the city and rural students. This reciprocal   Regions: Katherine region
on providing learning opportunities for       process builds on relationships developed
Aboriginal students whilst developing         during the Outbound Immersion program.         T   0427 744 295
respectful and cultural understandings of                                                    E   cdavies@2waylearning.com
visiting students.                            All programs are designed in collaboration     W   2waylearning.com
                                              between ‘2 Way Learning’, the visiting
The Outbound Immersion program                school and community schools.
relocates city and rural students into the
Katherine region. During the designed         Between 8-12 hours preparation is
programs, students are provided with          required by students. The preliminary
opportunities to:                             program focuses on cross-cultural

                                                                                                              NT Learning Adventures | 13
Image provided by AAT Kings

AAT Kings
Since 1912, AAT Kings has been helping        entire sports team, AAT Kings leads you         Luggage trailers are on select vehicles
people from all over the world discover       through the booking process for a plesant       and wheelchair facilities available upon
and explore Australia and New Zealand         hassle-free experience.                         request.
from top to bottom. Providing simple
transfers and day excursions through to       The AAT Kings philosophy is that it’s as        With depots located in Sydney,
extended, accommodated multi-state            much about enjoying the journey, as the         Melbourne, Cairns, Uluru, Alice Springs
touring programs.                             places you visit. A commitment to quality       and Darwin, multi-state touring programs
                                              and service is visible in every aspect of the   are easy to facilitate.
AAT Kings have a wealth of experience         tours, including a fleet of modern luxury
working with school, special interest and     coaches.                                        Risk assessment available on request.
alumni group travel. A dedicated groups                                                       Capacity: 100+ passengers
and charters team work with planners          AAT Kings provides Australia’s finest fleet     Regions: All of NT and Australia
and group leaders to create bespoke           of luxury coaches, superbly engineered
trips that meet educational and logistical    and equipped with the latest technology         T    1300 303 337
requirements.                                 and features to ensure you travel in safety     E    charters@aatkings.com.au
                                              and comfort.                                    W    aatkings.com
The team are warm, friendly, engaged
and have a genuine passion for providing      The coaches are maintained in peak
outstanding guest service. Along with         condition by expert engineers in their own
offering great value for money with all the   workshops. Quality control and safety
must-see sights, hidden gems, exclusive       is assured by a sophisticated computer
dining experiences and cultural highlights    maintenance system.
included, AAT Kings have flexible
programs to suit your needs.                  The fleet comprises of various sized
                                              vehicles, including 50 and 58 seat luxury
Whether organising a small group tour for     coaches, 21, 29 and 32 seat mini coaches
select students or a holiday fit for an       and 16 seat 4WD vehicles.

14 | NT Learning Adventures
Image provided by Across Australia Travel

Across Australia Travel
Across Australia Travel specialise in            climate controlled, luxury touring coach       first class service and excellent standards
educational excursions offering a wide           with standard safety measures and latest       provided.
range of activities throughout the               inclusions such as leather seats, PA system
Northern Territory. All itineraries can be       and DVD player. The professional crew          Risk assessments available on request.
tailored to suit the school’s curriculum and     are trained to the highest standards, have     Capacity: 120+ passengers
your requirements.                               WWC and food handling certification and        Regions: All of NT
                                                 Uluru-Kata Tjuta and / or Kakadu National
Across Australia Travel is a fully licensed      Park accreditations.                           T    03 9370 1499 (VIC)
Travel Agent and a member of AFTA                                                                    02 8580 4479 (NSW)
(Australian Federation of Travel Agents).        Camping equipment including special            E    wtstours@bigpond.com
Owner Ian Wheeler’s 50 years industry            pyramid tents and mattresses are               W    acrossaustraliatravel.com.au
experience enables Across Australia              supplied. Students are required to bring
Travel to prepare, create and deliver your       their own sleeping bag, pillow, luggage
excursion to the highest level.                  and basic cutlery / crockery.

Excursions are fully inclusive from              Include an exclusive opportunity to work
‘door to door’, including all sightseeing,       with an Aboriginal community, in Watarrka
accommodation, meals and transport -             National Park, into your Central Australian
there are no hidden extras. Schools are          itinerary. Known as ‘Project Karrke’,
supplied with a customised four page             students get a rewarding and insightful
colour promotional brochure comprising           experience supporting an Aboriginal
of a detailed itinerary. This is a great tool    community, whilst meeting the learning
for communicating with students and              outcomes of the Australian curriculum.
families.                                        Karrke also offer an award-winning one
                                                 hour cultural tour (see page 42).
Sub-contracted coach companies offer
only the highest standard of coaches             Take the time to review the website and
available, so you'll always travel in a 5 star   read the online testimonials that verify the

                                                                                                                  NT Learning Adventures | 15
Image provided by Educational Tours & Safaris

Educational Tours & Safaris
Educational Tours & Safaris (EDTS), is a          amazing cooks and the best food on tour.
100% Australian owned and operated                Packages include camping and entry
company specialising in educational               fees and friendly knowledgeable coach
tours for school groups to the Northern           captains.
                                                  Itineraries are customised to suit your
Lisa Anderson, a veteran of the                   educational needs, year levels, budget and
educational touring market, has teamed            group size, as well as adding in the “fun”
up with the owners of Nuline Charter and          factor! Sample itineraries can be found on
Bayside Coaches to create EDTS. With              the website.
over 60 years of combined operational &
touring experience in school group travel         EDTS provide one-on-one service from
around Australia, your school will get the        quoting to departure, collaborating
best in customer service, coach and travel        towards educational content that goes
options, along with tailored tours with           beyond the classroom. You’ll be assured of
educational outcomes.                             superior safety and service.

Offering tours that range from 8 to 17            Risk assessments available on request.
days, which take in all the sights of Uluru       Capacity: Any size dependent on
& Kata Tjuta, Alice Springs and Watarrka          availability of accommodation.
as well as Nitmiluk, Kakadu, Litchfield and       Regions: All of NT
                                                  T   03 9088 2039 / 0409 385 083
All tours are fully inclusive of 5-star safety,   E   lisa@edts.com.au
service and comfort in modern coaches             W   edts.com.au
fully compliant with risk and fatigue
management. All equipment is supplied
including tents, sleeping mattresses,

16 | NT Learning Adventures
Image provided by Ethical Adventures

Ethical Adventures
Specialising in small group, bespoke           groups can also be managed by splitting       permits and Kakadu guide accreditation,
touring, Ethical Adventures is passionate      vehicles and staggering students across       Robert has a Bachelor of Engineering
about providing high value, educational        locations to maintain personalised service    (natural resources), Master of Science
experiences. From Darwin to Litchfield,        and avoid over-crowding.                      (resource science) and has completed a
Kakadu, Katherine and beyond, students                                                       Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
and teachers enjoy a relaxed, safe,            Comprehensive logistical support and          (not current). All staff are rigorously
friendly educational touring environment       quality step-on guide services, delivering    trained and hold current Working with
delivered by qualified, local professionals.   specific educational modules, are available   Children Checks and first aid certifications.
                                               to groups who supply their own transport.
Students are immersed in the local scene                                                     Risk assessments available upon request.
be it natural, cultural or social. A range     Ethical Adventures also delivers an           Capacity: Up to 18 (more upon request and
of learning areas can be covered such as       exclusive bushcraft and survival training     subject to availability)
history (pre and post contact), Earth and      program, ‘Sticks and Stones Adventures’       Regions: Top End & Katherine
environmental sciences, and current issues     (see page 64). These are offered as stand-
(political and environmental). Students        alone modules or can be incorporated into     T    0488 442 269
develop a range of general capabilities        an Ethical Adventures multi- day school       E    office@ethicaladventures.com.au
whilst exploring sensational Top End           excursion itinerary. Taken together, the      W    ethicaladventures.com.au
locations where the cross-curriculum           Ethical Adventures touring and bush-skills
priorities, of sustainability and Aboriginal   workshops provide a comprehensive
histories and culture, are easily addressed.   educational, experiential and challenging
Ethical Adventures will work with you          package suitable for all ages.
to create an itinerary that reflects your
desired learning outcomes.                     Programs and itineraries are individually
                                               tailored to suit each groups’ educational
Committed to true natural immersions,          requirements. Full oversight and
maintaining smaller groups ensures a           leadership of the programs is undertaken
more connected, in-depth experience.           directly by the owner, Robert Woods.
With flexible touring options, larger          Along with essential NT tour operator

                                                                                                                NT Learning Adventures | 17
G.E.T Educational Tours
Established in 1960, G.E.T Educational       •   Natural Wonders of the Outback (9 days)   provide information to operators on your
Tours (G.E.T.) is Australia’s most           •   Outback to the Future (7 days)            behalf. You’ll be fully supported with a
experienced educational tour provider.                                                     dedicated 24-hour emergency line to
Enjoy a full range of services, from         G.E.T send over 12,000 students on            senior management, whilst on excursion.
assisting and advising with planning         excursions every year, including 25+
itineraries, competitive quotes,             groups to the Northern Territory. With        Explore a range of suggested Northern
administrative support, booking activities   the knowledge and experience to design,       Territory programs online and contact
and accommodation, and excursion             book and deliver curriculum specific          G.E.T to book your next tour.
facilitation and delivery.                   itineraries, you’ll benefit from long-
                                             standing relationships with professional      Risk assessments available on request.
Experience professional care and             coach companies, accommodation and            Capacity: 100+ passengers
expertise with a dedicated team that are     experience providers to ensure enjoyable      Regions: All of NT
passionate about educational travel to the   and enriching trips for both students and
Northern Territory.                          teachers.                                     T   1300 660 825
                                                                                           E   contact@getours.com.au
The following itinerary suggestions can be   Understanding the work involved to            W   getours.com.au
found online and can be easily adapted to    organise a school tour, G.E.T supports
your budget, timeframes, curriculum focus    teachers and group leaders every step
and objectives. Students will develop        of the way. They provide advice on
their independence, build team skills and    risk assessments, example itineraries,
learn about native wildlife and Aboriginal   budgeting and much more.
culture, whilst exploring vast desert and
tropical landscapes.                         G.E.T can conduct information evenings
                                             for metropolitan area schools in Sydney,
•    Splendors of the Outback and Top        Melbourne and Brisbane and assist
     End (12 days)                           with airport departures. G.E.T. take risk
•    Central Australia and Indigenous        management seriously when planning
     Community Stay (7 days)                 your tour. Where possible, G.E.T. will

18 | NT Learning Adventures
Offroad Dreaming
Offroad Dreaming is a local, family owned     Offroad Dreaming has a variety of vehicles     experiences that require teamwork.
and operated business that has grown          including a 4WD 7-seat Land Cruiser, 11-       Subjects like history, culture, geography,
steadily since opening in 2011. They began    seat commuter and 20-seat coasters. A          arts and the environmental sciences are
taking educational groups in the first year   4WD 15-seat, 4WD 35-seat or 48-seat coach      incorporated throughout the touring
and many continue to travel with them         can also be arranged if required. All meals,   activities such as canoeing, swimming,
today. Offroad Dreaming’s reputation          snacks and drinking water can be provided,     bushwalking and camping.
has since reached education providers         or catering can be arranged as needed.
throughout Australia and internationally.                                                    Offroad Dreaming’s philosophy is
                                              Offroad Dreaming organises excursions          to operate a sustainable business
Primary schools, secondary schools,           to your preferred level of accommodation       that includes caring for the natural
colleges and university groups have           and budget. Groups may stay in hotels, use     environment.
experienced touring with Offroad              permanent or remote campsites, or enjoy
Dreaming. Working with local schools,         school and community arrangements.             Risk assessment available on request.
businesses, Aboriginal communities                                                           Capacity: 1 – 48 passengers
and activity providers, their qualified,      A range of camping equipment such              Regions: All of NT (specialising in the Top
knowledgeable and professional guides         as swags, tents and sleeping bags are          End)
deliver interactive and educational tours     available. Choose to travel with a portable
across the Top End.                           camp kitchen, make use of campfire zones       T    08 8931 2021
                                              or utilise permanent kitchens throughout.      E    reservations@offroaddreaming.com.au
Offroad Dreaming offers a full range                                                         W    offroaddreaming.com.au
of services,from developing itineraries,      Guides are first aid certified with Kakadu
booking activities and accommodation,         knowledge accreditation and have
to delivery of the excursion. They develop    extensive experience or qualifications of
relevant and bespoke itineraries that meet    their own, adding special interest (e.g.
required curriculum outcomes. The duration,   botanical, archaeological) to the excursion.
budget, group size, accommodation and
location preferences can all be tailored to   Students develop decision-making skills
suit group requirements.                      and gain knowledge through shared

                                                                                                                NT Learning Adventures | 19
Image provided by Outback Tour Services

Outback Tour Services
Outback Tour Services is an award-winning    A learning adventure with Outback Tour        •   Fly in and fly out experiences with all
educational tour provider, specialising in   Services / Adventure Tours Australia              on-ground requirements handled
Northern Territory and Australian outback    offers:                                       •   Range of accommodation options
experiences. Offering fully customisable     •    Owned camp infrastructure, including         available including; 1 star (swags),
tours, students are provided with unique          permanent tents and screened eating          2.5 star (permanent tents with
opportunities to immerse themselves in            areas in both the Red Centre & Top           beds / linen) and 3-5 star (hotel
the environment and culture, providing            End                                          accommodation).
unforgettable learning experiences.          •    Fully catered, accommodated and
                                                  guided tours for groups of 100+          Risk assessments available upon request.
With its sister brand, Adventure Tours            students (depending on the region)       Capacity: 6 to 100+ (limited capacity for
Australia, the business has operated         •    78 x vehicle-strong fleet from 6 to 46   Kakadu touring)
for over 27 years. It has an industry-            seaters in both 2WD and 4WD trucks       Regions: All of NT
leading in- house guide training program     •    Customisable itineraries to suit group
which has been delivered for the past             needs, learning requirements and trip    T   08 8950 9900
16 years. This program ensures that               duration                                 E   reservations@outbacktourservices.com.au
all guides implement safety protocols,       •    Accredited 3-4 month in-house            W   outbacktourservices.com.au
have thorough destination- based                  trained tour guides with national park
information, flora and fauna knowledge            accreditations, Working with Children
and understand the sensitivities regarding        Checks and first aid trained
cultural information.                        •    Integration of Aboriginal experiences
                                                  into tailored itineraries with ten
Outback Tour Services is committed to             established Aboriginal owned
creating safe, organised itineraries that         businesses within their programs
include a range of innovative educational         across the NT
activities. Experts in logistics and on-     •    Wheelchair enabled vehicles, off-road
ground management, the customised                 wheelchairs, and ramp accessible
school programs are stress-free and highly        private and permanently erected
rewarding experiences for students and            tents

20 | NT Learning Adventures
Image provided by Overland Oz Educational Safaris

Overland Oz Educational Safaris
Overland Oz Educational Safaris operates      local culture. This approach reduces the     T   0475 595 470
in the Top End of the Northern Territory      impact on an area at one time, protects      E   ringer@overlandoz.com.au
creating educational programs for schools     the environment, assists with safer group    W   overlandoz.com.au
touring in Kakadu, Litchfield and Arnhem      management, enhances the learning
Land. The sheer rugged beauty of the Top      experience and increases the possibility
End, one of the most beautiful places on      of wildlife viewing. The learning outcomes
Earth, needs to be seen to be understood.     are brilliant and the beautiful places
                                              visited don’t get ruined for others!
With over 22 years’ experience Overland
Oz delivers learning outcomes that help       Another major part of Overland Oz’s
to bridge the gap between non-Aboriginal      endeavours is to provide community
and Aboriginal communities. Locally           service projects for students to get
owned and operated, Overland Oz is            involved with on Aboriginal lands. Many
immensely proud to offer school groups        schools choose to fundraise to help with
the opportunity to engage in a truly life     the projects. Local jobs are created for
changing experience.                          community members on their own land,
                                              which is extremely important for local
Tours can be tailor-made to the               Aboriginal people. This type of touring
specifications of your students’ curriculum   experience is not for everyone, however
requirements. Travelling with Overland        for those that are willing to commit and
Oz gives the benefits of a small group        give back in a meaningful way - it becomes
experience. Larger groups are divided into    a life changing challenge.
smaller vehicles to tackle the particular
activities throughout the day, and re-join    Risk assessments available upon request.
in the evenings as one group to talk          Capacity: Up to 60
about the outcomes and learnings. This        Regions: All of NT
allows students more time to learn from
their guide and provides the opportunity
to immerse themselves deeper in the

                                                                                                          NT Learning Adventures | 21
Image provided by Remote Education Tours

Remote Education Tours
“An experience hard to replicate” Student,    guides and utilise purpose built campsites    RET programs are a profoundly important
Cranbrook School, NSW.                        that are comfortable and safe, whilst still   resource for young developing minds and
                                              allowing for an authentic adventurous         an equally useful tool for teachers wanting
Remote Education Tours (RET) is a leader      outback experience. Tour activities take      to acquire the skills and confidence to
in Northern Territory education tourism,      students back through time following          teach the ever-emerging importance of
specialising in cultural immersion tours.     ancient trail footsteps to learn the story    Australia’s history and Aboriginal culture.
Focusing on bridging the gap between          of Aboriginal ancestry and country, the
past and present cultures, RET has            history of Alice Springs and early European   All documentation available upon request,
pioneered the delivery of immersive           explorers, and the unique flora and fauna     including; Working with Children Checks,
cultural experiences that have enriched       of the region.                                first aid certificates, insurance certificates
the lives of thousands of students from all                                                 of currency and references.
over Australia.                               Providing further context are other guide
                                              led activities such as commentary hikes       Risk assessment available on request.
For 30 years RET founder, Reg Ramsden,        through World Heritage National Park          Capacity: 12 – 80 passengers
has nurtured RET in parallel with his         gorges, canyons and mountain ranges,          Regions: Central Australia and beyond
philanthropic venture ‘The Watarrka           connecting with local characters, and
Foundation’ and has developed an              participating in their customs such as        E    reg@remotetours.com.au
experience that encapsulates many of          smoking into country, just to name a few.     W    remotetours.com.au
the school’s curriculum components.
Trips can be tailored to link student needs   For groups travelling through the area on
with specific learning outcomes whilst        their own itineraries RET, in collaboration
also developing other life skills that        with local Traditional Owners, can provide
extend beyond the classroom such as           a separate 4-hour cultural discovery tour
mindfulness, wellbeing, curiosity, social     (see page 44) at the Lilla Community
skills and cultural sensitivity.              educational campsite, about 10km from
                                              Kings Canyon.
RET offers new 5, 8 and 10 day programs
that are led by experienced, qualified tour

22 | NT Learning Adventures
SEIT Outback Australia
SEIT Outback Australia provides                  used to teach in Aboriginal culture        Centre region. Tailor made touring and
curriculum-based, cultural immersion         •   Discover a new form of education,          catering is available on request.
experiential learning programs in the            teaching and learning with Aboriginal
Red Centre aimed at inspiring students           school friends                             Risk assessment available on request.
and providing life skills for future         •   Collect and eat bush foods                 Capacity: 25 passengers
development.                                 •   Hear about the geology, flora and          Regions: Central Australia
                                                 fauna of the region
SEIT Outback Australia has been              •   Sleep under the stars in remote            T   08 8956 3156
coordinating school programs for more            Australia                                  E   charters@seitoutbackaustralia.com.au
than fifteen years and has constructed       •   Sit around the campfire with your          W   seitoutbackaustralia.com.au
flexible itineraries comprised of a number       Anangu hosts to share life stories.
of easily interchangeable components
designed to fit with your school’s           Join an Aboriginal cultural immersion
requirements.                                program that will connect students with
                                             country, culture and the environment.
SEIT Outback Australia in partnership with   Whether it’s a five, seven or nine day
the Anangu custodians of the Aboriginal      camping experience, your students will
Lands invite students to participate in      enjoy the journey and take with them a
a rare and empowering opportunity to         greater understanding of all that is Central
immerse themselves in a culture older        Australia.
than time to experience and understand
traditional Aboriginal people.               If you are looking for one day or half day
                                             cultural experiences look no further than
On your journey:                             our SEIT Cave Hill, SEIT Patji tours or our
•   Visit the heritage listed Uluru-Kata     guided walks around the base of Uluru.
    Tjuta National Park
•   Learn about Tjukurpa - the creation      SEIT Outback Australia can provide all
    stories and lore of Aboriginal culture   camping equipment and offers exclusive
•   Experience how song and dance are        and private camping sites across the Red

                                                                                                             NT Learning Adventures | 23
Territory Expeditions
Territory Expeditions is a locally owned        Territory Expeditions are experienced         T   0428 963 980
and operated tour company encompassing          in delivering educational tours for           E   info@territoryexpeditions.com.au
the whole of the NT. Based in Humpty            universities and school groups. Whether       W   territoryexpeditions.com.au
Doo the primary regions of focus are in         you just want to get off the beaten track,
the world heritage listed Kakadu National       hike and swim in breathtaking waterfalls
Park, Arnhem Land, Nitmiluk and Litchfield      and plunge pools, or focus on specific
National Parks. However, adventures             learning areas such as geography, geology,
down the Stuart Highway to Alice Springs,       Aboriginal studies, biodiversity or even
the Tjoritja / West MacDonnell National         botany, geomorphology or zoology, they
Park and Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park         deliver it all.
are also possible.
                                                All tour guides are highly experienced,
Specialising in informative, guided road        have exceptional knowledge about the NT
journeys including cultural, natural and        and the Aboriginal custodians of the land,
historical aspects of each area, they           hold national park guide accreditations,
provide a dose of adventure and lots of         senior first aid and CPR qualifications and
fun. The best locations in the Top End          Working with Children Checks.
of the NT are remote and present some
access challenges. Utilising purpose            Let Territory Expeditions customise an
built 4WD trucks Territory Expeditions          itinerary to suit your group needs, length
traverses the ruggedness of these               and style of tour, learning outcomes and
beautiful, hard to reach areas, away            accommodation preferences and enjoy
from the crowds, in comfort and safety.         an enriching and memorable experience
Delivering tours in the Top End for over 20     for all.
years, Territory Expeditions has developed
wonderful relationships with Traditional        Risk assessments available upon request.
Owners in areas such as Kakadu, Arnhem          Capacity: 6 to 120
Land and surrounds allowing access to           Regions: All of NT and North WA
areas not always available to other visitors.

24 | NT Learning Adventures
Wayoutback Australian Safaris
Wayoutback Australian Safaris have been        The style of tour can be adapted to           T   1300 551 510
operating for 20 years providing authentic     your needs, catering for groups of up to      E   admin@walkingcountry.com.au
small group adventures exploring the           approximately 80 students / teachers. The     W   wayoutback.com.au
remote Red Centre of the Northern              fleet allows for flexibility with vehicles
Territory in addition to the lush tropical     ranging from 6 to 27 seats in 4WD and
waterfalls and wetlands of Kakadu,             2WD capacities.
Litchfield and Nitmiluk National Parks in
the Top End.                                   Wayoutback has private campsites
                                               located in some of the best camping
Emphasis is placed on employing and            areas and national parks throughout the
training guides that are, or become,           NT. Programs range from camping in
the best in the business. Staff have           permanent tents, staying in dormitory or
remote first aid training, Working with        lodge accommodation, through to remote
Children Checks, and accreditation in          basic camping.
the national parks in which they operate.
Wayoutback are an Advanced Eco Tourism         All camping equipment including tents,
business, accredited in ROC (Respecting        sleeping provisions, cooking facilities and
Our Culture) and is a Quality Tourism          amenities are provided.
Accredited Business.
                                               Wayoutback is a locally owned and
Wayoutback has been successfully working       operated tourism business. Being locals
with school groups for many years to bring     has enabled them to develop great
classrooms to the outdoors. Offering           relationships with Aboriginal communities,
a range of tours from 1 day to 11 day          outback cattle stations and other NT edu-
itineraries, private charters can be tailor-   tourism providers.
made to your requirements, incorporating;
STEAM, history, geography, Aboriginal          Risk assessment available on request.
history and culture, sustainability and        Capacity: 6 - 80 passengers
much more.                                     Regions: All of NT

                                                                                                            NT Learning Adventures | 25
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