Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ...

Page created by Jordan Gill
Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ...
Claremont Fan Court School

                                    Job information

Part Time Teacher of Geography
              Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021
Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ...
The school                                                                                                     Mission and ethos
Welcome to Claremont Fan Court School. We are a       of calm from the outside world. Landscaped by            Mission                                                  Vision
thriving, co-educational independent day school in    Capability Brown almost 250 years ago, our grounds
Surrey for pupils aged 2½ to 18. Founded in 1922,     boast sweeping views, beautiful green space and          Our mission guides the ethos of the school and is a      In accordance with our mission, Claremont Fan
we are approaching our 100th anniversary as an        a truly unique atmosphere which forms a lasting          primary document for all who work at the school.         Court School will develop individuals who are
evolving, successful school.                          memory for pupils and staff.                                                                                      outstanding citizens, aware of their responsibility to
                                                                                                               •   To provide an environment where the God-             others and contribute positively to global society. We
Our Senior, Preparatory and Pre-Preparatory and       The mansion sits at the centre of our site, and              given potential of every individual is recognised    will achieve this by being a high-quality school of
Nursery Schools are home to over 950 pupils and       beyond its grand façade still retains a welcoming,           and valued. With this recognition comes the          choice where girls and boys achieve more than they
have 240 teaching and support staff. In the last 3    homely feel to our Senior School and sixth form.             expectation of high personal achievement and         think is possible.
years, applications to the school have doubled.       The mansion’s stable block is now our Preparatory            moral standards and a developing awareness
Our results are better than ever and our focus on     School (currently undergoing refurbishment),                 of our individual responsibility to each other and   Ethos
character quality and pupil-wellbeing has allowed     and the Pre-Preparatory and Nursery School are               our world.
our pupils and staff to thrive during the current     situated within a purpose-built structure backing on     •   To maintain a broad and forward-looking              Goodness underpins this school. Teachers, staff,
coronavirus pandemic.                                 to a forest school, and woods and wild meadows               curriculum in which pupils are encouraged to         pupils and their families are expected to support and
                                                      beyond.                                                      think independently to meet the demands of a         extend the atmosphere of respect, courtesy, the love
The school has a 99% pass rate at GCSE, with 9-7                                                                   rapidly changing world.                              of learning and the value of friendship that is held
grades ranging from 45% to 55% over the last three    The next stage in our evolution promises to be our       •   To encourage our pupils to awaken to all that is     dear at Claremont Fan Court. This peaceful and
years. At A level the pass rate is 100% with passes   most exciting yet. We are investing in our facilities,       good and true around and within them in their        purposeful intent extends throughout every lesson
at A*-B being in the range of 69-75% over the last    from the brand-new Sir Sydney Camm science and               spiritual journey of self- discovery.                and into the pastoral and co-curricular activities we
three years, cohort depending. This data does not     technology building opened in 2019, a purpose-           •   To equip our pupils with a strong set of values      offer.
include 2020 CAGs.                                    built sixth form centre to the refurbishment of the          for future decision making.
                                                      Preparatory School, we are ensuring our pupils           •   The following values are fundamental to              Children leave the school prepared for university.
Our school motto, ‘Be Strong in Understanding’,       have the very best for the next 100 years.                   everything we do: courtesy, respect, trust, moral    They are confident, contributing and caring
drives everything we do. We know that if pupils                                                                    integrity, self-discipline, love for God and man.    members of the global community having embraced
understand themselves and their place in the school   Goodness underpins this school, and we are                                                                        the challenge of education. They will have gained
community, it gives them a unique strength.           proud that our pupils become caring, confident                                                                    the values that will equip them to make a positive
                                                      and contributing members of society. They learn                                                                   contribution and they will be a force for good in the
Although we are just 20 miles from central London,    and model this behaviour shown by our excellent,                                                                  world.
and with easy access to the A3, M3 and M25,           committed teaching and support staff, who provide
Claremont’s historic 100 acre estate is an oasis      the backbone of the school.
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Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ...
The department                                                                                                  The role
We believe that geography is an essential part of the   At Key Stage 3, Year 7 take part in the annual          A part time Teacher of Geography is required from         •   Demonstrate a proven track record of results in
curriculum. It shows how our lives are interrelated     Travel Show. Year 8 carry out a microclimate            September 2021 to teach Years 7 to 9, with GSCE               examinations
with the changing world around us and teaches           investigation around the school site in lesson time,    teaching available for the right candidate. The part      •   Excellent communication skills, oral, written and
students many essential skills. Geography provides      early in the autumn term. They also have a day at       time hours are 8-10 periods per week (30% - 46%               use of ICT
students with the knowledge and understanding that      the Seven Sisters in June. Year 9 have a half day       FTE) and likely to be over 4 days. This role could        •   Prepared to work hard with energy and
will ensure they are open minded, responsible and       trip into Esher to look at crime and the BCS run a      be combined with the part time Teacher of Theology            enthusiasm
                                                                                                                and Philosophy currently being advertised.                •   An understanding of the skills required when
able world citizens.                                    workshop looking at hazard management. Fieldwork
                                                        is essential at Key Stage 3 to prepare pupils for the                                                                 teaching pupils with a range of abilities,
                                                                                                                The aim of this role will be to teach pupils the skills       encouraging all to develop to their maximum
In Years 7-9, when two lessons of geography per         skills needed at GCSE and A Level.                      and content necessary in this subject
week are compulsory, syllabuses are broadly in                                                                                                                                potential
                                                                                                                area that will enable each pupil to achieve well and      •   An understanding of the nature of independent
line with the national curriculum’s requirements at     The geography department also runs a biennial trip      be confident with further study in this                       learning
KS3. At GCSE, when geography is optional, AQA is        to Iceland in February.                                 subject. There is the potential for A level teaching in
                                                                                                                                                                          •   An ability to set high expectations amongst all
offered. The department has three sets in each year                                                             the future.
at GCSE. There is one set in the Lower Sixth Form       Specifications
                                                                                                                The role could suit an experienced teacher looking        •   Enthusiastically commit to all aspects of the
year and one set in the Upper Sixth studying various                                                                                                                          department programme including trips, visits and
aspects of AQA’s A Level syllabus. Topics studied at    GSCE		         AQA                                      for a new challenge. Applicants will need to
                                                                                                                demonstrate strong subject knowledge, contagious              weekly study clinics
A Level offer continuity and contrast.                  A Level        AQA                                                                                                •   Possess ability, skills and experience to
                                                                                                                enthusiasm and an effective, nurturing teaching
                                                                                                                style.                                                        contribute to both the department’s and the
Fieldwork is an essential requirement by the            The humanities faculty is situated in in the historic                                                                 school’s co-curricular programme
syllabus at both GCSE and A Level. In Year 10           mansion house and teachers have the use of a            A willingness to contribute to the co-curricular and      •   A cheerful, enthusiastic and well-presented
students usually embark on daytrips to the Seven        department office.                                      pastoral life of the school is essential.                     person, capable of inspiring confidence in pupils
Sisters in East Sussex to study coasts. At A Level,                                                                                                                           and parents
there are four days’ fieldwork including a visit to                                                             Person specification                                      •   Capable of working independently and as part of
West Wittering Beach and a day in London around                                                                                                                               a team
the Docklands area and Stratford with a focus on                                                                The successful candidate is likely to display the         •   Calmness and efficiency and the ability to work
regeneration.                                                                                                   following characteristics:                                    under pressure at certain times
                                                                                                                                                                          •   Eager to learn and able to attend all INSETs
                                                                                                                •   Possess a good honours degree in a relevant           •   An awareness of health and safety issues and
                                                                                                                    discipline                                                compliance with health and safety policy
                                                                                                                •   Possess a post graduate teaching qualification –      •   Aware of the nature of the school and prepared
                                                                                                                    PGCE, diploma of teaching or equivalent                   to commit to its all-round ethos, co-curricular
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Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ...
Responsibility to parents                               Classroom environment

                                                                                                                   •   Be available for appointments with parents          •   Represent the subject to the school through
                                                                                                                   •   Monitor pupil progress in prep books, report            termly displays within the class rooms
                                                                                                                       cards as necessary
                                                                                                                   •   Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of each            Professional responsibilities
                                                                                                                       learner and their individual needs
                                                                                                                   •   Written reports to be accurate, unbiased,           •   Attend subject and whole school INSETS
                                                                                                                       individualised, pertinent, goals-based and follow
                                                                                                                       school procedure                                    Responsibility to parents

                                                                                                                   Performance measures                                    •   Accurately report to parents according to school
                                                                                                                                                                               and faculty policy
                                                                                                                   The performance of the teacher of mathematics
                                                                                                                   will be measured by an annual performance review
                                                                                                                   which will include the following:

                                                                                                                   Planning and preparation

General                                                                                                            •   An expectation of at least 30% of GCSE learners
                                                                                                                       gaining a 7 and above

                                                                                                                   •   All GCSE learners gaining a 4 or above
                                                                                                                   •   An expectation of at least 30% of A level
                                                                                                                       learners gaining a grade A or above
                                                                                                                   •   All A level candidates gaining a grade C or

Teaching responsibilities                                Pastoral responsibilities

•   Teach an agreed curricular and co-curricular         •   Act as a tutor as required
    programme                                            •   Work within the pastoral team of Year Heads
•   Plan, prepare and deliver lessons that follow the        and tutors to share all necessary knowledge
    department’s scheme of work, ensuring lessons            about students
    are suitably differentiated and appropriate to all   •   Report any issues of concern, including child
    members of the class                                     protection issues, to the DSL and Heads of Year
•   Mark pupil work on a regular basis in
    accordance with faculty and school marking           Co-curricular responsibilities
    policies                                             (approx 50 hours per year)
•   Accurately record-keep for classes including
    registering, assessments, rewards and referrals      •   Teach an agreed co-curricular department or
•   Feedback to pupils and parents through writing           non-department club, society, sport or activity
    reports and attending parents’ evenings
•   Attend regular general staff meetings including      Classroom environment
    morning briefings and departmental meetings
    and to participate in extra-curricular activities    •   Establish a teaching environment that is positive
•   Cover lessons both within and outside the                and supportive of learning
    faculty and be available for exam invigilation as    •   Consider the needs of pupils at all times
    directed by the cover supervisor                         interacting in a supportive and positive way
•   Check school e-mail account on a regular basis       •   Establish a culture for learning with pupils of all
    and reply to colleagues and parents within 24            abilities
    hours                                                •   Establish effective teaching practices so that
•   Carry out any other duties as required                   pupil behaviour is consistently within the
                                                             expectations of this school being purposeful,
                                                             safe, respectful, open, valuable, and appropriate

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Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ...
Working at Claremont                                                                                              How to apply
Claremont Fan Court School is set in a beautiful        Property prices tend to be high locally but there are     Please ensure you read the job information pack       All applications will be acknowledged by email within
location and is a warm and welcoming community.         affordable options a little further out, and many staff   carefully, as well as the school’s Recruitment,       one working day of receipt. Please contact Human
Professional standards are high, and we encourage       choose to live slightly further afield.                   Disclosures and Selection Policy, Safeguarding        Resources on 01372 473720 / 473603 should you
ongoing training and personal development.                                                                        Policy and Applicant Privacy Policy on our website.   have any questions or if you have not received an
                                                        Claremont has its own teaching payscale and this                                                                acknowledgement.
The school is located just outside Esher in Surrey      role will pay a competitive salary, depending on          Applicants are asked to complete the downloadable
and is easily accessible from the A3, M3 and M25        experience.                                               application form available on our website. The        Please note that we reserve the right to conduct
with ample free staff parking. The nearest train                                                                  application form is available in a Microsoft Word     interviews prior to the closing date. References
station is Claygate which is a 25-minute walk, with     Benefits include generous contributory pension            read/write format or the *pdf may be printed and      may be taken up at any stage during the recruitment
local bus services also available.                      scheme (currently through TPS), 50% discount              completed by hand. You should provide a covering      process.
                                                        on school fees, cycle to work scheme as well as           letter in support of your application addressed to
Esher and its neighbouring towns offer easy access      complimentary lunches and refreshments during             the headmaster, Mr William Brierly.                   Claremont Fan Court School and its staff are
to both central London and the stunning Surrey          term-time.                                                                                                      committed to safeguarding the welfare of children.
countryside, offering a feeling of space whilst                                                                   Please note: applications should be submitted         Successful applicants will be required to undergo
being only a stone’s throw from London and all the                                                                by email and sent to                                  screening appropriate to the post, including checks
facilities a capital city has to offer.                                                                                           with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring
                                                                                                                                                                        Service. It is an offence for any person barred from
The local area has a mix of leisure activities                                                                    Documents must either be in Microsoft Word or         working with children to apply for this post.
available. Both the historic palace at Hampton Court                                                              *pdf format as we are not able to accept any other
and the beautiful gardens at RHS Wisley are nearby,                                                               type of file.
as well as Sandown Racecourse. There are many
arts venues (theatres, cinemas, live music) and
sports clubs in the surrounding area and for cyclists
there is access to some of the finest roads used for
the road cycle races at the 2012 Olympic Games.                                                                   Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021
                                                                                                                  Interviews will be held week commencing 22 March 2021

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Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ...
Claremont Fan Court School |
         Claremont Drive, Esher, Surrey KT10 9LY
Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ... Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ... Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ... Part Time Teacher of Geography - Claremont Fan Court School - Job information Closing date: Wednesday 17 March 2021 - Claremont Fan Court ...
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