ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Road Transport Association NZ

Page created by Edith Lawson
ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                        September 2020


Martyn Sim, Divisional Manager—General Transport for Hilton Haulage based in Christchurch, ensures health
and safety protocols are in place.

COVID-19 resurgence
ALERT LEVEL PLANNING                                   Just when you thought it was safe to
                                                       go back to normal, the country is
HEALTH & SAFETY                                        battling the pandemic again. What do
                                                       lockdowns and alert levels mean for
MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS                                    the road transport industry?

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                    September 2020

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From the Chief Operating Officer

Simon Carson updates members on the challenges facing the road transport industry.

COVID-19 resurgence

After more than a 100 days without community transmission of COVID-19, a new
outbreak forced a return to restrictions. How did the industry cope?

Debating drugs and transport

Road Transport Forum chief executive Nick Leggett says it’s essential that the industry
thinks about the upcoming marijuana referendum.

Around the regions

RTANZ Area Executives round up news and developments from around New Zealand.


A farewell to Wairarapa road transport identity Doug Gray.

Events                                                 Contact Us
September 4: Region 2 AGM, Mount Maunganui             Website:
Ocean Sports Club, Salisbury Avenue, Pilot Bay, 4:00   0800 367 782
p.m.                                                   Chief Operating Officer: Simon Carson,
September 19: Region 3 AGM (CARTA, regional  , 027 55 66 099
branches): National Service Club, 310 Market Street,   Editor: David Killick, Communications Manager,
Hastings, 4:00 p.m.; Central Area RTA, 5:00 p.m., 027 55 44 272
October 9: Region 5 AGM, The Gate Hotel,               Administration: Victoria Higgs,
Cromwell, 4:00 p.m.; dinner at Forage restaurant at, 027 365 2075
The Gate Hotel, drinks 6.00 p.m., dinner 7:00 p.m.     Membership Benefits Coordinator: Vicki Harris,
                                             , 027 534 3848
October 16: Region Four AGM (venue to be
confirmed)                                             We welcome contributions and feedback for this

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Chief Operating Officer

Cause for cautious optimism in industry
By Simon Carson

                                                       job advertisements as an average, and jobs
                                                       advertised in the manufacturing, logistics, and
                                                       transport sector have increased by 65 per cent.
                                                       This is attributed to transport businesses and
                                                       supply chains continuing to operate as essential
                                                       services through the lockdown.
                                                           It is fair for people to feel cautiously optimistic
                                                       as restrictions ease and consumers are
                                                       encouraged to get out and spend in their
                                                       communities. These employment figures are on
                                                       the incline yet are still down on the same period
                                                       in 2019 as New Zealand recovers.
                                                           Recruitment in the transport sector has
                                                       changed to suit the market with many more short
                                                       term or seasonal contracts being awarded to
                                                       serve peaks and troughs of nationwide
                                                       businesses. Furthermore, the transport industry

        rises and deadlocks when they occur have       for the first time in many years has a wider
        at least this advantage, that they force us    candidate audience when attracting workers.
        to think. If COVID has done anything for           I attended a Waka Kotahi New Zealand
us, it has served as a practice run for the            Transport     Agency meeting at the end of August
significant focus to environmental change we           with   the  new  CEO, Nicole Rosie, and other
face as an industry and a nation in decades to         stakeholders. The agency offered an assurance
come.                                                  that transport projects currently in place will
   It has been encouraging to                                                continue to be expedited to
see previously uninterested                                                  minimise the impact of
parts of industry once again          “The media will deliver                COVID-19.
take value in work the                dire  statistics…yet      when            Money from the COVID
association is doing, especially      you look at nationwide                 Response and Recovery Fund
during the second round of                                                   (CRRF) has been allocated to
COVID New Zealanders are
                                      job seeker figures, they               the National Land Transport
experiencing. Transport               show    a  different story.      ”      Programme (NLTP) due to the
operators who once shunned                                                   effect of the pandemic on the
the value proposition RTANZ                                                  transport budget, as follows:
has for industry have now put their hands up to        Allocation of key funding:
become part of RTA and the One Voice required
to solve what can be complex concerns only             • $425m borrowing available to Waka Kotahi
through collaboration.                                 NZTA for 2019/20, repayable over seven years;
   I have visited many operators around the              • $600m top up from the CRRF to the NLTP;
country in the past few months and this has              • Up to $300m additional could be made
identified what an adaptive bunch transport
                                                         available to Waka Kotahi NZTA for further
businesses can be, and when forced to think
many have identified opportunity.
    The media will deliver dire statistics like 250         Transport Minister Phil Twyford said: “Waka
jobs being lost every day through Level 3 in             Kotahi (NZTA) will have the funding needed to
Auckland alone, yet when you push this to one            keep building infrastructure despite lower
side and look at nationwide job seeker figures,          revenue being collected from petrol excise
they show a different story. New Zealand has
                                                         duty and road user charges due to COVID.”
seen a 46 per cent month-on-month increase in

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  “Transport projects                               “Waka Kotahi
  currently in place                                (NZTA) will have
  will continue to be                               the funding
  expedited to                                      needed to keep
  minimise the                                      building
  impact of                                         infrastructure.”
  COVID-19.”                                        —Transport Minister
  —Waka Kotahi NZTA CEO                             Phil Twyford
  Nicole Rosie

      As we head into the last quarter for 2020,    greener pastures I refer to the agricultural
  RTANZ embarks on another round of Annual          sector. I would like to thank Scott for his work
  General Meetings. This year has been a year       over the past 18 months and wish him all the
  for change right across New Zealand, and          best for the future. I have advertised an Area
  RTANZ is no exception to this.                    Executive role on Seek which has attracted
      One thing I am confident of is that the       some good applicants, and in the meantime
  changes that have been made, and those still      Scott’s email address is being monitored
  to come, have been made for the right             through the Christchurch office, so please use
  reasons and to make the association the best      this for communication until we have made an
  that it can be for our members.                   appointment. I will keep members updated on
      I would encourage you to take a look at the   what’s happening in your region.
  AGM dates for your region and, if you can
  make it along then, please take the time to do    Call Simon Carson on 027 55 66 099, 0800
  so. Many of you I have not yet met and I look     367 782, or email:
  forward to having this opportunity in the
  coming months.
      Finally, Scott Asplet has recently left
  RTANZ to move to greener pastures, and by

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                          September 2020

Cover story

Resurgence tests road transport industry
By David Killick

        es, we all thought
        we’d cracked it,
        didn’t we? Life went
back to normal, we could
visit places, and travel
around the country again.
Not so fast. We made it past
100 days with no community
transmission—a heroic
achievement—but late at
night on August 11, cell
phones chimed with an
emergency alert warning:
COVID-19 was back in the
    Less than 24 hours later,
Auckland was in a Level 3
lockdown and the rest of the
country went to Level 2.
Police and military personnel Martyn Sim, Divisional Manager—General Transport for Hilton Haulage based
scrambled to put                   in Christchurch, ensures health and safety protocols are in place.
checkpoints across all road
links into and out of New Zealand’s largest city.              RTANZ chief operating officer Simon Carson
    Predictably, roads clogged up as drivers               says  the association is doing all it can to provide
faced lengthy delays and locals queued at                  day-to-day assistance for members. (See
COVID-19 testing stations.                                 Simon’s column on Page 4.)
    Road Transport Forum chief executive Nick                  Others wanted to know what to do about
Leggett called for fast lanes for trucks. The              certification and COFs that would expire. Same
move was commonsense. It helped.                           advice as before: They would be deferred but
    Police Assistant                                                        operators should check and
Commissioner Richard                                                         maintain their vehicles to ensure
Chambers told Radio New                “Be    prepared       for             they stay as safe as possible.
Zealand’s Morning Report that          holdups and ensure                        Martyn Sim, Divisional
checkpoints were dealing with                                                Manager—General Transport for
                                       you have all the
huge volumes of traffic and                                                    Hilton Haulage based in
dedicated lanes for trucks             necessary written                     Christchurch, said companies
carrying freight were working          documentation.”                       found traveling in and out of
well. Leggett warned against                                                 Auckland “challenging”.
some drivers reportedly carrying                                             Checkpoints created delays and
passengers through the checkpoints. This was               the public didn’t always understand these were
unacceptable and could be counterproductive                sometimes unavoidable.
for the industry.                                              Meanwhile, back at the Christchurch depot,
    The Road Transport Association fielded many            Sim said health and safety protocols were in
calls from members wanting to know if they                 place. These included sanitizing vehicles’ cabs
could travel to Auckland. The answer was yes, if           before changing drivers and wearing masks
you were able to do so during the first lockdown           when visiting public places. Although the
—but be prepared for holdups and ensure you                company had ordered 6,000 disposable masks,
have all the necessary written documentation               they were in heavy demand and there would
with you to prove where you are going.                     likely be a shortage.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                              September 2020

   Everyone should have downloaded the
government’s COVID-19 contact tracing app
onto their phone and be using it to scan the
code displayed prominently outside business
   Drivers who had visited ports in Tauranga
and Timaru had to get tested for COVID-19.
Americold, where Auckland workers tested
positive for the virus, said it did not believe
transmission would have come via frozen freight
and a thorough investigation appeared to
confirm this. How the virus arrived was unclear.
   Nevertheless, most people agreed it was
better to be safe than sorry and to err on the
side of caution.
   As of publication date, the situation remains
uncertain. COVID-19 could well flare up again,
and until the world has a safe and widely
available vaccine, caution remains the
   While it is widely agreed that testing at the
border and at managed isolation and quarantine
(MIQ) facilities could have been better, the
government and authorities acted fast to tighten    Businesses must follow strict procedures
up controls.                                        including displaying the government’s COVID-19
   What matters now is that everybody               contact tracing app.
continues to work together for the good of the
whole community.
RTANZ advises the following:
• Check out the RTF website for all the latest
COVID-19 advice:
• Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has further
information about regional alert levels,
temporary document extensions, and frequently
asked questions:
• Ensure that your business is up to date with
current health and safety requirements, including
PPE and masks, and that it is using the
government’s COVID-19 contact tracer app.
• Make sure your business has a health and
safety plan in place in case the virus takes off
again. (See the article from Safe Business
Solutions on Page 8.)
• Only follow reliable advice from a trustworthy
source. Ignore rumours being spread on social

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                September 2020

 Health & Safety

Are employers ready for more disruption?
Safe Business Solutions has advice on how to cope with a resurgence of COVID-19

          re employers prepared, in order to       Business continuity planning
          manage the next wave of the pandemic?       This emerging second wave is bound to lead
          Many employers in New Zealand are        to a spike in stress levels once again and we
 experiencing low-level anxiety regarding a        should expect and prepare for it accordingly.
 second wave of coronavirus cases emerging.        Building resilience must be part of our “new
 The pandemic is far from over worldwide and       necessary”. The government has indicated that
 New Zealanders were reminded of this as           New Zealand may transition in and out of
 Aucklanders experienced a move back to Alert      lockdown as and when necessary to contain
 Level 3 and the rest of the country moved to      the transmission of COVID-19 within the
 Level 2.                                                             community. As this approach
      While there have been                                           is introduced with a view to
 constant warnings by economists        “Building resilience          maintaining “business as
 around the world about the
 oncoming devastating and deep
                                        must be part of our           usual” as much as possible,
                                                                      small to medium businesses,
 global recession, employers may        ‘new necessary’.”             too, must adopt a nimble
 still be uncertain about how to                                      approach to ensure continuity
 inspire confidence in employees                   of their operations.
 and successfully navigate this second wave of         One of the key recommendations in easing
 infection.                                        concern and reassuring employees during
    The fear is not baseless as we hear about an    uncertain times is to regularly update the
 aggressive new wave of infections in               company’s business continuity plan. The plan
 Europe and Australia. Just when life was slowly    should not be used as a bolt-on to business
 easing into a “new normal”, with people            operations, but rather should be used as a core
 returning to mingling in large groups, dining      platform of the overall business model. Some
 out, and returning to offices, cities have been      employers use a business continuity plan as a
 forced to return to lockdown in an attempt to      one-off reference document in case of a natural
 contain the spread.                                disaster such as an earthquake.


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   A well-prepared plan that is realistic, scalable,   • Provide support to employees, such as
and flexible will help businesses and employees          educational webinars, provide information
to better adapt to the changing severity of any          booklets, articles or website links that guide
health, emergency response, or security threats.         on managing stress, as well as social
    Employers should also educate employees              activities (virtual if based in Auckland) to
on the need to be flexible and embrace change,           connect and de-stress together;
and encourage them to take on new skills and
                                                       • Check in regularly with employees and show
roles. This includes coping with new technology          appreciation for their work. This demonstrates
to remain operational through the pandemic.              they are valued for their contribution;
Mental health awareness                                • Where possible, provide or link employees to
     Managing mental health must be an                   support and counselling services, such as
important focus in an employer’s strategy. As an         through an employee assistance program.
employer, whether you’re attending to the                 In supporting employees, employers should
financial or operational side of your business, it     also remember to check in with their managers
affects people. So while employers remain               regarding their wellbeing and the issues they
focused on adapting their business operations          may be dealing with on behalf of the business,
to protect the financial health of their company,      and are dealing with themselves. They should
it is also an employer’s responsibility to consider    make time for rest, set healthy goals, not just for
the human element behind the changes.                  the business, but for themselves as well.
     In order to build a supportive and adaptive
workplace, employers should:
                                                       • For advice or support in employment, human
                                                         resources, recruitment, health and safety, or
• Ensure employees have access to accurate               business continuity planning matters, call the
  information and timely advice on the evolving          SBS team on freephone 0508 424 723.
  COVID-19 situation (the Ministry of Health
  website is helpful). This can help to minimise

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                      September 2020

Road Transport Forum

Debate on drugs and transport essential
By RTF chief executive Nick Leggett

                                                         We have started a social media campaign,
                                                    designed to ask questions so that people can
                                                    be aware of some of the unintended
                                                    consequences of this bill. For example, as
                                                    currently drafted, the bill gives no consideration
                                                    to workplace health and safety. Also, where risk
                                                    increases, costs such as insurance, and
                                                    liabilities, such as board liabilities, increase.
                                                    Insurance is risk-priced—risk goes up,
                                                    premiums go up.
                                                         Social media engagement can be brutal and
                                                    it is worth remembering some people are
                                                    incentivised to lobby for one side or the other.
                                                          The environment in New Zealand now is if
                                                    you don’t agree with someone, or you dare to

                                                    ask a question, often innocently because you
        ebate on legalising recreational cannabis
                                                    want more information, you are cut to shreds.
        is hotting up, as the general election on
                                                    Free speech is in real danger, as is independent
        October 17 nears. It will be put to a
referendum vote.
                                                         We can draw on information from other
    The New Zealand Drug Foundation’s Vote
                                                    countries that have legalised recreational
Yes campaign has a lot of money, high-profile
                                                    cannabis and we should learn from others
people, and adept social media skills behind it.
                                                    experiences. In US publication FleetOwner, we
    The Say Nope to Dope campaign is backed
                                                    saw an article Do marijuana legalization efforts
by a number of conservative and faith-based
                                                    give a false sense of safety? It talks about the
groups, which doesn’t perhaps
                                                                        lack of awareness about the
make it representative of the
                                                                        impacts of cannabis on driving
wider population who may be            “We are encouraging              and draws on the experiences of
considering a no vote.                 people to ask                    Darrin Grondel, vice president of
    At the Road Transport Forum,
we are asking that people get          questions and be                 traffic safety and government
                                       clear what they are              relations for the Foundation for
informed before they vote in
                                                                        Advancing Alcohol
what appears to be a binding           voting for.”                     Responsibility, in relation to the
                                                                        impact of marijuana usage on
    We are not telling people how
                                                                      commercial vehicle drivers. Here’s
to vote. We are encouraging people to ask
                                                    an extract:
questions and be clear what they are voting for
with the Cannabis Legislation and Control Bill.          Grondel explained the legalization of
    There are unintended consequences that          marijuana     has made much stronger strains of the
have shown up in other countries where              substance more readily available, and has
recreational cannabis has been legalised,           expanded the consumption possibilities.
including increased road accidents and deaths.           “It is actually much more dangerous because
We don’t think this has been made clear.            of the concentration levels that we're seeing in
    As the road is the workplace of the people      marijuana,” Grondel said. “We've seen marijuana
we represent, road safety is of critical            go from 3 to 6% THC concentration, to almost
importance. Truck drivers share the road with all   30% in flower and then to 93 to 94%
other users and no matter how much                  concentration in some of the oils.
professional drivers control their own behaviour,
                                                        “Those concentrations have a deep impact on
they can’t control the behaviour of others on the
                                                    the level of impairment,” he added.
road. That makes them vulnerable.

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    Fleets and safety managers
should be aware of the variety of
methods with which someone
could ingest marijuana. The
traditional pulmonary method is
done through smoking,
vaporizing, dabbing and even
    Due to the commercialization
of marijuana, many products can
now be ingested through oral or
digestive products, often
referred to as edibles or
    We have research that backs
what we are saying, particularly
from the parts of the US and
Canada where recreational
cannabis use is legal. But in an
emotional debate such as this,
every person seems to draw on
their own research. Bombarding
people with research is unlikely
to sway them. We prefer to rely
on rational thought processes
for those who still have some
questions—we want them to be
able to ask those questions and
look for the answers themselves.
   Waka Kotahi NZ Transport
Agency has available a research
report you can read here. In
2017 and 2018, road deaths
involving drugs (not just
cannabis, but sometimes a
combination including cannabis)
were higher than road deaths
where the driver was above the
alcohol limit. An easy summary           Tackling drink and drug driving is vital to keep roads safe everywhere.
is available here.                                                                —Photo: West Midlands Police
Government commits to
roadside drug testing                                          Unsurprisingly, we are seeing an upward trend
    The proliferation of drug use including                to this sort of impairment and it now surpasses
cannabis, whether legal or illegal, has major              those killed with excess alcohol in their system.
implications for the road transport sector, both               It was therefore extremely pleasing, in what
when it comes to the safety of our roads and in            was one of the final acts of the 52nd Parliament,
relation to workplace health and safety.                   that the Labour-led government introduced
                                                           legislation to give police the power to conduct
    When it comes to road safety, we know that
                                                           random roadside drug testing of drivers. Once
cannabis and other impairing substances are a
                                                           passed, the law will allow police to undertake a
significant contributor to our road toll. Last year,
                                                           roadside test to determine if drivers are under
103 people died in crashes on New Zealand
                                                           the influence of drugs, just as they do for
roads where the driver was later found to have
drugs in their system.

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  Rather than the breath test that is used for       RTF election manifesto: The role of roads
alcohol, the drug test will be saliva-based and          Roads are the lifeblood of the economy and
will identify the presence of impairing              as we head into a general election with the focus
recreational drugs such as THC (cannabis),           on Covid-19 recovery, we need a clear view of
methamphetamine, opiates, cocaine, MDMA              the economic recovery plan.
(ecstasy), and benzodiazepines.                          The RTF has gone to the five main political
    The Road Transport Forum has lobbied             parties with our Election Manifesto and asked
governments to institute roadside saliva-based       how they will ensure the road freight industry’s
drug testing for well over a decade so we            ongoing health, and subsequently, the health of
commend Associate Transport Minister Julie           our economy as a trading nation.
Anne Genter and Minister of Police Stuart Nash           Pretty much everything you need, every day,
for the introduction of The Land Transport (Drug     comes to you on a truck – something I think
Driving) Amendment Bill that will enable it.         people came to appreciate during the
    Up until now, government ministers have          Government’s Covid-19 lockdown and response
pointed to the practical difficulties with saliva      level changes.
testing and while not all of those have been             With 93 per cent of freight going by road,
solved, this government’s emphasis on road           those high value food exports that are going to
safety has prompted it to undertake the              save us from economic ruin need to be able to
background work required to inform the practical     get to ports and airports and that is done on
implementation of such a regime.                                       trucks. Train lines do not reach
For that, it should be                                                 into the farm land of New
congratulated.                         “All those involved in          Zealand.
    Regardless of the result of the
cannabis referendum, all those
                                       the transport industry              We are concerned that while
                                       should take a pro-              there  has been a lot of talk about
involved in the transport industry                                     building roads as a means to
should take a proactive interest       active interest in the          boost the New Zealand
in the progress of this bill. The      progress of this bill.”         economy, we don’t believe there
new law won’t be passed before                                         is the capability to contract and
the election and a lot of work is                                     manage such projects within the
ahead of the 53rd Parliament to enact it, but I      New Zealand workforce. With our border closed
hope it will be one of the first cabs off the rank    indefinitely, how are we going to get the people
once the next government is formed.                  needed to get these projects underway?
    The RTF will actively support the bill’s             We have picked four areas of greatest
progress and will be requesting a hearing at         concern to road freight transport and asked the
select committee stage. I’d encourage transport      five main political parties to answer questions.
operators and other industry bodies to also          These include plans for economic recovery from
consider making a submission. Please feel free       Covid-19; what is planned to ensure truly fair
to contact the RTF office if you require further       conditions for employers and workers that allow
advice and information on how to do this.            freedom of choice and flexibility; what the
    My concern is that, because impairment is        investment will be in green freight; and views on
such a significant risk to workplace safety, some    the Cannabis Legislation and Control Bill and
of the advances we have made since 2015 could        how that will impact workplace health and safety
be compromised if we take too liberal an attitude    for an industry that shares the road with the
to the recreational use of cannabis and other        public.
drugs.                                                   We want our industry well informed on
    Liability for the impact of drug impaired        political party policies that will impact them and
workers falls squarely on managers, boards, and      their futures, so we have set up a website page
other PCBUs and despite the great work of drug       dedicated to Election 2020.
testing organisations like TDDA, businesses are          The responses to our questions from the five
hamstrung by the inability to practically test       main parties are available here.
regularly for staff impairment at work.
    There is still a long way to go before we can
be confident that workplaces are safe from the
negative impact of recreational drugs.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                       September 2020

Ask a lawyer

Keeping drug driving off New Zealand roads
By Amanda Douglas

                                                        scheme, you will not be able to receive the
                                                        Resurgence Wage Subsidy in addition to those
                                                           The declarations that employers have been
                                                        required to make under the wage subsidy
                                                        scheme and the extension will also apply in
                                                        respect of the resurgence scheme.
                                                        Keeping drug driving off New Zealand roads
                                                      In an effort to curb “drug driving” and to improve
                                                      road safety for all New Zealanders, The Land
                                                      Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill has
                                                      been introduced to Parliament, and on August 4,
                                                      it passed its first reading.
                                                          Under the current law, police can require a
Further extension to the wage subsidy                 driver to undertake a Compulsory Impairment

                                                      Test (a form of behavioural test) only if the officer
        n August 14, the government announced
                                                      has “good cause to suspect” that a driver has
        an extension of the COVID-19 Alert Level
                                                      consumed drugs. As Compulsory Impairment
        3 restrictions for Aucklanders and the
                                                      Testing is time-consuming for police to
Alert Level 2 restrictions for all other parts of
                                                      undertake, it is not an effective deterrent from
New Zealand. Those restrictions were to
                                                      drug driving in our communities.
remain in place until August 26; however,
                                                          If the proposed bill becomes law, it will
Cabinet reviewed them on August 21 and made
                                                      enable a random roadside oral fluid testing
further decisions the following week.
                                                      regime. This means that police would have the
    The extension to the Alert
                                                                        ability to randomly test a driver’s
Level restrictions for New
                                                                        saliva for the presence of
Zealanders was accompanied              “Watch this space;              impairing drugs (both legal and
by the announcement that there
would be a third extension to           you could be                    illegal), the same as they currently
                                        providing roadside              do for alcohol. The new roadside
the government’s wage subsidy
                                                                        oral fluid testing regime would be
scheme. This has been                   saliva tests as early           used in addition to Compulsory
described as the Resurgence
                                        as 2021.”                       Impairment Testing.
Wage Subsidy.
                                                                            The roadside oral fluid testing
    Employers who have had, or
                                                                       regime would initially test for THC
are expected to have, a 40 per cent decline in
                                                      (the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis),
revenue because of COVID-19 for a period of 14
                                                      methamphetamine, benzodiazepines
days between August 12 and September 10
                                                      (medications commonly prescribed as sleeping
compared to the same period in 2019, will be
                                                      pills and/or to treat anxiety), MDMA, opiates and
eligible to receive this funding.
                                                      cocaine. Further drug groups may also be tested
    Despite Level 3 restrictions being in place
                                                      for in the future.
only in Auckland at the time of writing, the third
wage subsidy extension will be available to               Currently, the proposed bill is silent on setting
businesses nationwide. This is likely a reflection    criminal  limits for the drug groups. These
of the substantial influence that Auckland has        criminal  limits would be introduced by an
over the nation’s economy.                            independent     expert panel at concentration levels
    Applications can be made to the Ministry of       in blood that align with drink driving measures of
Social Development (MSD) until September 3. If        impairment, i.e. 80mg/100ml blood. But do not
you are already receiving funding under the first     worry, these limits will not penalise drivers who
wage subsidy extension or the leave support           have accidental or passive exposure to drugs or

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                               13
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                 September 2020

have consumed medicine that is unlikely to          Please contact Amanda Douglas, at Wynn
impair driving.                                     Williams,
    The bill outlines proposed penalties            for any inquiries. Members are able to access 15
(infringement and criminal) for drivers who fail    minutes free with Wynn Williams to triage any
two consecutive oral fluid tests. Infringement      issue and to find a way forward. Please do not
penalties (for readings below the criminal limit)
                                                    hesitate to get in touch to discuss your
would include spot fines, licence suspension,
                                                    employment needs.
and loss of demerit points; and criminal
penalties would include prison terms, fines, and
mandatory disqualification from driving. The bill
also outlines combination offences and
penalties if a driver has consumed multiple
drugs, or drugs and alcohol together.
    The bill will be referred to Select Committee
after this year’s election, and is not yet law.
Despite still being in the early stages of
becoming law, there is widespread
parliamentary and community support for the
bill. So watch this space; you could be providing
roadside saliva tests as early as 2021.

         Transport law
       Keeping you on the right road
                                                                  CONTACT US
     Employment | Health & Safety | Insurance | Prosecutions | +more
                 Call now for your first 15 minutes free
       South Island: 03 379 7622 | North Island: 09 300 2600

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                        14
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                  September 2020


EROAD maximises fleet performance

        he service and maintenance of               • Minimising risk: It’s easier to meet your health
        commercial vehicles can be costly,          and safety requirements with a well-maintained
        complex, and time-consuming. To             fleet;
address these inefficiencies, EROAD has               • Improving driver safety: In-cab driver
bundled all its services that reduce down-time
                                                                  messaging enables you to alert or
and limit operating costs into one
                                                                   inform drivers before they start
easy-to-use solution, called
MyEROAD Fleet Maintenance.             “This comprehensive their shifts;
    This comprehensive solution        solution takes the          • Vehicle Health Insights: Easy-
takes the hassle out of the            hassle out of the           to-access information that
complicated fleet maintenance                                      informs vehicle life cycle
process by centralising all vehicle
                                       complicated fleet           decisions.
service and maintenance                maintenance
information in one place,              process.”
providing automated service
scheduling based on time lapsed,
distance travelled, or engine hours, plus a full
service-history archive.
    MyEROAD Fleet Maintenance includes In-
Cab Service Alerts, which sends information
directly to drivers (via EROAD’s in-cab Ehubo2
device) to remind them of appointments. Drivers
can access the Inspect App from any IOS or
Android device, easily completing pre-trip              ##################################
inspection checks to identify any issues, with          ##################################
this information syncing directly to the                ##################################
MyEROAD Fleet Maintenance for back-office                 ##################################
visibility and repair progress.                         ##################################
    To avoid lost paperwork, other parties can be       ##################################
given access to update the services they have           ##################################
performed, keeping supplier information, service        ##################################
details, invoice numbers, and costs all in one          ##################################
place. Compliance becomes easier with
automated notifications for WoF and CoF, and            ##################################
vehicle registrations.                                  ##################################
    MyEROAD Fleet Maintenance makes it easier           ##################################
for any organisation to drive a more efficient and        ##################################
compliant vehicle fleet through:                        ##################################
• Boosting profitability: Time is money so              ##################################
reduce the risk of breakdowns, failed roadside          ##################################
inspections, and lost productivity, by keeping          ##################################
your vehicles on the road;                              ##################################
• Reducing operating costs: Avoid unforeseen            ##################################
repairs with automated service scheduling,              ##################################
keeping vehicle maintenance up to date;                 ##################################
• Eliminating time wastage: Remove the time             ##################################
spent wading through spreadsheets with
automated maintenance data available in a few
simple clicks;

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                          15
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                    September 2020


Now is the time for contactless business

        t the time of writing, Auckland is in the      those jobs will go all the way through to invoicing.

A       midst of its second lockdown due to
        COVID-19. While road transport remains
        an essential service, the changes in alert
levels continue to have an impact across the
                                                          You also allocate jobs to your drivers and
                                                       vehicles on the daysheet, and schedule them at
                                                       certain times of the day.
                                                          You can attach digital versions of key
country. This is an excellent reminder for all         documentation to share with your drivers, in a
transporters across New Zealand to sharpen up          range of common file formats such as PDF, excel,
their contactless practices.                           word, or jpeg.
   This needn’t be a major overhaul of your               The daysheet replaces the large paper diary,
processes, as there are many ways you can make         highlighters, and coloured pens in the office,
tweaks to your existing toolset.                       along with booking confirmations handed to
   MyTrucking’s job management software has            drivers.
been designed to eliminate the movement of             Mobile app
paper, and as a result reduces unnecessary
person-to-person contact.                                 This mobile app is where drivers receive their
   If you’re an existing MyTrucking user, make         jobs, usually a day or two in advance. At the end
sure you are getting the most out of it and that       of a job, drivers update the job details with actual
you are using all the features it has to offer so you   quantities and tallies.
can provide a safe service for your team and your          They can add dockets, weighbridge receipts,
customers, now and in the future.                      and other “paperwork” that then gets
                                                       permanently attached to the job and sent back to
Daysheet                                               your main MyTrucking account and daysheet.
   The daysheet is where you organise your jobs.          There is no actual paper collected—instead
You add them once (or better yet, let your             you’ll always have a digital record, which is quick
customers add them for you) and the details of         and easy to find no matter where you are.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                            16
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                  September 2020

Delivery notifications                               accept jobs, and your customers receive status
Delivery notifications are all about letting your    updates and PoD on their computers. It’s
customers know where their order is at. Through      instant, and paperless!
a combination of text messages and emails you        Free trial
can let customers know that their order has          So, it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in—if
been accepted, their order is on the way (so         you’re moving product in vehicles (big or small),
they can prepare the delivery site), or confirming   you should be doing it in a contactless way. And
the details of the order that was delivered.         MyTrucking can help. Sign up to a free two-
Invoicing                                            week trial—including full customer support—to
With integration to the most popular accounting      see how easy it is to make your business safer:
systems, MyTrucking allows you to quickly and
easily invoice for your jobs as often as you like.
You’ll never miss invoicing for a job, and you’ll    For more information on going contactless, visit:
get paid quicker.                          
Again, this all happens from your computer, so
you are not handing paper from one staff
member to another, and you won’t need to issue
paper invoices to your customers.
Customer Portal
The customer portal is where your customers
create job requests for you. You review and

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                          17
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                                     September 2020

Essential information for members
The Road Transport Forum (RTF) is the central                                     2019 Operator Cost Comparison Report—
point of communication for the road freight                                       how to get your copy
transport industry. Visit the RTF website here to
                                                                                  The latest operator cost comparison report is
keep up to date on media releases, Nick’s blog,
                                                                                  now available for purchase from RTF. The report
submissions, and advisories.
                                                                                  presents the results of a confidential cost survey
COVID-19                                                                          of trucking businesses across New Zealand
WorkSafe signed off road freight transport                                         conducted for the RTF by the New Zealand
specific guidance and protocols developed by                                      Institute for Business Research (NZIBR),
the RTF to help businesses be safe during the                                     University of Waikato.
COVID-19 alert levels. These remain best                                          The latest survey covers the financial year of
practice at this time.                                                            2019. The cost of copies of the report are:
WorkSafe—COVID-19 safety plan                                                     $250+GST for members of RTF and $400+GST
                                                                                  for non-members. To purchase, please email
WorkSafe has developed a template to help                                or call (04) 472 3877.
develop a COVID-19 safety plan, which you can
find here.
General information
The COVID-19 website:
has general information including Government
support available to businesses.
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RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                                            18
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                           September 2020

Business News

Scania NZ expands dealer network

       cania New Zealand is expanding its
       dealer network with eight more
       workshops being set up across
New Zealand in key locations.
    This will be achieved by acquiring
seven Trucks & Trailers service centres
around New Zealand in what represents
one of the international truck
manufacturer’s largest investments in its
global brand for 2020. An additional
Scania workshop will also be established
in Rotorua.
    Scania Executive Vice President—
Head of Commercial Operations, Mathias
Carlbaum, says New Zealand especially
appealed for an investment of this scale.
    “This is one of Scania’s most
significant investments in our global
structure this year. During these
challenging times, we are taking an
important step in our business
commitment in New Zealand where we
see capacity for growth within its local
market, to support our New Zealand
    The multi-million dollar expansion is
also the largest strategic play by Scania
New Zealand since the Swedish brand
set up shop here nearly two years ago.
    Mattias Lundholm, managing director
of Scania New Zealand, says it is a
massive vote of confidence for the
growth and direction of the brand.
    “We have increased our market share
by 100 per cent in the last year, and now        Scania NZ and Trucks & Trailers join forces. From left: Trucks &
acquiring these centres significantly            Trailers owners Shannon Wright and Mark Wright; Mattias
                                                 Lundholm, Scania NZ managing director; and Don Wright,
expands Scania’s footprint across the
                                                 Trucks & Trailers founder and director.
country. Just as important, this move
also underlines our commitment to our
                                                            Scania’s dedicated team of independent dealers
customers and provincial New Zealand.
                                                            across its existing network. Lundholm says this
    “Globally, Scania has the biggest retail
                                                            deal also allows for a significant investment by
presence of any truck manufacturer; now New
                                                            Scania NZ into provincial communities where the
Zealand is proud to be following in those
                                                            new dealers are based.
                                                                “Beyond that, this is also a business decision
    “This expansion will lift Scania’s stable of
                                                            that sends a powerful message to other global
nationwide dealerships to 30, and almost treble
                                                            brands about the attractiveness of NZ Inc., with
its current number of employees to a team of
                                                            its comparatively strong fundamentals—
more than 190.”
                                                            especially given what is currently happening
    Throughout the transition period, Scania
                                                            around the world.”
customers will continue to be well supported by

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                    19
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                     September 2020

  Trucks & Trailers is a family-owned business             “Customers are very happy with Trucks &
with more than 30 years’ experience in the New          Trailers and the work they do. The industry sees
Zealand transport industry. Owner, Mark Wright,         them as a benchmark.”
says it represents much more than a business to             The deal will become effective from
his family, and they are delighted to be acquired       November this year, and Scania says branding
by a premier brand like                                 will be completed across the eight locations
Scania.                                                 before this time.
    “One of our key
motivations for
considering this                 “Acquiring these centres
opportunity was to build         significantly expands
on what Trucks & Trailers        Scania’s footprint across
have already proudly
achieved in the last 33          the country.”
years. It is clear our           —Mattias Lundholm, managing
business philosophies,           director, Scania New Zealand
culture, and aspirations
are very well aligned, and
Scania New Zealand provides the scale and
infrastructure to continue this on our behalf over
the next 30 years and beyond.”
    Lundholm says it was also important for
Scania to align with a business that shared its
values towards its people, customers, and
community, and Trucks & Trailers was an ideal fit.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                            20
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                    September 2020

Membership benefits

Boost saves money for employees

            ith your RTANZ membership, your              Boost is powered by n3, a business buying
            business can access Boost—all free of    group that helps you save on your business
            charge.                                  essentials.
    Boost is a subscription-based employee            RTANZ has covered the cost of n3 and Boost
benefits program. It comes in a handy                for RTANZ members—so there’s no cost to your
smartphone app, so your employees can                business.
access discounts at loads of awesome retailers,      •   n3 is a business buying network with over
both in-store and online, all the time.                  15,000 members. It’s dedicated to making it
    Boost lets you top up employee                       simple for Kiwi businesses to save money
remuneration with a company benefits plan tied           across all areas of day-to-day business.
to popular retailers and service providers. With
discounts available at retailers across the board,   •   In the last year, Road Transport Association
from accommodation to food and beverage to               Members saved over $2.1 million* utilising
insurance and activities, as well as big retailers       n3 suppliers.
like Torpedo7 and PlaceMakers, there’s               If you would like to get started now, please visit
something for everyone.                     to activate your n3
    It’s a great way to retain great people,         membership, or contact the n3 team to find out
increase loyalty and build a more positive work      more on 0508 20 30 40.
culture. And it’s customisable, so can be
branded with your company logo and you can           * The savings are based on average active
add existing offers you may have available.           trading association member savings in 2019.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                            21
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                          September 2020

Membership benefits

RTANZ delivers savings and benefits

      here are many reasons why it pays to                Crombie Lockwood—exclusive insurance
      become a member of the Road Transport               package
      Association (RTANZ), says Membership                Crombie Lockwood are our preferred insurance
Benefits Coordinator Vicki Harris.                        brokers and provide yearly assessments to best
NZI is RTANZ’s preferred insurance company                evaluate your insurance needs and to assist you with a
and main sponsor                                          structured cover and policy to meet all your transport
                                                          operator insurance requirements. They offer an
NZI’s Commercial Motor division offers more than
                                                          exclusive insurance package to RTANZ members with
just insurance. They also provide a unique suite of
                                                          increased benefits.
free and subsidised services that produce
meaningful business improvements regardless of            Wynn Williams—free legal advice
your size and circumstance.                               Wynn Williams provide a specialty RTANZ legal team
Discounted fuel pricing scheme with BP, Mobil,            offering a 15-minute free telephone consultation for
Z Business, and Allied Petroleum                          employment issues, agreements, health & safety, and
                                                          policy advice across the transport sector.
Fuel is the second largest cost to your business.
RTANZ has partnerships with several fuel providers        Gibson Sheat Lawyers
to provide members with substantial fuel price            Specialist legal advice for road transport operators
discounts through the RTANZ Fuel Scheme. If you           (compliance, prosecutions, limited licences,
would like a fuel analysis done so you know if you        employment, health and safety, RUC, commercial
are getting the best price for your fuel, then Vicki is   contracts and business acquisitions).
happy to help.                                            iCOS Live—transport management software
Bridgestone—premium discounts on new and                  provider discounts
re-tread tyres                                            iCOS LIVE is an online transport management software
Tyres are the third largest cost for truck operators.     provider for logistics and freight companies. They offer
Bridgestone NZ have entered into a key supply             a discount to members of $10 a month per truck for
agreement to assist all RTANZ members to receive          those who use their online transport and logistics
premium discounts on new tyres and re-treads.             management software.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                   22
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