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    GASTRONOMY AS A            A YEAR-ROUND                 OUR

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      COMMITMENT              2022 - MENORCA,
                             TIMELESS FLAVOUR

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                           REGION OF GASTRONOMY
                            PLATFORM PARTNERS

European Region of
     Gastronomy 2022.
    Recognition and legacy

      Although it barely covers 700 square       2022 by the International Institute of
      kilometres, Menorca is home to             Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism
      interesting agri-food products of          (IGCAT).
      recognised quality, such as Mahón-
      Menorca cheese, and wines from the         Of course, this recognition would mean
      island of Menorca. These are of vital      not only highlighting the importance
      importance for the local economy           of the rich gastronomic heritage and
      and, above all, for the gastronomic        products related to the agriculture,
      culture of this beautiful island, which    livestock and fishing of this island,
      is closely linked to the Mediterranean’s   but also a commitment to contribute
      culture and food.                          to its conservation. I am, therefore,
                                                 confident that the excellent qualities
      As Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries      of Menorcan gastronomy can be further
      and Food, I would like to express my       disseminated, while at the same time
      complete support, and that of this         promoting sustainable development
      Ministry, for Menorca’s candidacy to be    with this valuable heritage at its heart.
      named European Region of Gastronomy

                                                                               Luís Planas
                                                       Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
                                                                            (Government of Spain)

6                        7
Gastronomy of                                                                                                                                 Menorca: proud,
Menorca, a people                                                                                                                            hard-working and
united                                                                                                                                              commited

Gastronomy is one of this island’s                    European Region of Gastronomy 2022         Menorca is an island – an island            by others, and has been declared         disseminate our culinary culture and
most esteemed treasures, a culinary                   is the fruit of a solid, serious process   biosphere reserve – whose main              an Intangible Cultural Heritage of       to encourage the use of ‘Zero-Mile’
wealth that is deeply rooted in                       in which its main economic and social      challenge and wish is to become an          Humanity by UNESCO.                      produce at its core.
Menorca’s history and idiosyncrasy.                   actors have eagerly become involved.       international example of sustainability
Mediterranean in its essence – as it                                                             and balance between human actions           Today, Menorcan gastronomy has           Menorca is a small island whose
could not be anything else – it is open               Menorca is renowned for its excellent      and the natural environment, while          been greatly enhanced thanks to the      strength lies in its unity and richness,
to all kinds of influences from around                quality of life, and for being a global    upholding our culture and heritage as       excellent and coordinated work done      and in banding together. Thanks to
the world, and a leader when it comes                 benchmark in sustainability and            our most precious values.                   hand in hand with the entire social      our combined efforts, we are evolving
to innovation.                                        environmental matters. Via a truly                                                     and business fabric, with farmers        in a key area of our culture via our
                                                      comprehensive programme, the island        Thanks to a historical culinary tradition   and producers, and with other bodies.    Menorcan customs and, in a sphere
A heritage that Menorca has cared for                 is keen to share and invigorate this       and deep rural roots, Menorca has a         This allows us to promote our most       of special relevance and protagonism,
and enriched over the years: At the                   expertise and elevate one of its core      rich gastronomy and a huge variety of       time-honoured cuisine – which            Menorcan gastronomy. Through our
same time, it has known how to share                  legacies: gastronomy.                      quality local products. Thus Menorcan       encompasses traditional dishes such      joint efforts, we once again show with
it with its visitors, shaping it into one                                                        gastronomy gathers the produce              as lobster caldereta, oliaigua, tomato   total dedication that Made in Menorca
of the island’s most important draws                  As President of the Government of the      bestowed by the land, and by the            and potato bake, fish dishes and         products are of the highest quality and
as a tourist destination.                             Balearic Islands, I am giving my fullest   Mediterranean Sea that surrounds            stuffed courgettes and aubergines. It    are products that we are all extremely
                                                      support to Menorca as European Region      it. This allows the island to offer a       also allows us to promote innovative     proud of.
The people of Menorca are engaged and                 of Gastronomy 2022 and wish the            cuisine with its own identity that          cuisine, which always has our
our society has a dynamic spirit. Thus,               organisers and everyone behind it the      is local, unassuming and based on           traditional philosophy of working and
the candidacy for the island to become                greatest success.                          the Mediterranean diet, so desired          contributing together to preserve and

Francina Armengol                                                                                                                                                                                               Susana Mora
President of the Government of the Balearic Islands                                                                                                                                           President of the Menorca Island Council

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Menorca: an
                                           gastronomic model

     In recent years, Spain has brought         Moreover, gastronomy has made an            heritage and social cohesion, tourism
     three fundamental values to the            extraordinary contribution to improving     and the economy.
     world of gastronomy. Firstly, a            quality of life, has created savings for
     global vision that allows gastronomy       the national health service, generates      And it is precisely in all these spheres
     to be approached not only from a           income from consumption and tourism,        that Menorca is a unique model of
     perspective of enjoyment or pleasure,      and is, therefore, an element that will     an all-embracing gastronomy. For its
     but also from other perspectives           substantially change the prospects          diverse raw materials, for the talent of
     that are just as important, such as        of Europe’s population in the coming        its cooks, growers and producers, for
     health, culture, social relations and      years. We Europeans must become             its exceptional natural environment,
     the economy. We have gone from             aware that diet, food, pleasure and         for its extraordinary culinary legacy,
     seeing gastronomy as a concept for         gastronomic culture are the basic           for its multidisciplinary understanding
     sensory satisfaction to something          building blocks for creating a modern,      of social relations, from art to science,
     much broader, which encompasses            innovative society that is able to tackle   for the commitment and awareness of
     science, art and culture. Secondly, the    the future. That is why I believe that a    Menorcans in promoting their economy
     socialisation of gastronomy allows us      platform such as the European Region        and tourism in a sustainable way, and
     to fully internalise an approach that      of Gastronomy is of vital importance        preserving the essence of the island
                                                                                            as its greatest heritage. For all these
     must include not only a privileged         for gastronomy and which, from an
                                                                                            reasons I believe that there is no better
     few, but all citizens who shape            all-embracing point of view, can act as
                                                                                            candidate than Menorca for European
     today’s societies. And lastly, a cuisine   a key factor for modern societies in the
                                                                                            Region of Gastronomy 2022.
     of freedom in gastronomy. So that          21st century. All-embracing because it
     professionals, and not just cooks, can     plays a decisive role in spheres ranging
     give time and space to their creativity    from education to the environment, via
     and capacity to innovate. And we as        the development of cultural identity,
     diners, the other great protagonists       nutrition and health, diversity and                      Rafael Ansón Oliart
     in the world of gastronomy, can also       sustainability, sensory and emotional                      President of the Spanish Royal
     choose freely.                             satisfaction, innovation and creativity,                         Academy of Gastronomy

10                                                                 11
gastronomic heritage

The island of Menorca and Girona          diversity of the raw materials used,       of its status as a Biosphere Reserve,
– where elBulli was located until it      and the enormous respect that exists       and of the Mediterranean diet as
closed, and where elBulli1846 will        for local cuisine. Ways of working are     an Intangible Cultural Heritage
soon open – have a lot in common: our     close to the land, protecting quality      of Humanity, are also things that
coasts are caressed by the same sea,      and respecting the legacy left by          captivate visitors. As a result, I believe
the Mediterranean; the same wind,         past generations of cooks of hearty        that the title European Region of
the Tramontana, blows over us; the        meals, artisan farmers, fishermen and      Gastronomy 2022 would be key for
orography of the Empordà coincides        livestock farmers. However, beyond         the consolidation and expansion of
with that of inland Menorca, and both     the virtuosity of the work of these        Menorca’s gastronomic identity.
are melting pots of the peoples who       gastronomy professionals, I felt the
                                          great sensitivity and awareness its
settled there, their arts and cultures.
                                          inhabitants have for sustainability and
Their culinary influences and age-old
                                          for controlling the growth of tourism
recipes have endured to the present
                                          to preserve the wealth of the island’s
day and we still use them in homes
                                          pantry and its natural resources.
and restaurants. This refined legacy
harmoniously and deftly integrates the    This care for – and pride in – defending
best ingredients from the sea we sail     and maintaining what is autochthonous
on and from the land we tread.            while looking after and protecting its
                                          resources are the best foundations
During my visits to the island of         for continuing to build a cuisine
Menorca, I not only saw the surprising    that deserves to be a benchmark in
plurality of cooking styles and the       the Mediterranean. The lure of its
astounding personality of the local       recognisable, subtle and differentiated
chefs, but I also witnessed the           cooking, not to mention the importance

Ferran Adrià
President of elBulli Foundation

                                                             12                                                                   13
     for a
MENORCA   TIMELESS FLAVOUR                                 Exceptional surroundings for a gastronomic region

                             SPAIN AS A MODEL FOR
                             GOOD FOOD AND HAPPINESS

                             Spain is an international gastronomic       of traditional recipes, coexists with
                             power and an indisputable protagonist       haute cuisine; the latter spearheads      Traditional
                             in the world’s gastronomic market.          the international scene thanks to the
                             Agri-food is a pillar for Spain, which is   revolution brought about by Ferran
                             outstanding as a producer and exporter
                             for a range of agricultural activities,
                                                                         Adrià at elBulli, which was preceded
                                                                         by the ‘New Basque Cuisine’ movement
                             and shines when it comes to the meat
                             and fishing industries. At the same
                                                                         and is continued today by several
                                                                         generations of chefs whose cooking
                                                                                                                   with haute
                             time, price competitiveness has shifted     is contemporary and creative. And         cuisine
                             to quality competitiveness, allowing a      lastly, vis-à-vis tourism, Spain is
                             number of Spanish products to position      unquestionably appetising on the food
                             themselves at the very highest level on     front.
                             the international market.
                                                                         The sum of these factors coalesces in
                             The next link in the chain, food            an alliance that guarantees a veritable
                             distribution – both wholesale and           ‘Made in Spain’ supremacy in the
                             retail – has become more professional,      context of international gastronomy.
                             and this is true of supermarkets all the
                             way to gourmet delis. In addition, and      The gastronomic sector is constituted
                             going a step beyond this gastronomic        by agricultural, livestock and fishing
                             chain, the restaurant industry has          production together with the food
                             grown, diversified and innovated via        and beverage industry (with Spanish
                             myriad business models, and this can        wineries playing a leading role)
                             be appreciated in the most modest bar       and distribution via supermarkets,
                             to the most sophisticated eatery.           hypermarkets, specialised shops and
                                                                         HORECA. The sum of these activities
                             Furthermore, great regional culinary        represents production worth €388
                             diversity, whose appeal lies in the use     billion, and offers the following

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MENORCA      TIMELESS FLAVOUR                         Exceptional surroundings for a gastronomic region

                                                                                     15% of international tourists visiting Spain
                                                                                                   do so for gastronomic reasons
                                                                                      15.5% of international tourist expenditure
                                                                                            in Spain is generated by gastronomy

conclusion: gastronomy, in other         States, with 6), 3 on the Top 10 list
words this value chain, represents       (followed by Denmark, France and
33% of Spain’s GDP.                      Peru, each with 2), and 13 restaurants
                                         in the Top 120 worldwide.
In addition, it represents €168
billion of Gross Value Added, 14%        From a qualitative point of view, we
of GDP; and employs 3.73 million         must take into account the appeal of
workers, 18% of total employment         Spain’s gastronomic sector in terms of
in Spain.                                the quality of its products, its regional
                                         diversity, the continuous improvement
Spain’s agri-food exports represent      of its image, a growing appreciation
16.8% of total Spanish foreign trade.    by the general public of cooking and
As for tourism, 15% of international     of cooks, the international visibility
tourists visiting Spain come for         of chefs and their creative capacity
gastronomic reasons; in addition,        to design dishes, not to mention
                                         innovative business models, the
15.5% of what international tourists
                                         importance of the Mediterranean diet
spend in Spain goes on gastronomy.
                                         (at the heart of Spanish cuisine) as a
                                         healthy way of eating, the recognition
In the ‘sub-sector’ of haute cuisine,
                                         of the tapa (‘fashionable’ on a global
Spain has 206 Michelin-starred           level) as a culinary Made in Spain
restaurants, a figure that could         model and, in short, the positive impact
undoubtedly be greater given the high    of gastronomy on Brand Spain.
level of Spain’s restaurant sector,
but which historically has only been     Although the impact of gastronomy
surpassed by countries such as Japan,    on Spain’s economy is based on
France, Italy and Germany. On the        solid roots and brings about multiple
other hand, a domestic rating, such      opportunities, it also poses a series
as that given by the Repsol Guide,       of challenges that must be considered
distinguishes 524 restaurants with       in order to maintain and increase the
Repsol Suns. In addition, Spain’s        competitiveness of the activities that
international importance can be          constitute it. This entails promoting
seen by its presence on lists like       innovation and consolidating its
The World’s 50 Best Restaurants          leadership in different sub-sectors,
2019, with a record number of            ideas that this report analyses
7 eateries among the 50 best in          from a quantitative and qualitative
the world (followed by the United        perspective.

                                                            18                                                       19
MENORCA   TIMELESS FLAVOUR   Exceptional surroundings for a gastronomic region

                                        THE BALEARIC
                                        ISLANDS AS
                                        A MODEL OF
                                        The archipelago of the Balearic Islands     ratjada and Ibizan salmorra, and sweets
                                        is made up of Mallorca, Cabrera,            such as flaó, greixonera, orelletes, or
                                        Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. In total,    macaron de Sant Joan can be found in a
                                        the territory covers 4,992 km², and as      few places. As in Mallorca, they grow
                                        a region it is small when compared to       traditional produce such as almonds
                                        other Autonomous Communities. Its           and carob, but the agricultural industry
                                        population is 1,187,808. Although their     is dwindling with each generation.
                                        origins are similar on a time scale, over
                                        the centuries, each island has defined      Formentera – an extension of Ibiza’s
                                        its identity and gastronomy according       customs, ways and cuisine – has a
                                        to its local natural pantry, the diverse    pantry of ingredients that are identical
                                        influences received from other cultures     yet different, such as peix sec (dried
                                        which settled there, and its commercial     fish) used in the ubiquitous country-
                                        activities.                                 style salad, liquid salt, dried figs,
                                                                                    fresh goat’s and sheep’s cheese, honey,
                                        Today, Ibiza’s gastronomy is the most       and bescuit (a slow-baked bread with
                                        international and cosmopolitan,             a toast-like texture, which has to be
                                        with the greatest cultural mix as           soaked before being eaten). It is one of
                                        local ingredients and techniques are        the most peculiar ingredients of their
                                        combined with Asian, Latin American         country-style salad.
                                        and other European influences. Given
                                        that it depends on seasonal tourism,        For its part, Mallorca still retains
                                        local species such as pollo de payés (a     a unique culinary identity, one that
                                        free-range chicken with firm meat and       includes other influences. This can be
                                        a pronounced flavour) are only eaten        clearly seen in its agricultural sector,
                                        at home. However, typical seafood           as well as in its processing industry of
                                        stews such as bullit de peix, borrida de    primary products and their value-added

             20                                            21
MENORCA       TIMELESS FLAVOUR                         Exceptional surroundings for a gastronomic region

marketing, and in its various types and    to enjoy dishes such as frit mallorquí,
categories of restaurants. Its best-       trampó, escaldums, tombet, stuffed
                                                                                            Each island has defined its gastronomy
known products include sobrassada,
ensaimada, wine, olive oil and almonds.
                                           snails, roast suckling pig, arròs brut and
                                           sopes mallorquinas. Sometimes they are
                                                                                              identity according to its local pantry,
The products, in addition to fruits and
vegetables, fish from its coasts, and
                                           prepared in a purely traditional way,
                                           other times they are given a modern
                                                                                         diverse cultural influences from previous
meat from locally raised animals, are
used by restaurants in modern versions
                                           and contemporary twist, yet the
                                           essence of their origins always comes
                                                                                        settlers and ongoing commercial activities
of local recipes. It is thus possible      through.

                                                              22                                                        23
MENORCA   TIMELESS FLAVOUR   Exceptional surroundings for a gastronomic region

Menorca is an island filled with                                                                                activities that continue to this day.
contrasts and has a very distinctive                                                                            All your senses come into play when
personality. Located in the middle of                                                                           you visit this Biosphere Reserve,
the western Mediterranean, sculpted                                                                             offering you the possibility and the
by wind and the sea, it has wealth of                                                                           responsibility of contributing to the
natural heritage, and its history goes                                                                          maintenance of its important legacy.
back over four thousand years thanks
to the extraordinary legacy drawn from                                                                          Menorca tantalises everyone who
the various cultures that settled there                                                                         visits. The powerful spell it casts
over the centuries.                                                                                             over those who are open to capturing
                                                                                                                its qualities leaves a mark. The
The adaptation of animal and plant                                                                              island’s cuisine has been influenced
species to this rocky island, set                                                                               by its history, climate and orography,
quite a distance from the mainland,                                                                             resulting in a gastronomic diversity
has given rise to unique forms of                                                                               which, paradoxically, is unknown to
life in the natural world. Climatic                                                                             most visitors.
conditions and contrasting geology
have allowed a great biodiversity to                                                                            Because the cuisine of the island is
flourish, and this has benefited from                                                                           Mahón-Menorca cheese. But also
the hands of local farmers who, year                                                                            esclatasangs, capers, samphire,
after year, have wisely cultivated the                                                                          oliaigua, saffron, chamomile, flor
land. Ancestral human use has left                                                                              de Fornells salt, and sulla honey.
an indelible mark on the territory and                                                                          Menorca is ensaimada. But also
has shaped an intensely humanised                                                                               rubiols, crespells, coca, congret,
landscape that has become a pillar of                                                                           panet de mort and carquinyols.
the island’s identity. The landscape                                                                            Menorca is caldereta. But also cega
reflects the harmony that coexisted,                                                                            amb coc, perdius amb col, caragols
until just a few decades ago, between                                                                           amb cranca, pilotes a la menorquina
human use of the land and the natural                                                                           and conill ab pixotera. Menorca is
environment, especially with regard                                                                             sobrasada. But also camot, vermella,
to agriculture and livestock farming,                                                                           cuixot, carn i xua, butifarró, lamb,

                                                       24                                     25
and snails. Menorca is lobster. But
also cap roig, escupinyes, molls,
corns, snake’s locks anemone,
monkfish, oysters from the port
of Mahón, espardenyes and raors.
                                           OVER 200 PRODUCERS IN 20 DIFFERENT CATEGORIES
Menorca is gin. But also craft beer,

as well as quality wines made from
local and non-local grape varietals.

Fortunately, one of Menorca’s virtues is
the unstoppable change of its agri-food                                                         MORE THAN 1,500
and artisanal revolution. Producers,                                                                                           BECAUSE OF ITS STRATEGIC LOCATION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN, IT
                                                                                           ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES THAT           HAS BEEN SETTLED BY ARABS, THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH, AND IS A
growers, farmers, distributors, small
business owners and restaurateurs
                                                                                            ARE OVER 4,000 YEARS OLD                           MELTING POT OF CIVILISATIONS
are committed to a network they have
created; one which is fast becoming
consolidated and will continue to          MENORCA MEASURES 702
be hugely successful in the future.
To complement this, the restaurant
                                           SQUARE KMS, LESS THAN
                                                                        702km 2                 66%
scene in Menorca is also sympathetic
                                           A FIFTH OF MALLORCA                                                                                                      216km
to international trends. In addition       ISLAND
to the cooks and entrepreneurs who
seek out local traditions and identity,
there are others whose cuisine is more
                                             11,000 KM OF DRY-STONE WALLS, OVER HALF THE     IN 1993 MENORCA WAS                   53 KM FROM MÁO TO
open to fusion and outside influences,                                                                                                                            216 KM OF COASTLINE
                                                  LENGTH OF THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA           DECLARED BIOSPHERE
but they do not forsake the idea of                                                                                                    CIUDADELA              OVER 100 BEACHES AND COVES
deftly integrating raw materials or
local techniques in their dishes. The
                                                    11.000km                                  RESERVE, 66% OF ITS
                                                                                            TERRITORY IS PROTECTED
                                                                                                                                 184 KM CAMÍ DE CAVALLS

past decade has seen the rise of
a movement that reaffirms pride
in local identity, that sings the
praises of autochthonous raw
materials, of inherited traditions,                                                                                       RECYCLING RATE IS 10% HIGHER
and of Menorcan recipes. This
                                                        A POPULATION OF 93,759
                                                   130 INHABITANTS PER SQUARE KM
                                                                                                     10%                  THAN THE AVERAGE IN SPAIN
trend is mainly thanks to a generation
of cooks, small business owners,
winemakers, restaurateurs, politicians,
artisans, farmers and entrepreneurs                                                         POC A POC (‘BIT A BIT’) IS,           1,800 RESTAURANT AND
who see Menorca’s diversity as a                                                           PROBABLY, THE EXPRESSION              HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES
special gift.                                                                                THAT BEST DEFINES US
                                                                                                                                      1.800                     AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY
                                                                                                                                                                  IS ONE OF THE HIGHEST
                                                                                                                                                                    GLOBALLY. IN 2004,
                                                                                                                                                                 THE (OFFICIALLY) OLDEST
                                               93.759                                                                                                           PERSON IN THE WORLD DIED
                                                                                                                                                                     AT THE AGE OF 114
02   Our history,
     a culinary
     through time

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MENORCA       TIMELESS FLAVOUR                                                             Our history, a culinary journey through time

From prehistoric times until practically today, Menorca has been a crossroads
for various cultures thanks to its strategic location in the middle of the western
Mediterranean and to the singular geographical characteristics of the Port of Mahón.
Since time immemorial, different peoples have coveted the island as a stopping place and
refuge. All have left a rich historical legacy, making Menorca a land of important Cultural
Heritage, which includes Gastronomy.

                               FROM PREHISTORY
                               TO ROME
                               Human presence on the island has been       called arròs de la terra is also known as
                               confirmed to exist since the beginning      ‘Moorish rice’: Its origins date back to
                               of the Bronze Age (2,000 BCE), an era       Islamic times, but, despite its name,
                               known as the pre-Talayotic period. In       it is not made with rice but with wheat
                               around 1400 BCE, the evolution of this      semolina. It is a very notable recipe of
                               culture gave rise to a number of large      the island’s gastronomy and was usually
                               stone constructions known as talayots, a    eaten on the days after pigs were
                               word that lends its name to the richest     slaughtered, served with pieces of pork,
                               period of the island’s prehistory, the      part of the animal’s head, and two heads
                               Talayotic, which had singular places        of whole garlic, as well as potatoes or
                               of worship called taulas. In 123 BCE,       sweet potatoes.
                               Menorca became part of the Roman
                               Empire which brought a transformation       In 1287, after almost 400 years of
                               of the Talayotic settlements, and the       Muslim rule, the Christian king Alfonso
                               dominance of three towns contiguous to      III ‘The Liberal’ conquered Menorca and
                               three important ports: Mago (Mahón),        integrated it into the Catalan-Aragonese
                               Jamma (Ciudadela) and Sanisera              Crown and later into the Kingdom of
                               (Sanitja).                                  Mallorca. During the period spanning
                                                                           the 13th to the 18th century, from the
                               Following the Fall of Rome, and as in       Romanesque to the Baroque, the island
                               the rest of the Balearic archipelago,       began to truly establish its culinary
                               Menorca suffered successive invasions       traditions, as well as creating the main
                               by Vandals and Byzantines, until it was     gems of its artistic and architectural
                               integrated into the Islamic world in the    heritage. French rule in the 18th century,
                               early 10th century, linked first to the     although brief, left a great influence
                               Emirate of Cordoba and later to the Taifa   on cooking and food that would be
                               kingdom of Denia. Still today, a dish       expanded upon in later years.

                                                  30                                                                                         31

                  In the 18th century, as a consequence of
                  the War of Spanish Succession, Spain            Many
                  was forced to cede Gibraltar and the
                  island of Menorca to Great Britain. For
                  Great Britain, Menorca represented a
                  valuable enclave in the Mediterranean,
                                                                  words and
                  and ensured that its expansion could
                  continue. For 100 years the island
                                                                  names are
                  remained British, although interspersed
                  with some short periods of French and
                                                                  rooted in
                  Spanish rule. All these changes greatly         the English
                  influenced local life by transforming
                  economic conditions and, therefore, the         language
                  island’s customs and culinary arts.
                                                                  to refer to sengri (sangaree), a hot
                  For example, it can be seen in ways of          wine that is sometimes spiced. It
                  cooking, such as in the use of butter,          is interesting how a number of new
                  which is unusual in this area, in food          names have arisen, such as that of a
                  and drinks – with the best illustration         variety of plum, which on the island
                  being Menorcan gin – and in many                is called neversó. It is, in fact, the
                  words and culinary names that are               phonetic adaptation of the English
                  rooted in the English language. There           words ‘never saw’. Legend has it that,
                  are many examples: grevi (from the              during his time on the island, the
                  word gravy), to refer to the meat juices        British Governor Richard Kane tasted
                  of a roast; xenc (shank), which is the          one of these fruits, and exclaimed,
                  front part of the leg of an animal whose        ‘I never saw such plums before!’ The
                  meat is the main ingredient of brou de          name stuck. A taste for puddings of
                  xenc (veal broth); pinxa (from the word         all kinds, made with a wide range of
                  pilchard), a sardine that is widely used        ingredients, and a fondness for jams
                  on cocas; píquels (pickles), gherkins in        and marmalades is another legacy from
                  vinegar or other pickles; xels (shells),        that time.
                  in other words, cockles; punys (punch)

             32                                              33
THREE           ART DE                                                             DE RE                                                              SA CUINA DES
                LA CUINA                                                           CIBARIA                                                            POBLE DE MENORCA
MUST-READ       Fra Roger (18th century)                                           by Pedro Ballester (1923)                                          by Bep Al·lès (2012)


                The oldest written reference of Menorcan gastronomy, it            This is the first modern recipe book on Menorcan cooking and       Involving fieldwork, this is a compilation of recipes from
                provides us with truly valuable cultural information. Francesc     patisserie. It reveals, in great detail, the culinary tastes and   fishermen, hunters, home-makers, retirees, books from
                Roger was a Franciscan friar who lived, worked and cooked for      dietary habits of the island’s society in the first half of the    manor homes, handwritten family notes, and interviews with
                his fellow monks at the Sant Francesc monastery in Ciudadela       20th century, and it remains contemporary in its outlook: his      pastry chefs and bakers. The first part offers a broad range
                during the first half of the 18th century. His book is the fruit   recipes, and what he wrote on seasonal ingredients and ways        of recipes, from breakfasts requiring cutlery to rice dishes,
                of knowledge and experience accumulated over the years             of eating are still followed to this day. The author, who was      pulses, fish, meat, soups, stews and breads. The second
                when he worked as a cook. A manuscript containing more             actually not particularly interested in gastronomy, treated the    – containing over 900 recipes – looks at desserts and pastry-
                than 200 recipes which include ingredients – some exotic and       project like a research topic, offering conclusions and analysis   making, and includes desserts from manor homes, convents
                from faraway places – that were not commonly found in the          that were more like a study.                                       and monasteries, recipes from grandmothers and from the
                cookbooks of his day. It reveals a masterful cuisine combining                                                                        island’s past pastry chefs and bakers.
                popular local wisdom with an adaptability to using the island’s
                recipes as well as products from America and Europe.
MENORCA   TIMELESS FLAVOUR                                      Our history, a culinary journey through time

                                                                        culture. To complement this, the            and the sense of community for a         unquestionable gastronomic heritage,
                                                                        restaurant scene in Menorca is              common goal. Restaurateurs share         of gustatory memory; a cuisine whose
                                                                        also sympathetic to international           the goal of promoting the singularity    diversity is as intriguing as it is
                                                                        trends. In addition to the cooks and        and personality of Menorca’s cuisine     enjoyable, with a huge and omnivorous

                                                                        entrepreneurs who seek out local            beyond its stereotypes. A culture of     range of dishes to offer diners, and
                                                                        traditions and identity, there are others   cooking built throughout the centuries   one with an immense past, a better
                                                                        whose cuisine is more open to fusion        via the influences from the different    present and a splendid outlook for the
                                                                        and outside influences, but they do not     peoples who inhabited the island;        future. Menorca has never had such

                                                                        forsake the idea of deftly integrating      shaped also by the artisanal knowledge   a highly qualified generation of
                                                                        raw materials or local techniques in        of local farmers and fishermen, and      incomparable talent with a greater
                                                                        their dishes.                               by the wealth provided by the seasons    awareness of the environment;
                                                                                                                    and nature. Over time, these factors     never before has Menorca had this

                                                                        What is remarkable among the island’s       have brought about the creation of       exceptional level of cooks.
                                                                        cooks, compared with other regions,         a wide-ranging collection of recipes
                                                                        are the good vibes, the camaraderie         imbued with breathtaking harmony, of

As we mentioned in the introduction,
there is a growing pride in local
identity, in roots and what is passed
down; these are seen as differentiating
factors, and as a reaction against
an ever more globalised society.
Gastronomy is one of our greatest
assets, a treasure held dear by every
family, in each home, in each lloc and
in every restaurant. Times change and
younger generations – out of habit
and lack of time – are perhaps more
                                                                                                                                                             is one of our
inclined to be influenced by less formal
ways of eating. But in spite of this,
there is an effort and an awareness                                                                                                                          assets.
on the part of the community to
uphold values, ingredients and the                                                                                                                           A treasure
legacy of what is local.
                                                                                                                                                             held dear
The restaurant industry mirrors this
movement. It is surprising that such a                                                                                                                       by every
small landmass has more than 1,800
eateries. There are new restaurant
                                                                                                                                                             family, in
openings, chefs and ideas are in
motion, there is a greater culinary
                                                                                                                                                             each home,
offer and better service, and a growing
interest in a search for excellence as
                                                                                                                                                             in each lloc
diners are ever more active, attaching                                                                                                                       and in every
great value to gastronomy as part
of their leisure time and pursuit of                                                                                                                         restaurant
                                                        36                                                                            37
     roots and

38         39
MENORCA          TIMELESS FLAVOUR                                                                                                   Menorca’s gastronomy, roots and excellence


Caldereta                                                              Oliaigua amb figues                                                 Rebosteria                                                              Aubergínies plenes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (STUFFED AUBERGINES)
(LOBSTER STEW)                                                         (‘OLIAGO’ WITH FIGS)                                                (DESSERTS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This variation of Iman Bayildi – found all around the
The most emblematic dish of the island’s seafood cuisine               The most beloved dish of traditional Menorcan peasant               The tradition of dessert-making, which goes back a long                 Mediterranean – is made with the excellent local varieties
is caldereta. Made with the flavoursome lobsters found in              cuisine, it is eaten daily for breakfast, lunch or dinner; it has   way, encompasses elements of Muslim culture that have                   of aubergines (white, striped, purple or black), although here
Menorca’s waters, it is also made with fish, moray eel or              even survived past migrations to Florida and Algiers. Adapted       been mixed and improved with contributions from Catalan,                it is almost always vegetarian. It can also be enjoyed cold
a variety of seafood. Invented by fishermen, local chefs               according to seasonal ingredients (wild asparagus, cabbage,         British and French cuisines. The recipes, faithfully passed             or in a coc (a typical Menorcan bread roll). Often associated
improved upon the recipe. The restaurants Can Burdó, and               etc.), the perfect pairing is with figs, but it goes well with      down through the generations, were prepared according to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   with festivities, this dish dates back to the introduction of
later Es Pla, turned this lobster stew into one of the island’s        grapes, melon and even chips. It is part of a saying that           calendar of annual festivals: greixeres during Carnival season,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   this vegetable to the island and is paired with the Menorcan
gastronomic icons. They popularised this basic fisherman’s             defines the way of life on Menorca: tranquillity and oliaigua. A    formatjades at Easter, ensaimadas with hot chocolate during
                                                                                                                                           summer festivals dedicated to patron saints, buñuelos for All           fondness for marjoram.
recipe among foreign foodies visiting the Bay of Fornells,             popular summer dish, prepared when the island’s vegetables
transforming a lowly stew of llagosta de pata rompuda into a           are bursting with flavour, it is served with day-old toasted        Saints Day, and tortada, nougats and cuscussó at Christmas.
                                                                                                                                           When it comes to dishes made with savoury dough, and just
delicacy fit for a king. A dish with humble origins that allows        bread and sweet, energising figs. The simplest version is
                                                                                                                                           to name a few, there is a great variety: coques, rubiols stuffed
fishermen to make a better living. When you savour a well-             made with tomatoes, onion, garlic, green pepper, oil and water
                                                                                                                                           with meat or fish (similar to baked pasties), bread rolls filled
made caldereta, you find yourself before a down-to-earth dish,         (oli i aigua: oliaigua), but there are many variations: oliaigua
                                                                                                                                           with sobrasada, flaons (pies stuffed with cheese and eggs),
one with perfect texture and distinct flavours that restores           broix (without tomato, but including the same other basic           formatjades (pasties stuffed with meat, sobrasada...), etc. As
your faith in seafood stews, in particular those traditionally         ingredients), with cabbage, a white version (made with milk),       for those made with sweet doughs, the list includes amargos
eaten with a spoon. The concentrated flavours of the stock             with egg, or with asparagus.                                        (made with almonds and eggs), carquinyols (also with almonds,
– which is elegant and balanced – subtly harmonise with the                                                                                but with a drier dough), pastissets (in the shape of flowers),
character of the lobster meat. A classic dish where each bite                                                                              crespellines (dry biscuits, small but crispy) and crespells
is transformed into a hedonistic feast.                                                                                                    (flower shaped, but sometimes with a hole in the middle and
                                                                                                                                           stuffed with cottage cheese, jam, sobrassada ...).

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MENORCA   TIMELESS FLAVOUR                                       Menorca’s gastronomy, roots and excellence

                             Raoles d’endívia                                                          Calamars plens
                             (CURLY ENDIVE FRITTERS)                                                   (STUFFED SQUID)
                             Roroles – mentioned in Mestre Robert’s 15th century Llibre del            From the nature of this dish – linked to age-old sustainable
                             Coch – were shaped with spoons to create round morsels of                 ways of fishing – and the fact that in the past it was served
                             any battered fried food, and were the origin of tempura, which            on New Year’s Eve, we know that it was held in high esteem.
                             was imported to Japan by missionaries. They are still made                Depending on where it is made on the island, there are very
                             in Menorca with different ingredients (fish, meat, vegetables,            subtle but important variations: it can be prepared with potato
                             snakelocks anemone, etc) to use up leftovers. The most popular            or sweet potato, with meat, or only with the tentacles and
                             are prepared with an exceptional, yet humble, island ingredient:          wings, with or without milk.
                             curly endive, sometimes with the addition of flakes of dried fish.

                             Caragols amb cranca                                                       Tortada d’ametlla
                             (SNAILS WITH CRAB)                                                        (ALMOND CAKE)
                             A classic example of Menorcan cuisine made with traditionally             Typically served for celebrations, it is based on a Genoese cake
                             gathered produce, this flavoursome ‘surf and turf’ dish is                where egg yolks and egg whites are mixed separately. Identical
                             typically prepared with the innards, coral or other seafood               to one made in Alicante, it is found in many other places around
                             parts that are pounded (this is also used in many other stews,            the Mediterranean. The local Menorcan breed of hen lays
                             such as calderetas, panaderas, etc.). In the past it was made             eggs whose quality and size make them especially suitable
                             with cranc pelut (warty crab), but this is now a protected                for this recipe. This cake is topped with a crown of meringue –
                             species.                                                                  commonly used on the island, and which was a huge success at
                                                                                                       the Russian court in the 19th century, as was mayonnaise.

             42                                                                                   43
Menorca’s gastronomy, roots and excellence

The history of cheese on the island      Regulatory Board was set up. Later,
goes way back in time; even to           in 1997, its protected named was
prehistoric times, as has been           broadened and it is now known as
suggested by traces of it on ceramic     ‘Mahón-Menorca’.
utensils used to make cheese, which
date to 2000 BCE. There is written       The way in which Mahón-Menorca
evidence from the 5th century CE         cheese (formatjat) is made has remained
mentioning the consumption of cheese     unchanged for a very long time on all
on the island, and Arabic documents      Menorcan farms (llocs), where it is
from the year 1000 specifically state    produced using age-old methods. The
the excellent qualities of cheese        process consists of a series of steps,
from Menorca. Already an important       handed down from fathers to sons,
export in the 13th century, it was       and its proper application is what
during the period of British rule when   defines and results in an authentic
it became truly popular and from when    Mahón-Menorca Cheese, although
its name ‘Mahón’ – the port from         recent technological advances have
where it was exported – originated. In   led to slight modifications being
1985, it was awarded the distinction     implemented. Mahón-Menorca cheese
of Denomination of Origin, and its       is aged in curing cellars where the

                                                           46                                          47
Menorca’s gastronomy, roots and excellence

                                                                          made with raw milk from the cows          of cows, goats and sheep, and all make
                                                                          on the farm, and shaped in a fogasser     cheeses that conserve the character
                                                                          (cotton cloth). Both use the same basic   and personality of their artisanal
                                                                          methods, but these differences are        methods, farms, the seasons or type of
                                                                          what lead to the characteristics of the   feed. The field of cheese-making has
                                                                          final product.                            seen much innovation, and variations
                                                                                                                    now include rosemary, beer, smoke,
                                                                          In addition to cheese with the Mahón-     sobrassada, blueberries, or botifarró
                                                                          Menorca Denomination of Origin, over      sausage. New marketing ideas have
                                                                          the past decade there has been an         led to the production of heart-shaped
                                                                          increase in the number of independent     cheeses, spicy sheep’s milk, goat’s
                                                                          producers who have embraced               milk, and wine, blue cheeses, and even
                                                                          traditional practices. They work with     European specialities such as fresh
                                                                          raw milk from autochthonous breeds        mozzarella, provolone or caciocavallo.

                             rinds are treated traditionally: this
                             involves turning the cheeses and
                             smearing the rinds with oil and/or

                             Mahón-Menorca D.O.P. (Protected
                             Denomination of Origin) cheeses are
                             pressed paste cheeses, square in
                             shape with rounded edges and corners,
                             and embody the natural flavour of
                             our island, which was declared a
                             Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. To
                             make them we use milk from local
                             Menorcan cows, and a time-honoured
                             traditional method (as set out in the
                             D.O.P. Regulations). Then, it is the wind,
                             dampness and light of Menorca that
                             ensure our cheeses are imbued with
  During the past decade,    their particular taste that is strong and
                             unmistakeable, and is the attribute
        there has been an    most highly valued by consumers. The
                             flavour of Menorca.
increase in the number of
                             Within the Protected Denomination of
  independent producers      Origin definition, there are two different
                             kinds: Mahón-Menorca cheese –
   embracing traditional     made with milk that has undergone
                             some kind of treatment, such as
                 practices   pasteurisation, and where moulds can
                             be used to shape the cheeses; and
                             Artisanal Mahón-Menorca cheese –

                  48                                                                                                                  49
Menorca’s gastronomy, roots and excellence

     Fish and
     Since ancient times, fish has                   enjoyed by the end consumer are:
     been present in Menorcan cuisine,               lobster, red scorpionfish, skate, red
     although its flavour and gastronomic            mullet, cuttlefish and snapper. When
     appreciation was not like that of               it comes to trawling, the following are
     today. Modern fishing techniques –              caught: shrimp, blue whiting, argentina,
     from the mid-20th century onwards               monkfish and Norway lobster. All are
     – facilitated the capture of fish with          of enormous culinary value and coveted
                                                     by restaurateurs – in particular during
     a higher nutritional and organoleptic
                                                     high tourist season – and by end
     value. From humble species, and the
                                                     consumers, who buy produce at the fish
     almost subsistence-like existence of
                                                     market, fishmongers or supermarkets.
     fishermen, consumption has increased
     thanks to fish that are now greatly             The fishing fleet, which operates from
     valued by the end consumer, and the             ports based in Menorca, is associated
     livelihoods of those dedicated to small-        to one of three fishing guilds – Mahón,
     scale fishing has improved.                     Ciudadela and Fornells – and mainly
                                                     carry out bottom fishing and small-
     The most important species, by                  scale fishing. On the whole, fishing
     volume of creatures caught and                  businesses are small, family-owned

50                                              51

Small-scale fishing is the most
       prevalent on the island

  affairs where the proprietor of the        and five ‘parks’ of escupinya (Menorcan
  vessels also usually sails on one of his   clam) beds. The Port of Mahón prospers
  own fishing boats. About seven boats       thanks to aquaculture, and to the
  are trawlers, four based in Ciudadela      cleaning and purging of, among others,
  and three in Mahón. Small-scale            mussels, escupinyes , clams, and
  fishing is the most prevalent on the       notably large oysters. A recognised
  island, and some 54 vessels fish this      model of sustainability, and one with a
  way.                                       promising future.

  When it comes to different kinds of
  sea aquaculture, Menorca has about
  fourteen suspended mussel farms

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MENORCA      TIMELESS FLAVOUR                                                                                              Menorca’s gastronomy, roots and excellence

03                                          spicy paprika, and which comes in two
                                            kinds: tierna (soft) or curada (aged).
                                            The origins of sobrasada go back to
                                            ancient times, to the period of great
                                            advancement and splendour in the
                                            Middle East. Over the centuries,
                                                                                      Vines were already cultivated in Menorca
                                                                                      during Roman rule and continued to be
                                                                                      grown under Muslim rule, but it was
                                                                                                                                    05                                                                                   06
                                            sobrasada became a fixture for local      in the 19th century when cultivation
                                            Menorcans, and went from being a
                                            simple way of preserving meat to
                                            being a characteristic element of their
                                                                                      reached its peak, covering about 1,300
                                                                                      hectares. Some years later this was
                                                                                      drastically reduced, mainly due to the
                                                                                      damage done by phylloxera. Eventually,
                                                                                      from 1980 onwards, various initiatives
                                            Other local charcuterie products          were set up to recover wine production.
                                            include: botifarró (minced meat mixed     In 2000, vine cultivation underwent
                                            with blood for black sausage, and         a great resurgence that continues to
                                            without for white sausage or botifarró    this day. Each year, new vineyards are
                                            blanc); camot (also called cuixot or      established, and the current census puts
                                            camaiot), which is similar to botifarró   about 90 hectares in use, although some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Olive oil
Charcuterie                                 but instead of using intestines for       of them have not yet produced wine.                                                                                                Roman Menorca was strategically placed
                                            the casing, pork thigh skin is used;                                                                                                                                         on the olive oil maritime trade route
Charcuterie products, which are             white sobrasada, is a pre-Hispanic        From an analytical and organoleptic                                                                                                that linked the Iberian Peninsula with
delicious and very varied, are made         recipe dating to before the conquest      point of view, the island’s wines have                                                                                             the capital of the Empire, as revealed
with pork. Celebrating the slaughter        of America, where chilli peppers were                                                                                                                                        by amphorae discovered around the
                                                                                      remarkable personality due to their
of a pig (known as porquejades) has         discovered. These past years have                                                                                                                                            island and from its archaeological sites.
                                                                                      differentiating characteristics. Vineyards
always been one of the most typical         seen the industry come up with more                                                                                                                                          With Romanisation, Menorca embraced
customs in Menorca, and a festivity                                                   are, typically, small plots surrounded                                                                                             the culture of olive oil – part of the
                                            user-friendly ways of consuming these     by dry-stone walls that protect them;
in which family and friends took                                                                                                                                                                                         Mediterranean food trilogy of bread, oil
                                            products, as well as more natural –       this limits mechanization and means                                                                                                and wine. In terms of local production,
part. All the meat and entrails of the      and even organic ones.                    that many processes – in particular                                                                                                the most important historical find, which
slaughtered animal were used to make                                                                                                                                                                                     was discovered below the old town
charcuterie and to ensure the family                                                  harvesting – are done manually. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         centre of Alayor, is a Roman oil press

had provisions for the coming year.                                                   soil, which is mainly calcareous and                                                                                               dating back to the 2nd century BCE.
Once all the work was done, and after                                                 siliceous, is light and stony, and provides
a hearty meal, popular songs called                                                   excellent drainage allowing the vines                                                                                              Today, in the 21st century, production
glosat – improvised songs about topics                                                to stay watered but not too damp. Nine        Mayonnaise is, without a doubt,            any food, the owner served him some       has recommenced in Menorca, a sign
of the day – were sung. Although                                                      wineries on the island already sell the       the most famous and widely eaten           leftover meat together with this sauce.   of a growing interest in recovering the
festivities celebrating porquejades are                                               wine they make, and several new wine          Menorcan product in the world; the star    The Duke thought it was so delicious      ancient culture of olive oil, both in the
now only done occasionally and have                                                   projects are up and running: Within a         sauce of numerous international dishes     that he took the recipe to France where   countryside and at the table. In Menorca
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the endemic tree is the acebuche, the
been modernised, the charcuterie made                                                 few years the latter will also have their     and recipes. Related to the much older     it became known as mahonnaise, in         wild olive tree. Common varieties have
on the island is still delicious.                                                     wines on the market. Around 180,000           aioli (alioli bó), mayonnaise is made      honour of the town of Mahón. Over         always been grown in Menorca, such
                                                                                      bottles a year currently enjoy the ‘Illa      with oil, egg, salt and vinegar or lemon   time, the name gradually changed to       as arbequina, which today is the most
Only made in Menorca, and dating back                                                 de Menorca/Isla de Menorca’ P.G.I.            juice, and was originally an ointment      mayonnaise, leading to confusion and      popular variety for the production of
to Roman times, carn i xulla is the most                                              (Protected Geographical Indication), of       used to treat chafing for horses.          pointed to a possible French origin,      quality extra virgin olive oil. There are
typical of all the island’s cured meats.                                              which 62% is white, 24% is red, and 14%       It is said that following the French       although it should be said that this      currently about a dozen producers, and
                                                                                                                                    invasion of the island in 1756, the        sauce does not appear in any French       close to 25,000 olive trees have been
It is a raw, cured sausage made with                                                  is rosé. This volume will increase in the                                                                                          planted, including organic ones as well
lean meat and fat. Another must-try                                                   near future as new vineyards begin to         Duke of Richelieu stopped at a tavern      cookbook or document on cuisine prior     as less common varietals, and there is
product is our famous sobrasada, a                                                    produce, potentially at least doubling        one evening asking for something to        to the conquest of Menorca.               even a growing interest in the local wild
raw, cured sausage flavoured with                                                     today’s production of wine.                   eat and, because there was hardly                                                    olive tree, despite its very limited yield.

                                                              54                                                                                                                                 55
MENORCA       TIMELESS FLAVOUR                                                                                                Menorca’s gastronomy, roots and excellence

                                             Other variations are gin and soda
                                             (known as pellofa), gin and palo (a
                                             liqueur from Mallorca), or it is just
                                             served neat in a small glass. Today, Gin
                                             de Menorca is exported to hundreds of
                                             markets all over the world, and can be
                                                                                            peppers, onions, garlic, potatoes,
                                                                                            courgettes, pumpkins, cabbages,
                                                                                            spinach, peas, lettuce, curly endive,
                                                                                            artichokes, cucumbers...

                                                                                            In the mid-90s, a group of Menorcan
                                                                                                                                      Recently, there has been interest in
                                                                                                                                      the vermella menorquina breed and in
                                                                                                                                      preserving and improving the way it
                                                                                                                                      is raised, as well as its ‘family tree’.
                                                                                                                                      Hornless, and generally reddish, the
                                                                                                                                      colour of the animals can range from
                                                                                                                                                                                  11                                         Suckling lamb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The local Menorcan sheep are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             extremely well adapted to the climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and geography of the island, which has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             long periods of drought and a scarcity
                                             found on the drinks menus of the most          agriculturalists decided to start         a light blonde to dark red. It is a
                                             famous international bars, restaurants                                                   hardy breed, and perfectly adapted to                                                  of feed. Not only is this lamb of great
                                                                                            farming organically as it was more
                                             and hotels.                                                                              Menorca’s geography. The association                                                   gastronomic value for its texture and
                                                                                            environmentally friendly and more
                                                                                                                                      of producers is strict about traceability                                              organoleptic qualities, but it is also
                                                                                            respectful to livestock. Thanks to this
                                                                                                                                      and food security, as well as the way                                                  appreciated as the animals are not
                                                                                            rise in organic production, organic
                                                                                                                                      the cuts and ageing processes are                                                      given to jumping over the traditional
                                                                                            produce can be found today in many

                                                                                                                                      marketed in order to offer added value.                                                dry-stone walls that border the fields
                                                                                            specialised establishments on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in Menorca. Local, organic production
                                                                                            island, as well as at the various

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             is growing year on year.
                                                                                            farmer’s markets that are held in each

                                                                                            village. In 2018, organically farmed
                                                                                            land in Menorca went from 4,857.80
                                                                                            hectares to 5,449.60, in other words,                                                 Saffron
                                                                                            an increase of 12.1%. 15% of usable
                                                                                            farmland in Menorca is organic.                                                       Of huge gastronomic value, this spice
                                                                                                                                                                                  is now being grown again, 300 years
                                                                                                                                                                                  after it was last cultivated on the

                                                                                                                                                                                  island. Of high quality and with health-
                                                                                                                                                                                  giving properties, it is representative
                                                                                                                                                                                  of the recovery of agriculture by young
                                                                                                                                                                                  artisan farmers who are growing
                                                                                                                                                                                  alternative products. Three saffron
                                                                                                                                                                                  producers grow, harvest and package
Gin de                                                                                                                                                                            this spice on the island. No chemicals
Menorca                                                                                                                                                                           are used, and the saffron has first-
                                                                                                                                                                                  class certification.
                                             Fruits and

Introduced here by the British, this
spirit is extremely popular among the        vegetables
locals of Menorca. The gin, or genever,                                                                                                                                                                                      Honey
made today in Menorca is produced            Traditionally, the vast array of fruits
traditionally in old copper stills heated    grown in Menorca was staggering, with                                                    Snails                                                                                 Honey from Menorca has been famous
over wood fires, distilling wine-based       dozens of varieties of apples, pears,                                                                                                                                           for many centuries. The island’s variety
alcohol (as opposed to English or            figs (figues flor, negretes, catalanes, coll                                             Snails have historically formed part of                                                of wildflowers and saline air endow it
Dutch gin which is made from cereal-         de dama....), plums and apricots. The                                                    the local gastronomic tradition. They                                                  with a delicious flavour and elegance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             making it highly esteemed. Honey
based alcohol) that is flavoured with        island is also famous for its grapes,                                                    are used to enhance stews, eaten with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             harvesting has been a traditional
juniper berries and herbs. Although it
is drunk all year round, consumption
                                             peaches, citrus fruits, melons and
                                             watermelons, pumpkins and nuts. A
                                                                                            Vermella                                  a dressing, or serve as a contrast to
                                                                                                                                      a particular ingredient, such as with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             activity here for a long time. It comes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             mainly from private beehives but also
sky-rockets during local summer              land with a wealth of vegetables and           menorquina                                crab in the dish caragols amb cranca.                                                  from natural hives found in caves, on
festivities. The most popular drink,         leafy greens, these have helped shaped                                                   The demand for fresh snails has even                                                   cliffs, and also from under the eaves of
served very cold, is called pomada or        the local cuisine. Aubergines should be        The presence of cattle on the             given rise to the creation of farms                                                    houses. Half a dozen producers make
gin amb llimonada, made by mixing one        highlighted as they are commonly used          island dates back to 10,000 BCE, to       specialising in this alternative and                                                   wildflower or single-flower honey:
part gin with two parts lemonade.            in the summer, along with tomatoes,            the Talayotic period, if not earlier.     sustainable source of protein.                                                         sulla, heather, bramble or rosemary.

                                                                 56                                                                                                                                  57

14 15 16

                                              Xeixa Bread                              Beer
                                              Xeixa is a variety of wheat whose        Before craft beers became trendy
                                              origins go back 8,000 years to the       in the West, quality local breweries
                                              beginning of the Bronze Age – the        existed on the island. Today, half
Salt                                          end of the last great Ice Age – and      a dozen brands and brewers make
                                              thrived during that climate change.      this esteemed drink from cereals,
Salt has been key for preserving food,        Possibly first brought to Menorca by     hops, yeasts, and local and foreign
both on a domestic level as well as           the Romans, but maybe even earlier       ingredients. The beer made is mainly
for transporting it by sea, and it is,        than that, its cultivation practically   lager, but there are also forays
                                              disappeared until it was recovered       into other kinds, catering to more
therefore, of enormous importance to
                                              this past decade. It does not have       cosmopolitan tastes, like Pilsner,
the history of the island. There is even
                                              a high yield, but it is outstanding      wheat (blat), stout, pale ale, and
evidence of salt pans dating back to
                                              for its excellent quality. It is grown   brown ale. Recognition at international
the time of the Romans. Other salt            organically and stone-ground.            competitions is constant, such as the
pans, created in the 19th century during                                               gold medal won by Grahame Pearce
British rule, are still in use today. Salt                                             Lager at the 2019 edition of the
production is a natural process during                                                 Barcelona Beer Challenge, where 1,112
which seawater evaporates in the pans                                                  beers from 22 countries were entered.
due to the effect of the sun and the
wind. Fleur de sel is the first crust of
salt that forms on the surface. This
kind of salt has less sodium chloride
because it is collected as soon as it
has crystallised. It is not treated in any
way, and is a natural and ecological

                                                                 58                                                              59
                                                                                                                                                     Menorca (agriculture, livestock, fishing,
                                                                                                                                                     seafood, viticulture, beekeeping...).
                                                                                                                                                     A key tool for disseminating and

                                                                                                                                                     providing information on local products
                                                                                                                                                     from Menorca, Agroxerxa is a meeting
                                                            Menorca is a territory that is extremely    The Arrels Fair, which is now in its third
                   With a total of 52 Biosphere Reserves,                                                                                            place for producers and consumers,
                                                            fortunate as it has a wide diversity of     year, has been consolidated by the
                   covering over 12% of state land,                                                                                                  restaurateurs, processors and
                                                            sectors and activities with production      presence of over forty producers from

                   Spain is the country with the most       that is traditional, artisanal and          the island who, in addition to selling
                   in the world. Thanks to the balance      singular. For many years, it was also an    their products to end consumers,
                   achieved between development             island that understood how to maintain      have the chance to create new sales
                                                                                                        relations, promote and publicise their

                   and conservation of heritage and         a perfect balance between industry,
                   landscape, the entire island of          agriculture and tourism, until the          new products, as well as to share bold,
                                                                                                        innovative recipes for their products
                   Menorca was declared a Biosphere         model of the latter was transformed
                                                                                                        prepared by local chefs. Arrels offers
                   Reserve by UNESCO in 1993. The main      into a new economy of services filled

                                                                                                        an ambitious agenda of cultural and
                   characteristic of Menorca’s natural      with new challenges. Today, Menorca
                                                                                                        culinary presentations, creating a
                   environment is its environmental and     faces the future of a globalised            bridge between food producers, as
                   landscape diversity. In just 700 km2,    world with a clear commitment to            well as processors and chefs of local,       This guarantee covers Menorcan wines
                                                            conservation, authenticity and all                                                       recognised with the geographical

                   the island has almost all the habitats                                               national and international renown.
                   found around the Mediterranean,          things local. These have become the         Democratic and inclusive in its outlook,     indication Isla de Menorca, and which
                   particularly woods, ravines, caves,      values that have shaped our island into     Arrels brings gastronomy closer to           follow its regulations. These are
                                                            a place with a unique identity and ‘way     every socio-economic segment. Proof          wines made with white varietals, such
                   wetlands, dune systems, a rocky coast

                                                            of doing things’. With this at its heart,   of this is its philosophy of ‘learning,      as Chardonnay, Macabeo, Malvasía,
                   and islets. Reasons why Menorca                                                                                                   Moscatel de Alejandría, Parellada
                   was designated by UNESCO as              the Island Council of Menorca created       tasting and buying’: tast i cocina
                                                            the Made in Menorca brand to promote        children’s workshops are a sensory           or Moll, and with the red varietals,
                   the headquarters for the World                                                                                                    such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot,
                                                            traditional products and showcase the       and educational festival aimed at kids;
                   Network of Island and Coastal                                                        tastings for attendees are offered by        Monastrell, Syrah or Tempranillo. There
                                                            essence of Menorca.
                   Biosphere Reserves regarding                                                         producers; and produce can be bought         are nine associated wineries (Binifadet,
                   matters related to sustainable                                                       directly from producers.                     Crispín Mariano, Torralbenc, Celler
                                                            The nine fundamental values
                   development.                                                                                                                      Solano, Sa Cudía, Sant Patrici, Son
                                                            on which it is based are very
                                                                                                                                                     Cremat, Sa Marjaleta and Binitord),
                                                            similar to those embraced by the
                   In terms of flora, Menorca is home to                                                                                             which produce around 200,000 bottles.
                                                            European Regions of Gastronomy:
                   some 1,300 species of vascular plants,   uniqueness, passion, creativity,
                   of which 6% are endemic, some of         authenticity, culture, history,
                   which are exclusive to Menorca. On 19    tradition, quality and all things
                   June 2019, Menorca’s Marine Biosphere    local.
                   Reserve became the largest in the
                   Mediterranean, increasing from 71,191    As are its pillars:                         The Agroxerxa project is an initiative
                                                            -    Valuing the culture of local           set up by OBSAM (Menorca’s Socio-
                   hectares to 514,485. This increase
                                                                 production                             Environmental Observatory) with              First made in Menorca to satisfy
                   means that the Reserve established
                                                                                                        funding from the LEADER Menorca              demand under British rule, gin is now
                   in 1993 is now seven times larger        -    Collaboration and consensus            programme and the IME (Menorcan
                                                                 among those involved                                                                part of local Menorcan history, tastes,
                   than it was, and although other larger                                               Research Institute). It is the most          customs and celebrations. In 1997,
                   Biosphere Reserves exist, this is the    -    Promoting the values of the            exhaustive, complete and up-to-              the Regulations for the geographical
                   first time that a Marine Reserve is           territory                              date compendium of producers and             denomination Gin de Menorca were
                   larger than its own landmass.            -    Promoting production activities        products from the land and sea of            approved. These offer, on the one hand,

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