Palmer Independent School District Palmer Elementary 2017-2018 Goals/Performance Objectives/Strategies - Palmer ISD

Page created by Debra George
Palmer Independent School District Palmer Elementary 2017-2018 Goals/Performance Objectives/Strategies - Palmer ISD
Palmer Independent School District
                                          Palmer Elementary
                          2017-2018 Goals/Performance Objectives/Strategies
                                        Accountability Rating: Met Standard

                                        Board Approval Date: November 13, 2018
                                       Public Presentation Date: December 11, 2018

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Mission Statement
   The mission of Palmer Elementary School is to give the children
  the foundation to be the best they can be, instilling a desire to be
     lifetime learners who can turn obstacles into opportunities.
  This will be accomplished by providing learners a positive and safe
       environment, sequential curricula, and a dedicated staff
               qualified to address their learning needs.


                                           WD > WS
                                 Well Done is Greater than Well Said

                                             Core Beliefs

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Palmer Prime Nine
                                               1. WD>WS
                                     Well Done Is Greater Than Well Said

                                         2. Set The Example
                                 3. Become A Better Person Everyday
                                 4. Take Pride In Everything You Do
                                 5. Share Positive Contagious Energy
                                  6. Courage, Compassion, Character
                                       7. Be Humble & Hungry
                        8. Know And Understand Everyone's Background
                                  9. Engage Everyone With A Smile

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Table of Contents
   Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     Goal 1: Palmer ISD will provide educational programs ensuring that all students are challenged, perform at grade level or above, and demonstrate
     exemplary performance in foundation subjects of Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                            5
     Goal 2: Palmer ISD will provide support services ensuring that all students are equipped with the proficiency in the use of academic, technical,
     vocational, and life skills necessary for them to demonstrate exemplary performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                      11
     Goal 3: Palmer ISD will provide all students with healthy, nurturing learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning at an
     outstanding level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            15
     Goal 4: Palmer ISD will provide a communication system that facilitates an open exchange of information relating to student academic performance
     and safety between students, parents, and the citizens of Palmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       22
   System Safeguard Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                   24

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Goal 1: Palmer ISD will provide educational programs ensuring that all students are challenged, perform at grade level or
above, and demonstrate exemplary performance in foundation subjects of Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science,
and Social Studies.

Performance Objective 1: All student groups preparing to take the STAAR test will prepare and meet the campus expectations of 80% Approaching Grade
Level, 50% Meets Grade Level, and 25% Masters Grade Level of student academic achievement.

       Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: 2018 STAAR Results

       Summative Evaluation 1:

                Strategy Description                         Title I        Monitor                   Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                  Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                        Nov Jan Mar     June
                System Safeguard Strategy                 1, 2, 3, 9 Director of         All 4th grade writing scores will be above the state average
 1) To address state safeguards                                      Curriculum          for 2018. Students in grades K-3 will be better prepared for
 All Students Writing (58%)                                          Principal           the writing test in 4th grade.
 Hispanic Writing (58%)                                              Assistant Principal
 Economically Disadvantage Writing (54%)                             Teachers
 Teachers will use LoneStar Target Reading (grades 1-4)
 which includes a Revision and Editing daily practice,
 Forde Ferrior STAAR Write Editing and Revision (grades
 3-4), STAAR Write Writing Test Book (grades 3-4),
 Education Galaxy Writing (grades K-4), and assess        Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 revision and editing TEKS from Kilgo Scope and
 Sequence each 6 weeks. Students will demonstrate mastery
 of expository writing expectations through a variety of
 writing samples.
                System Safeguard Strategy                     1, 2, 3, 9 Principal           Writing scores will be above state average and student
 2) Incorporate best practices in Writing including Revision,            Assistant Principal growth in all groups will be evident.
 Editing and the writing process in all grade levels.                    Teachers
                                                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

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System Safeguard Strategy                  1, 2, 9, 10 Principal             Targeted instruction will improve student performance and
 3) 3rd and 4th grade students who did not meet                          Assistant Principal   close achievement gaps to ensure reasonable growth in all
 expectations on STAAR Reading, Writing, and/ or Math                    Teachers              areas.
 will be provided remediation before school, during tutorial
 time, and/or after school using Education Galaxy, IXL,      Funding Sources: 263 Title III - LEP - $4,419.00
 and/or Istation.
                System Safeguard Strategy                     1, 2, 8 Principal             Increased overall student achievement in all STAAR
 4) 3rd and 4th grade teachers will utilize AWARE data to             Assistant Principal   Reporting Categories.
 form small groups in order to focus on STAAR Reading,                Teachers
 Writing, and Math Reporting Categories.                     Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 5) Using the TEKS, Eduphoria AWARE data, DRA,                1, 2, 8 Principal             Increased test performance and overall academic student
 Istation, Education Galaxy, and 2017 STAAR data, the                 Assistant Principal   success.
 staff will individualize instruction to increase test                Teachers
 performance and overall academic student success.           Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 6) Monitor teacher lesson plans and classroom instruction       1      Principal           Timely planning that aligns with scope and sequence and
 to ensure higher level thinking strategies, engaging                   Assistant Principal higher student engagement will be evident when
 instruction, and student performance are evident.                                          administrators do walkthroughs.
                                                             Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                 = Accomplished          = Continue/Modify        = Considerable        = Some Progress       = No Progress         = Discontinue

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Goal 1: Palmer ISD will provide educational programs ensuring that all students are challenged, perform at grade level or above, and demonstrate exemplary
performance in foundation subjects of Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.

Performance Objective 2: Palmer Elementary will recruit and retain a highly qualified staff.

       Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Teacher Turnover Rate, Recruitment and Retention strategies

       Summative Evaluation 2:

                 Strategy Description                          Title I       Monitor                 Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                    Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                         Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Palmer Elementary will recruit highly qualified teachers   1, 3, 5   Curriculum Director Student achievement will increase as a result of high quality
 and staff.                                                              Principal           teaching.
                                                                         Assistant Principal
                                                              Funding Sources: 199-PIC 30 State Compensatory Education (SCE), Tit - $401,877.00, 211 Title I,Part A - $100,210.00, 265 Title
                                                              IV, Part A - $9,000.00
 2) New teachers and struggling teachers will have a mentor 1, 3, 5 Principal                Increased staff morale and less staff turnover
 to collaborate, problem solve, and observe.                             Assistant Principal
                                                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 3) Teachers will have multiple opportunities to attend staff    1, 5    Director of         Teachers will have a better understanding of the teaching
 developments in order to increase their capacity as                     Curriculum          profession.
 professionals and rigor of their classroom.                             Principal
                                                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 4) Build staff morale through various activities including     1, 3, 5                      Decrease staff absenteeism and teacher turnover rate.
 teacher incentives, teacher recognition, grade level and
 school wide challenges, and staff get-togethers.             Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                  = Accomplished         = Continue/Modify       = Considerable       = Some Progress       = No Progress          = Discontinue

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Goal 1: Palmer ISD will provide educational programs ensuring that all students are challenged, perform at grade level or above, and demonstrate exemplary
performance in foundation subjects of Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.

Performance Objective 3: Palmer Elementary School will continuously monitor and adjust student learning, the quality and effectiveness of curriculum,
instruction, and assessment in every grade level.

        Evaluation Data Source(s) 3: Lesson plans, walkthroughs, six weeks tests, benchmarks, and team collaboration meetings

        Summative Evaluation 3:

                 Strategy Description                           Title I        Monitor                  Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                   Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                           Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Maintain vertically aligned district curriculum utilizing       1   Principal           Student's will be academically prepared for the next grade
 the scope and sequence in all 4 core areas.                            Assistant Principal level and reasonable growth will be attainable.
                                                             Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) Teachers will use data from AWARE, iStation, and         1, 2, 8, 9 Principal           Student achievement, growth, and engagement will increase.
 Education Galaxy to adjust instruction to meet the needs of            Assistant Principal
 each individual child.                                                 Teachers
                                                             Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 3) Pre K Teachers will continue usage of the current         1, 7, 9 Principal             Students will obtain age appropriate skills that will better
 curriculum                                                             Assistant Principal prepare them for kindergarten success.
 approved by TEA. They will begin using the new                         PreK Teachers
 curriculum guidelines adopted by TEA for the 17-18
                                                             Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 school year.
 4) Assessment and performance data in PreK and               1, 3, 7, 8, Principal          Student achievement will increase.
 Kindergarten will be used to plan and deliver differentiated   9, 10 Assistant Principal
 instruction to small groups and establish effective learning             Teachers
 centers based on grade level content standards and
                                                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 students' readiness levels.
 5) Daily lessons and small groups will be used to provide      1, 2, 3, 9 Teachers            All students will grow academically based on their
 differentiated and rigorous objectives in order to provide                                    individual needs and student achievement gaps will
 high quality instruction for LEP, at-risk and struggling                                      decrease.
                                                                Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 while also providing enrichment opportunities for GT.

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6) All Pre-K students will be assessed two times a year   1, 2, 6, 7,                    Students will be academically ready for kindergarten.
 using the CLI-Engage Assessment to identify individual     8, 9, 10
 developmental strengths and weaknesses, plan &
 implement appropriate interventions,
                                                           Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 measure progress, and inform parents of academic

                                 = Accomplished        = Continue/Modify       = Considerable         = Some Progress     = No Progress           = Discontinue

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Goal 1: Palmer ISD will provide educational programs ensuring that all students are challenged, perform at grade level or above, and demonstrate exemplary
performance in foundation subjects of Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.

Performance Objective 4: Palmer Elementary School will provide supplemental intensive or accelerated compensatory instructional programs and services
designed to eliminate any disparity in performance on assessments for each student who is educationally disadvantaged, at risk for failure, or in need of more

        Evaluation Data Source(s) 4: 2017 and 2018 STAAR, RTI, Telpas

        Summative Evaluation 4:

                 Strategy Description                       Title I         Monitor                   Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                    Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                          Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Using DRA, iStation, Education Galaxy, 6-weeks        1, 2, 8, 9 Principal           Teachers will be able to identify students in need of
 testing, benchmark testing, and STAAR, each teacher will            Assistant Principal supplemental or accelerated instruction.
 evaluate and monitor the academic performance of every              Teachers
 student in their classroom.                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
                 System Safeguard Strategy               1, 2, 9, 10 Teachers              LEP student achievement will increase and achievement
 2) Provide STAAR Reading, Writing and/or Math tutorials                                   gaps will decrease.
 for all 3rd and 4th grade LEP students.                 Funding Sources: 263 Title III - LEP - $4,419.00
                   System Safeguard Strategy               1, 2, 9, 10 Teachers              Student achievement within this subgroup will increase and
 3) Provide STAAR Reading, Writing, and/or Math                                              individual achievement gaps will decrease.
 tutorials for all 3rd and 4th grade economically
 disadvantaged students who are at risk of failing or      Funding Sources: 211 Title I,Part A - $101,810.00
 previously failed STAAR.
 4) Provide STAAR advanced tutorials in Reading, Writing, 1, 2, 9, 10 Teachers           Increased percentage of Academically Advanced student
 and/or Math for all students not requiring remedial                                     performance on STAAR.
 tutorials.                                               Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                  = Accomplished        = Continue/Modify         = Considerable       = Some Progress      = No Progress          = Discontinue

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Goal 2: Palmer ISD will provide support services ensuring that all students are equipped with the proficiency in the use of
academic, technical, vocational, and life skills necessary for them to demonstrate exemplary performance.

Performance Objective 1: Palmer Elementary School will continue to utilize and implement a variety of teaching methods in all academic areas that are
developmentally appropriate and increase our overall academic performance to meet the district goals of 85% approaching, 55% meets, and 25% masters on
the STAAR test.

        Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: STAAR results, iStation reporting, Education Galaxy reporting, RTI, 6 weeks testing, benchmark testing

        Summative Evaluation 1:

                 Strategy Description                        Title I          Monitor                     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                      Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                                Nov Jan Mar     June
                System Safeguard Strategy                    1, 2, 4, 8, Principal              Collaboration within groups will build stronger teaching and
 1) Teachers will participate in weekly academic planning        9       Assistant Principal    learning. As a result, all student achievement will increase.
 meetings within grade levels including special education                Teachers
 staff and developmental reading and math staff to analyze
 TEKS, data patterns and discuss possible instructional      Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 changes and implementations.
                System Safeguard Strategy                    1, 3, 4, 9, Principal             Students who are at risk, special ed, or in the RTI process
 2) Provide a variety of academic resources to support           10      Assistant Principal   will be successful
 Special Education and At Risk students in understanding                 Special Programs
 and mastering the grade level Reading, Writing, and Math                Coordinator
 TEKS.                                                                   Developmental
                                                             Funding Sources: 225 IDEA B - Preschool Special Education (SpEd) - $2,388.00
 3) Provide daily interventions for students identified as   1, 3, 8, 9, Principal             Student individual learning styles and needs will be
 Dyslexic, At Risk, RTI, 504, LEP or Special Ed through          10      Assistant Principal   supported which in turn will produce recommended growth
 the use of Developmental teaching staff, instructional                  ESL teacher           and increased success.
 aides, and technology.                                                  Sped teacher
                                                                         Intervention teachers
                                                             Funding Sources: 211 Title I,Part A - $101,810.00
                 System Safeguard Strategy                       1       Principal             Student achievement gaps will decrease and success will
 4) Specialized instructional techniques and strategies,                 Assistant Principal   increase.
 including guided reading, Daily 5, technology, and field                Teachers
 trips will be used to improve vocabulary, reading, and
 writing focusing on LEP students, Special Ed students, and Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 Economically Disadvantaged students.

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5) Identify and serve Special Education students in all           1, 10  Special Programs     Student individual needs will be better met and success will
 grades. Provide supplies and transportation for the special              Coordinator          increase.
 needs of this targeted group of students.                                Diagnostician
                                                                Funding Sources: 224 IDEA B - Formula Special Education (SpEd) - $219,003.00
 6) Provide inclusion support and services for all Special        1, 10 Special Programs       Student individual needs will be better met and success will
 Education students.                                                      Coordinator          increase.
                                                                          Inclusion Aides
                                                                Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 7) Continue to provide a research based reading                 1, 9, 10 Special Programs     Increase in student achievement
 improvement and math improvement program.                                Coordinator
                                                                          Math Interventionist
                                                                Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 8) Provide supplies and materials for PPCD students             1, 7, 10 Special Programs     Increase in student achievement
 integrated into the mainstream classroom.                                Coordinator
                                                                          PPCD Teachers
                                                                Funding Sources: 225 IDEA B - Preschool Special Education (SpEd) - $2,388.00

                                  = Accomplished             = Continue/Modify      = Considerable       = Some Progress        = No Progress         = Discontinue

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Goal 2: Palmer ISD will provide support services ensuring that all students are equipped with the proficiency in the use of academic, technical, vocational,
and life skills necessary for them to demonstrate exemplary performance.

Performance Objective 2: Palmer Elementary will continue to integrate and expand the use technology in the instructional process.

        Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Walkthroughs, observations, staff development, lesson plans

        Summative Evaluation 2:

                 Strategy Description                            Title I         Monitor                Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                        Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Increase the number of iPad's available for individual               Technology Director 1:1 iPad usage will increase student knowledge and allow
 students for instruction.                                                                     for quality instruction to increase student success.
                                                                Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) Provide professional development opportunities in the         3, 4   Technology Director Improve teacher expertise in delivering instruction and
 integration of technology into instruction.                             Instructional         analyzing data by integrating technology.
                                                                         Technology Leader
                                                                Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 3) Increase the use of technology as an instructional tool        3     Instructional         Learning environments that are conducive to the
 for problem solving and communication with increased                    Technology Leader implementation of 21st Century learning skills.
 complexity through research of classroom content,                       Principal
 collaboration with peers, and the application of the                    Assistant Principal
 Technology Application TEKS.                                            Teachers
                                                                Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                   = Accomplished            = Continue/Modify      = Considerable       = Some Progress     = No Progress         = Discontinue

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Goal 2: Palmer ISD will provide support services ensuring that all students are equipped with the proficiency in the use of academic, technical, vocational,
and life skills necessary for them to demonstrate exemplary performance.

Performance Objective 3: Palmer Elementary will engage in the on-going unified program of staff development for all personnel involved with the design,
delivery, and monitoring of the curriculum and instruction will continue and focus on improving student academic performance.

        Evaluation Data Source(s) 3: District staff development, Region 10 workshops, other workshops and staff development

        Summative Evaluation 3:

                 Strategy Description                             Title I         Monitor                  Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                  Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                             Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Provide high quality staff development to all staff            3, 4, 5  Superintendent      Higher level of quality instruction in the classroom.
 during the school year, prior to the school year starting,                 Curriculum Director
 and during the summer.                                                     Director of Special
                                                                            Technology Director
                                                                            Assistant Principal
                                                                 Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) Teachers will collaborate and design goals on specific       1, 3, 8, 9 Principal           Increased student progress and success.
 instructional goals for their grade level in core subjects.                Assistant Principal
 Teachers will design lesson plans to specifically address                  Teachers
 these instructional goals.                                      Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                   = Accomplished             = Continue/Modify       = Considerable        = Some Progress       = No Progress         = Discontinue

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Goal 3: Palmer ISD will provide all students with healthy, nurturing learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and
conducive to learning at an outstanding level.

Performance Objective 1: Palmer Elementary will provide a culture that promotes a positive, safe environment for students

       Evaluation Data Source(s) 1:

       Summative Evaluation 1:

                 Strategy Description                         Title I         Monitor                   Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                      Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                              Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) All students will be educated in learning environments             Principal             Safe and Healthy School
 that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning.                  Assistant Principal
                                                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) The SHAC committee will implement activities to                    SHAC committee        Students will develop healthy eating habits and make good
 improve the nutrition and health of students and teachers.            members               choices for a healthier lifestyle.
 Activities will include fresh fruit daily, Go/Slow/Whoa               Nurse
 discussions, Turn it Off Nights, and mystery taste tests.    Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 3) Parents will be given the opportunity to participate in       6    Principal             Parents will feel more confident in their children's education
 "Parent Nights" designed with "Love and Logic" strategies             Assistant Principal   and a partnership with the school will be created to further
 to help assist in parenting.                                          Counselor             enhance student learning.
                                                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 4) Implementation of guidance lessons for classrooms,                 Counselor             Less office referrals resulting in more learning time and an
 small groups, and individuals of all grade levels. Lessons                                  increase in student self concept.
 will focus on conflict resolution, positive self concept, goal
 setting, development of growth mindset, and bully              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 5) Students will participate in Red Ribbon Week                    Principal             Safe and drug free school.
 promoting safe and drug free schools.                              Assistant Principal
                                                           Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 6) Students will participate in bully prevention training          Principal             Safe and Healthy School
 from classroom lessons, guidance lessons, and small group          Assistant Principal
 guidance lessons. Students will also learn about cyber             Counselor
 bullying and participate in Digital Citizenship Week.              Teachers
                                                           Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

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7) Continue the Peer Assistance Leadership Program                     Counselor              Less discipline referrals and increased student self esteem.
 including collaboration and participation with the High
 School PALS program.                                         Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

 8) Provide supplies, clothing, and medical needs for                  Special Programs        Safe and Healthy School
 migrant and homeless students.                                        Coordinator
                                                              Funding Sources: 212 Title I,Part C-Migrant - $0.00

                                  = Accomplished           = Continue/Modify        = Considerable       = Some Progress        = No Progress           = Discontinue

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Goal 3: Palmer ISD will provide all students with healthy, nurturing learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning at an
outstanding level.

Performance Objective 2: Palmer Elementary will accelerate the level of student learning by providing educational opportunities that facilitate the
academic development of students to outstanding levels.

       Evaluation Data Source(s) 2:

       Summative Evaluation 2:

                 Strategy Description                        Title I        Monitor                     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                  Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                          Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Continue to develop and implement a comprehensive                  Principal            GT program will emphasize inquiry and problem solving as
 GT program.                                                           Assistant Principal  fundamental methods of learning while encouraging
                                                                       Counselor            teamwork and collaboration in finding solutions to problems
                                                                                            relevant to a constantly changing world.
                                                             Funding Sources: 199-PIC 21 State Gifted and Talented (G/T) - $0.00
 2) Career Exploration and Goal Setting lesson/activities             Counselor             Students will have a better understanding of community
 will be provided that encourage career exploration. Guest            Teachers              workers, businesses, and various occupations to better
 speakers and visits will be provided that include police                                   prepare them for college and career readiness.
 officers, firefighters, dentists, doctors, and athletes.    Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                  = Accomplished        = Continue/Modify        = Considerable          = Some Progress    = No Progress         = Discontinue

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Goal 3: Palmer ISD will provide all students with healthy, nurturing learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning at an
outstanding level.

Performance Objective 3: Palmer Elementary will follow the district discipline management plan that supports the Student Code of Conduct with the goal
of reducing the number of disciplinary actions and behavioral interventions.

       Evaluation Data Source(s) 3: Discipline Referrals, Behavioral Documentation Reports

       Summative Evaluation 3:

                Strategy Description                         Title I         Monitor                   Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                      Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                             Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Begin implementation of the district wide Palmer Prime          All Faculty and Staff Create a safe and orderly school climate than is conducive to
 Nine. Each month a new standard of excellence will be                                    learning and life long skills will be taught for future success.
 presented, demonstrated, and rewarded.                    Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) Continue to implement the campus wide discipline                Principal             Decrease in discipline referrals and an increase in student
 management plan to support continuity between grade                Assistant Principal   learning time.
 levels and support the district code of conduct.                   Teachers
                                                           Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 3) Utilize In School Suspension for students with severe           Principal             Decrease in classroom disruptions to help maintain a safe
 discipline infractions.                                            Assistant Principal   and orderly school.
                                                           Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 4) Utilize our Behavioral Adaptation Program for students          Principal             Decrease in classroom disruptions to help maintain a safe
 with severe behavioral issues.                                     Assistant Principal   and orderly school while providing a learning environment
                                                                    Campus Behavioral for the student in need of a therapeutic setting.
                                                                    Special Education
                                                           Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                 = Accomplished         = Continue/Modify        = Considerable         = Some Progress       = No Progress         = Discontinue

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Goal 3: Palmer ISD will provide all students with healthy, nurturing learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning at an
outstanding level.

Performance Objective 4: Palmer Elementary will continue to encourage high student attendance rates to meet the district goal of 97% or greater.

        Evaluation Data Source(s) 4: Daily and weekly attendance reports

        Summative Evaluation 4:

                 Strategy Description                             Title I         Monitor                 Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                   Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                             Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Provide incentives and rewards to increase student          1     Principal             School attendance rate will be above 97%.
 attendance including individual, classroom, and grade level          Assistant Principal
 competitions and incentives and a perfect attendance                 Counselor
 parent night out.                                           Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) Implement the Truancy Behavior Improvement Plan.                 1    Principal             School attendance rate will be above 97%.
                                                                          Assistant Principal
                                                                 Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 3) Continue with written and verbal communications to              1     Principal             School attendance rate will be above 97% and a decrease in
 encourage attendance including daily phone calls from                    Assistant Principal   unexcused absences will be evident.
 Principal, Assistant Principal, or Counselor, automated                  Counselor
 attendance alerts, written notifications, and home visits.               Campus PEIMS
                                                                 Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 4) Continue to participate in the district Saturday School               Principal             Decrease in excessive student absences.
 program for students with excessive absences.                            Campus PEIMS
                                                                 Funding Sources: 199-PIC 30 State Compensatory Education (SCE), Tit - $5,000.00

                                   = Accomplished             = Continue/Modify      = Considerable        = Some Progress      = No Progress         = Discontinue

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Goal 3: Palmer ISD will provide all students with healthy, nurturing learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning at an
outstanding level.

Performance Objective 5: Palmer Elementary will encourage the importance of student learning in an attempt to support the district dropout rate of 0.0%.

       Evaluation Data Source(s) 5: TAPR

       Summative Evaluation 5:

                 Strategy Description                        Title I         Monitor                  Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                      Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                            Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Monitor students who are at-risk and develop                 1     Principal             Reduction in percentage of drop-out rates in the higher
 interventions to better support student learning                      Assistant Principal   grade levels.
                                                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) Build positive relationships with students and parents to   1, 6   Principal             Reduction in percentage of dropout rates in the higher grade
 encourage life long learning.                                         Assistant Principal   levels.
                                                              Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                  = Accomplished        = Continue/Modify        = Considerable        = Some Progress       = No Progress          = Discontinue

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Goal 3: Palmer ISD will provide all students with healthy, nurturing learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning at an
outstanding level.

Performance Objective 6: Palmer Elementary will continue to improve, revise, communicate, rehearse and follow a comprehensive and coordinated crisis
management plan.

        Evaluation Data Source(s) 6: Number and types of drills performed, results of safety audit

        Summative Evaluation 6:

                 Strategy Description                          Title I        Monitor                     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                  Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                            Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Staff will follow the PISD Crisis Intervention Plans for             Principal              Students, Faculty, and Staff will be prepared for an
 fire, evacuation, tornado, lock downs, and other related                Assistant Principal    emergency if one arises.
 situations. All faculty and staff will be trained for any               Teachers
 emergency situation. Students will have opportunities for
                                                               Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 practicing the different plans.

                                  = Accomplished          = Continue/Modify        = Considerable          = Some Progress       = No Progress         = Discontinue

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Goal 4: Palmer ISD will provide a communication system that facilitates an open exchange of information relating to
student academic performance and safety between students, parents, and the citizens of Palmer.

Performance Objective 1: Palmer Elementary will use various communication systems so that the flow of information to and from the students, parents,
and community is current and informational.

       Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Number of views and alerts sent to parents

       Summative Evaluation 1:

                 Strategy Description                        Title I         Monitor                Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                    Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Continue to utilize the Palmer Elementary website,          6    Technology Director Use of various methods will allow for two way
 Facebook page Twitter page, and School Rush App.                    Principal             communication between schools, parents, and community.
                                                                     Assistant Principal
                                                            Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) Encourage parent use of parent grade portal.               6     Principal             Parents and students will be quickly informed and more
                                                                     Assistant Principal   aware of grades and assignments.
                                                            Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                  = Accomplished         = Continue/Modify      = Considerable       = Some Progress     = No Progress        = Discontinue

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Goal 4: Palmer ISD will provide a communication system that facilitates an open exchange of information relating to student academic performance and
safety between students, parents, and the citizens of Palmer.

Performance Objective 2: Palmer Elementary will recognize the individual worth of each student, parent, and faculty member.

       Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Participation and Attendance of assemblies, programs, and events

       Summative Evaluation 2:

                 Strategy Description                        Title I         Monitor                  Strategy's Expected Result/Impact                        Formative Summative
                                                                                                                                                              Nov Jan Mar     June
 1) Provide incentive events recognizing student academic       6     Principal               Higher percentage of student achievement throughout the
 achievement and good behavior every six weeks.                       Assistant Principal     year.
                                                            Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 2) Provide opportunities for parent conferences.               6     Principal               Increase in parent participation of student academic success.
                                                                      Assistant Principal
                                                            Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 3) Annual Open House for students to display work and                Principal               Increase in parent participation of student academic success.
 show families where they grow and learn everyday.                    Assistant Principal
                                                            Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00
 4) Provide ELL classes for parents of LEP students          1, 6, 10 Special Programs        Increase in parent participation and communication skills.
 utilizing LEP software.                                              Coordinator
                                                            Funding Sources: 263 Title III - LEP - $4,219.00
 5) Conduct family questionnaire to improve campus              6     Principal               Increase in student, parent, and teacher morale.
 culture and climate.                                                 Assistant Principal
                                                            Funding Sources: 199 Local Funds - $0.00

                                  = Accomplished         = Continue/Modify       = Considerable        = Some Progress         = No Progress          = Discontinue

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System Safeguard Strategies
 Goal Objective Strategy                                                                    Description
                                 To address state safeguards All Students Writing (58%) Hispanic Writing (58%) Economically Disadvantage Writing (54%)
                                 Teachers will use LoneStar Target Reading (grades 1-4) which includes a Revision and Editing daily practice, Forde Ferrior
   1         1           1       STAAR Write Editing and Revision (grades 3-4), STAAR Write Writing Test Book (grades 3-4), Education Galaxy Writing
                                 (grades K-4), and assess revision and editing TEKS from Kilgo Scope and Sequence each 6 weeks. Students will demonstrate
                                 mastery of expository writing expectations through a variety of writing samples.
   1         1           2       Incorporate best practices in Writing including Revision, Editing and the writing process in all grade levels.
                                 3rd and 4th grade students who did not meet expectations on STAAR Reading, Writing, and/ or Math will be provided
   1         1           3
                                 remediation before school, during tutorial time, and/or after school using Education Galaxy, IXL, and/or Istation.
                                 3rd and 4th grade teachers will utilize AWARE data to form small groups in order to focus on STAAR Reading, Writing, and
   1         1           4
                                 Math Reporting Categories.
   1         4           2       Provide STAAR Reading, Writing and/or Math tutorials for all 3rd and 4th grade LEP students.
                                 Provide STAAR Reading, Writing, and/or Math tutorials for all 3rd and 4th grade economically disadvantaged students who are
   1         4           3
                                 at risk of failing or previously failed STAAR.
                                 Teachers will participate in weekly academic planning meetings within grade levels including special education staff and
   2         1           1       developmental reading and math staff to analyze TEKS, data patterns and discuss possible instructional changes and
                                 Provide a variety of academic resources to support Special Education and At Risk students in understanding and mastering the
   2         1           2
                                 grade level Reading, Writing, and Math TEKS.
                                 Specialized instructional techniques and strategies, including guided reading, Daily 5, technology, and field trips will be used to
   2         1           4       improve vocabulary, reading, and writing focusing on LEP students, Special Ed students, and Economically Disadvantaged

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