Outside the service area - The coronavirus pandemic proved that reliable high-speed internet access is a need, not a want-and that too much of ...

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Outside the service area - The coronavirus pandemic proved that reliable high-speed internet access is a need, not a want-and that too much of ...
Outside the
service area
The coronavirus pandemic proved that
reliable high-speed internet access is a need,
not a want—and that too much of Atlantic
Canada is off the grid
By Carol Dobson

                                           ATLANTICBUSINESSMAGAZINE.COM | 31
Outside the service area - The coronavirus pandemic proved that reliable high-speed internet access is a need, not a want-and that too much of ...

                                    As          schools, churches, funerals, meetings, working from
                                                home, grocery and other shopping all morphed on-line
                                                in early 2020, the inadequacies of broadband access in
                                    this region were heightened.
                                      Sarah Benetto O’Brien, owner of the PEI Handpie Company
                                    on the Trans Canada Highway in Albany, Prince Edward Island,
                                    says her spotty Bell internet service is hurting her business. “We’ve
                                    had it go down several times and that has an impact on business,
                                    especially during the last few months because nobody is carrying
                                    cash,” she says. “We are trying to stay contactless but for the past
                                    six and a half years, the service has been inconsistent. … If it’s wet
                                    or windy or there’s a little bit of rain, or they’re working on the road,
                                    the service goes down. And, this year with fewer tourists, we need
                                    to be able to operate as much as possible in order to survive.”
                                      As for Zoom or other video services, Bennetto O’Brien says that’s
                                    not even worth the attempt. If she needs to video conference, she
                                    has to leave work and drive home, a few kilometres away. While
                                    her area’s elected provincial representative assured her there would
                                    be a new repeater installed in a few months, she’s sceptical any
                                    improvements will occur.

                                    There’s been no shortage of                   “In February, we were pleased to
                                    broadband promises.                        partner with Develop Nova Scotia to
                                       On the Island, the government           deliver high-speed internet to approx-
                                    announced an initiative featuring          imately 19,000 locations in 28 commu-
                                    service from national telco, Bell Canada   nities,” says Bell Aliant’s manager of
                                    and Canadian rural internet provider,      corporate affairs, Katie Hatfield. “In
                                    Xplornet. Under the agreement, Bell        September, with the second round of
                                    Canada will provide improved internet      Develop Nova Scotia funding, we’ll
                                    service to 13 areas organized by phone     be expanding high-speed internet to
                                    exchange across P.E.I. while Xplornet      approximately 32,000 more residences,
                                    will provide fixed wireless and fibre      businesses and other organizations in
                                    to 20,000 civic addresses. According       100 communities across the province.”
                                    to the agreement, over the next two           “Wireless Home Internet, a new tech-
                                    to three years, close to 30,000 house-     nology specifically designed to bring
                                    holds will see improved service levels     broadband Internet access to rural
                                    up to at least 50/10 Mbps (megabits per    locations, is a good example,” she adds.
                                    second).                                   While they are still finalizing their
                                       A similar initiative is ongoing in      rollout schedule, she says they expect
                                    Nova Scotia. The Crown corporation         to cover at least 150,000 households
    Covid shone a spotlight on      Develop Nova Scotia (DNS) has been         throughout all Atlantic Canada.
    how important this is. It’s a   tasked with extending coverage to             “Covid shone a spotlight on how
                                    100 per cent of the province. Monique      important this is,” Arsenault says.
    large infrastructure project    Arsenault, DNS’s director of alignment     “It’s a large infrastructure project and
    and building the pieces will    and community impact, says the process     building the pieces will take some time.”
    take some time.                 started in 2018. The Nova Scotia              Not all communities in the province
                                    Internet Funding Trust, a $193 million     are following this model. In fact, Joe
    Monique Arsenault
                                    fund established by the provincial         Hickey, CEO of Rock Networks, says
                                    government, is investing $59 million       Pictou County is the ‘poster child for
                                    in the DNS projects, with leveraged        another model’. His company (which
                                    funds of $61 million from the public       acquired long-time Nova Scotia commu-
                                    and private sectors. Launched in early     nications provider, Nova Communica-
                                    2020, just prior to the pandemic shut-     tions) is working with the County to roll
                                    down, approximately 18,000 homes           out a community broadband network.
                                    and businesses now have networks in        “It’s a different approach to solving the
                                    place to offer new or improved high-       problem,” Hickey says. “There are two
                                    speed internet. Projects in this initial   kinds of challenges—the first is the tech-
                                    round are expected to be substantially     nological challenge while the second is
                                    complete by end of March 2021.             the business challenge.”

Outside the service area - The coronavirus pandemic proved that reliable high-speed internet access is a need, not a want-and that too much of ...
The Nova Scotia Internet
Funding Trust, a $193
million fund established
by the provincial
government, is investing
$59 million in the DNS
projects, with leveraged
funds of $61 million
from the public and
private sectors.

   Hickey’s solution is a partnership
between the municipal government
and local providers, basically bringing
broadband closer to home rather than
being controlled by companies head-
quartered out of the province.
   Municipalities are already respon-
sible for installing infrastructure like
roads and ditches; Hickey advocates
extending that to the installation of
fibre optic cable. The municipality hires
companies to install the infrastructure,
amortizes it over a period of time, and
sells the service to local residents at
prices that are competitive to the larger
   “For example, if a customer pays the
municipality $100/month for broad-
band, that’s $1,200 per year,” he says. “If
you have 1,000 households, that’s $12
million, of which $1.2 million is a new
revenue stream for the municipality. It’s
not tax based, it stays in the community
where it also benefits it.”

COVID-19 has changed how
we work and the days of having to
be physically in an office are no longer
essential. People can, theoretically,
work from anywhere—that’s why reli-
able high-speed internet has become a
valuable marketing tool for community
economic development organizations.

                                              ATLANTICBUSINESSMAGAZINE.COM | 33
Outside the service area - The coronavirus pandemic proved that reliable high-speed internet access is a need, not a want-and that too much of ...

       The whole region is aging and the          the big companies, the Shopifys, the
    temptation to move to the bright              banks, IBM, Microsoft and others and
    lights of the big city means youth are        encourage them to bring some people
    not staying in their hometowns. But,          here. These are high paying IT skilled
    having access to all the tools they need      jobs that don’t exist here. You can buy
    technologically can be a way to keep          or build a home here that’s larger than
    them at home or, once the attraction of       people can afford in these cities, so
    the big city has worn off, facilitate their   there’s an addition to the municipal tax
    return.                                       base and you’re adding to the commu-
       The technology that people have used       nity.”
    to get through the lockdown has also             Hickey is preaching to the choir in
    emphasized the need for reliable, fast        Pictou County.
    service throughout the region.                   Brian Cullen, the County’s CAO, says
       “A few years ago Facebook, Netflix,        that about three years ago, they started
    Spotify, Instagram, Messenger, Snap-          identifying issues that councillors were
    chat, Zoom didn’t exist,” Hickey says.        hearing from their constituents—inade-
    “Networks today weren’t designed for          quate internet connectivity was high on
    today’s uses let alone future require-        the list. “We backed that up with speed
    ments. That’s why we have to look at          tests and most of the County was well
                                                                                             Networks today weren’t designed
    more fibre, less wire. With fibre, the        under 10 MBS, so that quantified the       for today’s uses let alone future
    pipeline will never be full, the band-        issue. Then, we asked, what is the solu-   requirements. That’s why we have
    width is infinite.”                           tion and how do we get it?”
       Hickey believes having this type              Rock Networks was one of the compa-
                                                                                             to look at more fibre, less wire.
    of broadband access will help attract         nies that responded to the County’s        With fibre, the pipeline will never be
    people to the region, people who want         request for proposals. “What set Rock      full, the bandwidth is infinite.
    to get away from the rat races and            apart was that their solution was to
                                                                                             Joe Hickey
    expensive property values of larger           build the network but the municipality
    metropolises. “They need to approach          would own it so we could control our

                                                                                             own destiny,” he says. “We started down
                                                                                             the road by building our network and
                                                                                             then having service providers provide
                                                                                             the broadband to the end customer.”
                                                                                                Originally the plan was to provide
                                                                                             two-thirds wireless coverage and
                                                                                             one-third broadband but as the project
                                                                                             rolled out, that was reversed. Phase one
                                                                                             is underway with anticipated comple-
                                                                                             tion in 2021. One thousand residences
                                                                                             have been identified in this phase, from
                                                                                             a total population of 22 thousand. “This
                                                                                             is a 50-year asset for the County,” says
                                                                                                “I have a feeling that snow days will
                                                                                             be a thing of the past,” he says. “Now
                                                                                             people don’t have to worry about getting
                                                                                             to the office, they can work at home so
                                                                                             we don’t have the option of closing the
                                                                                                “One thing we have discovered is that
                                                                                             when real estate agents are inquiring
                                                                                             about a property in our County, the
                                                                                             first thing they ask about is about the
                                                                                             internet capacity,” he says. “It’s become
                                                                                             a selling point and if the answer is
                                                                                             non-existent, they aren’t interested in
                                                                                             buying that home.”
                                                                                                If anything has become particularly
                                                                                             evident over the past six months, it’s
                                                                                             that reliable broadband is a necessity,
                                                                                             not a luxury.

                                                                                             * dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com
    Chart submitted by Develop Nova Scotia                                                   a @AtlanticBus

Outside the service area - The coronavirus pandemic proved that reliable high-speed internet access is a need, not a want-and that too much of ... Outside the service area - The coronavirus pandemic proved that reliable high-speed internet access is a need, not a want-and that too much of ...
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