Opportunity Areas Impact Report - Careers & Enterprise Company

Page created by Brad Leon
Opportunity Areas Impact Report - Careers & Enterprise Company
Opportunity Areas
Impact Report
Opportunity Areas Impact Report - Careers & Enterprise Company
At The Careers & Enterprise Company we have
always had a focus on areas of need, and we are
delighted to support the Opportunity Areas in
their drive to support every young person to have
access to opportunities, no matter what their
background. Having grown up in one of these
12 locations, I am particularly passionate about
the impact that engagement with employers can
have for these young people. I am grateful to
all our partners for the progress to date, for the
Cornerstone Employers that have started this
movement and the Careers Leaders who work
so hard in the schools and colleges to support
these 170,000 young people to have access
to encounters with the world of work. I look
forward to working with you all in the coming
years to make the vision for these areas a reality.
Christine Hodgson, Chairman
Opportunity Areas Impact Report - Careers & Enterprise Company
Personal Guidance Fund                                                                                       www.careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk                III

Executive Summary

Opportunity Areas are an important part of the government’s plan for
improving social mobility through education1. A geographical spread of 12
coastal rural, and urban areas were identified with the aim of testing what
works in a range of different communities and spreading best practice to
other areas of the country.
The Careers & Enterprise Company was established                                     In the last year, The Careers & Enterprise Company has
in 2015 to help link schools and colleges in England                                 targeted resources and support to all 12 Opportunity
to employers, to increase employer engagement                                        Areas, in partnership with LEPs, schools and
opportunities for young people. When the Opportunity                                 businesses, where over 300,000 encounters with
Areas were announced in 2016 we made a commitment                                    the world of work have been delivered. We have:
to support young people aged 11-18 in a school or a
college across these areas.                                                          • established a community of over 60 Cornerstone
                                                                                       Employers; local and national employers who work
As part of the Government’s Opportunity Area                                           together to support young people in their area
programme, The Careers & Enterprise Company has
committed to work with Local Enterprise Partnerships                                 • provided the dedicated resource of an Enterprise
(LEP), local authorities, careers providers, employers                                 Coordinator in every Opportunity Area, and access
and educational establishments to ensure that each                                     to an Enterprise Adviser; and
of the 170,000 young people at school or college in                                  • delivered a £1 million fund of support to the initial
these Opportunity Areas has four or more encounters                                    six Opportunity Areas via our Careers & Enterprise
with the world of work during their school and college                                 Fund 2016 to scale up existing, effective
years. Research carried out by the Education and                                       careers programmes.
Employers Taskforce2 shows that receiving four or
more encounters with the world of work dramatically                                  We are grateful for the support provided by
improves the employment prospects of young people.                                   Cornerstone Employers, funded providers and schools
                                                                                     and colleges. We are also grateful for the support
This commitment equates to delivering 750,000                                        offered by key bodies such as Confederation of British
encounters to young people across the 12 Opportunity                                 Industry (CBI), Institute of Directors (IoD), Chartered
Areas between 2017 and 2020. This report charts The                                  Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD),
Careers & Enterprise Company progress in its first year                              British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), Business in
working in partnership towards this commitment.                                      the Community (BITC) and The Federation of Small
                                                                                     Businesses (FSB), with whom we work in engaging their
                                                                                     members to respond to the call to action.

1. All 12 areas featured in the lowest performing areas (excluding City of London and Isle of Scilly due to size) in both the 2016 Social Mobility Commission’s
Index (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/social-mobility-index) and the Department for Education’s own analysis of school performance
and capacity to improve published in the Achieving Excellence Areas (AEA) methodology paper https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/

2. Percy, C. and Mann, A. 2014. School-mediated employer engagement and labour market outcomes for young adults Wage premia, NEET outcomes and career
confidence. In Mann, A., Stanley, J. and Archer, L. (Eds.). Understanding Employer Engagement in Education. London & New York: Routledge, pp.205-220.
Opportunity Areas Impact Report - Careers & Enterprise Company
1         Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                   careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

Opportunity Areas: Year One
In our first full year working in partnership with schools,   In the year ahead, we will increase our network of
businesses and local stakeholders, we have focussed           Enterprise Advisers to match with all secondary schools
on establishing our dedicated network of Enterprise           and colleges in the network and work with more local,
Coordinators, now fully recruited in all Opportunity          regional and national Cornerstone Employers alongside
Areas, and on ensuring secondary schools and colleges         our dedicated Enterprise Coordinators for each area.
are matched with a dedicated senior business volunteer        We will work with schools, colleges, employers and
as their Enterprise Adviser.                                  funded providers to target suitable resources and
                                                              support to where they are most needed.

    In Year One across the 221 schools and colleges
    in the 12 Opportunity Areas:

    • 70% have successfully been matched
      with an Enterprise Adviser

    • 90% have completed the Compass
      self-assessment tool

    • Over 300,000 employer encounters
      have been delivered across all 12
      Opportunity Areas

    • Over 150,000 employer encounters have
      been directly funded through our £1 million                                              Scarborough

      Investment Fund available in the first wave
      of six Opportunity Areas combined, reaching                  Blackpool                       Bradford
      over 40,000 of 60,000 young people in those                                                  Doncaster

                                                                                            Fenland & East Cambridgeshire
      six areas.
                                                          Derby                                                Norwich


                                                          West Somerset

Opportunity Areas Impact Report - Careers & Enterprise Company
Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                                             careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk           2

                                                            Scale of the challenge


                                                        young people aged 11-18 years
                                                         across 12 Opportunity Areas

                                                       Year One Delivery 2017/18

                     Scale                                                                                            Progress

                   221                                                                                            207/221
       Schools and colleges across 12                                                                    Schools and colleges signed up to
            Opportunity Areas                                                                            the Enterprise Adviser Networks

                   221                                                                                           152/221
  Enterprise Advisers required to match                                                                            Enterprise Advisers
        with schools and colleges                                                                                  matched to schools

                      14                                                                                              14/14
     Enterprise Coordinators required                                                                    Enterprise Coordinators recruited

                      5+                                                                                                  60
          Cornerstone Employers in
                                                                                                                Cornerstone Employers
           each Opportunity Area

        750,000                                                                                            300,000+/750,000
                                                                                                              Encounters delivered in Y1
         Encounters Target by 2020

3. Number of young people aged 11-18 years in Opportunity Areas at outset of OA Programme. 750.000 encounters target calculated on basis of all young
people in secondary school and college through term of the programme receive at least 4 encounters with the world of work
Opportunity Areas Impact Report - Careers & Enterprise Company
3             Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                                               careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

1                     What is our role
                      in Opportunity Areas?
Our role is to link schools and colleges to employers, to help
them deliver world class careers support for all young people.
Since 2015 we have been working to bring education,
careers providers and employers together, building
on and collaborating with the many other institutions                                  Why do we focus on encounters?
and charities with similar priorities. We have always                                  An “employer encounter” is an opportunity to
focused on areas of need. When the Opportunity                                         learn from employers about work, employment
Areas were announced in 2016, Government asked                                         and the skills that are valued in the workplace.
The Careers & Enterprise Company to proactively                                        This can be through a range of enrichment
engage business to help improve the social mobility of                                 activities including visiting speakers, mentoring
all 11-18 year olds in those areas.                                                    and enterprise schemes.

Our role in Opportunity Areas is to support schools                                    There is a strong evidence base to endorse the
and colleges in providing greater and more regular                                     benefits of providing young people with access
access to the world of work for their students.                                        to employers, working people and experiences of
                                                                                       the workplace. Research carried out by Education
The support of our national network is supplemented
                                                                                       and Employers4 underpins our commitment to
by £1 million of investment directly available to schools
                                                                                       guarantee four or more encounters to every
and colleges, providing encounters with the world
                                                                                       young person in Opportunity Areas (OAs):
of work through funded programmes, activities
and opportunities.

                  • Higher volumes of school-mediated employer
                    engagement (four or more encounters) are

                    associated with reduced incidence of Not in
                    Education, Employment, or Training (NEET)
                    by up to 86%.

                  • Undertaking individual employer engagement
                    activities is associated with reduced incidence
                    of being NEET by up to 81%.

5. Percy, C. and Mann, A. 2014. School-mediated employer engagement and labour market outcomes for young adults Wage premia,
NEET outcomes and career confidence. In Mann, A., Stanley, J. and Archer, L. (Eds.). Understanding Employer Engagement in Education.
London & New York: Routledge, pp.205-220.
Opportunity Areas Impact Report - Careers & Enterprise Company
Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                                                           careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk   4

2                      Understanding where to
                       focus in Opportunity Areas
Working in partnership with The Gatsby Foundation, we created the
Compass online tool and launched it during the 2016/17 academic year 6.
The self-evaluation tool is free to use for all schools and enables them to measure the effectiveness of their
careers provision against the Gatsby Benchmarks.

More than 3,000 schools are now using Compass. In Opportunity Areas, 196 of the 221 schools and colleges have
completed Compass in the last year. A school’s self-assessment against the Gatsby Benchmarks is then used as
the basis of a school-wide careers plan, supported by the local coordination of their Enterprise Coordinator and
strategic advice of their Enterprise Adviser.

We will be using Compass to measure the progress we are making against Benchmarks 5 & 6 and ensure we
target support across all Opportunity Areas.

                                            Opportunity Areas (n=196/221)

1. A stable careers programme                           6.6%                                90.3%                                  3.1%

2. Learning from career and labour                               25%                    43.9%                           31.1%
   market information
                                                          15.3%                                   83.7%                                 1%
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
                                                                 29.6%                 31.6%                         38.8%
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
                                                                       40.3%                                 59.7%
5. Encounters with employers and employees
                                                                 29.1%            21.4%                         49.5%
6. Experience of workplaces
                                                         12.2%                            71.4%                                 16.3%
7. Encounters with further and higher eduction
                                                                            52%                     13.8%             34.2%
8. Personal guidance
                                                   0%                  20%        40%                60%             80%                100%

                                                           Achieved               Partially achieved                  Not achieved
                                            National Compass performance

                                                    6.1%                                    91.9%                                   2%
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour                               31.8%                      40.6%                         27.6%
   market information
                                                         13.1%                                  85.6%                              1.3%
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
                                                               25.9%                   43.4%                            30.7%
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
                                                                   38.3%                                    61.7%
5. Encounters with employers and employees
                                                                   36.6%                  26.1%                      37.3%
6. Experience of workplaces
                                                        12.5%                             73%                                   14.5%
7. Encounters with further and higher eduction
                                                                          49%                     17.5%               33.5%
8. Personal guidance
                                                    0                  20         40                 60              80                 100

                                                          Achieved                Partially achieved                 Not achieved

6. For further information please visit: www.careersandenterprise.co.uk/schools-colleges/compass-benchmark-tool
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5              Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                   careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

3                        Year One Delivery

In the last year we have created the foundations of this work
in Opportunity Areas...
By establishing:                                                   By delivering:

A local Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN), partnering               Over 150,000 encounters directly funded through
every school with at least one Enterprise Adviser,                 our £1 million Investment Fund, to scale up existing,
successfully matching 70% of schools in Opportunity                effective careers and enterprise programmes.
Areas.                                                             In 2017/18, this provision has been available in
                                                                   the first six areas.
A community of over 60 Cornerstone Employers, local
and national, who work together with their networks                A school led approach with a ‘virtual wallet’ directly
and the wider business community to ensure all                     available to schools allowing them to identify suitable
young people have the opportunities they need to be                provision according to their needs. The success of
prepared and inspired for the world of work.                       this approach in Opportunity Areas has led to it now
                                                                   becoming the national approach for delivery.

A National Network*
                                No. schools/       No. schools.                            Completed
    Opportunity Area                                                 Matched to EA
                                 colleges        colleges in EAN                            Compass
    Blackpool                          13              13                  13                   13

    Bradford                           44              43                  34                   39

    Derby                              23              19                  16                   18

    Doncaster                          28              28                  25                   29
    Fenland & East
                                       14              14                   6                   13
    Hastings                            7              7                    6                   7

    Ipswich                            16              16                  15                   13
    North Yorkshire
                                       13              13                  10                   11
    Norwich                            16              14                  10                   13

    Oldham                             18              17                  16                   16

    Stoke-on-Trent                     26              20                  18                   24

    West Somerset                       3              3                    3                   3

* Figures at July 2018
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Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                      careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk   6

                   Cornerstone Employers

                   A Cornerstone Employer is a business that is invested in the successful and sustainable delivery
                   of careers education for young people and commits to join a leadership group of local businesses
                   to support the schools, colleges and young people in their area. The Cornerstone Employers work
                   together with their networks and the wider business community to ensure all young people have
                   the opportunities they need to be prepared and inspired for the world of work.

                   They range from large to small employers, operating at a local or national level.
                   However, they are all:

                   • experienced in engaging with education and so can lead by example and share their experience
                     with other businesses;
                   • dedicated to investing time and resource to benefit schools, colleges and young people;
                   • committed to working with other Cornerstone Employers in an Opportunity Area or Career Hub;
                   • willing to galvanise their business networks in the area, to collaboratively meet the needs of
                     schools, colleges and young people; and
                   • focussed on sustainability and act as an ambassador and champion for social mobility.
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7            Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                                           careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

3                   Year One Delivery

Encounters delivered
Over 300,000 encounters have been delivered across                             2019. Wave 1 areas will continue to receive funded
Opportunity Areas.                                                             activity through the CEF in Year 2.

Encounters in Wave 1 Opportunity Areas comprise of                             This chart shows the proportion of funded and non-
The Careers & Enterprise Fund (CEF) activity and non-                          funded encounters within each Opportunity Area.
CEF funded employer engagement activity, delivered                             The total number of encounters achieved in Year 1
locally by schools. The school will use its Compass                            is detailed in bold text.
self-assessment and the support of its Enterprise
                                                                               It is important to note that the Opportunity Areas
Coordinator and Enterprise Adviser to identify the type
                                                                               shown in the bar chart above are not relative to one
of activity that best meets their needs.
                                                                               another. They are proportionate to their individual
Encounters in Wave 2 did not include any activity                              targets.
funded through The Careers & Enterprise Company’s
                                                                               A full breakdown of encounters delivered can be
investment fund which commences in Year 2 with
                                                                               found at Appendix 1.
activity scheduled to run from September 2018 to July

                                                   Progress towards 3 year target in each OA

               Blackpool           5,777                                                       23,094               28,871         46,123
                   Derby            12,633                                                             54,937       67,570         89,976
                 Oldham          8,887                                                    45,551                    54,438         94,395
                 Norwich                   7,433                                                    17,387          24,820         36,837
    North Yorkshire Coast                       10,469                                                  14,587      25,056         31,747
          West Somerset              2,269                                                              9,982                       6,730     12,251

                Bradford                           37,710                                                                          155,333
               Doncaster         11,560                                                                                            96,208
Fenland and East Cambs                       10,653                                                                                46,936
                 Hastings             3,295                                                                                        21,697
                  Ipswich                             10,753                                                                       43,148
          Stoke-on-Trent                       14,845                                                                              70,111

                               Non-funded encounters           Funded encounters    Current Total        3 year encounter target
                               to Dec 2018                     to Sept 2018
Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                                                   careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk               8

Funded encounters delivered
In Year One, we have delivered over 150,000 encounters through directly funded providers specifically targeting
support for Gatsby Benchmarks 5 & 6. Providers were awarded following a robust assessment process, ensuring
well evidenced and high quality programmes reached areas of most need.

                                      Encounters by Activity Type - Funded Activity to Sept 2018






  15,000                                                                                                              14,587


                 Blackpool                Derby                   Norwich                Oldham                    Scarborough          West Somerset

    Work place visits        Work experience       Volunteering        Transitional Skills            Mentoring        Enterprise Education       Careers Talks

     Careers Talks
     including employer/alumni talks i.e. Future First                         CV workshops and mock interviews.
     alumni programme, World of Work days.
     Enterprise Education                                                      volunteering courses and opportunities frequently
     including enterprise competitions and enterprise                          delivered with employability skills training i.e.
     activities i.e. Young Enterprise Company Programme.                       Volunteer It Yourself’s volunteering programme

     Employer led Mentoring/Career Learning                                    Work Experience
     employer led mentoring i.e. Engineering                                   first-hand experiences of the workplace through
     Development Trust, Go4Set programme                                       work experience i.e. EBP North West’s specialised
     supported by industry mentors.                                            work experience programme.

     Transition Skills                                                         Workplace Visits
     including mock interviews, CV workshops, employer                         first-hand experiences of the workplace through
     delivered employability skills workshops i.e. Derby                       visits and employer shadowing/talks i.e. Oldham
     City Council’s Education for all programme delivering                     Youth Zone’s Business Breakfasts.
Focus on

Funded Providers

The Magic Club project in Claremont,          The centre was officially opened in March 2018 and is now a bustling
Blackpool (one of the poorest wards in        youth club, the only one in Claremont. The club already has 140
the UK), involved the refurbishment and       members aged 8-16 regularly attending and currently runs three
repurposing of an old, derelict magician’s    sessions a week, covering activities such as sports and drama, and
theatre as a new youth club/youth             workshops on relationships, sexual health and identity. The centre
centre.                                       also continues to host ‘hands on’ VIY workshops to engage new
                                              cohorts of young people wanting to learn vocational trade skills.
More than 50 young people volunteered
on the project, recruited via The Prince’s    VIY Magic Club project was also visited and commended by Dame
Trust and also, in partnership with The       Julia Cleverdon, Vice President of Business In The Community and
Careers & Enterprise Company, local           board member at The Careers & Enterprise Company.
schools and colleges. Working with a
team of VIY Mentors, the participants
took on a variety of jobs, including
stripping out old fittings and furnishings,
installing a new kitchen and toilet,
installing a new disabled access doorway                    of the school students who took part in
and ramp, relaying and levelling the main                  the project were on the brink of exclusion.
hall floor, and painting and decorating          All of these students remained successfully engaged at school
throughout. In the process, participants               six months beyond the end of their VIY experience.
worked towards achieving a City &
Guilds Entry Level 3 employability skills

Project activities were principally funded
by Blackpool Council, The Careers &
Enterprise Company and Wickes, with
Wickes also providing all tools and
materials at no cost.

50% of the school students who took
part in the project were on the brink of
exclusion, or had recently returned to
school having been excluded, and the
schools subsequently reported that all
of these students remained successfully
engaged at school six months beyond
the end of their VIY experience.
Focus on

 Cornerstone Employers

The Enterprise Adviser from Sirius
Minerals (siriusminerals.com), linked to      We have been excited about this project since we first met with the
Caedmon College Whitby, organised a           school to discuss the idea. It has taken some time planning, but we
six-week programme called Inspiring           found our staff more than willing to put themselves forward to get
Girls for a targeted group of Year 9          involved, which has really developed and enhanced what we have
girls who were at risk of disengaging         been able to offer the students. The students have been a credit to
from their studies. The aim being to          the school and we hope it is something we can continue for other
inspire them and provide a glimpse into       students in the future”.
potential future careers.

The school worked with Sirius Minerals
to develop a programme that saw the
Year 9 girls have weekly visits to Sirius
Offices, as well as a visit to the mining
site currently under construction.

The girls visited various departments at
Sirius Minerals and undertook a range
of tasks intended to help them build
employability skills, including: team work,
communication, resilience, problem
solving and punctuality. Additionally, the
girls had an opportunity to explore the
potential careers and different pathways
available to them.

Caedmon College Whitby were delighted
with the programme: “It’s a fantastic
opportunity for our students to gain
first-hand experience of what it is like
inside such a large organisation.
The girls have reacted very positively
and the feedback we have received from
their tutor coordinating the project and
visits has been excellent”.
11             Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                                  careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

4                     Spread the word

                                  45                                                                    30
                   pieces of coverage generated                                     engagement and learning events delivered

     Amber Rudd MP visits Saxon Mount School bringing the world of work to life
     for young people in St Leonards-on-Sea, Hastings
     Amber Rudd MP (middle) & Christine Hodgson (right) (Chair of The Careers &
     Enterprise Company)

                                                                                  Roundtable meeting at Norwich, Open Academy with the
                                                                                  Norwich Opportunity Area report.
                                                                                  Anna Frazer (Head of Employer Engagement, The Careers and
                                                                                  Enterprise Company), Steve Muncey (KPMG) & Chloe Smith MP
Opportunity Areas Impact Report                              careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk   12

                                  Employers play a crucial role in supporting
                                  young people to understand the world of
                                  work. KPMG are proud to work closely with
                                  schools, colleges, and fellow employers to
                                  improve the social mobility of children and
                                  students in Opportunity Areas. Together
    Roisin Sharkey,               with our fellow Cornerstone Employers, we
    Roisin Murphy                 encourage all local businesses to contribute
    Head of Corporate             where they can in supporting the needs of
                                  our schools, colleges and young people.
13    Opportunity Areas Impact Report   careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

With thanks to our partners
Cornerstone Employers:
Opportunity Areas Impact Report   careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk   14

Funded providers:

Local Enterprise Partnerships:

Strategic Partners:
15          Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                 careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

Appendix 1: Delivery in Year
One by Opportunity Area

          Area                                                Local Coordination

                                                    No. schools/                               % Schools/colleges
 Opportunity Area           No. schools/colleges                        No. Matched to EA
                                                   colleges in EAN                               matched to EA

       Blackpool                        13               13                        13                   100%

        Bradford                        44               43                        34                    79%

         Derby                          23               19                        16                    84%

       Doncaster                        28               28                        25                    89%

     Fenland & East
                                        14               14                        6                     43%

        Hastings                         7               7                         6                     86%

        Ipswich                         16               16                        15                    94%

     North Yorkshire
                                        13               13                        10                    77%

        Norwich                         16               14                        10                    71%

        Oldham                          18               17                        16                    94%

     Stoke-on-Trent                     26               20                        18                    90%

     West Somerset                       3               3                         3                    100%

          Total                        221              207                    172                       84%
Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                               careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk       16

              School Need                            Encounters Delivered                              Cornerstones

      No.                              No. CEC                                         Y1                 No. of
                       % Completed                   No. other      Total
   Completed                            funded                                     Encounter            Cornerstone
                         Compass                    encounters   encounters
    Compass                           encounters7                                    Target              Employers

         13                 100%        23,094        5,777        28,871            14,105                       4

         39                  89%          0          37,710        47,504            47,504                       4

         18                  78%        54,937       12,633        67,570            27,516                       6

         29                 104%          0          11,560        11,560            29,422                       3

         13                  93%          0          10,653        10,653            13,195                       4

          7                 100%          0           3,295         3,295             6,635                       9

         13                  81%          0          10,753        10,753            13,195                   11

         11                  85%        14,587       10,469        25,056             9,709                       5

         13                  81%        17,387        7,433        24,820            11,265                       5

         16                  89%        45,551        8,887        54,438            28,868                       6

         24                  92%          0          14,845        14,845            21,441                       9

          3                 100%        9,982         2,269        12,251             2,058                       7

        199                  91%       165,583       136,284       301,822          225,764                   73

7. The Careers & Enterprise Company
17   Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                 careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

Appendix 2: Careers &
Enterprise Providers supporting
Wave 1 Opportunity Areas

           CSW Group Limited helps students to explore a range of learning/employment opportunities,
           including enterprise and work experience opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and
           Maths (STEM).

           Derby City Council offers the Enterprise for Education (E4E) programme, which includes mock
           interviews, CV workshops, careers talks and mentoring.

           Derbyshire Education Business Partnership Ltd provides support from an Employability Worker
           to develop students’ skills to assist sustainable positive progression.

           Education Business Partnership (NW) Ltd provides a variety of programmes to students
           supporting career education, world of work transition skills and work experience.

           Engineering Development Trust provides young learners with exciting and enriching hands-on
           activity days within the school/college environment through First Edition STEM Days.

           EngineeringUK provides inspiring and effective employer-led STEM related outreach activities.

           Future First helps state secondary schools or colleges involved to build an alumni network by
           providing the necessary infrastructure, expertise and training.

           Hull City Council provides a work experience programme in the Humber region offered to SEND
           and at risk of NEET students.

           Learn By Design / By Design Group offers its iRail programme which includes a rail industry
           enterprise/ careers activity workshop, enterprise competition and a sponsored event.

           Mahdlo (Oldham Youth Zone) offers business networking breakfasts for young people from

           Medway Youth Trust delivers a STEM careers package to support schools, colleges and young
           people, including real-time webinars and 1-2-1 interventions.

           Norfolk County Council provides its Norfolk Employability For All programme, offering work
           experience to young people at risk of becoming NEET.

           NYBEP Ltd provides a range of activities from modular careers and enterprise activities through
           their Successful Futures programme.

           OnSide Youth Zones offers an enterprise and employability programme – ‘Aspiring Futures’,
           which focuses on transferable skills and work experience.
Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                      careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk   18

                   Teentech C.I.C. increases the reach of the national TeleTech Awards programme, providing an
                   industry STEM volunteer to each school.

                   URPotential C.I.C. provides a supported volunteer programme where students’ needs are
                   assessed before being matched to a volunteer role.

                   Volunteer It Yourself C.I.C. offers the chance for young people to learn about skills and job
                   pathways in the building and construction sector, while volunteering in the community.

                   Young Enterprise offers a variety of programmes including Learn to Earn, Tenner Plus and a
                   Company/Team programme.
19   Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                    careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk

Appendix 3: Careers and
enterprise providers supporting
Opportunity Areas in Wave 2
from September 2018
           A Potential Diamond facilitates realistic employment for students in Hastings with learning

           Ahead Partnership’s programme includes careers and labour market information, pathways and
           study options activities.

           All Together offers opportunities for enterprise activities, work experience, employer mentoring,
           mock interviews and personal development.

           Business Enterprise Support encompasses the UK’s largest Enterprise and Employability
           Competition and a full year group enterprise programme which sets the students the task to
           develop a new ‘Perfect University’.

           Business in the Community ‘Employability for Everyone’ is a modular programme that brings
           together local employers with students and teachers.

           Connect Education & Business provides a work experience service to schools, colleges and other
           education institutions including pupil referral units, children in crisis, prison service and special

           Culture Shift encompasses half day events where students meet a range of employers in an
           informal café style setting.

           Doncaster Chamber of Commerce provides the Doncaster Skills Academy, a programme of
           activities to deliver relevant opportunities for young people aged 11 to 18 in key areas of
           career advice and guidance, employability skills, workplace engagement, and enterprise skills.

           East Sussex County Council providers a work experience service which supports schools and
           colleges to effectively manage the process for arranging placements for their students.

           Engineering Development Trust provides opportunities for young people to enhance their
           technical, personal and employability skills through industry-mentored projects, industrial
           placements and specialised taster courses.

           Form the Future CIC engages business volunteers to educate young people about the
           world of work.
Opportunity Areas Impact Report                                                       careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk   20

                   Founders4Schools Workfinder enables young people to access work experience without being
                   dependent on parental networks or schools.

                   Future First providers schools & colleges a Future First Alumni Programme Officer who provides
                   expert, hands-on support to help kick start and grow their alumni network.

                   National Literacy Trust Words for Work gives young people from disadvantaged backgrounds
                   the communication skills they need to be successful in the workplace.

                   NYBEP provides schools access to a range of flexible Careers, STEM and Enterprise activities
                   that deliver multiple encounters with employers, Successful Futures enables young people
                   to acquire the skills and knowledge that better prepare them for the workplace.

                   RSPCA’s Hastings Wild Things uses wildlife and nature to help young people engage with animal
                   welfare issues and engender a positive attitude towards personal development, learning and the
                   natural world.

                   Teen Tech brings the world of contemporary industry to life for students, teachers and parents.
                   Their programme changes outdated perceptions of STEM, particularly amongst girls.

                   The White Room Consultancy’s Digital Advantage programme brings together employers
                   and industry experts with schools and colleges to deliver real-world digital employability skills,
                   enterprise development and work experience into the classroom.

                   University of Brighton’s the STEM Sussex Hastings programme aims to support young people
                   in Hastings to raise awareness, improve perception and inspire young people to consider careers
                   in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM).

                   Volunteer It Yourself works with schools and colleges to promote jobs in the building and
                   construction sector and encourages students to develop employability skills by volunteering
                   on a local community building refurbishment project.

                   Young Enterprise offers a variety of programmes including Learn to Earn, Tenner Plus
                   and a Company/Team programme.
The Careers & Enterprise Company
2-7 Clerkenwell Green
London EC1R 0DE

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