Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson

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Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
ISSUE 18                                         A WEALTH OF ADVICE

         Out of Adversity
        comes Opportunity

 Potential       Women’s         Scams are
 Capital Gains   state pension   becoming more
 Tax changes     shortfall       sophisticated
Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
Support & advice                                                                                                                              welcome
                                                                                                                         throughout these                                                                                                                              Welcome to our latest issue of Insight. We hope you, your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       families and your loved ones continue to remain safe and

                                                                                                                         challenging times                                                                                                                             well. As we continue to see the effects of the heath crisis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and local lockdowns, The Government is trying to balance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       minimising loss of life with protecting the economy which is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       no mean feat. At Armstrong Watson we continue to work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  04                                   as normal as we can and all our offices are open with social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       distancing measures but also by remote video.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The unfortunate side of this pandemic has seen businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       hit hard which has resulted in job losses. It can be a very
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       worrying time and in this edition we highlight some key
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       considerations to help you process what is happening and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    08                 make a smooth transition into your desired future path.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We continue to discuss health & wellbeing. Research carried
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    18                 out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       since the outbreak of COVID-19, almost half the population
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       have experienced ‘high’ levels of anxiety. It’s well known that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  12                                   emotional and financial wellbeing are connected to each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       other and we discuss how employers can engage with their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               inside this issue                       More than £30m has been lost since 2017 to pension fraud,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               04 Out of Adversity comes Opportunity   according to Action Fraud, as unauthorised “advisers” tout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               06 sector focus -INSPIRED COMMUNITY     unrealistic investments. Men aged in their 50s are the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ENTERPRISE TRUST LIMITED             likely victims of fraudsters who target people’s long-term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - the usual place                    pension savings. There are things to look out for and do if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               08 More Capital Gains Tax changes       you think you may be a victim of a scam.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       National Savings & Investments (NS&I) have just announced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               10 Scammers are Becoming more           significant cuts across their range of savings from 24th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sophisticated… please be alert       November. Considering the current economic turmoil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               12 THE WINTER OF (DIS)CONTENT?          caused by the Coronavirus, some savers are perhaps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               14 Why does the health & wellbeing of   understandably continuing to seek safe havens for their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  employees matter?                    money. However, there are pitfalls that you need to be aware
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               16 Women’s state pension shortfall      of and cash is not always king.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               18 When cash is not always king         The full list of the articles featured in this issue appears
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       opposite, and we hope you enjoy this issue of our magazine.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       If you would prefer to download a digital copy or subscribe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to new issues electronically, please visit
                                                                                                                                                   ...we’re with you.                                                                                                  www.armstrongwatson.co.uk

Contact our Financial Planning Consultants to book an appointment on 0808 144 5575
www.armstrongwatson.co.uk/financial-planning-wealth-management                                                                                                                                                                                                         paul dickson
Armstrong Watson Accountants, Business & Financial Advisers is a trading style of Armstrong Watson LLP. Armstrong Watson LLP is regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales for a range of           @aw_wealth                           chief executive and managing director
investment business activities. Armstrong Watson Audit Limited is registered to carry on audit work in the UK and Ireland by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Registered as a limited company in
England and Wales, number 8800970.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     armstrong watson
Armstrong Watson Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Armstrong Watson Financial Planning & Wealth Management is a trading style of Armstrong Watson Financial              armstrong watson
Planning. Firm reference number 542122. Registered as a limited company in England & Wales No. 7208672. Registered Office: 15 Victoria
Place, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1EW.

The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          insight 03
Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
tax                                                                                                                                                                            tax

                                                     Clearly everybody has different circumstances, and this impacts how people react to this situation. Whilst for most people
                                                     this will be a stressful situation, it is important to reflect on how you address this significant change and life event and
                                                     indeed, how you move forwards.
                                                     In our experience there are some key considerations to help process what is happening and make a smooth transition
                                                     into your desired path.

Out of Adversity                                     What is the next step?                     creating an immediate tax liability of
                                                                                                                                          if they were a higher rate tax payer
                                                                                                                                          an additional 20% tax relief on the

comes Opportunity
                                                     You will need to decide what your                                                    £10,000 can be reclaimed upon
                                                     next step will be, whether that is         Once you know what the payment
                                                                                                is, you will need to look at your         completion of a tax return, taking
                                                     a change of occupation, or even                                                      the effective cost of this contribution
                                                     opportunities for self-employment,         outflows and budget for the short
                                                                                                term i.e. money in versus money           to £8,000. This could be even more
                                                     a career break, retirement or simply                                                 efficient if the contribution was made
                                                     to find a new job that is similar to       out = surplus or deficit. If there is a
                                                                                                deficit you may wish to contact The       via salary sacrifice, which can often
                                                     your current one. This helps to focus                                                be considered by seeking financial
                                                     your mind as to what you need to do        Citizen’s Advice Bureau to seek advice
                                                                                                on debt management or payment             advice to help support you through
                                                     next to achieve this. For example, if                                                this situation.
                                                     you change occupation, what is your        arrangements, or you could seek
                                                     ambition? What additional training,        guidance and information on The           Clearly dealing with such a significant
                                                     qualifications, will you need and          Money Advice Service website.             change and life event as redundancy
                                                     how much will it cost? Do you have         If there is a surplus, you may wish       can be daunting and all sorts of
                                                     enough money to budget for this?           to consider some of the options and       thoughts and emotions will be going
                                                     Who do you need to speak with to           opportunities available to you.           through your mind. It is therefore
                                                     seek employment in this sector?                                                      really important to take advice from
                                                                                                What can I do with the surplus            all sources, including personalised
             The words ‘redundancy’, or in some      However, if you are around the age
                                                                                                                                          financial advice from an adviser
                                                     you may wish to retire (or semi-           money that I won’t need in
             firms these days ‘organisational                                                                                             with empathy and experience of
                                                     retire), the questions you may ask         the short term?
             change’, around a workplace will                                                                                             supporting people in this situation,
                                                     yourself will be different, for example,
                                                                                                                                          and who will act as your trusted
             almost certainly cause trepidation      do you have enough to live on? How         There are various options available
                                                                                                                                          adviser. Everybody’s circumstances
             and apprehension, or maybe even         will this impact your plans? What          and the route selected is dependent
                                                                                                                                          are different and therefore a one size
                                                     help and support is available to help      upon what stage of life you are at
             fear at the thought of uncertainty.                                                                                          fits all approach will not work.
                                                     me with this?                              and what your overall objectives are.
             As an employee you may worry                                                       Typical questions asked by clients
                                                     The key here is to take time to reflect
             about the challenge you might face                                                 are;
                                                     on your next course of action, and
             trying to regain employment, or the     seek some support and counsel              - Should I keep it in cash or given low
             changes you would need to make to       before making any rash decisions.            interest rates are there any other
             your budget or lifestyle which could                                                 options?
             occur as a result.                      Budget – First thing is to                 - Should I repay my mortgage/debt?
                                                     check what payment you will                - Can I contribute some of this in to
             Benjamin Franklin once said ‘out of     actually receive                             my pension?                                                       Simon MAyoh
             adversity comes opportunity’. In                                                   Out of the above questions we               Financial Planning consultant
             reality, whilst for most people there   Usually the first £30,000 of a                                                                                - leeds
                                                                                                commonly also get asked the
                                                     redundancy payment is paid free
             will certainly be short term hurdles                                               following question; ‘is there any way
                                                     of income tax, however anything in
             which need to be addressed, there can                                              I can save some money on tax?’
                                                     excess of this may create an income
                                                                                                Should it be appropriate for someone
             be, for many people, opportunities to   tax liability. For example, should                                                     At Armstrong Watson our quest is to
                                                                                                to opt for the pension route, the
             move forward and grow. Redundancy       your pro-rata earnings for the                                                         help our clients achieve prosperity,
                                                                                                answer to this question is typically
                                                     year be £50,000 and you receive a                                                      a secure future and peace of mind.
             can sometimes provide the much                                                     ‘yes’, as of course you receive tax
                                                     redundancy payment of £40,000,                                                         We can provide a full review of your
             needed push to make the changes                                                    relief on money which you put into
                                                     the first £30,000 out of this would                                                    financial affairs and discuss the
             to your lifestyle, career, retirement                                              pensions. Should an individual              opportunities available to you with
                                                     be tax free, however the remaining
                                                                                                contribute £10,000 into a pension,          our compliments in the first instance.
             or ambitions you may have long          £10,000 would push your total
                                                                                                they would receive tax relief on this       You can also now do this remotely
             thought about but have put off for      earnings into the higher rate tax
                                                                                                contribution and it would be uplifted       by video, telephone as well as face
                                                     threshold and would be charged at                                                      to face.
             one reason or another.                                                             to £12,500 immediately. Furthermore
                                                     40%, thereby, in this example,
04 insight                                                                                                                                                            insight 05
Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
client focus
                                                                                                                                                        client focus

                                               The Usual Place opened its doors in       Armstrong Watson assists the            The Trusted Adviser role is one

                                               2013 as the brainchild of CEO Heather     Directors with their annual statutory   that we cherish and we have been
                                               Hall. The social enterprise works as a    financial statements but it was         part of a steering group looking at
                                               community café providing training,        the implementation and support          opportunities to be able to introduce
                                               education and employability skills for    provided for a new Xero accounting      more employers to the organisation

ENTERPRISE TRUST LIMITED                       young people with additional support
                                               needs. Many of these youngsters
                                               were previously ‘invisible,’ excluded,
                                                                                         package which had the most
                                                                                         significant positive impact on the
                                                                                         business.     Our accounting team
                                                                                                                                 and to break down the barriers
                                                                                                                                 of employability of young people
                                                                                                                                 living with autism. It is important to
                                               at risk of isolation and loneliness,      supported The Usual Place’s team        consider the valuable contribution
- THE USUAL PLACE                              and importantly, unable to fulfil their   to establish a bespoke accounting       that all young people living with
                                               potential as valuable, active citizens,   package,      providing     hands-on    autism can provide in a variety of
                                               contributing positively to their          training, and managed the transition    workplaces. These youngsters are
                                               communities.                              to electronic reporting, giving the     often more committed and dedicated
                                                                                         business accurate information to        to their work but may need a little
                                               This award-winning organisation           allow more informed decisions to be     more encouragement, support and
                                               focuses on the promotion of the           made in real-time.                      time from their employers at the
                                               innate talents and capabilities                                                   outset.
                                               of young people, enabling and             More recently, the closure of the
                                               empowering them to flourish,              café due to the COVID-19 pandemic
                                               and challenging the established           and the drive by the Directors          With the café closed since March, all
                                               stereotype of young people with           and management to seek new              staff and trainees safely at home,
                                               learning disabilities.                    opportunities has led to more           the small management group
                                                                                         strategic planning taking place.        led operations during the COVID
                                               Strongly supported by the Scottish        The Directors have progressed           lockdown. A chance email sent to
                                               Government in its unique approach         with a change to the status of the      Armstrong Watson by a funder
                                               of supporting young people to             company to becoming a Registered        provided a wonderful and unexpected
                                               reach their full potential within the     Charity.   Our charities team has       surprise for the organisation.
                                               hospitality sector, this community        advised on the key differences from     Submission deadlines were tight and
                                               café is now recognised on a national      both an operational, financial and      eligibility criteria narrow, however
                                               level for its achievements, and is a      governance perspective alongside        the operations of The Usual Place
                                               footprint that could be replicated        the constitutional and application      seemed to fit, and Karen Rae, our
                                               successfully throughout the UK.           processes. The guidance given will      Director of Education and Not for
                                                                                         ensure that the transition to a new     Profit, passed on the email within 5
                                               The venue of the café is the former                                               minutes of receipt, closing date being
                                               Townhead Church in Dumfries, the          regulated entity goes smoothly and
                                                                                         that all compliance obligations are     a couple of days later. We were
                                               building initially being transferred                                              thrilled to hear the wonderful news
   The Usual Place became a client of                                                    met.
                                               from Dumfries and Galloway Council.                                               that they had been awarded a grant
   Armstrong Watson over three years           Following an extensive refurbishment                                              of £45,000 to support the business
   ago when their existing accountant          programme, a large contemporary                                                   during lockdown - you just never
   retired.   They were looking for a          community café, kitchen area and                                                  know when good luck may strike!
   business partner who could support          flexible training/meeting rooms were
   both the Board of Directors in fulfilling
   their responsibilities, and the business
   as a whole, by advising on the risks                                                                                                    karen rae
   and financial challenges that lay ahead                                                                                        Audit & Assurance
   as the enterprise grew in stature and
                                                                                                                                           - carlisle

06 insight                                                                                                                                                insight 07
Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
tax                                                                                                                                                                      tax

More Capital Gains                                 It has to be said that the existing CGT system is extremely complicated, so some simplification would be
                                                   welcome. Here are a few options open to the Chancellor:

Tax changes ahead?                                 -    Increase the rates of tax – it is certainly the case that rates are lower than in the past. The top rate for
                                                        residential properties is 28% and other assets 20%, whereas in the past the top rate has been 40%, the
                                                        same as Income Tax. However, until 2008 the cost of an asset could be increased by inflation so the gains
                                                        on assets held long-term were much lower.
                                                   -    Reduce the Annual Exemption – this is currently £12,300 and means small gains each year don’t have to
                                                        be declared to HMRC.
                                                   -    Restrict Private Residence Relief – currently no tax is paid on the sale of a main residence. This is an
                                                        expensive relief but removing it would be deeply unpopular.
              Due to the unprecedented support     -    Further reform of Entrepreneurs’ Relief – this allows sales of certain business assets to be taxed at 10%
              throughout      this    continuing        rather than 20%, and the lifetime limit was reduced from £10 million to £1 million in the March 2020 Budget.
                                                        At the same time the relief has been renamed as Business Asset Disposal Relief.
              health crisis, The Chancellor of
              the Exchequer now needs to find      -    Removing rebasing of assets on death – this is one of the more likely changes as it was one of the
                                                        recommendations of the OTS in their Inheritance Tax review published in 2019. At present assets can be
              ways to raise extra revenue to
                                                        sold shortly after inheritance without paying any CGT.
              reduce his budget deficit. On 14
                                                   -    Restriction on Holdover Relief – which allows agricultural and business assets to be gifted without triggering
              July it was announced that the
                                                        a tax bill. This allows the capital gain to be deferred until the asset is sold at a later date.
              Office of Tax Simplification (OTS)
              had been asked to carry out a
              review into Capital gains Tax        The deferral of the Budget until Spring 2021 gives
              (CGT). The OTS is an independent     individuals the opportunity to consider taking action
                                                   before changes are introduced.
              body and the Chancellor will not
              necessarily implement all their
              recommendations.        This was         Financial planning, wealth management and
              followed by intense speculation          tax advice all under one roof.                                               keith johnston
              about tax rises which the                                                                                                tax director
                                                       At Armstrong Watson our quest is to help our
              Chancellor has tried to calm                                                                                                - carlisle
                                                       clients achieve prosperity, a secure future and
              by saying that there won’t be            peace of mind. Our Tax and Financial Planning
              a “horror show of tax rises”,            Consultants can provide a full review of your
              but we are left waiting for the          circumstances and discuss the opportunities

                                                       available to you with our compliments in
              Budget in spring 2021 for further        the first instance. You can also now do this
              information.                             remotely by video, telephone as well as face
                                                       to face.
                                                                                                                     there won’t be a “horror show of
                                                                                                                     tax rises”, but we are left waiting
                                                                                                                     for the Budget in spring 2021 for
                                                                                                                     further information.
08 insight                                                                                                                                                      insight 09
Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
scams                                                                                                                                                                scams

                                                   Our client had been looking for a       Upon further investigation immediate       In this instance what saved the client
                                                   better interest rate for his Cash       alarm bells started to ring as some        from this scam was having an active
                                                   ISA than his current provider was       of the words in the email from the         relationship with a trusted, regulated
                                                   paying. He carried out a search         company didn’t look quite right. The       adviser. This meant he felt it best
                                                   on the web and found what he            prospectus, however, was incredibly        to get another opinion first before
                                                   thought was a much better return        convincing. Due our advisers               making a decision. The experience

Scammers are                                       from a very well-known investment
                                                   provider. He felt reassured it was a
                                                   highly reputable firm as they were
                                                                                           suspicions he made contact with the
                                                                                           well-known company who confirmed
                                                                                           the prospectus had not been issued
                                                                                                                                      of the adviser meant he could see
                                                                                                                                      through what was a very convincing
                                                                                                                                      scam to the public, and saved the

Becoming more                                      so well known and so he made an
                                                   enquiry. The person on the end
                                                   of the line was very helpful and
                                                                                           by them. They confirmed this was
                                                                                           indeed a scam as they didn’t have
                                                                                           any products of this nature. The
                                                                                                                                      client from parting with his £80,000
                                                                                                                                      and all the stresses, strains and
                                                                                                                                      angst that would have gone with

Sophisticated…                                     discussed how five products were
                                                   available paying different interest
                                                   rates, all higher than he was
                                                                                           company also then acted and the
                                                                                           matter was immediately then passed
                                                                                           on to their fraud department.
                                                                                                                                      having acted and transferring the
                                                                                                                                      monies over. Having the support of
                                                                                                                                      a “Trusted Adviser” you can reply
                                                   currently receiving. This ranged                                                   upon is more important than ever.
please be alert                                    from a 1 year fixed rate of 1.75%       Scammers are becoming more
                                                   through to a five year fixed rate of    sophisticated. In this case, whilst the
                                                   3.5%                                    returns offered didn’t look quite right,   At Armstrong Watson our quest is to
                                                                                           they were not promising ridiculously       help our clients achieve prosperity,
   Scams can come in many forms, but all are       To provide further reassurance he       high returns. They offered a rate of       a secure future and peace of mind.
   designed to get hold of your hard earned        was then sent an email along with a     interest that looked attractive enough     Our Financial Planning Consultants
                                                   20-page prospectus complete with        without raising suspicion initially        work with our clients to provide them
   money. They can do this by getting you to
                                                   the well-known company branding.        from the client. They then produced        with support, guidance and advice
   reveal your personal details, stealing your     At this point the client was mentally   a detailed prospectus brochure that        to help support them throughout
   information, or even convincing you to          committed to transferring his           looked very convincing and also had        their financial planning journeys. Visit
   willingly hand over the cash.                   £80,000 Cash ISA.                       people on the end of a phone who           www.armstrongwatson.co.uk           for
                                                                                           also sounded knowledgeable.                more information about our Financial
                                                   However, as he had a good                                                          Planning and Wealth Management
   Knowing how to recognise a scam can be                                                                                             service.
                                                   relationship with his Armstrong
   extremely difficult. Chances are, you’ve        Watson         Financial  Planning
   come across the most common type of             Consultant before he acted he
   scams – the spam emails, often from other       wanted to double check the interest
   countries, or attempting seemingly to be        rate was correct. Our adviser
                                                                                                                                              david porter
                                                   commented that the interest rate
   from HMRC or your bank. However, while          looked quite high, taking in to
                                                                                                                                         - chartered alibf
   email scams can be easier to spot and           account that deposit rates are at                                     Financial Planning Consultant
   avoid, others are much more sophisticated.      historically low levels due to the                                                  - Leeds & Skipton

   The following situation happened to a long      Covid crisis, and wanted to look

                                                   at the email and brochure in more
   standing client of ours recently. Thankfully
                                                   detail. He advised him to put his
   our client made contact with us to look in to   plans to transfer on hold while he
   further and we were able to prevent him from    looked in to it for him.                            Upon further investigation
   making a potentially very costly mistake.                                                           immediate alarm bells started
                                                                                                       to ring as some of the words
                                                                                                       in the email from the company
                                                                                                       didn’t look quite right.
10 insight                                                                                                                                                     insight 11
Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
future money                                                                                                                                             future money

                                              The 1978/79 Winter of Discontent saw a nation unsettled as political battles and fierce storms combined to test the
                                              resolve of a suffering public. Parallels with today’s challenges are not difficult to draw. With the struggles of that time
                                              heralding the arrival of Thatcherism and its new social contract, today’s arguments of individual freedoms against
                                              public health, and the dawning of a post-Brexit era have the potential to be remembered as a similarly significant
                                              moment in time. Add in the US election and the coming winter months may see the setting of a new world order: for
                                              better or for worse.

                                              Taxes, Trade Wars & Twitter                 Parting Ways                             In Search of the Holy Grail
                                              With Americans heading to the polls         Four years on from the referendum        In any other time the US election
                                              on 3rd November, the direction of           and we are now in the final throes of    and Brexit would be the defining
                                              the world’s largest economy will            Brexit. 2021 will see the end of the     factors in the mood of markets, yet
                                              become clearer in the following             transition period and the beginning      in this period of Corona, just one
                                              days. Traditionally, stock markets          of a new UK-EU trading relationship.     story dominates. With cases rising
                                              would favour a Republican candidate         Whether that will be based on a hard-    on the way to winter, Boris Johnson
                                              and Trump’s low tax regime is               fought free trade agreement, or on       must judge the public mood on
                                              popular, yet this time around there         basic WTO rules is yet to be seen,       further restrictions, while Rishi Sunak
                                              are contrasting elements in play. A         but when clarity is achieved, expect a   must judge the public finances.
                                              strong Democratic victory would             spike in market movements. Pound         The Chancellor has promised to
                                              likely result in higher corporate taxes     sterling will likely be the clearest     think creatively, yet so long as the
                                              eventually, yet with the current            measure of sentiment, with strength      virus surges, the economy will be
                                              economic crisis, further fiscal             expected in the case of a deal, while    challenged.      A turning point, of
                                              stimulus is more likely in the short        within equities those focused on the     course, would be a vaccine. With
                                              term, enabling a rapid economic             domestic economy are likely to be        high hopes surrounding a number
                                              recovery.        On China, continued        the most sensitive. An opportunity       of contenders, there is the potential
                                              hostility is likely to persist regardless   or a threat, everyone has their own      for important results in the months
                                              of who occupies the White House,            views on the merits of Brexit, but       ahead. If a successful vaccine is not
                                              but on other international affairs, a       either way, the coming weeks look        found, then continued economic
                                              calming return to multilateralism can       set to be remembered as the time         suppression can be expected. Yet, if
                                              be expected should Biden prevail.           we moved on.                             one is, the depths of winter may not
                                              The ending of Trump’s twitter                                                        feel all that bad.
                                              diplomacy would also be welcomed
                                              by global markets.

                                                                                                                                      richard cole cfa
                                                                                                                                       fund manager -
                                                                                                                                         Future Money

                                                                                                                                       Asset Managers

                    The Chancellor has
                                                Keeping you informed
                    promised to think
                    creatively, yet so long
                    as the virus surges,
                    the economy will be
                                                To hear more of our thoughts tune in to Armstrong Watson’s regular
                                                investment podcast where we discuss the latest market, financial and
                                                economic developments from around the world

12 insight                                                                                                                                                     insight 13
Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
financial education & wellbeing                                                                                                                                          financial education & wellbeing

Why does the health                                                                   It’s well known that emotional and
                                                                                      financial wellbeing are connected
                                                                                                                               Why should employers provide
                                                                                                                               financial wellbeing support? There
                                                                                                                                                                         For employees financial wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                         is becoming more important,

& wellbeing of                                                                        to each other. By being in a poor
                                                                                      financial situation, people are much
                                                                                      more likely to experience feelings
                                                                                                                               is clear evidence from these and
                                                                                                                               other sources of research that many
                                                                                                                               employees believe there is a role
                                                                                                                                                                         especially in this current crisis, but
                                                                                                                                                                         this has been building for a while. For
                                                                                                                                                                         employers having a workforce that is

employees matter?                                                                     of stress and worry, causing
                                                                                      sleepless nights, which can lead to
                                                                                      poorer performance at work and
                                                                                                                               to play for employers to support
                                                                                                                               their personal financial wellbeing.
                                                                                                                               The Money Advice Service (MAS)
                                                                                                                                                                         engaged, informed, supported and
                                                                                                                                                                         efficient will improve productivity,
                                                                                                                                                                         it can also help to improve staff
                                                                                      with relationships with colleagues.      website also comments that 46% of         retention, and thereby also reduce
                                                                                      Ultimately, this can also lead to        employees say they would appreciate       costs and provide benefits in other
                                                                                      greater levels of absenteeism in the     their employer providing access to        ways. If employees can see their
                                                                                      workplace which then places extra        financial awareness programmes.           employers supporting them outside
  Research carried out by the Office for                                              stress on other staff and so the         MAS also provide impartial guidance       of their pay and immediate other
                                                                                      cycle goes on.                           across all areas financial matters.       benefits structure they clearly feel
  National Statistics (ONS) found that, since
                                                                                                                                                                         more valued, it’s no wonder they
  the outbreak of COVID-19, almost half the                                           It is a common misconception that        Employers are uniquely positioned to      go hand in hand. By understanding
  population have experienced ‘high’ levels of                                        financial wellbeing is purely about      deliver money guidance around life        these issues employers will go a long
  anxiety.                                                                            pay. Whilst money worries tend           changing events such as for examples      way towards building trust with their
                                                                                      to become less as income rises,          changing roles, locations, starting a     employees.

                           “                        “
                                                                                      those earning £100,000pa are just        family and retirement.
                                                                                      as likely to have as many financial
                                                            You maysuitable,
                                   By seeking advice and arranging
                                   tailored protection can ensure
                                   form of normality, at least
                                                                      need to bring
                                                            in specialists who can
                                                                    that some
                                                                  regulated advice
                                                                                      worries as someone on much lower
                                                                                      income if they have little savings and
                                                                                      a lot of debt. Financial worry is not
                                                                                      necessarily directly linked to pay.
                                                                                                                               Understanding       employee
                                                                                                                               and feedback through a colleague

                                                                                                                               survey can provide valuable insight
                                                                                                                               for an employer and helps them
                                                                                                                                                                              dominic Gaunt
                                                                                                                                                                              Development &
                                   can continue should you in
                                                            be areas.
                                                               unable to                                                       to understand the information and                Relationship
                                   work for the longer term due to accident           There are many causes of financial       support their employees value the                   Manager
                                   or sickness.                                       stress. Debt is an obvious one but       most. A survey of this nature will help
                                                                                      in recent surveys and webinars we        an employer to decide the type of
                                                                                      have carried out, one of the most        financial wellbeing programme to run
                                                                                      popular questions that employees         and if you need specialist support and
                                                                                      wanted to have more information on       guidance, for example if the feedback
                                                                                      was around “how to budget?”              is around pension or retirement
                                                                                                                               planning. You may need to bring in
                                                                                      On the Financial Capability website      specialists who can give regulated
                                                                                      - www.fincap.org.uk - it states          advice in areas such as this.
                                                                                      that 23 million working age adults
                                                                                      do not feel confident planning for
                                                                                      their financial future. Research by
                                                                                      the Neyber (The DNA of Financial
                                                                                      Wellbeing) estimates that money
                                                                                      worries cost the UK economy                 At Armstrong Watson our quest is to help our clients achieve prosperity,
                                                                                      £120bn and 17.5 million lost hours of       a secure future and peace of mind. We can help support a business and
                                                                                      work. In the research it discusses the      employees run financial education and wellbeing programmes tailored
                                                                                      evidence for why employers should           to your needs. Visit www.armstrongwatson.co.uk or email
                                                                                      be developing and supporting their          dominic.gaunt@armstrongwatson.co.uk
                                                                                      employees financial wellbeing.

14 insight                                                                                                                                                                                          insight 15
Out Of Adversity cOmes OppOrtunity - ISSUE 18 - Armstrong Watson
pensions                                                                                                                                                     pensions

Women’s state
pension shortfall                               Rumours abound ahead of the
                                                expected Autumn Budget that the
                                                                                          The main groups of people affected,
                                                                                          according to the research, are:
                                                                                                                                    Some married women who did
                                                                                                                                    not realise they needed to make a
                                                government may need to loosen the                                                   claim for the uplift pre- March 2008
                                                pension triple lock to help recover       •   Married      women      whose         are planning to make a complaint
                                                stretched public finances following           husbands turned 65 before 17          of     maladministration    to    the
                                                the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile,             March 2008 and have never             Parliamentary Ombudsman. They
   More women should ask the Department                                                                                             will say that the DWP failed to make
                                                research from a leading law firm              claimed the 60% uplift.
   for Work and Pensions to check their state   has highlighted how relying on                                                      sure that they knew about the need
   pensions, according to former pensions       the intricacies of the state pension      •   Widows with pensions that             to make the second state pension
   minister Sir Steve Webb.                     system could mean many are losing             weren’t increased after their         claim when their husband turned 65.
                                                out.                                          husbands’ deaths.                     Currently the payments for women in
                                                                                                                                    that category can only be backdated
                                                Under the previous system, married        •   Widows who think they may             12 months rather than the 12 years
                                                women who reached state pension               have been underpaid when their        or more of pension uplift that has
                                                age before 6 April 2016 were able to          deceased husband was still            been missed.
                                                claim a basic state pension of 60% of         alive, even if their pension is now
                                                the full rate based on their husbands’        correct.
                                                contribution record, if this was larger                                             At Armstrong Watson our quest is to
                                                than the pension they could get           •   Women in their 80s receiving          help our clients achieve prosperity,
                                                based on their own contributions.             a basic pension of less than          a secure future and peace of mind,
                                                                                              £80.45 per week, if they satisfied    we work with you to ensure your
                                                This uplift in the state pension should       the basic residence test at age       retirement plans remain on track
                                                have been given automatically since           80.                                   with regular reviews. We can do this
                                                17 March 2008, but before then                                                      remotely via video as well as face
                                                a married woman had to make a             •   Widowers and heirs of women           to face with the necessary social
                                                ‘second claim’ when her husband               who have now died but were            distancing precautions in place.
                                                reached age 65 – and many women               underpaid state pension while
                                                did not make this claim.                      alive.

                                                The Department for Work and               •   Divorced women who might
                                                Pensions (DWP) is checking its                not be benefiting from their ex-
                                                                                                                                         Kerry Chaloner
                                                records, but the chances are that             husbands’ contributions.
                                                many women will miss out and                                                         Financial Planning
                                                should call the department to see if                                                       Consultant -

                                                they have been underpaid.                                                                northallerton

                                                                                              research from a leading law
                                                                                              firm has highlighted how relying
                                                                                              on the intricacies of the state
                                                                                              pension system could mean many
                                                                                              are losing out.
16 insight                                                                                                                                                   insight 17
savings                                                                                                                                                                                             savings

When cash is
not always king                                                                  Considering the current economic
                                                                                 turmoil caused by the Coronavirus,
                                                                                 some       savers      are       perhaps
                                                                                                                             There are also limits to the amount of
                                                                                                                             protection holding cash for all other
                                                                                                                             deposit providers bar the Treasury
                                                                                                                                                                       Many people believe that knowing
                                                                                                                                                                       when to buy and when to sell is
                                                                                                                                                                       the secret of successful investing.
                                                                                 understandably continuing to seek           backed NS&I. The Financial Services       The truth is that no one knows
                                                                                 safe havens for their money. In times       Compensation         Scheme     (FSCS)    with certainty when investment
                                                                                 of trouble cash is traditionally seen       offers individual account holders         markets will rise or fall. Trying to
                                                                                 as offering capital security over other     protection up to £85,000 (£170,000        time the investment markets is
   National Savings & Investments (NS&I) have just                               assets namely, shares, fixed interest       joint account) if that banking/building   not only stressful, it is very seldom
                                                                                 and property. However, savers               society institution is unable to meet     successful. Leaving funds invested
   announced significant cuts across their range of
                                                                                 still need to apply caution. Even in        its obligations to investors.             usually produces the best returns.
   savings. From the 24 November Income Bonds,                                   `normal` times some people hold
   will to go from paying 1.15% monthly interest                                 high cash balances, perhaps to meet         For most savers this generally            When markets are volatile it`s
   to just 0.01%. There are further dramatic                                     capital expenditure in the short term       provides sufficient protection, but       a big temptation to put all your
   reductions to the rates payable on the NS&I                                   or just to provide extra piece of mind,     what are the options for clients          investments in the relative security of
                                                                                 but there are unseen risks to holding       holding in excess of these limits?        cash. It may seem like a safe haven,
   Investment Account, Direct Saver and Direct                                                                                                                         however as they say, a ship is safe
                                                                                 high levels of cash - inflation.            They could simply spread their
   ISA’s. In addition there is also a reduction in the                                                                       cash across a number of different         in harbour, but that is not what ships
   odds of winning in the Premium Bonds draw                                     The Consumer Prices Index 12                institutions. Whilst this makes sense     are made for.
   from December, the odds of winning anything                                   month rate is currently standing at         in theory, in practice it can be quite
   in the draw will go from 24,500 to one to 34,500                              0.2% (source - Office for National          difficult, not least because many
                                                                                 Statistics as at August 2020) and           banks have different trading names        Armstrong       Watson    Financial
   to one, and the estimated number of total prizes                              the base rate at an all-time low of         but only the main deposit taking          Planning & Wealth Management,
   won reduced by 1m. NS&I said that it had no                                   0.1% (source - Bank of England).            licence holder can provide the FSCS       as well as providing Independent
   choice but to act because savers had put away                                 However, whilst the inflation rate is       protection. For example if you hold       Financial Advice and personalised
   billions of pounds more than usual during the                                 at its lowest level for long time this      accounts with Lloyds Bank, Bank of        investment planning also offer a
                                                                                 is impacted with the health crisis          Scotland or Halifax, you would only       bespoke `cash management` service
   COVID-19 lockdown, whilst they were paying                                                                                                                          aimed at maximising interest rates
                                                                                 and the measures to restart the             be afforded one level of protection as
   market leading rates, which left it in danger of                              economy such as the Eat Out to Help         Lloyds Bank is the principal holder.      by identifying the most competitive
   breaching its government-mandated funding                                     Out Scheme where the cost of eating         Likewise, between The Royal Bank of       cash accounts, whilst ensuring
   limit for the year.                                                           out was significantly discounted. As        Scotland and Natwest.                     clients` savings are afforded full
                                                                                                                                                                       FSCS protection.

                                                                                 we move further through this crisis
                                                                                 inflation is predicted to rise again,       So how can cash savers hope to
                                                                                 with central banks continuing to stick      bridge the gap? The answer may be
                                                                                 to a conventional inflation target of       to invest into `real assets` such as
                                                                                 2%. Cash savings, as has been the           shares, fixed interest and property.
                                                         The key factor is       case for a number of years now, are
                                                         not about when to
                                                         invest but rather the
                                                         amount of time you
                                                         invest for.
                                                                                 therefore likely to be eroded daily
                                                                                 as typically rates of interest on cash
                                                                                 savings, as demonstrated by the
                                                                                 NS&I reductions, cannot keep pace
                                                                                                                             But is this a good time to invest? It`s
                                                                                                                             all too easy to get caught up with the
                                                                                                                             bad news we currently hear every
                                                                                                                             day about financial markets. The key
                                                                                                                                                                               steve shovlin
                                                                                                                                                                        Financial Planning
                                                                                                                                                                              Consultant -
                                                                                 with the cost of living. As a result this   factor however is not about when to
                                                                                 gap can have a serious long term            invest but rather the amount of time
                                                                                 impact on wealth.                           you invest for.

18 insight                                                                                                                                                                                         insight 19
Our Financial Planning Team is available to
    advise you in these challenging times on all
    financial matters

       We can provide advice remotely via video, telephone or, of course,
                       face to face where appropriate
Call 0808 144 5575 to be put through to a Financial Planning Consultant

                             To help our clients achieve prosperity,
                               a secure future and peace of mind


                                                                                                                   Financial Planning & Wealth Management


 Armstrong Watson Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm reference number 542122. Registered as a
 limited company in England and Wales, number 7208672. The registered office is 15 Victoria Place, Carlisle, CA1 1EW. Armstrong Watson Financial Planning & Wealth
 Management is a trading style of Armstrong Watson Financial Planning Limited.
 The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable
 indicator of future results.
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