Page created by Alvin Saunders

APRIL 2020 - NISAN 5780
                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                                                                sell their Chometz for Pesach, but
Chometz on Pesach ................................................................................ 3
                                                                                                                prefer to dispose of it instead. The
Kitniyos & Matzo Ashira ......................................................................... 3             following are actual Chometz: bread,
Bitul of Chometz ...................................................................................... 4       cake, cereal made from wheat, oats
Consumption of Chometz..................................................................... 5                   or barley, cookies, farfel mix, some
                                                                                                                licorice, pasta, pretzels, rolled oats,
Selling Of Chometz ................................................................................. 5          wheat gluten, wheat protein. Some
Chometz She’avar Alav Hapesach ....................................................... 5                        have the same custom concerning
Kashering Utensils .................................................................................. 6         beer and whiskey.
Erev Pesach ............................................................................................... 7   STANDARDS OF KASHRUS
Fast of the First Born .............................................................................. 7           With over 1,000 Kosher certifying
Eating on Erev Pesach ............................................................................ 7              agencies and individuals competing
Selected Laws & Customs ...................................................................... 8 in the Kosher certifying business,
                                                                                                                  it is expected that standards will
The Seder Plate ...................................................................................... 8
                                                                                                                  vary. While most keep to a basic
Mitzvos at the Seder .............................................................................. 8 acceptable standard, some do not.
Medicine .................................................................................................. 9 We still see gelatin from non- Kosher
Internet Sites ........................................................................................10 animals being used, (often listed
                                                                                                                  as “k-Gelatin”), corn syrup as an
Pet Foods ...............................................................................................12 ingredient in Passover products
Items that may be used without Passover Certification ............. 15 (with a long reference attempting to
Items that are reliably certified for Passover ................................. 22 legitimize it), carmine (from bugs)
                                                                                                                  used as red coloring, as well as many
Products to be cautious of for Pesach use ...................................... 30
                                                                                                                  other questionable ingredients.
New Products for Pesach .................................................................... 34 With the vast number of products
Alerts ....................................................................................................... 37 being certified by reliable agencies
Times to Remember ............................................................................39 and individuals, it would seem to
                                                                                                                  be much less tempting to allow for
CHOMETZ ON PESACH                                                                                                 these lenient opinions to lessen
Chometz is any substance from one of five cereal                                              our observance of Pesach. Additionally, some
grains (wheat, barley, oats, spelt, or rye), that                                             establishments only offer “Kosher style” products for
contains leavening, caused by its prolonged contact                                           Pesach, while the lenient word “style” is missed by
with water or other liquids. It is important to note                                          many. Some food establishments offer a Passover
that Chometz/Se”or does NOT translate into “yeast”.                                           taco bar, ham on Matzah special and Passover
It refers to leavening: namely self-rising from a                                             “challah”, among other things. The only protection
sour-dough starter type of process. The prohibition                                           as far as the government is concerned is from
of Chometz on Pesach includes “Chometz Gomur”                                                 Assembly Bill 295, section 1329.29, passed in March
(unadulterated Chometz) and “Ta‘aruvas Chometz”                                               of 1993. It states: “No person shall do any of the
(a mixture containing real Chometz). There are three                                          following: Make any direct statement, either orally
areas with which we must be concerned when                                                    or in writing, display the words “Kosher”, “Kosher
evaluating Chometz. First, there is “Isur Hana’ah”.                                           style”, “Kosher type”, “Kosher for Passover”, “Jewish”,
This means that one may not derive any pleasure                                               or “Hebrew” in any language or display any insignia,
or benefit whatsoever from Chometz (e.g. feeding                                              six pointed star, or other mark that might reasonably
Chometz to one’s pets, etc.). Secondly, a Jew may                                             be calculated to deceive or lead a reasonable person
not own Chometz. This prohibition extends to                                                  to believe a product is “Kosher” or sanctioned by
possession of Chometz anywhere in the world (such                                             Orthodox Hebrew religious requirements, if it is
as in a boat, office, mountain retreat, etc.). Thirdly,                                       not”. Obviously one needs to be vigilant in carefully
there is a prohibition against having Chometz in                                              watching for proper certification.
one’s possession. One must be careful to remove all                                      KITNIYOS
Chometz, not sold, from their premises. Chometz
                                                                                         Due to the stringency of the prohibition of not
that was sold should, preferably, be stored in
                                                                                         eating Chometz on Pesach, Ashkenazic Jews, as
an inaccessible area. Jews may not leave unsold
                                                                                         well as many Sephardim, have developed a custom
Chometz in their possession on Pesach, even if they
                                                                                         not to eat kitniyos (legumes) on Pesach other than
do not intend to use it. One should be careful not to
                                                                                         for infants and under other special circumstances
send a package which contains Chometz too close
                                                                                         provided that the foods are prepared in separate
to Pesach, as it may arrive during Pesach. Due to the
                                                                                         utensils. Kitniyos includes beans, soy, rice, peas,
severity of Chometz many have the custom to not
          and corn among others: (see below).            GOING AWAY FOR PESACH
          Sephardim, whose minhag (custom)
                                                         One must sell his/her Chometz regardless of where
permits them to eat rice on Pesach, must be careful
                                                         they are for Pesach. This is the case even if one left
to determine that the rice is additive-free. Many
                                                         home 30 days before Pesach and no one will be in
Sephardim have the minhag to check the rice three
                                                         the house during Pesach. It is necessary to inform
times, as well as to check for other grains that may
                                                         the Rabbi selling your Chometz as to the location of
be mixed in. In any case, open bins in stores should
                                                         the Chometz and to your location during Pesach so
not be used. This year, again, the Star-K Kashrus
                                                         that he can know the proper time zones of selling
organization is certifying Carolina Mehadrin Rice for
                                                         and buying back the Chometz for you.
use for Sephardim on Pesach.
                                                         If a person leaves home before Pesach, within 30
Ashkenazim refrain from eating peanuts as well.
                                                         days of Pesach, the night before his/her departure
However, this restriction regarding peanuts may
                                                         should do a regular Bedikas Chometz without a
not include peanut oil (according to the opinion of
                                                         Bracha and recite “Kol Chamira” for the Chometz
Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L.) Legumes are permitted
                                                         found in the house. Note: Kol Chamira should
for some Sephardic Jews who, for various historical
                                                         always be said in a language that one understands,
reasons, did not adopt this custom of refraining
                                                         as this is not a Tefilla, but a declaration. The
from kitniyos consumption on Pesach. A reliable
                                                         alternative to an early Bedika is to appoint a
source of acceptable products following this
                                                         Shaliach (messenger) to do a regular Bedikas
Sephardic custom is the Sephardi division of the
                                                         Chometz with a Bracha on the proper night of
J.S.O.R. at (732) 531-4872 or WWW.JSOR.ORG (be
                                                         Bedikas Chometz.
aware that a number of lists exist for Sephardim that
are extremely misleading and erroneous).                 A guest in a hotel, who has Chometz in the hotel
                                                         on the night of Bedikas Chometz should conduct
For this reason the Kosher consumer is confronted
                                                         themselves as they would at home, performing a full
every year around Pesach time with a confusing
                                                         Bedika with a Bracha. It is the minhag to carefully
array of Kosher certifications found on candy, jam,
                                                         put out pieces of Chometz before beginning the
mustard and other products containing legumes. In
reality, these products are edible on Pesach by only
certain groups of Jews. Many, but not all, will state    It is preferable to empty a stocked hotel fridge of
“Leochlei Kitniyos - only for those who eat kitniyos”.   beer, cookies etc. before Pesach begins. If this is not
Some examples of this are sunflower seeds, canned        possible, minimally, the fridge should be taped or
vegetables, halva etc. Every Jew, however, is            locked shut. The guest should inform the hotel that
permitted to derive benefit from kitniyos (such as       they do not accept responsibility for those items.
pet food, glue, baby formula etc.).                      A guest for Pesach at a relative’s house should hear
The following are considered kitniyos or treated as      the Bracha from the owner of the house and then
kitniyos according to many opinions:                     make his/her own Bedika in their room.
Alfalfa Sprouts, Anise, Ascorbic Acid (May be            BITUL (ANNULMENT) OF CHOMETZ
Chometz), Asparatame (Nutrasweet), Beans,                During the year, any non - Kosher ingredients which
Black Eyed Peas, Buckwheat, Calcium Ascorbate,           are inadvertently mixed with Kosher ingredients
Canola Oil, Caraway, Citric Acid (May be Chometz),       may be Halachically (according to Jewish law) fit
Chickpeas, Confectioners’ Sugar with corn starch,        to eat. The reason for this leniency is that they are
Coriander, Corn, Corn Syrup, Cumin, Dextrose,            declared “Batel Beshishim” (annulled in sixty i.e.
Fennel, Fenugreek, Flax Seeds, Hemp (unchecked),         the Kosher food is at least sixty times greater than
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Oil, Kasha, Kimmel, Lecithin,       the non-Kosher, thus making the non-Kosher food
Lentils, Licorice, Lucerne, Lupine, Malto Dextrins       annulled). This rule is true regarding Chometz on
(Chometz or kitnios-derived), Millet, MSG, Mustard,      Pesach only if the mixture was made before Pesach.
Peanuts, Poly-sorbates (May be Chometz), Popcorn,        During Pesach, the laws of “bitul” are not applicable.
Poppy Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Rice (Vitamins               In other words, during the week of Pesach, if even
added may be Chometz), Sesame Seeds, Snow                a tiny amount of Chometz falls into a large amount
Peas, Sodium Citrate (May be Chometz), Sodium            of “Kosher for Pesach” food, it renders the food, as
Erythorbate (May be Chometz), Sorbitol (Could be         well as the pot, unfit for use on Pesach. As in all such
Chometz if outside the U.S.), Soy Oil, Corn Oil, Soy,    Halachic questions, a competent Rav should be
String Beans, Sunflower Seeds, Tofu (from soy),          consulted.
Vitamin C (may be Chometz), Wild Rice, Xanthan
gum (May be Chometz). NOTE: Flax seed, chia and          Note: Lactaid drops may contain Chometz.
Hemp seed are not actually kitniyos and can be           Therefore, they should be added to milk before
used after checking for other grains.                    Pesach to have the Chometz annulled in sixty times
                                                         the amount of milk, applesauce etc.
CONSUMPTION OF CHOMETZ                                      three days in advance for Shabbos, Chazal
                                                            came up with an alternative. This consists
Since the prohibition of eating Chometz on Pesach
                                                            of beginning the cooking process for Shabbos
applies not only to Chometz itself, but to any
                                                            before Yom Tov, and concluding the preparations
derivatives of Chometz or to any product that
                                                            on Yom Tov Erev Shabbos. The official start of
may contain Chometz, one should make certain
                                                            Shabbos cooking is done Wednesday, Erev Yom
that all food products that are bought for Pesach
                                                            Tov, by cooking an egg or other small part of a meal
should have a certification by a reliable Kashrus
                                                            and setting it aside with a Matzo, which preferably
organization or Orthodox Rabbi.
                                                            should be eaten at Shalosh Seudos. We then recite
HANA’AH (BENEFIT) FROM CHOMETZ                              the Brocho and declaration as stated in the Siddur
During Pesach, we may not derive any sort of                for Eiruv Tavshilin. If a person forgot to do this on
benefit from Chometz. Therefore, Chometz may                Erev Yom Tov, they should ask their local Rabbi what
not be sold or used, even in business transactions          to do.
or as pet food. Even some cosmetics must be                 CHOMETZ SHE’AVAR ALAV HAPESACH
Chometz-free. Generally, there is no problem with           (BUYING CHOMETZ AFTER PESACH)
the following products if they are not organic in
                                                            Due to the severity of the “Issur” (prohibition) of
nature, and do not contain any grain by - products:
                                                            Chometz, Chazal reinforced the sale of Chometz
Acne Aid, Mineral Oil, Baby Cream, Baby Oil, Eye
                                                            with a fine. This fine was levied on any Jews who
Liner, Mascara, Rouge (Powder), Nail Polish, Talcum
                                                            kept Chometz in their possession or ownership
Powder, Stick Powder Deodorant, and Vaseline.
                                                            during Pesach. This is called “Chometz She’avar
MECHIRAS (SELLING OF) CHOMETZ                               Alav HaPesach.” Jewish law requires that if a Jew
“Mechiras Chometz” is the sale of Jewish owned              owns Chometz on Pesach, no Jew is allowed to eat
Chometz to a non- Jew before Pesach. One must sell          that food, even after Pesach. Therefore, we are also
Chometz which is in their regular home, vacation            prohibited from buying in stores which are Jewish
home, office etc. If one cannot sell their Chometz          owned, if they have not sold their Chometz. It is
through their local Rabbi, numerous sites on-line           important to note that although we may not buy
will facilitate this transaction. This transfer of          Chometz from such Jewishly owned stores that
Chometz to a non-Jew is a legal and binding sale,           did not sell their Chometz, we may purchase non-
complete with contract. This sale is transacted             Chometz food products from these stores. Actual
through a Rabbi, who acts as a legal agent to sell          Chometz products that are prohibited in these
the Jew’s Chometz to a non-Jew. The Rabbi enters            stores would be pasta, cereal from grain, bread,
into an agreement with the non-Jew for the sale of          beer, cookies/crackers, malt, maltose, pretzels, soy
this Chometz. The Chometz that has been sold must           sauce, wheat germ, wheat protein, whiskey, dog/cat
be placed in an area which is completely sealed off,        food containing grain etc.
and must remain there throughout the holiday of             Some common products that one may assume are
Pesach. One must be careful to inform the Rabbi if          Chometz, but are actually not, and therefore may be
they intend to be in a different time zone for Pesach.      purchased in a store that did not sell their Chometz
They do not want to have their Chometz bought               are the following… baker’s yeast, cosmetics, dry
back if it is still Pesach where they are (i.e. overseas,   cake mixes, kitniyos, glue containing Chometz,
etc.) If one leaves home within 30 days of Pesach           ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, medicine
and will not return before Pesach, they should              containing Chometz, maltodextrin, maltose, malt
either check for Chometz the night before they              flavoring, food coloring, flour, extracts, raw pearled
leave or appoint someone to check for them on the           barley, vanilla and vitamins/medicine containing
regular night of B’dikas Chometz. If the checking           Chometz.
is done before the bdikah night one does not say
                                                            Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L, in his sefer “Igros Moshe”,
a Bracha. A person can sell all the Chometz in their
                                                            states that if a Jew sold his Chometz for Pesach,
home before leaving and check only one room for
                                                            and then kept his store open during Pesach
Chometz. Regardless, a person needs to say the
                                                            and continued to sell items of Chometz, one is
Bittul (annulment) of Chometz at its regular time of
                                                            nevertheless allowed to buy from that store after
Erev Pesach.
This year, the first two days of Yom Tov are followed
immediately by Shabbos. This presents a challenge
as to when we may cook for Shabbos. Normally,
we are prohibited from cooking from one day of
Yom Tov for the next, and likewise, from Yom Tov
for Shabbos. Recognizing the difficulty of cooking
       A JEW MAY BUY FROM THE                           covered with non absorbent material (i.e. contact
       FOLLOWING STORES IMMEDIATELY                     paper, cardboard or multiple layers of aluminum
AFTER PESACH:                                           foil).
7-Eleven                       Nuts & More              THE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF KASHERING:
99 cent store                  Petco
                                                        Libbun Gomur - torching or making the metal glow.
Albertsons                     Petsmart
BevMo                          Ralphs/Kroger            Libun Kal - heating the metal until it can burn paper
Big Lots                       Rite Aid                 on the other side.
Bristol Farms                  Sadaf                    Hagolo - dipping in boiling water.
Coffee Bean                    Safeway
                                                        Eruy Roschim - pouring boiling water. (Note:
Costco                         Sam’s Club               steamers usually do not work)
CVS                            Smart & Final
Dollar Tree                    Smith’s                  The general rule is that we undo as we did. If
                                                        something uses straight dry heat (i.e. bbq) we need
Erewhon                        Target (in California)
                                                        to torch it or use self clean in an oven which is the
Food4Less                      Trader Joe’s,
                                                        same. Soup pots are used with liquid so they are
Fresh & Easy                   Vons / Pavilions         kashered with liquid in boiling water etc.
Gelson’s                       Walgreens
Jetro/Restaurant Depot         Walmart                  TO KASHER:
Jon’s                          Wine & Liquor Depot      Electric range, first scour it thoroughly. Then, turn
K-Mart                         Whole Foods              it on to the highest temperature setting for 15
aand all reliably Kosher certified stores are fine to   minutes, or until it gets red hot.
shop in for Chometz after Pesach. Reliably certified    Enamel glazed stove tops should be covered
Kosher stores all sell their Chometz before Pesach.     during Pesach.
Note: Rabbi Elmaliach, the Rabbi in charge of           Gas grates should be put in the oven for Kashering
Kashrus at Ben Gurion airport, reports that the         or torched.
stores at area D7 in the airport are clear of Chometz
She’avar Olav Hapesach. There is a restaurant in        Glass-top stoves can be Kashered in the area of
the Ben Gurion airport called “Aroma Espresso           the burners. They should be turned to high for 15
Bar”, under Chug Chosom Sofer Hashgacha and it          minutes. The areas in between cannot be Kashered.
is fine to eat there after Pesach. The other stores     Some find it practical to change the entire glass top
in other areas of the airport, had their Chometz        for Pesach.
sold but were open on Pesach and continued to           A non self-cleaning oven should be cleaned with a
sell Chometz during Pesach. Some poskim allow           special solution, such as “Easy Off” and not used for
purchases from such establishments after Pesach,        24 hours. After this time, it should be turned on to
while some do not.                                      the maximum setting for one hour. This will Kasher
(See AKO whiskey alert in the “alerts” section}         the oven, but not the broiler.
                                                        The broiler pan cannot be Kashered, therefore, it
KASHERING                                               is usually not used for Pesach. If the broiler pan is
(MAKING UTENSILS KOSHER)                                replaced, the broiler can be Kashered in a similar
                                                        fashion as the oven. If one desires to Kasher it,
Utensils that are used during the year for Chometz      “Libbun” (glowing hot) is required (i.e. by using a
may not be used to prepare food for Pesach unless       torch).
they are properly Kashered.
                                                        A self cleaning oven needs only to go thru one self
Cloth tablecloths (not plastic) and towels used year    clean cycle. It can be on the shortest cycle of your
round should be washed thoroughly and may then          self-cleaning oven.
be used for Pesach.
                                                        Many microwave ovens (those whose walls do
Surfaces upon which only cold Chometz has been          not exceed 120 degrees during cooking) without
placed during the year, such as refrigerators and       browning elements or convection can be Kashered
pantry shelves, should be thoroughly washed and         by first cleaning them and not using them for
rinsed to prepare them for Pesach use. Surfaces         24 hours, and then putting a new glass tray, or
which are used for hot Chometz during the year, in      cardboard on the bottom. Afterwards, a cup or bowl
addition, whenever possible must be Kashered by         of water should be boiled inside.
pouring hot water on them. Surfaces that cannot
be Kashered (such as formica and ceramic tiles          A barbecue must be Kashered with “Libun Gamur”
etc.) should first be cleaned thoroughly and then       which includes torching any surface that food
comes in contact with, in addition to cleaning and         KITCHEN ITEMS THAT MAY NOT BE
burning out the rest of the barbecue. In addition,         KASHERED:
the coals or lava rock should be replaced. Often, it is    Arcolac                       Plastic
more practical to purchase a new one for Pesach.           Bread Machines                Porcelain
A stainless steel sink is Kashered after it has first      China                         Porcelain Enameled
been cleaned, and then kept free from hot water            Collanders (plastic)          Pots
usage for 24 hours. Then boiling water must be             Corelle                       Pyrex
poured over its entire surface. Porcelain sinks,           Corning Ware                  Sandwich Maker
however, may not be Kashered. They should be fully                                       Silverstone
lined with a tin insert, contact paper, aluminum foil,
                                                           Graters (any)                 Stoneware
or a Pesach basin insert.
                                                           Knives with Plastic           Synthetic Rubber
Dishwashers may be Kashered only if they have a            Handles                       Teflon
stainless steel interior. All racks must be changed.       Melmac                        Toaster/Toaster Oven
After waiting 24 hours, run a complete cycle with
                                                           Mixers                        Waffle Iron
soap. All rubber or plastic parts must be replaced
as well.                                                   Pasta Maker
                                                           These items should be washed thoroughly and be
Metal utensils that are used with liquid (soup pots,
                                                           put away in a completely sealed off area until after
etc.) may be Kashered by first cleaning them, not
using them for 24 hours, and finally, completely
immersing them in a Kashered pot full of boiling
water for 15 seconds, followed by rinsing them in
                                                           EREV PESACH
cold water immediately upon removal. They should           Bedikas Chometz: The search begins Tuesday night,
be Kashered one at a time. An alternate method,            4/07. Many have the Minhag to place ten pieces of
particularly useful for larger pots, is to set aside the   bread or crackers in a bag out before the search is
pot for 24 hours, after which time it should be filled     started.
with water and then be brought to a boil. A glowing
                                                           Fast of the First Born: This year the fast falls on
hot item, such as a rock, should then be placed
                                                           Wednesday, 4/08.
inside, allowing the hot water to spill over the sides.
                                                           Siyum: Males who are first born and do not wish
Braces, bite plates and retainers should be brushed
                                                           to fast on Wednesday should attend a Siyum in the
thoroughly before Pesach.
                                                           morning and eat at the meal following it. This meal
Countertops that cannot be Kashered: Formica,              is called a Seudas Mitzvah. It is generally held right
Silestone, Composite Stone and Corian counter              after Davening.
tops may NOT be Kashered for Pesach, and
                                                           Biur Chometz: The burning of the Chometz left in
therefore, should be covered.
                                                           one’s possession, including the Chometz found the
Caesarstone countertops may NOT be Kashered                previous night, must be burned by the end of the
for Pesach according to many opinions, as they are         fifth hour on Wednesday morning (4/08). Please see
composed of only 93% stone.                                time chart for the exact latest time.
Countertops that may be Kashered: Granite,                 Selling of the Chometz: This must be done by
Marble, metal, stone, or Stainless Steel counter           Wednesday morning 4/08, no later than the time of
tops may be Kashered by pouring boiling hot water          Biur Chometz
(not steam) on them (Eirui). wood can be kashered
                                                           EATING ON EREV PESACH
with sanding.
                                                           Consumption of Chometz is prohibited on Erev
The following materials are subject to differing
                                                           Pesach, from a third of the day and after- this is
opinions if they can be Kashered: China, Corelle,
                                                           usually counted four proportional hours from
Corian, Cork, Corningware, Duralex, Earthware,
                                                           daybreak (see times to remember). It is also
Enamel Coated Formica, Melmac, Nylon, Plastic,
                                                           forbidden to eat Matzo or anything baked with
Porcelain, Pyrex, Synthetic Rubber, Teflon Coating.
                                                           Matzo on Erev Pesach. This prohibition includes
Some of the above are agreed upon that they
                                                           egg Matzoh. This is in order to ensure that one will
cannot be kashered. Ask your local rabbi.
                                                           eat the Matzo at the Seder with a “hearty appetite”.
Note: STEAM CLEANERS often may not be used                 This prohibition includes cakes and cookies made
for Kashering purposes, as Kashering must be done          from matzo meal. However, cooked Matzo products,
with boiling water (212F) as steam in insufficient.        such as knaidlach (Matzo balls) are permitted. Non-
                                                           Gebrochts products are suitable for this time period.
Water filter - change the filter.
                                                           All foods should only be eaten in moderation from
                                                           the ninth hour in the day and on in order to have
           an appetite for the Seder. Imitation Matzo     one should make every effort to drink wine at the
           made from Tapioca and Potato ingredients       Seder. It is preferable to add at least some wine to
is fine for Erev Pesach.                                  the grape juice.
SELECTED LAWS & CUSTOMS                                   Each cup of wine should contain at least 3.3 fluid
                                                          ounces. It is preferable to drink the entire cup, or
One should prepare everything (for the first Seder)
                                                          at least half of it, for each of the four cups. Due to
on Erev Pesach in order that the Seder should begin
                                                          this one should not use a very large cup as this will
immediately upon arriving from Shul. This includes
                                                          necessitate drinking a large amount for each cup.
setting the table, etc. It is a custom that pillows
should be prepared for leaning on during the Seder.       Men must consume all cups of wine while reclining
Women are not required to lean, however, male             on their left side. If one drank either of the first two
children are. It is also a custom among some that         cups without reclining, he must drink again without
the head of the household wears a Kittel during the       a Brocho.
Seder. In most places, the custom is that only the
                                                          Note: Many Kosher wines (and some brands of grape
head of the household has a Seder plate and the
                                                          juice in the 64oz. bottles) are not cooked and state
three Matzos. Some, however, have a Seder plate
                                                          “Non-Mevushal.” Therefore, care must be taken as to
and Matzos for each man present at the Seder.
                                                          who handles them. (Most bottles that are cooked
When only the head of the household has a Seder
                                                          say “Mevushal” in English or Hebrew on the label).
plate, he must provide for everyone at the Seder
from his plate. Since there is usually not a sufficient   Note: Many low-alcohol wines are now available.
amount of Matzo, Marror and wine to ensure that           Some are pure wine while others are a mixture of
everyone present (male and female alike) has the          wine and grape juice as indicated.
required amounts during the Seder, additional             MATZO
Matzo, Marror and wine should be placed on the
table for supplementary use.                              Only Shmurah Matzo (guarded Matzo), which
                                                          is made of grain that has been guarded against
THE SEDER PLATE                                           fermentation from the time of harvest, should be
One may not use MARROR (to fulfill the Mitzvah            used for the Mitzva of eating Matzo at the Seder.
of Marror) that was soaked for 24 hours or                Both hand and machine Shmurah Matzo are
longer. Soaking this long is called pickling and is       acceptable. Over the past many decades there have
Halachically considered cooking. One may only use         been many opinions given as to the merits of hand
uncooked vegetables for Marror. (Do not lean when         versus machine Matzoh. Most use either one with
eating Marror.)                                           proper Hashgocho.
CHAROSES can be made of ground apples, pears,             Shmurah Matzo has been watched in most cases
pomegranates, dates, figs, walnuts, almonds, ginger       from the time of cutting of the wheat to protect
and cinnamon, to which wine is added. Recipes may         from unwanted moisture, which may make it rise.
vary according to tradition.                              Eighteen minute Matzo is run on machines that are
KARPAS is any vegetable upon which a Brocho of            cleaned every 18 minutes to prevent any possibility
“HaAdama” is made, that may be dipped in salt             of the dough rising.
water or vinegar, and that may be used on Pesach.         Regular Pesach Matzo has been baked on a
Parsley, celery, and potatoes are often used as           machine in under 18 minutes, but the machine will
Karpas.                                                   run all day without cleaning in between runs.
ZROA is a piece of meat which is roasted over the         Matzo Ashira is any Matzo that contains products
fire. Most people use a chicken neck or wing for this     other than flour and water, such as grape juice or
purpose.                                                  apple juice. The consumption of Matzo Ashira is
BAITZA is an ordinary hard boiled or roasted egg.         prohibited for most people throughout Pesach.
If one forgot to roast the Zroa or Baitza on Erev         Included in this category are: Matzo which was
Pesach, and had to do it at night, he must eat the        kneaded with fruit juice, egg matzo, tea matzo,
egg before sunset of the next day.                        honey and spice Matzo and some chocolate covered
                                                          Matzo. However, this prohibition does not apply to
                                                          infants or people who are ill. When in doubt, consult
                                                          your Rabbi.
It is preferable that the wine used at the Seder be
                                                          Even one who is allowed to eat Matzo Ashira,
red in color. For those who cannot drink wine, grape
                                                          cannot fulfill their Mitzvah of Achilas Matzo (eating
juice may be used (consult your Rabbi). If one must
                                                          Matzo) with it.
drink grape juice the 64 oz glass bottles that say on
them Non-Mevushal are preferable. Nevertheless,           Gluten Free Matzo A limited amount of Oat and
Spelt Matzo is produced as Shmura and regular           TOILETRIES
(non-Shemura) for those who cannot tolerate
                                                        Rabbi Bess lists the following ingredients as possible
wheat Matzo for medical reasons. One can fulfill
                                                        Kashrus issues connected to Pesach:
the Mitzvah of eating Matzo at the Seder with such
Shmura Matzo. More information concerning this          Amino Peptide Complex, Amp-Isostearoyl
product can be found at www.Glutenfreeoatmatzos.        Hydrolized Wheat Protein, Avena Sativa Flour, Avena
com or call (732) 364-8757.                             Sativa Kernel Protein, Barley Extract, Beta Glucan,
                                                        Disodium Wheatgermido Peg-2 Sulfosuccinate,
Gluten Free Shehakol “Matzo Style” This product
                                                        Hordeum Vulgare Extract, Hydrolyzed Wheat
is made from tapioca with a bracha of “Shehakol”. It
                                                        Gluten, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Hydrolyzed
has no relation to Matzo other than artificially made
                                                        Wheat Protein PgPropyl Silanetriol, Hydrolyzed
to “look” like a Matzo. Gefen and Yehuda Matzo
                                                        Wheat Starch, Hydroxypropyltrimonium
companies, as well as some others, manufacture
                                                        Hydrolized Wheat Protein, Oat Beta Glucan, Oat
imitation Matzo. This is an excellent product to eat
                                                        Extract, Oat Flour, Phytosphingosine Extract,
Erev Pesach and any other time one does not wish
                                                        Prolamine, Sodium Lauroyl Oat Amino Acids,
to consume Matzo. (it is also a wonderful imitation
                                                        Stearyldimoniumhydrosypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat
Matzo that can be eaten out of a Sukkah since it is
                                                        Protein, Triticum Vulgare, Triticum Vulgare Flour
not real Matzo). Obviously, this product cannot be
                                                        Lipids, Triticum Vulgare Germ Extract, Triticum
used as a substitute at any time for real Matzo.
                                                        Vulgare Germ Oil, Wheat Amino Acids, Wheat
MEDICINE                                                Bran Extract, Wheat Germ Extract, Wheat Germ
                                                        Glycerides, Wheat Germanidopropyldimonium
Most prescriptions can be filled with Kosher for
                                                        Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Wheat
Pesach medicine. For information on the Kosher
                                                        Germ Oil, Wheat Protein, Wheat Sphingolipids.
status of your medicines, contact your local reliable
Rabbi.                                                  FROZEN VEGETABLES
Rabbi Bess of Los Angeles has compiled the              There are many issues concerning the use of frozen
most detailed reliable list in the U.S. He can be       vegetables for Pesach. Most large companies, such
reached at (323) 933- 7193. Rabbi Bess together         as S&W, Green Giant and Bird’s Eye, purchase their
with the Star-K publishes the Passover Directory        vegetables from many different processors. Due to
with this information. Since some prescriptions,        increased competition in this industry from Mexico
unfortunately, are not available with Kosher            and Guatemala, many packers are processing pasta
certification, we will mention some guidelines for      and vegetables in the same blanching equipment
those who must take medicine on Pesach.                 when it is not being used for pure vegetables.
                                                        This is done at temperatures between 100 to 200
1. If one suffers from an illness through which one’s
                                                        degrees, thus making the machinery Halachically
life may become endangered, one may eat Chometz
                                                        unacceptable for Pesach use. However, some
on Pesach and may use any medication needed
                                                        companies use steam blanchers, which are not
to avoid a life-threatening situation. This Chometz
                                                        usable for pasta. Bodek, Garden Pure, as well as
should be owned by a non- Jew.
                                                        others carry many frozen vegetables which are
2. If someone is ill, but his life is not endangered,   certified for Pesach.
he may not eat Chometz on Pesach. However,
                                                        FRESH VEGETABLES
he may take Chometz medicine under certain
circumstances as long as he does not take it in         In general, fresh vegetables do not pose a special
the normal way (i.e. a pill without a cup of water).    concern for Pesach. However, fruits and vegetables
A Rabbi should be consulted if the need for such        from Israel require that Terumos and Maasros be
medication should occur.                                taken. Leafy vegetables require the same level
                                                        of inspection for insects as during the rest of the
3. Generally speaking, cough syrups and other liquid
                                                        year. This is a particular concern for many who
medicines may contain grain alcohol, and may not
                                                        use romaine lettuce for the Mitzvah of Marror. To
be used on Pesach. When one must take medicine
                                                        avoid this problem, some choose to use romaine
during Pesach, his/her doctor should be asked to
                                                        stalks only, which are easier to rinse and check for
prescribe medicine without alcohol or capsules.
                                                        insects. There are romaine lettuce stalks and other
Many over the counter medicines require no              produce certified for Pesach that are not checked for
special certification to be used on Pesach. Consult     insects. One needs to make sure that the Hechscher
your Rabbi for specific questions. For a complete       covers both the Pesach and insect issues. This year
listing of this year’s Kosher for Pesach vitamins (as   additional care must be taken that no Shmitta issues
well as year-round vitamins) go online to www.          exist.
                                               KOSHER NEWSLETTERS
    Kosher                               & KASHRUS INFORMATION HOTLINES

 Information                            Kashrus Conscience - Kosher Information Bureau
                                        Rabbi E. Eidlitz, Rabbinic Administrator

    Bureau                              12753 Chandler Boulevard, Valley Village, California 91607
                                        Phone: (818) 262 5351, E-mail:
           Rabbi Eliezer Eidlitz        Publications - Kashrus Conscience Magazine
      12753 Chandler Boulevard          E-mail updates and alerts
     Valley Village, California 91607 Arlene J. Mathes-Scharf
             (818) 262 5351             Phone: (781)784-6890 Fax: (781)784-6890         E-mail:,
                                        Food Scientist - Kosher Food Specialist Scharf Associates                   P.O. Box 50 Sharon, MA 02067
                                        Chicago Rabbinical Council cRc
Tax deductible donations can be made    2701 W. Howard St. Chicago Ill. 773 465-3900
  by check or paypal on our website.    Vaad HaKashrus of Baltimore (Star-K)
                                        Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rabbinic Advisor
        KOSHER FOOD                     122 Slade Ave Suite 300, Baltimore, Maryland 21208
       INTERNET SITES                   (410) 484-4110 Publication - Kashrus Kurrents, Pesach Guide
                                        Kashrus Magazine: Rabbi Yosef Wikler, Rabbinic Administrator                     P.0. Box #204 Brooklyn, New York 11204
e-mail: (718) 336-8544
                                        Rabbinical Council of California - The RCC                 3780 Wilshire Blvd. # 420 Los Angeles, CA 90010
                                        213-389-3382, 562-286-5235 Fax               ,
                                        The O/K Lab Rabbi Don Yoel Levy
                                        391 Troy Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11213
                                        (718) 756-7500                    The Jewish Diabetes Association
(732) 370-0035                          New York Office: 959 East 26th St. Brooklyn, NY 11210
                                        Tel: (718) 303-5955 Israel: 052-763-1500
Chap a Nosh (516) 374-5100              Email:
                                        London Beis Din Hotline: 020-8343-6255
The Jewish Diabetes Assn.      General Enquiries 020-8343-6255
(718) 578-4180 Israel: 054-732-867      The Kosher Gram Vaad Harabonim of Greater Detroit & Merkaz
                                        17071 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan 48075
                                        (313) 559-5005
                                        Orthodox Union - O/U Kosher Hotline & Passover Directory
                                        333 7th Avenue, New York, New York 10001                  (212) 613-8241 Rabbi Menachem Genack
                                        www.ou/                  J.S.O.R. (Sephardic List) Jersey Shore Orthodox Rabbinate
                                        P.O. Box Elberon NJ 07740 (732) 531-0535
                                        Rabbi Isaac Dwek - Deal Rabbi Isaac Farhi Deal
                                        Medicines & Cosmetics of Pesach by Rabbi Gershon Bess
                                        Kollel Los Angeles 223 South Formosa Blvd., Los Angeles,
                                        CA 90036 (323) 933-7193
                                        Chodosh Hot Line – Rabbi Herman (718) 305-5133
                                        Star-K product & medicine updates
SODA                                                      pasteurized.
When determining whether a type of soda is Kosher         MILK
for Pesach, there are three major ingredients with
                                                          Due to the modern pasteurizing processes used in
which we are concerned. They are: brominated
                                                          the milk industry, many nutrients are inadvertently
vegetable oil, flavorings and sugar.
Corn syrup, which is made from Kitniyos, is a
                                                          Governmental regulations dictate that Vitamin
common sweetener in soda. The other ingredient,
                                                          D, and in some cases, Vitamin A be added to milk
“flavoring,” is also a source of concern, since there
                                                          before its sale. The amounts added are very minute.
are thousands of flavors, many of which are not
                                                          Inasmuch as Vitamins A and D are often derived
Kosher, and others that are derived from Chometz.
                                                          from Chometz or kitniyos, and since mixtures of
Therefore, even Sephardim who normally consume
                                                          even small amounts of Chometz on Pesach are not
Kitniyos on Pesach should seek only those products
                                                          “batel” (annulled), we must be cautious concerning
reliably certified to be Chometz-free.
                                                          milk which contains these additives.
Generally speaking, flavoring is the key to a
                                                          Another matter of concern is the processing
product’s success in the food market. Therefore, its
                                                          equipment. Milk companies often produce
formula is always a highly guarded secret of the
                                                          chocolate milk on the same equipment that they
company. Even a minuscule change in the formula
                                                          use for their plain “white” milk. The chocolate
of a product where flavoring is concerned can
                                                          milk may contain malt, which is made from grain.
prove to be disastrous. Therefore, it is not surprising
                                                          In order to avoid these problems, two steps are
that these companies guard their flavorings very
                                                          necessary. First, it is necessary to make sure that the
carefully making it necessary to have a Mashgiach
                                                          dairy company whose milk we purchase for Pesach
(supervising Rabbi) go to the plant to personally
                                                          processes only plain “white” milk and not chocolate
check the flavorings being used. In regard to Pesach,
                                                          milk. Secondly, the milk that we need for all of
it is also important to note that even within the
                                                          Pesach must be bought before Pesach. By doing
same company (Coke, Pepsi, etc.) any individual
                                                          so, the vitamins in the milk are deemed “batel”
bottling plant throughout the country may choose
                                                          (annuled) from before Pesach (since Bitul works if
to use corn syrup as a sweetener. For this reason
                                                          the mixture occurs before Pesach), and therefore,
as well, it is essential that a reliable Mashgiach
                                                          may be used on Pesach. Whenever possible,
be on the premises during production. There are
                                                          certified Kosher for Passover milk is preferable.
thousands of flavorings used by the food industry,
not all of which are Kosher (let alone for Pesach).       MILK SUBSTITUTES
Some, such as ambergris (from whale intestines)           Many people i.e. infants, elderly, those who are
and civit absolute (from cats) are, of course, never      ill etc. often warrant consuming kitniyos but not
Kosher. Even if an individual knows that a soda is        Chometz. The following products (partial list) are
reliably certified Kosher for Pesach in one particular    free of actual Chometz:
city, this does not mean that the same brand of soda
is Kosher elsewhere.                                      Infant Formula - Alsoy, CVS, EnfaCare, Enfamil,
                                                          Enfapro, Giant, Heinz Nurture, Isomil, Mother’s
Note: Commonly, Coke and others will be reliably          Choice, Nestle Good Start, Next Step, ProSobee,
certified for Pesach. The bottle, however, may list       Rite Aid, Safeway Select, Similac, Target, Walgreens,
“corn syrup/sugar” as an ingredient. As long as the       Wegmens’.
product bears a reliable Pesach certification, the
soda has been reformulated to meet all Pesach             Soy Milk - 365 Everyday Value (original, Light and
concerns.                                                 Unsweetened), Fit & Active, Hy-Vee, Market Basket
                                                          (unsweetened), Meijer, Nature’s Place, Nature’s
Note: Coke is being produced for Pesach in                Promise Organic, Shop Rite, Stop & Shop.
California this year. Coke will be available in Boston,
Baltimore-Washington, Miami and Atlanta as well.          Almond Milk - 365 Everyday Value, Kroger, Market
All the Passover Coke items will be marked with           Basket, Meijer, Nature’s Place, Ralphs, Shop Rite,
a distinctive yellow cap in addition to the O/UP          Trader Joe’s.
symbol on the cap or shoulder of the bottle.              Rice Milk - Original Clearly Organic, Harris Teeter,
EGGS                                                      Krasdale Organic, Meijer, Nature’s Promise, Rice
                                                          Dream (unsweetened only), Shop Rite.
It is best to buy eggs that were laid before Pesach.
This is due to the fact that chickens are usually given   Note: all of the above are best in liquid form and
feed which is Chometz. Therefore, there is a minhag       bought before Pesach.
(custom) not to eat eggs which were laid on Pesach.       OIL
Note: Eggs do not require a Hechscher, even when          Oil from olives, palm, coconut and walnuts are
           acceptable for Pesach with a proper          that is presently being used in pharmaceuticals and
           Kosher for Pesach Hashgacha. This is         some food products certified Kosher. Fortunately,
because the fruits they are extracted from is not       a truly reliable certified Kosher gelatin obtained
kitniyos. Minchas Yitzchok (lll:138:2) suggests that    from Glatt Kosher hides is being produced under
cottonseed oil is kitniyos, but in a subsequent         the supervision of the O/U. This gelatin is used by
teshuva (IV:113:3), he reconsiders this position. In    Tzali’s, Golden Fluff, Manischewitz and Granny’s
the U.S., cottonseed oil is generally not considered    marshmallow brands.
to be kitniyos but in Eretz Yisroel there are those
                                                        Today, much of the gelatin produced in the U.S. is
who refrain from using it.
                                                        made from the skin or hides of pigs, since It is much
Extra Virgin Olive Oil with reliable Hashgacha          cheaper than making gelatin from cow bones.
(year-round) Is recommended for Pesach use, even        Fish gelatin, therefore is the most commonly-used
without special Pesach certification.                   Kosher gelatin in modern times. The Gemorah
                                                        Pesachim 76b says that it is dangerous to eat meat
                                                        and fish together. Nevertheless, many Poskim allow
One of the major conveniences that is enjoyed           fish marshmallows with meat since the amount of
in many parts of the United States, is being able       gelatin (fish based) is very little and considered to
to shop in our large National supermarket chains        be “Batel”. Therefore, it is common today to find
for Kosher items all year and in particular, for        Kosher Marshmallows with Kosher “fish” gelatin,
Pesach. Along with this convenience, however,           under reliable Hashgachas.
comes a responsibility to check well for the
Pesach certification on each item we buy. It is not     PET FOOD
uncommon for non-Pesach items to be found on
the Pesach designated shelves.                          One of the many challenges of Pesach is finding
                                                        Halachically permissible pet food. There are two
MARSHMALLOWS & GELATINS                                 separate Kashrus issues about which one should be
Although many “Kosher for Passover“ marshmallows        aware. One is related specifically to Pesach, and the
are presumably made without Chometz ingredients,        other related to the rest of the year as well. The year
nevertheless, they may contain an ingredient which      round problem concerns the mixing of milk and
is highly controversial (for year round use), namely,   meat. It says three times in the Torah “Lo Sevashel
gelatin. The main sources of gelatin are cattle and     Gedee Bachalev Imo”. Literally, this is a prohibition
hogs. The process of making gelatin is as follows:      against cooking milk and meat together. However,
the collagen in the bones and skins of the animals      from the fact that the Torah states this three times,
is converted by soaking 2” x 3” strips of hide in       and uses the term Gedee (kid), the Gemorah
hydrochloric acid until it turns into ossein. This is   (Talmud) in Chulin (113A 115B) explains this to
then soaked in lime for about a month. It is then       mean that milk from any Kosher species and meat
washed in sulfuric acid to obtain the gelatin.          from any Kosher species (i.e. beef mixed with cow’s
                                                        milk or goat’s milk etc.) are forbidden to: a) be
In 1912, Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzenski ZT”L sent a          cooked together, b) be eaten together, c) derive
response to the Royal Gelatin Company concerning        benefit or pleasure from them. These prohibitions
the methods of obtaining Kosher gelatin from            (from the Torah) do not apply to poultry or venison.
non Kosher hides. Additionally, in 1950, Rav Lazer      In order to avoid confusion, the Rabanan (Rabbis)
Silver vehemently opposed the hechsher on a             extended the prohibition of eating milk and meat
well known gelatin product. In 1966, Rav Moshe          together to include poultry and venison. However,
Feinstein ZT”L, and Rav Aaron Kotler ZT”L both          deriving benefit from poultry mixed with milk was
opposed all gelatins that were not obtained from        not included in this decree. Therefore, chicken with
a Kosher source. Kosher gelatin, from Kosher            whey, milk or cheese is permissible in pet food.
slaughtered animals, tends to be too expensive for
large companies to produce. This is the reason that     Commonly, dog and cat foods contain milk and
the O/U, O/K, Star-K and other reliable certifying      meat mixtures, and therefore, are forbidden to
agencies insist upon a gelatin substitute in products   Jewish pet owners all year round. There is an
which would otherwise need gelatin. Marshmallows        additional problem for a Jew who is a pet owner
are a prime example of such a product. Some             during Pesach. The basis for this problem is that
acceptable substitutes for gelatin are: Japanese        Chometz carries with it three “Isurim” (prohibitions)
gelatin, Japanese insinglass, agar agar, Chinese        a) Hanaah (benefit), b) Ownership, c) Baal Yimatze
moss, Irish moss, carrageenan. Surprisingly, there is   (it must be completely removed from a person’s
even one marshmallow product being sold which           premises). A person who owns a pet is obligated
states “Kosher Beef Gelatin” which is produced          to feed It in a timely manner, and due to the
from dried beef bones from India, which were not        prohibition of deriving any pleasure or benefit
Kosher slaughtered. There is a new type of fish gel     from Chometz, we are not permitted to use or

                    A: 4817 West Pico Blvd.
                                                                     A: 444 N. Fairfax Ave.
                     Los Angeles, CA 90016                           Los Angeles, CA 90036
                        P: 323.933.8283                                 P: 323.655.8870
                 E:                     E:

                              HOURS                                          HOURS
                            Sun 7 - 6:00                                   Sun 7 - 6:00
                       Mon / Tue / Wed 7 - 7                          Mon / Tue / Wed 7 - 7
                            Thu 7 - 7:30                                   Thu 7 - 7:30
               Fri 7 - 2.5 hours before sundown               Fri 7 - 2.5 hours before sundown
                            Sat CLOSED                                     Sat CLOSED

own pet food containing any type of Chometz on          Kittens, Chicken for Cats, Fish, Flaked Chicken in
Pesach. Therefore, it is important to be aware of       Tasty Gravy, Chicken for Mature Cats.
the prevalent use of the five grains: wheat (germ,
                                                        Evanger’s: When bearing cRc Passover approval.
cracked, flour, gluten, ground, grouts, middlings,
starch), rye, barley (cracked flour), oats (flour,      Friskies (canned): Pate Chicken and Tuna Dinner,
grouts, hulled) & spelt in dog and cat foods today.     Pate Classic Seafood Entrée, Pate Turkey and Giblets,
Other Chometz ingredients are Brewer’s Yeast,           Pate Country Style Dinner, Pate Mariners Catch, Pate
Gluten, Malt, Pasta, Starch and Xanthan Gum.            Salmon Dinner
Almost all dry pet foods list wheat or oats as their    Kirkland: (Costco) (dry): Healthy Weight Indoor
first ingredient. This is true for fish food and bird   Adult, Maintenance Chicken & Rice, Natures Domain
foods as well.                                          Salmon Meal & Sweet Potato.
Note: Only clay or wood-based Kitty Litter may be       Kosher Paws - Turkey & Chicken Cat Food (No
used on Pesach, as others may contain Chometz.          Kitniyos or Gebrokts - O/UP)
Additional Animal-Related Concern: Often the            Merrick Grain Free Limited Ingredient Diet
products that one may purchase at a local zoo to        (canned): Real Chicken, Real Duck, Real Salmon, Real
feed the animals contain Chometz and should not         Turkey, Real Tuna.
be purchased or fed to the animals on Pesach.
                                                        Merrick Purrfect Bistro Grain-Free (dry): Adult
CAT FOOD                                                (Healthy Weight, Real Chicken and Sweet Potato),
Blue Freedom Grain Free (canned): Chicken for           Healthy Senior, Healthy Kitten
        Merrick Purrfect Bistro Grain-Free               BIRDS
        (canned): Chicken Casserole Morsels,
                                                         (Parrots, Parakeets, Cocktiels, Canaries and Macaws)
Chicken Divan, Morsels Salmon Pate, Tuna Pate.
                                                         Millet, canary grass seed and sorghum as main diet.
Prescription Diet: a/d, d/d except duck, m/d
canned only, r/d, s/d, t/d, z/d.                         Peanuts, sunflower seeds and safflower seeds
Wellness Core Grain Free (dry): Adult, Indoor, Kitten,   Larger birds such as parrots can eat pure alfalfa
Original                                                 pellets (make sure it is pure alfalfa since it is
                                                         common to add grains) or dry dog approved dog
Wellness Core Grain-Free Classic Pate (canned):
Indoor, Kitten, Whitefish & Salmon & Herring.
                                                         Smaller birds can also have pure alfalfa pellets, crush
                                                         before feeding
Alpo Chop House (canned): Filet mignon and
                                                         Can supplement with cottage cheese, rice cakes
Bacon Flavors cooked in Savory Juices, Prime Rib
                                                         (birds like these), small pieces of lean meat, matzah,
Flavor cooked in Savory Juices, Roasted Chicken and
                                                         berries, eggs, canned baby fruits. All large food
Top Sirloin Flavors cooked in Savory Juices, T-Bone
                                                         should be shredded before serving. And these
Steak and Ribeye flavors cooked in Savory Juices.
                                                         items should be given sparingly.
Blue Freedom Grain Free (canned): Duck & Chicken
                                                         For minerals, can only have oyster shells (calcium) or
Grill, Salmon & Chicken Grill, Beef & Chicken Grill.
                                                         mineral block.
Blue Wilderness Grain Free (canned): Duck &
                                                         HAMSTERS, GUINEA PIGS, GERBILS &
chicken grill, salmon & chicken grill, turkey &
chicken grill.
                                                         It is best to feed pure alfalfa pellets to these animals.
Evangers: When bearing cRc Passover approval.
                                                         Make sure the pellets are pure alfalfa since it is
Kirkland (Costco) Nature’s Domain (dry): Salmon          common to add grains. Dried alfalfa may also be
Meal and Sweet Potato, Turkey Meal and Sweet             given.
                                                         One can also supplement with mixture of cut-up
Kosher Paws - Turkey and Chicken Dog Food (No            fruits and vegetables such as: carrots, broccoli,
Kitniyos or Gebrokts - O/UP)                             apples, melon, kale, parsley, oranges, celery, dry
                                                         corn, sunflower seeds and cabbage. One can also
Mighty Dog: (canned - no gravy): Chicken Egg &
                                                         give Matzah. If the animal is not used to eating any
Bacon Country Platter, Chicken & Smoked Bacon
                                                         of these Items, give sparingly.
Combo, Hearty Beef Dinner, with Lamb and Rice.
                                                         Guinea pigs, rabbits & chinchillas especially will
Wellness Core Grain Free (dry): Ocean, Original,
                                                         benefit from greens, oranges, Timothy hay, grapes,
Reduced Fat, Small Breed.
                                                         apples and melons. Guinea pigs will particularly
Wellness Core Grain Free (canned): Beef & Venison        benefit from kale, parsley and oranges.
& Lamb, Puppy, Turkey & Chicken Liver & Turkey
                                                         Hamsters especially will benefit from apples.
Liver, Whitefish & Salmon & Herring
                                                         Guinea pigs will especially benefit from kale, parsley
Wellness Core Grain Free Ninety Five Percent
                                                         and oranges as well as vitamin C added to their diet.
(canned): Beef with Carrots, Chicken with Broccoli,
Turkey with Spinach.                                     Mice and rats will eat sunflower seeds, greens,
                                                         vegetables and potatoes.
                                                         MORE PET FOOD INFORMATION
Fish food and vacation blocks often contain
chometz. The following are acceptable fish food for      Mixes sold in stores often contain chometz. It is
Pesach:                                                  advisable for pet owners to slowly wean their pets
                                                         off their regular chometz pet food diet. This is best
Zoo Med Laboratories Giant Plankton Banquet
                                                         accomplished by mixing regular and Pesach food
Block Feeder and Tetra Tropical Slow Release Gel
                                                         between one and two weeks before Pesach before
Feeders (Tetra Weekend 5 days and Tetra Vacation
                                                         switching completely to Pesach food. The ratio of
14 days). Goldfish and tropical fish can be fed the
                                                         regular and Pesach food should be changed slowly
following (provided they do not contain fillers):
                                                         to get the animal used to the new diet. Check with
Tubular worms, frozen brine shrimp and freeze
                                                         your vet before changing your pet’s diet.
dried worms.
                                                         Also, pure Timothy Hay is NOT chometz and may
                                                         be used.
Repashy Crested Gecko Meal Replacement Powder.
Note: One may shop at Petco and Petsmart stores          Basics, Baby’s Choice, Carnation Alsoy,
immediately after Pesach.                                CVS, Earth’s Best, EnfaCare, Enfamil, Gerber
                                                         Good Start, Giant, Heinz Nurture, Isomil, Meijer,
ITEMS THAT MAY BE                                        Mother’s Choice, Next Step, Prosobee, Similac, Stop
                                                         & Shop, Target, Walgreens, Wegmans
USED WITHOUT PESACH                                      Baby food - Gerber (O/U): Carrots, Squash. For
CERTIFICATION                                            those permitted Kitniyos: Green Beans, Peas
                                                         Baby Oil - All pure
(FOR 5780-2020)                                          Baby Ointment - All (according to the O/U)
Abdominal Discomfort - Alka - Seltzer, Gelusil           Baby Medicine - Pedialyte, Pedia-Sure, Tempra
tablets, Diclegis (for nausea and vomiting of            Drops & Tablets
pregnancy - COR), Metamucil (original texture
                                                         Baby Powder - All pure Talcum Powders (such
regular flavor - powder only, not wafers or Fibar),
                                                         as Johnsons) - Any not listing oat flour as an
Phillips Milk of Magnesia (unflavored), Di-Gel
(Kitiniyos), Pepcid, Pepto Bismol (Original Liquid,
Chewables, Caplets), Rolaids (animal glycerin and        Baby Wipes - All without alcohol (such as Johnson’s
Kitniyos), Bicarbonate of Soda, Zantac (not liquid),     Baby Washcloth)
Imodium, Gas-X                                           Baby Carrots - see vegetables
Agave - Health Garden Organic Raw Agave                  Bags (paper and plastic) - All
Sweetener (O/K)                                          Baking Soda (NOT Baking Powder) - All pure
Air Freshener - All                                      bicarbonate
Alcohol - All Isopropyl                                  Baking Pans (aluminum) - All uncoated without
Alcoholic Beverages - Patron Silver Tequila,             release agent
Vinprom-Troyan Brandy - apple, apricot, pear and         Balloons - Without any powder
plum (Star-K)                                            Band Aids - All (including medicated)
Almond Milk Original - (Kitniyos - To be used only       Bleach - All
for the infirm and children who need an alternative      Bird Food - (see above “Pet Food” section)
to standard milk on Pesach. Utensils used for
                                                         Blush (make up) - All powdered
this product should be washed separately) 365
Everyday Value (O/U), Almond Breeze Original             Body Wash - All
& Unsweetened (O/U), Almondsense (O/U), Cal-             Boric Acid - All
Pure Almond Meal Blanched-Raw (O/U), Essential           Bowl and Tub Cleaners - All
Everyday (O/U), FredMeyer (O/U), Fresh & Easy            Breath Strips - Require Kosher for Pesach
(O/U), Friendly Farms (O/U), Full Circle (O/U), Golden   certification - Kitniyos
Orchard (O/U), H-E-B (O/U), Hy-Vee (O/U), Laura Lynn     Buckwheat Airline Pillows - Kitniyos, not Chometz
(O/U), Market Basket (O/U), Meijer (O/U), Natural
                                                         Candles - All pure unscented
Direction (O/U), Nature’s Place (O/U), Paramount
Farms Meal (O/U), Price Chopper (O/U), Roundy’s          Cat Food - see Pet Food article.
(O/U), Shop Rite (O/U), Silk (O/U), So Delicious         Cardboard - All
Unsweetened (O/U), Sunnyside Farms (O/U), Tree of        Carpet Cleaners - All
Life (O/U), Winn-Dixie (O/U).                            Charcoal Briquettes - (for a barbeque) - All
Almond Flour/Meal: Blue Diamond Growers Fine             (including flavored)
and X-Fine Blanched and Natural Almond Flour             Cheesecloths - All
                                                         Chia Seeds - Any raw without additives (check seeds
Aluminum Foil and Pans - All uncoated without            before Pesach for any other grain that may be mixed
release agent                                            in). Navitas (Earth K) is one example
Ant & Roach Spray - All                                  Cleansers - All (i.e. Ajax, Bab-O, Fantastic,)
Antacid - Tums (Kitniyos), Zantac, Pepcid, Rolaids       Cocoa Powder - Any domestically-poroduced 100%
(contains animal glycerin and Kitniyos)                  pure cocoa, with no additives, may be used.
Ammonia - All                                            Coconut Aminos/Crystal - Coconut Secret (Star-K)
Aluminum Disposable Containers - All uncoated            Coconut Chips/Flakes - Arya (Star-K) Coconut Chips,
without release agent                                    Aunt Patty’s (Star-K), Cocozia (Star-K), Epicurex
Baby Formula - (should be prepared in separate           (Star-K), Trader Joes Flakes & Chips (Kosher Check)
utensils, away from Pesach kitchen area, as they         (unsweetened)
contain Kitniyos) 365 Everyday Value, Ameribella,        Coconut Cream - Trader Joes
American’s Choice For Baby, Babies R Us, Baby
                                                         Coconut Crystals - Coconut Secret (Star-K)
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