Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure

Page created by Calvin Mcbride
Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
Oxfordshire County Music Service
Schools Music Opportunities Brochure | 2019-20
Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
Table of Contents
Hello &                                                                                Take a minute to explore the musical opportunities available to you from Oxfordshire
                                                                                       County Music Service. This year we present some of our most popular activities, from

Welcome                                                                                First Access classes that will introduce your children to brand new instruments; to
                                                                                       massed vocal ensembles, featuring hundreds of Oxfordshire children.

I’m delighted to share with you our
 annual brochure for schools, packed
full of wonderful musical opportunities                                            For All Schools                                          Early Years & Key Stage 1
for your school. Within these pages you
                                                                      Further your student’s musical education with a range of            Discover events, workshops and classes that we offer to
will find music lessons, ensembles and
                                                                      relevant experiences                                                Early Years and KS1 students
workshops that enhance and support
the school curriculum and deliver quality
                                                                                                                                 4                                                                    6
outcomes for children of all ages, abilities
and backgrounds.
                                                                                       Key Stage 2                                                          Secondary
Learning music in school can promote craftsmanship and attention
                                                                      Explore our expansive range of offerings for KS2 pupils,            Explore new musical possibilities for your KS3, KS4 & KS5
to detail; develop language and reasoning skills; and build
                                                                      from massed ensembles to First Access classes                       students
intellectual curiosity. In the following pages you will find a wide
variety of musical opportunities that can achieve these and other                                                                12                                                                   22
transformative outcomes in your school.

Oxfordshire County Music Service offers music teaching of the
highest quality and are always happy to discuss how we can best
                                                                                  Special Schools                                                       Facilities Hire
                                                                      Find out more about our offerings for Special Schools,              Find out about the various spaces we have available for
tailor our activities to suit the needs of children in your school.
                                                                      including massed performances and ensembles                         you to hire
If you would like to discuss any of the provision in this brochure,
please contact your Area Manager (see page 37) or the OCMS office                                                                30                                                                   36
on 01865 816990 or music.service@oxfordshire.gov.uk. I hope
you enjoy browsing and look forward to receiving your order for
                                                                                   Area Managers                                                              Partners
                                    Angela Turton
                                               Head of Service
                                                                      Meet our area managers and find out more about what
                                                                      they do
                                                                                                                                          Find out about OMEP and how you can get involved

    2   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                                                                                                                                                                     3
Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
CPD Training                                                        Advisory service
                                     Ref. CPD                                                            Ref. ADV
                                     Each year, OCMS offer a specially curated series of training        Take advantage of our experienced staff to guide your
                                     sessions for both specialist and non-specialist teachers            school’s music education. Experienced teachers, with
                                     delivering music in schools. Featuring renowned experts in          a proven track record running highly successful music
                                     the field of Music Education from around the country, our CPD       programmes in schools, will provide a fixed-fee advisory
                                     programme offers training for primary and secondary staff as well   service: working out where you want to go and how to get there
                                     as those working with SEND.                                         in practical and cost-effective steps.

                                     CPD in previous years has included:                                 (Approx 10 hours) Our advisors will
                                      • GCSE and A-Level joint moderation sessions                        • Meet with the Headteacher/Department Head/Music
                                      • Primary School Music for the Terrified                              Coordinator
                                      • Music Technology Conference                                       • Review schemes of work and assessment framework
                                      • How to be an Excellent Secondary Music Teacher                    • Observe lessons & provide verbal feedback
                                      • A Broad and Balanced Primary Curriculum                           • Advise on strategic management of music budget
                                                                                                          • Suggest effective involvement of TAs and other resources
                                                                                                          • Suggest excellent national music initiatives for the

                                     Network Meetings                                                       classroom
                                                                                                          • Advise about running a quality extra-curricular programme
                                                                                                          • Provide a written report
                                     Ref. NET
                                                                                                         Specific advice is available for
                                     In our role as the lead partner of Oxfordshire Music                 • Secondary Music
                                     Education Partnership (OMEP), we organise opportunities              • Primary Music
                                     for staff leading on music in primary, secondary and special         • Special Schools’ Music
                                     schools to meet, network and consult with colleagues                 • Arts Award Training
                                     across the county. The events will feature representatives of        • Arts Mark
                                     national organisations (including exam boards) and school staff      • Early Years Music
                                     will be asked to lead the agenda for these meetings.                 • Running an Ensemble

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Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
Early Years & Key Stage 1

Activities to develop children’s understanding and
enjoyment of music at a very young age. Proven
benefits of learning music for EYFS and Key Stage 1
children include improvements to creative, linguistic,
social and fine motor skills. Over the following pages we
present opportunities for children to sing in a massed
choir; learn to play string instruments or recorder; or
join an ensemble of their peers, plus musical CPD for
your EYFS and Key Stage 1 teaching staff.

                                                            Pg 8   Recorderbabies, a national recognised
                                                                   programme for 3-5 year olds, provides
                                                                   an excellent introduction to learning
                                                                   an instrument

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Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
Stringbabies                                                                                                             Curriculum                                                         Ensembles
Ref. SB                                                                                                                  Ref. CUR1                                                          Ref. ENS1
Introduce your children to music in a fun and nurturing                                                                  Let us deliver a programme of engaging music lessons for           For even the youngest children in your school, making music
environment. Stringbabies® is an ideal way to implement the                                                              EYFS and / or Key Stage 1 children in your school. Develop         with friends and peers can be hugely rewarding. Our staff will
National Plan For Music Education’s requirement to teach children                                                        their creativity through a range of songs; rhymes; games and       run a choir, or an ensemble of ukuleles, recorders or strings.
to play musical instruments from a very young age. Delivered by                                                          activities, exploring instruments and music from different times
specially trained teachers, Stringbabies teaches children aged                                                           and places. Tailor the package to suit the needs of your school.
3-5 to play the violin, read music and develop their musicianship
through fun and engaging games and activities.                                                                           Who                               When                             Who                              When
                                                                                                                         KS2 children                      During the school day.           KS2 children                     During/after school day
Who                                      When
Groups of children aged 3-5              During the school day.                                                          Where                             Cost                             Where                            Cost
                                                                                                                         In your school or nursery         £42 for 40 minute session        In your school or nursery        £42 for 40 minute session
Where                                    Cost
In your school or nursery                £42 for 40 minute session

Ref. RB
New for 2019-2020, we are now offering recorder lessons featuring
the same high-quality musical curriculum as our established
Stringbabies programme.

Who                                      When                            StringBabies offers potentially life-changing
Groups of children aged 3-5              During the school day.          opportunities for children

Where                                    Cost                                            Yvonne Rees
In your school or nursery                £42 for 40 minute session       Chief Executive, Oxfordshire County Council

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Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
Easy Booking
KS1 Festival
 Ref. KS1F
 Give your Key Stage 1 pupils an unforgettable
 experience, singing with other schools at a large, high-
 profile event. We will provide resources to KS1 staff and
 offer training sessions so they can teach the songs in class,
 and each year we feature a well-known children’s writer or
 performer. Previous festivals have featured Julia Donaldson
 of Gruffalo fame, and renowned children’s songwriter Nick

 Who                                   When
 KS1 children                          28/29/30 April 2020

 Where                                 Cost
 Various Oxfordshire locations         £3 per child

                   A thoroughly enjoyable
                   singing experience              Headteacher
                   A great opportunity for
                   children to perform in front
                   of a large audience

                   To meet the author of
                   such amazing books was a       Head of Music
                   dream come true

                                                                  The Gruffalo at Key Stage One Festival, March 2018
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Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
Key Stage 2

Children at Key Stage Two can access a huge range
of exciting musical activities provided by Oxfordshire
County Music Service. Your school can begin an ac-
claimed First Access programme, giving a whole class
the chance to learn an instrument for a year; take up a
unique opportunity such as our collaborative project
with Christ Church Cathedral School, or join the fore-
front of digital music learning with Music Technology
lessons in your school

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Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
First Access                                                      Option A

Whole Class Music Tuition for a year, giving every pupil in       Ref. FAA
your class the opportunity to learn an instrument. With a
                                                                  Whole Class Music Tuition for a full academic year. Whole Class
focus on listening and appraising, composing and improvising,
                                                                  Music Tuition for 34 sessions. Instruments are provided for all
First Access is sure to provide your pupils with a solid
                                                                  children, who also gain free access to our beginner ensembles
foundation in music.
                                                                  around the county and free access to online learning resources.
                                                                  Regular concert performances are organised in school.
Who is it for                            When
KS2 children                             During the school day.
                                                                  Option B
Where                                    Cost
In your school                           £45 per session
                                                                  Ref. FAB
   All years                 Years 5 & 6
                                                                  The same as Option A but for six months of the academic
   Ukulele                   Brass                                year from September – February (terms 1-3) or February – July
   Strings                   Clarinet                             (terms 4-6).

“                                                                    “
               The experience of learning to play an instrument                    Research has shown that learning to play a
               together and the expert teaching of early skills                    musical instrument has significant benefits across
               make First Access the perfect platform for                          a range of cognitive and physical domains…
               becoming a musician                                                 and learning to play an instrument is a fun and
                                                                                   worthwhile thing in its own right
                                 Mrs Jude Bennett                                           Professor Martin Fautley
        Headteacher, St. Andrew’s C of E Primary School                  Director, Research in Education, Birmingham City University

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Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
First Access Festivals                                                  Ensembles                                                            JamPods                                                          Music Tech Lessons
Ref. PLAY                                                               Ref. ENS2                                                            Ref. JAM2                                                        Ref. MT2
Bring your First Access classes to an instrumental                      Our staff can run a choir, band, orchestra or group in your          The music classroom of the future! In our JamPods room,          Get the whole class composing with Music Technology using
extravaganza, to perform with other children learning in First          school. Performing in an ensemble is hugely beneficial for           up to 36 children can work in 6 bands, singing and playing       Garageband on iPads. Our Music Technology programme
Access lessons across Oxfordshire.                                      children - musically, socially and academically, and is great fun!   electric drums, guitar, bass and keyboards, enabling both        engages all children, developing their knowledge of the
                                                                                                                                             independent learning and whole class teaching within a hi-       elements of music and their creativity. Uncover children’s
Who                                      When                           Who                                When                              tech environment. Why not bring your staff for a team-building
                                                                                                                                             session? These sessions will be tailored to suit previous
                                                                                                                                                                                                              hidden talent without the need for prior musical training!
First Access Classes                     Summer term 2020               Key Stage 2                        During the school day
                                                                                                                                             experience and provide an opportunity for song-writing.

Where                                    Cost                           Where                              Cost                              Who                               When                           Who                            When
Local secondary schools                  £3 per child                   In your school                     £63 per hour
                                                                                                                                             KS2 groups or whole classes       During/after the school day    Key Stage 2                    During the school day

                                                                                                                                             Where                             Cost                           Where                          Cost
Play On                                                                 Curriculum                                                           Centre for Music, Oxford          £63 per hour                   In your school                 £63 per hour

Ref. PON                                                                Ref. CUR2
Play On is the perfect progression from a successful First              Give your children a broad and balanced education covering
Access programme. Give your children the chance to continue             the key musical areas of composing, performing, listening
learning their First Access instrument for a further year,              and appraising. Our specialist teachers can offer lessons in
allowing them to develop their musical skills to a higher level.        your school, designed to deliver the National Curriculum for
An instrument is provided for every student.                            Key Stage 2 and tailored to suit your specific needs.

Who                                        When                         Who                                When
Children who have                          During the school day.       Key Stage 2                        During the school day
completed First Access
                                           Cost                         Where                              Cost
Where                                      £54 each session (1 hour)    In your school                     £63 per hour
In your school                             £36 each session (40 mins)
                                           £27 each session (30 mins)

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Oxfordshire County Music Service - Schools Music Opportunities Brochure
Christ Church Project                                                Oxford Lieder Project
Ref. CC19                                                            Ref. OL19
Take your school singing to the next level with the Christ           Unleash the creativity of your Key Stage 2 pupils with this
Church Project. This project, lasting a whole academic year,         song-writing project. A series of workshops in your school
gives schools the chance to work with choristers from Christ         with a professional composer, a singer and an accompanist.
Church Cathedral School to develop their singing and perform         Teach your children to craft their own songs and develop their
in the magnificent Christ Church Cathedral three times a year.       confidence to perform them in public.

Who                                      When                        Who                               When
Schools in Oxford and the                During the school day, or   Key Stage 2                       During the school day
surrounding area                         after school
                                                                     Where                             Cost
Where                                    Cost                        Concert at the Ashmolean          Free of charge
Termly concerts in Christ                Free of charge              Museum, Oxford. Workshops
Church Cathedral, Oxford.                                            in your school
Workshops in your school

                                                                                                                                      Schools Concerts
                                                                                                                                      Ref. SC19
                                                                                                                                      Bring your children to the prestigious Sheldonian Theatre
                                                                                                                                      to see a live orchestra in action. Our Schools Concerts
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Who                          When
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Key Stage 2                  31 January 2020
                                                                                                                                      are designed to educate and entertain, inform and inspire!
                                                                                                                                      Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra presents a varied
                                                                                                                                      programme of well-known classical favourites and famous film   Where                        Cost
                                                                                                                                      and TV themes.                                                 Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford   £3.50 per child

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Pop Festival                                                      Singing Festival                                                       Big Christmas Sing
Ref. POP2                                                         Ref. SING2                                                             Ref. BCS19
Bring your budding pop stars to perform with other schools,       Bring your budding singers to perform with other schools,              Get that festive feeling with five nights for primary singers, in
accompanied by a live band. Performers will sing a selection      accompanied by a live band and orchestral players. Children            partnership with Christian Aid. A great opportunity to perform
of well-known pop songs (with appropriate lyrics) from the        will sing a selection of songs in a range of styles: choral, musical   as part of a massed choir in the superb setting of Oxford Town
1960s to the present day. Training and resources are provided     theatre, pop and jazz. Training and resources are provided. This       Hall. Each performance will include audience carols, joint pieces,
and there will be opportunities for young soloists to shine!      years theme - songs from Disney Dreamworks soundtracks!                and individual school items. School staff will receive training, with
                                                                                                                                         teaching notes, backing tracks and resources.
Who                                      When                     Who                                 When
Years 5, 6, 7 & 8                        Week of 9th March 2020   Years 3 & 4                         Week of 9 March 2020               Who                                When
                                                                                                                                         Key Stage 2                        25, 26, 27, 28th Nov 2019
Where                                    Cost                     Where                               Cost
Centre for Music, Oxford                 £3 per head              Centre for Music, Oxford            £3 per head                        Where                              Cost
                                                                                                                                         Concert at Oxford Town             £2.50 per head
                                                                                                                                         Hall. INSET at the Centre for
                                                                                                                                         Music, Oxford

                                                                                                                                                         New this year!
                                                                                                                                                         Join in with our Carol
                                                                                                                                                         Composition Competition! Give
                                                                                                                                                         your pupils the opportunity to write
                                                                                                                                                         a carol that could be performed at
                                                                                                                                                         this event!

   20   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                                                                                                                                                                           21

We offer lessons, workshops and courses to support
all students aged 11-18. GCSE and A-Level music
students benefit from workshops tailored to suit the
requirements of their courses in diverse areas such
as harmony, music technology and music theory, or
master-classes featuring professional players. Why not
offer instrumental lessons to a whole class or series of
classes to enhance your KS3 provision?

   22   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                     23
Whole Class Instrumental
Curriculum                                                       Ensembles                                                      Instrumental Lessons                                         Tuition
Ref. CUR3                                                        Ref. ENS3                                                      Ref. LES3                                                    Ref. TUT3
Our experienced, secondary-trained classroom teachers            A great ensemble or choir creates a buzz around music in       Why not support some students in your school to learn        Boost the instrumental skills of your Key Stage 3 students
can offer lessons to suit the needs of your students. Lessons    your school. Our specialist instrumental teachers have years   an instrument using Pupil Premium or other funding?          by offering them the chance to learn a new instrument. We
will follow the National Curriculum and schemes of work          of experience leading high-quality ensembles and can develop   Our specialist instrumental teachers offer both individual   can deliver whole class lessons in strings; brass; woodwind;
agreed with your school, including exam specifications where     existing groups or establish new ones to advance your extra-   and group lessons. Speak to your Area Manager (see page      guitar; ukulele and African drums. Instruments, online home
applicable. Please contact your Area Manager to discuss.         curricular music provision.                                    37) to discuss a package to suit your needs.                 learning resources and schemes of work are provided. Speak to
                                                                                                                                                                                             your Area Manager (see page 37) to discuss a range of options.

Who                                      When                    Who                             When                           Who                             When                         Who                              When
Key Stages 3-5                           During the school day   Key Stages 3-5                  Before/during/after school     Key Stages 3-5                  During/before/after school   Key Stages 3-5                   During/before/after school

Where                                    Cost                    Where                           Cost                           Where                           Cost                         Where                            Cost
In your school                           £63 per hour            In your school                  £63 per hour                   In your school                  Contact Area Manager for     In your school                   £63 per hour
                                                                                                                                                                custom package

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JamPods                                                                Music Theory Lessons                                                  Workshops                                                                                           New this year!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Following consultation with secondary
Ref. JAM3                                                              Ref. THEO                                                             Ref. WORK                                                                                           schools we are pleased to offer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 these workshops
We will teach your students to play drums, electric guitar,
bass guitar and keyboards in the ultimate rock classroom!
                                                                       Ensure your students have a thorough grounding in music
                                                                       theory. We can offer classes to teach your students to read and
                                                                                                                                             Garageband on iPad                                                                                  Prices start from
                                                                                                                                             Students can learn to harness the creative power of Garageband
Our JamPods suite allows up to 36 students to learn as a class
or in independent groups, using the unparalleled flexibility of
digital technology. Bring a whole class or a selected group for
                                                                       write music using staff notation, following the curriculum produced
                                                                       by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music or Trinity.
                                                                       This can include the option for students to take the exam.
                                                                                                                                             to compose and produce their own music, using only an iPad
                                                                                                                                             and some headphones! Garageband provides an accessibly
                                                                                                                                             route into composition, requiring no formal musical training to
one-off workshops or a series of lessons.                                                                                                    use, whilst retaining the flexibility and power to challenge more
                                                                                                                                             experienced students
Who                                      When                          Who                                 When
Key Stages 3-5                           During/after school           Key Stages 3-5                      During/after school
                                                                                                                                             Logic Pro x                                                             Harmony workshop
                                                                                                                                             For students moving on from Garageband, Logic Pro X is a                Particularly suited to GCSE and A-Level students, this workshop
Where                                    Cost                          Where                               Cost                              professional Digital Audio Workstation with a huge range of             will cover the theory of harmony and its use in music from different
Centre for Music, Oxford                 £63 per hour                  In your school                      £63 per hour or from £6.75 per    powerful features and an accessible user interface. Ideally suited to   times and places, giving students the tools to analyse and explore
                                                                                                           student                           A-Level Music Technology students, keen composers and aspiring          creative approaches to harmony in composition.
                                                                                                                                             music producers who want to take their music production to the
                                                                                                                                             next level.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Urban Music
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A practical introduction to modern music creation, where
                                                                                                                                             African Drumming                                                        students can develop their skills with experienced producers, MCs,
                                                                                                                                             Our experienced teachers can visit your school to give children         rappers and sound engineers who have experience of working
                                                                                                                                             the opportunity to learn about music from Africa, try out playing       in the industry.
                                                                                                                                             Djembe drums and develop their sense of pulse, understanding
Arts Award, accredited by Trinity College London, is a series          Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools,                of rhythm and awareness of ensemble, all in a fun and engaging
of qualifications that can be achieved alongside traditional           accredited by Arts Council England. It provides a clear framework
school studies. The Music Service has trained Arts Award               for teachers to plan, develop and evaluate arts, culture and
                                                                                                                                             workshop environment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Who                                 When
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Key Stages 3-5                      Various times
advisors who can support your school in delivering this NQF-
recognised qualification.
                                                                       creativity across the curriculum. We work closely with the South-
                                                                       East bridge organisation, Artswork, to support schools on their       Performance Masterclasses
                                                                       Artsmark journey.                                                     The ideal workshop for instrumentalists preparing for grade
                                                                                                                                             and school exams, giving students the chance to play their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Where                               Cost
www.artsaward.org.uk                                                                                                                                                                                                 In your school                      From £35 per workshop
                                                                       www.artsmark.org.uk                                                   exam pieces to an experienced performer who will give
                                                                                                                                             them invaluable feedback.
If you would like to discuss how Arts Award or Artsmark can benefit your school, contact:
Nick Wright (nick.wright@oxfordshire.gov.uk)

   26   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              27
Pop Festival                                                      Music Festival                                                      Schools Concerts
Ref. POPFEST                                                      Ref. FEST                                                           Ref. SC19
Bring your budding pop stars to perform with other schools,       A chance for school choirs, ensembles and outstanding               Give students the chance to see a high-quality live
accompanied by a live band. Performers will sing a selection      young soloists to perform on a big stage. Prepare a school          orchestral performance, tailored specifically for secondary
of well-known pop songs (with appropriate lyrics) from the        item, join other schools to perform well-known hits and give        schools. Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra present a
1960s to the present day. Training and resources are provided     your students the opportunity to audition for solo vocal, singer-   carefully-chosen programme featuring famous pieces alongside
and there will be opportunities for young soloists to shine!      song writers and bands.                                             mainstream orchestral repertoire. The ideal opportunity for
                                                                                                                                      students to see orchestral instruments in action, played by
Who                                      When                     Who                                When                             some of the best young musicians in Oxfordshire.
Years 5, 6, 7 and 8                      Week of 9th March 2020   Years 9-13                         Week of 9 March 2020
                                                                                                                                      Who is it for                   When
Where                                    Cost                     Where                              Cost                             Key Stages 3-5                  31 January 2020
Centre for Music, Oxford                 £3 per head              Centre for Music, Oxford           £3 per head
                                                                                                                                      Where                           Cost
                                                                                                                                      Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford      £3.50 per child

   28   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                                                                                                                                                               29
Special Schools

At Oxfordshire County Music Service we can work with
you to tailor a package of music education to suit the
needs of your children, with exciting and accessible
opportunities on offer including instrumental lessons,
curriculum music, and Arts Award programmes.
After the huge success of our recent Royal Albert
Hall performance showed the value of children with
SEND working alongside mainstream ‘buddies’
we also present opportunities to continue this
ground-breaking work.

   30   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                   31
Curriculum                                                       First Access                                                               Instrumental lessons
Ref. CURS                                                        Ref. FAS                                                                   Ref. INSTS
We can design a music curriculum to suit the needs of            Whole Class Music Tuition for either half a year or a full year, giving    Why not support some children in your school to learn an
your children. Working in collaboration with your staff to       every pupil in your class the opportunity to learn an instrument.          instrument? Our specialist instrumental teachers offer both
develop a bespoke package, Music Service teachers with           Choose instruments to suit the needs of your children, who also get free   individual and group lessons. Speak to your Area Manager (see
relevant experience will deliver engaging and accessible         access to online learning resources. Regular performances in school        page 37) to discuss a package to suit your needs.
music lessons.                                                   can be arranged. Half year First Access will operate between from
                                                                 September – February (terms 1-3) or February – July (terms 4-6).

Who                                      When                    Who                                   When                                 Who                              When
Key Stages 1-5                           During the school day   Key Stages 1-5                        During the school day                Key Stages 1-5                   During the school day.

Where                                    Cost                    Where                                 Cost                                 Where                            Cost
In your school                           £63 per hour            In your school                        £45 per session                      In your school                   Contact Area Manager

   32   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                                                                                                                                                                      33
Buddy Ensemble                                                       Joint Concert
Ref. BUD                                                             Ref. JOIN
Following our highly successful Buddy Ensemble project               Bring your pupils to join other schools in a massed performance.      Arts Award, accredited by Trinity College London, is a series
culminating with an acclaimed performance at the Royal Albert Hall   Each school will perform it’s own piece and join in with two massed   of qualifications that can be achieved alongside traditional
in November 2018, we are pleased to offer a regular ensemble for     songs with other schools                                              school studies. Arts Award, accredited by Trinity College
SEND and mainstream instrumentalists and singers.                                                                                          London, is a series of qualifications that can be achieved
                                                                                                                                           alongside traditional school studies
Who                                      When                        Who                                 When                              www.artsaward.org.uk
Key Stages 2-5                           Dates to be announced       Key Stages 2-5                      Date to be announced

Where                                    Cost                        Where                               Cost
Centre for Music                         On application              Centre for Music                    £3 per pupil

Summer Fun                                                                                                                                 Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools,
                                                                                                                                           accredited by Arts Council England. It provides a clear
                                                                                                                                           framework for teachers to plan, develop and evaluate arts,
Ref. SUM                                                                                                                                   culture and creativity across the curriculum. We work closely
                                                                                                                                           with the South-East bridge organisation, Artswork, to support
Come and sing in a choir, play in an orchestra, explore, dance                                                                             schools on their Artsmark journey.
and art and gain Arts Award along the way. The course will
include buddying opportunities                                                                                                             www.artsmark.org.uk
                                                                                                                                           If you would like to discuss how Arts Award or Artsmark can
Who                                       When                                                                                             benefit your school, contact Nick Wright
Key Stages 2-5                            Date to be announced                                                                             (nick.wright@oxfordshire.gov.uk)

Where                                     Cost
Centre for Music                          On application

   34   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                                                                                                                                                                     35
Meet the
Facilities Hire                                                                                                                           Area Managers
For schools in need of a performance or rehearsal space, the Centre for
                                                                                                                                                                       Jess Gray                    Central                                     Chuck Lloyd                    North
Music has excellent conference facilities and an accessible location on the                                                                                            Jess holds Master of Arts and Bachelor                                   Chuck Lloyd studied for a Bachelor
Oxford ring road, with a large concert hall and two rehearsal rooms.                                                                                                   of Music (with honours) degrees                                          of Music in Jazz Studies specialising
                                                                                                                                                                       in music performance from the                                            in Jazz Saxophone Performance at
                                                                                                                                                                       University of Huddersfield and a PGCE                                    Arizona State University, USA. He also
                                                                                                                                                                       in secondary music from Canterbury                                       holds a degree in Music Education
                                                                                                                                                                       Christ Church University. Principally a                                  from Northern Arizona University
                                                                                                                                                                       clarinettist, she also plays and teaches                                 and a Master of Arts in Teaching from
                                                                                                                                          the saxophone and flute. Jess joined OCMS in 2002, having come            Grand Canyon University. Chuck has been a secondary music
                                                                                                                                          from Cheshire Music Service. She has worked as orchestral manager         teacher in the UK, USA and India. He is currently a woodwind
                                                                                                                                          for Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra and run a Saturday music           teacher with the Oxfordshire County Music Service and director
                                                                                                                                          centre. Jess runs the Adult Ensemble provision and conducts a             of both the Oxfordshire Youth Big Band and Oxfordshire Youth
                                                                                                                                          junior orchestra.                                                         Wind Band programmes.
                                                                                                                                          Jessica.Gray@Oxfordshire.gov.uk | 01865 816990                            Charles.Lloyd@Oxfordshire.gov.uk | 01865 816990

                                                                                                                                                                       Nick Wright                       East                                   Stewart Attwood West
                                                                                                                                                                        Nick is a bass guitar specialist who                                    Stewart started his musical career from
                                                                                                                                                                        also plays guitar and piano. He holds                                   the age of six as a chorister in Somerset,
                                                                                                                                                                        a BA (Hons) degree in Contemporary                                      later learning violin, piano, double
                                                                                                                                                                        Music from the University of Leeds; a                                   bass and bass guitar and playing in
                                                                                                                                                                        Master of Arts in composition from the                                  the Somerset Chamber Orchestra and
Performance Hall                                  Rehearsal Room 1                           Rehearsal Room 2                                                           University of Salford; and a PGCE from                                  the County of Avon Schools Orchestra.
Ref. HIRE1                                        Ref. HIRE2                                 Ref. HIRE3                                                                 Canterbury Christ Church University.                                    On leaving school Stewart studied for
                                                                                                                                          Nick has been a secondary school Head of Music and has run guitar         a four-year joint honours degree in music and education from the
Our Performance Hall features front and           A carpeted room with chairs; tables;       A carpeted room with chairs; tables; sound   groups, jazz and wind bands, rock schools, Arts Award courses and         Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Stewart has over 30 years
rear stages; full lighting rig and 4,000w         sound system; music stands; piano and      system; interactive whiteboard; music        a Saturday music centre. Since joining OCMS in 2001 has taught            of instrumental teaching and ensemble leadership experience
PA system; Yamaha grand piano; acoustic           an interactive LCD screen, now featuring   stands and piano.                            electric; bass; classical and acoustic guitar, and ukulele, to children   and conducts the Oxfordshire Schools Orchestra for students of
curtains; two 80” moveable LCD screens;           a newly-installed Plug-and-Play digital                                                 of all ages and standards.                                                grade 3-5.
music stands; chairs and tables.                  recording system.
                                                                                                                                          Nick.Wright@Oxfordshire.gov.uk | 01865 816990                             Stewart.Attwood@Oxfordshire.gov.uk | 01865 816990

   36   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              37
OMEP                                                                                                                                      Gala Awards
Oxfordshire Music Education Partnership
Oxfordshire County Music Service is the lead partner of Oxfordshire
Music Education Partnership (OMEP), the Music Education Hub for                                                                           An annual event that recognises the exceptional achievements
Oxfordshire. Oxfordshire County Music Service is the lead partner                                                                         of individual musicians, music organisations, schools, music
of Oxfordshire Music Education Partnership (OMEP), the Music                                                                              staff and volunteers. Do you know someone whose skill,
Education Hub for Oxfordshire.                                                                                                            success, determination or commitment to learning deserves
                                                                                                                                          special recognition? Or do you know someone who has given
                                                                                                                                          extra time and effort to teach, support, organise or volunteer?
Partnership Breakfast                                                 Regional Festival                                                   Trophies, certificates and other awards will be presented at the
                                                                                                                                          Gala Awards Ceremony at the Centre for Music.
                                                                      Music for Youth is a national music charity providing free access
A chance for Headteachers, Heads of Music and Music                   to performance opportunities for young musicians across the         Nominations can be for work in school, community or with the
Coordinators to network and meet representatives of the Music         UK through its annual season of festivals and concerts. The         music service.
Service and some of our partner organisations.                        festival is held at the Centre for Music in March. You can enter
                                                                      your school ensemble/choir.

   38   Schools Music Brochure 2019/20                                                                                                                                                                       39
Contact Us                         Follow us
          01865 816990             Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
Music.Service@Oxfordshire.gov.uk               #OCMS
 www.Oxfordshire.gov.uk/Music            @OxMusicService
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