PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok

Page created by Doris Graham
PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok

          YO U R G U I D E TO

       AT YO U R CAT H E D R A L

PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok
Welcome                     3

A Place for Worship         4

A Place for Music           6    Gloucester Cathedral welcomes you to celebrate the peace and joy
                                 of Christmas. In troubled times, we will be focusing on the need for
A Place for Families        11   peace: peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, peace in our
                                 communities and peace in our world. Such peace has to be worked
A Place for Community       14   for. It is the peace that comes in loving our neighbours as ourselves,
                                 in caring for creation and contributing to the common good. At the
A Look Ahead: 2023          17   heart of our Christmas celebrations is the story of Jesus Christ. His
                                 birth shows us that peace-making involves entering the messiness
                                 of the world to bring hope, joy and new beginnings.

                                 At Christmas, God’s love meets real life, as Christ’s birth brings a
                                 peace that all are invited to share. Come and experience that peace
                                 and joy at your Cathedral this Christmas.

                                       Canon Dr Andrew Braddock
                                                 INTERIM DEAN OF GLOUCESTER

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PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok
Christmas Eve
                                                                                                At 2.30pm                                      At 11.30pm
                                                                                      Family Crib Service with the                           Christmas Eve
                                                                                    Lighting of the Christmas Trees                          Midnight Mass
                                                                                      A second opportunity to come                 The moment Christmas arrives! “It
                                                                                       along to this informal family              came upon a midnight clear”. You can
                                                                                             friendly service.                     come too! Please arrive by 11.15pm.

                A PLACE for
                 WORSHIP                                                             At 8.00am
                                                                                   Holy Communion
                                                                                                                    Christmas Day
                                                                                                                       At 10.15am
                                                                                                            Eucharist for Christmas Day
                                                                                                                                                          At 4.00pm
                                                                                                                                                       Evening Prayer
                                                                                       A spoken             Our main Christmas service. May               A time in the
                                                                                     communion              this service be a blessing to you.          afternoon to join
                                                                                    service to start            This service will also be live-         together and be
                                                                                    Christmas day.          streamed for those who wish to join           led in prayer.
                    Saturday 19 November at 5.15pm                                                                       from home.

                      City Lights Switch-On Service
  Join us and local Gloucester schools for this special service to conclude the
             Lantern Procession and Christmas Lights Switch-On.
                  The theme this year is Alice in Wonderland.                                          Ticketed Christmas Services
                                                                                                          Thursday 22 December at 6pm
                                                                                                               Christmas Carol Service
                     Sunday 27 November at 6.00pm                                      The traditional service of readings and carols (please arrive by 5.45pm)
               From Darkness to Light: Advent Procession                                This service will also be live-streamed for those who wish to join from home.

A dramatic and majestic service to mark the beginning of the new Christian year.
                                                                                                            Friday 23 December at 6pm
  This service will also be live-streamed for those who wish to join from home.
                                                                                                               Christmas Carol Service
                                                                                       Another chance to attend this traditional service of readings and carols
                                                                                                             (please arrive by 5.45pm)
                      Friday 23 December at 2.30pm
                                                                                       Tickets for these services are free and are subject to availability, but must be
      Family Crib Service with the Lighting of the Christmas Trees                            booked in advance. You can do this via the Cathedral website,
       All are welcome to join us for this informal family friendly service.                                or via the Cathedral Welcome Desk.
 This service will also be live-streamed for those who wish to join from home.

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PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok
BRITTEN’S          The Boy Choristers and Harpist Elfair Grug Dyer will be
                                                                                                          performing Britten’s beautiful work in the Lady Chapel of the
                                                                                      CEREMONY            Cathedral. All are welcome to join us for what promises to be
                                                                                      OF CAROLS           a magical evening of world-class music.

             A PLACE for
                                                                                     Sunday 4 December    Admission is free with a retiring collection in aid of
                                                                                              at 4.15pm   Cathedral music.

                                                                                                          Jonathan Hope will be giving his annual performance of
                                                                                    LA NATIVITE
                                                                                                          Messiaen’s kaleidoscopic organ cycle - this is not to be missed.
                                                                                   DU SEIGNEUR
                                                                                                          Admission is free with a retiring collection in aid of
                                                                                    Sunday 11 December    Cathedral music.
                                                                                                at 6pm

                                                                                                           Gather your family and friends and join us for this annual
                                                                                                           bite-sized burst of festive praise! Carols will be sung on the
                                                                                                           hour in the beautiful surroundings of the Cathedral.
                                                                                                               11am         Cathedral Junior Choir
                                                                                      CAROLS ON
                                                                                                               12noon       Cathedral Middle Choir
                           Every Autumn Term we run the Teenage Voices                 THE HOUR
    TEEN VOICES            Project in two local secondary schools; this            Saturday 17 December
                                                                                                               1pm          Cathedral Youth Choir
       PROJECT             involves our Assistant Director of Music, Jonathan            11am to 4.30pm        2pm          Cathedral Boy Choristers
                           Hope, visiting the schools to train the students, and                               3pm          Caring Chorus
 Wednesday 30 November     this concert is the culmination of their hard work.
                at 6pm                                                                                         4pm
                                                                                                                            Community sing-along with Gloucester
                           No tickets are required – just turn up and enjoy.                                                Strings Ukulele on Upper College Green

                                                                                           SCS:           The Saint Cecilia Singers are back for their annual Christmas
     CHORISTER             Come and enjoy some festive musical                            MERRY           concert – expect all your favourite festive music, followed by
                                                                                                          a complimentary glass of mulled wine.
     CHRISTMAS             performances from the Gloucester Cathedral                AND BRIGHT
                           Choristers in the Chapter House of the Cathedral.                              Tickets £15 in advance, £17 on the door. Free for students
COFFEE CONCERT                                                                     Saturday 17 December   and under 16s. Book at
    Saturday 3 December    Admission is £6 on the door, with proceeds going                      At 7pm
                           towards the music of Gloucester Cathedral.
                 at 11am
                                                                                     MORRIS MEN           It’s become one of the best-loved events of the season, and
                                                                                     & MUMMERS            we look forward to it every year…join us on Cathedral Green
                           Join Gloucester Choral Society for this spectacular                            on Boxing Day to see this traditional, fun-filled dance and play.
                                                                                   Monday 26 December
                           performance of Handel’s Messiah, which tells the
                                                                                        12noon to 2pm     No booking required, and all are welcome.
             GCS:          story of Jesus from his birth to his resurrection.
                           They’ll be joined by the Corelli Orchestra.
          MESSIAH          Please book your tickets in advance to avoid                       GCS:        Gloucester Choral Society’s light-hearted Christmas
                                                                                                          celebration returns for another year, packed with carols old
                           disappointment.                                                 CAROLS         and new and plenty of opportunities to sing along.
    Saturday 3 December
                           Tickets: £25 | £18 | £10 | students/under 25s £5                FOR ALL
                 at 7pm    Available at                                Carols For All is free, but this year donations
                                                                                   Monday 26 December     are welcome in support of Sunflowers Suicide
                           messiah or call the Three Choirs Box Office on
                           01452 768928
                                                                                               At 3pm     Support. No booking required.

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PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok
    CATHEDRAL                                                                            Saturday 17 December at 11.45am, 1.45pm and 2.45pm

 Christmas Experience                                                                  Join us for a guided tour of the Cathedral’s hidden medieval monastic Library.
                                                                                           Located up a winding spiral staircase, the Library contains a wonderful
                                                                                      collection of books and manuscripts dating back to the 11th century. To coincide

      AT NIGHT                                                                         with the festive season, we invite you to explore the Christmas Story from our
                                                                                                                 historic collection of bibles.
                                                                                                          Tickets: Adult £8, child £5 (5-16 years)

                                                                                      Tickets can be booked online in advance via

 9, 10, 14, 19, 20 and 21 December between 6.30pm-9.30pm
Everything looks and feels just a bit more beautiful after dark in the Cathedral at
this time of year. Come and experience this glorious building at night, complete                                 Daily Guided Tours
with candlelight, gorgeous decorations and live music provided by our Cathedral
musicians and friends.                                                                    Guided tours of this magnificent building will be running throughout
                                                                                         December. Please visit
Pre-booked tickets for set entry time slots are required to attend this event.                                 see-and-do for full details.
                 General entry: Adult £5, child £3 (5-16 years)
          Please visit to find out more
                                                                                                                   Highlights Tours
                         and to purchase your tickets.                                      Join a Cathedral Guide and learn about the fascinating world of the
                                                                                           monks who lived here, see how architecture has evolved over the last
                                                                                         1000 years and visit where some of the ‘Harry Potter’ movies were filmed.
     Make your visit extra special with a VIP Ticket                                              Tickets £5.50 for adults and £2 for children (5-16 years)
     New for this year will be the opportunity to purchase VIP tickets, which
     include entry to either the medieval Library (on selected dates) or the
                                                                                                                      Crypt Tours
             Cathedral Tower, as well as general entry to the event.                             Descend the steps from the South Transept to discover the
                                                                                             hidden, subterranean level of the Cathedral. This is where you will
    VIP TOWER TOURS                          VIP LIBRARY TOURS                                find the remains of the very oldest parts of the building. Tickets
                                                                                                     £3.50 for adults and £1.50 for children (5-16 years)
       Adult £20 | Child £10                      Adult £12 | Child £6

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PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok
Nothing says CHRISTMAS like                                                                     A PLACE for FAMILIES
From Friday 9 December 2022, the                  also be fully decorated, with a number of
Cathedral will be transformed with                different themes. New for this year will be                    CHRISTMAS STORY
beautiful, festive decorations. Think             a special community focused area,                                FAMILY TRAIL
magnificent trees in the Nave and out on          featuring a traditional Ukrainian tree and
                                                                                                            Friday 9 December - Friday 6 January
Cathedral Green, and sparkling lights             the chance to leave your very own
throughout the building. The Cloister will        message of peace and hope.                             Come and share the good news of the birth of Jesus
                                                                                                         as you journey around the Cathedral on this all-new,
                                                                                                         festive family trail. There will be an opportunity to
Enchanted Woodland | Magical Floating Candles                                                            donate gifts of tinned food or long-life products
                                                                                                         (such as biscuits, pasta, sauce and cereals) which
                                                                                                         will then be given to people in need during the
                                                                                                         Christmas period.

                                                                                                         Please visit the Cathedral website to find out more.

                                                                                                           Friday 9 December - Friday 6 January
                                                                                                           The much-loved giant Knitivity will be
Retro 80s Christmas | Messages of Peace and Hope                                                           returning for another year! Find it in the Quire
                                                                                                           of the Cathedral, and you’re sure to spot
                                                                                                           plenty of familiar faces…

                                                                                                                 FAMILY ACTIVITY
                                                                                                                    20, 21 and 22 December
                                                                                                           Join us in the Chapter House of the Cathedral
                                                                                                           between 12.30pm-3.30pm for fun arts and
                                                                                                           crafts activities that are suitable for all the
                                                                                                           family. All materials will be provided and there
                                                                                                           is a suggested donation of £1 per child.

                                                                                                           Please visit the Cathedral website to book
                                                                                                           your place.

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PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok

Is there anything more warming than the          season and sample some of the delicious
smell of hot chocolate and mince pies at         seasonal treats on offer this year. Of
Christmas time? Be sure to pay a visit to        course, there is also a wide range of
the Monk’s Kitchen during the festive            options available for a hearty lunch too!

                         Discover our new                                                                                       Gift Shop
                                                                                             If you are still looking for the perfect gift        and decorations, and sparkling jewellery to
                                                                                             don’t forget to browse our lovely gift shop          pop into someone’s stocking. Please visit
                                                                                             in the Christmassy Nave where you can                the Cathedral website for opening times
                                                                                             find candles and holders, bespoke baubles            over the Christmas and New Year period.

               During the period of Advent and Christmas, The Monk’s
            Kitchen’s famous Afternoon Tea is getting a festive twist! The
          ‘Nativi-tea’ comes complete with a home-made mince pie, home-
             made white chocolate & cranberry fudge and mulled wine.
              Please call The Monk’s Kitchen on 01452 689 755 to book.


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PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok
                                                                                                       LONGFIELD HOSPICE
                                                                                                        Thursday 1 December at 7.00pm
                                                                                             Join us as we celebrate loved ones at our special celebration

              COMMUNITY                                                                      at Gloucester Cathedral with music, poetry and song. Why not
                                                                                             light a candle for someone special and watch it shine brightly
                                                                                             during the event? Please note you must have a ticket to
                                                                                             attend this event.

                                                                                             Please book your place at Donations in
                                                                                             support of the Light up a Light appeal are greatly

                                                                                                          MENINGITIS NOW
                                                                                                         Friday 2 December at 7.30pm
                                                                                             Meningitis Now’s Christmas Celebration Concert is a special,
                                                                                             festive evening where we gather to reflect and celebrate with
                                                                                             plenty of traditional carols for everyone to sing along to. This
                                                                                             year’s concert will feature performances from the Soundabout
                                                                                             Choir, The Rock Choir and the talented pupils from Highnam
                                                                                             C of E Primary Academy. The concert is one of the most
                                                                                             popular events in our calendar, offering traditional Christmas
                                                                                             carols and festive musical entertainment in a wonderful and
                                                                                             moving setting.

                                                                                             Tickets are from £12 and can be purchased at

                                                                                                    CHRISTMAS CAROL
                        Thursday 1 - Sunday 11 December
Once again, we are pleased to be working with Gloucester City Mission to be the main
                                                                                                ECCLESIASTICAL INSURANCE
collection point for their Homeless Hamper campaign. Visitors can drop off donations
                                                                                                          Thursday 8 December at 7.30pm
such as mince pies, chocolate, pot noodles, tea, toiletries, hats, gloves and scarves to a
collection point in the Cathedral Nave.                                                      An evening of Christmas carols and readings with music from
                                                                                             Upton St Leonard’s School Choir and Ecclesiastical’s Staff
The hampers will be distributed to those who are experiencing homelessness,                  Choir.
and those who are at risk of homelessness, before Christmas Day.                             Tickets £4.50 (some seats may have a restricted view)
Any donations you can make are greatly appreciated. Thank you.                               available via the Cathedral website. All proceeds go to
                                                                                             supporting local Gloucestershire charities.

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PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok
                        Friends of

The Friends of Gloucester Cathedral is an independent membership charity
which supports the fabric and music of this medieval jewel, and all are welcome
to join. Membership comes with a number of exclusive benefits, including the
chance to meet new people, attend special events and receive regular
newsletters and reports, as well as playing your part in ensuring the Cathedral
remains open for generations to come.

                                                                                         EDWARD JENNER 200:
                                                                                     CELEBRATING SCIENCE FOR ALL

                                                                                  Thursday 26 January – Saturday 28 January 2023
                                                                                    January 2023 marks 200 years since the death of Edward Jenner,
                                                                                    the Gloucestershire-born physician and scientist who made a
                                                                                    remarkable contribution to modern medicine. He is particularly
                                                                                    famous for pioneering the world’s first vaccine, and a statue in his
                                                                                    memory stands proudly in the Nave of the Cathedral.

                                                                                    Between Thursday 26 and Saturday 28 January, we’ll be hosting
                                                                                    a number of services and events to celebrate Jenner’s life and
                                                                                    legacy, in partnership with organisations across the county. This
                   Gift Memberships                                                         includes a Family Science Festival held at the
                                                                                             Cathedral on Saturday 28 January, and we’ll
       Share your love of this beautiful building and give a
                      Friends membership.                                                    be welcoming some familiar faces too…

      From only £20 you can gift all the benefits, including                                 Please keep an eye on the Cathedral’s
      exclusive events, concerts and trips, that come with                                   website and social media pages for
            being a Friend of Gloucester Cathedral.                                          further information.

PEACE & JOY A PLACE for - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2022 - Storyblok
For more information about visiting us this Christmas
                   please go to:

  You can sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter for all the latest news and events
                from Gloucester Cathedral sent straight to your inbox. Visit and follow the on-screen instructions

 All details in this leaflet were correct at time of press. Gloucester Cathedral reserves
the right to change or cancel events. Please check the website or phone the Cathedral
                            Office for any closures or changes.

Page 3 - Corette Firth
Page 6 - Paul Nicholls Photography
Page 8 - Laura Bremer
Page 9 - Anna Lythgoe
Page 10 - Sandie Conway, Lorna Giles
Page 11 - Rod Long (Unsplash), Hannah Leckebusch, Cotton Bro Studio (Unsplash)
Page 13 - Yuting Yan
Page 15 - Michael Friend, Maria Butler, Sandie Conway
Page 17 - Jordan Chung Photography

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                Gloucester Cathedral is a charity by Act of Parliament
                           HMRC reference no. X9493/1
                12 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LX | 01452 528095

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