Ommunity onnections Appreciation Issue - Cloudinary

Page created by Melissa Young
Ommunity onnections Appreciation Issue - Cloudinary
Community Connections
Summer 2020              Clinton | Columbia | Florence | Foothills | Laurel Crest | Summerville

                                                                                                App 2020
It Takes a Village
                                                                                                      iat onor

     he old saying “it takes a village”                                                 PCSC is a ministry you share
    could not be more true for Presbyterian                                         with us. Residents, family members,
Communities of South Carolina (PCSC),                                               employees, volunteers, donors,
especially when the first community was                                             members of the Board of Trustees,
built in Summerville. In the late 1950s,                                            members of the Foundation Board,
Mrs. Geraldine “Deanie” Worrell (right)                                             and Ambassadors all help to tell the
traveled to churches around the state, telling                                     story. The more people who hear the
the story of Presbyterian Home (now The                                            story and learn about the ministry, the
Village at Summerville) that opened in                                             more people will understand about the
1956. Each time she visited a church, she                                         commitment PCSC has to seniors and
would come home with her station wagon                                            how their mission dollars and other
filled to the brim with donations. Presbyterian Women          gifts are being used. Each year PCSC receives a number of
of the churches in Anderson, Newberry, Columbia,               different types of gifts and they benefit the communities
Kingstree, Florence, Camden and the surrounding areas          in abundant ways. Over the last year, the Foundation has
collected linens, which she delivered to Summerville.          been able to provide unique and needed additions to the
They also saved soup labels to obtain the first bus for the    communities, as well as charitable care. In this issue, we
community. This spirit of generous giving has continued        highlight our donors and look at some of the ways their
over the past 62 years.                                        gifts have made a difference in our ministry.

In Appreciation of Our Employees
        resbyterian Communities           To say it has been challenging would      our residents, despite the challenges
     of South Carolina has been           be an understatement. However,            COVID-19 has presented. It truly
blessed with wonderful folks who          the staff worked tirelessly and the                          continued on page 4
embody our mission. While our             residents responded amazingly. The
campuses are beautiful, it is the         Executive Director of The Village at
people who fill them that bring life to   Summerville, Tim Barresi, said, “The          Also Inside
our communities.                          response of the Summerville team
                                                                                        Parkinson’s Movement
This spring and summer, the residents
                                          has been nothing short of heroic.
                                          Since the pandemic began they have
and staff have had to adapt to            embraced 100% our PCSC mission                Edwin Mallory, Jr.:
changing regulations and restrictions                                                   Charitable Lead
                                          of ensuring a high quality of life for
imposed as a result of COVID-19.                                                        Trust Spotlight........... page   10
Ommunity onnections Appreciation Issue - Cloudinary
From The Chief Executive Officer

A Season of Challenges
and Opportunities

        ver six months into the COVID-19 pandemic,          enthusiastic in embracing
      what is the state of Presbyterian Communities?        them. Our communities
As all of our residents, families and supporters know,      are safe places to live and
the pandemic has presented some severe challenges           work. Further, the expertise
to all senior living organizations, including PCSC.         PCSC has gained in infection
Older adults are among the most vulnerable to the           control will pay dividends for
disease. Strict infection control protocols have been       our residents and staff for years to come.
implemented on our campuses to protect residents.
                                                            Another positive to celebrate is our staff. Despite the
These have had a significant impact on resident
                                                            extra work and challenges created by the pandemic, our
opportunities for visitation with families. At the
                                                            employees have continued to serve with dedication.
time of this writing, the Department of Health and
                                                            They truly put the residents first. If you were to go
Environmental Control, under the direction of
                                                            inside the communities, you would see bulletin boards
Governor Henry McMaster, is still prohibiting visits
                                                            covered in thank you notes written by grateful residents
to assisted living and skilled care residents (other than
                                                            and family members who appreciate how the staff
visitation through closed windows).
                                                            has gone “above and beyond” during the last several
Perhaps the most difficult challenge has been the           months. The level of caring and effort our staff has
limitation of opportunities for fellowship among            shown during the pandemic testifies to what most of
residents. Following guidance from regulatory               us already knew: that Presbyterian Communities are
authorities and best practices, a variety of group social   special places with special staff.
activities have been halted for the time being. This is
                                                            COVID has also pushed us further into the digital
to reduce the ability of the virus to spread among the
                                                            age. Residents have learned to communicate with
residents. There are many benefits to senior living, but
                                                            friends and family using FaceTime, Zoom, and Skype.
a primary one is the opportunity for residents to enjoy
                                                            Necessity has overcome reluctance, and many who were
fellowship with one another. Everyone is eager to see
                                                            hesitant now embrace these new technologies. While
this important part of life at PCSC back in full bloom.
                                                            residents are still eagerly looking forward to greater
Ironically, the value of the socialization opportunities
                                                            person-to-person contact, they have learned the unique
that senior living supplies is now appreciated more than
                                                            value digitalization can bring, and they will carry these
                                                            new capabilities with them in the future.
And yet, in the midst of these challenges, there have
                                                            And, we can’t forget the smiles. As you look through
been positives worth celebrating.
                                                            the pictures in this issue of Community Connections,
The infection control protocols implemented at              you will see twinkling eyes behind the masks. Although
our six communities have been highly successful in          how we do things has changed somewhat during the
keeping COVID out. When COVID has been found                pandemic, the substance of PCSC’s work remains. We
in a building, these protocols have been successful in      continue to enrich the lives of those who live with us.
quickly stopping further spread. We are quite proud of
our infection control practices, and our staff has been

                                                            		              Rev. Dr. Franklin Fant

Ommunity onnections Appreciation Issue - Cloudinary
Foundation Report

The Lesson of Loaves & Fishes
While COVID has restricted my travel and ability to meet our residents, I have thoroughly
enjoyed learning about PCSC through the lens of our well kept history at the Management
Services Office in Columbia. I have found donor letters that are over 40 years old, and they
have helped me to understand the deep meaning of our mission. On my first day here, I
learned that we have a tradition of reciting the mission statement during Management Team meetings:

           “We are a compassionate Christian ministry dedicated
            to enriching the quality of life for seniors of all faiths.”
It is truly the foundation for the work that we do, and hearing my colleagues say it for me on that first day had a
profound effect. When I reflect on the words that make up the statement, I can’t help but think of Jesus telling his
disciples to give the crowds something to eat. He instructed the disciples to bring him all they had – five loaves
and two fish – to him. He blessed them, gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. The
crowd of over 5,000 ate and were filled. Jesus calls us to take what little we have to care for others and to trust him.
We have seen time and time again the ways in which God has taken our “little” and turned it into “much” for this
ministry. PCSC has truly been blessed by the generosity of donors who give selflessly.

Luanne Ussery, a resident of the Florence Community, shared how she was led to contribute to PCSC:

      What does one do with a large amount of money from the sale of a house? What should I do? My
      house sold quickly and here was more cash than had ever been in my possession! A financial advisor
      did not come with the sale. The stock market was iffy in 2011. Bank savings and CDs were earning
      less than one percent.

      I thought of the parable of the gold coins (Luke 19:11-27). Should I put my “gold coin” in the
      safety of the bank?

      Thanks to Penny Arnold, I listened to her explanation of the Presbyterian Charitable
      Annuity and placed a respectable amount into the annuity. Since then I have enjoyed a
      regular quarterly check paying six percent on that portion of my “gold coin.”

There are many ways to give thanks to God for the ministry of PCSC. We covet your prayers
and are thankful each time we learn of a way in which you have been impacted by this
ministry. I would love the opportunity to talk with you if you have questions about how to
support the PCSC Foundation.
                                                                                                      Jenn Stanley, Director
                                                                                                      of Foundation Services
                                                                                                      and Church Relations

    The PCSC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization that receives and manages charitable gifts
   given to support the mission and ministry of Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina (PCSC). You can make your
    charitable gifts to PCSC payable to the PCSC Foundation. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Ommunity onnections Appreciation Issue - Cloudinary

Church Connections                                              A RESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE:
                                                                Life During Covid-19
We are grateful for the continued                               by Carolyn Lowe, resident at
connection with and support                                     The Columbia Presbyterian Community
from our churches even in the
midst of COVID-19.                                              Who knew that our in-house closed circuit
                                                                channel would be our best hedge against
First Presbyterian Church of                                    isolation? In the hands of our Activities
Clinton collected Mother’s and                                  Directors, channel 1390 has been upgraded from
Father’s Day cards (right) to be                                simple announcements to day-long enrichment
shared with the residents of the                                and connection. Their programming addresses
Clinton Community.                                              the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional
                                                                losses that quarantine produces.
Pastor Chris Denny (below) of
Westminster Presbyterian Church                                 Twice a day 30-minute senior exercise programs
in Columbia leads a virtual Bible                               offer both seated and standing routines. Our
Study for the residents of the                                  wellness director then schedules individual
Columbia Community.                                             appointments throughout the day. Staff members
                                                                escort residents on one-on-one walks or visits.
                                                                Using our phones, we can call in “BINGO”
                                                                every Tuesday. Weekly behind-the-scenes tours
                                                                of the Riverbanks Zoo and a Smithsonian travel
                                                                series appear right on our screens. A volunteer is
                                                                even teaching us sign language.

                                                                During lunch an amazing mix of music plays.
                                                                Residents request favorites and activities central
                                                                obliges – from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
                                                                to Motown, Bach to Bluegrass. For our spiritual
                                                                needs, we have daily devotionals from our
                                                                residents and well-known Christian authors.
In Appreciation continued from page 1                           On Sundays, we see Shandon’s worship service at
                                                                11 am and our own Fran Bragan at 4 pm thanks
has been a team effort and one that I know our founders,        to YouTube. Zoom enables us to have weekly
Dr. Tapp and Reverend Frampton would be exceedingly             Bible study with Chris Denny from Westminster
proud to witness, were they here today.”                        as we participate live with our phones.
Each community has many special people who share their          Every Thursday, our executive director Jason
talents and love with residents each day. Many would not        Basile gives us live updates on COVID issues
describe their work as a job, but rather a call from God.       and policies, then takes questions and comments
Frederick Buechner, author and theologian, said, “Vocation      from residents. Four movies a week play based
comes from the Latin vocare, to call, and means the work        on resident requests. Our activities directors have
one is called to by God. The place God calls you to is the      made a collage film of all of us, laughing with
place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger      friends and family. Frequent reruns of these past
meet.” So many have given selflessly to serve the Lord in the   parties remind us how much we have enjoyed
communities, especially in the wake of the pandemic, and        each other and will again.
PCSC is exceedingly grateful.
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Honoring & Celebrating Our Employees

    Management Services Office Service Awards (L-R):          Summerville Service Awards:          Laurel Crest Service Awards (L-R):
      Franklin Fant - 5 years; Laura Shirer - 8 years;           Clayretta Shannon was                 Jennifer Hare - 25 years;
   Sheldon Bennett - 1 year; Brenda Middleton- 3 years;       honored for 40 years in 2019.          President/CEO Franklin Fant
                 Jacob Villines - 1 year

     mployee Service Awards are one way PCSC celebrates our
     employees, recognizing their years of service with the
organization and letting them know they are appreciated by our
communities and management team. We give awards at one,
three, five, eight and 10 years, and then every five years thereafter;
however, we wanted to specially recognize those who have been
with us for 30 years or more. We were pleased to present awards
to the following employees who have more than three decades of                          Columbia Service Award presentation (L-R):
outstanding loyalty and service to PCSC:                                             President/CEO Franklin Fant, Columbia Executive
                                                                                     Director Jason Basile, Meco Footman - 1 year, and
                                                                                              HR Coordinator Judy Harriman

 Name                       Community            Department                       Title                                      Years
 Clayretta Shannon          Summerville          Dining Services                  Kitchen Supervisor                           41
 Henry Reber                Summerville          Maintenance Services             Maintenance Tech                             39
 Joseph Reigle              Summerville          Health Care 1                    Certified Nursing Assistant                  37
 Albertine Watts            Clinton              Administration                   Administrative Services Coord                37
 Diane Kemmerlin            Florence             Environmental Services           Director of Environmental Svcs               37
 Willie Campbell            Clinton              Maintenance Services             Maintenance Tech                             37
 Arlene Davis               Summerville          Administration                   Employment Specialist                        37
 Regina Moses               Clinton              Environmental Services           Director of Environmental Svcs               35
 Geneva Baylock             Summerville          Life Enrichment                  Transporter                                  35
 Nancy Darbins              Clinton              Health Care 1                    Licensed Practical Nurse                     35
 Lucy Patterson             Clinton              Health Care 2                    Licensed Practical Nurse                     33
 Gloria Lawrence            Summerville          Environmental Services           Housekeeping Specialist                      33
 Delores Goggans            Clinton              Environmental Services           Housekeeping Specialist                      31
 Ronald Burbage             Summerville          Maintenance Services             Director of Maintenance Svcs                 30
 Antoinette Ruth            Clinton              Health Care 2                    Certified Nursing Assistant                  30
 Brenda Watts               Clinton              Nursing Administration           Transporter                                  30
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Clinton Community Wins
Three Readers’ Choice Awards!
During the month of June, The Clinton Chronicle, Clinton’s local newspaper, asked its
readers to vote for their favorite local businesses. Categories ranged from the best hotdog to
the best hair stylist to the best place to buy tires. The residents and staff of The Clinton
Presbyterian Community believe they are the best, but the question was do others outside
of the community know? You bet they do! Thanks to the people of Laurens County who
voted, the Clinton Community received top honors in three categories:

                ✓ Best Retirement Community
                ✓ Best Assisted Living
                ✓ Best Skilled Nursing
In fact, this is the third year in a row that the Clinton Community has been recognized by the readers of The
Clinton Chronicle. For the past 45 years, The Clinton Presbyterian Community has served seniors of Laurens
County and provided employment for many others. The community is honored that its passion for senior living
has not gone unnoticed, and it proudly accepts these awards.

Florence Named                                        Foothills Welcomes
Best of the Pee Dee!                                  Interim Executive Director
Throughout COVID-19,                                  The Foothills Retirement Community is pleased to announce
the staff at the Florence                             the appointment of an Interim Executive Director/
Community has worked                                  Administrator, while the search is underway for a new
creatively and tirelessly to keep                     executive for the community.
residents active, engaged and
                                                      Mr. Ken McManus has been a licensed
connected to their neighbors,
                                                      administrator for more than 26 years
friends and families. The
                                                      and has served in a number of positions
effort and devotion have not gone unnoticed.
                                                      in health care administration, including
The community has received praise from our
                                                      hospital, long-term care, and Life Plan
residents and families AND from the public,
                                                      Community settings across South
which recently voted the Florence Community
                                                      Carolina. For the past six years, Ken has
Best of the Pee Dee in two categories:
                                                      worked with various organizations in an
                                                      Interim Administrator role during an executive transition.
✓ Best Continuing Care
                                                      He is a graduate of Coastal Carolina College with a BS in
  Retirement Community                                Business Administration, and he received his MBA from
✓ Best Progressive Care                               the University of South Carolina with a concentration in
                                                      Operations Management.
  Retirement Community                                A servant leader, Ken’s passion is developing processes and
We are grateful for all of you who voted for us       practices that improve the lives of residents, families and the
this year.                                            staff team members he serves.
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Parkinson’s Movement Program
Now Offered at PCSC

         arkinson’s Disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease. As of 2010, an estimated 630,000
      individuals in the United States have been diagnosed with PD, and those living with PD have a high
risk of developing motor movements that are smaller and slower than typical. They can also develop balance,
coordination and posture deficits. These changes can diminish confidence, speed and safety with common tasks
such as getting in and out of bed, standing from a chair, and walking in one’s home or community.

The Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina offers a new Parkinson’s Movement Program for those living
with PD. This program uses a research-based exercise approach, resulting from 20 years of research funding from
the National Institute of Health. This approach has been proven effective in helping people walk faster with larger
steps, improving their balance and torso movement, and reducing the risk for falls at home.

PCSC’s certified therapists are trained to deliver this research-based program in the comfort of one of our
Life Plan Communities. The four-week program uses a standardized treatment consisting of 16 one-on-one
hour-long sessions with a physical or occupational therapist. These sessions include specialty exercises
to attack PD symptoms, training in functional skills personalized for each individual, and
daily homework to accelerate progress.

Treatment of PD and other neurologic conditions can be addressed by participating
in this Parkinson’s Movement Program. Program participants will use repetitive
movements that address core function and self-cuing with a focus on making
bigger movements, which can combat the constraining effects of the disease in
the aptitude of everyday movements.

PD participants of all ages and stages can benefit from the Parkinson’s
Movement Program. Participants are encouraged to complete the
Parkinson’s Movement Program in combination with the Parkinson’s
Voice Program, which utilizes a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist
certified in SPEAK OUT! & LOUD Crowd.

If you are living with or know someone who has PD, please contact
the Director of Rehabilitation at one of our locations and they
can assist with questions and/or enrollment into the Parkinson’s
Movement and Voice Programs.

           CLINTON.......................... (864) 939-0935
           COLUMBIA....................... (803) 365-3740
           FLORENCE....................... (843) 656-2913
           FOOTHILLS..................... (864) 307-1981
           LAUREL CREST................ (803) 365-3740
           SUMMERVILLE................ (843) 879-0922

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PCSC News                                                                           Donor Appreciation

Putt-Putt Course a Generous and
Welcome Gift to The
Clinton Community
by Paul Pridmore

I’ll never forget the day that Mary      and staff watched with excitement     nice covered area perfect for such
McAlister asked her nephew to call       as the course took shape. The         outings. In fact, it’s being used for
me and ask that I join them for          question of the day was always,       our Independent Living visitation
a conversation in her apartment.         “When do you think the putt-          during the pandemic. Who knows,
Knowing that Mary was moving to          putt course will be finished?” You    perhaps the Clinton Community
the Hospice House the next day, I        see, my office is just inside the     will win the PCSC 2021 Olympic
was expecting the worst. My first        hall that leads out to the course,    putt-putt competition!
surprise came when she said she          so residents would stop in my
wanted to do something for our           office after sneaking a peak at the
                                                                                Chuck Hull,
residents. She said that she had         work-in-process to ask about the        enjoying a
provided for us in her estate, but       completion date.                        day on the
wanted to do something else and                                                    greens.
“something right now.” When asked        As fate would have it, the course
if I had any ideas, I immediately        was completed about the time the
thought of our residents’ long-          COVID-19 pandemic came and
standing dream of building a putt-       we haven’t had the opportunity to
putt course. Having no idea what         take full advantage of the course
                                         yet, although individuals are able
dollar amount she had in mind, I
                                         to work on their skills. We are all
simply mentioned that a gift toward
                                         anxiously awaiting the time when
the cost of a new putt-putt course
                                         we can have golf tournaments,
might be nice. Her face immediately
                                         cook-outs, and other activities
lit up with excitement, and then
                                         at the course, which also has a
she asked how much the course was
going to cost us. I told her the quote
which we had been given, and I’ll           Dick Swetenberg lines up a putt.
never forget her response. She said,
“I believe I can do that!”

Just like that, our residents’ dream
of a putt-putt course seemed to
have suddenly turned into a reality.
I reached out to Ben McElrath
of Carolina Beautiful and told
him we had the go-ahead to build
the course. Ben, who had never
designed or built a putt-putt course,
was thrilled to have the opportunity.
Over the coming months, residents

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Is now A Good Time
To Move? You Bet!
During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic when you were
sheltering in place, were you worried about running out of food and
essentials — or fearful of going out in search of them? Maybe you had
to depend on family, friends or neighbors for errands or favors. Did you
worry about how to obtain medical care or have to delay treatment or
therapy? Perhaps you even had bouts of loneliness.

Each of these real-life, anxiety-producing situations are often remedied
by living within a well-established Life Plan Community like PCSC —
with a full complement of attentive staff, dining services, interior and
exterior maintenance, 24-hour security and on-site health care. And our
communities adhere to stringent sanitary and medical protocols and
standards — with or without COVID-19.

While the pandemic altered many plans and activities, you don’t
have to put the future completely on hold if you were considering
a move to one of our communities. As you move forward in your
decision-making, here are several benefits of moving to a senior living
                                                                           Move-ins and tours
community now.                                                             have resumed at our
Safety you can rely on. The management team and staff at PCSC              communities, with new
understand that cleanliness and sanitation have always been important.
Now, with enhanced protocols and procedures in place, you can be sure
                                                                           processes and precautions
that your surroundings are as safe as possible.                            to help ensure your safety
Insurance against boredom. Social distancing and quarantining has          and the health of the
made it more difficult for all of us to pursue our personal interests.
But residents at PCSC can count on creative and resourceful planning
                                                                           community. For more
by our devoted team to provide activities to help you stay active and      information, contact the
engaged … from virtual gatherings to livestreaming of devotions,
exercise and entertainment.
                                                                           marketing office at your
Access to health care. On-site health care clinics, physical therapy
                                                                           community of interest.
and rehab services, plus progressive levels of care are convenient and
available to residents of our communities.                                 We are accepting residents at all
Carefree lifestyle. The changes to daily life caused by COVID-19           levels of care. If someone you
have made many everyday tasks more difficult — from shopping to            know would benefit from a little
home maintenance. With on-site dining and meal preparation, home           help with activities of daily living,
maintenance and other services, you can depend on an uninterrupted         Assisted Living may be just the
lifestyle with more time for what you love.                                right fit. We will work with you
Now more than ever, a move to a retirement community can help you          through COVID restrictions to
find a healthy and happy way forward.                                      secure a place for your loved one.

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Edwin Malloy’s Charitable Lead Trust
Continues to Bless PCSC

    dwin Malloy, Jr. was born on September 9, 1917
     in Cheraw, South Carolina. He was the son of
Margaret Adger Manning Malloy and Edwin
Malloy, Sr., and the brother of Manning Malloy (born
in 1922). Edwin was known as “Chay” by his family.

Described by this family as “generous and welcoming,
wanting to make sure everyone was perfectly
accommodated,” Malloy set up a Charitable Lead
Trust to benefit Presbyterian Communities of South
                                                            a Deacon and Elder. He also served in various capacities
Carolina. PCSC was one of 19 beneficiaries of this
                                                            in business, civic and community services, including:
trust. More than a century after he was born, his legacy
                                         still positively   • Cheraw Kiwanis Club, President
   A Charitable Lead Trust               impacts the        • Carolina Kiwanis District, Lieutenant Governor
   reverses the income                   people of          • Pee Dee Area Council of the Boy Scouts of
                                         South Carolina       America (BSA), President
   payment pattern common                and the            • The National Council of BSA, member
   to life-income gifts. Charity         residents of our   • American Legion, Department Commander
   takes the “lead” because              communities.       • Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina,
     the trust makes payments           After finishing
                                                              Board of Trustees
     to the organization first,                             • Presbyterian College, Board of Visitors
                                        at Cheraw
     then returns the remaining         High School,        His awards include BSA Silver Beaver, BSA Council’s
     assets to the donor, the           he went to          Distinguished Citizen Award, RNC Presidential
     donor’s family, or others the      Severn School       Achievement Award, and RNSC’s Presidential Order of
                                        near Annapolis,     Merit.
     donor designates.                  Maryland,
                                        and graduated       Commander Malloy died on February 2, 2005 after a
in 1936. He attended the U.S. Naval Academy and             long illness and is buried at Old St. David’s Cemetery
graduated with distinction in 1940, and he was              in Cheraw. PCSC received an astonishing $1,785,375
commissioned an ensign in the U.S. Navy. He received        from his trust over the last 15 years. This gift is a true
his master’s degree from MIT in 1945 and served the         marvel of generosity and planning on Commander
Navy in Washington, DC, until 1946. He was later            Malloy’s part. This does not include the generous gifts
promoted to Commander.                                      he made during his lifetime. There can be no doubt that
                                                            PCSC is a stronger organization and has accomplished
Commander Malloy returned to Cheraw in 1946 where           much more good because of the faithful stewardship of
he was employed by Cheraw Yarn Mills from 1946 to           Commander Malloy.
1956 and lived in the family’s home place.
                                                            If you’d like more information about Charitable Lead
He served as the secretary and a director of Cheraw Yarn    Trusts, contact Jenn Stanley, Director of Foundation
Mills from 1963 to 2005 and as the Chairman of the          Services and Church Relations, at (803) 772-5885 or
Malloy Foundation for 30 years. He was a member of
the First Presbyterian Church in Cheraw, where he was

The Charitable Gift Annuity
A Gift That Benefits Everyone
• Do you have an interest in supporting the
  well-being of older adults?
• Could you use more income now that you’ve retired?
• Are you concerned about the uncertainties of the
  stock market and the low interest rate environment?
• Do you want to reduce capital gains liability
  and secure an income tax deduction?
• Does a friend or relative need the security of an
  annuity to help meet unexpected expenses?

You can address these goals and others by making a
gift to Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina
using a Charitable Gift Annuity, or CGA. A CGA is a
partnership between you and a charitable organization
that delivers significant support to PCSC while at the
same time helping you reach your own financial and
estate planning goals.

How a gift annuity works:
In return for your contribution, you will receive fixed
annuity payments for life. You can add a spouse or
other loved one as co-beneficiary, or you can have the
payments made to someone else.
                                                          appreciated securities to set up your CGA, you’ll pay no
The payments are based a percentage of your gift,
                                                          upfront capital gains tax.
determined by one’s age. At the moment, an
80-year-old can expect to receive over 7% per year.       The final benefit is that your gift will be used to
A 90-year-old can expect over 9%. That is far more        enhance the well-being of the older adults served
than a bank CD currently pays!                            by PCSC. You will leave a legacy that ensures the
                                                          continued strength and vitality of this ministry.
For example, if your annuity rate on a $20,000 gift is
8%, you will receive $1,600 every year for the rest of
your life. When the annuity terminates, the remaining     Ready to learn more about
balance comes to PCSC for the purpose you designated      a charitable gift annuity?
when you made your gift.                                  We’ll be happy to send you more information. Even
                                                          better, we can demonstrate how it can benefit you
Other benefits:                                           using a computer-based gift calculator. Just reach out
You’ll also receive a charitable deduction. Only part     to Jenn Stanley, Director of Foundation Services
of each annuity payment will be taxed as ordinary         and Church Relations, at (803) 772-5885 or
income over your life expectancy. Further, if you use

         Learn more at                                                   11

Thank You For Your Generosity
The Good Samaritan Society recognizes the generosity of people who establish gifts
through estate plans (that is, through their wills or other planned giving strategies)
for the future of residents of Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina.

Who is a member of The Good Samaritan Society?
Anyone who notifies PCSC in writing that a provision has been made
for its mission and ministry through a bequest or other planned gifts
will be a member. Besides one’s will, planned gifts include naming
PCSC in a charitable trust, charitable gift annuity, retirement plan
(such as an IRA, 401-k or 403-b) or life insurance policy.

Why should I notify PCSC of my plans?
First, we want to thank you for your generosity. Second, we want to make sure
we understand how you intend for your gift to be used. Please let PCSC know of your planned gift by contacting
the Foundation Services office at (803) 772-5885. You can also use the enclosed envelope to notify us.

How are members identified?
With your permission, your membership in The Good Samaritan Society will be announced in Community
Connections. The example you set by including PCSC in your estate plan will serve as a meaningful witness to
others. However, we fully respect the privacy of donors and will keep your membership anonymous if you so choose.

     Members of the Good Samaritan Society
     PCSC is deeply grateful to the members listed below and to others who have chosen to remain anonymous.
     Your planned gifts will make a lasting and significant impact on this ministry and the lives of those PCSC serves.

     Anonymous (18)                         Mrs. Norma J. Goldman               Bud and Anita Nalley
     Forrest and Maryann Abbott             Mr. Clifton D. Green, Jr.           Ms. Mary C. Quinn
     Lamar and Rosemary Bailes              Ms. Dina M. Hair                    The Reverend and
     Mrs. Miriam A. Chastain                Mrs. Margaret S. Hausman                Mrs. Jeffrey Smith
     Mrs. Lee Churchfield                   Henry and Libba Hawkinson           Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smyth, Jr.
     Mr. Max A. Craig                       Mrs. Margaret Pinckney Hay          Catherine Somers
     Mrs. Faye A. Daniel                    Mrs. Nancy Humphreys                Mrs. Maymie B. Spearman
     Mr. and Mrs. Osmund W. Dixon           Mr. and Mrs. John Kelbaugh          Mrs. Kate F. Stanton
     Mrs. Mary B. Fant                      Mrs. Katherine R. Ligon             Dick and Catherine Swetenburg
     The Reverend Dr. and                   Mrs. Beverly J. Long                Mrs. Olive H. Timberlake
         Mrs. L. Franklin Fant, Jr.         Miss Sally MacArthur                Ms. Patricia Tracy
     Mr. John E. Ford                       Mr. Gregory P. Mancini              Mrs. Ann Van Delft
     Mrs. Polly Ford                        Mrs. Marion L. Mancini              Mrs. Dorothy J. Vedder
     Harry W. and Jane M. Fritts            Mrs. Myrtle M. Myrick               Jean Weldon

Donor Appreciation

Recognizing Our Donors
      t Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina, donors are important partners in our mission “to enrich
      the quality of life for seniors of all faiths.” It is with gratitude that PCSC acknowledges the individuals,
churches and organizations that have supported this ministry between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020.

Presbyterian Communities has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. However, if you notice an error
or omission, our apologies are offered along with our sincere desire to correct the information. Please contact the
Foundation Services office at (803) 772-5885 with any issues so that we may amend our records appropriately.

The following donors have contributed unrestricted donations, as well as gifts designated for charitable care or for
a specific purpose or projects. In-kind donations are also included. Gifts made in memory or honor of loved ones
are listed in the Tribute section beginning on page 18. All gifts were received by PCSC Foundation except for those
listed on pages 28-29, which were made to the Laurel Crest Foundation.

                           Thank you for your generous support of our mission!

Abbeville Presbyterian Church           Belle Isle Presbyterian Church           Mrs. Elizabeth C. Broome
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Acker                Belton Presbyterian Church               Mr. and Mrs. Elmer N. Brown
Mrs. Marcia G. Addison                  Mrs. Aileen Bennett                      Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Brown, Jr.
ADG Preferred Payroll, Inc.             Mrs. Hazel L. Berry                      Mrs. Nina M. Brown
Mrs. Mary Ruth L. Aiken                 Mrs. Lydia S. Berude                     Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brown
Mrs. Linda N. Albright                  Beth Shiloh Presbyterian Church          Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Alexander        Bethel Presbyterian Church, Walterboro   Ms. Helen Jean Buckowich
Mrs. Betty H. Allen                     Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Camden     Mr. and Mrs. James Burckhalter
Mrs. Hazel P. Allen                     Bethesda Presbyterian Church, York       Ms. June Burkhalter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Anderson, Jr.   Bethune Presbyterian Church              Dr. and Mrs. William W. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Anderson, Jr.        Mr. and Mrs. James A. Black, Jr.         Mrs. Dorothy P. Burrows
The Reverend William B. Anderson        Blackstock Presbyterian Church           Mrs. C.H. Butler, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy S. Archer                    Mrs. Mary Louise Blalock                 Mr. Peter S. Buttress
Mrs. Shirley W. Arledge                 Dr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Blanchard, Jr.    Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Byrom
Ms. Myra Armistead                      Mrs. Marianne E. Bolton                  Calhoun Falls Presbyterian Church
Mr. John W. Armstrong                   Mr. and Mrs. C. Joseph Bonds             Ms. Janet W. Cambre
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Alan Arnold       The Reverend and Mrs. Marion B. Boozer   Mrs. Jerry C. Cannon
Drs. John and Sheila Arnold             Mrs. Eleanor A. Bosco                    The Reverend James Caprell
Dr. Laura S. Ashley                     The Reverend and Mrs. Robert W. Boston   Carmel Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Asman              Bowling Green Presbyterian Church        Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Carmichael, II
Mrs. Virginia Atkinson                  Mr. Brian M. Boyer                       Carolina Presbyterian Church
Aveleigh Presbyterian Church            Mr. Jack W. Bracewell, Jr.               Mrs. Margaret A. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bailine          Mr. Fraser Bradford                      Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F. Carter
Bank of America Charitable              Miss Lily L. Bradley                     Ms. Suzanne D. Carver
  Foundation, Inc.                      The Reverend Dr. Frances W. Bragan       Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Case
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Barnado           The Reverend Henry N. Brandt             Mr. William T. Cassels, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Barnard     Ms. Ellen Creed Branham                  Celebration Presbyterian Church
Mr. Laurence E. Barnes                  Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brannock         Central Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Barnett          Dr. Stacey Van Pelt Brennan              Ms. Anna Ceva
Mrs. Roxanne M. Barrier                 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Brice, Jr.         Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Basile               Ms. Mary M. Brigman                      Mr. and Mrs. James A. Chandler
Mrs. Martha O. Bates                    Mr. Stephen J. Britton                   Mr. Marion C. Chandler, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Bean, Jr.        Mr. and Mrs. William L. Britton, Jr.     Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Chapman
Beaver Creek Presbyterian Church        Mrs. Juanita C. Broadwell                Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chassereau
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Beckwith, Jr.    Mr. Lawrence Broggi                      Mrs. Miriam A. Chastain
Mrs. Sarah G. Bedinger                  Mrs. Isabelle F. Brooks                  Cherokee Presbyterian Church

Donor Appreciation

Mrs. Genevieve Childers                  Ms. Barbara S. DeHamer                      First Presbyterian Church, McColl
Mr. Stanley Chodnicki, Jr.               Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. DeMaria             First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach
Mrs. Lee Churchfield                     Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denny                  First Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cirrincione       Ms. Barbara A. Derrick                      First Presbyterian Church, Simpsonville
City Church, West Columbia               Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dickinson                First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Clark                  Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dickson               First Presbyterian Church, Sumter
Mr. Howard L. Clark, Jr.                 Mrs. Ann H. Dobbs                           First Presbyterian Church, York
Mr. John F. Clark, III                   Doby’s Bridge Presbyterian Church           Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church
Clover Presbyterian Church               Mrs. Ellen W. Dodson                        Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Flader
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis T. Clyburn            Ms. Cathy Dolan                             Flat Rock Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clyne                Mrs. Emma Louise Donald                     Ms. Patricia P. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Cobb              Dorchester Presbyterian Church              Mrs. Sue S. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Cogdell           Mrs. Nancy G. Dougherty                     Mrs. Rhodine C. Floyd
Mrs. Patricia T. Coggins                 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doughty                    Mrs. Vivian M. Fogartie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Coker            Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur S. Douglas, Jr.         Mr. James E. Foote
The Reverend Helen H. Coker              Mr. Gary L. Douty and                       Mr. Frank S. Forbes
Mrs. Helen O. Coker                         Ms. Penelope L. Douty                    Mrs. Janet C. Forbes
The Reverend Dr. Franklin D. Colclough   Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Douty, Jr.            Mr. John E. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Coleman          Ms. Alma Dube                               Mrs. Alice P. Ford
Mrs. Mable W. Coller                     Mr. E. M. DuBose                            Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Ford
Ms. Sherie Coller-Daly                   Mrs. Harriet R. Dukes                       Ms. Ashley L. Forno
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collier              Mr. David P. Dykes                          Mrs. Helen S. Foster
Mrs. Janyce Collins                      Easley Presbyterian Church                  Mrs. Marjanne W. Foster
Ms. Jackie Cominotti                     Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia   Mr. Anthony G. Fountain
Community Presbyterian Church            Mrs. Betty J. Eckman                        Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church
Ms. Sarah V. Compton                     Mrs. Joan M. Egan                           Fourth Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Linda E. Conrad                     Mrs. Inez M. Elliott                        Framp’s Store
Ms. Deborah C. Cooper                    Mrs. Lloyd Ellis                            Mr. E. D. Free, III
John A. Cooper, M.D.                     Mr. Jim Emerson                             Mr. and Mrs. Reginald B. Freeman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cooper, Jr.      Mr. and Mrs. Don T. Erdmann                 Friendship Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hugh Corbett             Mrs. Billie S. Erwin                        Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Fritts
Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Cornwell, III   The Estate of Margaret J. Barry             Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fryer
Mr. and Mrs. Rocky J. Coronato           The Estate of Dorothy Camp Brown            Mrs. Mary A. Funderburk
Dr. Andrea M. Coulter                    The Estate of Mary M. McAllister            Ms. Joyce F. Furr
Cousar Memorial Presbyterian Church      The Estate of Sally E. Gandy                Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gailey, Jr.
Mr. Glen E. Craig                        The Estate of Marian C. Gilson Grobowski    Mr. David T. Garrett
Mr. Olin L. Craig                        The Estate of Marie T. Tomlinson            Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gasque
Ms. Lynn Craycraft                       The Estate of Lois Anne Wyly                The Reverend Dr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Creighton         Mr. and Mrs. H. Malloy Evans, Jr.              Mrs. Joseph Saye Gaston
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Crockett         Mrs. Mary W. Evans                          Ms. Barbara M. Gatlin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Croft            Ms. Deborah Ewers                           Mrs. Kathleen M. Gelzer
Mrs. Suzanne R. Cross                    Ms. Deborah D. Fairbanks                    Mr. Barry B. George
Ms. June Crouch                          The Reverend Dr. and                        George Waldo Long Memorial Church
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Croxton                Mrs. L. Franklin Fant, Jr.               Georgetown Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Crump              The Reverend and Mrs. Darrell L. Fetzer     Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ghent
Mr. Douglas M. Crutchfield               Mr. Sam B. Fewell                           Mrs. Puera Gifford
Mrs. Patricia Culclasure                 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fields                Ms. Alice Gilland
Mrs. Frances V. Curtis                   Mrs. Floride A. Findley                     Ms. Glenda W. Gillette
The Reverend and Mrs. M. Achim Daffin    First Presbyterian Church, Anderson         Mrs. Dorothy E. Ginn
Mrs. Joan M. D’Agostino                  First Presbyterian Church, Beaufort         Glenn Springs Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Dammann                First Presbyterian Church, Bennettsville    Mr. Bobbie L. Glisson
Ms. Elizabeth Daniel                     First Presbyterian Church, Cheraw           Mrs. Jan M. Goin
Darlington Presbyterian Church           First Presbyterian Church, Florence         Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gooding
Ms. Harriet DaSilva                      First Presbyterian Church, Greenville       Goodwill Presbyterian Church
Ms. Alice Davenport                      First Presbyterian Church, Greer            Mr. Keith U. Gordon
Mrs. Carol S. Davis                      First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville       Mrs. Robin L. Gorman
Mr. M. Curtis Davis                      First Presbyterian Church, Hilton Head      Mrs. Betty A. Gosnell
Mr. and Mrs. William LaFoye Davis        First Presbyterian Church, Lancaster
Donor Appreciation

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church,     Mrs. Sally Hester                  Mrs. Beth J. Johnston
   Mauldin                              Mr. and Mrs. T. Furman Hewitt      Mrs. Bobbie Jones
Ms. Brenda R. Graham                    Mrs. Joyce R. Hickman              Mrs. Jo Ann D. Jones
Ms. Ermene B. Graham                    Ms. Ervene L. Hiers                Dr. Hazel Ann G. Josey
Ms. Michelle N. Grant                   Ms. Grace N. Hill                  Mrs. Gerda M. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Graves               Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hill       Mrs. Carolyn B. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Gray               Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond Hill   Mr. and Mrs. David Q. Kearns
Mr. Robert G. Gray                      Ms. Emily J. Hindman               Mr. and Mrs. John N. Kellett, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson                 Mr. and Mrs. M. Edwin Hinds, Jr.   Mrs. Nancy W. Kennedy
Mr. Clifton D. Green, Jr.               Mrs. Emily S. Hinkle               Ms. Susan R. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kenneth Green           The Reverend Dr. Peter H. Hobbie   Kentyre Presbyterian Church
Mr. Brent C. Greer                      Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hobson     Mr. Samuel D. Key
Mrs. Anna M. Gregg                      Hodges Presbyterian Church         Mrs. Betty T. Killian
Ms. Charlotte M. Gruosso                Mrs. Ann E. Hoeing                 Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Kilroy
Mr. Dan Gryder and Ms. Vicki Andy       Mrs. Dorothy Holder                Mrs. Ann B. King
Mrs. Betsy R. Guffey                    Mr. Jack N. Holland                Mr. and Mrs. George S. King, Jr.
Mrs. Louise J. Guy                      Dr. Marianne Holland               Mr. Harold L. King
Mr. Perry E. Gwinn, Jr.                 Ms. Patricia L. Hollifield         Kingston Presbyterian Church
Mr. Loren Hagen                         Mrs. Carolyn Hollingsworth         Dr. and Mrs. Palmer M. Kirkpatrick, Jr.
Mrs. Sue S. Haigler                     Ms. Margot H. Holmquist            Mrs. Emma Knudsen
Ms. Martha A. Haines                    Honea Path Presbyterian Church     Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Koch, Jr.
Ms. Sandy Haines                        Mr. Thomas E. Hornsby              Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kohl
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Haithcock         Dr. Lucia T. Horowitz              Korean Community Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Gertrude C. Hall                   Dr. Bruce C. Horten                Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey J. Hall             Mr. and Mrs. William J. Horton     Mr. Werner R. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Halligan        Mrs. Mabel H. Hospital             Mr. Joseph H. Kress
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Halligan, Jr.   Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Howell     Mr. and Mrs. James M. Krofta
Ms. Mary W. Hallman                     Mr. and Mrs. Carroll L. Howell     Mrs. Bruce W. Krucke
Mrs. Geraldine B. Hamby                 Mrs. Margaret T. Huber             Mr. and Mrs. Willliam Krucke
Ms. Hilde Hamilton-Melfi                Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott Huebner      Ms. Frances M. Kuhne
Hampton Presbyterian Church             Mr. E. Glenn Huff                  Mr. and Mrs. Adriaan Kwist
Mr. James O. Hancock                    Mr. Arthur T. Hughes, II           Mr. and Mrs. Roland Labounty
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hand                  Mr. Lloyd G. Hughes                Mr. and Mrs. Hubert W. Lacquement
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hanna             Mrs. Nancy H. Humphreys            Lake City Presbyterian Church
Ms. Mary Hanna                          Mrs. Duna H. Humphries             Lake Murray Presbyterian Church
R. Wayne Hanna, M.D.                    Mrs. Gladys W. Humphries           Dr. Sandra W. Lamberson
Harbor View Presbyterian Church         Mrs. Marilyn M. Hungarland         Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Landrum, Jr.
Mrs. Ann T. Hare                        The Reverend Dr. and               Ms. Sullie W. Lane
Mr. George Harkins                        Mrs. M. Hampton Hunter, III      Mr. Isaac Lewis Langley
Mrs. Barbara A. Harper                  Mrs. Dolores A. Imhoff             Mrs. Mary H. Lark
The Reverend Dr. George Harper, Jr.     Indiantown Presbyterian Church     Ms. Barbara H. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Harris          Mr. John H. Isler                  Mrs. Marian C. Larson
Mrs. Shirley B. Harris                  Mrs. Erna S. Jacobs                Mr. John A. Law
Ms. Winnie Harris                       Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jacobs      Mrs. Elizabeth W. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hart              Mrs. Virginia C. Jacobs            Ms. Frances P. Lawrence
Mrs. Jane V. Hart                       Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Jacoby      Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Lawson, III
Mrs. M. Joan Hart                       Mr. John J. James, II              Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Hart             Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael James      Mrs. Martha K. Lawson-Young
Harvest Charities                       Ms. Susan B. James                 Mrs. Bess M. Lawton
Mrs. Carolyn B. Harvill                 Mrs. Betty M. Jenkins              Ms. Cam Lawton
Dr. and Mrs. Rhett H. Hasell            Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt M. Jenkins       Mrs. Mary Ellen Layfield
The Reverend Dr. Lewis S. Hay           John Calvin Presbyterian Church    Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Leach
Mrs. Betsy H. Hays                      John Knox Presbyterian Church      Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lefevre
Ms. Cathy Hazelwood                     Johns Island Presbyterian Church   Ms. Coleman Legerton
Mrs. Susan T. Henderson                 Mrs. Dorothy C. Johnson            Ms. Caroline Leith
Mrs. Exie V. Henson                     Mr. and Mrs. J. Duane Johnson      Mr. Aaron W. Leland
Ms. Judith A. Herrmann                  Mr. and Mrs. Robbie V. Johnson     Mr. Gerald W. Lenz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hester              Ms. Susan Inskeep Johnson
Donor Appreciation

Mrs. Velma B. Letson                        Mrs. Andrea K. McGee                        Ms. Karen H. Nichols
Mr. Gregg Levin                             Ms. Wendy McGee                             Mrs. Ruth Nida
Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church            Mrs. Betty U. McGregor                      Ms. Debbie Parks Nowlin
Ms. Carolyn A. Lifsey                       Miss Jane A. McGregor                       Oakdale Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Katherine R. Ligon                     McGregor Presbyterian Church                Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Dorcas B. Lindsay                      Mrs. Nell McIntosh                          Ms. Norma O’Brien
Ms. Sara M. Lindsay                         Mrs. Virginia H. McIntosh                   Mr. Nelson B. O’Bryan
Lisbon Presbyterian Church                  Mrs. Virginia M. McLean                     Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Olenwine
Little Mountain Presbyterian Church         Mrs. Joan L. McLees                         Mr. and Mrs. George L. Oliver, Jr.
Little River Dominick Presbyterian Church   Mrs. Margaret H. McLeod                     Mrs. Gloria P. Ormand
Ms. Martha M. Lockman                       Mr. Neal McLeod                             Mrs. Joyce O’Sheal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lollis               Meares Family Fund of Triangle              Mr. Arley E. Owen
Mrs. Aileen M. Long                           Community Foundation, Inc.                Mr. Fred W. Owens
Mrs. Ann Long                               Men’s Thursday Morning Breakfast Group      Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Paffrath
Mrs. Beverly J. Long                        Mrs. Caroline Meredith                      Mr. Henry Page
Mr. Gerard J. Lopez                         Mrs. Raenota M. Merrill                     Mrs. Rose T. Paglia
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Lott, Jr.            Mrs. Mary Elizabeth W. Meynardie            Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clayton Parham
Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott                        Midway Presbyterian Church, Anderson        Mrs. Jean J. Park
Ms. Rebecca D. Love                         Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Miles, Jr.           Parkwood Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Elsie C. Lowder                        Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Miller, Jr.           Mr. and Mrs. David Parr
Mrs. Carolyn A. Lowe                        Mrs. Mae Lee Miller                         Mr. Thomas H. Partridge
Mrs. Jessica L. Lowe                        Mrs. Mary B. Miller                         Ms. Joan Pauley
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Lowney              Ms. Robin C. Miller                         Pawleys Island Presbyterian Church
Miss Sally MacArthur                        Mr. Sidney C. Miller                        Mrs. Billie Payne
Ms. Debbie F. Mack                          Ms. Aline Lambert Mills                     Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Payne
Mr. William H. Maclay                       Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni J. Minerva            Mrs. Martha A. Payne
Ms. Carol MacNett                           Mrs. Nell Minshew                           Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Peacock, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn Maddox                          Ms. Mary B. Miskewicz                       Ms. Willie June Peake
Made You Look Marketing                     Ms. Frances K. Mitchell                     Mrs. Carol Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mahaffey, Sr.         Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mitchener            Ms. Heather Pelcher
Mrs. Diana J. Malcolm                       Mr. William Mitchener                       Ms. Sandra Pell
The Malloy Foundation                       Col. A. Michael Monroe                      Pendleton Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Margret V. Maloney                     Mr. John F. Montgomery, Jr.                 Mrs. Patsy B. Pennington
Ms. Jean E. Mandeville                      Mrs. Betty G. Moore                         Mrs. Jacolyn B. Perrone
Ms. Stephanie Mangan                        Ms. Lynn Moran                              The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit
Mrs. Suzette Mangan-Bryson                  Ms. Joan B. Moreman                         Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program
Marion Presbyterian Church                  Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Morganelli           Mr. and Mrs. E. Andrew Phail
Ms. Bonnie C. Martin                        Mrs. Patricia F. Morrow                     Mrs. Anne R. Pitts
Mrs. Mary D. Martin                         Morton Presbyterian Church                  Mrs. Harriett O. Plowden
Mrs. Samiel J. Martin                       Dr. Marian Moseley                          Dr. Neal B. Prater
Mrs. Jane Massey                            Mt. Pisgah Presbyterian Church              Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pratt
Mrs. Elsie V. Matthews                      Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church, Bishopville   Presbyterian Women, Abbeyville
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maughon             Mr. Henry Wayne Mullens                        Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Clara W. Maxwell                       Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mullin              Presbyterian Women, Aveleigh Presbyterian
Mrs. Mary Yvonne G. May                     Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvey                       Church
Mr. Gordon McBride                          Mr. Larry Munoz                             Presbyterian Women, Concord Presbyterian
Mr. James M. McCabe                         Ms. Laura B. Murchison                         Church
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McConkey                  Dr. and Mrs. Strother E. Murdoch, Jr.       Presbyterian Women,Eastminster
Mr. Jerry E. McCowan                        Ms. Colleen Murphy                             Presbyterian Church, Columbia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McCraw               Mr. and Mrs. James O. Murray, Jr.           Presbyterian Women, First Church, Cheraw
Mr. John R. McCulloch                       Mrs. Mildred W. Murray                      Presbyterian Women, First Church,
Dr. and Mrs. Allen F. McCutchen             Murrells Inlet Presbyterian Church             Greenwood
Ms. Lieze C. McDaniel                       Mrs. Arline H. Mustar                       Presbyterian Women, Foothills Presbytery
Ms. Mary G. McDannald                       Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Myers, Jr.          Presbyterian Women, Forest Lake
Mr. and Mrs. James C. McDonald              Nazareth Presbyterian Church, Moore            Presbyterian Church
Miss Linda C. McDonald                      New Covenant Presbyterian Church            Presbyterian Women, Fort Hill Church
Mrs. Mary Jane McDonald                     New Wappetaw Presbyterian Church            Presbyterian Women, Fraser Memorial
Dr. and Mrs. William L. McDow               Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Nexsen, Jr.             Church
Donor Appreciation

Presbyterian Women, Providence Presbytery   Mrs. Martha B. Ruggles                    The Reverend Dr. and
Presbyterian Women, Seneca Church           Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Sabin                    Mrs. James I. St. John
Presbyterian Women,Willington Church        Mrs. Lalla H. Saleeby                     St. Luke Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women, Trinity Presbytery      Salem Black River Presbyterian Church     St. Paul Presbyterian Church, Hollywood
The Presbytery of New Harmony               Mrs. Betty H. Salmond                     St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Price, Jr.           Mrs. Mary Ann Sanders                     Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Stalb
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Price                  Mrs. Lacy L. Saunders                     Mr. and Mrs. W. Laird Staley, Jr.
Ms. Lucie V. Price                          Mrs. Mildred F. Saye                      Mr. Richard B. Stall
Dr. and Mrs. Claudius H. Pritchard, Jr.     Mrs. Mildred N. Schady                    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steen, Jr.
Providence Presbyterian Church,             Mrs. Sarah D. Schreiber                   Ms. Cindy Steffen
  Hilton Head                               Ms. Judith I. Schultz                     Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Stephenson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Puckette             Mrs. Norma T. Schwinn                     Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Quinn                 Sea Island Presbyterian Church            Mrs. Ida Stewart
Ms. Mary Cecile Quinn                       The Reverend John G. Seabrook, Jr.        Mrs. Shirley Stiglbauer
Ramah Presbyterian Church                   Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston    Charles N. Still, M.D.
Mrs. Pansy C. Ramsey                        Second Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg   Col. and Mrs. John E. Strange, Jr.
Mrs. Jo R. Randall                          Second Presbyterian Church, Sumter        Mr. and Mrs. Sammie L. Stroud
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Rash                 Mr. Jon D. Sell                           Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Stroupe
Mrs. Mary L. Ratliff                        Mrs. Faith H. Sellers                     Mrs. Nan A. Summers
Mrs. Alida P. Rawl                          Mrs. Patricia W. Sells                    Summerton Presbyterian Church
Dr. and Mrs. Holbrook W. Raynal             Mr. and Mrs. James C. Settle              Sunrise Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Sanders G. Read, Jr.           Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church            Ms. Camly S. Surrett
Mrs. JoAnn P. Reaves                        Mrs. Mary Anne S. Shafer                  Mr. and Mrs. T. Frank Sutherland
Mrs. Jane M. Reidy                          Shandon Presbyterian Church               Swan Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Catherine A. Redd                      Mrs. Dorothy G. Shaw                      Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Swetenburg, Jr.
Ms. Sallie Rediske                          Dr. and Mrs. Louis E. Shepard, Jr.        Mr. Thomas J. Swirles
Mrs. Jean K. Reid                           Mr. Wade H. Sherard, III                  Mrs. Nevil Joyce Tackett
Mr. and Mrs. George I. Rentz                Mr. and Mrs. John Sherwood                Mrs. Judith L. Tag
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Reser               Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shirer                 Mr. and Mrs. Ashley C. Taylor
Mrs. Gail W. Reuning                        Mr. Robert C. Sillman                     Dr. and Mrs. E.W. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Revis                      Mr. Gary Simmons and The Reverend         Ted Haigler Sunday School Class,
Mrs. Lois G. Reynolds                          Elizabeth M. Simmons                      Eastminster Church, Columbia
Mr. Gary B. Rhinesmith                      Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons                Tedards Company, Inc.
Mr. William D. Rhodes, Jr.                  Mrs. Martha S. Simmons                    Ms. Louise Teems
Mr. F. Towers Rice                          The Simpson Foundation                    Ms. Eleanor M. ter Horst
Mrs. Helen C. Richardson                    Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sims                   The Annbeth and Robert Wilkinson
Mrs. Peggy L. Ritenour                      Mrs. Patricia Singletary                     Charitable Giving Fund
Riverview Presbyterian Church               Mr. Terry Skorup                          Ms. Deborah L. Thomason
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rivet                 Mr. Hartwell K. Sledge                    Mr. James R. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lamar Roberts, III          Ms. Amelia Jacobs Smith                   Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thrasher
Ms. Pamela G. Roberts                       Mr. and Mrs. Avery G. Smith               Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Tiller, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia B. Roberts                    Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Smith             Mrs. Mary H. Tiller
Roberts Presbyterian Church                 Mrs. Margaret Keitt Smith                 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Timmerman
Mrs. Marilyn Robertson                      Mr. and Mrs. Randell P. Smith             Timmonsville Presbyterian Church
Mr. Karl J. Robinson                        Mrs. Julia M. Smoak                       Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blaine Tingley
Rock Presbyterian Church                    Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smyth, Jr.         TIS Insurance Services, Inc.
Rocky Springs Presbyterian Church           Mr. and Mrs. Julian Snipes                Mrs. Nancy H. Todd
Mrs. Lorraine J. Roeber                     Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Snowden           Townville Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Mary Lynn S. Roes                      Mrs. Catherine S. Somers                  Ms. Patricia J. Tracy
Ms. Dorothy Rollins                         Mrs. Helen M. Somers                      Mr. and Mrs. Christian Heide Trask, Jr.
Mrs. Karen S. Roof Robinson                 South Aiken Presbyterian Church           Trinity Presbyterian Church, Columbia
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roquemore                  Southern Mutual Church Insurance          Trinity Presbyterian Church, Surfside Beach
Mrs. David A. Roseveare                     Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Spearman           Trinity Presbyterian Church, Travelers Rest
Mrs. Helena K. Rousseau                     Mrs. Maymie B. Spearman                   Trinity Presbytery
Mr. Duncan A. Rowan                         Sportsman Boats                           Mrs. Rosemarie O. Troope
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Rowland, Jr.         Dr. and Mrs. John H. Spurgeon             Mrs. Molly Ulshafer
Ruby Presbyterian Church                    St. Giles Presbyterian Church             Unity Presbyterian Church, Fort Mill
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Rudder                                                             Upper Long Cane Presbyterian Church
Tribute Gifts

Ms. Gerda Z. Vance                   White Oak Presbyterian Church                Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Wilson
Mrs. Virginia G. Vance               The Reverend Dr. and                         Mrs. Richard L. Wingard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vassy, Jr.      Mrs. Olin M. Whitener, Jr.                 Women in Ministry, First Presbyterian
Ms. Deloris E. Vaughan               Whitmire Presbyterian Church                   Church, Florence
The Reverend Dr. and                 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wickwire                  Mrs. Emily C. Wood
  Mrs. E. Douglas Vaughan, Jr.       Mr. Patrick L. Widner, II                    Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wooden, Sr.
Mrs. Emily J. Vega                   Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa                     Mrs. Helen M. Wooten
Ms. Ann M. Vickery                   Mrs. Dolores G. Wieringa                     Mr. Harold S. Wrenn
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry S. Voight         Ms. Kathryn B. Wiggins                       Mr. and Mrs. Garrett H. Wyckoff
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt von Besser         Dr. James A. Wilhide                         Mr. D. C. Wylie, Jr.
W.C. Moore Ins. Agency Inc           Mr. Sammie P. Wilhite                        Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wylie, III
The Reverend Harriett O. Wacker      Mrs. Annbeth S. Wilkinson                    Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Wylie
Mrs. Bruce A. Waddey                 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Williams                   Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wylie, Jr.
Wade Memorial Presbyterian Church    Mr. Harold L. Williams                       Mrs. Margaret L. Yandell
Walhalla Presbyterian Church         Mrs. Martha S. Williams                      Ms. Deborah K. Yarnell
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Walker         Ms. Patricia A. Williams                     The Reverend Joan Yates
Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell Walker    Ms. Sabrina Williams                         Yeaman’s Park Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Josephine B. Walker             Williamsburg Presbyterian Church             Ms. Mary Jo L. Young
Mrs. Laurie W. Walker                Mrs. Charlotte G. Williamson                 Mrs. Lyssa H. Youngblood
Ms. Vicki Walker                     Mrs. Claire W. Williamson                    Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Youngs
Ms. Sandra Wallace                   Willington Presbyterian Church               Ms. Margaret E. Zold
Mrs. Martha Jean Wallis
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Walsh
Mrs. Dixie Walters                                                  Memorials
Mrs. Anne F. Waltz
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Warren, Jr.   Mrs. Angela Moser Adams                      Mrs. Nancy D. Barnwell
Dr. and Mrs. Lucius F. Wates             Anonymous                                    Mr. Kirk T. Carter
Mrs. Evelyn D. Watkins               Mr. and Mrs. Arthur U. “Buddy” Adams             Mrs. Lee Churchfield
Dr. and Mrs. Nigel A. Watt               Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hart, Jr.               Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mann
Mrs. Antoinette R. Weaver                                                         Mrs. Mary Murray Paulling Bennett
                                     Ms. Sandra Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Webber                                                         Mr. and Mrs. John and
                                         Mrs. Judith A. Taetz
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Webster                                                             Meta Paulling Loftin
Wedgefield Presbyterian Church       Mr. John M. Aiken, Sr.
                                         Mrs. Genevieve A. Millsap                Mr. Irvin Black
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Weiner
                                                                                      Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Weir         Mrs. Mildred J. Albrecht
Mrs. Jean M. Weldon                      Mr. Robert H. Albrecht                   Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bland, Sr.
Mrs. Iris S. Wellborn                                                                 Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bland, Jr.
                                     Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Anderson
Mr. Robert S. Wells and                  John Ray and Anne Williams               Mrs. Gertrude O’Bryan Bookhart
  Mrs. Lucilla F. Schoenlein                                                          Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Bookhart, Jr.
                                     Mrs. Peggy D. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Westbury                                                         Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bookhart
                                         The Reverend Dr. Richard S. Andrews
Mrs. Ruth M. Westbury                                                             The Reverend Robert W. Boston
Mrs. Dorothy E. Westley              Mrs. Peggy J. Babb
                                                                                      Mrs. Mary Ruth L. Aiken
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Westley            The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. M.
                                                                                      Mr. C. Mitchell Carnell, Jr., Ph.D.
Westminster Presbyterian Church,            Hampton Hunter, III
                                                                                      Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Coyle
  Charleston                         Mrs. Alice M. Ballard                            Billy and Ann Crockett
Westminster Presbyterian Church,         Mr. and Mrs. Bentley G. Fishburne, Jr.
                                                                                      Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Edmonds, Jr.
  Greenville                         Mrs. Evelyn W. Ballard
Westminster Presbyterian Church,                                                      Ms. Jane R. Fussell
                                         Mrs. Josephine B. McMurtry
  Greenwood                                                                           Mrs. Kathleen M. Gelzer
                                     Mr. James T. Ballew                              Ms. Glenda W. Gillette
Westminster Presbyterian Church,
                                         Katharine and John Thorne                    Frankie K. Godwin
Ms. Ann B. Weston                    Mr. James E. Barber, Sr.                         Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Goff
Mrs. Charlotte J. White                  Forest Lake Presbyterian Church              Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greene, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Jean White            Mrs. Eleanor S. Barker                           Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Koches
Mrs. Trudy H. White                      Mr. David Barker                             Mr. Robert Q. Raffield and
Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. White, III       Mrs. Ruth F. Barnett                                 Ms. Ann T. Birdseye
Mr. William G. White, Sr.                Mr. Edward W. Barnett, III                   Mrs. Kitty Somers
                                                                                      Ms. Cora B. Taylor
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