Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School

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Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School


Victorian Universities

MARCH 2021

Weekly Career News CCW
Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School
This document has been developed to assist domestic students and their families in researching
selected nursing and midwifery university courses in Victoria.

Please note that in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, some universities are working on alternative
admissions schemes for the 2022 intake that consider the potential impact of education disruption on
the ATAR. Please use entry requirements and indicative ATARs listed in this document as a guide only
and check university websites for updates.

             Indicative ATAR = the lowest selection rank (ATAR plus adjustment factors such as
             academic and equity adjustments) for the 2021 January intake. Please use indicative
             ATARs as a guide as they may change for future intakes.

             English prerequisite: EAL = English as an Additional Language. ‘Any other English’
             includes English, English Language and Literature. Nursing and midwifery applicants will
             need to meet minimum English language requirements,

             Additional selection requirements – applicants may need a current Working with
             Children Check, National Police Check, up to date immunisations, First Aid etc.

             Undergraduate: this is usually your first course at university. For example - Bachelor

             Graduate: this is study you do once you have graduated from a Bachelor degree. For
             example – Honours, Graduate Diploma, Master.

 Disclaimer: universities featured in this guide reserve the right to change course information,
 admissions and entry requirements at any time and without notice. For up to date information, check
 the university websites when assessing course information.

 Written by Sandie McKoy, March 2021
 Catholic College Wodonga,

 Note: Monash University has requested to not be included in this brochure.
Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School
Course summary
Indicative ATAR = the lowest selection rank (ATAR plus adjustment factors such as academic and equity adjustments) for the 2021 January intake.
Please use indicative ATARs as a guide as they may change for future intakes.

 University                         Course                                                 Campus                        Indicative ATAR
 Charles Sturt University           Bachelor of Nursing                                    Albury-Wodonga                65.00

 Australian Catholic University     Bachelor of Nursing                                    Melbourne                     82.80
                                                                                           Ballarat                      62.50

                                    Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Business             Melbourne                     65.30

 Swinburne Hawthorn                 Bachelor of Nursing                                    Hawthorn, Wantirna            65.20

 RMIT University                    Bachelor of Nursing                                    Bundoora                      69.05
 Deakin University                  Bachelor of Nursing                                    Melbourne Burwood             72.10
                                                                                           Geelong Waterfront            62.35
                                                                                           Warrnambool                   50.65

                                    Bachelor of Nursing (Clinical Leadership)              Melbourne Burwood             81.50

                                    Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Psychological        Melbourne Burwood             77.60
                                    Science                                                Geelong Waterfront            77.45
                                                                                           Warrnambool                   Not Published

                                    Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Public Health &      Melbourne Burwood             76.35
                                    Health Promotion

 La Trobe University                Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration)                 Albury-Wodonga                55.15
                                                                                           Bendigo                       58.05
                                                                                           Melbourne                     70.65
                                                                                           Shepparton                    58.60
                                                                                           Mildura                       56.05

                                    Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Psychological        Melbourne                     72.45

 Victoria University                Bachelor of Nursing                                    St Albans                     48.65 (not including
                                                                                                                         adjustment factors)

 Federation University              Bachelor of Nursing (General Entry)                    Ballarat – Mt Helen           51.00
                                                                                           Berwick                       50.10
                                                                                           Gippsland                     58.80

                                    Bachelor of Nursing (Flexible Entry)                   Ballarat – Mt Helen           58.55
                                                                                           Berwick                       57.95
                                                                                           Gippsland                     65.55
                                                                                           East Gippsland                Not Published

 University of Melbourne            Master of Nursing                                      Parkville                     Graduate entry

 Holmesglen Institute               Bachelor of Nursing                                    Moorabbin                     50.00

 Torrens University                 Bachelor of Nursing                                    Melbourne                     Not Published
Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School

Indicative ATAR = the lowest selection rank (ATAR plus adjustment factors such as academic and equity adjustments) for the 2021 January intake.
Please use indicative ATARs as a guide as they may change for future intakes.

 University                         Course                                                 Campus                        Indicative ATAR
 La Trobe University                Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Midwifery            Melbourne                     86.70
                                                                                           Bendigo                       86.20

 Deakin University                  Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Midwifery            Melbourne                     92.65
                                                                                           Geelong Waterfront            88.50
                                                                                           Warrnambool                   78.60

 Australian Catholic University     Bachelor of Midwifery                                  Melbourne                     Not Published

 Victoria University                Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Midwifery            St Albans                     80.05

 Federation University              Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Midwifery (subject   Gippsland – Chisholm          New course
                                    to accreditation)
                                    Graduate Diploma of Midwifery                          Ballarat – Mt Helen           Graduate entry
                                                                                           Gippsland – Chisholm          Graduate entry

 Charles Sturt University           Graduate Diploma of Midwifery                          Online                        Graduate entry
Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School
Nursing (registered)

    Registered Nurses provide
    nursing care to patients in
    hospitals, aged care and other
    health care facilities, and in the

    The number of people working as
    Registered Nurses (in their main
    job) grew very strongly over the
    past 5 years and is expected to
    grow very strongly over the next
    5 years,

CHARLES  STURT                                          You'll work in a broad range of contexts            Admission pathways
CHARLES STURT                                           and with patients across the lifespan,
UNIVERSITY                                              graduating as a competent and                       For information on the following
                                                        adaptable registered nurse.                         admission programs, visit                                                                                    
                                                        You'll be able to think creatively and
Bachelor of Nursing                                     critically; and be a reflective and ethical         §    Charles Sturt Advantage – early
                                                        practitioner, educator and facilitator.                  entry program
Nursing is a highly rewarding career that                                                                   §    Schools Recommendation Schemes
can take you from outback Australia to                                                                           – early entry program
                                                        Clinical placement
capital cities, or even overseas. As a                                                                      §    Indigenous Access Program
registered nurse, you will combine your
                                                        The Bachelor of Nursing supports
nursing skills and knowledge with your
                                                        students to undertake at least 800 hours            Pathway course
passion for caring for others in their time
                                                        of workplace learning in an exciting range
of need.                                                                                                    Completion of the Diploma of General
                                                        of authentic healthcare settings.
                                                                                                            Studies at Charles Sturt will provide
Charles Sturt nursing graduates are highly                                                                  guaranteed entry into the Bachelor of
                                                        We will support you to develop the
sought after and have excellent job                                                                         Nursing,
                                                        knowledge, attitudes and practical skills
prospects in both metropolitan and rural
                                                        needed to become a registered nurse –
                                                        this includes 20 weeks of clinical practice         Professional Accreditation
                                                        in primary, secondary and tertiary
91% of Charles Sturt nursing grads get
                                                        healthcare facilities in rural and regional         This course is accredited by the
full-time jobs within 4 months of
                                                        areas.                                              Australian Nursing and Midwifery
graduating (Good Universities Guide
                                                                                                            Accreditation Council and approved by
                                                                                                            The Nursing and Midwifery Board of

 Course                                       Assumed knowledge                                       Campus                      Indicative ATAR
 Bachelor of Nursing                          Any two units of science.                               Albury-Wodonga              65.00
Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School
AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC                                     Clinical placement                                      Admission programs
                                                        Clinical placement areas include aged                   Includes information about the following
                                                        care, community nursing, high                           early entry programs:                                          dependency nursing, medical/surgical
                                                        nursing, mental health, paediatrics,                    •      Community Achievers Program
Bachelor of Nursing                                     palliative care, and perioperative nursing.             •      ACU Guarantee

ACU is the largest provider of nurses in                Students will complete at least 800 hours     
Australia. Our close links with hospitals               of professional experience so that they’re
and health care partners guarantee clinical             job-ready upon graduation.
experience in diverse settings.                                                                                 Professional Accreditation
                                                        You may also take up the opportunity to
The Bachelor of Nursing develops caring                                                                         This course is accredited by the
                                                        engage with communities overseas and
professional nurses who are proactive and                                                                       Australian Nursing and Midwifery
                                                        gain unique educational and cultural
adaptable, competent and ethical                                                                                Accreditation Council and approved by
                                                        experiences working in care facilities in
clinicians, and creative and critical thinkers.                                                                 The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
                                                        developing countries.
Across the course theory will be                        Bachelor of Nursing graduates can
consistently embedded in clinical practice              pursue a range of careers as a Registered
through the inclusion of one Integrating                Nurse within the health care industry
Practice unit every semester.                           including: aged care, community care,
                                                        medical/surgical, mental health, and

Course                                        Prerequisites                                                Campus                        Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing                           Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any      Melbourne                     82.80
                                              other English.                                               Ballarat                      62.50

Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of             Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any      Melbourne                     65.30
Business Administration                       other English.

 SWINBURNE                                                    Speciality study areas will include high          Pathway course
                                                              acuity nursing, mental health services,
                                                              aged and palliative care, rural and               The Diploma of Nursing at Swinburne                                         Indigenous health care, and family,               may provide entry into the Bachelor of
                                                              paediatrics and primary health care.              Nursing with credit,
 Bachelor of Nursing
                                                              Small class sizes will provide you with
 Swinburne’s Bachelor of Nursing replaces                                                                       Professional Accreditation
                                                              individualised support and assessments
 lectures with patient cases, allowing                        will be approached with an authentic,
 students to interact with simulated and                                                                        This course is accredited by the
                                                              real-world view – all to help you develop
 real-life scenarios through innovative                                                                         Australian Nursing and Midwifery
                                                              into a well-rounded professional.
 technologies.                                                                                                  Accreditation Council and approved by
                                                                                                                The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
                                                              You’ll graduate as a registered nurse (RN)
 Work placements in health, aged-care                                                                           Australia.
                                                              and be ready to pursue a career in a
 and community service mean students                          variety of settings, including tertiary
 can graduate with industry experience                        hospitals, aged care, rural, remote or            Admission pathways
 and an edge for employment.                                  community health care.
                                                                                                                Includes information about the Swinburne
 You will benefit from our strengths in                                                                         Early Entry Program,
                                                              Educational experience
 technology and innovation. Your clinical                                                             
 skills will be developed safely using
                                                              According to the 2020 Good Universities
 simulation technology and realistic case
                                                              Guide, Swinburne's Nursing degree is
 studies, and you will undertake 800 hours
                                                              rated 5 stars for "educational experience"
 of placement in a variety of clinical
                                                              by undergraduate nursing students.

 Course                                      Prerequisites                                                 Campus                    Guaranteed ATAR
 Bachelor of Nursing                         Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any     Hawthorn                  65.00
                                             other English.
Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School
RMIT UNIVERSITY                                              Industry experience                                 Pathway course

                                                             You'll have the opportunity to undertake            The Diploma of Nursing at RMIT may
                                                             20 weeks of clinical practice in a range of         provide entry into the Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing                                          healthcare settings, including major                with credit,
                                                             metropolitan and/or rural hospitals and
                                                             the community sector.
This degree combines theory, nursing                                                                             Early entry program
laboratory skills, clinical simulation and
clinical practice to ensure you are job-                     This degree features:                               Schools Network Access Program
ready at graduation.                                                                                             (SNAP). This program is only available to
                                                             §     Clinical practice in each year, in a          selected schools,
It provides a thorough grounding in                                range of clinical settings across
biosciences and evidence-based care.                               metropolitan and rural areas.
You'll also gain skills in caring for people in                                                                  Professional Accreditation
                                                             §     Clinical laboratories, giving you
acute care settings, such as medical,                              extended access to the labs to
surgical, and mental health nursing, as well                                                                     This course is accredited by the
                                                                   practise your nursing skills.
as specialised areas of nursing practice.                                                                        Australian Nursing and Midwifery
                                                             §     Mental health nursing courses
                                                                                                                 Accreditation Council and approved by
                                                             §     A core indigenous health course
You'll develop skills in our interactive                                                                         The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
                                                             §     Professional development support
nursing laboratories using high-fidelity                                                                         Australia.
                                                                   to prepare you for graduate
simulation and gain experience in a diverse                        employment.
range of clinical placements. Together, this
ensures you can provide the best
healthcare to patients when you graduate.

Course                                            Prerequisites                                             Campus                         Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing                               Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any   Bundoora                       69.05
                                                  other English, and completion of any Mathematics at the
                                                  Unit 1-2 or Unit 3-4 level.

DEAKIN UNIVERSITY                                            Why study nursing at Deakin?                         Clinical placements support and
                                                                                                                  consolidate your learning and are
                                                             •     Over 95% of students employed                  undertaken in various metropolitan,
                                                                   soon after graduating                          regional and rural health care settings,
                                                                                                                  under the supervision of qualified
Bachelor of Nursing
                                                             •     800+ hours of clinical experience              practitioners.

Deakin’s Bachelor of Nursing gives you
the knowledge, skills and ethical                            •     Gain international perspectives                Entry pathways
understanding you need to become a                                 through overseas study.
competent and successful registered                                                                               Visit
nurse.                                                       •     Deakin’s School of Nursing and
                                                                   Midwifery is ranked in the top 1% of
                                                                                                                  Professional Accreditation
This course prepares you to provide high-                          universities globally (2018 QS World
quality, safe, patient-centred care in a                           University Rankings).
                                                                                                                  This course is accredited by the
range of settings, with clinical placements                                                                       Australian Nursing and Midwifery
starting from year one.                                      •     Deakin’s School of Nursing and
                                                                                                                  Accreditation Council and approved by
                                                                   Midwifery is ranked in the top two
                                                                                                                  The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
Clinical placements begin in Trimester 1                           universities in Victoria for nursing
of your first year, and continue throughout                        and top 5 in Australia.
every trimester of the course.

Course                                            Prerequisites                                             Campus                         Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing                               Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in     Melbourne Burwood              72.10
                                                  any other English                                         Geelong Waterfront             62.35
                                                                                                            Warrnambool                    50.65

Bachelor of Nursing (Clinical                     Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in     Melbourne Burwood              81.50
Leadership)                                       any other English

Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of                 Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in     Melbourne Burwood              77.60
Psychological Science                             any other English                                         Geelong Waterfront             77.45
                                                                                                            Warrnambool                    Not published

Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of                 Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in     Melbourne Burwood              76.35
Public Health & Health Promotion                  any other English
Nursing Midwifery - Victorian Universities - Moama Anglican Grammar School
LA                                                     You can study nursing at our                     Professional Accreditation
   TROBE UNIVERSITY                                    metropolitan and any of our regional
                                                       campuses.                                        This course is accredited by the
                                                                                                        Australian Nursing and Midwifery
                                                       Melbourne students can undertake                 Accreditation Council and approved by
                                                       placements in leading Victorian hospitals        The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration)
                                                       including The Alfred, The Austin, Royal          Australia.
                                                       Melbourne and The Northern.
Why study at nursing at
La Trobe?                                                                                               Admission and pathway
                                                       Regional students undertake clinical
                                                       placements at a selection of our 100+            programs
We’re ranked in the top 100 worldwide                  industry partners including Albury
for nursing subjects                                   Wodonga Health, Bendigo Health,                  Includes information on the following
                                                       Goulburn Valley Health and Mildura Base          programs:
Our nursing research is ranked ‘well-                  Hospital.
above world standard’                                                                                   Aspire Early Admission Program
                                                       Regional students have the opportunity to        Achieve Plus
International clinical opportunities include           apply for specialist placements such as          Regional Benefits Program
full semester experiences in Sweden,                   remote health in the Northern Territory or
Denmark, Scotland and Canada; and                      paediatric nursing at the Royal Children’s
short-term programs in Nepal, Singapore                Hospital.
and Cambodia.

Course                               Prerequisites                                                   Campus                 Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing                  Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other   Albury-Wodonga         55.15
(Pre-Registration)                   English.                                                        Bendigo                58.05
                                                                                                     Melbourne              70.60
                                                                                                     Mildura                56.80
                                                                                                     Shepparton             56.05

Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor       Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other   Melbourne              72.45
of Psychological Science             English.

   With further study, nurses can
   become specialists in areas such

   Critical care
   Aged care
   Mental health
   Emergency care
   Cardiac care
   Acute care
   Intensive care
   Perioperative practices

   They can also study to become
   Nursing Practitioners, which
   takes many years of training and
VICTORIA UNIVERSITY                                           You'll join a cohort of VU graduates                 Pathway course
                                                               known for their extensive practical                                                 experience.                                          The Diploma of Nursing at Victoria
                                                                                                                    Polytechnic will provide guaranteed entry
 Bachelor of Nursing                                           If you have great communication skills,              into second year of the Bachelor of
                                                               show initiative, and are patient and tactful         Nursing,
 Studying nursing at VU will equip you with                    when dealing with people from all
 a broad set of skills to work as a general or                 backgrounds and cultures, nursing could
                                                               be the career for you.                               Special admission programs
 mental health nurse. This course will open
 doors to a wide range of career
                                                               We have strong industry connections with             Includes the VU Guaranteed program for
 opportunities in healthcare.
                                                               Western Health and Werribee Mercy                    selected schools,

 VU’s Bachelor of Nursing will ensure that                     Hospital. We also have partnerships with
 you have sound scientific knowledge and                       over 200 clinical agencies.                          Other
 skills, as well as hands-on experience.
                                                               Professional Accreditation                           VU Block Model: revolutionary way of
 You'll participate in simulation learning                                                                          learning and teaching unique to VU,
 using modern technology, practising your                      This course is accredited by the           
 skills in a safe environment before you                       Australian Nursing and Midwifery
 work with real patients.                                      Accreditation Council and approved by
                                                               The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
 Your practical experience alongside expert                    Australia.
 clinicians and nurses will have you ready to
 register and work as a Division 1
 Registered Nurse.

  Course                                         Prerequisites                                                Campus                    Lowest ATAR
  Bachelor of Nursing                            Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any      St Albans                 48.65
                                                 other English, plus completion of Unit 1-2 or Unit 3-4
                                                 Mathematics (any).

                                                 Completion of the CASPer test.

FEDERATION UNIVERSITY                                      Your options will be wide when you                      Pathways
                                                           graduate. You may choose to work in
                                                           emergency illness, mental health, long-                 Explore your pathway options at
                                                           term care, intercultural health or            
                                                           population health.
Bachelor of Nursing
                                                           Wherever you work, chances are your                     Scholarship
Federation University will support you to                  career in nursing will be challenging,
become a registered nurse delivering the                   stimulating and rewarding. You may even                 High Achievers Scholarship: must achieve
highest quality care that’s focused on the                 decide to further your studies into a                   an ATAR of at least 80,
person, using evidence-based care to                       specialised nursing area including            
improve your patients' outcomes.                           midwifery or paramedicine.
                                                                                                                   Professional Accreditation
Your subjects include working with                         Study with the university that is ranked
diverse communities, mental health,                        number one in Victoria for starting salary              This course is accredited by the
medical and surgical nursing, and                          for graduates; full-time graduate                       Australian Nursing and Midwifery
palliative care. You'll also learn skills like             employment and student support.                         Accreditation Council and approved by
leadership and management to give you
                                                                                                                   The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
even more confidence when you start
your career.

Course                                                 Prerequisites                                           Campus                     Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing                                    Minimum study score of 25 in any English, plus          Ballarat - Mt Helen        51.00
                                                       completion of Unit 1-2 or Unit 3-4 Mathematics          Berwick                    50.10
                                                       (any).                                                  Gippsland - Churchill      58.80

Bachelor of Nursing (Flexible Delivery)                Minimum study score of 25 in any English, plus          Ballarat                   58.55
                                                       completion of Unit 1-2 or Unit 3-4 Mathematics          Berwick                    57.95
                                                       (any).                                                  Gippsland                  65.55
                                                                                                               East Gippsland             Not Published
               OF                                       meet the challenges of healthcare as a                  Along with giving you a chance to partner
                                                        registered nurse.                                       with leading healthcare facilities in
MELBOURNE                                                                                                       Melbourne, you will also have the
                                                        A Master’s in Nursing Science gives                     opportunity to participate in major                                  you the opportunity to transition from an               international clinical nursing projects
                                                        undergraduate degree to a professional                  which will broaden your understanding of
Master of Nursing Science                               highly regarded nursing course.                         the field.

The University offers a graduate pathway                Clinical experience                                     Focussing on clinical leadership, nursing
into nursing. Applicants will need to                                                                           practice and research, the Master of
complete a Bachelor degree first.                                                                               Nursing Science will prepare you to be an
                                                        With the University of Melbourne’s close
                                                        proximity to hospitals, you will be able to             active and impactful member of the
Suggested pathway courses at The                                                                                nursing workforce and a conscientious
                                                        develop strong partnerships with
University of Melbourne include Bachelor                                                                        global citizen.
                                                        institutions including:
of Science and Bachelor of Biomedicine.
                                                        §     The Royal Melbourne Hospital                      Professional Accreditation
As a student of the University of
                                                        §     Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Melbourne’s Master of Nursing Science,
                                                        §     The Royal Children’s Hospital                     Accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery
you will have a passion for providing
                                                        §     The Royal Women’s Hospital                        Board of Australia.
nursing care and expertise.
                                                        §     St Vincent’s
Combining theory, simulation-based skill
                                                        §     The Western Hospital
training and comprehensive clinical
                                                        §     The Austin.
practice, this degree will prepare you to

Course                               Prerequisites                                                               Campus                  Minimum ATAR
Master of Nursing Science            Detailed information on selection criteria,          Parkville               Graduate entry

Bachelor of Science                  Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other             Parkville               85.00
                                     English; 25 in Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics; and
                                     25 in one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics.

                                     OR: Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other
                                     English; 25 in Mathematical Methods AND Specialist Mathematics.

Bachelor of Biomedicine              Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other             Parkville               92.00
                                     English; 25 in Chemistry; 25 in Mathematical Methods or Specialist

                                                            the latest simulation activities that are            Clinical experience
HOLMESGLEN INSTITUTE                                        delivered in our state-of-the-art simulation
                                                            apartments and clinical wards.                       Students undertake 825 hours of
                                                                                                                 supervised clinical practice across the
                                                            With a focus on inter-professional                   three years of the program.
Bachelor of Nursing                                         learning, you will develop valuable skills to
                                                            operate as part of the healthcare team.              Students encounter a variety of clinical
The Bachelor of Nursing focuses on
                                                                                                                 settings including aged care,
professional nursing practice and theory,                   At the health precinct at our Moorabbin              rehabilitation, community settings, mental
and is underpinned by a philosophy of                       campus, we have invested over $5 million             health, paediatric, high dependency and
person-centred and holistic care, making                    to create the highest standard of health             acute medical surgical wards in both
our graduates highly sought after.                          training equipment and facilities in                 metropolitan and regional hospitals and
                                                            Victoria.                                            health care services.
We develop professionals who have
valuable skills and knowledge, and are                      With dedicated nursing wards and a
known for their culturally sensitive client                 state-of-the-art simulation centre,                  Professional Accreditation
care, safe and ethical clinical reasoning,                  Holmesglen students spend a lot of time
and advanced communication skills.                          simulating real nursing practices in a safe          On successful completion of the Bachelor
                                                            learning environment.                                of Nursing at Holmesglen, you may apply
You are prepared for practice through a                                                                          for registration with the Australian Health
combination of on-campus theory and                                                                              Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Course                                 Prerequisites                                                        Campus                     Minimum ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing                    Minimum study score of 25 in any English; plus, completion           Moorabbin                  50.00
                                       of Unit 1-2 Mathematics (any).

                                       Other: there is additional selection criteria for this course.
TORRENS UNIVERSITY                                   Our promise is to deliver quality education   Clinical experience
                                                     through contemporary and evidence-
                                                     based methods.                                Students will undertake 840 hours of
                                                                                                   clinical practice, which may include
                                                     You’ll learn vital skills in assessment and   placement in interstate, regional and rural
Bachelor of Nursing
                                                     clinical decision-making as well as how to    areas.
                                                     put patients first. We’ll make sure you’re
Bring your dreams of becoming a
                                                     taken care of, too.
Registered Nurse to life with an approach                                                          Fast track your studies
as person-centred and community-
                                                     Being a student at Torrens University
focused as you are.                                                                                Students can complete the degree in
                                                     Australia means you will be part
                                                     of Laureate, a leading international          2-years through the fast track pathway.
The new Torrens University Australia
Bachelor of Nursing addresses the
growing global demand for caring – and                                                             Professional Accreditation
                                                     You’ll see exactly how we embody
highly skilled – professionals across a
                                                     our ‘Here for Good’ philosophy and how        On successful completion of the Bachelor
variety of different, often complex,
                                                     it will shape the work you do every day.      of Nursing, you may apply for registration
healthcare and community settings.
                                                                                                   with the Australian Health Practitioner
                                                     When students succeed, societies              Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Through the excellence of our on-campus
                                                     benefit. We can’t wait to see what you’ll
simulation hospital environment and 840
                                                     go on to do.
hours of clinical placements, we’ll develop                                                        Fees
your practical and clinical skills.
                                                                                                   Note: this is a full fee-paying course.
We aim to ensure you can utilise the                                                               Eligible applicants can access FEE-HELP.
knowledge gained throughout the
program when you graduate.

Course                                    Prerequisites                                            Campus                    Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing                       Minimum study score of 25 in any English.                Melbourne                 Not published

                                                                                                                       Midwives provide care and advice
                                                                                                                           to women during pregnancy,
                                                                                                                               labour and childbirth, and
                                                                                                                          postnatal care for women and
                                                                                                                       babies in a range of settings such
                                                                                                                               as the home, community,
                                                                                                                       hospitals, clinics and health units.

                                                                                                                       The number of people working as
                                                                                                                           Midwives (in their main job) is
                                                                                                                         expected to grow very strongly
                                                                                                                                  over the next 5 years,

LA TROBE UNIVERSITY                                       These rotations give you first-hand
                                                                                                                Singapore's KK Women's and Children's
LA TROBE UNIVERSITY                                       experience of the reality of what it's like to        Hospital. Some even pursue research
                                                                                                                and go into academia.
                                                          work as a midwife and nurse.                                                                                              We currently have a 100 per cent
                                                          Graduate entry                                        employment rate for students seeking
Undergraduate entry                                                                                             employment in midwifery.
                                                          Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of
                                                          You will need to complete a Bachelor of
                                                                                                                Professional Accreditation
                                                          Nursing first and post graduate clinical
                                                                                                                Both courses are accredited by the
Throughout this four-year course, you'll                  experience.
                                                                                                                Australian Nursing and Midwifery
complete placements for both nursing
                                                                                                                Accreditation Council and approved by
and midwifery in a range of metropolitan,                 La Trobe's Graduate Diploma in
                                                                                                                The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
rural and interstate settings, and have the               Midwifery is designed to enable qualified
chance to study overseas.                                 nurses to become registered midwives.
                                                          You'll be prepared to work in midwifery
Clinical placements are a feature in every                roles in private and public hospitals,                Admission and pathway
semester of this double degree, and may                   education and government organisations.               programs
be undertaken at a number of our clinical                 Our graduates have become midwives in
partner agencies including The Alfred,                    Australia at the Royal Women's Hospital,              Includes the Aspire Program (early entry),
Austin Health, Northern Health,                           Monash Medical Centre and Ballarat                    Achieve Plus program, and the Regional
Melbourne Health, The Women's and                         Base Hospital, as well as overseas at                 Benefits Program,
Mercy Hospital for Women.

Course                                        Assumed knowledge                                            Campus                         Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of             Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any      Melbourne                      86.70
Midwifery                                     other English.                                               Bendigo                        86.20

Graduate Diploma of Midwifery                 Selection criteria,                   Melbourne                      Graduate entry
DEAKIN UNIVERSITY                                     Throughout the course you will get a                      Entry pathways
DEAKIN UNIVERSITY                                     valuable mix of hands-on clinical practice
                                                      and theory in both streams.                               Visit
                                                      Clinical placement gives you the
                                                                                                                Graduate entry
Undergraduate entry                                   opportunity to develop clinical skills in a
                                                      range of settings including acute/sub-
                                                                                                                Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of                     acute care, medical and surgical care,
Midwifery                                             maternity care, including antenatal,
                                                                                                                You will need to complete a Bachelor of
                                                      birthing, and post birth, paediatrics, aged
                                                                                                                Nursing first as well as post graduate
This unique undergraduate degree                      care, rehabilitation, community nursing
                                                                                                                clinical experience.
increases your skillset and career options            and mental health nursing.
by providing both Registered Nurse and
Registered Midwife qualifications                     You will spend over 41 weeks across the                   Professional Accreditation
                                                      total length of the degree in various health
With Deakin’s combined Bachelor of                    care settings, including hospitals and                    The undergraduate and graduate courses
Nursing / Bachelor of Midwifery, you will             community health centres in metropolitan,                 are accredited by the Australian Nursing
graduate with the skills and knowledge to             rural and regional areas.                                 and Midwifery Accreditation Council and
gain registration as a nurse and a                                                                              approved by The Nursing and Midwifery
midwife, opening the door to a highly                                                                           Board of Australia.
rewarding and diverse career.

Course                                       Assumed knowledge                                             Campus                         Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of            Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any       Melbourne                      92.65
Midwifery                                    other English.                                                Geelong Waterfront             88.50
                                                                                                           Warrnambool                    78.60

Graduate Diploma of Midwifery                Selection criteria,                    Cloud (online)                 Graduate entry

AUSTRALIAN                                               Clinical experience                                    Your practice will be informed by an
                                                                                                                ethical, evidence-based and woman-
                                                         Bachelor of Midwifery students will do                 centred approach, with respect for
                                                         approximately 1000 hours of midwifery                  diversity and global perspectives –                                           clinical practice throughout the course in             including Indigenous knowledge.
                                                         hospital and community settings.
Bachelor of Midwifery
                                                                                                                Admission programs
                                                         Students will also engage with a minimum
The Bachelor of Midwifery is for those                   of ten women to follow their pregnancy,                Includes information about the following
who want to become registered midwives                   labour, birth and postnatal care journey               early entry programs:
and work in maternity settings such as                   called their Continuity of Care
hospitals, birth centres and other                       Experiences (CCE).                                     Community Achievers Program
community agencies.
                                                                                                                ACU Guarantee
                                                         This experience involves the student
This midwifery course will teach you how                 recruiting the woman in early pregnancy      
to:                                                      and attending appointments throughout.
                                                         If possible, the student attends the labour
•    manage normal pregnancy and                         and birth and follows the woman after                  Professional Accreditation
     childbirth                                          discharge home up to six weeks following
•    provide effective postnatal, maternal               birth.                                                 This course is accredited by the
     and newborn care to women and                                                                              Australian Nursing and Midwifery
     their newborn infant                                As an expression of our Catholic identity              Accreditation Council and approved by
•    provide safe and reliable care that                 and mission, we aim to produce                         The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
     meets the individual psychological,                 midwifery graduates with a respect for                 Australia.
     emotional, physical, social and                     the dignity of human life.
     spiritual needs of women.                                                                                  .

Course                                          Prerequisites                                                   Campus                   Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Midwifery                           Minimum study score of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any        Melbourne                Not published
                                                other English.
VICTORIA UNIVERSITY                                    Nursing and midwifery complement each                  You’ll also meet and follow at least 10
                                                       other perfectly, and give you choice and               women through pregnancy, childbirth and
                                                       flexibility in your career.                            post-birth.
                                                       After graduating from this course, you’ll
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of                                                                             Professional Accreditation
                                                       be able to register and practise as a
Midwifery                                              registered midwife or registered nurse.
                                                                                                              This course is accredited by the
We will teach you to understand your                                                                          Australian Nursing and Midwifery
patients’ health needs, as well as their               Clinical experience                                    Accreditation Council and approved by
social need to feel safe in your care,                                                                        The Nursing and Midwifery Board of
based on:                                              You’ll graduate career-ready, having                   Australia.
                                                       spent 25 per cent of your course working
•    up-to-date and evidence-informed                  in clinical placements. We have practical
                                                                                                              Special admission programs
     health care                                       nursing-placement opportunities in over
•    awareness and understanding of                    200 clinical venues.
                                                                                                              Includes the VU Guaranteed program for
     cultural safety and sensitivity with                                                                     selected schools,
     women and patients                                Our strong partnerships with Western
•    woman-centred and person-centred                  Health and Werribee Mercy Hospital give
                                                       you access to acute teaching and training              Other
     quality care
•    development of professional                       hospitals for nursing and midwifery
                                                       students.                                              VU Block Model: revolutionary way of
     relationships and workplace
                                                                                                              learning and teaching unique to VU,

                                                                                                              Chancellor’s Scholarship: You must
Course                                      Assumed Knowledge                                                achieve an ATAR of at Indicative
                                                                                                          Campus                    least 90 and meet
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of           Minimum study scores of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any           the prerequisite study scores,
                                                                                                          St Albans                   80.05
Midwifery                                   other English; 20 in one of: Biology, Chemistry, Health and
                                            Human Development or Psychology; plus satisfactory
                                            completion of Unit 1-2 or Unit 3-4 Mathematics (any).
                                                          Enjoy smaller class sizes to explore,                   Scholarship
                                                          develop, and apply a host of transferable
                                                          skills that will be valuable in your                    Earn an ATAR of 80+ and you will be                                professional and personal life, including               eligible for a Federation High Achievers
                                                          communication skills, research skills, and              Scholarship,
Undergraduate entry                                       a high level of problem solving and critical
                                                          thinking skills.
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of
                                                                                                                  Graduate entry
Midwifery                                                 You will be exposed to a wide variety of
                                                          perspectives and environments in order                  Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
This combined degree will prepare                         to develop your ability to think critically
                                                          about the role of the nurse and midwife in              The University offers a graduate pathway
graduates as a nurse and midwife, eligible
for registration with the Australian Health               any healthcare setting.                                 into midwifery. You will need to complete
Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA),                                                                           a Bachelor of Nursing first and post
                                                                                                                  graduate clinical experience.
with the ability to practice both nationally              Note
and internationally.
                                                                                                                  The suggested pathway course at
                                                          This course will be available for the 2022
                                                                                                                  Federation University is the Bachelor of
Learn the skills required for evaluating                  intake subject to accreditation.
evidence for best practice as a nurse and                                                                         Nursing.
midwife, as well as for development of
self, others and the professions.

Course                                      Prerequisites                                                Campus                        Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of           Minimum study score of 25 in any English, plus               Gippsland - Churchill         N/A - New course
Midwifery                                   completion or Unit 1-2 or Unit 3-4 Mathematics (any).

Graduate Diploma of Midwifery               Selection criteria -                  Ballarat – Mt Helen           Graduate entry
                                                                                                         Gippsland - Churchill

CHARLES STURT                                              Nationally recognised and valued                     Bring your learning to life
                                                           Charles Sturt University began teaching              This course allows registered nurses to
                                                           midwifery in 1990 and now enrols 100                 be employed as a midwifery student for
                                                           students every year in this course. We               the full duration of the course, while
                                                           also have a range of partnering maternity            studying the theoretical component
Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
                                                           services across Australia accredited to              online.
                                                           employ Charles Sturt University midwifery
The University offers a graduate pathway
                                                           students.                                            Upon successful completion of the
into midwifery. You will need to complete
                                                                                                                midwifery practice and academic study,
a Bachelor of Nursing first and post
                                                           Flexible learning options                            you'll be eligible to apply for registration
graduate clinical experience.
                                                                                                                as a midwife with the NMBA.
                                                           Online study and two intakes per year
The suggested pathway course at the
University is the Bachelor of Nursing.
                                                           mean you have more flexibility to fit study          Professional Accreditation
                                                           into your life. Registered nurses are
                                                           employed as midwifery students with a                The course is accredited by the Australian
Course highlights                                          partnering maternity service.                        Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation
                                                                                                                Council (ANMAC) and approved by the
Our Graduate Diploma of Midwifery is                       This course is undertaken over a                     NMBA.
offered online to registered nurses                        minimum of one year, but may take up to
wanting to achieve a midwifery                             one and a half years depending on the
qualification and advance their careers.                   employing maternity service and subject

Course                                      Prerequisites                                                    Campus                    Indicative ATAR
Graduate Diploma of Midwifery               Selection criteria -                      Online                    Graduate entry

Bachelor of Nursing                         Any two units of science.                                        Albury-Wodonga            65.00
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