Stage 4 Information for Students and Parents - Mount Carmel Catholic College - Assessment Handbook

Page created by Dorothy Price
Stage 4 Information for Students and Parents - Mount Carmel Catholic College - Assessment Handbook
Mount Carmel
     Catholic College

              Stage 4

         Assessment Handbook

             Year 7 2021

Information for Students and Parents
Stage 4 Information for Students and Parents - Mount Carmel Catholic College - Assessment Handbook

Welcome to Year 7, the first year of your Stage 4 education and High School. This is a very
important year of transition when students commence their learning in Stage 4 courses and strive
to achieve their potential.

The following pages are designed to give you the necessary information regarding assessment
procedures in the Year 7 Course. It is very important that parents and students read this
Handbook closely because it outlines the responsibilities of a Year 7 student in terms of their
studies. It is imperative that each student has a thorough understanding of the processes and
procedures involved in order to maximise results and reduce misunderstandings.

The assessment procedures reward those students who are consistent and diligent in their
approach to study. This Handbook contains information about the Year 7 internal assessment
program at the College for each subject offered. It also includes Level of Achievement Descriptors
for each course so that students are aware of the standards for each grade.

After reading this carefully, students and parents are invited to seek clarification from relevant
members of staff, should this be necessary.

We wish you well with your studies.

      Mr Stephen Lo Cascio                               Ms Judith Tolomeo
          Principal                                    Curriculum Coordinator

Issued February 2021

  The College Assessment policy reflects the concern of this community, with justice and the dignity of
                                              each person.

Assessment is defined as ‘the process of gathering and interpreting information about the development
of student learning.’

Therefore we will promote assessment for learning by :

   •   building a shared understanding of the purpose of assessment and of performance standards;

   •   providing regular opportunities for teachers to collaboratively reflect on the purposes of
       assessment; discuss authentic assessment strategies; and establish performance standards;

   •   embedding assessment at all stages in the teaching and learning program;

   •   placing importance on knowing each of our students, their learning needs and interests;

   •   using assessment to inform teaching practices and in the planning of future learning activities;

   •   valuing regular communication between teachers and students about learning as a form of

   •   giving clear, constructive and individualized feedback to students that will explicitly assist them
       to improve their learning;

   •   creating opportunities for students to undertake self-assessment and peer assessment as a
       means to reflect on and take responsibility for their own learning;

   •   using standards as a means to facilitate discussion about achievement between teachers,
       students and parents.

Issued February 2021
We will undertake assessment of learning by:

        •     using assessment as a tool to improve learning outcomes and performance standards across
              the college;

        •     building a collective understanding of assessment language and applying agreed
              performance standards consistently across the College;

        •     developing assessment programs that offer a variety of rich assessment tasks that
              encourage deeper learning;

        •     being inclusive of all students’ needs and abilities in designing and implementing assessment

        •     working collaboratively to develop performance standards for assessment tasks;

        •     being explicit about the learning goals and criteria of assessment tasks and the performance
              standards upon which student achievement will be measured;

        •     providing students and parents with accurate and useful information about students’

        •     demonstrating and recording student achievement of performance standards by archiving
              work samples and marking scales;

        •     adopting assessment and reporting practices that are consistent, equitable and inclusive;

        •     evaluating the success of our assessment policy and procedures annually;

        •     facilitating ongoing discussion of performance standards across the College to maintain
              consistency in assessment and reporting.

2.      Curriculum requirements for Year 7

All students at Mount Carmel Catholic College study courses in the 8 Key Learning Areas across Years 7 –

These are :               English
                          Human Society and its Environment
                          Languages other than English
                          Technology and Applied Studies
                          Creative Arts
                          Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Issued February 2021
Mount Carmel Catholic College students also undertake the Catholic Studies course developed by the
Archdiocese of Wollongong Catholic Education Office and approved by NESA.

3.      School Based Assessment

The Year 7 Grading System is concerned with describing the student’s achievement at the end of each
course in Stage 4.

A fuller picture is given by schools reporting on student achievement in all courses, measured with
reference to Course Performance Descriptors issued NESA. These are a series of statements that
summarise observable and measurable features of student achievement. They are an assessment and
reporting tool to assist subject teachers to award grades to students.

Teachers at Mount Carmel Catholic College will gather information about student performance through a
range of assessment tasks. This data will assist teachers to determine which description best reflects the
level of achievement in the course obtained by each student at the end of the course for that student. At
the end of the program, teachers make a summative judgment of each student’s overall level of
achievement and use the Course Performance Descriptors to award the appropriate grade. The final
decision is made in relation to the “standard” reached by the individual student, not on the basis of
performance relative to other students.

The Course Performance Descriptors for each subject can be found in Section 2 of this booklet.

The assessment program for each Year 7 course will be available on the College Website.

4.      Results of assessment tasks and grades reported on semester reports

Students in Years 7 to 10 at Mount Carmel Catholic College receive a report at the completion of each
semester. The grades achieved are determined by students’ performance on assessments throughout the
semester along with informal tasks such as class work, homework, group work.

At the end of a semester, the assessment information teachers have gathered for each individual student
will be reviewed. Teachers will align student’s achievement with the appropriate Course Performance
Descriptor. The appropriate grade will then be allocated.

5.      What is your responsibility as a student?

            •   To check your school email account every day for information pertaining to assessment
                tasks. Absence from school on the day a task is distributed does not justify an appeal for
                an extension to the submission of a task. All Assessment tasks will be emailed to students
                on the same day the hard copy or notification of an in- class task is distributed to students.
            •    To familiarize your self with the College Assessment Policies as outlined in this Handbook.
            •   To speak with the KLA Coordinator if you are in any doubt about the requirements of the
                Assessment Policy.

Issued February 2021
•   To cooperate with the process of Assessment.
             •   To inform the College if you are to be absent on the day of an assessment task.
             •   In the case of a student becoming ill during an examination or an in-class assessment task,
                 inform the teacher who is supervising, even if you are able to complete the task. At the
                 earliest possible opportunity consult the KLA Coordinator.

6.       Submission of Tasks

What are the procedures for submitting a task on the date that it is due?

•    NESA expects each student to complete all assessment tasks and submit by the specified date.
•    If the task is to be completed in class it is to be submitted at the prescribed time.
•    All other tasks are to be submitted to the KLA Coordinator or Subject Teacher by 8.40 am on the due
•    Tasks are NOT to be handed to teachers during a lesson or left in a teacher’s pigeonhole.
•    Practical Tasks in Visual Arts, Industrial Technology, Design and Technology need to be submitted by
     8.40am on the due date to the specialist teaching area as directed by the KLA Coordinator.
•    A task handed in after 8.40 am will be recorded as ‘Late’, and you will be required to submit an
     ‘Appeal’ with reasons why. These tasks are to be handed in at the College Office and signed in to a
     member of the Office staff.

What if I submit my task late?

•    Regardless of the reason, if an assignment is submitted late you must report immediately to the Office,
     complete an Illness and Misadventure Appeal form and then submit the task with the appeal form
     attached to the office on the submission day. In most cases late submission will result in
     consequences such as; Phone call home, letter to parents, recess / lunch / after school detention.

What if my computer cannot print my task, or the computer will not save my work?

The use of technology (e.g. word processors, computer printers) is your responsibility. No allowances will
be made for problems related to technical malfunctions.

The College will not accept Assessment tasks submitted on a students’ USB.
    • Work that has been completed on a computer is to be saved on both the hard drive and a portable
    storage device.
    • All draft work completed on a computer should be backed up by the student.
    • An additional safeguard in an emergency is that you can email the task to the College if you
    experience a printing failure the night before submitting a task. The College email address is:

Students who experience technology failure should submit drafts of the assessment task and complete
the Appeal Procedure.

What if I need an extension of time to submit a task?

Issued February 2021
•    The Curriculum Co-ordinator only may grant an extension of time. You must ensure that you apply
     for an extension before the date that the task is due by lodging an application for Extension Appeal
     (pink) Form available from the College Office.

•    If you are going to be absent for an extended period of time (eg travel, participation in sporting
     competitions etc.) you must make a written application to the Principal seeking approval, at least
     two weeks prior to the commencement of your period of leave. A decision will then be made regarding
     when tasks will be submitted or undertaken, or the determination of a grade based on other evidence.

7.       Non Completion of a task

The following may be regarded as justifiable reasons for non completion of a task. The onus of proof is
on the student.

a) ILLNESS - A Medical Practitioner must complete the Illness & Misadventure form for the date
   explaining the reason why a student was absent from school and unable to submit an assessment task
   on that day.

b) MISADVENTURE – such as public transport delays or car breakdowns (in this case, the student may
   be asked to provide proof of the circumstances leading to the delay).
   Failure of computer systems, incompatibility of systems, disk errors are NOT an acceptable reason
   for failing to submit work on time.

c) APPROVED LEAVE FROM THE COLLEGE PRINCIPAL – all known leave for pressing family or medical
   reasons must be approved by the College Principal in writing. Students and their families must apply
   for Leave to the College Principal in Writing for any leave known of in advance and apply for an
   “Exemption from School Attendance”, from the College Principal, in accordance with Government
   requirements. Failure to do so requires the College to report the absence.

8.       Absence

•    In the case of Illness, you must see a Medical Practitioner and have them complete the relevant
     sections of the Illness & Misadventure form to explain your absence. An attached Dr’s Certificate or
     note from parents will NOT be sufficient.
•    In the case of Misadventure, a letter from your parent will be required. This will be verified with a
     phone call.
•    In the case of an examination, call the College Office before 8.30 am and leave a message for both the
     KLA and Pastoral Coordinator.
•    Report to the Office before school on the FIRST day back from your absence to submit an Illness and
     Misadventure Appeal form with the required documentary evidence.
•    If you miss an examination or in class task, you should assume that you will complete this at the first
     available opportunity e.g. first lesson of the subject or first day back at school.

Issued February 2021
9.      Malpractice

Malpractice is any activity that allows you to gain an unfair advantage over other students. It includes:
   • copying someone else’s work in part or in whole, and presenting it as your own
   • using material directly from books, journals, CDs or the internet without reference to
       the source
   • building on the ideas of another person without reference to the source
   • buying, stealing or borrowing another person’s work and presenting it as your own
   • submitting work to which another person such as a parent, coach or subject expert has
        contributed substantially
   • using words, ideas, designs or the workmanship of others in practical and performance
       tasks without appropriate acknowledgement
   • paying someone to write or prepare material
   • breaching school examination rules
   • using non-approved aides during an assessment task
   • giving false explanations to explain work not handed in by the due date
   • assisting another student to engage in malpractice.

If a student’s work is found to exhibit malpractice, the task will be deemed to be invalid. A notice to re
submit will be distributed and parents will be informed in writing.

10.     Non completion of a task

A student will be deemed to have made no submission of an assessment task if he/she:
    • has not submitted the task by the due date or time
    • fails to provide an acceptable reason for absence from a test

A warning letter will be sent home to parents. The reply slip must be returned to the KLA Coordinator.
Upon the satisfactory completion of this task within the specified time period, as outlined in the warning
letter, the task will be assessed and grades recorded.

Issued February 2021

                       Account for: state reasons for, on report
Account                Give an account of: narrate a series of events or transactions
                       Identify components and the relationship between them, draw out and relate
Analyse                implications

Apply                  Use, utilize, employ in a particular situation

Appreciate             Make a judgment about the value of

Assess                 Make a judgment of value, quality, outcomes, results or size

Calculate              Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information

Clarify                Make clear or plain

Classify               Arrange or include in classes/categories

Compare                Show how things are similar or different

Construct              Make, build, put together items or arguments

Contrast               Show how things are different or opposite

Critically         Add a degree or level of accuracy, depth, knowledge and understanding , logic,
(Analyse/Evaluate) questioning, reflection and quality to (analysis/evaluation

Deduce                 Draw conclusions

Define                 State meaning and identify essential qualities

Demonstrate            Show by example

Describe               Provide characteristics and features

Discuss                Identify issues and provide points for and/or against

Distinguish            Recognise or note/indicate as being district or different from; to note differences

Evaluate               Make a judgment based on criteria; determine the value of

Examine                Inquire into
                       Relate cause and effect; make the relationship between things evident; provide
Explain                why and/or how

Issued February 2021
Extract                Choose relevant and/or appropriate details

Extrapolate            Infer from what is known

Identify               Recognise and name

Interpret              Draw meaning from

Investigate            Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about

Justify                Support and argument or conclusion

Outline                Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of

Predict                Suggest what may happen based on available information

Propose                Put forward (e.g. a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration of

Recall                 Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences

Recommend              Provide reasons for

Recount                Retell a series of events

Summarise              Express concisely the relevant details

Synthesise             Putting together various elements to make a whole

Issued February 2021
Section 2

                                                 STAGE 4

                                 GENERAL PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTORS

   General Performance Descriptors describe the main features of typical students’ performances at
   the end of the semester.

   The Areas for Assessment consist of the knowledge and skills objectives from the syllabus.

   The five Grade statements outlined below describe different levels of student performance. In using
   these descriptors, teachers “Match” each of their students to the descriptor column that best fits
   the student’s overall achievement in the course. The corresponding grade for that descriptor is then
   awarded to the student.


                 A                The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the
                                  content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the
                                  student has achieved a very high level of competence in the
                                  processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.

                 B                The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the
                                  content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills.
                                  In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these
                                  skills to most situations.

                 C                The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the
                                  content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the
                                  processes and skills.

                 D                The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the
                                  content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the
                                  processes and skills.

                 E                The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in
                                  few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence
                                  in some of the processes and skills

Issued February 2021

MANDATORY COURSES: Studied by all students

   •   Catholic Studies
   •   English
   •   Geography
   •   History
   •   Mathematics
   •   Personal Development Health & Physical Education
   •   Science
   •   Music
   •   Technology

Issued February 2021
Section 3

               Assessment Plans for Individual Subjects

       •       The following pages give information about the assessment program that students
               will undertake in each of the subject areas. The plans give information about the
               broad areas of assessment, the nature of tasks and the approximate timing of
               tasks. Students will be given additional information in writing prior to the
               assessment task.

       •       The Assessment plans outline the major assessments that teachers will use to
               determine final grades. However, students need to know that assessment is an
               ongoing process, and informal assessment, homework and class work can all be
               used to determine the standard that a student achieves at the end of the course.

Issued February 2021
                                                                        CATHOLIC STUDIES
                                                                          2021 ASSESSMENT PLAN
   The purpose of assessment in Catholic Studies is to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your ability in the achievement of course outcomes. Assessment will take a number of
                                          forms including completion and competence in class work, informal assessment, and formal assessment.
                                                               The Common Formal Assessment experiences are set out below:

                                                                 Task One                                     Task Two                                       Task Three

                                   Due Date                  Term 2, Week 4                                Term 3, Week 4                                 Term 4, Week 2

                                     Task                                                                                                      Diocesean Common Assessment Task
                                                               Course Test                                    Research
                                     Type                                                                                                                 Presentation

           Areas for Assessment                             Sacred Scriptures                             Ways of Praying                              Stewards of Creation

                                                  Articulates an understanding of the
                                                                                             Understands the nature and purpose of        Understands that human beings participate in,
                                                  core beliefs of the Catholic Tradition
  Knowledge                                                                                  common forms of prayer in the Catholic       contribute to and are responsible for God’s
                                                  Describes the structure of the Bible and
                                                                                             Tradition.                                   creation.
                                                  some of its principle themes

                                                  Investigates and identifies the key
                                                  characteristics of Catholic
                                                                                             Engages in a range of prayer forms and       Explores and identifies ways by which people
  Skills                                          communities.
                                                                                             experiences.                                 may be stewards of creation.
                                                  Locates and explore and draw meaning
                                                  from a range of scripture passages

                                                  Demonstrates religious literacy
  Communication                                                                              Demonstrates religious literacy through      Demonstrates religious literacy through written,
                                                  through written, oral and/or visual
                                                                                             written, oral and/or visual means.           oral and/or visual means.

Issued February 2021
                                                                           2021 ASSESSMENT PLAN
   The purpose of assessment in English is to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your ability in the achievement of course outcomes. Assessment will take a number of forms
   including completion and competence in class work, and assessment for, as and of learning. Assessment for, as and of learning approaches may include strategies such as collaborative
        activities, peer assessment, self-assessment, teacher observations, inquiry-based research activities, presentations and performance activities, and collections of student work.

                                                Reading                        Writing                      Speaking                     Listening                 Viewing/Representing

                                      •   Performance readings         •    Character profiles     • Prepared and                • Paired discussions          •    Imaginative recreation
                                      •   Oral and written             •    Journal writing        impromptu speeches            • Written and oral            •    Letter writing
                                          retellings                   •    Critical response      • Debates                     retellings                    •    Role play
                                      •   Doodling exercises           •    Brainstorming                                                                      •    Storyboarding
                                                                                                   • Student/teacher             • Conferencing
                                          Digital networks             •    Extended responses                                                                 •    Diary entries
                                      •   Extended research            •    Narrative writing
                                                                                                   conferences                   • Role play activities        •    Journal writing
                                      •   Imaginative recreation       •    Reflective tasks       • Paired discussions          • Graphic representations     •    Character profiles
                                      •   Graphic representation       •    Web publication of     • Role play                   • Peer conferencing           •    Multimodal
                                      •   Whole class and small             learning               • Interview                   • Small group and whole            representations
                                          group discussions                                        • Small group and whole       class discussions
                                                                                                   class discussions
                                                                                                   • Presentations using
                                                                                                   digital tools

Issued February 2021
                                                                 HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY
                                                                        2021 ASSESSMENT PLAN
 The purpose of assessment in History and Geography is to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your ability in the achievement of course outcomes. Assessment will take a number
                                        of forms including completion and competence in class work, informal assessment, and formal assessment.
                                                             The Common Formal Assessment experiences are set out below:

                                                                          Task Number                            Task One                                   Task Two

                                                                            Due Date                          Term 2, Week 4                             Term 4, Week 5

                                                                            Task Type                        Source based task                      Skills and knowledge test

                                     Areas for Assessment                                                         History                                  Geography

  Knowledge                                                                                                   HT 4-2, HT 4-3                         GE 4-1, GE 4-3, GE 4-6

  Skills and inquiry                                                                                              HT 4-6                                     GE 4-7

  Communication                                                                                                   HT 4-9                                     GE 4-8

Issued February 2021
                                                                         2021 ASSESSMENT PLAN
 The purpose of assessment in Mathematics is to provide opportunities to demonstrate your ability in the achievement of course outcomes. Assessment will take a number of forms including
 completion and competence in classwork, and assessment for, as and of learning. Assessment for, as and of learning approaches may include strategies such as collaborative activities, peer
               assessment, self-assessment, teacher observations, inquiry-based research activities, presentations and performance activities, and collections of student work.

                                                                         Reading                                     Writing                                  Speaking

                                                    •    Doodling exercises                               •   Problem-solving             •   Student/teacher conferences
                                                    •    Research tasks                                   •   Brainstorming               •   Paired discussions
                                                    •    Whole class and small group discussions
                                                    •    Analysing problems
                                                                                                          •   Investigations              •   Small group and whole-class discussions
                                                                                                          •   Assignments                 •   Research tasks
                                                                                                          •   In-class responses          •   Reflective tasks
                                                                                                          •   Research tasks
                                                                                                          •   Reflective tasks
                                                                                                          •   Portfolios
                                                                                                          •   Learning journal

Issued February 2021
                                                                        2021 ASSESSMENT PLAN
    The purpose of assessment in Music is to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your ability in the achievement of course outcomes. Assessment will take a number of forms
                                             including completion and competence in class work, informal assessment, and formal assessment.
                                                                     The formal assessment tasks are set out below:

                                                                   Task Number                                 Task One                                       Task Two

                                                                     Due Date                               Term 2, Week 6                                 Term 4, Week 6

                                                                    Task Type                         Instrumental Performance                        Film Music Composition

                                Areas for Assessment

  Performing                                                                                               4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.11

  Compsing                                                                                                                                                  4.4, 4.6, 4.12

  Listening                                                                                                    4.7, 4.10                                         4.9

Issued February 2021
                                                                         2021 ASSESSMENT PLAN
  The purpose of assessment in PDHPE is to provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their ability in the achievement of course outcomes. Assessment will take a number of forms
                                            including completion and competence in class work, informal assessment, and formal assessment.
                                                            The Common Formal Assessment experiences are set out below:

                                                                             Task Number                            Task One                                 Task Two

                                                                               Due Date                         Term 1, Week 10                           Term 3, Week 8

                                                                               Task Type                           ICT Task                            In Class/Presentation

                                      Areas for Assessment

  Knowledge and understanding                                                                                     PD4-2, PD4-3                         PD4-6, PD4-7, PD4-8

  Skills                                                                                                             PD4-9                                     PD4-9

Issued February 2021
                                                                         2021 ASSESSMENT PLAN
    The purpose of assessment in Science is to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your ability in the achievement of course outcomes. Assessment will take a number of forms
                                              including completion and competence in class work, informal assessment and formal assessment.
                                                              The Common Formal Assessment experiences are set out below:

                                                Task Number                                    Task One                                                 Task Two

                                                   Due Date                                 Term 2, Week 2                                           Term 4, Week 2

                                                  Task Type                           Skills and Knowledge Task                               Skills and Knowledge Task

                        Areas for Assessment                                          Water, Water Everywhere                              Gold Digger and Matter Matters

  Knowledge and understanding                                                                    17CW                                                 12ES, 16CW

  Application of knowledge                                                                    4WS, 8WS                                                 4WS, 8WS

  Analysis of information                                                                                                                                 7WS

  Investigations                                                                              5WS, 6WS

  Communication of information                                                                                                                            9WS

Issued February 2021
                                                             TECHNOLOGY MANDATORY
                                                                        2021 ASSESSMENT PLAN
 The purpose of assessment in Technology Mandatory is to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your ability in the achievement of course outcomes. Assessment will take a number
                                       of forms including completion and competence in class work, informal assessment, and formal assessment.
                                                                    The formal assessment tasks are set out below:

                                                               Task Number                                Task One                                         Task Two

                                                                  Due Date                             Term 2, Week 4                                   Term 4, Week 4

                                                                 Task Type                                Project 1                                         Project 2

                                 Areas for Assessment

                                                                                                Food and Agriculture Context                     Food and Agriculture Context
                                                                                                     TE4-5AG, TE4- 6FO                                TE4-5AG, TE4- 6FO
  Knowledge and understanding                                                                                 or                                               or
                                                                                                      Materials Context                                Materials Context
                                                                                                         TE4-9MAT                                         TE4-9MAT

                                                                                                          TE4-1DP                                           TE4-1DP
  Design and production skills                                                                            TE4-2DP                                           TE4-2DP
                                                                                                          TE4-3DP                                           TE4-3DP

Issued February 2021
You can also read