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Page:1   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021   News
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Page:2                                       The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                           LOCAL NEWS

      lockdown out
        of caution,
      says Brantley
By Staff Reporter             restrictions cause to citi-   of the programme to do
                              zens and residents, and to    so when the programme
Premier Mark Brantley         the business community.       resumed on Thursday,
says the full lockdown on                                   July 8.
Nevis was implemented         “As Premier of Nevis, I
as the Government aims        sincerely regret such hard-   “We shall never ever sur-
to curb a significant         ship. However, the recent     render to this enemy of
spread of the virus on the    positive COVID cases on       COVID-19. I urge once                   Premier Mark Brantley
island                        Nevis and the ongoing         again, all the people of
                              contact tracing has caused    Nevis to go out and get
Nevis was on July 3           great concern among our       vaccinated. Please help
placed under a 24-hour        healthcare     profession-    us avoid these lockdowns,
lockdown with a ‘Shelter      als. The decision was not     quarantines, curfews and
in Place’ Order until July    taken lightly, but we are     other restrictions. Please
12, in the first instance.    primarily concerned with      help us restart our econo-

“We thought it was the prudent thing
     to do to seek to contain any
         spread of this virus”
Premier Brantley, who         the preservation of life      my. Please help us restore
is the Senior Minister of     and the protection of our     normalcy to our island
Health in the Nevis Island    people.                       and our Federation.”
Administration      (NIA)
said the lockdown now         “As the contact tracing       As at June 30, 5225 per-
in effect on Nevis was        continues, I am prayer-       sons on Nevis had taken
necessary to prevent a        ful that there will be no     a first dose of the Oxford-
COVID-19 outbreak on          more positive cases, but      AstraZeneca COVID-19
the island.                   we simply cannot be sure.     vaccine, and 4418 or 51
                              The next several days,        percent of the target popu-
“We thought it was the        therefore, will allow our     lation of 8594 had taken
prudent thing to do to        Health team to undertake      their second dose.
seek to contain any spread    the contact tracing more
of this virus, bearing in     efficiently, and permit us    The Ministry of Health
mind the limited capacity     to reset and recharge our-    in the NIA has confirmed
of our health care system     selves for the continuing     three positive cases of
on Nevis. We prefer to        battle ahead.”                COVID-19 on the is-
err on the side of caution,                                 land of Nevis since June
given the nature of the       He admonished the peo-        29. According to the
most recent cases and the     ple of Nevis to understand    Ministry, the most recent
ongoing contact tracing       that it cannot be business    case, which is imported,
efforts.”                     as usual during this un-      is fully vaccinated and
                              precedented time. He en-      has been in quarantine on
Brantley said he is cogni-    couraged all who had not      the island since arrival on
zant of the hardship and      taken the COVID-19 vac-       June 27, 2021.
inconvenience that these      cine during the first phase
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          NewsNEWS                                               The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                     Page:3

     PM unveils 10-point relief package
By Loshaun Dixon              The PM added that they        who will benefit from in-
                              will waive commercial         creased arrivals”.
Prime Minister of St. Kitts   rent for 6 months (July
and Nevis and Minister        to December 2021) for         The Prime Minister said
of Finance, Dr. Timothy       small businesses which        they will increase sup-
Harris, has unveiled a        lease space from the          port to battered women
10-point relief package       Government through the        through the Ministry of
and extended stimulus re-     Ministry of Tourism and       Social Development.
lief initiative to December   Transport.
31.                                                         “In times of difficul-
                              “These would include          ties, women tend to suf-
Speaking at his monthly       small businesses that         fer more abuse. My
press conference, Dr.         rent booths at the Ferry      Government will endeav-
Harris announced that on      and Bus Terminals, the        our to stamp out such
Wednesday, the Cabinet        Amina Craft Market and        abuses in society, and
gave approval for the         the Pelican Mall. We          will provide resources to
stimulus initiatives to be    encourage private sector      give the victims a sense
extended until December       landlords of commer-          of empowerment and
31, 2021, and added that      cial space to give some       independence.”
there would be more ini-      measure of relief to their
tiatives to help the less     tenants. We are all in this   Dr Harris announced that
fortunate to better cope      together. COVID-19 has        his government will assist
with the financial hardship   been a great challenge. I     households with children
caused by COVID-19            ask landlords to take a       who are differently-abled,
and to further stimulate      part with their tenants and   with a stipend to help
the economy.                  reduce their rent/lease       them over the next 6
                              payments. I cannot dic-       months.
Within the 10-point initia-   tate how much support,                                                 Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris
tive, Dr Harris revealed      but I ask at this time of     The final measure an-
an Income Support             global crisis that you let    nounced        was       that
Programme in the amount       your conscience be your       SKELEC has agreed to
of $15 million “to al-        guide.”                       provide a deferral on resi-
leviate hardships on our                                    dential electricity bills for
citizens who remain un-       Dr. Harris said they will     the next 3 months.
employed since March          also reduce the VAT rate
2020 and are registered       for 3 months (July to         The Prime Minister also
with the Social Security      September 2021) from          noted that he made a re-
Board”.                       10% to 5% on commer-          quest to the ECCB for
                              cial rent for small busi-     consideration of a further
“A monthly stipend of         nesses with 25 or fewer       extension of the moratoria
$1,000 will be paid for       employees and a valid         on mortgage payments to
the next three months.        business license.             commercial banks.
However, persons who
received $15,000 or more      Among other measures          “We are hopefully opti-
in severance payment af-      include the reinstatement     mistic that the Monetary
ter March 2020 would not      of the annual Import Duty     Council will find favour.
be eligible to access the     exemption for 16 tyres        Yes, my Government
Programme.”                   (4 tyres per quarter), 4      continues to look out for
                              pairs of brake pads and       our people. We pledge to
He said persons receiving     3 pairs of brake shoes        put people first.”
assistance under the PAP      for ‘H’ passenger buses.
would only be entitled        Providing a fuel subsidy      He expressed hope that
to receive an additional      of $400 per month to pas-     the initiative would help
$500 under the Income         senger bus operators for 3    all overcome the impacts
Support Programme, and        months, and the waiving       of this pandemic.
persons already in receipt    of stall fees for vendors
of a Government stipend       using the public market       “I have outlined initiatives
of $1,000 would not en-       until December 31st.          that we have designed to
joy a further benefit of                                    stimulate economic activ-
$1,000.                                                     ity, and provide economic
                                                            relief to our citizens and
“We are attempting to         He said the government        residents. I believe that
reach the hardest hit,        will reduce travel tax        these initiatives are com-
and the largest number        for the next 6 months in      prehensive, targeted and
of persons who require        an effort to boost visitor    far-reaching.
support.   Our priority       arrival, “creating more
must be to support those      income-earning opportu-       The pandemic is not yet
most in need and to sup-      nities for our taxi opera-    over, and we do not know
port as many persons as       tors and other providers      how soon it will end.”
possible.”                    of hospitality services
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                Acting responsibly will see us through
With 60 percent of the St. Kitts-Nevis population receiving at least            ensure that our people are not at risk. Do your part, get vaccinated,
one dose of the vaccine against the coronavirus, we have improved our           practice healthy measures and let the country get back to as close to
numbers but are still not in a good place yet. People are still very careless   normalcy as possible.
and are not following the established health protocols, thus endangering
themselves and their families

Medical Chief of Staff, Dr Cameron Wilkinson, disclosed that
Wednesday was the last day one could go and be guaranteed a first and
second shot to be fully vaccinated from this current batch, before another

“Even after, you can continue to come in and get your first shot, as this
gives you a 76 percent protection before you get your second dose.”
After Wednesday, there will not be enough days for the minimum interval
for the second shot before the vaccines expire at the end of the month.
Dr Wilkinson announced that so far, more than 60 percent of adults
have decided to take the vaccine, and took action now not just to protect
themselves, but family members who are children, pregnant mothers,
unborn and the elderly and frail.
"Some held back because of genuine concerns, and these were changed
with our far-reaching education program on the vaccine."                           Case Number :NEVHPB2021/0031

He said the decision to not vaccinate put individuals at risk, reiterating
that getting vaccinated is the best defence against this virus.
                                                                                                                                  Submitted Date:01/07/2021 06:33

The country could safely open up once enough persons have been                                                                    Filed Date:01/07/2021 08:30

vaccinated and proper controls are maintained at our borders. This will
                                                                                                                                  Fees Paid:52.00
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               NEWS                                               The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                                     Page:5

              launches CIP
               products to
                St. Lucia
By Kenneth Williams            has also been a moment         while enhancing our cre-
Editor In Chief                of reflection, and many        dentials as international
                               people have re-evaluated       migration specialists.”
“We take a holistic view to    their priorities and their
investing in the Caribbean,    plans for the future,” Prest BONITS is a leading
as we are always looking       stated.                      provider of Migration
to identify and create new                                  Investment, Trust, and
investment routes for our      The launch of Citizenship Company             Formation
clients that are seeking op-   Investment Programme Services in St. Kitts &
portunity and yield in their   (CIP) products to St. Lucia Nevis, and with this ven-      Michael J. Prest, Chief Executive Officer of Bank Of Nevis International
portfolios.                    by BONITS, follows the ture has taken a holistic
                               announced launch of the approach by offering cli-
“With St Lucia, our goal       entity’s first overseas of- ents a portfolio investment
is to work with our clients    fice in Dubai in April route that will seek to de-
to build the investment        2021, as the organisa- fine investment opportu-
package that ensures they      tion continues to grow its nities in a cross section of
can achieve their global       geographic footprint and St. Lucia’s infrastructure.
ambitions and secure their     focus on providing global New products under de-
legacies. In some cases,       clients with Migration velopment include impact
this means citizenship to      Investment         solutions investment opportunities
a jurisdiction that provides   that meet their changing for investors that want
greater global flexibility     demands.                     their money to do good,
for themselves and their                                    not just do well – an in-
loved ones. In other cases,    Global             Business creasing trend particularly
we support our clients         Development, BONITS’ amongst millennial audi-
through products that will     Global             Business ences – and will sit along-
deliver long-term sustain-     Development            lead, side routes to a second
able yield and leave a last-   Rachel R. Ritfeld, briefly citizenship through exist-
ing and positive impact on     commented on the wide- ing CIP schemes.
local communities.”            ranging benefits of the
                               undertaking.                 The launch of St. Lucia
These assertions were                                       CIP products enables
expressed by Michael J.        “We have a highly per- BONITS to continue to di-
Prest, Chief Executive         sonal approach and work versify its client base and
Officer of Bank Of             with our clients as a coincides with a limited
Nevis International Trust      trusted partner. We have time offer where a single
Services Inc. (BONITS)         a diverse and multi-lin- applicant and a family of
as Bank Of Nevis               gual team that welcomes four (4) can secure citi-
International added St.        clients from around the zenship with investments
Lucia to its portfolio of      world, helping them to of just US$100,000 and
countries for which it will    navigate      fast-changing US$150,000 respectively.
sell citizen by investment.    environments by curating St. Lucia represents one
The company made the           a tailored package of sus- of the most cost-effective
announcement via a press       tainable investment prod- routes to a second citizen-
release on Monday.             ucts to meet their exacting ship in the Caribbean with
                               requirements.                pre-processing of due
“The past year has been                                     diligence requirements,
one of the most challeng-         “By expanding our along with BONITS’s
ing in living memory for       Migration Investment of- individual and highly
people around the world        fering to include St. Lucia, personal service, ensuring
and our hearts go out to       we are able to provide our speedy completion of all
everyone that has expe-        clients with even greater formalities.
rienced difficult times. It    choice and flexibility
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                             Two to represent SKN at
                                Tokyo Olympics

                                 Amya Clarke                                                                              Jason Rogers

By Loshaun Dixon             will travel in the capacity   capacity as Secretary-       Clarke who will both be       many, I am still deeply      to ensure this was all pos-
                             of Chef de Mission.           General, as a guest of the   representing St. Kitts and    honoured, humbled and        sible for me.”
Two athletes will repre-                                   International   Olympic      Nevis in the 100m at this     grateful for the opportu-
sent St. Kitts and Nevis     The SKNOC said that           Committee at the Games.      year’s Tokyo Olympics.        nity to perform and repre-   Rogers also had kind
at the Tokyo Olympic         given the small size of the                                Throughout the challeng-      sent my great Federation,    words for his mother,
Games starting later this    team, the ongoing public      “The entire Olympic          es, you both continue to      at one of the world’s big-   family and supporters.
month.                       health situation, and the     Family and the SKN           persevere, and we know        gest sporting events.”
                             new safety and security       population extend best       that you will represent                                    “To my Mom, with her
The St. Kitts and Nevis      protocols under which the     wishes to our Olympic        us well and continue to       He hailed his team for       unwavering faith in me,
Olympic         Committee    Games will be conducted,      Team, and trust that they    make us proud.”               their support throughout     family, friends, support-
(SKNOC) earlier this         Mr Hanley will “double as                                                                                             ers and well-wishers, I
week announced the
names of the athletes
                             the team’s Covid Liaison
                             Officer (CLO), which is a      “To my Mom, with her unwavering                                                        thank you all. The love
                                                                                                                                                   and positive feedback
and officials selected to    new position introduced                                                                                               have not gone unnoticed.
represent it from July 23
to August 8, 2021, at the
                             for the extraordinary cir-
                             cumstances that define
                                                                faith in me, family, friends,                                                      Thank you for sticking
                                                                                                                                                   with me throughout the
Games, which were post-
poned last summer on ac-
                             the Tokyo Games.
                                                              supporters and well-wishers, I                                                       many years and the years
                                                                                                                                                   to come.”
count of the Coronavirus     “Chef de Mission Hanley
pandemic.                    travels ahead of the con-
                             tingent to prepare for
                                                           thank you all. The love and positive                                                    He promised to be a proud
                                                                                                                                                   ambassador for St. Kitts
“Two athletes will repre-
sent the SKNOC at these
                             the arrival of the other
                             members of Olympic            feedback have not gone unnoticed.                                                       and Nevis at the upcom-
                                                                                                                                                   ing games.
“historic, unique and very   Team SKN. He leaves
different Games”.            on Sunday, July 11, to ar-
                             rive in Tokyo on July 13,
                                                                         Thank you “                                                               “This Summer’s Olympic
                                                                                                                                                   Games is deeper and way
The athletes and their re-   2021. The two athletes        would perform with pride     Rogers in a statement         the journey.                 more than just applause
spective events are: Jason   and the coach, who are        and passion and enjoy a      said that this will be his                                 or congratulations for me,
Rogers (100m Male)           all currently in the USA      tremendous experience.”      third time participating at   “To my team, the job is      it’s something that I liter-
and Amya Clarke (100m        involved in continued                                      the Olympic Games, and        not yet done, but a heart-   ally went out and fought
Female).                     training and competition      Minister of Sport Jonel      credits and thanked all       felt and massive thank       for with everything in me.
                             engagements, are expect-      Powell congratulated the     who made the opportu-         you for the amazing work     With that said, please stay
The SKNOC also an-           ed to travel to Tokyo on      two athletes who will rep-   nity possible.                we’ve been doing so          tuned and watch me rep-
nounced that Justin          July 19, 2021.”               resent the Federation at                                   far. Big thank you to my     resent and fly our nation’s
Kavanaugh will travel                                      the Olympic Games and        “Although the hard work,      coach and team captain       flag high, on the World’s
with the team in the ca-     The Committee said            hailed their perseverance.   aches and pains, sacrifices   Justin Kavanaugh, and        stage.”
pacity of Coach, while       Glenville Jeffers will                                     and unwavering commit-        a big thank you to the
Lester Hanley, Executive     travel to Tokyo on July       “Congratulations   to        ment that athletes exert      vice-captain Tonya for       This game will be the first
Member of the SKNOC,         21, 2021, in his official     Jason Rogers and Amya        may be overlooked by          the many sacrifices made     for Clarke.
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        LOCAL NEWS                                              The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                       Page:7

     Active COVID cases now below 200

                                                                                                   Chief Medical Officer Dr. Hazel Laws
By Loshaun Dixon               “Each day the contact         at the Ministry of Health,
                               tracing team will interact    noted that the situation
The active cases of            with these newly diag-        at Her Majesty’s Prison
COVID-19 have fallen           nosed positive cases, get     is now improving. She
below 200 as authorities       the list of their contacts,   said of the 55 inmates
get a handle on the current    and then the contacts will    impacted, 39 have fully
outbreak in St. Kitts and      be placed in quarantine.      recovered with 16 active
Nevis.                         The number of people          cases. There were 12 con-
                               added to the quarantine       firmed among the staff,
Confirmed cases sur-           list depends on the num-      two have recovered and
passed the 500 mark on         ber of positive cases we      10 are active.
Monday, with well over         add on a daily basis. At
470 since May 19. As of        present, the contact trac-    The Federation’s vaccina-
Thursday, the figure stood     ing team would interact       tion programme restarted
at 519 with 183 active cas-    with almost 2600 individ-     Thursday with an addi-
    This week the Federation recorded 29 new
       cases between Sunday and Thursday.
es. Two active cases are       uals, and I think we have     tional 5000 doses received
being monitored in Nevis.      almost 500 persons still      that will expire at the end
501 of the cases were          remaining in quarantine.”     of August.
confirmed in St Kitts and
18 in Nevis. The strain of     Dr Laws highlighted           At the halt of the vacci-
COVID-19 in St Kitts is        the areas where the           nation campaign, 41,850
confirmed as the Lambda        COVID-19 cases are            doses (22,937-first doses
Variant.                       concentrated, with the        and 18,913-second doses)
                               parishes of St. George, St.   of the Oxford AstraZeneca
This week the Federation       Peters and St. Mary being     COVID-19 vaccines were
recorded 29 new cases          most affected.                administered in St. Kitts
between Sunday and                                           and Nevis before the batch
Thursday.                      The CMO said that they        would have been expired
                               were getting a handle on      and discarded.
The community spread of        this wave of COVID-19
cases has led to authorities   cases.
enforcing a 24-hour lock-
down in both islands.          As of press time, 318         Authorities have called on
                               have fully recovered, 5       others who have had their
Chief Medical Officer Dr.      are currently hospitalised,   first shot and have had at
Hazel Laws said currently      and there have been three     least four weeks since, to
there are approximately        deaths                        schedule to get their sec-
500 persons in St Kitts                                      ond dose.
and Nevis in quarantine.       Dr. Marrisa Carty, PRO
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                                    CONCEPT TO

                                A strong CBI Programme aims to:
                • Create job opportunities
                • Upgrade the interior airport terminal building
                • Complete the construction of the Old Road Bay realignment project
                • Install a new runway and lighting at the RLB International Airport
                • Construct more hotels
                • Construct better roads
                • Construct the bus terminals
                • Complete the second cruise pier

         Prosperity for our country, a bright future for our people.
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News                                         The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                                           Page:9

     CARICOM Day Fetes Eminent Caribbean People
The role played by the                                                                                 at this time. If we ever      Echoing similar sen-
Caribbean Community                                                                                    wondered whether the          timents,           Barbados’
(CARICOM), in shap-                                                                                    Caribbean people needed       CARICOM               Youth
ing and sustaining the                                                                                 CARICOM, then we              Ambassador,         Meghan
region has been lauded                                                                                 should have no doubt          Theobalds, pointed out
with the unveiling of six                                                                              whatsoever after the          that the region’s strength
wax figures of eminent                                                                                 events of the past year and   lies in its unity.
Caribbean people, dur-                                                                                 a half.
ing a special ceremony to                                                                                                            “We have a lot to be
mark July 4th CARICOM       eft to right : Calypso Rose (statue), Sir Shridath Ramphal (statue), Ms   “In fact, now more than        proud of and sharing our
Day, at the Caribbean      Meghan Theobalds (Barbados’ Caricom Youth Ambassador), Dr Nicole           ever do we need our            ideas, news and perspec-
Wax Museum.               Moore-Clarke (Guyanese Association of Barbados), Ms Suaz Blair (Jamaica     Caribbean     integration      tives about the region is
                                                                                                      movement. It seems that        an excellent way to en-
The figures were of Associationof Barbados), Dr George Brathwaite (CSME Unit), Mrs Sandra we are receiving chal-                     courage our less enthusi-
Barbados’ first female     Gittens (Barbados Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Sir Arthur Lewis (statue), lenge after challenge….        astic friends and family
Governor-General,            and H.E.David Comissiong (Barbados’ Ambassador to CARICOM)               The public health crisis       to become more engaged.
Dame Nita Barrow;                                                                                     of COVID 19; the eco-          For CARICOM Day and
winner of the Nobel                                                                                   nomic crisis that it has       the foreseeable future, my
Memorial Prize in eco- Shridath Ramphal of exhibition as one of “the Giving his perspective brought, then recently we                hope is that CARICOM
nomics, Sir Arthur Lewis Guyana, and Calypso most unique CARICOM of what was needed for were faced with the [ash                     occupies a greater part
of St Lucia; St Vincent Rose of Trinidad and Day celebrations there the region’s growth, fall from La] Soufriere                     of our consciousness and
and the Grenadines’ Tobago.                         has ever been”, adding he said: “The future of volcano in St Vincent.            becomes an integral part
national hero, Joseph                               “ I don’t know if any CARICOM and our re- A couple [of] weeks ago                of our identity,” she said.
Chatoyer;       Jamaican In his remarks at the member state has ever gional integration move- Barbados was hit by this
Olympic sprinter, Shelly- unveiling     ceremony, celebrated CARICOM ment really belongs to freak storm, and then                    The region marked its
ann Fraser-Pryce; for- Barbados’ Ambassador Day with a wax statue our young people. It is just yesterday (Friday),                   48th anniversary on July
mer      Commonwealth to CARICOM, David exhibition”.                         very important that we Hurricane Elsa.”                 4, CARICOM Day.
Secretary-General,    Sir Comissiong, described the                          celebrate   CARICOM
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Page:10                                       The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                                                    LOCAL NEWS

    Harris, Brantley
   condemn Haitian
    assassination                                                                            Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr Timothy Harris, and the Pre-
                                                                                                                 mier of Nevis, Mark Brantley

By Loshaun Dixon              heart” that he learned of      publicly expressed his         and saddened by the as-      Her Excellency Martine      abhorrent and reprehen-
                              the extremely sad news         condolences to the fam-        sassination of a member      Moïse, who was gravely      sible act that comes at a
Prime Minister of St. Kitts   of the assassination of the    ily of President Moïse on      of the CARICOM family,       wounded in the attack,      time of deep turmoil and
and Nevis, Dr Timothy         President of the Republic      Wednesday.                     His Excellency Jovenel       and wished her a full and   institutional weakness in
Harris, and the Premier       of Haiti, Mr. Jovenel                                         Moïse, during the early      speedy recovery.            the country. They call
of Nevis, Mark Brantley,      Moïse.                         “I express great regret        hours of 7 July 2021.”                                   for the perpetrators to be
have both condemned the                                      on the tragic death of                                                                  apprehended and brought
assassination of Haitian      “On my own behalf and          the President of Haiti,        They said they were con-                                 to justice, and for law and
President Jovenel Moïse.      that of the Government         Jovenel Moïse, who was         cerned by the condition of   “Heads of Government        order to prevail.”
                              and people of St. Kitts        attacked and killed in his     his wife, the First Lady,    strongly condemn this
Moïse was killed dur-         and Nevis, I extend sin-       home in the small hours
ing an attack on his pri-     cere condolences to the        this morning. Haiti is an
vate residence early on       family and the people          important Caribbean sis-
Wednesday, according to       of Haiti, and hope that        ter, and we pray for calm
the country’s acting Prime    they may find solace and       and the urgent apprehen-
Minister Claude Joseph.       comfort, even during this      sion of those responsible
                              traumatic and challenging      for this reprehensible act
Speaking on a local ra-       time.”                         of violence.
dio station, Mr. Joseph
confirmed the killing of      He condemned the per-          “I extend deepest condo-
Moïse, saying that the at-    petrators of what he de-       lences to his family in this
tack had been carried out     scribed as a “heinous and      difficult time not only for
by “ an armed commando        cowardly act” and hoped        Haiti, but for our region. I
group that included for-      they will soon be appre-       extend condolences also

       “I extend deepest condolences to his
    family in this difficult time not only for Haiti,
   but for our region. I extend condolences also
     to all our Haitian brothers and sisters who
    live here in St. Kitts and Nevis. Today we all
                   stand with Haiti.”
eign elements”.               hended and brought to          to all our Haitian brothers
                              justice.                       and sisters who live here
“Around one o’clock in                                       in St. Kitts and Nevis.
the morning, during the        “We pray for calm and         Today we all stand with
night of Tuesday 6 to         that good reason will pre-     Haiti.”
Wednesday 7 July 2021,        vail. Let us continue to
a group of unidentified       keep the people of our sis-    The         Heads       of
individuals,     including    ter CARICOM Member             Government of the
some speaking Spanish,        State in our thoughts and      Caribbean Community
attacked the private resi-    prayers, and as a show of      (CARICOM) met in
dence of the president and    solidarity, reach out to the   a Special Emergency
fatally injured the head      Haitian population who         Session on Wednesday, in
of state,” Joseph told the    have come to call St. Kitts    the wake of the assassina-
media.                        and Nevis their home.”         tion, and expressed shock
                                                             at the incident.
In the Federation, Dr         Premier Brantley, who
Harris in a statement said    is also Minister of            “The    Heads       of
that it was “with a heavy     Foreign Affairs, also          Government are shocked
        LOCAL NEWS                                               The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                                     Page:11

              IMF predicts
             for SKN in 2022
By Loshaun Dixon               fiscal deficit (4.7 percent   receipts.”
                               of GDP) since 2010, fi-
The           International    nanced by drawing down        The IMF suggests that
Monetary Fund (IMF)            on its sizeable deposit       following the recovery,
recently released its Staff    buffer.                       the government should re-       Prime Minister Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris and members of the local
Concluding Statement                                         sume its policy of saving           delegation pictured during the virtual 2021 Article IV mission
for 2021, in which it pro-     The IMF said that con-        part of the CBI revenues                                for St. Kitts and Nevis.
jected that a rebound will     taining the pandemic and      to build fiscal buffers.
begin in 2022, and the         supporting the economy
Federation can get back        remain the key near-term      “As a small, natural di-
to its pre-pandemic GDP        policy priorities.            saster-susceptible country
level by 2024.                                               dependent on tourism and
                                 “The government has         historically volatile CBI
A Concluding Statement         made rapid progress to-       revenues, St. Kitts and
describes the preliminary      ward its end-October          Nevis needs significant
findings of IMF staff at       vaccination target of 70      buffers. Higher buffers
the end of an official staff   percent of the population     would also provide more
visit to a member country.     (about a quarter of the       fiscal space to mitigate
The statement indicated        target population is fully    contingent and long-term
that St. Kitts and Nevis       vaccinated and 65 percent     fiscal pressures, including
entered the COVID-19           have received the first       possible further reacquisi-
pandemic from a position       dose). As the recently in-    tions of lands swapped as
of fiscal strength, follow-    stated partial lockdown in    part of the 2012-14 sov-
ing nearly a decade of         response to budding com-      ereign debt restructuring,
budget surpluses.              munity spread confirms,       and a possible future need
                               herd immunity has not yet     to buttress the national
“A significant part of the     been reached, and should      pension system that under
large CBI revenues were        remain the number one         current projections will
prudently saved, reduc-        priority to save lives and    start to run deficits and be-
ing public debt to below       livelihoods.                  gin depleting its reserves
the regional debt target of                                  if corrective measures are
60 percent of GDP, and         “Fiscal relief measures       not taken in due course.”
supporting the accumula-       should be kept in place
tion of large government       until the recovery firmly     The report stated that
deposits.”                     takes root. Maintaining       there is room to strength-
                               robust levels of public       en productivity growth,
It said that prompt gov-       investment would further      economic competitive-
ernment action helped to       support activity.”            ness, and human capital.
contain the pandemic’s
public health impact, but      The statement said an ex-       “Growth has been held
the impact on the econo-       pected rebound in tourism     back by weak productiv-
my has been severe.            sets the stage for a strong   ity growth as investment
                               recovery from 2022 on-        has been high, which may
“The complete halt in          ward, but risks remain        partly reflect the limits of
cruise ship arrivals and       significant.                  a small island economy.
very few stayover tourists                                   However, several re-
since the first quarter of     “We project a small fur-      forms might help boost
2020 compounded on the         ther decline in GDP of 1      productivity growth and
pandemic’s disruptions         percent in 2021, followed     export competitiveness,
on domestic activity. In       by 10 percent growth in       including using the CBI
response, the government       2022. The pre-pandemic        program to attract invest-
introduced tax waivers,        GDP level is expected         ment beyond the tourism
deferrals and incentives,      to be reached in 2024.        sector, upgrading skills
and the Social Security        However, the recovery         through focused training
Board provided unem-           path could be derailed        programs, better align-
ployment benefits to af-       should the pandemic           ing the education system
fected insured workers.”       impose sustained disrup-      with the needs of the la-
                               tions on the anticipated      bour market, and making
The statement revealed         pace of tourism inflows       it easier for small firms
that the pandemic re-          and domestic activity.        to access credit, includ-
sulted in an estimated         Other risks include finan-    ing through reforms that
annual decline in GDP          cial sector uncertainties,    facilitate the use of the
of 12½ percent, and the        natural disasters, and        non-fixed asset as loan
general government’s first     lower-than-expected CBI       collateral.”
Page:12   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021   News

       LOCAL NEWS                                                 The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                                                      Page:13

   39 Residents, 2 Staff Fully Recovered at HMP
As of July 06, 2021, thir-                                                                                              affected residents in iso-      Corrections James con-
ty-nine residents at Her                                                                                                lation on one side. To          tinues to work closely
Majesty’s Prison and two                                                                                                facilitate full recovery,       with Chief Medical
members of                                                                                                              those who test posi-            Officer, Dr. Hazel Laws
                                                                                                                        tive are given additional       and the Chairman of the
staff have now fully                                                                                                    supplements, encouraged         National COVID-19 Task
recovered from the                                                                                                      to exercise, in addition to     Force, Abdias Samuel, to
COVID-19 virus.                                                                                                         being taken out for fresh       monitor the situation at
                                                                                                                        air and sunlight.               HMP and
They were given the all-
clear by health officials                                                                                               They are also visited reg-      to address any issues that
after having two negative                                                                                               ularly by the Prison doc-       might arise. He thanked
tests recently. Currently,                                                                                              tor. Cells were sanitised       his staff for their commit-
there are 16 residents and                                                                                              to allow for recovered          ment to the job.
10 members of staff who                                                                                                 residents to move out of
are still considered active                                                                                             the isolation area.             Commissioner           of
cases. They are all in a                                     Her Majesty’s Prison                                                                       Corrections         James
stable condition at this                                                                                                Last week, the Prison ac-       said that personnel and
time. Members of staff                                                                                                  quired protective personal      residents are still being
and residents at the Prison   of the virus in the Prison      were not affected.           Commissioner           of    equipment (PPE) with the        encouraged
Farm in Nevis we’re test-     in St. Kitts in June, the                                    Corrections       Terrane    assistance of the Ministry
ed over the weekend and       management team moved           The measures proved          James and his                of Health to further pre-       to get vaccinated. To date,
their results all returned    quickly to put several          effective in drastically                                  vent the spread of the          just over 70 percent of
negative.                     measures in place to pro-       slowing the spread of the    team divided the cell        virus.                          staff and approximately
                              tect the health of residents    virus among the residents.   block down the middle                                        50 percent of residents
Following an outbreak         and staff members who                                        with a partition and put     Commissioner            of      have been vaccinated.

                                                                                              Case Number :NEVHPB2021/0032

                                                                                                                                                      Submitted Date:02/07/2021 12:04

                                                                                                                                                      Filed Date:02/07/2021 12:04

                                                                                                                                                      Fees Paid:52.00
Page:14                                        The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                                    News
                                                                                                                                   LOCAL NEWS

     Nevis to benefit
       from social
      security food
                                                                                                     Social Security Building in Nevis

Nevis will be benefitting      to families in Nevis,” she     residents of the Federation
from the $275,000 food         said.                          impacted by the eco-
voucher initiative recently                                   nomic fallout due to the
announced by the St.           The Social Security            COVID-19 pandemic.
Christopher and Nevis          Board said the initiative
Social Security Board.         is its social corporate re-    “Social Security contin-
                               sponse to the hardship         ues to demonstrate that
Mrs. Janelle Lewis-Tafari,     persons are experiencing       in times of national dis-
Permanent Secretary in the     due to the recent out-         tress, it is our best friend.

  The Social Security Board allocated $250,000, and
     Ram’s Supermarkets and Horsford’s Valu Mart
   joined in the relief effort by contributing $25,000,
         bringing the total output to $275,000.

Ministry of Community          break of COVID-19 in           I thank the Board for this
Development          and       the Federation which has       magnanimous        gesture
Gender Affairs in the          again impacted the entire      which will help to ensure
Government of St. Kitts        economy.                       that no family in St. Kitts
and Nevis, explained the                                      or Nevis goes hungry in
voucher distribution pro-      The Social Security Board      this difficult time,” he
cess during the National       allocated $250,000, and        said.
Emergency Operations           Ram’s Supermarkets and
Centre (NEOC) briefing         Horsford’s Valu Mart           Hon.      Eric     Evelyn,
on Wednesday.                  joined in the relief effort    Minister      of     Social
                               by contributing $25,000,       Development in the Nevis
“It will be a total of 1,300   bringing the total output      Island     Administration,
vouchers and because the       to $275,000.                   also thanked the Board
St. Christopher and Nevis                                     for the meaningful ges-
Social Security Board          Approved recipients will       ture. He said once the
serves both islands, there     receive food vouchers          vouchers are prepared,
had to be a split between      valued at $200 and the su-     the Ministry of Social
St. Kitts and Nevis for        permarkets will add an ex-     Development           along
voucher distribution.          tra ten percent to the value   with the Nevis Disaster
                               when they are redeemed,        Management Department
“So the split they decided     Mrs. Lewis-Tafari noted.       (NDMD) will coordinate
on was an 80/20 split. So                                     the selection of qualifying
80 percent of the vouch-       Hon. Mark Brantley,            individuals and the distri-
ers will be for families in    Premier of Nevis, thanked      bution of vouchers to the
St. Kitts and 20 percent       the Social Security Board      recipients on Nevis.
of the vouchers will go        for aiding the citizens and
      REGIONAL                                                   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 9th, 2021                                             Page:15

     Haiti President Jovenel Moise Assassinated in
                Attack on His Residence

                                                                                                                        Killers lurk in the shadows as Haiti chaos
                                                                                                                                    takes a sinister turn
                                   Jovenel Moise

(CNN) Haiti’s President       calm.                          shadows as Haiti chaos      Instability has been        republic after its revolu-   called for calm.“The
Jovenel Moise was killed                                     takes a sinister turn       exacerbated by the          tion against French rule     security situation in the
during an attack on his       He added that Moïse’s                                      Petrocaribe scandal, a      – has a history marked       country is under the
private residence early       wife, Martine, had been        Haiti’s     opposition      controversy that arose      by poverty, authoritar-      control of the Haitian
on Wednesday, accord-         seriously injured in the       claims Moïse should         from a scheme to buy        ian rule, political in-      National Police and the
ing to the country’s acting   attack. An official speak-     have stepped down on        discounted oil from         stability and external       Haitian Armed Forces,”
Prime Minister Claude         ing anonymously to the         7 February to coincide      Venezuela on cheap          interference including a     the statement added.
Joseph.                       Associated Press also                                                                                               “All measures are be-
                              confirmed Moïse’s death.                                                                                            ing taken to guarantee
Speaking on a local ra-                                            Condemning “this odious, inhuman and                                           the continuity of the
dio station, the prime        The assassination is likely                                                                                         State and to protect the
minister, Claude Joseph,      to plunge the impover-              barbaric act”, Joseph sought to reassure                                        Nation.”
confirmed the killing of      ished Caribbean nation
Moïse, saying the attack      into further turmoil after         Haitians, saying the security situation in the                                   Moise was 53 years old.
had been carried out by       several years marked                          country remained calm.                                                The former banana ex-
an “armed commando            by political unrest and                                                                                             porter spent most of the
group” that included for-     violence. Moïse’s time in                                                                                           past year waging a po-
eign elements.                office had been marked         with the fifth anniver-     credit. The idea was to     long US occupation. It       litical war with the op-
                              by an increase in politi-      sary of 2015 elections      free up funds for so-       has struggled to rebuild     position over the terms
“Around one o’clock in        cal instability, allegations   that were cancelled and     cial schemes, but the       since the devastating        of his presidency.
the morning, during the       of corruption and a long-      then re-run a year later    money was pocketed by       earthquake in 2010 and
night of Tuesday 6 to         running dispute about          because of allegations      politicians.                Hurricane Matthew in         Moise claimed his five-
Wednesday 7 July 2021,        when Moïse’s period in         of fraud.                                               2016.Joseph said in a        year term should end
a group of unidentified       office should end.                                         Earlier this year amid      statement that a group       in 2022 — a stance
individuals,     including                                   They further allege that    allegations by Moïse        of unidentified individ-     backed by the United
some speaking Spanish,        There have been intermit-      because Moïse failed        of a coup attempt that      uals attacked Moise’s        States, United Nations
attacked the private resi-    tent periods of protests       to hold legislative elec-   planned to “murder          home at around 1 a.m.        and Organization of
dence of the president and    and street violence and        tions in 2019 – and has     him” and fresh pro-         and fatally wounded the      American States.
fatally injured the head      a rise in gang violence,       since ruled by decree       tests – Moïse moved         head of state. The state-
of state,” Joseph said in     some of it tied to the coun-   after parliament was left   to protect his position,    ment does not specify        The opposition has ar-
a statement quoted in the     try’s political parties. At    without lawmakers – he      ordering the arrest of 23   how the President was        gued he should have
media.                        the centre of the crisis has   had violated the coun-      people including a su-      killed. Haiti’s first lady   stepped      down      on
                              been the question of when      try’s 1987 constitution.    preme court judge and       was shot and is receiv-      February 7 this year,
Condemning “this odi-         Moïse’s presidential term                                  a senior police official,   ing treatment, he added.     citing a constitutional
ous, inhuman and bar-         was due to end – and           Moïse and his support-      while declaring that he                                  provision that starts the
baric act”, Joseph sought     whether he was govern-         ers rejected that argu-     was “not a dictator”.       The Prime Minister           clock on the term once
to reassure Haitians, say-    ing unconstitutionally.        ment, saying he only                                    called the assassination     a president is elected,
ing the security situation                                   took power in 2017 af-      The Caribbean country       a “heinous, inhumane         rather than when he
in the country remained       Killers    lurk   in    the    ter winning the re-run.     – the world’s first black   and barbaric act” and        takes office.
Page:16   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday   July 9th, 2021
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