Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information

Page created by Allen Fletcher
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
part-time course guide                                 2014/15

             Part-time, day and evening courses
             Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
On the 1st November 2013,
Aberdeen College and Banff &
Buchan College merged to form
North East Scotland College.

The new North East Scotland College (NESCOL)
now serves an extensive geographical area with its
main centres of delivery in Aberdeen and Fraserburgh
as well as learning centres in Ellon, Macduff, Inverurie
and the Scottish Maritime Academy in Peterhead.

The two Colleges, for many years, shared a commitment
to provide the best opportunities for the people of
Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire and had worked
together on numerous projects and initiatives to fulfil
that commitment. We now truly believe, as a single
institution, we will be even better placed to do just that.

By merging, North East Scotland College now has
the opportunity to combine expertise, facilities and
resources in a way that best serves the region.

In this first NESCOL Part-time Guide, we have not only
combined the Part-time courses traditionally offered
by both institutions, but have enriched the curriculum
offer in the community that we serve.

Thank you for choosing
North East Scotland College.

TEL   0300 330 5550
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
Welcome to the North East Scotland College
Part-time Course Guide for courses running
from August 2014 to June 2015.
Whether you wish to further your career, gain new skills and qualifications, or simply wish
to make new friends and enjoy yourself, we have something for everyone – and if you can’t
find what you’re looking for, let us know!

We want to offer courses in a place and at a time that suits you – so if you would like a
particular course to run in your local learning hub, or would like to tell us about any new
courses that interest you, please contact us. Once we have viable numbers, we’ll be in
touch with details of classes that might suit you!

Phone: 01224 612330 – option 3

Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
contents                                                                                           D I F F EREN T
                                                                                                   WAYS TO
                                                                                                                             study                                                           P L AC E S TO
                                          11      Accounting                                       AT NORTH EAST SCOTLAND COLLEGE                                                            Aberdeen Central Library
                                          17-20   Art, Design & Photography
                                                                                                   CAMPUSES & CENTRES
                                          21-22   Baking & Cake Decoration
                                                                                                   The part-time classes in this Guide                                                       Aberdeeen City Campus
                                          23      British Sign Language
                                                                                                   are taught in College campuses in
                                          24-26   Business Studies                                 Aberdeen and Fraserburgh, at our
                                          29-30   Care Studies                                     centres in Inverurie, Ellon, Macduff
                                                                                                   and at the Scottish Maritime Academy                                                      Aberdeen Altens Campus
                                          32-41   Computing & IT
                                                                                                   in Peterhead.
                                          42      Construction
                                          43      Customer Care                                                                                                                              Bucksburn Library
                                          45-46   Education & Childcare                            IN THE COMMUNITY
                                          46-53   Engineering
                                                                                                   There are also classes in a number
                                          55-56   English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)   of community settings including local                                                     Cults Library
                                          57      First Aid                                        libraries and community centres.
                                          58      Floristry & Garden Design
                                          59-62   Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy                                                                                                              Ellon Learning Centre
                                          64      Health & Safety
                                          64-65   Highers
                                          65-70   Hospitality
                                                                                                                                                                                             Fraserburgh Campus
                                          70      Human Resource Management
                                          71-74   Languages
                                                                                                                                                                                             Inverurie Learning Centre
                                          75-76   Mathematics
Different Ways to Study		     2           77-80   Quality Assurance
                                          81      Sailing                                                                                                                                    Kaimhill Library
Booking				4-5                            82      Science
Registering Your Interest		   6           82      Social Sciences
                                          82      Supply Chain & Transport                                                                                                                   Macduff Learning Centre
Fees					7-9                              85      TV, Radio & Sound Production
Open Days				10                           85      Travel & Tourism
                                          87      Trade Courses                                                                                                                              Scottish Maritime Academy
Booking Form 			              89-92                                                                OR YOU CHOOSE
Course Index			               94                                                                   There is also a wide variety of self-study options giving you the flexibility to choose   Westhill Community Centre
                                                                                                   where and when you want to study. The majority of courses have tutor support so you
                                                                                                   won’t be left completely on your own and if you don’t have a computer at home, don’t
                                                                                                   worry, you can use the IT facilities within Aberdeen and Fraserburgh Campuses (subject
                                                                                                   to opening hours and availability of equipment). Download your application form:


                                      2                                                                                                                             3
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
booking                                                                 ONTO A

Within the Guide you will see that some courses have information with
dates and times whereas others ask you to ‘Register an Interest’.
Firstly, let’s look at courses that contain dates and times. Follow the steps below to BOOK onto your course...

    ONLINE                 BY PHONE                BY POST                  IN PERSON               EMPLOYER              Within this Guide
                                                                                                                          you will see that
                                                                                                                          some courses
  Find the course you        Contact us on        Complete the form         Visit the Information    Booking a place
                                                                                                                          have information
 want at www.nescol.
                            01224 612330 and      at the back of this        & Booking Centre,
                                                                                located in the
                                                                                                    for an employee to                        IN PERSON
                             quote the course     Guide and send to:                                attend a class can    with dates and
  part-time. Once you       code and title. You   The Information &         College’s Aberdeen      be completed online
  find the course you       can pay using one                                    City Campus,                             times, whereas      Visit the Information & Booking Centre, located in the College’s Aberdeen City and
                                                   Booking Centre,                                    by following the
   wish to book, and          of the following       North East
                                                                                                     information above                        Fraserburgh Campuses, or our Centres in Inverurie and Macduff.
    are using a debit/     credit/debit cards –                                Campus, or our                             others ask you
                                                  Scotland College,                                 on online booking.
 credit card, click the     Mastercard/VISA/                                centres in Inverurie
 Book Online button.          Maestro/Delta.
                                                                                and Macduff.
                                                                                                       Alternatively,     to ‘Register an
    This will take you                              City Campus,                                    contact the College                       OPENING TIMES
     to the next page                                Gallowgate,                                    on 01224 612330 or    Interest’.
                                                                             Please see page
   where it will ask if                               Aberdeen                                            email:                              Information & Booking Centre
                                                                             5 for information
   it is for yourself or                              AB25 1BN
                                                                              on our centres.
                                                                                                    employerbookings                          ABERDEEN CITY CAMPUS                    INVERURIE LEARNING CENTRE
    for an employee.                                                                                                   Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN           Crichie Cottage, West Church Lane, Inverurie AB51 3SW
    Select which one                                Please do not
                                                                                                    and request FORM
                                                  send cash through
       that applies.                                                                                  EBF 2014/2015.                          Tel: 01224 612330                       Tel: 01467 623651
                                                      the post.

    Please note this
                                                                                                                                              Mon-Thurs: 10am-5pm                     Mon-Thurs: 9am-9pm (term-time only)
                                                                                                                          For Distance/       Friday: 10am-3.45pm                     9am-5pm (during holidays)
   method cannot be
  used for self-study
                                                                                                                          Blended Learning    Sat/Sun: closed                         Fri: 9am-5pm
  courses, fee waiver                                                                                                     courses please                                              Sat/Sun: closed
 or ILA payments. See                                                                                                     download an
 page 8-9 for guidance                                                                                                    application form:   FRASERBURGH CAMPUS
      on eligibility.                                                                                               Henderson Road, Fraserburgh AB43 9GA    MACDUFF LEARNING CENTRE
                                                                                                                                                                                      Fife Street, Macduff AB44 1XR
                                                                                                                                              Tel: 01346 586163
                                                                                                                                                                                      Tel: 01261 831632
                                                                                                                                              Mon-Thurs: 8.35am-5pm
                                                                                                                                              Fri: 8.35am-4pm                         Mon-Thurs: 8.35am-5pm
NOTE: Please note that courses are offered subject to there being sufficient numbers of bookings and the                                      Sat/Sun: closed                         Fri: 8.35am-4pm
availability of resources. The College reserves the right NOT to run courses where numbers are insufficient. Fees                                                                     (Open during term time only - closed during holidays)
are ONLY refundable if the course does not run. The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable
without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.

                                                                        4                                                                                                             5
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
            YO UR               interest                                                fees
                                                                                        All course fees must be paid on booking unless your course is free (check the list of benefits).
                                                                                        Courses will NOT run where enrolment numbers are too low or where resources are not available.
                                            WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

              We want to offer classes in a place and at a time that suits              Your course may be FREE if any of the following apply to you and you
                 you, so we need to know where you want to study and
              whether you prefer a morning, afternoon or evening. Once
                                                                                        are NOT a current full-time student at North East Scotland College:
               we receive this information we’ll be in touch with details
                    of classes being held that match your requirements.
                                                                                        You are in receipt of the following benefits:
                                                                                        Incapacity Benefit • Disability Living Allowance • Carers’ Allowance           IMPORTANT
                                                                                        Severe Disablement Allowance • Attendance Allowance • Contributory             If you do take up a place on a College course, at the start of the course you
                                                                                        Employment & Support Allowance • Personal Independence Payment.                will be asked to sign an enrolment form. In signing the form and/or taking
                                                                                                                                                                       up a place on a College course, you will enter into a contract with the

HOW DO YOU REGISTER YOUR INTEREST?                                                      You or your family is in receipt of any of the following benefits:
                                                                                        Pension Credit • Working Tax Credit • Housing Benefit • Income Support
                                                                                                                                                                       College and be bound by the North East Scotland College Standard Terms
                                                                                                                                                                       and Conditions of Study. Copies of the Terms and Conditions are available
                                                                                        Income Based Job Seekers’ Allowance • Income Related Employment                for inspection on noticeboards and at various locations throughout the
                                                                                        and Support Allowance • the ‘Universal Credit’ from October 2013               College, at the College Reception, on the College website: www.nescol.
                                                                                        onwards will apply here.                                             , or can be obtained on request from the Student Information and
                                 ONLINE                              BY PHONE           If you are eligible in any of the categories please complete the Waiver
                                                                                                                                                                       Admissions Manager, North East Scotland College, Aberdeen City
                                                                                                                                                                       Campus, Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN.
            • Find the course you want at                                Phone the      1 Form at the back of this Guide along with a Booking Form and submit                                  Information       with current evidence of your eligibility. Evidence must be dated within       Examination entry fees may be payable for
                                                                                        the last four weeks of the date you book onto the course and clearly
    • Find the course you are interested                               & Booking                                                                                       certain courses later in the session. Details are
                                                                                        show your name, address and the benefit you are in receipt of.
  in & click on ‘Register an Interest’ at                               Centre on                                                                                      available from the class tutor. A charge may be
                  the bottom of the page.                           01224 612330        Additionally, you may be entitled to remission of fees if the taxable          made for materials used by students on part-time
              • Fill in your name, location                          and answer         income of the student’s family*, in the previous financial tax year            programmes.
           and contact details and answer                               a few short     (2013/2014), is equivalent to or lower than the threshold below:
                      the two simple questions.                            questions.
                                                                                        • Households with only one person – £8,282
                                                                                        • Households consisting of a couple without children – £12,395
                                                                                        • Households with dependent children – £18,977
                                                                                        * The burden of proof is on the student to satisfy the College with
                                                                                          evidence of their family’s income.

                                WHAT HAPPENS                                            REFUNDS
                                NEXT                                                    Course fees are only refundable if the course does not run. For further
                                                                                        information please contact the Information & Booking Centre.
                                Once we have enough
                                people interested in your
                                area to run a class, we’ll set
                                one up and let you know so
                                that you can book your place.

                                                            6                                                                                                      7
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
SDS Individual
   SQA HIGHER                                   learning
    NATIONAL                                    accounts (ILAS)

  & DIPLOMAS                                    (ILAS)
                                                                                                                      - you must be ordinarily resident* in Scotland
                                                SDS (ILAs) are administered entirely by Skills
                                                Development Scotland, NOT the College.                                - aged 16 years or over
       (HNCs & HNDs)                                                                                                  - have an income of £22,000 or less, or be in receipt of a
                                                                                                                        qualifying benefit
                                                For information and advice on SDS (ILAs), please                                                                                             * Ordinarily resident means that you live in Scotland
                                                                                                                      - not hold a UK degree or postgraduate qualification or                year after year by choice, apart from temporary or
                                                contact Skills Development Scotland at:                                 overseas equivalent                                                  occasional absences such as holidays or business
All students registering for the above                                                                                                                      trips. Living here totally or mainly for the purpose
                                                                                                                      - not enrolled in any form of secondary, further or higher
courses must pay the appropriate SQA            or freephone 0800 917 8000                                              education.                                                           of receiving full-time education may not count as

  (HNCs & HNDs)
administration fees.
                                                To see if you are eligible to receive SDS (ILA) funding, please       • You are considered to be in secondary education until the
                                                                                                                                                                                             being ordinarily resident. If you are not a UK national,
                                                                                                                                                                                             you must be settled in Scotland (as set out in the
                                                                                                                        date you leave school.                                               Immigration Act 1971) immediately before the date on
                                                refer to the Skills Development Scotland website
Course fees where SQA administration                                                                                  • You are considered to be in further or higher education from         which you made your application.
                                                                                       the date you enrol on your course.
fees apply are marked with an asterisk*.                                                                                                                                                     ** The Employability Fund replaces the Get Ready
                                                                                                                      • If you’re a part-time student, who is not formally enrolled on
                                                                                                                                                                                             for Work and Training for Work National Training
                                                                                                                        any further or higher education, you would be eligible for
                                                SDS Individual Learning Accounts mean you can get up to £200                                                                                 Programmes from April 1, 2013.
                                                                                                                        ILA as long as you meet the remaining eligibility criteria.
Students setting out with the intention of      towards the costs of learning or training, but not everyone is        • You can’t use ILA to fund any part-time course which is
achieving a full HNC or HND Group Award         eligible. Before you apply, check that you meet the criteria below.     already funded by the part-time fee waiver grant.
must pay the full HNC or HND Group Award        If you have previously opened an Individual Learning Account          • If you’re participating in training through the Employability
Fee in addition to the course fee at the time                                                                           Fund** or Modern Apprenticeship, or participating on the
                                                and wish to renew it, we will need to confirm your continued
                                                                                                                        Community Jobs Scotland programme you’re not eligible
of booking. Students will receive a Group       eligibility. To do this please contact us on 0800 917 8000.                                                                                  The fee rates quoted in this guide do not apply
                                                                                                                        for ILA.
Award Certificate on completion of all                                                                                                                                                       in the case of any individual who does not meet
required units.                                 To apply you must be:                                                                                                                        the residential criteria relating to ‘home status’.
                                                - a British citizen;
                                                                                                                      PART-TIME FEE GRANT                                                    The basic criteria are that the individual must be
                                                                                                                      Some of our Part-time advanced courses may be eligible for             ordinarily resident in the UK or EEA for the past three
HNC Group Award – £108.75                                                                                             the part-time fee grant. Please contact The Information &              years, having no restrictions on the right to stay in the
HND Group Award – £131.25                       or                                                                    Booking Centre for details.                                            UK. Any applicant unable to fulfil these criteria should
                                                - a national of a member state of the European Economic Area                                                                                 state this at the time of booking so they can pay the
                                                who has utilised their ‘right of residence’;                                                                                                 non-subsidised fee rate that applies in these cases.
                                                                                                                      ASYLUM SEEKERS                                                         Applicants who are not entitled to pay the ‘home’ fee
                                                                                                                      If you have any restrictions on taking up employment or
                                                                                                                                                                                             rates are advised that they must pay the overseas fee
                                                                                                                      seeking benefits in the UK, then you may not be eligible to
                                                                                                                                                                                             rate to be entitled to take up a place on the course.
                                                - settled within the United Kingdom within the meaning of section     make an application. If you are not sure, please supply a
                                                                                                                                                                                             The conditions relating to residence are complex
                                                33(2A) of the Immigration Act 1971. You are only eligible for         photocopy of your most recent Home Office documentation
                                                                                                                                                                                             and an enquiry in this respect may be referred to the
                                                support if you are ‘settled within the UK’. If you are entitled to    (or stamp on your passport), confirming your status to remain
                                                                                                                                                                                             College’s International Student Adviser.
                                                SDS (ILA) funding.                                                    in the UK, along with your application.

                                                                                                                      FORCES PERSONNEL
                                                                                                                      Under the temporary non-resident arrangements, forces
                                                                                                                      personnel are treated as being resident at the establishment
                                                                                                                      where they are based. If they are ordinarily resident* in
                                                                                                                      Scotland but are serving overseas, they would be eligible.

                                                8                                                                                                                                        9
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  part-time 2014/15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Art, Design & Photography


 days                                                                              ACCOUNTING

                                                                                   AWARD IN MANUAL
                                                                                   BOOK KEEPING
                                                                                   (LEVEL 1)
                                                                                                       COURSE DESCRIPTION                              Course Ref

                                                                                                       Begin your book keeping studies and gain an YBNIB-O141A
                                                                                                       entry level qualification which covers single
                                                                                                       entry or manual book keeping systems,
                                                                                                       suitable for owners of small businesses.
                                                                                                                                                                     Start       Weeks    Day            Time            Site

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Self Study



                                                                                   AWARD IN MANUAL     Further your book keeping studies at Level      YBNID-O141A                                                       Self Study           £310      IAB
                                                                                   BOOK KEEPING        2. This course is also suitable for those who
                                                                                   (LEVEL 2)           already have some practical knowledge.
                                                                                   AWARD IN            Aimed at individuals who wish to begin their YBNCB-O141A                                                          Self Study           £340      IAB
                                                                                   COMPUTERISED        studies of book-keeping and gain an entry
                                                                                   BOOK KEEPING        level qualification at Level 1 of the National
                                                                                   (LEVEL 1 & 2)       Framework. This course is suitable for those
                                                                                                       with little or no previous knowledge or
                                                                                                       those who have some practical knowledge
                                                                                                       and skills at this level who wish to gain an
                                                                                                       accredited qualification in the subject.
                                                                                   AWARD IN            This course will increase the learner’s         YBNCT-O141A                                                       Self Study           £257      IAB
                                                                                   COMPUTERISED        ability to carry out a range of day-to-day
                                                                                   BOOK KEEPING        accounting and advanced book keeping
                                                                                   (LEVEL 3)           routines and activities using a manual
                                                                                                       book keeping system. Activities include

 PART-TIME information events
                                                                                                       routine book keeping and accounting
                                                                                                       tasks, including the production of
                                                                                                       complex financial statements for a
                                                                                                       sole trader or partnership from both
 Aberdeen City Campus........ Thursday 14th August 2014, 4-7pm                                         complete and incomplete records.

 Macduff Learning Centre.... Tuesday 19th August 2014, 2-7pm                       AWARD IN
                                                                                                       Designed for those who are keen to
                                                                                                       gain an understanding of basic payroll
                                                                                                                                                       YBNRY-O141A                                                       Self Study           £257      IAB

 Inverurie Leaning Centre.... Wednesday 20th August 2014, 2-7pm                    PAYROLL (LEVEL
                                                                                   1 & 2)
                                                                                                       procedures and wish to become
                                                                                                       professional payroll processors.
 Ellon Learning Centre.......... Monday 25th August 2014, 2-7pm                    AWARD IN            This course offers candidates an enhanced       YBNSL-O141A                                                       Self Study           £174      IAB
                                                                                   COMPUTERISED        understanding of the importance of
 Fraserburgh Campus............ Tuesday 26th August 2014, 4- 7pm                   PAYROLL (LEVEL 3)   maintaining accuracy, security and data
                                                                                                       integrity in performing payroll tasks using
                                                                                                       Sage Payroll. Activities include entry of
                                                                                                       payroll transactions and routine payroll
                                                                                                       tasks such as setting up company and

 College Open Days and Evenings                                                                        employee information within computerised
                                                                                                       payroll software and processing
                                                                                                       weekly and/or monthly payrolls.
 FOR INFORMATION AND ADVICE ON FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME COURSES                     HNC ACCOUNTING      This course will equip you with the             CJCA-E141A    02-Sep-14   37      Tue/Thu         18.00:21.15     Aberdeen             £680*     HNC YEAR 1
                                                                                                       knowledge and understanding needed to                                                                             City Campus
 Saturday 8 November 2014, 10am-2pm: Aberdeen City Campus &                                            work in industry or public sector accounting.
                                                                                                       Course work will involve essays, reports,
                                                                                                                                                       CJCA-E142A    02-Sep-14   37      Tue/Thu         18.00:21.15     Aberdeen             £680      HNC YEAR 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         City Campus
 Aberdeen Altens Campus                                                                                presentations, case studies and practical
                                                                                                                                                       CNCG-D141A    03-Sep-14   36      Wed             08.50:16.00     Fraserburgh          £680*     HNC PART 1
                                                                                                       projects which will allow you to develop
 Thursday 13 November 2014, 4.30-7.30pm: Fraserburgh Campus                                            the skills needed to succeed. This course
                                                                                                                                                       CNCG-D142A    04-Sep-14   36      Thu             08.50:16.00     Fraserburgh          £680      HNC PART 2
                                                                                                       is suitable for those with Highers, those
 Saturday 14 March 2015, 10am-2pm: Aberdeen City, Altens and Craibstone Campuses                       who have completed the Higher syllabus
                                                                                                       or those who have successfully completed
 Saturday 19 March 2015, 4.30-7.30pm: Fraserburgh Campus                                               a non-advanced College course.

                                                                                                       GUIDANCE REQUIRED for HNC Year 1/Part 1

                                                                                                                                                                                      The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
                                    10                                                                                                                                11              Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information


The SQA National Units listed below, offered on a distance learning or blended learning basis can be undertaken as stand-alone courses. However,
the units can also form part of an overall Group Award. Please refer to the colour code system to establish which Group Award the units belong to.

PDA Financial Accounting - Ideal qualifications for those who wish to acquire or develop skills and knowledge for the workplace, also provides a stepping stone to HNC level.   •
PDA Management Accounting - Ideal qualifications for those who wish to acquire or develop skills and knowledge for the workplace, also provides a stepping stone to HNC level.      •
Book Keeping PDA - Ideal qualifications for those who wish to acquire or develop skills and knowledge for the workplace, also provides a stepping stone to HNC level.   •
HNC Accounting - a general accounting award which allows candidates to gain skills and knowledge in financial accounting and cost accounting, using manual and computerised
methods.   •
* - indicates attendance at classroom-based delivery/exams
(m) - mandatory / (o) - optional

ACCOUNTING:              This Graded Unit is designed to                YBUAC-O141A                                                          Blended            £129        HN UNIT
GRADED UNIT 1            provide evidence that the candidate                                                                                 Learning*
(EXAM)                   has achieved the following principal
•                        aims of the HNC Accounting. (m)                                                                                                                                MATHEMATICS       This Unit will focus on formulating,          YBUMB-O141A                                             Self Study           £129      HN UNIT
BUSINESS LAW: AN         This Unit is designed to introduce the         YBUBW-O141A                                                          Self Study         £129        HN UNIT     FOR BUSINESS      solving and interpreting solutions of
INTRODUCTION             candidate to the framework of law as it                                                                                                                        •                 mathematical models for problems in

•                        applies within the business environment. (o)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          relation to business and commerce. (o)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          This Unit introduces learners to basic        Infill option                                           Taught               £129      HN UNIT
COST ACCOUNTING          This Unit is designed to introduce             YBUCT-O141A                                                          Self Study         £239        HN UNIT
••                       candidates to costing techniques
                         that may be utilised within a cost
                                                                                                                                                                                        •                 payroll calculations and procedures and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          processing of payroll using a commercially
                                                                                                                                                                                                          produced payroll software package. This
                         accounting environment. (m)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          unit must be studied in a class and is not
ECONOMICS ISSUES:        This Unit introduces candidates to             YBUEU-O141A                                                          Self Study         £129        HN UNIT                       available through distance learning. (m)
AN INTRODUCTION          fundamental issues in economics
•                        with a particular emphasis on the
                                                                                                                                                                                        PREPARING FINAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                          This Unit is designed to enable candidates
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to prepare final accounts for a range of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        YBUPC-O141A                                             Self Study           £239      HN UNIT

                         business environment. (o)
                         This Unit is designed to enable students       YBUTA-O141A                                                          Self Study         £129        HN UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                        ••                business organisations including sole
                                                                                                                                                                                                          traders, partnerships and companies. (m)
SOFTWARE 1               to use Information Technology (IT)
•                        systems and applications independently
                         to support a range of information
                                                                                                                                                                                                          This Unit is designed to enable
                                                                                                                                                                                                          candidates to effectively record and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        YBUFI-O141A                                             Self Study           £129      HN UNIT

                                                                                                                                                                                        INFORMATION       manage financial information. (m)

                         processing activities. (o)
                         This Unit is designed to allow candidates      YBUIH-O141A                                                          Self Study         £129        HN UNIT
SPREADSHEETS             to develop an understanding of                                                                                                                                 RECORDING         This Unit is designed to enable candidates to YBURT-O141A                                             Self Study           £129      HN UNIT
•                        spreadsheet design and how to use
                         spreadsheet features and functions
                                                                                                                                                                                                          effectively record financial transactions. (m)

                         for practical and effective use. (o)                                                                                                                           •
MANAGEMENT               This Unit is designed to enable                YBUGG-O141A                                                          Self Study         £239        HN UNIT     STATISTICS FOR    This Unit introduces candidates to            YBUSB-O141A                                             Self Study           £129      HN UNIT
ACCOUNTING               candidates to develop their management                                                                                                                         BUSINESS          statistical concepts and descriptive
USING IT                 information decision making and                                                                                                                                •                 statistics used in business. (o)
••                       information technology skills. (m)
                                                                                                                                                                                        USING FINANCIAL   This Unit is designed to enable candidates    YBUFG-O141A                                             Blended              £129      HN UNIT
MARKETING: AN            This Unit is designed to provide               YBUMN-O141A                                                          Self Study         £129        HN UNIT     ACCOUNTING        to use a commercial accounting                                                                        Learning*
INTRODUCTION             candidates with a knowledge and                                                                                                                                SOFTWARE          software package to process financial
•                        understanding of marketing and its
                         importance in organisations. (o)
                                                                                                                                                                                        •••               transactions and to prepare accounting
                                                                                                                                                                                                          reports for a small business. (m)

                                                                                                                                                                                            HOW TO          apply...                   
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TELEPHONE: 01224 612330 - option 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
                                                                                          12                                                                                                                                                                            13   Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Part-time course guide 2014/15 - Part-time, day and evening courses Class times, locations, contacts, fees & general information
ART, DESIGN AND     Course Description                            Course Ref    Start       Weeks    Day             Time            Site                 Fee       Qualification
                                                   ART FOR THE         Producing your own fine art is a relaxing     YENAU-E141A   18-Sep-14   10       Thu            19.00:21.00     Aberdeen             £140       COLL CERT
                                                   AMATEUR             hobby, and a great way to identify and                                                                          City Campus
                                                                       interact with your surroundings. On this      YENAU-D141A   24-Sep-14   10       Wed            13.00:15.00     Inverurie            £140       COLL CERT
                                                                       course you can develop a latent talent                                                                          Learning Centre
                                                                       or discover a new one, and gain the
                                                                                                                     YENAU-D142A   21-Jan-15   10       Wed            13.00:15.00     Inverurie            £140       COLL CERT
                                                                       satisfaction and confidence that comes
                                                                                                                                                                                       Learning Centre
                                                                       with creating your own masterpiece.
                                                                                                                     YENAU-E142A   22-Jan-15   10       Thu            19.00:21.00     Aberdeen             £140       COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                                                       City Campus
                                                                       Students will need to provide their own
                                                                                                                     YENAU-D143A   22-Apr-15   9        Wed            12.45:15.00     Inverurie            £140       COLL CERT
                                                                       materials, as advised by the tutor.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Learning Centre
                                                                                                                     YENAU-E143A   23-Apr-15   8        Thu            18.45:21.15     Aberdeen             £140       COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                                                       City Campus
                                                   COSTUME             Explore the versatility of jewellery making   YENJM-E143A   21-Apr-15   8        Tue            18.30:21.00     Aberdeen             £140       COLL CERT
                                                   JEWELLERY MAKING    using a variety of methods, materials and                                                                       City Campus
                                                                       techniques on this fun and creative course.
                                                                       You will learn how to recycle old costume
                                                                       jewellery and how to create custom-made
                                                                       bracelets, earring, rings, necklaces,
                                                                       brooches and more - the perfect way to
                                                                       bring your jewellery box back to life.
                                                   CREATIVE TEXTILES   Learn how to use hand and machine             YENCT-E142A   13-Jan-15   12       Tue            18.30:21.00     Inverurie            £200       COLL CERT
                                                   TECHNIQUES          stitching for the purpose of manipulation,                                                                      Learning Centre
                                                                       decoration and embellishment of               YENCT-E142B   19-Jan-15   12       Mon            18.30:21.00     Aberdeen             £200       COLL CERT
                                                                       paper and fabrics to inspire textiles.                                                                          City Campus
                                                                       Previous sewing experience and
                                                                       knowledge is required for this course.

                                                                       Students will need to provide their own
                                                                       materials, as advised by the tutor.
                                                   INTRODUCTION        Sewing has re-emerged in the 21st             YENTX-E141A   01-Sep-14   12       Mon            18.30:21.00     Aberdeen             £200       COLL CERT
                                                   TO SEWING AND       Century as a fun art form and a great                                                                           City Campus
                                                   TEXTILES            way to express one’s creativity in a
                                                                       very practical way. This beginners level
                                                                       course is intended to provide learners        YENTX-E141B   09-Sep-14   12       Tue            18.30:21.00     Inverurie            £200       COLL CERT
                                                                       who have an interest in fabric and fashion                                                                      Learning Centre
                                                                       with basic sewing skills, as well as an
                                                                       understanding of materials and textiles.
                                                                                                                     YENTX-E143A   28-Jan-15   12       Wed            18.30:21.00     Aberdeen             £200       COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                                                       City Campus
                                                                       Students will need to provide their own
                                                                       materials, as advised by the tutor.
                                                   SOFT FURNISHINGS:   Learn the basic skills needed for simple      YENUR-E144A   04-May-15   8        Mon            18.30:21.00     Aberdeen             £140       COLL CERT
                                                   CURTAINS AND        curtain and cushion making, including                                                                           City Campus
                                                   CUSHIONS            how to accurately measure and estimate
Find us on Facebook:                       fabrics, plan projects and how to approach
                                                                       a range of decorative techniques.

Follow us on Twitter:                       Students will need to provide their own
                                                                       materials, as advised by the tutor.

                                                                                                                                                    The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
                                       14                                                                                           15              Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
ART, DESIGN AND   Course Description                             Course Ref    Start       Weeks       Day            Time            Site                 Fee        Qualification
                                                                                                                                                                         DIGITAL           Digital compact cameras offer the freedom      YEMDH-E141A   01-Sep-14   10         Mon             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen             £148       COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                         PHOTOGRAPHY       to experiment with photography, making                                                                              City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                         FOR BEGINNERS     it easy to capture a variety of shots,         YEMDH-D141A   03-Sep-14   10         Wed             09.15:11.15     Cults Library        £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                           preserve your favourite memories and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-D141B   03-Sep-14   10         Wed             09.30:11.30     Bucksburn            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                           create your own photographic works of
                                                                                                                                                                                           art. You will learn the basics of how to use
                                                                                                                                                                                           a digital camera including, how to control     YEMDH-D141C   03-Sep-14   10         Wed             14.00:16.00     Kaimhill Library     £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                           lighting and exposure, and you will also be    YEMDH-D141D   04-Sep-14   10         Thu             09.30:11.30     Aberdeen             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                           introduced to a variety of enhancement                                                                              Central Library
                                                                                                                                                                                           options using Adobe Photoshop Elements.        YEMDH-D141E   09-Sep-14   10         Tue             13.00:15.00     Inverurie            £148       COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-E141B   09-Sep-14   10         Tue             18.30:20.30     Scottish             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
 INTRODUCTION TO             This course is intended to provide                  YENDK-E141A   04-Sep-14   12   Thu   18.30:21.00   Aberdeen          £200   COLL CERT                                                                                                                                         Maritime
 DRESSMAKING                 those who have an interest in fabric                                                                   City Campus                                                                                                                                                                Academy
                             and fashion with basic sewing skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-E141C   09-Sep-14   10         Tue             19.00:21.00     Macduff              £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                             and an understanding of materials and
                                                                                 YENDK-D141A   09-Sep-14   12   Tue   09.30:12.00   Inverurie         £200   COLL CERT                                                                                                                                         Learning Centre
                             textiles. This course will give you the
                             skills needed to create your own unique                                                                Learning Centre                                                                                       YEMDH-E141D   09-Sep-14   10         Tue             19.00:21.00     Inverurie            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                             pieces and customise your wardrobe.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-E141E   10-Sep-14   10         Wed             19.00:21.00     Ellon Learning       £148       COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                 YENDK-D141B   09-Sep-14   15   Tue   13.00:15.00   Ellon Learning    £200   COLL CERT                                                                                                                                         Centre
                             Students will need to provide their own                                                                Centre
                             materials, as advised by the tutor.                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-E141F   11-Sep-14   10         Thu             19.00:21.00     Fraserburgh          £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                 YENDK-E143A   28-Jan-15   15   Wed   19.00:21.00   Ellon Learning    £200   COLL CERT                                                                    YEMDH-D142A   15-Jan-15   10         Thu             10.00:12.00     Ellon Learning       £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                    Centre                                                                                                                                                                     Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-D142B   19-Jan-15   10         Mon             13.00:15.00     Inverurie            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Learning Centre
                                                                                 YENDK-E143B   29-Jan-15   12   Thu   18.30:21.00   Aberdeen          £200   COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-D142C   20-Jan-15   10         Tue             14.00:16.00     Aberdeen             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                    City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Central Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-E142A   21-Jan-15   10         Wed             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
 KNITTING AND                Knitting and crocheting have experienced            YENKC-E141A   01-Sep-14   12   Mon   18.30:21.00   Aberdeen          £200   COLL CERT                                                                                                                                         City Campus
 CROCHETING FOR              a revival on the catwalk in recent                                                                     City Campus                                                                                           YEMDH-E143A   04-Feb-15   10         Wed             19.00:21.00     Cults Library        £148      COLL CERT/SQA
 BEGINNERS                   years. This course will introduce you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEMDH-E143B   20-Apr-15   8          Mon             18.30:21.00     Inverurie            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                             to the basics, enabling you to produce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Learning Centre
                             unique and cost effective garments and              YENKC-E142A   19-Jan-15   12   Mon   18.30:21.00   Aberdeen          £200   COLL CERT
                             accessories to enhance your wardrobe.                                                                  City Campus                                                                                           YEMDH-D143A   22-Apr-15   10         Wed             10.00:12.00     Macduff              £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Learning Centre

                             Students will need to provide their own             YENKC-E143A   21-Apr-15   10   Tue   18.30:21.00   Inverurie         £200   COLL CERT
                             materials, as advised by the tutor.                                                                    Learning Centre

 LIFE DRAWING                An opportunity for artists of all abilities         CCMLF-E141A   16-Sep-14   18   Tue   19.00:21.00   Fraserburgh       £97    NAT UNIT
                             to perfect their life drawing skills whilst                                                            Campus
                             studying a live model, draped and
                             undraped, using a variety of materials.

                                                                                                                                                                                 please note:
                                                                                                                                                                                   Additional course information and specific details of entry requirements are available at:

The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.                                                                                                                                                                                 The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
                                                                                                     16                                                                                                                                                  17                 Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
part-time 2014/15

                                                                                        DIGITAL           Following on from beginners level, this     YEMDN-E142A   24-Nov-14   10      Mon             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen             £148       COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                        PHOTOGRAPHY:      course offers the opportunity to use                                                                          City Campus
                                                                                        THE NEXT STEP     advanced features of your camera and        YEMDN-D142A   03-Dec-14   10      Wed             09.15:11.15     Cults Library        £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                          Adobe Photoshop Elements. Working
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-D142B   03-Dec-14   10      Wed             14.00:16.00     Kaimhill Library     £148      COLL CERT/SQ
                                                                                                          with composition and exploring a
                                                                                                          variety of genres of photography you        YEMDN-D142C   04-Dec-14   10      Thu             09.30:11.30     Aberdeen             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                          will begin to develop your own style                                                                          Central Library
                                                                                                          and preferences. The digital editing will   YEMDN-E142F   04-Dec-14   10      Thu             19.00:21.00     Fraserburgh          £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                          introduce you to exploring layer, cloning                                                                     Campus
                                                                                                          and healing techniques, allowing you        YEMDN-D142D   10-Dec-14   10      Wed             09.30:11.30     Bucksburn            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                          to mend old or imperfect images.                                                                              Library
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-D142E   13-Jan-15   10      Tue             13.00:15.00     Inverurie            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                          Previous knowledge of Photoshop required.                                                                     Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-E142B   13-Jan-15   10      Tue             18.30:20.30     Scottish             £148       COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-E142C   13-Jan-15   10      Tue             19.00:21.00     Macduff              £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-E142D   13-Jan-15   10      Tue             19.00:21.00     Inverurie            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-E142E   14-Jan-15   10      Wed             19.00:21.00     Ellon Learning       £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-D143A   21-Apr-15   8       Tue             14.00:16.30     Aberdeen             £148       COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Central Library
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-E143B   22-Apr-15   10      Wed             19.00:21.00     Cults Library        £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-E143A   22-Apr-15   9       Wed             19.00:21.15     Aberdeen             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        City Campus
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-D143B   23-Apr-15   8       Thu             10.00:12.30     Ellon Learning       £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                      YEMDN-D144A   27-Apr-15   8       Mon             13.00:15.30     Inverurie            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Learning Centre
                                                                                        DIGITAL           Digital single lens reflex (dSLR) and       YEMVM-E141A   03-Sep-14   10      Wed             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                        PHOTOGRAPHY:      advanced compact cameras offer a                                                                              City Campus
                                                                                        CREATIVE IMAGES   great way to explore and extend your        YEMVM-E143A   02-Mar-15   10      Mon             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                          photographic creativity. You will learn                                                                       City Campus
                                                                                                          how to capture creative images using
                                                                                                                                                      YEMVM-D143A   05-Mar-15   10      Thu             09.30:11.30     Aberdeen             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                          some quite advanced digital editing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Central Library
                                                                                                          techniques using Photoshop Elements.
                                                                                                          This course builds and expands on           YEMVM-D143B   11-Mar-15   10      Wed             09.15:11.15     Cults Library        £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                          knowledge from previous courses.            YEMVM-D143C   11-Mar-15   10      Wed             14.00:16.00     Kaimhill Library     £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                      YEMVM-E143F   12-Mar-15   10      Thu             19.00:21.00     Fraserburgh          £148      COLL CERT/SQA
Creative Industries End of Year Show                                                                      Previous knowledge of Photoshop required.                                                                     Campus
                                                                                                                                                      YEMVM-D143D   18-Mar-15   10      Wed             09.30:11.30     Bucksburn            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                      YEMVM-D143E   21-Apr-15   8       Tue             13.00:15.30     Inverurie            £148      COLL CERT/SQA
The annual show allows students in their final year of creative industries courses                                                                                                                                      Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                      YEMVM-E143B   21-Apr-15   8       Tue             18.30:21.00     Macduff              £148      COLL CERT/SQA
across the College to showcase their work. Held in the middle of June at the Aberdeen                                                                                                                                   Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                      YEMVM-E143C   21-Apr-15   8       Tue             18.30:21.00     Scottish             £148      COLL CERT/SQA
City Campus, the show is open for three days to the public and features the work of                                                                                                                                     Maritime

Art & Design, Fashion, Visual Communication, Photography, Computer Animation, TV                                                                      YEMVM-E143D   21-Apr-15   10      Tue             19.00:21.00     Inverurie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             £148      COLL CERT/SQA

and Music students.                                                                                                                                   YEMVM-E143E   22-Apr-15   8       Wed             18.30:21.00     Ellon Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             £148      COLL CERT/SQA

                                                                                                                                                                                     The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
                                          18                                                                                                                         19              Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            part-time 2014/15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Baking & Cake Decoration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            British Sign Language
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Business Studies

                                                                                                                                                           BAKING AND CAKE    COURSE DESCRIPTION                              Course Ref    Start       Weeks        Day             Time            Site                 Fee       Qualification
                                                                                                                                                           BREADMAKING        On this course students will study the          YENBM-K141A   04-Oct-14   1 day        Sat             10.00:16.00     Aberdeen            £85        COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                           WORKSHOP           practicalities and principles of how to make                                                                           City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                              a basic, delicious loaf of bread. You will      YENBM-K142A   08-Nov-14   1 day        Sat             10.00:16.00     Aberdeen            £85        COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                                              be surprised to learn that making bread                                                                                City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                              isn’t as daunting as you may think, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              YENBM-K142B   17-Jan-15   1 day        Sat             10.00:16.00     Aberdeen            £85        COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                                              there will be plenty for you take home!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              YENBM-K143A   07-Mar-15   1 day        Sat             10.00:16.00     Aberdeen            £85        COLL CERT
PURELY             Learn about the various functions of the    YEMPG-D141A   03-Sep-14   10   Wed   12.00:14.00   Bucksburn         £148   COLL CERT/SQA                      Cost of core ingredients included in the                                                                               City Campus
PHOTOGRAPHY        digital SLR or compact camera functions                                                        Library                                                     course fee. Students only required to
                   such as aperture settings and shutter                                                                                                                      bring an apron to class each week.
                                                               YEMPG-D141B   04-Sep-14   10   Thu   14.00:16.00   Aberdeen          £148   COLL CERT/SQA
                   speeds which will allow you to maximise                                                        Central Library                          CAKE DECORATION    This 10 week course will introduce you          YENKD-E141A   03-Sep-14   10           Wed             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen            £145       COLL CERT
                   the use of your camera and move away                                                                                                    FOR BEGINNERS      to some of the equipment used in cake                                                                                  City Campus
                                                               YEMPG-E141A   04-Sep-14   10   Thu   19.00:21.00   Aberdeen          £148   COLL CERT/SQA
                   from the automatic settings. Very much                                                                                                                     decorating and sugarcraft. You will also        YENKD-E143A   22-Apr-15   8            Wed             18.30:21.00     Aberdeen            £145       COLL CERT
                                                                                                                  City Campus
                   a practical class you will be using your                                                                                                                   have the opportunity to explore and                                                                                    City Campus
                   own camera to capture images to test        YEMPG-E141B   08-Sep-14   10   Mon   19.00:21.00   Inverurie         £148   COLL CERT/SQA                      experiment with a range of different
                   the various settings available to you.                                                         Learning Centre                                             cake decoration techniques, suitable
                                                               YEMPG-D142A   26-Nov-14   10   Wed   11.30:13.30   Cults Library     £148   COLL CERT/SQA                      for any celebration or occasion.
                                                               YEMPG-D142B   14-Jan-15   10   Wed   10.00:12.00   Macduff           £148   COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                  Learning Centre                                             Cost of core ingredients included in the
                                                               YEMPG-E142A   15-Jan-15   10   Thu   18.30:20.30   Scottish          £148   COLL CERT/SQA                      course fee. Students only required to
                                                                                                                  Maritime                                                    bring an apron to class each week.
                                                                                                                  Academy                                  CAKE DECORATION:   Now that you have mastered the basic skills     YENKN-E142A   21-Jan-15   10           Wed             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen            £145       COLL CERT
                                                               YEMPG-D142C   19-Jan-15   10   Mon   13.00:15.00   Inverurie         £148   COLL CERT/SQA   NEXT STEP          for cake decoration, it’s time to take the                                                                             City Campus
                                                                                                                  Learning Centre                                             next step. During this 10 week course you
                                                                                                                                                                              will be able to expand and perfect the skills
                                                               YEMPG-E142B   20-Jan-15   10   Tue   19.00:21.00   Fraserburgh       £148   COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                              you already have, and start to concentrate
                                                                                                                                                                              on more complex design and decoration.
                                                               YEMPG-D143A   23-Apr-15   8    Thu   14.00:16.30   Aberdeen          £148   COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                  Central Library
                                                                                                                                                                              Cost of core ingredients included in the
                                                               YEMPG-E143A   23-Apr-15   9    Thu   19.00:21.15   Aberdeen          £148   COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                                              course fee. Students only required to
                                                                                                                  City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                              bring an apron to class each week.
PURELY PHOTOSHOP   Aimed at individuals who are                YEMPH-E142A   19-Jan-15   10   Mon   19.00:21.00   Inverurie         £148   COLL CERT/SQA
                                                                                                                                                           CELEBRATION        Our one-day workshop will introduce             YENCY-K141A   11-Oct-14   1 day        Sat             10.00:16.00     Aberdeen            £85        COLL CERT
                   confident in the image capture side                                                            Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                           CAKE DECORATION    you to the basics of creating a simple                                                                                 City Campus
                   of digital photography, but want to         YEMPH-D142A   21-Jan-15   10   Wed   12.00:14.00   Bucksburn         £148   COLL CERT/SQA   (BIRTHDAYS)        Birthday cake design. You will prepare
                   enhance and edit their images using                                                            Library                                                     a cake which you will decorate using
                   Adobe Photoshop Elements
                                                               YEMPH-D142B   22-Jan-15   10   Thu   14.00:16.00   Aberdeen          £148   COLL CERT/SQA                      simple techniques. You can then take
                                                                                                                  Central Library                                             your masterpiece home with you, and
                   Previous knowledge of Photoshop required.   YEMPH-E143A   12-Feb-15   9    Thu   19.00:21.15   Aberdeen          £148   COLL CERT/SQA                      impress your family and friends.
                                                                                                                  City Campus
                                                               YEMPH-D143A   11-Mar-15   10   Wed   11.30:13.30   Cults Library     £148   COLL CERT/SQA                      Cost of core ingredients included in the
                                                                                                                                                                              course fee. Students only required to
                                                                                                                                                                              bring an apron to class each week.

  HOW TO            apply...                   
                                                         TELEPHONE: 01224 612330 - option 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
                                                                                  20                                                                                                                                                         21                 Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
CELEBRATION                 Our two-day workshop is completed                   YENCM-K142A   01-Nov-14   2       Sat   10.00:16.00   Aberdeen      £115   COLL CERT
 CAKE DECORATION             over two consecutive Saturdays, and                                                                       City Campus
 (CHRISTMAS)                 will introduce you to the basics of baking
                             and creating a simple Christmas cake.
                             You will prepare your own cake (made
                             the previous week) which you will
                             decorate, applying simple techniques in
                             order to create a festive masterpiece.

                             Cost of core ingredients included in the
                             course fee. Students only required to
                             bring an apron to class each week.
 CELEBRATION                 Our one-day workshop will introduce                 YENCA-K143A   28-Feb-15   1 day   Sat   10.00:16.00   Aberdeen      £85    COLL CERT
 CAKE DECORATION             you to the basics of creating a simple                                                                    City Campus                                                                                                                  Want to be your own boss!
 (EASTER)                    Easter cake design. You will prepare a
                             cake for decoration and apply simple                                                                                                                                                                                                   In March, Enterprise North East Trust (ENET), one of the country’s
                             techniques to decorate your cake. You                                                                                                                                                                                                  leading business support and development organisations, arranged
                             can then take your masterpiece home                                                                                                                                                                                                    a day of help and advice for students considering starting up their
                             with you to impress family and friends!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    own business. Held at Aberdeen City Campus, the event attracted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    industry and enterprise representatives and guest speakers Sam
                             Cost of core ingredients included in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Brill, Graeme Masterton, Matthew Tutt and Tracey Devine.
                             course fee. Students only required to
                             bring an apron to class each week.
 CELEBRATION                 Our one-day workshop will introduce                 YENCW-K144A   09-May-15   1 day   Sat   10.00:16.00   Aberdeen      £85    COLL CERT
 CAKE DECORATION             you to the basics of creating a simple                                                                    City Campus
 (WEDDINGS)                  but traditional Wedding cake design. You
                             will prepare a cake which you will then
                             decorate, applying simple techniques
                             in order to perfect your design.

                             Cost of core ingredients included in the
                             course fee. Students only required to
                             bring an apron to class each week.
 CREATIVE CUP CAKES This course will show you how to make                        YENAK-E141A   01-Sep-14   6       Mon   18.30:21.00   Aberdeen      £105   COLL CERT
 & CAKE POPS        and decorate delicious cupcakes and cake                                                                           City Campus
                    pops, perfect for parties and events.                        YENAK-E142A   19-Jan-15   6       Mon   18.30:21.00   Aberdeen      £105   COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                                        BRITISH SIGN       COURSE DESCRIPTION                             Course Ref    Start       Weeks      Day             Time            Site                 Fee        Qualification
                                                                                                                                       City Campus
                             Cost of core ingredients included in the
                             course fee. Students only required to                                                                                                      BRITISH SIGN       Learn to use British Sign Language to          YCMSL-D141A   02-Sep-14   15         Tue             10.00:12.00     Aberdeen            £99        NAT UNIT
                             bring an apron to class each week.                                                                                                         LANGUAGE: AN       establish social relations and to understand                                                                        City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                        INTRODUCTION       presentations for information, pleasure        YCMSL-E141A   04-Sep-14   15         Thu             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen            £99        NAT UNIT
 PERFECT PASTRIES            If you find making pastry a challenge then  YENPR-E142A           22-Jan-15   8       Thu   18.30:21.00   Aberdeen      £145   COLL CERT
                                                                                                                                                                                           and vocational needs. This introductory                                                                             City Campus
                             this course is for you. You will learn the                                                                City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                                           course allows you to develop the skills
                             secrets of perfect pastry and once you know                                                                                                                                                                  YCMSL-E141B   04-Sep-14   15         Thu             19.00:21.00     Inverurie       £99            NAT UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                           needed to exchange personal information
                             how to make the classics, you’ll be able to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                           with users of British Sign Language,
                             create endless sweet and savoury dishes.                                                                                                                                                                     YCMSL-E142A   20-Jan-15   15         Tue             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen            £99        NAT UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                           obtain and provide goods and services
                                                                                                                                                                                           and to understand simple presentations                                                                              City Campus
                             Cost of core ingredients included in the                                                                                                                      in everyday, informal social situations.
                             course fee. Students only required to
                                                                                                                                                                        BRITISH SIGN       Build on your skills using British Sign        YCMSM-E141A   02-Sep-14   15         Tue             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen            £99        NAT UNIT
                             bring an apron to class each week.
                                                                                                                                                                        LANGUAGE           Language to converse on matters of mutual                                                                           City Campus
 TRADITIONAL                 Everyone loves home-baked cakes - this              YENHB-E143A   23-Apr-15   8       Thu   18.30:21.00   Aberdeen      £145   COLL CERT   (INTERMEDIATE 1)   interest with other users, to negotiate        YCMSM-E141B   03-Sep-14   15         Wed             18.30:20.30     Aberdeen            £99        NAT UNIT
 HOME BAKING                 course is aimed at beginners with a sweet                                                                 City Campus                                         services, to understand presentations                                                                               City Campus
                             tooth and a passion for home-cooking. You                                                                                                                     and to convey simple formal and informal
                             will practice a number of key techniques,                                                                                                                                                                    YCMSM-E141C   11-Sep-14   12         Thu             18.15:20.45     Scottish            £99        NAT UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                           information. This course follows on
                             and learn how to bake and decorate a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Maritime
                                                                                                                                                                                           from introductory level and will also
                             lovely selection of traditional cakes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                           develop your communication skills in
                                                                                                                                                                                           everyday and vocational situations             YCMSM-D142A   20-Jan-15   15         Tue             10.00:12.00     Aberdeen            £99        NAT UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                           such as meetings, going to the shops,                                                                               City Campus
                             Cost of core ingredients included in the
                             course fee. Students only required to                                                                                                                         eating in restaurants and travelling.          YCMSM-E142A   22-Jan-15   15         Thu             19.00:21.00     Aberdeen            £99        NAT UNIT
                             bring an apron to class each week.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                City Campus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YCMSM-E143A   29-Jan-15   15         Thu             19.00:21.00     Inverurie       £99            NAT UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Learning Centre

             please note:
                 Additional course information and specific details of entry requirements are available at:

The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.                                                                                                                                                                               The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
                                                                                                    22                                                                                                                                                   23               Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
BUSINESS STUDIES         COURSE DESCRIPTION                                   Course Ref   Start       Weeks   Day       Time          Site          Fee     Qualification        Business Gateway
    CERTIFICATE IN           This programme is ideal for individuals             YBNTM-O141A   03-Nov-14   24                              Blended       £202    ILM                  Enterprise Conference
    EFFECTIVE TEAM           who have just joined a new organisation                                                                       Learning*
    MEMBER SKILLS            or team. It is also suitable for those who                                                                                                               Students across North East
                                                                                 YBNTM-O143A   02-Mar-15   24                              Blended       £202    ILM
    (LEVEL 2)                wish to progress to a team leader position,                                                                   Learning*                                  Scotland College were given
                             providing you with the skills and knowledge                                                                                                              the opportunity to attend
                             necessary to succeed. There will be intakes
                                                                                                                                                                                      two enterprise conferences
                             in November and March each year.
                                                                                                                                                                                      organised by Business Gateway
    CERTIFICATE IN           This qualification is designed for junior           YBNRG-O141A   03-Nov-14   24                              Blended       £202    ILM
    COACHING AND             managers who are seeking to gain                                                                              Learning*                                  to hear from a variety of speakers
    MENTORING                skills, knowledge and confidence in                 YBNRG-O143A   02-Mar 15   24                              Blended       £202    ILM                  including The Apprentice finalist
    (LEVEL 3)                coaching and mentoring people as part                                                                         Learning*                                  Neil Clough and Seb Jones,
                             of their normal role. It is also the ideal                                                                                                               founder of Speyside Bewery.
                             starting point for a career in coaching
                             and mentoring. There will be intakes                                                                                                                     The events were held so
                             in November and March each year.
                                                                                                                                                                                      that people in the North East
    CERTIFICATE IN           This qualification is ideal for individuals         YBNLH-O141A   03-Nov-14   40                              Blended       £218    ILM
                                                                                                                                                                                      could hear about enterprising
    LEADERSHIP AND           who have management responsibilities                                                                          Learning*
    MANAGEMENT               but no formal training, and are serious                                                                                                                  opportunities available to them
                                                                                 YBNLH-O143A   02-Mar-15   40                              Blended       £218    ILM
    (LEVEL 3)                about developing their abilities. The                                                                         Learning*                                  should they ever consider
                             programme particularly supports practising                                                                                                               becoming self-employed.
                             team leaders who are seeking to move
                             up to the next level of management, and
                             managers who must lead people through
                             organisational change, budget cuts or
                             other pressures. There will be intakes
                             in November and March each year.
    HNC                      This course is suitable for those with              CHCI-E141A    09-Sep-14   37      Tue/Thu   18.00:21.15   Aberdeen      £680*   HNC YEAR 1
    ADMINISTRATION           Highers, those who have completed                                                                             City Campus
    AND INFORMATION          the Higher syllabus or those who have
    TECHNOLOGY               successfully completed a non-advanced
                             College course. Course work takes the               CHCI-E142A    09-Sep-14   37      Tue/Thu   18.00:21.15   Aberdeen      £680    HNC YEAR 2
                             form of essays, reports, presentations,                                                                       City Campus
                             case studies and practical projects.

                             GUIDANCE REQUIRED for Year 1
    PROJECT                  This PRINCE2 Project Management course              YBNRM-O141A                                               Blended       £465    PRINCE2
    MANAGEMENT               is offered at Foundation level using a high                                                                   Learning*
    (FOUNDATION LEVEL)       quality e-learning training solution which is
                             approved and accredited by the PRINCE2
                             Certification Body, the APM Group. This
                             course allows you to train anywhere,
                             anytime - all you need is access to the
                             internet. The e-learning is broken into
                             bite-size lessons, combining leading edge
                             multi-media and interactive exercises
                             for optimum enjoyment and knowledge
                             retention. It includes the renowned ILX
                             PRINCE2 Foundation case study and exam
                             simulator that has helped many people
                             world-wide pass their exam the first time.
    PROJECT                  This PRINCE2 Project Management                     YBNRT-O141A                                               Blended       £495    PRINCE2
    MANAGEMENT               course is offered at Practitioner level. This                                                                 Learning*
    (PRACTITIONER            accredited multimedia training course
    LEVEL)                   includes everything you need to upgrade
                             your PRINCE2 Foundation qualification
                             to full PRINCE2 Practitioner level. This
                             course allows you to train anywhere,
                             anytime - all you need is access to the
                             internet. The mock exam simulator comes
                             with the e-learning and allows you to test
                             and re-test your understanding of the
                             PRINCE2 Practitioner course to ensure
                             you will be confident for the exam.

      HOW TO                   apply...                       
                                                                        TELEPHONE: 01224 612330 - option 3

The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
                                                                                                    24                                                                           25
BUSINESS STUDIES - DISTANCE/BLENDED LEARNING OPTION                                                                                                                                             IT IN BUSINESS:   This Unit is designed to develop skills           YBUIB-O141A                                           Self Study          £239       HN UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                      WORD PROCESSING and knowledge in word processing
                                                                                                                                                                                                      AND PRESENTATIONS and presentation packages to aid
      The SQA National Units listed below, offered on a distance or blended learning basis can be undertaken as stand-alone courses. However, the
      units can also form part of an overall Group Award. Please refer to the colour code system to establish which Group Award the units belong to.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ••                business communication. (m)

                                                                                                                                                                                                      MANAGEMENT            This Unit is designed to enable               YBUGG-O141A                                           Self Study          £239       HN UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ACCOUNTING            candidates to develop their management
      PDA Office Administration - The PDA in Office Administration delivers the essential skills and knowledge for a range of administrative roles. This makes it suitable CPD for those working in   USING IT              information decision making and
      an administrative role, or for anyone seeking to enter employment in this area. It also provides a stepping stone to HNC level. Pre-entry guidance is required before booking this course.      •                     information technology skills. (o)
      PDA IT in Business - Ideal qualifications for those who wish to acquire or develop skills and knowledge for the workplace, also provides a stepping stone to HNC level. Pre-entry guidance
                                                                                                                                                                                                      MANAGING              This Unit is designed to enable candidates    YBUPO-O141A                                           Self Study          £239       HN UNIT
      is required before booking this course.                                                                                                                                                         PEOPLE AND            to gain an understanding of different
      HNC Administration and IT - Allows candidates to gain skills and knowledge in office related information technology, advanced word processing, administration, accounting,                      ORGANISATIONS         approaches to managing an organisation
      business communication & psychology. It also provides an opportunity to bring these subjects together. Pre-entry guidance is required before booking this course.   •                           •                     in today’s dynamic and complex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            business environment. (m)
      HNC in Business - This course aims to enhance the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a successful career in business. Partnerships with universities also ensure progression
      opportunities on to degree programmes for our students. Pre-entry guidance is required before booking this course.   •                                                                          MARKETING: AN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This Unit is designed to provide candidates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            with a knowledge and understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YBUMN-O141A                                           Self Study          £129       HN UNIT

      *(m)--indicates attendance at classroom-based delivery/exams                                                                                                                                    ••                    of marketing and its importance in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            organisations. (m - Business HNC)
             mandatory / (o) - optional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (o - Admin & IT HNC)
      ADMINISTRATION              This Graded Unit is designed to provide              YBUDT-O141A                                                    Blended           £129      HN UNIT             MATHEMATICS           Formulating, solving and interpreting         YBUMB-O141A                                           Self Study          £129       HN UNIT
      AND IT: GRADED              evidence that the candidate has achieved                                                                            Learning*                                       FOR BUSINESS          solutions of mathematical models for
      UNIT 1 (EXAM)               all of the principal aims of the HNC                                                                                                                                •                     problems in relation to business and
      •                           Administration and Information Technology
                                  (G9M7 15). (m)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            commerce. (o)
                                                                                                                                                                                                      OFFICE                This Unit is designed to develop the          YBUOD-O141A                                           Self Study          £129       HN UNIT
      BUSINESS                    This Unit is designed to enable candidates           YBUBG-O141A                                                    Self Study        £239      HN UNIT             ADMINISTRATION        knowledge and skills required of an
      ACCOUNTING                  to develop their knowledge and                                                                                                                                      ••                    administrator to meet the requirements
      •                           understanding in the preparation and use
                                  of accounting information within a business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of the administrative function of an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            organisation. (m - Admin & IT HNC)
                                  organisation. (m)                                                                                                                                                   OFFICE                This Unit introduces the essential skills     YBUO-O141A                                            Self Study          £239       HN UNIT
      BUSINESS LAW: AN            This Unit is designed to introduce the               YBUBW-O141A                                                    Self Study        £129      HN UNIT             MANAGEMENT            required to effectively manage and
      INTRODUCTION                candidate to the framework of law as it                                                                                                                                                   organise an administrative environment.
      ••                          applies within the business environment. (o)                                                                                                                                              It is suitable for learners who wish to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            progress to a supervisory/managerial
      BUSINESS: GRADED            This Graded Unit is designed to provide      YBUCW-O141A                                                            Blended           £129      HN UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            career within an organisation. Topics
      UNIT 1 (EXAM)               evidence that candidates have met all of the                                                                        Learning*
      •                           aims of the HNC Business (G9ML 15). (m)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            covered include: lead and organise the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            core activities of office management;
      COMMUNICATION:              This unit is about responding to and                 YBUCX-O141A                                                    Self Study        £129      HN UNIT                                   implement and manage change within
      ANALYSING AND               presenting complex business                                                                                                                                                               the strategic/operational objectives of an
      PRESENTING                  communication. (m)                                                                                                                                                                        organisation; contribute to the recruitment
      COMPLEX                                                                                                                                                                                                               process; and respond to the training and
      COMMUNICATION                                                                                                                                                                                                         development requirements of individuals
      •••                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and teams within the organisation.
      ECONOMICS 1                 This Unit is designed to build on candidates’        YBUEC-O141A                                                    Self Study        £129      HN UNIT             OFFICE                This Unit is designed to develop the          YBUFT-O141A                                           Self Study          £129       HN UNIT
      •                           knowledge of introductory economics and
                                  expose them to microeconomic and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            knowledge and skills required to use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            office technologies effectively to support
                                  macroeconomic applications of theory. (o)                                                                                                                                                 administrative functions. (m - Admin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            & IT HNC) (o - Business HNC)
      ECONOMIC ISSUES:            This Unit introduces candidates to                   YBUEU-O141A                                                    Self Study        £129      HN UNIT
      AN INTRODUCTION             fundamental issues in economics with a                                                                                                                              PERSONAL              This unit helps candidates to take            YBULP-O141A                                           Self Study          £129       HN UNIT
      ••                          particular emphasis on the business
                                  environment. (m - Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            responsibility for their own learning and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            development. In particular it provides a
                                  HNC) (o - Admin & IT HNC)                                                                                                                                           •••                   framework for the development of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            personal and general skills and qualities
      IT APPLICATIONS             This Unit is designed to enable students             YBUTA-O141A                                                    Self Study        £129      HN UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            which employers seek in the workplace.
      SOFTWARE 1                  to use Information Technology (IT)
      •                           systems and applications independently
                                  to support a range of information                                                                                                                                   RECORDING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (m - Admin & IT HNC) (o - Business HNC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This Unit is designed to enable candidates    YBURT-O141A                                           Self Study          £129       HN UNIT
                                  processing activities. (m)                                                                                                                                          FINANCIAL             to develop book-keeping skills so that
                                                                                                                                                                                                      TRANSACTIONS          they can provide data for business
                                  This Unit introduces the fundamental
                                  principles of database design and the use
                                                                                       YBUDB-O141A                                                    Self Study        £129      HN UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                      •                     trial balances and VAT returns. (m)

      •••                         of database management software to aid
                                  decision-making in business.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      STATISTICS FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This Unit introduces candidates to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            statistical concepts and descriptive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YBUSB-O141A                                           Self Study          £129       HN UNIT

                                  (m - Admin & IT HNC) (o - Business HNC)                                                                                                                             ••                    statistics used in business. (o)
      IT IN BUSINESS:             This Unit is designed to develop the skills          YBUDS-O141A                                                    Self Study        £129      HN UNIT             USING FINANCIAL       This Unit is designed to enable candidates    YBUFG-O141A                                           Blended             £129       HN UNIT
      DESKTOP                     and knowledge involved in the design                                                                                                                                ACCOUNTING            to use a commercial accounting software                                                             Learning*
      PUBLISHING                  and production of detailed publications
                                                                                                                                                                                                      SOFTWARE              package to process financial transactions
                                  using desktop publishing software. (o )
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ••                    and to prepare accounting reports for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a small business. This Unit is primarily
      IT IN BUSINESS:             This Unit is designed to allow candidates to YBUIH-O141A                                                            Self Study        £129      HN UNIT
      SPREADSHEETS                develop an understanding of spreadsheet                                                                                                                                                   intended for candidates who expect to take
      •••                         design and how to use spreadsheet features
                                  and functions for practical and effective
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            up a career or further study in accounting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and/or financial administration. It is also
                                  use. (m)                                                                                                                                                                                  relevant for candidates who wish to extend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            their manual book keeping skills to those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of a computerised accounting system, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            those with appropriate work experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            who wish to formalise their skills. (o)

The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.                                                                                                                                                                                                  The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice.
Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
                                                                                                     26                                                                                                                                                                                 27   Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
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