PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008

PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008   4/12/07   12:15   Page 1

           AS/A-Level & GCSE

           spring / summer 2008

                              Major new
PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
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            AS/A-Level PE/Sports Studies                                                                                                    GCSE Physical Education
            2008 Textbooks                        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .new titles     3       Spec-by-Step Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
            Student Unit Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       6       FlashRevise Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
            Exam Revision Notes                                    .....................................                            8       Topic CueCards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
            FlashRevise Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9                       Student Workbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
            Topic CueCards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
            Student Workbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
            Resource Packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
            Magazine                 ..........................................................                                   16

            How to order
            This page contains essential information on ordering from Philip Allan
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            Inspection/Approval copies                                                                                                      Orders can be sent with a cheque, with an official purchase order or with
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                                                                                                                                            PE REVIEW VOLUME 3, 2007/08
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PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008       4/12/07      12:15   Page 3

                   01235 827720
                   01235 400454
                                                                                  AS/A-Level 2008 Textbooks

                                   Comprehensive, accessible and exam-focused
                                     textbooks for the new AS specifications

                                   AQA AS Physical Education
                                   OCR AS Physical Education
                                           Carl Atherton, Symond Burrows & Sue Young

                                                        New                                                     New
                                                         May                                                     May
                                                          2008                                                    2008

                                                                FREE                                                FREE
                                                                CD                                                  CD

           Due for publication in May 2008, these new                     Practice makes perfect — exam-style questions
           textbooks have been written specifically to                     with answers to check progress
           meet the needs of AS students who will be                      extension material
           following the AQA and OCR specifications.                   Unit 2 examines practical application. Guidance on
           Written by a highly experienced team of authors and         the planning and structure of this aspect of the course
           examiners, each textbook is easily accessible and exam      is provided at the end of each book.
           focused, and covers the specification comprehensively.      The authors have been especially careful throughout
           The theoretical part of the course (Unit 1) is divided      to emphasise the link between theoretical concepts
           into three components and these are covered in detail.      and practical performance, an essential feature of
           Each chapter has the following special features:            exam success in PE, by including numerous sporting
              learning objectives
              definitions of key terms                                Each book includes a free CD-ROM, offering advice
              tips for exam success                                   on exam technique and presenting a mock exam
              activities relating theory to practice                  paper with graded answers.

PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008          4/12/07    12:15   Page 4

            AS/A-Level 2008 Textbooks

                                       AQA AS Physical Education
                                                                                                            full co8
              Contents                                                                                        pages ur

              Unit 1 Opportunities for, and the effects of,                                             £15.99
              leading a healthy and active lifestyle
               Section 1 Applied exercise physiology

               Chapter 1 An analysis of human movement: joints,
                         muscles and mechanics

               Chapter 2 Cardiac function

               Chapter 3 The vascular system

               Chapter 4 The respiratory system
               Chapter 5 Health, exercise and fitness                                                     CD
               Chapter 6 Nutrition

               Section 2 Skill acquisition                        About the authors
                                                                  Carl Atherton is head of PE at a Beacon sixth-form
               Chapter 7 Skill and ability                        college and a former examiner. Sue Young is an
               Chapter 8 Theories of learning                     examiner for an awarding body and a practical PE
                                                                  moderator. Symond Burrows is both a senior examiner
               Chapter 9 Information processing
                                                                  and a senior practical moderator for two exam boards.
               Section 3 Opportunities for participation          The authors’ publications include the highly popular
                                                                  series of AS/A-Level PE/Sports Studies Resource Packs
              Chapter 10 Concepts and definitions
                                                                  (see pages 14-15) and the AS/A-Level PE/Sports Studies
              Chapter 11 Facility provision                       Exam Revision Notes (page 8). They also run highly
                                                                  successful teacher workshops and student conferences
              Chapter 12 National curriculum PE
                                                                  for Philip Allan Updates.
              Chapter 13 Equal opportunities

              Unit 2 Analysis and evaluation of physical           Key features
              activity as a performer and/or in adopted
              roles                                                   Matches the structure and content of the new AS
              Chapter 14 Teaching and practice of skills
                                                                      Includes the special features What you need to
              Chapter 15 Training and fitness testing                  know, Key terms, Top tips, Practice makes perfect
                                                                      Provides tasks and exam-style practice
                                                                       questions to aid learning and preparation
            AQA AS Physical Education                                 Written in a highly accessible style by an
            Publication: May 2008                                      experienced team of teachers, authors and
            245 mm × 190 mm paperback (plus free CD)                   examiners
            208 pages                                                 Free exam techique CD-ROM with sample exam
            £15.99                                                     paper including answers with commentaries
            ISBN 978 1 84489 643 1

PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008         4/12/07    12:15   Page 5

                  01235 827720
                  01235 400454
                                                                                     AS/A-Level 2008 Textbooks

                                      OCR AS Physical Education
                                                                                                                      full co8
                                                                                                                        pages ur
             Contents                                                                                                     only

             Unit 1 An introduction to physical education                                                          £15.99
              Section A Anatomy and physiology

              Chapter 1 An analysis of human movement: joints and
              Chapter 2 Motion and movement
              Chapter 3 Response of the heart to physical activity

              Chapter 4 Response of the vascular system to physical

              Chapter 5 Response of the respiratory system to physical                                             FREE
                        activity                                                                                   CD
              Section B Acquiring movement skills
              Chapter 6 Skill and ability                                  About the authors
              Chapter 7 Practice of skills                                 Carl Atherton is head of PE at a Beacon sixth-form
              Chapter 8 Theories of learning                               college and a former examiner. Sue Young is an
                                                                           examiner for an awarding body and a practical PE
              Chapter 9 Information processing
                                                                           moderator. Symond Burrows is both a senior examiner
             Chapter 10 Motivation, stress, anxiety and arousal in sport   and a senior practical moderator for two exam boards.
             Chapter 11 Motor control in sport                             The authors’ publications include the highly popular
                                                                           series of AS/A-Level PE/Sports Studies Resource Packs
              Section C Socio-cultural studies relating to physical
                                                                           (see pages 14-15) and the AS/A-Level PE/Sports Studies
                                                                           Exam Revision Notes (page 8). They also run highly
             Chapter 12 Physical activity                                  successful teacher workshops and student conferences
             Chapter 13 Sport and culture                                  for Philip Allan Updates.
             Chapter 14 Contemporary sporting issues

             Unit 2 Acquiring, developing and evaluating                    Key features
             practical skills in physical education
                                                                               Matches the structure and content of the new AS
             Chapter 15 Performance
             Chapter 16 Evaluating and planning for the improvement            Includes the special features What you need to
                        of performance                                          know, Key terms, Top tips, Practice makes perfect
                                                                               Provides tasks and exam-style practice
                                                                                questions to aid learning and preparation
           OCR AS Physical Education                                           Written in a highly accessible style by an
           Publication: May 2008                                                experienced team of teachers, authors and
           245 mm × 190 mm paperback (plus free CD)                             examiners
           208 pages                                                           Free exam techique CD-ROM with sample exam
           £15.99                                                               paper including answers with commentaries
           ISBN 978 1 84489 641 7

PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
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            AS/A-Level Student Unit Guides

                  AS/A2 Student Unit Guides

            Student Unit Guides are perfect for revision: written by examiners, they explain the unit requirements,
            summarise the relevant module content and include specimen questions and answers.

            Each guide contains:
            An introduction, outlining the aims of the AS or A2         the style of the unit. All responses are accompanied
            qualification and the skills required, and offering         by commentaries which highlight their respective
            strategies for revision.                                    strengths and weaknesses, giving students an insight
                                                                        into the mind of the examiner.
            Content guidance, providing an examiner’s overview
            of the module’s key terms and concepts, and identifying
            opportunities to exhibit the skills required by the unit.     Will help students to:
            This section shows students what they have to learn and
                                                                          improve their grades by focusing their revision,
            how they might analyse and evaluate topics.
                                                                          building their confidence and strengthening
            Questions and answers, with graded answers to                 their exam technique.
            questions which have been carefully written to reflect

                                   Bulk order offer
                           Place a bulk order for any combination of the publications in this catalogue
                                  (excluding magazines) and qualify for the following discount:

                                   Spend over £200 , save 10%

PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008     4/12/07      12:15   Page 7

                 01235 827720
                 01235 400454
                                                                          AS/A-Level Student Unit Guides

           AS/A2 PE/Sports Studies Student Unit Guides available:
            AQA AS Module 1: Physiological and Psychological Factors which Improve Performance
            Symond Burrows and Sue Young
            AQA AS Module 2: Sociocultural and Historical Effects on Participation in Physical Activity
            and their Influence on Performance
            Symond Burrows

            Edexcel AS Unit 1: The Social Basis of Sport and Recreation
            Michael Hill
            Edexcel AS Unit 3: Exercise and Training
            Gavin Roberts
            Edexcel A2 Unit 4: Global Trends in International Sport
            Michael Hill
            Edexcel A2 Units 6 (A & C): Exercise & Energy Systems/Synoptic Analysis
            Michael Hill
            Edexcel A2 Unit 6B: Sports Psychology
            Matt Stevens

            OCR AS Unit 2562: The Application of Physiological and Psychological Knowledge to Improve
            Symond Burrows and Sue Young
            OCR AS Unit 2563: Contemporary Studies in Physical Education
            Symond Burrows

           243 mm × 173 mm paperbacks        £6.95 each

           Coming soon…
           AS Student Unit Guides for the
           new 2008 specifications will
           be published in the autumn.
           Full details will be available in
           the autumn 2008 catalogue
           and at
           from this summer.

                                   Bulk order offer
                          Place a bulk order for any combination of the publications in this catalogue
                                 (excluding magazines) and qualify for the following discount:

                                   Spend over £200 , save 10%
PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008          4/12/07     12:15     Page 8

            AS/A-Level Exam Revision Notes

            Exam Revision Notes
            Carl Atherton          Symond Burrows                Sue Young

            This guide provides students with the perfect foundation
            for successful revision.
            AS/A-Level PE/Sports Studies Exam Revision Notes systematically covers the
            core topics common to the main specifications in the form of concise and
            highly relevant notes. This helps students to identify the areas they need
            to revise, allowing them time to develop the higher-level skills of analysis
            and evaluation.
            At the start of each topic there is a checklist of important points that
            students will need to know before entering the examination room. The
            introduction to the Notes features invaluable advice on revision and
            exam technique.

              Students will be able to:
                 revise core topics effectively
                 prepare a thorough revision plan
                                                                                                        A4-format paperback, 135 pages
                 learn to identify what they are being asked in the exam
                 improve their exam technique and ultimately their grade
                                                                                                        ISBN 978 0 86003 448 3

              Section 1 Skills Acquisition & Sports Psychology                     Fitness components • Physiological adaptations •
                  Skill and ability • Information processing • Reaction time •     Performance enhancement
                  Motor programmes • Theories of learning • Teaching,            Section 3 Social & Historical Studies
                  practice and guidance • Motivation and arousal •                 Concepts in sport and PE • Government policies on school
                  The performer as an individual • The performer as part of        PE/sport • Roles of a coach • The development of excellence
                  a team • Emotional control and motivation                        in the UK • Target/special interest groups • The sports
              Section 2 Anatomy & Physiology                                       development pyramid/key organisations • Organisation and
                  Joint movement analysis • Mechanics, motion and                  funding of sport in the UK • Sporting ethics • Commercialism
                  movement • Neuromuscular structure and control •                 of sport • Roles of the media • Sport and culture • Popular
                  The heart • The vascular system • The respiratory system •       recreation • The public school influence • Rational recreation
                  Energy systems • The recovery process • Training •               • The development of physical education in state schools

            Coming soon…
            New editions of our popular Exam Revision Notes for
            the new 2008 specifications will be published in the
            autumn. Full details will be available in the autumn
            2008 catalogue and at from
            this summer.

PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008       4/12/07      12:15   Page 9

                   01235 827720
                   01235 400454
                                                                         AS/A-Level FlashRevise Cards

           AS/A-Level PE/Sports Studies                                                  colour
                                                                                            (incl. VA

           FlashRevise Cards provide a fresh and stimulating
           method of learning and understanding the key
           content of A-level physical education that can
           make a real grade difference.

           Written by Rob James, Graham Thompson and Nesta
           Wiggins-James, who are experienced authors and
           examiners, each pocket-sized card focuses on an important
           topic in physical education. There are four questions about
           the topic on the front of the card, and on the back a clear
           set of answers to the questions, together with examiner’s
           top tips (see sample below).
           Each set of FlashRevise Cards comprises 50 colour cards
           and is priced at £6.99 (incl. £1.04 VAT).
            The smarter way to revise                                                                        cards

                                                                                                          w    at

                                                                                                           .ph           c
                Quick-fire questions and answers                                                              ilipallan.
                Top tips for improving exam performance
                Pocket-sized for use anytime, anywhere

                          Titles available:

PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level & GCSE - spring/summer 2008
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008       4/12/07    12:15     Page 10

             AS/A-Level Topic CueCards

             AS/A-Level PE/Sports Studies
                                                                                    (incl. VA

             Topic CueCards are perfect for revising the
             subject content of AS/A-level PE/sports
             studies and the ideal complement to
             FlashRevise Cards. Each set in the series
             covers a careful selection of concepts and
             terms central to a core subject area.
             Written by the experienced team of Carl
             Atherton, Symond Burrows and Sue Young,
             each pocket-sized card focuses on a key concept
             or term in AS/A-level sports studies, combining                               See
             concise discussion of the concept with a                                    sample
             diagrammatic summary and key point that                                      cards

                                                                                       w    at
             students need to bear in mind when revising the

                                                                                           .ph           c
             Handy for quick revision in any place and at any
             time, each set in the series comprises 50 colour
             cards and is priced at just £6.99 (incl. £1.04 VAT).

              Key features
                 Succinct notes to trigger revision
                 Clear, memorable diagrammatic
                 Pocket-sized for use anytime, anywhere

                                                             Titles available:

00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008     4/12/07      12:15   Page 11

                 01235 827720
                 01235 400454
                                                                     AS/A-Level Student Workbooks

                                         AS/A2 PE/Sports Studies                                           Full co
                                                                                                          throug lour
                                           Student Workbooks                                                     hout

                                                                    a scheme of work for dealing with different aspects
           Anatomy & Physiology                                     of AS and A2 PE/Sports Studies.
           Contemporary Issues                                      Answers to the exercises, or guidance to the type of
                                                                    response expected of students, are provided in an
           Exercise Physiology                                      accompanying set of Teacher Notes.
                                                                    Student Workbooks are printed in full colour throughout,
           Historical Issues                                        and are available only in class sets of 10, priced at £40
                                                                    per set plus postage and packing.
           Skills Acquisition
                                                                    Each set of workbooks includes one FREE copy of
           Sports Psychology                                        the Teacher Notes.
                                                                    The workbooks are written by Graham Thompson, Rob
           Student Workbooks will support your                      James and Nesta Wiggins-James, all highly experienced
           teaching and help develop student skills.                teachers and examiners.
           Each workbook is designed to help students acquire
           experience of the type of tasks that they will face in
                                                                      Key benefits
           the exam, through a varied selection of exercises             Provide lively and stimulating exercises
           on key topic areas. Some questions are more                   Help students understand the skills required
           challenging than others, which will help with                  of them
           differentiation in the classroom and develop students’
                                                                         Save you invaluable preparation time
           research skills.
                                                                         Ideal for exam preparation
           The workbooks can be used as ‘stand-alone’                    Cheaper than photocopying your own resources!
           resources for exam preparation or incorporated into

00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008       4/12/07   12:15   Page 12

             AS/A-Level Student Workbooks

                           AS/A2 PE/Sports Studies Student Workbooks
             Anatomy & Physiology                     Contemporary Issues                 Exercise Physiology
                     Graham Thompson                        Nesta Wiggins-James                 Graham Thompson

              Topics                                  Topics                             Topics
              Investigation into human                The conceptual nature of           Energy
              movement                                physical activities
                                                                                         Fatigue and recovery
              The cardiovascular system               The administration and
                                                                                         Fitness and fitness testing
                                                      organisation of sport in the UK
              The respiratory system
                                                                                         Training for performance
              Exam-style questions                    Equal opportunities

                                                      Sport ethics, commercialisation
                                                      and media

                                                      Deviancy and sport

                                                      World games focussing on the
                                                      Olympic Games

             Student Workbook                        Student Workbook                   Student Workbook
             Published May 2006                      Published July 2007                Published May 2006
             168 mm × 242 mm, 48 pages               168 mm × 242 mm, 48 pages          168 mm × 242 mm, 48 pages
             Full colour throughout                  Full colour throughout             Full colour throughout
             Set of 10 copies: £40                   Set of 10 copies: £40              Set of 10 copies: £40
             ISBN 978 1 84489 104 7                  ISBN 978 1 84489 108 5             ISBN 978 1 84489 105 4

             Teacher Notes                           Teacher Notes                      Teacher Notes
             242 mm × 168 mm, 14 pages               242 mm × 168 mm, 12 pages          242 mm × 168 mm, 7 pages
             2 colours throughout                    2 colours throughout               2 colours throughout

                                      Bulk order offer
                            Place a bulk order for any combination of the publications in this catalogue
                                   (excluding magazines) and qualify for the following discount:

                                      Spend over £200 , save 10%
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008         4/12/07   12:15   Page 13

                  01235 827720
                  01235 400454
                                                                                AS/A-Level Student Workbooks

                         AS/A2 PE/Sports Studies Student Workbooks
                Historical Issues                          Skills Acquisition                Sports Psychology
                 Nesta Wiggins-James                                Rob James                         Rob James

             Topics                                      Topics                            Topics
             The changing nature of                      Skill, ability and learning       Individual differences
             society                                                                       affecting performance –
                                                         Optimising learning               personality aggression and
             The changing nature of                                                        attitudes
             sporting activities                         Information processing            Motivation and arousal levels
                                                                                           – achievement motivation,
             The development of                          Motor programmes and              theories of arousal, social
             amateurism and                              movement control                  facilitation, self efficacy and
             professionalism                                                               attribution theory
             The development of physical                                                   Developing an effective team
             education in public schools                                                   – group dynamics and
             The development of physical                                                   Optimising performance –
             education in state schools                                                    stress, anxiety and stress

           Student Workbook                            Student Workbook                   Student Workbook
           Published July 2007                         Published July 2007                Published July 2007
           168 mm × 242 mm, 48 pages                   168 mm × 242 mm, 47 pages          168 mm × 242 mm, 48 pages
           Full colour throughout                      Full colour throughout             Full colour throughout
           Set of 10 copies: £40                       Set of 10 copies: £40              Set of 10 copies: £40
           ISBN 978 1 84489 109 2                      ISBN 978 1 84489 107 8             ISBN 978 1 84489 106 1

           Teacher Notes                               Teacher Notes                      Teacher Notes
           242 mm × 168 mm, 12 pages                   242 mm × 168 mm, 15 pages          242 mm × 168 mm, 15 pages
           2 colours throughout                        2 colours throughout               2 colours throughout

                                      Bulk order offer
                           Place a bulk order for any combination of the publications in this catalogue
                                  (excluding magazines) and qualify for the following discount:

                                      Spend over £200 , save 10%
00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008        4/12/07   12:15    Page 14

             AS/A-Level Photocopiable Resource Packs

             PE/Sports Studies AS/A-Level Resource Packs
                                                  Carl Atherton, Symond Burrows & Sue Young
             This hugely popular series of photocopiable
             resource packs is designed to assist both new
             and experienced teachers deliver AS/A-level
             physical education in an informative and
             entertaining way. The aim is to provide a
             ‘ready-prepared’ bank of course materials
             which complements existing resources such
             as textbooks and leaves more time for
             teaching and coaching. The packs have
             already proved an invaluable resource                      See
             in hundreds of centres across the country.               sample
             Each pack comprises a flexible set of                    of each

             planned lessons, offering novel ways of                  pack at   o.u
                                                                  .ph           c

             teaching key topics at AS and A-level. The               ilipallan.
             lessons cover topic areas in a logical and
             progressive sequence, but can be taught
             in order or selectively.
             The lessons each last at least one hour and
             feature detailed teacher notes with aims,
             timings and references to a variety of resource
             materials (including OHTs), photocopiable
             information sheets (up to 16 per topic) and
             student worksheets. Answers to the questions
             set in the worksheets are given in the specific
             answer sheets for teacher or student use.

              Key benefits                                        Value for money
                                                                  Each pack contains between 160 and 210 pages of
                  Save hours of preparation time                 photocopiable material, supplied in a robust binder, and
                  Can provide the main resource material         priced at £89.99 (plus postage and packing). Orders of £200
                   for a lesson or supplement existing            or more for any combination of publications in this catalogue
                   schemes of work                                (excluding magazines) qualify for a 10% bulk order discount
                                                                  (see order form).
                  Are equally suitable for an AS or A2
                   course                                         All material in the packs is copyright, but a purchasing
                                                                  institution is entitled to make photocopies for use exclusively
                  Can be used to teach students new
                                                                  within that institution without further charge. As this material
                   to a particular topic, or students who
                   need to clarify and practise their             can be used again and again throughout the department, the
                   knowledge and understanding                    packs are highly cost-effective teaching resources.

                  Provide a simple solution to specialist        The authors form the editorial team of PE REVIEW, and all teach
                   staff absence                                  physical education at Greenhead College, Huddersfield. The
                                                                  department is ranked in the top 10% in the country.

00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008         4/12/07   12:15   Page 15

                  01235 827720
                  01235 400454
                                                         AS/A-Level Photocopiable Resource Packs

           Anatomy &                                   Historical &                            Skills Acquisition &
           Physiology                                  Contemporary Issues                     Sports Psychology
           Sue Young                                   Symond Burrows                          Carl Atherton

            Topics                                      A historical analysis of                Skills acquisition (topics)
                                                        sport and PE (topics)                   Skill and ability
            Joint movement analysis                                                             Information processing
                                                        An introduction to historical
                                                          studies                               The memory system
            Motion and movement                                                                 Feedback
                                                        The development of ‘popular
                                                          recreation’ in the UK                 Reaction time
            Structure of skeletal muscle                Sport and social control: the           Motor programme theory
                                                          public school influence               Theories of learning
            The heart                                   Rational recreation in an urban         Teaching, practice and guidance
                                                          industrialised society                Motivation and arousal
            The vascular system                         Institutionalised PE for the
                                                          working class                         Sports psychology
            The respiratory system                      The Olympic Games                       (topics)
                                                        Contemporary/                           Personality in sport
            Energy systems
                                                        sociocultural issues                    Attitudes
                                                                                                Aggression in sport
            The recovery process                        (topics)
                                                        Contemporary sociocultural studies
            Training                                                                            Sports groups
                                                        The conceptual basis of sport
                                                                                                Goal setting
                                                          and PE
            Fitness                                                                             Confidence in sport
                                                        Sociological aspects of sport and PE
                                                                                                Emotional control in sport
                                                        Sport and culture:an introduction
            Adaptations                                   to global analysis                    The effects of others on
                                                        Specified issues in sport and PE in       performance
            Performance enhancement                       the UK                                Attribution in sport

           163 pages                                   209 pages                               197 pages
           £89.99                                      £89.99                                  £89.99
           ISBN 978 0 86003 288 5                      ISBN 978 0 86003 289 2                  ISBN 978 0 86003 287 8

00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008       4/12/07    12:15   Page 16

             AS/A-Level Magazine &
             GCSE Spec-by-Step Guide

             PE REVIEW                                                 Edexcel GCSE
             Volume 3, 2007/08                                         Education

             PE REVIEW is the ideal resource for AS and A2             Tony Scott
             students. The magazine’s aims are simple: to
             increase your students’ enthusiasm for physical
             education and sports studies and help them to             Spec-by-Step Guides will help students to fully
             achieve higher grades.                                    understand the new specifications, providing
                                                                       them with a clear overview of the subject
             The rates for this volume have been frozen, so for
             just £9.95, students will receive three full-colour,      content and a thorough understanding of the
             36-page issues a year, published in September,            exam requirements.
             January and April.                                        Written by an experienced examiner, the full-colour
             Each issue of PE REVIEW features specially written        guide for Edexcel GCSE Physical Education steers
             articles by leading figures from the world of sport,      students through the specification step by step. A
             established writers on sports studies and senior          breakdown of the topics, subtopics and essential
             examiners from the main boards. These articles will       content they need to learn is supported by useful
             offer fresh perspectives on topics central to the main    advice on how they need to demonstrate this
             AS/A-level specifications, strengthening your students’   knowledge, as well as how they can implement an
             knowledge and understanding of the subject and            effective revision strategy and develop a successful
             helping them to make synoptic links between topics.       exam technique. Sample examination questions and
             Key terms boxes will explain jargon and assist students   answers, typical of the specification, are provided.
             in their understanding of tricky concepts.
             The editors ensure that the topic areas of skills and      Students will be able to:
             sports psychology, anatomy and physiology and
             sociological aspects are covered in each issue. In             gain a clear overview of their specification
             addition, there are regular columns to help students           organise their work effectively
             prepare for AQA, Edexcel and OCR unit examinations,            understand how and on what they will be
             key context pieces and revision crosswords.                     examined
                                                                            use the sample exam questions to improve
             Full rate subscription: £19.95
                                                                             their exam technique
             Reduced rate subscription: £9.95

              Magazines must be ordered separately                     Spec-by-Step Guides are sold only in sets of 10, priced
              from all other publications in this catalogue,           at £20 per set.
              either by using the appropriate section of the           Edexcel GCSE Physical Education
              bound-in order form or by contacting our                 210 mm × 148 mm, paperback, 32 pages
              Customer Services Department at Turpin                   full colour throughout
              Distribution on 01767 604974.                            Set of 10 copies: £20
                                                                       ISBN 978 1 84489 658 5

00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008         4/12/07   12:15   Page 17

                  01235 827720
                  01235 400454
                                                         GCSE FlashRevise Cards & Topic CueCards

            GCSE Physical Education

           Tony Scott

           FlashRevise Cards provide a fun method for
           students to learn the essential content that can
           make a real grade difference. They comprise
           quick-fire questions and answers for students                                                           100
           to test their knowledge of the key topics of GCSE
           physical education. There are 100 colour cards
           in the boxed set. Each card focuses on a topic,
           with four short questions on the front and the
                                                                                                                   (incl. VA

           answers to the questions, together with an
           examiner’s note, on the back.                                Key benefits
                                                                           400 quick-fire questions and answers
           Boxed set of 100 colour cards                                   Examiner’s notes on each topic
           £7.99 (£6.80 & £1.19 VAT)                                       Handy size for use anytime, anywhere
           ISBN 978 1 84489 288 4

            GCSE Physical Education                                                                                100
                                                                                                                   (incl. VA

           Tony Scott

           The ideal complement to FlashRevise Cards, Topic
           CueCards summarise the subject content of GCSE
           physical education and are perfect for revision.
           Each pocket-sized card provides brief revision notes
           on a key subtopic in physical education on the front,
           with a diagrammatic summary and a key point on
           the reverse.
           The box contains 100 colour cards on the core
           subject areas (health-related exercise, skill-related
           fitness, principles of training, training methods,
           training and exercise, diet, health and hygiene, safety
           and risk assessment, sports injuries and anatomical        Boxed set of 100 colour cards
           physiology), ready for students to revise key topics, on   £7.99 (£6.80 & £1.19 VAT)
           their own or with friends, anywhere and at any time.       ISBN 978 1 84489 396 6

00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008       4/12/07    12:15   Page 18

             GCSE Student Workbooks

                                        GCSE Physical Education
                                          Student Workbooks
                                                                       Tony Scott                               Full co
                                                                                                               throug lour

                                                                              Answers to the exercises, including diagrams where
             Analysis of Performance                                          appropriate, are provided in an accompanying set of
                                                                              Teacher Notes.
             Anatomy & Physiology
                                                                              Student Workbooks are printed in full colour throughout,
             Health-Related Exercise                                          and are available only in class sets of 10, priced at
                                                                              £30 per set plus postage and packing.
             Student Workbooks will support your                              Each set of workbooks includes one FREE copy of
             teaching and help develop student skills.                        the Teacher Notes.
             The three workbooks in the series for GCSE Physical              The workbooks are written by Tony Scott, a highly
             Education cover the topic areas of anatomy and                   experienced teacher and a principal examiner.
             physiology, analysis of performance and health-
             related exercise.
                                                                                Key benefits
             Each workbook is designed to help students acquire
                                                                                   Provide lively and stimulating exercises
             experience of the type of tasks that they will face,
             through a varied selection of exercises tailored to the
                                                                                   Help students understand the skills required
                                                                                    of them
             specific requirements of the examination.
                                                                                   Save you invaluable preparation time
             The workbooks can be used as ‘stand-alone’                            Ideal for exam preparation
             resources for exam preparation or incorporated into
                                                                                   Cheaper than photocopying your own
             a scheme of work for dealing with different aspects
             of GCSE physical education.

00355(R8) PESports Cat 2008         4/12/07   12:15   Page 19

                  01235 827720
                  01235 400454
                                                                                       GCSE Student Workbooks

                         GCSE Physical Education Student Workbooks
                    Anatomy &                                    Analysis of                     Health-Related
                    Physiology                                  Performance                         Exercise

            Topics                                      Topics                              Topics
            The circulatory system                      Rules, regulations and              Why take part in sport and
                                                        terminology                         physical activity?
            The respiratory system
                                                        Observation and analysis            Health, exercise, fitness and
            Bones                                                                           performance
            Joints, ligaments and tendons                                                   Skill-related fitness

            Muscles and muscle actions                  Planning to imorove                 Principles of training
                                                                                            Methods of training
            The exercises in the five topics            Fitness and performance
            are followed by multiple-choice                                                 Diet, health and hygiene
            questions, a quick-fire
                                                        Understanding the roles of l
            summary test and two longer                                                     Safety and risk assessment
            exercises which require both
            identification and explanation                                                  Sports injusries
            of anatomical and                           Analysis of performance:
            physiological features.                     the final task                      Applying knowledge

           Student Workbook                            Student Workbook                    Student Workbook
           168 mm × 242 mm                             168 mm × 242 mm                     168 mm × 242 mm
           44 pages                                    51 pages                            44 pages
           Full colour throughout                      Full colour throughout              Full colour throughout
           Set of 10 copies: £30                       Set of 10 copies: £30               Set of 10 copies: £30
           ISBN 978 1 84489 147 4                      ISBN 978 1 84489 148 1              ISBN 978 1 84489 146 7

           Teacher Notes                               Teacher Notes                       Teacher Notes
           242 mm × 168 mm                             242 mm × 168 mm                     242 mm × 168 mm
           12 pages                                    15 pages                            15 pages
           2 colours throughout                        2 colours throughout                2 colours throughout

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