Options for reducing uncertainty in impact classification for alien species

Page created by Marc Morrison
Options for reducing uncertainty in impact classification
                          for alien species
                     MYRON P. ZALUCKI,12 AND MELODIE A. MCGEOCH 1,13,
                            School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800 Australia
          Centre for Climate Impacted Terrestrial Ecosystems, Harry Butler Institute, Murdoch University, 90 South Street,
                                                         Murdoch 6150 Australia
            Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany & Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Matieland, South Africa
                         Cape Town Office, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Claremont, South Africa
             College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, PO Box 6811, Cairns, Queensland 4870 Australia
                         USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station, Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 USA
      Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences, Praha 6 - Suchdol, CZ 165 21 Czech Republic
                                     UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford OX10 8BB UK
         School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351 Australia
                     UNE Business School, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351 Australia
          CSIRO Australian National Insect Collection, PO Box 1700, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601 Australia
                       School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072 Australia
      Department of Ecology, Environment and Evolution, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne, Victoria 30186 Australia

Citation: Clarke, D. A., D. J. Palmer, C. McGrannachan, T. I. Burgess, S. L. Chown, R. H. Clarke, S. Kumschick, L. Lach,
A. M. Liebhold, H. E. Roy, M. E. Saunders, D. K. Yeates, M. P. Zalucki, and M. A. McGeoch. 2021. Options for reducing
uncertainty in impact classification for alien species. Ecosphere 12(4):e03461. 10.1002/ecs2.3461

Abstract. Impact assessment is an important and cost-effective tool for assisting in the identification and
prioritization of invasive alien species. With the number of alien and invasive alien species expected to
increase, reliance on impact assessment tools for the identification of species that pose the greatest threats
will continue to grow. Given the importance of such assessments for management and resource allocation,
it is critical to understand the uncertainty involved and what effect this may have on the outcome. Using
an uncertainty typology and insects as a model taxon, we identified and classified the causes and types of
uncertainty when performing impact assessments on alien species. We assessed 100 alien insect species
across two rounds of assessments with each species independently assessed by two assessors. Agreement
between assessors was relatively low for all three impact classification components (mechanism, severity,
and confidence) after the first round of assessments. For the second round, we revised guidelines and gave
assessors access to each other’s assessments which improved agreement by between 20% and 30% for
impact mechanism, severity, and confidence. Of the 12 potential reasons for assessment discrepancies iden-
tified a priori, 11 were found to occur. The most frequent causes (and types) of uncertainty (i.e., differences
between assessment outcomes for the same species) were as follows: incomplete information searches (sys-
tematic error), unclear mechanism and/or extent of impact (subjective judgment due to a lack of knowl-
edge), and limitations of the assessment framework (context dependence). In response to these findings,
we identify actions that may reduce uncertainty in the impact assessment process, particularly for assess-
ing speciose taxa with diverse life histories such as Insects. Evidence of environmental impact was avail-
able for most insect species, and (of the non-random original subset of species assessed) 14 of those with
evidence were identified as high impact species (with either major or massive impact). Although uncer-
tainty in risk assessment, including impact assessments, can never be eliminated, identifying, and commu-
nicating its cause and variety is a first step toward its reduction and a more reliable assessment outcome,
regardless of the taxa being assessed.

              v www.esajournals.org                           1                April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

  Key words: EICAT; impact assessment; invasive alien species; mechanisms of impact; reducing uncertainty; risk

  Received 23 September 2020; revised 30 November 2020; accepted 10 December 2020; final version received 27 January
  2021. Corresponding Editor: Debra P. C. Peters.
  Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
  License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
    E-mail: M.McGeoch@latrobe.edu.au

INTRODUCTION                                                    assigning relative impact severities to alien spe-
                                                                cies (Turbe et al. 2017, Gonzalez-Moreno et al.
   With a changing climate and growing interna-                 2019, Vila et al. 2019), producing evidence-based
tional trade, the range expansion of alien and                  data that can then be used in risk assessment and
invasive alien species (i.e., invasive alien species            prioritization. Semi-quantitative protocols are a
being those that have a negative impact within                  valuable and necessary tool in contexts, such as
their recipient environment) is predicted to con-               invasion biology, where decisions must consider
tinue (Seebens et al. 2017). Ongoing arrival and                multiple lines of evidence, be made transparently
establishment of alien species necessitates a                   and where available evidence is incomplete (Gre-
triage approach to their management, where the                  gory et al. 2012). One such tool, Environmental
most damaging, or those most likely to cause                    Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT), is a
damage, is allocated high priority for surveil-                 formal protocol for using peer-reviewed litera-
lance and control (McGeoch et al. 2016). To this                ture to assess any environmental impacts (i.e.,
end, research on the impacts of alien species has               negative effects on the native environment) that
been growing steadily (Crystal-Ornelas and                      an alien species has inflicted and with which an
Lockwood 2020), accompanied by the develop-                     impact severity and mechanism is assigned
ment of various assessment frameworks for clas-                 (Hawkins et al. 2015). However, few studies have
sifying their impacts to assist in risk assessments             yet explored the potential types and causes of
(Roy et al. 2018, Gonz  alez-Moreno et al. 2019,               uncertainty associated with semi-quantitative
Vila et al. 2019).                                             tool outcomes for alien species impacts, and how
   Risk assessments are generally performed using               these could affect the final classification outcome
multiple data types that vary in reliability, and               (but see Kumschick et al. 2017a, who compared
therefore, acknowledging, accounting, and com-                  results from two different applications of EICAT
municating associated uncertainty is an essential               for alien amphibians). Better understanding of
component of the process (Harwood and Stokes                    the causes of uncertainty in impact classification
2003). For example, assessments by the Intergov-                is an essential step in testing these protocols and
ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that                  identifying general solutions to strengthen their
use multiple lines of evidence, are conducted                   reliability and value to risk analysis (Milner-Gul-
using a formal and agreed upon treatment of                     land and Shea 2017, Rueda-Cediel et al. 2018,
uncertainty. This method assesses the type,                     Latombe et al. 2019).
amount, quality, and consistency of evidence,                      While uncertainty cannot be removed entirely
along with the level of agreement, to assign confi-              from semi-quantitative methods such as EICAT,
dence in the form of a likelihood scale (Mastran-               identifying which causes of uncertainty are redu-
drea et al. 2011). Impact assessments of alien                  cible (and acknowledging those that are practi-
species, which contribute to full risk assessments,             cally irreducible; Regan et al. 2002) is an essential
likewise should be accompanied by estimates of                  step in improving the reliability and value of the
uncertainty (Roy et al. 2018), although this does               information they generate. Given the inherent
not always occur (Caton et al. 2018).                           nature of uncertainty in ecology more broadly,
   Semi-quantitative decision protocols are now a               and the need to account for it, frameworks for
widely used and accepted approach for                           identifying and classifying various types of

               v www.esajournals.org                        2               April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

uncertainty have been found to be useful (Mil-              recommendations for how best to communicate
ner-Gulland and Shea 2017). For example, the                and mitigate general types of uncertainty associ-
uncertainty typology developed by Regan et al.              ated with semi-quantitative methods for classify-
(2002) has been used to assess uncertainty in con-          ing the severity of alien species impacts.
servation decision making in the face of climate
change (Kujala et al. 2013) and to assess uncer-            METHODS
tainty in the alien species listing process and
what effect it may have on estimating the iden-                Several tools and methods exist in support of
tity and number of such species in countries                risk assessment to ensure that the process and its
(McGeoch et al. 2012). In both cases, application           outcomes are as transparent and as evidence
of the typology helped to identify tactics for              based as possible. One of these tools is Environ-
improving the transparency and repeatability of             mental Impact Classification of Alien Taxa
environmental decisions. Regan et al. (2002)                (EICAT). EICAT and other impact assessment
identify two broad types of uncertainty, with               methods for IAS are not risk assessments them-
multiple categories under each, that is, (1) epis-          selves, but rather tools used in support of evi-
temic uncertainty, or that brought about by                 dence-based RA’s that encompass a range of
uncertainty in determinate facts, and (2) linguis-          other socio-economic and context-specific infor-
tic uncertainty, or that caused by the inherent             mation (Hawkins et al. 2015, Gonzalez-Moreno
variation in our use of language (Regan et al.              et al. 2019). Our intention here is to evaluate the
2002, Burgman 2005, Latombe et al. 2019). Lin-              types of uncertainty associated with classifying
guistic uncertainty has been a significant hin-              species based on evidence of their impact. This
drance to progress in invasion biology to date              exercise is therefore intended as a contribution to
(Roy et al. 2018, Vil
                     a et al. 2019). The uncertainty        improve the robustness of impact assessment
framework of Regan et al. (2002) provides a                 tools. We do so by (1) selecting 100 insect species
widely relevant framework for evaluating uncer-             to assess, (2) independently applying the EICAT
tainty (McGeoch et al. 2012, Kujala et al. 2013).           protocol to each species twice, (3) describing the
   Here, we use this framework to identify and              differences found between assessments for each
classify the types of uncertainty and their causes          species and the reasons for these, (4) using
that may occur when assessing the environmen-               Regan’s et al. (2002) uncertainty framework to
tal impacts of alien species. That is, we provide a         assign each difference to an uncertainty type and
practical, rather than theoretical, approach to             analyze their relative frequency, and (5) discuss
addressing uncertainty in impact assessments.               ways in which each uncertainty type could be
Using insects as a case study, we apply the pub-            reduced by refining structured decision protocols
lished protocol, EICAT, for classifying the                 for alien species impacts.
impacts of alien species (Blackburn et al. 2014,
Hawkins et al. 2015). Insects were selected as a            Species pool and those assessed
model taxon for multiple reasons: (1) Alien inva-              The subset of alien insect species assessed
sive insect species pose significant risks to the            was deliberately selected to be likely to encom-
environment and economy and require impact                  pass as many species as possible with adequate
risk assessments to prioritize management (Brad-            peer-reviewed evidence of impact, given the
shaw et al. 2016, Lovett et al. 2016, Suckling et al.       demonstrated paucity of impact evidence for
2019); (2) they are one of the most species-rich,           alien species (Crystal-Ornelas and Lockwood
abundant, functionally diverse taxonomic groups             2020). The initial set (~2800 species) consisted
(Stork et al. 2015, Noriega et al. 2018), and (3)           of all insect species present in the Global Regis-
they are a group to which EICAT has not                     ter for Introduced and Invasive Species
previously been applied. We use differences                 (GRIIS), which provides verified species by
found between independent assessments of 100                country occurrence records outside their native
insect species to identify, interpret, and classify         range at country scale and an attribute for
causes and types of uncertainty. Incorporating              local evidence of impact (Pagad et al. 2018; as
the lessons learnt from performing impact classi-           at June 2017). In addition, alien insects known
fication on alien insects, we conclude with                  to impact the environment were extracted from

               v www.esajournals.org                    3              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

relevant reviews (Kenis et al. 2009, Vaes-Petig-           Database (Blackburn et al. 2014, Hawkins et al.
nat and Nentwig 2014, McGeoch et al. 2015,                 2015).
Cameron et al. 2016, Bertelsmeier et al. 2017,                EICAT assessments have, to date, been pub-
Evans et al. 2017). Species were then ranked by            lished for alien birds (Evans et al. 2016), amphib-
the number of times they were referred to                  ians (Kumschick et al. 2017a), selected
across all sources, that is, multiple sources des-         gastropods (Kesner and Kumschick 2018), mam-
ignated them as invasive or having a negative              mals (Hagen and Kumschick 2018) and bamboo
environmental impact. The top 100 species                  species (Canavan et al. 2019). Here, we used the
were selected for assessment in this way prior             EICAT protocol as published (Hawkins et al.
to the literature search for each species. Given           2015), although these guidelines have subse-
the assumed positive relationship between pest             quently been revised by the IUCN via an online
severity and available literature on the species,          consultation process and the involvement of one
we consider this suite of 100 species to incor-            of the co-authors (SK; IUCN 2020a). Our interest
porate a best-case scenario for evidence avail-            here was to identify forms of uncertainty in the
able on which to implement EICAT and                       impact assessment process, rather than to evalu-
interpret the results accordingly.                         ate EICAT per se, which is similar to a range of
                                                           other semi-quantitative impact assessment
Structured decision protocol                               protocols (Kumschick et al. 2017b). We adopted
   EICAT is a protocol with published guidelines           previously suggested modifications to the mech-
for its implementation to ensure that it is applied        anisms used to assess the environmental impacts
in a consistent, transparent, and comparable way           of alien insects. Specifically, (1) the mechanism
across taxa and between assessors (Blackburn               grazing/herbivory/browsing was altered to her-
et al. 2014, Hawkins et al. 2015). EICAT has now           bivory as grazing and browsing are not relevant
been adopted by the IUCN as a standard for the             for insects, and (2) the addition of a relevant
purpose of assigning severity of impact cate-              mechanism, facilitation of native species
gories and impact mechanisms to IAS, with                  (whereby an invasive species negatively affects
strong parallels to the method used for the IUCN           one native species by positively affecting another
Red List of Threatened Species. The EICAT sever-           native species) was considered important for
ity of negative impacts is classified as minimal            capturing this frequently encountered form of
concern (MC), minor (MN), moderate (MO),                   indirect impact of invasive insects on biodiver-
major (MR), or massive (MV; Hawkins et al.                 sity (McGeoch et al. 2015).
2015). The final severity attributed to an alien
species at the end of the assessment process is its        Implementation of EICAT
maximum realized impact anywhere within its                   The general steps involved following the pre-
introduced range; that is, EICAT is only con-              assessment and assessment steps of the EICAT
cerned with the most severe realized (as opposed           protocol as a research exercise, using the detailed
to potential) impact for a species. Two other cate-        guidelines, decision charts, and definitions pub-
gories are possible, data deficient (DD) for cases          lished in Hawkins et al. (2015). We discussed and
where there is insufficient evidence to perform             conducted the research (including the assess-
an assessment, or not alien (NA) for when a                ments unless otherwise specified below) and the
given species does not in fact have an alien distri-       first and senior authors analyzed and reported
bution. Mechanisms of impact are ascribed for              the results back to the authorship group for dis-
each assessment where impact evidence was                  cussion and interpretation.
found. For example, a given species may have a                To measure the level of congruence between
negative impact by preying upon native species             assessment outcomes and to identify reasons for
and would, therefore, be ascribed the mechanism            the differences that occurred, each of the 100
of predation for that specific piece of evidence.           alien insect species was assessed independently,
These mechanisms, of which there were 13                   using peer-reviewed literature, for environmen-
(Blackburn et al. 2014, Hawkins et al. 2015),              tal impacts by two people. The ECAT guidelines
expand on those identified by Kumschick et al.              specify that assessments may be conducted by
(2012) to align with the Global Invasive Species           individuals or groups, in person or via email

               v www.esajournals.org                   4              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

(Hawkins et al. 2015). Our rationale for individu-        departing from these only where it was neces-
ally conducting the assessments was that by               sary to clarify, elaborate, or modify details for the
doing so we were able to use differences found            purpose of reducing uncertainty. The purpose of
between independent assessments to identify               revisions to the guidelines was to clarify
where and why uncertainty arises in the impact            particular protocol points that were identified as
assessment process. Comparing individual                  potentially resulting in differences between
assessments rather than group assessments also            assessments, particularly to reduce the more
allowed us to complete assessments for many               common and readily addressed misunderstand-
more species than would otherwise have been               ings that arose in the first-round assessments
possible. Here, the rationale was that including          (such as the need to first confirm evidence of the
many species, representing a broad range of life          existence of alien populations of each species).
histories and available information, would likely         Fourth, the clarified guidelines, along with the
yield a broader array of potential reasons for dif-       initial results from both assessors for each
ferences found between assessments of the same            species, were then used by the assessors in the
species. By controlling the assessments and their         second assessment round. Differences can occur
revisions using the process outlined below, we            for one or more outcome of each assessment, that
were able to exclude as far as possible potential         is, differences in allocated impact mechanism,
influence of one assessor over the judgment of             severity, confidence level, or any combination of
another, as well as maximize the comparability/           the three. Fifth, assessors could then either refine
uniformity of the process across each of the spe-         their initial assessment considering this new
cies assessed. This suited the purpose of this            information or leave their assessment as origi-
study, which was to identify types and sources of         nally provided (Burgman et al. 2011). Either deci-
uncertainty.                                              sion required justification. The sixth and final
   The entire process can be generalized by the           step required assessors to provide possible rea-
following steps. First, assessors discussed the           sons for why, in their view, initial assessments
protocol and performed a series of pilot assess-          resulted in differences.
ments as a group to familiarize everyone with
the EICAT process and protocol guidelines                 Application of the uncertainty framework
(Hawkins et al. 2015). Second, impact assess-                We used the information generated from the
ments were performed independently by two                 above process to understand and classify the
assessors for each species. Literature searches           assessment uncertainty, by treating the differ-
were performed first by using ISI Web of Science           ences in assessment outcomes across assessors as
(webofknowledge.com) using the species name               types of uncertainty and classifying them using
(scientific including synonyms) as the search              the uncertainty typology of Regan et al. (2002).
terms, after which assessors used supplementary           Using the detailed definitions of types of uncer-
searches and sources as needed. Each species              tainty provided by Regan et al. (2002), causes of
assessment resulted in three main outputs with            uncertainty were first broadly classified as either
supporting literature evidence: (1) the mecha-            epistemic or linguistic in origin. Epistemic uncer-
nisms of impact (i.e., how the alien species is           tainty is that associated with the knowledge of a
having a negative effect, e.g., via competition),         system’s state and consists of six main types
(2) the size of the impact (the EICAT magnitude           (measurement error, systematic error, natural
of impact severity category), and (3) the confi-           variation, inherent randomness, model uncer-
dence in the evidence supporting the chosen               tainty, subjective judgment; Regan et al. 2002).
mechanism and impact severity (Hawkins et al.             There are five main types of linguistic uncer-
2015). Third, based on the outcome of the first            tainty associated with the omnipresent variation
round where differences in outcomes occurred              in our use of language (vagueness, context
between assessors, the guidelines were clarified           dependence, ambiguity, theoretical indetermi-
where points of misunderstanding or differences           nacy, under-specificity; Regan et al. 2002). Other
in understanding arose. Our intention here was            studies of uncertainty using this typology have
to apply EICAT critically, adhering to the guideli-       modified it by, for example, including a third
nes as far as possible and elaborating on or              broad type of uncertainty (human decision

              v www.esajournals.org                   5              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

uncertainty) which contain causes of uncertainty                                  100

such as subjective judgment (Kujala et al. 2013).                                                                           Assessment
We chose to follow McGeoch et al. (2012) who                                                                                  One

                                                         Assessor agreement (%)
used the original typology with minor adjust-
ments for application to listing of invasive alien
species, distinguishing between subjective judg-                                  50
ment per se and subjective judgment due to a
lack of knowledge, and between systematic error
per se and systematic error due to a lack of                                      25
knowledge. The rationale for this is akin to the
dual pathway of forming a subjective probability
(Burgman 2005), where people’s subjectivity                                        0
                                                                                        Mechanism        Severity      Confidence
stems from either a lack of, or despite, available                                                      Component
knowledge. Instances of both epistemic and lin-
guistic uncertainty were in some cases simultane-          Fig. 1. Agreement in environmental impact assess-
ously possible as the reason for differences             ment outcomes between two independent assessors
between assessment outcomes (McGeoch et al.              across two rounds of assessment. Agreement increased
2012). Therefore, for each species where there           across all assessment components in the second round.
was a difference between assessors regarding             The assessment of severity of impact improved most
mechanism and/or severity of impact attribution,         and mechanism of impact least across the two assess-
the reasons and their associated uncertainty type        ment rounds.
were identified using the definitions in Regan
et al. (2002) and McGeoch et al. (2012). We did
not assess the uncertainty associated with differ-       most frequently identified (Table 1), and agree-
ences in the chosen confidence level due to its           ment on herbivory as the primary mechanism of
strong dependence on the chosen mechanism                impact occurred in 38% (n = 14) of instances.
and severity. We did, however, assess the correla-       The remaining eight mechanisms were less fre-
tion between the amount of disagreement in               quently attributed (Table 1). For example, para-
impact severity and the mean level of confidence          sitism was attributed to six species, five of which
for a given species (Appendix S1: Fig. S1). There        were cases of agreement. Facilitation of native
was no correlation between the two variables in          species was also attributed to six species; how-
the first or second round (Appendix S1: Fig. S1).         ever, all six were cases that differed between
An assignment of low confidence does not neces-           assessors. Multiple (n = 14) instances occurred
sarily lead to disagreement between assessors            where the assessors agreed on a mechanism for a
and therefore was not used as a proxy for asses-         species, but one assessor also assigned additional
sor disagreement.                                        mechanisms. The assignment of multiple mecha-
                                                         nisms in EICAT occurs when the same level of
RESULTS                                                  impact severity is assigned to more than a single
                                                         mechanism by an assessor for a given species.
  First-round assessments led to agreement               Taking a conservative approach here, these cases
levels of between 32% and 44% for each of the            were considered differences in assessment out-
three EICAT assessment components, that is,              come. After the second round of assessments,
mechanism, severity of impact, and confidence             agreement on the mechanism of impact
(Fig. 1). Mechanism of impact had the highest            increased from 44% to 65% (Fig. 1). Little change
level of agreement, with 44% of species attribu-         between rounds occurred for the allocation of
ted with the same primary mechanism of impact            mechanisms of impact for most mechanisms
by both independent assessors. The level of              except for herbivory (37–53%), transmission of
agreement, however, varied across mechanisms,            disease (33–100%), and other (6–40%; Table 1).
as did the frequency with which each mechanism              Categories of impact severity varied in their
was attributed (Table 1; Appendix S1: Fig. S2).          levels of agreement (Fig. 2A). Data deficient
Herbivory, competition, and predation were               (DD) was the impact severity classification with

              v www.esajournals.org                  6                                  April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

Table 1. Instances of agreement and disagreement between assessors for mechanism of impact for both assess-
  ment rounds.

                                                                   Round 1                                    Round 2
Mechanisms of impact                                  Agree        Disagree        Total          Agree       Disagree   Total

Herbivory                                              14             23            37             17              15     32
Competition                                            22             21            43             17              19     36
Predation                                              11             13            24             9               12     21
Other                                                  1              14            15             6               9      15
Transmission of disease                                3              6             9              7               0      7
Parasitism                                             5              1             6              5               0      5
Interaction with other aliens                          2              8             10             1               6      7
Facilitation of natives                                0              6             6              0               6      6
Hybridization                                          2              0             2              2               0      2
Chemical/physical/structural ecosystem impacts         0              1             1              0               1      1
None                                                   5              14            19             5               7      9
  Note: As more than one mechanism can be attributed to a species, the instance totals within and between assessment rounds
do not sum to 100.

                                             A                                                            B




                                                      MV                                                           MV
                                                      NA                                                           NA



  Fig. 2. Chord diagrams showing the variation in agreement or disagreement in the assessment of severity of
impact between independent assessors in each assessment round (A, B). The segment span width of a given
impact severity category (MV, massive; MR, major; MO, moderate; MN, minor; MC, minimal concern; DD, data
deficient; and NA, not alien) is proportional to the number of species for which that severity was assigned by at
least one assessor. The width of the links connecting segments reflects the number of species for which there was
difference between assessors involving those specific impact severities. The low density of links in B compared
with A reflects the increase in agreement across assessments, revealing also moderate followed by major and
data deficient as the most frequently assigned categories.

highest agreement (see Appendix S1: Table S1                      Assessor agreement on impact severity increased
for full details of impact severity assessments).                 from 34% to 70% across rounds. As in the first
Agreement on impact severity in round 1                           round of assessments, variation in levels of
occurred for 34% of species; that is, a species was               agreement among severity of impact categories
assigned the same severity of impact by both                      remained (Appendix S1: Table S1). Similarly, the
assessors (assessment outcomes were as likely to                  distribution of agreement across the severity of
agree as to differ, v2 = 1.37, df = 1, P = 0.24).                 impact categories differed little between

                v www.esajournals.org                         7                 April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

                     Anoplolepsis gracilipes
                     Pheidole megacephala
                                 Apis mellifera
                              Adelges tsugae
                         Xyleborus glabratus
                                 Aphis gossypi
                            Bombus terrestris
                   Paratrechina longicornis
                  Wasmannia auropunctata
                         Linepithema humile
                             Lymantria dispar
                    Lysiphlebus testaceipes
                     Merizodus soledadinus
                                Myrmica rubra
                   Pachycondyla chinensis
                           Solenopsis invicta
                             Vespula vulgaris
                    Andricus quercuscalicis
                     Anoplophora chinensis
                  Anoplophora glabripennis
                     Aulacaspis yasumatsui
                      Cactoblastis cactorum
                               Diaphorina citri
                    Homalodisca vitripennis
                        Orthotomicus erosus
                           Paratrechina fulva
                           Solenopsis richteri
                     Technomyrmex albipes
                           Tetropium fuscum
                                   Apis cerana
                  Quadrastichus erythrinae
                                 Bessa remota
                    Apis mellifera scutellata
                             Calliphora vicina
                      Cicindelidia trifasciata
                              Cinara cupressi
                           Danaus plexippus
                           Harmonia axyridis
                               Icerya purchasi                                                                  MV
                                Larinus planus
                             Lasius neglectus                                                                   MR
                     Ochlerotatus japonicus
                                  Pieris rapae
                       Pteromalus puparum                                                                       MO
                   Pterostichus melanarius
                       Solenopsis geminata                                                                      MN
                Tapinoma melanocephalum
                            Torymus sinensis                                                                    MC

                     Trechisibus antarcticus
                             Trechus obtusus
                           Trichopoda pilipes
                              Urophora affinis                                                                  NA
                   Urophora quadrifasciata
                                Vespa velutina
                       Vespula pensylvanica
                               Zizina labradus
                            Bactrocera tryoni
                                Chilo partellus
                            Polistes dominula
               Scyphophorus acupunctatus                                                                        NA
              Thaumetopoea processionea
                            Trissolcus basalis                                                                  Low
                          Vespula germanica
                            Aedes albopictus
               Anopheles quadrimaculatus                                                                        Medium
                         Forficula auricularia
                  Microctonus aethiopoides                                                                      High
                   Monomorium destructor
                    Monomorium pharaonis
                          Myzus ascalonicus
                        Solenopsis papuana
                                 Tuta absoluta
                   Xylosandrus compactus
                   Chaetosiphon fragaefolii
                           Polistes chinensis
                      Rhyzopertha dominica
                  Acanthoscelides obtectus
                          Bruchus rufimanus
                     Drosophila subobscura
                     Rhopalosiphum maidis
                            Sitophilus oryzae
                          Sitotroga cerealella
                             Bruchus pisorum
                 Leptinotarsa decemlineata
                     Liriomyza huidobrensis
                        Megachile rotundata
                     Trogoderma granarium
                          Andricus corruptrix
                               Andricus kollari
                            Andricus lignicola
                        Anthonomus grandis
                               Aspidiotus nerii
                             Ceratitis capitata
                       Penicillaria jocosatrix
                       Stictocephala bisonia
                        Heteronychus arator
                   Chromaphis juglandicola
                  Callosobruchus chinensis
            Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
                               Saissetia oleae
                           Megachile apicalis
                                                  MV   MR   MO         MN       MC      DD        NA

Fig. 3. Final assessment results of impact severity and the associated confidence rating for all 100 insect

                        v www.esajournals.org                    8               April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

(Fig. 3. Continued)
species. Species for which there remained difference after both rounds of assessment are shown with two differ-
ent colored tiles in the row associated with them. Most instances of difference occurred at the interface between
major and moderate, and between minor or minimal concern and data deficient. Category abbreviations are mas-
sive, MV; major, MR; moderate, MO; minor, MN; minimal concern, MC; data deficient, DD; not alien, NA. For
additional information on species identities, see Appendix S2.

assessment rounds (Appendix S1: Table S1).                  uncertainty type that occurred most frequently,
Assessors were more likely to agree than dis-               followed by subjective judgment as a result of
agree (v2 = 83.64, df = 1, P < 0.001), and most             lack of knowledge and context dependence
differences (22/30) between impact severity cate-           (Fig. 4).
gories in the second round involved categories                 Final assessments (after the completion of both
adjacent on the severity scale, as opposed to the           rounds) revealed evidence of environmental
first round which had much less structure                    impact was inadequate or unavailable for 14 spe-
(Fig. 2B, Appendix S1: Fig. S2). For example, in            cies (Fig. 3, Appendix S2: Table S1), that is,
the second round, if there was difference in a              where both assessors agreed on the species being
Moderate impact, it involved one assessor                   data deficient. Including the additional 10 spe-
assigning either a Minor (one category lower) or            cies where assessors disagreed on data availabil-
Major (one category higher) impact (Fig. 2B,                ity equates to approximately 25% of alien insects
Fig. 3). Exceptions to this occurred for two spe-           assessed as data deficient by at least one assessor.
cies (Diaphora citri, Tetropium fuscum) in which            These species were distributed across five orders:
one assessor assessed severity as Minor and the             Coleoptera (n = 9), Diptera (n = 2), Hemiptera
other assessed it as Major, as well as for six spe-         (n = 5), Hymenoptera (n = 7), and Lepidoptera
cies (Orthotomicus erosus, Solenopsis richteri, Chae-       (n = 1). Of those species for which environmen-
tosiphon fragaefolii, Polistes chinensis, Rhyzopertha       tal impact information was available and asses-
dominica, and Thaumetopoea processionea) in which           sors agreed on impact severity (n = 56), 25 were
one assessor assigned an impact severity and the            Hymenoptera. This order was most frequently
other thought there was insufficient data to do so           represented in each impact severity category,
or that there was no evidence of alien popula-              except for Minimal Concern where there were no
tions in the case of T. processionea (Fig. 3).              Hymenoptera. It was also the only order for
   Eleven possible causes of uncertainty (Table 2)          which there was agreement on a Massive impact,
identified a priori occurred across the 100 species          that is, for both the yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepsis
assessed during the implementation of the proto-            gracilipes) and the big-headed ant (Pheidole mega-
col (Table 2). Most frequently, different use of ref-       cephala). Few species were attributed this highest
erence material was part of, if not the entire              level of impact, and only five species were
cause of difference in a species assessment, clo-           assigned this category by at least one assessor
sely followed by limitations of the assessment              (Fig. 3). Considering only those species for which
framework and the mechanism or extent of                    there was agreement on severity and excluding
impact being unclear in the literature (Fig. 4).            those that were data deficient, the number of spe-
However, the frequency of these causes of uncer-            cies across impact severity categories approxi-
tainty differed depending on the assessment                 mates a symmetric distribution with Moderate
component (impact mechanism versus severity).               (n = 26)      the   most     attributed   category
For example, although extrapolation of evidence             (Appendix S1: Table S1). Including instances of
and deviation from assessment protocol occurred             difference alters the distribution of impact severi-
similar numbers of times (14 and 12 times,                  ties, which reflects the uneven frequency with
respectively), all but one of the former cases were         which each category was associated with assess-
related to differences in severity, while all               ment differences. Agreement on impact mecha-
instances of the latter were related to differences         nisms was most common for herbivory (n = 17)
in mechanisms (Fig. 4). Systematic error was the            and competition (n = 17; Table 1). Hemiptera

                v www.esajournals.org                   9              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

Table 2. Causes and types of uncertainty that may lead to differences between independent assessors when per-
  forming environmental impact assessments.

Cause of uncertainty
(description used in Figures)                    Explanation                       Uncertainty type          Species example

1. Human error                       Performing impact assessments using      Measurement error (i) (E)         Xylosandrus
                                      incorrect information, for example,                                        compactus
                                      using the wrong species (e.g.,                                            (Coleoptera:
                                      Xyleborus glabratus) in an                                               Curculionidae)
                                      assessment can result in
2. Incomplete information            Non-comprehensive literature             Systematic error (ii) (E)          Drosophila
 searches (incomplete search)         searches can lead to different                                             subobscura
                                      assessments for the same species.                                           (Diptera:
3. Documented data and               Evidence is not uniform in its           Systematic error as a result     Cinara cupressi
 knowledge not readily or widely      availability to all assessors.             of lack of knowledge           (Hemiptera:
 accessible (knowledge                Language barriers can also prevent                (ii_a) (E)               Aphididae)
 inaccessible)                        the use of some evidence. This can
                                      result in either relevant pieces of
                                      evidence being overlooked and/or
                                      different evidence used between
4. Species identification             The dynamic nature of taxonomy can       Systematic error (ii)† (E)        Apis mellifera
                                      lead to errors of commission and                                            scutellata
                                      omission. Accepted species names                                         (Hymenoptera:
                                      may change over time leading to                                             Apidae)
                                      multiple synonyms for a species
                                      causing evidence to be missed.
                                      Additionally, insufficient taxonomic
                                      resolution can lead to the erroneous
                                      inclusion of evidence; specifically,
                                      organisms with many sub-species
5. Information regarding             a) Inclusion of impact evidence based    Systematic error as a result          N/A
 indigenous and/or alien range is     on course resolution knowledge of        of lack of knowledge             Chaetosiphon
 insufficient (range uncertain)        alien range may lead to                  (ii_a) (E)                         fragaefolii
                                      overestimation of impacts.              Subjective judgment as a          (Hemiptera:
                                     b) Information on alien range is          result of lack of                 Aphididae)
                                      scarce or variable leading to a          knowledge (iii_a) (E)
                                      subjective decision whether to
                                      conclude impact evidence is within
                                      an alien range
6. Limitations of assessment         Lack of clarification in the assessment   Context dependence (iv)        Orthotomicus erosus
 framework (assessment limits)        framework as to what constitutes         (L)                              (Coleoptera:
                                      the inclusion of certain evidence                                        Curculionidae)
                                      suitable for assessing environmental
7. Species designation as invasive   Definitions for what constitutes an       Vagueness (v) (L)               Danaus plexippus
 (invasiveness criteria)              alien or invasive species can be                                         (Lepidoptera:
                                      vague and vary widely in the                                             Nymphalidae)
                                      literature, and not consistent with
                                      the definition used in the
                                      assessment. This can result in
                                      differences in opinion as to whether
                                      a species requires an impact
                                      assessment or not
8. Unclear mechanism and/or          Information obtained from available      Subjective judgment as a          Monomorium
 extent of impact (mechanism/         evidence can be unclear regarding        result of lack of                 destructor
 impact unclear)                      how a species is having an               knowledge (iii_a) (E)           (Hymenoptera:
                                      environmental impact, leading to an                                       Formicidae)
                                      assessor’s subjective interpretation
                                      of the evidence available
9. Extrapolation of evidence         Based on their expert knowledge,         Subjective judgment (iii)        Adelges tsugae
                                      assessors may reach conclusions          (E)                              (Hemiptera:
                                      beyond what the available evidence                                         Adelgidae)

                  v www.esajournals.org                        10              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

(Table 2. Continued.)

Cause of uncertainty
(description used in Figures)                    Explanation                      Uncertainty type         Species example

10. Deviation from assessment       Ascribing impact mechanisms to a         Measurement error (i) (E)       Aspidiotus nerii
 protocol (deviation from            species despite there being                                              (Hemiptera:
 protocol)                           insufficient evidence to carry out an                                     Diaspididae)
11. No apparent cause               Difference between assessments has       Natural variation (vi) (E)        Anoplolepsis
                                     no apparent cause other than a                                              gracilipes
                                     natural variation in evidence                                            (Hymenoptera:
                                     interpretation                                                            Formicidae)
   Notes: Causes of uncertainty were identified from McGeoch et al. (2012), checked for relevance to impact classification, and
assigned to the relevant uncertainty type following Regan et al. (2002). Species examples provided are those encountered dur-
ing the implementation of impact classification for insects and are discussed further in the text. Uncertainty types are catego-
rized as epistemic (E) or linguistic (L).
   † Although classified as systematic error, this cause of uncertainty would be more accurately considered a form of theoreti-
cal indeterminacy as per Regan et al. (2002).

were somewhat of an exception, and here, trans-                     independently conducted assessments, with the
mission of disease occurred as often as herbivory.                  reasons for these differences associated with 11
Although these two mechanisms were most fre-                        different causes and six different types of uncer-
quent, all orders except one (Dermaptera) were                      tainty. However, levels of agreement increased
associated with at least four mechanisms of                         substantially following discussion between
impact (Appendix S1: Fig. S3). This declined                        assessors of reasons for the uncertainty involved.
slightly when considering only instances of                         This process enabled us to identify several practi-
agreement, with Lepidoptera decreasing to two                       cable recommendations for reducing the uncer-
attributed mechanisms.                                              tainty associated with assessing and classifying
                                                                    the impact of alien species.
DISCUSSION                                                             Alien invasive insects have negative impacts
                                                                    within and across multiple environmental set-
   With alien species introduction events                           tings (Kenis et al. 2009, McGeoch et al. 2015).
expected to continue (Seebens et al. 2017), the                     This can add uncertainty to decisions on which
prioritization of species of most concern for man-                  evidence to include (context dependence,
agement authorities is likely to become increas-                    Table 2, Cause 6, Type iv). For example, the
ingly important. Information obtained from alien                    Mediterranean pine beetle has been unintention-
species impact classifications can assist in both                    ally introduced to multiple countries, most likely
prioritizing those species to manage, and those                     via the timber trade (Brockerhoff et al. 2006,
in which to invest research. However, uncer-                        Haack 2006). It is known for causing damage to
tainty that arises in the process of conducting                     conifers, particularly pines, often leading to tree
impact assessments for alien species means that                     mortality (Sangu  € esa-Barreda et al. 2015). How-
the results may not be reproducible and, as we                      ever, all such evidence of a negative impact
show here, independent assessments can arrive                       inside its alien range takes place within managed
at different conclusions for the same species, and                  forestry plantations (Stephens and Wagner 2007).
single assessments may produce biased out-                          As such, both assessors for O. erosus, who dif-
comes. Neither of these alternatives is desirable                   fered in opinion as to which evidence to include,
when decision makers rely on such information                       came to entirely different conclusions, even after
to guide action and investment. Here, we                            the second round of assessments (data deficient
showed how examining alternative outcomes for                       vs. massive). Similar discrepancies occurred in
individual species provides insight on the type                     the assessments of other species (citrus long-
and extent of uncertainty involved, and potential                   horned beetle (Anoplophora chinensis), Asian
solutions for reducing it. We found that follow-                    long-horned beetle (A. glabripennis)). Similar
ing the protocol guidelines resulted in relatively                  arguments can be made for agricultural crops,
high     levels    of    disagreement     between                   depending on the extent to which native

                 v www.esajournals.org                         11              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

                                                                             Mechanism                                           Severity
                                      Incomplete search (2)

                              Mechanism/impact unclear (8)

                                      Assessment limits (6)

                               Extrapolation of evidence (9)
       Cause of uncertainty

                                Deviation from protocol (10)

                                            Human error (1)

                                    No apparent cause (11)

                                    Invasiveness criteria (7)

                                Knowledge inaccessible (3)

                                       Range uncertain (5b)

                                   Species identification (4)

                                       Range uncertain (5a)

                                                                 0       5        10        15        20         0         5      10     15     20

                                                                         Mechanism                                              Severity
                                     Systematic error (ii)

                              Subjective judgment (iii_a)

                               Context dependence (iv)
       Type of uncertainty

                                  Measurement error (i)

                                Subjective judgment (iii)

                                    Natural variation (vi)

                                          Vagueness (v)

                                  Systematic error (ii_a)

                                                             0       5       10        15        20        250         5         10     15    20     25

   Fig. 4. Frequency with which (A) causes of uncertainty and (B) types of uncertainty varied within- and
between-impact assessment components (mechanism and severity of impact). Bar lengths highlight the dominant
causes (A) or types (B) of uncertainty. The number and Roman numerals alongside the causes and types of uncer-
tainty are those used in Table 2, and ii_a and iii_a are the sub-types related to lack of knowledge.

                                  v www.esajournals.org                                12                     April 2021       v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

biodiversity or native relatives within them are           Uncertainty associated with severity of impact
impacted by the alien insect. Such impacts can                Agreement on severity of impact increased
thus pose a potential risk to native biodiversity          from 34% to 70% following the second round of
more widely. Without formal direction and clari-           assessments, suggesting that this assessment
fication at the outset of the assessment process,           component is quite amenable to a reduction in
differences based on subjective interpretations of         uncertainty. Incomplete information searches
systems suitable for inclusion are inevitable,             (systematic error, Table 2, Cause 2, Type ii) were
albeit avoidable. Inclusion of an alien species in         a common cause of difference, and the most fre-
impact classification should, we argue, be based            quent reason for why independent assessors
on what is being negatively affected more so               assigned different impact severities. There are
than where; that is, the context within which the          multiple possible explanations for why different
impact is occurring is less relevant in some cases.        pieces of evidence were selected for use, not least
   A different situation arises for species that           of all are different interpretations of what consti-
may arguably never negatively affect the native            tutes evidence appropriate for inclusion in the
environment, and this assumption led to some               impact assessment (i.e., limitations of assessment
species being assigned minimal concern despite             framework, Table 2, Cause 6, Type iv).
the absence of evidence (subjective judgment,                 Even with definitions for each severity cate-
Table 2, Cause 9, Type iii). Two groups of alien           gory (Hawkins et al. 2015), assigning impact
insects, given their life histories, may lead an           severity appears to be a decision open to greater
assessor to assign minimal concern without evi-            interpretation than assigning impact mecha-
dence (i.e., rather than data deficient). The first          nisms. One explanation may be the naturally
group are those species that are primarily stored          unbounded nature of the relationship between
product pests. For example, the bean weevil                successively more severe impact categories,
(Acanthoscelides obtectus) is an economically              where even with definitions for each impact
important pest of legumes (Soares et al. 2015).            severity category there is inevitably scope for
While damaging, its impact almost entirely                 subjective interpretations of degree. For example,
occurs on stored products, and it is a species pri-        an alien species with a minor impact is one that
marily of economic concern with a very low like-           negatively affects the fitness (or performance, see
lihood of having an environmental impact. The              Fig. 5) of a native species (Hawkins et al. 2015).
second group are monophagous insects that only             However, a decline in fitness of individuals is
attack and exist in agricultural crop environ-             likely to lead to a decline in population size,
ments and/or have a long history of no evidence            which constitutes the next most severe impact
of environmental impact. The broad bean beetle             category (moderate). The difference between a
(Bruchus rufimanus) is a widespread crop pest,              negative impact on the fitness of individuals in a
specifically targeting the faba bean (Vicia faba L.;        population and a population-level effect is a mat-
Clement et al. 2002). Given the long history of            ter of degree (Ricciardi et al. 2013, Blackburn
evidence for this species only being of concern            et al. 2014). Thus, if we assume a given impact
for specific crop types, one may conclude that it           severity begets the next most severe category,
is of minimal environmental concern, even                  then there are two alternative pathways to arrive
though the lack of evidence would otherwise                at a given severity category, that is, either via evi-
lead to a data-deficient classification. Such con-           dence of no impact or via no evidence of an
clusions are an instance of using absence of evi-          impact at the next most severe category (the deci-
dence as evidence of absence, generally                    sion tree in Fig. 5 enables these alternatives to be
undesirable but logically valid under certain cir-         distinguished). For example, an assessor may
cumstances (Sober 2009). The decision to classify          conclude that a given species is having a minor
a species as minimal concern for environmental             impact either because (1) there is evidence, it is
impact without evidence, however, should occur             not causing population declines, or (2) because
outside of the impact assessment process in the            there is no evidence, it is causing population
form of additional information that may comple-            declines. For example, Hadley and Betts (2012)
ment the final assessment outcome, as suggested             found that a proposed lack of negative conse-
for accommodating expert input.                            quences of habitat fragmentation on pollination

              v www.esajournals.org                   13              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

        Decision tree for assigning an impact severity category to species of environmental concern

                                                                                                       : No
                                                                            reliable evidence that it has or had
                             Focal species
                                                                            individuals existing in a wild state in
                                                                            a region beyond its native
                                                                            geographic range.

                      Does the species have alien
                             populations?                                                        : Best available
                                                                            evidence indicates that a given taxon
                                                                            has individuals existing in a wild state
                                                                            outside of its native range but there
                                                                            is inadequate information to classify
                                                                            an impact or insufficient time has
     NA                                                        NA           elapsed since introductions have
                       Does the species have an                             become apparent.
                        environmental impact?
                                                                                                    : Unlikely to
                                                                            have caused deleterious impacts
                                                                            on the native biota or abiotic

     DD            Is the species negatively affecting
                                                               MC                       : Causing reductions in
                      the fitness* of native species?                        the fitness of individuals in the native
                                                                            biota, but not declines in native
                                                                            population sizes

                                                                                           : Causing declines in
                    Is the species negatively affecting                     the population size of native species,
                    the population of native species?                       but not changes to the structure of
                                                                            communities or abiotic/biotic
                                                                            ecosystem composition

     MN                                                        MN                       : Causing the local
                                                                            population extinction of at least one
                  Is the species causing local extinction                   native species, and leads to
                  of native species leading to community                    reversible changes in the structure of
                              level effects?                                communities and the abiotic/biotic
                                                                            ecosystem composition.

                                                                                           : Causing the
    MO                                                         MO           replacement and local exitinction of
                                                                            native species, and produces
                                                                            irreversible changes in the structure
                     Are the community level effects
                                                                            of communities and abiotic/biotic
                              irreversible?                                 ecosystem composition.

                                                                                   Information is unavailable
    MR                                                         MR
                                                                                   Evidence indicates yes
                                                                                   Evidence indicates no

Fig. 5. Decision tree for improving the transparency and repeatability of assigning EICAT impact severity

            v www.esajournals.org                         14        April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

(Fig. 5. Continued)
categories. This framework is based on the assumption that the different categories (MC–MV) are hierarchically
related; that is, a negative effect at one level necessitates a negative effect at the level below it (dashed arrows)
and may mean existence of an impact at a higher impact severity level, although no evidence may yet be avail-
able to support designation of this higher level of impact. Under this assumption, there can often be two path-
ways by which an impact category can be assigned, with the followed path dependent on information
availability. For example, in the case of the two pathways for assigning a moderate (MO) impact; if there is infor-
mation to support the conclusion that there is a negative effect on the population size of one or more native spe-
cies, but no effect on community structure, then the appropriate category to assign is MO. Alternatively, there
may be information on native population-level negative effects but no information (lack of evidence) available on
the effects at the community level, in which case the category assigned would also be MO. In general terms, these
two alternative pathways represent evidence of no impact (right) and no evidence of impact (left).  In the most
recent version of the EICAT implementation guidelines (IUCN 2020a, b), the term fitness has been replaced by

dynamics was a result of the absence of evidence,             other predation, or one assessor provided both
and not evidence of an absence of such conse-                 competition and predation because based on the
quences. Hawkins et al. (2015) state that an                  evidence, they were not able to distinguish
impact severity category is assigned if there is no           between them. For example, the evidence of
evidence for the next most severe category,                   environmental impact for the harlequin lady-
implying the absence of evidence case (2 above).              beetle (Harmonia axyridis; Roy et al. 2012, Masetti
However, explicitly distinguishing between these              et al. 2018) and the Argentine ant (Linepithema
two scenarios is important (Altman and Bland                  humile; Menke et al. 2018) often inferred the
1995, Alderson 2004), even if the former occurs               impact mechanism could be competition or pre-
rarely by comparison, because it informs the                  dation. In situations such as this where the evi-
strength of evidence available and confidence                  dence itself was sometimes unclear on the
placed in it. Specifying such reasoning during                mechanism of impact, it is difficult to avoid dif-
assessments by making the decision process                    fering subjective interpretations by independent
explicit (as shown in Fig. 5) could reduce uncer-             assessors (i.e., subjective judgment as a result of
tainty, as well as make the process more readily              lack of knowledge, Table 2, Cause 8, Type iii_a).
repeatable by specifying the basis for the final                  Another common reason for differences
decision, that is, that there was, or was not, evi-           between assessors on impact mechanisms was
dence for the next most severe category (Fig. 5).             the use of different lines of evidence (systematic
                                                              error, Table 2, Cause 2, Type ii). Multiple reasons
Uncertainty associated with mechanism of impact               for this are possible. First, for many insects the
   One of the more common causes of difference                quantity of literature is large, and a literature
in assigning a mechanism of impact was a lack of              search can return thousands of studies for a sin-
clarification, on the part of the authors of the               gle species (e.g., some species assessed had
studies used as evidence, as to how an alien spe-             search returns in the order of 14,000). This
cies was negatively affecting the native environ-             increases significantly the time needed to per-
ment. In such cases, assessors were required to               form an assessment, and the goal is to be thor-
make a subjective interpretation as to what                   ough. Nonetheless, simple oversight can result in
mechanism was most likely, based on the context               mistakenly missing, misinterpreting, or includ-
of the study. Similarly, it was often difficult to dif-        ing a certain piece of evidence (increasing the
ferentiate between two mechanisms, for exam-                  chance of human error and incomplete informa-
ple, competition and predation (Sandvik et al.                tion searches as the cause of uncertainty; Table 2,
2004), where the evidence suggested that either               Cause 1, Type ii). For example, differences in the
choice was valid. This led to situations where                first round of assessments for the shot-hole borer
either one assessor chose competition and the                 (Xylosandrus compactus) occurred because of the

                v www.esajournals.org                    15              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461

accidental use of evidence pertaining to a differ-          new mechanism of impact. This could subse-
ent species (Xyleborus glabratus; Table 2). By con-         quently reduce uncertainty associated with
trast,    the     Mediterranean      pine     beetle        impact mechanism decisions.
(Orthotomicus erosus) assessments differed as a
result of different interpretations of the EICAT            Consequences of uncertainty in impact
guidelines (Table 2). Both examples become                  classification for IAS
causes of uncertainty for reasons other than sim-              Not all causes of uncertainty have equally sig-
ply incomplete information searches. This shows             nificant consequences for the outcome of an
how uncertainty can compound during the                     assessment. For example, deviation from assess-
assessment process, starting with one uncer-                ment protocol (measurement error, Table 2,
tainty type (in this case measurement error) that           Cause 10, Type i) in some instances was simply
leads to another (context dependence). However,             the situation where one of the assessors,
this also implies that by addressing some of the            although assessing a species as data deficient
more manageable causes of assessor difference,              did actually provide a mechanism of impact,
uncertainty propagation could feasibly be                   rather than assigning none (e.g., oleander scale,
reduced (see recommendations below on embed-                Aspidiotus nerii; Table 2). This tended to occur
ding formal systematic review protocols into                when the assessor was familiar with the species
environmental impact assessment protocols to                and providing an educated judgment as to the
facilitate the transparency, efficiency, and                 most likely mechanism of impact. For example,
repeatability of literature screening and inclusion         Lepidoptera are likely to affect via herbivory
(Siddaway et al. 2019, Haddaway et al. 2020)).              and carabids by predation (or competition). Dis-
   The complexity of assessing environmental                crepancies of this kind are unlikely to have any
impacts extends beyond the broad range of eco-              serious consequences for species prioritization,
logical systems that species invade to the range            and by extension resource allocation, and can
and complexity of mechanisms of impact inva-                be readily avoided. Extrapolating evidence to
sive alien species can have. One of the most fre-           assign an impact severity beyond that provided
quent mechanism categories was other; that is,              by the available evidence is, however, more
the evidence suggested a mechanism not cur-                 problematic (i.e., subjective judgment, Table 2,
rently listed under the EICAT protocol. For                 Cause 9, Type iii). This was one of the more fre-
example, the gall wasp (Andricus quercuscalicis)            quent causes of uncertainty associated with
was assessed as having an impact by altering the            impact severity. Subjective judgment of this
sex ratio of native species (Scho   €nrogge et al.          form stemmed primarily from the expert knowl-
2000), a mechanism that does not easily fit within           edge of those performing assessments on spe-
any of the other mechanism categories. Another              cies with which they are particularly familiar.
example is the Asian honeybee (Apis cerana) that            For example, impact severity for the hemlock
robs food stores of native species (Hyatt 2012)             woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) differed as a
and was noted as possibly fitting under multiple             result of this cause of uncertainty (Table 2).
mechanism categories. Differences in mechanism              Extended familiarity with a given species may
choice between assessors involving the use of               reduce objectivity leading to a more liberal, but
other often also involved the mechanism “inter-             not necessarily wrong, interpretation of impact
action with other alien species” or “facilitation of        severity. This subjectivity can result in an assess-
native species.” This may imply that other is               ment at odds with an assessor who is less famil-
often used to denote some form of indirect inter-           iar with the same species, but who therefore
action that is associated with a negative environ-          bases their assessment on a more objective inter-
mental impact. If the outcome of an assessment              pretation of the evidence. We suggest that this
is the assignment of other for the mechanism of             cause of uncertainty could be reduced by explic-
impact, then the assessor should provide a con-             itly incorporating, within the assessment frame-
cise description of what they interpret the mech-           work, opportunity for expert opinion to be
anism to be. Such information would be useful               provided in addition to and alongside the
not only for the assessment itself, but also for            assessment based on published evidence alone
potentially updating the framework to include a             (Morgan 2014; see recommendations below).

              v www.esajournals.org                    16              April 2021   v Volume 12(4) v Article e03461
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