Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018

Page created by Rosa Cobb
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018
Week of August 27, 2018


   Villas & Bungalows
   One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and
   the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean


0827PG01.indd 1                                                         2018-08-21 4:36:13 PM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018
Book your table now                     Follow us
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          ITTAs to celebrate                                                                                                        5 Reasons
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          excellence in travel
          The all-new International Travel         global travel and tourism industry       FRQWULEXWLRQWRWKH,QGXVWU\
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                                                                                                                                    International Travel &
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          & Tourism Awards, presented by           has to offer.                            nominated for by WTM London             you access to a room
          for the travel industry, is set to       1DWLRQDO7RXULVP%RDUG&DPSDLJQ        ÀQDOHWRWKHVHVKRZVWRSSLQJ           clients and collaborators
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          of Tuesday 6 November 2018               ZLWKLQDGHVWLQDWLRQ%HVWDJHQF\           Organised by WTM London,            Tourist Boards and
          the global travel & tourism industry.    'LJLWDO6WUDWHJ\LQ7RXULVP%HVW       along with an independent panel         ,W·VWKHRQO\2IÀFLDO:70
              7KHÀUVWRILWVNLQGWKH           'LJLWDO,QÁXHQFHULQWKHLQGXVWU\       RIH[SHUWMXGJHVWKHDZDUGV        London evening event so
          International Travel & Tourism           DQG%HVW35FDPSDLJQ                   VKRZFDVHWKHEHVWLQFODVVRIWKH      \RX·UHJXDUDQWHHGTXDOLW\
          $ZDUGV$ZDUGVZLOOUHFRJQLVHWKH            $ORQJZLWKVHFWRUOHGDZDUGV       global travel and tourism industry,     DQGPHHWLQJSHRSOH
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          DQGFLW\WRXULVWERDUGVDVZHOO         RIÀFLDOHYHQWVSURJUDPPH               senior industry professionals
                                                                                                                                    The location of the
                                                                                                                                    awards is suited for
              At the glitzy evening event,         5HVSRQVLEOH7RXULVP%HVW              make the awards a reality. Every
                                                                                                                                    those travelling back into
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          EHVWGHVWLQDWLRQVSULYDWHVHFWRU       Tourism.                                 WRVHOHFWWKHYHU\ÀUVW:70$ZDUG      IRU:70/RQGRQZKHUH
                                                                                                                                    conversations that were
                                                                                                                                    had on the exhibition

          ITTAs shortlisted unveiled                                                                                                Use the Awards Evening
                                                                                                                                    as a treat for your
          LVFRPSOHWHDQGWKHZLQQHUVZLOOEH     News.                                    regions.                                FROOHDJXHVRUFOLHQWV,W·V
          DQQRXQFHGRQ1RYHPEHU               Charlotte Alderslade,                    ´%RWKWKHTXDOLW\DQGYROXPHRI    sure to be a great night
          DW/RQGRQ·V7REDFFR'RFN               International Travel & Tourism           entrants was very impressive. Our       with dinner, drinks and
          RI&RPPXQLFDWLRQVDQG1LFN             IURPDFURVVWKHJOREH²IURP            task for them to whittle it down. It    7KHHYHQWLVRSHQWRDOO
          3LOEHDP5HHG7UDYHO([KLELWLRQV       destinations as diverse as the           will be an inspiring and entertaining   VRHYHQLI\RXKDYHQ·W
          were drawn from top industry             6ORYHQLD0DQFKHVWHUDQG.HUDOD         on 6 November.”                         /RQGRQ\HWZHKRSH
          ,QWHUQDWLRQDO*OREDO:HOOQHVV          tourism is playing a vital role in the   QRPLQDWLRQVDWDZDUGVZWPFRP

          Celebrating the Best                                                                                           Tuesday 6 November,
          in Travel & Tourism                                                                                           Tobacco Dock, London

0827PG02.indd 2                                                                                                                                            2018-08-23 12:27:12 PM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018
Week of August 27, 2018

              Special needs,
              special care

              agents                                                                                                                                              Photos courtesy/ IATA

              how to                                                “The topic of special needs travel is becoming
                                                                more serious as IATA is coordinating the creation
                                                                of a task force to review resolutions related to
                                                                                                                           suppliers. There are special needs travellers who
                                                                                                                           are not disabled, so this course helps industry
                                                                                                                           professionals identify and assist them.”

                                                                passengers with reduced mobility and standard-                 And she pointed out, “Travel agents increase
                                                                ize them for the airline industry and connected            their service value when they request the right
                                                                segments such as airports,” revealed a Montreal-           support from cruise, rail, lodging, airline, and
                                                                based IATA spokeswoman.”                                   attraction suppliers on behalf of their special
                                                                    The Assisting Travelers with Special Needs             needs travellers.”

              the right
                                                                course was released in late June this year fol-                The course, which is recommended for pro-
                                                                lowing a year of research involving collection of          fessional travel retailers with at least two years
                                                                information and references for content develop-            in the industry, is designed to train participants
                                                                ment that began in 2016.                                   to welcome special needs customers and make
                                                                    Following that, it took another year to complete       the necessary arrangements to enable them to

                                                                content authoring with external validation before          safely travel.
                                                                production of the course which is available in e-text-         An IATA outline explains, “The course empowers
                                                                bo0k format. And it’s expected there will be more          learners to request special services and facilities
                                                                training to be rolled out over the next two years.         available from industry suppliers and provide assist-
                                                                                 Explaining the rationale behind           ance and advice to vast types of special needs
                                                                              the new initiative, the spokeswoman          travellers. They will understand the growing need in
                                                                              explained, “Special needs travellers         the special needs segment and learn how to grow
                                                                              represent a promising market for the         their business through participation in the course.”
                  MIKE DUNBAR
                                                                              travel industry, but, to unlock this busi-       Learners will be required to study four sep-

                                                                              ness opportunity, suppliers and agents       arate units – The Special Needs Traveler, How
                          ssisting travellers with special needs is
                                                                              must first be able to identify customers     the Travel Industry is responding, How Aviation
                          a business imperative whose time has
                                                                              who may have special needs. Then             is Responding and Air Emergency Assistance
                          come, particularly given the demograph-
                                                                              they must deliver the services that          Services – which will require 20 hours of study to
                          ics of an aging, but still active boomer
                                                                              make their journey safe and pleasant.”       be undertaken within six months of enrolment.
                  generation. And IATA has developed a learning
                                                                                 She added, “The course provides               Candidates will be allowed one attempt to
                  module to allow travel agents and their suppli-
                                                                              knowledge and skills in identifying          successfully complete an online, two-hour,
                  ers to serve customers with physical disabilities
                                                                              customers who may have spe-                  multiple-choice questions, final examination by
                  and mobility issues, as well as those with hidden
                                                                              cial travel needs and may require            achieving a 70% or higher passing grade. An IATA
                  special needs such as sleep apnea and autism.
                                                                              non-emergency special services,              certificate will be awarded upon successful com-
                                                                              support or accommodation from                pletion of the exam.

0827PG03.indd 3                                                                                                                                                         2018-08-23 2:32:55 PM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018
                           PODCAST WITH
                           RON PRADINUK

                          Take a listen to the Emirates story
            On long-haul flights, passengers expect                     story as well.                                                   passengers and cargo service.
            comfort, entertainment, and exemplary ser-                     Celebrating its 10th year in Canada in                           So take a listen to the conversation by
            vice. On today’s Voices of Travel, host Ron                 2017, Matthias Schmid, senior vice-president                     going to https://www.travelpress.com/
            Pradinuk talks with one of the acknowledged                 for North America for Emirates, talks about                      emirates-story/.
            leaders in the sector.                                      the airline’s commitment to this country,                           Baxter Media’s Voices of Travel podcast
                Having just been judged by SkyTrax voters               as it expands its Dubai service to five flights                  series is committed to informing, educating
            as the best for inflight entertainment, tops in             a week.                                                          and entertaining its listeners with stories of
            business class and the fourth overall airline                  It has already carried almost 1.5 million                     some of the remarkable people who shape
            in the world, Emirates has a story to tell.                 passengers through its Toronto-Dubai route                       the travel and tourism industry in Canada and
                You’ll also discover that it’s a Canadian               and is poised for even greater growth in both                    around the world.

                                                                  BaxterMedia$"          #axter.edia$"           CdnTravelPress          Baxter.FEJB$"                        BAXTERMEDIA

    Edith Baxter, Editor-in-Chief ebaxter@baxter.net                 SALES AND MARKETING                                                  HEAD OFFICE
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    Robert Mowat, Executive Editor bobmowat@baxter.net               Mitchell McClung, Account Executive mmcclung@baxter.net              travelpress.com
    Mike Dunbar, Quebec Editor mdunbar@total.net                     Daniel McDonald, Classifieds dmcdonald@baxter.net                    Editorial ctp@baxter.net
    Ted Davis, Western Editor teddavis@baxter.net                    Terry Ohman, Western Canada (604) 657-2100                           Advertising sales@baxter.net
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    Ann Ruppenstein, Assistant Editor aruppenstein@baxter.net        Greg Ohman, Alberta (403) 804-3497                                   Subscriptions: $80 – 1 year (Canada), plus applicable taxes.
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    Ashley Rochefort, Marketing & Special Projects Manager           GHTourismSolutions@gmail.com                                         ISSN 1994-3133. Published 47 times per year ©2018.
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                                                                                                                                                                                              Vol. 50, No. 45


0827PG04.indd 4                                                                                                                                                                                       2018-08-23 2:36:10 PM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018
Page 5 DRAFT

                        Who are you?

                  It’s all about
                                                                                                  “       “More and more, the real
                                                                                                          storytelling out there is
                                                                                                          beyond the room. It’s more
                                                                                                          into what are you doing that
                                                                                                          makes you different.”
   Pa r t 3

                I  n the third and final part of this three-part series, Meliá Hotels
                   International’s vice-president of global brand strategy, Tony Cortizas
                talks with CTP about the company’s brand, what makes it stand out
                                                                                             what’s happening in our industry – well, there’s a few things
                                                                                             happening – but one thing for sure is there is an understanding
                                                                                             among the big hotel players about the importance of brand.”
                and how it is working to help travel agents.                                    He observed: “When you talk about Airbnb and that disruption that’s
                                                                                             taking place, this is where your equity does sit, but what is also very
                   Meliá Hotels International’s vice-president of global brand strat-        true, and which is an ongoing shift, is that your brand can’t be bullshit.”
                egy, Tony Cortizas laughs when you ask him whether it’s all about the           Cortizas told CTP that: “A logo is not good enough anymore.
                brand, before responding: “Well that’s my job – brand strategy is my         Consistency in your marketing and a nice website is not good
                job. Listen, it’s not all about the brand – well it is and isn’t – I think                                                      See AUTHENTICITY page 12

                                                                                                                             AUGUST 27, 2018 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • 5

0827PG05-12-13.indd 5                                                                                                                                               2018-08-24 9:36:30 AM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018
where                    in        the           world

                                                                                                  Guy Verhofstadt, the leading MEP and former Prime Minister of
                                                                                                   Belgium, at World Travel Market 2017 at the ExCeL in London.

                                                                                         Ideas arrive here

                                                                                         WTM London session
                                                                                         looks ahead to 2019
                                                                                         Four top executives from different sectors of the travel industry will take a
                                                                                         look back on 2018 and a look ahead to 2019 at this year’s WTM London.
                                                                                             The session, called World Travel Leaders – What to expect in 2019, will
                                                                                         be in the form of a panel discussion, with the four senior leaders sharing
                                                                                         expert insight into what is currently driving the UK markets in outbound and
                                                                                         inbound travel.
                                                                                             The speakers – representing easyJet, Hilton, TUI and Travel Counsellors –
                  Described as a natural wonder nearly half a billion years in           will be asked to outline the key factors that have affected their sectors in 2018
                  the making, this national park is a UNESCO World Heritage              and how the year has traded so far. They will then discuss expectations for 2019.
                      Site on the east coast of our home and native land. Top                The session, which takes place on day one of WTM London (Nov. 5)
                     attractions include the Tablelands, a red rock landscape            underlines the event’s commitment to bringing the best speakers to the
                   made up of the earth’s mantle – the remnants of when the              event, as highlighted by its new strapline: Ideas Arrive Here.
                   continents of Africa and North America collided – and the                 Key issues the panel will discuss include consumer confidence in the UK
                                         rugged cliffs of Western Brook Pond.            and across the world, how particular destinations are performing, as well as
                                                                                         challenges posed by Brexit, terrorism threats and currency values.
                                             Please send your answer to:                     Tying the themes together will be Caroline Bremner, head of travel at lead-
                                                  “Where in the World?”                  ing research company, Euromonitor, who will give a presentation.
                                                       to ctp@baxter.net                     The 2018 WTM London takes place from Nov. 5 to Nov. 7.
                                                                                             For more, go to http://london.wtm.com.

                                           Tripcentral.ca; Michelle
                                           Renaud, Forsyth Travel
                                           Ltd.; Vanessa Mohammed,
                                           Debbie, Paragon Travel;
                                           Tracy Ford, Chelsea Hotel;

            WHERE                          Patty Roy, Hosted Villas;
                                           Paul Poulin, Manulife; Hymie

            WAS THAT
                                           Lebowitz, YYZ Travel; Donna
                                           Fitzgerald, Peterborough
                                           Travel; Madeline Oldford,
                                           Expedia CruiseShipCenters
                                           – Kitchener; Carolyn
          The following identified         Armitage, Carlson Wagonlit
          the Aug. 6 “Where In The         Travel; Katherine Hirtzel,
          World” as the Rogers             Carlson Wagonlit Travel –
          Centre, Toronto: Timothy         London; Tiffany Johnson,
          Edgecombe, Rosewood              Sell Off Vacations; Richard
          Washington; Shirley              Morissette; Barb Hricina,
          Hulleman, BOB’S cruises          CWT Concierge; Sarah,            Moskovitz, Maison de             Guelph; Lisa Collins,         Peerless Travel; Natalie
          & tours; Mary Martinez,          Forest Travel Service;           Voyages; Christine Byrne,        American Express Global       Fenton, Carlson Wagonlit;
          HRG; Marilyn Lentz, Bytown       Kirrily Miller, Charles-         CMS Global Travel; Susan         Business Travel; Dennis       Bonnie Felicella, Hagen’s
          Travel; Michel Lacroix,          wood Travel; Veronika            Hopkins, Advantage InTravel;     Drennand, Expedia             Travel & Cruises; June
          Airtour Voyages; Grace           Andrasofszky, New Wave           Anthony Bento, Allianz           CruiseShipCenters; Jane       Newhouse, Newhouse
          Briand, Vision; Brent Morris,    Travel; Larry Raubach, Eat       Global Assistance; Ian Millar,   Osborne, Downunder            Travel; Bernie Abromaitis,
          Triplink.ca; Taylor Curtis,      and Play Card Inc.; Céline       Expedia CruiseShipCenters,       Travel; Jackie Friedman,      Merit Travel.


0827PG06.indd 6                                                                                                                                                2018-08-23 4:05:45 PM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018

     Over-the-Water Villas at
     Sandals Royal Caribbean

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     Over-the-Water Dining                                   Over-the-Water Chapel                                                                       Over-the-Water Bar

0827PG07.indd 7                                                                                                                                                                          2018-08-23 12:27:47 PM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018

               Near & Far

            Virtuoso tracks
            Canadian travel trends
           What’s hot this fall and holiday season?             US places sixth, perhaps due to a weaker              • Bahamas (+70%)          • Switzerland (+65%)
               Well, according to recently released             Canadian dollar.                                      • Singapore (+63%)        • Australia (+62%)
           research from Virtuoso, Canadians are setting             Always strong for summer travel, Europe’s        • Mexico (+56%)           • St. Lucia (+51%)
           their sights on destinations both familiar and       allure extends into the fall, with four countries
           far-flung for travel this fall and holiday season.   placing on the list.                                      Virtuoso says that as fall approaches, it is
               Virtuoso examined data from its warehouse             Australia, perennially fashionable for fam-      no surprise that warm-weather destinations are
           of more than US$40.7 billion in transactions         ilies and adventure travellers, is a compelling       dramatically on the rise with Canadians.
           to unveil the most in-demand places for the          choice for seasonality, as it heads into its              Sun-and-sand paradises such as Turks and
           coming fall and festive holiday season.              spring and summer.                                    Caicos, Bahamas and St. Lucia have grown
               And based on that data, Virtuoso found that           Another Southern Hemisphere destination,         significantly in Canadian bookings when com-
           the top 10 fall and holiday travel destinations      Chile, is red-hot for in-the-know travellers look-    pared to the same time last year.
           for Canadians – based on future bookings –           ing for a less-explored locale.                           However, Virtuoso notes, Canadians are
           are as follows:                                           Japan’s captivating blend of tradition and       also looking to destinations rising in popu-
           • Canada                    • Mexico                 modernity has it trending among upscale               larity with sophisticated travellers, such as
           • Italy                     • Australia              travellers, landing on this year’s Virtuoso Luxe      Singapore and Kenya.
           • United  Kingdom           • United States          Report list of top emerging destinations.                 Chile and Japan, along with Australia and
           • Japan                     • Chile                       As for destinations that have seen the           Mexico, placed on both the Top 10 and Hot 10
           • Ireland                   • Netherlands            largest percentage of growth in year-over-year        lists, indicating especially high demand.
               In analyzing the results, Virtuoso said that     bookings among Canadian travellers, Virtuoso              The lone European nation on the Hot 10
           Canadians’ desire to roam their own country          reports that the following rank in the top 10:        list, Switzerland’s world-class ski resorts
           and stay closer to home for the holidays is          • Chile (+148%)              • Japan (+147%)          beckon upscale active families for holiday
           evident, as the country places first in the Top      •  Turks  and  Caicos        • Kenya (+99%)           celebrations.
           10. Also close to home, the eternally popular        •  Islands  (+100%)                                       For more, go to www.virtuoso.com.

               AFRICA HOTEL                                                                in 2022 from R35.2 billion in 2017.
                                                                                               Pietro Calicchio, hospitality industry leader, PwC Southern Africa,
                                                                                           observed that: “Tourism to the African continent has proven to be

               SECTOR IS HOT
                                                                                           resilient in the face of economic and political uncertainty, impacts of
                                                                                           droughts and other regulatory changes.”
                                                                                               Calicchio said that: “The opportunities are aplenty for this industry
                                                                                           to enjoy further growth albeit at a more modest pace. However, as we
           According to a recent report by PwC (www.PwC.com), Africa’s hotel               continue to see, there are also a number of challenges facing each coun-
           sector has the potential for further growth over the next five years.           try. This is an industry that is reactive to the smallest change in political,
               That growth is being driven by an increase in the number of foreign         regulatory, safety and sustainability matters.”
           and domestic travellers, combined with the expansion in a number of                 He said that for each of the countries covered in the report, tourism
           hotel chains on the continent – all of which reinforces the hotel sector’s      remains an important part of each economy. However, he also cautioned
           untapped potential for business growth.                                         that the smallest change or disruption can have a fundamental impact
               In PwC’s eighth edition of the Hotels outlook: 2018-2022, information       on the future growth of each market.
           is included on hotel accommodation in South Africa, Nigeria, Mauritius,             “It is, therefore, important that investors, hotel operators, tourism
           Kenya, and Tanzania.                                                            bodies and governments continue to work together to grow this import-
               The report projects that hotel room revenue for the five markets as         ant industry and ensure its sustainability, so that all stakeholders derive
           a group will increase at a 7.4% compound annual rate to R50.5 billion           the maximum benefit from it,” Calicchio said.

0827PG08-09-10.indd 8                                                                                                                                             2018-08-23 2:37:44 PM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018
Still hot and getting hotter

   Future looks bright
   for the Caribbean
   T    he combination
        of strong con-
   sumer demand and
   increased invest-
   ments in hotels and
   airport improve-
   ments bodes well
   for the future of the
   Caribbean’s tourism
       2018 is exceeding
   expectations despite
   the fact that some
   hotels in six of the
   Caribbean’s 32 major
   destinations are still
   in rebuilding mode                                                                      CHTA’s Frank Comito (l) with
   following last year’s hurricanes.                                               STR’s Fatima Thompson and KPMG’s
       Frank Comito, CEO and director general of                                   Gary Brough at the CHRIS Conference
   the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association                                                          in Miami recently.
   (CHTA), observed recently that: “A growing
   number of travellers are understanding that        it to accelerate as more refurbished and
   the Caribbean is a vast region comprising          rebuilt hotels come on stream.”
   many diverse destinations all rich in natural          Things look even brighter, as there is
   beauty, but each distinct in its history, music,   increased airlift coming into the region from
   culture, food and welcoming hospitality.”          North America and Europe, which Comito
                                                       Photo courtesy/ TED DAVIS

       Comito noted that: “Just like a winter         asserted is at a record pace. “An increase in
   blizzard may affect the northeastern United        arrivals and activity, as well as the amount
   States, while people are sunbathing on Miami       of hotel investments points very positively to
   Beach, a weather incident in one part of the       where the region is headed.”
   Caribbean does not affect the overwhelming             Over the past several months, all the major
   majority of the Caribbean.”                        carriers serving the region have announced
       A robust upturn in the tourism sector          plans for new and expanded service into the
   has resulted in many parts of the Caribbean        Caribbean. However, it was among regional
   region seeing growth in employment, visitor        carriers where Comito saw a significant rise.
   spending, government revenue, and public           He pointed to InterCaribbean Airways as an
   and private sector investments to upgrade          example, which four years ago served a dozen
   and expand the tourism product.                    locations in five destinations and currently
       Said Comito: “Capitalizing on these trends     covers 22 airports in 13 countries.
   and getting the region to work together on             Hurricanes Irma and Maria, despite the
   marketing and addressing other matters             devastation they wreaked, Comito contended,
   which can cause tourism to be an even              also delivered critical messages for the future
   greater economic engine for the region is a        of the region – more than 70% of which was
   challenge which the region’s public and pri-       unaffected by the storms: “The hurricanes
   vate sector leaders must embrace.”                 taught us that the Caribbean is viewed as
       A recent CHTA study found that 58% of          one brand in the minds of the public and the
   hoteliers have a positive or extremely positive    consumer. The lesson learned is that we’ve
   outlook for the industry’s future. And that        got to work more closely together as a region,
   view was reinforced at CHRIS, as investor          public and private sectors, to let the world
   interest in the Caribbean has strengthened         know about the lifetime of experiences and
   since the two Category 5 hurricanes of 2017.       destinations which our vast region offers.”
       According to data recently collected               However, he warned against complacency,
   by the World Travel & Tourism Council,             observing that: “While we’ve been on a good
   hurricane-affected destinations themselves         growth curve in both the hotel and arrivals
   anticipate annual tourism spending growth of       side of it in terms of the data, it doesn’t take
   8.7% in 2019 through 2021.                         much to swing positive numbers to negatives.
       Comito pointed out that: “In all of our        We are working with our industry and public
   discussions with industry stakeholders from        sector partners to build a new spirit of collab-
   destinations such as Puerto Rico, the U.S.         oration. The need for this became even more
   Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands, St.    apparent in recent years, as we’ve worked to
   Maarten, Dominica, and Anguilla, we fully          counter the negative impacts, largely due to
   expect them to be showcasing to the traveller      mistaken public perceptions of storms and
   a completely revamped, fresh new product.          other natural occurrences. We need to be dili-
   We’re already beginning to see that in several     gent, to be ready to bounce back and respond
   of the destinations and, later this year, expect   as effectively as possible.”
                                                                                                                           AUGUST 27, 2018 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • 9

0827PG08-09-10.indd 9                                                                                                                                     2018-08-23 2:39:43 PM
Over-the-Water Villas & Bungalows - One-of-a-Kind Accommodations and the First of Their Kind in the Caribbean - August 27, 2018
What if?

            AMADEUS report
            imagines the future
                  he travel industry must be better prepared for economic and political disruption, if it is to make the most of
                  future economic growth, according to a report by A.T. Kearney that was commissioned by Amadeus.
                    While the sharing economy, virtual reality and the Internet of Things are all improving the traveller experi-
            ence, the report says that international geo-political, social and economic developments are disrupting and polariz-
            ing the world as we know it, limiting the industry’s potential for future prosperity unless companies act now.
              The study highlights two key trends that are changing the travel industry landscape, and driving future success.
            These include:

             Personalized travel experiences versus mass market                               labour and data protection laws. We are confronting a fragmented
              Technology enables the aggregation of consumer data and the use of               world based on protectionism and distrust. Facing Bosch’s political
              Artificial Intelligence to learn about traveller behaviour. In addition, it      environment, travellers seek comfort in trusted brands and book
              may help to meet individual needs, instead of a more traditional one-            directly with well-known travel providers.
              size-fits-all approach.
                                                                                             The Warhol scenario is characterized by seamless and not personal-
             Seamless travel versus fragmentation                                            ized travel that considers the implications of strong economic growth
              Truly seamless travel will require governmental cooperation and data            in Asia, giving rise to a large middle class with more disposable
              sharing between businesses: from airports and airlines to destination           income for travel and leisure. Travellers would rather go for low cost,
              services such as hotels, restaurants, and ground transportation.                mass-market travel instead of having personalized options even in a
                                                                                              world free of barriers.
               Based on these two key trends, Amadeus and A.T. Kearney have
            identified four future-looking world scenarios that travel companies               Alex Luzarraga, vice-president corporate strategy of Amadeus IT
            need to prepare for today, if they are to maximize future growth and            Group, pointed out that: “Technology has never held more promise
            success tomorrow:                                                               for the travel industry, but the status quo is being turned on its head.
                                                                                            There is widespread mistrust and populism. Things we used to take for
             The Picasso scenario is built on a fragmented world marked by the rise        granted, such as the right to travel across Europe without passports, for
              of populism and by heightened security concerns. This has the effect          example, may be less likely in the future.”
              of making more travel destinations off-limits. Even so, most parts of            Luzarraga continued: “It is important to evaluate and understand, in
              the world enjoy economic growth. Companies invest in innovation to            partnership with A.T. Kearney, those issues that will continue to confront
              reach more customers through mobile channels, and this interaction            and disrupt the industry in the coming five to seven years, so we can as
              enables businesses to provide more sophisticated personalized offers.         an industry be better prepared to deal with those issues, and also stimu-
                                                                                            late economic growth and success as a result”.
             The Dali scenario assumes that both social attitudes and economic                Yelena Ageyeva-Furman, principal, London, at A.T. Kearney, noted
              prosperity create a more favourable environment towards sharing               that: “The report is based on the perspectives of a broad range of
              data. This brings about more relaxed privacy laws and lighter regu-           stakeholders from across the travel and technology worlds. It illustrates
              lation, which allows for greater personalization of travel. Living in         a broad view of the future, which allows companies to uncover their
              the Dali scenario, travel becomes faster, cheaper, and safer. People          organizational blind spots. Moreover, the study tests existing plans
              benefit from less security controls at borders and have real-time             against industry outlooks, and helps us understand ‘no regret’ moves
              information about unexpected events such as flight delays.                    and imperatives in company strategy. This paper will provide an inter-
                                                                                            esting perspective to the businesses that wish to prosper in the travel
             In the Bosch scenario, business costs rise across the industry as             industry in the coming years.”
              companies struggle to comply with a mosaic of different legal, tax,              Go to http://www.amadeus.com.

      10 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • AUGUST 27, 2018

0827PG08-09-10.indd 10                                                                                                                                         2018-08-23 2:40:18 PM
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0827PG11.indd 11                                                                                                               2018-08-23 12:28:27 PM
Page 12 DRAFT

                                                                   AUTHENTICITY                                SO WHAT’S THE STORY?
                                                                                                               As Cortizas sees it: “more and more the
                                                                   CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5                       real storytelling out there is beyond the
                                                                                                               room. It’s more into what are you doing
                                                                   enough any more. Your consumers are         that makes you different; because I think
                                                                   experiencing your brand from front to       that’s the question that the customer
                                                                   back, beginning to end in real-time; so,    is asking. It’s certainly the question the

        Read all about it!
                                                                   you know, social media, review sites, all   owner that you’re presenting yourself to
                                                                   of those things have drastically changed    for a management contract is asking.
                                                                   how a brand is perceived, as well as        So why should I choose you? What’s
                              Look for these feature               how it actually interacts with its guests   different about your brand? What makes
                                                                   and customers.”                             you stand out?”
                         stories in upcoming issues                   “So, in short,” he said, “we all need        He continues: “You’ve got the sort of
                           of Canadian Travel Press                to be much better at that. And this         hygiene factors of running a hotel well.
                                                                   idea of authenticity and a brand really     So having nice rooms. These are sort
                                                                   standing for something and really           of expectations and I don’t minimize
                                             September 3
                                                Romance            meaning something – the ante has            those because they’re super important,
                                                                   been raised a lot.”                         but then you get into the sort of more
                                           September 10               And he added: “It’s really more and      distinguishing elements of what makes
                                           River Cruising          more not about the room. It’s more and      you sort of stand out.”
                                                                   more about what you’re doing within your        And that, says Cortizas is “why on
                                            September 17           spaces as a hotel. What do you host?        the Paradisus story, we feel that pur-
                                              Asia Pacific
                                                                   What do you stand for? What’s your          suing this idea of “nature included” for
                                              And more...          point of view? What do you represent?       the brand is a game changer, if we do it
                                                                   Because this is what makes us very dif-     properly – which we will.”
                                           Don’t miss an           ferent – will always makes us different –       As for why Cortizas believes that
                                  issue. Renew your free           from Airbnb and that type of disruption.    “nature included” is the way of the
                                      subscription today!          We have rooftop bars. We have lobbies.      future, he told CTP: “Because it’s in
                                    travelpress.com/subscribe/     We have restaurants. We have meeting        line with what the customer is look-
                                                                   room spaces.                                ing for. It’s in line with the trends of

0827PG05-12-13.indd 12                                                                                                                             2018-08-23 2:46:18 PM
Page 13 DRAFT

                                                         “      “This idea of
                                                                and a brand
                                                                really standing
                                                                for something and
                                                                really meaning
                                                                something – the
                                                                ante has been
                                                                raised a lot.”

                                                                                          repeat customer. So, there’s a whole analysis in there that you’ve got to
                                                                                          be doing.”
                                                                                               Cortizas said: “There are those trends. The trends and the emerging
                                                                                          customers because if you’re not looking at the next generation of cus-
                                                                                          tomers, by the time they’re not coming to your hotels, it’s going to be a
                                                                                          little too late to react.”

                                                                                          IT’S ABOUT CURATING
                                                                                          He explains his view this way.
                                                                                             “If you’ve got 126 hotels in a brand, you can’t pivot based on the next
                                                                                          thing and the next thing and the next thing. If you’re an independent
                                                                                          boutique property, you can change yourself once a year and you can
                                                                                          keep doing those things. And I think some of what those guys do [the
                                                                                          independent boutique hotels] paves the way for a longer term strategy
                                                                                          for some of the bigger groups to follow because you’ve got some great
                                                                                          innovation that’s happening on that boutique independent level.”
                                                                                             On the other hand, he notes that: “You go into a hotel now and you
                                                                                          see an iPod docking station -- that was the thing, but you can’t follow
                                                                                          those trends so intently that that becomes the definition of what and
                                                                                          who you are because you’re never going to get that right. You’re never
                                                                                          going to keep up. It’s got to be about curating and picking pieces of the
                                                                                          HELP FOR AGENTS
                                                                                          One thing becomes clear in a conversation with Cortizas and that’s the
                                                                                          simple fact that there is a lot going at MHI and that means there’s a lot
            what’s going on out there in that landscape, and it will set us apart.        of information that the Group needs to communicate to agents. The
            It’s no longer about the all-inclusive, it’s much more about the              question is, how’s the Group doing that?
            overall experience.”                                                              Well to begin with, Cortizas says there’s the Meliá Pro program for
                                                                                          agents, and “there’s a new platform that’s coming online which is going
            A STUDIED APPROACH                                                            to make booking and interacting with Meliá better [for agents].”
            Talking with Cortizas, it’s pretty clear that MHI doesn’t simply follow the       As well, the Group has merged Meliá Pro with its loyalty program,
            latest trends, kind of willy-nilly.                                           Meliá Rewards, “so the agents get all of the Meliá Rewards loyalty pro-
               In fact, MHI’s VP of global brand strategy explained: “We have a           gram benefits as part of their relationship with us.”
            process of brand vision that we work with and it is a longer look, but it’s       He also told CTP that the company has made a commitment on the
            also a studied look.”                                                         training and education side, observing: “We have a lot of work still to do
               “I’ve been over there for six years to work on all of this with the        in that area because we have a lot to talk about. We have an overwhelm-
            group,” he said. “What are the choice drivers of the customers? What          ing amount to talk about.”
            are the key elements that are driving choice in the category that you are
            playing in? How do you stack up against your competitive sets?”               THE ONE THING
               He continued: “You can’t look only at what you’re doing yourself, you      So, out of all this, what’s the one thing that Cortizas would tell travel
            need to look at what the competition is doing and how you measure             agents about MHI?
            against the competition. But that’s not enough either, because you               “One thing to tell travel agents, well … book Paradisus because it’s
            really need to look at the customer and what is motivating them and           better – that would be one thing to tell them. I guess to put it a different
            driving them in terms of choice. And that includes looking at the full        way, I would love for them to get to know us better … take the time to
            customer journey. So, you’ve got everything from ‘oooh, I’m looking           get to know us better. We’ve got some really special products and really
            at going on a trip’ to actually checking out and potentially becoming a       good concepts with our brands. We can be a good partner to them.”
                                                                                                                           AUGUST 27, 2018 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • 13

0827PG05-12-13.indd 13                                                                                                                                          2018-08-23 2:46:49 PM

                  elebrity Cruises
                  has introduced the
                  newest addition to
           the Celebrity Galapagos
           Fleet, Celebrity Flora.
           Celebrity Flora marks an
           evolutionary turning point in
           the approach to ship design
           by allowing the destination
           and its environment to
           decision made.

           From the luxurious all-
           suites accommodations
           that incorporate
           sustainable, natural
           materials that complement
           the destination to solar
           panels on Deck 7 which
           help supplement electricity
           supply and reduce
           emissions, we’ve created a ship that truly        Travel with us back in time to the magical
           differentiates between visiting this incredible   islands that enchanted Charles Darwin and
           corner of the world and experiencing it.          inspired his studies. Six hundred miles due
                                                             west of Ecuador, for millions of years they
           In addition to our new Celebrity Flora, we        have been home to plants and animals that
           have our award-winning THE GALAPAGOS              have evolved and adapted to this unique
           WITH CELEBRITY 100-passenger luxury               environment. The islands are beautiful, yes.
           mega-yacht Celebrity Xpedition®, our mid-         But their true splendor comes from their
           sized, 48-passenger Celebrity XperienceSM         unique place in our ecosystem and the          they’re all-inclusive. A trip to the
           and our 16-passenger Celebrity XplorationSM.      opportunity they give us to encounter the      Galapagos Islands is so unique and
           We offer six unique cruise itineraries, 15        past, face to face. No matter which stunning   so full of monumental experiences that
           islands, more than 30 ports of call, and          vessel you choose for your Galapagos           we don’t want you to spend a moment
           multiple packages from which to choose.           vacation, one of the best features is that     thinking about logistics or details. Our
                                                                                                            Galapagos adventures are blissfully all-
                                                                                                            inclusive, free of worry and planned with
                                                                                                            Celebrity luxury down to the last detail.
                                                                                                            So you immerse yourself in centuries-
                                                                                                            old landscapes and rare bird sightings,
                                                                                                            or hang out with an immense 70-year-
                                                                                                            old tortoise for the day. We’ve taken
                                                                                                            care of everything from pre- and post-
                                                                                                            beverages, shore excursions,
                                                                                                            and more.

0827PG14.indd 14                                                                                                                                   2018-08-23 4:04:37 PM
STEP ABOARD                                                                            *]UQTWJYMJIJQNHFYJGNTIN[JWXNY^FSIZS‫ܪ‬QYJWJIGJFZY^TKYMJ
                                                                                                Galapagos Islands on board Celebrity FloraSM. Every space, including

         THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS.                                                                 YMJFQQXZNYJXFHHTRRTIFYNTSXKJFYZWJXTZWNSST[FYN[JTZY\FWI

         Celebrity Flora—Discover the evolution,

         Crafted with care

         Artisans create
         fashion by Recycling
         IAN STALKER

         S   tephen Martinelli believes the interior
             Costa Rican community of El Roble de
         Sarapiqui is looking a little more spic and span
         these days thanks to a couple of local artisans.

             Martinelli, working in Costa Rica with the       which Martinelli is involved with. Kay Rica fea-        bags and bottles for the artisans, and Martinelli
         U.S. Peace Corps, notes Ligia Ecalante and           tures options that can include the likes of white-      says the community has become well aware of
         Mayela Lara are fashioning crafts for tourists       water rafting, touring a sustainable farm and           the women’s work, and many residents drop off
         out of items that might otherwise end up as          visiting one of Ecalante’s and Lara’s workshops.        recyclable items at their workshops.
         litter in local streets.                                                                                        Martinelli – who acknowledges that sup-
             Ecalante creates the likes of bracelets,         What’s the goal?                                        port for recycling and conservation tends to be
         necklaces, purses, tote bags, and clothes from       “The end goal for each of the actors in this pack-      gradual – says he believes the area around El
         recycled plastic bags, while Lara uses discarded     age is to have their own stand-alone business,          Roble de Sarapiqui has become cleaner in the 12
         plastic bottles to create carvings of the likes of   while also being part of a greater rural tourism        months that he’s been there, citing a “change in
         keychains, chimes and fridge magnets.                program here in the community that collectively         attitude toward keeping public spaces clean and
             Both incorporate hues in their products that     promotes the traditional way of life and rural          a collective sense of duty and ownership that
         represent Sarapiqui region flora and fauna.          Costa Rican culture, says Martinelli, who is based      many community members have taken up.”
             “Their business model is targeted at             in El Roble de Sarapiqui. “It is our goal to continu-      And he’s convinced that the type of work
         selling their goods to tourists, in addition to      ally add more and more community members to             that Ecalante and Lara do can be adopted
         the interactive workshop where tourists learn        this project to continue growing opportunities          elsewhere in rural Costa Rica and larger urban
         how to create small crafts with the recycled         in this sector. I would also say that this project      areas, helping a country that prides itself on its
         materials,” Martinelli reports. “They typically      echoes the Peace Corps’ larger goal of creating         natural side be cleaner.
         connect with tourists by having expositions          sustainable economic opportunities through the             “Down the road, Ligia and Mayela plan to
         at area tourist locations like hotels or adven-      transfer of skills and capacity building.”              lead capacity building courses to other aspiring
         ture centers.”                                           About 40 to 50 plastic bags are used to             women artisans in Costa Rica, where they can
             The interactive workshop receives tourists       produce a tote bag. Both Ecalante and Lara have         teach their unique method and spread their entre-
         through the Kay Rica Rural Tourism package,          set up collection areas where people drop off           preneurial approach to conservation,” he reports.

         Transforming the family market
         As North Americans’ desire              snow-capped Cotopaxi volcano and         and cultural exchanges with the            The tour also visits the
         to explore South America is on          vast Limpiopungo Lake.                   Chagra, the Ecuadorian cowboys         Galapagos Islands where know-
         the rise, many of those travellers          Tierra del Volcán specializes in     famous for their reverence of the      ledgeable guides share the fascin-
         are picking Ecuador as their            family travel and uses every tour        land and worship of the mountains.     ating story of Charles Darwin.
         destination of choice.                  as an opportunity to strengthen              Authenticity and adventure are         Jorge Perez, Tierra del
            The small, lesser-known              bonds and rejuvenate connections.        the core of the Tierra del Volcán      Volcán’s general manager,
         country is home to a diversity of           The company’s 10-day High-           experience, as travellers are able     notes that: “Sharing the land
         wonders from picturesque colonial       lands and Islands Family Adventure       to brush up on their horseback-        and culture in which I was born
         towns, Amazonian rain forest, the       tour takes place on Tierra del           riding skills before going on          and grew up – with other families
         Andean mountains, volcanoes, and        Volcán‘s ancestral land, staying         informative rides in the fertile       – is something that comes natur-
         the Galapagos Islands.                  at the century-old traditional work-     landscape at the foot of Cotopaxi      ally to me. It really is a case of
            Tierra del Volcán is an Ecua-        ing ranch Hacienda El Porvenir.          volcanoes. Big and small kids alike    mi casa es su casa.”
         dorian tour operator located in Coto-       The tour takes families on a jour-   can challenge themselves on the            Go to http://www.tierradel
         paxi National Park – an untouched       ney through two volcanic environ-        high ropes course, tackle mountain     volcan.com/tierra-del-volcan/
         tract of the Andes known for the        ments, a range active of pursuits        bike and hiking trails.                for more.

      16 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • AUGUST 27, 2018

0827PG16-17.indd 16                                                                                                                                           2018-08-23 4:06:35 PM
Atacama – simply amazing

                Celestial displays make
                 Chilean desert sparkle

                                            hose visiting northern Chile’s         Atacama,” he continued. “It’s really an incredible part of the world.”
       Patagonia is known for its           Atacama Desert may find them-             Yogerst said that Torres del Paine National Park in southern Chile’s
           dramatic landscapes.             selves feeling a little star-struck.   Patagonia region is “like something from Lord of the Rings,” with the land-
                                       Travel journalist Joe Yogerst told          scape almost seeming “unearthly.”
                                    a Chile Tourism Board reception in                The park is home to towering mountains and lakes, and can be explored
                                    Toronto recently that Atacama – con-           on foot and by horseback.
                                    sidered the driest place on the planet            Yogerst said visitors will easily be able to see park wildlife, with its animals
                                    – has spectacular nighttime celestial          comfortable around people.
                                    displays, with “amazing” views of stars           Torres del Paine is home to “some of the best wilderness lodges in the
                                    available in a part of the world that’s        world,” he added.
                                    “supposed to be the clearest and                  Yogerst also praised Easter Island, famed for its huge stone monoliths,
                                    cleanest air on the planet.”                   but which Yogerst said also “has incredible beaches as well.” The coral reefs
                                       But Yogerst said Atacama land-              and tropical fish off its shores provide good diving, he added.
                                    scapes are fascinating, regardless of             Also earning praise from Yogerst was Santiago, which he said was once
                                    the time of the day.                           “drab,” but which is now a dynamic city.
                                       “If you want to see what Mars is               Chilean wine has received international acclaim, but Yogerst said the
                                    really like without going there, go to         country has a flourishing beer scene as well.

                        WHERE GREAT
                        ARE BORN

                                                                                                                                           For more information visit

                                                                                                                      AUGUST 27, 2018 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • 17

0827PG16-17.indd 17                                                                                                                                             2018-08-23 3:39:30 PM

          Formerly known as Kuzamil which means Island of the
          Swallows in Maya, Cozumel is the third largest island of
          Mexico and the biggest in the Mexican Caribbean. Rich
          in history, Mayan vestiges and natural wonders; an au-
          thentic paradise in the middle of the sea with white sand
          beaches, gorgeous sunsets and famous worldwide for
          its coral reefs. It is an adventure and relaxation desti-
          nation in which they host all kinds of water activities in
          impressive natural landscapes.

   ACCOMMODATIONS                                                                          State Reserve of Jungles and Wetlands of Cozumel; as well as the botanical gar-
   Cozumel offers cozy lodging options. All with the stamp of the warmth in the service    dens of the Chankanaab Park that houses 350 types of tropical plants from more
   and the recognized Mexican hospitality. Among the variety of categories there are       than 20 countries.
   traditional rustic villas, All-Inclusive or European Plan hotels, as well as accommo-   The island is almost completely surrounded by coral formations. It has the only
   dations designed for divers and sport lovers. The hotels are located along the north    salt water lagoon with coral formations in the world and from May to September,
   and south coast, as well as downtown San Miguel.                                        the beaches of Cozumel become a perfect environment for turtle nesting, which is
                                                                                           something to witness!
   Cozumel has an archaeological site called San Gervasio, and several vestiges            PLACES TO VISIT
   around the island such as El Caracol and El Rey Castle. Although not all are open       El Cielo, an oasis of shallow and crystalline waters, is called that because many sea
   to the public, Cozumel has 10 pre-Columbian archaeological sites. San Gervasio          VWDUVLQKDELWWKHVHDEHGDQGWKH\VHHPWRUHÀHFWWKHVWDUU\VN\
   is the most important of them and was dedicated to the cult of the goddess Ixchel,      Laguna Colombia is located in Punta Sur, an ecological park protected to preserve
   the Mayan goddess of fertility and the moon.                                            WKHÀRUDDQGIDXQDRIWKHVRXWKHUQUHJLRQRIWKHLVODQG7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOREVHUYD
                                                                                           tion points in the lagoon and abundant biodiversity.
   In addition to being surrounded almost entirely by the Mesoamerican Reef, the           SPORTS
   second largest in the world, in Cozumel there are innumerable activities such as        Cozumel is synonymous with sport worldwide, has proven to be an experienced
   FDWDPDUDQULGHVVQRUNHOLQJZLQGVXU¿QJSDGGOHERDUGLQJNLWHVXU¿QJSDUDVDLOLQJ   tourist site for the organization of important high-level sporting events such as: The
   DQGVSRUW¿VKLQJ                                                                      Ironman, Ironman 70.3, the ITU World Cup and the Grand Fund NY Cozumel. It is
   As you can imagine, diving is one of the main activities in Cozumel due to the          the ideal place for the preparation of triathlon practice since it has the infrastructure
   clarity of its waters and the abundance of marine life. Scuba diving scenarios can      and the ideal climate. The island has a cycle track of 20 kilometers alongside the
   be limestone caves, underwater cliffs, narrow caverns, shallow idyllic reefs and        Caribbean Sea where you can take a ride along the coastline with unbeatable views
   black coral forests! It has more than 30 reefs, which vary between 15 and 90 feet       of the turquoise waters.
   deep and are home to moray eels, turtles, sharks, giant anemones, hermit crabs,
   SDUURW¿VKDQGWKHHQGHPLF7RDG¿VKRI&R]XPHO$PRQJWKHPDLQSODFHVWRGLYH          These are only some of the many activities and attractions available in the biggest
   are: Barracuda, Cardona, Chankanaab, Chun-Chancaab, Colombia, La Francesa,              island of the Mexican Caribbean. Come and discover the natural wonders, exciting
   Los Atolones, Maracaibo, Palancar, Paraíso, Paso del Cedral, Punta Sur, the Wall        adventures and ancient culture in Cozumel Island!
   of San Francisco, the Wall of Santa Rosa and Yucab.

   Cozumel is home to several nature reserves and protected areas, including: The
   National Reef Reserve, the Chankanaab Lagoon, the Colombia Lagoon and the

0827PG18.indd 18                                                                                                                                                      2018-08-23 4:04:12 PM

0827PG19.indd 19              2018-08-21 4:35:12 PM
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                   contest/hawaii.asp and answer the skill testing question. The deadline for entries
                   is October 31, 2018. You must be a full-time travel agent. For full contest rules
                   and regulations, visit http://promo.baxter.net/contest/hawaii.asp

                   How many Canadians visited Hawai‘i last year?

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