Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand - Anglican Advocacy

Page created by Pedro Jones
Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand - Anglican Advocacy
Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

         Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand
                      Are the levers set right?

         We want an Aotearoa where everyone in paid work earns
         enough to look after their family and raise their tamariki
         with dignity. From the CEO to the cleaner, working hard
                      should mean being paid fairly.

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand - Anglican Advocacy
Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

A pay ratio is the ratio between the highest-paid                One of the most common inequality measures,
and average or lowest paid in a company. There                   called the Gini coefficient, has shown very little
has been rising global concern about ballooning                  change over the last 20 years¹. That is not what
pay ratios in recent years. This discussion paper                you would expect looking at changes in
looks at pay ratios between the highest and                      compensation over that same time. It also does
lowest paid in Aotearoa companies and describes                  not match many people’s lived experience. Why
some of the options to begin addressing the                      does the story told by our graph, and the Gini
disparity.                                                       measure differ?

Chief executive remuneration in New Zealand has                  One explanation might be that the Gini measure
gone up by 67% over the period 2000-2020. (The                   is unresponsive to changes at the extreme ends.
most significant increase in this period happened                For example, taking most of the income from the
during and immediately after the Global Financial                poorest 1% and giving it to the wealthiest 1%
Crisis. Why this happened is a topic that warrants               would not significantly move our inequality
further investigation but is beyond the scope of                 rating.
this report.) Minimum wage earners have been
lifted by government policy with a similar                       Regardless of the reason, the pay ratios of more
increase of 63%. While that is positive, those                   than 100 New Zealand companies provides some
gains have been lost in other areas as we will see               insight into where many people experience
later (fig. 3). Average workers have seen the least              inequality: the workplace. After all, inequality is a
gain, with an increase of 31% over the same                      relational issue.

Figure 1: The big-picture trend, two decades of NZ wages
This chart shows the average CEO total remuneration packages, the average New Zealand worker wage,
and the minimum wage from 2000 to 2020. All figures are inflation-adjusted and expressed in 2020 dollars.


             Average CEO

  $42,760 Average worker • Minimum wage                                                                      $56,160
  $24,047                                                                                                    $39,312
          2000      2002
                    2002     2004
                             2004      2006
                                       2006     2008
                                                2008      2010
                                                          2010      2012
                                                                    2012     2014
                                                                             2014      2016
                                                                                       2016      2018
                                                                                                 2018     2020

Mean CEO wages from Helen Roberts, Otago University, tracking around 20 NZ CEOs each year. Minimum and mean NZ worker
wages from Reserve Bank NZ. All figures are inflation-adjusted to be in 2020 dollars. Yes, the bottom of the y-axis is at 0.

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

Table 1: Pay ratios for 2019/2020
Pay-ratio Organisation                       Highest pay     Pay-ratio Organisation                          Highest pay
151:1    A2 Milk Company                         6,237,000   23:1     Summerset                                   887,625
139:1    Fonterra                                5,267,090   23:1     TourismHoldings                             830,917
136:1    Fletcher Building                       5,110,923   22:1     Briscoes                                    219,038
120:1    Air New Zealand                         4,680,572   22:1     New Zealand Post Group                      906,632
113:1    Telstra Corporation                     4,660,000   22:1     Rakon                                       837,332
100:1    Xero                                    4,144,000   21:1     ColonialMotorCompany                        879,829
90:1     EbosGroup                               3,742,058   21:1     New Zealand Exchange                        860,000
85:1     IAG NZ                                  3,163,000   20:1     Freightways                                 843,483
82:1     Warehouse                               3,333,000   20:1     Scales                                      813,448
74:1     Fisher & Paykel Healthcare              3,026,377   20:1     Restaurant Brands                           806,000
74:1     Sky City Entertainment                  2,788,366   19:1     NZOil&Gas                                   794,232
71:1     Mainfreight                             2,951,572   19:1     PGG Wrightson                               770,440
63:1     BNZ                                     2,910,700   18:1     Steel&TubeHoldings                          702,880
63:1     Auckland International Airport          2,344,456   18:1     TilLogistics                                670,306
54:1     Sanford                                 2,120,000   18:1     AMP New Zealand                             650,000
52:1     Mercury Energy / MightyRiverPower       1,933,432   17:1     Hallenstein Glassons                        706,119
50:1     Contact Energy                          2,131,716   17:1     Oceania Healthcare                          637,029
50:1     Genesis Energy                          2,071,613   16:1     IkeGPS                                      658,413
49:1     Meridian Energy                         2,039,841   16:1     GreenCross/LifePharmacy/BeautyDirect        655,000
49:1     Port of Tauranga                        2,022,501   15:1     Serko                                       630,734
49:1     Chorus                                  2,017,453   15:1     AWFMadison                                  608,348
49:1     ASB New Zealand                         1,831,020   14:1     Super Retail Group                          596,079
48:1     TrustPower                              1,985,150   14:1     Turners                                     593,985
45:1     Sky Network TV                          1,878,300   14:1     AFTPharmaceuticals                          592,353
43:1     Kiwi Property Group                     1,579,217   14:1     AbanoHealthcare                             584,560
40:1     Vector                                  1,925,001   14:1     VistaGroup                                  571,297
39:1     Kathmandu                               1,617,567   13:1     Vital/TeamTalk                              552,870
37:1     Ryman Healthcare                        1,356,641   13:1     Pacific Edge                                533,000
35:1     Downer                                  1,281,700   13:1     Cavalier                                    526,669
31:1     Z Energy                                1,240,908   12:1     Comvita                                     515,000
31:1     MetlifeCare                             1,199,615   12:1     PushPay                                     492,060
30:1     ANZ New Zealand                         1,361,356   11:1     My Food Bag                                 500,000
29:1     Spark                                   1,200,000   10:1     BlisTechnologies                            399,906
28:1     MichaelHillInternational                1,159,712   9:1      WellingtonDriveTechnologies                 392,800
27:1     Synlait Milk limited                    1,101,511   9:1      SouthPortNewZealand                         382,004
26:1     T&Gglobal                               1,074,271   9:1      GEO Limited                                 361,000
26:1     Delegat'sGroup                          1,067,000   8:1      SeaDragon                                   345,000
25:1     Arvida                                  1,164,787   8:1      AlliedFarmers                               314,349
25:1     Mercer                                  1,045,145   7:1      FMS/Sealegs                                 289,675
25:1     NZME                                    1,034,907   6:1      QEXLogistics                                250,000
25:1     Skellerup Holdings                       932,000    5:1      Marsden Maritime Holdings                   223,452
24:1     Radius                                   870,000    3:1      MoaGroup                                    125,000
23:1     Eroad                                    944,000    3:1      CannaSouth                                  104,352
23:1     MetroGlass                               934,546

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

Figure 2: CEO pay vs company size
Generally speaking, CEO pay relates to the size of the company, although this is not always the case and
there are some significant outliers in the graph.

                                                           A2 Milk Co
                                                                 Xero             Fonterra


                                          Sky Network TV
CEO total pay package

                                                                                                             ANZ New Zealand

                                                                          AMP New Zealand

                                            Marsden Maritime Holdings

                                            Organisation size (total assets)

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

Figure 3: Percentage changes in key indicators, 2007 – 2020
Although the income of the lowest and average paid employees have risen, they have risen slower than
increases in the cost of renting. As with every other social issue, housing remains a key factor. But not the
only factor.

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

Table 2: Weeks for CEO to earn the yearly salary of the lowest-paid
employee for selected companies

                                                      Weeks to earn lowest-paid
                                                      annual salary
                  A2 Milk Company                                                   0.3
                  Fonterra                                                          0.4
                  Fletcher Building                                                 0.4
                  Air New Zealand                                                   0.4
                  Telstra Corporation                                               0.5
                  EbosGroup                                                         0.6
                  IAG NZ                                                            0.6
                  Warehouse                                                         0.6
                  Fisher & Paykel Healthcare                                        0.7
                  Sky City Entertainment                                            0.7
                  Mainfreight                                                       0.7
                  BNZ                                                               0.8
                  Auckland International Airport                                    0.8
                  Sanford                                                           1.0
                  Mercury Energy / MightyRiverPower                                 1.0

Table 2 shows the number of weeks it takes for a CEO to earn the yearly salary of the lowest-paid
employee in that company. The CEO of Rymans (the lowest in this sample) received the yearly salary of
an employee in about 7 days. It is difficult to argue that they could have worked that much harder than
frontline people looking after the dignity of our elders.
While employment was once seen as the answer to poverty, being employed is no longer a guarantee of
escaping poverty traps. There are an estimated 56,825 children living below the poverty line in
households with a working parent.²
Our social services agencies are seeing an increase in people looking for support who have a job. Or,
more often, multiple jobs. The question we face is about the way we value work and workers. What is our
vision for society?

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

                             I can’t get my kids into sport, or afford the dentist. If my old
                             car breaks down we go without a meal. It’s depressing. I’m
                             so tired, I feel like there is no point. I cry at night when the
                             kids are in bed... I can’t keep up.

                             There’s always another bill around the corner that kills us.
                             Our power is on prepay which is more expensive. But we got
                             too far behind. I can’t see a way out.

Both comments are from people who required social service support despite being in full-time
employment with the same employer for more than 3 years.

What story does this tell us?
No one factor can give a complete picture of the        says something about those values regardless of
way a company values its people. A simple pay           carefully worded ethical statements on company
ratio for example doesn’t capture the differences       websites
between long and short-term incentives or the
possibility of a large retirement payment               High inequality lowers social cohesion and trust.
influencing the average.                                Inequality leads to worse social outcomes across
                                                        society, harms social mobility, and increases
However, while pay ratios don’t tell the entire         barriers to kids breaking out of cycles of poverty.
story, they do tell a story. When you stand back        The rising inequality indicated by the pay ratios in
and look at the big picture, the rising inequality      Figure 1 reflects peoples’ lived experience.
that many people feel is evident.
                                                        None of this is inevitable. It has been built by the
Companies in New Zealand operate not only               decisions we have made. The rising pay ratios we
under the Companies Act and their own                   are seeing in New Zealand are not unique.
constitutions, but also within a broad social           However, compared with other countries, there
licence framed by the values we hold and aspire         are fewer measures being put in place in New
to as a nation. Giving ever-increasing rewards to       Zealand as a response. Following are descriptions
the highest earners in our society, while leaving       of some of the responses being seen elsewhere.
the average and lower-income earners behind

Some Possible Levers
Pay ratio disclosure                                    Switzerland held a referendum on a pay ratio cap,
                                                        which failed. The intention of a pay ratio cap
The UK, India, and the United States all require        would be to limit the ballooning of CEO payout of
pay-ratio disclosure. The UK legislation includes       step with the workforce. If a company board
disclosure of CEO to lower quartile pay, with a         wanted to give their CEO another million dollars
requirement to explain the ratio. Pay ratio             they would need to pay a proportionally
reporting has also been discussed in Australia          equivalent increase to their lowest-paid workers
and the EU and forms part of the non-binding            to keep the ratio the same. However, some fear
reporting guidelines in Germany. Good                   that in practice companies would find
governance begins with transparency.                    workarounds for adding to CEO compensation,
                                                        and companies below the cap would see it as a
Pay ratio caps                                          target rather than a limit.
Israel has passed a pay cap of 44:1 that covers
bank executives and insurance companies.³

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

                         Before increase   After increase Change
                                                                    responsive to people who invest with them, we
Highest wage                 $1,800,000        $2,200,00     18%    will see more people take an interest in the ethics
Lowest wage                     $41,600           $50,844    18%    of the companies they support. As such people
Lowest wage (per hour)           $20.00            $24.44   $4.44   concerned about ESG (environmental, social,
Ratio                              43.3              43.3
                                                                    governance) considerations may start to ask
                                                                    questions about how workers are treated at
Say on Pay legislation                                              home as well as abroad.

‘Say on Pay’ is a term used for a wide range of                     Worker representation
policies that give shareholders a vote on
executive remuneration. Various forms of say on                     Worker participation or co-determination are
pay are in place in many countries, including the                   terms for a variety of practices that give workers a
United Kingdom, the United States, Switzerland                      voice in corporate decision-making. This may be
and Australia. The specifics differ, including                      on the board, on remuneration committees, or in
whether the vote is binding or non-binding,                         some countries such as Germany with a two-tier
includes exit packages, or has provision for the                    governance structure, on an advisory board.
removal of board members in the event of
shareholders voting against a decision. In                          The goal in one way or another is to help
Australia, if 25% of shareholders vote against the                  reorientate a company to ensure that workers
remuneration package at two consecutive annual                      have some say in conditions that affect them. Co-
general meetings the board may have to go up for                    determination seeks to address an imbalance
re-election.                                                        where CEOs and people on boards who make
                                                                    decisions about CEO compensation may have
Shareholder Advocacy                                                interests that largely align while having no real
                                                                    connection with anyone in a low-wage job.
One of the benefits of both pay-ratio reporting
and say-on-pay legislation is that they add a data                  The empathy gap that this power imbalance
point for shareholders who take an interest in the                  creates may be helped somewhat by some form
companies they support and give an additional                       of co-determination.
tool to be able to engage.
                                                                    Companies can lead the way
Blackrock - an investment firm managing around
$5 trillion in assets - encouraged companies that                   Companies have as much impact on the lives of
executive pay should only be increased each year,                   people in New Zealand as people in government
if at all, at the same level of the wider employee                  do. Government legislation is not always the
base, and in line with inflation. Large                             answer. There are numerous examples of
compensation increases should not be justified                      companies supporting the dignity and future of
principally by benchmarking.⁴                                       their workers. The Living Wage is a well-known
                                                                    example. It is the voluntary practice of paying a
Blackrock made this appeal based on financial                       minimum figure, arrived at independently, based
risk, not just ethics. They are questioning the                     on the actual cost of living.
objectivity and decision making of boards who
continue to raise CEO pay, out of step with their                   Self-imposed pay ratio caps have been the
workers. It is good that a call for genuine ethical                 practice of several companies and cooperatives
and values-based conversations to take place                        for years. Well-known examples include Ben and
around the board table aligns with the call for                     Jerry’s (7:1) and the Mondragon Corporation, a
wise governance by a 5 trillion dollar investment                   federation of worker cooperatives in Spain
firm.                                                               employing over 80,000 people, who have a
                                                                    current cap of around 5:1.
As investing is made easier through organisations
like Sharesies⁵, or ethical KiwiSaver firms who are

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments famously           directly dealing with inequality. This option may
raised the pay for minimum wage workers by            also provide a way of addressing the poverty-
reducing his own compensation.⁶                       related outcomes at the bottom end of widening
                                                      pay ratios without requiring companies to pay
A number of New Zealand companies offer share         their employees more, which some companies
schemes for workers. These give workers a stake       simply cannot afford to do.
in the company as well as allowing them to have
a voice at AGMs. Contact Energy, Countdown, and       Charity
Port of Tauranga, among others, have worker
share schemes. In some cases, the share schemes       When we were putting this discussion paper
still cost enough to put them out of reach of the     together it was suggested to us by a former CEO
lowest-paid employees.                                and board member that a possible solution might
                                                      be to require companies who earn over a certain
Anglican Advocacy is starting to collect stories      after-tax profit to donate a percentage to charity.
from New Zealand companies taking their own           However, charity should be a last resort in the
approaches to better support workers. We will         event of unforeseen circumstances. It should not
profile more homegrown solutions in the future.       be a policy choice in the foreseen circumstances
                                                      of not looking after our workforce. The
Wealth tax                                            suggestion is a wealth tax made palatable - an
                                                      argument that accepts the need for a wealth tax
Some form of additional income tax bracket or         but doubts the Government's ability to
wealth tax offers the widest range of options for     administer it wisely.

Final comment
CEO pay has ballooned in the previous decades,        in pressure on boards to stop supporting in-work
while average and low paid workers have lagged        poverty and ballooning CEO pay. While New
well behind. In both CEO pay and pay ratios we        Zealand is not unique in having escalating pay
see the rising inequality that many people feel.      ratios, there are fewer measures being put in
The loss of dignity and stress that comes from        place here to try to reset the balance in the way
working full time and still struggling to make        large companies operate.
ends meet is a reflection of the values we have as
a society. Low wages have dropped far enough          This all matters because inequality matters. It
behind that we have rising rates of in-work           matters because although we live in a global
poverty.                                              economy, events like Covid-19 remind us that we
                                                      also live locally. “Team of 5 million” and kindness
With an increasing number of people investing, as     rhetoric aside, we really are in this together. And
well as taking an interest in the social,             how the big picture looks in coming years will say
environmental, and governance values of the           a lot about the values we actually hold, rather
companies they support, there will likely be a rise   than the ones we aspire to.

This report has been prepared by Anglican Advocacy Ōtautahi by Jolyon White and Matthew Bartlett.
Many thanks to Helen Roberts from Otago University for historic CEO averages and compensation data.

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Pay Ratios in Aotearoa New Zealand

1. Income inequality: The Social Report 2016 – Te pūrongo oranga tangata ( Compare
   this report to our Gini rating for the previous two years of 32.7 and 32.6

2. Plum, A., Pacheco, G., & Hick, R. (2019). In-Work Poverty in New Zealand. Auckland


4. BlackRock Investment Stewardship, Letter on Executive Remuneration, 2017, https://

5. An investment with Sharesies does not currently allow you exercise any voting rights as a
   shareholder, though it is an issue that they have said they are looking into.

6. Paul Keegan, Here’s What Really Happened at That Company That Set a $70,000 Minimum Wage
   (November 2015), Inc. Magazine.

CEO remuneration - which includes bonuses and        whether they are a Living Wage employer. In
performance pay - is for the reporting year ending   these cases, the actual lowest paid employee
in 2020. We have endeavoured to use the most         may be paid slightly higher than our estimate.
accurate information available, with thanks to       The differences at the lower end have little
Otago University Associate Professor Helen           impact on the overall picture. However, if any
Roberts for the data.                                company feels their ratio differs significantly to
                                                     what is reflected here, we would gladly discuss
In terms of the lowest paid employees, some data     with them and make any changes appropriate.
came from personal conversations with
employees, and some came from anonymised             Lowest paid employees include permanent
collective bargaining information from unions. As    contracts such as cleaners. Companies have
such there may be people paid under the rate we      control over their pay through their procurement
found. For other companies with a known low-         policy. It does not include temporary or
paid work force we estimated a number slightly       occasional contracts.
below or above Living Wage, depending on

          For further information or comment please contact Director of Anglican Advocacy
                   Jolyon White | | 0276122230

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